Задания присылайте пожалуйста мне в Вконтакте или на почту lizunka 1712@ rambler . ru (можно сделать в тетради и отправить фото или сделать в документе Word) ТЕМА: ИСТОРИЯ И ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТИ МОСКВЫ Задание. Устно прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно ответьте на вопросы ниже. Записать вопрос и ответ. MOSCOW Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded in 1147 by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It stands on the banks of the Moskva river. About eight million people live in the city. Moscow is famous for its historical and architectural monuments that were built by outstanding architects. The Red Square is the central and the most beautiful square in Moscow. It is the place of parades, meetings and demonstrations. There is a Cathedral of St. Basil built in 1552. It is a masterpiece of Russian architecture. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. There is a wonderful architectural ensemble with 3 cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, palaces, fortress walls and 20 towers. The most famous of the towers is the Spasskaya Tower with a big clock. The Kremlin with golden domes and towers makes a strong impression on tourists. Several skyscrapers decorate Moscow, including Moscow University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moscow is a scientific and cultural centre with a lot of institutes, universities, libraries, museums. The city leads a vast cultural life. It has a lot of cinemas, clubs, concert halls, more than 40 drama and musical theatres, including the Bolshoi Theatre, the Art Theatre, the Maly Theatre, the Vakhtangov Theatre. Moscovites are proud of their museums; the Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and many literary museums. Crowds of people visit Tretyakov Gallery admiring beautiful pictures of Russian painters. There are a lot of stadiums, swimming pools, courts and sport grounds in Moscow.

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Задания присылайте пожалуйста мне в Вконтакте или на почту lizunka 1712@ rambler . ru (можно сделать в тетради и отправить фото или сделать в документе Word)


Задание. Устно прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно ответьте на вопросы ниже. Записать вопрос и ответ.

MOSCOW Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded in 1147 by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It stands on the banks of the Moskvariver. About eight million people live in the city. Moscow is famous for its historical and architectural monuments that were built by outstanding architects. The Red Square is the central and the most beautiful square in Moscow. It is the place of parades, meetings and demonstrations. There is a Cathedral of St. Basil built in 1552. It is a masterpiece of Russian architecture. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. There is a wonderful architectural ensemble with 3 cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, palaces, fortress walls and 20 towers. The most famous of the towers is the Spasskaya Tower with a big clock. The Kremlin with golden domes and towers makes a strong impression on tourists. Several skyscrapers decorate Moscow, including Moscow University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moscow is a scientific and cultural centre with a lot of institutes, universities, libraries, museums. The city leads a vast cultural life. It has a lot of cinemas, clubs, concert halls, more than 40 drama and musical theatres, including the Bolshoi Theatre, the Art Theatre, the Maly Theatre, the Vakhtangov Theatre. Moscovites are proud of their museums; the Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and many literary museums. Crowds of people visit Tretyakov Gallery admiring beautiful pictures of Russian painters. There are a lot of stadiums, swimming pools, courts and sport grounds in Moscow. There are a lot of big plants and factories in Moscow that produce cars, lorries, home electrical appliances and so on.Wordscapital — столицаprince — князьbank — берегmonument — памятникoutstanding — выдающийсяarchitect — архитекторcathedral — соборmasterpiece — шедеврensemble — ансамбльpalace — дворецfortress — крепостьBell Tower — колокольняdome — куполskyscraper — небоскреб

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs — министерство иностранных делscientific — научныйvast — обширныйQuestions1. When was Moscow founded?2. Who founded Moscow?3. What is Moscow famous for?4. What are the places of interest in Moscow?5. What are the world-famous theatres of Moscow?6. What are the most famous museums of Moscow?


Задание 1. Запишите таблицу и ключевые слова с переводом.

Present Continious

+ - ?

I am глагол + ing I am not глагол + ing Am I глагол + ing


They are глагол + ing




They aren’t глагол + ing



Are They глагол + ing



She is глагол + ing



She isn’t глагол + ing



Is She глагол + ing


Ключевые слова: now, at the moment

Задание 2. Запишите список глаголов, не употребляющихся в Continuous. Слова записать с переводом.

Не употребляются в Continuous:

feel, like, see, hear, love, want, think, know, mean, have, hate, believe, enjoy, belong, cost


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Задание 1. Письменно перевести тексты про знаменитых людей России из задания 7 на изображениях.

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Задание 1. Письменно переведите текст.

Russia is the biggest country in the world. Russia is washed in the north by the Arctic ocean and its seas: the Barents, Chukchee, East Siberian, Kara, Laptev and White Seas; in

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the south by the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas; in the east by the Bering Sea, the Sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea; in the west by the Baltic Sea. There are many rivers in Russia. Volga is the largest river. There are three mountain ranges in Russia. The Caucasus stretch from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is Elbrus. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes.

Задание 2. Письменно выполните задание на правильность утверждений.

True/False (Верно/Неверно)

1. Russia is washed in the north by the Pacific Ocean.2. Russia is washed in the south by the Red Sea.3. There are not so many rivers in Russia.4. There are three mountain ranges in Russia.5. The highest mountain is Elbrus.6. The Urals extend from the steppes to the Arctic Ocean.


Задание 1. Устно прочитать и перевести текст. Письменно ответить на вопросы задания 3. В тетрадь записать вопрос и полный ответ.

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Задание 2. Устно прочитать и перевести текст. Заполнить пропуски в предложениях. Предложения записать в тетрадь полностью.

1. English-Russian contacts started in … .

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2. Richard Chancellor was given a permission to trade with Russia by … .3. The Englishmen called the Yagry island … .4. The main Northern port of Russia till the end of the 16th century was …. .