TOYS?move on!


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interactive installation for 800 dools / Public / Performers Anna Piratti and Silvia Gribaudi

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TOYS?move on!

ANNA PIRATTI + SILVIA GRIBAUDI = TOYS?move on!i n t e r a c t i v e i n s t a l l a t i o n f o r 8 0 0 d o o l s

based on an idea by Anna Piratti©co-created with Silvia Gribaudiperformers Anna Piratti / Silvia Gribaudi / Dolls / Public

photoAlice PozzoliDario Dal Molin / Fotoclub PadovaVedindusia / www.verdindusia.comAnna Piratti

sketchesAnna Piratti

videoSara Bozzini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aqvWTu9F4sAlice Pozzoli http://vimeo.com/54662913

[email protected] ProjectToys?moveon

Many women and girls all around the world are treated like goods. Sold and traded, as if they were toys.

Eight hundreds of ruffled and naked dolls are spread outon the pavement in a defined area.

They wear nothing but a label identifying them as merchandise.

Public is invited,by the performers,

to choose a doll and take care of her

dressing herlaying her down with care and kindness in a safe place

thus restoring her dignity.


1 Choose a doll2 Free her from the bar code

3 Dress her up with a white cloth and a red ribbon4 Lay her down in a safe place, together with other dolls

5 If there are other dolls you would like to take care of, you know what to do... go for it!

Thank you for taking part in TOYS?Move On!


‘‘No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited

in all their forms.’’

Toys?moveon! is inspired by the 4th article of The Universal Declaration Of Human Right

‘‘No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited

in all their forms.’’



move on!

daily life

ANNA PIRATTIwww.annapiratti.comAnna is a visual artist. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arte in Venice, Italy. Lives and works in Padua.Her works include paintings, digital installations and performances. Some pieces of her art are currently exhibited at Compar Bata, Consorzio Euganeo, Athlets World and Cinzia Araia.Since 2008, Anna has been creating urban installations, with the intention to actively in-volve passers-by. She is the author of “Fortepiano”, “Sottotitoli”, “Mettici il cuore”, “Non vale la pena” and “Giocattoli?”.In 2010, her photographic project DAP (Discorso Alla Pari), involving 90 people (commis-sioned by Peruzzo S.p.a.) is exposed at the Centro Nazionale di Fotografia in Padua. Theyear after, DAP was revisited with artists of the 2011 Venezia Jazz Festival.In 2012, the performing arts project “Toys?moveon!” held its premières in Venice in colla-boration with choreographer Silvia Gribaudi.Anna Piratti is also involved in experiential education in institutions and companies.She approaches instruction from the basic idea that learning occurs through experience.She is currently working on a project in Brussels through “Erasmus for Young Entrepre-neurs”, as part of the European exchange programme for entrepreneurs.

SILVIA GRIBAUDIwww.silviagribaudi.comCoreographer and performer from Turin, Italy, she has been working in the Veneto region since 2004. Performances: “Unattimo” (2008 - shortlisted for Anticorpi Explo), “A Corpo Libero” (winner of the audience award and of the jury award at the GD’A Veneto 2009 - shortlisted for Aerowaves - Dance Across 2010), “Spring” (Theaterschool - Amsterdam school of the Arts), “Wait” dance material created during the 2009 Choreoroam research project in collaboration with Operaesta-te Festival Veneto, The Place (UK), Dansateliers (NL), Dansescenen (DK), Paso a 2-Certamen Coreogràfico de Madrid (ES), Dance Week Festival (HR). She taught dance at the Accademia Teatrale Veneta from 2008 to 2010.In 2010 she was a guest in The Creative Forum for Independent Theater Groups, Europe - Me-diterranean in Alexandria, Egypt and in 2009 she was a guest in the Venice Biennale. She has been involved in international projects such as SNDO2010 (Amsterdam/Bassano del Grappa), Triptych 2011 (Operaestate Festival Veneto/CSC-Regione Veneto, Circuit Est Montréal, The dance Center Vancouver) and Act your Age 2013.She has been collaborating with important Italian actors, writers and choreographers such as Mirko Artuso, Luciano Padovani, Vasco Mirandola, Giuliana Musso (in the performance “Dre-ams, Doubts, Debts”), Tiziano Scarpa (2011, Circoparola - Pantakin production) and Roberto Castello for the television programme “Vieni via con me” by Roberto Saviano and Fabio Fazio, Rai3, Compagnia Aldes.In 2012 she has been choreographer with Sharon Fridman, for “Inner”, Festival Danza en la Villa in Madrid , Madrid en Danza and residency at the Festival de Danse et des Arts Multiples - Marseille France. In Italy she has been creating community projects for social inclusion such as: “OVER 60”, “Giovani a Teatro” with Fondazione di Venezia and “My Job” (a work on the local social policies in the Veneto region, creation of an urban performance on the issue of work, aimed at the re-qualification of certain areas of the town of Mestre-Venice with a multiethnic chorus made of 50 members).

thank you
