Ferntree Gully North Primary School |111 Forest Road Ferntree Gully|9758 1662|www.ferntree.vic.edu.au CALENDAR 2017 Dates to remember... TERM 2 DATES: Tuesday 18 April – Friday 30 June YEAR 5/6 WINTER SPORTS: Thursday 1 June GNPA SECOND HAND BOOK FAIR: Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June LIFE ED PROGRAM: Friday 9 – Monday 19 June QUEENS BIRTHDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY: Monday 12 June (No students required at school) DIVISIONAL CROSS COUNTRY: (Selected students) Tuesday 13 June REGIONAL CROSS COUNTRY: (Selected students) Tuesday 20 June GNPA WHOLE SCHOOL DISCO: ‘Winter Wonderland’ Friday 23 June YEAR 3/4 EXPO: Tuesday 27 June, 2.45pm-3.15pm PREPS LETTERLAND PARADE: Wednesday 28 June STUDENT/PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS: Thursday 29 June END OF TERM 2: Friday 30 June Tuesday 30 th May 2017 Newsletter number 15 Excellence: High expectations of the whole school community Respect: For self and others Resilience: Engaging in challenges and learning from mistakes Integrity: Choosing a course of action that contributes to the greater good PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Cross country What a great effort by our students last week. For the fifth year in a row our group won the district cross country and many of our students go on to the next level. Congratulations to all involved and Ms Atkinson for her dedication to working with the students. Individual placements were: 9/10 boys: 9/10 Girls: Jerome 11 th Rucha 27th Joel 10 th Charli L 7th Ryleigh 54 th Molly H 18th Brodie 59 th Zali 8th Josh B 9 th Lucy 11th Hayden D 4 th Diane 26th Tyler 6 th Bella 49th Jake F 3 rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn 2 nd Scarlett 7th Jack P 5 th Carly 50th Riley 24 th Taya 15th Douglas 13 th Madelyn 12th Ashley C ? Jade 14th Ryan 7 th Natalie 23rd Kye T 9 th Alex 13th Jaxson L 48th 12/13 Boys: 12/13 Girls: Sean 10 th Ruby 1st Jack W 7 th Chloe Cornwell 9th Kaydn 15 th Bonnie 15th Jack N 2 nd Chloe C 30th Alex 38 th Zara 43rd Lachlan 31 st Molly K 8th Luke 28 th Jasmine 19th Toby 32nd Liam W 35th These are outstanding results considering there are 72 kids in each race. The top 15 in each race go through to Divisional on the 13th June at Yarra Glen Racetrack. Best of luck to all! ….cont/2

Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

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Page 1: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

Ferntree Gully North Primary School |111 Forest Road Ferntree Gully|9758 1662|www.ferntree.vic.edu.au

CALENDAR 2017 Dates to remember...

TERM 2 DATES: Tuesday 18 April – Friday 30 June

YEAR 5/6 WINTER SPORTS: Thursday 1 June

GNPA SECOND HAND BOOK FAIR: Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June

LIFE ED PROGRAM: Friday 9 – Monday 19 June

QUEENS BIRTHDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY: Monday 12 June (No students required at school)

DIVISIONAL CROSS COUNTRY: (Selected students) Tuesday 13 June

REGIONAL CROSS COUNTRY: (Selected students) Tuesday 20 June

GNPA WHOLE SCHOOL DISCO: ‘Winter Wonderland’ Friday 23 June

YEAR 3/4 EXPO: Tuesday 27 June, 2.45pm-3.15pm



END OF TERM 2: Friday 30 June

Tuesday 30th May 2017 Newsletter number 15

Excellence: High expectations of the whole school


Respect: For self and others

Resilience: Engaging in challenges and learning from


Integrity: Choosing a course of action that contributes to

the greater good


Cross country What a great effort by our students last week. For the fifth year in a row our group won the district cross country and many of our students go on to the next level. Congratulations to all involved and Ms Atkinson for her dedication to working with the students. Individual placements were:

9/10 boys: 9/10 Girls:

Jerome 11th Rucha 27th Joel 10th Charli L 7th

Ryleigh 54th Molly H 18th

Brodie 59th Zali 8th Josh B 9th Lucy 11th

Hayden D 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th

Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th

Noah K 69th

11 boys: 11 Girls:

James L 1st Aria 3rd

Finn 2nd Scarlett 7th Jack P 5th Carly 50th

Riley 24th Taya 15th Douglas 13th Madelyn 12th

Ashley C ? Jade 14th

Ryan 7th Natalie 23rd Kye T 9th Alex 13th

Jaxson L 48th

12/13 Boys: 12/13 Girls: Sean 10th Ruby 1st

Jack W 7th Chloe Cornwell 9th Kaydn 15th Bonnie 15th

Jack N 2nd Chloe C 30th

Alex 38th Zara 43rd Lachlan 31st Molly K 8th

Luke 28th Jasmine 19th Toby 32nd

Liam W 35th

These are outstanding results considering there are 72 kids in each race. The top 15 in each race go through to Divisional on the 13th June at Yarra Glen

Racetrack. Best of luck to all! ….cont/2

Page 2: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View PRINCIPAL’S CORNER (..cont. from Page 1)

Knox Reconciliation Week Sorry Day Flag Raising Ceremony On Friday Lina Kabris and Priscilla Salter attended the Sorry Day Ceremony at the Knox Council Offices. Our Lucy Powers, Charlotte Stagg, Brock McLean and Jett Williams attended on behalf of our students and had an opportunity to share their indigenous studies knowledge. We are very proud that they performed their duties so admirably. The day is an important one that our school always attends. Bullying Bullying policies are covered in the Department of Education and Training policy called Student Engagement and Wellbeing. Our policy is on our website for easy parent access. Bullying is an issue that concerns parents and at our last Education and Planning meeting this came up with councillors wondering how to support parents in this area. One of our experienced councillors, Blair Odom, penned a piece for another councillor, which made some very important points. With his permission I have included this to help reassure parents.

Bullying is a tough issue. I think the first point to consider is this: Is the concerning behaviour actual bullying or just standard kids' playground misbehaviour? In my 21 years’ experience as a teacher, I have not seen many instances of actual bullying. I have, however, seen many upset parents worried that their kids are being bullied. Often parents get very emotional when it comes to their children (I know I do!) and are very quick to bring out "bullying" in instances that do not actually qualify.

Bullying is when a child targets another student for repeated and intentional abuse in order to intimidate or maintain a sense of power or control over them. This can take a variety of forms--physical, mental, emotional, etc. Schools all now have Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Policies which outline how they handle these situations. FTGN is no different.

Essentially, we as Council, review school policies, adjust them if necessary and approve them. This policy is dated 2015 and it is up for review in 2018.

It is important for our parent community to understand that the implementation of the policies on a day-to-day basis is the job of the Staff. After reading the school’s policy regarding this sensitive topic, parents should take any concerns they may still have regarding student behaviour to their child's classroom teacher first and then on to Sue, if they feel a further discussion is still warranted.

As Blair points out it is important for a parent to talk to their classroom teacher so the teacher can get an overview of what is going on and address any issues at school. Although it is tempting to become very involved these issues happen at school and need to be addressed at school, and the home-school partnership is vital to healthy relationships.

At a school level, the ‘Play is the Way’ program is an on-going, proactive approach to helping our students understand how to make respectful, bully free relationships. Our students are also taught how to seek help when required. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me. Thank you Sue Dean and Priscilla Salter

Page 3: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Congratulations to the following students who received Student of the Week: (Ending Friday 26th May 2017)

Class Student Reason

5/6S Mr Sutherland

Kye T For thinking about where he learns best and challenging himself in Maths sessions this week.

5/6O Miss O’Brien

Aria W For showing tolerance both during class time and when representing the school!

5/6K Ms Kabris

Mackenzie R For showing great persistence and resilience in everything he does. Well done Mac!

5/6F Mrs Fellows

Carly S For persisting with work on fractions and being willing to do extra work at lunchtimes

3/4S Mrs Sutherland

Charlie P For showing persistence when working on his fruit salad graph.

3/4R Mrs Scanlon

Ryleigh A & Anna H

For mastering their times tables. Well Done!

3/4O Ms O’Neill

Max D For making strong choices and enjoying his learning.

3/4C Miss Cichowicz

Ella L For being a risk taker in maths, by trying new challenges.

3/4A Mrs Alenson

Flynn B For taking the initiative and having beautiful manners when offering to assist Mrs Strauch

1/2Z Miss Zebisch

Luna L For working so hard on her personal narrative

1/2W Mrs Wilson & Mrs Casey

Talwyn G For her wonderful narrative and her hard work to publish it.

1/2M Miss McGrath

Blake B For persisting in Maths this week and pursuing his personal best. Well done Blake!

1/2K Ms Keltie

Jade J For her amazing work in investigations on footprints

1/2I Ms Iverach

Katie C For trying her personal best in dancing, even though she had a sore leg.

Prep B Miss Brown

Chloe B For persuing her personal best in all that she does and for being a kind & considerate classmate.

Prep L Miss Locking

Maddie R For trying her personal best in writing.

Prep G Miss Gonzales

Oliver A For trying his very best at focusing on set tasks. Keep at it!

Prep F Mrs Flanagan

Isaac A For being brave and having a go during ‘Play Is The Way’

Page 4: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

CSEF REMINDER: For those families with a Health Care Card, you are entitled to receive the CSEF monies which are

$125 per primary school child. This can be used for Camps, sport events or excursions. Please

find a CSEF application form in this newsletter, or drop in to the office to collect a hard copy.


All families with a Health Care Card MUST APPLY IN 2017 by June 30 to receive the funding for

this year. It DOES NOT carry over from previous years.

UNIFORM IN LOST PROPERTY: There is a cupboard full of UNNAMED school uniform in the Lost Property cupboard. Please come and claim your items (and put your name on the tag!) as soon as possible. PLEASE NOTE: ANY UNNAMED LOST PROPERTY ITEMS THAT REMAIN IN THE CUPBOARD AT THE END OF TERM 2 WILL BE DONATED TO THE SECOND-HAND UNIFORM SHOP TO BE SOLD.


Dear Parents,

As you are probably aware, we have started work on our school production. The dances have

started and work on the costumes has begun. Most costumes will be provided by the school.

We may request some items to be brought from home, but you will be given plenty of notice if

your child needs anything from home. What we do need at this stage is for every child to bring

in a STRONG plastic bag (for example MYER, Rebel or Aldi). This will store their costume and

be used to store school uniform when they are wearing their costume.

Please note the grade fives and sixes will need a bag for each costume

change. If these could be sent along to school ASAP, it would be much



Glenda Beard

Costume Coordinator

Page 5: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Page 6: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Page 7: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Page 8: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Page 9: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Page 10: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Page 11: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View

Cooking skills for kids at Coonara Community House Wednesdays 4.00-6.00pm May 31- amazing lunchbox goodies June 14 - perfect pizzas June 28 - delicious desserts $20 per session. Suitable or ages 8-12 year olds. Call 9758 7081 to book in.

Page 12: Tuesday 30th May 2017 CALENDAR 2017 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER · 4th Diane 26th Tyler 6th Bella 49th Jake F 3rd Gabrielle 15th Noah K 69th 11 boys: 11 Girls: James L 1 st Aria 3rd Finn

111 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully 3156. P. 9758 1662 E. [email protected]

Ferntree Gully North Primary School

Gully View