Transition to MediData Rave MU-JHU UGANDA experience Dr. Carolyne AKELLO on behalf of the MU-JHU team MTN Annual Meeting 19 March 2017

Transition to MediData Rave - Microbicide Trials Network · – Planning at annual Feb and Sep regional meetings ... eliminate many user errors ... • Staff already proficient in

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Transition to MediData Rave MU-JHU UGANDA experience

Dr. Carolyne AKELLO on behalf of the MU-JHU team MTN Annual Meeting

19 March 2017

Presentation Overview

Introduction Preparing for Medidata Rave Implementation Lessons Learned & Challenges Summary & Looking Ahead

Introduction – The demand…

• In 2016: MTN & IMPAACT networks required MediData Rave to be used for new protocols

• For MUJHU CRS pioneering studies were:

– MTN-025 or H0PE – IMPAACT 1115

• MTN 025 timelines – Planning at annual Feb and Sep regional meetings

=> all sites to migrate to EDC by December 2016

Introduction – Site context…

MU-JHU site in Kampala, Uganda has some experience with edata-management systems : iDataFax Cactus REDCap

EDC new system from 2016 MTN-025 with SCHARP DMC IMPAACT 1115 with FSTRF DMC Other IMPAACT and HPTN 084 protocols projected for

MUJHU site to use MediData Rave

A great opportunity !

Use of represented a significant shift from MTN paper based system with idatafax transfer used before

We embraced it as a great opportunity !

Preparing for Medidata Rave

We engaged in X-cutting and study specific planning involving: – Site and study leadership – IT, data, QC, QA & operations

We established an ‘eData transition taskforce’ to manage this as a priority project Clear assignments and timelines were set and

tracked to ensure completion on schedule

Preparing for Medidata Rave




We considered shifts required in: • Infrastructure • Systems & processes • Human resources

– Quantitative & Qualitative

Infrastructure – Power

CHECK : RELIABLE POWER IN PLACE => no additional needs *Thanks to substantial investment with DAIDS support Reliable power 24/7 is required • Main generator (new 2015 shown) & back-up

back-up generator for critical areas • UPS individual and for critical areas • Emergency alarms and sensors (2015)

• Step-down transformer (March 2017)

• Ensures clean power and protects from surges

Infrastructure - IT We reviewed connectivity and ICT hard/software needs to support robust and reliable connectivity and data storage 1. Hardware needs

– Consultation with users & IT to define needs & specifications » Considered individual or shared use, mobile or static & location

Procurement of desktop computers (5 Dell) & laptops (5 Lenovo)

2. Internet connectivity and servers – External links for high speed reliable connectivity

• 10 Meg assured link with regional/continental ring for redundancy (2016) and backup link with dedicated 4 Meg

• Capacity to rapidly increase if needed – Defined need and placement for more internal connections

Additional hard wiring to provide ethernet ports

Infrastructure – Study facilities

Dedicated space created for HOPE study (EDC considered) - Initial consultation with team and renovation designed - New counseling rooms - Others to be completed in Q2

Infrastructure planning

Systems & Proceses




We considered shifts required in: • Infrastructure

• Systems & processes

• Human resources – Quantitative &


Data Management System

We reflected on shift from old system and processes

Roles – shifts in all roles: • From receptionist, counselor, clinician, study coordinator, QC-1, QC-

11, data entrants, data managers, records clerks to IOR • System generated queries requiring immediate correction

eliminate many user errors • Requires use of computers for some cadres who had no/limited

use in old system (eg QC-1, QC-11, counsellors)

Paper–based file – still needed for information NOT captured Identified need to review and update site CQMP in view of EDC CHANGE MANAGEMENT +++ is required to embrace new system

Preparing for Medidata Rave




We considered shifts required in: • Infrastructure • Systems & processes

• Human resources – Quantitative &


The most valuable asset = people

Working together

with their

heads and

hearts !

HOPE PoR and Study Coordinator

IoR with IT Site MTN Lead

Site IOR & IT

Community team and counsellors

MU-JHU HOPE & X-cutting staff

Identified roles in relation to Medidata Rave through process mapping & definition of individual roles Identified individual training/support needs

• Data team and IMPAACT 1115 team had already done e-learning course for Medidata Rave

• Staff already proficient in computer use • Staff completed e-learning modules & on-site pilot

testing and review of competencies Source Documentation SOP made clear

• eCRFs Vs Paper CRFs Commitment to ongoing learning and improvement Team enthusiastic about using Medidata Rave +++

Medidata Rave Training…

ID#: DSO374200022313

Medidata Solutions certifies that

Joselyn Nabisere has fulfilled all requirements to be recognized as a Medidata Rave® Certified Clinical Research Coordinator. October 03, 2016

Nurse Study Coordinator

Prepared for Medidata Rave !




Implementation (1)

• Smooth implementation so far !! • MUJHU was site activated for HOPE

screening and enrolment on 05 Nov 2016 Follow Source Doc and Data Management SOPs Streamlined generation of HOPE PTIDs

• By Data Manager only

CRF completion guidelines were very helpful Hard copies referred to by all staff entering data

Paper CRFs Type of Visit Comment

Screening Visit • Paper CRFs filled for participant screening • Visit only populates in EDS after eligibility criteria CRF is

filled at participant enrolment • Data team enter screening visit after participant enrolls

Enrolment Visit • Initially we had paper CRFs for all the forms filled at and after enrolment in order to gain confidence in EDC

• From Jan 17 we entered directly into EDC in real time

Behavior Assessment


• English CRFs are entered directly into Medidata Rave • Delay in entry of Luganda CRF (awaiting upload -

expected soon) – until then paper CRFs are entered in English into EDS after visit by data team

Non CRF source forms are paper-based: lab results forms, prescriptions, certified FP card, chart note, baseline conditions & AE follow-up form etc

Lessons Learned (1)

It worked well to approach the transition : • As a site-wide priority not just as a study priority • Engage key users as part of a multidisciplinary team • Integrate change management & ongoing learning processes

The QC resolution process was streamlined • Systems queries are resolved immediately by primary data

collector that created them • QC team members responsible for resolution of manual

queries with the help of staff who collected the data • This has resulted in fewer queries

Lessons learned (2)

All files are a click away • easy to follow up on queries (manual & lab)

SCHARP team are very helpful +++ • Medidata migrations have made it user friendly and

more streamlined (skip patterns/prompts..) Early corrective actions at weekly study meetings

• I (Study Coordinator) shared trends of queries and correct entry for the eCRFs (contracept, con meds etc.)

• Provided individualized feedback as needed Use of general note form was not optimal

• Developed ‘Baseline Conditions’ and ‘Adverse Events Follow-up’ forms to improve documentation/tracking

Baseline Condition & AE Follow-up forms

1. Visit Date: 2. Visit Month

// dd mmm yy

List any diagnosis/es (with their grading and relationship to study product) made at this visit: (Complete AE form for all new portable AEs or AEs that increase in severity/frequency)—continue on general note if needed










Review and comment on baseline conditions / previously reported adverse events/GAEs: None dicate change noted by checking the appropriate box.

– Continuing – AE Resolved (No more follow up indicated) – AE increased in severity (New AE; therefore complete new AE form) – Death – Continuing at end of study participation

verse ent mber

/A for seline)


Status Comments New status outcome date

0 1 2 3 4

// dd mmm yy

// dd mmm yy

// dd mmm yy

// dd mmm yy

Lessons Learned (3)

Change in our filing system • PTIDs are generated as random numbers not sequential =>

now file and retrieve according to 1st 6 digits

Files with information missed on eCRFs are physically flagged for update on participant next visit • E.g. LNMP, con-med start/stop dates, AEs, VR tracking log

last 2 questions, ring adherence

Intermittent file review & preparing for PPD • Hard and e-copy to ensure consistent information and

timely clean data • This was a priority prior to PPD monitoring visits

Lessons Learned (4)

Streamlined clinic and data flow • Laptops move around rather than participants charts

and participants • Waiting time for HOPE participants has markedly

reduced compared to ASPIRE • Participants are amazed at the .com era in HOPE

Printing needs is markedly reduced with small file • visit checklist, follow-up form, counseling documents

Challenges were minimal

• Waiting for migration of Luganda docs with work around of data entry of English forms

• Despite power planning – still had some issues with connectivity speeds – We sometimes fill paper CRFs/non CRF sources for this

information and update Medidata Rave before COB – IT and admin working to address this issue…


Investment in good planning paid dividends Real time entry of data into Medidata Rave is

simple, feasible and efficient QC and data entry processes shifted with reduced

burden compared to prior era Our staff have embraced shift in roles and greater

computer use (for many) Strong relationship and support from DMC critical

to optimise study specific data management system and trouble shoot

Way forward

Ongoing learning and sharing Update site CQMP integrating EDC data and QC

processes Revisit staff needs in light of site wide adoption of

EDC systems and manage staff transition Project reduced need for QC-1, QC-2, data entry staff Shift in staff profiles for other cadres requiring greater

direct data entry and computer competencies Requires greater IT investment in systems & IT support


Special thanks from the MUJHU records clerks


MU-JHU Site Leadership MUJHU HOPE Study Staff The Microbicide Trials Network is funded by

the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases UM1AI068633, UM1AI068615, UM1AI106707), with co-funding from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute of Mental Health, all components of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.