www.england.nhs.uk Transforming Care in the NHS through Digital Technology Paul Rice PhD Head of Technology Strategy NHS England DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of HIMSS. 13 th April, 2015

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Transforming Care in the NHS

through Digital Technology

Paul Rice PhD

Head of Technology Strategy

NHS England

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of HIMSS.

13th April, 2015

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Learning Objectives

• Share the progress of delivering digital enabled transformation in the

NHS (and social care)

• Identify the technologies available to enable connected care

• Demonstrate how these innovations are driving improvements in

quality and patient safety outcomes

• Recognize the benefits and opportunities that exist by using innovation

to transform care

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The NHS faces significant challenges


Source: The NHS belongs to the people: A call to


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NHS Technology Strategy

© HIMSS 2015

Personalised Health and Care 2020

Five Year

Forward View

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Better use of data and technology has the power to improve health, transforming the quality and reducing the cost of health and care services.

It can give patients and citizens more control over their health and wellbeing, empower carers, reduce the administrative burden for care professionals, and support the development of new medicines and treatments.

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The future digital NHS

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Recent Progress

© HIMSS 2015


NHS Number

GP Contract

Spine Patient


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Patients able to view their full

coded medical record,

including the option for them to

download their record into

third party applications, where


Installing Wi-Fi and other

enabling infrastructure in

practices, allowing patient

access to online services (e.g.

repeat prescriptions, online

appointment booking) from

their own mobile devices.

Patients able to book

appointments online. This may

also include the capability to

inform patients if an

appointment is actually needed.

Depending on presenting

conditions there may be more

appropriate services to meet

the patient’s needs.

Integrated and interoperable

working with other agencies,

for example GPs to be able to

access child and adult records

held in Local Authority Social

Care systems, specifically to

inform diagnosis and


GPs visiting patients at home,

care homes, or other care

settings, having access to

systems they would have if they

were in their own practice


This could include:

• Full access and ability to

update patient records in real


• Ability to prescribe medicines

electronically and either print

a ticket or text/email a

confirmation, to initiate a

dispensing instruction to the

pharmacy of the patient’s


Telecare and healthy living

apps which enable patients to

monitor and manage their

health or live independently

without having to visit their GP

surgery as often.

Patients able to provide

information prior to seeing the

GP to aid pre-referral

diagnosis and maximise

effectiveness of patient-GP

face time.

Telehealth devices made available

to patients to test and undertake

diagnostics then upload to GP for


Priorities in Primary Care

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GPs able to visit or offer appointment

times to patients from other general

practices with the ability to view their

records, write to the patient record and

issue electronic prescriptions, subject

to information sharing agreements

across shared care models.

Exploring the benefit of clinical decision

support and links into NHS 111 as a

‘pre-primary care’ triage service.

NHS 111 and OOH providers able to

access and update the patient’s

primary care medical record, subject to

patient’s consent.

NHS 111 and GP OOH providers able

to access and view the patient’s

summary care record and/or full coded


Offering a ‘click and collect’ or ‘click

and deliver’ service for repeat

prescriptions (e.g. patient orders

repeat prescription online,

GP signs off in electronic prescription

service, pharmacy dispenses and

patient either collects or pharmacy

delivers), all trackable online by the

patient. Enabling new channels for

consultations with a GP, e.g. via

telephone, email, webcam or instant

messaging, where this is deemed to

be appropriate and clinically safe.

Priorities in Primary Care

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Standards for Digital Records


Workstations &




Use of existing




conferencing Interoperability








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Digital Customer Journey

Transformation of NHS Choices will:

• Extend our reach to meet unmet user needs

• Enhance experiences for current users

• Retain our usage baselines

• Continue to be highly trusted

• Intelligently respond to user behaviours to meet user needs



Discovery Alpha Beta Live

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Modern Digital Design Standards

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Citizen Identity and Consent

Verification Consent Identification

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Functionality and Fulfillment

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Medications in


Clinician Point of

Care Order Entry Clinician, Patient

and Drug

identification and

authentication via


Alerts re contra-

indications +

“Care Bundling”

Clinical Decision

Support Tools


working on safety

“at the back end”




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Personal Health Records

Nearly 100% primary care use of Electronic Patient


National contract for GP Systems set requirements for

open APIs

Future Enablement

Working with patient cohorts using GP

records to understand needs

Learning from early adopters across

health and care

Continuing to develop interoperability and

security standards

Insight drawn from

international exemplars

and market capability

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“Telehealth is not a single, uniform type of technology;

rather it is a targeted approach appropriate to the

individual’s needs, combining process, organisational

and responsibility changes supported by monitoring

and collaboration technologies…”

Healthcare without walls: A framework for delivering telehealth at scale

John Cruickshank - 2020 health.org Nov 2010


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Technology-enabled capabilities

• Mobile access to digital care records across the community

• Digital capture of clinical data at point-of-care

• Digitally-enabled observations management

• Real-time digital nursing dashboards

• Remote face-to-face interaction

• Digital images for nursing care

• Equipment tracking and monitoring

• Safer clinical interventions

• Smart workforce deployment

• Digital transformation of pre-operative assessment

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www.england.nhs.uk 24

Local Roadmaps (Bristol example)

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Digital Maturity Indices


Capability Effective Use

of Systems

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Enterprise wide

use of Systems

Benefits and Outcomes


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In 2015

Proposals for extending My NHS

Publish roadmap for aligning national programmes with this framework

Proposals for linking 111 with NHS Choices

Guidance on Commissioning and Regulatory Roadmap

Proposals for regulating and kitemarking digital services

Proposals for Code 4 Health

Proposals for personal data usage reporting



All citizens will have online access to GP records

Publish roadmap and standards for accessing core transaction systems

Agree standards for real-time and interoperable care records

Mandated use of NHS number as primary identifier in clinical correspondence and patient activity

Publish new Insight Strategy

Publish data quality standards for NHS care providers

Publish data security standards and IG toolkit

Publish Digital Maturity Index indicators for NHS Trusts on NHS Choices

June Sept


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2016 and beyond…


2016 2018


Core ‘secondary uses’ dataset agreed

CQC to consider performance against data quality standards as part of regulatory regime

New knowledge and skills framework introduced for all levels of the workforce

100,000 individual genomes will have been sequenced

Individuals will be able to record to their care record

Core curriculum and knowledge and skills framework updated

Clinicians in primary care, urgent and emergency care and other key transitions of care will be operating without paper records

Until 2018 GPSoC procurements used to stimulate innovation

All care records will be digital and interoperable

Entire health and care system will adopt SNOMED clinical terminology

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What are the benefits?

Clinical diagnosis

Patient & staff experience


Reduce burden & improve efficiency

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A distance to travel



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Thank you


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