True20 - Hero Creation Reference

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  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    True20 Hero Creation and Advancement ReferenceCompiled by Y.O. Morales; Version 1.0 (03/19/2008)

    Tis do!"men# !ompiles #e basi! r"les $or !rea#in% and ad&an!in% a !ara!#er "sin% #e Tr"e20 'ys#em. # is mean# #o elp

    players plan #eir !ara!#ers be#een %ame sessions. Te ma#erial ere is dran solely $rom #e True20 AdventureRoleplayingboo*. Te o$$i!ial erra#a ("p #o 03/1+/2008) as been applied. ,ll #e-# in #is do!"men# is desi%na#ed as Open

    amin% Con#en# "nder #e #erms o$ #e Open ame i!ense Version 1.0a.

    I. AbilitiesCara!#ers a&e si- abili#ies '#ren%# e-#eri#y Cons#i#"#ion n#elli%en!e isdom and Carisma (see belo $or more

    in$orma#ion on o #ey a$$e!# yo"r !ara!#er). Te a&era%e $or any abili#y is 0 and ea! abo&e4a&era%e abili#y s!ore

    pro&ides a bonuson !er#ain die rolls; belo4a&era%e abili#ies apply apenalty#o some die rolls.

    Starting Abilities

    Yo" a&e 5 poin#s #o di&ide amon% yo"r ero6s abili#ies i! all s#ar# a# 0. Te only limi#a#ion is yo" !anno# p"# more

    #an 7 poin#s in a sin%le abili#y s!ore. $ yo" !oose #o a&e a ne%a#i&e &al"e in an abili#y yo" %ain bon"s poin#s #o assi%n#o yo"r o#er abili#y s!ores.


    pon %ainin% any le&el di&isible by si- (5# 12# and 18#) eroes !an in!rease an abili#y s!ore by 1 (see e&el4

    ependen# ene$i#s belo). Yo" !oose i! abili#y yo" an# #o impro&e and #e impro&emen# is permanen#. Yo" !an

    in!rease #e same abili#y more #an on!e or a di$$eren# one ea! #ime. Yo" !an in!rease an abili#y s!ore abo&e :7 in #is


    Ability Scores

    Strength (Str

    '#ren%# meas"res seer m"s!le poer and #e abili#y #o apply i#. Yo"r '#ren%# s!ore applies #o #e $olloin% ama%e deal# by melee and #ron eapon a##a!*s.

    e$ense en parryin% blo!*in% a##a!*s in melee !omba#.

    Climb "mp and 'im !e!*s.

    Yo"r !arryin% !apa!i#y o m"! yo" !an li$# and !arry.

    '#ren%# !e!*s $or brea*in% #ro"% doors smasin% #in%s and o#er deeds o$ s#ren%# en a spe!i$i! s*ill doesn6#


    !e"terity (!e"

    e-#eri#y is a meas"re o$ !oordina#ion a%ili#y and man"al de-#eri#y. Yo"r e-#eri#y s!ore applies #o #e $olloin% ,##a!* rolls.

    e$ense en dod%in% e&adin% a##a!*s in !omba#.

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    ile n#elli%en!e meas"res reasonin% isdom is a meas"re o$ aareness !ommon sense in#"i#ion and s#ren%# o$ ill.

    Yo"r isdom s!ore applies #o #e $olloin% ill sa&in% #ros $or resis#in% a##emp#s #o in$l"en!e yo" e#er by m"ndane or s"perna#"ral means.

    Con!en#ra#ion Medi!ine Bo#i!e 'ense Mo#i&e and '"r&i&al !e!*s.

    isdom !e!*s #o resol&e ma##ers o$ in#"i#ion en a spe!i$i! s*ill doesn6# apply.

    Charisma (Cha

    Carisma is a meas"re o$ pers"asi&eness $or!e o$ personali#y leadersip abili#y and a##ra!#i&eness (no# ne!essarily

    pysi!al). Yo"r Carisma s!ore applies #o #e $olloin% l"$$ iploma!y is%"ise a#er n$orma#ion ?andle ,nimal n#imida#e and er$orm !e!*s.

    Carisma !e!*s #o "se $or!e o$ personali#y en a spe!i$i! s*ill doesn6# apply.

    eal# s!ore a# 1s# le&el.

    II. $ac%groundsa!*%ro"nds a&e a n"mber o$ $ea#"res #a# in$l"en!e and modi$y a !ara!#er6s #rai#s.


    Tis is #e de$a"l# ba!*%ro"nd. Te #rai#s o$ a "man ba!*%ro"nd are

    ,bili#y ,dD"s#men#s Bone.

    on"s @ea# Te ero %ains one bon"s $ea# a# 1s# le&el o"# o$ #e lis# o$ $ea#s a&ailable $or #e ero6s role.

    on"s '*ill Te ero %ains one bon"s *non s*ill a# 1s# le&el in addi#ion #o #ose %ained $or #e ero6s role andn#elli%en!e s!ore.

    @a&ored @ea#s Coose any #o $ea#s as #e !ara!#er6s $a&ored $ea#s. Tese $ea#s are a&ailable #o #e ero re%ardless

    o$ role.


    ar&es are a ra!e o$ s#o!*y #a!i#"rn "manoids #a# %enerally li&e "nder%ro"nd and are *non $or #eir s*ill in s#one4 andme#alor*in%. ar&es a&e #e $olloin% ba!*%ro"nd #rai#s

    ,bili#y ,dD"s#men#s :1 Cons#i#"#ion E1 Carisma

    on"s @ea#s rea# @or#i#"de Bi%# Vision Talen#ed (Cra$# and 'ear! only in&ol&in% s#oneor*)

    @a&ored @ea#s ieard @a&ored Opponen# (%oblins or %ian#s)


    >l&es are a ra!e o$ slender "manoids i# deli!a#e $ea#"res and poin#ed ears. Tey li&e in $ores# and syl&an en&ironmen#sand are *non $or #eir lo&e o$ bea"#y and #eir s*ill i# ma%i!. >l&es a&e #e $olloin% ba!*%ro"nd #rai#s ,bili#y ,dD"s#men#s :1 e-#eri#y E1 Cons#i#"#ion

    on"s @ea#s Bi%# Vision Talen#ed (Bo#i!e and 'ear!) eapon Trainin%

    @a&ored @ea#s Coose one s"perna#"ral poer (el&es #rea# #eir #o#al le&el as #eir adep# le&el $or #is poer).


    nomes are small "manoids (see #e 'mall ?eroes sidebar). Tey pre$er #o li&e in !om$or#able b"rros in illsides ereanimals abo"nd and #ey6re ell *non $or bo# #eir %re%ario"s na#"re and as !"nnin% #ri!*s#ers and pra!#i!al Do*ers.

    ,bili#y ,dD"s#men#s :1 Cons#i#"#ion E1 '#ren%#

    on"s @ea#s ron ill Bi%# Vision Talen#ed (Cra$# F!emi!alG and Bo#i!e)

    @a&ored @ea#s Coose @as!ina#e and @a&ored Opponen# (%oblins) or a s"perna#"ral poer.

    Half)'lfTe o$$sprin% o$ a "man and an el$ paren# al$4el&es e-is# be#een bo# !"l#"res. 'ome $eel aliena#ed ile o#ers $eel

    el!ome in bo# orlds. ?al$4el&es !ombine some o$ #e re$inemen# o$ el&es i# #e ardiness and adap#abili#y o$

    "mans. ,bili#y ,dD"s#men#s Bone

    on"s @ea#s Bi%# Vision Talen#ed (iploma!y and a#er n$orma#ion) Talen#ed (Bo#i!e and 'ear!)

    @a&ored @ea#s Coose #o (based on #e al$4el$6s ome !"l#"re).


    orn o$ a "man and an or! paren# al$4or!s are mos# o$#en o"#!as# $rom bo# !"l#"res. Tey a&e %rea# s#ren%# and

    e="ally %rea# #empers. ?al$4or!s ma*e $ier!e arriors and "s"ally be!ome soldiers mer!enaries or raiders.

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    ,bili#y ,dD"s#men#s :1 '#ren%# E1 n#elli%en!e

    on"s @ea#s Bi%# Vision eapon Trainin%

    on"s '*ill ?al$4or!s a&e one bon"s *non s*ill (#is

    balan!es o"# #e one #a# #ey lose d"e #o #eir loer na#"ral

    n#elli%en!e s!ore). @a&ored @ea#s Coose #o o$ Clea&e @a&ored Opponen#

    To"% or

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    +evel)!e,endent $enefits

    1+# 20 L 11 1

    18# 21 3rd 11 1

    19# 22 L 12 1

    20# 23 L 12 1


    ,n adep# is someone i# a #alen# $or #e s"perna#"ral poers. Te roles bene$i#s are

    Abilities/ Men#al abili#ies are "s"ally more impor#an# #o adep#s #an pysi!al ones. isdom is impor#an# #o s#a&e o$$

    $a#i%"e and n#elli%en!e $or empasiJin% on s!olarsip. ,dep#s also !oose a men#al abili#y as #e *ey abili#y o$ #eir

    s"perna#"ral poers. ,dep#s $ind a eal#y Cons#i#"#ion elp$"l. The Talent (Core Ability Te adep# !an spend a Con&i!#ion poin# #o ma*e one "se o$ a s"perna#"ral poer #ey do

    no# possess. ,n adep# i# #e Talen# !an also spend a Con&i!#ion poin# #o elimina#e any a!!"m"la#ed modi$iers #o$a#i%"e sa&in% #ros $or "sin% poers.

    o&ers/ ,n adep# !an !oose #o a!="ire a poer (see $"r#er belo) in pla!e o$ one o$ #e adep#6s normal $ea#s ei#er

    s#ar#in% $ea#s or #ose a!="ired by impro&in% in le&el.

    S%ills/ Coose K : n#elli%en!e s!ore s#ar#in% s*ills (minim"m o$ 1). ,dep#s %ain K : n# s*ill ran*s per addi#ional

    le&el (minim"m o$ 1).

    eats/ Coose K s#ar#in% $ea#s $rom #e eneral and ,dep# !a#e%ories. ,n adep# !an also !oose a poer in pla!e o$ a$ea#.

    Ade,t Advancement

    +evel Combat ort Save Ref Save #ill Save Re,utation

    1s# :0 :0 :0 :2 :1

    2nd :1 :0 :0 :3 :1

    3rd :1 :1 :1 :3 :1

    K# :2 :1 :1 :K :2

    7# :2 :1 :1 :K :2

    5# :3 :2 :2 :7 :2

    +# :3 :2 :2 :7 :2

    8# :K :2 :2 :5 :3

    9# :K :3 :3 :5 :3

    10# :7 :3 :3 :+ :3

    11# :7 :3 :3 :+ :3

    12# :5 :K :K :8 :K

    13# :5 :K :K :8 :K

    1K# :+ :K :K :9 :K

    17# :+ :7 :7 :9 :K

    15# :8 :7 :7 :10 :7

    1+# :8 :7 :7 :10 :7

    18# :9 :5 :5 :11 :7

    19# :9 :5 :5 :11 :7

    20# :10 :5 :5 :12 :5


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    ,n e-per# is someone e-perien!ed in a ide ran%e o$ s*ills. Te roles bene$i#s are Abilities/ ,%ili#y is #e name o$ #e %ame $or e-per#s bo# pysi!al a%ili#y (represen#ed by e-#eri#y) and so!ial a%ili#y

    (represen#ed by Carisma) i# a bi# o$ men#al a%ili#y (represen#ed by n#elli%en!e) #ron in $or %ood meas"re and$or pi!*in% "p a $e e-#ra "se$"l s*ills. isdom is "se$"l #o e-per#s in a&oidin% dan%er $rom #raps #o de!ep#ion.

    '",ertise (Core Ability/ ,n e-per# !an spend a poin# o$ Con&i!#ion #o %ain K #emporary ran*s in any s*ill in!l"din%

    s*ills in i! #e e-per# is no# !"rren#ly #rained or #a# !anno# be "sed "n#rained. Tese #emporary s*ill ran*s las# $or

    #e d"ra#ion o$ #e s!ene and %ran# #eir normal bene$i#s. Saving Thro&s/ >-per#s &ary in #eir @or#i#"de -per#s %ain 8 : n# s*ill ran*s per addi#ional

    le&el (minim"m o$ 1). eats/ Coose K s#ar#in% $ea#s $rom #e >-per# or eneral !a#e%ories.

    '",ert Advancement

    +evel Combat ood Save 1ormal Save Re,utation

    1s# :0 :2 :0 :1

    2nd :1 :3 :0 :1

    3rd :2 :3 :1 :1

    K# :3 :K :1 :2

    7# :3 :K :1 :2

    5# :K :7 :2 :2

    +# :7 :7 :2 :2

    8# :5 :5 :2 :3

    9# :5 :5 :3 :3

    10# :+ :+ :3 :3

    11# :8 :+ :3 :3

    12# :9 :8 :K :K

    13# :9 :8 :K :K

    1K# :10 :9 :K :K

    17# :11 :9 :7 :K

    15# :12 :10 :7 :7

    1+# :12 :10 :7 :7

    18# :13 :11 :5 :7

    19# :1K :11 :5 :7

    20# :17 :12 :5 :5


    , arrior is someone i# #rainin% in many $orms o$ !omba#. Te roles bene$i#s are

    Abilities/ arriors priJe pysi!al abili#ies o&er men#al ones. '#ren%# is impor#an# in s#ri*in% a poer$"l blo.

    e-#eri#y allos arriors #o e&ade in!omin% a##a!*s and %i&es #em a!!"ra!y i# #eir on. Cons#i#"#ion may be a

    arrior6s mos# impor#an# ="ali#y %ran#in% #em #e end"ran!e #o s"s#ain lon% mar!es and #o $i%# on en o#ers $all

    d"e #o inD"ry or $a#i%"e.

    !etermination (Core Ability/ , arrior !an spend a poin# o$ Con&i!#ion #o immedia#ely erase all br"ised and "r#

    dama%e !ondi#ions (and #eir asso!ia#ed penal#ies).

    S%ills/ Coose K : n#elli%en!e s!ore s#ar#in% s*ills (minim"m o$ 1). arriors %ain K : n# s*ill ran*s per addi#ional

    le&el (minim"m o$ 1).

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    eats/ ,ll arriors a&e @irearms Trainin% or eapon Trainin% as a s#ar#in% $ea#. Coose 3 o#er s#ar#in% $ea#s $rom

    #e eneral or arrior !a#e%ories.

    #arrior Advancement+evel Combat ort Save Ref Save #ill Save Re,utation

    1s# :1 :2 :0 :0 :0

    2nd :2 :3 :0 :0 :0

    3rd :3 :3 :1 :1 :1

    K# :K :K :1 :1 :1

    7# :7 :K :1 :1 :1

    5# :5 :7 :2 :2 :1

    +# :+ :7 :2 :2 :2

    8# :8 :5 :2 :2 :29# :9 :5 :3 :3 :2

    10# :10 :+ :3 :3 :2

    11# :11 :+ :3 :3 :3

    12# :12 :8 :K :K :3

    13# :13 :8 :K :K :3

    1K# :1K :9 :K :K :3

    17# :17 :9 :7 :7 :K

    15# :15 :10 :7 :7 :K

    1+# :1+ :10 :7 :7 :K18# :18 :11 :5 :5 :K

    19# :19 :11 :5 :5 :7

    20# :20 :12 :5 :5 :7

    I. S%ills'*ills are learned abili#ies a!="ired #ro"% a !ombina#ion o$ #rainin% (s*ill ran*s) and na#"ral #alen# (an abili#y). Yo"

    assi%n ran*s $rom yo"r role and le&el #o s*ills and #e ma-im"m ran* yo" !an a&e in any s*ill is yo"r le&el :3. >a!s*ill as a *ey abili#y applied #o #e s*ill6s !e!*s.

    Starting S%ills

    Yo" !oose a !er#ain n"mber o$ s*ills yo"r !ara!#er *nos a# 1s# le&el based on yo"r role and n#elli%en!e s!ore (see

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    S%ills Table

    S%ill Ability 3ntrained4 S,eciali5ation4 Action Ta%e60720

    ,!roba#i!s e- Bo Bo a! role as a!!ess #o #e %eneral $ea#s as ell as i#s

    on lis# o$ $ea#s. layers !oose ne $ea#s $or #eir eroes $rom #ese lis#s (in!l"ded belo).


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    Cara!#ers a!="ire a ne $ea# ea! #ime #ey %ain a le&el ei#er in #a# role or in a ne role (see e&el4ependen# ene$i#s


    eneral eats

    eat 1ame Summary

    ,!!"ra#e ,##a!* Yo" !an sa!ri$i!e dama%e $or a!!"ra!y.

    ,ll4o"# ,##a!* Yo" !an sa!ri$i!e de$ense $or a!!"ra!y.

    ,nimal >mpa#y Yo" !an "se in#era!#ion s*ills on animals.

    ,rmor Trainin% Yo" *no o #o mo&e and $i%# ile earin% armor.

    ,ssessmen# Yo" !an %e# an idea o$ an opponen#6s !omba# bon"s.

    ,##a!* @o!"s :1 on a##a!* rolls i# a !osen a##a!*.

    ,##ra!#i&e :K on l"$$ and iploma!y !e!*s $rom yo"r appearan!e.

    ene$i# ain some minor b"# si%ni$i!an# bene$i#.

    lind4@i%# ?al$ miss !an!e ile in melee !omba#.

    Canny od%e ,dd yo"r n# or is s!ore #o yo"r dod%e bon"s.Callen%e er$orm a par#i!"lar !allen%e i# no modi$ier.

    Conne!#ed Yo" !an !all in $a&ors $rom #ime #o #ime.

    Con#a!#s Yo" !an ma*e a#er n$orma#ion !e!*s $as#er.

    edi!a#ed :K bon"s $or !e!*s in&ol&in% #e obDe!# o$ yo"r de&o#ion.

    e$ensi&e ,##a!* Yo" !an sa!ri$i!e a!!"ra!y $or de$ense.

    od%e @o!"s :1 #o yo"r dod%e bon"s.

    >ide#i! Memory To#al re!all and :K bon"s on !e!*s #o remember #in%s.

    >nd"ran!e :K bon"s on s#amina4rela#ed Con !e!*s and @or# sa&es.

    >-o#i! eapon Trainin% Yo"6re #rained in a par#i!"lar e-o#i! eapon.@ar 'o# n!rease ran%e in!remen# by one4al$ (do"ble $or #ron eapons).

    @irearms Trainin% Yo" are #rained in #e proper "se o$ Nrearms.

    rea# @or#i#"de :2 on @or#i#"de sa&in% #ros.

    mpro&ed Cri#i!al Yo"r #rea# ran%e i# a par#i!"lar a##a!* is do"bled.

    mpro&ed e$ense :2 bon"s en #a*in% #e #o#al de$ense a!#ion.

    mpro&ed isarm :2 bon"s en a##emp#in% #o disarm an opponen#

    mpro&ed rab Yo" !an $ollo an "narmed a##a!* i# a $ree %rapple.

    mpro&ed ni#ia#i&e Yo" %e# a :K bon"s on ini#ia#i&e !e!*s.

    mpro&ed in Opponen#s s"$$er a EK penal#y on %rapple !e!*s a%ains# yo".mpro&ed re!ise 'o# Bo penal#y $or less #an #o#al !o&er or !on!ealmen#.


  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    mpro&ed Trip :2 bon"s #o #rip opponen#s.

    ron ill :2 bon"s on ill sa&in% #ros.

    eadersip Yo" a!="ire a n"mber o$ $olloers.

    i%# 'leeper Bo penal#y on Bo#i!e !e!*s ile sleepin%.


  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    @amiliar Yo" a&e a s"perna#"ral bond i# a spe!ial animal !ompanion.

    mb"e #em Yo" !an !ra$# s"perna#"ral i#ems.

    Mind O&er ody '"bs#i#"#e yo"r isdom s!ore $or Cons#i#"#ion !e!*s.

    "i!*en oer l"si&e Tar%e# o"ble normal penal#ies $or ran%ed a##a!*s a%ains# yo" ile yo"6re in melee.

    >&asion Bo dama%e $rom area a##a!*s i$ yo" ma*e yo"r

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    Cri#i!al '#ri*e '!ore !ri#i!al i#s normally a%ains# $a&ored opponen#s.

    ieard Yo" a"#oma#i!ally s"!!eed on Con !e!*s #o s#abiliJe.

    @a&ored Opponen# :2 bon"s a%ains# a par#i!"lar #ype o$ opponen#.

    rapplin% @inesse se e- in pla!e o$ '#r #o %rapple.

    rea# Clea&e i*e Clea&e b"# "sable an "nlimi#ed n"mber o$ #imes.

    rea#er ,##a!* @o!"s :1 a##a!* bon"s i# a par#i!"lar a##a!*.

    rea#er ,##a!* 'pe!ialiJa#ion :1 dama%e i# a par#i!"lar a##a!*.

    -er# men#al !on#rol o&er yo"r body.

    Calm rain in#ense emo#ion $rom o#ers.

    Cold 'apin% Crea#e in#ense !old.

    Comba# 'ense ain a #emporary Comba# bon"s.

    Comp"#er in* Ma*e men#al !on#a!# i# !omp"#ers.

    C"re ?eal inD"ries by #o"!.

    C"re lindness/ea$ness

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    rain Vi#ali#y rain &i#al ener%y by #o"!.

    >ar# 'apin% 'ape and dire!# masses o$ ear# and s#one.

    >lemen#al ,"ra '"rro"nd yo"rsel$ i# a dama%in% a"ra.

    >lemen#al las# '#ri*e a $oe i# a $o!"sed blas# o$ elemen#al $or!e.

    >lemen#al ner%y 'apin% 'ape and dire!# #e Po o$ ele!#roma%ne#i! ener%y.

    >nan!e ,bili#y Temporarily boos# yo"r '#ren%# or e-#eri#y.

    >nan!e O#er Temporarily boos# someone else6s '#ren%# or e-#eri#y.

    >nan!e 'enses Temporary bon"s #o Bo#i!e 'ear! and 'ense Mo#i&e !e!*s.

    @ire 'apin% 'ape and dire!# Nre.

    @les 'apin% 'ape and mold $les li*e !lay in#o o#er $orms.

    os# To"! To"! and a$$e!# in!orporeal !rea#"res as i$ #ey ere solid.

    ?arm n$li!# inD"ry i# a #o"!.

    ?ear# s#ablis men#al !on#a!# i# ano#er mind.

    Mo&e ObDe!# i$e and mo&e obDe!#s a# a dis#an!e.


  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference



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    *'1 A-' +IC'1S' ersion 6.0a

    Te $olloin% #e-# is #e proper#y o$ iJards o$ #e Coas# n!. and is Copyri%# 2000 iJards o$ #e Coas# n!

    (QiJardsQ). ,ll

  • 8/13/2019 True20 - Hero Creation Reference


    10 Copy o$ #is i!ense Yo" M'T in!l"de a !opy o$ #is i!ense i# e&ery !opy o$ #e Open ame Con#en# Yo"


    11. se o$ Con#rib"#or Credi#s Yo" may no# mar*e# or ad&er#ise #e Open ame Con#en# "sin% #e name o$ any

    Con#rib"#or "nless Yo" a&e ri##en permission $rom #e Con#rib"#or #o do so.

    12 nabili#y #o Comply $ i# is impossible $or Yo" #o !omply i# any o$ #e #erms o$ #is i!ense i# respe!# #o some or

    all o$ #e Open ame Con#en# d"e #o s#a#"#e D"di!ial order or %o&ernmen#al re%"la#ion #en Yo" may no# se any Opename Ma#erial so a$$e!#ed.

    13 Termina#ion Tis i!ense ill #ermina#e a"#oma#i!ally i$ Yo" $ail #o !omply i# all #erms erein and $ail #o !"re s"!

    brea! i#in 30 days o$ be!omin% aare o$ #e brea!. ,ll s"bli!enses sall s"r&i&e #e #ermina#ion o$ #is i!ense.
