l tty For knowing how to The oldest and best. Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy. Evening Bulletin Consult the patrons of Uniformly leads. Tito Tht Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin does Vol. V. No. 975. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898. Pkioe 5 Cents. MONTANA BOYS IN PORT Arrival of the Pennsylvania filth Some 1300 Men Aboard. Detachment of 300 from California List of Olllcers - Col. Harry C. Kcssler In Com- - maud -E- ntertainment Provided. At ub. ut U:15 o'clock this morning the firo whistlo blow an- nouncing tin nrrival off port of a fiiroiti sieatnor supposed to bo one of tho transports of tbo fifth oxpeditiou. It was ouly about fiftoeu minutes later tlmt tho pilot, with Captain Mananlay at tho helm, Btarted out of tho channel. Nothing could bo seeu of tho steamer, so the pilot boat made fast to tho buoy at tho ontranco to tho channel to uwait sorao eign. Daylight camo nnd yot thero was no steamer, so Captain Macuulny thinking a mistake had beon made, ordered tho boat boys to return homo. No soonor had tho boat house beon reached than the s. earner was roportod Bevou mihs ott inid she could just bo aeon making toward port. Tho pilot boat put out aguin with Captain Macaulay, Dr. Day, Deputy Collector General Clay, Postal Clerk Kenako, Health officer J. D. McVeigh and others. For quito a while it was thought that tbo steamor might bo tho overdue Japanoao stoamor from Japan, but the Stars and Stripes Hying astern wbb soon visible, then soldiers began to appear and finally tho name "Ponnsylva nia" in gold letters appeared in the usual place. As tho pilot boat wont alongside, tho boys shouted their compliments. An answer wont back from the pilot "" boat Aboard ship it was learned that tho Pennsylvania, a Bister ship to tho ludiana of tho third fleet of transports, had left San Francisco Bhortly after 12 noon on Tuesday, July 19, and that a pleasant trip throughout was spent. Tho Pennsylvania, Doxrud commander, has aboard the First Regiment of Montana Volunteers in command of Colonel Harry 0. Kosslor of Butte, Mont. Besides this thero is a dotachment of 300 volunteers from San Francisco on the way to join their regiment which passed through hero on tho first troop- ships. These men are unoffioerod. Tim officers of tho Montana troops aro as follows: Harry O Kesslor, Colonel. Robert B Wallace, Lieutenant Colonel. James W Dronnan, Major. Byron H Cook, Major. John R Miller, Major. Bon E Calkins, First Lieuten- ant and Regimental Adjutuut. Allred Seadorf, First Lieutou- -( tut and Rogimontal Quartermast-- ( er. Louis P Sanders, First Lieu tenant aud Battalion Adjutant. Win B Hanna, First Lieutenant ond Battalion Adjutant. Geo O Stull, Chaplain. F J Adams, Major and Surgeon. Low O Brenning, First Liou tenant and Assistant Surgeon. Le Roy Southmayd, First Lieu- tenant and Assistant Surgeon. The Montana Volunteors, count ing officers and mon, comprise just about ono thousand men. These with the California volun- teers makes 1300 mon on the Pennsylvania. Whon the Pennylvauia was en- tering tho channel she was met with music by tho baud. The boys sent back oheer after oheor. The Faoifio Mail wharf, whora tho Pennsylvania dpckod, was crowd- ed with people' anxious to got a glimpso of the Montana boys. It was not long before the Penn- sylvania was alongside and snmo of tho officers had come ashoro. Tho transport will begin taking jau coal nt once. Her time of de- parture has not boon set yet, but sho will at least wait uutil after K -- '$& tho arrival of the Rio de Janeiro, which was supposed to bavo start- ed two days later. By rights that steamer should be in now. Tho Montana boys aro most anxious to see Honolulu and sev- eral remarked that they did not care if thoy novor wont on to Ma- nila. They will bo entortainod at luncheon on tho grounds of the Executive buildiug at 12 noon to- morrow. Tho usual program will be carried out. Corp. C. J. Lisle, Co. C, First Montana Volunteers, is ono of tho newspaper correspondents on board the Pouusylvauia. Mr. Lisle comos from Bozeman,Mont., ami represents tho Evant Oourior and other local papers. He is a umluate of tho University of Ne- braska, '97. Tho Montanaboys say that, as a regiment, their mon havo given up more wages, in tho response for for volunteers, than any other regiment. A great many of them aro minors who resigned positions paying 8100, $150 and higher per month. QUEEN LEAYES WASHINGTON She Will Gome Home by Way of San Francisco. Senator Cullom also Starts on Bis Journey to the Islands-- Will be Here Some Months. Washington, July 17. Ex-Quo- on Lilinokalaui loft here today for Honolulu. In tho suite wore hor secretary, Joseph Hololuhc, and Lis wifo, who is lady in wait- ing to tho dethroned Queen. It is tho purpose of tho party to remain in 8au Francisco only two days. CIILT.OM ON HIS WAY. Commission Hall front Hftn Friuiclero AuKUit 10. Washington, July 18. Senator Cullom, chairman of tho Hawai- ian Commission), will leave Wash ington today with his family for Chicago, whence he expects to make a short tour over the State boforo going to Hawaii. Tho ap- pointments to tho staff of tho com- mission have been made, and it is composed largely of eraployos of tho Senate ond House of Repre- sentatives. Tho purpose of this was to re- duce expenditures, none of those who accompany tho party receiv- ing anyext-- a compensation except tho official stenographer. The Senator will sail fiom San Fran- cisco about August 10, and it is oxpected that tho party will re- main in Hawaii until about tho tirao Congress convenes. IHHUIIAI.t, GIIOUXDS HOLD. Gear, I.nmlnir k Co. Ituya a Valuable Piece of Laml In Maklkl. Gear, Lansing & Co. has pur- chased tho Makiki basoball grounds and tho property imme- diately adjoining it and running out as far as tho present crioket grounds. Tho baseball onclosuro comprises only ono third of the property. Tho land is most valua- ble and will mako tho very best of building lots. It was owned by Princes David Kawanakoa anil Cupid Kalanianaole and was sold through their agent, J. F. Col-bur- Bicycle Repairs Spring Soat Posts with Holler Hearings, Tomporod Cough, Hall Cups, Axlos and SprockotH, 17 to 25; Chains, Gour CaRos, CninkN; Special l'locos anil Forgings lu Stock or made to order at tlio old relia- ble The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. whore prompt attention will bo given to all roKilrH. Oil your bike frequently with "1U1-loy'- H Itast Morula Oil" and eave half your hoary pushing. KstulillHliml 180 J on the bai of "OOOD WOHK." .Utl&''"i OCCUPATION OF SANTIAGO Old Glory Where the Spanish Flag Has Flown for Gentnrles. Touching Incidents of the Surrender Arrange- ments for the Government General Chaffee for Military Governor. Under Morro Castle, Harbor of Santiago do Cuba, July 17, via Playa del Este, Provinco of San- tiago do Cuba, July 17, At oxact-l- y 9 o'clock this morning tho Spanish flog was loworcd from tho staff crowning tho hoights upon which battored Morro Castlo stands half way up. Tho lower- ing of this emblem of tho defunct sovereignty of Spain in this part of tho world was witnessed by a fow American and Spanish troops on shore, and by tho Brooklyn, Now York, Vixon and Vesuvius, lying within a bundrod yards of the harbor ontranco. OCCUTIINa THE CITY. In the City of Santiago, July 17. By tho Call Horald dispatch-boa- t Goldou Bod to Port Antonio, Jamaica' July 18 Tho Americun flag at exactly noon today was hoisted over Santiago, aud Spanish authority in the oastorn ond of tho island of Cuba ceased. General Shaftor and Qenbral Wheeler shortly before 9 o'clock mounted and rodo toward tho gap through which the road paasos our linoB. Other genorals follow- ed and after thorn members of their staffs. Two mounted troops of tho Second Cavalry, command- ed by Captain Brett, attended as an escort. When this cavalcade emerged from tho gap a body of Spaniards wero eoen issuing from tho.oity. This proved to bo General Toral aud bis staff, es- corted by 100 infantrymen. As the two communders moved toward each other, their horses advancing at a slow walk, tho adjacent hills woro thronged with officers aud soldiois of tho oonquerod and con- quering armies. General Shafter and General Toral mot about half way between tue lines. Alter exchanging salut ations Gonoral Shafter took from Lieutenaut Miloy the sword and spurs of Gonoral Vera del Boy, who died bravely defending El Cauey on July 1, aud presented them to Genoral Toral with his compliments. General Toral appeared to be much affected as ho received theBQ souvenirs of his dead comrades in arms. Ho warmly thanked Gener- al Shafter, aud handed the sword and spurs to Colonel Fontaine, bis ohiof of staff. General Shafter thon announced that ho was roady to recoivo tho surrondor of tho city under tho terms of capitula- tion already agreed upon and signed. Geueral Tornl, speaking in Spanish thon said: "1 delivor up the city and provinco of Santiago do Cuba into tho authority of the United States." Gonoral Toral thon mado a mo tion as if to offor his sword, but this instantly was ohocked by Goneral Shaftor. The Thirteenth Infantry doscoudod into tho valley to recoivo tho Spanish garrison, whioh bogan to omorge from the city and whioh slowly marched along tho broad road until within 300 yards of our lines. As tho Spanish soldiers filod East Genernl Toral they saluted and he gravely bowed acknow lodgment with a sorrowful faco. To the front tho oth'cer went and tho soldiors slncked their arms aud then moved along into posi- tions where they could rooline on the grass. This formality bping over, Goneral Toral saluted Gon- oral Shafter and turned toward tho city. It was now noon, tho hour Bet for raising the American flig over tho Govornor'B house. Captain MoKittrick, Lieutenant Wheeler aud Lieutonaut Miley had beou ttoJki-J&it- ' .irAaiSfcS selected to porform tho ceremony of unfurling the Hag, and at five minutes boforo VZ thoy ascended to tho cupola of the palaco. As tho Cathedral bells rang out tho hour of noon tho stars and stripes shot to tho top of the ilagpolo, wnoro tor centuries bad waved tho banner of Spain. Gonoral Shaf- tor, Conors! Whoolor and overv American presont uncovered, wnilo tlio soldiors presented arms and the band played "Tho Star Spangled JJannor." With raro courtesy, Genoral To- ral and bis staff officers uncov- ered and romaincd in that attitude until tbo strains of music coased. It was an inspiring moment. An-oth- or battle eaglo uad perched on tho old ling. Gonoral Toral nnd staff now took leavo of the American officers. President McKinley's dispatch convoying the congratulations of tho people of tho United States was read then, aud Captain Cap-ro- n's battory fired a saluto of twonty-on- o guns as a signal that tho American Aug waved over oanuago. On tho way through tho sub urbs tho cavalcade clashed past a tuousana roiugoos returning from Caney. Nothwithstanding their accumulated misertos of tho last fortnight, thoy still had spirit enough to cheer Genoral Shaffer and his officers. INOIIEDII1LE INSOLENCE. Tho capitulation was conduct- ed gracefully on both sides. Tho only incideut whioh marred tho day was occasioned by tho conduct of Sylvester Scovel, a correspon- dent. Whon they camo to raise the flag Scovel altomptod to mako his way to tho roof of tho palaco with tho intention of participating in some way in tho coromony. Ho was ordered down by tho guard. Immediately aftor tho ceremony Scovel pushed his way to General Shafter and slapped the genoral's face. Ho was promptly arrestod. For the present tho municipal and provincial affairs of Santiago will be administered by tho rogu lar authorities uudor tho protoo tion of the Amorioan troops. There will be no material change until tho Spanish troops havo em barked. CHAFFEE FOR GOVERNOR. Major Gonoral A. R. Chaffeo will probably bo appointod by tho President to bo military governor of Santiago and tho surroudor- - ed territory around that oity. At a Cabinet conforonco hold by tho Prosidont, Goneral Chaffeo was regarded as unusually well quali- fied for tho placo, because, in ad- dition to boiugu thorough soldier, with wild oxperionco in Indiana campaign, he has a thorough kuowlodge of law and is well qualified to exorciso mixed mili- tary and civil duties as governor of tho conquered provinco. Steps aro boing taken to put tho cus toms aud postal machinery of tho United States in operation in tho surrenuored territory without do-la- M. Zola and M. Porroux woro fcach sentenced in Paris on July 18 to a year's imprisonment and 3000 francs fino with costs. It was their second trial on tho chargo of libel brought against them by tho ofheors of tho Eewr hazy court martial. Kojrl mule the fund pure, wliolciomo and dillclM. mm POWDER Absolutely Puro hovai fcuiNorownrit co..t"vo(n( & w -- . lifMMU., . . &&u PORTO RICO TO BE TAKEN Commodore Watson About Starting for Invasion of Spain. General Miles and Thirty Thousand Men for Porto Rico Watson Has a For- midable Fleet. Washington, July 18. As a re- sult of several conferoncos held by tho President and tho Naval War Board and frequent communica- tion with Secretary Long and Boar Admiral Sampson a 6trong naval forco will leave at onco for Porto Bico, and convoys are form ing for tho protection of trans- ports convoying troops to that isl- and. It is expected tho monitors Puritan, Amphitritc and Miauto-nomo- h, whoso arrival in Porto Bican waters is known to tho do partmont, will materially aid in making a successful dobarkatio u of tue first body of troops. ban Juan will bo surrounded and bo starved into submission, tho monotony of waiting boing ro lieved by bombardments of tho fortifications, which will be mado a from both sea and land. General Miles, with some mili tary aud troops, aro sailing to. lay for Porto Bico on the converted cruisor Yale, to bo followed quick ly by an army of about 10,UU0 men. Gonoral Miles leads tho way. Ho had been promised by tho i'resmout tlmt no should go to Porto Bico aud tho promise un-- . redeomod whon tho Yalo ho'idod today from Siboney for Porto itico, HUU miles distant. General Brooke will bo tho sonior officer in tho Goneral Miles' command, und upon him will fall tho res ponsibility for tho execution of the details of his superior's plans. It is estimated that Goneral Miles should arrive by Wednosday night at tho point Bolocted for tho land- - mg, and tuat ho will hoist tho Amorican flag at onco ovor Porto Btcan soil. Tho point ohoson for his landing is kept secret, as tho gonoral will land boforo tho full body of tho oxpodition is at hand, aud it is consequently not desiru-bl- o that thoy should bo able to as somblo a superior forco to meet him. WATSON AT SEA. Washington, July 18. Comrao doro Watson's formidable squad- ron of battleships and protected and auxiliary cruisers will leavo on Friday or Saturday for Spain. Tho rendezvous is nt Molo St. Nicholas. It is hoped that ub finally made up tho fleet will cou sist of these vessols. Battleships Oregon, Massachusetts, Indiana, Iowa aud Texas; protectod crui-sor- s Newark and Now Orleans, and auxiliary cruiserd Dixie, Yan kee and Yosomito. It will bo de- termined within the next day or two whelhor to further iticreu-i- tho fioet by adding the cruisers Columbia and Minneapolis. The authorities are rather inclined to rotain thoso latter ships on this sido of tho Atlantic, feo that thoy may run down any inolattd ship which may bo sout by Spain to prowl along tho North Atlantic coast. As soon as Oamarn's fleet is destroyod thorft is every rr asou to believo that Commodore Wat son will establish a base iu the Baloario Islands from which he can oporate against Spain. These islands aro in tho Mediterranean and constitute an ideal situ from which to carry on operations against Spanish ports and com- merce. TARIFF FOlt SANTIAGO. Washington, July 18. Presi- dent McKinley has signod tho war tariff for San tin go, to go into effect tomorrow. It adopts in goneral tho privileged rates now givou Spain there, nnd makes tho tariff uniform for all countries, iuolud-in- g tho United States. It abol- ishes the discriminative tariff now i...Av in operation, tho rates for differ ent countries at Cuban porta varying. Tonnago duty on ships carrying 2000 tons or moro is re- duced from $1 to 20 cetits a ton. This prohibitivo tonnago tax has been added to tho customs duties. Tho United States tonnago tox ia only U cents, and that of most othor coiintnos throe or four times that much. Tho heavy ex- port duty on tobacco aud certain other Cuban products and tho 5 cent export tax on iron oro aro retuined for a while at leBst. IIIHTOKIO STATE PAPER. Winhiugton, July 18. A stnto paper that will be historic, mark- ing on epoch in Amorican history, was issued tonight by direction of President McKinley. It provides in genoral terms for the govern- ment of the provinco of Santiago do Cuba, aud is the first document of tho kind ever prepared by a President of tbo United status, it has boon cabled to Goneral Shaf- tor, in command of tlio military forces at Santiarro. The paper is not ouly an authorization aud in struction of Gonoral Shaftor for tho government of tho captured territory, but also a proclamation to tho pooplo of the territory of the intontious of tho Government of tho United States regarding them aud thoir iutorests. It marks the formal establishment of now political power in tho isl and of Culm, and insures to tho people of tho torntory over which tho power oxtonds absoluto securi- ty in the exorcise of their private rights ond relations, as noli as security to thuir porsjus aud pro- perty. Private property taken for the 08 of the a. my is to bo paid for when possible iu cash at o fair valuation, and whon payment in cash is not piRStblo receipts aro to bo giveu. Tho President says, "Our occupa'ion should bo as frea from sovority as possible." CE.V MIUtlllAM C03U.VO. Movement f Trooiu tu UitrrUon th lalmiile. Tho S. F. Bulletin of tho lGth says: Gonoral Morriam ho'a authority from th- - War Department to mako a trip lo the Hawaiian Islands, and will probably go some timo noxt week, accompauiod by ono of his staff officers. Six compuuies of tho Now York Yoluuteeia will bo transported to Honolulu under contract with the Johnson-Lock- e Company, on tho 80th of July, tho othor six to fol- low iu two weeks. Thin rogiraent is not so dolighted with thiB detail as might bo supposed. Thoy say thoy wore cheated out of Santia- go, and cannot boar to think thoy muv bo ohoat"d out of Mnnila. They have beon assured that they aro destintd for temporary duty only, and will go on to he Philip- pines bit r. Plillaitlihfn Aliout Om, According to officers of tho Montana troops tho Philaholphia was making very activo prepara- tions for mm when tho Pennsylva- nia left nuil that it was tho calcu- lation to havo her s til on the 20th inBt. according to that tho Phila- delphia with Admiral Millor may bo looked for at uuy momeut now. Additipnal Local News on eighth pag. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DEt CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure Crape Cream ot Tartar Powder. 40 YEAP.S THE STANDARD. !vOWfcteAli 1 I 1

tty Evening Bulletin - University of HawaiʻiSpanish flog was loworcd from tho staff crowning tho hoights upon which battored Morro Castlo stands half way up. Tho lower-ing of this

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    ttyFor knowing how to The oldest and best.Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy.Evening BulletinConsult the patrons of Uniformly leads. TitoTht Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin doesVol. V. No. 975. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898. Pkioe 5 Cents.


    Arrival of the Pennsylvania filth Some

    1300 Men Aboard.

    Detachment of 300 from California List of

    Olllcers - Col. Harry C. Kcssler In Com- -maud -E- ntertainment Provided.

    At ub. ut U:15 o'clock thismorning the firo whistlo blow an-nouncing tin nrrival off port ofa fiiroiti sieatnor supposed to boone of tho transports of tbo fifthoxpeditiou. It was ouly aboutfiftoeu minutes later tlmt tho pilot,with Captain Mananlay at thohelm, Btarted out of tho channel.Nothing could bo seeu of thosteamer, so the pilot boat madefast to tho buoy at tho ontrancoto tho channel to uwait soraoeign. Daylight camo nnd yotthero was no steamer, so CaptainMacuulny thinking a mistake hadbeon made, ordered tho boat boysto return homo. No soonor hadtho boat house beon reached thanthe s. earner was roportod Bevoumihs ott inid she could just boaeon making toward port.

    Tho pilot boat put out aguinwith Captain Macaulay, Dr. Day,Deputy Collector General Clay,Postal Clerk Kenako, Healthofficer J. D. McVeigh and others.For quito a while it was thoughtthat tbo steamor might bo thooverdue Japanoao stoamor fromJapan, but the Stars and StripesHying astern wbb soon visible,then soldiers began to appearand finally tho name "Ponnsylvania" in gold letters appeared inthe usual place. As tho pilotboat wont alongside, tho boysshouted their compliments. Ananswer wont back from the pilot

    "" boatAboard ship it was learned that

    tho Pennsylvania, a Bister ship totho ludiana of tho third fleet oftransports, had left San FranciscoBhortly after 12 noon on Tuesday,July 19, and that a pleasant tripthroughout was spent.

    Tho Pennsylvania, Doxrudcommander, has aboard theFirst Regiment of MontanaVolunteers in command ofColonel Harry 0. Kosslor ofButte, Mont. Besides this therois a dotachment of 300 volunteersfrom San Francisco on the way tojoin their regiment which passedthrough hero on tho first troop-ships. These men are unoffioerod.Tim officers of tho Montana troopsaro as follows:

    Harry O Kesslor, Colonel.Robert B Wallace, Lieutenant

    Colonel.James W Dronnan, Major.Byron H Cook, Major.John R Miller, Major.Bon E Calkins, First Lieuten-

    ant and Regimental Adjutuut.Allred Seadorf, First Lieutou- -(

    tut and Rogimontal Quartermast-- (er.

    Louis P Sanders, First Lieutenant aud Battalion Adjutant.

    Win B Hanna, First Lieutenantond Battalion Adjutant.

    Geo O Stull, Chaplain.F J Adams, Major and Surgeon.Low O Brenning, First Liou

    tenant and Assistant Surgeon.Le Roy Southmayd, First Lieu-

    tenant and Assistant Surgeon.The Montana Volunteors, count

    ing officers and mon, comprisejust about ono thousand men.These with the California volun-teers makes 1300 mon on thePennsylvania.

    Whon the Pennylvauia was en-tering tho channel she was metwith music by tho baud. The boyssent back oheer after oheor. TheFaoifio Mail wharf, whora thoPennsylvania dpckod, was crowd-ed with people' anxious to got aglimpso of the Montana boys.

    It was not long before the Penn-sylvania was alongside and snmoof tho officers had come ashoro.Tho transport will begin takingjau coal nt once. Her time of de-parture has not boon set yet, butsho will at least wait uutil after

    K-- '$&

    tho arrival of the Rio de Janeiro,which was supposed to bavo start-ed two days later. By rights thatsteamer should be in now.

    Tho Montana boys aro mostanxious to see Honolulu and sev-eral remarked that they did notcare if thoy novor wont on to Ma-nila. They will bo entortainod atluncheon on tho grounds of theExecutive buildiug at 12 noon to-morrow. Tho usual program willbe carried out.

    Corp. C. J. Lisle, Co. C, FirstMontana Volunteers, is ono of thonewspaper correspondents onboard the Pouusylvauia. Mr.Lisle comos from Bozeman,Mont.,ami represents tho Evant Oouriorand other local papers. He is aumluate of tho University of Ne-braska, '97.

    Tho Montanaboys say that, as aregiment, their mon havo given upmore wages, in tho response forfor volunteers, than any otherregiment. A great many of themaro minors who resignedpositions paying 8100, $150 andhigher per month.


    She Will Gome Home by Way of

    San Francisco.

    Senator Cullom also Starts on Bis Journey

    to the Islands-- Will be Here

    Some Months.

    Washington, July 17. Ex-Quo- onLilinokalaui loft here today

    for Honolulu. In tho suite worehor secretary, Joseph Hololuhc,and Lis wifo, who is lady in wait-ing to tho dethroned Queen. It istho purpose of tho party to remainin 8au Francisco only two days.


    Commission Hall front Hftn FriuicleroAuKUit 10.

    Washington, July 18. SenatorCullom, chairman of tho Hawai-ian Commission), will leave Washington today with his family forChicago, whence he expects tomake a short tour over the Stateboforo going to Hawaii. Tho ap-pointments to tho staff of tho com-mission have been made, and it iscomposed largely of eraployos oftho Senate ond House of Repre-sentatives.

    Tho purpose of this was to re-duce expenditures, none of thosewho accompany tho party receiv-ing anyext-- a compensation excepttho official stenographer. TheSenator will sail fiom San Fran-cisco about August 10, and it isoxpected that tho party will re-main in Hawaii until about thotirao Congress convenes.


    Gear, I.nmlnir k Co. Ituya a ValuablePiece of Laml In Maklkl.

    Gear, Lansing & Co. has pur-chased tho Makiki basoballgrounds and tho property imme-diately adjoining it and runningout as far as tho present crioketgrounds. Tho baseball onclosurocomprises only ono third of theproperty. Tho land is most valua-ble and will mako tho very best ofbuilding lots. It was owned byPrinces David Kawanakoa anilCupid Kalanianaole and was soldthrough their agent, J. F. Col-bur-

    Bicycle RepairsSpring Soat Posts with Holler Hearings,

    Tomporod Cough, Hall Cups, Axlos andSprockotH, 17 to 25; Chains, Gour CaRos,CninkN; Special l'locos anil Forgings luStock or made to order at tlio old relia-ble

    The Honolulu Cyclery231 King Street.

    whore prompt attention will bo given toall roKilrH.

    Oil your bike frequently with "1U1-loy'- HItast Morula Oil" and eave half

    your hoary pushing.KstulillHliml 180 J on the bai of

    "OOOD WOHK."



    Old Glory Where the Spanish Flag Has

    Flown for Gentnrles.

    Touching Incidents of the Surrender Arrange-

    ments for the Government General

    Chaffee for Military Governor.

    Under Morro Castle, Harbor ofSantiago do Cuba, July 17, viaPlaya del Este, Provinco of San-tiago do Cuba, July 17, At oxact-l- y

    9 o'clock this morning thoSpanish flog was loworcd from thostaff crowning tho hoights uponwhich battored Morro Castlostands half way up. Tho lower-ing of this emblem of tho defunctsovereignty of Spain in this partof tho world was witnessed by afow American and Spanish troopson shore, and by tho Brooklyn,Now York, Vixon and Vesuvius,lying within a bundrod yards ofthe harbor ontranco.


    In the City of Santiago, July17. By tho Call Horald dispatch-boa- t

    Goldou Bod to Port Antonio,Jamaica' July 18 Tho Americunflag at exactly noon today washoisted over Santiago, audSpanish authority in the oastornond of tho island of Cuba ceased.General Shaftor and QenbralWheeler shortly before 9 o'clockmounted and rodo toward tho gapthrough which the road paasosour linoB. Other genorals follow-ed and after thorn members oftheir staffs. Two mounted troopsof tho Second Cavalry, command-ed by Captain Brett, attended asan escort. When this cavalcadeemerged from tho gap a body ofSpaniards wero eoen issuingfrom tho.oity. This proved to boGeneral Toral aud bis staff, es-corted by 100 infantrymen. As thetwo communders moved towardeach other, their horses advancingat a slow walk, tho adjacent hillsworo thronged with officers audsoldiois of tho oonquerod and con-quering armies.

    General Shafter and GeneralToral mot about half way betweentue lines. Alter exchanging salutations Gonoral Shafter took fromLieutenaut Miloy the sword andspurs of Gonoral Vera del Boy,who died bravely defending ElCauey on July 1, aud presentedthem to Genoral Toral with hiscompliments.

    General Toral appeared to bemuch affected as ho received theBQsouvenirs of his dead comrades inarms. Ho warmly thanked Gener-al Shafter, aud handed the swordand spurs to Colonel Fontaine, bisohiof of staff. General Shafterthon announced that ho was roadyto recoivo tho surrondor of thocity under tho terms of capitula-tion already agreed upon andsigned.

    Geueral Tornl, speaking inSpanish thon said: "1 delivor upthe city and provinco of Santiagodo Cuba into tho authority of theUnited States."

    Gonoral Toral thon mado a motion as if to offor his sword, butthis instantly was ohocked byGoneral Shaftor. The ThirteenthInfantry doscoudod into tho valleyto recoivo tho Spanish garrison,whioh bogan to omorge from thecity and whioh slowly marchedalong tho broad road until within300 yards of our lines.

    As tho Spanish soldiers filodEast Genernl Toral they salutedand he gravely bowed acknowlodgment with a sorrowful faco.To the front tho oth'cer went andtho soldiors slncked their armsaud then moved along into posi-tions where they could rooline onthe grass. This formality bpingover, Goneral Toral saluted Gon-oral Shafter and turned toward thocity.

    It was now noon, tho hour Betfor raising the American flig overtho Govornor'B house. CaptainMoKittrick, Lieutenant Wheeleraud Lieutonaut Miley had beou

    ttoJki-J&it-' .irAaiSfcS

    selected to porform tho ceremonyof unfurling the Hag, and at fiveminutes boforo VZ thoy ascendedto tho cupola of the palaco. Astho Cathedral bells rang out thohour of noon tho stars and stripesshot to tho top of the ilagpolo,wnoro tor centuries bad waved thobanner of Spain. Gonoral Shaf-tor, Conors! Whoolor and overvAmerican presont uncovered,wnilo tlio soldiors presented armsand the band played "Tho StarSpangled JJannor."

    With raro courtesy, Genoral To-ral and bis staff officers uncov-ered and romaincd in that attitudeuntil tbo strains of music coased.It was an inspiring moment. An-oth- or

    battle eaglo uad perched ontho old ling.

    Gonoral Toral nnd staff nowtook leavo of the American officers.President McKinley's dispatchconvoying the congratulations oftho people of tho United Stateswas read then, aud Captain Cap-ro- n's

    battory fired a saluto oftwonty-on- o guns as a signal thattho American Aug waved overoanuago.

    On tho way through tho suburbs tho cavalcade clashed past atuousana roiugoos returning fromCaney. Nothwithstanding theiraccumulated misertos of tho lastfortnight, thoy still had spiritenough to cheer Genoral Shafferand his officers.


    Tho capitulation was conduct-ed gracefully on both sides. Thoonly incideut whioh marred thoday was occasioned by tho conductof Sylvester Scovel, a correspon-dent. Whon they camo to raisethe flag Scovel altomptod to makohis way to tho roof of tho palacowith tho intention of participatingin some way in tho coromony. Howas ordered down by tho guard.Immediately aftor tho ceremonyScovel pushed his way to GeneralShafter and slapped the genoral'sface. Ho was promptly arrestod.

    For the present tho municipaland provincial affairs of Santiagowill be administered by tho rogular authorities uudor tho protootion of the Amorioan troops.There will be no material changeuntil tho Spanish troops havo embarked.


    Major Gonoral A. R. Chaffeowill probably bo appointod by thoPresident to bo military governorof Santiago and tho surroudor- -ed territory around that oity. Ata Cabinet conforonco hold by thoProsidont, Goneral Chaffeo wasregarded as unusually well quali-fied for tho placo, because, in ad-dition to boiugu thorough soldier,with wild oxperionco in Indianacampaign, he has a thoroughkuowlodge of law and is wellqualified to exorciso mixed mili-tary and civil duties as governorof tho conquered provinco. Stepsaro boing taken to put tho customs aud postal machinery of thoUnited States in operation in thosurrenuored territory without do-la-

    M. Zola and M. Porroux worofcach sentenced in Paris on July18 to a year's imprisonment and3000 francs fino with costs. Itwas their second trial on thochargo of libel brought againstthem by tho ofheors of tho Eewrhazy court martial.

    Kojrl mule the fund pure,wliolciomo and dillclM.


    POWDERAbsolutely Puro

    hovai fcuiNorownrit co..t"vo(n(

    & w -- . lifMMU., . . &&u


    Commodore Watson About Starting for

    Invasion of Spain.

    General Miles and Thirty Thousand Men for

    Porto Rico Watson Has a For-

    midable Fleet.

    Washington, July 18. As a re-sult of several conferoncos held bytho President and tho Naval WarBoard and frequent communica-tion with Secretary Long andBoar Admiral Sampson a 6trongnaval forco will leave at onco forPorto Bico, and convoys are forming for tho protection of trans-ports convoying troops to that isl-and. It is expected tho monitorsPuritan, Amphitritc and Miauto-nomo-h,

    whoso arrival in PortoBican waters is known to tho dopartmont, will materially aid inmaking a successful dobarkatio uof tue first body of troops.

    ban Juan will bo surroundedand bo starved into submission,tho monotony of waiting boing rolieved by bombardments of thofortifications, which will be mado afrom both sea and land.

    General Miles, with some military aud troops, aro sailing to. layfor Porto Bico on the convertedcruisor Yale, to bo followed quickly by an army of about 10,UU0men.

    Gonoral Miles leads tho way.Ho had been promised by thoi'resmout tlmt no should go toPorto Bico aud tho promise un-- .redeomod whon tho Yalo ho'idodtoday from Siboney for Portoitico, HUU miles distant. GeneralBrooke will bo tho sonior officerin tho Goneral Miles' command,und upon him will fall tho responsibility for tho execution of thedetails of his superior's plans. Itis estimated that Goneral Milesshould arrive by Wednosday nightat tho point Bolocted for tho land- -mg, and tuat ho will hoist thoAmorican flag at onco ovor PortoBtcan soil. Tho point ohoson forhis landing is kept secret, as thogonoral will land boforo tho fullbody of tho oxpodition is at hand,aud it is consequently not desiru-bl- o

    that thoy should bo able to assomblo a superior forco to meethim.


    Washington, July 18. Comraodoro Watson's formidable squad-ron of battleships and protectedand auxiliary cruisers will leavoon Friday or Saturday for Spain.

    Tho rendezvous is nt Molo St.Nicholas. It is hoped that ubfinally made up tho fleet will cousist of these vessols. BattleshipsOregon, Massachusetts, Indiana,Iowa aud Texas; protectod crui-sor- s

    Newark and Now Orleans,and auxiliary cruiserd Dixie, Yankee and Yosomito. It will bo de-termined within the next day ortwo whelhor to further iticreu-i-tho fioet by adding the cruisersColumbia and Minneapolis. Theauthorities are rather inclined torotain thoso latter ships on thissido of tho Atlantic, feo that thoymay run down any inolattd shipwhich may bo sout by Spain toprowl along tho North Atlanticcoast. As soon as Oamarn's fleetis destroyod thorft is every rr asouto believo that Commodore Watson will establish a base iu theBaloario Islands from which hecan oporate against Spain. Theseislands aro in tho Mediterraneanand constitute an ideal situ fromwhich to carry on operationsagainst Spanish ports and com-merce.


    Washington, July 18. Presi-dent McKinley has signod tho wartariff for San tin go, to go into effecttomorrow. It adopts in goneraltho privileged rates now givouSpain there, nnd makes tho tariffuniform for all countries, iuolud-in- g

    tho United States. It abol-ishes the discriminative tariff now


    in operation, tho rates for different countries at Cuban portavarying. Tonnago duty on shipscarrying 2000 tons or moro is re-duced from $1 to 20 cetits a ton.This prohibitivo tonnago tax hasbeen added to tho customs duties.Tho United States tonnago tox iaonly U cents, and that of mostothor coiintnos throe or fourtimes that much. Tho heavy ex-port duty on tobacco aud certainother Cuban products and tho 5cent export tax on iron oro aroretuined for a while at leBst.


    Winhiugton, July 18. A stntopaper that will be historic, mark-ing on epoch in Amorican history,was issued tonight by direction ofPresident McKinley. It providesin genoral terms for the govern-ment of the provinco of Santiagodo Cuba, aud is the first documentof tho kind ever prepared by aPresident of tbo United status, ithas boon cabled to Goneral Shaf-tor, in command of tlio militaryforces at Santiarro. The paper isnot ouly an authorization aud instruction of Gonoral Shaftor fortho government of tho capturedterritory, but also a proclamationto tho pooplo of the territory ofthe intontious of tho Governmentof tho United States regardingthem aud thoir iutorests. Itmarks the formal establishment of

    now political power in tho island of Culm, and insures to thopeople of tho torntory over whichtho power oxtonds absoluto securi-ty in the exorcise of their privaterights ond relations, as noli assecurity to thuir porsjus aud pro-perty. Private property taken forthe 08 of the a. my is to bo paidfor when possible iu cash at o fairvaluation, and whon payment incash is not piRStblo receipts aro tobo giveu. Tho President says,"Our occupa'ion should bo as freafrom sovority as possible."

    CE.V MIUtlllAM C03U.VO.

    Movement f Trooiu tu UitrrUon thlalmiile.

    Tho S. F. Bulletin of tho lGthsays:

    Gonoral Morriam ho'a authorityfrom th-- War Department to makoa trip lo the Hawaiian Islands,and will probably go some timonoxt week, accompauiod by ono ofhis staff officers.

    Six compuuies of tho Now YorkYoluuteeia will bo transported toHonolulu under contract with theJohnson-Lock- e Company, on tho80th of July, tho othor six to fol-low iu two weeks. Thin rogiraentis not so dolighted with thiB detailas might bo supposed. Thoy saythoy wore cheated out of Santia-go, and cannot boar to think thoymuv bo ohoat"d out of Mnnila.They have beon assured that theyaro destintd for temporary dutyonly, and will go on to he Philip-pines bit r.

    Plillaitlihfn Aliout Om,According to officers of tho

    Montana troops tho Philaholphiawas making very activo prepara-tions for mm when tho Pennsylva-nia left nuil that it was tho calcu-lation to havo her s til on the 20thinBt. according to that tho Phila-delphia with Admiral Millor maybo looked for at uuy momeutnow.

    Additipnal Local News on eighth pag.

    AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

    Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.




    A Pure Crape Cream ot Tartar Powder.40 YEAP.S THE STANDARD.





  • : GEARrLiSli



    TEljESiFKOlSrE 256






    MAKIKl Hou ofOroonm. Kloetrlclights complete Lot 125x'JfiO. Hothouse, Ktnblo, carrlngo houso, ser-vants quarters ami chicken Iiouko.Trait anil ornaniontal trees.

    Tnnr.i: ni:w cottaoih oh Kingstreet, near Walklkl road.


    MAKIKl Houso ol 0 largo rooms, lUth,kitchen anil n.uitry; largo nan,veranda on 12 sides. Ucctrlc lightscomplete.

    PltOSPKCT STRUCT Building lot75x150.

    176x200 Valuahlo lot In fashlonahlorosldenco portion of tho city, l'alms,fruit and orn.unont.il trees. A dosl-rabl- e

    lot for anyono contonipl.itlngbuilding.

    BEIIETANIA .STKU17T Imprmod pro-perty. Lot 200x200 through to Kl-na- u

    htroct. Two lino residoin'os,Stables and son ants quarters.Grounds well eovored with shadotrees, plants and (lowers.










    OLAA LANDS.A line CofToo ltitieh of 118 acres lease-

    hold. 20 acros cleaned and uudorcultivation planted Wth 1 year oldrollio trcos.

    litcolloiit bargain In a Colleo Plantationof 100 acros. Fco slniplo. 70 acrosplanted In colleo treos from 2 to 3jears old. l'lno dwelling homo andoutbuildings.

    A GO aero Colleo Ranch In fco slniplo,facing on tho Volcano Road. 15acros In colleo. 0 months adanccd.

    A 30 acio Colleo rami, leasehold pro-perty. 4 acies aro plantod with tjeu old colleo trees and 18 acroswith 2 year old tioes. Tho ow norwill clear and plant 2 acres addi-tional freo of thargo for tho pur-chaser.

    280 acres of unlinprocd coiToo land Justbick of tho Volcano Road. 30 footroad loading to tho land.

    A Colleo Plantation of 54 acres only 9miles fiomllilo. 20 acros plantodIn colfco. A liauso and Improvements on property.

    200 acros foo slniplo. 50 acros uudorcultKatlon. 30,000 bearing trees.Good resldonco, stablo and laborersquaitcr.

    255 ancsjfco simple 30 acres culti-vated.

    KONA LANDS.42 acres in Holualoa. 12 acros in colleo

    2 to 3 j ears old. Laborers houso,water tank, etc., on same

    8 acros on now Goornmont road. Allpi intcd In (olleo from 3 to 4 yoarsold. Iilorors houso. Situated inKaiMlaalaca, North Kona.

    50 acres a portion cultlatod. 2 storyfiauio duelling.

    3000 acros feo slniplo. 1000 acros thobest of tolleo lands. 00 acros mulctcultivation. 5 laborers houses andstoro house at lauding.



    - P. O. BOX .1043

    Finest CoffcD Plantation on the Islands. 240 Acres in Fee Simple. 30,000

    Trees in Bearing, present crop estimated at 20 tons. Pulping

    Plant and Laborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring

    of Water. One Mile from Landing.

    axstjesitostGreenwicli Fire Insurance Company


    EMMETT HAY, Superintendent ol Agencies.

    210 IMG

    tfc...-- ftiMJHiiliilhAMfri -- "''--- -

    r "vtgrytmiif" r E'" ';?!&' ,WVwmmm ynjtNf- - y-r-wn AT'



    Heavy Sacrifice by Spain the Only

    Price of Peace.

    Spaniards In Surrendered District Show Defiance

    Ships to Burn Yellow Fever

    Situation Improved.

    lliots Imvo occurred in variousparts of Andalusia. Mobs baremarched to municipal buildingsdemanding cbcapor food. Houseslmve beon brokon opon and sock-o- d.

    It is roported that Don Car-los lias arrived on tho northern infrontier and that bis followers aropropared for au outbroak. Peo-ple all through tho coast districtsare greatly alarmed ovor tho pros-pect of nu attack by tho Americanlicet. Defenses aro being strength-ened nnd mines plantod. The

    assort that Americansintend to ask an indemnity solargo that Spain can never pay it, inand thon mako it a protest forholding tho Philippines. Thopeople aro excited by theso storiesand say that thoy will fight to thoend rather than allow Spain to beruined.


    Washington, July 18. TheNavy Department has received information from authontio sourcesthat Camara'B Hoot will bo divid-ed, part remaining homo and partcrossing the Atlantic to bombardtho American coast. Many officers iswhilo doubting tho statement hopeit may bo true. Thoy havo beonafraid that Oamara's squadronwould take rofugo in some of thomore strongly fortified harbors ofSpain and thus escape destruc-tion. They say that if part of itcomo across tho Atlantic, thatpart will fall victims just as didOervora's ileet. Watson's floot isat Guantanamo preparing for itstrip to tho Spanish main. Whenit will start is not known there istalk of docking and cleaning somoof tho ships.


    Sibonoy, July 18. Tho RedCross ships entered Santiago barbor immediatoly after tho Spanishgunboat Alvarez, which had sur-rendered to tho Americans, cameout. Tho Texas carried suppliesto Clara Barton. Twelvo smallships iore surrendered with San-tiago. Tho American flag wavesover Socapa cable statiou andbatteries. Morro Lnstlo and adja-cent batteries were wrecked by thofire of tho Americau ships. Amorican and Spanish troops arehobnobbing on tho hills sur-rounding tho city. A small launchconveying Sohley, llobson andtho civil authorities entered thoharbors and mado a survey formines. Hobson exploded several.


    New York, July 18. A Madriddispatch says a prominent officersof tho Cuban volunteers and aprominent residents of tho islandhavo tolegraphed to GenoralAVoylor, informing him that thoywill nevor agree to tho grantingof independence to tho island.Thoy say that they would prefer,if a chango is to bu made, to havotho island under au Americanprotectorate, but if independonoobo granted thoy will continuefighting to tho ond.


    Washington, July 18. Tho yel-low fovor reports from tho frontaro more satisfactory today. Thosurgeons says that tho disease ex-ists in a light form and is notspreading bo rapidly as they ex-pected. Thoy say that they nowhave tho diseaso woll in hand.Two regimouts of immunes nowat San Antonio havo beon orderedto Btait for Santiago on Wednes-day. Thoy will bo used to carri- -son tho captured city until alldanger of fear is past.


    Key West, July 18. News fromCuba is that mauy Spaniardshave protested against Toral'ssunonder to Genoral Shaftor. Indefiance of tho terms of capitula-tion tho light keopors at CapoMaysi and Cape Lucrocoa, bothwithin tho surrendered district,havo burned down their lighthouses. It is also reported thatthe Spauibh garrison at Gnauta-naiu- o

    city opposed tho surroudor,blew up tho magazines aud spiked

    - Ufe.fc&&.Utfl

    tho guns. Tho port of Nenvitasis blockaded and a number ofsmall Spanish vessols aro bottledup.


    Washington, July 18. A mem-ber of tho Cabinet Bays Spainwill uot bo pormittcd to proposeterms to tho United States. Uo-for- o

    tho Administration will oon- -sidor a termination of hostilities,Spain must bo willing to makoheavy sacrifices. An armisticewill not bo crantod until thoSpanish mind is mado up.

    lion. O. 13. Hush, president oftho Gilmor County (W. Va)Court, says that he has had throecases of ilus in his family, duringtho past Bummor, which ho cured

    less than a week with Cham-borlai- n'sColic, Cholora and

    Diarrhoea llomedy. Mr. Bushalso statos, that in somo instancesthere wero twenty liemorrhaces aday. Glonville, W. Va. Pathhndor. Tins remedy lias heouused in nine epidomics of fluxand ono of cholera, with perfectsuccess. It can always bo dopend- -ed upon for bowel complaint, ovon

    its most severe forms. Everyfamily should keep it at baud.Tho 25 and GO cent bottles for saleby Benson, Smith Co., GonoralAgents.

    Elegant Silk Waists $2 75 atSachs.

    If you want a nico Rubber tirohnck with a caroful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tel. 31J,and wo guarantoo you will bosatisfied.

    SftMtlx lleer.This over popular Rauier boorbecoming a household word

    and "will you havo a gloss ofSeattle" is more often hoard thananything olso. Tho CriterionSaloon havo tho beor ou tap or inbottles.

    Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 15-- Fort fltrcot,from $1.00 por week up.



    The 12? original promoters

    of the Rapid Transit Co. are

    hereby notified that the Stock

    Lists are now open, and are in

    the hands of Messrs. C. S.

    Desky and T. F. Lansing.

    Those desirous of increasing

    their subscriptions can do so

    by notifying either of theabove-nam- ed gentlemen, any

    time up to and including Wed

    nesday, the 27th instant, after

    which date the books will be

    open for general subscription.

    Honolulu, 23rd July, 1898.

    By Order of the Committee.971-4- 1

    Dividend Notice.A dividend will bo duo nnd puynblo

    to tlio stockholders of tlio HAWAIIANSUMAIt CO., nt tho olllco of W. O.Irwin it l'o., Ltd., on AUGUST L', 18'I8.

    Transfer books eloso July !I0, 1S0S.W. h. HOIM'int,

    Secretary Hawaiian Sugar Co.1)7

    Uniform Rank, K. of P.

    IIendiiiiirtiirn 1. II. Brooks CompanyNo. 1 .Uniform Hank, Knihtx of I'ytliliiN,Honolulu, II. I., July 'St, 18ns. Tliurowill bu an Important mooting of thiscommand nt I'ytliiau Cnxtlo Hall lit 8p. in. this day. All Sir KnlglitH aiourKOiitly roquoNtod to bo prnsont.

    Hy order of tho Sir Knight Captain.S.J.SAI.THH,

    071-- lt Sir Knight Huionlor.


    I.iim Yot Shi); and I.iuu Kill Shoohavo HiIh day Hold all tholr intoiost in"Ylek Slut! Co.," of IIIlo, Hawaii, toTain Wal Kim, tho undornlgnod, andtho Kild Hi in will not bo rexjMiiiHllilo forany dobts horoaftor coutraiti'd by thuuior olthor of thmu.

    TAM WAX KIM.Honolulu July liJ lb'JS. 071 Uv


    Pate De

    Foie GrasA dcllcnry nought nftor by conno-

    isseurs In nil parts of tlio world; it1h rlcli nnd delicate, nnd Is lived nt

    banquets and forlunelics nt o cu-

    ing parties.

    To Koro l'ntii do Polo Urns Is to bo

    ultra fushlomblo.

    No houso In Honolulu carries any-

    thing llko tho arlcty In this lino

    that wo do. Oiirassorlinontls cry

    largo nnd complete.

    PIM-OLA- S

    nro olhcs Mulled with pimlcntos,

    n sweet Spanish Popper.

    Uvon tho brine, tastes good.

    Thoy aro n rich rnorsol, dollgliting

    tho palato nnd assisting digestion.

    An oll o fork frco with each bottlo.

    Lewis 6c Co.

    Rememberthe Maine,

    Gosh DarnYer!

    Forty-fiv-e Stars andTwenty-thre- e Stripes

    on Silkisjust whatyou wantatyourown price.



    Merchant Street.

    Just Received

    OYSTERS !On Ico.


    Beaver LunchROOM,

    II. J. Nolte, Proprietor070-2- t

    H. HACKPELD ic CO., Ltd


    Oor. Fort and Queen Btroots, Honolulu.


    Okia, Algeroba and Pine FirewoodCut and Split (ready for the Stove).



    WHITE AND BLACK BANDAt Lowest l'rlces, delivered to any part ol

    the City.VEtBPHONB i i t 414

    HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

    OHUS Sl'lUtCKELS. Wit, O. Inww.


    XtONOTUlU LI. I.

    Am Francisco AgmttTne Nevada Hank ofSan Fiiancisoo.


    dAN Kiuncisco Tho Nevada Bank of BanFrancisco,

    London Tho Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Yoke American Exchange National

    Bank,CniOAOO Merchant National Bank.Paki Comptolr National d'Eecompt de

    l'nrls.Beklin Drcdncr BanksUonokono and Yokohama Hongkong tfe

    Shanghai Banking Corporation.Sew Zealand and Australia Bank of New

    Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank ol British

    North America.

    Transact a General Banking aid Eicliange Business

    Dcnotsts Received. Loans mado on Approved Security. Commercial aud I ravcleraUrcdits Issued. Bills of Eicliango boughtind sold.Collections. Promptly Accounted Fon.

    Established 1858


    Transact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

    Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all the principal cities)f the' world.

    Interest allowed after July1, 1898, on fixed doposits 3months 3 per cent., 0 months3i per cent., 12 months 1per cent.

    Tjje Aohaum $peoie BanPLIMITED,

    Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Op Capital Yon 7.C00.000lloservo Fund Yen C, 404, COO


    BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

    San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Eong,

    Transacts n Gencrnl Banking and Ex- -change Business.

    Agenoy Yokohama Spetie Bank

    HwRepnMlc Bnllilng. HI Uu St, Eonolnln.

    J. S. WALKER,General Aoent tor Hawaiian Islands,

    Royal Insurance Company."Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and Qeneral Acrnnoo

    Company.Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelmaof Madgeburg Insurance Com-

    pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


    Room 13 Sprcckcls Block, Honolulu, U. I,

    BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Goneral Manager of

    The Equitable Life Assurance Society

    Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

    OrricKi Merohant streot, Honolulu!

    h. my co.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

    515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

    Telephoner 2'2 P.O. Box 470

    GONSALVES & CO., Ltd


    225 Queen streot, Honolulu, H, I,


    Wear Honolulu.

    Short Distance from tlio Rail-road Station h.

    Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

    Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40years cau bo obtained in tracts of anynumber of acres desired, on the mostfavorable conditions,

    The special attention la called ofthose with small capital wishing togo Into this very lirolltablo Industry.

    For particulars, apply to

    Gear, Lansing & Co.,210 KINO STItRITT.

    .fe.wrttw.-..- - ii ml flUlHiiiii V Ji" itttnifrufci dj.-- i

    I Jk


  • J



    ifrprpr- W t i""1 "yfffrr", wfw'gg-- ' rry'iffl''""ir ipr '( iwW'pv" .vwr.'jr '7"'


    Your Grocerdoesn't want to sell you low-pri- ce baking powder.

    It is your fault. You ask for it. There is nogood low-pri- ce baking powder; so he sells youbad. t

    Art Portraits

    Cliesnoy W. Ewhi)?, a Railing por-trait painter of San Francisco, Isnow In Honolulu nnd connected withour studio. Ills work hero Is already

    On Exhibition

    and admired by all who bco It.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfcslzo to miniatures. A spe-cialty Is mado of painting on Ivoryand porcelain. Get your

    Sweetheart's Picture

    on your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing hy thelatest science, with special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours the

    Best Place.

    At tho old stand In Fort street.


    The . . .

    Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

    Cor. Alakoa & Halekanwila Bta.

    lias a largo assortment of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    x Constantly on hand.

    Estimates given for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

    Marino Wiring a speoialty.

    THEO.32-t- d



    Yee Sing TieLargeWioketChairsof theLatestStyles


    EurnitureOf all kinds.

    Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

    Ivory "WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery Ware

    Wing WoTai & Co.214 Nuuanu Street.

    Patrons and the Public. t E

    Having recovered from my ro-ce-illness, I am again prepared

    to do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for past favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof the same.

    JAS. NOTT, Jr.tST Tel. 844.


    Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

    Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Y 18,

    Mite Steamship (Jo'sTIME TABLE.

    O.L, WIGHT, l'rei. B. B. ROSE, Soo.Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt.

    Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu at 10 A. M.,tonohlogatLahaina) Manlaoa Bay and Makena thedame day; Mahnkona, Kawalhae and

    the following day, atUllo tho same ovenlng.


    Friday July 1Tuoiday July 12Friday July 212

    Tuesday.. ..Aug. 2Friday Aug. 12Tuesday ..Aug. 23

    Friday Sept. 2

    To My




    Tuesday Juno 28Friday July 8Tuomlay July 10Friday Aug. 0Tuesday-.Au- g. 10Frlday....Aug. 30Tuesday. ...Sept. 0

    Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockr. m., touching at Laupahoehoo, Mahn-kon- a

    and Kawalhae same dan Makona.Maalaea Bay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonof Tuesday and Fridays.

    Will oall at Fohoikl, Pnna;JTJVNo Freight will be recelvod after

    9 a. M. on day of sailing.

    Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p. m.touching at Kahnlul, Hana, HamoaandKlpahulu, Maui, Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

    Will oall nt Man, Eaapo, on second tripof eaoh month.

    jT"No Freight will be received aftci4 r. m. ou day of sailing.

    This 0 impany will rosorves the right tomake chaages in the time of departure andarrival of its steamers withont notice andit will not be responsible for anyoonsequenoos arising therefrom.

    Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

    Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible

    for Money or Valuables of passengortunless placed in the care of Pursers.

    Fackacos containing porsonal ctfectH,whotlior shippod as baggngo or frolght,If tho contonts thoroof oxcood $100.00 Invaluo, must havo tho valuo thoroofplainly stated and markod, and theCompany will not hold IIkoU llablo forany loss or damngo In oxcoss of thissum oxcopt tho goods bo shippod undora spocial contract.

    All employoos of the Company aroforblddon to rocoivo froight without

    a shipping recolpt thorofor Intho form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon by shlpporsupon application to tho pursors of thoCompany's Stoamors.

    Shlppors aro notified that If froight isshippod without such rocolpt, It will bosololy at tho risk of tho shlppor,

    Passengers are requeststickets before embarking.


    subject additionaloharge twenty-liv- e per

    purohaseThose failing to

    do so will be to anof cent.

    : i o S3- - fvl zhi N m ta; o c " 3 r. tv'III JZf

    t o ? E S WO F STB. fX I

    I iiH 2 a if: 5?5 ri t

    J! I Hr 1: T3 m tt AT

    5!4AAA A


    Oregon PrlYate Tells of Charleston's

    Good Work.

    Frank Godfrey Receives an Interesting Account

    from Bis Namesake Now

    at Manila.

    Frank Godfrey of this citya lottor by tho Doric from

    Quartorraustor Sorgoant FrankGodfroy of Co. B., Itosobury, Ore-co- n

    troons. and who, with hiscomrades, had left horo in thofirst contingent of "Boys in Bluo"en routo to Manila.

    Sorgeant Godfrey writes in substanco that: Tho voyago on routowore vory monotonous. Tho onlycause for speculation and atten-tion was tho number of cases ofineaBles that might dovolop, ThoAustralia had 30 but tho disoasodisappeared after about two weoksrun from uero and witnout uavingany fatal offects.

    The third officor of tho Australia niloted tho Charleston intoGuam whoro tho Hoot of transports all arrived safely on thomorning of Juno 20th. ThoCharleston led tho way in, andtho Spanish colors wore foundflying from a fort at tho entrance.

    Thore was tio dolay by CaptainGlass in opening firo and ho com-pletely knocked tho outfit out injust thirteen rounds. The Gov-ernor of tho island was givenuntil 8 o'clock on tho 21st, to sur-render, but not auswering at thathour threo boat loads of marinesand Ion boat loads of Oregon boyswont in, on business intent.

    The lauding was muuo in tuomidst of a heavy rain and windstorm, but thoro was no fight; forthe white flag of surrouclor wasshown and wo landed quiotly.Twenty-on- e guns woro fired whenthe Amorican colorB were hoistedover tuo port, and the Oregon boyBjust yelled.

    Sixty four men including thoGovernor of tho island woro madoprisoners and thoy have all beenplaced on tho City of Peking.The wives and children, which aroloft behind, seem to tako verykindly to us as wo all ondoavorodto treat them as Americans havoalways been taught how to treatwomen and children.

    As a consequence thoy are voryhospitablo and seem pleased thatthey are now "Americanos:" Whentho bin guns wero fired, duringtho bombardment of tho port, thonatives took to tho woods, butcamo townwards again during theovoning. "When tuo soarch-light- sworo placed in uso and thrownsliorowards that caused anotherstampede woodwards.

    There aro five cities on the islandall of small population. Sumaand Bga aro the principal. Thonatives oro vory heavily taxod.Doer aro plentiful, but a native isfined S100 if ho happens to killone.

    On tho morning of Juno 20 oneof "M" Co. of Oregon died fromappondicitis and was buried atsea, Chaplain W. a. UUberipreaching the funeral sermon. Noother deaths from disoabo or thocircumstances of war havo occur-red. We left tho Ladrono islandson tho 21st for Manila and enrouto had an oxcitiug chase aftertwo vessels only ono of which wooverhauled and that proved to boan alright Englishman. ThoGuam natives, before wo loft,swore to stand by tho Atnoricaucolors and would seo that thoyworo not hauled down.

    On the 29th. wo came into thocompany of tho Bultimore and ontho autlilJunoJ, we woro witnCommodore Dowoy's fleet. Tholaud - lubbers woro accorded ahearty recoption by tho bluo-ja- okets and wo returned tho compli-ment as heartily. There aro be-tween soventoou and twenty thdusand Spanish troops on tho islandof Luzon, in aud about Manila.We can easily see tho firo of musketry at nights from the boats andalso tho reflection of conflagrationswhich indicates tho work of thoinsurgents or of the Spanishtroops.

    During our voyago from Lad-ron- esto here wo had vory heavy

    weather but Captain Houdlettomanogod to keep tho old Australiatop side up alright. Col. Goran,Major MillB and Captain May aroas eager as tho high privato in thorear rank to get their feot on shoreand wo OregonianB don't bother

    muoh about the rain if it will onlykeop raining, but, tho sun shineshotly at times, and wo havo morecare for a distanco hotweeu us audtho fovors than for tho raon whofight for Spain. All of tho Oregon-iau- s

    send thoir kind remembranceto the good peoplo of Honoluluand the papers receivod by somoot uh, boforo wo left, BUowed howkindly wo are thought of by them.Will write again, at first opportuuity.

    The Duiitfers of HrlnifWhich ariso from impurities intho blood and a depleted conditionof tbij vital fluid may bo entirelyaverted by Hood's Sarsaparilla.This great modicino cures allspring Humors, nous, eruptionsand sores, and by onriching andvitalizing tho blood, it ovorcomosthat tired foehng and gives vitali-ty aud vigor.

    Hood's Fills cure nausoa, sickheadache, biliousness and alllivor ills. Prico 25 conts.


    Fort St.


    There are 8 Good Residence

    Lots on the Waikiki side of

    Fort Street, fo.r sale, about 70

    feet above the east corner of

    Fort andVineyard Streets.

    The lots are leveled and

    ready to be built on at once.

    The location is in a quiet

    and respectable neighborhood.

    The prices are cheap and


    The terms are very easy.

    For further particulars apply


    W. G. ACHI & GO,

    Real Estate Brokers.

    .Inly 21, 189S.

    D. L. GEAR, G. D. GEAR,

    ill Sansomo St., S. F. 2t0 King St.,-H- . I.


    Sari Francisco audfJonoMu

    Having offices In San Franolsco andHonolulu we are prepared to attendpromptly to all matters entrusted tous n her ot said places.


    009-t- f

    Mercantile Agency210 King street.

    Difficult Collections a Specialty

    D. GEAR,

    LAWYER.Corner of King and Bethel Streets,

    Second Floor.


    Attorney at Law andNotary Public.

    Itaauutnanu Btroet.

    The Remington Typewriter


    Diploma of HonorAT


    tJrSThisis tho IIiaiiEST Possible Awakd, rankingabovo a Gold Medal.

    H. HACKFELD & CO.Sole

    Tho Fino Pnssongor SteamersLoavo This Fort as Herounder.

    Prom San Francisco:MARIPOSA August 17

    MOANA September 11

    ALAMEDA October 12

    In connection with tho sailingare preparod to issue, to intonetickets by any railroad from SunUnitod States, and from NowEuropean ports.


    For further particulars apply to

    of .


    Oceanic Steamship Company.

    TIME TABLE.of This Lino Will Arrive at and

    For San Francisco:MOAXA August

    ALAMEDA September

    MAKIl'OSA October

    of tho abovo steamers, tho Agentmg passengers, coupon through

    Jjrancisco, to all points theYork by any steamship line to all

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,Goneral Afjonts Oceanic S. S. Co.


    TBEMIA v wif

    A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diseases of tho Eidnoyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc

    Benson, Smith. & Co.,Comer Fort aud Hotel Streets.

    Since IVe Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

    Just OoeuedInvoice

    Tip an

    SelrfiLytiiq's BestC0N8I8TINO

    TesJapan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon Alsc.

    SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give thorn a trial. Money baok it yon don't like tbom. Also, JuBt received

    Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

    Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

    TKLKI'llONK U4--






    Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to tho Arlington.


    Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Qooda Reoelved Every I'aokot from Eastern Btatea Europe!

    FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUOB BY EVERY BTEAMEOrder faithfully attendod Qooda Delivered

    Part Oity FREEt

    General Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand Health FoodsULAXS OaOBM BOLIOTTID, BAtUtAOtlOR (lOAJLtl)


    . itiii ..!. ..., ti.,, ,MM -- fk- - "' - .J"..-A- - ' r m.ff y f llfn . iii'ioa.li.fo.i, t ,i, ui ii1liViiifciirtJWriiMtfewMJt ir. n'uliitoliiflii


    9-- P. O. UOX


    by tbe and

    All to and to anyot the


    .linn itf.lni r.-ii- ii Xil'ii ...l.n 'tm 'iii





  • EH'

    BBt. awiwiMBwn in aM'wwwanJi,Mflwui'mm'i.iiiJMiiMwn

    S& Evening Bulletin,PobllshfJ Eerv Ia, eert SunJiy, al aio Klnc

    street, Honolulu, II I . by the


    W. R. rARRINOTON Editor

    DANIEL LOGAN City liJilor

    DR. C. A PETERSON Uuslness Manaccr

    SllliNrlilill Ilali'itPer minth, anywhere In Hawaiian Island .. $ 75IVr ear, " " ' . . 8 coIVrjear, postpaid, to America, Canada orMexIco 10 00Perjear, postpaid, other forelRn cuuntrles . .1300

    tf"Payatte InsarlaM) In advance.

    'lU'plini'iBusiness Office 25(1. Editorial Rooms, I01.

    Postuftioe Box, 404,

    THU11SDAY, JULY 28, 1898.

    Tlio Moutnun boys snys theyare piickod liko fsnrJinos null otnewent hungry tho lirat fow days,but they nlso state that they didnot expect palatini quarters onth;ir wny to tho front.

    Tiunpi, Fin., readouts want togivo Adiuirnl Corvera n home byTampn Imy. Certainly tho Aduiirnl will find none who nppreci'ntnlIs bravory or will seek to rankohie last dya rnoro pleiiBant tlinntho Aruericiius ngiwust whom hefought,

    And the announcer at tho diplo-

    matic gambling board shouts,"Japan wins." If tho wheel hndnot clicked bo quickly, or tho handthat controled the machinery hadboeu prompted aomowhat differ-ently, it might have been auothoretoi-y- . "It's all in the game," how-ever, and if you can't be happyover it, bo as happy as you can.

    lTho Advertiser is "permitted

    to 8tato" that: "Ho (PresidentDole) coasiders tho appointmentone which President McKiuley

    able to make, withoutsuggestion or ndvice, unless it issolicited." But that does not an-swer the question : "Does tho Ad-vertiser want President Dole forgovernor of Hawaii?" Get another permission and spouk out.

    Oneof tho evening papers in oneissue presents three distinct vioon the treatment of soldiers aboardthe transports now iu this harbor.


    'Tia even so. The Bulletin' publis lied the views of tho soldiers,tho views of General Otis, nnd ex-press 'd its own opinion, all ofwhich is a fair statement of affairsthat has not beou duplicated byour morning contempuiary inyears.

    President Dole has the unani-mous support of tho people of Ha-waii if ho takes the position thatPresident McKiuley it abundant-ly able to make the appointmentof governor without BiiggeH'ion oradvice, uuless it is solicited. ButPresident McKinloy nor any otherAmoricau President ever folt

    at suggestions from thepeople. There woie uad aro menin tho United States abundautlycapable to hold positions as postmasters, foreign miuistors depart-ment officials, territorial gover-nors etc. etc., but this universallyrecognized fact is not to bo con- -


    lion's Socks, 2 pairs


    btruetl iw a sign hun outaido MrMcKinloy'a ollico: "The peoplewill plenau keep oft" tho nppoint-uie- nt



    Gunboat McCulIoch Stops German Cruiser

    Irene With Warning Shell.

    General Auflustl Bound to Fight to a Finish

    Dewey Increases the Blockade-Fl- eet's

    Health Good.

    London, July 19. Tho Hong-kong correspondent of tho DailyMail says: United Statos ConsulWildmnn informs mo that as thoGerman cruiser Irono wns passingMnrivoles, off Manila, tho otherday, the United Stntes gunboatHugh McCulIoch was sent nftorher to ask her to slop. She re-fused to obey nnd a bIioII was sentacross her bow, and a small boatwent out to discover what sbo wasdoing. Tho German admiral pro-tested and instated that Germanehip had a right to enter tho har-bor without being searched, aclaim which Admiral Dewey doclined to recognize.

    It is reported that Admiral vonDicdrichs, who is in command ofthe Gorman squadron at Manila,interviewed Captain Ghichestor oftho British cruiser Immortalito asto what ho would do if the Ger-mans interfered with the bom-bardment of Manila. CaptainChichester replied that only Ad-miral Ddwcy and himself knowthat.

    Manilo, July 14, via Hongkong,July 18. There is no change intho condition of affairs here. ThoSpaniards still hold tho outlyingforts. Tho robols mako sham attacks to call tho Spaniard's fire,nnd the Spaniards waste hngoquantities of ammunition. Foodis scarco and bad. Tho rebelshave captured tho steamer Com-pau- ia

    do Filipiuas, loaded withtobacco. Colonel Iboleon of theSeventy third native regiment hasbeen killed, and Captain Bello ofthe stmo regiment badly wounded, and tho remainder of tho regi-ment made prisoners iu the pro-vince of Tayabaso.

    Tho Boston left tho bay yester-day for Capo Egano to meet thotransports from San Franciscowith the second detachment oftroops. Tho situation otherwiseis unchanged. Tho health of thetluet is excellent, owing to thecareful sanitary regulations onforced by Admiral Dewey. Asteamer has arrived with n thousand tons of frozen meat fromAusrralia and a sailing ship with2600 tons of coal.

    It is reported that AdmiralDewey recontly sent Flag Lieut-enant Brunsborg to Admiral vonDiedorichn, commanding tho Gorman squadron, calling attention toseveral nets of tho German vesselsnot authorized by internationallaw or naval customs.

    Admiral von Diodericbs sonthisflRg lieutenant to Dewey with anexplanation that tho acts specifiodhad bcHii dono without his knowl-edge. Later, it is said, Admiralvon Diedt-rioli- s complained toDewey that tho American shipMcCulIoch had shown unneces-sary soventy in overhauling thoGorman cruiser Ireno. Deweyreplied Hint our officers had donoonly what wns propor, and wouldcontinue to enforce tho laws andcustoms usually applicable intime of war.

    Manila, July 13, via Hongkoup,July 18. An important interviewhas just boon hold betweon Aguiualdo's secretary, Legarda, and a


    'Pins, 51 dozen, nil sizes. Thimbles, 3 10 cents. All


    prominent native white man, amitho Spanish commander, CaptainAugusti, to surrender the city, assertiug that 50,000 insurgents surrounded Manila and woro able tenter it nt any moment. Thusfar, thoy argued, tho insurgentshad been restrained with dilliculty, but if tho Spaniards continuedstubborn the result would bo thattho insurgents would bo compelledto bombard and storm tho city"with tho inevitable slaughtor,

    in history, bocnueo iutho excitement of battlo they can-not discriminate"

    Continuing, tho captain gen-oral- 'svisitors advised him to did

    regard tho official fictious regard-ing Spanish victories iu Cuba nndreinforcomonts coming to thePhilippines, nnd proposed n re-conciliation bctwoen the Spaniardsin tho Philippines uudor a repub-lican ting and n joint endeavor toPersuade thoAmoricans to abandonhostilities iu the Philippine Isl-ands. Finally tho representativesof tho insurgents proposed an np-pe- al

    to tho powers to recognize thoindopondenco of the PhilippineIslands.

    Tho captain gcnoial replied thatho must fight, bowovor hopelesstho Spanish cause. Legardn thenreturned to Cavito, taking withhim tho nntivo, who is n paroledpriBonor.

    Admiral Dewoy is establishinga more strict blockade, lest it beinvalidated by permitting neutralsto visit Cavito aud Mulabon andsend and rccoivo mails inclosingsurreptitious Spanish dispatches.tie has threatened to stationwnrships opposite tho oity, whichmight precipitato hostilities, astho Spanish officers dcclnre theywill cortninly firo on any Ameri-can within range, regnrdless oftho consequences.

    Tho stock of flour is prncticnllyexhausted, but tho supplies ofrico and buffalo meat will last formonths longer.

    It appears thnt tho Spanishsteamor Filipinas, brought horoin the hands of insurgonts, was onthe north coast and csoHped toChina with a native crow onboard, when tho latter revolted,killed tho Spanish officers andbrought tho vessel to Cavito.

    Chlncce lievoliiUotilsti.

    Canton, July 1G. The leadingmembers of tho "Now ChinaParty" aro assembling from allparts of tho world to aid in lebel-H- on

    ngainst tho prosent Govern-ment of China.

    HAWAII !

    ID Ocean

    The Philadelphia will bo here in afew days with the Commissioners onboard to

    Hoist Old Glory!Thin should henceforth lie OUIt

    motto :


    Get roadylfor tho historical event !

    The Golden Rule Bazaar

    lins everything In tho way of decora-tive materials! Prices right!

    3I6 Fort Street,

    NINGClearing Out

    for 25 routs. Men's Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents. Ladies' Hose,for


    'v'-'m- "'


    I Part of Premises Coming Down





    Such a Slaughtering ofPrices NeverHappened Before !

    We shall make an effort to clear out the wholeof our DRESS GOODS on

    Saturday and Monday,AND SHALL OFFER:

    40c French Organdies for l!c per yard20c French Auslins for 10c

    l?c Scotch Dimities for 10cEnglish Lawns, 14 yards for 1 .00Printed Lawns and Dimities at c

    gr Store Closed on Friday ; will Re-op- en Saturday 2Sr Morning. Goods bought during sale will Eg

    not be exchanged. Terms strictly Cash. 2

    FORT STREET. 3mumuiuiUttuuiuiiuatimuiUiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuittiUttUiZ

    What you need beforo and

    after marriage :

    A Jewell Stoye,

    A Gurney Cleanable Refrigerator

    Kitchen Utensils,






    .mYou can getthorn all at tho PEOPLE'SSTOltE and save money forother necessities.

    W.W. Dimond & Co.,LIMITED.

    The People's Store.

    Sale of Our

    AC3M2 rtmir f&ncmcs Ma

    DEWEYDid tlio Spaniards, and wowill do you C5001)on our lino of Children'ssuitH, for tho youngster'smi minor frolic.That you aro a llttlo Intodoesn't nuect tho completenessof tlio otlorlngs here for your pick-ing. Bo Hiiro you aro right,wliothor for tho threo-yoar-o- ldor tho youth of nineteen,nu.l tho jirico no morofor their goodnoss.

    Startling "ads"of "exceptional bargains"often catch tho unwary.An honest bargain needsno fanciful word dressings,That's our stylo of doing bushiest).

    "The Kasli,"9 Hotel street : : Wayerley Bloct

    AgentB for Dr. Deimol's Llnen-Mee- bUnderwear. Send for Catalogue.

    Wo Make Shirts to Order.

    William A. Henshall,A-ttorne-

    y at Law113 Knahnmaun StrocL Tele. 663.

    lal b'r'g'n, 2 pairs for 25 cents. Ladies' Hoso, bal b'rVn,shades of Cambric Lining 5 yards for 25 conts. Gents' Neckties, 5 and 10 cents each.

    P0P:7m 1






    Something new and neat.A Handsome Souvenir.Be sure and get one before-the-

    are all gone.


    For sale only by

    WALL, NICHOLS CO.trade supplied at wholesale rates. Coun-

    try orders will receive prompt attention.


    2 pairs for 30 Q.,r,aLadies' Corsets 'r emifu n,...i;

    Entire Stock of DRY GOODS !

    IJed Ticking, 10 and J5 yards, ftl Whito, Blue and lied Flannel, 5 yards for $1. Quilts, 1.2o, $1.50, $2 and 2,50 each. Merino Dress Goods, S yards for $1. Turkish Towel-ing, (i yards for 1. Tea Toweling, wide, 0 yards for L. Ladies' Umbrellas, good quality, 1 each. Dress Sbiold, 10 conts per pair. Hair Pins, 10 conts per box. Enibroidorvat unheard-o- f prices. Notions of all kinds at prices not to bo equalled in Honolulu. Call in and ask for prices, as wo aro retiring from tho dry goods business This chance willnot como again. To-da- y ws place Silks and Satins on the counter at 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c per yard. YOU BENEFIT BY THIS SALE.

    J. T. WATERHO USE 1 StreetQueenk . ! ., u--rf. A ij U j w iXuS'- - JL


  • I

    "?"pw "I!J pfp5p" VtfWWW!'" ayyiynw' .fnpr: ' f7 flfquwfrw ' Qp$W'"Wfwjfi?,



    Sugar 3.Lieut. Tilly of tho Signal Corps

    is aboard tliu Pouusylviuiin.Band concort in ThomnsSquaro

    at tho usual hour this ovcuing.Tho torpodo boat Fnrrngut has

    boon lauuohod nt Sau Francisco.Meeting of tho CominiHsionors

    of Education at 2:30 o'clock thisafternoon.

    Mr. nnd Mrs. Horbort Ewingwill loayo on tho llithut for around trip to tho Coast.

    Tho Palania Co-o- p. Grocerytolls in another column what an-nexation has already dono.

    Arms captured in tho Santiai;surrender will not bo sent toSpnii,with tbo Boldiore. Tboy belongto the United States.

    Thoro will ho a meeting of thostockholders of tho Hapid TransitCo. at the Chamber of Comuiorcorooms tomorrow evening at 7:30o'clock.

    Cricket practise was indulged inon tho grouuds of British Com--

    --inissionor Kenny yesterday ufter- -uoon. Tliero is to be anothermatch on Saturday.

    One of tbo Montana soldiorsbrings nows that "Trilby" Fowler,now in San Francisco, asked par-ticularly to bo romorabored to allhiB friends in Honolulu.

    John Hassingor, son of J. A.Hassingor of tho Intorior OQicc,has joined Troop K of tho U. S.Cavalry aboard tho Peru, and nowwears tho regulation bluo.

    Tho Mauna Ala has broughtMiss Killenu a now stock of novcities in bats, ilowors, feathersribbonB and n stook of dross trim-mings not to bo equalled in town.

    Thero will bo no baseball gamethis afternoon aB announced bytho morning papor. Tho Regi-ment boys say they know nothingwhatever of any arrangement fora game.

    J. S. "Walker, agont for tho Pu-ciG- cMutual Life Insurance Com

    pany of California, is distributinga handsomely gotton up illustratedpamphlot on "The Philippine Expeditinn.

    N. S. Sachs are tearing downIfo back of thoir store to make an

    addition. A cloarauce salo will bohold next Saturday and Monday.The store will bo closed next Fri-day to mako preparations.

    D. M. Carman, ropresonting thoSan Francisco Roport and sevoralmercantile houses in that city, iswith the Montana boys on hisway to Manila. Among otherthings ho has boon intorostod inAlaskan affairs. Ho has also haddealings in Chicago.

    A. W. Clay, brother of DpputyCollector of Customs J. F. Clay,arrived in tho Pennsylvania thismorning. Ho is a member of Co.F of the First Regiment of Mon-tana Volunteers and comes fromLivermoro, Cal.

    At about 10:30 o'clock this fore-noon the soldier on tho Pennsylvania wero allowed to loavo thoship and to go where thoy pleasedTwo or threo companies woro koptundor arms and marched abouttho city in that way.

    Joseph Rosa guardian of LouisRichards. Rosa had petitionedtjio Circuit Court for permissiont sell certain real estate belong-ing to tho ward. Noxt of tho kinaro given until tho 19th day ofAugust to appear in court and showcauso why petition should not begranted.

    Willio Burns, a lad of 14 yearsof ago, is tbo mascot of tho FirstMontana volunteers. Me was notallowed aboard by tho Colonol inSan Francisco, but Mrs. A. S.Townsond camo to tbo rescue and,having horself appointed as guardian, succeeded in getting tho boyaboard.

    Montaguo, of tho Montaguo-Fau- stvariety combination that

    passed through horo sovoralmonths ago, is a musician in theMontana Regiment band. Hoplays the cornet just as ho didhoro in Honolulu's band for ashort timo. He accostod tbo pilotboat boys with "aloha nui."

    Cotton Shirt AVaists and trim-m- odhat at reduced prices for this

    week only at Sachs store.

    I Dividend Notice.A dlvliloiul will bo duo unit payablo

    to stockholders of Hart it Co., Ltd., onWednesday, July U7, at tho company'sollico. J. T. OliAY,

    rV'crotary.Honolulu, July 25, 1803. 072--





    March and TribuneIIIGrH-GKAD- E

    BICYCLES.V "'- - Sl.'f.I. TIIKM. Ilnft.rn lilivimr ll


    m wlieol sco thorn mid got our irl(i. Wo have it completo repair do-ily ji.u tinont in charge of n comotoiit nun. Illcyelo parts niid suppliesrr' of nil kinds on lmnil. A few second-han- d whcols, In llrst-oln- ss eondl-- l

    tlou, for Kilo cheap.

    Ill EAKIN & WHITMAN,m 746. FORT ST.

    tEFn r0. H K H

    Pianos aM


    m- - -.A.nsrr).


    Musical Instruments

    SHEET MUSIC.Our store is a repository for in

    musical line. The largest, newest and best selected

    stock for musicians to pick from in Islands.

    We are Agents for :




    Pianos for Rent.

    H K K

    Tuning, repairing andmen.





    In tlio Mattor of the Kstnto of Aswan (k)

    into of Honolulu, Oaliu, doccasod.

    TUB LAST WILT. AXD TESTA-M1- Tof Mid doceasod having boon

    piosontod to Mid Court, togothor wltii apotltlon for the Probato thoroof , nnd fortho issunnco of toHow Ting having boon (Hod, notlco ishereby given that


    A. I). 1898, at 10 o'clock n. 111., In thoJudiciarv llullding, Honolulu, is

    tho tlmo and place for provingsaid will and hoarliig said Hjipllmtloii,wlion and wlioro any person intorostodmay appearand show causo, If uny thoylmvo, why tho prayer of said petitionshould not Is) granted.

    Honolulu, July 20,1893.ly tho Court i

    P. I). KELIiETT, Jit.,900 Work.

    HONOLULU, H. L, JULY 28,


    & & n &i m

    everything the


    EI B

    polishing doneby competent





    Telephone 321.

    BE H K U

    Davey Photographic Co,, Ltd,

    This Conianyls fully proparod to takeIustautanoolls Portraits at their studio.All work dono by tlrst-cla- workmen,and nothing but high-clas- s work oxecut-c- d.

    Portraits aftor ltombraudt nnd llar-toloz-Mezzo-tint- Solo proprietors of

    tho IlasOtoliof nml Iridium procossos.Mr. Davoy gives personal attention to

    all sittings, nntl docs not wish his pa-trons to take photographs th.it aro notentirely satisfactory. We aro preparedto mako groups at residences, llashllghtor daylight. Copying nnd enlargingspecially attended to. I.Iio-hIz- o portraitsmade In oil on Porcelain tluishod InWater Color, .Sopla or Crayon. Wo ha 0tho largest and most arthtlocolloctlon ofIsland Views. Samples of our now workknown as Llfo-Slz- o Paris Kuauiols, thelatest procoss In photograph', can l)seen at our studio. Amateur printingand developing done with neatness nnddisnatch.


    Persons wlshingllto obtain board ntMakawas, Maul, can bo accommodatedut M HS. II. H. UAII.KY'S.

    Terms, 810 porwook. U55-U-


    BightatYourDoor !

    Evory summer ninny of our pcoplovisit nt tho vnrious springs throughouttho United Ntatos in search of lost health.Owing to tho heavy oxponso incurred bytlmo consumed In making thesojour-noy-

    ninny are compelled to remain ntliotno in conscqiioiuv.

    BartlettAftorcaroful study nnd thorough in-

    vestigation ns to tho most directivewntorH for tho nllmonts most common toour pooplo, wo llnil that JIAKTI.lsrrSPIUXOS WATKUIsbyfar snporlor tonil others. Many prominent residentsof Ilnwnll lmvo visited tho springs nndnil nllko ngrco that it lias no equal Inctirntlro qualities.

    SpringsTho lending physicians of California

    proscrlbo it, ninny consider it Indis-pcnsibl- o.For stomach nnd kidney

    lusiiiuuiiutii ui H'ujmu wiiii iru WUIl II II IIfavorably known.

    WaterWo nro carrying in stock this valu-nbl- o

    water in qunntltlos to suit nt thofollowing prices:

    Per Cnsoof 50 Quarts J 9.50I'or Caso of 50 Pints (i.hoPor Doz Quarts 11.50Por Doz Pints 1 .mi

    Drug Co.

    Sole AgentsFor the Hnwalian iHlunds.



    RibbonOwing to the large trade we have had the past weeklavo not been able to arrange for the

    Special Ribbon and Lace Sale,Hut on MONDAY, July 25th, a part of the ltibbon Stockwill bo offered at prices consistent to those asked for ourDry Goods Stock.

    TEMPLE OF FASHION,M. G-- . SILVA, Proprietor.

    TO I X V B S T O H S . Thin stock in offered for snlo in tho lump, to-gether with Its largo paying nnd pornmncut patronage, good will, oto. For par-l- it

    tllnrs call or address M. (1. SIIVA, Tutnplo of Fashion, Honolulu, 11. I.


    Annexation has alreadyhad tho effect of lowering the

    'prices at the

    "EM rXli'r'crJnVng Palama Grocery Co.


    You can suvo quite a fewdollars monthly by dealingwith us.

    Tho cars stop right nt our door.

    Palama Grocery Co.Opposite Railway Depot, KingSt.

    The ve Plan isproving a genuino success tothe general public as well assubscribers.



    Office: 208 Merchant street. Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's office.P. O. Box 1W.





    E. W. JORDANISTo. IO Fort Street.



    A large assortmentContor ltugs, Art Squares, Itovorsihlos,

    Rugs, .Fancy and Pibro DoorjJMuts,and Stair Garnets, Hassocks, etc.

    Japanese Rugs and Straw Mats,Eloor Linoleum, Oil Cloth,Hall Linoleum and Hath Mats.

    Bed Spreads.Marcolla, Toilet and Honeycomb,(for Doublo Thveo-quart- or and jSmglo),.Cheapest Best.

    TABLE DAMASK NATIONS,A splendid. Assortment in qualities,widths and sizes.

    TowelsTurkish in Linen and Cotton.Turkish Bath Blankets,Damask and Huckaback,fringed and hemstitched.All especially value.

    Curtainschoico Nottingham Lace.

    Also Oroton yard."Worth inspection.

    oarly and got first choice

    """-- ' --"'- -IfifaH nr-f-

    O. R. & Co.



    HonoluluPearlEw Mill.





    I'tarl Clly,Honolulu

    E. W. JORDAN'S,Fort Street.



    s s

    8 :o78: J7


    5 ! 50

    6 so




    Bod,'. to



    A big inbj' tho

    Gome at




    b y

    A. M.

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    6 : 15 18 :o7


    tySs. s

    3: 1014)4IO)


    10 : U910: 50tl i 4"i 5l

    ! M.

    1: 391 ss4 : J4IJj:6

    Itlt6: n



    F. C. Smith, CJon'l Pass. A

    O. P. Ijknihon, .Suporlntoudoiit.


    No. IO

    : 10


  • II cI! ' .." PA.L ..A..UOH."HPAM IIP" SA I.F.Ibbk innimnnnTim li lkiiini nil uuuiiii j w.i.iI MBTMULITAB fflUAT lill.Ik 108 KiNg stbbet. oun entire stock of

    K O. J. Walleb - - Manaobu





    Navt Contractors.

    Refrigerated Poultry-- AND-


    Mefeopolito Bjeat Co.

    Telephone 45.


    No. 45 Queen Street

    Export Apprnisetnont of RealEstate- ttnd Furniture.


    KhlB mnif

    Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St,

    TELEPHONE 708.

    " IfiHMoJorii atidJIImnino Treatmonti h - ii

    Mules For Sale.

    A choice lot of Missouri uiitl.Callfor-i- nMules

    Just A.rriveciNor for sale lit low terim. Eu

    rulrt ofG. SCHUMAN,

    Otti-- tf Club Stables.

    HOP WO COMPANY.Kinir Stroot, Uilaco Square

    Merchant Tailor.L'raili Duck unit Linen .Suits niiulo to

    rder. Fins assortment of now iintl latostdesigns Just arrived. Perfect Fit Guar-utec-d.

    Lowest Prices.

    Consolidate!! Soda Water Co., wEsplanade,

    Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu

    HOLLISTER A CO.,Agents.

    'gains in slate


    Sea View,


    Prospect Street,



    Die St., near Ialii lioml

    Gear, Lansing & Go,

    aiO s Street.


    Gents . .Furnishings

    Tlio ontlro Ktook will bo sold rogardlossot cost to tiium out nr.roui: RE-MOVAL.

    MEDEIROS & DECKERNo. 11 Hotel Struct.

    We Have It!

    tE&fet ftMmm


    tee an& ttrengtVmatatrceeauai


    "m.C'pesuujck &To.HONOLULU. DISTRIBUTORS

    The Old Government


    Bottled Under Supervision

    OP THE

    U.S. Government


    W. C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited,

    Solo Agents.

    Tel. 4G. Merchant Street.

    2WDandruff will not euro ltsolf. To1m frco of It you must trout yourhair and scalp with so mo romody

    Our Dandruff Killerproparod and sold only by us Is

    "Warranted to Cure !Pacheco & Pernandes,

    Arlington Block, Hotel Street.

    The Club Stables"Limited.

    0. Bellina, : Managor.FORT STREET,

    Telephone 4-7-7Liyery, Boarding & Sale Stables

    Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

    Wo aro osiM3cIally onulppod to cator toyour trade. Fair dealing and good sor- -

    lro is what wo Uopoud upon to got It.Wo liao for sale bumlly Carriage and

    Drllng Uorsos, sluglo or doublo teams.Thoy aro In good condition and will bosold on favorable terms.

    Dr. Houiit Is always In attendance atthe Stables.

    Gmb Stables Hack Stand

    Cor. Union A, Hotel Sts.(Old Doll Tow or).


    FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES.HACKS AT ALL HOURS.Orders for Surreys, Wairoucttos. Single

    or Doublo Toams at a moment's notice.Hack Nos. 125, 183, 100, 70, 77.

    O. BELLINA, Mgr.

    The Evening Bulletin, 75 cts, permonth.

    H. L, JULY 28,

    Culir.iriilmi (inri4f. It Willi PopularI,nUe Tnro.

    A very amusing incident is toldby ono of the young men in Ho-nolulu. A few dayB ngo bo wasdriving nbout tlio city, BbowingdiiTorent points of interest to onoof fair andfinally tlio Punchbowl drivo whssu'ueated Tho young liuly neverbnviuu tnkeii this hip uns d

    At tlio aud tlioGory steed whs forthwith pointedtoward Makiki valley. Just attliu point whoro the Tantalusroad beuius, a halt whsniiiflo noil n linmitifnl viewof l'nuoa valloy was tovealed. Atthe extrerao miuikii euu or. the val-loy visible, a taro patch

    llnndpil. nenmed to form a natural boundary of tho valloy, orsuggest tlio lienu suio ot a stream.So wai tho young lndythat sho exclaimed"Oh! that must be Pearl Harbor."Tho young man replied that itwas "Lako Taro," aud spoko

    of tho oxqusite coloring oftlio water at that time of day. Andnow OHlitoiuias daughter saysth .t if Hawaiis son dares to make- -oven a about this in-cident, she will uso all her

    to have Hawaii in cor-pora- tedas a county of, Califor-



    Patriotic ltonolliin Make ApplicationIn New York,

    Ono of tho callers at tho office ofthe National Volunteer Reserve inNow York the othor day wasCharles F. Gong, a Chinese, whohas been in this country for twen-ty years. Gong said that ho wasanxious to enlist aud that thorowere many morn men of his

    in New York nnd othercities who will quickly follow hisexample, if his uamo was accepted.

    Ho and the Chinese of NewYork who had talked the matterover thought they could not bettorshow their worthiness to citizen-ship than by valiant deeds on thebattlo(ield. Goug added that if hocannot enlist bore, he aud his

    would go to Cuba andonlist undor Gomez. Buffalo Ex-press.

    I.l.t ii r Dtwttlia- -July 21-2- 0.Infant of David Naapuai, Ha-

    waiian f, 1 in I d, inanition.Marie Marks, f, 13

    m, catarrhalKuaai, Hawaiian f, 80, old uje.Kauanui, Hawaiian m, 70, old

    ago.Theo P Sevorin, Amoricnn m,

    36, toraemia.A o Pull, Hawaiian in, 55, abs-

    cess of lung.Kama Aualo, Hawaiian m, 1G,

    genoralU H Watson, British m, 34,

    typhoid fever.Olivia, Hawaiian f, 23, fever.lnga f,


    Polika, Hawaiian m, 35, heartdisease.

    Mikaola, Hawaiian m, 80, con-vulsions.

    Hawaiian f, G8, oldage.

    Makakai, Hawaiian f, 90, oldage.

    Infant of Palikua, Hawaiian f,2 w,

    m m

    A man in Viro-im- mAn f-- .miles, to Fairfax Station, for thoexpress purpose of gottiug

    Couull ltomorlv n,wltook homo with him a dozenbottles of thn mpilininn 'Plmdruggist who rolates tho incident,adds: "Your romedv seoms to be

    general favorito vlinrmmrknown." Its effects aro indeedwonderful in all Iuiip ml tbrnnftroubles. Procure a bottle atBenson, Smith & Co., drug store.

    J. E. Davis, andwith &

    ftnnv 'Pll. TK1 1L-- t,l. XUIUJUUUU IUX. "9 m

    "There Are Oilier Pebbles."But do not for n moment think

    that the Anchor Saloon is justlike them. Liquidto be roquiro a certaindash of skill and in themixing. Ciarlyle and Andrewsmake a great success in this

    and stand ready to satis-fy patrons in the mattor of Seattloboer on draught, as well as all thobest brands of whisky, viz: JohnDowar's Scotch, O. P. S., etc., andfrom a full lino of othor liquorsand wines cannot fail to fill eventho most exacting and varieddemand.

    iB.",V jrpiu,i,,T" -- 'v,; '"- yr WW1"'1"" . ,wP"fffprwr-- -


    CaltforniiiV daughters,











    Bergorsou, Norwegiaueonsumption.




    stonoKranhortypewriter, Humphreys





    rinus or takino samoa.

    Uerimin l.'lltr' Concern 0er ActionItetrnrilliiir llnwnll.

    Berlin, July 12. Tho "Vossis-ch- oZeitunc," foreseeing that after

    the annexation of Hawaii it is"possible that tho United Statesmay attempt to acquiro thoSaiuoan islands also," says:

    America ha& practically noriirlits in Samoa, and Germany'sservice must rank boforo America's iu tho future fnto of tho lslamis. Germany will, therefore,tako care that hor interests aroprotected in tho final settlement.

    "Our customers say you manufacture thico of tho best remedieson earth," eaid tho mercantilefirm of Haas, Harris, Hrim & Mc-Lai- u,

    of Dawson, Ga., in a recentlottor to tho Chamberlain jVleai-ci- no

    Co. This is tho universalverdict. Chamberlain Pain Balmis the finest preparation in theworld for rheumatism, ueuraluia,lame back, quiusey, sore throat,cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, painsaud swellings. A bottle of thisliniment in tho houso, will sayo agroat deal of sufforing. Buy it atBenson, Smith Co., drug store.

    Hecrlteil ier Alnmi'ilii.Cherries, Ilhubarb, Asparagus,

    NavolsOraugo,Celery, Cauliflowor,Fresh Salmon, Crabs, FrozenOystors (tin nnd shell), Apples,Grapes, Figs, Lemons, BurbankPotatoes, Puro Olive Oil, DryFruit, New Crop of Nuts, Raisins,etc, etc.


    For a nice clean shavo or anartistic hair cutdrop in to tho EliteBarbor Shop, King street, noarAlakea.

    Siugors lead tho world. Over13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for oxcellonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, adjustability, durability, ease oflearning and conveuionco of arrangement. 15. Uorgorsen, ngont,1GV Bethel street.



    TRENCH andENGLISH GOODSIn consequence of

    ANNEXATION!And will continue to sell the

    siuno at closing-ou- t prices.Woolen Goods, Tailoring

    Goods, Flannels, etc.

    0. W. Scliidt Sods,

    King Street, Von Holt Block,


    Chocolate Bonbons.Fresh Supply Jusf to Hand.

    LEWIS & CO.


    AEOHITEOT223 Marchant St,, Honolulu,

    Between Fort aud Alakea,Telephone ; : : 784

    A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,O.E.WALL, D.D.S.,

    DE1STTISTS.New Love's Building, Fort Htreet.

    TELEPHONE 434.


    Mr. Krotl. W. Maefnrlano will act formo undor full )ou or ot attorney duringmy iibsonco from tlio Inland.

    W. i ALLEN.July 25, 1803. 072-l-


    Direc I from Ififf ami

    We have received Brush.Double and Single Frame andSkeleton DOUK MA 15.

    Razors,Pruning and BuddingKnives,Pocket Knives,Farriers' Knives.

    Open and TwistedLink Trace Chains.

    Winsor & Newton's Colors,Color Boxes,Artists' Canvas,'Academy Board,Palettes,Vouga's Studies.

    Pacific Hardware Co, Ltd.,

    Fort Streot.


    Cor. Queen and Fort Sts.

    Importers ami Wholesalo Dealers In

    Hay, Grain, Ecctl, ....Elour, Meals, etc

    Our Goods arc Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.

    'Phone 422.



    One More Chance to BuyReal Estate Before

    Prices Go Out of Sight !

    --Valuablo property on Kingstreot.

    -- 3 Now Cottages Just finished.-- 1 lino Building Lot, mil in- -


    For nalo as a wliolo, or singly.Apply at onco boforo tlio proporty Is

    withdraw 11 from our hands.

    OKAlt. LANSING & CO.

    DR. F. E. CLARK,

    DENTIST.13--14 I'rogroas Block, cornor liorotanla

    and Fort Stroots, Honolulu.

    Monuments and Headstones.

    Tho undor.Hlgnod is proparod to doCEMETEltY WORK OF ALL KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HEAD-STONES of which he has a great varrloty of tho Latost and Most ArtlstioDesigns, and will also supply Stono Cop-ing soparatoly for burrouudlug como- -tory lots.

    lay Estimates given in Marblo, Gra-nite, Hawaiian Stono, oto.

    900 tf FRED. HARRISON.


    By last Bteamer from tho Coast.


    At 'my store, whoro the


    Is done repairing aud new workboth. Plus, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

    H. G. BIART, - 404 Fort St.

    Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

    Assets July, 1897, $118,768.26.

    Honey Loaned on Approved Security.1 Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.floaBos Built ou the Monthly Installment

    Flan.Fifteenth Series of Stook now open.

    For farther particulars apply toA. Y. GEAE, Secretory.

    Chamber ot Oommoroo Rooms.Office hours. 12:301 :30 VM. 373-t- I

    Home Decorating!

    Gold Paint:

    Which la a mibstttutu for coldleaf, and will LAST.


    For Imparting a luitil uud glassysurface to any material.

    Bath-tu- b Enamel:

    For porcelain finish on tubs,tlower pots. etc. Not aflbctedby cold or hot water.

    Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

    tTull directions for use. Try them.

    Lowers & Cooke.

    John Nott,Importers and Dealers in

    Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE.

    DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 122 King Btreet.



    Mr. Julius Hoting,


    House of. . . .


    OR,OTjriSr3DSNearly an acre in area, tastefully laid out ami well plant-ed with ornamental and fruittrees.

    Servants' Quarters, Carriage House and Stables.

    Apply to

    Gear, Lansing & Co.,


    W. C. ACHI & CO,,Brokers & Dealers

    REALESTATE3T We will Bny or Bell Itoal Estate In

    Ul parts of tbe group.tST We will Sell Properties on Reason-tbl- e

    Commissions t

    OFFICE, 10 West King Street


    1. JcCto-ojss- , ... JEroPer Day .777771 8 2.00

    QpaelaJ. Mo&tlily XSmtaalTho Best ot Attendance the Best Hitua.tioa and the Fiuent Moi.k u. this City

    -- rifr - " rfr-- ., .. .. alm... .... ... ,T. M MUihilMiMdlfmdMimjjij ikjjj a j t AiBjL-uw- l it tti nhUfafr- Iial-- rAAVj-B- .. , t..



  • 'fWV'K iwr-- y "


    ' i fw " w jw " rJrTva.!1' "HjUt, W p7ewv-- fT- T- 9fflF


    W. 8. Irwin & Go.Limited.

    Agonts forWestern Sugnr Kofinery Co. of Bun

    Francisco.Baldwin Looomotlve Works of Phlln-dolphi-

    Perm.. U. B. A.Nowell Unlvorsnl Mill Co. (National

    Cane Hhrodder), New York, U. 8. A.N.OhlnmU & Go's Chemical Fertilizer.Alex Cross & Bonn, high grade fertil-

    izers (or Cnno nuri Coffee.Reeds Steuta i'ipo Covering


    Offer for SalePnrnfflno Paint Go's V icli Taints and

    1'npersj Lucol nnd Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

    Indarlne, (a cold water paint) in whlttand colow.

    Filter Press Cloths, Cornent. Lime andliricks.

    a Yfyy; Jfc-jfcJi- -i

    L.tF'.K and F-IR-


    New England Mutual Life In-surance Co. of Boston.

    tna Fire Insurance Companyof Hartford.

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

    Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd ManagerOlnus Sprockets, - - Vico-Prosid-

    W. M. Giflard, - Becrotary and AreaaurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

    Sugar FactorsAND

    Commission Agents.AdENia or inn


    OF SAN FBAK0I800. PAL.


    Queen street, Honolulu, ILL


    Bogar Company, Walhee Sur Company. HitoIlaleakalaTlxnch Company,Somi Company Plantni' Line San Francl'coCtaas. Brewer & Co.'s Lino of Boston

    Packets.--Aeen- ts Boston Board of Underwriter!.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

    list or orriOEBS iP 0 Jones, Presidents George H Bobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and

    Col. W FAUon, Auditors OM Cooke,Q Waterhouse, A W Carter, Direotoia.

    Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on oar line nnd on PA- -

    IiAMA ROAD nenr 'ertilizinBPlant.

    Those lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

    Desirnble Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for snlo.

    BKTJC15, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

    312 Fort Street, nenr King.607. P. O. Box 821.

    Mortgagee's Notice of Intention

    to Foreclose and of Sale.

    In accordance) with tho provisions ofthai certain mortgage made by Manooido Jesus to Anela Kakol, tinted the10th tlay of May, A. D. 1897, and re-corded fii tho Register Olllco, Oahu,in Liber 171, on imir.es Kami 20, noticeis hereby Riven that said mortgageeintends to foreclose tho name for con-dition broken, to wit: tho nt

    of both Interest and taxes whenduo.

    Notlco Is also given that after theexpiration of three weeks from thisdate, tho property covered by saidmortgage will bo advertised for sale,nnd will bo sold at public auction, attho auction rooms of J. 1 Morgan, onQueen street, Honolulu, on Tuesday,August 0th, 1898, at 12 o'clock nooii.

    Dated Honolulu, Julv 18, 1898.A. G. M. ROBERTSON,

    Guardian of Anela Kakol.

    Tho property to bo sold is that par-cel of land situate In Manoa Valley,Oahu, described in Royal Patent(Grant) Ko. 47 to Kiuunkea, contain-ing 4 69-1- acres, moro or less, andconveyed to tho said Manoel do Jesusby deed of G. II. Dole and S. B. Dole,dated February 13, 1888, and recordedin tho Register Olllce, Oahu, in Liber108, pages 434 anil 433. 000--

    The Evening Bulletin, 76 eta. permonth.

    Just Like Gold Coin.

    For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho homo.

    It is not a now fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en-ter into the manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

    It is p rfectly harmless, youneed havo no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

    For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottloin tho house.

    Your forofathors used itand found it beneficial.

    Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

    It has many rivals but noequal.

    JtGf Tho new 35c. size con-tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

    Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

    Bole Aeents for the Islands.

    tato&n&n FeMizmnOOMIP-AJSr-

    is proparod to furnishNltrato of Soda, Bono Meal, raw or

    dlssolvod;FIorlda and Lady Elliot IslandGuano, Sulphate of Ammonia, Murlatoand Sulphato of Potash and Kainito, Coral LI mo Stono and Manuros. In quanti-ties to suit.

    A. F. COOKE, Manager,

    David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

    209 Merehant Stroet.

    FOR SALE.12 Chinoso Granite Hitching Posts; ?8

    each.1 Surrey In fine order; price $200.House and Lot, 75x155 ft., on No. 71

    Young street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitohendining-room- , eto.

    Heal Estate Transactions.

    Subscribers are furnished with from fiveto six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-leases, powers ef attornoy, etc, etc, whichare plaoed on record.

    Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

    A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

    Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agency.

    Houses for Rent.Real Estate Agents.

    Brokers In Japanese Goods.Employment Agents.

    Collections Made.Legal and other documents trans-

    lated into any language.Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


    U. . (tattfoni Rouge Mtt$,Room No. 1, Spreckels Block. Telo-plwu- o

    017. 921-t- f

    Beaver - LunchROOMS.

    H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

    The Best Lunch in Town

    Tea. and Coffeeat all nouns.


    Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.



    It I Spain's l'et Islnntl Colony For Con-Ylc- tsIter Exiled Prisoner Tortured

    Here For Centurlea Past Natural midArtificial Forttflci tlona of the Town.Couta, Spain's pet island colony for

    convicts, which commands tho approachto Gibraltar and tho Mediterranean, isdestined to become n baso of suppliesfor Commodoro John O. Watson andtho squadron with which ho is to attackthe sencoost of Spain. Tho Canaries aronil thcro is between him and this griminland, where, under tho cover of for-bidding walls and mountains, Spain hastorturod her exiled prisoners for contn-rio- s

    pastCommodoro Watson has boon ordered

    to command a detachment of AdmiralSampson's fleet nnd to mako of them ntransatlantic squadron. Tho Canariessubjugated and tho American flag hoist-ed over tho islands, ho is to proceed di-rect to tho island of Couta and establisha baso of supplies. Onco in possessionof tho solf fortlflod island and town ofCouta, Commodore Watson should boablo to run back for supplies of coal andammunition nlmost as easily ns thoughho were off tho coast of Florida.

    Couta is a rock ribbed, rock boundisland off tho northeast coast of Fez,Morocco, and is 12 hours' sail from thocntrauco to tho strait of Gibraltar. Itmight as woll bo culled tho