President Mentor 2 President 3 Honorary Secretary 4 Honorary Treasurer 5 Vice President 7 Director of Rugby 8 Director of Non-contact 10 Director of Touch 11 Business Partnership & Sponsorship Manager 12 Membership Secretary 13 Communications 14 Club Volunteer Coordinator 15 Tour Manager 16 Social Secretary 17 Webmaster & IT 18 Kit & Merchandise Manager 19 Operations manager 20 Field Operations 21 Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 1

TRC Commitee Roles 2016

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President Mentor 2

President 3

Honorary Secretary 4

Honorary Treasurer 5

Vice President 7

Director of Rugby 8

Director of Non-contact 10

Director of Touch 11

Business Partnership & Sponsorship Manager 12

Membership Secretary 13

Communications 14

Club Volunteer Coordinator 15

Tour Manager 16

Social Secretary 17

Webmaster & IT 18

Kit & Merchandise Manager 19

Operations manager 20

Field Operations 21

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !1


PRESIDENT MENTOR President Mentor is an honorary role bestowed on all former Presidents. When available you’ll share your wealth of experience and knowledge of when you ran the club. You’ll assist the Management Committee and liaise between club, officers and sub-committees as and when necessary. You provide an invaluable link to the history of the club, where it has come from and what it has been through.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Familiar with the current committee members and activities of the club

• Attend club events whenever possible

• Familiar with the evolving business administration and practices of the club

• Diplomatic and discreet recommendations and advice to the committee

• Well-acquainted with the running of the club

What you’ll do:

• Primarily assist the current President and VPs by way of advice and support

• Attend AGM & Committee meetings whenever possible

• Join sub-committees as necessary

• Make recommendations and provide opinions of committee topics

How much time it will take up:

Less than 1 hour a week on average, mainly in the evenings and at weekends.

What you’ll get out of it:

This is the most prestigious position within the club, so it’s highly respected within the community and the world of work. As the club’s former leader you’ll be welcome at all club activities and be presented to the membership as a cornerstone of the success of the club.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !2


PRESIDENT The President is the figurehead of the club, representing it at internal and external functions, so you’ll need to know the club inside out. You’ll work alongside the Vice Presidents to help smooth the administration of the club, and you’ll provide impartial advice based on your broad experience. In short, you’ll set the tone for the whole club.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Confident and good at communicating

• Tactful and discreet

• Well-versed in the running of the club

• Analytical and good at solving problems

• Familiar with good business practices and procedures

• Something of a bon viveur – charismatic and committed

What you’ll do:

• Guide, support and advise other club officers and committee members on any club matters

•  Attend the AGM and committee meetings

• Attend as many games as possible (or find someone to represent you), especially when the Islanders and Amazons are playing, to encourage and support the players & coaches

• Make sure visiting club officials are made welcome at all home games

•  Set in place a succession plan for key club officials

• Hand over to the next President as smoothly as possible

How much time it will take up:

About 6 hours a week, mainly at weekends.

What you’ll get out of it:

As President you’ll be the focal point of the club off the pitch, so it’s an important and highly social role. You’ll build relationships both within the club and beyond, and you’ll get the chance to meet a wide range of people. It’s a highly respected post from any perspective, within the community and the world of work.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !3


HONORARY SECRETARY The Honorary Secretary is the head administrator for the club. Your remit is broad; as well as looking after the general running of the club, you’ll act as the linchpin between internal and external stakeholders. It’s no exaggeration to say the club couldn’t function effectively without you.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• A capable manager who can delegate effectively

• Confident and good at communicating

• Skilled at administration and meeting procedures

• Well-organised and conscientious

•  IT literate

What you’ll do:

• Act as the main communication link between the Committee, sub-committees, club members, other clubs and leagues

• Manage and record all inward and outward club correspondence, making sure the necessary actions are followed up

• Manage legal and insurance matters

• Provide the necessary details to the relevant authorities

• Distribute the right paperwork to the right people in the club

• Organise the AGM, Management Committee and club meetings, preparing agendas and paperwork, and taking minutes

How much time it will take up:

About 6 hours a week, mainly in the evenings and at weekends.

What you’ll get out of it:

Running this office well shows considerable command of organisational skills. It’s a highly respected post from any perspective, within the community and the world of work. You’ll be able to see the results of your efforts very clearly, as there’s a high correlation between a well-run club and success on the field.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !4


HONORARY TREASURER The Treasurer looks after the club’s accounts and financial dealings, reporting to the Management Committee. A club cannot function without handling money, so it goes without saying this is a crucial role.

Ideally you’ll need to be:

• Financially knowledgeable, with skills covering bookkeeping, accounting, VAT returns and rules, and investment

• Arithmetically sound

• Careful and confident with figures, cash and cheques

• A good record-keeper

• Good with a computer and the relevant programs

• Aware and decisive

• What you’ll do:

• Look after the club’s finances to make money work for the club

• Know exactly where the club stands financially at any time, and keep the committee informed of any trends and issues

• Recommend the financial policies for the club (eg payment of expenses)

• Plan and monitor a budget each year

• Prepare and present the accounts for the end of year financial report

• Liaise with the club auditors

• Deposit money and issue receipts promptly

• Keep adequate records of any transactions

• Manage the club’s rental, sponsorship and management contracts

• Prepare and submit any statutory documents needed (e.g. VAT, tax, PAYE and NI returns, grant aid reports)

• Renew insurances annually

• Make sure the club has paid relevant affiliation fees

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !5


How much time it will take up:

Around 2 hours a week, rising at financial year end

What you’ll get out of it:

Although you’ll already need to be financially literate, this is a great way to keep those skills sharp with a relatively minor time commitment. You’ll be fulfilling a respected role in the community and providing a vital service to the club.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !6


VICE PRESIDENT A club needs a sustainable community environment in which to function and thrive. It’s the Vice Presidents role to think about the club as a community, using its assets to their fullest potential to generate loyalty, respect, and passion amongst existing members, as well as interest from the broader community to maintain/increase membership as necessary. This role also involves overseeing the income streams that sustains its future. You’ll work with the Treasurer, the Membership Secretary, the Operations Manager and report to the Main Committee.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Experienced in business

• Resourceful, enthusiastic and dedicated

• Confident and good at communicating

• Good with figures and people

What you’ll do:

• Generate income for the club by maximising its assets which includes recruitment, rental of pitches, sponsorship, & events

• Oversee the appointed grounds management partner, who in turn oversees the maintenance crew

• Identify and liaise with sponsors

• Club communications

• Minimise costs and look for efficiencies

• Make sure the Annual Club Dinner is well-organised

• This role will possibly lead to being the successor to the President

How much time it will take up:

Around six-eight hours per week.

What you’ll get out of it:

This is great role for refining your commercial wits in a new context. It will be an enjoyable test of shrewdness and ingenuity and you’ll be able to develop a more multi-faceted approach to business economy. If you would like to keep your head in the business environment, then this one’s for you.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !7


DIRECTOR OF RUGBY The playing future of the club is in your hands. You will work closely with the respective Director of Non-contact & Touch, the coaching group and support volunteers to produce successful teams on and off the field.

Ideally, you’ll need to:

Be well-organised and hard working

Have a team ethic, displaying personal discipline, pride and selflessness

Communicate clearly with players & team management

What you’ll do:

• Work with Directors to create Club Standards consistent with the values of the game in consultation with the Team Managers, players and support volunteers

• Set up a process to identify and develop talented players through the club and beyond

• Promote the club to potential players

• Prepare a plan and budget for long term player development

• Set a philosophy and game plan that recognise the teams’/clubs’ strengths

• Implement processes across the whole club to optimise fitness & conditioning, prevent & evaluate injuries, coordinate training & recovery sessions

• Establish a transparent selection policy

• Advise on planning training to ensure team & individual player needs are met

• Ensure all players receive clear, honest feedback and appraisal of their performance

• Work domestically & internationally with other clubs & governing bodies to developtournaments and leagues

• Work with our nominated partner club to develop programs for professional coaching in Singapore and overseas

• Identify opportunities for ‘Legends’ coaching experiences

• Oversee the annual TRC Cup & Touch Trophy Tournament Organising Committees to ensure successful and profitable events

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !8


• This role will possibly lead to being the successor to the President

• Enforce code of conduct on and off the field, and refer to the committee as necessary.

How much time it will take up: Around six to eight hours a week

What you’ll get out of it: Seeing the Club, teams, individual players & coaches display improvement and progression, as well as the odd beer with a Legend, will be your main reward.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !9


DIRECTOR OF NON-CONTACT The playing future of the club is in your hands. You will work closely with the VP of Rugby to lead a group of coaching and support volunteers who produce successful teams on and off the field.

Ideally, you’ll need to:

• Be well-organised and hard working

• Have a team ethic, displaying personal discipline, pride and selflessness

• Communicate clearly with all Age Group Head Coaches, players, management both on and off the pitch

What you’ll do:

• Work with the VP of Rugby to Create Club Standards relevant to the development of the game at the respective ages consistent with the values of the game in consultation with the Team Managers, players and support volunteers

• Set up a process to identify and develop talented players through the club and beyond

• Promote the club to potential players

• Prepare a plan and budget for long term player development

• Set a philosophy and game plan that recognise the various teams’ strengths

• Implement processes across the whole club to optimise fitness & conditioning, prevent & evaluate injuries, coordinate training & recovery sessions

• Establish a transparent selection policy

• Advise on planning training to ensure team and individual player needs are met

• Ensure all players receive clear, honest feedback and appraisal of their performance

How much time it will take up:

Around six to eight hours a week

What you’ll get out of it:

Seeing the teams, coaches and individual players under your guidance display improvement and progression will be your main reward.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !10


DIRECTOR OF TOUCH The playing future of the club is in your hands. You will work closely with the Director Rugby to lead a group of coaching and support volunteers who produce successful teams on and off the field.

Ideally, you’ll need to:

• Be well-organised and hard working

• Have a team ethic, displaying personal discipline, pride and selflessness

• Communicate clearly with all Age Group Head Coaches, players, management both on and off the pitch

What you’ll do:

• Work with the Director of Rugby to create Club Standards relevant to the development of the game at the respective ages consistent with the values of the game in consultation with the Team Managers, players and support volunteers

• Set up a process to identify and develop talented players through the club and beyond

• Promote the club to potential players

• Prepare a plan and budget for long term player development

• Set a philosophy and game plan that recognise the various teams’ strengths

• Implement processes across the whole club to optimise fitness & conditioning, prevent & evaluate injuries, coordinate training & recovery sessions

• Establish a transparent selection policy

• Advise on planning training to ensure team and individual player needs are met

• Ensure all players receive clear, honest feedback and appraisal of their performance

How much time it will take up:

Around six to eight hours a week

What you’ll get out of it:

Seeing the teams, coaches and individual players under your guidance display improvement and progression will be your main reward.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !11


BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP & SPONSORSHIP MANAGER Passion for rugby alone won’t pay the bills. That’s where you can help. We need a volunteer to manage advertising and sponsorship programmes for the club – from pitch hoardings to shirt sponsors, and more! You’ll encourage companies to get involved in rugby in exchange for helping them promote their business at our club.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Well-organised

• A good communicator

• Passionate about rugby

• A target driven sales person

• Business minded

• A good negotiator

•  Efficient and a quick thinker

• Meticulous over the details

What you’ll do:

•  Manage existing sponsor/advertiser relations

• Source and approach new potential sponsors

• Build business cases for possible partners illustrating the potential returns on investment in us

• Manage the advertising at the club – from hoardings to programmes

• Maintain the annual income and expenditure account

• Work closely with the fundraising team to maximise opportunities

How much time it will take up: Around 3-4 hours a week.

What you’ll get out of it: In managing one of the most vital income streams for the club, you’ll take on a lot of responsibility which will help progress your career. You’ll meet a wide range of people and get great satisfaction from seeing the sponsorship deals you negotiated directly benefit the club.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !12


MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY A community club is nothing without its members. That’s why the role of Membership Secretary is so important. You’ll not only manage existing memberships, but actively encourage new ones and deal first hand with the members themselves. Your work will help the club prosper for years to come.

You’ll need to be:

• Well-organised

• Friendly and approachable – you’ll be key contact for our members.

• Have good attention to detail

• Good with numbers

• Full of bright ideas to attract new membership

• IT literate

What you’ll do:

• Manage everything to do with memberships, including types, subscriptions, renewals and income

• Take the lead on promoting new membership

•  Keep the membership database up-to-date

• Ensure membership fees are paid and records kept

• Create and deliver a plan for recruiting new members, with the support of the VPs, Directors of Rugby-Minis-Touch and Head Coaches.

How much time it will take up:

Around 3-4 hours a week.

What you’ll get out of it:

You’ll meet a wide range of people with one thing in common – loyalty to their local rugby club. It’s a socially rewarding post to hold. Encouraging support helps bring the community and area together, ultimately making it a nicer place to live.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !13


COMMUNICATIONS The role of Communications requires responsive action on providing the club members and the whole TRC community information and detail on what activity and events are taking place at the club. The main means of communication is via Pitchero and the web site. In addition, responsibility for the monitoring and posting of club events on social media is also to be managed. Coordinating and maintaining communication with each age group to ensure a dynamic and informative news outlet is the key priority.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• A good communicator with both written and oral skills

• Responsive to the distribution of news items and information

• Able to present TRC on social media outlets

• Good with detail to ensure messages are consistent, correct and positive

• Organised and proactive

• Have an understanding of social media and use Pitchero for web site design

What you’ll do:

• Disseminate information to the club in a professional and well written message

• Be responsive and take action of items that need communicating to the club

• Use Pitchero for club wide emails that need circulating to members

• Manage the TRC web site content and look

• Administration control of TRC Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media accounts

• Post informative and interesting news items to the web site and social media

• Manage the club’s library of graphics, pictures

How much time it will take up:

Around 2-3 hours a week.

What you’ll get out of it:

This is both a creative and interactive role. You will need to provide a ‘look and feel’ to the web site, social media content while interacting with the wider club community news items with what is happening within the club. This is a fun role and allows you to drive the online presence of TRC while at the same time ensuring club members are properly informed about important activities that are taking place within TRC.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !14


CLUB VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR As the Volunteer Coordinator, you’re responsible for recruiting a team of volunteers, training them and making sure they’re engaged enough to want to stick around. You’ll report to the Main Committee; it’s a vital role in any rugby club.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• A good listener who’s easy to approach

• Confident and good at communicating

• Well-organised and happy to delegate

•  Enthusiastic and motivating

What you’ll do:

• Work out who’s needed each year, bearing in mind special events as well as the week in week out running of the club

• Plan with the Directors of Rugby & the Head Coaches as to where and when you’re going to need volunteers from respective age groups, making sure your advertising and appointment is as open as possible

• Understand why people get involved in the first place and use this knowledge to recruit them

• Put people in roles that suit their skills wherever possible

•  Welcome volunteers to the club and help them get their bearings

• Train volunteers, and give them support, guidance and encouragement

• Recognise and reward success, nominating volunteers for club awards

• Create a succession plan so that you have a pool of talent ready to step up or provide cover for key roles

How much time it will take up:

Around 2-3 hours a week.

What you’ll get out of it:

This is a very social role. You’ll provide an important service to the club and for a small investment of time you’ll get to meet all kinds of people. Doing something distinctive and worthwhile like this is attractive to potential employers, and the organisational and communication skills are transferable to any walk of life.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !15


TOUR MANAGER The Rugby tour is an institution; the perfect way for a team to bond and a club to build new friendships and spread its reputation. But they don’t organise themselves. It takes a great deal of planning to make sure the tour runs smoothly and everyone enjoys themselves. That’s where the Tour Manager comes in.

Ideally you’ll need to be:

• An organised forward-planner

• Good with figures and logistics

• A strong communicator

• Good with people

What you’ll do:

• Work with team management and the VP of Rugby to decide destinations and itinerary

• Set a budget and a plan

• Form and lead a team of volunteers, or appoint a tour company, to help the organisation run smoothly

• Liaise with potential opposition & Director of Rugby to set up fixtures

• Arrange transport, insurance, accommodation/billeting and social activities, and visas and vaccinations where necessary

• Work with Vice President to organise funding and sponsorship

How much time it will take up:

Once the fixtures are arranged, other logistics will require 2-4 hours a week focused for about 2 months.

What you’ll get out of it:

You’ll be responsible for organising the most memorable and enjoyable event in the club calendar, so prepare for some back-slapping. You’ll get to see new places and meet some real characters along the way. Tours really embody the values and camaraderie of rugby, so there’s no better way of seeing all your hard work pay off. Oh, and it will be lots of fun!

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !16


SOCIAL SECRETARY One of the defining features of rugby is its social element. It’s fundamental to enjoying the game and building team spirit. As Social Secretary, you are the glue that brings and binds people together. It requires great personal skill and charm, knowledge of the game and the club that’s both wide and deep, plus a genuine desire to get everyone involved.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Enthusiastic, sociable and motivated

• Committed to the club

• A good and easy communicator

• Able to organise everyone

• Able to creatively include all areas of the club

What you’ll do:

• Create an annual ‘social calendar’ and agree a budget for events

• Organise club functions including pre-season, mid-season and end of season events

• Work with the appointed age group to run the Annual Dinner, Awards Event & Family Fun Day

• Book venues and entertainment

• Work with the Vice President to identify opportunities for fundraising social events

• Encourage new members into the club

• Motivate members to attend club events

• Promote healthy participation in a fun club

How much time it will take up:

Allow around 2 hours per week minimum – there is always the potential to vary and increase depending on the calendar of social events and time of year.

What you’ll get out of it:

Apart from a much bigger contacts book, you’ll be helping shape the character and future of the club. You’ll be bringing the players, officials, parents and members together in ways that will improve the way the club runs – and add an extra dimension to their lives. We think this hugely valuable experience will have currency in any occupation.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !17


WEBMASTER & IT A website is a great way to showcase our club. As the person responsible for our presence on the World Wide Web, you’ll have our image and reputation in your hands. You’ll create a dynamic site with up to the minute information presented attractively for visitors – whether they are new or familiar with us.

Ideally, you’ll need:

• Good IT Skills

• A working knowledge of website creation and design

• The ability to use your own initiative

• Good written English

• Attention to detail

• Sound judgement

What you’ll do:

• Manage the website and design a navigation structure for players, opposition, coaches, volunteers, spectators, members, parents, sponsors, media and other stakeholders

• Source content and images

• Promote sponsors

• Manage e-business transactions

• Ensure the site complies with the code of conduct and reflects the values of the game

How much time it will take up:

About 2 hours a week.

What you’ll get out of it:

You’ll have the chance to be creative and put your web design and journalistic skills into practice. Gathering news from all parts of the club will extend your network. We think being our webmaster will enhance your portfolio and impress potential employers.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !18


KIT & MERCHANDISE MANAGER Having a sense of identity is essential to building pride in the club. One of the most visible ways people do this is through merchandise. As Merchandise Manager, your role is to give the players a kit to be proud of and people the chance to show their allegiance in a range of ways through the club colours.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Financially astute

• Well-organised

• Up to date with the latest merchandising trends, technology and opportunities

• Able to manage volunteer sales staff

What you’ll do:

• Devise and oversee kit design development & merchandise range

• Purchase stock and manage inventories

• Manage both the physical shop and online sales

• Devise and implement merchandising budget

• Track sales and oversee reinvestment in stock

• Oversee quality control

• Develop long-term relationships with trusted suppliers

• Create sales and marketing messages

How much time it will take up:

We estimate you will need 3 to 4 hours per week

What you’ll get out of it:

By giving the club more visibility through well chosen, top quality kit and merchandise, you’ll get the satisfaction of helping your club in two ways. It makes the players proud of their club colours, it gives those who already belong to the club feel good about it, and it attracts others to come and join, play, volunteer or watch. It also looks good on your CV.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !19


OPERATIONS MANAGER Players, supporters, volunteers and visitors all need to be able to use our fields at the allocated times each week. As such, the non-field operational aspects of the Club need coordination, namely, F&B, Kit, Membership, Signage, supplier contracts for waste removal and the like. The Club has a part-time paid administrator that needs frequent liaison and oversight to ensure practical matters to do with the cleanliness and smooth operation of the Club continues uninterrupted, regardless of grounds users.

Ideally, you’ll need to be:

• Experienced in administration

• Able to manage people – usually volunteers for specific activities throughout the year.

• Keenly interested in the Club budget

• Calm whatever’s nearly boiling

What you’ll do:

• Develop and implement plans for players, spectators and special events

• Provide guidance and support for the achievement of the budget

• Manage a team of volunteers as required

• Liaise with suppliers where applicable

• Liaise with external F&B sponsors or partners

How much time it will take up:

Minimum 4 hours per week depending on numbers and fixtures/events.

What you’ll get out of it:

The undying gratitude of members and players that they can use the Club facilities at a reliable

standard, week to week.

Singapore Register of Societies reference number: 2020/2006 !20



To be inserted.

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