TRUMPET Tampa bay Presbyterian church PCA Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church Church Staff Rev. Freddy Fritz, Senior Pastor Rev. James Nichols, Assoc. Pastor Melissa Noel, Office Administrator Joanne Campbell, Bookkeeper Cheryl Barber, NTCA Director Marianne Cali, Nursery Chris Christopher, Custodian Eileen Fritz, Children Garry Gawrych, Youth Debi Hensley, Pianist, Choir Thoughts from the Associate Pastor By Rev. James Nichols How Should We Live? Part 2 Hebrews 10:19-25 I was recently reading Hebrews by Richard D. Phillips and was struck by the section in the middle of chapter 10. In the first part of Hebrews, we see the author “proclaiming the truth regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ.” Beginning in 10:19, the transition occurs from doctrine to application from the indicative, what is true, to the imperative, what to do. According to Phillips, the way that 10:19-25 is broken down is this: 19-21 summarize what was previously taught, 22 is about a life of worship, 23 is about a life of truth and 24-25 are about a life of loving community. We will be exploring these concepts in brief. Last month we looked at verse 22 and what it told us about worship. This month we will look at verse 23 and what it tells us about truth. The reason that Phillips breaks up 22-25 is because the three concepts are stated with “let us” preceding them. This month, we are going to look at how the “let us” of 23 directs us in truth. Verse 23 says this: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” This verse is calling us to “hold fast to the gospel hope in an unbelieving world(362) We are surrounded by a society that takes a very relative and cavalier Our Mission: To bring people to Jesus Christ and membership in his church family, develop them to Christlike maturity, equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God's name. October 2014 Volume 9 Issue 10

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TRUMPET Tampa bay Presbyterian church PCA

Tampa Bay Presbyterian


Church Staff

Rev. Freddy Fritz, Senior Pastor

Rev. James Nichols, Assoc. Pastor

Melissa Noel, Office Administrator

Joanne Campbell, Bookkeeper

Cheryl Barber, NTCA Director

Marianne Cali, Nursery

Chris Christopher, Custodian

Eileen Fritz, Children

Garry Gawrych, Youth

Debi Hensley, Pianist, Choir

Thoughts from the Associate Pastor

By Rev. James Nichols

How Should We Live? Part 2

Hebrews 10:19-25

I was recently reading Hebrews by Richard D. Phillips

and was struck by the section in the middle of chapter 10. In

the first part of Hebrews, we see the author “proclaiming the

truth regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ.”

Beginning in 10:19, the transition occurs from doctrine to

application – from the indicative, what is true, to the

imperative, what to do. According to Phillips, the way that

10:19-25 is broken down is this: 19-21 summarize what was

previously taught, 22 is about a life of worship, 23 is about a

life of truth and 24-25 are about a life of loving community.

We will be exploring these concepts in brief. Last month we

looked at verse 22 and what it told us about worship. This

month we will look at verse 23 and what it tells us about


The reason that Phillips breaks up 22-25 is because the

three concepts are stated with “let us” preceding them. This

month, we are going to look at how the “let us” of 23 directs

us in truth. Verse 23 says this: “Let us hold fast the

confession of our hope without wavering, for he who

promised is faithful.” This verse is calling us to “hold fast to

the gospel hope in an unbelieving world” (362) We are

surrounded by a society that takes a very relative and cavalier

Our Mission: To bring people to Jesus Christ and membership in his church family, develop them to Christlike

maturity, equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God's


October 2014 Volume 9 Issue 10

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October 5- Adult

CE and F Fall

Quarter Begins

October 11- 12p

Sister to Sister


TBPC Trumpet


Rev. Freddy Fritz


Melissa McNulty


It is the goal of the

Trumpet staff to provide

articles for learning and

growing, news for

connecting with our

church family, and

information on

opportunities for service

and participation.

The views and opinions

expressed in the Trumpet

have not been reviewed or

endorsed by the Session.

Please forward articles,

ministry reports and

calendar items for the next

edition of the Trumpet to


gmail.com by October

23, 2014.

attitude towards truth. Whether people realize it or not, most people believe

that whatever anyone wants to believe is fine, as long as it doesn’t conflict

with their beliefs. The public thinks everything should be fair and anything

that they don’t like or that makes them uncomfortable should not be done.

Because of this, and many other things, we live in a time when it is almost

dangerous to say that there is absolute truth, even though relative truth is so

easily proven silly.

Yet in the midst of all the confusion on truth, we are provided with

the truth that stands all time, the truth that comes for God, who is truth

himself. Throughout the letter of Hebrews, the author is encouraging us to

not only hold to the truth, but also to stand firm on it (see 3:14, 4:14). So

what does it look like to live a life of truth? I think it is important that we

avoid the temptation to separate what the Bible says is true from how we act

in our daily lives. We regularly hear today that theology isn’t important, but

instead it is how we live our lives because God is a god of love. We must

not fall to this temptation. It is important that we not only read the Bible, but

we must also meditate on its truths and what it is telling us to do. As the

scriptures remind us: what we think about, or what is in our hearts, is what

we say and do. We must be filling ourselves up with the truths of scripture.

Are we meditating and applying the great truths of the scripture?

Volunteer Help Sought for Pennsylvania Church


MNA SecondCareer Ministry has a variety of opportunities for lay

people to assist Church Planters in ministry. For example, Fred Klett,

of Rock of Israel PCA, in Glenside, PA is seeking a Russian translator

who could faithfully translate the sermon message and also help with

the music by translating lyrics from English to Russian. Learn more

about this and other opportunities, many which can be done from your

own home, at www.pcamna.org/second-career or contact Gary

Ogrosky at [email protected] (phone 770-695-4811).

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TBPC Ministries Adult Christian Education

& Fellowship

Bob Guest


Eileen Fritz


Sandy Neal

Greeters & Welcome


Ted Jeffries

Growth Groups



LeeAnn DeStefano

Men’s Bible Study

Jeff Beams

Men’s Ministry

Brian Carrier


Rev. James Nichols


Debi Hensley

New Tampa Christian


Cheryl Barber


Marianne Cali


Randi Mallary

Pastoral Care

Rev. Freddy Fritz


Rev. James Nichols

Women’s Bible Study

Melissa Bayley

Women in the Church

Ginny Bremer


Garry Gawrych


Rev. James Nichols

The Ezra/Nehemiah Project

by Earl Myers

If you recall from last month’s installment, King Cyrus, not a Jew, but moved in

his heart by the Spirit of God, allowed the captives from Judah to return to their homeland

after 70 years of exile. Not only did he decree that they be allowed to return, but he gave

them protection, money, and the Temple vessels taken by the Babylonian King


Chapters 2 and 3 of Ezra describe the homeward journey to Jerusalem led by

Zerubbabel. Upon their arrival they began to build the altar and Temple foundation;

thereafter, Ezra recorded that “Many of the priests and Levites and other leaders – the old

men who remembered Solomon’s beautiful Temple – wept aloud, while others were

shouting for joy! So the shouting and the weeping mingled together in a loud commotion

that could be heard from far away!" (Ezra 3: 12-13).

What a glorious picture that is framed in our mind’s eye! God’s people long

displaced in a foreign land now rejoicing and celebrating over a structure dedicated to God

and for His usage. May we at TBPC be as laudatory of and committed to making our new

addition serviceable to communicants and to the wider New Tampa community.

It should also be noted that the leaders gave generously toward the rebuilding of

the Temple, each giving as much as he could; that the people paid for masons and

carpenters with food, wine, and olive oil; and that, people made voluntary offerings to be

sacrificed on the altar both morning and evening. Praise be to God for the faithfulness of

those, who like those mentioned by Ezra, have shared of their resources sacrificially to see

the consummation of BHG/FHG and have been inspired to continue contributing to the

repayment of our loan obligation.

Even after strong opposition arose and accusations and rumors temporarily halted

the completion of the building project, Ezra records the Temple completion and dedication

at the end of chapter 6. “ So the Jewish leaders continued their work, and they were greatly

encouraged by the preaching of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah . The temple was

finally finished, as had been commanded by God and decreed by Cyrus, Darius, and

Artaxerxes. The temple was then dedicated with great joy by the priests, the Levites, and

all the people.”

Would we all emulate the virtues of Ezra as we leave the study of the book that

bears his name. A man dedicated to serving God, a faithful prayer warrior, a humble

confessor of his people’s shortcomings, a reader and expounder of the Word, and a fitting

model for each of us as we seek the will of God in our own lives.

The 4th

installment of the Ezra/Nehemiah Project, concentrating on the book of

Nehemiah, will appear in the January edition of the Trumpet. We will cast out into the

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Missionaries Supported by


Mission to the World

Peter & Lauren Dishman

Esaie & Natacha Etienne

Ken & Tammie Matlack

Carla Stevens

Reformed University


Jeff & Jenny Lee

New Harvest Missions


Nathaniel & Cherita


Serving In Missions

Rene & Lili Palacio

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Don & Judy Vander Ploeg

Kevin & Gertrude Nicholas

Ven Con Nosotros Church

Dr. Oscar & Elizabeth



Chaplain Ted Hamm

Chaplain James Cochell

Whitefield Academy

Pam Johnston



1—Jim Aldrich

1—Jim Childers

3—Sieun Ju

4—Betty McQueen

8—Anthony Arruda 23—Alan Polasky

10— Caitlin Matlack 25—Bob DeStefano

12—Barbara Bentley 27—Cade Darbyshire

13—Micha Dixon 27—Thomas Todd

16—Lindsay Montoney 29—Elizabeth Alvarez

17—Lou Bentley 31—Nathaniel Barquin

17—Bonnie Hutton 31—Wan Zheng

21—Zack Tomasello

23—Mike Bowman


1—Mr. & Mrs. George Noel

12—Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bowman

13—Mr. & Mrs. Jody Todd

14—Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kaiser

23—Mr. & Mrs. Joe Burns

28—Mr. & Mrs. Chris Atkinson

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Women's Ministry By Ginny Bremer

October Events

Our Fall Sister to Sister is scheduled for Saturday, October

11th at the home of Molly Knox, from 11:00 to 1:00. Mark

your calendars and plan to attend for food, fellowship, fun,

and an opportunity for drawing closer to Christ with your

covenant sisters. Our theme, A Bushel of Blessings, will bring

to mind, in this season of thanksgiving, the great blessings that

we have in Christ. There will be a buffet luncheon, games, a

devotion, and an opportunity to choose a prayer partner. Your

invitation as well as directions to Molly’s house will be

delivered as an insert in the Sunday bulletin. All women and

young ladies, as well as friends, and family are welcome to

join this fellowship. Please bring a luncheon dish to add to the

buffet table.

We will again this year be taking a collection for the

Presbytery Love Gift on October 19th . This year the WM

Love Gift will benefit the work of Christian Education and

Publications, and particularly the work of discipleship among

PCA women. As women mentor, teach, and encourage our

sisters in Christ, “They are to teach what is good” (Titus 2:3).

Part of that overall goal requires appropriate Christ-centered

materials for personal growth and teaching others. The funds

from this Love Gift will provide materials and funds to our

local churches for:

*Video-based training for ministry leaders

*Intergenerational resources for life-on-life discipleship

*Bible study materials

*Scholarships for women to attend training events

*”Seed money” to offer regional training throughout the PCA

Please keep this collection in prayer for generous hearts and

extended blessings as WM reaches out to our sisters in Christ.

For those who remember Rebecca Hildebrand Wilder, please

look on the WM bulletin board to read the latest

correspondence received from her.

Looking Ahead

We are already planning for the 26th Annual Christmas

Brunch which will be on Saturday, December 6th

. We are

now looking for volunteers to be table hostesses. As in the

past several years we are planning for family style service.

The hostesses will be required to set a table with their own

table settings (dishes, silverware, serving pieces, a

centerpiece, and personal décor) and make their guests feel

welcome just as they would at home. The WM will provide

favors and game prizes, so you will not need to plan for these

items. If your spiritual gift is to share your table and welcome

guests, you will surely want to be a table hostess! There is a

signup sheet on the WM bulletin board across from the

ladies’ room. We would like to have our hostesses lined up

before November 1st. If you have questions about hostess

requirements please contact Molly Knox at

[email protected] or by phone 813-451-0022.

November Events

During the month of November you will be able to purchase

memorial poinsettias. More information about the price and

dates will be available later this month.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving WM sponsors our annual

“Hanging of the Greens”. Please accept our invitation to

participate in this ministry to bring glory to God through

beautifying His church.

We will have our WM 15 on October 12th in room 23

immediately following worship. Please attend to get the latest

information and share ideas.

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Submission for Conscience's Sake

Scripture Reading

“Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience.”.-

Romans 13:5


The New Testament emphatically states that Christians are not of this world, that we do not belong to a kingdom that

operates by the fallen standards of humanity and that we are not to love the world (John 18:36; 1 John 2:15). Were this the

only teaching on the believer’s relationship to the world that we possessed, we might think that we are to completely

disregard earthly institutions such as the secular government. However, the New Testament has far more to say about the

world than that we are not to love its fallen ways of doing things. The fact that we are citizens of the heavenly kingdom,

Paul has shown us, does not entail a refusal to obey the governing authorities. Instead, we are to submit ourselves to the

earthly rulers when they do not forbid us from doing what God commands or do not command us to do what God forbids.

We must do this because the Lord instituted these authorities to punish evil and protect the innocent (Rom. 13:4).

The Apostle Paul reiterates this point in today’s passage when he says that we “must be in subjection, not only to avoid

God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience” (v. 5). Here we find a twofold motivation for obeying the government.

First, in obeying the authorities, we escape the Lord’s wrath. In other words, since the government carries out divine

judgment when it uses the sword in accordance with its divinely granted function to punish evildoers (v. 4), we avoid its

wrath when we obey the law. When our rulers rightly judge criminals, they are acting as God’s instruments, and if we

break lawful rules that do not force us to sin, we rightly receive discipline at the hands of the Lord through the

secular authorities.

Of course, the Lord does not want us to obey merely out of a desire to avoid punishment but also because it is the right

thing to do. This is what Paul means when he tells us to obey the secular authorities “for the sake of conscience” (v. 5). In

Scripture, conscience refers to that aspect of our personality that discerns right from wrong, that part of us that is to be

rightly formed by divine revelation so that we do the right things for the right reasons (2:14-16). To obey for the sake of

conscience means that we submit ourselves to the government because we recognize that God has appointed it to perform

its specific vocation for the good of human society. Christians are to submit themselves to the governing authorities not

merely because they fear punishment but because it is the will of the Lord that His people obey the authorities He

has instituted.

Coram Deo

Doing good for any reason is better than doing evil, but the Lord does not find our doing good pleasing unless we are

doing it for the right reasons. Only those who have been transformed by the grace of God can do what is right for the right

reasons. As Christians, we are called to have consciences trained by the Word of God, so that we might more and more

seek to serve the Lord because it is right for us to do so and not only because we fear His discipline.

Passages for Further Study

Job 33:3; Acts 24:14-16; 1 Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 13:17-18

From Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul. All rights reserved. Website: www.ligonier.org | Phone: 1-800-435-



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1 9a Morning

Women's Bible

Study; 6:15 Dare to Declare; 6:30 Kids of the King; 7p

Pioneer Club; 7:15p Adult Choir Rehearsal

2 9a NTCA



3 9a NTCA


Sanctuary; 12:30p NTCA Staff Meeting

4 7:45a

Men’s Bible Study

5 8:45 Adult

CEF, LAMP, Youth

& Children’s Sunday School; 10:30a Worship Service; 5p PHOS


6 9a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary; 6:30p

Evening Women's Bible Study

7 9a NTCA Music

Class- Sanctuary; 10:30a NTCA

Board Meeting; 7p Outreach Team Meeting and

Missions Committee Meeting

8 9a Morning

Women's Bible Study; 6:15 Dare to

Declare; 6:30 Kids of the King; 7p Pioneer Club; 7:15p

Adult Choir Rehearsal

9 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary

10 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary

11 7:45a

Men’s Bible Study; 9:00a Men’s

Ministry Meeting; 12p Sister to Sister


12 8:45 Adult

CEF, LAMP, Youth & Children’s

Sunday School; 10:30a Worship Service; 12:30p Welcome Lunch;

5p PHOS Youth Meeting

13 9a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary; 11a

Staff Meetings; 6:30p Evening Women's Bible Study

14 9a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary; 5p

NTCA Parent Teacher Conferences

15 9a Morning

Women's Bible Study; 6:15 Dare to

Declare; 6:30 Kids of the King; 7p Pioneer Club; 7:15p Adult Choir


16 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary; 7p

Session and Diaconate Meetings

17 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary

18 7:45a

Men’s Bible Study

19 8:45 Adult

CEF, LAMP, Youth & Children’s Sunday School;

10:30a Worship Service; 5p PHOS Youth Meeting

20 9a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary; 11a Staff Meetings;

6:30p Evening Women's Bible Study

219a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary; 5p NTCA Parent

Teacher Conferences

22 9a Morning

Women's Bible Study; 6:15 Dare to Declare; 6:30 Kids

of the King; 7p Pioneer Club; 7:15p Adult Choir


23 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary; 7p Leadership Team

Meeting; 7p A Capella Chorale Rehearsal

24 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary;

25 7:45a

Men’s Bible Study

26 8:45 Adult

CEF, LAMP, Youth & Children’s Sunday School; 10:30a Worship

Service; 5p PHOS Youth Meeting

27 9a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary; 11a Staff Meetings; 6:30p Evening

Women's Bible Study

28 9a NTCA

Music Class- Sanctuary

29 9a Morning

Women's Bible Study; 6:15 Dare to Declare; 6:30 Kids of the King; 6:60 p

LAMP Degree Program; 7p Pioneer Club; 7:15p

Adult Choir Rehearsal

309a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary

31 9a NTCA

Library- Sanctuary


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The Sunday Schedule

Time Location





Sunday School for


Christian Education &

Fellowship for Adults


AM Sanctuary Worship Service

Inside This Issue

Feature Page

Thoughts from the Associate Pastor 1

Ministries 2-5

Devotional 6

Calendar 7

Worship Times 8

19911 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard

Tampa, Florida 33647

Phone: (813) 973-2484

Fax: (813) 973-4673

Email: [email protected]
