Training - Travel Domian-P1

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  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Where partnerships are a way of life


    Travel & Tourism Industry

    Travel Projects

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The Travel & Tourism Industry - Overview

    Travel and tourism is one of the worlds largest industriesHighest (30%) service sector exports.763 million international tourists arrivals worldwide growth 10.7%.623 billion US$ international tourism receipts, growth 18.8%

    M arket share Tourists arrivals growth 04/0 3 arrivals receipts

    E urope 54.5 % 5.0% 52.4% Asia & pacific 20 % 27.9% 20.1% Americas 16.5 % 11.2% 21.1%

    Middle east 4.6 % 18.0% 3.4% Africa 4.4 % 8.0% 2.9%

    Source : WTO tourism highlights - 2005 edition

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The Travel & Tourism Industry - Overview

    W hy people travel ?

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The Travel & Tourism Industry - Overview

    Top 5 Spenders & Arrivals International TourismTop Spenders

    Germany 11.4%US 10.5%

    UK 9.0%Japan 6.1%France 4.6%

    Top Arrivals

    France 9.8%Spain 7.0%US 6.0%China 5.5%Italy 4.9%

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The Travel & Tourism Industry Forecast

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The Travel & Tourism Industry

    It is also one of the most fragmented Industries

    Gives a high multiplier effect to the economy.

    The two aspects of the industry can be viewedseparately, as many of the players are involved in both

    Travel Industry

    Tourism Industry

    Lets look at each part of the industry on its own

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Travel Industry

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m


  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The people, groups or firms that deliver the productsand services of travel to consumers.These include:Travel agents (business and leisure)

    Travel operators selling direct to the consumer

    Travel operators selling on the Internet

    Call centres handling customer service


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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Regulatory Bodies

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Regulatory Bodies

    O rganisations set up to oversee the industry, either :Trade associations such as ABTA (Association of BritishTravel Agents), TAAI (Travel Agents Association of India)Federation of Associations : TAFI (Travel AgentsFederation of India) PATA (Pacific Asia Travel


    Statutory bodies such as the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation)

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Public Sector Organisations

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Public Sector Organisations

    Government departments with responsibility for theindustry:


    f Tourism (DoT)Department for Culture, Media & SportITDC India Tourism Development Corporation

    Department of Tourism of Various States

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m


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  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Other Industry Players

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Other Industry Players

    Insurance firms and car hire companies:

    Insurers provide cover for goods, services and people

    Car hire providers meeting onward travel needs of business and leisure customers

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Tourism Industry

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Accommodation, Tour Operators & DistributorsProviding the nuts and bolts of the industry:Hotels, villas, apartments, B&B, camping parks

    Packages of travel tours to popular locationsSelling the travel product/service to individual andbusiness consumers

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Tour Operators

    Four dominant firmsTUI (Thomson)First Choice

    Globus / CosmosThomas Cook

    All vertically integrated, operating at more than one level

    in market

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Tour Distributors

    Usually includes business and leisure travel agents:Some large and well-known

    Some small and independent

    O thers in niche parts of market

    Can you think of examples of each?

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Tourism Agencies

    Tourist boards and offices:W orld Tourism O rganisation ( W TO ) UN Agency; globalforum for tourism policy issues & practical know-how.Promoting Country to overseas customers (e,g India Visit India Campaign; Singapore Uniquely Singapore,UK Visit Britain)Promoting regions of the Country to overseas anddomestic customers (Visit Ireland; visit Goa; Visit etc)Providing information to customers (Tourist InformationCentres)

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    The importance of locationValue and service at venuesThe role of sponsorship

    Customer care

    E ,g ITP O Pragati Maidan DelhiHanover Messe Germany

    Suntec city - Singapore

    C onference/exhibition Organisers

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Regulatory Bodies

    Consortium of independent tour operators

    Federation of tour operators

    Regional development agencies (RDAs)

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Other Industry Players

    The Tourism Alliance represents industry views to thegovernmentIATA International Air Transport Association.O ther firms in industry, such as insurance companies andcar hire firms

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Travel Jargons :

    ATP C o Airline Tariff Publishing Company. It is basically a singlesource of distributing the airline fares into different GDS for auto-pricingPurposes.

    G DS Global Distribution System. GDS is a system whichreceives the information from different vendors on differentproducts and distribute them.

    C RS Central Reservation System. It receives information fromonly single vendor and is used to book/sell the product of thatparticular vendor.

    Origin Point of departure in a itinerary

    Destination Point of arrival in a itinerary

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    Published Fare A fare published by IATA applicable between a

    origin and destination.N egotiated fare A fare which is valid and distributed to specifictravel agents and which is normally cheaper than normalpublished fares.

    N et Fare Its a net amount which airline requires from a travelagents. A travel agent can earn any mark up on top of that asservice fee.

    C ommission Fare Its a maximum amount which a travel agentcan charge from a travel agent and it goes directly to the airlineand then airline returns the commission amount to the agent asagreed

    M ark-Up Its kind of service fee charged by the travel agentsadded in the Net fare amount.

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    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    PPP N Per person per night. Rooms rates are calculated on the

    basis of per night stay. Pricing Airline Its the airline of which thefare is charged and document is issued for a journey.

    OW journey W hen the pax starts from one country and does notreturn to the same country.

    RT journey W

    hen the pax starts from one point and returns tosame point is called RT journey.

    PAX Passenger

    C XR Airline

    Property In hotel industry a hotel is called as property

    Ticketing O nce a booking and payment has been made, TAneeds to issue a ticket to travel that issuing ticket process is calledticketing.

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    ARNK Arrival not known

    BSP Bankers settlement plan

    G SA general sales agent

    M P M Its the maximum permitted mileage which a pax may travel

    from one origin to destination

    SSR Special service request like wheelchair etc.

    RBD Reservation booking designator

    C abin class Class of service (First/Business/ E conomy)

    Direct Flight W hen there is no ticketed point between origin anddestination then it is called a direct flight. A direct flight may stop atthe en route point for technical purposes or hopping purposes.

  • 8/7/2019 Training - Travel Domian-P1


    SS /June 2006 w w w . b s i l . c o m

    IATA International Air Transport Association

    BSP Billing and Settlement Panel

    Inventory System W here the availability and schedules aremanaged.