Trainind and Development in Reliance Money

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  • 7/30/2019 Trainind and Development in Reliance Money



    I take the opportunity to express our gratitude to all the concerned people who have

    directly or indirectly contributed towards completion of this project. I extend my sincere

    gratitude towards Reliance Money for providing the opportunity and resources to work

    on this project.

    I am extremely grateful to Mrs. NAFISA SHEIKH, my mentor in Reliance for her

    guidance and invaluable advice during the projects. Also to my guide, Mr

    ____________ insight encouraged me to go beyond the scope of the project and this

    broadened me learning on this project.I also want to show my gratitude to Dr. _______________ whose insight helped me tocomplete this project

  • 7/30/2019 Trainind and Development in Reliance Money



    The global economy of the day has endangered the survival of every organization and

    in particular those who want to have a competitive edge over the others. The

    competitive edge may be a distant dream in the absence of Superior Quality Products

    which otherwise is the function of well-trained employees. Today resources are scarce

    and have to be used carefully and trainers of all kinds are required to justify their

    position and account for their activities. Training activities, which are ill directed and

    inadequately focused, do not serve the purpose of the trainers. The trainees or the

    organization hence identification of training needs becomes the top priority of every

    progressive organization. Identification of training needs, if done properly, provides the

    basis on which all other training activities can be considered and will lead to multi

    skilling, fitting people to take extra responsibilities increasing all round competence and

    preparing people to take on higher level responsibility in future.

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    CHAPTER 1:


    (ii)Scope and Objectives

    (iii)Executive Summary

    CHAPTER 2:

    (i)Introduction to Reliance

    (ii)About the project

    (iii)Training and Development

    (iv)Importance of Training

    (v)Objectives of Training

    CHAPTER 3:

    (i)Learning and Training

    (ii)Training inputs

    (iii) Benefits of training(iv) Methods of training

    (v) Training Design

    (vi) Training method used in Reliance

    CHAPTER 4:

    (i)Methodology of the project

    (ii)Data interpretation and analysis



    CHAPTER 5:

    (i) Limitations

    (ii) Suggestions

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    (iii) Conclusion

    CHAPTER 6: (i) Bibliography

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    Employee training tries to improve skills, or add to the existing level of knowledge

    so that employee is better equipped to do his present job, or to prepare him for a

    higher position with increased responsibilities. However individual growth is not

    and ends in itself. Organizational growth need to be measured along with

    individual growth.

    Training refers to the teaching /learning activities done for the primary purpose of

    helping members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge skills,

    abilities, and attitude needed by that organization to acquire and apply the same.

    Broadly speaking training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an

    employee for doing a particular job.

    In todays scenario change is the order of the day and the only way to deal with it

    is to learn and grow. Employees have become central to success or failure of an

    organization they are the cornucopia of ideas. So it high time the organization

    realize that train and retain is the mantra of new millennium.

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    The scope of the study covers in depth, the various training practices, modules,

    formats being followed and is limited to the company Reliance Money and its

    employees. The different training programmes incorporated/facilitated inReliance Money through its

    faculties, outside agencies or professional groups. It also judges the enhancement

    of the

    Knowledge & skills of employees and feedback on its effectiveness.

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    The broad objective of the study of training policies in Reliance Money is to study

    the impact of training on the overall skill development of workers. The specific

    objectives of the study are:

    1. To examine the effectiveness of training in overall development of skills of

    Work force.

    2. To examine the impact of training on the workers.

    3. To study the changes in behavioral pattern due to training.

    4.To measure the differential change in output due to training

    5.To compare the cost effectiveness in implanting training programmes.


    Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform

    the activities that have to be done. If current or potential job occupants can meet

    this requirement, training is not important. When this not the case, it is necessary

    to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees.

    It is being increasing common for individual to change careers several times

    during their working lives. The probabilities of any young person learning a job

    today and having those skills go basically unchanged during the forty or so years if

    his career is extremely

    Unlikely, may be even impossible. In a rapid changing society employee training is

    not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must

    commit resources to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force.

    The entire project talks about the training and development in theoretical as well

    as new

    Concepts, which are in trend now.

    Here we have discussed what would be the input of training if we ever go for and

    how can it is good to any organization in reaping the benefits from the money

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    invested interms like (ROI) i.e. return on investment. What are the ways we can

    identify the training need of any employee and how to know what kind of training

    he can go for? Training being covered in different aspect likes integrating it with

    organizational culture. The best and latest available trends in training method,

    The benefits which we can derive out of it. How the evaluation should be done

    and how

    Effective is the training all together.

    Some of the companies practicing training in unique manner a lesson for other to

    follow as to how to train and retain the best resource in the world to reap the

    best out of it.

    Development is integral part of training if somebody is trained properly and

    efficiently the developments of that individual and the company for whom he is

    working. Here we discussed about development of employee, how to identify the

    needs, and after developing how to develop executive skill to sharpen their

    knowledge. Learning should be the continuous process and one should not

    hesitate to learn any stage. Learning and developing is fast and easy at Reliance


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    Introduction to Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group

    The Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group is among Indias top three

    private sector business houses on all major financial parameters, with a group

    market capitalization of Rs 200,000 crore (US$ 50 billion), and net worth to the

    tune of Rs 58,000 crore (US$ 13

    Billion) Across different companies, the group has a customer base of over 150

    million, the largest in India, and a shareholder base of over 12 million, among the

    largest in the World.Through its products and services, the Reliance - ADA Group touches the life of 1

    in 8 Indians every single day. It has a business presence that extends to over 5000

    towns and Cities in India, and served by 12,000 distribution outlets, 500,000

    business partners and 30,000 strong motivated workforce.

    The interests of the Group range from communications (Reliance

    Communications) and

    Financial services (Reliance Capital Ltd), to generation, transmission and

    distribution of

    Power (Reliance Energy), infrastructure, media and entertainment.

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    Introduction to Reliance Money

    Reliance Money provides investors with the facility of anytime-anywhereonline trading in all major asset classes, namely:

    Equities, Equities and Commodity derivatives IPOs, Mutual Funds

    Life and General Insurance products

    Foreign exchange derivatives

    Money transfer, Money changing,

    Precious metal retailing

    Credit Cards


    Wealth Management products

    Network of kiosks have been set up across the country to facilitate the above

    trading activities

    Reliance Money provides entire commodity related services such as broking

    distribution and warehouse receipt financing

    Expanded its presence to 20,000 touch points. It has 10,000 outlets across

    5,000 towns and cities across India.

    Currently 2200+ employees across 162 locations spread across the country.

    The Corporate Office at Worli, Mumbai has approx 350 people belonging to

    these various functions

    Acquired 2.5 million customers

    Accounts for daily traded volumes of over Rs 2,000 crore ( US$ 454 million),

    or 3-4 % of the average daily volume of transactions logged on the stock


    Among the Top 3 private sector companies in financial services sector

    Moved into International arena- West Asia, South East Asia, Africa and


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    Our Mission

    . is to attract, nurture & retain a team of competitive, growth oriented talentwho:-

    consistently deliver share-holder returns of 20%+ year-on-year

    are responsive to Employee Needs &achieving an employee satisfaction index of

    90%+ and

    are committed to making Reliance Capital among the top 3 Best Employers to

    work for in India through Transparent & Robust HR processes.

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    Our Chairmans Vision

    We live in a world where the young are reaching higher, dreaming biggerand demanding more; a world that is challenging the limits of hope and


    Nowhere is this more strikingly visible than in India a country that wakes up

    every morning a little younger in age, but infinitely more ambitious in spirit.

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    About The Project

    The duration of my project was of two months during these two months Idid many things regarding my project as I was also the part of operations Ialso

    understands how the operations department works at Reliance money.How the

    shares of the client are kept in electronic form in the clients account and how it is

    dematerialized by operations department at Reliance money.

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    It is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reducedand learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format.



    Traditional Approach Most of the organizations before never used to

    believe in training. They were holding the traditional view that managers are born

    and not made.There were also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth.

    Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario

    seems to be changing.

    The modern approachof training and development is that Indian

    Organizations have realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now

    considered as more ofretention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian

    Industry has been changed tocreate a smarter workforce and yield the best


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    It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge,sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to

    enhance the performance of employees.

    Training is activity leading to skilled behavior

    Its not what you want in life, but its knowing how to reach it

    Its not where you want to go, but its knowing how to get there

    Its not how high you want to rise, but its knowing how to take off

    It may not be quite the outcome you were aiming for, but it will be an outcome

    Its not what you dream of doing, but its having the knowledge to do it

    It's not a set of goals, but its more like a vision

    Its not the goal you set, but its what you need to achieve it

    Training is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good or bad thecurrent

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    Situation looks) at present, and where you will be after some point of time.

    Training is about the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) through

    professional development

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    Importance of Training and Development

    Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Training and Development helps in

    optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to

    achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

    Development of Human Resources Training and Development helps to provide

    an opportunity and broad structure for the development ofhuman resources

    technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in

    attaining personal growth.

    Development of skills of employees Training and Development helps in

    increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to

    expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the


    Productivity Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity ofthe employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal

    Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team

    work,team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to

    learn within the employees.

    Organization Culture Training and Development helps to develop and improve

    the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating thelearning culture within the organization.

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    Organization Climate Training and Development helps building the positive

    perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings

    from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

    Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work

    and work-life.

    Healthy work-environment Training and Development helps in creating the

    healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so

    that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

    Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving the health

    and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

    Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work


    Image Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

    Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability and

    more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

    Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization

    gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in

    understanding and carrying out organizational policies.

    Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation,

    loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers

    usually display.

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    The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure

    the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to

    that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and


    Individual Objectives help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in

    turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.

    Organizational Objectives assist the organization with its primary objective by


    individual effectiveness.

    Functional Objectivesmaintain the departments contribution at a level suitable

    to the

    organizations needs.

    Societal Objectives ensure that an organization is ethically and socially

    responsible to

    the needs and challenges of the society.

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    Importance of Training Objectives

    Training objective is one of the most important parts of training program.

    While some people think of training objective as a waste of valuable time. The

    counterargument here is that resources are always limited and the training

    objectives actually lead the design of training. It provides the clear guidelines and

    develops the training program in less time because objectives focus specifically on

    needs. It helps in adhering to a plan.

    Training objectives tell the trainee that what is expected out of him at the end of

    the training program. Training objectives are of great significance from a number

    of stakeholder perspectives.

    1. Trainer

    2. Trainee

    3. Designer

    4. Evaluator

    Trainer The training objective is also beneficial to trainer because it helps the

    trainer to measure the progress of trainees and make the required adjustments.Also, trainer comes in a position to establish a relationship between objectives

    and particular segments of training.

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    Trainee The training objective is beneficial to the trainee because it helps

    in reducing the anxiety of the trainee up to some extent. Not knowing anything or

    going to a placewhich is unknown creates anxiety that can negatively affect

    learning. Therefore, it isimportant to keep the participants aware of the

    happenings, rather than keeping it surprise.

    Secondly, it helps in increase in concentration, which is the crucial factor to make

    the training successful. The objectives create an image of the training program in

    trainees mind that actually helps in gaining attention.

    Thirdly, if the goal is set to be challenging and motivating, then the likelihood of

    achieving those goals is much higher than the situation in which no goal is


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    Therefore, training objectives helps in increasing the probability that the

    participants will be successful in training.

    Designer The training objective is beneficial to the training designer because if

    the designer is aware what is to be achieved in the end then hell buy the training

    package according to that only. The training designer would then look for the

    training methods, training equipments, and training content accordingly to

    achieve those objectives.

    Furthermore, planning always helps in dealing effectively in an unexpected


    Consider an example; the objective of one training program is to deal effectively

    with customers to increase the sales. Since the objective is known, the designer

    will design a training program that will include ways to improve the interpersonal

    skills, such as verbal

    and non verbal language, dealing in unexpected situation i.e. when there is a

    defect in a product or when a customer is angry.

    Therefore, without any guidance, the training may not be designed appropriately.

    Evaluator It becomes easy for the training evaluator to measure the progress of

    the trainees because the objectives define the expected performance of trainees.

    Training objective is an important to tool to judge the performance of


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    Training and Human Resource Management

    The HR functioning is changing with time and with this change, the relationship

    between the training function and other management activity is also changing.

    The training and development activities are now equally important with that of

    other HR functions.

    Gone are the days, when training was considered to be futile, waste of time,

    resources, and money. Now-a-days, training is an investment because the

    departments such as, marketing & sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on

    training for its survival. If training is not considered as a priority or not seen as a

    vital part in the organization, then it is difficult to accept that such a company has

    effectively carried out HRM.

    Training actually provides the opportunity to raise the profile development

    activities in the organization

    To increase the commitment level of employees and growth in quality movement

    (concepts of HRM), senior management team is now increasing the role of


    Such concepts of HRM require careful planning as well as greater emphasis on

    employee development and long term education.

    Training is now the important tool of Human Resource Management to control

    the attrition rate because it helps in motivating employees, achieving their

    professional and personal goals, increasing the level of job satisfaction, etc. As a

    result training is given on a variety of skill development and covers a multitude of


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    Role of HRD Professionals in Training

    This is the era of cut-throat competition and with this changing scenario of

    business; the role of HR professionals in training has been widened. HR role now


    1. Active involvement in employee education

    2. Rewards for improvement in performance

    3. Rewards to be associated with self esteem and self worth

    4. Providing pre-employment market oriented skill development education and

    post employment support for advanced education and training

    6.Flexible access i.e. anytime, anywhere training.

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    Models of Training

    Training is a sub-system of the organization because the departments suchas, marketing & sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on training for its

    survival. Training is a transforming process that requires some input and in turn it

    produces output in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs).

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    A System is a combination of things or parts that must work together to

    perform a particular function. An organization is a system and training is a sub

    system of the organization. The System Approach views training as a sub system

    of an organization.

    System Approach can be used to examine broad issues like objectives, functions,

    and aim. It establishes a logical relationship between the sequential stages in the

    process of training need analysis (TNA), formulating, delivering, and evaluating.

    There are 4 necessary inputs i.e. technology, man, material, time required in

    every system to produce products or services. And every system must have some

    output from these inputs in order

    to survive. The output can be tangible or intangible depending upon the

    organizations requirement. A system approach to training is planned creation of

    training program. This approach uses step-by-step procedures to solve the


    Under systematic approach, training is undertaken on planned basis. Out of this

    planned effort, one such basic model of five steps is system model that isexplained below.

    Organization are working in open environment i.e. there are some internal and

    external forces, that poses threats and opportunities, therefore, trainers need to

    be aware of these forces which may impact on the content, form, and conduct of

    the training efforts.

    The internal forces are the various demands of the organization for a better

    learning environment; need to be up to date with the latest technologies.

    The three model of training are:

    System Model Instructional System Development Model

    Transitional model

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    System Model Training

    The system model consists of five phases and should be repeated on a

    regular basis to make further improvements. The training should achieve the

    purpose of helping employee to perform their work to required standards. The

    steps involved in System

    Model of training are as follows:

    1.Analyze and identify the training needs i.e. to analyze the department, job,

    2. Employees requirement, who needs training, what do they need to

    learn,estimating training cost, etc The next step is to develop a performance

    measure on the basis of which actual performance would be evaluated.

    3. Design and provide training to meet identified needs. This step

    requiresdeveloping objectives of training, identifying the learning steps,

    sequencing and structuring the contents.

    4. Develop- This phase requires listing the activities in the training program that

    will assist the participants to learn, selecting delivery method, examining the

    trainingmaterial, validating information to be imparted to make sure it

    accomplishes allthe goals & objectives.

    5. Implementing is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can

    lead to the failure of whole training program.

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    6. Evaluating each phase so as to make sure it has achieved its aim in terms of

    subsequent work performance. Making necessary amendments to any of the

    previous stage in order to remedy or improve failure practice transformation, or

    may be promising to meet some other deadlines

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    Instructional System Development Model(ISD)Model

    Instructional System Development model was made to answer the training


    This model is widely used now-a-days in the organization because it is concerned

    with the training need on the job performance.

    Training objectives are defined on the basis of job responsibilities and job

    description and on the basis of the defined objectives individual progress is

    measured. This model also helps in determining and developing the

    favorable strategies, sequencing the content, and delivering media for the types

    of training objectives to be achieved.

    The Instructional System Development model comprises of five


    1.A NA LY SI S This phase consist of training need assessment, job

    analysis, and target audience analysis.

    2.PLA N NI N G This phase consist of setting goal of the learning outcome,

    instructional objectives that measures behavior of a participant after the training,

    types of training material, media selection, methods of evaluating the trainee,

    trainer and the training program, strategies to impart knowledge i.e. selection of

    content, sequencing of content, etc.

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    3.D EV ELOPMEN T This phase translates design decisions into training


    It consists of developing course material for the trainer including handouts,

    workbooks, visual aids, demonstration props, etc, course material for the trainee

    including handouts of summary.

    4.EX ECU TI ON This phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as

    arranging speakers, equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling,

    lighting, parking,and other training accessories.

    5.EV A LU A TI ON The purpose of this phase is to make sure that the

    training program has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent workperformance.

    This phase

    consists of identifying strengths and weaknesses

    and making necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in order

    to remedy or improve failure practices.

    The ISD model is a continuous process that lasts throughout the training program.

    Italso highlights that feedback is an important phase throughout the entirtraining

    program. In this model, the output of one phase is an input to the next phase.

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    Transitional model focuses on the organization as a whole. The outer loop

    describes thevision, mission and values of the organization on the basis of which

    training model i.e.inner loop is executed.

    V I S I O N focuses on the milestones that the organization would like to achieve

    after the defined point of time. A vision statement tells that where the

    organization sees itself few years down the line. A vision may include setting a

    role mode, or bringing some internal transformation, or may be promising to

    meet some other deadlines

    M I S S I O N explain the reason of organizational existence. It identifies the

    position in the community. The reason of developing a mission statement is to

    motivate, inspire, and inform the employees regarding the organization. The

    mission statement tells about the identitythat how the organization would like to

    be viewed by the customers, employees, and allother stakeholders.

    V A L U E S is the translation of vision and mission into communicable ideals. It

    reflects the deeply held values of the organization and is independent of current

    industry environment. For example, values may include social responsibility,

    excellent customer service, etc.

    The mission, vision, and values precede the objective in the inner loop. This model

    considers the organization as a whole. The objective is formulated keeping thesethree things in mind and then the training model is further implemented.

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    In todays competitive world, where margins are constantly under pressure,

    trainingbudgets are the first to axed. So it becomes imperative that the training

    model that isevolved should be less capital intensive and not dependent upon

    profit margins andprofitability.

    Although training needs are identified much before training programmed

    actually commence but still some crucial points are left some un-addressed.

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    For example very little is done to know the opinion of the employee about

    training need identified for him as to what he feels about the same .99% cases

    employee is nominated by higher authoritiesinstead of chancebeing given to

    volunteer program under the notion that boss is always right and he knows the

    best off. Taking this in context there are

    many organization where some employee who are earmarked are regularly

    nominated to attend training program. He is stressed out, why dont pack him up

    for a training program approach.

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    Irrespective of the type or method of training, a trainer has to keep in mind

    some of the principles of learning or motivation, which would enhance

    internationalization of what is taught.


    A trainee needs to have a desire to learn and benefit from the programme.

    If the is notinterested, or is de-motivated, the learning outcome is going to be

    insignificant and thecompany will have spent its money badly. On the other hand,

    being too intense aboutlearning and outcome may result in setting over

    ambitious goals for the individual.


    Following on the concept of motivation is that of reinforcement. For

    learning to takeplace and be internalized to the desired extent, a trainee is

    rewarded or given someencouragement. This reinforcement, or the

    acknowledgement that what has been acquiredis desirable, can be either an

    extrinsic or intrinsic reward-external praise or some tangiblereward, or the

    individuals feeling of a sense of progress. Current stress is on positivesupport and

    helpful behavior, even when mistakes are made


    During the training process, it is useful for the trainee to be told how he is

    progressing.Several researchers have confirmed that knowledge of results is an

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    effective motivator.Constant and periodic feedback has positive effects on the

    trainees learning. Unless thetrainee knows how close his performance comes to

    the desired standard, he will not havean opportunity to improve. Feedback

    therefore provides a basis for correcting oneself.Secondly, feedback helps to

    sustain the trainees interest in the task, or in each learningthat is taking place, by

    bringing greater involvement with the learning process. Iffeedback is to be

    meaningful, it should follow a learning segment as quickly as possible.

    Transfer of Learning

    The maximum use of training can be made if the trainee is able to transfer

    his learning tohis actual work role. This is possible if identical elements are

    incorporated in the trainingsituation from the job role, either existing or

    proposed. The more similar the learningsituation is to the job situation, the higher

    the degree of transfer the trainee can expect,and hence the grater the relevance

    of the training programme.


    Repetition etches a pattern into our memory, e.g., when one studies for an

    examination, it is necessary to repeatedly to over ideas so that they can be

    recalled later.

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    Relevance relates to the meaningful fuse of material, which aids learning,

    e.g., trainersusually explain in the overall purpose of a job to trainees before

    assigning them aparticular task.


    There are three basic types of inputs;




    The primary purpose of training is to establishing a sound relationship is at

    its best when the workers attitude to the job is right, when the workers

    knowledge of the job is adequate, and he has developed the necessary skills.

    Training activities in an industrial organization are aimed at making desired

    modifications in skills, attitudes and knowledge of employee so that they perform

    their jobs most efficiently and effectively.

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    These have a requirement for induction into the company as a whole in

    terms of its business activities and personnel policies and provisions, the terms,

    conditions and benefits appropriate to the particular employee, and the career

    and advancement opportunities available.


    These are people who are moved from one job to another, either within

    the same work area, i.e. the same department or function, or to dissimilar work

    under a different management. Under this heading we are excluding promotions,

    which take people into entirely new levels of responsibility.


    Although similar to the transferee in that there is a new job to be learned in

    new surroundings, he is dissimilar in that the promotion has brought him to a new

    level of supervisory or management responsibility. The change is usually too

    important and difficult to make successfully to permit one to assume that thepromotes will pick it up ashe goes along and attention has to be paid to training in

    the tasks and the responsibilities and personal skills necessary for effective


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    Even the most experienced operator has everything to learn when a

    computer and electronic controls replace the previous manual and electro-

    mechanical system on the process plant on which he works. There is no less atraining requirement for the supervisors and process management, as well as for

    technical service production control and others.


    Mainly for those who work in offices in commercial and administrative functionsbut also for those who we workplace is on the shop floor or on process plant on

    any occasion on which there is a modification to existing paperwork or procedure

    for, say the withdrawal of materials from stores, the control of customer credit

    the approval of expense claims, there needs to be instruction on the change in

    the way of working in many instances, atone bringing the attention of all

    concerned the change is assume to be sufficient, but there are cases, such as

    when total new systems in corporating IT up dates are installed, when more

    thorough training is needed.


    Changes in any one these are likely to be conveyed by printed note or by

    word of mouth by the manager to his subordinates, and this can be the most

    satisfaction way of dealing with the change from the point of view of getting

    those affected to understand their new responsibility. However not all changesunder this heading can be left to this sort of handling. Even the simplest looking

    instruction may be regarded as undesirable or impracticable by whoever has to

    perform it he may not understand the purpose behind the change and lose

    confidence in a management which he now believes to be messing about, or he

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    may understand the purpose and have a better alternative to offer if it is not too



    These can arise, as a result of management decisions, in a number of ways.

    In examples, the recognition of the accounts department can result in a

    realization of responsibilities between the section leaders of credit control,

    invoicing and customer records, although there is no movement of staff between

    the sections (i.e. no transfers). Although the change in work content for each clerk

    and supervisor is defined clearly for each person in the new procedures, there is

    nevertheless a need for each person to know where he stands

    We shall see that at the level of pure training there is an evaluation to be

    made, but that

    the principal evaluation is at a higher level in the chain.

    First the chain of intentions is clear at the outset

    1. The forecourt attendants were to receive training to a defined level of


    2. They were then to apply their new capability correctly during the service that

    they gave to motorists.

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    3. The motorists would respond to this with a reaction of pleasure and would

    tend to use that particular station rather more, thus increasing the amount of

    gasoline sold.

    4.The increased sales, and negligible increased costs, would improve the revenue

    and the profits.

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    In the new era new era, challenges for the trainer are to create learning

    environment.Trainer needs to innovate new ways design and deliver the training

    inputs. Wide range oftechnique like interactive methods like teaching,

    experiential learning cases inventoriesgames, including humour. Where as we

    have the ancient way of story telling as apowerful tool to create learning for adult

    managers of industry. Sharing ones ownperception, experience and ideas learning

    value can be increased exponentially.

    Methods of Training

    There are various methods of training, which can be divided in to cognitive

    and behavioral methods. Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each

    method, also its impact on trainees keeping their background and skills in mind

    before giving training.

    Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. Thevarious methods under Cognitive approach provide the rules for how to do

    something, written or verbal information, demonstrate relationships among

    concepts, etc.

    These methods are associated with changes in knowledge and attitude by

    stimulating learning. The various methods that come under Cognitive approach


    LECTURES A Method of Training

    It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create

    understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture. A

    lecture can be in printed or oral form. Lecture is telling someone about

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    something. Lecture is given to enhance the

    knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is

    basically incomplete without lecture. When the trainer begins the training session

    by telling the aim, goal, agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in

    training that means the trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to

    imagine training without lecture format. There are some variations in Lecture


    The variation here means that some

    forms of lectures are interactive while some are not.

    Straight Lecture: Straight lecture method consists of presenting information,

    which the trainee attempts to absorb. In this method, the trainer speaks to a

    group about a topic.

    However, it does not involve any kind of interaction between the trainer and the


    A lecture may also take the form of printed text, such as books, notes, etc. The

    differencebetween the straight lecture and the printed material is the trainers intonation,

    control of speed, body language, and visual image of the trainer. The trainer in

    case of straight lecture can decide to vary from the training script, based on the

    signals from the trainees, whereas same material in print is restricted to what is


    A good lecture consists of introduction of the topic, purpose of the lecture, and

    priorities and preferences of the order in which the topic will be covered.

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    Main Features of Lecture Method

    Some of the main features of lecture method are:

    Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings

    Less expensive

    Can be reached large number of people at once

    Knowledge building exercise

    Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee inactivity

    Demonstration Training Method

    This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do something.

    As an example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do the tasks

    of the job. In order to be more effective, demonstration method should be should

    be accompanied by the discussion or lecture method.

    To carry out an effective demonstration, a trainer first prepares the lesson plan by

    breaking the task to be performed into smaller modules, easily learned parts.

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    Then, the trainer sequentially organizes those modules and prepares an

    explanation for why that part is required. While performing the demonstration,


    Demonstrates the task by describing how to do, while doing

    Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task

    Tells the trainees what you will be doing so they understand what you

    will be showing them

    Explains why it should be carried out in that way

    The difference between the lecture method and the demonstration method is the

    level of involvement of the trainee. In the lecture method, the more the trainee is


    The financial costs that occur in the demonstration method are as follows:

    Cost of training facility for the program

    Cost of materials that facilitate training

    Food, travel, lodging for the trainees and the trainers

    Compensation of time spent in training to trainers and trainees

    Cost related to creating content, material

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    Cost related to the organization of the training

    After completing the demonstration the trainer provide feedback, both positive

    and or negative, give the trainee the opportunity to do the task and describe whathe is doing and why.

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    Discussion Training Method

    This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that is

    supported, elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both

    among the trainees and between the trainer and the trainees. The interaction and

    the communication between these two make it much more effective and

    powerful than the lecture method.

    If the Discussion method is used with proper sequence i.e. lectures, followed by

    discussion and questioning, can achieve higher level knowledge objectives, such

    as problem solving and principle learning.

    The Discussion method consists a two-way flow of communication i.e.

    knowledge in the

    form of lecture is communicated to trainees, and then understanding is conveyed

    back by

    trainees to trainer.

    Understanding is conveyed in the form of verbal and non-verbal feedback that

    enables the trainer to determine whether the material is understood. If yes, then

    definitely it would help out the trainees to implement it at their workplaces and ifnot, the trainer may need to spend more time on that particular area by

    presenting the information again in a different manner.

    Questioning can be done by both ways i.e. the trainees and the trainer. When the

    trainees ask questions, they explain their thinking about the content of the


    A trainer who asks questions stimulates thinking about the content of the lecture.

    Asking and responding questions are beneficial to trainees because it enhance

    understanding and keep the trainees focused on the content. Besides that,

    discussions, and interactions allow the trainee to be actively engaged in the

    material of the trainer. This activity helps in improving recall.

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    Computer-Based Training (CBT)

    With the world-wide expansion of companies and changing technologies,

    the demands for knowledge and skilled employees have increased more than

    ever, which in turn, is putting pressure on HR department to provide training at

    lower costs.

    Many organizations are now implementing CBT as an alternative to classroom

    based training to accomplish those goals

    Some of the benefits of Computer-Based Training are:

    According to a recent survey, about 75% of the organizations are providing

    training to employees through Intranet or Internet. Internet is not the method of

    training, but has become the technique of delivering training. The growth of

    electronic technology has created alternative training delivery systems. CBT doesnot require face-to-face interaction with a human trainer. This method is so

    varied in its applications that it is difficult to describe in concise terms.

    The various methods that come under Cognitive approach are :




    Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees.

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    The various methods under Behavioral approach allow the trainee to

    behavior in a real fashion. These methods are best used for skill development.

    The various methods that come under Behavioral approach are:

    various methods that come under Behavioral approach are:








    Both the methods can be used effectively to change attitudes, but through

    different means.


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    C O A C H I N G

    Coaching is one of the training methods, which is considered as a corrective

    method for inadequate performance. According to a survey conducted by

    International Coach

    Federation (ICF), more than 4,000 companies are using coach for their executives.

    These coaches are experts most of the time outside consultants.

    A coach is the best training plan for the CEOs because

    It is one-to-one interaction

    It can be done at the convenience of CEO

    It can be done on phone, meetings, through e-mails, chat

    It provides an opportunity to receive feedback from an expert

    It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs


    This method best suits for the people at the top because if we see on

    emotional front, when a person reaches the top, he gets lonely and it

    becomes difficult to find someone to talk to

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    It helps in finding out the executives specific developmental needs. The

    needs can be identified through 60 degree performance review.


    The procedure of the coaching is mutually determined by the executive and

    coach. The procedure is followed by successive counseling and meetings at the

    executives convenience by the coach.

    1.Understand the participants job, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and

    resources required to meet the desired expectation

    2.Meet the participant and mutually agree on the objective that has to be


    3.Mutually arrive at a plan and schedule

    4.At the job, show the participant how to achieve the objectives, observe the

    performance and then provide feedback

    5.Repeat step 4 until performance improves.

    For the people at middle-level management, coaching is more likely done by the

    supervisor; however experts from outside the organization are at times used for

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    and-coming managers. Again, the personalized approach assists the manger focus


    definite needs and improvement


    Mentoring is an ongoing relationship that is developed between a senior

    and junior employee. Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of

    how the organization goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior


    The meetings are not as structured and regular than in coaching. Executivementoring is generally done by someone inside the company. The executive can

    learn a lot from mentoring. By dealing with diverse mentees, the executive is

    given the chance to grow professionally by developing management skills and

    learning how to work with people

    with diverse background, culture, and language and personality types

    Executives also have mentors. In cases where the executive is new to theorganization, a senior executive could be assigned as a mentor to assist the new

    executive settled into his

    role. Mentoring is one of the important methods for preparing them to be future

    executives. This method allows the mentor to determine what is required to

    improve mentees performance. Once the mentor identifies the problem,

    weakness, and the area that needs to be worked upon, the mentor can advise

    relevant training.

    The mentor can also provide opportunities to work on special processes and

    projects that require use of proficiency.

    Some key points on Mentoring

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    Mentoring focus on attitude development

    Conducted for management-level employees

    Mentoring is done by someone inside the company

    It is one-to-one interaction

    It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement

    Job Rotation

    For the executive, job rotation takes on different perspectives. The executive is

    usually not simply going to another department. In some vertically integrated


    For example, where the supplier is actually part of same organization or

    subsidiary, job rotation might be to the supplier to see how the business operates

    from the supplier point of view. Learning how the organization

    is perceived from the outside broadens the executives outlookon the process of

    the organization. Or the rotation might be to a foreign office to provide a global


    For managers being developed for executive roles, rotation to different functions

    in the company is regular carried out.

    This approach allows the manger to operate in diverse roles and understand the

    different issues that crop up. If someone is to be a corporate leader, they must

    have this type of training. A recent study indicated that the single most significant

    factor that leads to leaders achievement was the variety of experiences in

    different departments, business units, cities, and countries.

    An organized and helpful way to develop talent for the management or executive

    level of the organization is job rotation. It is the process of preparing employees

    at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. It is generally done

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    for the designations that

    are crucial for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization.

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    Benefits of Job Rotation

    Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:

    It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of

    knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments, business

    units, functions, and countries

    Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required

    It determines the areas where improvement is required

    Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for

    filling the position

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    There are many management development techniques that an employee

    can take in off the job. The few popular methods are:





    Case Study on Training Methods


    Few years ago, ABC Company developed a training strategy for training its global

    sales force. An important feature of the strategy was to create a master training

    plan for each year. The organizations strategic plans, objectives, and functional

    tactics would drive t

    this plan.

    Once an initial procedure was designed it was then evaluated and critiqued the

    top management, different units, and training council. The input from these

    stake holders would be summarized and transferred into a master training Plan.

    The major question that was asked by the designers of training program was,

    what results do we want from salespeople after the training program is over?

    Answer to this

    question becomes the objective of the training program.

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    Then training content was designed, videos were made. The videos took 3 to

    6months to produce. Video contains live production plants, clients offices,

    partner offices, suppliers, manufacturers locations, and other locations.

    Videos were used to train sales people in various areas, such as:

    Market information i.e. about customer profile, market updates, and

    computer integrated manufacturing applications, etc

    Sales Process i.e. how to deal in the situation of conflicts with customer,

    coaching on undesirable behavior, supplement skills developed during live


    Product information, such as, product usage, applications, system

    description, product description, comparison with competitors products, etc

    Policies and procedures, i.e. about sales contests, incentive plans on

    achieving targets, annual bonuses, winners receiving the best salesperson award

    to motivate

    the sales force

    Representatives then watch video, follow the directions, and refer to the material

    if faces any problem. When salespeople feel they have mastered the

    Around thousands of sales persons were getting a specific video training. The

    sales people were getting training material along with the video. Sales

    material, they would take an exam and call a toll-free number to transmit

    responses to exam.

    Salespeople who successfully passed an exam were factored into performance

    and merit reviews as well as promotional opportunities. Those who couldnt pass

    the exam were asked to go through the material and video again before retaking

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    the exam. If the salesperson failed an exam again, the reporting manager was


    This case gives rise to few important questions. These questions are:

    In todays technological world, is video still the best way to

    deliver training?

    Is video the most effective way to achieve training objective


    What role did cost of development cost of delivery, and other

    constraints play in selection of video delivery system?

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    Training Need Analysis (TNA)

    An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of

    effective training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether

    there is a gap between what is required for effective performance and present

    level of performance.

    Why training need analysis?

    Training need analysis is conducted to determine whether resources required are

    available or not. It helps to plan the budget of the company, areas where training

    is required, and also highlights the occasions where training might not be

    appropriate but requires alternate action.

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    Corporate need and training need are interdependent because the organization

    performance ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee

    and its sub group.

    Organizational Level Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on

    strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of


    environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies,strengths,

    and weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and threats.

    After doing the SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training

    interventions, while strengths can further be strengthened with continued


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    Threats can be reduced by identifying the areas where training is required. And,

    opportunities can be exploited by balancing it against costs.

    For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the company requires to


    involved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops strategies to be sure

    that the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge, Skills, and

    Attributes (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level

    Individual Level Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and

    every individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether


    employee is performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation.If

    the difference between the expected performance and actual performance comes


    to be positive, then certainly there is a need of training.

    However, individual competence can also be linked to individual need. The


    that are used to analyze the individual need are:Appraisal and performance review

    Peer appraisal

    Competency assessments

    Subordinate appraisal

    Client feedback

    Customer feedback

    Self-assessment or self-appraisal

    Operational Level Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the


    that is being assigned to the employees. The job analyst gathers the information


    whether the job is clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this

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    through technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires

    asking the

    closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are dynamic and


    changing over the time. Employees need to prepare for these changes. The job


    also gathers information on the tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be

    required in the future. Based on the information collected, training Need analysis

    (TNA) is done.


    The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training

    objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be


    by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able todo at the

    end of their training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training


    The trainer Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical,

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    interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers

    The trainees A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and


    profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the

    important factors that affect training design.

    Training climate A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings,

    positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is


    nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything goes


    Trainees learning style the learning style, age, experience, educational

    background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the


    of the program

    Training strategies Once the training objective has been identified, the trainertranslates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the

    priority list

    of about what must be included, what could be included.

    Training topics After formulating a strategy, trainer decides upon the content to


    delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics, ad modules. These

    topics and

    modules are then classified into information, knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

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    Sequence the contents Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:

    From simple to complex

    Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance

    From known to unknown

    From specific to general

    Dependent relationship

    Training tactics Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program

    becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or


    or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:

    Trainees background

    Time allocated

    Style preference of trainer

    Level of competence of trainer Availability of facilities and resources, etc

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    Support facilities It can be segregated into printed and audio visual. The various

    requirements in a training program are white boards, flip charts, markers, etc

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    Constraints The various constraints that lay in the trainers mind are:


    Accommodation, facilities and their availability

    Furnishings and equipments Budget

    Design of the training, etc

    raining Implementation

    To put training program into effect according to definite plan or procedure is


    training implementation. Training implementation is the hardest part of the

    systembecause one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program. Even

    the best

    training program will fail due to one wrong action.

    Training implementation can be segregated into:

    Practical administrative arrangements.

    Carrying out of the training.

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    Implementing Training

    Once the staff, course, content, equipments, topics are ready, the training is


    Completing training design does not mean that the work is done because


    phase requires continual adjusting, redesigning, and refining. Preparation is the


    important factor to taste the success. Therefore, following are the factors that are

    kept in

    mind while implementing training program:

    The trainer The trainer need to be prepared mentally before the delivery of


    Trainer prepares materials and activities well in advance. The trainer also setgrounds

    before meeting with participants by making sure that he is comfortable with

    course content and is flexible in his approach.

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    Physical set-up Good physical set up is pre-requisite for effective and successful

    training program because it makes the first impression on participants.

    Classrooms should

    not be very small or big but as nearly square as possible. This will bring peopletogether

    both physically and psychologically. Also, right amount of space should be

    allocated to

    every participant.

    Establishing rapport with participants There are various ways by which a

    trainer can establish good rapport with trainees by:

    Greeting participants simple way to ease those initial tense moments

    Encouraging informal conversation

    Remembering their first name

    Pairing up the learners and have them familiarized with one another

    Listening carefully to trainees comments and opinions

    Telling the learners by what name the trainer wants to be addressed

    Getting to class before the arrival of learners

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    Starting the class promptly at the scheduled time

    Using familiar examples

    Varying his instructional techniques

    Using the alternate approach if one seems to bog down

    Purposes of Training Evaluation

    Reviewing the agenda At the beginning of the training program it is very

    important to review the program objective. The trainer must tell the participants

    the goal

    of the program, what is expected out of trainers to do at the end of the program,

    and how

    the program will run. The following information needs to be included:

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    Control: It helps in controlling the training program because if the training is not

    effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly.

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    Intervention: It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with

    the expected outcomes.

    Process of Training Evaluation

    Before Training: The learners skills and knowledge are assessed before the training

    program. During the start of training, candidates generally perceive it as a waste of

    resources because at most of the times candidates are unaware of the objectives and

    learning outcomes of the program. Once aware, they are asked to give their opinions on

    the methods used and whether those methods confirm to the candidates preferences and

    Learning style

    During Training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually

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    consist of short tests at regular intervals

    After Training: It is the phase when learners skills and knowledge are assessed again

    to measure the effectiveness of the training. This phase is designed to determine whether

    training has had the desired effect at individual department and organizational levels.There are various evaluation techniques for this phase.

    Techniques of Evaluation

    The various methods of training evaluation are:



    Self diaries

    Self recording of specific incidents


    Particularly in those industries, which have to compete in international markets, the

    management made clear links between training policies and the quality of work.

    Change in Corporate culture

    Continuous training was used to transmit new business strategies and new organisation


    Organisational Development

    In some organisation where financial responsibilities were being decentralized, thetraining

    function was also getting decentralized. In other training dept was abolishedaltogether and all

    managers were made responsible for instruction and training.

    Flexible working practices

    Company made a major training program after making two third work forces redundant.This

    involved both vocational training and encouraging employee to take educationalcourses in their

    free time.

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    Training and employment package

    In certain companies training formed part of the pay packet offered to employees. It alsohad a

    bearing on the Lab our turnover percentage of employee. In other way we can sayits like cost tocompany.

    Corporate structure

    In some instances I became difficult for managers to meet business objectives becausethey had

    in sufficient control over recruitment and training decision. In some other casesrivalries

    between different divisions of same company, prevented the integration ofcoherent training

    and personal policies at central level.

    The role of professinal trainers

    The findings suggest that the role of the professional trainer had undergone significantchanges.

    He is today not only a mere provider or organiser of training but also is beingseen as an agent

    or facilitator of change. This because today the management isintegrating training into the very

    culture of their organisation. In some organisation thetrainers now have access to key decision-

    makers and have established greater legitimacyfor training and development activities.

    Corporate and individual training needs

    Evidence suggests that numbers of organisation are effectively integrating their trainingand

    business strategies and progress has been made in training for organisationaldevelopment.

    Although the need for continuing training of manager and professional is being assessed

    on a more systematic basis this has not been extended more widely.



    The training methods which are generally used in an organization are classified into two


    1) On the job: On-the-job training places the employees in an actual work situation

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    and makes them appear to be immediately productive. It is learning by doing. For jobs,that

    either are difficult to simulate or can be learn quickly by watching and doing on-the-job training

    makes sense.

    One of the drawbacks to on-the-job training can be low productivity while the

    employeesdevelop their skills. Another drawback can be the errors made by the trainees while

    theylearn. However, when the damage the trainees can do is minimal, where training

    facilitiesand personnel are limited or costly, and where it is desirable for the workers to learn

    thejob under normal working conditions, the benefits of on-the-job training frequently offsetits


    (ii) Job Instruction Training: JIT consists of four basic steps:

    (a) Preparing the trainees by telling them about the job and over coming their


    (b) Presenting the instruction, giving essential information in a clear manner;

    (c) Having the trainees try out the job to demonstrate their understanding; and

    (d) Placing the workers into the job, on their own, with a designated resource person to

    call upon should they need assistance.

    2) Off the job: Off-the-job training covers a number of techniques classroom

    lectures, films, demonstrations, case studies and other simulation exercises, andprogrammed

    instruction. The facilities needed for each of these techniques vary from asmall make shift

    classroom to an elaborate development center with large lecture halls,supplemented by small

    conference rooms with sophisticated audiovisual equipment, two-way mirrors, and all the frills.

    (i) Classroom lectures/conferences: The lecture or conference approach is well

    adapted to conveying specific information rules, procedures, or methods. The use

    ofaudiovisuals or demonstrations can often make a formal classroom presentation

    moreinteresting while increasing retention and offering a vehicle for more interesting

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    whileincreasing retention and offering a vehicle for clarifying more difficult points. Thelectures

    liabilities include possible lack of feedback and the lack of active involvementby the trainees.

    (ii) Simulation exercises: Any training activity that explicitly places the trainee in an

    artificial environment that closely mirrors actual working conditions can be considered asimulation. Simulation activities include case exercises, experimental exercises, complex

    computer modeling, and vestibule training.

    (iii)Vestibule training: In vestibule training, employees learn their jobs on the

    equipment they will be using, but the learning is conducted away from the actual workfloor. In

    the 1980s many large retail chains train cashiers on their new computer cashregisters which

    are much more complex because they control inventory and performother functions in addition

    to ringing up orders in specially created vestibule labs thatsimulated the actual checkout-

    counter environment.

    Training, as a process of long tem learning is essentially a developmental tool.. By

    effectively utilizing this tool, the organization expects to achieve careerobjectives.

    Contribute towards the career progressions of the employees by importingknowledge of an

    additional or reinforcing nature, developing skills andbringingabout desired attitudinal changes

    among them. This would not merely proveeffective in assisting them to achieve organizationalgoals but also enableenhancement of their self esteem and self confidences to face external


    Ours is a changing and dynamic organization which has to pay considerableemphasis on

    training and retraining its employees to enable them to be competent,committed and has the

    capacity to change according to the external and internaldemands and pressures.

    Training of employees is not merely the responsibility of the management orthe training

    cell alone, but the responsibility of department managers as well. The human resource

    department must enable the involvement of the department managers in the process of

    employee training and development.

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    There are five steps towards the assessment and analysis of training and development of

    the organization.

    Collection of information through interviewing and discussing with keypersonnel both inside

    and outside the organization or specific departments;observing the work place, working

    conditions, processes and outcomes;examining records, other written information and annual

    employee appraisal.

    Compare performances of each department and each employee againstobjectives, targets and

    standards set for them and keeping in mind future workrequirements in the organization.

    Identify cause of problems faced by the organization to enable themanagement to train the

    employees in handling the problems as well as solvingthe problem in a satisfactory manner.

    Segregate identified problems into problems requiring staff developmentaction such as training

    and into problems requiring other management actions, sothat these problems are accurately


    Prioritize training actions in accordance to where the training need is more urgent

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    Entry training involving new recruits and employees required to take a new job

    Problem resolution training to meet a shortfall or deficiency in job


    Training for change to prepare employees for job identified in near future.

    Development to equip employees to meet organizational changes in future

    Training in Global Business World

    With the expansion of the organization, Human Resource job in no longer limited to their

    native country but has extended worldwide. Localization is a key to successful expansion

    that helps in improving upon workforce connections, doing the work effectively and

    efficiently, and reducing global turnover.

    As the organizations are expanding globally, training has become quite an essential

    ingredient to improve performance. However, unavailability of budget necessary to

    achieve goals results the training function to be at the bottom of priority list. Besides that,

    managers do not fully adapt according to the local environment for the transfer of

    training. Very often, managers use minimum of locally suitable resources or the most

    critical material like employee handbooks.

    Training success in various countries requires cross cultural literacy i.e. understanding of

    how cultural differences across nations can affect the way training is given. At the same

    time, different cultures may or may not be supportive in the transfer of training, in the

    sense that cultural factor may lower or raise the cost of training.

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    Case Study A very brilliant marketing professional went to Arab for the sale of his

    Companys soft drink. But he came back with no results. When asked about the failure o fhe

    mission, he answered that he prepared three cartoons. Cartoon-1- Displaying a man

    looking exhausted and tired, is walking in desert in scorching heat. Cartoon-2- Displaying

    the same man opening bottle and drinking the soft drink. Cartoon-3- Displaying the man

    feeling alive and refresh again. Though, his strategy was good, unfortunately fails

    because he was unaware that Arab people read from right to left. Moral here is

    localization is a key to success.

    There are some major barriers in the transfer of training when it comes to giving training

    in other countries.


    1.Values and Norms

    2. Attitude

    3.Age, Gender, and Professional Status

    Language1. Spoken

    2. Unspoken

    Social Structure

    1. Individual

    2. Assumptions

    3. Group

    Culture - Factor in Global Training Program

    Communicating the information to different people from different cultures and

    differentnationalities can give rise to many problems. Many simple things that seem simple

    andstraightforward to communicate become difficult when it comes to communicating in

    different environment. Giving training in ones own culture is quite different from giving

    training in different culture. Being a good trainer is not the only requirement but

    understanding socio-economic and cultural backgrounds has now become an important


    Values, norms, attitude are the building blocks of culture. Values means what a group of

    people believes to be good, bad, right, or wrong. Norms means the social rules and

    guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior. Attitude disposes a person to act in a

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    certain way toward something in certain situation. A trainer giving training in different

    culture has to keep these things in mind before delivering content.

    Instances: A good case that concerns attitude towards time in different cities: People are

    very punctual in United States.

    People from US tend to come little early for any meeting, or when invited for dinner,

    party to someones home because in their culture it is considered to be polite to arrive on

    time. In Great Britain, people tend to come late for any appointment. If called at 5 P.M.,

    that means come at 5.30 or 6 P.M. Even for Argentineans, coming on exact time is far too

    early. For instance, In US, if the trainer gets late for a scheduled training session it is

    treated as a breach of etiquette. And it may result in loss of trainers respect and failure in

    transfer of training.

    Age, Gender, and Professional Status Different cultures give different regard to age,

    gender, and professional qualification. For example, in Japan, people give high regard to

    older people. Older people are regarded as having greater knowledge, skills, wisdom, and

    abilities. Respect in the sense that people are more willing to listen to and seriously

    consider the information. In such a culture, a young trainer might have to work harder to

    gain attention and face problems in executing the program and transfer of training.

    Similarly, some countries are also biased about the gender. Like in Gulf countries,

    womens role is limited to households only. In such a culture, it is not possible for

    women trainers to undergo training programs because people will not be as receptive as

    in other culture.

    Same is with high professional status- the higher the qualification of the trainer, the more

    will be the importance attached to the information.

    Language Problem in International Training and Development


    Language comprises of both spoken and unspoken means of communication. Bestest ofthe best

    training program will fail if trainer is not well versed in communicating traineeslanguage.

    Language is one of the most important ingredients of culture.

    Spoken LanguageTrainees receiving training prefer to speak in their own language

    and trainer being able to speak the local language can help establishing rapport among

    trainees, which may be very important for the transfer of training. Language is one of the

    major barriers when it comes to giving training in cross-cultural environment. Chinese is

    the mother tongue of the largest number of people (shown below), followed buy English

    and Hindi.

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    Percentage of the people speaking their first language

    Unspoken Language means non-verbal communication, a very important part of

    communication. It is a communication that uses body movements and gestures such as,

    raising eyebrows, smiling, hand movements, facial expressions, etc. A failure tounderstand unspoken language can lead to a failure of communication because body

    language is not the same in every culture.

    For instance, raising eyebrows is a sign of recognition in most cultures, but in some

    cultures, its not. Similarly, making a circle with the thumb and forefinger is a friendly

    gesture in the US, but it is obscene invitation in Turkey and Greece. Also, thumbs-up

    gesture is used to indicate that its fine in the US and Europe, but it is vulgar gesture in


    Another case of unspoken language is the amount of distance between the persons talking

    to each other. In Latin America, the distance adopted by parties in a business discussion

    is 3 to 5 feet while in the US,