Contact - 01010101010 Hindustan - 10000 Everest Kailash Parvat ---------------------------- Sri Ganeshay Namah Transit Kundali Test

Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

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Page 1: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Contact - 01010101010

Hindustan - 10000


Kailash Parvat


Sri Ganeshay Namah

Transit Kundali


Page 2: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn


17:44:17 hrs

-00:21:12 hrs

12:35:29 hrs

00:00:00 hrs

10 August 2016 (Wednesday)


New Delhi , INDIA



-05:30:00 hrs

01:23:48 hrsLocal Mean Time :

-00:21:12 hrsLMT Correction :

20:15:00 hrsGMT at Birth :

00:00:00 hrsWar/Daylight Corr.:

Date of Birth : 18 December 1975 (Thursday)

Time of Birth : 01:45:00AM

Place of Birth : New Delhi , INDIA

Latitude : 028:36:00N

Longitude : 077:12:00E

Time Zone : -05:30:00 hrs


Masa (Month) : Pousha

Ritu (Season) : Hemanta

Paya (Posture) : Rajata

SaturnTithi Lord :

VenusRashi Lord :

RohiniNakshatra (Constellation) :

MoonNakshatra-lord :

4Nakshatra Charan :

Rashi (Moon-sign) : Taurus

Lagna Lord : Mercury

Lagna (Ascendant) : Virgo

Karana (Half-Tithi) : Vishti

Tithi Class : Poorna

Tithi (Moon's elongation) : Purnima

Paksha (Fortnight) : Shukla
















YamaKarana Lord :

Adyakshara (First letter) : Vo

BharandhakaVihanga (Symbol) :

SwatiVedha :

PrithwiTatwa (Element) :

MercuryTatwa Lord :

Surya Siddhanta Yoga : Shubha

Karana Class : Chara









Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Astrological Particulars

WednesdayAstrological Day : Wednesday

46: 27: 25 GhatiIshtKaal : 30: 36: 42 Ghati

Page 3: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Navamsh Kundali

Moon Kundali

Navamsh Kundali

Moon Kundali




Test TransitDispDig







------ --









Asc 07:52:42 USad (4)Sun 24:12:59 Asle (3)

Moon 21:35:51 Visa (1)Mars 09:05:01 Anur (2)Merc 20:47:41 PPha (3)Jup 29:46:43 UPha (1)Ven 11:54:31 Magh (4)

Sat R 15:41:52 Anur (4)Rahu R 19:44:12 PPha (2)Ketu R 19:44:12 Sata (4)

Asvi (1)00:21:51Urn R ArieSata (4)17:09:15Nep R AquaPSad (3)21:20:40Plu R Sagi


VirgPlu 17:57:41 Hast (3)ScorNep 18:29:42 Jyes (1)LibrUrn 12:16:21 Svat (2)

Bhar (4)26:29:32Ketu RVisa (2)26:29:32Rahu RPusy (2)08:28:00Sat RSvat (4)19:02:52VenRava (2)21:18:54JupMula (4)12:14:43Merc CMrig (2)28:34:16Mars RRohi (4)22:29:15Moon

Hast (4)01:44:46Sun Mula (1)

21:14:52Asc VirgSagiTaurTaurSagiPiscLibrCncrLibrArie

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Lagna Kundali

Lagna Kundali

Planetary Positions

Transit Place - New Delhi (INDIA)18:05:29Transit Time -Transit Date - 10:08:2016











7 Su
















12 Ju


























4 Su








12 11





Jup VenRah







29:46 11:54











8 7





















DD MM Date of Transit : HH Mi Time ofTransit :

Page 4: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Friend's House

Own Nakshtra

Own House

Own House

Enemy's House

Own Nakshtra


Friend's House











VirgoAscendant 21:14:52

Moola-1Sun 01:44:46


Moon 22:29:15 Rohini-4

Mars R 28:34:16 Mrigashira-2

Mercury 12:14:43 Moola-4

Jupiter 21:18:54 Revathi-2

Venus 19:02:52 Swati-4

Saturn R 08:28:00 Pushya-2

Rahu R 26:29:32 Vishakha-2

Ketu R 26:29:32 Bharani-4

Swati-212:16:21Uranus Libra ---

Jyestha-118:29:42Neptune Scorpio ---

Hastha-317:57:41Pluto Virgo --- ---


With Benefic


With Benefic

With Malefic

With Benefic



With Malefic


With Benefic




Planetary Positions & Dispositions

Friend's House

Planets Signs Degree Nak-Pada Diginity Association



























NakL KarakaSignLMercury













Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Lagna Kundali

Navamsha Kundali

PlutoNeptuneKetu UranusRahuSaturnVenusJupiterMercuryMarsMoonSunAsc













Asc --- 70 241 247 81 180 28 287 35 215 21 57 357290 --- 171 177 10 110 317 217 325 145 311 347 286119 189 --- 6 200 299 147 46 154 334 140 176 115113 183 354 --- 194 293 140 40 148 328 134 170 109279 350 160 166 --- 99 307 206 314 134 300 336 276180 250 61 67 261 --- 208 107 215 35 201 237 177332 43 213 220 53 152 --- 259 7 187 353 29 32973 143 314 320 154 253 101 --- 108 288 94 130 69

325 35 206 212 46 145 353 252 --- 180 346 22 321145 215 26 32 226 325 173 72 180 --- 166 202 141339 49 220 226 60 159 7 266 14 194 --- 36 336303 13 184 190 24 123 331 230 338 158 324 --- 299

3 74 245 251 84 183 31 291 39 219 24 61 ---

Degree-Distances between Planet to Planet & Planet to Ascendant




Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010


Moon Kundali




























4 Su








8 7





















Page 5: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Page-415:01:2079 2 y.3 m.4 d.11:10:2076Sagittarius

11:07:2076 0 y.5 m.24 d. Tamra16:01:2076Sagittarius

30:08:2068 2 y.1 m.28 d.03:07:2066Leo

03:02:2066 0 y.3 m.21 d. Tamra13:10:2065Leo

24:08:2063 1 y.5 m.18 d.07:03:2062Gemini

13:02:2062 0 y.7 m.4 d. Roupya11:07:2061Gemini

07:03:2062 0 y.0 m.22 d.13:02:2062Taurus

11:07:2061 2 y.1 m.13 d. Swarna28:05:2059Taurus

28:05:2059 2 y.1 m.20 d. Tamra07:04:2057Aries

04:12:2049 0 y.4 m.25 d.10:07:2049Sagittarius

06:03:2049 2 y.2 m.27 d. Tamra08:12:2046Sagittarius

13:07:2039 0 y.3 m.8 d.05:04:2039Leo

22:10:2038 2 y.1 m.25 d. Tamra27:08:2036Leo

13:07:2034 2 y.1 m.12 d. Roupya31:05:2032Gemini

31:05:2032 2 y.1 m.14 d.17:04:2030Taurus

05:10:2029 0 y.1 m.27 d. Swarna08:08:2029Taurus

08:08:2029 1 y.5 m.14 d.23:02:2028Aries

20:10:2027 0 y.4 m.17 d. Tamra03:06:2027Aries

Kantak Shani

(4th from birth rashi)

Ashtam Shani

(8th from birth rashi)


Transit in Sadhesati Cycle Begining Ending SaturnDuration

Sign Moorti(Y-M-D)Date

First Dhayya

(Twelfth from birth rashi)

Second Dhayya

(On birth rashi)

Third Dhayya

(Second from birth rashi)

Third Cycle of Sadhesati

Kantak Shani

(4th from birth rashi)

Ashtam Shani

(8th from birth rashi)


Transit in Sadhesati Cycle Begining Ending SaturnDuration

Sign Moorti(Y-M-D)Date

First Dhayya

(Twelfth from birth rashi)

Second Dhayya

(On birth rashi)

Third Dhayya

(Second from birth rashi)

Second Cycle of Sadhesati

Sagittarius 26:10:2017 2 y.2 m.29 d.24:01:2020

Sagittarius 26:01:2017 Tamra0 y.4 m.24 d.21:06:2017

Leo 16:07:2007 2 y.1 m.25 d.10:09:2009

Leo 01:11:2006 Tamra0 y.2 m.9 d.10:01:2007Kantak Shani

(4th from birth rashi)

Ashtam Shani

(8th from birth rashi)

First Cycle of Sadhesati

06:09:2004 1 y.5 m.0 d.07:04:2003Gemini(Second from birth rashi)

08:01:2003 0 y.5 m.17 d. Roupya23:07:2002GeminiThird Dhayya

07:04:2003 0 y.2 m.28 d.08:01:2003Taurus(On birth rashi)

23:07:2002 2 y.1 m.15 d. Swarna07:06:2000TaurusSecond Dhayya

(Twelfth from birth rashi)

07:06:2000 2 y.1 m.21 d. Tamra17:04:1998AriesFirst Dhayya

Date (Y-M-D) MoortiSign

Duration SaturnEndingBeginingSadhesati Cycle Transit in

(The seven and half year period during which Saturn transits in the twelfth, first and second from the birth rashi (Moon Sign) is called sadhesati of Saturn. )

Lk/kkZfu lIr o"kkZf.k rFkk nq[kS;qZrks HkosrAA}kn'ks tUexS jk'kkS f}rh;s p 'kuS'pjA


Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Saturn Transit


Page 6: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn


Transit Jupiter

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00AM POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

(Guru Gochar)

Transit in Jupiter Transit Cycle Begining Ending Duration

Sign (Y-M-D)Date

2nd from Moon Sign Gemini 18:07:1977 1 y.0 m.18 d.05:08:1978

27:10:1981 1 y.1 m.0 d.26:09:1980Virgo5th from Moon Sign

22:12:1983 1 y.0 m.26 d.26:11:1982Scorpio7th from Moon Sign

25:01:1986 1 y.0 m.15 d.10:01:1985Capricorn9th from Moon Sign

16:06:1987 0 y.4 m.11 d.03:02:1987Pisces11th from Moon Sign

03:02:1988 0 y.3 m.9 d.26:10:1987Pisces

21:07:1990 1 y.0 m.19 d.02:07:1989Gemini2nd from Moon Sign

12:10:1993 1 y.1 m.0 d.11:09:1992Virgo5th from Moon Sign

07:12:1995 1 y.0 m.26 d.11:11:1994Scorpio7th from Moon Sign

08:01:1998 1 y.0 m.13 d.26:12:1996Capricorn9th from Moon Sign

10:09:1998 0 y.3 m.16 d.26:05:1998Pisces11th from Moon Sign

26:05:1999 0 y.4 m.11 d.13:01:1999Pisces

05:07:2002 1 y.0 m.19 d.16:06:2001Gemini2nd from Moon Sign

28:09:2005 1 y.1 m.0 d.28:08:2004Virgo5th from Moon Sign

22:11:2007 1 y.0 m.26 d.27:10:2006Scorpio7th from Moon Sign

01:05:2009 0 y.4 m.20 d.10:12:2008Capricorn9th from Moon Sign

20:12:2009 0 y.4 m.21 d.30:07:2009Capricorn

01:11:2010 0 y.6 m.0 d.02:05:2010Pisces11th from Moon Sign

08:05:2011 0 y.5 m.1 d.06:12:2010Pisces

19:06:2014 1 y.0 m.19 d.31:05:2013Gemini2nd from Moon Sign

12:09:2017 1 y.1 m.1 d.11:08:2016Virgo5th from Moon Sign

29:03:2019 0 y.5 m.17 d.11:10:2018Scorpio7th from Moon Sign

05:11:2019 0 y.6 m.13 d.23:04:2019Scorpio

30:06:2020 0 y.3 m.0 d.30:03:2020Capricorn9th from Moon Sign

06:04:2021 0 y.4 m.15 d.20:11:2020Capricorn

22:04:2023 1 y.0 m.9 d.13:04:2022Pisces11th from Moon Sign

18:10:2025 0 y.5 m.5 d.14:05:2025Gemini2nd from Moon Sign

02:06:2026 0 y.5 m.27 d.05:12:2025Gemini

28:02:2028 0 y.3 m.3 d.26:11:2027Virgo5th from Moon Sign

26:12:2028 0 y.5 m.2 d.24:07:2028Virgo

01:05:2030 0 y.3 m.5 d.25:01:2030Scorpio7th from Moon Sign

17:02:2031 0 y.4 m.25 d.23:09:2030Scorpio

12:08:2032 0 y.5 m.7 d.05:03:2032Capricorn9th from Moon Sign

18:03:2033 0 y.4 m.24 d.23:10:2032Capricorn

06:04:2035 1 y.0 m.9 d.28:03:2034Pisces11th from Moon Sign

17:11:2036 0 y.2 m.7 d.10:09:2036Gemini2nd from Moon Sign

16:09:2037 0 y.4 m.21 d.26:04:2037Gemini

06:04:2040 0 y.5 m.2 d.04:11:2039Virgo5th from Moon Sign

03:12:2040 0 y.5 m.4 d.29:06:2040Virgo

10:06:2042 0 y.5 m.7 d.02:01:2042Scorpio7th from Moon Sign

27:01:2043 0 y.5 m.0 d.28:08:2042Scorpio

02:03:2045 1 y.0 m.14 d.16:02:2044Capricorn9th from Moon Sign

21:03:2047 1 y.0 m.8 d.13:03:2046Pisces11th from Moon Sign Page-5

Page 7: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn


Trans. Nak.


Anga (Limb)Nak. Count

Planetary Transit in reference to the Janma-Nakshatra

AshleshaBhanu(Sun) Chest

Results to expect


Graha (Planet)

Success in endeavours.

ChestShashi(Moon) Vishakha13 Calmness of mind.

Left handBhouma(Mars) Anuradha14 Financial difficulties.

Two handsSoumya(Mercury) PurvaPhalguni8 Untoward happenings.

Two handsJeeva(Jupiter) UttraPhalguni9 Untoward happenings.

Two handsBhrigu(Venus) Magha7 Untoward happenings.

Left handSouri(Saturn) Anuradha14 Increase of gains / profit.

Right legAsura(Rahu) PurvaPhalguni8 Journey to a distant place.

HeadShikhi(Ketu) Shatavisha21 Increase of enjoyment.

Souri (Saturn)

Pangu-Chakra(Circle of Saturn)

Results to expectNak. Count Anga (Limb)Trans. Nak.Graha (Planet) Motion

Retro 15 Anuradha Left hand Possibility of confinement.

In this method, while nakshatra-counting, the direction of motion of Saturn is also taken into account.














































Counteracted by Planets Posture (Fav. / Unfav.)

Position in Transit from Moon sign

S.No Transiting Planets

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00AM POB-New Delhi

Sarva Graha-Gochar in Bhachakra

Page 8: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Viewing Transit from Ashtaka-Varga

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00AM POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

In your chart, planet Moon in transit is passing through a 'kaksha', where the Kaksha strength is highest (= 8) and it's lord is placed in the 3rd from the same planet's transit-sign. This is a highly favourable combination, and you are likely to find an attractive opportunity/ offer very soon (from now). Alternately or in addition, you may have a favourable change/ transfer to a short-distance place. If you are interested to change/ shift your residence, then also the time is ripe for you. Besides, you may have pleasant journeys to short-distance places for pleasure and profit.

PlanetsSAV in Sign Planet Sign

Observations from Transit Chart

BAV in Sign Kaksha Lord BAV in Kaksha K- Strength

31 5 Cancer Sun Moon 1 6

35 5 Libra Moon Mercury 1 8

25 2 Scorpio Mars Mars 1 4

27 7 Leo Mercury Mercury 1 5

27 4 Leo Jupiter Ascendant 0 1

27 3 Leo Venus Sun 0 3

25 3 Scorpio Saturn Venus 0 4

27 1 Leo Rahu Mars 0 5









K- StrengthBAV in KakshaKaksha LordBAV in Sign

Observations from Janma Chart

Planet SignSAV in Sign Planets


Page 9: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Mars Dasha Moon Dasha Rahu Dasha

Jupiter Dasha

Sun Dasha Venus Dasha Ketu Dasha

Mercury Dasha Saturn Dasha

Vimshottari Balance of Dasha at birth (as per N.C.Lahiri Ayanamsha : 023:31:17 ) : Moon : 0 y.7 m.18 d.

06:08:2085 - 06:08:2086 Venus

31:03:2085 - 06:08:2085 Ketu

Antara From-----To

25:05:2084 - 31:03:2085 Mercury

12:06:2083 - 25:05:2084 Saturn

24:08:2082 - 12:06:2083 Jupiter

30:09:2081 - 24:08:2082 Rahu

25:05:2081 - 30:09:2081 Mars

24:11:2080 - 25:05:2081 Moon

06:08:2080 - 24:11:2080 Sun

06:06:2079 - 06:08:2080 Ketu

06:08:2076 - 06:06:2079 Mercury

06:06:2073 - 06:08:2076 Saturn

06:10:2070 - 06:06:2073 Jupiter

06:10:2067 - 06:10:2070 Rahu

Antara From-----To

06:08:2066 - 06:10:2067 Mars


06:12:2064 - 06:08:2066 Moon

06:12:2063 - 06:12:2064 Sun

06:08:2060 - 06:12:2063 Venus

09:08:2059 - 06:08:2060 Mercury

01:07:2058 - 09:08:2059 Saturn

25:07:2057 - 01:07:2058 Jupiter

06:07:2056 - 25:07:2057 Rahu

08:02:2056 - 06:07:2056 Mars

10:07:2055 - 08:02:2056 Moon

04:03:2055 - 10:07:2055 Sun

02:01:2054 - 04:03:2055 Venus Ketu 06:08:2053 - 02:01:2054

27:11:2050 - 06:08:2053 Saturn

21:08:2048 - 27:11:2050 Jupiter

Antara From-----To

02:02:2046 - 21:08:2048 Rahu

05:02:2045 - 02:02:2046 Mars

06:09:2043 - 05:02:2045 Moon

30:10:2042 - 06:09:2043 Sun

30:12:2039 - 30:10:2042 Venus

02:01:2039 - 30:12:2039 Ketu

06:08:2036 - 02:01:2039 Mercury

23:01:2034 - 06:08:2036 Jupiter

19:03:2031 - 23:01:2034 Rahu

08:02:2030 - 19:03:2031 Mars

09:07:2028 - 08:02:2030 Moon

28:07:2027 - 09:07:2028 Sun

Antara From-----To

28:05:2024 - 28:07:2027 Venus


19:04:2023 - 28:05:2024 Ketu

09:08:2020 - 19:04:2023 Mercury

06:08:2017 - 09:08:2020 Saturn

13:03:2015 - 06:08:2017 Rahu

06:04:2014 - 13:03:2015 Mars

06:12:2012 - 06:04:2014 Moon

17:02:2012 - 06:12:2012 Sun

18:06:2009 - 17:02:2012 Venus

12:07:2008 - 18:06:2009 Ketu

06:04:2006 - 12:07:2008 Mercury

24:09:2003 - 06:04:2006 Saturn Jupiter 06:08:2001 - 24:09:2003


Vimshottari Dasha

Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus 18:12:1975 - 05:02:1976 Sun 05:02:1976 - 06:08:1976

Mars 06:08:1976 - 02:01:1977 Rahu 02:01:1977 - 20:01:1978 Jupiter 20:01:1978 - 27:12:1978

Antara From-----To

Saturn 27:12:1978 - 05:02:1980


Mercury 05:02:1980 - 02:02:1981 Ketu 02:02:1981 - 01:07:1981 Venus 01:07:1981 - 30:08:1982 Sun 30:08:1982 - 05:01:1983 Moon 05:01:1983 - 06:08:1983

Rahu 06:08:1983 - 19:04:1986 Jupiter 19:04:1986 - 11:09:1988 Saturn 11:09:1988 - 19:07:1991 Mercury 19:07:1991 - 05:02:1994 Ketu 05:02:1994 - 23:02:1995 Venus 23:02:1995 - 23:02:1998 Sun 23:02:1998 - 17:01:1999


Moon 17:01:1999 - 18:07:2000 Mars 18:07:2000 - 06:08:2001

Antara of Vimshottari Dasha



Moon Dasha


0 y.7 m.18 d. 18:12:1975 --- 06:08:1976 Mars Dasha 7 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:1976 --- 06:08:1983 Rahu Dasha 18 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:1983 --- 06:08:2001 Jupiter Dasha 16 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:2001 --- 06:08:2017 Saturn Dasha 19 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:2017 --- 06:08:2036 Mercury Dasha 17 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:2036 --- 06:08:2053 Ketu Dasha 7 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:2053 --- 06:08:2060

8 Venus Dasha 20 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:2060 --- 06:08:20809 Sun Dasha 6 y.0 m.0 d. 06:08:2080 --- 06:08:2086

Dasha of Planet

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010Page-8

Page 10: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4





9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




Amri tJalNeerSobhyaDehanPawanPrachand

P r a c h a n d

P a w a n

D e h a n

S o b h y a

N e e r

J a l

A m r i t

Amri t Jal Neer Sobhya Dehan Pawan Prachand

D e h a n

S o b h y a

N e e r

J a l

A m r i t

p r a c h a n d

P a w a n









































N i d h a n

M i t r a

A t i M i t r a J a n m a S a m p a t V i p a t K s h e m P r a t y a r i S a d h a k

N i d h a n

M i t r a

A t i M i t r a

J a n m a

S a m p a t

V i p a t

K s h e m

P r a t y a r iS a d h a kN i d h a nM i t r aA t i M i t r aJ a n m a

S a m p a t

V i p a t

K s h e m

P r a t y a r i

S a d h a k







Sarvato Bhadra ChakraNatal Section Transit Section



Friend's Sign

Neautral Sign

Own SIgn

Friend's Sign

Friend's Sign

Enemy Sign

Own NakshatraEnemy Sign

Enemy Sign


Friend's Sign

Friend's Sign

Own Nakshatra

Own SIgn

Own SIgn

Neautral Sign

Own Nakshatra


Friend's Sign







Ascendant 07:52:42 22 (4)Sun 24:12:59 9 (3)

Moon 21:35:51 16 (1)Mars 09:05:01 17 (2)

Mercury 20:47:41 11 (3)Jupiter 29:46:43 12 (1)Venus 11:54:31 10 (4)Saturn 15:41:52 17 (4)Rahu 19:44:12 11 (2)Ketu 19:44:12 25 (4)











2 (4)26:29:32Ketu16 (2)26:29:32Rahu8 (2)08:28:00Saturn15 (4)19:02:52Venus28 (2)21:18:54Jupiter19 (4)12:14:43Mercury5 (2)28:34:16Mars4 (4)22:29:15Moon

13 (4)01:44:46Sun 19 (1)

21:14:52Ascendant VirgoSagittarius




Planets at the time of birthPlanets at the time of Transit

Transit Date : 10 August 2016 (Wednesday) Transit Time : 06:05:29PM Place : New Delhi , INDIAName: Test Date : 18 December 1975 (Thursday) Time : 01:45:00AM Place : New Delhi , INDIA

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010


P.VasuKrittika Rohini




Arda Pusya




B h a r a n i


00 AA VA KA HA DA 00M a g h a Ven

A s h v i n i




R e v a t i

Jup CHA ARI O SU, TUE 1,6,11

OU LEO TAU. P h a l g


U. B h a d r

H a s t a

P. B h a d r


AM LIB RAC h i t r a

S a t a b h i



Sravana Abhijit U. Sadha P.Shadha Mula


Jyestha Anuradha


D h a n i s




DHA PIS FRI 4,9,14

SAT 5,10,15

MON, WED 2,7,12




Page 11: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn








10 11



14 15 16 17

















Kota Chakra

List of the Categories of Nakshatras as per Kota Chakra(As per 28 Nakshatra-system - including tiny tot 'Abhijit')

S. N. Category I IIIII IV1. 'Stambha' Nakshatras: Punarvasu(*7) UttraAshda(*21)Chitra(*14) Revathi(*28)

2. 'Madhya' Naksharas: (Entry for Sun to Saturn & Ex it for Rahu and Ketu)

Aridra(*6) PurvaAshda(*20)Hastha(*13) UttraBhadra(*27)

3. 'Madhya' Naksharas: (Exit for Sun to Saturn & Entry for Rahu and Ketu)

Pushya(*8) Abhijit(*22)Swati(*15) Ashwini(*1)

4. 'Prakaara' Naksharas: (Entry for Sun to Saturn & Exit for Rahu and Ketu)

Mrigashira(*5) Moola(*19)UttraPhalguni(*12) PurvaBhadra(*26)

5. 'Prakaara' Naksharas: (Exit for Sun to Saturn & Entry for Rahu and Ketu)

Ashlesha(*9) Shravana(*23)Vishakha(*16) Bharani(*2)

6. 'Bahya' Naksharas: (Entry for Sun to Saturn & Exit for Rahu and Ketu)

Rohini(*4) Jyestha(*18)PurvaPhalguni(*11) Shatavisha(*25)

7. 'Bahya' Naksharas: (Exit for Sun to Saturn & Entry for Rahu and Ketu)

Magha(*10) Dhanishtha(*24)Anuradha(*17) Krittika(*3)

MoonKota Paal :Kota Swami : Venus

Natural Benefic Planets = Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Moon.

Natural Malefic P lanets = Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Sun.

Maraka Graha 1 Venus

Afflictor of 'Kota'-Swami and 'Kota'-Paala


Functional Malefic 2 Mars

Functional Malefic 1 Moon

Trika Swami 3 Sun

Trika Swami 2 Mars

Trika Swami 1 Saturn

Vishesha Vadha-Karaka Rahu

Samanya Vadha-Karaka Jupiter

Maraka Graha 2 Jupiter

Afflictor of mukhya 'Kota'-Swami and gouna 'Kota'-Swami









Particulars TransitBirth Particulars TransitBirth








Ve Ra

Su Me



Ve MeRa


Mo MaSa





SagittariusVirgoAscendant 21:14:52

Moola (1)Sun 01:44:46Hastha (4)

Moon 22:29:15 Rohini (4)Mars-R 28:34:16 Mrigash ira (2)Mercury 12:14:43 Moola (4)Jupiter 21:18:54 Revathi (2)Venus 19:02:52 Swati (4)

Saturn-R 08:28:00 Pushya (2)Rahu-R 26:29:32 Vishakha (2)Ketu-R 26:29:32 Bharani (4)



Planets Sign Degree Nak(P) NL

Planetary Position at Birth

Planets Sign Degree Nak(P) NL

Planetary Position of Transit



Shatavisha (4)19:44:12Ketu-RPurvaPhalguni 19:44:12Rahu-RAnuradha (4)15:41:52Saturn-R

Magha (4)11:54:31VenusUttraPhalguni 29:46:43JupiterPurvaPhalguni 20:47:41MercuryAnuradha (2)09:05:01MarsVishakha (1)21:35:51MoonAshlesha (3)24:12:59Sun

Abhijit (4)07:52:42Ascendant CapricornCancerLibra




Planets at the Time of Birth

Planets at the Time of Transit

Name: Test Date : 18 December 1975 (Thursday) Time : 01:45:00AM Place : New Delhi , INDIA Transit Date : 10 August 2016 (Wednesday) Transit Time : 06:05:29PM Place : New Delhi , INDIA

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010


Page 12: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Aquarius (#11) Gemini (#3) Pisces (#12) Aries (#1) Leo (#5)Virgo (#6)

Pisces (#12) Cancer (#4) Aquarius (#11) Taurus (#2) Virgo (#6)Leo (#5)

Leo (#5) Sagittarius (#9) Capricorn (#10) Gemini (#3) Libra (#7)Cancer (#4)

Virgo (#6) Capricorn (#10) Sagittarius (#9) Cancer (#4) Scorpio (#8)Gemini (#3)

Libra (#7) Aquarius (#11) Scorpio (#8) Sagittarius (#9) Aries (#1)Taurus (#2)

Scorpio (#8) Pisces (#12) Libra (#7) Capricorn (#10) Taurus (#2)Aries (#1)Vedha From Vedha From Rashi(Sign) Vedha From Vedha FromRashi (sign)

Sanghatta Rashi Chakra - RASHI-VEDHAS

Name: Test DOB : 18 December 1975 (Thursday)

TOB : 01:45:00AM POB : New Delhi , INDIA

Transit DOB : 10 August 2016 (Wednesday)Transit TOB : 06:05:29PM



Vedhas caused by

transit planets in Vedha-sign


Vedhas caused by

transit planets in Vedha-sign






Vedhas caused by

transit planets in Vedha-sign


Vedhas caused by

transit planets in Vedha-sign


Moon-sign (of-Birth-chart)

Planetary Position at Birth

Planetary Position of Transit




Bharani (4)026:29:32Ketu-RVishakha (2)026:29:32Rahu-RPushya (2)008:28:00Saturn-RSwati (4)019:02:52Venus

Revathi (2)021:18:54JupiterMoola (4)012:14:43Mercury

Mrigashira (2)028:34:16Mars-RRohini (4)022:29:15Moon

Hastha (4)001:44:46Sun Moola (1)021:14:52Ascendant Virgo




Daily Mot.Navtara AdyaNakshtramshSapta Nadi














- 000:22:58001:34:20000:01:31001:10:28

- 000:03:25- 000:03:11- 000:03:11










- 000:03:11- 000:03:11- 000:00:17001:13:42000:11:37001:12:28000:26:11011:52:28000:57:34
















PrachandAmri tNeerJal


Amri tJal




CancerCapricornAscendant 007:52:42 Abhijit (4)

Sun 024:12:59 Ashlesha (3)Moon 021:35:51 Vishakha (1)Mars 009:05:01 Anuradha (2)

Mercury 020:47:41 PurvaPhalguni (3)Jupiter 029:46:43 UttraPhalguni (1)Venus 011:54:31 Magha (4)

Saturn-R 015:41:52 Anuradha (4)Rahu-R 019:44:12 PurvaPhalguni (2)Ketu-R 019:44:12 Shatavisha (4)


Planets at the Transit

Planets at the Birth





Ve Ju Me





















Sanghatta Rashi Chakra


Printed by - MindSutra Software Technologies, New Delhi , www.mindsutra.com

Page 13: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn



VishakhaPunarvasuUttraAshdaAnuradhaPushyaPurvaAshdaJyesthaAshleshaMoolaVedha From

Vedha From




Moon-sign (of-Birth-chart)

Vedhas caused by

transit planets in

Vedha- Nakshatra


Vedhas caused by

transit planets in

Vedha- Nakshatra

IIRohini Swati Shatavisha




Vedhas caused by

transit planets in

Vedha- Nakshatra


Vedhas caused by

transit planets in

Vedha- Nakshatra

IIHastha Shatavisha Aridra










































Bharani Ashwini

Hastha Shravana


AridraChitra Dhanishtha

PurvaPhalguniUttraBhadra Pushya

MrigashiraSwati Shatavisha

Magha Revathi Ashlesha

RohiniVishakha PurvaBhadra

Ashlesha Magha Moola

KrittikaAnuradha UttraBhadra

Pushya PurvaPhalguniPurvaAshda

BharaniJyestha Revathi

Punarvasu UttraPhalguniUttraAshda

AshwiniVedha From

Vedha From

Nakshatra Vedha From

Vedha From


Sanghatta Rashi Chakra - NAKSHATRA-VEDHAS

Name: Test DOB : 18 December 1975 (Thursday)

TOB : 01:45:00AM POB : New Delhi , INDIA

Transit DOB : 10 August 2016 (Wednesday)Transit TOB : 06:05:29PM

Planets at the Transit

Planets at the Birth

Sanghatta Nakshatra Chakra



Shatavisha (4)019:44:12Ketu-RPurvaPhalguni (2)019:44:12Rahu-R

Anuradha (4)015:41:52Saturn-RMagha (4)011:54:31Venus

UttraPhalguni (1)029:46:43JupiterPurvaPhalguni (3)020:47:41Mercury

Anuradha (2)009:05:01MarsVishakha (1)021:35:51MoonAshlesha (3)024:12:59Sun

Abhijit (4)007:52:42Ascendant CapricornCancerLibra




JalAmri t


JalNeerAmri t

















- 000:00:17- 000:03:11- 000:03:11










- 000:03:11- 000:03:11- 000:03:25001:10:28000:01:31001:34:20

- 000:22:58012:58:31001:01:03

















Sapta Nadi Nakshtramsh AdyaNavtara Daily Mot.





SagittariusVirgoAscendant 021:14:52

Moola (1)Sun 001:44:46Hastha (4)

Moon 022:29:15 Rohini (4)Mars-R 028:34:16 Mrigashira (2)Mercury 012:14:43 Moola (4)Jupiter 021:18:54 Revathi (2)Venus 019:02:52 Swati (4)

Saturn-R 008:28:00 Pushya (2)Rahu-R 026:29:32 Vishakha (2)Ketu-R 026:29:32 Bharani (4)



Planets Sign Degree Nak(P) NL

Planetary Position of Transit

Planetary Position at Birth


Page 14: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Name: Test DOB : 18 December 1975 (Thursday)

TOB : 01:45:00AM POB : New Delhi , INDIA

Planets at the Transit

Planets at the Birth

Surya-Kalanal Chakra



Shatavisha (4)019:44:12Ketu-RPurvaPhalguni (2)019:44:12Rahu-R

Anuradha (4)015:41:52Saturn-RMagha (4)011:54:31Venus

UttraPhalguni (1)029:46:43JupiterPurvaPhalguni (3)020:47:41Mercury

Anuradha (2)009:05:01MarsVishakha (1)021:35:51MoonAshlesha (3)024:12:59Sun

Abhijit (4)007:52:42Ascendant CapricornCancerLibra




JalAmri t


JalNeerAmri t

















- 000:00:17- 000:03:11- 000:03:11










- 000:03:11- 000:03:11- 000:03:25001:10:28000:01:31001:34:20

- 000:22:58012:58:31001:01:03

















Sapta Nadi Nakshtramsh AdyaNavtara Daily Mot.





SagittariusVirgoAscendant 021:14:52

Moola (1)Sun 001:44:46Hastha (4)

Moon 022:29:15 Rohini (4)Mars-R 028:34:16 Mrigashira (2)Mercury 012:14:43 Moola (4)Jupiter 021:18:54 Revathi (2)Venus 019:02:52 Swati (4)

Saturn-R 008:28:00 Pushya (2)Rahu-R 026:29:32 Vishakha (2)Ketu-R 026:29:32 Bharani (4)



Planets Sign Degree Nak(P) NL

Planetary Position of Transit

Planetary Position at Birth

Transit DOB : 10 August 2016 (Wednesday)Transit TOB : 06:05:29PM

UttraBhadraPurvaBhadra ShatavishaDhanishthaShravana AbhijitUttraAshdaMoola PurvaAshda

Trishula Nakshatra


(Right) Horn Nakshatra

(Left) Horn Nakshatra

Important Nakshatras

























Bhar AshwVe
















Page 15: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Name: Test DOB : 18 December 1975 (Thursday)

TOB : 01:45:00AM POB : New Delhi , INDIA

Planets at the Transit

Planets at the Birth

Chandra-Kalanal Chakra



Shatavisha (4)019:44:12Ketu-RPurvaPhalguni (2)019:44:12Rahu-R

Anuradha (4)015:41:52Saturn-RMagha (4)011:54:31Venus

UttraPhalguni (1)029:46:43JupiterPurvaPhalguni (3)020:47:41Mercury

Anuradha (2)009:05:01MarsVishakha (1)021:35:51MoonAshlesha (3)024:12:59Sun

Abhijit (4)007:52:42Ascendant CapricornCancerLibra




JalAmri t


JalNeerAmri t

















- 000:00:17- 000:03:11- 000:03:11










- 000:03:11- 000:03:11- 000:03:25001:10:28000:01:31001:34:20

- 000:22:58012:58:31001:01:03

















Sapta Nadi Nakshtramsh AdyaNavtara Daily Mot.





SagittariusVirgoAscendant 021:14:52

Moola (1)Sun 001:44:46Hastha (4)

Moon 022:29:15 Rohini (4)Mars-R 028:34:16 Mrigashira (2)Mercury 012:14:43 Moola (4)Jupiter 021:18:54 Revathi (2)Venus 019:02:52 Swati (4)

Saturn-R 008:28:00 Pushya (2)Rahu-R 026:29:32 Vishakha (2)Ketu-R 026:29:32 Bharani (4)



Planets Sign Degree Nak(P) NL

Planetary Position of Transit

Planetary Position at Birth

Transit DOB : 10 August 2016 (Wednesday)Transit TOB : 06:05:29PM

Important Nakshatras




































Favorable Nakshatra

AridraUttraPhalguni UttraBhadra

MrigashiraPurvaAshda PurvaBhadra


MaghaAshlesha Pushya

Trishula Nakshatra

VishakhaSwati Anuradha

AbhijitShravana Dhanishtha

AshwiniBharani Krittika


Page 16: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; you may acquire a new position or secure improvement in the existing one. You will remain in good health, be successful in your endeavours and have influx of wealth. Your enemies will be fully subdued and you will feel very happy. You should resist the temptation to go for punishing your enemies, as they might opt for settling their score in near future. However, this transit is not favourable for your younger co-born, one of whom might fall sick.

The Sun transits this sign during the month of Shravana, (from about 16-17 July to 16-17 August).

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Mars, and you should remain very careful and cautious; you should try your level best to avoid direct conflicts and quarrels of every sort. The relationship with your spouse and/ or with your business-partner (if any) might become deteriorated, and people in general may appear to you as have become far more aggressive and very demanding. You may have some disagreements with the authorities and they might prove to be unforgiving. Besides, you may suffer from some minor ailments like stomachache, eye-disease, etc.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is very favourable and you will find almost everything to your advantage. If you are engaged in academic, intellectual, cultural or artistic pursuits, then you will have good progress. If you are in business, you will have it running very brisk. Your earnings will increase and so will be your acquisitions. If you are looking for a job, you may get an opportunity and receive a good offer.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you are better advised to lie low and go slow, and allow the spell to pass over. You are likely to have differences and misunderstandings with your close relations, for which you may feel very dejected and unhappy. If other planets are also not in favour, then you may face humiliations from close acquaintances, may have some fear from animals roaming on the roads or receive minor injury as a result of impact, slipping or fall.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is very favourable and you will be lucky in many respects. You will have good gains from more than one source, and your domestic life will be blissful and happy. You may have an auspicious celebration or a get-together in your family, and your house would reververate with joyous and resounding laughter. You will have tenacity of mind, good memory, pleasing thoughts, profound intellect and keen judgment.

Saturn in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a very favourable transit and you may face some problems affecting some areas of your life. For developing new business-relationship, getting into partnership/ collaboration, it is good. If you are employed in a private organisation, then you may be under pressure to leave your post (but you are very much

Transits of Planets in the Zodiac

Page-15Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 17: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

likely to get another opportunity in some other place; as such, you may not be actually affected). The health of your spouse may cause you some serious concern, and your own health may not remain so good.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and if some other planets in transit are also not in your favour, then you might be afflicted with sorrow, grief and pain. The health and well-being of either of your parents may cause you some concern, andone of your children also may not remain in good health. Your undertakings may also become sickly, and the proceeds from them may no longer be found to be satisfactory. However, if you are engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, then you will have good progress and look forward to coming out successful in flying colours.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and it will bring you back to life again. Ketu will shower you with it's bounties, and bring in gains in abundance from whichever new territory you would try to explore. But success should not go to yourhead; rather than getting tempted to go for flying high in the sky, you should rather keep yourself firmly on the hard soil and proceed in a prudent manner. Your social prominence will increase, as you might be rubbing your shoulders with the more affluent people. You may also have the opportunity to occupy a honorary position in a prestigious institution.

Page-16Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 18: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

You may get inauspicious results more in first phase of Sadesati. You may face impediments and fail in every work. You may be unstable physically & mentally. You may suffer from physical troubles in the beginning of this phase. If you are in service, senior officials may go against you and they may plot any conspiracy against you. On this account you may lose your job or get transferred. You may not be in position to think about anything properly and adopt any cunning way after getting fade up from these problems. If you are a businessman, your employees may try to deceive you. You may also think to close your business. You may have to undertake any journey to foreign country regarding your business, but you may meet losses there. People of your professional circle may try to betray you in financial matters. You may face financial crisis in your business. You may be blamed for anything.

Your family life may not be peaceful. You may follow wrong ways because of differences or conflicts with your spouse. Gradually you will start losing your faith in religion and you will feel religious activities are nothing but just hypocrisy. You may not be in position to take any decision on your own. If you take any decision after consulting with any other, that decision can also prove wrong. People may insult you. Your friends may also deceive you. They may snatch your money rather than helping you during the time of financial crisis. People may criticize you. Your family members may also insult you. Often you may quarrel with your spouse. You may become physically weak due to continuous troubles and mental tension and suffer from loose motions, epilepsy, fear, insomnia andweakness etc.

Often you may remain worried. You may get addicted on the account of disappointment. You may also do the wrong deeds to get material of your addiction. But if Saturn is under influence of any benefic planet, you will not get into addiction, but spendrift you money for wasteful expenses and tarnish your image in front of your family members. Meantime, your behaviour will change enough. You may become cunning and use harsh words and have doubt on your family members. You may keep depriving of sympathy, affection and dearness.

Duration -2 y.1 m.21 d.End -07:06:2000Start -17:04:1998Gochar Sign -Aries

Result of 1st Daiya ( 12th from birth Moon)

Discription of First phase of Shani Sadesati

Generally it is assumed that during Sadesati of Shani, native suffers from mental, physical and financial troubles. People get worried and an unknown fear is created in their mine. Native have fear of getting inauspicious results like dissatisfaction, disappointment, laziness, loss from sickness, theft or fire, dispute in family or death of any family member etc. but in reality, entire time of sevenand half years of any phase of Sadesati is not been like this. Native also gets very auspicious results like marriage, birth of child, advancement in job or business, foreign journey, buying of building, land or vehicle, freedom from debt, contact with people of high society and benefits from them, journey of religious places, comfort and happiness from children

When Saturn transits in 12th, 1st and 2nd house from birth Moon, that period ( Around seven and half years) is known as Shani

Lk/kkZfu lIr o"kkZf.k rFkk nq[kS;q Zrks HkosrAA

}kn'ks tUexS jk'kkS f}rh;s p 'kuS'pjA

Result and remedy of Transit Saturn (Gochar Shani)

Page-17Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 19: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Result of 3rd Daiya ( 2nd from birth Moon)

You will get auspicious results more during this phase. You may face impediments in your works, butother inauspicious results will reduce. You may have over burden of work during this time. People may accomplish their works through you. Your health may become ill due to excessive work. People who were with you earlier may turn their back on you now by making any excuse. Ruling party may oppose you. Your honour may diminish. However you will get financial benefit, but your valiance may reduce enough. You may be incapable to give enough time to your family and spouse due to over business and you may have to face opposition of your family on this account. Health of your spouse may become bad due to mental tension. You should give more attention to your marriage life and give more time your family so that you may not have to face any kind of family problem. Your younger siblings may also get some inauspicious results.

You will get very few inauspicious results during this phase. As you start getting auspicious results, you will make progress many folds. You may also buy land and building during this phase. You may undertake journeys regarding your job. Whatever you do, you will get success in that. You will get honour from ruling party. Your enemies may try to compromise with you. Your financial position will become stronger. If your age is between 34 to 38 years during this phase, you will make enough progress. If you are in service, you may get promoted. You may take transfer at your desired place. Your senior officials will also help you.

You should also take care of your diet and health. Your most of the time may spend in profession or job related journeys. you may also visit religious places also during this phase. If Mars is being inauspicious in your horoscope or Gochar, you should be very careful while driving the vehicle because there is possibility of your meeting any accident. You may suffer from blood disorder, abdominal or eye ailment. You should not do any work in overconfidence otherwise result may be serious. Your younger siblings may make enough progress with your help. You should have faith in religion and not do any anti religion act. You should avoid wine and non vegetarian food and not tease labours without any reason.

Duration -0 y.2 m.28 d.End -07:04:2003Start -08:01:2003There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -2 y.1 m.15 d.End -23:07:2002Start -07:06:2000Gochar Sign -Taurus

Result of 2nd Daiya ( 1st from birth Moon)

You should be alert and cautious always because there is much possibility of your being meeting anykind of accident. Your elder brother or maternal uncle may face trouble. If your age is between 34 to 38 years, you may face more troubles. But if Saturn is ascendant or situated in 3rd or 6th or 11th house in your horoscope, you will not get so much inauspicious results. If you are running under Dasha of any benefic planet, you will make much progress. You may get unexpected success in short span of time. You will get continuous financial benefit. People in society will give you respect. Whatever task you take in your hand, you will get success in same. Gradually your financial conditionwill keep becoming stronger.

Page-18Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 20: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.2 m.9 d.End -10:01:2007Start -01:11:2006Gochar Sign -Leo

Result of Kantak Saturn ( 4th from birth Moon)

In the beginning of this phase, your amassed wealth may decrease. Your money may spend in such works which you don't want to do. Gradually you may face financial crisis and become sad. Your every comfort may reduce. If Mars or Ketu is under inauspicious influence in Gochar, you may meet any accident with vehicle.

You will start getting benefits little before middle period of this phase. You will not come out of financial crisis only, but be in position to help others. You will enjoy every kind of comfort during this time. You will earn honour in society. People, who used to insult you earlier, will want to befriend you.

You should take special care of your health. You may have risk from weapons, water, fire or falling from height. If you are in service you may get transferred. If you do any business, you will get financial benefit, but your employees may betray you. Your reputation may spoil due to your employees. You may get benefits and honour from Government or government institutions. Your financial efforts will become successful. You may sale - purchase land, buildings or vehicles during this phase.

Your enemies will be defeated, but you may become mentally tensed on the account of conspiracy plotted by them. You may spend on materialistic pleasures and have differences with your spouse on this account. You should be soft spoken in your normal conversations otherwise you may meet losses. If Saturn is Karak in your horoscope or situated in 3rd, 6th or 11th house, this time will be verygood for you. You will get honour and financial benefit from every direction. You become successful in every task, which you will do.

You may get any big achievement at the end of this phase. It will enhance your honour. You may undertake journey to foreign country. If Saturn is under influence of Venus in your horoscope, you may indulge in luxuries and it may spoil your family atmosphere and you may have to get insulted now and then. You may undertake many beneficial journeys. There may be some change in your business. Don't over trust any person otherwise you may be cheated. You will get benefit from government. You may get success despite of facing obstacles. You will get benefits in proportion of your hard work. You may face financial and mental trouble for short duration, but you will soon become able to earn benefits. You will get more benefits and lesser losses.

Duration -1 y.5 m.0 d.End -06:09:2004Start -07:04:2003There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.5 m.17 d.End -08:01:2003Start -23:07:2002Gochar Sign -Gemini

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Page 21: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

This phase will be lesser risky than Kantak Shani. Your accumulated wealth may reduce during this phase. You will make every effort to earn money, but you may not get success in your efforts. You may become harsh tongued in such condition which may cause more harm to you. So you should be soft spoken. If you are running under Mahadasha of any benefic planet, inauspicious result will be fewer. If Saturn is with Mars during this phase, you should take extra precaution because you may become victim of any vehicle accident or mishap from fire. Take care of your diet.

You may face some problems at your work place. If you're in service, you may get transferred. Your every effort to stop transfer may just in vein. This time is not more auspicious for you, hence don't waste your time in useless works and wait for appropriate time. You may be worried due to your children. Luck may not favour you this time. Your almost accomplished tasks may spoil and you may become disappointed from every direction. You may lose your faith in religion and God and refrain

Duration -2 y.2 m.29 d.End -24:01:2020Start -26:10:2017There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.4 m.24 d.End -21:06:2017Start -26:01:2017Gochar Sign -Sagittarius

Result of Ashtam Saturn ( 8th from birth Moon)

You may get some inauspicious results in the beginning of this phase, but as the Saturn will keep proceeding ahead, you will be getting auspicious results. You should pay special attention towards your vehicle and building during this time, otherwise you may meet loss. You may get sudden benefit in your work sphere. Senior officials will remain happy with you. If you are businessman, your business will be in enough good position. New ways of progress will be opened. Those who were not interested in joining hands with you in business will wish to have business partnership with you. But you should remain alert from such type of people because they can harm you as they will get opportunity.

Your secret enemies will remain more active during this phase. They will try to harm at their fullest. But you will save yourself and remain safe through your intelligence. You should have control over you power otherwise your secret enemies may succeed in their efforts. Your enemies may try to compromise with you and try to show themselves as more powerful than you. But in reality they would be waiting for chance to make you harm. You may come into contact of powerful persons. Your mother may face troubles during this time due to negative effect of planets and you may not beable to concentrate on your work due to this reason. If you want to change your residence or construct new building, postpone it for some time and wait for appropriate time.

Last part of this phase will be more beneficial. You may face some problems in the beginning, but you will succeed in your efforts later. You will get as much result as you work hard. You will spend more money in religious activities. You may visit any religious place also. Be careful in legal matters, otherwise you may face problems.

Duration -2 y.1 m.25 d.End -10:09:2009Start -16:07:2007

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Page 22: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

You may get inauspicious results more in first phase of Sadesati. You may face impediments and fail in every work. You may be unstable physically & mentally. You may suffer from physical troubles in the beginning of this phase. If you are in service, senior officials may go against you and they may plot any conspiracy against you. On this account you may lose your job or get transferred. You may not be in position to think about anything properly and adopt any cunning way after getting fade up from these problems. If you are a businessman, your employees may try to deceive you. You may also think to close your business. You may have to undertake any journey to foreign country regarding your business, but you may meet losses there. People of your professional circle may try to betray you in financial matters. You may face financial crisis in your business. You may be blamed for anything.

Your family life may not be peaceful. You may follow wrong ways because of differences or conflicts with your spouse. Gradually you will start losing your faith in religion and you will feel religious activities are nothing but just hypocrisy. You may not be in position to take any decision on your own. If you take any decision after consulting with any other, that decision can also prove wrong. People may insult you. Your friends may also deceive you. They may snatch your money rather than helping you during the time of financial crisis. People may criticize you. Your family members may also insult you. Often you may quarrel with your spouse. You may become physically weak due to continuous troubles and mental tension and suffer from loose motions, epilepsy, fear, insomnia andweakness etc.

Often you may remain worried. You may get addicted on the account of disappointment. You may also do the wrong deeds to get material of your addiction. But if Saturn is under influence of any benefic planet, you will not get into addiction, but spendrift you money for wasteful expenses and tarnish your image in front of your family members. Meantime, your behaviour will change enough. You may become cunning and use harsh words and have doubt on your family members. You may

Duration -1 y.5 m.14 d.End -08:08:2029Start -23:02:2028There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.4 m.17 d.End -20:10:2027Start -03:06:2027Gochar Sign -Aries

Result of 1st Daiya ( 12th from birth Moon)

Discription of second phase of Shani Sadesati

from religious activities. You may judge people during such time. Have faith in God and worship. Youbad time will be over after sometime and you will feel better.

You may meet loss at your work place. Your senior officials may get angry with you and your subordinates may oppose. You have many such people in your company whom you trust, but they are betraying you. Whom you assume your friend he / she is your enemy in reality. If you are in business, your money may be blocked somewhere. You products may not be accepted by your business associates and they may return your products to you. But time ahead is very favourable for you. You may get some financial benefits at the end of this phase. You will get success at your work place also.

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Page 23: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Result of 3rd Daiya ( 2nd from birth Moon)

You will get auspicious results more during this phase. You may face impediments in your works, butother inauspicious results will reduce. You may have over burden of work during this time. People may accomplish their works through you. Your health may become ill due to excessive work. People who were with you earlier may turn their back on you now by making any excuse. Ruling party may oppose you. Your honour may diminish. However you will get financial benefit, but your valiance may reduce enough. You may be incapable to give enough time to your family and spouse due to over business and you may have to face opposition of your family on this account. Health of your spouse may become bad due to mental tension. You should give more attention to your marriage life and give more time your family so that you may not have to face any kind of family problem. Your younger siblings may also get some inauspicious results.

You will get very few inauspicious results during this phase. As you start getting auspicious results, you will make progress many folds. You may also buy land and building during this phase. You may undertake journeys regarding your job. Whatever you do, you will get success in that. You will get honour from ruling party. Your enemies may try to compromise with you. Your financial position will become stronger. If your age is between 34 to 38 years during this phase, you will make enough progress. If you are in service, you may get promoted. You may take transfer at your desired place. Your senior officials will also help you.

You should also take care of your diet and health. Your most of the time may spend in profession or job related journeys. you may also visit religious places also during this phase. If Mars is being inauspicious in your horoscope or Gochar, you should be very careful while driving the vehicle because there is possibility of your meeting any accident. You may suffer from blood disorder, abdominal or eye ailment. You should not do any work in overconfidence otherwise result may be serious. Your younger siblings may make enough progress with your help. You should have faith in religion and not do any anti religion act. You should avoid wine and non vegetarian food and not tease labours without any reason.

Duration -2 y.1 m.14 d.End -31:05:2032Start -17:04:2030There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.1 m.27 d.End -05:10:2029Start -08:08:2029Gochar Sign -Taurus

Result of 2nd Daiya ( 1st from birth Moon)

keep depriving of sympathy, affection and dearness.

You should be alert and cautious always because there is much possibility of your being meeting anykind of accident. Your elder brother or maternal uncle may face trouble. If your age is between 34 to 38 years, you may face more troubles. But if Saturn is ascendant or situated in 3rd or 6th or 11th house in your horoscope, you will not get so much inauspicious results. If you are running under Dasha of any benefic planet, you will make much progress. You may get unexpected success in short span of time. You will get continuous financial benefit. People in society will give you respect. Whatever task you take in your hand, you will get success in same. Gradually your financial conditionwill keep becoming stronger.

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Page 24: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

You may get some inauspicious results in the beginning of this phase, but as the Saturn will keep

Duration -0 y.3 m.8 d.End -13:07:2039Start -05:04:2039There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -2 y.1 m.25 d.End -22:10:2038Start -27:08:2036Gochar Sign -Leo

Result of Kantak Saturn ( 4th from birth Moon)

In the beginning of this phase, your amassed wealth may decrease. Your money may spend in such works which you don't want to do. Gradually you may face financial crisis and become sad. Your every comfort may reduce. If Mars or Ketu is under inauspicious influence in Gochar, you may meet any accident with vehicle.

You will start getting benefits little before middle period of this phase. You will not come out of financial crisis only, but be in position to help others. You will enjoy every kind of comfort during this time. You will earn honour in society. People, who used to insult you earlier, will want to befriend you.

You should take special care of your health. You may have risk from weapons, water, fire or falling from height. If you are in service you may get transferred. If you do any business, you will get financial benefit, but your employees may betray you. Your reputation may spoil due to your employees. You may get benefits and honour from Government or government institutions. Your financial efforts will become successful. You may sale - purchase land, buildings or vehicles during this phase.

Your enemies will be defeated, but you may become mentally tensed on the account of conspiracy plotted by them. You may spend on materialistic pleasures and have differences with your spouse on this account. You should be soft spoken in your normal conversations otherwise you may meet losses. If Saturn is Karak in your horoscope or situated in 3rd, 6th or 11th house, this time will be verygood for you. You will get honour and financial benefit from every direction. You become successful in every task, which you will do.

You may get any big achievement at the end of this phase. It will enhance your honour. You may undertake journey to foreign country. If Saturn is under influence of Venus in your horoscope, you may indulge in luxuries and it may spoil your family atmosphere and you may have to get insulted now and then. You may undertake many beneficial journeys. There may be some change in your business. Don't over trust any person otherwise you may be cheated. You will get benefit from government. You may get success despite of facing obstacles. You will get benefits in proportion of your hard work. You may face financial and mental trouble for short duration, but you will soon become able to earn benefits. You will get more benefits and lesser losses.

Duration -2 y.1 m.12 d.End -13:07:2034Start -31:05:2032Gochar Sign -Gemini

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Page 25: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

This phase will be lesser risky than Kantak Shani. Your accumulated wealth may reduce during this phase. You will make every effort to earn money, but you may not get success in your efforts. You may become harsh tongued in such condition which may cause more harm to you. So you should be soft spoken. If you are running under Mahadasha of any benefic planet, inauspicious result will be fewer. If Saturn is with Mars during this phase, you should take extra precaution because you may become victim of any vehicle accident or mishap from fire. Take care of your diet.

You may face some problems at your work place. If you're in service, you may get transferred. Your every effort to stop transfer may just in vein. This time is not more auspicious for you, hence don't waste your time in useless works and wait for appropriate time. You may be worried due to your children. Luck may not favour you this time. Your almost accomplished tasks may spoil and you may become disappointed from every direction. You may lose your faith in religion and God and refrain from religious activities. You may judge people during such time. Have faith in God and worship. Youbad time will be over after sometime and you will feel better.

You may meet loss at your work place. Your senior officials may get angry with you and your subordinates may oppose. You have many such people in your company whom you trust, but they

Duration -0 y.4 m.25 d.End -04:12:2049Start -10:07:2049There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -2 y.2 m.27 d.End -06:03:2049Start -08:12:2046Gochar Sign -Sagittarius

Result of Ashtam Saturn ( 8th from birth Moon)

proceeding ahead, you will be getting auspicious results. You should pay special attention towards your vehicle and building during this time, otherwise you may meet loss. You may get sudden benefit in your work sphere. Senior officials will remain happy with you. If you are businessman, your business will be in enough good position. New ways of progress will be opened. Those who were not interested in joining hands with you in business will wish to have business partnership with you. But you should remain alert from such type of people because they can harm you as they will get opportunity.

Your secret enemies will remain more active during this phase. They will try to harm at their fullest. But you will save yourself and remain safe through your intelligence. You should have control over you power otherwise your secret enemies may succeed in their efforts. Your enemies may try to compromise with you and try to show themselves as more powerful than you. But in reality they would be waiting for chance to make you harm. You may come into contact of powerful persons. Your mother may face troubles during this time due to negative effect of planets and you may not beable to concentrate on your work due to this reason. If you want to change your residence or construct new building, postpone it for some time and wait for appropriate time.

Last part of this phase will be more beneficial. You may face some problems in the beginning, but you will succeed in your efforts later. You will get as much result as you work hard. You will spend more money in religious activities. You may visit any religious place also. Be careful in legal matters, otherwise you may face problems.

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Page 26: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

You may get inauspicious results more in first phase of Sadesati. You may face impediments and fail in every work. You may be unstable physically & mentally. You may suffer from physical troubles in the beginning of this phase. If you are in service, senior officials may go against you and they may plot any conspiracy against you. On this account you may lose your job or get transferred. You may not be in position to think about anything properly and adopt any cunning way after getting fade up from these problems. If you are a businessman, your employees may try to deceive you. You may also think to close your business. You may have to undertake any journey to foreign country regarding your business, but you may meet losses there. People of your professional circle may try to betray you in financial matters. You may face financial crisis in your business. You may be blamed for anything.

Your family life may not be peaceful. You may follow wrong ways because of differences or conflicts with your spouse. Gradually you will start losing your faith in religion and you will feel religious activities are nothing but just hypocrisy. You may not be in position to take any decision on your own. If you take any decision after consulting with any other, that decision can also prove wrong. People may insult you. Your friends may also deceive you. They may snatch your money rather than helping you during the time of financial crisis. People may criticize you. Your family members may also insult you. Often you may quarrel with your spouse. You may become physically weak due to continuous troubles and mental tension and suffer from loose motions, epilepsy, fear, insomnia andweakness etc.

Often you may remain worried. You may get addicted on the account of disappointment. You may also do the wrong deeds to get material of your addiction. But if Saturn is under influence of any benefic planet, you will not get into addiction, but spendrift you money for wasteful expenses and tarnish your image in front of your family members. Meantime, your behaviour will change enough. You may become cunning and use harsh words and have doubt on your family members. You may keep depriving of sympathy, affection and dearness.

You should be alert and cautious always because there is much possibility of your being meeting anykind of accident. Your elder brother or maternal uncle may face trouble. If your age is between 34 to 38 years, you may face more troubles. But if Saturn is ascendant or situated in 3rd or 6th or 11th house in your horoscope, you will not get so much inauspicious results. If you are running under Dasha of any benefic planet, you will make much progress. You may get unexpected success in short span of time. You will get continuous financial benefit. People in society will give you respect. Whatever task you take in your hand, you will get success in same. Gradually your financial conditionwill keep becoming stronger.

Duration -2 y.1 m.20 d.End -28:05:2059Start -07:04:2057Gochar Sign -Aries

Result of 1st Daiya ( 12th from birth Moon)

Discription of third phase of Shani Sadesati

are betraying you. Whom you assume your friend he / she is your enemy in reality. If you are in business, your money may be blocked somewhere. You products may not be accepted by your business associates and they may return your products to you. But time ahead is very favourable for you. You may get some financial benefits at the end of this phase. You will get success at your work place also.

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Page 27: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Duration -1 y.5 m.18 d.End -24:08:2063Start -07:03:2062There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.7 m.4 d.End -13:02:2062Start -11:07:2061Gochar Sign -Gemini

Result of 3rd Daiya ( 2nd from birth Moon)

You will get auspicious results more during this phase. You may face impediments in your works, butother inauspicious results will reduce. You may have over burden of work during this time. People may accomplish their works through you. Your health may become ill due to excessive work. People who were with you earlier may turn their back on you now by making any excuse. Ruling party may oppose you. Your honour may diminish. However you will get financial benefit, but your valiance may reduce enough. You may be incapable to give enough time to your family and spouse due to over business and you may have to face opposition of your family on this account. Health of your spouse may become bad due to mental tension. You should give more attention to your marriage life and give more time your family so that you may not have to face any kind of family problem. Your younger siblings may also get some inauspicious results.

You will get very few inauspicious results during this phase. As you start getting auspicious results, you will make progress many folds. You may also buy land and building during this phase. You may undertake journeys regarding your job. Whatever you do, you will get success in that. You will get honour from ruling party. Your enemies may try to compromise with you. Your financial position will become stronger. If your age is between 34 to 38 years during this phase, you will make enough progress. If you are in service, you may get promoted. You may take transfer at your desired place. Your senior officials will also help you.

You should also take care of your diet and health. Your most of the time may spend in profession or job related journeys. you may also visit religious places also during this phase. If Mars is being inauspicious in your horoscope or Gochar, you should be very careful while driving the vehicle because there is possibility of your meeting any accident. You may suffer from blood disorder, abdominal or eye ailment. You should not do any work in overconfidence otherwise result may be serious. Your younger siblings may make enough progress with your help. You should have faith in religion and not do any anti religion act. You should avoid wine and non vegetarian food and not tease labours without any reason.

Duration -0 y.0 m.22 d.End -07:03:2062Start -13:02:2062There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -2 y.1 m.13 d.End -11:07:2061Start -28:05:2059Gochar Sign -Taurus

Result of 2nd Daiya ( 1st from birth Moon)

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Page 28: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

You may get some inauspicious results in the beginning of this phase, but as the Saturn will keep proceeding ahead, you will be getting auspicious results. You should pay special attention towards your vehicle and building during this time, otherwise you may meet loss. You may get sudden benefit in your work sphere. Senior officials will remain happy with you. If you are businessman, your business will be in enough good position. New ways of progress will be opened. Those who were not interested in joining hands with you in business will wish to have business partnership

Duration -2 y.1 m.28 d.End -30:08:2068Start -03:07:2066There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.3 m.21 d.End -03:02:2066Start -13:10:2065Gochar Sign -Leo

Result of Kantak Saturn ( 4th from birth Moon)

In the beginning of this phase, your amassed wealth may decrease. Your money may spend in such works which you don't want to do. Gradually you may face financial crisis and become sad. Your every comfort may reduce. If Mars or Ketu is under inauspicious influence in Gochar, you may meet any accident with vehicle.

You will start getting benefits little before middle period of this phase. You will not come out of financial crisis only, but be in position to help others. You will enjoy every kind of comfort during this time. You will earn honour in society. People, who used to insult you earlier, will want to befriend you.

You should take special care of your health. You may have risk from weapons, water, fire or falling from height. If you are in service you may get transferred. If you do any business, you will get financial benefit, but your employees may betray you. Your reputation may spoil due to your employees. You may get benefits and honour from Government or government institutions. Your financial efforts will become successful. You may sale - purchase land, buildings or vehicles during this phase.

Your enemies will be defeated, but you may become mentally tensed on the account of conspiracy plotted by them. You may spend on materialistic pleasures and have differences with your spouse on this account. You should be soft spoken in your normal conversations otherwise you may meet losses. If Saturn is Karak in your horoscope or situated in 3rd, 6th or 11th house, this time will be verygood for you. You will get honour and financial benefit from every direction. You become successful in every task, which you will do.

You may get any big achievement at the end of this phase. It will enhance your honour. You may undertake journey to foreign country. If Saturn is under influence of Venus in your horoscope, you may indulge in luxuries and it may spoil your family atmosphere and you may have to get insulted now and then. You may undertake many beneficial journeys. There may be some change in your business. Don't over trust any person otherwise you may be cheated. You will get benefit from government. You may get success despite of facing obstacles. You will get benefits in proportion of your hard work. You may face financial and mental trouble for short duration, but you will soon become able to earn benefits. You will get more benefits and lesser losses.

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Page 29: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

This phase will be lesser risky than Kantak Shani. Your accumulated wealth may reduce during this phase. You will make every effort to earn money, but you may not get success in your efforts. You may become harsh tongued in such condition which may cause more harm to you. So you should be soft spoken. If you are running under Mahadasha of any benefic planet, inauspicious result will be fewer. If Saturn is with Mars during this phase, you should take extra precaution because you may become victim of any vehicle accident or mishap from fire. Take care of your diet.

You may face some problems at your work place. If you're in service, you may get transferred. Your every effort to stop transfer may just in vein. This time is not more auspicious for you, hence don't waste your time in useless works and wait for appropriate time. You may be worried due to your children. Luck may not favour you this time. Your almost accomplished tasks may spoil and you may become disappointed from every direction. You may lose your faith in religion and God and refrain from religious activities. You may judge people during such time. Have faith in God and worship. Youbad time will be over after sometime and you will feel better.

You may meet loss at your work place. Your senior officials may get angry with you and your subordinates may oppose. You have many such people in your company whom you trust, but they are betraying you. Whom you assume your friend he / she is your enemy in reality. If you are in business, your money may be blocked somewhere. You products may not be accepted by your business associates and they may return your products to you. But time ahead is very favourable for you. You may get some financial benefits at the end of this phase. You will get success at your work place also.

Duration -2 y.3 m.4 d.End -15:01:2079Start -11:10:2076There will be influence of Shani Sadesati during time given ahead also due to retrograded Saturn.

Duration -0 y.5 m.24 d.End -11:07:2076Start -16:01:2076Gochar Sign -Sagittarius

Result of Ashtam Saturn ( 8th from birth Moon)

with you. But you should remain alert from such type of people because they can harm you as they will get opportunity.

Your secret enemies will remain more active during this phase. They will try to harm at their fullest. But you will save yourself and remain safe through your intelligence. You should have control over you power otherwise your secret enemies may succeed in their efforts. Your enemies may try to compromise with you and try to show themselves as more powerful than you. But in reality they would be waiting for chance to make you harm. You may come into contact of powerful persons. Your mother may face troubles during this time due to negative effect of planets and you may not beable to concentrate on your work due to this reason. If you want to change your residence or construct new building, postpone it for some time and wait for appropriate time.

Last part of this phase will be more beneficial. You may face some problems in the beginning, but you will succeed in your efforts later. You will get as much result as you work hard. You will spend more money in religious activities. You may visit any religious place also. Be careful in legal matters, otherwise you may face problems.

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Page 30: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Practise following remedies to diminish the effects of Sadesati & Dhaiya of Saturn:


1) Recite Mahamrityunjaya mantra for 1,25,000 time ( Daily 10 rosary, 125 days)



2) Recite following mantra of Saturn 23000 times in 21 days -



3) Mythological Mantra -




Recite following Shani Strot 11 time or recite Dhashrathkrit Shani Strot





STROT for deminishing troubles of Sadesati. According to Pipplad:

Remedies of Sadhesati and Dhaiya of Saturn

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Page 31: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn









You should wear ring of horse shoe of black horse or nail of boat in your middle finger on Saturday.


Have fast on Saturday and worship lord Shani. Reciting of Shanivar Vrat Katha alos confers benefits. Have fruits during daytime and have dharshan of Lord Hanuman or Bhairav in the evening during fast. You can have Khichadi of black Urd ( you can add black salt) or sweet Halva of Urd Dal at night.

Medicine :

You should take bath from water after mixing surma, black sesame, Saunf & Nagarmotha in it.

Donation :

You should donate Urd, oil, Sapphire, sesame, buffalo, iron and black cloth to makeLord Shani happy.

General Remedies of Sadhesati for Taurus Sign

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Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 32: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

If Saturn is auspicious in your horoscope, you may get benefits by making Saturn stronger by worshiping Bhairavji and Shani. If Saturn is inauspicious or malefic, inauspicious results may be wiped out and benefits can be earned by practicing remedies of Saturn. If you are running under Sadesati in your horoscope or suffering from troubles caused by Saturn, you may get benefits by practicing following remedies.

1) Perform Chhayadan and wear sapphire or its substitute gem.

2) Serve black cow on Saturday. Put a mark(Tilak) or bindi on its forehead, tie a red thread ( Klawa) around its horn, feed 8 laddu and touch its feet.

3) Feed sweet bread to black dog regularly.

4) If Saturn is situated in ascendant in your horoscope, burry Surma ( black gel) under the ground. Boil tree root and surma in milk and apply this paste on your

Special Remedies of Sadhesati and Dhaiya of Saturn


1) Recite 10 names of Lord Shani as you wake up in the morning.

2) Avoid alcohols and non vegetarian food.

3) Burry dry coconut filled with sugar residual (Boora) and five kinds of dry fruits in the root of Banyan tree twice in a year.

4) Recite Shani Chalisa along with worship of Hanuman during first phase. Do Recite Hanuman Chalisa under the Banyan tree.

5) Pour sweet water( Water, Milk, Honey, Gud, Gangajal) on Banyan tree on Saturday after sunset and donate wheat flour deepak filled with mustard oil, 11 grains of black urd and any nail of home. Touch the root of Banyan tree with left hand five times.

6) Perform Chhaya Dan and wear ring of horse shoe. ( Black horse)

7) Do apply Surma at night before going to bed and use black pepper and black salt in your food.

8) Recite Shrisukt Path during worship of Goddess Laxmi.

9) Use scent and wear clean clothes.

10) If Saturn is in inauspicious house in horscope, wear Saphhire along with diamond or its substitute gem. Wear any gem after taking advice from any learnedastrologer.

11) If you are male, don't insult your wife.

Page-31Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 33: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

forehead as a mark ( tilak) daily.

5) Have fast on Saturday and serve banyan tree. Offer water to same.

6) Don't drink alcohol.

7) Put vermilion into deepak filled with sesame oil and offer red flower while remembering Lord Hanuman to banyan tree in the evening on Saturday.

8) Do use black pepper and black salt in your food stuffs.

9) Take eight bottles of same size on Saturday and fill mustard oil in every bottle insame quantity. Put 8 whole grains of Urd and one nail in each of eight bottles. Then turn all eight bottles each 8 times around your head and flow all these into running water. Do this procedure continuously for 8 consecutive Saturdays.

10) Recite Shani Chalisa and his 108 names daily.

11) Recite 10 names of Lord Shani and 12 Jyotirling in the morning as you wake up.

12) Feed bread applying mustard oil on it to a black dog and grams to monkeys onSaturday.

13) Put 8 kg. grams in iron vessel on Friday and pour water into the vessel. On Saturday put the soaked grams in a black cloth. Along with 8 kg. grams put 800 gm. Black urd, 800 gm. Sesame, 800 gm. Oat and one iron foil in cloth. then tie a knot and keep this sac among fish. Do same procedure continuously till 8 months. Do this for 8 months in the beginning. Later it will be enough to do once in a year.

14) Make a deepak from Urd and wheat flour in the evening after Sun set, put two cotton wicks in such a manner that these two blow single flame on burning, fill it with mustard oil and lit it. Put one deepak under banyan tree and other under Vat Vriksh ( Bargad). Same time also offer Dhup of Guggul and Sandal scented sticks. Start this remedy from first Saturday.

15) Put black Urd, rice, Gud, black mustard, black sesame, barley, 8 long nails and one bottle of surma & one of scent in a black cloth ( remember total weight of all these material should be 800 gms.) and tie the cloth into form of a sack. Take 10 pieces of almonds and visit any temple of Lord hanuman. Keep the sac (potali) andalmonds in the temple at any place. Then mix vermilion with Jasmine oil in steelvessel and offer same with yellow flowers & sweets to Lord hanuman. Recite Hanuman Chalisa and do 7 parikrama ( move around the Lord Hanuman). After that leave the sac & 5 almonds in the temple and take remaining 5 almonds with you. Tie these almonds in a new red cloth and keep it at the place where you keep money. You will get benefit along with relief from troubles.

16) Feed khichadi made up of black Urd to a Brahmin continuously till 8 Saturday. Donate uncooked rice and black Urd having tied in black cloth in the form of 8

Page-32Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 34: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn


17) Take black thread 19 times of your weight on first Saturday, make garland of it which you can wear it around your neck. Recite any Shani mantra for 108 times, offer Dhup then wear it around your neck. You will get benefit immediately.

18) Do this remedy while sitting at your place of worship on Saturday. Make 8 deepak of wheat flour and Urd and fill these with mustard oil. Make two wicks but lit them in such a manner that they appear as one and blow a single flame. Put some vermilion, ring of shoe of black horse and one nail in deepak. Recite any Shani Mantra 1188 times ( 11 rosary) and after that bow your head and leave the place. Next day take the ring out of deepak and wear it in middle finger of your right hand and donate deepak to a banyan tree.

19) Take the root of Shami tree or Bichhua on Shanipushay or Shravan Nakshtra of Saturday, tie it in black cloth and wear it around above portion of your right hand. Avoid meat and alcohol.

20) Don't tell your problems to others.

21) Burry silver foil under threshold at your main gate.

22) Wear black cloth.

23) Keep an iron vessel at dark place inside your home having filling with mustard oil and putting copper coin inside the vessel.

24) Don't take any thing of Saturn from anybody without paying its price.

25) Burry shoe of black horse under your main gate.

26) Take 8 hair of tail of black horse on Saturday, keep these hairs in wooden box and keep this box for 43 days in your bedroom. On last day burn these hairs to ashes and mix the ashes with mustard oil. Then flow the paste in running water.

27) Soak black sesame seeds in water on Friday. Next day grind the seeds and mix the paste with Gud and make laddu of it. Then feed the laddu to black horse. Do this procedure for 8 Saturdays.

28) Don't sell your parental property on Saturday; otherwise you may face more trouble.

29) At night only donate for Saturn. Don't give thing of Saturn to any body.

30) Recite Mahamritunjay Mantra regularly. Problems will diminish.

31) Offer wine at any Bhairav temple on Saturday.

32) Burry 8 bottles of Surma at any secluded place on any

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Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 35: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn


33) Pour milk on Shivling.

34) Offer coconut in any Hanuman Temple on every Saturday.

35) Fix iron nail in all four legs of your bed in bedroom.

36) Keep a big stone inside your home in south and west direction.

Page-34Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Page 36: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 20:08:2016(14:56:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 18:08:2016(11:54:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 16:08:2016(06:41:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 13:08:2016(22:21:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 11:08:2016(11:04:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

Transits of Planets in the Zodiac


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 37: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 29:08:2016(03:06:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 26:08:2016(22:22:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 24:08:2016(19:12:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 22:08:2016(16:59:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 38: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental

Starts From - 10:09:2016(06:53:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 07:09:2016(18:54:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 05:09:2016(06:16:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 02:09:2016(18:55:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 31:08:2016(09:50:59)

Moon In Leo Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 39: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 19:09:2016(00:57:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 17:09:2016(00:12:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 14:09:2016(21:45:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 12:09:2016(16:09:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 40: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and

Starts From - 30:09:2016(01:47:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 27:09:2016(16:01:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 25:09:2016(08:37:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 23:09:2016(03:54:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 21:09:2016(01:40:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 41: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 10:10:2016(00:56:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 07:10:2016(14:27:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 05:10:2016(01:59:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 02:10:2016(13:21:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 42: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being

Starts From - 20:10:2016(11:08:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 18:10:2016(10:37:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 16:10:2016(11:15:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 14:10:2016(10:58:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 12:10:2016(07:53:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 43: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 01:11:2016(08:17:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 29:10:2016(19:37:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 27:10:2016(07:40:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 24:10:2016(21:33:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 22:10:2016(14:32:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 44: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be

Starts From - 10:11:2016(21:19:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 08:11:2016(16:34:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 06:11:2016(08:03:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 03:11:2016(20:48:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 45: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable Starts From - 21:11:2016(04:03:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 18:11:2016(22:34:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 16:11:2016(20:57:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 14:11:2016(21:41:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 12:11:2016(22:32:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

filled with resounding laughter.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 46: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 01:12:2016(02:38:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 28:11:2016(14:21:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 26:11:2016(01:35:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 23:11:2016(13:32:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 47: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will Starts From - 12:12:2016(08:52:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 10:12:2016(08:30:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 08:12:2016(05:28:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 05:12:2016(23:04:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 03:12:2016(13:48:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 48: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 20:12:2016(20:42:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 18:12:2016(12:41:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 16:12:2016(08:52:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 14:12:2016(08:15:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 49: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your

Starts From - 02:01:2017(04:30:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 30:12:2016(19:40:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 28:12:2016(09:03:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 25:12:2016(20:54:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 23:12:2016(08:08:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 50: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 10:01:2017(18:44:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 08:01:2017(17:56:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 06:01:2017(15:46:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 04:01:2017(11:19:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 51: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and

Starts From - 22:01:2017(04:19:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 19:01:2017(15:51:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 17:01:2017(05:34:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 14:01:2017(22:56:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 12:01:2017(19:47:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 52: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 31:01:2017(16:52:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 29:01:2017(10:55:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 27:01:2017(02:55:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 24:01:2017(16:34:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

belonging to the opposite gender.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 53: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 11:02:2017(08:55:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 09:02:2017(05:08:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 07:02:2017(02:39:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 05:02:2017(00:17:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 02:02:2017(21:12:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 54: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 23:02:2017(11:35:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 21:02:2017(00:53:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 18:02:2017(12:27:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 16:02:2017(00:33:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 13:02:2017(15:10:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 55: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 04:03:2017(05:40:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 02:03:2017(03:17:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 28:02:2017(00:12:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 25:02:2017(19:18:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 56: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in

Starts From - 15:03:2017(09:08:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 12:03:2017(23:54:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 10:03:2017(16:59:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 08:03:2017(11:57:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 06:03:2017(08:21:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 57: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 25:03:2017(04:58:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 22:03:2017(20:36:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 20:03:2017(09:10:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 17:03:2017(20:37:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 58: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace

Starts From - 04:04:2017(17:21:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 02:04:2017(14:01:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 31:03:2017(12:32:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 29:03:2017(11:39:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 27:03:2017(09:41:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 59: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 16:04:2017(16:39:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 14:04:2017(04:05:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 11:04:2017(16:37:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 09:04:2017(06:51:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 06:04:2017(23:00:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 60: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 25:04:2017(21:55:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 23:04:2017(19:58:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 21:04:2017(14:20:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 19:04:2017(04:46:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 61: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise

Starts From - 06:05:2017(12:31:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 04:05:2017(04:29:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 01:05:2017(23:33:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 29:04:2017(21:42:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 27:04:2017(21:48:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 62: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 16:05:2017(11:36:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 13:05:2017(23:11:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 11:05:2017(10:37:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 08:05:2017(22:51:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 63: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit

Starts From - 27:05:2017(07:34:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 25:05:2017(08:29:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 23:05:2017(08:25:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 21:05:2017(05:20:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 18:05:2017(22:13:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 64: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 07:06:2017(16:35:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 05:06:2017(04:34:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 02:06:2017(18:19:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 31:05:2017(11:14:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 29:05:2017(07:53:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 65: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be

Starts From - 17:06:2017(12:46:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 15:06:2017(04:28:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 12:06:2017(17:30:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 10:06:2017(05:12:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 66: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable Starts From - 27:06:2017(19:58:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 25:06:2017(18:01:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 23:06:2017(18:19:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.

Starts From - 21:06:2017(18:49:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 19:06:2017(17:27:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

filled with resounding laughter.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 67: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 07:07:2017(11:22:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 04:07:2017(22:43:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 02:07:2017(10:52:59)

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 30:06:2017(01:32:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 68: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will Starts From - 19:07:2017(03:18:59)

Moon In Taurus Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are advised to spend a couple of days' time by lying low and going slow. Physically, you might feel indisposed and may have to meet with wasteful expenditures; for these reasons you maybecome unhappy. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur some losses and the health and well-being of your children may cause you some concern.

Starts From - 17:07:2017(00:21:59)

Moon In Aries Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a very enjoyable and satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your endeavours, and your popularity in the circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You may have good gains from some source quite unexpectedly -- it may even be from a competition or speculation. Your domestic life will be blissful and happy -- as your home will be filled with resounding laughter.

Starts From - 14:07:2017(18:34:59)

Moon In Pisces Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.

Starts From - 12:07:2017(10:03:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 09:07:2017(23:25:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 69: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Moon In Libra Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an unfavourable period for a couple of days. You may incur some losses in unwise speculative investments or become unhappy on account of your children's behaviour or activities. If you are having a romantic liaison, then your dearer-than-heart can turn to be very whimsical and hurt your feelings. If you are going for a picnic or tour to a short-distance place, it could prove to be aharrowing experience.

Starts From - 27:07:2017(10:24:59)

Moon In Virgo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you will have an uneasy period for a couple of days. You may have apprehension of fear, as your credibility and honour could be at stake -- for not being able to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may lack peace of mind owing to some undesireddevelopments in your home-front too.

Starts From - 25:07:2017(06:01:59)

Moon In Leo Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distanceplace for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.

Starts From - 23:07:2017(04:29:59)

Moon In Cancer Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you might feel somewhat restless, while staying indoors. You should remain careful in respect of monetary transactions, as you may have to spend more for gaining less. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then there might remain some risk of money or some small costly items being mislaid, pick-pocketed or even stolen.

Starts From - 21:07:2017(04:10:59)

Moon In Gemini Sign

have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will relish partaking tasty food, which may be of special variety. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. Your dealings with the public in general at your workplace will remain very pleasing and your home-life will be joyful and happy.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 70: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your

Starts From - 08:08:2017(16:16:59)

Moon In Aquarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not favourable and you are likely to feel indisposed. You may receive some news from a person residing in a distance place, which might make you feel somewhat disturbed. Your superior may try to find some fault with you or your father might appear to have become somewhat moody; they may not approve of some of your suggestion/ proposal, for which you may feel unhappy.

Starts From - 06:08:2017(06:10:59)

Moon In Capricorn Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Moon, and you should remain very careful and cautious -- as the possibility of facing an accidental mishap or some sort of untoward development hangs on. While dealing with the public -- particularly with the females -- you should excercise diplomacy and tact -- as people may tend become more sentimental and quick to take offence. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign in transit, then you should remain very careful while you are passing through the busy streets.

Starts From - 03:08:2017(18:14:59)

Moon In Sagittarius Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This transit is a highly favourable, and brings in some direct and indirect benefits. You may succefully finalize a deal or contract to your advantage, and your spouse would be a source of inspiration, encouragement and pleasure to you. At your workplace, your popularity will increase and you will receive unconditional support from thepeople in general. You may receive some special favour from a person of about your age and belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 01:08:2017(05:39:59)

Moon In Scorpio Sign

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain free from ailments and have an enjoyable time in company of your relatives. The progress at your workplace will be smoothly continued. However, if other planets are not in favourable transit, then your mother may not remain in good mood, and your father's credibility and honour might be at stake.

Starts From - 29:07:2017(18:27:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 71: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to receiving approbation.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 72: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 18:09:2016(07:46:59)

Mars In Sagittarius Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Sun, and you should remain very careful and cautious. The developments at your workplace can be very disturbing, and it can cause mental agitation. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may suffer from ill-health and face embarassing situations for not being able to fulfill your commitments. This transit is not favourable for your children, one of whose health-condition might cause you some concern.

Starts From - 16:09:2016(18:37:59)

Sun In Virgo Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is very favourable and you will find almost everything to your advantage. If you are engaged in academic, intellectual, cultural or artistic pursuits, then you will have good progress. If you are in business, you will have it running very brisk. Your earnings will increase and so will be your acquisitions. If you are looking for a job, you may get an opportunity and receive a good offer.

Starts From - 09:09:2016(18:00:59)

Mercury In Leo Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you should curb over-optimism. Speculations and money-lending should be avoided altogether -- unless loss is desired. Your children may become a source of worries to you and for the behaviour of your spouse, you may feel very unhappy. You may feel somewhat disturbed, for which you may not be able to fully enjoy the entertaining game- or film- shows you might go for watching.

Starts From - 19:08:2016(17:15:59)

Mercury In Virgo Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are likely to face some problems at your workplace and also in your own house. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may become unwell and lack the vigour for physical enjoyments. This transit is not favourable for your parents, one of whose health-condition might cause you some concern.

Starts From - 16:08:2016(18:42:59)

Sun In Leo Sign

Transits of Planets in the Zodiac


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 73: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Mars in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit*; your state of health might be badly affected. Although your mother will remain in good health, the healthand well-being of your father may cause you some concern. You may receive some unfavourable news from a distant place, or have a fruitless journey to such a place. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur losses and suffer humiliation

Starts From - 01:11:2016(08:39:59)

Mars In Capricorn Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will be victorious in any competition, contest or dispute. If you are in service, then you will receive favours from your superiors, and have opportunities for further advancement. If your education or profession has any connection with agriculture, medicine or labour, then you will have exceptional progress -- with little or no effort.

Starts From - 21:10:2016(14:21:59)

Mercury In Libra Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; you may come out succesful in a competition or competitive examination, acquire a new position or secure improvement in the existing one. You will remain in good health, be successful in your endeavours and have influx of wealth. Your enemies will be totally vanquished and you will feel very happy. However, this transit is not favourable for your maternal relations, one of whom might fall sick.

Starts From - 17:10:2016(06:33:59)

Sun In Libra Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you should curb over-optimism. Speculations and money-lending should be avoided altogether -- unless loss is desired. Your children may become a source of worries to you and for the behaviour of your spouse, you may feel very unhappy. You may feel somewhat disturbed, for which you may not be able to fully enjoy the entertaining game- or film- shows you might go for watching.

Starts From - 03:10:2016(17:59:59)

Mercury In Virgo Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is quite unfavourable and you should remain very careful and cautious -- more so while passing through a busy street, or working near a moving part of a machine or fire. Your physical condition may worsen as you may suffer from fever or some problem connected with blood. You are likely to face wide fluctuation andfind it difficult to keep your financial position steady. If some other malefic planet is also crossing over the same place, then you may run the risk of losing your credibility and honour.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 74: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Sun In Sagittarius Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you should curb your over-optimism and enthusiasm. Things may appear to take a queer turn and there are some chances that you may become a victim of criticism from unexpected quarters -- inspite of no fault of your own. Success might prove to be illusive you, and you may feel very tired and weary. You should, however, keep in your mind that this phase is only temporary, and brighter days are just ahead of you -- when you will be able to express yourself.

Starts From - 11:12:2016(18:57:59)

Mars In Aquarius Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have things turning to your advantage. You will receive favours and benefits from others -- including your in-laws, and you will have access to other peoples' accumulated funds for investment purposes. Your family-life will be happy and joyful; some of your relatives may arrive at your place and/ or you may go to a relative's place for enjoying a few days. Your children, with their progress in extra-curricular activities, will become a source of pride to you.

Starts From - 28:11:2016(22:13:59)

Mercury In Sagittarius Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and it can bring in disorders of the digestive system and discomfort in the region of rectum. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may have some fruitless and wearisome journeys and useless disputes with your contemporaries. This transit is not favourable for your spouse, whosehealth-condition might cause you some concern.

Starts From - 16:11:2016(06:19:59)

Sun In Scorpio Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you should remain on the alert. Chances are there that you might be duped by a smooth-talking broker or agent or middleman; alternately, you might be milked by a cunning lawyer. You should try to avoid getting into any dispute -- particularly with the people having a strong academic or intellectual background, whose pen is mightier than sword! You may meet with some opposition from your spouse or business-partner, whom you will have to pacify tactfully.

Starts From - 09:11:2016(00:41:59)

Mercury In Scorpio Sign

from unexpected sources.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 75: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 12:02:2017(20:39:59)

Sun In Aquarius Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you must not forget to keep your fingers crossed -- and mouth shut; otherwise, you would only unnecessarily invite troubles of typical sorts. You may face some impediments; without losing patience and without mixing up sixes and sevens together, you have got to weed them out one by one. You have to walk over this muddy patch with a bit of extra care, and try to find solace by thinking that a period full of promises is just a step away.

Starts From - 03:02:2017(13:20:59)

Mercury In Capricorn Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is favourable and gainful. You will remain in good health and will be successful in all your attempts. Your enemies will be fully subdued and your earnings, accumulations and acquisitions -- all will increase. You will remain in high spirits and may start developing a high opinion about yourself. But success should not go to your head and remember it well that you may attract criticism, and even may become a victim of slander and disrepute.

Starts From - 20:01:2017(13:49:59)

Mars In Pisces Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may be temporarily separated from your relations. If you are having expectations from people residing in distant places, then you may meet with disappointments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may face some untoward developments, be humiliated and undergo acute mental depression. This transit is however favourable for the health and well-being of your mother.

Starts From - 14:01:2017(07:39:59)

Sun In Capricorn Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may feel uneasy owing to excessive heat-generation in the body and may suffer from some minor ailments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may become somewhat argumentative and people may brand you as a quarrelsome person. You should remain very careful and ensure that you do not antagonize government officials; otherwise, you may become a victim of their wrath.

Starts From - 15:12:2016(20:56:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 76: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit and your status in the circle of your friends, colleagues and acquaintances will increase. You are likely to receive direct benefits and indirect favours from your friends in high places. You may

Starts From - 14:03:2017(17:33:59)

Sun In Pisces Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This is a very favourable transit and Mercury will shower you with his choicest blessings. Your prosperity will be continued and progress will be by leaps and bounds. You are likely to receive direct benefits and active support from your friends in high places, and a newer avenue might open up for you. You will increase your accumulations by using your wise discretion and by means of prudent investments. Your importance in the social circle will also increase considerably.

Starts From - 11:03:2017(02:38:59)

Mercury In Pisces Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you should take due care of your health and try to retain control over your purse-string. You may not remain in good health and the health of your children might cause you some concern. Wide fluctuation in money-matters might make you worried. If some other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may undertake a journey to a distance place in connection with your profession; but that is less likely to bear any fruit.

Starts From - 02:03:2017(02:40:59)

Mars In Aries Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable andit will surely give you alround happiness, by wiping away all the traces of distress or discomfort from your home and surroundings. You will become very active and busy. If you are in business, thenyour cash- register will be ringing -- emanating joyous notes, which will make you glad and jealous people envious. You may meet with some officials or representatives for holding important discussions, which will be fruitful.

Starts From - 22:02:2017(18:47:59)

Mercury In Aquarius Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit, and you can hope for the best and look forward to reaching a new high. Your credibility, honour, name-and-fame will all be increased and you may obtain a preferment in position. You might be entrusted with a new assignment involving greater responsibility, which you will be able to carry on with considerable success. This transit is favourable for the health and well-being of your children, who might make you feel proud by dint of their special accomplishments.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 77: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

The Sun in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are likely to become short-tempered and feel uneasy. You may undertake a journey, which could be tiring andyou may become sick owing to fatigue. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may meet with some wasteful expenditure and even incur some losses. Your superiors might start appraising you quite critically and you may not be able to derive any favour or benefit from senior officials.

Starts From - 14:05:2017(22:57:59)

Sun In Taurus Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may not remain in good health. You may have fruitless journeys to dshort-distance places or may have a transfer to an inconvenient place. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may have quarrels with your friends and colleages. Your children may not remain in good health and you are likely to meet with some wasteful expenditures or incur some losses.

Starts From - 14:04:2017(02:05:59)

Sun In Aries Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you should try to retain your cool. Your mind is likely to be filled with dejection and you are prone to become too angry too soon. You may have quarrels with some of your relatives -- particularly with a younger co-born -- and the relationship may come under strain. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may even have separation from relatives. Physically, you may feel indisposed owing to excessive heat-generation in the body and/ or blood impurities.

Starts From - 13:04:2017(04:13:59)

Mars In Taurus Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and you would do better to let the storm pass over by lying low and going slow. In respect of making any speculative investment, you must think more than twice beforehand. Owing to blockage of funds, you may find much of difficulties to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also in unfavourable transit, then you may face a crucial situation, and may have to borrow from your friends for retaining your position intact.

Starts From - 27:03:2017(07:36:59)

Mercury In Aries Sign

secure a more responsible position and your earnings might receive a boost. You will remain free from diseases and enjoy good health. This transit is favourable for your maternal relations as well.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 78: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Starts From - 03:07:2017(03:05:59)

Mercury In Cancer Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This is a very favourable transit and the clever planet will shower you with his choicest blessings -- your financial position will improve, as you can have good gains even from the game of chances. Your family life will be very joyful and happy. There could be an auspicious celebration or a get-together in your family; alternately, you may be invited to attend such a function by some of your relative or friend.

Starts From - 18:06:2017(22:53:59)

Mercury In Gemini Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you are likely to incur some losses and feel very miserable. You should curb over-optimism and avoid lending money or materials on good faith; otherwise some unscrupulous persons may cheat you. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may acquire a bad temper and start using harsh words. People may start considering you vainglorious and obstinate.

Starts From - 15:06:2017(05:33:59)

Sun In Gemini Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit. You may tend to be fickle-minded and become more imaginative or sentimental. You may become forgetful, short-sighted and irresponsible -- which may cause you discredit and even financial losses. One of your children might make you upset by his/ her queer plan or decision, which you may find very difficult to approve of or accept. You may feel ill at ease and wish to run down the whole place around to calm down your nerves and regain your wits.

Starts From - 03:06:2017(19:54:59)

Mercury In Taurus Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and you should try to retain your cool. Your mind is likely to be filled with anger and you are prone to use harsh words. You may have quarrels with some of your family-members or with your colleages. For your changed behaviour, you may lose other peoples' sympathy and support. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may incur some losses and remain in fear for not being able to fulfill your commitments.

Starts From - 27:05:2017(01:33:59)

Mars In Gemini Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 79: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This transit is very favourable and you will find almost everything to your advantage. If you are engaged in academic, intellectual, cultural or artistic pursuits, then you will have good progress. If you are in business, you will have it running very brisk. Your earnings will increase and so will be your acquisitions. If you are looking for a job, you may get an opportunity and receive a good offer.

Starts From - 21:07:2017(10:21:59)

Mercury In Leo Sign

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; you may acquire a new position or secure improvement in the existing one. You will remain in good health, be successful in your endeavours and have influx of wealth. Your enemies will be fully subdued and you will feel very happy. You should resist the temptation to go for punishing your enemies, as they might opt for settling their score in near future. However, this transit is not favourable for your younger co-born, one of whom might fall sick.

Starts From - 16:07:2017(16:25:59)

Sun In Cancer Sign

Mars in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you willbe more courageous, active, enthusiastic and enterprising. All your efforts will be successful and you will reap rich harvests. You may acquire some articles of comfort and costly adornments. The chance of having a change or transfer appears very likely, and you may have to leave your home for this. However, the health and well-being of your younger co-born might be somewhat affected.

Starts From - 11:07:2017(15:00:59)

Mars In Cancer Sign

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is very unfavourable, andyou should remain very careful and cautious. Some of your younger siblings/ cousins, or friends/ colleagues or even neighbours might cause you annoyance. You may receive a letter or a communication, which might make you irritated. You should think twice before finalizing any deal, or putting signature on a document or statement for ensuring that no error or mistake remains therein.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 80: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Venus in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; your spouse may become physically indisposed, and your business-partner (if any) may develop an unpredictable mood. You should be careful in all your dealings, and start delving behind the rosy mask -- for the purpose of viewing things in their proper perspectives. Apparently bright or attractive proposals put forward by new acquaintances should be viewed with suspicion --

Starts From - 13:10:2016(15:29:59)

Venus In Scorpio Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Venus, and you should remain very careful and cautious., and if other planets are also in unfavourable transit, then you must excercise extreme care and caution; you should watch your every step and every word, and ensure that you do not commit any mistake or offend anyone. Temporarily, your enemies may become active and your relatives may turn inimical under this adverse influence; you should also take more care of your health. You must curb overly analytical and discriminative tendencies, and rather try to paint the sky 'bluer' and earth 'greener' -- by using elegant words.

Starts From - 19:09:2016(00:07:59)

Venus In Libra Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is very favourable; you willbe fortunate in many respects, and will be successful in all your efforts. You will have good gains from more than one source, including speculative investments, entertainment fields and artistic/ creative works. You will have harmonious mind, loving thoughts, pure emotions, religious intelligence and wide sympathies. If you are in love with someone, then you may secure a ticket to paradise; if you are married already, then a heavenly stork may bring in a thing of beauty, which will be a joy for ever.

Starts From - 25:08:2016(11:55:59)

Venus In Virgo Sign

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit, and Jupiter will shower you with his choicest blessings. You will be fortunate in many respects; some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and an ambition realized. You are likely to gain some favour and active assistance from the influential people; you may find a new job or secure a lucrative promotion. If you are in love with someone, then 'U-2' will come closer to each other. If you are married, you may have a child-birth; if you have grown-up children, then they will become a source of happiness and add to your joy.

Starts From - 11:08:2016(21:30:59)

Jupiter In Virgo Sign

Transits of Planets in the Zodiac


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 81: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Saturn in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is termed as Ashtama-Shani, and it is very much likely to produce some very undesirable results in many respects. You are likely to face many problems in your workplace, and other people might steal the credit due to you. You might be taken to task for not for your own faults; but for the omissions or commissions of other people, you could be held responsible. Your earnings could be reduced or your incidental expenses might increase. Your financial position may become shaky and your reputation or honour could be at stake. You may lack satisfaction and peace of mind, which could tellupon your health.

Starts From - 26:01:2017(19:32:59)

Saturn In Sagittarius Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you should remain very careful and cautious. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may get entangled in a serious dispute with a powerful and influential person, and you may remain in fear of losing your position and honour. The developments at your workplace might be quite disturbing, your progress may come to a standstill, and your prospect may appear to be bleak. You should try to cross over the bad patch of time by lying low and going slow.

Starts From - 29:12:2016(02:48:59)

Venus In Aquarius Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit. Dame fortune will be smiling on you and will bestow brilliant success in all your endeavours; if you are engaged in any creative or artistic pursuits, you can produce a wonderwork of surpassing merit and quality. You may look forward to receiving benefits and active assistance from people residing in a distant place. If you have the inclination, then you may also secure an opportunity of touring a faraway place for pleasure and profit.

Starts From - 02:12:2016(18:44:59)

Venus In Capricorn Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will be very glad and over-joyed, and start feeling life in every limb. Everybody and everything around you would seem to appear to have regained their sense and order once again. You will be singularly fortunate in respect of all monetary dealings, which will be gainful and your accumulations will start swelling up. You may have access to other peoples' accumulated funds, or receive a big sum as loan from a major financial institution for investment purposes.

Starts From - 07:11:2016(12:00:59)

Venus In Sagittarius Sign

particularly in case of partnership/ collaboration. Also, you should try to avoid showing indifference of attitude, pride of intellect, and dogmatism of any sort.


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 82: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Venus In Gemini Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable; you will remain in high spirits and everything in your surroundings will appear to be very agreeable. You will remain in peace, live in comfort and style, and enjoy a good time in pleasant company. You may spend a good sum for eating and dining, and also for procuring some fashionable clothes and pretty adornments. You may derive special pleasure from a person of about your age, but belonging to the opposite gender.

Starts From - 29:06:2017(19:35:59)

Venus In Taurus Sign

Saturn in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a very favourable transit and you may face some problems affecting some areas of your life. For developing new business-relationship, getting into partnership/ collaboration, it is good. If you are employed in a private organisation, then you may be under pressure to leave your post (but you are very much likely to get another opportunity in some other place; as such, you may not be actually affected). The health of your spouse may cause you some serious concern, and your own health may not remain so good.

Starts From - 21:06:2017(04:38:59)

Saturn In Scorpio Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. The transit is very favourable, and you will have all kinds of enjoyments. You may spend a lot for acquiring objects of comfort and pleasure, and your waxing earnings will make you more at ease with yourself. You are also likely to visit places of interest, and gain utmost satisfaction in company of agreeable members of both genders, with whom you will be engaged in pleasing conversations. Your children will remain in good health and high spirits, while your spouse will appear to be a fountain of joy to you.

Starts From - 31:05:2017(08:57:59)

Venus In Aries Sign

Venus in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and full of blooming possibilities. To begin with, you will regain your sense of safety by virtue of moving in a high circle, and obtaining promises for protection from the persons strolling in the corridors of power. New horizons may open up for you; you can easily discover a fertile field and a beneficial environment for your own progress. You would gain recognition for your merit and talents, and your earnings will reach a new high. You will become increasingly popular in the circle of your friends andacquaintances as well.

Starts From - 27:01:2017(20:18:59)

Venus In Pisces Sign


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010

Page 83: Transit Kundali - MindSutra (Gochar) English...Kantak Shani (4th from birth rashi) Ashtam Shani (8th from birth rashi) Date Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Begining Ending Duration Saturn

Venus in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will be fortunate in many respects. You will have gains from various sources, and your family lifewill be very joyful and happy. You may receive funds from a major financial institution, and you may have a costly acquisition, which will increase your comfort and improve your life-style. You may also spend some money for interior and/ or exterior decoration of your dwelling house.

Starts From - 26:07:2017(17:09:59)


Test DOB-18:12:1975 TOB-01:45:00 POB-New Delhi

Licensed to - Sri Ganeshay Namah Contact :01010101010