The typical settings used in social realism films/trailers are high rise flats and run down areas such as the streets of London in Fishtank. These unwell kept areas were used in the trailer create the atmosphere for the audience, they get straight away that the main character has a hard life and isn't very wealthy. In none o the trailers I have seen, there wasn't any big built up posh areas, they were all housing estates or run down back streets. I think these have all been used to create a realistic setting for the audience in which they might be able to relate to, for example in A Room for Romeo Brass the setting is mainly in a park, this is a regular setting for class C/D person, I believe this class of people would also go to see this film not class B so therefore they would be able to relate more to the film. I believe these settings are used for social realism because the target audience are able to relate to it. A Room for Romeo Brass has an average cutting rate of one shot every 3 seconds, I feel this a fast cutting rate for a trailer and it makes it fast paced and shows the best bits of the film which draws the audience in straight away. The edits in A Room for Romeo Brass create a meaning of friendliness and love between the two boys, the way every shot is focused on them and their relationship with both themselves and others draws the audience in as they want to know more about the boys relationship and sort of get involved with it. The actors used in social realism trailers are all unknown they all have there own believable talent in acting and I feel like they have worked hard for what they do. None of the actors used are beautiful or handsome like the big Hollywood A-listers, as well as this not as much make up is used on the actors which again makes the film more believable as they are not shown to be hiding behind makeup or be seen as fake. Mia (played by Kate Jarvis) in Fishtank was casted for the role because she is feisty and powerful character who stands her ground and doesn't back down to anyone. As well as this, she is a typical stereotype of a cockney, she rough and tough and doesn't mess about. Also she fitted in with the setting in London.

Trailer analysis

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Page 1: Trailer analysis

The typical settings used in social realism films/trailers are high rise flats and run down areas such as the streets of London in Fishtank. These unwell kept areas were used in the trailer create the atmosphere for the audience, they get straight away that the main character has a hard life and isn't very wealthy. In none o the trailers I have seen, there wasn't any big built up posh areas, they were all housing estates or run down back streets. I think these have all been used to create a realistic setting for the audience in which they might be able to relate to, for example in A Room for Romeo Brass the setting is mainly in a park, this is a regular setting for class C/D person, I believe this class of people would also go to see this film not class B so therefore they would be able to relate more to the film. I believe these settings are used for social realism because the target audience are able to relate to it.

A Room for Romeo Brass has an average cutting rate of one shot every 3 seconds, I feel this a fast cutting rate for a trailer and it makes it fast paced and shows the best bits of the film which draws the audience in straight away. The edits in A Room for Romeo Brass create a meaning of friendliness and love between the two boys, the way every shot is focused on them and their relationship with both themselves and others draws the audience in as they want to know more about the boys relationship and sort of get involved with it.

The actors used in social realism trailers are all unknown they all have there own believable talent in acting and I feel like they have worked hard for what they do. None of the actors used are beautiful or handsome like the big Hollywood A-listers, as well as this not as much make up is used on the actors which again makes the film more believable as they are not shown to be hiding behind makeup or be seen as fake.

Mia (played by Kate Jarvis) in Fishtank was casted for the role because she is feisty and powerful character who stands her ground and doesn't back down to anyone. As well as this, she is a typical stereotype of a cockney, she rough and tough and doesn't mess about. Also she fitted in with the setting in London.

Page 2: Trailer analysis


hEdits Locations Titles Music Voiceover Dialogue


A Room for Romeo



1:58 67 The main location in this trailer is in different houses. However there are also shots where parks and beaches are used also a shop and inside a car.

9 titles, these tell the audience parts of the story for example we are first introduced to ‘Romeo and Gavin’ this title clearly shows the two main characters of the film and is a good establishing shot.

The music which opens the trailer is upbeat and lively which helps the audience to understand that the two main characters are also up beat and lively the music and shot of the two lads creates synergy between the two.

There is a small voice over telling the audience small part of the play for example ‘she’s a lovely looking girl’ however it is the characters voice that we hear saying it.

The dialogue used in this trailer is simplistic as simple words are used, the families we see use slang words and seem uneducated for example ‘get outa me face Romeo’ the way the sentence is worded is simplistic a politically incorrect.

Two main characters: both young boys who are cheek y and up to no good

Parents: who don’t seem to bothered by their sons behaviour

Older man: came through half way seems kind and generous at first but also simplistic, e.g he doesn’t expect much from people. However later on in the trailer he seems to change and become aggressive towards the lads.

Dead Man Shoes

Released: 1st October


1:45 47 There are many locations in this trailer, there’s doesn’t seem to be a main location, however some of the locations used include, in a town, flats, and in the middle of nowhere.

3 titles: one of the titles we see just says ‘vengeance’ this short quick snap creates tension for the viewers and keeps them on the edge of their seats.

The music in this trailer in thrilling and helps to build up tension within the characters and shots as the trailer goes on the music becomes louder and higher pitched which again, helps to build tension for the audience

At the start of the trailer we hear one of the characters telling a bit of the story, but this is the only voice over in this trailer, all the other dialogue is diegetic and we see the characters speaking

Regional accents are used in this trailer which helps the audience to identify where the film is set.

Two main characters: brothers who love each other dearly but one gets threatened, this makes the trailer confusing…

Local gang: look like the towns criminals and drug dealers, seem to be rough and tough men who don’t care about others.



September 2009

1:57 77 There is no clear main location in this trailer because there are many different places used for example in the house and outside in a urban London working

In total there are 11 titles in this trailer, three of the title we see send a message to the audience these are ‘Live..’ ‘Love…’ ‘and give as good as

At first there is an upbeat exciting non diegetic music, this is then used in synergy with the door slamming shut, after this there

There is no voiceover in this trailer, all the voices are diegetic coming from the characters

Regional accent, typical London accent, this helps the viewer to build up a profile of the main character as being working class living in a high rise flat

One main character: Girl, about 16 who is very independent, she fightsw her own battles and isn’t afraid to say what she thinks, shes also a tomboy who enjoys dancing but doesn’t dance