Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the Culpeper Basin and the Barboursvllle Basin f VIrglnia by K. Y. Lee U.S. Geological Survey Open - file Report 80 - 468

Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

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Page 1: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part

of the Culpeper Basin and the Barboursvllle Basin f



K. Y. Lee

U.S. Geological Survey

Open - file Report 80 - 468

Page 2: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological





K. Y. Lee

Regional setting and previous investigations

The Culpeper and Barboursvilie basins are north-northeast trending

faulted Mesozoic troughs bordering the east front of the /Appalachian

Mountains in Maryland and Virginia. These basins were initially evolved

during the early Mesozoic period of continental fragmentation that

preceded continental drifting and the development ofthe modern Atlantic

continental margin (Van Houten, 1977 f p. 83 and 89~96). The basins

are part of a belt of similar faulted Triassic-Jurassic troughs in the

Piedmont Province of eastern North America. The Culpeper basin, the

larger of the two troughs (fig. 1) 9 is about 20 km wide and extends for

li*0 km, whereas the Barboursvilie basin to the south (herein named

after the town of Barboursvilie, Va.) is a detached outlier (Conley

and Johnson, 1975) about k km wide and 16 km long. The 18 partial

2geologic maps (1:2*4,000) presented here cover about 1,690 km (fig. 1).

Figure 1 near here

Redfield (1856, p. 357) first designated W. B. Rogers 1 "New Red

Sandstone of the Atlantic slope" in Virginia as the Newark Group:

subsequently these rocks were redefined by I. C. Russel in 1879.

Page 3: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Norn., of QU odronoU.»nlhl. -port ,

I.ThorougMort Gop Z.WorrenfO* - S.Coilell 4.1nd«p.nd.nl HJll .

S.Brondy Sloiloft 6.Ritn1nglo»

7.M!dlond B.Scmtrrlllt 9.Jef\*9

lO.Culpeper Wttl M.Cu1ptp«r Cosl

IZ.G.rmonno Brldgt 13. RIct.ord.»!II«

|4.Wcd!»on Mill! IS.Rcpidon

le.Unlonvillt l7.Borfcoyr»»Illt



PublUhtd b

.t. Lte.i»7t


Topogrophic Quodrongle Mop•^

1 7»M6* \

10 Mll«i

ft 10 tc;i»M»t»rt

Figure I.Index Mop Showing Geologic Mops, I « 24.0OO, In the

Southern Port of Culpeper Bosln ond Borbouriville Botln, Virginia

Page 4: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Roberts (1922, 1923, 1928) carried out the first detailed study of the

Triassic geology of Virginia and subdivided the Trlassie rocks of the

basins into the Manassas Sandstone and the Bull Run Shale. Cornet

(1977) established the presence of Lower Jurassic rocks in these basins

and the position of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary based upon a detailed

palynostratigraphic study. Lee (1977) presented a revised stratigraphy

for the northern part of the Culpeper basin on the basis of lithologic

sequences and depositional environments. Lee (1979) utilized ant.

informal stratlgraphic nomenclature for the rocks of the Culpeper basin

to present the 16 partial geologic quadrangle maps in the northern part

of the Culpeper basin. r<

Stratigraphy and structure

Triassic and Jurassic siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, and

shale comprise the Culpeper and Barboursville basins. Jurassic basalt

and diabase are exposed in the Culpeper basin only. The sedimentary

rocks constitute a distinctive sequence of continental red beds

consisting of clastic fluvial and lacustrine deposits.

The informal stratlgraphic nomenclature of Lee (1979) is also used

in this report. The Culpeper Group is used herein for the Upper

Triassic and Lower Jurassic sedimentary and basaltic rocks within the

Culpeper and Barboursville basins. The sequence is subdivided, in

ascending order, into the Manassas Formation, the Balls Bluff Siltstone,

and the Bull Run Formation. The Upper Triassic Manassas Formation

contains the Reston Member and the Rapidan Member at its base which

both grade upward into and intertongue with the Poolesvilie Member.

Page 5: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

The fine-grained deposits of the Upper Triassic Balls Siltstone

locally are gradational or intertongue with the coarser-grained

deposits of the Manassas below and the Bull Run above. The Lower

Jurassic Bull Run Formation consists of the Catharpin Creek Member,

which is conformably overlain by and intertongues with the Mountain Run

Member. The Catharpin Creek Member contains the Mt. Zion Church basalt,

the Hickory Grove basalt, and the Sander basalt. The rocks of the

Culpeper Group in these basins are locally mantled by unconsolidated

upper Tertiary (?) and Quaternary terrace deposits and colluvial

mountain-wash deposits, and Holocene alluvial deposits.r -s

During the latest stage of Bull Run sedimentations the sedimentary

rocks and basaltic flows within the basins were tilted toward the west

and northwest. The tilting was accomplished by renewed movement along

the border faults, particularly the western border faults of the

Culpeper basin, that was synkinematic with the development of minor

folds and shallow faults in rocks within the basins and with extensive

intrusion of tholeiitic diabase sills, stocks, and dikes that caused

thermal metamorphism of the country rocks. This metamorphism was

accompanied locally by sulfide and iron mineralization, hydrothermal

alteration, and zeolite mineralization in fissures of the contact

aureoles, the diabase, and host rocks outside the aureoles.

Page 6: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Economic Geology

The southern part of the Culpeper basin and the Barboursvi11e

basin contain significant groundwater reserves and extensive deposits

of rock materials suitable for crushed stone, aggregate, road metal,

and riprap, as well as deposits used for dimension stone and monumental

stone. Raw materials suitable for manufacture of brick and tile are

also abundant. Metal.lic and non-metallic material deposits have been

extensively prospected in the past, but were mined only or> a small


Supplies of groundwater adequate for domestic purposes are

available in most areas underlain by the sedimentary forks, and

potential supplies sufficient for commercial uses are likely In somes • *

of these areas. Water from the Balls Bluff Siltstone is more likely

to have high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and sulfate than

water from other sedimentary units (A.J, Froelich, 1979 t Pers. commun.).

Basalt is locally quarried for crushed stone, aggregate, road

metal, fill, subbase, and riprap at the Sander quarry in the Catlett

quadrangle and at the Silver Lake quarry in the Thoroughfare Gap

quadrangle. Diabase has been quarried for dimension stone at the

Virginia Granite Company quarry and for monumental stone at the Aston

quarry In the Rapidan quadrangle. The diabase in these areas is

generally easily quarried due to its equigranular texture and an

intersecting network of widely spaced joints which facilitate splitting.

The Balls Bluff Siltstone 1s quarried for crushed stone,

aggregate, road metal, fill, and subbase at the Culpeper Crushed Stone

Page 7: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

quarry in the Culpeper East quadrangle. It has also been quarried for

the manufacture of red brick and tile at the Webster Brick Company

quarry in the Gordonsville quadrangle. Resistant sandstone of the

Catharpin Creek Member was formerly quarried for dimension stone south

of U.S. Route 23/211 in the Thoroughfare Gap quadrangle.

Metallic copper and iron mineral deposits in the Culpeper basin

were prospected and locally mined on a small scale during the past.

These deposits generally occur in granulite and hornfel? of the inner

zone of contact aureoles, within fractures in diabase, and as fissure

fillings in sandstone and siltstone outside the contact aureoles.r •

Principal minerals are chalcopyrite, magnetite, specu^arite, bornite,

and malachite. Non-metallic barite deposits occur typically as

fissure fillings locally in siltstone and shale near diabase intrusives

Potential environmental problems within the basins are related to

waste disposal and to contamination of groundwater by septic tank

effluent or landfill leachate. Other problems relate to foundation

instability caused by highly expandable clays in soils developed on

diabase and basalt or within fault gouge, and by the settlement or

failure of unconsolidated colluvial deposits along the basin borders.

Page 8: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological


Conley, J,F., and Johnson, S»S t| 1975, Road log of the geology froft

Madison to Cumberland Counties in the Piedmont, central Vtrghilaj

Virginia Minerals, v, 21, n, k, p, 29^39t *

Cornet, Bruce, 1977» The palynostratigraphy and age of the Newark

Supergroup: University Park, Pa,, The Pennsylvania State University,

unpublished Ph.D, dissertation, 505 p*t-

Eggleton, R,E,, 1975, Preliminary geologic map of the Herndon quadrangle,

Virginia: U,S, Geological Survey Opem-file report 75 * 386, scale

1:24,000. r •

Lee, K,Y., 1977, Triasstc stratigraphy in the northern part of the

Culpeper bastn, Virginia and Marylandi U*S t Geological Survey

Bulletin 1422 * C f 17 p*

Lee, K.Y\, 1978, Geologic map of the Arcola quadrangle, Virginia:

U,S, Geological Survey Map MF ^ 973, scale Ij2^,000

Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the

Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological Survey Open*

file report 79 - 1557, 16 partial geologic maps, scale 1;2^,000,

Redfield, W.C., 1856, On the relations of the fossil fishes of the

sandstone of Connecticut and other Atlantic States to the Liassic and

Jurassic periods: American Journal of Science, v. 22, ser. 2,

p. 357 - 363-

Roberts, J.K., 1922, The Triassic of northern Virginia: Baltimore,

Maryland, Johns Hopkins University, unpublished Ph.D, dissertation,

272 p.

Page 9: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Roberts, J.Kt , 1923, Trlasstc bsslns of northern Ytrgtntot

Geologist, v. 29, n, 3, p» 185 * 20Q %

Roberts, J,K,, 1928, The geology of the Virginia Triassic; Virginia

Geological Survey Bulletin 29 f 205 p*

Van Houten, F,B,, 1977 f Triassic^Liassic deposits of Morocco and

Eastern North America; comparison; American Association of

Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 61, n t 1, p, 79 ^ 99-

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Page 11: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

——..... Contact, approximately located; short dashed where inferred;

dotted where concealed.

•——•- Fault, approximately located; bar and ball on downthrown

side; short dashed where inferred; dotted where concealed.

2V V Strike and dip of beds

© Horizontal beds

J 50°Q__ Strike and dip of overturned beds

L 61°r Strike and dip of principal metamorphic foliation

| Strike of vertical metamorphic foliation

Minor fold~showtng plunge



Strike and dip of joints. In case of multiple joints, point

of observation is at Intersection of symbols.




Page 12: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Direction of paleocurrent; measurement at apex based on

cross lamination of sandstone and imbricate structure of

rock fragments in conglomerate.

Quarry, Mine or Prospect


AA Abandoned. Cu-Copper, Ba-Barite

Q Fossil locality

Page 13: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological





Artificial fill and stripped land surface. Hanmade

features in construction areas.

UnconsolJdated Sediments

Alluvium - Silt, sand, clay, and gravel; generally moder­

ately well-sorted. Commonly, sand layers contain gravel

lenses chiefly composed of pebbles of rounded to subrounded

rock fragments. Locally contains residual manganese and

iron nodules In the Thoroughfare Gap and Rapidan quadrangles, r •

Estimated to be 0.5 to more than 8 m thick*

Mountain Wash - Gravel, silt, and sand; gray and moderate-

redd ish^-brown to pale-yellowish-orange; chiefly rounded to

angular quartzite and vein-quartz clasts with locally

abundant greenstone, sandstone, and schist fragments, and

light-gray to gray and moderate-reddish-brown quartz and

feldspar sand In a silt matrix. Estimated to be 0.1* to more

than 30 m thick. Not mapped where underlain by pre-Triasslc


Terrace Deposits ~ Sand, gravel, and clay; gray, grayish-

orange, and moderate^reddish-brown; chiefly rounded to sub-

rounded quartzite, vein-quartz, schist, and greenstone

fragments with locally abundant quartz and feldspar sand in

a clayey silt matrix. Estimated to be 1 to about 10 m thick.

Not mapped where underlain by pre-Trlassic rocks.

Page 14: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Thermally Metamorphosed Rocks

Hornfels, granulite, and quartzite ~ Gray to dark-gray,

medium-blulsh-gray, and olive-black; chiefly metamorphosed,

feldspathic, micaceous, argillaceous, ferruginous, and

calcareous sandstone, siltstone, and shale; includes

slightly thermally altered basalt, Hornfels is the dominant

type of metamorphosed argillaceous rock. Granulite andt

quartzite form fused lenses, bands, and irregular masses.

Principal metamorphic mineral assemblages are cordierite,

andalusite, quartz, plagioclase, epldote tr bjotite, and<


intrusive Rocks

Diabase - Medium- and medium-dark-gray; chiefly equigranular

and medium-grained, but locally very coarse-grained,

aphanitic near chilled margins; consists chiefly of dark-

grayish-green to black discrete crystals of augite and

pigeonfte, light-gray labradorite and Slmenite. Pegmatittc

diabase and granophyre (JTrdp) occur as locally mapped

irregular pods and bands within the diabase. Granophyre

(JTrdg) - Pale-pink to pink, medium^ to coarse-grained;

consists chiefly of sodic plagioclase with a turbid appear*

ance, mlcropegmatltic quartz, and potassium feldspar

associated with discrete crystals of hornblende and clino-

pyroxene and minor biotlte, actinolite, magnetite, ilmenite,

chlorite, and apatite.

Page 15: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological


Sedimentary Rocks and Basalt of the Culpeper Group


MOUNTAIN RUN MEMBER - Conglomerate, dusky-yellowish, dusky-

grayish-, and moderate-yellowish-green; chiefly angular to

• . subrounded clasts of greenstone with subordinate rounded

to subrounded clasts of quartzite and feldspathic sandstone

and locally abundant sandstone, vein-quartz and minor schist

In a clayey sand and silt matrix, firmly cementecj by silica.

Estimated to be 150 to 635 m thick.

CATHARPIN CREEK MEMBER - Sandstone, siltstone, and minor

conglomerate and shale, grayish-red and dusky-red mostly

in the lower part of the sequence; light-brown, pale-yellow-* • •»

ish-brown, and moderate-yellowish-brown In the upper part,

tnterlayered, in part, with basalt flows; locally contains

fossi1iferous (fish fossils) impure limestone, carbonaceous

shale and siltstone, and sandy siltstone containing

dinosaur tracks. Estimated to be *»0 to about 5,150 m thick.

SANDER BASALT -• Basalt, dark-gray to blackish- or bluish*

gray; mostly holocrystalline and equigranular, in part

microcrystalline or glassy and porphyritic; consists of

augite and plagioclase, chiefly labradorite and andesine,

in part exhibiting ophitic texture. Zeolite-filled

vesciles are common in the upper part of the unit,

Hydrothermally altered and locally mineralized with copper

sulfi.de minerals, Interlayered with sandstone and siltstone

Page 16: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

of the Catharptn Creek Member. This basalt is truncated by

western border faults but part of the unit, apparently thins

and pinches out near the southwestern border of the Remington

quadrangle and the eastern border of the Brandy Station

* .quadrangle. Estimated to be as much as 5^5 m thick.

HICKORY GROVE BASALT - Basalt, medium-gray to medium-dark-

gray; very fine to very coarse-grained; mostly equigranular

and holocrystalline; euhedral or subhedral crystals of

plagioclase, chiefly labradorite and andesine, occur in a

groundmass of auglte. Vesicles mainly in the upper part of* r « the unit. This basalt apparently pinches out tjear the

southwestern border of the Remington quadrangle. Estimated

to be as much as 210 m thick.

MOUNT ZION CHURCH BASALT 7 Basalt, medium-gray and dark-gray;

very fine- to medium-grained, porphyritic in part; mostly

equigranular and holocrystalline; augite and plagioclase,

chiefly labradorite and andesine, display ophltic or

subophitic texture. Vesicles generally occur in the upper

part of the unit. Columnar joints are well developed.

Exposed only as Isolated, narrow outcrops in the Catlett

and Remington quadrangles. Estimated to be as much as 100 m


Page 17: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological


SILTSTONE - Dusky-red, dark-red, grayish-red, and In part,

1ight-greenish-gray, 1ight-blulsh-gray, greenish-gray, and

medlum-dary-gray to dark-gray; feldspathic, micaceous,

highly calcareous, ferruginous, and argillaceous; thin- to

thick-bedded or massive; ripple-bedded and laminated.

Locally contains thin to thick lenses of gray limestonet

and dolomite, layers and lenses of carbonate ooids,

aggregates of carbonate concretions, and dinosaur tracks.

Layers of sandstone and sllty shale are .scattered throughout*

the sequence. Estimated to be 10 to 1,630 m thick.


POOLESVILLE MEMBER - Sandstone, dusky-red to grayish-red

and very dark-red; very fine- to medium-grained, mostly

medium-grained; micaceous, feldspathic, ferruginous, silty,

clayey, and in part calcareous; consists chiefly of quartz

and feldspar grains in silt matrix, cemented by clay,

silica, and locally calcite. Thick- to very thick-bedded

or massive; planar- to cross-bedded. In the lower part of

the sequence, contains lenses and layers of light-gray to

gray, medium to very coarse-grained, feldspathic sandstone

and conglomerate composed of quartz!te and vein-quartz

fragments. Estimated to be 50 to *»60 m thick.

Page 18: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Trmra RAP I DAN MEMBER - Conglomerate, grayish-green, dusky^green,

and grayish-olive-green; angular to subrounded clasts of

greenstone and minor amounts of gray quartzite, vein-quartz,

and feldspathic sandstone. These clasts are in a clayey

sand and silt matrix, firmly cemented by silica. Estimated

to be 70 to 140 m thick.

RESIGN MEMBER «• Conglomerate and sandstone, generally

loosely coherent near the surface; consists of abundant to

sparse, angular to subangular, pebble- to cobble-sized

clasts of greenish-gray mica schist, light-gray to gray

rounded to subrounded quartzite, vein-quartz, and feld­

spathic sandstone tn a dusky-red, dark-red, very dusky-red-

purple, and moderate-brown matrix of clay and silt- and

sajnd-sized quartz and feldspar. Sandstone, dusky-red,

dark-red, and very dusky-red-purple; medium* to very

coarse-grained; generally loose to semi "-compact near the

surface; micaceous, ferruginous, silty, and clayey; consists\

chiefly of feldspar and quartz grains in a silt matrix;

locally massive and cross-laminated. Estimated to be 3 to

about 100 m thick.

Page 19: Triassic - Jurassic Geology of the Southern Part of the ... · Lee, K.Y., 1979, Triassic-Jurassic geology of the northern part of the Culpeper basin, Virginia and Maryland: U,S, Geological

Pre-Triassic CrystalHne Rocks —

Undifferentfated pre-Triassic crystalline rocks,

SCHIST - Medium- to dark-gray and grayish-green; medium- to*

coarse-grained; consists chiefly of mica, quartz, chlorite,

and plagioclase. Intensely foliated with alternating quartz-

and mica-rich laminae that are crossed by strain-slip

foliation. Locally cut by quartz veins. r

GREENSTONE - Dusky-yellowish-, dusky-grayish-, and moderate-

yellowish-green, and graylsh-ollve-green, metamorphosed

igneous and sedimentary rocks; epidotizattoo and chlorjti-<

zation common; generally intensely foliated.

SANDSTONE AND QUARTZITE'- Light-gray, light-brown, grayish-

red, and dusky-red; fine- to very coarse-grained; feldspathic,

micaceous, and ferruginous; thick- to very thick-bedded and

very compact; generally intensely foliated. Locally cut by

intersecting networks of quartz veins.

V Contacts between pre-Triassic and Triassic or Jurassic

rocks are Inferred where covered by Qmw or QTg.