Téras ����������������

Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

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Page 1: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside




Page 2: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside


Téras (gr. τέρας = monster) is a kindheartedly vicious creature. It has a strong affinity for an entire range of typographic encounters, is highly articulate, slightly deformed, fierce and roughly eight feet tall. Due to it's Arabic, Greek, Latin and Tamil background, every syllab-le it utters is a mongrel mouthful of a variety of cultural influences.

It is also an exploration into the alternative type family, which in the upright mutates from a serif light weight into a sans serif black and the reversed procedure in the italics.

thistypefaceis an affirmation,a celebration,of life and ofliberty







Light Italic

RegularRegular ItalicBold

Bold Italic

Black Black Italic




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من املفيد التفرقة بين التوازن املوضعي وحالة التوازن الشامل عىل نظاق واسع. وبالنسبة إىل الحركة الحرارية

يتعين التبادل داخل نظام وبين النظام والوسط املحيط عن طريق تغير دوال مثل درجة الحرارة والضغط

وغيرها. وعىل سبيل املثال تغير درجة الحرارة التبادل الحراري. يف حالة التوازن الرتموديناميكي املوضعي تكون

درجة الحرارة والضغط داخل النظام متساوية.ويف حالة التوازن الرتموديناميكي الشامل قد حتتلف درجة الحرارة

والضغط من منطقة إىل أخرى وتتغير مع الزمن، ولكن تلك التغيرات تكون طفيفة حبيث يمكن اعتبار تواجد

.توازن ترموديناميكي يف منطقة محيطة ألي نقطة فيه وعىل سبيل املثال، حتتاج جزيئات غاز لعدد معين من

التصادمات لكي تصل إىل حالة توازن يف الرسعات بينها وبين الوسط املحيط. فإذا كان متوسط املسافة

التي تنتشر فيها قصيرة حبيث تبعدها عن منطقة لجوار

Som beskrevet af den antikke græske filosof Thales fra Milet omkring 600 fvt., kunne ladning (eller elektricitet) ophobes ved at gnubbe pels mod forskellige ma-terialer. Grækerne bemærkede at ladede ravklumper kunne tiltrække lette objekter som hår. De bemærkede også at hvis de gnubbede rav længe nok, kunne de få en gnist til at springe. Denne egenskab kom-mer fra den triboelektriske effekt. I 1600 vendte den engelske videnskabsmand William Gilbert tilbage til emnet i De Mag-nete, og var ophavsmand til det moderne latinske ord electricus fra ηλεκτρον (elek-tron), det græske ord for "rav", som hurtigt

Termodynamisk ligevægtتفاعل عضوي

�د Jas ψπΜε τον όρο θερμοδυναμική ισορροπία χαρακτηρίζεται γενικά η κατάσταση ενός θερμοδυναμικού συστήματος κατά την οποία δεν μεταβάλλονται οι ιδιότητές του με το χρόνο. Τούτο σημαίνει ότι οι όποιες μεταβολές που μπορεί να επέλθουν θα είναι αποτέλεσμα κατόπιν αλληλεπίδρασης με άλλο σύστημα και μόνο. Σύστημα ορισμένης ενέργειας ευρισκόμενο σε θερμοδυναμική ισορροπία χαρακτηρίζεται με τη μεγαλύτερη τιμή εντροπίας από οποιαδήποτε άλλη κατάσταση με την αντίστοιχη ενέργεια. Γενικά η θερμοδυναμική ισορροπία ως κατάσταση, παρουσιάζει στις διάφορες συνθήκες πίεσης και θερμοκρασίας τη χαμηλότερη τιμή ενθαλπίας

மிகப பழஙகாலததிலேயே (அணுவின துகளகளைப பறறி அறிேத த�டஙகிே 19 ஆம நூறாணடுககு 2500 ஆணடுகளுககு முனனமே), சுமார கி.மு.600 காலபபகுதியில �லசு எனனும கிலேகக அறிஞர மினேம பறறிே சில அரிே கணடுபிடிபபுகளை எழுதியுளளார. திணேமாய மாறிே, ேஞசள நிறததில காணபபடும, ேேபபிசினாகிே அமபர எனனும த�ருளை ஒரு துணியில லதயத�ல, அது சிறு சிறு தசதளதகள, முடி ல�னறவறளற ஈரபபதத அறிநதிருந�ர. கி.மு.300 காலபபகுதியில வாழநத பிளாடலடோ

எதிரமினனி Θερμοδυναμική ισορροπία

த ர

Page 4: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

௹ ¡No me moleste mosquito!

La vie de bohème

Wise or silly or nothing at all

Baby Precious & Mr. Cuddle-Wuddle

But there was no cake-walk hyperbole in it!

One seems to be suspended between two heavens.

Thermodynamic equilibrium

ததரு விைககு

An experiment of wasted energies and baffled thoughts

هامت الرياضيات

Θέλεις να χορέψεις μαζί μου;


Rupee sign

Page 5: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside


NELLIE BLYcarries his mark in gray powder on the forehead so that all the world may look and read and know their caste.

7. HONG KONGThe bay, in a breastwork of mountains, lies calm and serene, dotted with hundreds of ships that seem like tiny toys. The palatial white houses come half way up the mountain side, begin-ning at the edge of the glassy bay. Every house we notice has a ten-nis-court blasted out of the mountainside. They say that after night the view from the peak is unsurpassed. One seems to be suspended between two heavens.

8. SAN FRANCISCOThe trip across the Pacific was very tempestuous. In the first three days we were 110 miles ahead of the Oceanic’s last record when she broke the record; but all this and more were lost when we struck the headwinds, which stayed with us the greater part of five days. I cannot say more of the crew than that they were perfect, from the captain down. They did ever-

ens. In the mean we went into the restaurant on the edge of the pier and had something to eat. The trip to Amiens was slow and tiresome, but I was fully repaid for the journey by meeting M. Jules Verne and his wife, who were waiting for me at the station in company with The World’s Paris correspondent...”

4. BRINDISI, ITALY“We were due at Brindisi at 12 o’clock, but when it came midnight and we were not yet there I began to get nervous. The train stopped at last and there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside. The guard took charge of the fair girl and her invalid father and myself. One omnibus was hired for the lot. There was a little oil-lamp in the front which gave out a weak glimmer and a strong odor. The glimmer at last went out, but the odor remained. Two fat women had so many boxes that when they got them all into the omni-bus we had to sit as much on the seats as we could. We drove first to the stea-mer bound for Bombay,

where we bade farewell to the Englishman and his sweet daughter. Then we drove back to the ship that was to carry me to victory or to failure.

5. PORT SAID, EGYPTWe saw a great number of beggars who, true to their trade, whined forth, with outstretched hands, their plaintive appeals, but they were not so obtrusive or bothersome that they necessitated our giving them the cane instead of alms. The majority of the beggars presented such repulsive forms of misery that in place of appealing to my sympathetic nature, as is generally the case, they had a hardening effect on me. They seemed to thrust their deformities in our faces in order to compel us to give money to buy their absence from our sight.

6. SINGAPORE“The people in Singapore have ranks as have peo-ple in other lands. There they don’t wait for one neighbor to tell another or for the newspapers to inform the public as to their standing but every man, woman, and child

Around the World in 72 Days

ything for the comfort of the passengers, and, strange to say, with all the rough weather, only one or two suffered with sea-sickness. I could not have felt more grieved over getting into San Francis-co one day later than they had expected than did the officers in charge of the Oceanic. How I lan-ded in San Francisco and took The World’s special train at 9 a.m. January 2, and was whirled across the continent, greeted with kindness and hearty welcomes at every point, has already been told in The World.

9. JERSEYThe station was packed with thousands of peo-ple, and the moment I landed on the platform, one yell went up from them, and the cannons at the Battery and Fort Greene boomed out at the news of my arrival. I took off my cap and wanted to yell with the crowd, not because I had gone around the world in seventy-two days, but because I was home again.

Elizabeth Jane Cochrane

احتمال انتقال فيروس الفيروس التاجي الجديد (الكرونا� القاتل بين البشر عن طريق االتصال املباشر. وأعلنت السعودية وفاة شخصين آخرين

The Monster

The third part of a story by Stephen Crane


Richard P. Feynman werd in 1918 in New York geboren als zoon van Lucille Phillips en Melville Arthur Feynman (een fabrikant van uni-formen). Zelf zag hij in het beroep van zijn vader de verklaring voor zijn eigen gebrek aan respect voor autoriteit – een eigenschap die hem in zijn latere loopbaan regelmatig van pas kwam. Na de Far Rockaway High School in Queens ging hij na-tuurkunde studeren aan het MIT

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Y ou know, I have to say, I am terribly fond of my bike. True, it is old and visibly so. The wheels are deformed by various acts of carelessness, the handlebar has lost all

sense of direction, the paint is of a rusty mud colour, the lights are as dim as they are absent and the saddle is like a squeezed orange, hard and juiceless. Still, I would never exchange it in favour of one of those nimble, over-indulged road-racers with their supersonic speed and evenly clicking chains echoing in laughter as they pass. For me my bike rides hand in hand with all the memories I have with it.

The bent front-wheel reminds me of the first sunny day in spring 2006 when I was so engaged in watching the na-ture around me come to life, that I neglected to pay atten-tion to the huge oak-tree in front of me. Also it reminds me of the second sunny day of that year, the day I woke up in the hospital with my head heavily bruised and my right arm in a sling. I see the glass as half full, and doing so, I really enjoy the incredible force which brings me anywhere I like. And I enjoy the bell which is still as loud as the cry of a crow in the wind. When I ride my bike, I don't see the withered fruit it has become after all these years; I always taste the orange juice. And I like orange juice.

chapter 1 | My old bike



رائع والعقل تهب»Big and floppy and sandaled and not caring a damn«

சிறகு த�றகள

கலை கணணாடிகள

Το τέρας του Φρανκενστάιν

ன ⚓Å←


Oh, hell’s bells and buckets of blood!

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أبلغ سليمان أ ين عنه يف سعة

سخى بنفيس أ ين ال أرى أحدا

وإن بين الغنى والفقر منزلة

الرزق عن قدر ال الضعف ينقصه

إن كان ضن سليمان بنائله

والفقر يف النفس ال يف املال نعرفه

الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي أستاذ عصره يف اللغة العربية وأحد أهم علماء اللغة العربية، ولد يف عمان عام 718 م. توجه إىل البصرة ليتلقى العلم هناك ولقب بالبصري. كما تميز الفراهيدي يف علم املوسيقى،

.والرياضة والرتجمة تتلمذ عىل يد كبار العلماء ويف مقدمتهم أبو عمرو بن العالء وعيىس بن عمر

Poem by Al-Farāhīdī

(this does not)

(mean what)

(it says)

(in the brackets)





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Alantasti Arbustivas Anualesopi Alquattro Baltura Beaunque Bemayoria Batalloses

Cerficados Ceglabros Capubescencia Cralanacelas Dahomenter Djasde Damem Dondelargo

Esonsoloi Etaisu Epuestas Epeciolado Feycirade Faltblatt Flimbos Feplesenteros

Gosinuam Gydosalasflores Gactinomorfas GyheroHafroditasto Hilanesin Haflorescencias Haxilares

Ilystinpedénculos, Illnacenen Inuendos Idelasehojas Joconelly Jatallojon Jopéndulas Jennormalmen

Kasépalos Kappersistente Kulipa KykodenticuladoLocasional Layentegras Lieneafruto Llahabitual

Millamesde Muchos Miamarill MonsteroNagitula Nupovarioles Nascopero Natri-Nerpelar

Oncluso Omális Oncon Organumerosos Povulos Peyeltagas Pestilores Prófino Quancon Quadrillion Quetalles Quarré

Restigma Rapequeño Rycabezudo RallejfrutoSinterecto Saopéndulo Sesabaya Sadetipo

Truchecarnoso Telhueca Tipografia Tarresiempre Unteverde Umásto Ulemenos Uaroscuro

Vacuando Vinmaduro Vynquesse Vattorna Wadecolor Wiamarillo Wanaranjado Wirojonvivo

Xerhasta Xanvioleta Xalmadura Xesin-embargo-4Yaunas Yespecies Yintasalvajes Yadebratello

Zanocca Zimbian Zeldeal Zalamander

Argentina Antabillo Agieretta Alquattro

Ballett Brinkmare Benederma Blambagia

Celébirma Crumborg Clambastix Cirentomé

Dimarillah Dondejerek Dilirectimbél Desterimal

Egentasto Elmarian Epüllier Englandis

Flamaboyato Fintergal Flexitas Flingihr

Gostabilio Gentiraré GaladrofÔx Gyhero

Himberha Handersan Hintermalli Haggelasto

Ilystin, Illnacenen Inuendos Idelasehojas

Jafaccetto Jimberjall Jartiggest Jungellbeast

Kramball Kurpellasto Kemertí Kawenterz

Lammberjucky Lennertee Leistrapo Lirmatapper

Mallabei Mercanto Marlandrill Mikelanje

Nebula-snake Nirguntulos Négualtime Nellistramo

Ontopedénculoso Operassa Oncon Ollergageno

Pavelheven Pryacupiedo Prantalosnic Pelejeeron

Quíntessence Quadernol Quintillion Quilliromp

Ranjana Rigelnas Rentabelt Rugelstramm

Sinterverde Snabeltaso Saaltrinken Slabberjockey

Tillinterchaos Tamilnadu Trugswessa Tilembanosme

Unterdeco Urmillaus Umseccade Uppigamizza

Velliger Vomholzerus Valmôres Vihellfranass

Walor Wannensto Wuchism Worhoy

Xerxes Xallisibia Xomorenva Xamestinien

Yabbadabbaduh Yakest Yellas Ynteriggo

Ziboncinia Zallortes Zëlda Zeppelinroh

Page 9: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

Son plantas arbustivas, anuales o perennes que pueden alcanzar 4 m de altura, aunque la mayoría no llega a los 2 m. Tienen tallos ramificados glabros o con pubescencia rala. Las hojas, de 4-12 cm de largo, son solitarias u opuestas, pecioladas y con los limbos simples enteros o sinuados. Las flores actinomorfas y hermafroditas, o las inflorescen-cias, axilares y sin pedúnculos, nacen en los nudos de las hojas con el tallo. Son erectas o péndulas. Tienen normalmente 5 sépalos en un cáliz persis-tente acampanado y denticulado, ocasionalmente acrescente en el fruto, y habitualmente 5 - y desde 4 hasta muchos en cultivares - pétalos de color blanco, amarillo, azul, violeta más o menos inten-so, moteado de verde o francamente bicolor. Los

ÍÑtigo del barromÓ, 20 Jun 2013 - 12:37 utc-4


Daily Review


June 7, 2013


Paradise Bay, Water Boat Point (64°49′24″S 62°51′29″W). In the González Videla Antarctic Base, the research station of the Chilean Air Force, yesterday nothing really happened. According to Armando Diego Fuentes, project manager of mis-sion c706/b, he ‘just sits there and waits’. Asked what he was waiting for, he fell silent and just mimed that it was a secret. In the unlikely event of any interesting occurence, they were to inform the captain, pack all the valuable material and sally forth to Argentina. When we were kindly asked to leave, a member of the crew again went to the fridge and Fuentes dealt out another stack of cards.

MATHEMATIC RIDDLE OF THE WEEK469. (S. Ramanujan):—The number {1 + n!} is a perfect square for the values 4, 5, 7 of n. Find other values.

REFERENCIASKumar, Alfred & Singh, Melle. (2008). «Macaca silenus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2012, Chennai

In these days of general ‘uplift’, a smart Hat helps. Select a Young and prove its possibilities. Good dress exacts the best – you get that in a Young. Spring Derbies and Soft Hats, $3 & $4

Documented progress since March 7, 2002

↉76László Lajtha's plot of the S&P Composite Real Index 2


1. A day in the ocean2. Two nights out with a brand-new kangaroo3. Midnight plane to la4. The Junto-Jargon5. Lesley Limes in time



�0.13 �8.56 �0.3 �2.78 �3.04 �9.66




El género fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum

Gone wild in the wilderness


Page 10: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside


இலையுதிர n. gr. φθινόπωρο ar. فصل الخريف en. autumn 1 லகாளட ேறறும குளிர இளடலே சசன 2 முதிரவு காலம சரிவு தசனறார

elephant n. gr. ελέφαντας [eléfantas] ar. فيل [Fafil] tm. ேோளை [Yāṉai] 3 Either of two very large herbivorous mammals, Elephas maximus (south-central Asia) or Loxodonta africana (Africa) having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk and, in the African species, large fan-shaped ears 4 Any of various extinct or living animals related to either of these two animals.

n. gr. τροπικών δασών [tropik�n das�n] en. tropical forest غابة استوائيةtm. தவபபேணடல காடுகளை [Veppamaṇṭala kāṭukaḷai] 5 الغابة االستوائية من أنواع الغابات وتعرف على مجال حيوي بيئي يتواجد على بين خطي العرض +١٠° و-١٠° بالنسبة لخط االستواء ولذلك تنتشر في جنوب آسيا وأستراليا وأفريقيا وأمريكاالجنوبية وأمريكا الوسطى وعديد الجزر في المحيط 6 كثيفة، كتلة مرتبكة

Ήλιος n. ar. شمس [Sẖms] en. sun tm. சூரிேன [Cūriyaṉ] 7 ο κεντρικός πλανήτης του ηλιακού συστήματος η δύση η ανατολή του ήλιου 8 το φως του ήλιου Μπαίνει ήλιος από το παράθυρο.

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.γ دf








5 χξ



இராசாதனம: [Irācātaṉam] பலோச ேேம; முேருககு; முேள; அே�ளேண; palas tree; sour lime; a kind of shell-fish; a throne with carvings of lions.

இராசானி: பெ [Irācāṉi] ைலலூறு; பறளல ைளக; royal falcon raised for hawking; a kind of bird.

இராசானனம: பெ [Irācāṉṉam] ஒரு ௗளக உே�ே தநல; a kind of high quality paddy.

இராசி: பெ [Irāci] வ�ளச; கூடடம; குவிேல; இைம; தேோததம; அதிடடம; சுபோவமஷம-முதலிே பனனிணடு இராசிகள; order;

இராவணன இராவணன எனபவர இலஙளகளே ஆடசி தசயத தமிழ அேசரும, இராவண காவிேததின காபபிேத தலலவனும ஆவார. இராவணன, தசககிரவன, இலஙலகஸவேர, இராவணணஸவேன, திரில�க அதிபதி எனறு பலபபேரகளின இராவணன அளழககபதபறுகிறார.லேலும இவர சிவனுளடே பகதனாக திருநர அணிவர எனறும,

crowd; heap; kind; total; luck; personality traits; zodiacal sign.இராடம: பெ [Irāṭam] தபருஙகோேம;

தவஙகோேம; இலோடம; கழுளத; as-afoetida; onion; a horse shoe; donkey.

இராடசச: பெ [Irāṭcaca] ஒரு தமிழ வருடம; Raatchasa, a Tamil year.

இராடசசன: பெ [Irāṭcacaṉ] அேககன; giant; monster.

இராடடிரம: பெ [Irāṭṭiram] நோடு; நோடடில ைோழும ேககள; the coun-try; the people who live in a country.

இராடடு: பெ [Irāṭṭu] இேோடடிைம; லதனகூடு; spinning wheel, bee-hive; honey-comb.

இைஙலகயர நமபிகலக

[Ilaṅkaiyar nampikkai]ψ


Page 12: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside


Die Zeit der Mäßigung ist vorbei. Lasst uns mit

überschwappenen Eimern auf der Grundlinie tanzen!

Page 13: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

சாமபல கணணாடிகளஆயர: ராைலட லேகன

ஃபிராஙகணஸளடன தனனுளடே பதடபளப ேறுதலிதததன ஒரு பகுதியாக உளை … →ெககம 17

நகரம எனபது நக, நாடடின லபஙகுடிலபெயர: ராைலட லேகன

லேனகாடடனின ளேே பூஙகாவுககு ஆணடுககு 30 மிலலிேன ேககள …

→ெககம 28

மிகக ரன தவுஆயர: ராைலட லேகன

வருவாய ஏறற�ழவு மிகவும குளறவாக உளை நாடுகளில இது ஒனறாகும … →ெககம 17

கைஙலகரரவிளககம№ 1 256

திஙகடகிழ லை ஆனால அவனுளடே ‘லநாடபுககுகள’ அவனை இழககவிலளல. தசனளை பலகளலக கழகததின முதல நூலகத தலலவராக இருநத லபராசிரிேர எஸ. ஆர. ேஙகனாதன எழுதுகிறார (அவணே ஒரு கணித வலலுைரும கூட): “கணித ஆயவுகள அவனுககு ததவிடடோத�கவும தவிரகக முடியாத�கவும இருநதது. F.A.லதரவு கூட லதறமுடிே விலளேயே எனற ஏககம அவனுளடே கணித ஊககதளத ஒனறும தசயே முடிேவிலளல. லவனலயில�ேல வைே வருவதும

பககம 5 சனிவாச இராமானுஜன 9 எலுமபு கடிககிற நாய இருமளபக கடிககுமா? 14 ஆறிை கஞசி பழங கஞசி 30 எதிரததவன ஏளழ எனறால லகாபம சணடோைம 49 ஒழுககம உேரகுலததின நனறு

மாரி ேலலது காரிேம இலளல

க 62/1

அவனுளடே ஆயவுகளின தேதளையா அைவுகளையா குளறககவிலளல. சூழநிளல, த�ருளா�ேம, சமூக தகௗேவம ஒனறும அவனுககு ஒரு த�ருடடோக இருககவிலளல. அவன ேைதிலும ளகயிலும இருநதததல�ம விநளதசசதுேஙகள (Magic Squares) , த�டர பினைம (Continued Fractions), பகா எணகளும கலபபு எணகளும (Prime and Composite Numbers), எண பிரிவிளைகள (Number Partitions), நளவடடத த�ளகயடுகள (Elliptic Inte-grals), மிளகபதபருககத த�டர

(hypergeometric series), இளவயும, ேறறும இளையாதத ேறற உேரதே கணிதபத�ருளகள �ம. இளவகளைப பறறிே அவனுளடே கணடுபிடிபபுகளை தேல�ம தனனுளடே மூனறு லநாடபுககுகளில எழுதினான. நிறுவலகள அலநகமாக எழுதபபடவிலளல. தறகாலததில இநத லநாடபுககுகளின நகலகள (212, 352, 33 பககஙகள தகாணடளவ) டோடோ அடிபபதட ஆயவுக கழகம, தசனளைபபலகளலக கழகம, ஸர ல�ேபஜி டோடோ அறககடடளை ஆகிே மூனறு அளேபபுகளின ஒததுளழபபினால

Page 14: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

FilozófiájaMunkássága két korszakra („korai” és „késői”) osz-tható: az első korszak tipikus (és egyetlen könyv formában megjelent) műve a Logikai-filozófiai értekezés (Tractatus logico-philosoph-icus, 1919) írta le. Későbbi évei során (a színkizárásai

If there were a verb meaning

‘to believe falsely’, it would not have any significant first person present indicative. problémával összefüggés-

ben) elvetette a tractatusi gondolatok jórészét. Kései korszakának egyetlen könyv formára hozott dokumentu-ma a Filozófiai vizsgálódások (1953) című mű. Wittgen-steinre két filozófiai iskola is hivatkozik: az angolszász

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Page 15: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

⸘Ya que estamos en el baile, bailemos‽ →

Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi.

poteĩ, pokõi, pohapy

ناس تاكل الدجاج ، وناس تاقف ورا السياج

إن رسقت، ارسق جمل، وإن عشقت، اعشق قمر

Æblekage med smuldredej


Take 1⅘ ounces of oil

Trpělivost růže přináší.

Il gruppo Monster risulta il gruppo più importante per la cosiddetta congettura del Monstrous moonshine
























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Page 16: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside


Typeface and specimen submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Master of Arts in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, uk.

This project would not be possible without the gigantic support of Gerry Leonidas, Gerard Unger, Fiona Ross, Michael Twyman, James Mosley, Titus Nemeth, Vaibhav Singh,

Victor Gaultney, Igor Labudovic, Florian Runge, my fellow classmates, Kalapi Gajjar-Bordawekar, Pria Adireddi, Rafael Dietzsch, David Březina, all the

visiting lecturers, Prof. Frank-Joachim Grossmann, N Silas Munro and my dear family.

உளைம ததேரிே உதடு பழஞ த�ரிே.

Ϋποπτη συνωμοσίας

صىل اهلل عليه وسلم

May he favour me with an explanation as to the whyness?



He knew how to be impolite without being rude




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Page 17: Téras - Typeface designtypefacedesign.net/.../08/SebastianLosch_TerasSpecimen.pdf · 2013-08-06 · there was a great rush and a good deal of yelling on the part of the men outside

.I Sebastian Losch 2013


