Transport, con't.

Transport, con't

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Transport, con't. The Na/K ATPase. Consequences of Na/K ATPase. Two ion gradients Used as energy source Electrical signaling Charge difference across membrane Membrane potential difference Negative on inside -60 to –90 mV in animal cells ~ -150 mV in bacteria -200 to –300 mV in plants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transport, con't.

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The Na/K ATPase

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Consequences of Na/K ATPase

• Two ion gradients– Used as energy source– Electrical signaling

• Charge difference across membrane– Membrane potential difference– Negative on inside

• -60 to –90 mV in animal cells• ~ -150 mV in bacteria• -200 to –300 mV in plants

– Not just due to these ions• Phosphatidylserine on inside of PM• Other ions

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Indirect (secondary) AT

• Na/glucose symporter– Intestinal absorptive cells

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Thermodynamics of Transport

Ain Aout

GA = RT ln ([A]in/[A]out)

if [A]out>[A]in, then G<0 for inward movement

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Thermodynamics of Transport, charged

GA = RT ln ([A]in/[A]out) + ZAF

Z= charge on AF = Faraday's constant, the charge in a mole of electrons = membrane potential, difference in charge between in and out, generally negative

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Intracellular compartments

The Endomembrane System

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Endoplasmic Reticulum

• Smooth ER

• Rough ER

• ER cisternae

• ER lumen

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Smooth ER

• Lipid biosynthesis– Membrane phospholipids– Cholesterol– TAG

• Drug detoxification

• Glycogen metabolism (catabolism)

• Calcium storage

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Rough ER

• "rough" with ribosomes

• Synthesis of – Membrane proteins for endomembrane

system– Secreted proteins

• Initial glycosylation of many of these

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Golgi body

Camillo Golgi, 1898

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• Glycosylation of secretory and membrane proteins

• Sorting/trafficking

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Secretory and membrane proteins

• Synthesis starts in cytoplasm on ribosomes

• Signal sequence determines where it goes– Nucleus– Mitochondria

• Post-translational import

– RER (endomembrane system)• Co-translational import

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Pg. 679

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Co-translational import—secreted protein

SRP=signal recognition particle

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Membrane bound proteins

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Post-translational import (mitochondrial)

TOM= translocase of outer membraneTIM=translocase of inner membrane

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Post-translational modification

• Proteolytic cleavage

• Glycosylation

• Phosphorylation

• Addition of a lipid group (lipid anchored proteins)

• Adenylation

• Etc.

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The Big Picture

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Bulk Transport

• Exocytosis

• Endocytosis– pinocytosis– Phagocytosis

• Autophagy

– Receptor-mediated endocytosis

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secretion-regulated secretion

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Receptor Mediated Endocytosis

• Bulk transport

• Specific

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The Big Picture

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Coated Vesicles

• Clathrin– Golgi to endosomes– Endocytosis


• COP II– ER and Golgi– Within the Golgi

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How do coated vesicles go to the right place and fuse with the

right membrane?

The “SNARE” hypothesis

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• Vesicle-SNAP-receptors (v-SNAREs)

• Target-SNAP-receptors (t-SNAREs)

• SNAP=soluble NSF attachment proteins

• NSF=N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor

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• Digestive enzymes

• Low pH (4-5)

• Develop from late endosomes/hydrolases from Golgi

• Activated by lowering the pH

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