Translation 3 6th Class Adrian Budianto [email protected] Universitas Terbuka Korea Selatan

Translation 3_Pertemuan6-Adrian.pptx

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Translation 36th Class

Adrian [email protected]

Universitas Terbuka Korea Selatan

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• "Governor Jokowi must serve out his term of office until 2017 according to his official oath taken before representatives of the Jakarta people and God Almighty," he said.

• He clarified that he was aware that a president will have heavy tasks and formidable challenges to face. "That was why I did not celebrate and was not entirely happy when named a presidential candidate,"

• Jokowi refused to comment when asked about the lawsuit and criticism of his presidential nomination. "Its OK in a democracy. Pros and cons are normal things in a democratic country," he was quoted to have stated, by the Jakarta Post.

• "Gubernur Jokowi harus menyelesaikan masa jabatannya sampai 2017 sesuai dengan sumpah jabatan yang telah diikrarkannya di hadapan para perwakilan masyarakat Jakarta dan Tuhan yang Maha Esa" Katanya.

• Dia menjelaskan bahwa dia sadar seorang presiden harus menghadapi tugas berat dan tantangan yang sulit. "Itulah sebabnya saya tidak merayakan dan tidak terlalu senang ketika dilantik menjadi calon presiden."

• Jokowi menolak untuk berkomentar ketika ditanya tentang tuntutan dan kritik pencalonan kepresidenannya. “Itu adalah hal yang biasa dalam demokrasi. Pro dan Kontra adalah hal-hal yang normal dalam negara yang menjunjung ideologi demokrasi,” Menurut jokowi, dikutip oleh Jakarta Post.

Quoted sentences

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• The -ing formThe –ing form can be used like a noun, like an adjective or like a verb.Smoking is forbidden.I have a long working day.I don't like dancing.

• When it is used like a noun it may or may not have an article before it.Marketing is a very inexact science.The marketing of the product will continue for a few months yet.

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• 1st sentence emphasis on COP6 (object) -> see level of details

Mod 3 Txt 1 Par 1

Kyoto ProtocolThe Kyoto

The United States,

The European Union

Less than

Would be180

Decrease their (COM)

to (COM)

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. This fuel is used (COM)

p.s. note “between” vs “among”. Between is for 1-1 relationship. Among is for group, mass or collective entity relationship.

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• Most without an article is used as an adjective, which means almost all, ex :– They ate most of the cake. – Most days I go for a jog.

• It can also be used to form the superlative where it can go in front of an adverb, ex : He objected to the results of the election most strongly.

• The most is used to form the superlative where it goes in front of longer adjectives, ex : The Miss World competition is held every year to find the most beautiful woman in the world

3-1-3the most

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It eventually

Nov 00 May 01March 01

Fail+continue+postpone (1)

Fail+continue (2) postpone (2)

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• Type 3 if-clause, imagining something different happened in the past (impossible to fulfil)

• If [past perfect], [present perfect]• If Japan had not ratified the Kyoto

Protocol, it would have been almost certain that COP6+ in Bonn was useless


sufficientto implement

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• Indonesia -> English• Per paragraph• Translate in 60 seconds (stopwatch aided)• Answer key will appear afterwards• Corrections & explanations as necessary• Compare your answers• Ready ?

Formative Test

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Mod 4 Txt 1 Par 1

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• From a distance (remember article a/an/the)• Smoke = asap. Kabut = fog / haze• hide = menyembunyikan. Use proper synonim,

“conceal”• “some” tidak perlu• Was cruising -> cruises. Lihat kesetaraan

grammar dgn kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya• Beautifully = dengan cantik. Dengan rapi =

neatly / picturesquely


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• And -> interchangeable with comma

• But what about -> to express emphasis on contrasting comparison

• The lakes spread (past form) on


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• With its Samosir Island• That is -> tidak perlu, dapat diganti

dengan comma• A world-famous natural resort• Besides -> ganti dengan “In

addition”• Is -> danau bukan merupakan

pembangkit listrik; ganti dengan “has” atau “also powers”


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• Besides, not beside• Also has• Southern• Dewata -> the island of gods• All -> all of these / all these

lakes• The lives of communities ->

the communities living


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• Susun ulang paragraf• Berbicara mengenai kegunaan

danau secara umum• Lakes are sources of water not

only for household requirements but also for farming and animal husbandry. They are also the objects of natural resorts, culture and research activities.


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• These natural resources• Deputy Chairman on• Destructive level ->

degree of destruction


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• Above its capacity -> hilangkan• Besides -> ini kata sehari2. gunakan “in addition”.• To -> into• Continuation -> continuity / sustainability• Layout -> landscape• This potential -> lakes• Has caused some impacts such as -> has led to problems

like• The size and depth of lakes lessen -> reduction of lakes

area and depth


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• Have decreased = telah menurun. Telah menurunkan (membuat sesuatu menjadi menurun) = have degraded / reduced

• Clean -> hilangkan• Replace 2nd sentence, free urself from

grammatical and word restrictions -> Moreover, due to the change in land use to tourism and housing, the natural vegetation no longer functions to prevent erosion.


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• Moving -> shifting• High = tinggi -> gunakan

“severe” (parah)• Cause -> causes (plural)• Happened on ->

occurred in


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• Lake -> lake’s (kepunyaan/milik)• Limitation -> limitations (jamak)• Kalimat 2&3 menggunakan kata sehari2.

ubah menjadi : Thus, slowly but surely, this leads to the loss of the lake’s ecosystem and depletion of groundwater reserves. The lives of humans and other creatures will be under threat as the availability of clean water diminishes.


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• Private = pribadi. Perusahaan swasta = private enterprises

• Support each other -> work together (bekerjasama)


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• Indonesia -> English• Per paragraph• Translate in 60 seconds (stopwatch aided)• Answer key will appear afterwards• Corrections & explanations as necessary• Compare your answers• Ready ?

Formative Test

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FT 2-1

• Although it has a mountain’s name (p.s. berg = Dutch for mountain)

• Has a flat topography

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FT 2-2

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FT 2-3

was the first Dutch Cement Factory erected after the


Provided a better living for the workersat

and More than 1000


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FT 2-4

• To ask for license extension• So -> hilangkan• Comma -> and• ENCI Stop, to halt ENCI• Decision -> decisions (jamak)

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FT 2-5


For open information

forThen open


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FT 2-5a

• Should be closed (passive). Their reason to go against this factory is because it consumes the environment; causing the decline of land water’s surface, which dries up the valley and surrounding areas, and emits polluted smoke breathed (passive) by local residents.

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FT 2-6

• Protest emerges while license decision is on halt

• Not -> yet any• Whether … -> hilangkan• For sure -> is certain• Close -> to be closed (passive)

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