TRANSIT-PELLETSMETHOD™ TOTAL Women: 4.0 days Men: 2.2 days Caecum-ascending colon Women: 1.3 days Men: 1.0 days Transverse colon Women: 0.7 days Men: 0.5 days Descending colon Women: 2.3 days Men: 1.2 days Sigmoid colon-rectum Women: 1.3 days Men: 1.3 days TOTAL TRANSIT TIME (OATT, mouth-to-anus). Indicates if colonic transit time is delayed, normal or rapid. Total number of remaining markers divided by 10*. N o o f m a r k e r s D a y s T y p e o f t r a n s i t 0-5 markers < 0.6 days Rapid transit 6-40 markers 0.6-4.0 days Normal transit 41-50 markers 4.1-5.0 days Moderately delayed transit 51-60 markers > 5.0 days Clearly prolonged transit WOMEN N o o f m a r k e r s D a y s T y p e o f t r a n s i t 0-4 markers < 0.5 days Rapid transit 5-22 markers 0.5-2.2 days Normal transit 23-40 markers 2.3-4.0 days Moderately delayed transit 41-60 markers > 4.0 days Clearly prolonged transit MEN SEGMENTAL TRANSIT TIME Provides information on the type of delay, e.g. distal or left-sided. The remaining number of markers in each segment divided by 10 (see diagram below). © 2018 Medifactia AB Limited Normal transit time corresponds to the range percentile 5 - percentil 95 in the control material. Upper reference values (percentile 95) with the Transit-Pelletsmethod ™: Total OATT-value based on measurement in 114 women and 85 men Segmental transit times (Abrahamsson et al 1988). Reference values apply to individuals aged 18 and over. *If the number of retained markers is only 0-2, the transit time is < 0.3 days. If 56-60 markers are retained, the transit time is > 5.5 days since an equilibrium has not been reached.

Transit-Pelletsmethod™ Manual CalculationDays 2 · TRANSIT-PELLETSMETHOD™ TOTAL Women: 4.0 days Men: 2.2 days Caecum-ascending colon Women: 1.3 days Men: 1.0 days Transverse colon

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Page 1: Transit-Pelletsmethod™ Manual CalculationDays 2 · TRANSIT-PELLETSMETHOD™ TOTAL Women: 4.0 days Men: 2.2 days Caecum-ascending colon Women: 1.3 days Men: 1.0 days Transverse colon


TOTAL Women: 4.0 days

Men: 2.2 days

Caecum-ascending colon

Women: 1.3 days Men: 1.0 days

Transverse colon

Women: 0.7 days Men: 0.5 days

Descending colon

Women: 2.3 days Men: 1.2 days

Sigmoid colon-rectum

Women: 1.3 days Men: 1.3 days

TOTAL TRANSIT TIME (OATT, mouth-to-anus).

Indicates if colonic transit time is delayed, normal or rapid.

Total number of remaining markers divided by 10*.

No of markers Days Type of transit

0-5 markers < 0.6 days Rapid transit

6-40 markers 0.6-4.0 days Normal transit

41-50 markers 4.1-5.0 days Moderately delayed transit

51-60 markers > 5.0 days Clearly prolonged transit


No of markers Days Type of transit

0-4 markers < 0.5 days Rapid transit

5-22 markers 0.5-2.2 days Normal transit

23-40 markers 2.3-4.0 days Moderately delayed transit

41-60 markers > 4.0 days Clearly prolonged transit



Provides information on the type of delay, e.g. distal or left-sided.

The remaining number of markers in each segment divided by 10 (see diagram below).

© 2018 Medifactia AB Limited

Normal transit time corresponds to the range percentile 5 - percentil 95 in the control material.

Upper reference values (percentile 95) with the Transit-Pelletsmethod™:

Total OATT-value based on measurement in 114 women and 85 menSegmental transit times (Abrahamsson et al 1988).

Reference values apply to individuals aged 18 and over.

*If the number of retained markers is only 0-2, the transit time is < 0.3 days. If 56-60 markers are retained, the transit time is > 5.5 days since an equilibrium has not been reached.