The Trumpet—May 2013 Trumpet The monthly newsleer of the Office of the State Fire Marshal THE

Trumpet - May 2013

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The May issue of the Trumpet, the monthly newsletter of the Office of the State Fire Marshal in Kansas.

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Page 1: Trumpet - May 2013

The Trumpet—May 2013

Trumpet The monthly newsletter of the Office of the State Fire Marshal


Page 2: Trumpet - May 2013

In Each Issue

3 From the Fire Marshal

4 By the Numbers

5-7 Hot OSFM News Boiler Inspections Move to OSFM

New Agency Brochures

Changes in Kansas Fireworks Act

OSFM Goes Bats

Explosive Awareness Training

[Inside This Issue]

Page 2



Campfire &

BBQ Safety



Kitchen Hood




100 Years of

the OSFM

Follow us on both Facebook and Twitter!


9-10 Fire Prevention

Safety with Spring Cleaning Chemicals

Spring Cleaning: 5 Ways to Clean Up Fire Hazards

11 Haz-Mat

Dealing Safely with Garden Chemicals

12-13 Investigation

Arson Awareness Week


Page 3: Trumpet - May 2013

It appears that winter has finally relented and we may be able to store away our

coats, mittens and sweaters for another season as our attention turns to making

plans for some outdoor fun.

In this issue of The Trumpet, we focus

on making it a fire-safe Spring and

Summer, with safe handling of chem-

icals for both cleaning and gardens,

and safe campfires and BBQ grills.

With the passing of both the Boiler

Bill and the Fireworks Bill, our office

is now taking on greater levels of

responsibility. We are now clearly on a stronger foundation than just a couple of

years ago, when legislation was introduced which would have disbanded our

agency altogether.

We were very pleased with the turnout at our Explosive Awareness Training

workshops we conducted throughout the state in March and April. As we

watched the tragic events from Boston and West, Texas, we are reminded of the

dangers that first responders put themselves in every time they receive the call.

We honor and remember those emergency personnel who lost their lives while

fighting the blaze from the explosion at the fertilizer factory in Texas.

As we Spring forward into warmer weather, remember to stay fire safe and know

your OSFM is ready and willing to be of assistance. We are only a phone call or

email away.


Doug Jorgensen

Fire Marshal

[From the Fire Marshal]

The Trumpet—May 2013

Page 3

Trumpet THE

Fire Marshal

Doug Jorgensen


Kevin Doel

Public Information Officer

[email protected]


Our Mission

The Office of the State Fire Marshal

is dedicated to protecting the lives

and property of the people of Kansas

from the hazards of fire, explosion

and hazardous materials by fostering

a safe environment through educa-

tion, inspection, enforcement, regu-

lation, investigation, hazardous mate-

rial incident mitigation, data collec-

tion, and by acting as a liaison to the

Kansas Fire Service.

All of the efforts of the Office are

designed to reduce the deaths, inju-

ries and property losses of Kansans.

Trumpet Deadline

For information on receiving the

State Fire Marshal Trumpet or to

submit your meeting notices, training

announcements, articles, photos or

other information, please contact

Kevin Doel . Photos should be sub-

mitted as a .jpg or .tif attachment to

an email. All materials are due by

the 20th of the month prior to publi-


May 2013

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By the


5% of all residential

building fires were

intentionally set. See

the article on Arson

Prevention Week on

page 12.

65 fire departments

in Kansas have Certi-

fied Fire Investiga-

tors. There are a total

of 199 CFIs in the


Unattended cooking

was a factor in 34% of

reported home cooking

fires. Two-thirds of

home cooking fires

started with ignition

of food or other cook-

ing materials. (source:


On March 25, Governor Sam Brownback signed into law SB 135, a bill that transfers responsibility for boiler in-spections from the Depart-ment of Labor to the OSFM. With this new responsibility comes new personnel being transferred to our office as well. One chief boiler inspec-tor and five field inspector positions will be joining the OSFM team. The agency will also be hiring an administra-tive assistant for this unit. Boilers and pressure vessels that fall under the Kansas Boiler Safety Act shall be constructed to a recognized code of construction and be registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. All new boiler and pressure vessel installations, second hand, relocated, repaired

New Law Transfers Boiler Inspections to OSFM

and those moved from oth-er jurisdictions must be re-ported to this office for in-spection scheduling, by the installer, owner or operator, prior to being placed in op-eration. All welded repairs and alter-ations on boilers or pressure vessels shall be performed by a firm that holds a Na-tional Board "R" Stamp. Re-pair forms are filed in this office.

Responsibilities for the Boil-er Inspection & Safety Unit include:

Oversee inspection, in-stallation and repairs on all boilers and pressure vessels that are subject to the Kansas Boiler Safety Act, K.S.A. 44-913 et seq

Maintain historical and current boiler safety records

Issue operating certifi-cates

Perform the first inspec-tion on all boilers and pressure vessels

Agency Brochures Now


Our office has just published new agency bro-chures that let the public know more about our role in protecting Kansans from the hazards of fire, explosions and hazardous chemicals. If you would like to receive a brochure, or a supply of them, please contact our office.

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The Trumpet—May 2013

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New Law Makes Changes to Kansas Fireworks Act – including Sale of Bottle Rockets

souri, for example, want to

buy bottle rockets from a

wholesaler, they would want

to conduct their business

with wholesalers or manufac-

turers in states that allow the

sale of bottle rockets. This

impediment to Kansas-based

fireworks dealers negatively

impacted the sales for their

entire product lines as retail-

ers from other states could

purchase all the products

they wanted to buy for resale

from companies in states

other than Kansas.

What HB 2167 does not


The sale of bottle rockets to

consumers and the use of

bottle rockets by consumers

in Kansas are still not al-

lowed. Not only does this

type of firework have a rec-

ord of causing personal injury

to users and by-standers

alike, bottle rockets also pre-

sent a significant fire hazard.

When a bottle rocket deto-

nates, the casing can burn

from a few seconds up to a

few minutes, causing fires

that put property and lives at


Senate Substitute for House

Bill 2167 was signed into law

by Governor Brownback on

April 17, 2013. This law adds

a number of administrative

procedures to the Kansas

Fireworks Act and relocates

bottle rocket provisions that

have been elsewhere in stat-

ute to the Kansas Fireworks

Act. The section of HB 2167

that has generated the most

questions to the Office of the

State Fire Marshal pertains to

the selling of bottle rockets

within the state – which had

been completely banned

since 1978.

What this bill does allow…

Under the new statute, fire-

works wholesalers and manu-

facturers who are licensed by

the Office of the State Fire

Marshal may now possess,

transport, and sell bottle

rockets within Kansas to oth-

er registered fireworks deal-

ers for resale out-of-state.

The purpose for this provi-

sion is that the Kansas fire-

works industry has been at a

competitive disadvantage

with those based in neighbor-

ing states. Until now, should

a fireworks dealer in Mis-

Reporting and licensing requirements of HB 2167

The registered seller or manufacturer of bottle rockets

is required to notify the OSFM of all certifications for

resale of bottle rockets to out-of-state businesses. The

bill clarifies that Kansas registration is not required of

any persons who purchase and transport bottle rockets

for out-of-state resale, and that such persons are re-

quired to certify such intent to the seller.

The bill requires those dealers / distributers and manu-

factures that store bottle rockets in Kansas for the pur-

pose of selling them to out-of-state customers to ob-

tain the appropriate Bottle Rocket permit per statute

and regulations.

What this bill does and does not do New Law Transfers Boiler Inspections to OSFM

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At the 125th annual meeting of the Kansas Fire Fighters Association, State Fire Marshal Doug Jorgensen announced the OSFM will begin using the Bomb Arson Tracking Sys-tem (BATS) effective July 1, 2013, and all local fire departments with Certified Fire Investigators will need to plan now to transition to this new system. BATS is an invaluable tool to aid fire departments and fire marshals in their efforts to track arson inci-dents, manage investigation data, and apprehend arsonists. After researching various report programs for bomb and arson inci-dents, to include the current state reporting system and input from other investigators, the Office of the State Fire Marshal made the deci-sion to switch to BATS. Developed by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), BATS is a web-based system which enables public safety agen-cies to share information locally and nationally. The Office of the State Fire Marshal has been entering data into the BATS system for several years now as a secondary system.

Starting in July 2013 all of the state’s report information will be entered into this national database. A key advantage of switching to BATS is that it is incredibly easy to use by local fire departments and will give investigators the ability to search a nationwide database of fire-related incidents – either by type of fire or by suspect. With this data in hand, investigators will be better equipped to identify trends and potentially identify cases in-volving serial arsonists. “Currently fire investigators are only able to search through data that’s currently in our database, which isn’t a complete picture be-cause not all agencies have com-plied with reporting details on fires in Kansas,” says Jorgensen. “Switching to BATS will make it eas-ier for local fire departments to report fires and arsons which, as a result, will provide us with much better and more comprehensive data for reducing fires and prose-cuting arsonists.” BATS operates on many levels to support both local investigative needs and national collaboration

and trend spotting. For example, investigators will be able to use BATS to find similarities in motives, device components, suspects and crime methodologies for possible investigative leads. Images of arson scenes, improvised explosive devices and crime scenes can also be shared through the BATS secure Web con-nection. Further, investigators will be able to capture details of bomb and arson cases, casualties, dollar losses, fire descriptors, collateral crimes and device components. BATS also al-lows investigators to use the pro-gram as a case management system, enabling them to build their investi-gations in BATS while maintaining operational security. There are currently over 7,000 au-thorized BATS users from more than 1,500 local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement and public safety agencies across the United States. The system is free to use by local fire departments and the Office of the State Fire Marshal. All local certified investigators will need to obtain an account with ATF by July 1, 2013 and begin entering their required case information according. If the local fire investigators do not have an account, they can go to: http://www.atf.gov/applications/bats/index.html. It is critical for fire department per-sonnel to understand that BATS is not intended to replace the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). While the primary mission of NFIRS is to collect fire incident information, BATS is dedicated to documenting and supporting the resulting post-incident investigation in cases involving fire or explosives.



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The Trumpet—May 2013

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Explosive Awareness Classes Members of the Investigation Division, led by the instruction of Fire Investigator Brad Agnew, conducted six day-long Explosive

Awareness Training programs throughout the state during the months of March and April. Over 150 first responders attended the

training, including law enforcement, fire, medical, and emergency management personnel. Topics covered included overview of

explosive materials and their effects, safety issues, current events related to explosives, live demonstrations of explosive effects.

If any agency would like to host this class, please contact the Investigation Division.

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With Memorial Day and Summer around the corner, take time

now and prepare for fun and making happy memories with vaca-

tions, reunions and picnics. Taking a few simple precautions be-

forehand, knowing fire safety tips and following simple instruc-

tions will help everyone enjoy a safe summer.

Build campfires where they will not spread, away from dry grass and leaves and never under overhanging trees.

Keep campfires small, and don't let them get out of hand.

Keep plenty of water and a shovel around to douse the fire when you're done. Stir it and douse it again with water.

Never leave campfires unattended.

It is important to follow the park's rules for the use and extin-guishing of campfires.

Campfire Safety By Mike Wikle

Position the grill well away from siding, deck railings and out from under eaves and branches.

Place the grill a safe dis-tance from lawn games, play areas and foot traffic.

Keep children and pets away from the grill area: declare a three-foot "safe zone" around the grill.

Use long-handled grilling tools to have plenty of clearance from heat and flames.

Periodically remove grease or fat buildup in trays be-low grill so it cannot be ignited by a hot grill.

Charcoal Grills

Use the proper starter fluid and store it out of reach of children, and away from heat sources.

Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals or kindling have already been ignited.

Never use any flammable or combustible liquid other than charcoal starter fluid.

Propane Grills

Check the propane cylinder hose for leaks before using it for the first time each year.

A light soap and water so-lution applied to the hose will quickly reveal escaping

Propane by releasing bub-bles.

BBQ Safety Tips

If you determined your grill has a gas leak by smell or the soapy bubble test and there is no flame:

Turn off the propane tank and grill.

If the leak stops, get the grill serviced by a profes-sional before using it again.

If the leak does not stop, call the fire department.

If you smell gas while cook-ing, immediately get away from the grill and call the fire department. Do not attempt to move the grill.

NFPA 2008 edition section, All propane cylinders manufactured after April 2001 must have overfill pro-tection devices (OPD). OPDs shut off the flow of propane before capacity is reached, limiting the potential for re-lease of propane gas if the cylinder heats up. OPDs are easily identified by their trian-gular-shaped hand wheel, as well it is stamped “OPD”.

Use only equipment bearing the mark of an independent testing laboratory. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions on how to set up the grill and maintain it.

Never store propane cylin-ders in buildings or garages. If you store a gas grill inside during the winter, disconnect the cylinder and leave it out-side.

How to Extinguish a Camp Fire

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The Trumpet—May 2013

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Recently a facility dietary manager called our office to ask how often their kitchen hood should be cleaned. Fol-lowing is what the code re-quires, which is good infor-mation for those who pre-pare meals for their clients and want to provide the safe conditions for their staff:

Cleaning of Exhaust Systems

Upon inspection, if the ex-haust system is found to be contaminated with deposits from grease-laden vapors, the contaminated portions of the exhaust system shall be cleaned by a properly trained, qualified, and certi-fied company or person(s) acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.

Hoods, grease removal devic-es, fans, ducts, and other ap-purtenances shall be cleaned to remove combustible con-taminants prior to surfaces becoming heavily contami-nated with grease or oily sludge.

At the start of the cleaning process, electrical switches that could be activated acci-dentally shall be locked out.

Components of the fire sup-pression system shall not be rendered inoperable during the cleaning process.

Fire-extinguishing systems shall be permitted to be ren-dered inoperable during the cleaning process where ser-viced by properly trained and qualified persons.

Flammable solvents or oth-er flammable cleaning aids shall not be used.

Cleaning chemicals shall not be applied on fusible links or other detection devices of the automatic extinguishing system.

After the exhaust system is cleaned, it shall not be coated with powder or oth-er substance.

When cleaning procedures are completed, all access panels (doors) and cover plates shall be restored to their normal operational condition.

When an access panel is removed, a service compa-ny label or tag preprinted with the name of the com-pany and giving the date of inspection or cleaning shall be affixed near the affected access panels.

Dampers and diffusers shall be positioned for proper airflow.

When clean-ing proce-dures are completed, all electrical switches and system com-ponents shall be returned to an opera-ble state.

When an ex-haust cleaning service is used, a certifi-cate showing the name of the servicing company, the name of the person per-forming the work, and the date of inspection or clean-ing shall be maintained on the premises.

After cleaning or inspection is completed, the exhaust cleaning company and the person performing the work at the location shall provide the owner of the system with a written report that also specifies areas that

Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning By Seth Toomay and Stephen Fenske

How often should you expect an inspection?

Type or Volume of Cooking Frequency of


Systems serving high-volume cook-

ing operations, such as 24-hour

cooking, charbroiling or wok cook-



Systems serving moderate-volume

cooking operations


Systems serving low-volume cook-

ing operations, such as churches,

day camps, seasonal businesses or

senior centers


were inaccessible or not cleaned. (Source-NFPA 96)

Remember, it is the responsi-bility of the facility operator to evaluate and schedule the proper individual for the re-quired cleaning. We as in-spectors want all to be safe and do the necessary func-tions to keep all safe. Pre-vention works when all do their part. Be safe.

Photo by Melink Corp.

Page 10: Trumpet - May 2013

As winter begrudg-

ingly releases its grip

across the state and

the sun brings in the

warmth, many facili-

ties begin cleaning

up and maintaining

their landscaping and

beautification areas,

or perhaps even

expand or start new

ones. With the

warmer weather

comes all the tools of

the trade, including

all the fluids to keep them run-


The Office of the State Fire Mar-

shal wants to re-familiarize you

with many of the key safety

points and regulations regarding

use, storage and disposal of

these liquids, whether flamma-

ble or just plain hazardous. The

best place to start looking for

key information is of course our


(www.firemarshal.ks.gov), under

Fire Fact 091, “Flammable Liq-

uids Use.” This guide is a great

resource whether you’re the

maintenance director of your

facility, or a D-I-Y’er at home.

These liquids need proper stor-

age and handling no matter

where they’re found.

The best thing you can do when

dealing with flammable/

hazardous liquids or chemicals is

first- recognizing when and

where you have them, and sec-

ondly- how much you have. It’s

always safest to store your liq-

uids in a secured location out-

side of the occupied building, or

if that’s not possible, then in a

sprinkler-covered area designed

as a separate hazardous area. If

you typically store greater than 5

gallons, then you are required to

store them in an approved Flam-

mable Storage Cabinet. The

amounts of liquids that can be

stored in the approved cabinets

vary by the type being stored

inside, but no more than 3 cabi-

nets can be located in the same


Another safety requirement when

using hazardous liquids is ensur-

ing that all transferring containers

can safely store the specific liquid

you are using and always remem-

ber to label your containers with

exactly what you are putting into

it. If the original container con-

tains any special warnings then a

good idea is to either keep that

information readily available or

transfer the information as well.

No matter how careful we are

accidental spills are bound to

happen, so ensure that when

refueling equipment, always do

so in a safe area with equipment

Safety with Spring Cleaning Chemicals

Page 10

[From the Prevention Division]


5 ways to clean up

fire hazards

1. Avoid storing cleaning

materials filled with

chemicals under your

sink. Clear out old

products and dispose

of them safely. Opt

for natural or nontox-

ic cleansers.

2. Clear out attics, clos-

ets and basements

stuffed with items

that can feed a fire.

Old mattresses, boxes,

linens and papers are

perfect places for a

fire to start. Donate

items that aren't used

to shelters or

secondhand stores,

and dispose of junk in

a safe manner.

3. Maintain the yard

surrounding your

house. Trim bushes,

plants and trees, and

get rid of large weeds.

Removing vegetation

clears fuel for any

potential fire. Most

neighborhoods offer a

pickup of yard debris.

4. Make sure that any

vegetation around the

house is at least 10

feet away from your

home and chimney.

5. Keep gutters and

roofs clear of leaves

and other buildup.

Brenda McNorton, OSFM Chief of Prevention Division

turned off and make sure you

have an open area to work in

that’s well vented, if not outside.

Have spill clean-up procedures

and materials on hand as well as

your fire extinguisher close by.

Any cleanup rags or hazardous

liquids-covered materials need to

be properly disposed of in a met-

al self-closing container to en-

sure they cannot pose a safety

issue later.

Lastly, as you go through your

facilities spring cleaning that

there may be many different

types and amounts of hazardous

liquids in your cabinets that have

accumulated over the years that

may not be good anymore. A

good idea, even in your own

homes as well, is to go through

and take inventory as the fewer

liquids you have, the safer you

are becoming. Be responsible

and always check with your local

municipality as to the safest way

to dispose of any of your hazard-

ous materials- many areas make

it very easy to help you dispose

of small quantities of materials.

By Brenda McNorton

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The Trumpet—May 2013

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It‘s time again to break-out the

garden chemicals and pesti-

cides. These substances or mix-

ture of substances are intend-

ed to prevent, destroy, repel or

mitigate any pest. A pesticide is

generally a chemical or biologi-

cal agent (such as a virus, bac-

terium, antimicrobial or disin-

fectant) that through its effect

deters, incapacitates, kills or

otherwise discourages pests.

Target pests can include in-

sects, plant pathogens, weeds,

mollusks, birds, mammals, fish,

nematodes (roundworms) and

microbes that destroy proper-

ty, cause nuisance, spread dis-

ease or are vectors for disease.

Pesticides fall into four main

categories: herbicides, insecti-

cides, fungicides, and bacteri-


Although there are human

benefits to the use of pesti-

cides, they do have drawbacks,

such as toxicity to humans and

other animals. Of the twelve

most dangerous and persistent

organic chemicals, nine are


Things to think


If you must use

pesticides always

read the label first

and follow the

directions to the

letter including all

precautions and


Purchase only the amount you

need this will eliminate the

need for disposing of leftover

poisonous product.

Use protective measures when

handling pesticides as directed

by the label, such as wearing

impermeable gloves, long

pants and long sleeves. Show-

er, change clothes and wash

the clothes you were wearing

immediately after using pesti-


Before using pesticides

(indoors or outdoors) remove

Dealing Safely with Garden Chemicals

children, their toys, and pets

from the area and keep them

away until the pesticide has dried

or as recommended by the label.

Remove or cover any foods or

dishes before using pesticides


Be aware of the toxic level signal

words on the containers, CAU-

TION (mildest toxicity), WARNING

(more toxic) and DANGER (most


Symptoms of poisoning may be

delayed hours or days.

Follow directions for disposal of

empty containers or containers

containing leftover chemicals.

Know the number to poison con-

trol 1-800-222-1222. Have it pro-

grammed into your cell phone

and posted near any land lines. If

you get exposed and need to go

the hospital, take an uncontami-

nated container or label with you.

[From the Haz-Mat Division]

Page 12: Trumpet - May 2013

The theme for this year’s

Arson Awareness Week,

which is May 5-11, is

“Reducing Residential Ar-


Between 2008-2010, an esti-

mated 16,800 intentionally

set fires in residential build-

ings occurred annually in the

United States. These fires

resulted in an estimated 280

deaths, 775 injuries and

$593 million in property loss

each year.

The FBI documented that

14,717 law enforcement agen-

cies reported 43,412 arsons.

Arsons involving single occupan-

cy and other residential struc-

tures accounted for 29.3 per-

cent of the total number of ar-

son offenses.

The goal for this year’s Arson


Curiosity fires are most often

set by juveniles. The misuse

of fire has many variables

including age, motivation for

fire-setting behavior, type of

fires set, ignition materials

used to set the fire, and the

child’s understanding and

limitations of fire. Fire-

setting behavior is often a

symptom of the problem and

may be manifested through

stress and crisis in children’s



Vandalism or the criminal

offense of malicious mischief

can be the result of bore-

dom, peer pressure or even

gang activity. Vandalism is most

common at abandoned or va-

cant homes.

Concealing Another Crime

Arson is sometimes used to

mask or conceal another crime

such as murder. The criminal

sets the crime scene ablaze

hoping that the victim’s death

will be attributed to the fire and

not murder. Other crimes such

as burglary and larceny are also

commonly covered up by an

arson fire.


Most excitement fires are nui-

sance fires but may escalate to

homes. Excitement-motivated

arsonists desire the thrill associ-

ated with setting the fire and

Page 12

Arson Awareness Week: What can we all do to prevent

residential arson?

Why Arson?

Awareness Week is to provide

all residents with strategies to

combat arson in their neighbor-

hoods. The public can be en-

gaged in Arson Awareness

Week by implementing neigh-

borhood cleanups along with

improving internal and external

security for their homes and

abandoned properties.

Arson Facts

The U.S. Fire Admin-istration’s National Fire Incident Reporting Sys-tem reports an estimat-ed 16,800 intentionally set fires in residential buildings occur annual-ly in the United States. These fires result in an estimated 280 deaths, 775 injuries and $593 million in property loss each year.

Five percent of all resi-dential building fires were intentionally set.

Lighters (22 percent),

heat from other open flame or smoking mate-rials (19 percent), and matches (15 percent) were the leading heat sources of intentionally set fires in residential buildings.

The majority (76 per-

cent) of intentionally set fires in residential buildings occurred in one- or two-family dwellings. An additional 19 percent of fires oc-curred in multifamily dwellings.

Rubbish, trash and waste (8 percent); magazines, newspapers and writing paper (7 percent); and uncon-tained flammable liq-uids or gas (6 percent) were the items most often first ignited in intentionally set fires in residential buildings.

relish the attention it brings.

They rarely intend to injure



According to the National Cen-ter for the Analysis of Violent Crime, the most common mo-tive (41 percent) for a serial arsonist is revenge. An arsonist will target the home of some-one in retaliation for an actual or perceived injustice.

Insurance Fraud / Arson

for Profit

Arson for profit is insurance

fraud, a criminal method of

obtaining money from a fire

loss policy. These senseless

insurance crimes put lives at

risk and raise premiums for all

honest homeowners.

[From the Investigation Division]

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The Trumpet—May 2013

Page 13

(Associated Press) Two Kan-

sas State University students

pleaded guilty Wednesday to

arson resulting in death for

setting a blaze that killed a

university researcher in an

effort to create a diversion

that would prevent police

from finding evidence of

another crime.

The U.S. attorney’s office

said Patrick Martin Scahill,

20, and Virginia Amanda

Griese, 19, both of Man-

hattan, entered the plea in

federal court in Topeka. The

Feb. 6 fire killed Vasanta Pallem,

a 34-year-old postdoctoral re-

searcher in chemical engineer-


Prosecutors said two other de-

fendants, including Frank Jo-

seph Hanson, who has pleaded

guilty, robbed a Manhattan con-

venience store with Scahill’s

pistol on the day of the fire.

Later that day, police respond-

ing to a report of a disturbance

knocked on Scahill’s door. Police

smelled marijuana smoke, said

they were going to seek a war-

rant to search the residence and


Prosecutors said Scahill, Han-

son, the other robbery suspect

and Griese began discussing

ways to divert the attention of

law enforcement officers long

enough for Scahill to remove

narcotics, a firearm and items

associated with the robbery

from his apartment. Ultimate-

ly, Griese bought a 5-gallon

gas can and then paid for gas

to fill it.

Later, Scahill and Griese drove

around looking for something

to burn, ultimately settling on

a 12-unit apartment complex

near Scahill’s apartment. Pros-

ecutors said Scahill entered

the building, emptied the con-

tents of the gas can in the low-

er level hallway, set the fire

and left the building.

Pallem lived on the third floor

and died from fumes.

Photo by The Collegian newspaper of Kansas State University

Two plead guilty in arson that killed Kansas State researcher

Honoring the Fallen in West, Texas

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those impact-

ed by the devastating explosion at the fertilizer fac-

tory in West, Texas, including the deaths of 12 first


New Explosive Regs In Development

Members of the Office of the

State Fire Marshal have had

one meeting with members

of the explosive industry to

discuss development of new

explosive regulations for the

State of Kansas.

The meeting was very pro-

ductive and we agreed that

the State will utilize and

adopt the majority of NFPA 495,

2013 edition. With the progress

already made, emergency regu-

lations should be in place by

this summer and the perma-

nent explosive regulations in

place at a later time. Once the

temporary regulations are in

place, our office will be able to

begin processing permits again.

A fifth person charged in

the case is accused of ac-

companying Griese to buy

gas and helping Scahill dis-

pose of shoes that reeked

of gasoline.

Sentencing is set for July

15. Scahill and Griese face a

maximum penalty of life in

federal prison.

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A proclamation designating Fire Prevention Day was issued some-time toward the end of March in 1914. The intent was to give towns time to call meetings to make spe-cial preparations for the “observance of the day”.

The proclamation out-lined the reasons for the day and suggested that there be a general clean-up all over the state. Most Kansas communities printed the full proclamation in their local newspapers, and this was a time when practically every town had a local newspaper. As follow-

up to the proclamation, Harrison Park-man, the first State Fire Marshal, sent letters to all the mayors, fire chiefs, city

superintendents, and Boy Scout masters, asking for their help in making the arrangements for the special day, to be April 17th.

A lecture, “Fire Loss in Kansas for 1913” by the State Fire Marshal was furnished to each mayor and city superintendent which called attention to the great preventable fire loss of the year,

caused largely by hazardous conditions in and around premises.

A few days prior to Fire Prevention

The general condition in many towns was thought to be a con-tributing factor to the num-ber of fires and the

extent of dam-age. The following questions were asked and the data col-lected:

Have you city ordinances regulating the use and storage of explosives, the storage and sale of gaso-line, the accumulation of trash in basements and

The First Fire Prevention Day in Kansas By Elena Nuss

Harrison Parkman

From the 1915 OSFM Annual Report

This year the OSFM celebrates its 100th Year protecting the citizens and guests of

Kansas from the dangers of fire, explosions and hazardous chemicals. In this issue,

we continue in our series of looking back on the history of our office and fire pre-

vention in Kansas.

Day, several hundred newspapers of the state printed notices calling on individuals out in the country and in the towns where no organized move-ment was under way, to take an indi-vidual interest in observing the day.

Three hundred thirty-four (354) incor-porated towns out of four hundred ninety-seven (497) are known to have observed Fire Prevention Day that year.

Like today, the methods of ob-servance vary widely, but the results of that first Fire Prevention Day in Kansas, “as a whole were highly satis-factory.”

the rear of buildings, the burning of trash, providing for electrical inspection, the safe construction of chim-neys and flues, prohibiting the sale and use of fire-works?

Have you a building code?

Does your fire chief regularly inspect the town for the pur-pose of lessening/eliminating fire hazards?

Are your municipal ordinanc-es enforced?

Are the public school teach-ers making use of the Fire Prevention Bulletins fur-nished by this department?

Is your fire department regu-

larly organized?

Number of men?

Paid or volunteer?


Feet and condition of hose?

Source of water supply?

Capacity of reservoir?

Average and fire pressure? Mayors were also asked to inform the department of their personal opinions about local conditions, suggestions on how and where to make improvements and suggestions on how the State Fire Marshal could be of assistance.

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The Office of the State Fire Marshal celebrated its 100th anniversary with a Reception and Open House on April 4 at the Jayhawk

Tower’s Florentine Room. Employees of the office, former Fire Marshals, members of the fire service and Governor Brownback all

enjoyed a fun time of recognizing the service and storied history of the OSFM in Kansas.

Fire Marshal Doug Jorgensen and Governor Sam Brownback with the

Governor’s Proclamation recognizing 100 years of service by the


Fire Marshal Doug Jorgensen (center) with former Fire Marshals (from

L-R): Dan McLaughlin, Jack Alexander, Ed Redman and John Earhart.

Dozens of people attended the reception, enjoying cake, punch and

great memories

Even Tana the Fire Dog enjoyed herself.

Parked out front of the Jayhawk

Tower was our beautiful Haz-

Mat Emergency Response Truck

and Trailer.

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In 2001 legislation was signed that authorized the construction of a memorial to be

built on the Capitol grounds in Topeka to honor Kansas firefighters who have lost

their lives in the line of duty.

A scaled replica is housed at the Office of the State Fire Marshal where it is on

view. The OSFM also transports the replica to fire service events across the state.

Please send your tax deductible donation to:

Firefighters Memorial Fund

Attn: Eldred Wenger, DFM

900 SW Jackson Street, Room 600

Topeka, KS 66612