Transformations Guidle - Jan 2013

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The Iron Tribe Fitness Transformations Guide is your guide to hearing real people and the transformations they have experienced with Iron Tribe Fitness

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Who’s Ever Heard Of A Fitness CommunitySo Wildly Popular It Has Been Forced To Limit Memberships And Turn People Away?In All Your Life, Have You Ever Heard Of Such? ... Page 9 INSIDE!





… Page 3 INSIDE!


... Page 6 INSIDE!

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Imagine you are covered in a sweat soaked T-shirt, inside a fitness facility unlike any

other you’ve ever seen, proud of what you’ve just accomplished along with 14 others beside you …

It’s your first day at Iron Tribe Fitness: And the question running through your mind is, “What have I gotten myself into?”

Allow me to answer that question for you in 2 easy to remember words: Team Workouts.

Team workouts changes the rules of fitness and turns the whole concept on its head, and when applied scientifically and skillfully, it is a life changer.

And you’ll have more fun working out than ever, because Iron Tribe is literally the sport of fitness. Picture a room full of individuals all doing the same workout at the same time, and everyone in the class is competing against everyone else to finish the workout first.

It’s a competitive sport for all ages and both sexes, and when done right delivers unparalleled fitness results. I’ll prove that claim starting on page 3 inside this special edition.

Hi, my name is Forrest Walden, and I’m the founder of Iron Tribe Fitness. Maybe you’ve heard of me ...

• I’ve been featured in virtually every print publication in Birmingham, including OTMJ, BirminghamMagazine, Birmingham Business Journal, and the Birmingham News, amongst others … • I’ve been a regular guest of Jeh Jeh Pruitt on Fox 6 Exercise Monday Morning show, and… • I’ve been interviewed by both radio and television personalities across Birmingham … • I brought the Fitness Together franchise to Alabama … • I earned the Franchise of The Year 3 years in a row ...• I was awarded one of Birmingham’s Business Journal’s 40 under 40.•I was awarded The Personal Trainer of The Year in 2003.

I’m internationally known in the fitness industry, and am often called upon to speak at industry events.

I’ve spent my entire professional career studying exactly how the human body responds to exercise, and here’s what I’ve discovered: if you want to live the most emotionally fulfilled life possible … if you want more happiness and joy out of every area of your life … then you must push your body to its physical limits.

That’s because your body craves to live up to its physical potential. Its genetic potential. Its emotional potential. Your emotional health depends upon better blood flow to every organ in your body, to include your brain!

Your body is begging you to move it, exercise it, and push it and demand more out of it. And when you do, your body will reward you with the physique you’ve always wanted, and one you can be proud of.

But there’s a problem - something critical has been lost in today’s modern million dollar fitness facilities … those big box gyms with 2,000 plus members.

What I’ve learned, and what you are about to discover - contradicts what most fitness professionals, personal trainers and coaches believe about getting in shape - and explains why 95% of all fitness experts can’t get their clients one-tenth the results they pay for.

I’m writing this special report to show you what I’ve found. Let’s face it, when it comes to joining a fitness facility or investing in a personal trainer, the thing that ultimately matters to you is results.

In the last year and a half alone, from two locations in Birmingham, AL, (Homewood & Inverness) I’ve taken more than 900 Tribe members and helped them gain the greatest fitness results they’ve ever experienced.

What you are about to see explains why. If you have ever been disappointed with your fitness results, this report will be the most important message you ever read.

Let’s get started …

By D. Forrest Walden, Founder, Iron Tribe Fitness

Imagine this ...


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It’s become a nationwide sensation because ...




Revealed in this chapter …

Why DRASTICALLY REDUCING your workout time transforms your body like nothing you’ve ever seen! (Sure it breaks all the rules, but that’s the point. If you’ve ever been disappointed with your workout results, isn’t it time to break a few rules?) TWO SECRET ingredients every workout must contain if you crave unprecedented results from your body. (Need an emergency transformation in your body in record time? Don’t you dare skip this!) THREE THINGS that guarantee you’ll avoid the land mines, pitfalls and booby traps of nearly every other fitness program! (And you’ll have the most fun you’ve ever had while working out!) And so much more …

Chapter 1

I need to make something very clear from the start, and I hope you’ll take it as it is meant … because while it is not my intention to come across as being mean, I do need to be firm about this …

If you are not doing team workouts at Iron Tribe Fitness, you are either, 1) wasting your time completely, or 2) you are not making anywhere near the progress you should be making from your fitness investment. And either way, that’s a shame, because you deserve to finally reach your genetic potential once and for all.

I guarantee you that, if you will begin doing these team style competition workouts right now, in as little as 12 workouts from now, you’ll astonish yourself at your progress. In fact, given a reasonable amount of time, it will accelerate your physical transformation - and change your life - in ways that will make you more proud of yourself than you have been in a very long time.

Reading this entire report could represent a major turning point in your life and it will be well worth the few minutes it will take. Ready to get started? Great. Here we go.

Always Strive To Drastically ReduceYour Workout Time!

Let me introduce you to Bryan Whitehead. Bryan is a 35 year-old real estate agent who, back in February, called himself a “self-admitted couch potato.”

He confided in me, “Forrest, I have really let myself go over the past few years, but I did not think it was all that bad until I weighed myself at a friend’s house. I was shocked when the scales came crashing down to 250 pounds!”

That was Bryan’s tipping point. He had finally faced the fact that all the years of being lazy, eating poorly, smoking and drinking had taken their toll … but he didn’t know how to rescue himself from that vicious cycle. Up to this point, Bryan had never heard of Iron Tribe Fitness, and had no idea of the potency behind it, and had no concept of how it would change his life. So, I started from the beginning …

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“Bryan, your first 12 team workouts will be in a class we call Iron Tribe 101. Think of it like English 101. All of our workouts are called WOD’s. WOD stands for Workout Of the Day. These 12 WOD’s are designed to revive, and reawaken the hidden athlete inside you. That means we treat you like an athlete starting on day one, and we’ll use a stop clock to time how fast you can get through each WOD. Your mission, as an athlete in training, is to finish each WOD as fast as you possibly can.

“You will attend Iron Tribe 101 three times a week, and each WOD will be different - with the exception of the 1st and 12th - these two will be the same. That’s because we’ll gauge your physical improvement by how much time improvement has taken place between your 1st WOD to your 12th WOD. In other words, the more minutes you can shave off your time, the faster your body changes. Got it? Good. Oh, and there’s one other thing. These 12 WOD’s are just the beginning. They’ll only take you 30 days to finish, but they are designed to get you ramped up - in preparation for - the next months and years of WOD’s - where you’ll literally change your life!”

The Dramatic Results of Forcefully Reducing Your

Workout Time

Let me show you how powerful Iron Tribe 101 was for Bryan. Here are his results:

His first workout took him 12 minutes, 10 seconds to finish. But only 30 days later - 12 workouts total - he did that same workout in only 6 minutes, 24 seconds. Now, let’s stop for a moment - and look at that math under a microscope. Let’s consider what just happened.

12:10 (The time of his first WOD)- 6:24 (The time of his 12th WOD) 5:46 (Time difference)

Can you imagine how Bryan felt on this 12th workout after slashing 5 minutes, 46 seconds off his baseline time? I can tell you how he felt … he was elated! After all, that’s a whopping 47% improvement in only 30 days. And because we trained him like an athlete, he became an athlete … a much better conditioned athlete at that!

But wait! That’s not all there is to it. Not by a long shot. You see, since joining Iron Tribe Fitness, he has dropped 30 pounds of excess fat off his body, has quit smoking and

stopped abusive drinking. On top of that, he is finally unconfused about food and what to eat.

The end result? Now people he knows don’t recognize him when they see him on the street! His friends are shocked, and Bryan is happy again. That’s the power of Iron Tribe. And as you’ll soon discover in this special report, Bryan is far from the exception!

WHO IS IRON TRIBE? What Is A Team Workout?

Iron Tribe has become the nation’s leading fitness crusade doing battle against the nation’s flawed fitness industry. And now, Iron Tribe is gaining both national and international attention. Why? Because Iron Tribe is literally the sport of fitness. Yes. Fitness as a sport. Let me explain.

I used to use bodybuilding routines all the time and even competed as a natural bodybuilder. However, boredom was setting in and I really wasn’t getting the results promised. More importantly I was lacking a way to compete that I missed so much from my athletic days. But, that all changed when I was introduced to this team workout approach that is done for time or

load and everything is scored. Yes, a competition every day! One of the first team workouts I ever did is a classic known as Fran. In this workout you do 21 pullups followed by 21 barbell thrusters, 15 pullups followed by 15 barbell thrusters and finally 9 pullups followed by 9 barbell thrusters.

Here’s Bryan graduating Iron Tribe 101 with seven other proud Tribe athletes.

Pictured left to right are, Mivvi Rust, Karen Florence, Bryan Whitehead, Stephen Blagovich, Joel Morton, Jamie Warren, Dakota Kelly and Richard Cruit.

Their ages range from early 20’s to mid 50‘s. We have members in their 70’s, and as young as 6.



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Done. Workout over. I was both exhausted and delighted at the same time. It was one of the hardest things that I had ever done but I got to do it with friends and try to beat each others time. No more boring bodybuilding workouts for me! Now, Fran is one of our benchmark workouts. In the traditional weight room, people always want to know, “how much do you bench press?” We want to know, “what is your Fran time?”

My Fran Results

It took me 9:30 minutes to finish Fran the first time. The last time I did Fran it only took me 2:23 minutes. Now let’s look at that math under the microscope.

9:30 (First Fran Time)-2:23 (Last Fran Time) 7:07 (Time Difference)

That means I have cut that workout time by 74.9%. That’s not a misprint. And therein lies the sport of it.

How Team Workouts & Competition Transforms Your Body Faster Than Anything You’ve Ever Done And The Three Things You Are Competing Against

Every time you workout, it’s recorded. So when you show up for your next workout, you are competing against your previous best time, against the stop clock, and since all workouts take place in a team environment - a class full of both men and women - you are also competing against and with them. In my case, the result of it is this: before Iron Tribe 101 I weighed in at 205 pounds. Now I walk around everyday at 185. Not one time did I worry about my body fat percentage, my body weight, or how big my waist was.

I didn’t care one iota about any of that stuff. My only goal was to become a better athlete … to move larger loads, longer distances, faster in this workout than the last. To make a competitive sport out of working out.

That’s the secret. That’s the power and potency of Iron Tribe. It literally forces your body to change - to adapt - to the the new demands placed upon it.

How Iron Tribe Became The Nation’s Leading

Fitness Movement

When my team and I started Iron Tribe, I didn’t know how well it would be received by the community. I mean, bringing both men and women together for team workouts was, after all, a brand new concept.

Ask any member of Iron Tribe Fitness, “What is Iron Tribe Fitness?”, and you’ll get a version of this answer, “Iron Tribe is team workouts where we never do the same workout twice, and all the exercises are designed around real life functional movements. And we perform them with really high intensity.”

What they mean is; the workouts change every day … and we use exercises that are considered “functional,” meaning we do workouts that mimic real life requirements, like squats and other exercises … and we perform them aggressively - what we call high intensity. This concept (team workouts that are constantly varied, using functional movements performed at high intensity) has been the cornerstone of Iron Tribe’s massive success and growth.

Why? Because it is simply the formula that works. And as you are about to discover, there is no place better than Iron Tribe Fitness to put that formula to work …

Before I weighed 205 Pounds ...

Now I’m at my fighting weight of 185 ...

And now I enjoy doing thingsthat were impossible

to me before!

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What I'm going to tell you may sound like the biggest pile of hype you’ve ever heard … but it's actually the hard hitting truth.

And if you’ll suspend your disbelief for just a few moments, I guarantee what you are about to discover can transform your body like nothing you’ve ever experienced. In fact, it can take you from looking like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, and make a Tarzan of a man out of you (if you are a man, of course) or (if you a woman) finally sculpt the hips, tone your thighs, and firm up your arms like you’ve always desired … and it will do it more convincingly than anything you’ve ever experienced.

I’m going to prove every thing I claim to you in just a moment, but first, I want you to know that what I’m about to tell you will seem like heresy to 95% of all fitness professionals. Look, I’m often viewed as a heretic among traditional fitness professionals, but I’m going to set the record straight once and for all. It’s not heresy we

are we are talking about here … it’s apostasy. Not in a religious sense, but apostasy in the sense of my defection and revolt from the most ineffective, expensive and time-wasting methods being taught by most fitness professionals today. And as I think you’ll see, the real secret of getting amazingly fit is still very much a mystery to most fitness professionals, personal trainers and coaches. But not to you - not after you make these 4 paradigm shifts … possibly the 4 biggest paradigm shifts of your fitness life!

MAJOR PARADIGM SHIFT #1YOU MUST STOP - going to the gym to build muscles!

I know, I know … blasphemy, right? But listen to me carefully: If you will (once and for all) forsake forever the idea of building bulging biceps, a massive chest, or cannonball sized shoulders (like you see promised on the covers of muscle magazines) and if you can accept the fact that …

If mothers of 3 … 70 year-old senior citizens ... and 9 year-old kids are all using Iron Tribe Fitness to get into the best shape of their lives ... imagine what YOU can do!


I GUARANTEE YOU A BODY THAT WILL SHOCK YOUR FRIENDS!Most Fitness Experts and Coaches Only Get It Half Right. It’s The Other Half That’ll Shock Your

Friends! Hard to believe? Perhaps. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, not until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. It will

take just a few minutes, yet the rewards will be enormous …

In this chapter …

Why - whether you’re an orthopedic surgeon, a real estate agent, business owner, full-time student, or stay at home mom - YOU ARE LITERALLY JUST HOURS away from being in the best shape of your life … 4 vital paradigm shifts YOU MUST EXPERIENCE if you have any hope of reaching your physical potential … and having the body you’ve always desired ...Over the age of 40 but not ready to be over the hill? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Here’s why underdog stories come true …

Chapter 2


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YOU MUST START focusing solely on becoming a better overall competitive athlete - then your body will finally begin to respond by handing you all the muscle it can handle ... and you will finally begin to reach your

genetic potential for your age. As an example, take a look here at my friend Kevin Lowe’s before and after pictures. What you are looking at is real. If building muscle is something you desire ... and it should be (it’s natural to want more muscular arms and chest) … then there is nothing that will get you there faster than forsaking exercises that isolate a muscle group and waste your time.

Question: What builds more muscle faster ... bicep curls or chin-ups? If you said chin-ups then you are right! That’s because instead of only using your biceps doing curls … in chin-ups you are using biceps, shoulders, lats, chest, romboids, all the gripping muscles of your hand and

forearm, and even your abdominals! Whew! Is there any contest? No there isn’t, and I can tell you that Kevin hasn’t done bicep curls (or any other isolation exercise) in years! And yet look at him! He’s the envy of bodybuilders. He literally drops jaws when he takes his shirt off. People are shocked by his transformation. He’s one of the fittest men on planet earth.

MAJOR PARADIGM SHIFT #2YOU MUST STOP - focusing on losing fat!

Talk about slaying a sacred cow. Look: if you think starving yourself through calorie reduction, or falling for the next diet craze, or buying diet pills is your best strategy for losing fat … I’m sorry to say you have been sold a bill of goods. If you think that running marathons, or doing thousands of sit-ups or even swimming multiple laps in the pool will give you the coveted six pack abs

you’ve always wanted … you have been deceived. Listen: if you want to lose fat faster than you can imagine, you must stop focusing on losing fat, and …

YOU MUST START focusing on becoming a better overall competitive athlete and increase your overall human performance. I’m not kidding. If you want fat to finally melt off your body, then you’ve got

to create a blazing, internal furnace inside you. Like a locomotive screaming

down the tracks being fueled by a constant supply of coal, wood or

steam. To finally posses the kind of body you can be proud of, you must focus on becoming an agile, competitive athlete like Chuck Andrews became.

Chuck had the metabolism of a sloth when he first started

working out at Iron Tribe Fitness. He came to me tipping the scales at 250 pounds with a waist the size of Texas - 40 inches. But because Chuck finally stopped falling for all the nonsense (both in training and diet) Chuck has transformed himself from being the Pillsbury Dough Boy into a rock-solid 210 pound Tarzan of a man with the waist size of only 34. Coming in at a weak 250 pounds, Chuck couldn’t even do pull-ups when he first started, but now that he is a powerful 210, and slashed off 40 pounds of fat, he can rip off 40 chin-ups in a row! One for every pound of fat he’s lost. He is a prime example of what happens when someone stops trying to lose fat, and starts focusing on becoming a competitive athlete. When people see him on the street, they are shocked by his transformation!

Kevin Before

Kevin After

Chuck Before

Chuck is now athletic, powerful and fit

Kevin After

Please Turn …

Chuck After

Chuck After

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MAJOR PARADIGM SHIFT #3YOU MUST STOP - focusing on using weight lifting machines, (like leg extension, leg curl, abdominal crunch and even chest press machines) and …

YOU MUST START focusing on becoming a better overall competitive athlete who can increase your body’s ability to produce more power … and do more work in less time this time than last … giving you the increased ability to scale a wall, cross crocodile infested waters or simply shovel gravel. In other words, you must have …

Increased Work Capacity Across Broad Time and Modal Domains

Increased Work Capacity = More PowerAgainst Broad Time = From Short Duration to Long (Can you do a given exercise in less time now than it used to take you?) Modal Domains = Shoveling gravel, crossing a crocodile infested mote, or scaling a castle wall.

Here’s what it would look like in real life, and if you like underdog stories, you are going to love this! Aaron Crocker had never heard of the concept of team workouts for fitness when I called him just over 3 years ago. He was 47 at the time and had been committed to doing bodybuilding routines his whole adult life. And of course, he used a lot of weightlifting machines - a body builder’s staple. By the time I called him, he was so dysfunctional from years of using those machines (his joints and tendons were killing him because of the way machines force the body to move in unnatural paths), that he

wouldn’t even call himself an athlete. Not only that, by this time he had let himself fall off the fitness bandwagon altogether because of the boredom, pain and lack of results he was experiencing in the weight room.

Fast forward 3 years and picture this scene: Aaron reaches up to grab a set of Olympic rings to attempt a gymnastic feat called a muscle-up. (That’s a move where you hang from the rings with your arms fully extended at the bottom, and

then you muscle your self up over the rings and fully lock out your elbows.) “Aaron’s gotta be kidding” someone chuckled, “he’s 50-years-old. What is he thinking?” I’ve seen this scenario play out multiple times before. I knew what was about to happen. What they didn’t fully understand is that Aaron had been training like a competitive athlete with Iron Tribe Fitness and was well prepared for this moment. So when he snatched himself up over the rings, not once, but multiple times - the laughter turned to amazement and applause! Today, Aaron’s a new man and people can’t believe what he can do. They are stunned that he can just as easily climb a rope, run a 5K, deadlift 400 pounds or do 40 chin-ups in a row … to name a few new things he’s capable of doing. But it took getting off those dreaded weight machines to finally clear up his tendonitis and sore joints and restore his hidden athlete.

MAJOR PARADIGM SHIFT #4YOU MUST STOP - focusing on being a specialist in training … meaning that you must stop specializing on only one mode of training - like only running, or only swimming, or only weightlifting ... (or specializing in any other single fitness activity) and …

YOU MUST START focusing on becoming a better overall competitive athlete by mixing up as many different methods of training as possible. When it comes to your fitness, I don’t want you to be a specialist ... I want you to be a generalist. Every workout should contain regular calisthenic movements you have mastered … but must also contain other skills that are new to you, and are under development as a skill set. Why? Because that’s where your results become unprecedented.

As soon as Luan Nguyen discovered this concept (of not being a specialist, but becoming a generalist athlete) and opened up his training to new skill development (and thereby new intensity levels), his body transformed dramatically. He went from being a soft looking guy to a man who looks like he was chiseled

Luan BeforeAaron After


Aaron After

Aaron Before

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out of a slab of granite. The day Luan started molding himself into equal parts gymnast, Olympic weightlifter and sprint-athlete - as soon as he begin to develop the capacity of a novice 800-meter track athlete, gymnast, and weightlifter - he became fitter than any single world-class runner, gymnast or weightlifter. And his physical transformation is shocking! The day you begin this process, is the day you’ll start making these

kind of transformations as well. Today, Luan does all the programming of our workouts here at Iron Tribe Fitness. He’s one of only a couple of CrossFit Level 2 certified trainers in Alabama. He can teach it because he has lived it. And he wants to help you change you body and life.

Now, if you are impressed with all these transformations so far, but

are beginning to think that Iron Tribe Fitness is only a boy’s club, well, you’d be mistaken about that. Take for example, Karen Florence, who when she first arrived at Iron Tribe Fitness, was unconfident, uncertain about where her life was going, and suffering self-esteem issues. But all that changed when she walked through Iron Tribe’s doors. Just look what she has to say:

“I    never  knew  that  Iron  Tribe  would  change  my  entire  lease  on  life!    Not  only  do  I  feel  better  physically  but  it  has  given  me  more  

confidence  in  life  to  just  LIVE!  I  cannot  even  begin  to  describe  the  camaraderie  I  have  experienced  at  Iron  Tribe.  Everyone  believes  in  you,  and  everyone  has  their  own  struggles  they  are  working  through.  I  love  walking  in  and  everyone  being  genuinely  excited  to  see  me  and  I  am  just  as  excited  to  see  them!  For  the  first  time  in  my  life  –  the  gym  is  something  I  look  forward  to,  it  has  become  my  ‘recharge’  to  take  on  a  new  

day.  I  leave  with  real  accomplishments  each  day,  and  a  sense  of  someone  always  in  my  corner.  I’ve  lost  36  pounds!  

Don’t think for an instant she’s an isolated case. Nothing could be further from the truth. As proof, take a look at these Iron Tribe women:

Recap: What is the one common thread that runs through all these 4 paradigm

shifts and testimonies? It’s making the

shift from focusing on traditional training methods and start focusing on becoming a

better overall (generalist) competitive athlete. Not only does it transform bodies faster than any other method of training, but it also returns the adventure back into getting into shape.

Are you ready? Then I urge you to hurry because …

Karen After & 36 Pounds Lighter

Luan After

Luan After

Please Turn …

Karen Before

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Who’s Ever Heard Of A Fitness CommunitySo Wildly Popular It Was Forced To Limit

Memberships And Turn People Away? IRON TRIBE’S NEXT LOCATION AT ...




In this chapter …

DESPERATE for answers, this devoted wife, mother and pie baker reveals her SECRET to how she lost 30 pounds of fat …

Some of the most successful, time-crunched, and RESPECTED BUSINESS PEOPLE in around the country speak out about their experience with Iron Tribe Fitness … (and why they’ve chosen Iron Tribe over all other fitness facilities - even over other gyms in town) …

How you can secure a back door pass into Iron Tribe’s membership and gain an unfair advantage nobody else can … IF YOU HURRY ...

Chapter 3

It is true, you know … that Iron Tribe Fitness really has had to turn people away from membership, and place them on waiting lists several months long just to get in.

And please don’t take this as bragging - because it’s not meant to come across that way - but the fact is the demand is so great that it has forced us to open a second location in the area. Literally forced … to handle the demand. So why is Iron Tribe so popular when other fitness facilities are

struggling? Let me answer that with a little short story from one of our members:

By all accounts, Teresa Kirkwood is the epitome of what a mother and wife ought to be. Her family would describe her as the caregiver, the nurturer, the cook, and especially … the pie baker. In order of priority, she places everyone and every task before her own needs. If there is anything left to give at the end of the day, she may reward herself with a piece of her own hard-earned pie.

At the age of 49, and as a result of years of selfless sacrifice, she had given herself up to the “middle aged spread”. She had “logically” concluded that due to her advancing age and her slowing metabolism, being thin and in shape again was simply not in the cards for her.


Teresa Kirkwood, nurturer, cook, pie maker

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But deep down inside she longed to be healthy and fit, and she had grown weary of seeing herself chubby in the mirror. It’s not like she was lazy, however. You see, Teresa was no couch potato. Not at all. What may you may be surprised to discover is just how active Teresa was … and how desperate she had become while trying to get the weight off.

She felt like she had tried everything: extreme bootcamps, spinning classes, body pump, Pilate’s, Reformer Pilate’s, and of course … crash diets of all kinds. She was so determined to do all she could, she begin to believe trying to get fit was going to become her full time job.

And with her 50th birthday rapidly approaching, she was willing to take drastic measures if necessary. It was at that time some friends of hers told her about Iron Tribe Fitness. She became interested when she witnessed their dramatic transformations. That’s when she decided to give Iron Tribe a try. She says she’ll never forget her first Iron Tribe 101 class as long as she lives. With everything that she had done to get in shape before, her body had(and I quote), “never been pushed that hard and far in such a short duration of time.”

The result? You have read this for yourself:

“The coaches were so inspirational and amazing. The coaches helped to stir something from deep inside me that told me I was capable of this, and I immediately felt a bond with them. I know this sounds dramatic, but it forever changed me and I will never be the same. I dropped 10 pounds and 3 inches around my waist after only one month. Now I’ve lost 30 total pounds, and 4 dress sizes and I have to continually buy smaller sized jeans! I have more energy than I did at 30, and everyone tells me I look 15 years younger. Now my friends want to know what my secret is!”

Teresa goes on to brag about the community of Iron Tribe Fitness:

“I never thought I was a competitive person but I actually look forward to pushing myself and supporting my fellow “tribers” each week. You are held accountable

every workout and everyone demands your very best effort. I had a strong visceral feeling about the other people I was working out with. You feel a close bond with the people you workout with and we all help each other along in our daily struggles. I began to feel that I belonged to a community. I began to feel that the Tribe was my family. This communities “can do” attitude spills over into all other aspect of our lives.”

For Teresa, the bottom line is this: Iron Tribe Fitness makes sense. Logically, emotionally and physically.

The Single Most Important Principle

for Getting Into The Best Shape

of Your Life

As Teresa can attest to, there’s more than one way to try and get in shape. At Iron Tribe Fitness, we have what I believe is the most successful team workout system for the person wanting to get in shape available anywhere. But it’s not the only place to workout. After all, Gold’s Gym has done pretty well getting members to join their multimillion dollar facilities. And so have the YMCA, Sportsplex, and other gyms in her area. And each of these businesses have taken their own individual path to get members to join.

Gold’s Gym made their facilities huge, packed with all the latest state-of-the-art equipment. The YMCA leveraged its non-profit status. Sportsplex uses the message of being the place for total fitness. Each of these offer group fitness programs. Then there are all those 24-hour facilities like Anytime Fitness. Not to mention the independent personal trainers and mom-and-pop fitness facilities on near every corner. Let’s not forget the other 12 gyms in the area, some within a few miles of each other, and some within a few blocks of each other. All said there are upward of 50 different facilities in

Teresa After

Please Turn …

Teresa Before

For more information, call 205.226.8669 - 11

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Birmingham (Iron Tribe’s Corporate Offices) where an individual can get their workout on. Birmingham is so overly crowded with these fitness facilities, you can’t see the forest for the trees.

Within this over-saturated city, however, Iron Tribe Fitness is

making news and gaining international fame by breaking

World-Wide records.

Which begs the question: Why is Iron Tribe Fitness the ONE place that has become so popular that we were forced to limit memberships and turn people away? Well for one thing, there’s the coaches and the intensity of the workouts, like Teresa talked about. Then there’s the team workouts that spur on friendly good-natured competition, and has proven to be amazingly successful.

And then again, there’s the Tribe community - the family - that creates tight friendships and lasting relationships. But none of these things are possible without something else vital taking place behind the scenes. It mostly goes undetected, and is all but invisible. It goes virtually unnoticed to most members … and that’s the way it

ought to be. We consider it the the single most important principle for getting you into the best shape of your life.

What is it?

It’s The T.R.I.B.E. SystemWhat Is Proven Trumps What Is Claimed

The T.R.I.B.E. system contains 5 core standards for evaluating and guiding your fitness progress. We believe in the T.R.I.B.E. system so much, it’s built right inside our name! By using this system - these 5 core standards - we guarantee you will transform your body faster than anything you’ve ever experienced.

T = Track your workouts daily.

• Every workout you perform is recorded daily and posted on our facilities whiteboard as well as logged on our website database for future reference ...

• When a specific workout rolls back around (to test how you’ve done over time) our tracking technology provides us a specific way to measure your results ...

R = Results come rapidly when we keep you consistent in your workouts by holding you accountable.

• It’s fools gold to think anyone can make the kind of improvements you see in this special edition without consistency of diet and nutrition. That’s because no matter how hard you workout, you’ll never out-work a pathetic diet devoid of proper nutrition. Imagine filling a Formula One race care filled with cheap gas, and then expecting it to deliver the same high-performance results as it would when using the high-octane fuel it was build for. Your body was built for high-quality, wholesome foods to work optimally.

• Your results come fastest and most reliably when we hold you accountable for attending a minimum of 3 workouts a week, while encouraging you to come at least 4 times a week because 4 is better than 3. And if you desire to get to the ultimate level of your fitness and potential, then 5 times is better than 4 provided you keep up the intensity ...

I = Intensity being the shortcut to all the results you’ve ever desired.

• The greater your intensity of effort - the harder you can push your body - the faster you’ll burn fat, drop unwanted pounds, drastically increase you muscle tone and transform your physique into something you will be proud of. “Go harder for faster results” would be intensity’s motto ...

• You should apply all the intensity you can muster into molding and creating yourself into equal parts

Feel A Part Of Something Great …

“ITF is a ... facility where I feel apart of

something great. And I was invited to become apart of it, and have been accepted into a

community where there is a competitive

spirit (but only in a good way) and this is

where others are there to help me. I stunned myself when I shaved over 4 minutes of my

best 5K time … without running a

single mile!”

- Jamie Warren


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gymnast, Olympic weightlifter, and sprinter through interval training. This gives you an indisputable athletic advantage no other program can match, especially when you feel you are among friends and have a sense of belonging …

B = Belonging to a community of friends.

• Everything else operating in the T.R.I.B.E. system is simply mechanics - the doing of things - but the soul of Iron Tribe is found in the bonding friendships forged when you put yourself though workouts with friends beside you.

• It makes no sense to us to expect people to give 100% maximum effort and suffer through a workout (or anything else for that matter) without developing lasting friendships and trust. There’s something magical about

a team working out together that bonds them unlike anything other than war or natural disaster. When you add Tracking, Results, Intensity, and Belonging together, you get evidence based fitness …

E = Evidence based fitness.

• Evidence based means we have a measurable, repeatable and observable formula to prove to both you and us that our systems are on target. We take mathematical data and use it to measure progress showing we can reproduce results you can both see and feel for yourself. Your results is your evidence of our claims.

To demonstrate how vitally important the T.R.I.B.E. system is to your success, allow me to illustrate it like this:

Teresa had tried everything she knew to try, and came to realize that following Iron Tribe’s system was her answer. She, too, became committed to consistently following one system, week in and week out, month in and month out, for as long as it took to reach her goals.

She stopped playing musical chairs with different types of exercise fads ... she stopped going to different gyms and following crash diets … she didn’t get discouraged by temporary setbacks … and she didn’t stray from the path she started on. She finally came to realize the most important truth about getting back in shape and feeling great about herself again is:

Consistently following a proven system is the key to having a body

you are proud of.

The need to have this proven team-workout system is critical to your success. It proves itself out again

and again. Not in just an isolated case like Teresa, but with over 900 Iron Tribe athletes so far.

Long-term health and fitness success has nothing to do with fads, crash diets or with luck … It’s about consistently putting the odds in your favor. You see, it doesn’t really matter how badly you “want” to lose weight, or get in shape.

It doesn’t matter how many different programs you’ve wasted your hard earned cash on. And it matters not if you reduce your caloric intake below that of an 5 year-old girl. That’s because without a proven system, even the most diligent exercisers fail.

If you don’t stick to your system, you don’t have a system.

And if you don’t have a system, you’ll never be able to reach your health and fitness needs, desires or goals. Since Iron Tribe Fitness opened the doors back in Feb 2010, we’ve used our T.R.I.B.E. system on every member who has joined with spectacular results. This disciplined and systematic approach to team workouts helped Teresa drop 30 pounds and 4 dress sizes … and she’s not alone in that boat. Not my a l-o-n-g shot.

Take a look at these testimonials (better stated as TRUSTIMONIALS), and the pictures throughout this special edition. When you do, play close attention to who’s doing the talking. And know this: we’ve got (at time of printing) well over 900 other members just as excited and happy as these.

Please Turn … For more information, call 205.226.8669 - 13

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Still Wondering What Makes Iron Tribe Fitness So Different?

So what makes Iron Tribe so different than the rest of the gyms around the country? Instead of me telling you, I prefer others to do the


Let’s ask Ken Polk, founding partner of Arlington Partners, a Wealth Management firm in Birmingham ... with an average client net worth of - get this - $70 million! In August, 2010,

Arlington Partners were ranked second (#2) in the country of Top Wealth Managers of 348 firms listed nationwide. With pressure like that, do you think Ken is a busy man, and do you think he may be face a few pressure cooker stress moments? You betcha!

Look: If managing someone’s family financial fortune averaging $70 million doesn’t keep you up at night, I don’t know what does! So, let’s face it, Ken is a very successful business man, and he can workout anywhere. So why Iron Tribe? Here’s what Ken has to say:

“Why do I choose to workout at Iron Tribe Fitness? Because ITF has the ingredients no other fitness facility can match. Everything they do has a system behind it, and I see that system at work each and every time I workout. Any business person should take notice how Forrest makes this business work as a system. The workouts are 1) timely, 2) efficient and 3) always different. Nothing here happens by accident, and their success is not an

accident - it’s by design. I’m so impressed with what they’ve done.”

Ricky Brooks, CEO of Express Oil Change feels the same. Ricky took

over Express Oil Change back in 1996, when there were only 48 units. Since that time, he has built Express Oil Change into the #1 oil change

franchise in the country with 178 units with the highest average unit sales. Here’s what Ricky says about Iron Tribe Fitness …

“Iron Tribe Fitness is unlike any other fitness business I’ve ever seen. This is a business that takes care of every detail. Success is not an accident, and Iron Tribe is one company that I know is already moving from good to great! I can’t say that about any other fitness company anywhere. And when they opened the doors to their Inverness facility, I was the first to join.”

Think about it: here you have the CEO and Founding Partner of the #1 and #2 businesses in the country in their respective industries … both testifying to the efficacy of Iron Tribe Fitness. Powerful men who could workout anywhere , but have chosen Iron Tribe Fitness over all comers.

But what does this have to do with you?

Simply this: In Feb of 2010, we opened Iron Tribe Fitness to the public in Homewood. And within 8

months, we had to close down memberships to our Homewood location, because …

We have a membership cap of 300 members for

Hoover and Hwy 150.

That’s both good news and bad news. Good in the sense that we never allow our community to become overly crowded. We are NOT like those big-box globo-gyms where they have 2,000 plus members and could care less of you showed up … as long as they have your credit card on file and can hit it for a monthly draft.

But it’s bad news in the sense that we have a very limited capacity. And that means many individuals who wanted to join were locked out. Their only choice was to go on a waiting list to get in. This supply and demand problem forced my hand, and I had to make the decision to open a second location! And now we have locations across the US! Reflect again for a moment on Teresa’s

Camaraderie Canʼt Be Matched …

“The camaraderie of the team, and the

motivation the Tribe provides canʼt be manufactured or

found any place else. The improvements in

my exercise form, and the bonding that

comes from working out at the Tribe has

been very impressive to me. In fact, Iʼve recruited several


- Rhett Bennett

Ken Polk

Rick Brooks


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story, and you’ll see only one of the many reasons why we sold out our memberships, and …

Why it’s happening again, but this time in Hoover.

And if you have any desire at all to be a part of this great fitness community, consider this; at our Homewood location, we opened our doors in February, and by July we had to stop accepting new members. The scene repeated itself in 2011 at second Birmingham location. That’s why I urge you to take advantage of the narrow window of opportunity at our newest location located at:

Iron Tribe Hoover and Hwy 150

Iron Tribe Hoover is located off of Hwy 31, near Mattress King, and Iron Tribe 150 is located off of John Hawkins Parkway, in the old Leather Creations building. Ok, so I admit it: I’m belaboring the point. But it’s only because I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity. This thing is on fire, as you can see for yourself - and if you delay joining you seriously risk being locked out of this exclusive community.

That said, there is one other thing we need to talk about … While any able-bodied person can do the team workouts at Iron Tribe Fitness … Iron Tribe Fitness is NOT for everyone. So let’s find out if you are the right kind of person who should join Iron Tribe Fitness:

Who Should Join? First of all, it doesn’t matter if you are 15, 40, or 70. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, black or white, short or tall, bald or have hair down to your hips. I’m proud to say we have all races represented working out together as a team, pulling for each other in brotherly love. It matters not what “socioeconomic” demographic you come from either. We have millionaires working out right beside college students, and every status between. Nor does it matter what your current fitness level is. (We have people working out who have not exercised in 30 + years!)

What does matter is ...

You care about your own health and fitness ...

You know how to honor others above yourself and you have “high moral” standards …

You are kind to your fellow Tribe members and you bring a spirit of encouragement to the group ...

You can leave your ego at the door (Iron Tribe has a way of humbling you) ...

You LOVE accountability because you know you will never be as good alone as you are in a team environment …

You want to workout hard, get in the best shape of your life, and help encourage others do the same …

You are willing and ready to follow our proven system that will transform your body faster than anything you’ve ever experienced!

If you recognize the value of what I just said - then this is exactly what you’ve been looking for. What you are about to discover is - once you’ve experienced how this Tribe community bonds together for the good of yourself and others - you’ll never want to go back to Gold’s or any other big box gym again. I’m pretty sure I know what you are thinking right about now …

“Okay Forrest, How Do I Join, and What’s The Cost?”

I want you to know up front; we offer options of 3 times a week, 4 times a week and an unlimited attendance option, where some levels are less expensive than others. I really don’t want to exclude anyone who desires to be a part of the Tribe, but finds the more expensive memberships beyond their budget. Simply put, the different membership levels vary in attendance and other benefits ... but not in the type of workouts. You’ll get the same high quality workouts no matter how often you decide to attend. As you can

Our Weapon Of Choice …

“If we can be honest, and we can because we

are friends, what we really want is results. We

are not investing our money, time, sweat, blood and effort for

anything less than that. We want to increase our overall level of fitness so that we can improve our

quality, length and enjoyment of life, as well

as accomplish those goals unique to each of us. Iron Tribe Fitness

has become our weapon of choice! Iʼve dropped

from 215 pounds to 173.”

- Warren Beason

Please Turn … For more information, call 205.226.8669 - 15

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imagine, and can fully understand, with increased membership support comes increased benefits.

We will be happy to discuss your specific needs when you schedule your free consultation. But you should know this ... Gold’s, the YMCA, and gyms (basic membership plans) are cheaper. (This does not include up sells from those facilities, like expensive personal training that can be as high as $550 to $700 per month! If you are used to paying those kind of fees … you will be delighted with our price!) Plus ... you know as well as I do that you get what you pay for. By some standards, then, entry to Iron Tribe can be considered quite expensive to get started ... but it is so for several reasons:

REASON #1Only 300 Members AcceptedIron Tribe Fitness is designed for a very small group of committed individuals who want to see serious gains and improvements in their fitness levels. No hem-hawing around here. It’s a school of elite fitness ... so, to ask anything less would trivialize something of priceless value.

REASON #2Screening Device And although anyone can apply ... It’s my opinion, that many people are simply not ready for this level of opportunity. Despite being absurdly simple, Iron Tribe is not without its critics. I’d prefer to see only those on the “inside” who are able to take full advantage of the camaraderie this community provides. Naysayers will be happier if they stay at Gold’s ... and so will the rest of Iron Tribe! So bluntly, the price to some extent serves as a screening device.

REASON #3Only The Most Serious-Minded Because of our firm commitment to providing you the highest quality experience of any fitness facility ever, we deliberately LIMIT the number of Tribe members in Hoover to only 300, and the fact that there will certainly be more people who apply than can actually be accommodated ... this price ensures only the most serious-minded individuals are reaping the rewards.

REASON #4Unparalleled Staff-To-Student Ratio

Unlike most fitness facilities in town, all of our training staff are full-time. This is all they do, and they don’t have second jobs. Full-time staff simply means you are ensured the most qualified and best trained staff anywhere, at any price.We currently offer 84 classes every week on our schedule … and that does not include special events, parties or fund raisers. Our coaches are on premise 8, 10, even 12 hours a day. That means we have a staff-to-member ratio that is unparalleled in town. In ALL classes, we have at least two coaches watching and protecting your form, (sometimes even more) and providing you with all the encouragement you need to get through the workout. This, of course, keeps you moving forward and reaching your goals faster than you ever thought possible!

Listen: I hope this isn’t taken wrong or offends anyone in anyway. It certainly isn’t meant to be braggadocios, prideful or haughty. I’m simply hoping to communicate to you that…with 84 classes offered every week (10 classes offered a day most days), and with a full-time staff running classes from 5:45 AM to 7:30 PM…no other fitness facility in town can come close to providing you with an experience Iron Tribe Fitness can.

And over 900 other people like you (who could attend any big-box gym in your area) have voted with their dollars and joined us here at Iron Tribe Fitness. This has forced us to close down memberships once we reach our 300-member cap. So, our pricing enables our staff to serve you on a full-time basis, get the best continuing education possible, and focus all their energies into helping you get into the best shape of your life. Wouldn’t you agree ... that only about 10 percent of any industry professionals (whether it be lawyers, doctors, accountants - and yes - even fitness professionals) are worth their salt? The bigger question, then, becomes: “Would you prefer having a part-time brain surgeon cut through your skull to remove a


Iron Tribe Staff

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tumor, or would you prefer a surgeon who does it as a full-time career?”

And when it comes to your health and fitness, what makes more sense to you … a part-time (“I’m only doing this until I can find a ‘real’ job”) personal trainer, or … a full-time professional coach who eats, drinks, sleeps and breaths helping people reach their genetic potential? The point of all this is this: our pricing ensures your staff is full time, so that you get the absolute best possible result for your investment.

Listen: You are the only one who can decide if joining the Tribe is right for you. But let me just say ... even at the highest level of membership, we are much less expensive than paying for a gym membership and then adding on the cost of other personal services, like massage, supplements, personal training, boot camps, heck ... even group classes. If you’ve ever added on these costs, you know what I’m talking about. Hiring a personal trainer alone can set you back $500 - $700 per month here in your area.

Wouldn’t it be nice to get better results and save a little coin in the process?

Sure it would! When you join the Iron Tribe Fitness fellowship, your dues pay for the privilege of training with other Tribe members ... AND you get 2 professional, full-time certified COACHES to provide you the highest quality instruction anywhere.

Compared to paying a part-time trainer to count off reps and stare off into space at the next “tight body” lady who walks by, well, like I said ... “It’s all in the company you keep”, and “You get what you pay for.” Sure, we can be considered expensive. We are not ashamed of our pricing. What we provide is unique (and although extremely simple), designed for very specific individuals.

When you experience the difference between what Iron Tribe Fitness provides you, versus what you’ve

experienced at big-box gyms, or any other gym, you’ll think our pricing is a bargain!

In that sense, you could recover your investment (in terms of physical performance improvement) in just a few weeks. But the recovery of the investment isn’t the point. The point is, this is a complete and radical re-engineering of what it means to be a member of a fitness

facility ... one that genuinely cares about its members ... and the members care about each other. A place where you can get into the best shape of your life and have more fun doing it. If that’s YOU (and I believe it is) ... I can only encourage you to take “action” before it’s too late to gain membership into Iron Tribe Fitness in Hoover and Hwy 150!

If you are still unsure - and because I don’t want to see well deserving people fall victim to their own skepticism - We’re inviting you to call us at 205.226.8669 for a “NO HASSLE, NO PRESSURE” consultation. We’ll show you around, answer all your questions, and even make our personal recommendations based upon your current fitness level and personal goals. At that point, if you decide that Iron Tribe Fitness is NOT for you, no problem. And no hard feelings. We’ll part as friends.

On the next page, I’m inviting you to join our very exciting, very exclusive circle of friends. But before I do, let me ask you one last question: “

Is it possible that over 900 of the smartest business men and women (from every industry)

could be wrong about joining Iron Tribe Fitness?”

I can’t answer that for you. But - if you hurry - I can secure you a spot in this private fitness club where you can instantly become a part of this exclusive circle of friends. If that interests you, and to take advantage of this narrow window of opportunity, turn the page and read your special invitation to join us.

I think you’ll be glad you did.

“I find myself wanting to workout harder

each day and many days I do surprise


You guys have dramatically

impacted my life in the way I feel, eat and even sleep.

How can I say thanks for helping me feel this way?”

Beth OʼMeara

Please Turn … For more information, call 205.226.8669 - 17

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Iron Tribe Fitness is the hottest and newest fitness facility in your area, and we are inviting you become one of only 300 members allowed to join our upscale community of fitness enthusiasts in Hoover.

Birmingham has a year-round population of about one million residents. Only 300 of them will get the opportunity to join this very special program in this exclusive Hoover community. And just like the original 250 membership slots in Homewood, Hoover and Hwy 150 memberships are going FAST!

No One Ever Drowned In Their Own Sweat!

Why do these memberships sell out so fast? Because here’s a skill-building program unlike anything you’ve seen. Far more advanced than any “big box” gym setting … More intense and productive than working out by yourself in a Globo Gym.

This delivers results faster than anything you have ever experienced and is designed for the determined individual looking to finally get in the best shape of their lives. Despite their age or current conditioning level, and are looking for a team environment in which to accomplish it.

… So, come join us, won’t you? All you have to do is say,

“I’ll find out for myself.”

We realize you may be a skeptic. That’s why we want you to “try it before you buy it.” So, pick up the phone and call me at 205.226.8669 right now to schedule a free, no hassle, no obligation consultation with an Iron Tribe coach. And the best part? It’s Absolutely Free.

There’s no pressure or obligation to continue, either. This is totally a risk free, and hassle free opportunity. I’ve decided to publish this free report to make being a part of Iron Tribe as fair as possible.

We really would like to have you as a part of Iron Tribe Fitness, and hope to hear from you today. Give us a call right now, won’t you?


ForrestForrest Walden, Founderwww.IronTribe101.com

P.S. Just to be clear … Our locations sell out very quickly reason being, the members tell their family, friends and co-workers, and it has gone viral. That means your only hope of getting in on this is at our newest locations. And trust me on this - you must call today!


My name is Dr. Ken Fox, MD, and when I joined Iron Tribe Fitness, I weighed 210 pounds, which is 40 pounds grossly overweight for me. Not only that I suffered horribly with acid reflux that would wake me up at night. To make matters worse, my own primary care physician warned

me that I had to make a lifestyle change or be place on cholesterol lowering drugs like Lipitor.

Then I found Iron Tribe Fitness on a Google search, and I said to myself, “What is this? I’ve got to find out more.” Soon thereafter, I

dropped from 210 lbs down to 169 lbs and my cholesterol plummeted 60 points! I want to say “Thank You Iron Tribe” because you saved me

from a life-time of potential suffering. - Dr. Ken Fox, MD

Limited Membership Opportunity For Hoover and Hwy 150

WANTED: Only 300, Eager, Determined Birmingham Residents …

Both Male and Female … to Join Our Very Exciting,Very Exclusive Iron Tribe Fitness Team-Building Program

Now, Your Only Remaining Chance To Get In Is At OurLocations In Hoover and Hwy 150

Trust me … You Can Set Your Clock To It … The Doors Will Close Quickly … So Hurry … I Donʼt Want You To Miss Out!

Dr. Fox Before Dr. Fox After

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Please Note: The Countdown Has Already Begun.YES, FORREST! I want to be one of the 300 privileged members to gain access

into the Iron Tribe community in Hoover. I understand that once you have reached your 300 membership capacity at each location you’ll be shutting down public memberships.

The only way to gain access after that is by being placed on a waiting list, and then praying someone falls off. Please sign me up for my free no pressure consultation before all membership slots disappear.

SPECIAL HOT NOTICE - Here’s something else: Because I’m a big believer that success in life is all about taking massive action ...

I’ve added a smokin’ collection of special bonuses for a select few “Fast Movers”.

Here’s how those bonuses break down (and be sure to see what the first 10 get, below):

For the first 100 to join: You get an ITF tee shirt, water bottle to keep you hydrated during your workouts and a Success Journal to document your new fitness journey. (Value $54)

For the first 50 to join: You get the ITF tee shirt, the water bottle, the Success Journal and high quality sport towel to keep the sweat out of your eyes. (Value $73)

For the first 25 to join: You get the ITF tee shirt, the water bottle, the sport towel and an ITF hoodie to keep you warm. (Value $108)

For the first 10 to join: If you are one of the first 10 to join - you get all the above, plus a heavy duty ITF gym bag to carry it all in. You get all this in celebration of your fast action. (Value $158)




Phone: Cell: ____________________ Home: ______________________ Work: __________________


PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND BRING IT TO YOUR NEAREST LOCATION Or call my office and speak with one of my staff at 205.226.8669 and tell us that you

want to schedule your free baseline workout right now:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Don’t Envy Us … Join Us

In The ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE Fitness Community …

For more information, call 205.226.8669 - 17

Page 20: Transformations Guidle - Jan 2013


The secret that transforms your body faster than anything you’ve ever done …

and the 3 things that are against you! Read Pages 4 & 5, INSIDE!

WHO’S EVER HEARD OF SUCH?Fitness Mania At It’s Best:

This fitness facility became so popular, they were forced to close down

memberships! In your lifetime, have you ever heard of such?

Read Page 10, INSIDE!


If you like underdog stories, you’re going to love this! Here’s hope for all over 40

men and woman who want their life back! Read Page 8 & 10, INSIDE!


Qualifying For Membership:Want a shot at joining the newest Iron

Tribe Fitness facility? Read Page 11, INSIDE!.

HERES THE MAJOR TURNING POINT Of Your Life If You Want To Transform Your Body In Record Time!Here’s why breaking all the rules is the smartest thing you will ever do if you want to reach your genetic potential as an athlete … or as a business person … or as a stay at home mom. Read Page 3, INSIDE!

THE 4 BIGGEST PARADIGM SHIFTSYOU MUST EMBRACE To Finally Realize Your Potential! Most fitness professionals are confused how to help their clients reach their goals … but not you … not after you make these 4 paradigm shifts. Look At Page 6-8, INSIDE!

FOUR REASONS WHYIron Tribe Fitness Charges What They Do:No hem-hawing around here … this is why Iron Tribe Fitness is not ashamed of their pricing … and why you’ll find it a bargain! Get The Essential Facts On Pages 15-17!


Most fitness experts and coaches only get it half right …













Homewood - 205.874.6300Hwy 280 - 205.873.2135

Downtown - 205.254.6121Mountain Brook - 205.802.1775

Hoover/150 - 205.527.1696www.IronTribe101.com