LAPORAN GAWAT DARURAT TRIWULAN KETIGA RUMAH SAKIT PERTAMINA CILACAP dr. Yogi Irawan TANGGAL NO NAMA PASIEN UMUR NO. RM BAG DIAGNOSIS 21 Juni - 20 Juli 2014 21/06/201 4 1 Ny.Desiningsih 30 th 1733482CC OM - G3P2A0 hamil 39 mg pro SC e.c Varices Vagina 24/06/201 4 2 Tn.Djoko Tri Antoro 45 th 1733344AA KPC - Stroke In Evolution 24/06/201 4 3 Tn. Edy Wiliyanto 57 th 3647947AA YDP - Multiple fr. Ankle Joint Dex ttp - Fr, Kompresi V. Lumbal I 28/06/201 4 4 Ny. Syofelly Astuti 48 th 1654101BB TA - VES, Dyspepsia 06/07/201 4 5 An. Aisyah N. 21 bl 174778601 Utl - Kejang demam simplex 06/07/201 4 6 Ny. Sainah 53 th 8070846BB P3 - Febris hr I, DM susp KAD 13/07/201 4 7 Ny. Sutiani 38 th 8070920BB P3 - Vomitus - P3A0 post SC e.c PEB hari XIII 18/07/201 4 8 An. Gendhis Nalar P. 1 th 173356303 Lab - Kejang demam 20/07/201 4 9 Tn. Soetjipto 77 th 8033449AA P3 - Stroke in Evolution 21 Juli - 20 Agustus 2014 31/07/201 4 1 Ny. Anik K. 54 th 3496517BB YDP - Stroke In Evolution 01/08/201 4 2 Tn. Hanif 30 th 19011802AA Pertamina EP - Melena 08/08/201 4 3 Ny.Warsiyah 64 th 1629981BB OM - Hypoglikemia 08/08/201 4 4 Ny. Sugiarti 62 th 3494143BB YDP - Anemia ec. Hematoschezia 09/08/201 4 5 Tn.Dandang Adil 45 th 1705853AA Marine - Stroke In Evolution 10/08/201 6 Ny. Yuninda Shara 24 th 868834102 P3 - G1P0A0 Hamil 40 minggu Pro SC dg DKP

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21 Juni - 20 Juli 2014

21/06/20141Ny.Desiningsih30 th1733482CCOM- G3P2A0 hamil 39 mg pro SC e.c Varices Vagina

24/06/20142Tn.Djoko Tri Antoro45 th1733344AAKPC- Stroke In Evolution

24/06/20143Tn. Edy Wiliyanto57 th3647947AAYDP- Multiple fr. Ankle Joint Dex ttp

- Fr, Kompresi V. Lumbal I

28/06/20144Ny. Syofelly Astuti48 th1654101BBTA VES, Dyspepsia

06/07/20145An. Aisyah N.21 bl174778601Utl- Kejang demam simplex

06/07/20146Ny. Sainah53 th8070846BBP3- Febris hr I, DM susp KAD

13/07/20147Ny. Sutiani38 th8070920BBP3- Vomitus

- P3A0 post SC e.c PEB hari XIII

18/07/20148An. Gendhis Nalar P.1 th173356303Lab- Kejang demam

20/07/20149Tn. Soetjipto77 th8033449AAP3 Stroke in Evolution

21 Juli - 20 Agustus 2014

31/07/20141Ny. Anik K.54 th3496517BBYDP- Stroke In Evolution

01/08/20142Tn. Hanif30 th19011802AAPertamina EP Melena

08/08/20143Ny.Warsiyah64 th1629981BBOM Hypoglikemia

08/08/20144Ny. Sugiarti62 th3494143BBYDP Anemia ec. Hematoschezia

09/08/20145Tn.Dandang Adil45 th1705853AAMarine Stroke In Evolution

10/08/20146Ny. Yuninda Shara 24 th868834102P3 G1P0A0 Hamil 40 minggu Pro SC dg DKP

10/08/20147Tn. Kamaludin49 th1681731AALubricant Fraktur Procesus Olecranon Os ulna Dextra Tertutup, Elbow Joint Dextra

10/08/20148Ny. Yani Liana27 th8071342BBP3 CKR dg Amnesia Retrograde

15/08/20149Ny. Setia Wanuni46 th1655017BBLOC II Hipertensi Emergency

19/08/201410Tn. Bambang Hariyadi66 th3409636AAYDP Abdominal Pain, Riw CA Collon Susp Ileus Obstruksi dd Grastritis Kronis

19/08/201411Tn.Sutatmo60 th3499741AAYDP Hipertensi Emergency, Chest Pain

19/08/201412An.Ilham F9 bln807143601P3 Kejang Demam

20/08/201413Ny.Satimah66 th8071453AAP3 Hiperglikemia Susp. KAD

21Agustus 20 September 2014

26/08/20141Tn. Supono56 th8029730AAP3- Colic Renalis e/c Vesicolitiasis & BPH Pro Open Prostatektomi

30/08/20142An. Al Choiril Anam 14 th807153501P3 Fraktur Clavicula sinistra tertutup

31/08/20143Ny.Novieta40 th1734227BBLOC I Chepalgia Post Kll Sprain Regio Angkle Sinistra

31/08/20144Nn.Aisyah19 th170236102LOC II Gangguan Afektif Bipolar Episodik Manic

02/09/20145Nn. Sora Aprianda19 th160618202OM- Combutio grd I 5% regio wajah et grad II 1%

03/09/20146Ny.Sustin81 th8071550BBP3 Stroke In Evolution

Pjs. Head of MC & MS

dr. Yogi Irawan

dr. Sari Kusumaninggar


21 Juni - 20 Juli 2014

21/06/20141Ny.Nurul Fadlin47 th1717533BBProd. II- Dyspneu dd Asma Bronkiale

- Takikardi dd Hipertiroid

21/06/20142Ny. Siti Fatimah52 th8070800BBP3- VES- Atrial Fibrilasi

21/06/20143Tn. Vreedy H.53 th1690609AALab Prod II- CAD

21/06/20144An. Yosia Stefina12 th163041703MA1 Sincope

28/06/20145Ny. Tin Rochyati50 th1710291BBLaborat- Intoksikasi e.c Madu oplosan- Dispepsia

29/07620146Tn. Sabaruddin Achmad60 th3671485AAYDP- Syok Cardiogenik

- Chest pain dd AMI Inferior

30/06/20147Tn. Slamet Priyono57 th3605429AAYDP- Stroke in Evolution

01/07/20148Tn. Sukarta70 th8065378AAP3- Dypsneu dd Asma Bronkiale- Hipertensi Emergency

08/07/20149Ny. Fitri M35 th3654467CCYDP Combutio gr II 9%

10/07/201410Ny. Nuryantini52 th3617206BBYDP Ischialgia e.c fraktur compresi pelvis

11/07/201411Tn. Suhardjo71 th3504527AAYDP Hipertensi Emergency

11/07/201412Ny. Sri Purwati53 th3509541BBYDP Hipertensi Emergency

13/07/201413Ny. Zaleha49 th1689516BBFinance Reg.3 Ulkus Dm

CRF dengan Hematuri


21 Juli - 20 Agustus 2014

21/07/20141Tn. Rochiman60 th3494395AAYDP- AMI anteroseptal- Vomitus

23/07/20142Tn. H. Muchtar Nasution83 th3133896AAYDP Hematemesis Melena

DM tipe II


28/07/20143Ny. Saminem84 th8071029BBP3 Hipertensi Emergency


03/08/20144Ny. Sukaesih53 th1670894BBME Hipertensi Emergency Hematuri

Abdominal pain dd ISK

12/08/20145Ny. Sherly Marlina30 th8071365BBP3 Blighted Ovum

14/08/20146Tn. Riyadi63 th3517463AAYDP- Stroke in Evolution

- Depresi

16/08/20147Tn. Suhardjo72 th3504527AAYDP Hipertensi Emergency

Asma Bronkiale

17/08/20148Ny. Subarliyah63 th3616137BBYDP Dislokasi patella

DM tipe II


20/08/20149Tn. M. Thoha66 th8035119AAP3 Oedema Anasarka

Penurunan Kesadaran

21Agustus 20 September 2014

Pjs. Head of MC & MS

dr. Nurhani

dr. Sari Kusumaninggar


21 Juni - 20 Juli 2014

06/06/141Ny. Siti Fatimah53 th8070800BBP3- Status Asmaticus, VES

01/07/142Ny. Kuniah49 th8070873BBP3- CKR dg amnesia retrograde

01/07/143Tn. Rono Diharjo53 th8068032AAP3- Status Asmatikus dg Riw TB

04/07/144Ny.Wari Sulastri40 th8055662 BBP3- G3P1A1 Hamil 7 Bulan Perdarahan Pervaginam

08/07/145Nn. Aulia23 th162941301Prod I- Epilepsi, Gastritis akuta

16/07/146Tn. Daryanto53 th1724142AAP3- Epilepsi, glaukoma

21 Juli - 20 Agustus 2014

23/07/141Ny. Anita Hardini47 th1637451BBFOC II- Hiperplasia Endometrium

26/07/142Ny.Turasih52 th3614047BBYDP- Pneumonia Berat, Side effect OAT

29/07/143Tn. Supardikun51 th1597005AAUPMS- Status Asmatikus

06/08/144Ny.Tia Rostiana19 th8 071255 BBP3- Perdarahan pervaginam susp Fetal death

08/08/145Tn.Kaswadi 64 th8071336AAP3- Cedera Kepala Berat, Fr.Clavikula Sinistra

09/08/146Nn. Aisyah Z.19 th170236102LOC II- Manik Dengan Gejala Psikotik (skizotipal)

21Agustus 20 September 2014

23/08/141Tn. Anwar Supriyanto44 th8071471AAP3- Hernia Inguinalis Medialis irreponible

23/08/142Ny. Rizka24 th803311103P3- G1P0A0 Hamil Aterm, Ketuban Pecah Dini

24/08/143Tn. Djoko57 th3630433AAYDP- Corronary Artery Dissease

25/08/144An. Muamar15 th805001202P3- Intoksikasi Obat dd Appendicitis

27/08/145Tn. Rohimudin63 th8071506AAP3- Syok Sepsis

28/08/146Tn. Eko Muji54 th1617255AAWorkshop- Hemiparese, Stroke in Evolution

Head of MC & MS

dr. K. Adji P.

dr. Sari Kusumaninggar


21 September - 20 Oktober 2014

1Nn.Ni Nyoman16 th806756103P3- Asma Bronchial

2Tn.Rustadi51 th654004AAMA III- Ventrikel Ekstra Sistole Trigemini

3Ny. Enung A.55 th8071765BBP3- Stroke in Evolution Susp. Stroke Non Hemoragic

4Ny. Nuryati56 th3501854BBYDP- GEA Dehidrasi Berat

5Tn.Hari Handayani67 th3344147AAYDP- GEA dehidrasi berat, Anemia

6Mr.Adrian Luke30 th8071807AAP3- GEA Dehidrasi Berat

7Ny. Diaz Rifiani26 th2750999BBUP V- G1P0A0, hamil aterm, KPD

8Tn. Jeremias M55 th1684323AALubricant- GEA Dehidrasi Ringan dd TF, MRI Massa Intrakranial

9Ny. Ny.Hastuti28 th8056941BBP3- G2P1A0 Serotinus Pro Induksi

10Tn, Reban Warso67 th8071905AAP3- Ikterik Suspect Hepatitis, Anemia gravid

21 Oktober - 20 November 2014

1Tn.Marikin53 th8071925AAP3- Coma Diabeticum

2Tn. Bambang N.64 th3490871AAYDP- Status Asmaticus

3Tn. Eko Tri Santoso49 th8071957AAP3- Hipertensi Emergency, Gastritis Akut

4Nn.Asri AS15 th163802303Proc En- Status Asmaticus,Gastritis Akut

5Tn.Sukijo48 th8072163AAP3- Stroke Hemoragic, Post KLL

6An. Azka F.10 th173322202FOC I- Supra ventrikel takikardia, cefalgia berat

7Tn. Tua Manoror S.66 th3271717AAYDP- Status Asmaticus

21November 20 Desember 2014

1An.Aisyah14 bln807084301P3- Kejang Demam Simpleks

2Tn.Soekirman72 th3385052AAYDP- Status Asmaticus

3Ny.Samai75 th8053815BBP3- Stroke susp.Stroke Hemoragic

4Ny. Ayu SP24 th1750684BBME- G1P0A0 Hamil 2 Minggu, AbortuS Imminens

5Tn.M. Noersad70 th3494143AAYDP- Susp. Ileus Obstruktive

6An. Azka F10 th173522202FOC I- Supra Ventrikel Takikardi

7Tn.Toni Hendrik32 th8064228AAP3- Abdominal pain susp ileus obs dd APP

8Ny. Suprihatin39 th8065805BBHolcim- Appendicitis Cronis

9Ny. Yuliana42 th1630036BBOM- Fr. Digiti IV manus sinistra terbuka

- Fr. Metacarpal IV manus sinistra tertutup

- Fr. Metatarsal IV pedis dextra

10Ny. Susiatien48 th1597005BBUPMS IV- Stroke In Evolution, Hipertensi Emergency

11Ny. Atit Wahyu40 th8070022BBP3- Perdarahan Pervaginam post partum

12Nn. Tika Aprilia19 th807088302P3- Appendicitis akuta

Head of MC & MS

dr. K. Adji P.

dr. Sari Kusumaninggar


21 September - 20 Oktober 2014

1Nn.Ni Nyoman16 th806756103P3- Asma Bronchial

2Tn.Rustadi51 th654004AAMA III- Ventrikel Ekstra Sistole Trigemini

3Ny. Enung A.55 th8071765BBP3- Stroke in Evolution Susp. Stroke Non Hemoragic

4Ny. Nuryati56 th3501854BBYDP- GEA Dehidrasi Berat

5Tn.Hari Handayani67 th3344147AAYDP- GEA dehidrasi berat, Anemia

6Mr.Adrian Luke30 th8071807AAP3- GEA Dehidrasi Berat

7Ny. Diaz Rifiani26 th2750999BBUP V- G1P0A0, hamil aterm, KPD

8Tn. Jeremias M55 th1684323AALubricant- GEA Dehidrasi Ringan dd TF, MRI Massa Intrakranial

9Ny. Ny.Hastuti28 th8056941BBP3- G2P1A0 Serotinus Pro Induksi

10Tn, Reban Warso67 th8071905AAP3- Ikterik Suspect Hepatitis, Anemia gravid

21 Oktober - 20 November 2014

1Tn.Marikin53 th8071925AAP3- Coma Diabeticum

2Tn. Bambang N.64 th3490871AAYDP- Status Asmaticus

3Tn. Eko Tri Santoso49 th8071957AAP3- Hipertensi Emergency, Gastritis Akut

4Nn.Asri AS15 th163802303Proc En- Status Asmaticus,Gastritis Akut

5Tn.Sukijo48 th8072163AAP3- Stroke Hemoragic, Post KLL

6An. Azka F.10 th173322202FOC I- Supra ventrikel takikardia, cefalgia berat

7Tn. Tua Manoror S.66 th3271717AAYDP- Status Asmaticus

21November 20 Desember 2014

1An.Aisyah14 bln807084301P3- Kejang Demam Simpleks

2Tn.Soekirman72 th3385052AAYDP- Status Asmaticus

3Ny.Samai75 th8053815BBP3- Stroke susp.Stroke Hemoragic

4Ny. Ayu SP24 th1750684BBME- G1P0A0 Hamil 2 Minggu, AbortuS Imminens

5Tn.M. Noersad70 th3494143AAYDP- Susp. Ileus Obstruktive

6An. Azka F10 th173522202FOC I- Supra Ventrikel Takikardi

7Tn.Toni Hendrik32 th8064228AAP3- Abdominal pain susp ileus obs dd APP

8Ny. Suprihatin39 th8065805BBHolcim- Appendicitis Cronis

9Ny. Yuliana42 th1630036BBOM- Fr. Digiti IV manus sinistra terbuka

- Fr. Metacarpal IV manus sinistra tertutup

- Fr. Metatarsal IV pedis dextra

10Ny. Susiatien48 th1597005BBUPMS IV- Stroke In Evolution, Hipertensi Emergency

11Ny. Atit Wahyu40 th8070022BBP3- Perdarahan Pervaginam post partum

12Nn. Tika Aprilia19 th807088302P3- Appendicitis akuta

Head of MC & MS

dr. Mohammad Alwi

dr. Sari Kusumaninggar