DELIVERED Fall/Winter 2010 TRANSPORTATION > New Runway Fits Blue Grass Airport’s Vision of Upscale Facility > pg. 1

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D E L I V E R E DFall/Winter 2010


New Runway Fits Blue Grass Airport’s Vision of Upscale Facility > pg. 1

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Under HDR’s major bridge inspection contract with the Nevada Department of Transportation, we performed the initial biannual inspection of the new Colorado River Bridge. For more about this landmark structure, see the Hoover Dam Bypass poster included with this issue of Transportation Delivered.

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I N T H I S I S S U EA V I A T I O N > New Runway Fits Blue Grass Airport’s Dream of Upscale Facility And they’re off! Blue Grass Airport’s new general aviation runway helps bring luxury flying to horse country. Cover Photo: © Keith Philpott

GEC Creating Exciting Growth for Broward County Aviation A sunny forecast for Fort Lauderdale Airport means there’s lots of work

to be done.

M A R I T I M E > Super-Size Me: Preparing Ports for Post-Panamax Era With the Panama Canal expansion underway, a new generation of megaships looms on the horizon.

Port of Miami’s Vision for the Future Post-Panamax ships are bringing a sea change, and Port of Miami is embracing it.

H I G H W A Y > Diverging From Tradition — The Diverging Diamond Interchange They may not be measured in carats, but diverging diamonds are the new jewel of interchange design.

Making Bridges Smarter In an age of smart phones and Smart Cars, we’re working to make

bridges smarter, too.

F R E I G H T R A I L R O A D > Intelligent Improvement Strategies for Freight Railroads They’re lean and green, and they plan on staying that way.

Raising the Roof: Heartland Corridor Opens to Double Stack Cars Norfolk Southern’s tunnel improvement project shaves 250 miles off double-stacked container shipments.

T R A N S I T > Buses Still Backbone of Transit System Buses may not get the publicity that rail-based transit does, but we shouldn’t forget just how useful they can be.

Pittsburgh’s Bore to the Shore This tunnel project proves there’s no river wide enough to keep Pittsburgh’s “T” line from getting to the North Shore.

T E C H N I C A L E X C E L L E N C E > The Linear Schedule Advantage Projects are complex and delays can be costly, but linear schedules may help keep your project on the right track.

P E O P L E > Hello, Goodbye HDR wishes farewell to a few long-time leaders and welcomes some new faces.












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Fits Blue Grass airport’s vision of Upscale Facility

passenger demands and evolving aviation standards constantly challenge airport authorities to keep their facilities up-to-date and operating efficiently. For lexington’s Blue Grass airport, just “keeping up” wasn’t good enough. they wanted to provide travelers a first-class experience — from airside to landside. With its 2005 Master plan as a guide, the airport is investing $55 million in improvements to accomplish this goal.

it’s a tall task to match the beauty of the approach to Blue Grass airport. passengers are greeted by a panoramic snapshot of sprawling horse pastures that paint the landscape a lush hue of green. But the newly renovated airport now stands as a continuation of this beautiful scenery — from the main entrance that was designed to fit in with the finest horse farms in the area, to an upscale terminal interior that could rival a high-end country club.

Runway 9-27one of the most crucial components to the operations side of Blue Grass airport’s enhancements is the new runway 9-27, which opened sept. 15. the new crosswind runway serves as a dedicated general aviation facility, improving efficiency for both private and commercial traffic. the project also included expanded aircraft parking and development space for hangars, making Blue Grass airport a desirable destination for corporate and other privately owned aircraft.

Blue Grass airport set the targeted completion of the runway 9-27 project based on the 2010 alltech Fei World equestrian Games being

By Ben Edelen


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> The newly renovated Blue Grass Airport reflects the beautiful scenery that surrounds Lexington, Ky.


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held in lexington between sept. 25 and oct. 10. it was the first time in the 20-year history of the games that the event would take place on american soil, and Blue Grass airport wanted to ensure that all the attendees’ travel needs could be met locally. the World equestrian Games drew participants from 58 countries and attendance of more than 500,000. the anticipated economic impact to the state of Kentucky was $150 million.

Before the addition of runway 9-27, Blue Grass airport featured runway 4-22 (main) and runway 8-26 (crosswind). as the shorter of the two runways, 8-26 was used primarily for general aviation. Because the two physically crossed, use of the crosswind runway interrupted traffic on the main runway. increases in air traffic made use of runway 8-26 more and more burdensome, and the pavement was in need of major work due to deterioration. the airport determined it would be more beneficial in the long term to replace 8-26 rather than rehabilitate it and still have to operate crossing runways.

original plans called for construction of a new runway parallel to runway 4-22. this would have required substantial new right-of-way, and local residents were concerned about impacts to nearby horse farms. the strategy was revised to replace runway 8-26 with 9-27, separating the main and crosswind runways while limiting the need for additional right-of-way.

the $30.5 million project also included construction of a new taxiway B and allows more efficient overall land use. existing corporate and general aviation facilities were already constrained

and, therefore, lacked much-needed space for expansion. relocating the crosswind runway opened land for aircraft parking, hangar development and future realignment of the terminal’s main access road, terminal drive.

the new runway was constructed in an east-west orientation and measures 4,000 feet — 500 feet longer than the previous crosswind runway. to prepare the site for construction, runway 8-26 was closed and the area was fenced off from the airport operations area. a few components, including taxiway B and utilities for the lighting and navigational aids, had to be completed outside the fenced area, but most of the work could now be separated from ongoing airport operations. Work that had to be performed directly adjacent to active airport facilities and required runway 4-22 to be closed, such as the main runway tie-ins, was completed at night to minimize the impact to flight operations.

Return on InvestmentWith the new runway completed and space now available for expansion, Blue Grass airport awarded a 10-year contract to taC air to provide fixed-base operator services for general aviation. taC air has invested $11.5 million in facility improvements, including a new executive terminal complete with passenger lobby, conference rooms, art gallery, food services, exercise room, movie theater, pilot lounge and more. taC air also has completed construction of 40,000 square feet of new hangar space. ->

For more about Ben Edelen visit our Aviation Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-av

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> Blue Grass Airport played a vital role in supporting the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.


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World Equestrian GamesBlue Grass airport was not alone while preparing for the 2010 World equestrian Games. this prestigious worldwide competition is held every four years and is the olympics of equestrian games. this was the first time the United states has hosted the 16-day event. this year’s games were held at Kentucky Horse park, a 1200-acre state park that underwent major expansions to accommodate the event.

in addition to new stadiums and an indoor arena for Kentucky Horse park, the event required updates to surrounding transportation facilities. Hdr led transportation planning and design efforts for the World equestrian Games and was heavily involved with the community to bring a quality event to the region. We were responsible for traffic modeling, final roadway design, interchange modification reports and upgrades, internal park road upgrades, and overall coordination meetings with the community. Hdr also prepared a prototype special event permit, with review and approval provided by the Kentucky transportation Cabinet and the Federal Highway administration on behalf of the World Games Foundation.

> By providing dedicated general aviation facilities, the Runway 9-27 project improved efficiencies for both private and commercial air traffic.


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for GEC Creating Exciting Growth

Broward County Aviation

More than 21 million passengers traveled through Florida’s Fort lauderdale-Hollywood international airport (Fll) in 2009. already the 22nd busiest airport in the United states, Fll also ranks among the fastest growing. the Broward County aviation department, which operates Fll and the north perry airport (npa) general aviation facility, developed a strategy to better accommodate traffic at both facilities while getting the most from existing resources. Hdr is helping Broward County aviation department execute its plan through a five-year general engineering contract (GeC). this approach allows individual projects to progress more quickly than they might with a traditional bid-design-build process, saving time on both design procurement and construction letting.

in just the first year of the GeC, Hdr completed more than a dozen task orders. the projects covered both airside and landside improvements and included a variety of disciplines, such as environmental engineering; airside infrastructure studies and improvements; safety, security and communication; tenant improvements; airport facility refurbishments and improvements; terminal development improvements; landside infrastructure studies; airport development; and airport capital project support.

one environmental project involved site remediation for a fuel-contaminated rental car facility. the Hdr team designed and installed an advanced remediation system that had never been deployed on such a large scale in Florida. the soil vapor extraction and ozone injection system infuses ozone at various layers in the soil under the contaminated area. the ozone percolates up and removes the pollutant. the completed project demonstrated exceptional results within the first six months of operation, removing the constituents of concern at a much faster pace than expected.

on the airside, we evaluated the apparent failure of new pavement on a major taxiway at Fll. after significant rutting was observed on taxiway C, Hdr conducted a thorough review of the pavement and mix design, the quality of materials used, and workmanship

performed, and then issued a report as to the probable cause of the failure. We also developed a range of repair alternatives and solutions, including cost estimates.

as part of its long-term strategy, Broward County aviation department wanted to implement an airport pavement management system (apMs) for both Fll and npa. the goal was to provide a consistent, objective and systematic procedure for establishing facility policies, setting priorities and schedules, allocating resources, and budgeting for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Hdr imported Fll’s pavement inspection database into the local apMs software, updated the pavement inventory and network definition map, and developed a capital improvement plan (Cip). We also provided Cip and pavement evaluation training for airport staff.

one of the early capital improvement projects on the agenda was construction of new elevated guard lights (Wig Wags) and elevated signs at npa. Hdr developed construction documents for electrical design, civil site plans, maintenance-of-traffic plan, procurement assistance, construction contract administration and resident project representation. Because the project is partially funded by a Federal aviation administration grant, the work had to comply with federal standards.

With growth fueling the need for more efficient facilities, Broward County aviation department continues to expand and improve its airports. Hdr’s general engineering contract allows us to partner with them as they navigate this exciting process, including helping the department prepare for major runway expansion and terminal reconstruction at Fll. ->

For more about Chuck Sinclair, P.E., and Will Suero, P.E., visit our Aviation Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-av

By Chuck Sinclair, P.E., and Will Suero, P.E.







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north american ports are feverishly preparing for a dramatic shift in international trade routes anticipated to coincide with completion of the panama Canal expansion in 2014. as ports begin to modify navigational clearances, infrastructure and cargo-handling capabilities, Hdr is working alongside port clients throughout north america, including Miami, Jacksonville, new York-new Jersey, Halifax, Mobile, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, long Beach, vancouver, longview, portland and everett, to improve their physical assets for the coming changes.

“panamax” is the term used to represent the maximum vessel dimensions that will fit through the locks of the panama Canal, presently 965 feet long x 106 feet wide x 39.5 feet deep. Container ships are classified in terms of the number of twenty-foot equivalent units (teUs), the dimension of a standard 20-foot intermodal container. panamax ships carry approximately 4,800 teUs. ships too large to navigate the current canal, referred to as “post-panamax” or “super-post-panamax,” carry upwards of 14,000 teUs. Completion of the canal expansion will define the “new-panamax” designation, which will include ships up to about 12,000 teUs. the new canal dimensions will accommodate all vessel classes, save the super-post-panamax ships.

post-panamax ships are estimated to already comprise about one-third of the containership fleet today, and the number is expected to climb now that the panama Canal expansion is underway. additionally, shipping companies

are beginning to build the even larger “new-panamax” vessels. the trend toward deeper, wider and longer ships translates to the inventories of tanker and bulk good haulers as well. in anticipation of the canal expansion, shipping-lines are expected to begin moving their more cost-effective post-panamax vessels currently operating in the pacific to the Caribbean.

so how does all this affect the maritime industry in the United states? What might have been the rare port call by a post-panamax vessel may now become the operating norm. let’s compare the dimensions of new versus old: panamax vessels stack containers 12 to 13 units wide, while new-panamax containerships are configured for a width of 20 containers. respectively, the depth increases from 40 feet to 50 feet and width from 110 feet to 160 feet. this increased girth requires deeper and wider channels, longer wharves, and multiple cranes with longer reach. port of Brownsville is evaluating options and preparing preliminary designs to modify its facilities to accommodate new-panamax vessels, and port of Miami has initiated a wharves strengthening project, which you can learn more about in this issue of transportation delivered.

the increased capacity of these larger container vessels puts more demands on the landside operations of ports as well, particularly on container storage and transportation. While some ports like the port of long Beach are fortunate to have naturally deep waters, the increasing vessel capacity necessitated a project to improve their intermodal rail facilities (see Hdr transportation delivered Fall/Winter 2009 for more about this project).

there is another school of thought that suggests bringing the short-sea model common in europe to the U.s. mainland by building a few deepwater ports rather than dredging, upgrading and installing new cranes at multiple ports. these new mega ports would off-load the new-panamax or super-post-panamax vessels and then dispatch smaller vessels to move cargo to and from existing regional facilities. no such projects have been green-lighted to date, but a handful of organizations and shipping-lines are exploring the concept.

one thing that is clear is this trend toward building bigger ships shows no signs of slowing down, and that means ports must position themselves to handle these behemoths if they want to remain competitive. ->

For more about Kevin Matakis, E.I.T., and Isaac Wingfield, P.E., visit our Maritime Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-mt

ize:Super-Preparing Ports for Post-Panamax Era

SBy Kevin Matakis, E.I.T., and Isaac Wingfield, P.E.

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FutureBy Wes Dortch, P.E., Frank Proctor, P.E., Isaac Wingfield, P.E., and Kevin Matakis, E.I.T.

Port of Miami’sVision for the


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as the “Cruise Capital of the World” and “Cargo Gateway of the americas,” the port of Miami (poM) generates an economic impact of more than $17 billion a year and 176,000 jobs. in addition to being a vital contributor at the local, state and national level, poM serves approximately 20 shipping lines that call on more than 100 countries and 250 ports across the world, impacting the markets of asia, the Caribbean, Central america, europe, the Middle east, north america and south america. in 2009, the port handled more than 800,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (teUs), making poM the leading containerized cargo seaport in Florida and no. 11 among all U.s. ports.

as successful as it has been, poM is aggressively moving forward to implement several major improvements and continue growing its containerized cargo traffic. the timing couldn’t be better. the panama Canal enlargement project, scheduled for completion in 2014, is raising the bar for container vessel traffic. post-panamax vessels will soon be able to navigate through the canal, which means shipping companies worldwide are adding these larger ships to their fleets. this presents opportunities to the eastern U.s. ports that can provide the navigational clearances, cargo throughput and multimodal links that the higher container volumes will demand.

Vision for GrowthpoM, in partnership with the Florida department of transportation (Fdot), U.s. department of transportation (Usdot) and U.s. army Corps of engineers (UsaCe) and other agencies, is readying itself for the opportunities and market changes that will result from completion of the canal expansion. Hdr currently leads a team providing engineering design and construction administrative support services for an estimated $65 million effort to strengthen Cargo Wharves i through vii. this work must be completed before UsaCe can start dredging poM’s harbor to increase depth from 42 feet to 50 feet.

Cargo Wharves i through vii provide approximately 6,000 feet of container wharf frontage along the southeast portion of the port’s lummus island. these structures are composed primarily of bulkhead sheet pile construction, except the single pile-supported marginal wharf structure at Wharf i. they were constructed during various stages of expansion spanning nearly a quarter century. the oldest is Wharf i, which was built during the early 1980s. Completed in 2004, Wharves vi and vii, are the newest. as would be expected, the condition of these structures varies significantly. Hdr confirmed through analysis that, with the exception of Wharf i, none are currently sufficient for providing the stability and strength necessary for the deeper dredge and the larger vessels that will follow.

Vision for the Big PictureWith several ongoing and planned capital improvements at poM, the port is understandably determined to obtain the most cost-effective and efficient solutions possible. For each project, it is the design team’s responsibility to employ existing asset management strategies to make the most of the available improvement budget.

With this understanding, Hdr conducted extensive inspections of facilities both above and below water and prepared a condition assessment to define

Port of Miami’s







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remaining structural capacity. Using state-of-the-art analysis techniques, the engineers were able to fully describe existing and proposed structure response. this allowed the designers to incorporate the remaining capacity of the existing structures into structurally efficient and cost-effective solutions.

the commitment to efficient, innovative design extends beyond the analytical component of the project. From the outset, Hdr developed a project approach and schedule that would maximize value-generating aspects of design. this process was highlighted during the first phase of the project, design development. during this phase, we developed and distributed a design Basis document for poM to review. the design Basis document provided a collaborative means for defining key assumptions, operating requirements and other potential design and cost drivers.

Using the design Basis as a foundation, the team developed a comprehensive design alternatives report, where numerous alternatives were considered and compared based on common parameters. these included analysis of construction risk, production rates and cost; consideration of the impact to wharf


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> Port of Miami is known as both the “Cruise Ship Capital of the World” and the “Cargo Gateway of the Americas.”

> In 2009, Port of Miami handled more than 800,000 TEUs.


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operations; and assessment of potential permitting requirements and difficulty of obtaining permits.

the considered alternatives included the following:

• Waterside Bulkhead replacement• landside Bulkhead replacement• Waterside Combined Bulkhead• toe Wall soil improvement techniques• landside relieving platforms• discrete Breasting structures (Wharf i) • Concrete repairs (Wharf i)• do-nothing (Wharf i)

the design development phase culminated in a comprehensive value engineering conference attended by the port, poM tenant stakeholders, the design team and an independent third-party design consultant providing evaluations for the port. the purpose of this multi-day workshop was to discuss the findings of the design alternatives report and generate value-oriented comments, questions and directives for the detailed design. at the conclusion of the conference, poM was able to objectively weigh the competing alternatives and make an informed decision

for moving forward to design. this project approach promoted a collaborative process whereby the design team, owner and stakeholders could proceed with the confidence that they had identified and selected the best-value alternative.

Upon completion of this internal review process, the value engineering conference team provided a recommendation for “best value alternative” as follows:

SeLeCTeD ALTerNATiVerepairs, modified to include utility upgrades, bollard upgrades and installation of breasting structures to maintain uniform wharf breasting line with Wharves ii-v

Combined bulkhead composed of existing sheet pile acting in combination with a new waterside bulkhead; to take advantage of remaining existing structure capacity; installation of supplemental soil anchors (Wharves ii-v only)

WHArFWharf I

Wharves II-VII

> Tugs position a Panamax container vessel at Port of Miami.


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> Port of Miami’s two Super-Post-Panamax cranes will be able to service the world’s largest container vessels after USACE completes harbor dredging.


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Based on the team’s recommendation, the best value alternative was advanced during detailed design.

striving to minimize capital expenditure through careful design is a common goal, and one that plays to the design team’s strengths. But of equal importance is the ability to provide management strategies for performing the construction while maintaining port operations. any successful alternative must ultimately provide for and maintain 100 percent of the existing cargo operations at all times, with minimal intrusion on how each individual tenant operates. the preservation of cash flow, predicated on this continuance of tenant operations, weighs as heavily in the concept development and decision making as the need for structurally efficient solutions. throughout the design process, the design team maintained an open dialogue with poM, and thereby the tenants, to describe construction techniques, impacts and risks, and develop construction phasing that balances existing operations with requirements for construction.

Vision for the Futurethe harbor dredging and wharf strengthening effort is just part of the vision poM has for its facility. other ongoing and planned projects will further improve the port’s capability to receive larger ships and enhance the intermodal transport of increased cargo traffic from poM to highways and railroads, including:

• Construction of the port of Miami tunnel. this project creates a dedicated truck throughway beneath Biscayne Bay, connecting poM to i-395/i-95 while avoiding congested downtown traffic.

• Micro-tunnel construction and relocation / deepening of the existing sub-sea floor potable water service to nearby Fisher island beneath the planned harbor deepening.

• re-establishing a rail link to the port. poM recently received

approval for tiGer ii grant funding to restore and upgrade rail service between the port and the Florida east Coast rail Yard in Hialeah, Fla. rail service has been suspended since Hurricane Wilma damaged the existing rail bridge in 2005.

• improving the port’s cargo-handling infrastructure. poM is planning structural improvements for the existing 100-foot gauge container crane rail foundations, installation of crane electrification infrastructure and the purchase of two additional super-post-panamax cranes. this will provide additional cargo handling versatility and supplement the dock coverage of existing post-panamax and super-post-panamax cranes.

the strengthening project performed at the port of Miami is emblematic of projects that will need to be performed at ports along the atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United states in preparation of the panama Canal expansion. as other ports plan for future operational requirements, it is essential that they evaluate how to utilize existing structures and facilities before deciding whether to construct new ones.

poM wanted to remain competitive in world trade and position its facilities for the opening of the enlarged panama Canal, but not without first establishing a well-defined plan and analyzing the best course of action. “as a result of these improvements, the port of Miami expects to double its cargo throughput in less than 15 years,” said port director Bill Johnson. “it is an exciting time to be in the port business in Miami, as the infrastructure investments we are making today are laying the foundation for tomorrow’s job and business opportunities.” ->

For more about Wes Dortch, P.E., Frank Proctor, P.E., Isaac Wingfield, P.E., and Kevin Matakis, E.I.T., visit our Maritime Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-mt

[ “As a result of these improvements, the port of Miami expects to double its cargo throughput in less than 15 years.” - Port Director Bill Johnson ]


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> The I-15 at Pioneer Crossing interchange in American Fork, Utah, opened in the summer of 2010.


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From TraditionDivergingthe Diverging Diamond Interchange

Why does it seem that every transportation department suddenly has plans to implement a diverging diamond interchange (ddi) in its state? the short answer is that ddis potentially provide much more traffic capacity while being significantly lower in cost than other high-volume interchange alternatives. this perception, while not always accurate, is driving public agencies and private developers to look at the ddi as a way to do more with less.

the ddi excels at handling large amounts of traffic turning onto and off of a freeway. this, along with the perception that it can do so within a smaller footprint than other interchanges, has driven the recent surge in ddis under consideration across the United states and Canada. still, a lack of understanding of the flexibility of the ddi, as well as the breadth of its impact on the operation of a facility, has perhaps limited the ddi to locations where high volumes and limited right-of-way (roW) make more traditional interchanges impractical, either economically or politically. at the same time, the “cool factor” of this relatively new concept sometimes leads to ddis being considered in places where they are not necessarily appropriate.

in this article, we’ll look at how the ddi concept works, factors that need to be considered when determining whether a ddi is appropriate for a given site and the current climate for ddi acceptance.

Form Follows Functionthe ddi is based on a standard diamond interchange with the key difference being a shift in the crossroad traffic once it enters the interchange. traffic on the crossroad crosses paths twice as traffic is shifted to the left side of oncoming traffic, allowing left turn movements to occur without impeding oncoming traffic.

the key benefit to this atypical design quirk is that left turning traffic does not conflict with the opposing through movement. a typical diamond interchange has two traffic

signals. a typical ddi also has two traffic signals, but here they control the intersections where crossroad traffic crosses paths. at a traditional diamond interchange, each signal allows green time to the ramp, to the left turns from the crossroad, and to the crossroad through movements. at a diverging diamond interchange, each signal allows green time to one crossroad direction or the other. there are fewer phases, and, perhaps more importantly, left turning traffic is not affected by the second traffic signal at all.

the result is improved traffic flow under most conditions as well as a smaller footprint for the road since left turn lanes aren’t needed. From a safety standpoint, as unintuitive as the diverging diamond interchange looks on paper, in practice the driver understanding and behavior in this interchange configuration has not been an issue. From an academic standpoint, the diverging diamond interchange has far fewer conflict points — points at which vehicle paths intersect — further minimizing accident risk.

Decisions, Decisions…several factors contribute to selection of an interchange concept for any particular site, and the ddi is no different in this regard. owners and designers must look at roW constraints, access control issues, nearby signals, traffic volumes and existing alignments, among other things.

the ddi’s effectiveness at managing traffic increases as turning volumes increase. one of the major benefits of a ddi occurs in the decreased number of lanes required to manage the same traffic as other concepts. also, a ddi decreases the impact that merging vehicles have on the traffic flow of the freeway because merging traffic is not as heavily platooned as it reaches the freeway mainline. the result is greater volume in a smaller footprint.

it’s no surprise then that high capacity and limited roW were the primary factors for all of the locations where ddis are currently proposed. But safety is another reason to

By Smith Siromaskul, P.E.


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consider implementing a ddi. With fewer turn lanes to manage, retrofitting an existing interchange with a ddi may decrease accidents due to its significant reduction in conflict points. the ddi also has the potential to be more conducive to high pedestrian volumes than other interchanges, as all movements may be signalized to allow pedestrians to cross under the protection of a signal without adding phases to the system.

the time required to design a ddi is variable, and depends heavily on the designer’s familiarity with the concept. the initial layout is deceptively simple. the devil is in the details. While staging is no more difficult for a ddi than for other interchanges, geometric design is quite challenging. a thorough and safe design requires close coordination between traffic engineers and roadway designers. First-time ddi designers are often caught off guard by the complexity of the details that need to be worked out.

as an example, engineers in Missouri discovered that right turns from an exit ramp needed to be signalized, not for operational or geometric reasons, but because drivers were looking to their left (back toward the bridge over the

freeway) and looking for oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the bridge. as the diverging diamond interchange becomes implemented in more locations, the need to signalize the right turns from the exit ramp is expected to decrease, if not disappear.

another issue encountered in north Carolina involved the geometric design of the left and right turns onto an entrance ramp. Geometry for the right turn needed to be modified to make it more clear to drivers that the right turns from the crossroad must yield to the left turns from the crossroad. again, these issues were specific to their respective projects and sites and were not immediately evident during the initial design. experience is the best and only way to identify these issues prior to construction.

experience can help keep costs down as well. if the design team is well-practiced in the design and operations of diverging diamond interchanges, the cost to design is typically no different than other interchanges. the cost to construct a ddi also is comparable, if not cheaper. in some cases, ddis offer a smaller footprint than other interchange designs. Given that right-of-way procurement typically

> This rendering simulates traffic operations for the I-15 at Pioneer Crossing interchange.


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plays a significant role in the overall cost of a project, decreasing the amount of land needed for construction could produce substantial savings.

Right Here, Right Nowthe current trend in ddis focuses mainly on urban and suburban areas, primarily because these are the sites facing high volume and limited roW. some states are employing them mainly for retrofit situations, while others are constructing ddis where new interchanges are needed. very few rural ddis have been considered; however, an unsignalized ddi could still be a cost-efficient and effective alternative even in less populated areas.

right about now you are thinking the ddi concept sounds too good to be true. there have to be scenarios where this is not the best solution. You are absolutely right — ddis are not the ideal design for interchanges with high through-volume and little ramp traffic. another good rule of thumb is to avoid ddis when nearby signalized intersections experience high traffic counts. like other interchange types, selecting a ddi is very site-specific. But it’s clear that ddis can offer several advantages over traditional concepts, which makes them an interesting alternative to owners and designers alike. there is a reason the ddi movement is gaining momentum.

All Aboard!Your next question, likely, is whether policy makers and citizens will jump on board when you roll out plans for a ddi at a stakeholder meeting. it may seem counter-intuitive considering that ddis require drivers to navigate an interchange in a very different manner than they are used to, but anecdotal evidence and preliminary figures indicate significant reductions in accident rates and severity. simply put, drivers are adapting nicely. that’s not to say there hasn’t been some resistance, but good public outreach programs have been successful at winning

over most of those who showed initial concern. drive-through simulations are a particularly effective means of establishing stakeholder buy-in.

several states have implemented ddis or are in the process of considering them. as of the time this article was published, ddis are now operational in Utah (1), Missouri (2) and new York (1) and are either under consideration or currently in the design phase in 13 other states. Hdr began working on ddi projects six years ago and has already participated directly or indirectly in the design of more than a dozen interchanges. We helped write the Utah ddi design Guidelines and designed the first two proposed ddis in north Carolina. Hdr currently is involved in analysis or peer review for ddi projects in oregon, idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and illinois and will soon begin work on new ddi proposals in north Carolina and Minnesota.

initial ddi projects across the United states have been well-planned and have received positive reviews from the travelling public. ->

For more about Smith Siromaskul, P.E., visit our Highways and Local Roads Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-hwy

> This rendering shows a DDI currently in design near Charlotte, N.C.


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the United states must be increasingly judicious with transportation investment, which means that getting the most from existing resources is all the more important. Bridges are a crucial part of that transportation investment. We can implement technology that provides detailed, reliable information about bridge performance, offering long-term benefits by freeing up future funds for other infrastructure needs. this smart bridge technology is available now, and comprises a system of sensors and data collection tools that give us accurate, real-time information about a bridge’s structural health and insight into bridge behavior.

Smart Bridge Strategiessmart bridge monitoring can be deployed for either short-term or long-term data collection. short-term monitoring is commonly used for bridge behavior assessment, rating analysis refinement or analysis of damaged structures. these studies generally last from about one hour to two weeks, and usually involve placing a known load on a structure and monitoring the resulting behavior. long-term monitoring can last for years, and usually is intended to gather information on fatigue stresses or to serve as an event recording device (events can include earthquakes, impacts or other extreme loading occurrences). due to the highly variable nature of load histories and frequency of events, long-term monitoring is necessary in these cases. the duration of monitoring is set to capture a representative sample of live load response or to last until an event occurs.

smart bridge technology is useful for both existing and new structures. installing smart bridge technology such as strain sensors on an existing bridge provides an accurate picture of live load response. as an example, a truss bridge that Hdr recently rated in Massachusetts was initially rated low by a calculated live load response using typical loading assumptions. the rating indicated either extensive repairs or bridge replacement

was necessary. as a third option, the bridge owners and Hdr decided it would be worthwhile to measure the live load stresses for a more accurate rating due to the significant cost of bridge repair or replacement and the impact on the traveling public. in-situ stress measurements of live loads demonstrated that the majority of the bridge was performing satisfactorily. in other instances, closed caption television (CCt) has been used on existing bridges to assist in prioritizing debris removal and repairs. research has demonstrated that CCt also can be used to identify vehicle geometry and location. Coupling CCt with strain sensors can identify the loading response of the bridge and the vehicle creating it. sensors placed on or embedded in a bridge during construction provide even more opportunities to analyze structure performance, including measuring dead loads, concrete strength, strain, expansion joint movement, temperature and vibrations. engineers can use this information to evaluate the bridge in real time. sensors in new bridges can capture construction loads and strains created by creep/shrinkage during concrete construction and curing. integrating smart bridge technology on new bridges also provides engineers real-time evaluation of the effects of major events as they occur and establishes a baseline for judging the reaction.

another benefit of smart bridges is that structural response anomalies can be monitored as they happen rather than waiting for periodic inspections to find problems. smart bridge instrumentation does not replace bridge inspection, but the information generated by these technologies can enhance an inspector’s ability to make accurate assessments of a bridge’s condition. performing bridge inspections once every two years significantly narrows the possibility that an inspector will be on site to capture the behavior of the bridge under an extreme load and identify a potential flaw. smart bridge instrumentation, on the other hand, is always active. if an anomalous behavior occurs, the sensors will trigger an alert and let owners know that immediate inspection is needed. Using this approach, smart bridge systems supplement existing inspection and ratings programs to better guarantee their accuracy and timeliness.

Shouldn’t all Bridges Have These Tools?there are several obstacles to implementing system-wide smart bridge technology. For one, bridges in remote locations might make it difficult to supply adequate power and data transfer capabilities for the measurement devices. solar power stations are an option, but they factor into an even greater hurdle, which is cost. the funds required to implement smart bridge technology can be substantial; however, the rewards can outweigh the cost.

Making BridgesBy Duncan Paterson, Ph.D., P.E.


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let’s estimate the rehabilitation cost of five moderate bridges believed to have insufficient load ratings at $2 million each for a total of $10 million. if the owner initiates evaluations for all five bridges at a cost of approximately $50,000 per bridge, and the results of these analyses prove that only one of the bridges needs immediate attention, the cost savings are obvious. of course, there is the chance that all five bridges are indeed insufficient, and the owner will have added $250,000 to its budget just to reaffirm the situation. thus, an engineer and owner must proceed with caution before recommending instrumentation. that said, it is a reasonable engineering practice to be very conservative with live load response for calculated load ratings, and instrumentation provides a more accurate structural response for live loads.

as a final point, cost should not be the only consideration. one of the main advantages of smart bridge technology is the potential to increase safety by enhancing our understanding of bridge conditions. When used in conjunction with proven bridge inspection strategies, a technology-based bridge management system offers a more efficient and effective means for early detection of potential issues and allows owners to address those issues before they become big problems. ->

For more about Duncan Paterson, Ph.D., P.E., visit our Highways and Local Roads Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-hwy


Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a technical paper prepared for the 2010 Concrete Bridge Conference held by the National Concrete Bridge Council. Saïd Majdi also contributed to this text.

> Smart bridge technology allows designers to record information on new and existing bridges. Construction of this bridge in Council Bluffs, Iowa, included structural health monitoring devices.


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StrategiesFreight Railroads


north america’s freight railroads are an economic powerhouse, unmatched worldwide for their productivity and contribution to the wealth of the United states, Canada and, to a growing degree, Mexico. demand for freight rail services has grown faster than any other freight transportation mode in north america, while rail productivity improvements during the past 30 years have lowered prices and improved service to shippers.

Extraordinary Successsince 1980, the U.s. freight rail industry has increased productivity by 150 percent while doubling freight volume (measured in ton-miles, where one ton-mile is one ton of freight moved one mile). this growth began after deregulation of U.s. railroads in 1980; deregulation and privatization of nationally owned railways in Canada and Mexico occurring in the 1980-1998 period created similar productivity and freight volume trends. one reason for this improvement is that north america’s freight railroads are more energy-efficient than trucks, airfreight, water and even pipelines, and thus are less sensitive to rising fuel prices. the U.s. energy information administration reported that U.s. railroads in 2008 had an energy intensity of 305 BtU per ton-mile. By comparison, domestic waterborne commerce (barges, Great lakes shipping and coastwise shipping) consumed 418 BtU per ton-mile, and heavy trucks required more than 3,500 BtU per ton-mile.

railroads’ largest growth is in intermodal freight — freight carried in containers or semi-trailers moving by rail between terminals, with local pick-up and delivery by truck. the intermodal freight market has grown at remarkable rates, with an average annual increase of 15.3 percent since 1997. intermodal freight now accounts for 12 percent of all tons shipped by rail, which is impressive considering that intermodal freight is dominated by low-density items such as clothing and household goods, auto parts, furniture, appliances and consumer electronics. intermodal freight is now the single largest revenue source for railroads. during the last decade, railroads viewed freight as intermodal-susceptible if it moved in lanes 1,000 miles or longer west of Chicago, and 800 miles east of Chicago. railroads now believe they can compete in shorter intermodal lanes, such as 600-700 mile lanes west of Chicago and 500-mile lanes east of Chicago. railroads are particularly excited about growth in domestic intermodal (freight that moves exclusively within north america), given rising costs and flat productivity growth for long-haul truckload and less-than-truckload carriers. the effect on freight moved all-truck will be substantial.

By Mark W. Hemphill


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What Happens Next?Considering this success, it’s fair to ask if railroads can continue to accommodate the same growth rate in the future while maintaining their record of improved productivity and generating the same economic wealth. rail infrastructure is both fixed geographically and has definite limits on the volume of freight it can accept. any expansion of freight capacity, speed or frequency — or acceptance of rail passenger services or parallel electrical transmission lines, fiber-optic cables or pipelines — must generally be accommodated within the same, narrow corridor footprint. More daunting yet is that rail right-of-way is typically most constrained where the demand for capacity is the highest — within urban areas. Here, the combination of demand for rail service to industries, the intrinsically slower speeds of trains and the demand for passenger rail all serve to consume capacity. Horizontal expansion of an urban corridor footprint is extremely costly due to the typically built-up nature of land immediately adjacent to the rail right-of-way, and existing parallel and intersecting roadways and utilities and grade-separation structures.

primary rail infrastructure in the U.s. is in the best condition it has ever been, though some legacy bridges and tunnels will present expensive replacement challenges. in general, there is no such thing as spare capacity, however. Because rail infrastructure is expensive to maintain, and deteriorates inexorably due to the effects of climate, railroad companies match the quantity and quality of their infrastructure to the economic value the

infrastructure can generate. Because railroads are a network, capacity on a route is determined by its most-constrained point, which is typically within urban areas where capacity expansion is the most expensive. it is reasonable to say that the primary main line and major terminal infrastructure in north america have both the capacity and condition that is economically appropriate for the freight demand placed upon them and are economically sustainable for the foreseeable future. some of the branch line network, however, is less economically sustainable due to low traffic demand.

the greatest technical challenge is that north american railroads are approaching the gross capacity of their infrastructure at locations where corridor footprints are the most costly to expand. demand for freight transport has no known growth limit, and the freight railroad network is simultaneously seen as an economic entry point for high-speed intercity and commuter-rail passenger services.

the best way to picture how railroads measure capacity is with the “train slot” — a unit of time and space in which a railroad can operate a train. slots are perishable; a slot that is not used is a capability that could have been used to move a train, but has been lost, like an empty seat on a scheduled airline flight. railroads have several methods for increasing train slots. Construction of additional infrastructure, such as second or third main tracks, longer sidings with faster entrance/exit speeds and junctions with higher throughput speeds, creates additional slots. railroads can also create slots by increasing terminal throughput capacity, enabling trains to be accepted faster from main tracks, and dispatching more expeditiously as slots appear on the departure side. increasing train speeds enables new slots to appear

> Railroads’ largest growth is in intermodal freight — freight carried in containers or semi-trailers.


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more often, and improvements in train-control systems can accomplish the same. increasing freight car weight or cubic capacity can put more freight into a given slot, as can increasing train length.

railroads have continuously employed these methods since the mid-1800s in an empirical approach. Costs and benefits of individual capacity-improvement projects have been difficult to predict and network effects have defied quantification. Because most of the available low-cost infrastructure capacity expansion potential has now been consumed, railroads want better predictive tools for measuring a project’s capacity improvement before embarking on expensive construction projects or new transportation service plans. Moreover, railroads believe that there is considerable “hidden” capacity within their existing infrastructure that can be unlocked, if only they can devise transportation-service planning tools that optimize train schedules, yard switching schemes and even pricing schemes, on a fluid and real-time basis.

Until recently, the data collection, analysis and manipulation tools to perform information-driven allocation strategies have not been available, have been too cumbersome or too expensive, or the relationships between the many variables in a rail network have exceeded mathematical abilities to quantify or model. tools are now emerging that enable railroads to employ resource-based allocation. For example, Hdr recently conducted a rail operations analysis of a proposed major infrastructure project in los angeles, Calif. Hdr’s rail operations modelers and analysts used a computer model called rail traffic Controller (rtC) to run more than 1 million test cases to validate the effectiveness of the proposed project. each case required dispatching of more than 1,000 trains over a 150-mile rail


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network. Mathematical equations were available by the 1920s for this type of analysis, but would require several thousand person-hours of calculation for each test case. the rtC tool enabled the same rail network to be analyzed in a matter of months by three modelers (which was further reduced to 60 days through means of new software and automation tools designed in our portland office).

railroads now seek to take discrete tools such as rtC that analyze track capacity, freight car classification plans, pricing strategies and economic projections, and integrate them into broad tools that can be used both tactically to plan the next day’s operations, and strategically to determine pricing policy, capital investment strategy and network optimization strategy. such tools promise to unlock substantial stranded infrastructure capacity, generate significant new labor productivity and equipment utilization, and open opportunities for railroads to pursue freight that at present cannot move because transportation costs are too high.

This is Where We Come Intraditionally, railroads have looked internally to analyze their data streams, consider their opportunities and develop planning and strategy tools. today, they are increasingly looking outward. this change has occurred because railroads recognize that

interdisciplinary approaches are useful to solve complex problems, and because they want to leverage knowledge developed for other fields to further their own. Hdr has been the leader in this new approach, because it has at its fingertips three key assets:

1. a comprehensive understanding of railroad operations, technology, finance, marketing, strategy, organizational culture and regulatory environment, which enables our experts to consult for railroads with all of the insight and experience of a railroad’s own employees.

2. the latest methods and insight into fields that railroads want to know, such as federal and state transportation policy, economic analysis and environmental compliance strategy.

3. a company and cultural commitment to long-term relationships with railroads that assures railroads their long-term investments and plans are matched by a consulting team that shares the same vision.

Hdr’s approach is not a “wait for the phone call” philosophy. We continuously explore with railroads their long-term concerns, discuss potential solutions, identify cost-effective measurements and test solutions, and deliver up-front assistance that enables them to refine and define their strategy long before public officials are approached, or construction contracts are let. For example, Hdr recently coordinated with three Class i railroads as well as port-owned and short line rail clients to identify and refine potential projects for U.s. department of transportation (Usdot) tiGer grants. We helped them establish contacts with Usdot and state decision makers who provided advice or support, identified and resolved fatal flaws such as environmental compliance and land-acquisition needs, and provided engineering and cost-estimating services to define projects — all in advance of the actual initiation of federal grant application invitations. once guidelines were issued, Hdr wrote applications and prepared economic documentation, resulting in awards in the tiGer i and ii programs of $244.8 million for rail-related projects, or 11.6 percent of the total dollars available.

railroads recognize that state and federal funding for freight rail capacity projects is not at present a long-term program, and that they may have to be the drivers for creating a long-term public-private rail partnership strategy. to do this, railroads, in many cases with Hdr’s assistance, are seeking to demonstrate that the value of freight rail transportation also manifests in substantial public benefits — jobs created by shippers as transportation costs are lowered; reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, highway maintenance, congestion and safety costs; and less dependence on oil. our role is to assist railroads in their demonstration and quantification of public benefits, to help develop the tools to leverage existing capacity and optimize new capacity, and to help identify, develop and design the key new infrastructure projects that will enable railroads to continue to create north american economic growth and increased sustainability. ->

For more about Mark W. Hemphill, visit our Freight Rail Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-fr


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More than 100 years ago, norfolk southern Corporation’s Heartland Corridor began carrying coal trains from West virginia between Columbus, ohio, in the West and the virginia coast in the east. From those points, the coal would be distributed throughout the United states and overseas. the line traversed mountainous territory, making tunnels a necessity.

as shipping needs evolved, containers became a preferred way to ship freight, and double-stacked intermodal container trains emerged as the most efficient way to move containers. Because of the tunnels, double-stacked trains could not run across the Heartland Corridor and norfolk southern had to route these trains another way, adding as much as 250 miles to a trip from the ports of virginia to the Midwest. to shave substantial time and fuel consumption from these container shipments, norfolk southern, the federal government and the states of virginia, West virginia and ohio formed a public-private partnership to complete the Heartland Corridor clearance improvement project.

the recently completed project raised the clearance height of more than two dozen tunnels ranging from 175 feet to 3,307 feet in length. the Heartland Corridor now provides efficient passage of double-stacked container cars between eastern ports and the Midwest.

as a subcontractor to Hatch Mott Macdonald, Hdr provided the geotechnical data needed to “raise the roof” on the Heartland Corridor tunnels. We conducted geologic research testing and coordination throughout the project. this included extracting core samples through the tunnel liners, and then inserting pencil-thin cameras into the core holes to observe conditions behind the liners. all of the information collected and resulting analyses were used to prepare a Geotechnical data report. this information helped the design and construction contractors plan the best approach for each tunnel.

the geotechnical studies and data reports were completed by april 2008, and the tunnel projects were divided into packages before being released for bids. it was necessary for norfolk southern to maintain train traffic along the Heartland Corridor during construction, which dictated the methods used. the overall project was separated into packages ranging from one to four tunnels due to the availability of track for contractors to operate their rail-mounted equipment for the day while norfolk southern’s trains continued to run. Construction on the final tunnels wrapped up in the summer of 2010. ->

For more about Jim Sheahan, P.E., visit our Freight Rail Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-fr


the RoofHeartland Corridor Opens to Double-Stacked Cars

By Jim Sheahan, P.E.


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With all the attention given to rail systems across the country, it is easy to forget that buses carry the majority of transit passengers in the United states. rail often gets the headlines, because transit leaders and local officials typically focus on commuter rail, light rail, heavy rail and streetcar projects when pursuing scarce federal dollars. While rail is perceived as the more glamorous transit alternative, buses continue to do their share of the heavy lifting. this is true in cities of all sizes, but especially in our smaller cities and rural areas.Buses

Still Backbone of Transit System©






> Buses can complement other transportation modes, or provide rapid, long-distance commuter service.

By Steve Beard


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Buses Rulethere are more than 1,100 public agencies in the U.s. operating bus systems, while only 71 operate commuter rail, heavy rail or light rail lines. our public transportation systems operate more than 66,000 buses compared to fewer than 20,000 rail cars. according to the most recent ridership report by the american public transportation association (apta), buses carried more passengers than all rail services combined during the second quarter of 2010.

it takes a family of public transportation services to meet all of the mobility needs of our residents. each mode — rail, bus and paratransit — plays a critical role in providing vital services. For most of us who use public transportation, it is the bus that brings transit service within walking distance of our front doors and our places of business, shopping and recreation. it is the bus that gets us to the doctor, the ballgame and the concert.

Bus service can complement the other public transportation modes, or it can be used for the whole trip. in some areas, buses provide the local collection and distribution system for a rail system. Buses are great for short trips with frequent stops but can also provide rapid, long distance commuter service, particularly when operated in exclusive lanes or in shared High occupancy vehicle (Hov) lanes.

Buses are flexible. service frequency and routes can be quickly modified to meet changing demand or physical conditions. For example, bus service can be ramped up for special events, routes can be added to feed new development, and detours can be implemented to respond to construction.

The Money Crunchnearly all bus operators are facing tough economic times. transit agencies are dealing with a decline in local revenues from sales taxes and other dedicated revenue sources on a year-to-year basis. in many locations, state funding has been cut. For example, the arizona legislature recently cut all local transit operating assistance in an attempt to reduce the deficit at the state level.

the money shortage impacts budgets for capital improvements and daily operations. a survey conducted by apta showed that more than 80 percent of transit operators around the country have cut service and/or raised fares in the past year. additionally, more than 50 percent of transit agencies had shifted dollars from capital projects to pay for day-to-day operations.

perhaps the funding cuts would be more palatable if not for the fact that ridership is actually climbing. Many communities have campaigned for decades to encourage more people to use public transportation. and now that ridership is at historic highs and more service is needed to get folks to work and move the economy forward, transit agencies are in a position where they must raise fares or curtail service. it’s a classic “Catch 22” situation, forcing transit operators to get creative to make the most of limited resources.

Buses Still Rule!one of the ways that agencies are dealing with high demand and reduced resources is by conducting a comprehensive review of their bus service to ensure that even if cuts are needed, no one will go without basic transit service. the objective is to maintain or improve efficiency and coverage while reducing costs.

some agencies are postponing or deferring more costly rail projects and planning or implementing Bus rapid transit (Brt). With Brt, the buses operate more like a rail line. exclusive or semi-exclusive right-of-way is developed, and permanent stations are built. the buses in Brt systems stop less frequently than local service — providing faster, more direct transit. in many cases, additional passenger amenities are provided at stops and on the vehicles. agencies are providing real-time bus arrival information with distinctive signage at stops, and Brt vehicles have on-board information systems, comfortable seating and easy boarding through multiple doors. new, distinctively branded buses are being put into service as well. some have even been designed to mimic the look of light rail vehicles (there’s that perception thing again). ticket vending machines similar to those at rail stations are available, and stations often incorporate public art for a more aesthetically pleasing travelling experience.

Hdr is partnering with many transit agencies to help them provide efficient and effective public transportation service in these challenging economic times. We are specialists in bus service planning and facility design for the public transportation industry. We currently are providing short- and long-range bus service planning in phoenix, Houston, Grand rapids, California’s orange County, las Cruces, raleigh and many other cities around the country. our ongoing Brt projects include new York City, tempe, tampa, sarasota, Jacksonville and atlanta, among others. ->

For more about Steve Beard, visit our Transit Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-tr


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pittsburgh’s light rail “t” system currently runs from the southern suburban communities to the heart of pittsburgh’s downtown business district, known as the Golden triangle. the port authority of allegheny County (paaC) recognized the tremendous value in connecting the Golden triangle to the north shore, but crossing the allegheny river stood as a formidable obstacle. the 1.2-mile north shore Connector project extends pittsburgh’s light rail transit (lrt) system from the Gateway Center station in the Golden triangle under the allegheny river to the burgeoning north shore, where more than $1 billion of development is ongoing.

after years of extensive study, a decision was made to bore a tunnel under the allegheny river. the Bore to the shore, as it was dubbed, is only a portion of the entire alignment but certainly is the most complex and technically challenging segment of the north shore Connector project. the final design specified a dual-bore tunnel, with each bore measuring 2,240 feet in length and 22 feet in diameter. each tunnel bore carries one track of either inbound or outbound trains through a tight s-curve configuration and a steep profile with grades up to 7 percent. in addition to the allegheny river, the tunnels bore directly below the equitable resources Building on the north shore and close to buildings along stanwix street, including the more than 100-year-old penn avenue place building.

the challenges were many, but the rewards would have positive impacts on the local economy, development, employment, mobility and overall quality of life. as part of the joint venture providing program and construction management for the north shore Connector, Hdr had a front-row seat throughout this remarkable project.

Getting From Here to Thereevery bored tunnel project presents unique traits. one of the

defining issues faced during the north shore Connector tunnel was how to approach the mixture of soil types that had to be traversed by the boring equipment. the tunnels start in soft ground, and then dive into underlying bedrock (a soft claystone) before emerging again through soft soils. Given these conditions, the tunnel boring machine (tBM) had to be capable of mining both soft soils and harder rock. the contractor, north shore Constructors–Jv, selected a slurry pressure Balance (spB) tBM built by Herrenknecht of schwanau, Germany. the 425-ton tBM was fabricated, assembled and tested at the manufacturer’s facility, and then disassembled and shipped to the site. it was then re-assembled at ground level and lowered 55 feet into its launch pit.

this tBM’s spB technology is relatively new, with this project being one of only six spB-bored tunnels completed or currently under construction in the United states. Furthermore, it is the first of its kind in this country that will be used as a transit facility. the spB concept utilizes a bentonite slurry and air to pressurize the excavation chamber of the tBM. the excavated material from the cutterhead mixes with the slurry in suspension and is pumped out to a slurry separation plant. the separation plant removes the excavated material from the slurry, and the slurry is reused. this technology is effective for soft ground and mixed-face tunnels, which made it an ideal solution for the north shore Connector. a total of 69,000 cubic yards of material was excavated and transported for use as backfill on this and other local projects.

to prepare for the tunnel boring operation, any utilities that conflicted with the tunnel were relocated, and the 55-foot-deep launch pit and receiving pit were constructed. after the tBM had bored the first tunnel, it was turned around and bored the second tunnel, completing its journey at the launch pit. the tunnel boring contractor utilized jet grouting ground treatments to stabilize the soils at the critical entrances to both the launch and receiving pits.

P i t t s b u r g h ’s B o r e


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Shoreto the By Michael Hebor, P.E.

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this treatment turned the soft granular soils into a solid mass of soilcrete — a mixture of soil and cement. the jet grouting treatment also was used to mitigate settlements while boring adjacent to and beneath the historic penn avenue place building. the tunnel boring navigated past penn avenue place with no damage, and the minimal amount of settlement incurred at the ground surface was much less than permissible.

the tBM erected a precast tunnel liner as it excavated the tunnel. the liner is composed of 4-foot-long precast concrete rings, with each ring comprising six precast concrete segments and a key segment. the segments are 11 inches thick and have a gasket adhered continuously around all four sides. once erected by the tBM and bolted together, the segments create a water-sealed joint.

the annular space between the bored hole and the concrete tunnel liner was grouted with a cement-based material injected directly from the tailshield of the tBM. the tunneling crews averaged about 35 feet of tunnel construction per day; with a daily best of 64 feet. Construction occurred 20 hours a day, six days per week. in the off hours, the tBM and slurry plant received maintenance and repairs.

tunnel boring started on January 28, 2008, moving southbound toward the equitable resources Building and the allegheny river as the tBM bored the western tunnel. the equitable resources Building was designed to allow the tunnel boring to take place directly beneath it, with only three feet of clearance to its foundations. With diligent monitoring efforts in place, the tBM bored under the building with no noticeable signs to the tenants of the significant efforts underway deep below. the tBM then negotiated the s-curve alignment and dove at a steep grade to get below the allegheny river. once it reached the midpoint of the river, the tBM began climbing upward again. the western tunnel holed-through on the downtown side of the river on July 10, 2008.

With the western tunnel bored, the tBM was turned around in the receiving pit and started mining the eastern tunnel. the second tunnel boring was completed on January 15, 2009, and crews began demobilizing the tBM. the bored tunnel contract was officially finished in Jan. 2010, and the entire north shore Connector project was about 80 percent complete at the time of this publication.

> Gateway Station is the Golden Triangle terminus of the North Shore Connector.

[ Money spent on improving mobility provides returns that can’t be measured in travel times alone. ]


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Big Impacta recent survey by Bestplaces.net ranked pittsburgh the no. 1 destination for people looking to relocate, and the north shore area is an important part of the city’s desirability. the north shore is home to pnC park and Heinz Field — the stadiums of the pittsburgh pirates and steelers, respectively — as well as the Carnegie science Center, Community College of allegheny County, rivers Casino, the ae stage amphitheater, and a host of museums, hotels and restaurants. paaC’s investment in expanded light rail service provides a direct link between the diverse attractions along the north shore and the Golden triangle in this vibrant urban community. the north shore Connector project includes the design and construction of two north shore stations — the north side and allegheny stations. Both are within easy walking distance of these destinations. north shore stations will also service travelers and commuters headed to downtown pittsburgh who use fringe parking on the north shore and ride the “t.”

a tail track just west of allegheny station will provide space for storing and staging light rail vehicles and enable paaC to quickly and efficiently adapt service for higher volumes during events such as football and baseball games. the paaC is also examining innovative transit routes that take advantage of a combination of

bus routes and the new “t” system, with a transfer station located at allegheny station. since construction of the north shore Connector began in october 2006, the project has pumped more than $250 million into the local construction, engineering and manufacturing industries. the estimated impact to local employment includes 1,200 workers directly involved in the project, and another 5,000 people who have received work as an indirect result of the project.

transit projects such as the north shore Connector have proven time and again that money spent on improving mobility provides returns that can’t be measured in travel times alone. the american public transportation association has published reports estimating that every dollar invested in public transportation returns up to $6 in economic and other public benefits, and that every $10 million in capital investment sparks up to $30 million in business sales. With the north shore Connector nearly done, the city of pittsburgh is primed for a significant return on its transportation investment. ->

For more about Michael Hebor, P.E., visit our Transit Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-tr

> Allegheny Station is the North Shore terminus of the “T” extension project.


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Schedule AdvantageLinear

By Joanna “Asia” Alvord, PSP, PMP


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Schedule Advantage While construction projects become larger and more complex, delivery timeframes are shrinking due to budgetary concerns, operational needs and market competition. this poses significant challenges for both construction managers and owners in terms of accurately planning, executing and controlling projects. With various risk assignments between the owner and the contractor, owners have to manage their contractual commitments and how any deviations from these commitments may impact the contractor, as well as the overall time and cost to complete the project.

Challenges in Controlling Construction Projectsestablishing proper schedule and cost controls from the early stages of a project and maintaining those efforts throughout can help owners and contractors manage these challenges more efficiently. Having a plan allows the contractor to detect potential issues early on and provides the framework to eliminate or at least minimize impacts to the project. the saying “time is money” may be cliché, but it’s more true now than ever. in the realm of transportation construction, this saying often translates to liquidated damages or incentive/disincentive payments. a well-prepared, comprehensive and accepted construction schedule is vital to the success of the overall project, and to be truly effective the plan must be communicated to all of the parties involved. this is where innovative tools such as linear schedules come into play.

linear schedules (also referred to as march charts or time-distance diagrams) convey data in a simple, intuitive manner by assigning location-related data to each task and effectively displaying it in the report. By displaying information in a more visual manner, linear schedules offer a significant advantage over traditional critical path method (CpM) schedules. a 50-page or longer CpM schedule can correspond to a one-page report when using linear schedules. it clearly outlines construction sequencing and timing of work in various parts of the alignment. one of the major strengths of the linear schedules is that analyzing the schedule does not have to be a daunting, lengthy task that can only be understood by professional schedulers.

“the project team connects to the sequencing and work interdependencies much quicker, without relying on a scheduler or a multipage CpM schedule print out,” said Bryan adams, Udot project director for the $700 million access Utah County (aUC) program in Utah. “these linear schedules are exactly what i need. a one-page report telling a thorough story of my entire construction job. one can easily spot major project milestones and the work leading to a milestone.” the Utah department of transportation is improving connectivity and mobility in Utah valley through aUC program with five significant road projects, pioneer Crossing, i-15 to redwood road; s.r. 92, lehi to Highland; and Geneva road, 1600 north to University parkway, s.r. 77 in springville and the payson Bridges project on i-15.

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> Linear schedules are particularly well-suited to linear construction projects such as UDOT’s SR 92 expansion.


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as program Manager for aUC, Hdr uses linear schedules to acquire a superior understanding of the sequencing and construction philosophy on several of the projects. Monthly schedule updates are imported to linear scheduling software to improve schedule update reviews and advance the understanding of the overall construction plan. Construction may be hampered by periods when certain parts of the work site are not accessible, including irrigation seasons, environmental windows for wildlife and plants, permitting issues or right-of-way (roW) acquisition delays.

doug Jackson, an Hdr vice president in salt lake City, said linear scheduling was the perfect fit for a railroad construction planning project he managed in south dakota. “it was taking an extensive effort to get the construction and environmental teams to understand the relationships between their disciplines and to get on the same page,” Jackson said. “When their work activities were overlaid in a linear schedule, a light bulb came on. there were numerous archeological investigation and migratory bird constraints, and we needed to see how they affected the job. the linear schedule was the answer.” Jackson currently utilizes linear schedules on Mountain view Corridor (MvC), a planned freeway, transit and trail system in western salt lake and northwestern Utah counties.

With the labyrinth of interrelationships among various project disciplines that can develop on complex projects, linear schedules can be used by both the contractor and the owner to improve the flow of information. While a contractor can reap the benefits

of using linear scheduling in its planning and monitoring, the owner will find it beneficial in its monthly oversight, change order negotiations or claims analysis.

Advantages of Linear Schedulestraditional scheduling methods used for linear construction projects have been either simple bar charts as developed by Henry Gantt or critical path method (CpM) schedules first developed during the late-1950s. Gantt charts, while very intuitive and easily created, don’t convey sufficient information to effectively control a linear project. Both Gantt charts and CpM are more suited to the construction of facilities such as power generating stations or chemical plants; however, neither performs as well as linear schedules when identifying constructability issues or demands when building linear projects such as roadways, rail, pipelines or power transmission lines.

linear projects involve the continuous movement of construction crews and repetition of numerous activity types along the length of an alignment. the rate of progress of each crew is critical and is evaluated to ensure that adequate spacing between activities is maintained.

to better understand the difference between a traditional CpM and a linear schedule, perhaps it is best to contrast the two visually. the photos below show a sample 50-page CpM submittal and a linear schedule capturing various elements of work along the entire alignment all on one page.

> A 50-page or longer CPM schedule can correspond to a one-page report when using linear schedules.


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[ “These linear schedules are exactly what I need — a one-page report telling a thorough story of my entire construction job. “ - Bryan Adams, UDOT Project Director ]

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the degree of detail used to display data in a linear format must be carefully evaluated based on the specific use of the displayed information. When too many activities are plotted on one page, a diagram becomes overcrowded with slanted lines and rectangles. this makes it more difficult to analyze the information. on the other hand, if the information is plotted on several pages, it may be harder to spot the overall construction philosophy. an experienced scheduler can create views of different information sets to support the analysis of the task at hand.

For example, if an owner is responsible for acquiring and providing necessary roW, a quick overlay of the potentially delayed roW and the contractor’s schedule will outline the planned activities and potential conflicts.

or consider the case of a contractor that planned work in a sequential fashion to ensure that the base course follows granular borrow operations. in this case, a linear schedule makes it easy to determine if the baseline has flaws, such as whether the base course would be completed ahead of borrow operations in certain segments. similarly, assumptions regarding the spacing between work crews in the baseline schedule and schedule revision can also be spotted and used in negotiations.

these conflicts are not easily visible when analyzing the baseline schedule only in CpM format.

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> A well-prepared, comprehensive and accepted construction schedule is vital to the success of the overall project.


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Linear Schedules Appliedthe ability to represent both linear and non-linear activities makes linear schedules a powerful and flexible solution and enables the project team to view an entire project on one linear schedule. With this tool, the schedule can connect to the geographic, environmental, regulatory and constructability issues, and risks of a project in a manner that is simply not possible using traditional CpM scheduling methods.

Hdr recognizes the benefits of linear schedules and has been an early adopter of applying this tool on our projects. For example, we have successfully implemented linear schedules on the aUC and MvC programs mentioned earlier. as we apply this innovative method to our work, we have found that it is best to slightly amend the contract scheduling specification. the CpM schedule

needs additional fields to delineate start and end location of each of the construction activities, which usually is handled within the activities description itself. depending on how the schedule activity coding structure is organized, additional activity codes may have to be introduced to facilitate a more streamlined and effective display of information in linear fashion. ->

For more about Joanna “Asia” Alvord, PSP, PMP, visit our Highways and Local Roads Thought Leaders page at HDRinc.com/thoughtleaders-hwy

References:Joanna “Asia” Alvord, Lorne Duncan, Utilizing Linear Planning and Scheduling for Project Control and Claims Avoidance — Originally published as a part of PMICOS 2010 Annual Conference

> To be truly effective, a construction schedule must include provisions for communication between all parties involved.


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P e o p l e they say all good things must come to an end, and so goes Bill dowd’s illustrious 32-year career with Hdr. But what a way to go, with the opening of the Hoover dam Bypass — a landmark project for which dowd served as director of the team of design consultants.

dowd came to Hdr in 1978 as the bridge section manager for our omaha office. He was a rising star from the beginning, strengthening relationships with key transportation clients. in his early years with Hdr, dowd led several major railroad viaduct projects for the City of omaha. He went on to expand the office’s work with other transportation departments throughout the Midwest and contributed to the growth of our transportation program by

getting involved in significant projects from Florida to arizona to Washington state.

in 1987, dowd became national technical director for bridges, and spearheaded several initiatives to enhance Hdr’s commitment to technical excellence. He founded our first technical journal, Bridgeline, and established an internal national technical conference program that is still going strong today. dowd was active in research on reactive powder concrete (rpC), which is formulated from components used in high-performance concrete, with fine steel fibers added to increase flexural strength and provide ductility more than 250 times greater than conventional concrete. rpC was used on the sherbrooke Bridge in Quebec, Canada. in honor of his work on the project, dowd was a finalist for the Charles pankow award from the Civil engineering research Foundation for innovation.

dowd assumed the role of Hdr’s national director of transportation in 1997 and turned his focus to building a program for future generations of employee owners. Many major, high-profile projects were pursued, won and/or successfully completed during this time, including: legacy parkway, Utah; Golden Gate Bridge seismic retrofit; West dodge expressway, omaha; south Florida rail Corridor phase iv double-track design and signal Update; Cooper river Bridge replacement, south Carolina; sH 130, texas; and, of course, the Hoover dam Bypass.

in 2006, dowd shifted his focus to project work, spending the majority of his time directing the design team for the Hoover dam Bypass project. during this time, he also helped Hdr land other major projects, such as the i-15 Core project in salt lake City.

eric Keen, director of transportation, said dowd can be credited with solidifying Hdr as a major player in the roadway and bridge markets.

“Bill successfully grew our transportation practice into a leader in the industry,” Keen said. “His commitment to technical excellence and building long-term relationships with our clients will forever be a hallmark of Hdr’s transportation program.”

HDR Thanks Dowd for Innovation, Client Service


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Smithberger’s Passion Made HDR a Railroad Leader

to say tom smithberger is a railroader is sort of like saying Michael phelps is a swimmer. it’s true, but it doesn’t quite tell the whole story. as smithberger prepares for his next journey, a well-deserved retirement at the end of 2010, we would like to take a moment to reflect on his remarkable 34-year dedication to an industry he truly loves.

smithberger’s railroad career began with Bessemer and lake erie railroad in 1976, performing design and layout work. From 1983 through 1987, he continued to hone his

engineering skills with Union railroad. smithberger’s reputation as a good engineer and dedicated railroader led to a position with the american railway engineering association (area), which is now known as the american railway engineering and Maintenance-of-Way association (areMa).

as director of engineering, smithberger spent six years managing area technical committee activities and implemented several new procedures to improve technical committee activity and accountability. He also was instrumental in updating the association’s Manual for railway engineering, the basis for railway engineering work in north america today.

Hdr hired smithberger in 1993, calling on his expertise to serve as eastern rail director and build our railroad practice throughout the east region. He stepped right in as project manager for the rehabilitation of the Canton viaduct, part of amtrak’s early initiative to bring high speed rail to the northeast Corridor. recognizing his technical abilities and the relationships he had developed throughout the railroad industry, Hdr elevated smithberger to national rail director in 1995. during the past 15 years, smithberger has been the catalyst for Hdr’s rise to one of the foremost providers of freight railroad engineering in the country.

Under smithberger’s leadership, Hdr’s rail practice experienced tremendous growth. He helped strengthen our relationships with all of the Class i railroads in the United states and developed new partnerships with the leading Canadian and Mexican freight carriers. smithberger also spearheaded our effort to work with more short line railroads, knowing firsthand how important these entities are to the overall freight railroad landscape and recognizing that the short lines needed expert consulting to adapt to expanded regulations.

throughout his career, smithberger has remained committed to improving technical knowledge within the freight railroad industry. He served as chairman of the transportation research Board from 1997 to 2000. recognizing the limited number of schools offering education specific to the railroad engineering field, smithberger pioneered an internal training program to teach engineers the basics of railroading as well as an advanced course in rail yard design. the result can be seen in the growth of Hdr’s railroad practice to a staff of more than 250 experts in layout, facility and structure design, and environmental services. He devoted 13 years as technical editor for Hdr’s rail line publication and has been a tremendous influence on the development of transportation delivered. smithberger travelled extensively to represent Hdr at countless local, regional and national railroad conferences and gain an understanding of the issues that were most important to the industry.

through all the hard work and long days, the one constant during the past 34 years was smithberger’s passion for better railroading.


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long before livability became an industry buzzword, Hdr’s Jim lee was working to ensure that transportation planning was a consideration in land development. From his home region of Central Florida to places all across the United states, lee brought a practical approach to traffic operations and design, transportation and transit planning, and corridor and environmental studies — all with the goal of bettering communities through transportation improvements.

lee began his career in 1971, working for the east Central Florida regional planning Council. He soon joined tipton associates in orlando, Fla., as a traffic engineer. after gaining some valuable industry experience, lee ventured out on his own in 1981, founding transportation Consulting Group (tCG) in Winter park, Fla.

tCG’s primary service offerings included traffic engineering and transportation planning for both public and private clients. the practice was built on the tenet of developing long-standing client relationships by gaining a thorough understanding of the client’s goals and challenges — and providing thoughtful solutions. Hdr acquired tCG in 1999, largely due to its culture of quality client service.

lee became a senior vice president at Hdr and director of the firm’s transportation planning practice. He continued to do project work but was actively involved in the industry, serving as past president of the Florida section of the institute of transportation engineers (ite) and as chair of the ite transportation planning Council executive Committee. lee also served as Hdr’s internal representative to the transportation research Board.

With 2011 marking 40 years in the industry, lee decided he was due for a break. He will officially retire at the end of 2010, with plans to continue consulting on a part-time basis. Friends and colleagues remarked on a noteworthy career.

“Jim lee has played a major role in shaping our region — and over the course of his career it’s been a time of high velocity change for Central Florida. He’s earned the admiration of all of us in the transportation industry as a visionary community leader and a top-notch professional. and i’m very proud to call him a friend,” said Harold W. Barley, executive director of Metroplan orlando.

perhaps lee’s greatest achievement is the impact he’s had on many young professionals throughout Hdr and the industry. Jason McGlashan, Hdr’s transportation planning practice leader for the southwest, credits lee with jumpstarting his career.

“When the adjunct Urban and regional planning professor at the university i was attending announced that his firm would be hiring two interns, i jumped at the chance — and thus began my career-long relationship with my mentor and friend, Jim lee. i didn’t immediately realize the good fortune of landing the perfect job on my first try but quickly recognized that it was Jim’s leadership that had created a culture of integrity, respect, innovation and teamwork that employees relished and clients admired. Jim has been a mentor and inspiration to countless professionals over his 40 years, not just to his staff and colleagues, but also his clients. He is a true gentleman and consummate professional, and i’m grateful to have worked with him.”

Lee Helped Pave the Way to Creating Livable Communities


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since joining Hdr 16 years ago, Tim Bennett, P.E., LEED AP, has played a role in numerous track capacity, yard and facility projects for Union pacific. Bennett has been tapped as Hdr’s client manager for Union pacific railroad, stepping in for Bob Yechout, who retired august 20. He is responsible for overseeing and coordinating our work for Union pacific system-wide.

Bringing more than 35 years of experience in the delivery of transportation projects and programs, Dan Dorgan, P.E., has joined our Minneapolis office as senior project manager. prior to joining Hdr, dorgan was the state bridge engineer for the Minnesota department of transportation (Mn/dot). He was recently awarded the american segmental Bridge institute’s (asBi) 2010 leadership award for his leadership in the implementation of segmental concrete bridges in Minnesota and for his contributions as a member of the asBi board of directors.

Hdr has named R. Scott Goehri, P.E., as our freight railroad market sector director. Goehri, who first joined Hdr in 1996, has more than 26 years of industry experience beginning as a design engineer with Missouri-pacific railroad. a registered professional engineer in five states, Goehri holds a Bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the University of Missouri rolla, a Master of arts degree in business administration and management and a Master of arts degree in computer sciences, both from Webster University in Missouri.

Nathan Higgins has joined Hdr as associate vice president in the Calgary office, responsible for developing and managing our rail and transit engineering practice in Canada. Higgins is a professional civil engineer

with extensive north american experience in the planning, survey, design, inspection and construction of transportation projects, including freight, commuter rail, light rail and high-speed railway systems. He most recently served as owner’s project manager for the $1.2 billion Calgary West lrt design-Build project.

Bob Kellner, P.E., has been named federal program manager for transportation. Kellner is a principal project manager in our pensacola office. He has more than 25 years of experience working on major civil infrastructure projects involving construction, civil/site, geotechnical and structural disciplines. He is also versed in project management, including scope and contract development and control, budget and profit management, and management of multi-disciplinary teams.

responsible for providing strategic direction for Hdr’s denver transportation practice is Stephen Long, P.E. long brings expertise in highway and transit planning, as well as development of major plans, specifications and estimates (ps&e) for various state departments of transportation in the Western U.s. He previously served as corridor manager for the $700 million West Corridor light rail project linking western communities in the greater denver area.

Don Sherman, P.E., has rejoined Hdr as director of strategic pursuits for our transportation practice. sherman brings over 35 years of industry experience in professional services marketing and sales leadership in the aeC business globally. this includes training and leadership program development, implementation and coaching to consistently win large capital expenditure programs and projects, typically valued from $250 million to more than $5 billion.

Expanding Our Capabilities


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Fall/Winter 2010


A W O R D f R O m T h E D I R E c T O R

Getting the most value out of our infrastructure. Isn’t that what we all strive to do? In a time of limited budgets and uncertain market conditions, many people are talking about having to do more with less. I don’t necessarily subscribe to that philosophy. I think the challenge before us is to do more — period. The state of our infrastructure requires it, and our communities are demanding it.

This issue of Transportation Delivered reflects our drive to do more, whether by creating efficiencies, implementing innovation or just doing things smarter.

Take the Blue Grass Airport (pg. 1). Just “keeping up” wasn’t good enough for an airport that wanted to aid in the region’s development. A forward-thinking and well-thought-out master plan is helping the airport provide a first-class traveling experience, which is crucial to

the vitality of the airport and the region as a whole. We’re proud to have been helping the airport deliver its vision for over 20 years.

Intelligent Improvement Strategies for Freight Railroads (pg. 19) is a testament to how we partner with railroads to deliver up-front assistance defining and refining strategies long before construction contracts are let. One example is our Rail Traffic Controller computer model that allows railroads to analyze their rail networks and employ resource-based allocation. Such tools are invaluable in helping railroads leverage existing and optimize new capacity.

I think most of us would agree that roadway infrastructure has been the most impacted by financing and other constraints. Alternatives such as the Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) (pg. 13) have the capability to handle larger volumes of traffic in a smaller footprint. With fewer turning lanes, DDIs can not only improve interchange efficiency and lessen right-of-way impacts, but can also improve safety. The concept has been employed extensively – and with much success – in Europe, and we’re excited to be helping bring it to the forefront in the United States.

Finally, I can’t forget to mention our work in the transit market sector. In general, transit projects are proving their value in improving mobility and providing an enhanced community experience. But often we get caught up in the allure of commuter rail, light rail or streetcar projects and neglect a fundamental component of an overall transit system — the bus. In Buses Still Backbone of Transit System (pg. 25), we make the case for improving bus service as a way of dealing with high demand and reduced resources. We are partnering with transit agencies in Phoenix, Houston, Grand Rapids, Raleigh, and many other communities to implement short- and long-term bus service planning.

One thing that is abundantly clear is that cookie-cutter solutions won’t provide the value needed to solve today’s infrastructure challenges. I want to commend our team of professionals for working with clients to develop tailored, smart recommendations for moving our transportation programs forward.

Eric L. Keen, Director of Transportation

Eric Keen, P.E.Director of [email protected]

Duane Hippe, P.E.Aviation Market Sector [email protected] Steve BeardTransit Market Sector [email protected] Tom Smithberger, P.E.Freight RailroadMarket Sector [email protected]

Nichole AndersenPlanning & Communications [email protected]

Jeff Massengill, P.E.Maritime Market Sector [email protected] Ken Hartmann, P.E.Roadway Market Sector [email protected] David Lewis, Ph.D.Financial Market Sector [email protected]

Jim Lee, P.E.Land DevelopmentMarket Sector [email protected]

Ken [email protected]

Transportation Delivered is produced twice yearly by HDR. Direct subscription inquiries and address changes to [email protected] To view this publication electronically, go to: www.hdrinc.com/transportationdelivered

A B O U T h D R


HDR is an employee-owned architectural, engineering and consulting firm that helps clients manage complex projects and make sound decisions. As an integrated firm, we provide a total spectrum of services for our clients. Our staff of more than 7,800 professionals in 185-plus locations worldwide represent hundreds of disciplines and partner on blended teams throughout North America and abroad to provide solutions beyond the scope of traditional A/E/C firms. To learn more about HDR’s Transportation program, visit us at www.hdrinc.com/transportation