TRANSLATING Group 4 : Elga Aprodita Lusy Kurnia Deswita Mona Silvia Novita Indah Sari Wiwit Rahma Yanti Zakiah Alqonita


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TRANSLATINGGroup 4 :Elga AproditaLusy Kurnia DeswitaMona SilviaNovita Indah SariWiwit Rahma YantiZakiah Alqonitab. Birth weightTable 2: The Distribute Frequency of The Subject Research Based On Birth Weight

Birth weightFrequencyPercentage (%)< 2500913,24> 25005966,75Based on the table above, it can be seen that birth weight at M. Djamil Hospital in January 2010 to December 2012 at most (86,76%) more than 2.500 gram. In this research, it can be found that baby with low birth weight (birth weight less than 2500 gram) were 9 babies (13,24%) and baby from a group of woman pregnant who have hypertension.

The founded of the value in this condition is less than the result of research who have done by Rosmaliana, she found that BBLR number in woman pregnant who get hypertension in pregnancy is 15,9%.

Basically, birth weight was not always influenced by the blood pressure of pregnant woman. Birth weight was influenced by 3 factors, they are factor of woman, factor of baby, and factor of placenta. In this research, the variable of research was only factor of woman, it is the blood pressure of pregnant woman, while the other factor of woman, they are : factor of baby and factor of placenta were not important.