T HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE MESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER ESSENGER SEPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER EPTEMBER 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Visit us at gcumc3.org or Find us on Facebook: “Gibson City UMC” Pastors—John Tennyson Megan Thompson Church Phone 217-784-5452 Church Email [email protected] Saturday • 5:30pm—Casual Worship Sunday • 8:45am—Traditional Worship Sunday • 11:00am—Contemporary Worship Sunday School—10:00am God’s Treehouse God’s Treehouse God’s Treehouse God’s Treehouse Summer is over and it’s BACK TO SCHOOL! We hope that everyone had a blast this Summer! Our Wednesday Night Program, God’s Treehouse, will kick-off with a party on Wednesday, September 23 rd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Parents and children are asked to meet in the Sanctuary at 6:30, before enjoying the fun and games outside! We will introduce the kids to their new leaders this year and walk through some important information with parents. We will have a bounce house, games, and popcorn! We are looking forward to seeing the kids again on Wednesday Nights!! We are always looking for volunteers to make this program possible. Please contact Megan Whitehouse if you are looking for an opportunity to get involved! Call or text 309-242-1787 or email [email protected] . 2015 2015 2015 2015-2016 Sunday School 2016 Sunday School 2016 Sunday School 2016 Sunday School Our Summer Sunday School is wrapping up and we will kick-off our Fall session on Sunday, September 13 th with a Sunday School kick-off party immediately after the 8:45 service. We ask that kids and parents join us in the sanctuary at 9:45 am for the kids to meet their new teachers and to give the parents some important information about the new year! We will have lots of carnival style games with prizes, face painting and popcorn! We are very excited to kick off the new Sunday School year and see all of your smiling faces! We are also looking for volunteers to bring snacks, teach a lesson, or be a helping hand in the pre- school class. Please contact Megan Whitehouse if you are looking for an opportunity to get involved! Call or text 309-242-1787 or email [email protected] . Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Night Night Night Night Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Wednesday night programming is gearing up to kickoff on September 23rd! Join us at 5:30 for a delicious meal, followed by small groups and youth fellowship at 6:30 to help our young people grow in love with God, respect for each other, and knowledge of scripture. Nursery staff will be on hand to help watch little ones (through age 2) starting at 6:00. Stay tuned for more information on small groups and bible study opportunities for adults. Let the staff know if you have an idea for a study. Here is the Wednesday night schedule: 5:30-6:30 Fellowship Meal 6:30-7:30 Seeds program (Preschool) 6:30-7:30 Buds program (K-2nd grade) 6:30-7:30 Sprouts program (3rd-5th grades) 6:30-7:30 Middle School Youth Group (6-8 grades) 6:30-7:30 High School Youth Group (9-12 grades) 7:30-8:30 Sanctuary Choir 7:30-8:30 Music Lessons with Gabe Music Lessons with Gabe Music Lessons with Gabe Music Lessons with Gabe Music Lessons with Gabe Gabe Fairchild will offer a group music lesson for any and all youth and adults who would like to learn more about a musical instrument (guitar, drums, harmonica, voice, whatever) while exploring and enjoying the God -given gift of creativity. Key words in this are music, fun and together! There will be a nominal fee for participation. To learn more, please come on Wednesday, September 23, and gather in the sanctuary at 7:30.

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Page 1: TTTTHEHEHEHE MMMMESSENGER - Amazon S3...TTTTHEHEHEHE MMMMESSENGER SSSSEPTEMBER 2014 Visit us at gcumc3.org or Find us on Facebook: “Gibson City UMC” Pastors—John Tennyson Megan



Visit us at gcumc3.org or Find us on Facebook: “Gibson City UMC”

Pastors—John Tennyson Megan Thompson Church Phone 217-784-5452 Church Email [email protected]

Saturday • 5:30pm—Casual Worship Sunday • 8:45am—Traditional Worship

Sunday • 11:00am—Contemporary Worship

Sunday School—10:00am

God’s TreehouseGod’s TreehouseGod’s TreehouseGod’s Treehouse Summer is over and it’s BACK TO SCHOOL! We hope that everyone had a blast this Summer!

Our Wednesday Night Program, God’s Treehouse, will kick-off with a party on Wednesday, September 23rd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Parents and children are asked to meet in the Sanctuary at 6:30, before enjoying the fun and games outside! We will introduce the kids to their new leaders this year and walk through some important information with parents. We will have a bounce house, games, and popcorn! We are looking forward to seeing the kids again on Wednesday Nights!! We are always looking for volunteers to make this program possible. Please contact Megan Whitehouse if you are looking for an opportunity to get involved! Call or text 309-242-1787 or email [email protected].

2015201520152015----2016 Sunday School2016 Sunday School2016 Sunday School2016 Sunday School Our Summer Sunday School is wrapping up and we will kick-off our Fall session on Sunday, September 13th with a Sunday

School kick-off party immediately after the 8:45 service. We ask that kids and parents join us in the sanctuary at 9:45 am for the kids to meet their new teachers and to give the parents some important information about the new year! We will have lots of carnival style games with prizes, face painting and popcorn! We are very excited to kick off the new Sunday School year and see all of your smiling faces! We are also looking for volunteers to bring snacks, teach a lesson, or be a helping hand in the pre-school class. Please contact Megan Whitehouse if you are looking for an opportunity to get involved! Call or text 309-242-1787 or email [email protected].

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Night Night Night Night FellowshipFellowshipFellowshipFellowship

Wednesday night programming is gearing up to kickoff on September 23rd!

Join us at 5:30 for a delicious meal, followed by small groups and youth fellowship at 6:30 to help our young people grow in love with God, respect for each other, and knowledge of scripture. Nursery staff will be on hand to help watch little ones (through age 2) starting at 6:00.

Stay tuned for more information on small groups and bible study opportunities for adults. Let the staff know if you have an idea for a study.

Here is the Wednesday night schedule: 5:30-6:30 Fellowship Meal 6:30-7:30 Seeds program (Preschool) 6:30-7:30 Buds program (K-2nd grade) 6:30-7:30 Sprouts program (3rd-5th grades) 6:30-7:30 Middle School Youth Group (6-8 grades) 6:30-7:30 High School Youth Group (9-12 grades) 7:30-8:30 Sanctuary Choir 7:30-8:30 Music Lessons with Gabe Music Lessons with GabeMusic Lessons with GabeMusic Lessons with GabeMusic Lessons with Gabe Gabe Fairchild will offer a group music lesson for any and all youth and adults who would like to learn more about a musical instrument (guitar, drums, harmonica, voice, whatever) while exploring and enjoying the God-given gift of creativity. Key words in this are music, fun and together! There will be a nominal fee for participation. To learn more, please come on Wednesday, September 23, and gather in the sanctuary at 7:30.

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Letter of 1st JohnLetter of 1st JohnLetter of 1st JohnLetter of 1st John

The sermons next month will explore the first of the three letters written by John, who very likely is the same author of the gospel. Here is an overview:

John explicitly declares his authority from the opening sentences of his letter: repeating for emphasis, that he was an eyewitness to Jesus Christ. Four times in the first three verses John tells us he is proclaiming that which he has seen, touched and heard. He uses legal terminology such as Greek terms translated "testify" and "to bear witness". As in a court of law, John is declaring the truthfulness and integrity of his testimony.

John also declares his overall purpose for writing in the third sentence of his letter: We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3).

Fellowship implies life shared and enjoyed. It implies a bond of heart and mind. Fellowship entails a communion and closeness of time spent with treasured friends.

Fellowship with God is life-giving, and is rooted in the character and nature of God: God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5). All life is a gift, a gift from one source alone. God alone creates, sustains, and redeems life. John wants us his readers to enjoy fellowship with the One who can be trusted with all we are, because there is no darkness in God.

What is the end result of fellowship with God? John writes that it is joy. There is a joy from being in the very presence of the God of Light. It is a joy that results from being made whole and complete, being purified by the blood of Jesus who cleanses us from all darkness and sin.

John speaks to us today. It is a letter of invitation. John invites us to know God fully. John invites us to walk with God, to walk in the Light, free from darkness and sin. John invites us to know with confidence that we belong to God, and that through Jesus we have eternal life. Let us accept John’s invitation and explore this affirming letter through the month of September.

~ Pastor John~ Pastor John~ Pastor John~ Pastor John

New Bible Study Material AvailableNew Bible Study Material AvailableNew Bible Study Material AvailableNew Bible Study Material Available Abingdon Press has released a new DVD/book study for woman entitled, “Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World.” We have purchased a complete Leader’s Kit of this award-winning curriculum and invite those interested to take a look and consider leading a group this fall. Contact Barb for more information. Here is an excerpt from the promotional material:

Jeremiah offers women hope for living in an uncertain world by learning to navigate the challenges and circumstances of their lives. This six-week study examines God’s words of instruction to His wayward people through the prophet Jeremiah, and provides women six guidelines for intentional living to overcome fear, worry, and doubt as they surrender their will to God’s and put their hope in Him alone.

New Women’s Bible StudyNew Women’s Bible StudyNew Women’s Bible StudyNew Women’s Bible Study A new bible study, Women of Faith in the New Testament, will be held on Tuesdays from 9-10am at the Villas of Hollybrook starting on September 15. Each week will highlight a different Woman of Faith. The class is open to anyone and you can come to any session that you wish. Lessons will be: September 25 Introduction September 22 Dorcas September 29 Mary/Martha October 6 The Woman at the Well October 13 Mary Magdalene October 20 Lydia October 27 Priscilla November 3 Joanna November 10 Mary: Mother of Jesus


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CONNECT, GROW, GO! . . . take hold of the life that really is life (I Timothy 6:18-19)

Building FoundationsBuilding FoundationsBuilding FoundationsBuilding Foundations As parents and leaders in the church, we seek to provide a foundation on which our children can build a life of learning and growth in spiritual strength. In our GC UMC educational ministries, our role is equip leaders for that calling. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 16, 6:00-7:30 as we are offering again the Foundations class we offered in August. All parents and leaders in our children & youth ministries are encouraged to attend for conversation and.…dessert!

Community Resources RoundtableCommunity Resources RoundtableCommunity Resources RoundtableCommunity Resources Roundtable The next Community Resources Roundtable will meet Wednesday, Sept 16, at 1:00 in the Moyer Library community room. All interested are welcome to attend. The roundtable facilitates awareness and connection of social service resources with community needs.

Mission SocksMission SocksMission SocksMission Socks The mission socks collection in August will go to support Telecare.

Cookout for Missions Cookout for Missions Cookout for Missions Cookout for Missions Our Labor Day cookout for missions will be on Saturday, September 5th from 10am-2pm at County Market. Invite your friends and family! Grillers, servers, eaters and dessert makers will all be needed for this fun event. It’s a great opportunity to share smiles and good food in service to our community. Watch for a sign up sheet (for workers and dessert donations) in the hallway outside the office. The proceeds from the cookout will support the Nepal orphanage and the Warfields. Hope to see you there!

Missionaries UpdateMissionaries UpdateMissionaries UpdateMissionaries Update Robb & Sheila Warfield and family (Avery, Avalyn and Hayden) have now moved to Dakar, Senegal. Robb is serving as the Secondary Principal of an international school that has students from 20 different countries and is the largest missionary school in West Africa. Dakar serves as a headquarters for several ministries and the school is a vital component of this community. While they’re excited about new opportunities, Robb writes, “It is hard to transition to a new place where every face is a new one, with a new culture and learn a new job.” In addition, Robb has malaria again while Sheila is just recovering from a recent bout. Financial support is needed more than ever. However, through all these challenges, Robb shares, “We serve this incredibly loving God who loves to take awkward beginnings and create beautiful stories.” Your prayers and financial support are encouraged for the Warfields in this new season of ministry. Doug & Cindy Tankersley, still serving with One Mission Society, have moved to Medellín, Colombia so are also in a season of new beginnings. They write, “Unlike our time in Ecuador and Costa Rica, we do not have a network of English speakers that can lead and guide from their experiences as foreigners. … We are in uncharted waters and while there is joy is finding what's around every corner, it takes lots of energy.” They have, however, settled in well over the past couple months and are busy teaching English classes and working with evangelism teams. They’ve expressed appreciation for their supporters and have written, “Your prayerful and financial support are needed each day for us to do what God has called us to do!”

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”

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Thank YouThank YouThank YouThank You Thank you to the many talented individuals who shared their gifts of music for worship services this summer: Doug Bennett, Chelsey

Weakley, Kelly Tompkins, Link Woodward, Megan Whitehouse, April Rotramel, Kelly Borton, Annette, Gabe and Tom Fairchild and Don Peterson, Andrea Dunahee, Taylor Engel, Malinda and Ellen Lutz, and Tina Leffler.

The Gibson Area Music Foundation thanks GCUMC, Pastor Tennyson and April for all the work and planning that they did for this years’ Hymn Festival. Thanks is due to Covenant Council and organist, Beverly Nagle, for use of facilities and instruments as well as personal support of our annual endeavor.

Joan Bedel 2 Bob Link 3 David Littlefield 3 Dana Martin 3 Joel Hood 5 Ashley Morris 6 Jared Clark 9 Kay Bell 10 Mark Sauer 10 Roger Main 11 Chad Rosendahl 11 Aleka Seneca 12 Tom Borton 12 Emily Spangler 12 Gail Anliker 13 Carey Davis 13 Megan Moody 13 Lucas Clinton 14 Marjorie Davis 14 Susie Dueringer 14 Ethan Freehill 14 Wayne Snyder 14 Samantha Endsley 16 Danielle Jones 16 Patrick Morris 16 Kevin Knerr 17

Rick Ertel 18 Karleigh Kietzman 18 Merle Jones 19 Todd Littell 19 Libby Shields 19 Fran Davis 20 Lauren Blackford 20 Kathy Bennett 21 Tim Shields 21 Edith Stoltz 23 Glenn Riddle 24 Roger Arends 24 Melissa Jamison 25 Mary Rhodes 25 Bob Miller 26 Wes Leenerman 26 Bonnie Dewey 27 Patricia Goembel 27 Flo Wilson 27 Kent Steinman 28 Doug Schultz 28 Brandon Boma 29 Jordan Nagle 29 Craig Kummerow 30 Carl Dewey 30

Nursing Home Residents

Manor Marian Boog Ruth Fisher Judy Peters Shirley Butler Dolly Samet Nancy Aden

Annex Mary Rosebraugh Ronald Bowen Evelyn Hoover

Robert Peeken Edith Stoltz Cecil Paul Davis Health Concerns Nancy Aden Marian Boog Mildred Davis Bill Dueringer Ruth Fisher George Frashier Ruth Harris Jane Hastings Barb Murrell Norma Patterson Servicemen and women PFC Colton Young AB Cody McCoy

Weekend Sat 5:30

Sun 8:45

Sun 11:00

July 25th & 26th 17 118 25

August 1st & 2nd 16 104 21

August 8th & 9th 15 109 24

August 10th & 11th 15 94 24

August 22nd & 23rd 13 96 29


Jan—July 2015 Offering for Budget $169,452.04

Jan—July 2015 Operating Expenses $169,321.01

Day Years Chad & Danielle Christensen 4 16 Doug & Rhonda Eckerty 10 27 Ty & Kara Royal 12 23 Tom & Sue Briggs 15 52 Doug & Gayle Hager 20 63 Gary & Debra McCullough 27 Kent & Julie Steinman 28 19 Patrick & Ashley Morris 29

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The UMC Illinois Great River Conference was convened at Peoria, Illinois Civic Center June 10-13. More than 900 lay and clergy delegates gathered for the 2015 Annual Conference to worship, hear inspirational messages, elect delegates to the 2016 General and Jurisdictional Conferences and transact items of business presented to the delegate assembly for action. Its theme “Healing the Circle” based on the scripture text found in 2 Corinthians 7:10 (NIV) 10Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. Under the theme Healing the Circle an Act of Repentance toward Indigenous People, particularly Native Americans was included. Ethan Carnes, Pastor, Benld UMC shared that “Healing the Circle” is, “healing the space to enter steadfast love, which like a circle never ends. Repentance is not a mechanical movement: it’s a doxology of redemption. Until we all can offer our pain and love, it will never be healed. But this brothers and sisters, is the night watch, and the morning…. as well… the morning of redemption is coming soon enough as future hope is met with repetitive repentance.” Nicole Cox, Associate Pastor, Springfield First UMC in her Thursday “Morning Manna” sermon suggested that “As we continue on our Annual Conference journey, as we explore the importance of healing circle: of repentance, forgiveness, love, grace, healing, and unity, may we remember that it starts with knowing that strength can be found in differences, that our church is fortified by a variety of thoughts and beliefs. We are one body with many parts, seeking to serve God through our differences, united behind our shared mission.” Leanne Noland, Associate Pastor, Effingham Centenary UMC suggests “Let’s heal together, learn together, and be sure not to hoard all of God’s grace for ourselves. For it is by Christ’s wounds that WE are healed, and with our wounded, scarred hearts, we can create a safe, compassionate space for future wounded disciples who may humbly love and serve the Ultimate Healer.” Conference speakers Rev. Fred Shaw and Rev. Dr. Thom White Wolf Fassett prepared lay and clergy

members for the Friday Act of Repentance service by recounting the history of relations between the white population and Native Americans through the years. They told stories from American history that many in the audience said they “had never heard before.” During the Act of Repentance three IGRC pastors, Rev. Dan Lybarger, Rev. Gary Billiot and Rev. Danira Parra told of their personal experiences via video. Parra noted that Illinois has the largest Native American population of any state without a reservation and challenged the IGRC. “We have had a wonderful mission partnership with a third-world country in Africa, Parra said. “But we have third world countries in the United States. They are called reservations.” An impromptu offering for Dayspring UMC in East Peoria—the state’s only Native-American United Methodist Church—collected $9,618.15, which will be used to assist the congregation in completing its building and paving its parking lot. Some items to note: • The conference proposal to close three camp sites

sparked considerable interest and heartfelt discussion. In the end the delegates voted 402-292 to adopt the proposal of the Commission on Camping and Retreat Ministries and urged the Commission to grant a non-profit group, Jensen Camp Foundation, the right of first refusal on the sale of Jensen Woods Camp in Timewell, IL. The other two camps closing will be Living Springs Camp in Lewistown, IL, and Epworth Camp in Louisville, IL.

• Bishop Jonathan Keaton ordained nine elders in full

connection and three deacons in full connection. He commissioned nine provisional elders and one provisional deacon. Two pastors had their orders recognized and became provisional elders and one was elected to associate membership. A total of 25 pastors, representing 584 years of service, retired. Ten churches, totaling 1498 years of ministry, have closed or are closing following annual conference.


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• And the numbers for 2014 reflect a membership in IGRC churches of 129,587, down 2,338 from 2013. Average attendance for 2014 is 59,200, down 1669. Profession of faith for 2014 was 1,915, down from 2,202 in 2013. Giving to missions for 2014 was 1,119, 528, compared to 1,472,900 in 2013.

• Nonetheless, great things are happening. UMCOR,

the United Methodist Committee On Relief, has focused on alleviating human suffering around the globe. They are working to change the world in the name of Jesus Christ in over 80 countries around the world. And there is Imagine No Malaria, the UMC initiative dedicated to the eradication of malaria around the world. United Methodists have raised 65 million dollars of our 75 million dollar goal. Bottom line malaria related deaths have been cut in half.

• Special offerings were received for the Making

Dreams Possible Scholarship campaign ($35,603); the Laity Session offering for the John Kofi Asmah School in Liberia ($5,609); the Ordinands’ Holy Land Pilgrimage ($5,626); and the Tom Brown Scholarship at Wiley College, one of 11 historically Black Colleges ($6,166) and 165 conference churches filled a trailer with 4,797 pounds of school supplies and $890 in monetary contributions for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center which will be sent as school bags to a Native American school in the Dakotas.

It’s appropriate to close this message to you with the benediction of Nicole Cox; “May God be with us as we engage in holy conferencing. May God show us new ways to keep the “united” in United Methodist. May He open our minds that we be more accepting of differing opinions. May He open our hearts that we would be moved to compassion for the least and the lost. And may He open our ears that we might hear His still, small voice giving guidance and direction. God be with us as we seek to right the wrongs of this world, to bring justice to the outcasts, to love the unloved, and to inspire hope for the hopeless.” Much more information can be found at igrc.org, 2015 Annual Conference.

Wednesday Night Fellowship MealWednesday Night Fellowship MealWednesday Night Fellowship MealWednesday Night Fellowship Meal Wednesday Night Fellowship Meals will take on a different look this fall. Bonnie Clark, who has graciously served as the coordinator of the meals for 17 years, has retired. In order to keep these meals going, we have asked various groups in the church to share the responsibility of serving the weekly meals. Each group will take one week at a time and will be serving 2-3 times per year. Wednesday night help would include cooking, serving, and clean up. If you are interested in helping on a weekly/monthly basis and aren’t already a part of one of the groups, please let the office know. If you are not available on Wednesday nights and still want to help provide supper, meals could be prepared in advance, and cooked by other team members on Wednesday.

Attendance TakerAttendance TakerAttendance TakerAttendance Taker We are in need of a Sunday School Attendance Taker! This job would

start at 10:00am on Sunday mornings from September – May. It takes around 15 minutes and entails a trip around the church to take attendance and collect offerings from both the adult and children’s Sunday School classes. This is a fun job, and often the classes will share their treats with you (Just ask Glenn Riddle!) Weekly Pew Organizer NeededWeekly Pew Organizer NeededWeekly Pew Organizer NeededWeekly Pew Organizer Needed We are in need of someone who is willing to come and straighten and restock the pews. This is a once a week task which includes sharpening pencils and making sure the bibles and hymnals are in place and the pew pockets are filled with offering envelopes, joys and concerns slips, and scratch paper. Please contact the office if you are interested in filling this volunteer position.


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2015201520152015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 1:00 PM Communion Manor/Annex 7:00 PM Trustees

2 1:00 PM Connections Team

3 5:30 PM Missions 7:00 PM Finance

4 5 Communion 5:30 PM Saturday Night Light Service

6 Communion 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 8:45 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship


Office Closed

8 9:00 AM Prayers

9 7:00 PM Pie Night/Manor

10 11 12 5:30 PM Saturday Night Light Service

13 8:45 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

14 9:00 AM Prayers 5:30 PM SPRC 7:00 PM Covenant Council

15 9:00 AM Bible Study (Hollybrook)

16 6:00 PM Foundations

17 18 19 Mission Socks 5:30 PM Saturday Night Light Service

20 Mission Socks 8:45 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

21 9:00 AM Prayers

22 9:00 AM Bible Study (Hollybrook)

23 Wednesday Night Fellowship

24 25 26 5:30 PM Saturday Night Light Service

27 8:45 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

28 9:00 AM Prayers

29 9:00 AM Bible Study (Hollybrook)


2014/2015 Wednesday Night Fellowship 5:30-6:30 Fellowship Meal 6:30-7:30 God’s Treehouse (Pre-K/5th Grade) 6:30-7:30 Youth Groups (MS/HS) 7:30-8:30 Sanctuary Choir 7:30-8:30 Music With Gabe

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Liturgist Greeters

(West, South, North) Acolyte

Sound Room (8:45)

Projector (8:45)

Projector (11:00)

Sept 6 Angie


Lonnie & Michelle Engel Don & Janet Jensen

Ron & Mary Ann Hood

Keegan Frashier & Wrigley Maxey

Jon Clark Taylor Engel

Katie Steidinger

Sept 13 Kathy


Lonnie & Michelle Engel Don & Janet Jensen

Ron & Mary Ann Hood

Kyah Lee & Martise Evans

Brandon Clark

Erin Arsenault

Jeremy Steidinger

Sept 20 Doug


Virgil & Faye Rosendale Kent & Jean Bielfeldt

Jim & Amy Hood

Dillon Hoffman & Payton Bennett

Lonnie Engel

Dani Eckerty

Katie Quinley

Sept 27 Kent

Bielfeldt Olivia Hawthorne

Steve Hawthorne

Taylor Engel

Rachel Quinley

Head Usher for September is Phil VanSwol

Virgil & Faye Rosendale Kent & Jean Bielfeldt

Jim & Amy Hood


PERMIT NO 13 Gibson City, IL 60936


Gibson City United Methodist Church 206 East 10th Street Gibson City, IL 60936


Pastor—John Tennyson cell 217-249-5453 email: [email protected] Director of Education/Missions—Barb Horsch cell 217-781-8048 email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant—April Rotramel office 217-784-5452 email: [email protected]

Church Custodian—Jeremy Rotramel Organist—Beverly Nagle Choir Director—Ruth Davis

Nursery Attendants— Melissa Jamison Susan Schultz, Volunteer