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© 2017 Truly Living

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means of information

storage and retrieval system without prior written permission

from the publisher.

All scripture reference unless otherwise indicated is taken

from the New King James Version

Contact: [email protected]

Cover design by Ben Kimayah – [email protected]

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This book is dedicated to the one man who taught me

to love God with unshakeable fidelity and represent

Him by living a fasted life devoted ONLY to His word…

The spoken, written, confirmed word of God

My father Chigbo Ndukwe

This is here because you prayed for me to grow deeper

in God and demanded that I don't settle for less than

what He set out for me from the foundations of the


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God - you positioned me to meet and grow in my family and

learn to desire you so deeply that nothing was enough till I

found you for myself. Eternally indebted to you and

Chioma - my beloved sister, you have refused to allow me to

settle into less than I was created to be. Thank you; I am a

better person because of you

Joy Morai - my sister who even though we had never met in

person confirmed the word of God over me and pushed me

deeper in love with him

My Traveling sisters - TBagz, Es, Wanj - you may not know

just how much God has used you. and I can’t express it other

than to say THANK YOU.

Kwe - the true representation of peace that lives in my house

and loves me unconditionally teaching me more daily about

the love of God than I could have imagined

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It has been on my heart for a long time to do a devotional

that captures my walk and the things I have learnt along the

way. However every time I sat down to write it there were so

many things competing for attention that I didn’t get around

to it.

2017 the year of manifestation started with a clear knowledge

that the time indeed has come to bring forth all those things

that God has laid in my heart previously.

Truly Living simply shares lessons learnt as I learn to walk in

total trust and fidelity to God and allow Him to undo

everything I knew that was law and breathe His life into my

life. Simple lessons that have and continue to change the way

I live, love, share and care. Simple truths that have totally

changed my view and the desires of my heart.

A deep work in my heart pour out for all.

This devotional is the proof of a new move of God in me.

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Table of Contents I. WHO AM I? ..................................................................... 8

Knit Together ............................................................ 9

Beloved.................................................................... 10

Make Room ............................................................. 11

Life Giving Spirit .................................................... 12

Look No Further ...................................................... 13

Made Manifest......................................................... 14

II. LOVE UNVEILED ..................................................... 15

What Is Love ........................................................... 16

Obedience ................................................................ 17

By Our Love ............................................................ 18

Indefatigable ............................................................ 19

How Great You Are ................................................ 20

Beyond Measure ...................................................... 21

III. WALKING WITH GOD ............................................ 22

Where Do I Start ..................................................... 23

Deep Longing .......................................................... 24

The Path................................................................... 25

No More .................................................................. 26

Surrendered ............................................................. 27

Lunatics ................................................................... 28

IV. FAMILY ..................................................................... 29

What Is Family ........................................................ 30

Finding Family ........................................................ 31

The Gift Of Acceptance .......................................... 32

Aligning ................................................................... 33

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Joints Supplying ...................................................... 34

The Foundation ....................................................... 35

V. CONTENTMENT....................................................... 36

Unfazed ................................................................... 37

Relentlss .................................................................. 38

Knowledgeable ........................................................ 39

Committed ............................................................... 40

Great Gain ............................................................... 41

Now Faith Is ............................................................ 42

VI. YES ............................................................................. 43

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Psalms 139:13 and Jeremiah 1:5 are very important scriptures.

God says to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I

knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained

you a prophet to the nations.”

This simply means that His life was not and would never be an

accident. How profound that is because many of us live our

lives as if we are here just to be born, educated, find work,

pay bills, get married, have children, get rich and die.

Could it be that we are here for more than that? Could it be

that there is greater value and peace to be found in life than

just the usual? Could it be that there are lives tied to our

successful living and connection to God?

Since He knew me before He knit me together, then HE also

knew who I would become and what I would do. Meaning

that I can only be truly successful in this life if I find, connect to

and fulfil that reason that I was created for…my divine


For those who knit, you would know that it is the process of

using two needles and a ball of wool in a combination of

stitches to create an item of clothing, bedding accessory etc.

This painstaking task produces really beautiful pieces

depending on the wool used, the pattern and the skill level of

the knitter. No single piece ever comes out the same.

The same is true of us. When our Creator decided to make us,

He used a different pattern and combination of elements with

a different result each time. It is important to understand what

colour of wool he used for you, what your purpose is and

what combination of stitches He used on you. That is the only

way you can live your life out to the fullest and richest

expression of Him.

Do you know how He knit you together and who He knit you

to be?

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John 3:16; For God so loved the world that he gave his

only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life.

What does it mean to be the beloved of God?

When I was growing up I thought that because God loves us

our lives would be smooth and seamless. Now I know now

that is not so.

I look as God as a parent. Do you shield your children from

things that would teach them valuable lessons? No! You let

them learn. There are things you stop them from doing like

touching a live wire or open fire but there are other things you

allow them to experience. For instance, as a child learns to

walk, we allow them to fall then cry a little after that. When

they fall and cry they learn about pain, balance etc.

What would you say if you learnt that God will not shield us

from all things? He will allow us to pass through seemingly

impossible circumstances to bring us to the fullness of His vision

of us.

I say that to be the beloved of God is to be exposed to

everything that will cause us to grow into the version of me He

saw before the foundations of the earth. Will it all be smooth

sailing? Far from it but at least I am guaranteed that He is

walking with me in all circumstances.

I have learnt that pain is one of the greatest triggers and as

the beloved of God He will expose us to pain to produce His

intended plan. He will also expose us to deep joy and love to

teach us to grow. He will demand holiness from us and in the

same breath provide the strength we need to keep going no


As the beloved of God, He will only bring things to us that will

push us into His plan for us. When faced with things we don‟t

understand, the answer is to ask Him what it means and walk

in the answer.

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“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped

him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger,

because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

How is it that there was no room for them at inn? Didn‟t God

know that His son was on the way and needed to be born in

a clean place or did He have a plan that would bring greater

honour to Himself? Couldn‟t He have done something,

manoeuvred something, moved someone, changed the

time? I tend to think He could but He chose not to.

If God intended to change the face of the earth in some

mind blowing way, letting them miss a place in the inn was a

deliberate decision…a determined choice…a well thought

plan that would draw all men to Himself because of how it

would draw attention to Him.

He chose to make room for His child in a place where He

could speak loudest about His inherently different nature and

plan for mankind. He chose to cause the simplest people to

have mercy and provide shelter for His own so that when the

appointed visitors came, they would understand things meant

for them.

The shepherds would most likely have been kicked out of the

hotel because of their dirty smelly appearance, whereas the

kings would have been welcomed because of their outward

appearance of wealth and prestige. Yet God equalised

them. He sent angels to the shepherds and a star to the kings

that led them to the same place of worship.

Room is made for all to reach their intended destination by

God, but then He takes it a step further to cause his

representatives on this earth to open doors for others that the

manifestation of his assignment in them may come to pass

and their ordination may be fulfilled.

Make room for others because you are designed as a door

that others may walk through into their ordination.

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The only way we can be true room makers is if we walk with

God and become life giving spirits and not just living beings.

A living soul or being is a person or animal that has life as was

given at creation. When God breathed life into the nostrils of

Adam, he became a living being. He remained at that level

with only the breath of God in him and incredible limitations.

In John 7:37-39, “On the last day, that great day of the

feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone

thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes

in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will

flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke

concerning the Spirit, whom those believing[d] in Him

would receive; for the Holy[e] Spirit was not

yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

In Jesus‟ words, we must expect more from Him and God

when we receive the Spirit of God in us. When His spirit really

settles on us, all the pretence of being good and walking by

faith has to die so that we can produce rivers of living water.

Living water can only flow out of a living vessel when the Holy

Spirit fully takes residence and the vessel finds rest in fully

trusting God.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to take residence means allowing him

to lead us in everything we do and to live like John 5:30…

“I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My

judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own

will but the will of the Father who sent Me.”

A life giving spirit only takes instruction from the maker or

manufacturer who wrote and understands the manual. He

knows all those hidden parts that are only activated as need

be and He shuts down all those things that can distract us. A

living soul walks by sight or a light giving spirit that walks by

total faith in the living word of God…which are you?

The things we think about and pray for easily tell us where we


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I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,

that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,

acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

Rom 12:1 NKJV

What did He mean by living sacrifice? Did He mean that I

would daily burn in the fire before I could fulfil His will for me?

Did He mean that there was an actual fire for me to be burnt

in? Did he say that I could never become more than he

determined for me to be? I wasn't sure. Then I remembered

Jesus in the garden when He laid His will down for the will of

His Father.

Jesus chose to subject His will to God so that God's plan for

our redemption would work. Being fully God and fully man

allowed him to have perspectives beyond us and set an

example dying to self. If he wanted to, He could have

decided that this death on a cross would not be worth it and

gone back to heaven without completing the task that sent

Him here. Instead He chose to follow the plan, leave it all

behind and do what brought Him here to the glory and

honour of His Father.

He calls us to leave everything and follow Him, to desire more

of Him, to lay down all those things that hold us back and

allow Him to ignite us and burn all the things within that hinder

us from reaching a greater depth in Him. God's prescription

for us is to DIE, to die to anything that hinders His move in us.

He has made it clear that His way is the best way but we must

also choose to lay it all down on His altar. He desires tools and

conduits He can work through. HE cannot fail us so we must

choose to fully trust and never fail Him.

We must choose this day that HE will never lack a man to

stand for him and be the tool he uses to fulfil His plan. By dying

to the desires of my flesh and connecting to His perfect will is

saying that He will not look any further than me. I choose to

be a dead man walking for Him that the truth and depth that

is in Him may be made manifest in the whole earth through


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MADE MANIFEST John 1:1-4, 10 & 14 1 In the beginning was the Word, and

the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The

same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were

made by him; and without him was not anything made

that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light

of men. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made

by him, and the world knew him not. 14 And the Word was

made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his

glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full

of grace and truth.

He is the true light that lights every man that comes into

the world and he is sent out to bear witness. He could not

bear witness unless the things he was assigned to do

made a difference. Jesus knew that he had a choice to

showcase his father en unto death or risk losing his life and

the calling there on.

God was aware we would be born on a certain day into a

certain family, meet specific people, experience certain

challenges to produce a vessel worthy of the calling upon our


HE has made room for us to be made manifest so that the

world may see that all these things He tells us about we can

have with Him and understand that He is supreme and able

to care about things that need to be done.

To be made manifest is to be brought forth like a tree bearing

fruit. We are trees planted by the stream of living water that

produces fruit in the pre-determined manner

To be made manifest is to be displayed by God as the result

of growth without a life and way that things are located. We

are made manifest as we walk in his ways and find our place

in the world.

We are made manifest because we refuse to let anything

dissuade us from loving God, wanting to see His tangible truth

residing in us, and sharing the same with the world around us.

His desire is that we find people who need His love and share

it in the specific way He created each of us to do so.

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1 Corinthians 13 says, Though I speak with the tongues of

men and of angels, but have not love, I have become

sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I

have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries

and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I

could remove mountains, but have not love, I am

nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the

poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a]but

have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers

long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not

parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely,

does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does

not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all

things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all

things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies,

they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease;

whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we

know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that

which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will

be done away.

Love is many different things. Here are a few but not all the

realities of love. It is:

A choice

An instruction from God

Proof of the very existence of God & your ordination

Giving to each one what they need and nothing less

Useless outside God lest it become manipulation

A gift from heaven

A reflection of the true irrefutable nature of God

Expressed only in truth

Lived out and not spoken about

A life poured out for our brethren


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John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Love is very simple when defined in God. Obedience.

Obedience the proof of our love for God. It is a key

evaluation parameter of our fidelity to him. Obedience is the

best barometer of our walk with God. Yet, from a human

perspective it can be the hardest element of walking with

God. True obedience follows God without question regardless

of how seemingly outrageous the instruction.

Think of Joshua told to walk around the walls of Jericho for

seven days and they would see the victory of God. How

would that happen? It seemed so illogical yet he obeyed. I

can only imagine the taunts they received from the people

on the city walls and the murmuring among the Israelites. Up

until then they had never seen such madness in the name of

war tactics yet eventually it worked and the walls came

tumbling and they gained access into the building.

What has God asked you to do that is yet undone? Who has

He asked to touch that you haven‟t done at all or have done

half-heartedly? Where did He send you that seemed so

outlandish that you didn‟t go? A sister of mine shared how

God asked her to give another shoes and she was hesitant

but a week later when she went to give the shoes, her sister

showed her how worn out and how the soles had come apart

but were too thin to sew together.

Obedience allows us to become answers to prayer for others.

Obedience also opens doors to new revelation and refreshing

for us and the world around us. Obedience also allows us to

become God‟s showcase of His greatness. Surely it is not too

hard to obey when we know that our lives were given to us to

showcase him. Arise and do that which he said you do that

you haven‟t done to date.

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John 13:35(NKJV)By this all will know that you are My disciples,

if you have love for one another.”

How often do people wonder what is wrong with themselves?

More often than most of us ever say. Could it be that the real

challenge is that others aren't being as helpful as they should?

In God's scheme of things, the one thing that must define us

as his called out ones is L.O.V.E...Love.

Love is a choice, it is sharing and caring, it is discipline and

correction, it is everything i need to become all that god

knows i can become. yet much further beyond that...love is a

way of life. If the rest of creation will know us by our love, there

has to be a distinct way that love is lived out. There is a way

that it flows from one of us to the other. Love needs to gush

from us like a flood and overrun those around us it is destined

to change. It becomes an expression of the divine as we

share and care deeper than is humanly possible.

The ideal example of love is how Christ laid down His life for us

even unto death on the cross and how He made it all work

out for us at the cost of His life. Can you lay your life down for

another? If you were given the choice of your life or that of a

total stranger and you have young children, which would you

choose? If you are asked to walk away from your child for

good, what would you do?

In reality there is no right answer to the above. The right

answer depends on God's instruction. When Abraham raised

his knife to give the 'ultimate' sacrifice at that point, was God

bad to have asked for Isaac? Not at all! It was simply proof

that Abraham was fully submitted to God and he trusted Him

and His word totally?

if someone looked at you today? Can they define you as a

child of God because of your love? Remember love

demands that you give to each person what they need from

you and nothing more.

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tireless, persisting endlessly...will not relent, are the words that

come to mind when I think of indefatigable. To never let go or

stop doing something. Why are we so fatigable?

I think about all the things that God has had to put up with

me because of who I am being. How many times He has had

to just continue to believe that I will change one day and

become all He has set out for me to be. How many times He

has held His head and covered His eyes (literally and

figuratively) because I am doing my own thing and He needs

me to another way. Yet He prods, taps, even hits me and it

takes a while to course correct but He stays with me until I do.

it has become easier for me to hear and change because I

am learning to first ask before I move.

On the other hand, how often do we lose patience with

people who repeatedly disappoint us? When our children fail,

we ask them how could they? When our spouses or partner or

friends fail, we opt to say nothing but walk away? When our

workers fail, we often blow our tops and scream at the top of

our lungs as if that will help. We say things like i just knew that

so and so was never that good or could ever reach that

place. Really? How did you just know? Who made you the

judge? Why are you losing faith in the world around you?

Our faith must be placed on something higher than human

skill or ability for that will always fail us. Our faith in each other

and the world around us has to be based on love...the love of

God. The love that speaks excellent things, raises our eyes

from ourselves to God, and never fails because it is based on

the eternal nature and word of God. When we are driven by

this love, we will never lose faith, give up, doubt or lose. We

will be kind of support structure needed to keep every wheel,

moving. We will become the greatest and strongest nation

when we are lost in the truth of the love of God.

Galatians 6:9(NKJV) 9 And let us not grow weary while doing

good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

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O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,

Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made;

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,

Thy power throughout the universe displayed.


Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,

How great Thou art! How great Thou art!

For many years I didn‟t really think about this song. It was just

another heart-warming hymn that sounded nice. Another

song another Sunday another walk on to the things I wanted

to do.

Recently I begun to think how often my Daddy sings this song

and I made me wonder. Daddy says that we must understand

what we are singing, why and how it will affect the world

around us. This has come to be an anthem to the majesty of

God, to His goodness, to His overarching grace and

unshakable belief in his plan.

This my God is beyond creation, above all thoughts, deeper

than the earth‟s crust, a raging consuming fire, a loving

Father, the balm of Gilead, the God who saves. He is great

just because He is great and not because of anything he has

done. HE is great because he is above all in all and through


The truth is…I cannot fully express His greatness to someone

unless I lead you to Him and He does the rest for Himself or

unless my relationship with Him changes me to be the true me

in Him and you see me live it out.

He is not bound by my opinions or the things that are not

going right according to human perspectives. He doesn‟t

follow my path or do the things I want him to do. This God is

above all and shows himself strong no matter what is going on

around, in and through Him.

You oh Lord are bigger, greater and wiser than me yet you

chose to walk with me and draw me into you. I bless you

father for you are a great God.

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Casting Crowns have an amazing song called "Your Love Is

Extravagant" that really gets me.

Your love is extravagant, Your friendship, it is intimate,

I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace

Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place

Your love is extravagant

Spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that

covers sin

No greater love have I ever known You considered me

a friend; Capture my heart again

How does this become true for us? How do we all connect to

the depth of this love that changes lives? This love that

changes lives, gives strength, draws us to the fullness of our

ordination, and is deeper, higher and wider than anything we

can ever understand. How did Jesus choose to spread wide

his arms on the cross? Yes! He choose to because he could

have walked away from it when he was battling in the

garden. At any point in time he could have called the angels

and did something different, after all he was the son of God.

The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have

loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving-

kindness I have drawn you Jer 31:3. He loves us deeply,

irrevocably and completely. He willingly gives everything for

us all day every day. How then do we respond?

Our response must be absolute love, adoration and the laying

down of our lives. To lay down our lives means to set aside all

those ideas, concepts, beliefs, goals we have in our heads

and hearts of who He is, what He wants and how He rewards

us, We must determine to spend time in stillness, patience and

sobriety, listening to His heart, understanding His Love, and

then go out and live our lives in such a way that would honour

Him. Our commitment to Him will be beyond measure only

and only when we have been immersed in His extravagant

love, been transformed and rebuilt by it and then

empowered to love in equal measure.

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Often we think there is a formula to how to relate with God

but there is none. Don't pull your face like that...there's no

formula, you just have to "Start where you are."

When God breathed life into Adam, I doubt Adam knew he

was about to name all the animals. All he knew was that he

was created in unity with God and that was enough to begin

having dominion. He was equipped to rule and establish the

kingdom of God on the earth for eternity.

God was certain that the man he had created was the best

specimen to have dominion on His behalf. He was certain

that since He created him in hHs image and likeness he was

fully loaded to accomplish all that was set before him. All man

needed to do was to latch onto and follow God‟s instructions

to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. The starting point is

always the WORD of God.

Daniel stood on what he knew his God required of him as did

Christ. Walking with God requires that we hear Him. It is good

to go to fellowship and hear the word taught but we must first

start by building a relationship with God. This demands that

each one spends time alone with God just hanging out and

getting to know Him. Learning to understand His word, His

heart, His love, His depth, breadth and height becomes the

key to a full and established life.

We start in His presence and love with faith that He is able

and willing to do whatever He has said He will do. We do not

need to wonder if he is for real. One thing to be aware of is

that if God needs a certain situation in one‟s life to produce a

very specific change, He will ensure that it remains no matter

what they do to try and eliminate it.

The starting line is hearing the word that is over our lives,

latching on, seeking clarification from God and living out that

word. The WORD is the starting line.

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As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul

for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

When shall I come and appear before God? Psalms 42:1 -


Recently in a conversation someone said that David couldn‟t

really mean that he was thirsty for God and rather it was a

metaphor. That there is no way that such desires could be

really true in man. This was perplexing because I believe the

Bible is indeed the word of God breathed into his people to


Is it possible that David truly thirsted for God? If yes, what was

it like? How did one get so close to God that His voice was an

obvious part of life? How did one get past all the clichés and

find the one true, life changing God? Was it possible?

This deep longing can only be measured by God and the

standards He has set Himself. It can only be quenched by an

experience of God. We all long to be loved, understood and

supported with undying faith. Every woman desires love and

man desires respect. There are things in our hearts that no

human can reach, understand or fill...unless GOD.

Simply hearing about God or talking about Him, won‟t fill the

desperate longing in our hearts. The only one way to fill it is an

EXPERIENCE with God. A one on one encounter that none

can deny, that one can count as the starting point. A real

relationship with God is experiential and alive, full of patterns

and visible paths. There is proof of the walk even when things

are hard and trying.

The deep longing in our hearts stirs us to hold onto Him, to

decide that we either believe that He is able and willing, we

are committed or we are would rather use our brains. There is

nothing better than to be led back into His arms.

In reality, nothing can satisfy the deep longing of my heart

unless I connect to Him and then He fills the needs He knows

are in me through his servants and sons for my good and His


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Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know

my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting. Psalms 139:23 - 24

What does it mean the way everlasting?

The way everlasting is simple if we fully trust in God or very

hard if we are still working things out on our own. Hard if we try

to do it in our own strength but very easy if we walk in and

with Him. Hard if we seek to understand the way but easy if

we choose to understand HIs heart.

The way everlasting is different from everything we have been

told because it is based on hearing moment by moment to

confirm or deny an opinion, attitude or position over another.

It demands that we challenge the status quo of expecting

things from God in exchange of our works to doing thing just

out of a deep love for our Father in heaven.

As we walk in the path as it is revealed and established in the

greatness of the Lord, He will be made manifest to the world

with irrefutable PROOF that there is indeed a path that leads

to God that it changes lives and lifts us above all the things

that hold us back. Proof is in the change that happens in our

hearts as we walk with Him rather than in the material things

we have. Proof is in the peace that fills our hearts and wipes

out all the stress and pressure. Proof is in the grace that flows

out of us even in the middle in a storm. Proof is when we

become unshakable, unchangeable and unstoppable in the

middle of shifty and uncertain circumstances because we all

know that He is God and He is in control.

Choose to walk in the way everlasting and you will never

regret it.

This day Lord, I choose to be the vessel you work through, I am

available, I am ready, never again will you Lord lack a vessel

to work through to manifest your goodness. Never will I be

found on the outside, that you will find me worthy, use our

lives as platforms for your greatness to be made manifest.

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There was a time when I was comfortable with the usual way

of doing church. Go in, sing, pray, listen to the scripture and

sermon, sing and leave. At this time from the outside it all

looked like it was working and stable but on the inside I was

dying of pain, the weight of life, and loads that i could not

understand. My life was masked, shrouded, covered,

plastered over again and again. Until one day, it all fell apart

It all fell apart! There was nowhere to hide, like a glass

dropped from a height onto a concrete floor. It splintered

and shattered and there was nothing I could do to cover it

up. People realised something was wrong even if they

couldn‟t tell what.

This was one of the greatest gifts ever. Yes!!! A gift.

Rock bottom is where I really found God and allowed Him to

find me. My previous view of Him had put Him into a box that

this new place showed me was not fit. My perspectives had

put limits on him...straight jacketed Him, stopped Him

because I expected Himto behave and answer a certain way

that wasn't truly representative of who HE is.

The day I said no more limits was the day my life changed. I

realised that the deep hidden desire in my heart for more was

one only He could fulfil. I really wanted the change but had to

realise that there would be no more comfort in my life. The

predictable was gone and it would be all up to Him from then

on. I couldn't hold onto the past beliefs but had to build a

new point of reference. Experiences became the key.

Adam walked with God in the cool of the evening. Enoch

walked with God and disappeared. Abraham negotiated for

the life of Lot and the people of Sodom. Daniel was unmoved

by the kings decrees and worshiped his God no matter what.

David followed even when he faltered he never let go.

Each got to the place of, "No More!" to the past and walked

into their appointed place. They left all they had and allowed

God to teach them something newer and deeper. Let's all say

No More of what i know and allow him to take over.

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All we want is you , All we need is you.

Is you, is you, is you, Withholding nothing

It is humanly impossible to withhold nothing, to give it all, to

give up control. It's IMPOSSIBLE to do that from our humanity

BUT. .. Yes I said BUT...

With Him holding my hand it is possible. Not in the usual cliché

way but as an expression of the divine power that he transfers

to me. It however demands that I open my fist and release

the things I'm holding on to.

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Can you imagine the days of Acts when the followers of Christ

begun to increase. Their love for each other was insane, no

one owned anything or claimed it for themselves, they shared

it all one with another. In an individualistic society they stood

out...they couldn't let a needy person be left the same, no

one was beneath them but most of all the personal

transformation was total and lasting.... There was no doubt

that they were different, NO DOUBT

Has Jesus truly changed you? Even in the hidden places? Is

there PROOF? My Father is often called a lunatic but his

lunatic love for and obedience to God has been just the

example so many of us needed to know there's more to this

walk with God.

Even in his day Jesus was considered a lunatic. He was solely

dedicated to his father's will and nothing could sway him from

his assignment on earth.

What sways us? Are we steady? Stand first

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“Family, is family is family!!!” Now that may sound pretty

simple but take a moment and a deep breath and think

about it. “Family, is family is family!!!”

Family is more than biology. It is more than just people who

share a gene pool. It is more than a set of rules and

regulations that govern how we relate. It is not a group of yes

men and women or blanket or love and acceptance. It is not

a free pass to a life of laziness or a pure biological calculation.

There is so much more to family.

Christ defined family very well in Matt 12:50, He said, "For

whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother

and sister and mother." Family is a place of safety and

honesty: a support system that helps us find and allocate the

resources we need in life: it is the connector to success and

resilience and critical to our personal success. Family is by

revelation of the people who will make your life more

effective and is the base and strength of society. Family is the

source of the push, nudge or kick you need to get ahead.

Family according

Beyond my biological family but I have my family of choice

made up of people who are connected to me in different

ways. The connections are things like common causes

supported, faith-based relationships and close friends. This

family is a connection by choice and instruction and the

members change and will continue to change as we walk

with God and are led of the Spirit. Family is dynamic and

evolves and changes to remain the prefect support system

My prayer for everyone is that we connect to our biological

families and the other individuals who will push us to become

the best we can be and create the value and impact we

give back to the world.

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Family of destiny is a choice. Even though we are born into a

certain biological grouping, there may be times when we

must connect with another group of people who will push an

prod us to walk into our destiny. We won‟t find them sitting on

the road side because they will be busy pursuing what God

has designed for them.

Family is by Revelation. We cannot just align with people

because we like them, rather we need to align with people

because that is what in God‟s heart for each of us. It has to

be according to a set pattern, instruction and outcome. We

must be aware the role of each member in the family and

how we will give back to each other.

It is important to understand that this is a journey of growth so

our family must be pursuing growth with the same or deeper

tenacity and desperation than we are. Amos 3:3 asks the

question, “How can two walk together unless they agree?” So

if the people around me are leading me down a path

contrary to where I know I need to go, will I remain there just

because that is where I was born?

Not at all. We must seek the right environment for growth and

that comes from the heart of God. He leads and guides us to

the right people to walk with just as he led David to Jonathan

who repeatedly saved his life through warnings and insight.

The insight we need is for all aspects of our faith life so we

must connect to people who challenge us in every area. If

family only concentrates on growing our faith we are

imbalanced. If only on work, we are imbalanced. Family is

found at the intersection of God and purpose. HE who knew

us before the foundations of the earth and laid out a path for

us to follow will lead us to the family who will ensure we grow

into all God has destined for us with cheering, chastising,

cherishing and anything else we need.

Family is by revelation and connection around the will and

plan for God.

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So many things are unexpected in this life but the most

unexpected sometimes is the gift of acceptance. We are

born into families and more often than not we are accepted

without prejudice.

Family…true family sees you as you really are and still loves us.

True family provides all you need without fail. If you need a

hug you will get it, if a slap that too, if you need a push in the

right direction that too and if a smile it will come. Family will

notice bad behaviour and give you the proverbial kick in the

back side to get on the right track or they will notice your pain

and share the warmth. Their dealings with you are the proof of

love that you need to remind you how important you are.

Family is where we grow the best and most because truth is

spoken and lived out. Family should be a safe space because

we are like-minded people and not because we are a bunch

of yes men and women. Amos asked how can two walk

together unless they agree? Amos 3:3. This scripture is mostly

used in reference to dating or marriage but I dare say it

applies very well in reference to family.

I cannot be your sister if we do not have a fundamentally

united position. You cannot be my brother if we are on

diametrically different paths. How would we walk together?

What would be our point of convergence? What would we

agree on? Could we have differing positions? Likely! But we

are united around the fact that we are standing on the same

foundation…Jesus Christ.

Our family must be like that of Jesus, those who do the will of

God. It must be made up of those hearing Him and

responding to Him such that nothing will derail His work in and

through us. This is not to say that we will be clones of each

other, rather we are divinely connected people walking in

obedience to God so that we have common ground,

instruction and fruit.

Do you understand family? Who is your family? Remember,

Family isn‟t just about biology.

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When I understood the need for family and who my father

was it was scary. Until then, my walk with God hadn‟t

produced much yet I was more than two decades into it. As I

asked God to open my eyes to see the truth of him and

understand how to remain built in him I met my Father.

Meeting Daddy was the scariest experience. Today I laugh

but then…it was a different story. He is the kind of father who

doesn‟t take any less than his children seeking after God with

all they are. There is no time for madness or foolishness and he

is dedicated to producing only as God instructs. I felt

unworthy to connect with this great man.

At that point in my life I was so aware of all the things I was

doing that were not fully aligned to God and I wondered how

it was that he could accept me and assign this godly man to

be my father. I could tell that every time I met Daddy he knew

something about me but I could not deal with it at all. How

could I be his daughter when I was such a „failure‟? how

could I be his daughter when I wasn‟t like the other children?

How could it be right when I didn‟t hear from him the way

others did?

One day, God pushed me enough to walk up to him and said

I have come, He simply said: I have been waiting! I almost fell

down. Why? He was ready to receive me with open arms

despite the fact that God had probably told him just how far I

was and how much growing up I needed. That day was a

game changer for me. I knew that my obedience to God‟s

word had opened a door, my father‟s love for me was

unquestionable and my growth was guaranteed.

Aligning with my father was the door I needed opened so

that I could begin to grow and move into position for the

eternal plan God has for me. Aligning opened me up to

many corrections and a lot of growth. My aligning opened

the door for travel companions to show up and enrich my

walk. Eph 4:13

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Acts 4:32 All the many believers were one in heart and

soul, and no one claimed any of his possessions for himself,

but everyone shared everything he had.

Eph 4:16 Under his control, the whole body is being fitted

and held together by the support of every joint, with each

part working to fulfil its function; this is how the body grows

and builds itself up in love.

Family is a body. The head cannot say it doesn‟t need the

foot or the blood vessels say it doesn‟t need the muscles or

the nails that it doesn‟t need the hand. Every part of the body

has a special function that cannot be done by another part.

The same is true for a family. Every member has a very special

reason they are there and has a very real need to meet. This

means that no matter how small my part seems I am the very

best that God created and I must function to the fullest

capacity of what he has put in me.

Many of us want the noticeable roles and places that would

be seen by others when we are serving God but he is intent

on each of us walking in our ordination. My ordination may be

in the shadows but it is as important as any other. Think of it

this way, if the heart decides that it is not as visible as the lips

so it won‟t pump blood, what would happen? Or if the veins

decide that because they cannot be seen, they aren‟t

important so don‟t have to function? What would happen?

We would die.

Take your position as the part of the body you are and run

with it. Understand the importance of your role and live it out

with confidence. Share the depth of the lessons you are

learning as there are others to learn from you and listen to

others that you may learn from them. at the end of the day,

never forget that you are as special as any other part of the

body and you contribute greatly to the health and

effectiveness of the body

What is your place in the body? Take it and arise with the rest

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If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which

are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will

appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:1 - 4 NKJV

When we were younger, we were given a list of things that we

did and didn't do as the essence of salvation and the reality

of Christian life. „Doing‟ these things would put one on the

right track for God's blessings...material blessings. We didn‟t

question the truth of these things and in the long run worked

to pass them to our children and any other young ones we

have authority over.

In reality, the things I did only made me more legalistic and

judgmental and not closer to God as I thought. I was losing

friends and not meeting new people and that was bothering

me. Until I learnt that I needed to bring God down and

understood He had a plan for me to showcase Him around

the world. To set my heart on the things above was the

FOUNDATION of life and i needed to find it.

The things above became my pursuit. What did it mean? Was

it attainable? Could I do it alone or did i need people? How

was it measured? What were the signs I had found it? As I

wondered. He opened my understanding that the things

above are really the things in His heart for me. The thoughts

He had for me before He knit me together in my mother's

womb. The things He knew about me before the foundations

of the earth.

The reality is that I can find God so deeply that all I want to

know is His heart. To understand the things HE loves and focus

on that. Meaning that because I have his heart then I would

desire to do His will always and that would change the

foundation of my life. That is enough for me...a foundation

built on the cornerstone that has become the capstone. A

foundation sure and lasting eternally that would produce life

for me and others around me…The Things Above.

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To be unfazed is to be relaxed and unruffled in very trying

times. There are times when everything seems to be going

crazy and God calls us to be still, settled and rested about it.

The best example of this is Jesus sleeping in the middle of the

storm. In Luke 8, we see him get into a boat with the disciples

to get to the other side of the lake. As they push off He

stretches out to sleep and sometime later a great storm set in

and the boat filled up with water. The disciples panicked yet

they had seen all the things he had done to date. That

however is a discussion for another day.

The questions in my heart are many:

What did He know that gave Him such rest despite

the surrounding circumstances?

How could He be so oblivious to the on goings

around him?

I dare say that He knew His father well and was certain that

He could not be destroyed if Daddy was on the watch. He

was certain that everything that could and would happen

was for the good of His Father and He was safe no matter


He knew His Father and the plans His Father had for Him. He

knew that no matter what, as long as he still had work to do

he would not be terminated. He knew that Hs choice to walk

in obedience had set Him up for success and grace to

overcome. He was certain that because He lived His life only

for His Father He was good till the appointed time.

What freedom that is that no matter what happens,

everything is geared towards helping us become all that God

has set for us to be. Our confidence has to be set on his word

and the calling He has established in each of us. Are we

certain that we know that we know that we know He alone is

the best determinant of our walk and his plan will always

come to pass? Let‟s pursue that certainty.

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To be relentless is to be unyielding in the assignment or task,

undeterred or persistent. It means that nothing will take you

off path. Jonah was relentless albeit in the wrong direction.

God called him to go to Nineveh but he was so determined

to go the other direction because those people were so

badly off that in his opinion it wasn‟t worth it. Saul on the other

hand was so bent on destroying the young man God had

chosen to be king that he did everything he could to kill him

but failed. David on the other hand did all he could to seek

God and remain true to his word.

The energy expended by each of these men was absolute

and lasting but the end result was diametrically different.

More relentless than all of them was God himself! He stepped

in and opened or closed doors for each one to redirect or

encourage them to their determined path. Jonah got thrown

overboard in a stormy see and the lives of his fellow travellers

were saved before he was swallowed and dumped out on

the right beach near his assignment. Saul saw a medium who

connected him to Samuel and he was rebuked but he

continued in his own ways to the point that he lost the

kingdom as predicted.

David repeatedly fell flat on his face yet God called him a

man after his own heart because of his quick turn arounds.

Whenever David lost it, he was quick to course correct and

plead for mercy. God was also responsive and did not get

tired of forgiving him. He accepted David‟s apology over and

over until David handed over the kingdom to his son as was


Which one is you? Are you so sure of your way even when you

know you are going in the opposite direction from your

ordination or are you so sure of your ordination and are doing

well you can do to remain on track even when you fall flat on

your face.

The choice is up to us every day.

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As we meditate on the word of God all the time it becomes

part of our lives and we become prosperous and successful.

Most of the time, the things we do as tenets of our faith are

out of religious practise or because of what we were taught

from a young age rather than the heartfelt desire to know him

deeper daily?

Why do you read the word? Does it make sense? Why do you

go to fellowship? Does it deepen your faith? Does it help you?

When you listen to a speaker does the word resonate in you

and activate you to action or is it just another story? Do you

see patterns and or connections? Do you understand the

different levels of revelation therein? Do you see new

perspectives every time you read it or is it all the same?

Could it be that we just spout off words about God we don‟t

understand? We are knowledgeable but has the word we

read become flesh and alive in us? If the word doesn‟t come

alive in our lives we are no better than the person who

doesn‟t know God. If the word doesn‟t activate our walk and

showcase God something is missing. If the activation we are

looking for is in the material then our walk is in vain.

Knowledge of God is useless unless it irrevocably changes our

lives. Head knowledge leads us to live bound by the natural

things. When we meditate on the word day and night with

the Holy Spirit as our interpreter and encourager we see and

understand more.

Before the foundations of the earth, God knew what we

would face and provided the solution…Deep faith that

comes out of a deep knowledge of God and nothing else.

Let‟s become knowledgeable in truth! Let the truth of God

deepen us, pour out of us and flow to others as streams of

living water.

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of

his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38

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In Luke 22:42 Jesus in broken, scared and weary knowing the

path that lies ahead of him that he prays, “Father, if it is Your

will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but

Yours, be done.”

What could have got Him to that place of asking His Father to

remove the cup? His physical body was aware of the pain

that lay in store for Him? He lived in that day and by then He

had seen how brutal the Romans were on people and he

knew that he would face their wrath soon. Yet He could still

say, if you will take this cup…He willingly gave God an out

clause to allow him to get out there but he also submitted to

the will of God no matter what.

Job had lost everything except his wife but he refused to

curse God as those around him encouraged him to do. What

did he know that he could say in Job 13:15: Though He slay

me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways

before Him. What did he know? What did he understand that

no matter how things went he would choose to trust?

Are we like that? Do we know anything about God that

would allow us to follow him regardless of the challenges?

What would cause us to be committed to his will over our

desire for a simple life? What would make it possible for us to

be content with all the challenges that came our way

knowing with certainty that all things will work out? Is there


There has to be something that the saints of old knew that

once we understand will unlock a very deep fidelity to God

and His calling upon our lives. They had undying faith that was

open even unto „horrible‟ deaths. Nothing was too bad or

hard to endure because they had made a choice to follow

God. They lost it all yet gained it all. Are we that committed?

Are we that certain of the call of God on our lives that nothing

will shift us?

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Timothy 6:6-7 says, Now godliness with contentment is

great gain.

Often in the pursuit of life and comfort we forget we leave this

world with nothing. We need to eat, move and have a life

but, a recurring question is, how much is enough? How long

will I compare what I have with another? Do I ask God what is

my own and pursue it with diligence and allow the other

person to pursue their God given place?

Discontent is sown from birth when we say this baby is cuter

than that one. Or telling children what we expect from them

regardless of the fact that we haven‟t even asked God they


Godliness with contentment isn‟t denying ourselves the things

we need or living in abject poverty just to appear pious and

deep with God because lack can and often does breed

discontent and uncontrollable desire. Plenty has the potential

for an equal and opposite reaction.

Contentment comes from honest, in-depth conversations with

God. When I began to learn about godliness with

contentment, I realised that it demands being settled on the

inside therefore able to hear and respond correctly to God.

Noah clearly represents Godliness with contentment. He

heard God, got up and built the ark waited for the animals

and closed the door. He had never soon rain so how did he

understand what that meant? His connection to the voice of

God was crystal clear and there was no interference. That

voice of God and His Holy Spirit are the only way that we can

ever reach and live in true contentment.

This is why scripture says it is great gain, simply because as we

understand the truth of God, we become increasingly

confident in Him, His word and his ways and soon we are

unstoppable because HE has come alive in us.

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Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence

of things not seen.

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the

word of God, so that the things which are seen were not

made of things which are visible.

By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen,

moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his

household, by which he condemned the world and became

heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to

the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he

went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt

in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents

with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise;

for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose

builder and maker is God.

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed,

and she bore a child when she was past the age, because

she judged Him faithful who had promised. Therefore from

one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as

the stars of the sky in multitude—innumerable as the sand

which is by the seashore.

Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He

has prepared a city for them. Hebrews 11:1 , 3 - 3 , 7 - 16 NKJV

How can we say we have faith yet we hold onto the things

we understand and don‟t pursue the unseen? That's walking

by sight not faith...

Walking by faith demands we give everything Him who knew

us before the foundations of the earth. It means we surrender

and allow Him to give back only those things He desires we

have. To walk by faith is to live only for Him...

Do you walk by faith or by sight? Each one of us knows which

one it is

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VI. YES My soul says yes, says yes, says yeeees

My soul says yes, says yes to your will...

Sonnie Badu

I have been thinking about all the things God has called me

to do and I have no words to express the depth, width and

height of it all. I have come to understand that there is none

in heaven on the earth or under the earth who can separate

me from Him and derail me from His path. Please note that I

can and may walk away but it is not God who makes me

disconnect to all truth and faith in hand of God.

When like Jonah I realise that God doesn't worry about what I

was or who I could be, I become confident in His love and

forgiveness. In reality He is concerned about whether Iwill

reach my full potential and complete my ordination and not

how much money I have. He allows me to choose to respond

or to choose to stay away and I must understand that.

He cannot force His way into my life, rather I have to accept

to open the doors of each room and allow him access.

Access to very part of my life to remove all that is not Him and

produce more of what He is. When all is said and done,

there's no other option but to choose to trust him and walk in

his ways. I must be willing to leave the place that I have found

comfort and approach Him voluntarily, without coercion like a

child who understands they are loved by Papa.

Even as sometimes it is overwhelming, I say YES to His will and

his way in trust that the end result will more beautiful than all

the roses in the world. My soul says yes because there is no

other way to live. I have come to understand that he is god

and he is the determinant of the relationships that he brings

our way.

A song that has been on my mind for a few months. I say Yes

Lord Yes to your will and to your reign. I say yes Lord yes I will

trust you and obey. When your Spirit speaks to me with my

whole heart I will agree and my answer will be yes Lord yes!

I say YES to your will

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About the author:

Kyesubire has been

writing since she was

thirteen but in a bid to

be more consistent she

began blogging on

www.kyesubire.com in

2011. Her passion to

share her faith in clear and relatable ways led her to use her

personal faith journey and those of people around her as

fodder for posts.

She has also written for the Daystar Alumni Association,

provided social media support for Chana Consultancy and

Lifespring Chapel Syokimau.

This is the first of many more books to come as she unpacks

different lessons she learns in this walk of faith.

#LivingEpistles #NoExcuses #NewNation #NewBeginning #40Reflections