TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

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Page 1: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

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Manifest All Your Dreams

using  Law of Attraction

The Ultimate Success System

Page 2: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

Imagine yourself

Living A Legendary Life

Becoming A Money Magnet

Going from Success to Success in Your

Business, Job and Career

Manifesting Your Dream Job or Unlimited

Customers for your Business

Building Magical Relationships in Personal &

Professional Life

Overcoming Fear of Failure & Becoming Super


Healing Your Mind, Body & Soul Smoothly

Becoming An Invincible Dreamer & Achiever in


Living in Happiness, Success & Abundance

I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE


When you understand WHAT you can do and

HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

success. You can live the life of your dreams. And this workshop is precisely about all that.

Page 3: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

Here you will learn about your BOTTLENECKS

and you will get the TOOLS and STRATEGIES

that help you to TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY.

What this Program is all about? And

What is Law of attraction?

This Transform Your Destiny Program is about

you becoming the creator of your own destiny. The

core principle of this Program is Law of Attraction

and Subconscious Mind Programming.

Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the

Universe. It governs the way everything is working.

Law of attraction is based on 3 Principles:

1. Thoughts become things 2. What you put your attention on, it grows stronger in life 3. Like attracts Like

In short, whatever you have in your mind becomes

your reality.

Page 4: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

It doesn't matter whether you think positive or

negative. Whatever you think you attract in your

life. It all sounds very easy. Isn't it?

So why is it that we don't get what we want in life,


That is because of our hidden mental blockages.

We are conditioned to think about what we don't

want instead of what we want.

Even when our conscious mind is thinking of what

we want, our sub- conscious mind is busy thinking

of the opposite or thinking that it's not possible.

That is why in this Law of Attraction workshop, I

will walk you through several powerful exercises

which will train your sub-conscious mind to

concentrate on what you really want.

You will learn to align your conscious and sub-conscious mind to think what you want so that you can attract what you want effectively.

Page 5: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

You will get in-depth knowledge of Law of Attraction, you will understand how your

thoughts can trigger your attraction process and

how using the Law of Attraction can change

everything in your life.

You will learn Step-by-Step Process to use the

Law of Attraction, including the MISSINGSECRET of the Law of Attraction (The missing

link of The Secret Movie.)

It reveals you the ENEMIES of MANIFESTATIONS, that STOPs you from

achieving your goals. And how to overcome them.

You will Learn the most powerful TEN TOOLS of MANIFESTATIONS. These are the tools I

personally used in my life for years and I am

helping high achievers to use them to create


In this workshop, I will teach you what are the

correct ways of using all techniques like Affirmations, Visualisation, Gratitude and many more.

What do I get from this workshop?

Page 6: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

Visualisation is one of the key ingredients in law

of attraction. I will teach you how to visualise

effectively. You will learn the in-depth process of

practicing Affirmation and Visualisation.

Are you carrying Anger, Frustration and

Negativity? You will learn the importance of Forgiveness in relation to Law of Attraction and

why it is important to forgive, how it speed up

your attraction process. You will learn How to

Forgive Others and Yourself and various ways to LET GO OFF all the negativity to create success.

Learn all about VISION BOARDS in this

program. What is a Vision Board? What are the

different types of Vision Boards? How to create

them? and How to use them?

How to develop an Attitude of Gratitude to

bring abundance in your life.

You will get to know about Money as an form of

energy and how to attract it into your life.

In total You will learn to Manifest a Life of Your Dreams and Transform Your Destiny.

Page 7: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

What does this Program include?





Do you have any BONUS for me?

Dream Planning Guide PDF (Downloadable)


TRIBE (Private Facebook Group)

Yes, I do have awesome Bonuses and Super

Bonus for You.


Fire Your Fear Exclusive E-Book with Fear Killing Poster ($100 Value) that I share this only with my

Elite Mentoring Clients.


Page 8: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

AWESOME AJ - Your Instructor

Ajay Mishra is India's Top Law of Attraction Coach,

Author & Motivational Speaker. Popularly known as

‘Awesome AJ’ among his friends, clientele and

followers for spreading awesomeness in their life

through his path- breaking techniques based on the

Law of Attraction, Subconscious Mind Programming

and Success Philosophy.

Awesome AJ is known for his magical

transformation of people who have lost faith in

their dreams.

He has coached some of the very successful

achievers including National Level Athlete,

Actors, Doctors, CAs, Top Corporate Executives,

and Entrepreneurs.

AWESOME AJ - The Coach

Page 9: TRANSFORM YOUR DESTINY - WORKSHOP BOOKLET€¦ · I strongly believe that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. When you understand WHAT you can do and HOW you can do, YOU can achieve massive

More than 500 Entrepreneurs created massive

success in their business from his workshops.

Personally trained more than 350 people from

diverse background to achieve tremendous

success in their professional and personal life.

More than 300 dreamers have achieved their

Dream Jobs, so far.

More than 200 couples and individuals heal

their broken or difficult relationships.

Thousands of people raised their Money

Vibration & became Money Magnets. and much


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and Free Law of Attraction and Success Resources.







