Grade 1 What’s your name? How old are you? How are you? Stand up, please. Go to the window. Touch the window. Open/close the door. Point to... Show me… Give me…

Trinty Questions

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Grade 1

What’s your name?How old are you?How are you?Stand up, please.Go to the window.Touch the window.Open/close the door.

Point to...

Show me…

Give me…

What’s this?

What’s that?

Is it a/an...?

What are they?

Are they…?

How many... are there?Where do you live?Where are you from?Is it the morning or the afternoon?Are you standing up or sitting down?What colour is it?What’s your favourite colour, animal, food?Do you like...?Are you tall, short, slim?What are you wearing?

What’s today?What month is it?What’s your father’s /mother’s name?Is it big or small?Is it long or short?Are you happy?Is the woman young or old?Is the man fat or thin/SLIM? What colour are your eyes?What colour is your hair?Is the girl beautiful?How many brothers and sisters have you got?When is your birthday?What season is it?May I come in?May I sit down?Could you repeat, please?

Grade 2

Grade 1 questionsWhat’s your surname?How do you spell it? Where do you come from?Point to….What are you wearing?What is there in this classroom?How many chairs are there?How many clocks are there?Have you got a watch?What’s the time?Have you got a pencil?Have you got a computer?What toys have you got?What have you got?What have I got?Who is he? (he is the grandfather/she is the grandmother etc…)Have you got any brothers and sisters?How many brothers and sisters have you got?Tell me about your family.Look at the picture... Are they playing or sleeping?

Is she eating an ice-cream?Where is he?What is he doing?What is she doing?What are they doing?What am I doing?What are you doing now? (eating, talking, reading, brushing, crying, cooking, writing, sleeping, washing his face, combing her hair).Put the…/Where is the button? It’s in/on/under/next to/beside/between/in front of/behind...What is it? (It’s a living room)What rooms are there in your house?What is there in your bedroom/kitchen etc….?Is there a clock?Are there any flowers/books?What’s today?What’s tomorrow?What was yesterday?What month is it?What’s next month?What was last month?What month is your birthday?When is your mother’s/father’s/brother’s/sister’s birthday?

What season is it?Which is your favourite season?Look at the photo. What is he wearing?Is he wearing a white shirt?What does he look like?What colour is his hair?What colour are his eyes?Is he tall or short? Is he young or old?Is the box big or small?Is the pen mine or yours?What animals do you like?Have you got any pets?Do you have any pets?Tell me about your pets.What’s your favourite animal?What’s your favourite food?What’s your favourite fruit?What’s your favourite sport?Do you like football?What sports do you play?What’s the name of your school?What’s the name of your teacher?

Do you like school?What’s your favourite subject?What subjects don’t you like?What time do you start school?What time do you finish school?What time do you get up?What do you do then?What do you have for breakfast?What time do you go to school?When do you have English class?What do you have for lunch?What do you have for dinner?What time do you go to bed?What do you do in the morning?What do you do in the afternoon?What do you do on Saturday/Sunday?What do you do every day? (get up, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, have dinner, play with my computer, study, watch television, go to bed)What do you like?What don’t you like?What do you do in your free time?What do you do in summer?Where do you go in summer?

Grade 3

Grades 1 and 2 questionsWhat’s the weather like today?Is it raining now?What was the weather like yesterday?What’s the weather like in summer?Look at the picture. What’s the weather like?Where were you yesterday?Where were you last night? What were you doing at seven o’clock this morning?Tell me about your family.What’s your mother’s/father’s job?Look at the picture. What’s his/her job? (He’s a mechanic/teacher/doctor/dentist)Look at the picture. What is he/she/are they doing?How many people are there in the picture?What places are there in Madrid?Is there a river?Are there any shops?Do you live near here?What is there near your house?What’s the time?What time do you go to school?

What time do you go to English class?Where do you live?Is that near here?What’s your address?Do you live in a house or a flat?What is there opposite your house?How do you get to your house(HOME) from here?Look at the picture. Give directions… (turn left/right, go straight on, go past the… take the first turning on the left...)(Prepositions: from/to/up/down/along/across…)(Prepositions: near/in front of/behind/opposite)Tell me how to get to the…What’s the date today?What was the date yesterday?What’s the first month of the year?What’s the sixth month of the year?Is the glass full or empty?Whose pencil is it?Is it mine or yours?Where were you born?When were you born?When is your birthday?When is your mother’s (father’s/brother’s/sister’s) birthday?

What’s the name of your school?What’s the name of your teacher? WHAT´S YOUR TEACHER´S NAME?What is there in your classroom?What do you like doing at school?How many children are there in your class?What’s your favourite subject at school?Who is your best friend?Tell me about him/her.Can you play any musical instruments?Can you play the piano?Can you speak any other languages?Can you cook?Do you have any pets?Do you like English?Does your father like football?Does your mother cook well?What time do you get up?What do you do then?What do you do when you get home from school?What time do you go to bed?What do you do in the morning?What do you do in the afternoon?What do you do in the evening?

What do you do at the weekend?Do you visit your grandparents?Where do they live?Do you go out with your family?Where do you go?Do you go to restaurants?What’s your favourite food?Do you watch TV?What’s your favourite programme?Do you play with your brothers and sisters?What games do you play?What’s your favourite toy?What things do you do at home?Do you have a lot of free time?What do you do in your free time?What do you like doing in your spare time?What sports do you play?Do you like reading books?Are you reading any books now?What books do you like reading?What do you do on Saturday morning?What do you do on Sundays?Ask me a question beginning with: do/can/have/where/when/who/whose/how many?

Grade 4

See Grades 1-3

Can I have your topic form, please?What are you going to talk about? (REMEMBER YOU MUST ASK THE EXAMINER AT LEAST ONE QUESTION).


Tell me what you did last weekend.Where were you last night?What time did you get up this morning?What did you have for breakfast?Did you go to school?What did you do this morning?What did you do this afternoon?What did you do yesterday?What did you have for dinner last night?What time did you go to bed?How long ago did you arrive here?

What are you going to do after this class?

What are you going to watch on TV tonight?Are you going to have a shower?What are you going to do this weekend?Look at this picture. What are theses people going to do?

What do you like doing?What do you not like doing?What do you like doing in your spare time?

What are some differences between Seville and Madrid?Compare two people in the picture.Compare two things in the class.Compare your teachers.Who is the tallest in the class?Who is the most intelligent in the class?Which is your best subject at school?Which is your worst subject at school?

How often do you go out with your friends?How often do you come to English class?How often do you play sport?

Where did you go on holiday last year?

Tell me about your holiday.Did you have a good time?What was the weather like?How long did you stay?Where did you stay?What did you do?What do you like doing on the beach?Where are you going on holiday this year?Who are you going to go with?

How often do you go shopping?Who do you go shopping with?Do you enjoy shopping?What things do you usually buy?Where did you buy your (T-shirt)?When did you buy it?Where do you usually go shopping?How much do you usually spend?Are you going to go shopping this weekend?What are you going to buy?

What’s your mother’s/father’s job?What job would you like to do?

Where does your father work?What time does he start work?What time does he finish work?Tell me about your school.How many hours do you study every day?

Tell me about your hobbies.What do you do in your free/spare time?What sports do you play?How often do you play (tennis)?

What’s your favourite food?What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Can you cook?What did you have for lunch today?What are you going to have for dinner this evening?What food is typical here in Madrid?What food do you like?What food don’t you like?

What do you usually do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?Which is your favourite season and why?What do you like doing at weekends?

Where do you go at weekends?Who do you go out with at weekends?Where were you last weekend?What did you do last weekend?What are you going to do this weekend?

Grade 5

See Grades 1-4

Can I have your topic form, please?What topic have you chosen? (REMEMBER YOU MUST ASK THE EXAMINER AT LEAST ONE QUESTION)


How long ago did you arrive here?How long ago did you begin studying English?How long have you been studying English?Why are you studying English?How long have you had your T-shirt?

Have you ever been to a pop concert?Would you like to go?Have you ever been to England?Where have you been to?What have I just done?What have you just done?Why are you taking this exam?What will you do this summer?What will you do next year?Will you go to university?What will you study?Who do you think will win the World Cup?Which do you prefer classical music or pop music?Why is that?Do you like riding a bike? (a lot/not very much)

What festivals are celebrated in this town?Have you always celebrated the same festivals in this area?Which is your favourite festival?When is the carnival?How do people celebrate this event?Why do they celebrate this festival?When is Holy Week?

Tell me about the Holy Week celebrations.Which do you prefer the Holy Week or the Fair?Why is that?When is the Fair?What do people do in the Fair?Do you enjoy the Fair? Why?

Do you have a bike?Do you enjoy cycling?How often do you ride your bike?Is cycling popular in Spain? Why?Where do you go cycling?Do your parents have a car?What car do they have?Which car do you prefer? Why?How old must you be in Spain to drive a car/ride a motorbike?Is petrol expensive? How much does it cost?Where do you go by car?How often do you travel by car?

What special occasions do you celebrate?When is your birthday?How old will you be at your next birthday?

How do you celebrate your birthday?Who do you celebrate it with?Do you get many presents?How did you celebrate your birthday last year?What presents did you get?Will you be celebrating anything else this year? What?How do you celebrate Christmas?Are you going to any celebrations (communion, wedding, christening, confirmation, house warming party, end of term parties...)?

Is there a lot of entertainment in your town?What places do people go to?What do teenagers do?Where do they go?Do you go out at night?Are you a member of any club?How often do you go to the cinema?Have you been recently?What film did you see?What kind of films do you like?How much television do you watch every day?What programmes do you prefer?Do you think that television is good or bad?

What do you do in your free time?Are there a lot of sports facilities?

What kind of music do you like?Who is your favourite singer or group?How often do you listen to music?Where do you listen to music?Do you ever go to concerts?Can you play any musical instrument?How long have you played it?

What have you done recently?Have you done anything interesting?Where have you been?When did you go there?Have you had any exams? Did you pass them?

Grade 6

Can I have your topic form, please?What topic have you chosen? (REMEMBER YOU MUST ASK THE EXAMINER AT LEAST ONE QUESTION)


What will you do if the weather is nice this weekend?What will you do if it rains?What will you do if you win the lottery?What will you do if you pass this exam?Where will you go if you have holidays this summer?If you go to university, what do you think you will study?If I come to your country, can I get health treatment?

What are you doing after this class/exam?Where are you going this weekend?What are you doing this summer?What are you having for dinner this evening?What are you doing the day after tomorrow?Where do you think you will be in a year’s time?What do you think you will be doing in a year’s time?

What were you doing before this class?How long were you waiting outside?What were you doing at seven o’clock this morning?What were you doing while you were waiting to take this exam?

Do you have to help your mother at home?What do you have to do this week?What must you do if you want to learn English well?Why do you need to study English?What do you need to do tomorrow?What do you have to do everyday?Must I wear a seat belt in a car?What might you do to celebrate your birthday?Where might you go this summer?

Why are you taking English classes? (to improve my English)Why do you go to the bank?Why do you go to the post office?What do you intend to do during your school holidays?

What places have you been to?Where/when did you go there?How did you travel?How often do you travel?What places would you like to visit?Tell me about one of your trips.How do you travel to work/school?

How long do you take?How far is it?Do you use public transport very much?What’s it like?

Do you earn a lot of money?What do you spend your money on?Do you save any money?Do you think that the cost of living is expensive?Do you think that it is cheaper or more expensive than in other countries?Would you like to win a lot of money? What would you do with it?What do you think of the Euro?What are the advantages and disadvantages of this currency?

Do you follow fashion?What do you think of boys’/girls’ fashion today?What things are fashionable today?How often do you buy new clothes?Do you spend a lot of money on clothes?What kind of clothes do you like?

What are the regulations about smoking in Spain?

What rules do you have at your school?Do you have to wear a uniform?Can you be late for school?What do your parents allow you to do?What aren’t you allowed to do?What is the speed limit in Spain?How old must you be to vote?

Are you feeling well?Have you ever been to hospital?What illnesses have you had?How often do you go to the doctor’s?What do you think of the Health Service in Spain?How could it be improved?

How often do you go shopping?Where do you go shopping?What have you bought recently?Did you spend a lot of money?Who do you go shopping with?What kinds of things do you like buying?Do you spend a lot of money?What are the best places to go shopping in Seville?

What are typical things that I can buy in Seville?

Grade 7

What are you going to talk about today?If you lost something important, what would you do?What would you do if you won the lottery?What would you do if you were President of the Government?Where would you live if you didn’t live in Madrid?Where would you go if the weather were nice next weekend?If you were rich, what would you buy?What would you do if you didn’t have to work tomorrow?

In which countries is Spanish spoken?Where are stamps sold?Where is English spoken?Where are oranges grown?Who was Don Quixote written by?

What games did you use to play when you were younger?I used to hate green vegetables when I was younger. What about you?What type of books did you use to read?What did you use to do in summer?

Who is the teacher who teaches you English?What is the book which you are reading now?Which is the shop where you bought your shirt?Give me a sentence with “whose”.

What should you do if you are not feeling well?What ought you to do if you want to improve your English?What could you do if you want to keep fit?What had you better do if you want to give up smoking?

What shall we do this Saturday? (Let’s go…., Why don’t we go…, How about going…., We could go...)Where shall we go this weekend?What shall we have for dinner this evening?How much money shall we spend on his birthday present?Where shall we go this summer?

(I may buy that jacket/I might buy that jacket/I’m not sure if I’ll buy that jacket)What may you do this evening?What may you do this summer?What might you buy this month?May you be going to a party soon?

Do you think you might go to university when you finish school?

(I’d love to go though I haven’t got much time.I’ll take a map in case we get lost.)Make a sentence with “though”….Make a sentence with “in case”….Really? /Oh, dear!/Did you?/Well….Um…/I agree/I disagree….Do you think that there is too much football on television?Do you agree that parents should be stricter with their children nowadays?

Talk about the education system here in Spain.What are its good points and its bad points?When do children start school? Do they go to Nursery School?How old are you when you go to Primary School?At what age do you go to Secondary School?What subjects are you studying?When do you go to University? Do you have to take an Entrance Exam?

Tell me about some of the marriage customs in your country.What are some of the typical customs in your country?How do you greet people in your country?Do you have any special habits when you are eating?Can you think of any other Spanish customs?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a village or in a city?Which do you prefer and why?Have you ever lived in a city/village?

What do young people get up to in their free time?Where do they hang about?Tell me about young people today.Talk to me about teenagers’ problems.What difficulties do young people face today?How do they dress?How are they different to older generations?

Tell me about your childhood.What are your earliest memories?Do you have fond memories of your school days?What did you use to do when you were younger that you no longer do?Has life changed much since you were younger?If you could, would you change anything that you did when you were a child?

Is pollution a big problem in your town/in your country/in the world?What types of pollution are there?How can we avoid this pollution?

Are you very interested in environmental problems?What can we do in the world to reduce the impact of the greenhouse effect?Who do you think should be responsible for recycling?Do you recycle your rubbish?Do people in Spain recycle their rubbish?How do you recycle your rubbish?Do you think that the world environment is a major problem nowadays?How do you think we can help protect our environment for future generations?

Grade 8

What topic have you brought along to talk to me about?

What would you have done if you had found a fifty Euro note outside?What would you have done if you had slept in this morning?What languages would you have liked to have studied if you hadn’t studied English?If you hadn’t gone away on holiday last summer, what would you have done?

How long have you been studying English?How long have you been waiting outside?How long have you been studying at your school?How long have your parents been married?

When you got to school today, what had happened?When you went to bed last night, who had already gone to bed?

What did your teacher tell you to do today?What did your mother ask you to do yesterday?Put into reported speech:He said, “I play football twice a week”She told him, “I didn’t enjoy that film”She asked me, “ Where do you live?”He advised me, “Give up smoking!”He promised her, “I will marry you when I return from the war”

You went out with your friends. And then?I had a great time last weekend. And what about you?

Make a sentence with “so to continue….”Make a sentence with “in other words….”Make a sentence with “ for example….”

Make a sentence with “even though….”Make a sentence with “in spite of….”Make a sentence with “unless….”

How would you persuade someone to come to your party?How would you discourage someone from studying something which you thought was a waste of time?

Have living standards improved in this country in the last few years?Do you think that people live well?What are the main problems in society today?Is society changing fast? In which ways?What do you think our society will be like in the future?What changes would you like to see?Tell me about young people in society today?What problems do they have?Do you think that young people are spoilt?The world today? Is it a good place to live?What are the main problems?

Are people’s values important today?What personal values do you consider to be important?(Being polite, respectful, punctual, obedient, well dressed, hygienic, tidy, helpful, understanding, hard-working, truthful, honest, loyal and so on….)Which of these, in your opinion, are lacking in today’s society?

What are your ideals in life?Do you consider yourself to be very idealistic?What things are important for you?

Some people say that the family structure as we know it, is breaking up nowadays. Do you agree?How can we adapt to these new changes in society?

Tell me about your job.What job would you like to have in the future?What qualifications do you need for this work?Is it difficult to find work nowadays?Are most jobs well paid?Do people usually do what they like or do they work because they have to?Are you hoping to get a promotion?Do you think that school and university prepare you for the world of work?What type of jobs are available in your town?

Do you believe in ghosts/witches/spirits?Have you ever seen one?Have you ever been in a haunted house?What would you do if you saw a ghost?Do you believe in the supernatural?Do you consider yourself to be superstitious?

Are people in Spain very superstitious?

Are you very concerned about the environment?What are the main environmental problems in your town?And in your country?How could these problems be tackled?

Who is the most important public figure in your country at the moment?Tell me about him/her.Who are the most important public figures in the world?Tell me about them.What do you think of…..(for example, the King, the Spanish Prince, the Queen of Britain, President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, the Spanish Prime Minister….)?Who are the most important public figures in the world of sport/cinema/music/television/literature etc in Spain and in the rest of the world? Which are your favourites?

Interactive Phase

Example One

Examiner: This is the first time I’ve ever been to this area and I have a free weekend.

Candidate: What are you interested in?

Well, I like visiting museums but I don’t like noisy or crowded places.

Oh, yes. I feel the same. There are three very good museums in the town. Do you like modern art?

Not really, I prefer history.

Well, I think that you should definitely go to the Archaeological Museum. It’s an old castle which was converted into a museum last year. There are many roman remains in this part of the country and the museum displays these very well.

What’s a good time to go?

The best time to go is probably Sunday morning – it’s quite empty then.

Right... Actually, I went to an archaeological museum in England not long ago.

Did you? Where in England was that?

Have you heard of Cambridge?

Yes, it’s very famous, isn’t it? Was the museum very good?

Yes, they’ve done a lot of work to the museum to make the displays more interesting for visitors- and there’s also a wonderful cafeteria there.

Unfortunately, there’s nowhere to eat or drink inside the museums here. It isn’t so common in this country…

Example 2

A friend of mine has asked me to lend him a large amount of money.

So, did you lend him the money?

Well, yes, I eventually did.

What did he want the money for?

Well, he says that he needs a new car and doesn’t want to ask the bank for a loan.

And when is he going to pay you back?

He says that he’ll give me a little each month.

To tell you the truth, I don’t think I’d lend a lot of money to a friend because I might lose my friend and my money.

I quite agree. But I’ve known this friend for years and I couldn’t really refuse to do it.

And what will you do if he doesn’t pay you back.

I don’t think that I could really do anything.

So you would simply lose your money and your friend would be too embarrassed to speak to you again. I once lent a CD to a friend and when I asked her to give it back to me, she said that she didn’t have it. I don’t know if she was telling me the truth, but our friendship has never really been the same again.

That’s a pity. So, if you had been me, you would have said no.

I think so. In Spanish we have a saying that “one red face is better than one hundred yellow ones”, which means that it’s better to tell someone what you really think.

Example 3

I want to meet new people.

Why do you want to meet new people?

Because I am new to this area and I sometimes feel a bit lonely.

Well, I don’t think that it is difficult to get to know new people here because Spanish people are very open and friendly.

I know. And it would be a great opportunity for me to improve my Spanish.

Why don’t you join a local club? There are lots of exciting activities such as camping, playing in a local band or doing some sport.

Yes, but I would prefer something a bit quieter, I think.

How about going to a bar? You could sit and talk to the locals and then you would learn a lot about Spanish customs and habits.

That’s a good idea. Could you recommend anywhere in particular?

Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t go to one of those bars where they play loud music because you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself speak.

So, perhaps somewhere a bit quieter.

Yes, there are lots of typical bars in this town. Besides, you could try some of the local tapas which are really delicious.

That sounds great. I can practice my Spanish, meet new people and try the local food, all at the same time.

Don’t forget to let me know how you get on.

Example 4

I’m looking for a present to take back for my wife.

Do you have anything in mind?

Well, I don’t really know. I thought that you might be able to give me a hand.

What kind of things does she like? Perhaps clothes or perfume or a typical local souvenir?

Well, clothes would be a problem, because if she didn’t like what I bought, she wouldn’t be able to change it.

How about perfume? There is a very nice perfume made in Seville called “Agua de Sevilla”, although it’s a bit expensive. How much were you thinking of spending?

Well, not too much, because I’d like to take her a small souvenir from each place I go to.

Well, does she like sweet things? The local convents here make typical sweets which many people buy and which you can’t get in England, so it would be something different.

Well, I’m afraid she doesn’t like sweets too much although, she does like chocolate.

Well, I wouldn’t buy chocolate, because I think that chocolate in England is probably a lot better than chocolate here in Spain. Why don’t you buy her a fan? It’s very typical of Spain and it’s not really expensive. Besides, it’s summer now, so it would be a very useful present.

That’s a great idea. I think that is what I’m going to get her.

Example Five

I would like to take my wife out to a nice restaurant.

Did you have anything particular in mind?

Perhaps somewhere quite typical?

Which do you prefer, meat or fish?

I think that we would both rather have fish.

And how much are you planning to spend?

Well, the price doesn’t really matter, because there are only two of us and we are going to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

So you really want to go somewhere quite special.


Well, a few months ago I went to a really nice restaurant in Seville called “La Dorada”. It specialises in fish and has a wide choice, although it’s rather expensive.

That sounds just right. Whereabouts is it?

Do you know where the central university is? Well, it’s about five minutes from there. If you’re going on foot, I’ll give you the directions.

No, that won’t be necessary. I think we’ll take a taxi from the hotel. We’ll go this evening at about seven o’clock.

You can’t do that. If you go that early, you’ll find it’ll be closed. People in Spain never go out for dinner before nine o’clock.

Example 6

I have a few days holiday before returning to England and I was wondering whether you could recommend somewhere for me to go.

What type of things do you enjoy doing?

I’m not really bothered.

Would you rather go to a city, the country or the beach?

I’m not really sure.

Well, it’s really hot now, so if I were you, I’d get out of Seville and go down to the coast. There are some really beautiful beaches in the area and so you could go back to England with a tan.

That sounds a really good idea. But I don’t want somewhere too touristy.

Well, then, you could go to the beaches in Cadiz. There are some really beautiful beaches there and you can mix beach tourism and rural tourism. Have you ever done rural tourism?

Yes, I did it a couple of years ago and had a great time.

Do you enjoy horse riding? In Cadiz you can ride horses on the beach or in the pine forests. There are some beaches which are almost deserted. They are great places to go if you want to get away from everything.

That sounds like just what I need after so many weeks of examining. I can’t wait to get my bags packed and to be off.

Well, have a lovely time.