Thomas H. Slow* Township To Greet Isetin HeroTo-night Exercise? in Municipal Building will start promptly ut seven o'clock, whtn Governor A. Harry Moore deliver* pretentation speech, lolloweti by address by Senate President Morgan F. Larson. Community songr* male quartet, orchestra selections md dancing on program. , 8rrf .officer.&&, t»fp RoosevelT, who wilt be the KtrWt of honor ni Town Hnll cpretnonlert thin- evening Wife will Accompany Mm. HE WOODBRIDGE LEADER .AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER POLISHED INTHE INTEREST OF WdODBRIDOKTOWNSHIP Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, March 19, H g Rescue of Antinoe Qfew Has Revived Interest in U. S. Merchant Marine t)i S. Rescue Ship, Her Skipper and Ut Mate Yatikee Ship which snatched Britons on doomed freigh- from death, has ri fame. Many er to GAIN 5 RECOGNITION, "When we leave thfi water, we are dtme a**-nation (or-7»!l-4fo»#'.'--«»l<i Rear-Admiral Charles P. Plunkett last Wednesday night, In,addressing the ofBcers and crew of the U. S. .liner President Roosevelt, at a din- ner being given In. their honor at thfi potel Roosevelt, New York, by the Allied Theatrical Committee and the Neptune Association. At the close ot the program the Committee distributed a fund of $14,427, which had been raised at a Hippodrome benefit performance, among the ofBcers afnd crew. Be- sides tola fund, a gift of $3,000 was entrusted to Capt. Fried, to be given the families of the two members of the crew who lost their UveB when one of the rescue-boats was oapslsed in the heavy seas. "Even those who v did not actually leave their sntp help rescue the Antlnoe's men, but stuck by their posts daring the weary watches, are deserving of as much praise as those w,ho manned the boats." the admiral ' and other speakers declared. Admiral P,Umkett, who remarked that the resuce was but an incident In the lives of the men, declared that "It has been the direct cause of Congress potting an item ot 110,- 000,000 In the appropriations of thfi Shipping Board tor the sole purpose of nutaUlniiMs lines on rou^ei "that "I almost Jumped out of my skin when I read that." the admiral con- tinued. "I felt that at last Ajftftrtaa ii waking up to the fact that there , Is only one pleca of property in the i wide world which cannot be claimed by anybody and that is tthe ocean, j and we are going to get our share."y The rescue by the brave offlcen, g ena p re8ident ^ ^ an j and Beamen of the President Koose- ^^ velt, therefore, is more than a piece of heroism. It has awakened a pride and consciousness throughout Amer-' tea,' that b*r ships and her dfljeersi and crews are worthy of support,! that 'they possess the seamanship/ the courage and the stamina that D A N C I N G makes Kreat sea-noing nations, whose > trade follows the flag that fl^Uers at' ,. tn 7masthead. ' l Al) Citizens Asked to Decorate The Port of New York, home port jtr omft _ wl< a Afternoon to of the President Roosevelt, which ac- ' nOmes itllS Alternopn W corded the ship & . turbulent welcome i Show Community Spirit. Vhen she came back from Tier event- , , -_ p ful voyW in February, comprises, [ Committee Wins Praise... among other municipalities, the, I ' •* Township of WoodbrlQge. ' It.is doubtful whether any but the' # ttint Mr moftnft (H10 of ndlyOf' "**rij viruts will gel jjtTUiB AL LIIB fleers, and a resident of this 4*»wn-j Municipal Building tojflght, to.hear ' ship, should be signally honor^ by, Governor A, Harry Moore make the his fellow citizens. News of the ac;: ^m^,, gpeecn ftt t h e , a ioane enterprise ot the citizens ,' « , '„ „!,„*« «i n Mihfi!celebration.F The ceremonies will start promtpNy at seven o'clock, as tho governor has another appoint- '^f tL ^f;^ t i th « e iinent tn Jersey City at about i m Home Again and Happy H. SLOANE and Mrs. Sloane, snapped in front of their cozy Isedin. home, upon his return from the voyage, during which, as an officer of the President Roosevelt, he participated in a thrilling rescue which will go down in the history of ships as one of the great sea epics 6f the .century. Mr. Sloane Is reluctant and modest about the rescue, giv- , ing all credit to his fellow officers aud.the crew, and.Insisting that the en- tire episode was merely in the line of duty. ON THE TUOHT, th« Yankee liner PrBBldetit Roosevelt, as tho proud little harhnr tutu snaked the storm battered veteran Tip New York Bay, amid the,roar of a thousand sirens and whistles, the Port of New York's welcome home. The Inserts on the 'right shows Captain George Pried; master 'ot the jhip,. and Chief Officer Robert Miller,-to both qf whom Mr. Sloane gives the credit for the heroic rescue work, during the four days whea the American vessel bucked the fleroe winter gate, and lost twe of her^erew In the successful attempt to! rescue fwenty-flve souls aboard Uie doomed British freighter, i Mr. Miller commanded the small boat of volunteers, who braved mountainous Beas again and again before they succeeded. Captain Fried and Third Officer Sloane^ remained on the bridge four days and nights, directing the rescue work. Sleep and food were forgotten uutH all were safe aboard. NOW IS TIME TO EARN BIG POINTS INRACE FOR 2 AUTOS Hudson Coach, Ford Sedtm and $22S Cash Awmt S> Best Workers ^ CARS OITDISPLAY {Extra Point Offer for NiM ! Dollar Cbhs Close* i March 27. at Tonight's Celebration Prosecutor Toolan Alto Asked to< Speak. Double Quartet Will Entertaih. WILL FOLLOW in charge of tonight's event, has'Produced a, most, favorable Impression" The fact that the atfttc will b^ hpre, tQ. •9 W son the token of esteem to 81oanc, has centered tnfl eyes of the State on Woodbridgq. •" In the days when Heard'* Brook was wide and deep enough, more than fifty years, ago, weatherbeaten little schooners would come up the creek to where the ^Rahway avenue Bridge n6w stands. The Hec«ptibu Committee, consls- of Hampton CutteV,, Wlllisjn Treen, Ben Vogel, and members Of Ci i b i charge k lp Committee, will be id of' introducing the various t speakers. Some ot the committee, to Isellh pat about ' """" (ormally escort Mr. an* lrk idge n6w stads . ... to (ormally «eort Mr. and- MrST Blnce those bygone days. the .«5 n ^ I Sloane and tbejr family to the Town ™?"L^I [ ?FJT£%% Hall in a car provided. for the pur- flcance a haven for ships has transportation, waterway and Industries have steadily marched down the Bay, and the Arthur Kill waterfront and the Rarttan Bay part of the Township are again taking WOODBRIDGE HIGH WILL DEBATE PERTH Those who do not wish to Bta.y for the dancing at the Munici- pal Building following the Hloane reception tonight, can stroll over to the High School Auditorium, where the Wood- bridge High School debating team will engage in a contest with the representatives of the Perth Amboy High School. The topic of the-debate will \ be, "Resolved that' the Federal Government should control the anthracite mines." Woodbridge will' uphold the negative, and attempt to prove that ho' gov- ernment should engage. In business of any kind, even a quasi-public utility. '—' : -^, The local team will consist of Stanley Brltczuk, Lois Dayer, Keniieth Canfleld, and Elizabeth Kaus, alternate.- ) The Perth Amboy team will -Wnwlst of Norman Dubrow, Rose > Fedor, Harold Gastj and. Feriin- aticl Eustache, alternate.'. The Judges will be: Hon. Judge Freeman' Woodbridge, of New Bruhtfwlck; Prosecutor James Bowers, of Somerset County; an,d -Professor H. D. Morrison, BnpervisLng principal of B^ar Hills, N. J. schools. The Woodbridge team are confident of victory In the ora- tilt, having been careful* hri for thp> encounter by ROOSEVRT'S RESCUE, WAS VICTORY OVER HERCE GALE Same Storm That Foundered Antinoe Took Toll of 25 Lives on British Freighter) Laristan Off Halifax. RAHWAY MAYOR CHUCKS BLUE LAWS OVERBOARD, PERMITS SUNDAY MOVIES Principal Arthur C. Kerry, and Miss Edith White of the faculty. The debate starts promptly at eight o'clock. An admission fee of twenty-five cents will te charged. ; ftADIO AGAIN TRIUMPHS .80S... M e s s a g e... Broadcast Through Ether Brought Plucky Yankee liner Rush- ing to Save Live*. While landlubbers slept in securi- ty, and were only slightly Irritated by the rustling of sleet' against win- dow panes and the moaning of the gale, a battle against death was be- ing won by the officers and men of the American steamship President Roosevelt in mid-Atlantic. On the morning of January 28th, hctwever, the civilized world pricked up Us ears, and over qoffee and rolls, read the brUUtangcebunt t>f that battlM. tuld their rightful ip g place as salt water Jn'TayB to oome, a strengthened American merchant martn^, deeper channels, "more factories and more shipping VlU make this waterfront again a place where """"• •*" H<iwn to the Bea in ships". men go down METUCHEN SCHOOL "•"•* BUDGET TOWERED MBTUCHEN, March 17. — The Board of Education will submit a re- vised school-budget tor approval .«*> a special election Friday, March 26. The budget submitted At the election February 9 WBB rejected by twelve votes. Deeclsion to mubmlt,. with the hud get figure materially lowered, was reached after a conference last Superlntedent of WHthtft* Mr, ami Mrs. McLeod. Entertain , .... , , . . , Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence McLood, .-.,-. The balance *of. the reception Qf Grenvllle street entertained • on committee will arrange to meet the I Wednesday night at a St, Patrick's Governor and ascort Him to the hall. Day party. Bridge was played, there Promptly at seven o'clock, the! Ming four tables In play. MIBS ceremonies wilt start'with the sing- ing of the ."Star, Spangled Banner" by the a,udlen6e. Then Mr. ' Vogel will introduce" Mayor William A. ityan, who will Welcome the dtiaens and guests, and introduce Mr. Slotuie. Mr V'pgel *ill th«ifl introd^ce Mr. Vogel duce r. S l i th«ifl, introd^ce Elitslbeth Peterson made high score, being awarded a luncheon set. Other prlae winners were: Mrs. T. H. Stry- ker, silk stockings; Rene de Hussy, linen handkerchief; Paul Bowen, deck of cards. Harry H. Ward, was awarded the consolation prize a nov- A supper was served at ntld/f Swiate ITesideil Morgan F. Larson, , / ot Perfh Arab(jy ( who, after speaking »i«ht and the house w^s decorated' h nt Qojjnty s M. UXow briefly, will introduce the chief, ex- ecutive ot the State. The governor will make the presentation speech, and present JUr. Sloane with the gift of the citizens of the Township.' . Alfped A. Hyde, ot Iselln will pre- sent a gift of esteem to Mr. Slo&tte from the residents of Iselln, This will be followed by selections to, be rendered by a nisje quartet engaged through 4he couttesfr of TaxX3oHec tor Albert A. Larson, of the Town- ship, Mr. C. J. Wfcite, general agent of theOI. S. Lines, owners'Ot the 3. 8. President Roosevelt, who,was pr«- Bohools .,. , . The budget, in the form la wnick It /Will be Bumaltted; .calls tor ex- penditures In the school year 1926- 18J7 of I7O.0Q0. Tu« original budget was 188.000, ' '•-,} FOR BVH K T FuinUhe art^en ip6 iedr(>9ftH> living TTHfiu, din- ing room and kltchtn, w d pri- wto batb -NevJV <t#^d inquire 531 Vdta »«d upon to attend by j/tr I. Uafc gajrten, wlU'make a few remirkji ol appreciation. The final address of. the i 11 be delivered by County Prosecu- tor John B, Tools*, after which Mrft in keeping with . the day, The guests were: Mr. aud Mrs. William Finn, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fflrd, Mr.' and Mrs. Paul Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. John Omanheiser, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stryker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klngwood, Mrs. LeJjfr ^ampv bell, Mrs, O. P. Dunigan, Mrs. Jo- Bepbtne Farrel, Miss Elizabeth Pet- erson and Rene de Bussy, Obituary KATRANSKl Michael. fifty-six years old, died Wednseday at his sages to Cant. Fried. The radio- gramS 1 ; Tdlfowing eacb other after tense intervals, read: "MWntghtf—received, bllnkejr mes- sages from Antinoe: 'we have fifty degree list'. Weather continued moderating; but heavy swell running. Manned and launched urqall boat in command of Miller, first officer. Pro- ceeded 'alongside Antiaoe and took oft thirteen remaining members of The Empire Theater had ad- vertiaed a bis Sunday opening with benullt performances. The Railway K^deratlon of Cliurdiea opposed. Mayor Thomas A. Kyffe gave a non-committal an- swer when visited by a. delega- tion but announced himself u "liberal with a tendency to lean" towards Sunday movies, baseball and other amusements. Other groupB were aligned with the churches. Saturday 'night the mayor granted ofllelal per- mission. Last minute appeals seemed futile. Sunday th& thea- ter was completely piled. Other benefit performances are to^ fol- low. These are, in brief, some of the moves to date'on the check- erboard of public opinion In the T»ast ten days. Flanked by a permit from the mayor, the theater owners Jumped: Now it's the move of the opposition. And while action is promised, ev,en to the extent of a ' r clean sweep of the board" -aVthe next election, It is still the move of the opposition. , What that move can and will be Is ma.terlal.ior speculation, since, while com- mercialization of Sunday Is pro- Bcrlbed by UWB of ancient origin In NewTersey, a clauBft wrllteu- into ths statutes sanctions *•*«.. fit performances." . • * And benefit peftormanwte'ftfe on the,program for many Sun- dayB to come, according to the theater announcements. What percentage ?t the receipts coti-* stltute the lajgesajs not dl- v.ulged, norare the'state laws explicit on tBis detail, Dave Says His Hat's in the Ring and He Doesn't Mean^Maybe" Issues Statement to Newspap- The prentost Mppplnn-stono to am of the two automobiles or three cask - prlww which will be distributed fret to tho ej)prg«tlc people who assist la thp Loader circulation campaign,' is the blK W r a point offer oM90\00» extra points for 9 clubs of subscrip- tions, which-is now In e(t«t. Thla'extra polntoifer Is the largest, that will be made during the entire campaign and all campaign workfers '- are sunranteed that their snbscrjh-' tlons.- if turned in during tflB'ifflltJ 1 *" 1 will count a great many more points than th&y wiH-'after March 27. whem " the oxtra point offer eflds. The s»> tra points tor each $9 club of sub- scriptions are in addition to the reg- ular points which the subscriptions * will earn. , • '* Subscriptions count two ways s»» - rter this offer, both for"%xtTS p<Aite for *9 c\yb& and regular' point scfii#*-^ ules printed on the receipt book isQT- ers. " • ' '•'•' ; The $9 clubs may tfe made up Of any combination of euBBCM*tlQJH I8t " | they need not be held and then 1M turjpd In even J9 amounts. They may be turned tn two or three ttams each week and an accurate record will be kept ot the amounts and dates turned in. Then when tbe biggest extra point offer ends the camps!** : manager will figure up tho tofitt " J amount of cash each worker has turned In from the first of the cam- paign until the night of Saturday. March 2?, aad will place to the arsltt of each worker 100,000 extra points tor each $9 worth they have to their credit. "Opportufttty Time" is th* «**# that Bhould rightfully be applied to this flret period of,the campaign. Il- ls "opportunity time" for any one, whether they are entered tn the 0sn~ tuilKn or not. Jf entered no bettsr time could be sefefcteA -In which t* earn the largest amount of (taints tor Negligent Voters. ANSWERS LOUIS NEUBERG ers of County, in Which He, a » d cll »! «"} « * * m « l * the ntr »J c « l 'coupon and bn enrolled before qp- Reiterates ' Stand Against iportunlty time" becomes past his- tory. , Points Only Count Points, and poiiks only, will deter- mine the winners of the automobiles .and cash prizes which Will be give* —~—— > i away In the campaign. And polnls-'- "I Shall Run for Sheriff on a can only be secured through solicit- ing new and, renewal (fKtiBertptlons Platform of Hionfsty, Square the Leader and by clipping out tht ' " " „.,." : free'coupons which are-printed eack . Citizen- week _ No one is required to secure any certain number of points betore thej can win"one of' the automobiles- AH David A. Brown, of Waodbrldge, 0 { the prises will be turned right candidate for the sheriff nomination over to the'workers with the htghest iof Middlesex County, Issued the tol-1 standing ' on April 21st, regardless I lowing statement today, regarding o f ho* many points they secure. his candidacy: Any maq, woman, boy or girl, fif- "X noticed Int the dally press of teen yearB of age or over, living In our' county some time ago that Mr. | this section of the state, who eas ship;" Says Mr. Brown'. Andrew Keyes gave a dinner In Perth Amboy, at which he announced his candidacy for the sheriff nomina- tion. iOne of the after dinner a&aakers was former Mayor Neubarg, of ypod- bridge, who afaK could not tie elected, if uiiA*), and several ojher friendly remMs. I do not know what Mr. Neuberg spare a little of ."their time In this campaign during the next few week*, will ralw onb of the greatest oppor- tunities ever oHered them, If the; d» not enter Immediately. It cost* nothiutr*»»'«ea^r, Will cost nothing failing to Win one at the prizes will be paid a cash commission of It) per cent, for every dollar they turn la her crew, neceBsary for .me to take [ST. PATRICK'S DANCE 'age ot a brief sDelt of moder- weather. A brignt moonlight g of great asaistance In' the opera> tt*v.,MSTf weak and "'Antinpe'i 'elpless, suffering frqm hunger,, ex. ,'Osure and injuries. Last sight, An- tinoe still afloat and constituting sftrloua menace to navigation.'.' In ' these terse, brie* words, the master at the America^ vessel pro- claimed his, victory, over the ele- ments. There was no description of the foiir previous day* and nights, when heartbreaking attempts were made to reach the wave-battered An- tinoe, w,hen two brave- volunteers were washed overboard, when all was forgotten, exceut the Job of sav- P ft) bases his opinion on. Mr. Neuberg!on subscriptions, ran on the Republican ticket last)' The next list of «nttles will be .tall lur mayor, *> arid when the votes; published Friday. This list wffl were counted, he found himself 1,093 elude all entries received up until behind his Uok«t r giving us a Demo-j p. m., Thursday. Anyone, may fota- ciatic mayor today. ; |phone the campaign- manager, ja| .".Mr. Keyes- ran three years ago; instruct him to enter their nanff 1M for Township Clerk, and ran several the campaign, or they may dip out I hundred behind his tloket against a the antrante coupon on another pig* . .. ~ . .. . nn . . n young man who had never been in ol today's paper and either -. send. ENJOYABLE AFFAIR politics before, and who was noticing or mail \ji in. Receipt books u»v •»•»«* n* /. i, ack ed by any kind of an organlea- wtll *e sent Immediately and aetlv* ii it M i The St. Patrick's Dance given by , y a y n g tian. The opposition Against' Mr. club house las; ^ l proved to be one- of the most enjoy- able.affair, conducted by that .organ- Izatton tbis season The popular Oreall Orditiatra of Plalnfleld furnished, the music for 'three years ago, receiving over. 1,690 ot Wook- about 300 g (Continued on ft.) in Co a lin after gg his widow he is survived by six sons i i l i i ^ T h « lunwal will TO HOLD FOOD SALE & TOMORROW AHERN00N _._ wUl be p*4*ettte*-wl* a bou- o,Uet of flowers by Bernard Voge). The otaclals of nelghhorniK tow.n* havebe** :_ ',' ; " . •ral hare d&nmi" . »ue to the Ottv»rn ame, it u> I be held Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock at St. Mlchael' t s -Huugarlan Qro?k Catholic church. Thel lnter- me«t will be in the Huu«arlan',Qrwlt Catholic Cemetery, rout si L My stucco, hollow-tile rooms &Dd oath; ohesluut B U ht Lt 6 ties Were presented, the balloon dance being the bit of the evening. Prizes were awarded to Miss Peggy Soloinan an4 B. Wheeler. The committee announce another ot these popular dances "to be held on April 17th. -, Th,e-tlckets tor this affair will sell tor seventy-five cents, which includes refreshments. The club continues to conduct weekly social dancflft' jfre'clUb house every Saturday evening which are open to .members and tlWlr friends. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Prea Ian church will hold a food uale at 3 o'clock Saturday aft«rplQon at the olMrs, C.^H Clxsie; in Green The cnmmitwe Is composed ot Mrs. H. W. Von Bremen, chair- man, Mrs,. W. H. Grlswold, Mr». 0. K. Chaw, Mrs. A. U. Brb, Mrs. Lee flmltli '- one Call 15«, work can begin. * That offer ot 15,000 extra points. In addition to the entrance eoupoa for the first subscription la still la effect this week. If you haven't sent in one subscription so tar, step over to one of the JWtR&bots, ttnd «•*•!• subscription to &*sfid. In this week »ni be credited with the 16,000 coupon* Then I did all In my for the flrBt subscription. ' power to help my successful oppo- nent, and gave htffl a hndsome ma- CORPSE OF INFANT jorlty oa election day, "Two yearB ago 1 tried for County Clerk nomination, and celved nearly 2,000 votes in d the re-; the) 1S FOUND FLOATING 1 ON RAHWAY RlVEl celved narly , Township of Woodbridge and a total 5 In the County; I again Six rooms-and bath with .all con- veniences, steam heat furnished, newly decorated, one block trom Catholic Uhursb aod High School. Fast line to Navark and Rahway. , 97 Fayette Btreet, Perth, 6 room House to let Q» Dally street. Inqulr* K«»p*r, W M* tt v*- never, have missed voting on election day in my.life. I have al- ways considered It a duty. I^Hsltke a grafter as a parasite wh his county. i •far I. believe that Mh hi VBraww . who does not vx>te on BlecWw,Day one way or tbe other, Is not a very good cUtterf*, for he is shirking an obligation and a duty U*, owes to his opuntry, "I have always been a Republican, serving on the County Committee for twenty years or more, and SB Its vice pre»ld«at fo» a number, ot,y**rs, au I «m gotnK to try Malnythts year for nomination of Sheriff on the IVrapped in a box found und by three hoya play-, Hl near the E. Hil- d ti Infant was Ing *ong m Hnlcs near th E ton avenut drawbridge last Binds? noon. The body was clothed 3n babj garments but had been poaeeated ts , a sack which In turn WftS " intfie~v6IuWBo«8 StieetBTir beth nowspaper dated Maith I. Th« small bundle tUen was tied with »tout cord. does not n Cheek* have to drug stgr« o/lgta. A healthy CAD easily be applied ijiwwdry r dally practlw ot ssrvtivg t*» mwi" lnhlw i.'-t. X'.

Township To Greet Isetin Hero To-night

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Thomas H. Slow*

Township To Greet Isetin Hero To-nightExercise? in Municipal Building will start promptly ut seven o'clock, whtn Governor A. Harry Moore deliver* pretentation speech, lollowetiby address by Senate President Morgan F. Larson. Community songr* male quartet, orchestra selections md dancing on program.

, 8rrf .officer.&&, t » f pRoosevelT, who wilt be the KtrWt ofhonor ni Town Hnll cpretnonlert thin-evening Wife will Accompany Mm.


Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, March 19,

H g Rescue of AntinoeQfew Has Revived Interest

in U. S. Merchant Marine

t)i S. Rescue Ship, Her Skipper and Ut Mate

Yatikee Ship whichsnatched Britonson doomed freigh-

from death,has rifame.

Many er to

GAIN 5 RECOGNITION,"When we leave thfi water, we are

dtme a**-nation (or-7»!l-4fo»#'.'--«»l<iRear-Admiral Charles P. Plunkettlast Wednesday night, In,addressingthe ofBcers and crew of the U. S.

.liner President Roosevelt, at a din-ner being given In. their honor at thfipotel Roosevelt, New York, by theAllied Theatrical Committee and theNeptune Association.

At the close ot the program theCommittee distributed a fund of$14,427, which had been raised at aHippodrome benefit performance,among the ofBcers afnd crew. Be-sides tola fund, a gift of $3,000 wasentrusted to Capt. Fried, to be giventhe families of the two members ofthe crew who lost their UveB whenone of the rescue-boats was oapslsedin the heavy seas.

"Even those whov did not actuallyleave their sntp t» help rescue theAntlnoe's men, but stuck by theirposts daring the weary watches, aredeserving of as much praise as thosew,ho manned the boats." the admiral

' and other speakers declared.Admiral P,Umkett, who remarked

that the resuce was but an incidentIn the lives of the men, declared that"It has been the direct cause ofCongress potting an item ot 110,-000,000 In the appropriations of thfiShipping Board tor the sole purposeof nutaUlniiMs lines on rou^ei "that

"I almost Jumped out of my skinwhen I read that." the admiral con-tinued. "I felt that at last Ajftftrtaaii waking up to the fact that there

, Is only one pleca of property in the iwide world which cannot be claimedby anybody and that is tthe ocean, jand we are going to get our share."y

The rescue by the brave offlcen, g e n a p r e 8 i d e n t ^ ^ a n jand Beamen of the President Koose- ^ ^velt, therefore, is more than a pieceof heroism. It has awakened a prideand consciousness throughout Amer-'tea,' that b*r ships and her dfljeersiand crews are worthy of support,!that 'they possess the seamanship/the courage and the stamina that D A N C I N Gmakes Kreat sea-noing nations, whose > •trade follows the flag that fl^Uers at' , .

tn7masthead. ' l Al) Citizens Asked to DecorateThe Port of New York, home port jtromft_ wl<a Afternoon to

of the President Roosevelt, which ac- ' nOmes itllS Al ternopn Wcorded the ship &. turbulent welcome i S h o w Community Spirit.Vhen she came back from Tier event- , , -_ p

ful voyW in February, comprises, [ Committee W i n s Praise. . .among other municipalities, the, I ' •*Township of WoodbrlQge. ' It.is doubtful whether any but the'# ttint Mr moftnft (H10 of ndlyOf' "**rij viruts will ge l jjtTUiB AL LIIBfleers, and a resident of this 4*»wn-j Municipal Building tojflght, to.hear

' ship, should be signally honor^ by, Governor A, Harry Moore make thehis fellow citizens. News of the ac;: ^ m ^ , , g p e e c n ftt t h e ,aioane

enterprise ot the citizens , ' « ,'„ „!,„*« «i .«nMihfi!celebration.F The ceremonies will

start promtpNy at seven o'clock, astho governor has another appoint-

'^ftL^f;^ti th«eiinent tn Jersey City at about i


Home Again and Happy

H. SLOANE and Mrs. Sloane, snapped in front of their cozyIsedin. home, upon his return from the voyage, during which, as an

officer of the President Roosevelt, he participated in a thrilling rescuewhich will go down in the history of ships as one of the great sea epics6f the .century. Mr. Sloane Is reluctant and modest about the rescue, giv-

, ing all credit to his fellow officers aud.the crew, and.Insisting that the en-tire episode was merely in the line of duty. ON THE TUOHT, th« Yankeeliner PrBBldetit Roosevelt, as tho proud little harhnr tutu snaked the stormbattered veteran Tip New York Bay, amid the,roar of a thousand sirensand whistles, the Port of New York's welcome home. The Inserts on the'right shows Captain George Pried; master 'ot the jhip,. and Chief OfficerRobert Miller,-to both qf whom Mr. Sloane gives the credit for the heroicrescue work, during the four days whea the American vessel bucked thefleroe winter gate, and lost twe of her^erew In the successful attempt to!rescue fwenty-flve souls aboard Uie doomed British freighter, i Mr. Millercommanded the small boat of volunteers, who braved mountainous Beasagain and again before they succeeded. Captain Fried and Third OfficerSloane^ remained on the bridge four days and nights, directing the rescuework. Sleep and food were forgotten uutH all were safe aboard.


FOR 2 AUTOSHudson Coach, Ford Sedtm

and $22S Cash Awmt—S> Best Workers ^

CARS O I T D I S P L A Y{Extra Point Offer for NiM! Dollar Cbhs Close*i March 27.

at Tonight'sCelebration

• Prosecutor Toolan A l t o

Asked to< Speak. Double

Quartet Will Entertaih.


in charge of tonight'sevent, has'Produced a, most, favorableImpression"

The fact that theatfttc will b^ hpre, tQ.

•9 W

son the token of esteem to81oanc, has centered tnfl eyes of theState on Woodbridgq. •"

In the days when Heard'* Brookwas wide and deep enough, morethan fifty years, ago, weatherbeatenlittle schooners would come up thecreek to where the Rahway avenueBridge n6w stands.

The Hec«ptibu Committee, consls-of Hampton CutteV,, Wlllisjn

Treen, Ben Vogel, and members OfCi i b i


lp Committee, will be idof' introducing the various

tspeakers. Some ot the committee,to Isellh pat about ' """"

(ormally escort Mr. an*lrk

idge n6w s tads . . . . to (ormally «eort Mr. and- MrSTBlnce those bygone days. t h e . « 5 n ^ I Sloane and tbejr family to the Town

™?"L^I[?FJT£%% Hall in a car provided. for the pur-flcancea haven for ships hastransportation, waterwayand Industries have steadily marcheddown the Bay, and the Arthur Killwaterfront and the Rarttan Bay partof the Township are again taking


Those who do not wish to Bta.yfor the dancing at the Munici-pal Building following theHloane reception tonight, canstroll over to the High SchoolAuditorium, where the Wood-bridge High School debatingteam will engage in a contestwith the representatives of thePerth Amboy High School.

The topic of the-debate will\ be, "Resolved that' the Federal

Government should control theanthracite mines." Woodbridgewill' uphold the negative, andattempt to prove that ho' gov-ernment should engage. Inbusiness of any kind, even aquasi-public utility. '—': -^,

The local team will consist ofStanley Brltczuk, Lois Dayer,Keniieth Canfleld, and ElizabethKaus, alternate.- )

The Perth Amboy team will-Wnwlst of Norman Dubrow, Rose >• Fedor, Harold Gastj and. Feriin-

aticl Eustache, alternate.'.The Judges will be: Hon.

Judge Freeman' Woodbridge, ofNew Bruhtfwlck; ProsecutorJames Bowers, of SomersetCounty; an,d -Professor H. D.Morrison, BnpervisLng principalof B ar Hills, N. J. schools. •

The Woodbridge team areconfident of victory In the ora-

tilt, having been careful*hri for thp> encounter by


HERCE GALESame Storm That Foundered

Antinoe Took Toll of 25

Lives on British Freighter)

Laristan Off Halifax.


Principal Arthur C. Kerry, andMiss Edith White of the faculty.

The debate starts promptly ateight o'clock. An admissionfee of twenty-five cents will t echarged. ; •


.80S... M e s s a g e... Broadcast

Through Ether Brought

Plucky Yankee liner Rush-

ing to Save Live*.

While landlubbers slept in securi-ty, and were only slightly Irritatedby the rustling of sleet' against win-dow panes and the moaning of thegale, a battle against death was be-ing won by the officers and men ofthe American steamship PresidentRoosevelt in mid-Atlantic. „

On the morning of January 28th,hctwever, the civilized world prickedup Us ears, and over qoffee and rolls,read the brUUtangcebunt t>f thatbattlM. tuld

their rightfulip gplace as salt water

Jn'TayB to oome, a strengthenedAmerican merchant martn^, deeperchannels, "more factories and moreshipping VlU make this waterfrontagain a place where """"• •*" H < i w n

to the Bea in ships".men go down


MBTUCHEN, March 17. — TheBoard of Education will submit a re-vised school-budget tor approval .«*>a special election Friday, March 26.The budget submitted At the electionFebruary 9 WBB rejected by twelvevotes. Deeclsion to mubmlt,. withthe hud get figure materially lowered,was reached after a conference last

Superlntedent ofW H t h t f t *

Mr, ami Mrs. McLeod. Entertain

, . . . . , , . . , Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence McLood,.-.,-. The balance *of. the reception Qf Grenvllle street entertained • oncommittee will arrange to meet the I Wednesday night at a St, Patrick'sGovernor and ascort Him to the hall. Day party. Bridge was played, there

Promptly at seven o'clock, the! Ming four tables In play. MIBSceremonies wilt start'with the sing-ing of the ."Star, Spangled Banner"by the a,udlen6e. Then Mr. ' Vogelwill introduce" Mayor William A.ityan, who will Welcome the dtiaensand guests, and introduce Mr. Slotuie.

Mr V'pgel *il l th«ifl introd^ceMr. Vogelduce r. S l ith«ifl, introd^ce

Elitslbeth Peterson made high score,being awarded a luncheon set. Otherprlae winners were: Mrs. T. H. Stry-ker, silk stockings; Rene de Hussy,linen handkerchief; Paul Bowen,deck of cards. Harry H. Ward, wasawarded the consolation prize a nov-

A supper was served at ntld/fSwiate ITesideil Morgan F. Larson, , /ot Perfh Arab(jy( who, after speaking »i«ht and the house w^s decorated'

hnt Qojjntys M. UXow

briefly, will introduce the chief, ex-ecutive ot the State. The governorwill make the presentation speech,and present JUr. Sloane with the giftof the citizens of the Township.' .

Alfped A. Hyde, ot Iselln will pre-sent a gift of esteem to Mr. Slo&ttefrom the residents of Iselln, Thiswill be followed by selections to, berendered by a nisje quartet engagedthrough 4he couttesfr of TaxX3oHector Albert A. Larson, of the Town-ship,

Mr. C. J. Wfcite, general agent oftheOI. S. Lines, owners'Ot the 3. 8.President Roosevelt, who,was pr«-

Bohools . , . , .The budget, in the form la wnick

It /Will be Bumaltted; .calls tor ex-penditures In the school year 1926-18J7 of I7O.0Q0. Tu« original budgetwas 188.000, '

'•-,} F O R BVH K TFuinUhe art^en

ip6 iedr(>9ftH> living TTHfiu, din-ing room and kltchtn, w d pri-wto batb -NevJV < t # ^ dinquire 531Vdta

»«d upon to attend by j/tr I. Uafcgajrten, wlU'make a few remirkji olappreciation. •

The final address of. the i11 be delivered by County Prosecu-

tor John B, Tools*, after which Mrft

in keeping with . the day,The guests were: Mr. aud Mrs.

William Finn, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Fflrd, Mr.' and Mrs. Paul Bowen, Mr.and Mrs. John Omanheiser, Mr. andMrs. T. H. Stryker, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Klngwood, Mrs. LeJjfr ^ampvbell, Mrs, O. P. Dunigan, Mrs. Jo-Bepbtne Farrel, Miss Elizabeth Pet-erson and Rene de Bussy,

ObituaryKATRANSKl — Michael. fifty-six

years old, died Wednseday at his

sages to Cant. Fried. The radio-gramS1; Tdlfowing eacb other aftertense intervals, read:

"MWntghtf—received, bllnkejr mes-sages from Antinoe: 'we have fiftydegree list'. Weather continuedmoderating; but heavy swell running.Manned and launched urqall boat incommand of Miller, first officer. Pro-ceeded 'alongside Antiaoe and tookoft thirteen remaining members of

The Empire Theater had ad-vertiaed a bis Sunday openingwith benullt performances. TheRailway K^deratlon of Cliurdieaopposed. Mayor Thomas A.Kyffe gave a non-committal an-swer when visited by a. delega-tion but announced himself u"liberal with a tendency tolean" towards Sunday movies,baseball and other amusements.Other groupB were aligned withthe churches. Saturday 'nightthe mayor granted ofllelal per-mission. Last minute appealsseemed futile. Sunday th& thea-ter was completely piled. Otherbenefit performances are to fol-low.

These are, in brief, some ofthe moves to date'on the check-erboard of public opinion In theT»ast ten days. Flanked by apermit from the mayor, thetheater owners Jumped: Nowit's the move of the opposition.And while action is promised,ev,en to the extent of a 'rcleansweep of the board" -aVthe nextelection, It is still the move ofthe opposition. , What that movecan and will be Is ma.terlal.iorspeculation, since, while com-mercialization of Sunday Is pro-Bcrlbed by UWB of ancient originIn NewTersey, a clauBft wrllteu-into ths statutes sanctions *•*« . .fit performances." . • *

And benefit peftormanwte'ftfeon the,program for many Sun-dayB to come, according to thetheater announcements. Whatpercentage ?t the receipts coti-*stltute the lajgesajs not dl-v.ulged, norare the'state lawsexplicit on tBis detail,

Dave Says HisHat's in the Ringand He Doesn't

Mean^Maybe"Issues Statement to Newspap-

The prentost Mppplnn-stono to amof the two automobiles or three cask -prlww which will be distributed fretto tho ej)prg«tlc people who assist lathp Loader circulation campaign,' isthe blK Wra point offer oM90\00»extra points for 9 clubs of subscrip-tions, which-is now In e(t«t.

Thla'extra polntoifer Is the largest,that will be made during the entirecampaign and all campaign workfers ' -are sunranteed that their snbscrjh-'tlons.- if turned in during tflB'ifflltJ1*"1

will count a great many more pointsthan th&y wiH-'after March 27. whem "the oxtra point offer eflds. The s»>tra points tor each $9 club of sub-scriptions are in addition to the reg-ular points which the subscriptions *will earn. , • '*

Subscriptions count two ways s»» -rter this offer, both for"%xtTS p<Aitefor *9 c\yb& and regular' point scfii#*-^ules printed on the receipt book isQT-ers. " • ' '•'•' ;

The $9 clubs may tfe made up Ofany combination of euBBCM*tlQJH I 8 t "

| they need not be held and then 1Mturjpd In even J9 amounts. Theymay be turned tn two or three ttamseach week and an accurate recordwill be kept ot the amounts and datesturned in. Then when tbe biggestextra point offer ends the camps!** :

manager will figure up tho tofitt " J

amount of cash each worker hasturned In from the first of the cam-paign until the night of Saturday.March 2?, aad will place to the arslttof each worker 100,000 extra pointstor each $9 worth they have to theircredit.

"Opportufttty Time" is th* « * * #that Bhould rightfully be applied tothis flret period of,the campaign. Il-ls "opportunity time" for any one,whether they are entered tn the 0sn~tuilKn or not. Jf entered no bettsrtime could be sefefcteA -In which t*earn the largest amount of (taints tor

Negligent Voters.


ers of County, in Which He,a»d cll»! «"} « * *m«l* t h e •ntr»Jc«l

'coupon and bn enrolled before qp-Reiterates ' Stand Against iportunlty time" becomes past his-

tory. • ,Points Only Count

Points, and poiiks only, will deter-mine the winners of the automobiles

.and cash prizes which Will be give*—~—— > i away In the campaign. And polnls-'-

"I Shall Run for Sheriff on a c a n only be secured through solicit-ing new and, renewal (fKtiBertptlons t»

Platform of Hionfsty, Square the Leader and by clipping out tht— ' " " „.,." : free'coupons which are-printed eack .

Citizen- w e e k _• No one is required to secure any

certain number of points betore thejcan win "one of' the automobiles- AH

David A. Brown, of Waodbrldge, 0{ the prises will be turned rightcandidate for the sheriff nomination o v e r to the'workers with the htghest

iof Middlesex County, Issued the tol-1 standing ' on April 21st, regardlessI lowing statement today, regarding of ho* many points they secure.his candidacy: Any maq, woman, boy or girl, fif-

"X noticed Int the dally press of teen yearB of age or over, living Inour' county some time ago that Mr. | this section of the state, who eas

ship;" Says Mr. Brown'.

Andrew Keyes gave a dinner InPerth Amboy, at which he announcedhis candidacy for the sheriff nomina-tion.

iOne of the after dinner a&aakerswas former Mayor Neubarg, of ypod-bridge, who afaKcould not tie elected, if u i i A * ) ,and several ojher friendly remMs.I do not know what Mr. Neuberg

spare a little of ."their time In thiscampaign during the next few week*,will ralw onb of the greatest oppor-tunities ever oHered them, If the; d»not enter Immediately. It cost*nothiutr*»»'«ea^r, Will cost nothing

failing to Win one at the prizes willbe paid a cash commission of It) percent, for every dollar they turn la

her crew,neceBsary for .me to take [ST. PATRICK'S DANCE

'age ot a brief sDelt of moder-weather. A brignt moonlightg

of great asaistance In' the opera>

tt*v.,MSTf weak and"'Antinpe'i'elpless, suffering frqm hunger,, ex.

,'Osure and injuries. Last sight, An-tinoe still afloat and constitutingsftrloua menace to navigation.'.'

In ' these terse, brie* words, themaster at the America^ vessel pro-claimed his, victory, over the ele-ments. There was no description ofthe foiir previous day* and nights,when heartbreaking attempts weremade to reach the wave-battered An-tinoe, w,hen two brave- volunteerswere washed overboard, when allwas forgotten, exceut the Job of sav-

P ft)

bases his opinion on. Mr. Neuberg!on subscriptions,ran on the Republican ticket last)' The next list of «nttles will be.tall lur mayor, *> arid when the votes; published Friday. This list wfflwere counted, he found himself 1,093 elude all entries received up untilbehind his Uok«tr giving us a Demo-j p. m., Thursday. Anyone, may fota-ciatic mayor today. ; |phone the campaign- manager, j a |

.".Mr. Keyes- ran three years ago; instruct him to enter their nanff 1Mfor Township Clerk, and ran several the campaign, or they may dip out

I hundred behind his tloket against a the antrante coupon on another pig*. . . ~ . .. . n n . . n young man who had never been in ol today's paper and either -. send.

ENJOYABLE AFFAIR politics before, and who was noticing or mail \ji in. Receipt booksu » v •»•»«* n* / . i,acked by any kind of an organlea- wtll *e sent Immediately and aetlv*

i i i t M iThe St. Patrick's Dance given by, y a y n gtian. The opposition Against' Mr.

club house las; ^ lproved to be one- of the most enjoy-able.affair, conducted by that .organ-Izatton tbis season

The popular Oreall Orditiatra ofPlalnfleld furnished, the music for

'three years ago, receiving over. 1,690ot Wook-about 300

g(Continued on ft.)

in Coa linafter gg

his widow he is survived by six sonsi i l i i ^ T h « lunwal will


_ . _ wUl be p*4*ettte*-wl* a bou-o,Uet of flowers by Bernard Voge).

The otaclals of nelghhorniK tow.n*havebe** :_ ',' ;" .•ral hare d&nmi" .

»ue to the Ottv»rn

ame, it u> I

be held Sunday afternoon, at 3o'clock at St. Mlchael'ts -HuugarlanQro?k Catholic church. Thel lnter-me«t will be in the Huu«arlan',QrwltCatholic Cemetery,

rout siLMy stucco, hollow-tile

rooms &Dd oath; ohesluutB U h t Lt


ties Were presented, the balloondance being the bit of the evening.Prizes were awarded to Miss PeggySoloinan an4 B. Wheeler.

The committee announce anotherot these popular dances "to be heldon April 17th. -, Th,e-tlckets tor thisaffair will sell tor seventy-five cents,which includes refreshments.

The club continues to conductweekly social dancflft' a£ jfre'clUbhouse every Saturday evening whichare open to .members and tlWlrfriends.

TheLadles' Aid Society of the PreaIan church will hold a food uale at3 o'clock Saturday aft«rplQon at the

olMrs, C. H Clxsie; in GreenThe cnmmitwe Is composed

ot Mrs. H. W. Von Bremen, chair-man, Mrs,. W. H. Grlswold, Mr». 0.K. Chaw, Mrs. A. U. Brb, Mrs. Leeflmltli ' -

oneCall 15«,

work can begin. *That offer ot 15,000 extra points.

In addition to the entrance eoupoafor the first subscription la still laeffect this week. If you haven't sentin one subscription so tar, step overto one of the JWtR&bots, ttnd «•*•!•subscription to &*sfid. In this week »nibe credited with the 16,000 coupon*

Then I did all In my for the flrBt subscription. 'power to help my successful oppo-nent, and gave htffl a hndsome ma- CORPSE OF INFANTjorlty oa election day,

"Two yearB ago 1 tried forCounty Clerk nomination, andcelved nearly 2,000 votes in




celved narly ,Township of Woodbridge and a total

5 In the County; I again

Six rooms-and bath with .all con-veniences, steam heat furnished,newly decorated, one block tromCatholic Uhursb aod High School.Fast line to Navark and Rahway.

, 97 Fayette Btreet, Perth,

6 room House to let Q» Dallystreet. Inqulr* K«»p*r, W M*tt v * -

• never, have missed voting onelection day in my.life. I have al-ways considered It a duty. I^Hsltkea grafter as a parasite wh

his county.i •far

I. believe thatMh h iVBraww .

who does not vx>te on BlecWw,Dayone way or tbe other, Is not a verygood cUtterf*, for he is shirking anobligation and a duty U*, owes tohis opuntry,

"I have always been a Republican,serving on the County Committee fortwenty years or more, and SB Its vicepre»ld«at fo» a number, ot,y**rs, auI «m gotnK to try Malnythts year for

nomination of Sheriff on the

IVrapped in a box found

und by three hoya play-,H l near the E. Hil-


tiInfant wasIng *ong m Hnlcs near th Eton avenut drawbridge last Binds?noon. The body was clothed 3n babjgarments but had been poaeeated ts ,a sack which In turn WftS "intfie~v6IuWBo«8 StieetBTirbeth nowspaper dated Maith I. Th«small bundle tUen was tied with»tout cord.

does not nCheek*

have todrug stgr« o/lgta. A healthyCAD easily be applied ijiwwdry rdally practlw ot ssrvtivg t*» mwi"lnhlw

i . ' - t . X'. •

''""A '

GREAT INCREASE Pilgrims of Erin Visit AncientIN EARNINGS OF Shrine of St. Patrick at LoughPUBLIC SERVICE , Dearg, in (ne County Donegal

Dlljjrlm inter* jiHaoo—that IB, liep Into the chapel to watch andpray till morning, this belns the Of-rl«ftl mihHtltutei( flQWftdayB for theolder imprisonment tn St. Patrick's

This Is the most trying pfft of


Ask Township to Participate _in Sesqui-Centennial Celebration^

Net Income for 1925 ShowsGain Over Previous Year

I'lttilir SITVICP Ciiriif>riUI<m of NewJftsr.f tn t-nAirv iiiHlllnn.tu.lli Hlnr.k-

« . , r fSV "«• Hovrnt-^nth an,|h<*lth, v«|iMl itl h p t t h . . plaoc of pilgr

[In. hardlytry withoutwhich, from

n 11 it I ivport which rov<>r« the opera"Hiinn'ofthi' CfirpWntlon" and ttn nih-slAI rv iltlllty companies hir tlifl yoart!»2r,,

•-.' Tim statemitat, of combined resultsof operation of subsidiary rom'ptfrtl***lu>to*i that operating! ii'vcnue »)( Hub-ntdtary companlw wore IN,716,525.-20, operating pxnen.HPK

deprnclntlon niul rollromrtit

th.. plaoc ofV


VS l«Wifi* th» former. ,The penitential exercised are1 Oirefr

gI] f l watchlnK

lavo.tho pilgrimage; fOff until thn night

f d tp f

followInK, It i« fot permitted tomfty\iil be beilevedtbe

n on tnlffTJrsTt


g meal cannot be.eaten, ^ X , n t h 0 day, It IB, ^ „ t k e n bi.tween 3 o'clock and

, t u a B l ate <u

el, m which may-be a hundred feJtew-prlsoners areconfined. BetWWn nightfall andDaybreak many t head Involuntarilyd only t»**^«>ught up «««in

eighbor'si t td

oW man of

^ „ t k e n bitween 3 ocloLomib P g , the |ake containing.u™™T , e t u g0 a B l ate <u

thin fiiftous-Island, la about twelve[*• S m ( , k l n K iH permitted, «nd knyilm* from the village of Donegal " f t may be drunk. The

d t haveS3;

o f l t j Kt h n a m o u n t b y 1 1 2 , 0 5 7 , -

H t o t a l <>f | 2 7 , Q ! l 6 , -061.2(1, making932.06,

IncomeInterest,interest oharKWt miiinintecl9$6,B57.63i so thiit thc'ni

lain and dreary, moon,k tti

( wild,moun-

en- • * '

>f t | l ( t | to haveBiistttlnlnf? properties. It Is

ttakeD boiled and.lain and d a y , , b o | ] e d a t l ( l

clrclw tile lake, cutting It off from '* « , ,R C(irta |nlylvllluatjon and maklnie H an Ideal: * ' d t [ tnlB U


olvllluaUon and making H an Ideal J>Hunt for sfclusion.'rBnectlon, (iftvo-J-. .


An-for the Celebration of thenlversftry of American Independence

community - wlf*

irid Prttk a a t j r a r v . ;

:Mry of American Independence certs; nc o ™ 1 1

a m ; p,inilcatlon of ..few rWritten tt> Mayor It/an, civic with special £">|™ • , houses, L/icklers

Clubs and

=:^fLm«"SK?i»s::planned In thin communities,,. analso requesting suggestions as to the•pethod oV observing -pit Anniver-'»ary.

historic spots;In

d e d i c a -

t i o n o f 1 5 0 t h

W e B t e r n s t a r .

l o c a j c e l e b r a t i o n s t h r o u g d u t t h e S t a t e ^ - d o r tQ h a V e

_«Th4 i.. n<«r» ri*«lrftbl» than aJ , " • , , „ , » , w.

In I t* »rlef

Fred ThomsOT,. a n d world ,C»iamplonP'»- i climbed out

span fit two y«W^one-Ume clWiyiW

athlete, h i* .

w - *

NaftNaft O l i l t e t v athe iVelghborhood, has the »l|?htly

l d i I i


S«*33^j^3SgK^paint.observances,Hubjiittcd s\i

' ^ m t ^ desirable than ^ ^ ^ S K B W " " ' ^ ^ •**«*{*•iSlflr celebration at any one W . " " ^ gequl-Centennlal yial-

^ ^ . - ' ^ ^ t r Z , p a V Waygroun^

the HPignDornooa, nan me jmnuy.oioffice of leading *rayrr In prison, jeiAt intervals Somt pilRrlm (if musicallytalents presides1'*! the harmonium •

made to,n I ration

Itteee to

andtt t

the #rl»onera li

X |

,R C(irta |nly nateureie. A0[ tnlB U drunk during


and 1ft .fcaift r'tjunHwhich. If their nurar

sacredeats lnpart of,i

:oncrete,;rs are


note same. 'It 1* n 'r Wefe6me"committee- to evi-



i~»..'mA latlon, a befitting melancholy whlcn..

u i , o n h . theirl a r^ e i (h(. ureatet1 jortibn of the pris-

,„„ t n p r e l 0

wasRevenue of the Corporation, M-V

elusive of dividend* on stocks of comptiraUv«(

operating utility iroinimnles,-less p«-l['r<l1 m"*g

J aE?**, t«*p» mi*, retirement "



•K i s

It contains tiof "which,


—T . . - . - - , - - --. . . . twiland»«tand, alternately, (gtrl

throughout th* night. Altogether,ere he leavfes-thftrtaland, the pilgrim IWJ|

is bfB'J" by the .finds that his «$wienof Has; pi*oved l e a (covering "'head'* and feet, a'greater strain OTfflh hla kneteR.|tnari jo ih ,

"f the penance, Bin<« the | Aftw the 9 g t i t t k hrnedlctloiL pa' ^" »i.« ullftrlm treads ,are!the second nigilt," those who *ad n(r

v ft. . . . . . a: .k. , . . . ... prison'the previous nWhfr .' and, after their, v

to sitopl A


L be tnire desirable than.woul*e caae Vere a local calebratlotf ••••^-t§"toVnder the ausjilces of oneVor tourists to

feitloj,. ollllmlted or of interestmembership. I • . "«-.'v.

corps to


ConimlBalon, rflcommendfi thatShfo nder the•ridge Townl

ishlp of Mayor, under theyan, or someh i i t t f i

ship of Mayr y ,outBtandins cttikeh, initratfi a

taing an sule

\ttMl& nrjj.„ .'^"small on«-'-ln"stlil morn Btrlftlnu con

Corporation nf New Jpreey and its lfMi ^ ^ t h 0 uninhnblted trnctft be-subBidiory cninimnlftH with Bdjust,- yon<] B,.,.ma crowded with ho'utfenrnents. wao $lU,B2-7.207.Bfi. ' Iquilp' down to the water's edgp-

From thlH W«TP imlrt dlvidi'iids on Did Ute MlrHii»m spt foot on thisthe Ktock of. subHlillHiy coni)tini|i's island, however,.he would find with-JmountlnK to SK?.!l.52fi.-D0, on Cor- | n tfio circln of houses a large^rat ion prefenod - stock to tin' spate, rUKPP.d and ntony, withamount of J3.22;t,7'JH.«« und on Cor-"COmpllcat#d paths worn deep bypomtlon common sUicJt. In the tltudes nf barefoot, pllnflms wh(amotint of $5,781,6571)1. This wlthiini? considerably,' more thnn 0 / * ^surplus adjustments of |l!)7,fi44left a net Income fur the your

r L

meT But BB tna^ ^ h l- f M t h a r d e n to. (he

"r":: , lh<j s t o n e r , i n d gravel

pent towardsi local celebratlt

of 1126 in olAnniversary o1

eh, iniging an sule-

during theprvance ol.the

imerlcan In-

t r a s p i o o p to establish"excursion rates to local corammirty

Th S

The Toofth Guyr t

der W

r toward ClHf»d W «ton's- /oJHckhHtUteoi

and.love under Western BRIOB, bring*Fred and 8)Vv«r nualn to the screen'of the local theatre,, on Tuesday.





from Philadelphia. (Seaqul-Centennlal) and to llgt New Jersey historical points in publicity.

Placement of adequate road signsexhibition * and demonstration oischools and by school children; es-itabllshment of toiirlntB rump, If dn-Birable; patriots ((HiRloiiB observ-'mice of,Sunday. July 4; co-ordinated iprofe'rlifrT^,' """ •"••'


half an hour later they arft "paie uout o( their several Ibtfg- bratlon


*60th AnnivorBary of

a "Btatton," or "runnln,, _circling a certidn

.. , ,. ' l ^ ^ l i t Ismul-; and various saints'

each »ther

rocks and pebbles to

ad-» «ner on m« ™ u , « l "; i a n d |H ui-healtli, ' none are over gion, VeWans or ruie,Certain P™ye« .hav.e. to-£ unown to suffer OTll efi'eets from It. Sons of Veteran.„Dialedn each circling of chaperor^""" L ^ i , , , .in their nrsnit. Daughters of the.26, sand ven.«. have walked the trying|said upon each clrclIng 01 dhtpeI r. | m M t h e ^igr[ms

of penitential roundsV Of the build-j bad. A «Utton IBb gi« ^ P" . . r i a l l w l i v i n th« H«dBtV.fLmi wi.i*h «pftwrt thin Islet two are'grim visitbig the altar pf.bt. unfeia a down»ottWk«* r«in

MIngMleacompany rallwny current, amountingto 919,Gl5,074 kilowatt hours, salesOf gas mnountlnK to 20,294,30.1,000 J.n.°*n_a?".^-

penitentialingii which crowd this Islet two

the midBt'of those con-1 Revolution. . n4n.i..iii>ai stations- in u n miusi UI.UIUK •.»«• »"»• •"»" «-«.-.—-- _ , ,ti__t f lP" S H Bn«iNant downpoiH^** rain which are.Son*: of the American Ifvolutlon,

g there. H e » o to the tobuntaln resions of UmerlcanJUglon AuxiJlary/SonlandCross-an ancient,^ c o ] d o r lu.,DaughUri7of the PjterlmB/Daughters

nde'pendence, \ Iforicai" shrVnes within city limit*;RTidi Townshfc Committee, Hoard o f | b , a n t l n R ' of.,trees along historic

Education, Library Board, (Voluntei^0 , , t e B- 8 p ots , etc.; staise ulmiu bat-ere as this BflgrlmagB seems,:Fire G*mptnles, Police Dftoartment, uflB depicting "^ '"""""^JT"^."^a remarkable thing' that il- Grand Anvy of the Hepublk United • X m m n n l t j r celebration; ««fW |Bh

' Wir Veterans, American L e - m , , n | c i p a l aer0I )iane landing field, In-Vetsrans of Foreiin W a l 'a- elude brief patrltolc observance in1 • " ' (motion

of l iny c i v i c c o n s i r u c n i i i i i i n i u ^ r , , t , ( ) m l n ^ B e l t , « n . . . . ,«.= . ,building, etc.I; flood li(jhtins of-his- W o o d h r idsB National Bank )s operaI ihi ity l m l t f !

ladies^jpf the IG. A. R..American " Involution

JWar Vet-iAmericanJ

passengers, the tola! of coT and bus

la the place | where, standing with'arum and upturned face, he, in a

voice, renounces the world ana3 vanities. After that, rosary in

he circles the chapel seven Young M nYoung Woman's, Chris-

\ M ' H

durinn thetwelve month- I- i^ lcate^ by a net

•Increase In fixed capital, repreaentinsImprovement to plant and eqirfpiMM.amounting to 148,262.813 of which|3'..:49,196 wan npent on account ofthe Electric Itopnrtmont, including

.„„— w a l 1 ' mA k n e e l a a t

ol crayer and Ben-1 the entrance to the bed and at thesaintly S w r sue- croBs In the centre', saylijs; the-*p-

Patrlck greatly revlrenced1 pointed prayers at each circuit andplace of prayer, and St. Dab- at eatfi Jialt,

built a monastery'hew In the| When all the "beds" have beenK>1Q. The monastery was de-

illgrimage. '•As the boat, 'Weighed dowr. Tvlik',AssoCiatL. —D , , -t

illgrims who feel shoes arid hata tian Asshciatlon, Young \ Men s He-wkward after, tftflr receot emanclr breF Association, Youngwwomenislation, creeps a^ljy from the island 'Hebrewm a morning, thftre is no heart that Scouts,

JMS not itrlete^at l'eaving the spot. Club, C,, .™-.. ... ,From the depths of their hearts they Club, RecrfaUon Commission, JuniorJoin in the' simple and expressive Order, United American Mechanics,song of farewell, composed long ago,! patriotic Order Sons of America,

paused the pU^im goes down thenearly $13,000^00 expended on the atr'Vve'd"by' the"Danw,"buVreb"u"ilt"by'shore 'of the-eastem side pi the ,ls-Mnntmrilnn of Hu, new KRRIHV L'fin- . • / ' . . . , n t h e ^ w e ) f t h cen- land ana, walking a few paces intoconstruction of the new Kearny generatlon station I the

til ry ' ^ — -A A total of $10,186,6S2.95 of taxes; govanteenth century, this famous, ft-1 east; then, retreating'*, fewaccrued of which $9,882,084.02 ac- l a n < 1 •• • •- "•-'- -•—— '• •-

and from that- time until the. the water, stands'prayingnry,,tlilB famous, Ts-1 east; then, retreating'* — , - .

„ ,«,.u ,».6 . . .u»hv- was in their charge, kneels upon the gravelly shore, amicrued afealnst the utility subsidiaries The annual pilgrimage now opens|prays again toward the east. Heuf the company, equalling 10.7 per o n t n D n r 8 t ,jay of j u n e and extends | next -visits Slj^Patrlck's Cross oncecent of their combined gross revpnue t 0 A U g u s t 15 (Lady Dayl.and 28.3 per cent of their combined j Thousands ofnet earning. 'Lough Dearg each Summer. It is

The orporatton had on December npt by any means unknown for an31, 1926. 47,122 stockholders, hold- Irish ' miner to drop -his pick inIng a total of 11534,632 shares, whileiMontana and Btart for' Ireland,OB its books were 15,662 subscrlp- eh - - • - _-•.•__tlons to 30,428 Khar.es of preferred a

• A t " "' "' "••"•"'"" "

more, and flnilly reaches the altarcome to ;0f St. Brigld's Chapel, «Hw-«onclud-

of making

Ing one "station." Experienced ptlgritns, whose feet are not over ten-der, may do this "station" In a littlemore than >.a,n hourTDut it will take

^M h " tmore than >.a,nothers nearly two. "pir^e such "sta-

" eachfor the purpose . „ ,

„ Promised pilgrimage ta Lbugh i tlons", have to be performed•fflttWk sold under'Hi"'popular owner- Dears. A'visitor'to the lirfand. at ,day of the three dayB' pilgrimage. .

Viihlp plan upon which payment's had any tlmo during the pilgrimage is! Between the "stations" and agalp,'/!'not be^n completed, - likely to meet there'a strange med-'jfte,- the \hlrd "station" of each day

• ' Commentlns *)n thW showing, ley of rich and poor, of many ranks t8 performed, the pilgrims find.re-.'President thomae N. McCarter sayt and callings. >' ilaxatlou either in lying upon tin

In ITie report: . , It Is the -must ^emoenrtio ptaoe green knoll' is the Island's -centre,"The year 1925 has presented BUD- imaginable. On the one pleasant conversing with brother and siste

,.,Btantial evidence of u favorable pub-" green knoll which, rising in the cen- penitents, or rawing on the lakelie attitude towards Public Service; tre of ti>e island,-aftorda ^ clace ot|and /isitivg the other islets, In adenterprises, Tn this the Corporation reBt and relaxation for wearied and'ditioD to the pilgrim's three dail;Is reaping the benefits of the policy footsore devotees, the rich lady and I "stations" there are, of course,of popular ownership, adopted in the" beggar, may be seen sitting sidel number of general chapel services1921, and of cultivation of good will by aide, Chatting with rare familiar-1 beginning with mass' at 4:30 A. M.thxoueh .various service departments lty, ' ' and ending with benediction at 9nnd by full and frank publicity in,1 No formality whatsoever char- p. M. Sconnection with all of Its affairs.' (acterizes social intercourse upon| On the-evening of the flrat day the

never . been_ e who come

n poor health tdfnost invariably go.way better and-stronger. The piousillgrims saj'j, and sincerely believe,hat no one can Buffer in doing this

of LlberfCy,Dames, f?Allied P:Society, IEstate Bcal Glub|llcan CI

Colonialociety of American Wars,trlotlc Societieshurches, Rotary]

Ch u r c h e s , R y ] jiard, Teacher's Clubs,. Musi-

ti C l b R p u bDemocratic C|V Young Men|

all theatre, perfoTitiancesd t h w i e ) ;pictures

h i t

e, ppictures and otherwise); plan andhold historic tours in local territoryand throughout State.? pjibHsb. andextensively distribute descriptivecommunity* pamijhleta

W ibl

the system were aa follows:No. U .:.... .,H.....U71.ilNo. 1 ...'...„...: *_. 170.89Port Heading „ 154.80St. James' 144.84Avenel 90.60SewarenEighth ttradeHigh School....

M.7337:40 . . „ ' „ '

- - 1 *

Historical)Club, Reaj

M i

Wherever possible, the Commls-96hoolsion, believes that-'4 desirable thatiPort Reading S

.ub, Repub-s Christian

psociatlon, Red pross; Boyomen's Club, \ Mother^

Cluba, Junior, Woman's

y some homely • country balladistand , sung through many years bythousands of deporting pilgrims:Oh," fare ye vei l , Lough Dearg!

Shall I ever see you more?My heart Is fllledwlth sorrow

t o leave your sainted shore,Until life's day Is passed away,

With pleasure ijian I dwellOn the happy days I'spent with ypii—

tough Dearg, fare ye well!—(..mimas MacMinus in the New

Times Magazine.)

MaBonB, Elks, Knights of Columbus,Eagles, and other lodges.

In reviewing the suggestions madeto the Commission, the following ac-tivities which were mentioned aspossible Anniversary activities couldundoubtedly be Supplemented byothers perhaps more practical. It lahowever, hoped that thin lisi mayprompt somfe' definite local thougliland action:

Historic pageant; exhibition; ex'position of progress; community field

sior ..observance Sewaren „

preferably under St. James _t th ] A l

No.No. 1 .....

oral celebrationihould be staged F . ™ . . - x . , _.-„.-he general direction ot the munici-j Avenellal government. It Is accordingly1"" 1 1

.uggested that any persona Interested.n an appropriate celebration of the150th Anniversary of American In-dependence ~to Initiatecelebration.

1814.31'"- Sommary '..•<•Attendance Deposits P. C.

376 100-'96 " ' 62;

1&8 69>232 67319 55241 4&

35 f 2T51 14


Eighth Grade 129High School 370

request the Townshipa movement for such|"otals 2787 1538 Bft

New Jersey State Commission forl Are You a leader Fan?


Brown(P.id By D. A. BROWN) Fou SHERIFF



For The Last Installmentof the

SECTION 21Notice is hereby glTen that the undersigned, Collector of Taxes of the Township of Woodbrldge.in the County' ofil iddleBex, will hold a

.sale at the Tax Office, Memorial Municipal Building, Main Street, Woodbrldge, New Jersey, on the 14th day of Aprttf 1926, at tW5 o'clock,afternoon, Eastern Standard Time; to satisfy municipal liens now in arrears. ,•"*"•"""'"""•*"-

The parcels to he sold are listed below, being described by lot and block number as shown on Che Township Assessment Map, and in accordancewith the last fax duplicate giving the owner's name as Bhown on the'last tax duplicate, together with the-total amount due thereon as computed idJuly 1, 1925, ' • . . , — '

Said respective parcels of lalid will be sold to makrthe amounts severally chargeable agatrj's't the same'dn safd first day of July, 1925, as com-puted In Said list together with1 Interest on said amount from said first day of July to the date of sale, and the costs, of sale. In .a supplementalcolumn Is shown the-eetwaated nSyment required to avoid sale. ' * . V .• «, .» .«» , V" . •

Said parcels will b« sold In tee to such persons as.will purchase the same, subject to redemption at the lowest ral£ of interest, but,not e icced'ing eight per cent, per annum. ' , \ • -w

Said sales will be subject '6nly to municipal Hens accruing after July 1, 1925, Including assessments confirmed after that date ana 1985and to the right of interested parties to redeem within the time fixed br law. •' .



The story is over—but his faithful servant_ • i , , . - •,

the Studebaker Big Six Motor Car is still

here. Take a Ride and be convincedvourself. .

J. Arthur Applegate210 George Street

New Brunswick

363 Diviiion Strft6|^

Perth Amboy



• ' • • • • V ; ; . « . v . . . , . ' . . . * , " , . , / - ,


July 1/1915





204 "J5O6159 ; I12,7-Acres234


89A & 89B24-

2.95 Acres Inland

Hornsby St.Hornsby St.Emmet Ave.RyanStinland.Maple 4v€.'Eyergrreen Ave.

' Evergreen Aye." "Woodland

Oak Ave. "

25x12^ Frank J. Paliai J. ,,....$864.61. ^884.8125W26 TVaiik J. ?&M ::.....;..,........v........ 364.61/ 884.31



• 413-6413-9 "

S'424G ".144A ".446C "448A "473-4 "473-7 "473-7 "502 "

510D "510E "563C "

HomeGardens-568J "



6 & 76 & 6

1: 2 to 4Ul & 348429 to 43425 & 26

- 8 9 to 91568 & 569.

^ IS A 204M & 46

l t o l O901 to 925931 to 9449#S to 982108

243667 & 6685Q6 & 607

Oak Tree Eoad;Bloomfield Aye,Oak Tree RoadOak Tree Road

Maw.beySt. ,Lincoln Aye.Enfield RoadSouth HilTTUmti

^Outlook Ave.

House $--Shop

W pFialAve., _ ' 20xl0Q EaJame^-P. McC

S S T T : ' i lOO" Ea Sylvester A. CE i l i

City Land &r Investment Co,, 9TM25x100 G» $. Deppe ..„ 91fljJ

. 13.7 AcresNel8 Kiatrup : 122.WIrregular Knud A. Jeftseri „„ 93*.9783x150' Paul Podalskil :.. 119.81

25xI5fl...EaHenir J Schalble 1 •,„„•, _1S^SJohn Reber.xTBO John Reber „ . .„ • • , ... 14 70

40x115 Anna fiedlirifTTZT... ;..„::+..;„." 9.172.95 A«reeMike Ifritz ,..;:•..„..„........:„..: 106.56HfrsgulaV N. J. Lafld'&Inip.Co. 11007

50xt50 EaHattie Hunt „ „,.,,..„.. l g g . kIrregular Ellen A. Clark _'_: 1T8/.B^ -Irregular N. J. Und & Imp. Co.. . . 128.46

_ " . " " " . . ,.^299.5520xlJJ0 |^i Anna Glogosky*. .'.. J£.... 19.055StogLM Eft John Kruger _j£ 91.9920x125 Ea Franklin A. Cain ....../!.:. 6..0920xl2& EffColpnja CorporationP. 1O620x125-BTJames A. Phipps JC-..-.: 7 91









d 2& 6

Dow Ave.Cleveland Ave.McKinley Ave.Cleveland* Avff.',New Dover Ave.,

-Cedar St.Maple St..

Woodbrid^e Boad

Heidelberg Ave.

Rldgedale Ave. .WwtAve.

. Brewster Place

„ „ . . . „„-,,.™,w „ ,wwdial 2.86Irjpejpllar Eila-i. Hy<fle .,.: 74.02•bwgular Michael T/itale :............„„... 18 «7

ZfoW Ea Michael Vitale I. 1. 7982fcl(W Ea Michael Vitale :.:.:: "1141

-80x225 Heir^jn-law of ^ *


20x100 SoIrregular

26x87 Ea




2 5 x W 0 7 j , W..Wilbur CO., Inc .„ 953

25x125 -pGeouga SAflmko ,. ; 6SIrKifula/r Gaetand RUBSQ ,v 7f,"i' — ^ - - Theodore. Zehm , '



? Tw,Al xT

E« FrancesB|Julo{ John Itrivenko...' "ex.J.Sabo


. • • ; • • • * •

fhter&t "Jsk

WOObBRlDGeWDER, flUDAY, MAIL 1*. 1930\ „ , * • . - i . " A !

~t I

M3rA.tt.3Km»:30 A.M.—Sunday Schodl,

(faya^-MaWi a t , t :30 AM.


i - - . • — • v».'.

The Christian Science Society -*fSewaren If a. branch "of. tnV Mother•Chnrch, The Flrat Church otChrlsl,'iHpiqnimt 'in tiotqnM>M. *"•-• •

Cape Is Popularlor Spring Wear

Stylish Garment to MatchDress or Be Worn ,

••Real Wrap.Dame Fashion sponsor* the cape for

spring; went U may be short or Kmff-or mcdUmv but It most b e * ca^ .A very aftVaotive',. suit of beige serge,worn by a prominent • a^reks, Ma-tured a cape which,*ns did tfcedfess,had deeo'iyitfntiR of hrotvn wooden but-tons nnd.» ftirurlsrtQ hBiKlftarchlef IntallHhfchlri ( h f

At the TheatrePine , •' * -,H*rt Film. MaterSf

William 9.. Hart- h W always beenalRiiiilly .tmtrB*ful In the stories hehag Mart-for the 'rereeiubut It isdoubtful it a more;happy selection

l t h i H ' ! F i m b l w « e 4 8 "


weeks tl tmtl j improved. ' •• .home on.Rahway asttiv'Wv B. Hnncock (pent Monday Miss Daisy Harrts — ,

with her Utter. Mrs. H'S«hurman atiker of Perth Am bo* were

. J3ervlce» »re held In tfcechurch on•West avenue, every Sunday mortrrfif!'at eleven o'clock. Subject ot Las-

next Sunday, "Matter,"

ththftngrir '(him-.one of

A oh,lg ..aborts- hat oth

his first production for United Ar-' stB Corporation-release. •

Centering abdut the great rush forland claims In the Cherokee Land

.Stt-lp between Kansas' and Oklahoma(TIT"! 8 SI,'the story % Hal O.TftfaTW

IIBH been made Into a thrilling'screenthjtma by C, OtordTter Sullivan.

In the role of T>pn Carver,bitten "tutnbleiree<i"~-a fbitten tboy and"TTl^riiwfr;fell PffllHOiffrrmi hr g$d tiir

Mmplptert flie wtifmntiitf'.cbstrtme.We hate capes thiri yenr to listen l

the tweeds and kasha' dteSses mtrt t '

trite room is »i»en onnBona from three te five»uthori*ed, ^publications mayread, borrowed or purchased.

You are Invited to attend^

after a tjrty shoiilder afftilr ,flttacheilHers all! B ' .*'le back.and really more of acol-,

lar In Its proportion* than a cape.cnpe* thin year (ire veryJust below the hips, (ltteij to the


IfflT HaTaK, fflthat la Ideal for hi


Mra. Alfred I> Hyde who baa beon Elisabeth Loekie* l» J ™ - . ™ *Ill with the grippe for the past two fr*om an atack sA jmeumrafi at her

venue.avblirneft StiTt

diker of Peti,h Ambor were dinne*««»ta an Sunday at,Uie home of Mrand Mrg Day Frlttt v ; ' '

lor on

• • i*««»ta an Sunday at,waa a S«wa>k vlil- and Mrg. Day Frlttt.

M M R h *d Mrg. Day Frlttt. v ; ' •

r on Mflfittay • > M r s M R o M h i * reUrn«(Lfa) herMtoe Roee' retren'o olPNW York home In Ponlhkeepsto after ftpend-

Clttf #* • a wwk-end gtwit at the Ing frve weeks at the homehora? olhrr. a<i.rlrs.T!Kiitran-79W«l.Wf. •JTH, ASet Hlfflw;

Mr. arid Mrs. John -B, •P«teraonncock alUrtded the Rail-' afid family'ot Manhattan ..^mn-its' Aspoclattofc Quarterly spent Sunday at the horte of Mrs.

i*e Pennsylvania Railroad PeiersotWs parents, Mr. and Mrs.A. In Jersey CUy'on Mnn-'NplA, Kttw of 9Huth Amtrtflr.. .

» • - • • • ' • 1 Mis* Mildred Bouker of New YorkJohn Wettel is still confined to his City, -was a TMSWend *ueit at the'

home In SUr siropt with the grippe, home of Mr. and Mrs. rtvtng. BakerMiss'Stella Wripht of New Brusn- th Manhattan avenue,

wlek prtoftlHal of the leottn school,, F. Haumm oX fifth a ^ i r t . Isabsent for a> -few days fined to his tiohse with tii* grippe. >.TmrHas .resu&eil tier; Mrs. Laura B. Yftt^lyke e f t t*r - ] w e e f c . M d a t n r t . h o m e t nFarrnutt of Metuchen.) talned Mr. Run ace Wallace and fw'-j,; ^

Prank N.'TJafls Who recently re-turned from Florida'* la spending- afew days at the home of his parentsMr. and'Mil. W. A. Da*l«.

Mr. McOulre.'who resides at th*home of Mr/and Mn. i .Ptnkham Inthe Cbaln.o-hlUa ta reported as doyln«nlc«ly after undergoing an opeta-+ltn«or a#p*«rdlclttt « ' - - - ""

HotpiUl.., '.-'• ''4MC. and itmJW,. .* . .__. ._ . . . . .

grandson, .Btttle, spent Wedsesdnjtn Philadelphia at the home of Mr.'and- Mrs. William Holmes.^

Mr. and Mrs. C.' bav(s"spcnt thewenk-tMid with Mr. and' Mrs. Schu^berg fn 'Htgjifleid road.

Miss Beatrice Bil l ing enterUinod,' '" from New York City over the,

tt IK hoped that Moscwir.American l u i by radio fofjtime, will not be deceived Into:Inn It* pnlitlPiil idpaa arehold-Detroit Newn.

at thf 'chain in g«v «av M jm

DKLrll» • and i


Lovahle, ftiOFtfess. .kdetflns^.9*P'5 distressed

uf ill "ld&U.Ve and irobued « - . . >..v .. —• — : - s -vM

l&in splrlt-^the spirit of the'IH Bp»ndlnK*om—hfe moveB, a> powerful B;n8iMr,and

^SniMdltiw^iiure thro'ugh a dratnap™t

III,™>p1(l'lii auallty.and stromg'in

Human lnt«re»L_ . on



— Rev,' 4. Benjamin Myers, Rector.

8 A.M.—Celebration of Holy Eu-charist. ' \ '

10 A.Mi—Church School...,, 11 A.M. — Morning Sermon and

Prayer. ' .4 P. M; -rr- Evensong. -nTuesday, 4 P.M.—JPrayer and Ao-

ress. ' - '' '.Wednesday, 8 P, M.—Cruflr prac-

tice. - ' • , . • . .• ThurBd*y, 9 A.C-^CelebraTlon ofthe Holy EueharlsfiT,

Friday, 8 P.M^LlUny Instructionand question/box. - 4- •

Saturday;X2:30 P, M.—Food saleat.the jxfme of Mrs. F. R. Valentineon Qj^n street, by the St, Elisabeth

/Satur^daj April 10th.—Card party^given by S> EUzabftth Unit.


Itev. U#of ?. Dlllener, Minister

10 A.M.—Sabbath School.11 WA.M;—Morning Service,

Topic* "The Power In the ApostolicChdrch." .

»:45 P.M.—Christian Endeavor.7:4& P. M. — Bwnlng Serxlcei

Topic: "The Right Use of Tllent*"Wednesday, 2:30 P. M.—Thft La-

dtea' Weekly Tea will be held at thehqme of Mrs. E. H. Boynton on Rah-way avenue. .

Wednesday,- 8 P. M. — .PrayerService. >'

Thursday, 'April 8th.. 8 P: M.—Minstrel show by the Men's RrothPr-h™»d to be held In the High.SchoolAuditorium. .


Kev. Mtlnor H. Senior,

in A.M.—Sunday School.VI A.M^Mornlng Service,.

Toi.lc:' "Straight." , •- - '1 P.M.— Bpwdrth League.1:\i P.M.—Evening. Serwuu..

Topic: "Ltnirer." - • „ , . . .n-idav, 8 P. M.—Th« Ladles1 Aid

Society will hold' a St. Patrick's BO-<.I,,I in the Sunday School roamB.

... - little,toward theof 'the orfneB^awiical'

loped and pointed around the bottom.Chiffon capes in match the evening

frock are no> exactly new this

that spirit of bigness,of- the wagon wheelB that

jpresftfSS TtTe tncrimlrfg of th* Jseekers; the thrill of vast throngsffr moving people, animals and Ve-jhtclfeB. U epoch-marking. It Is

havjfrfi • been introduced last \ spirit that will grip every stanch-r but tlu>y were, hearted man or woman, for It Is

l d t h

Mr- .and. Mrs

imi! at the home oil Misa . . . .„ . .„ . .» . . . , . . . - . . . . « . . . ™ - ,i: Hyde. I a theatre perfofriliince in Now York

. Tomasaotlast Saturday >»•»>•>••»* 'Mr. and Mrs. C. W.

New York City

. Paul Novak

Bt Saturday evpnlnp. .ItnnUW qrEalrvTew'avenueipJin't HMrs. J. RMber. Mre.• Kn>m*U *nd [^ ^ Mm. TCnAuer'a mother. I

daughter Viola of Ayetiet street spentSunairy with felStives In Rah"*^


ha.Overlandw Overland Coaoh t

Mr. and Mr«, «.+c«rge Foreman of• Newark expect tn occupy their mim-[mer'homij-fn Cmrpiu avenue the first

t k

o r A ^ W e t i ^urday after receiving treatment atthe Perth Amboy O t t H t t T


Mrs. TCnauer's mother, Mrs.T. Does at Atlantic Uliiftlanda. - -

, Mrs. H. Hancock of Kautclllt nmd.°'ha« bw*n seriously 111 with the ftrllUte ."and although she Is much Improved

shr> In

the atructurajt

—the ho^aeKlna Bapgot, in MB direction, nev-

Pr lost Sight of this and Bill Hart asDon Carver Btands out as veritablespirit of the time, a symbol of nation

'building. ./1 Never has BUI Hart done harder


much Improved!

M ^ ' n . ^ r n ^ l J h ^ M r ^ ' H f t r r v ! D- osch of Enfleld road "greatly]

See that yoar cfiU

tat$ B»or« of it


Abranis, Mrs. A. Leldner and MissMary Leldner spent Sunday In New-

k." • vThe weekly meeting of the Card

ark.™ «man« »i - The weeklyMondayln "New. 'YofR|Club was ireW- arthe hwneher hnaband, Thomasiand Mrs. Lester Waller lasteamer Roosevelt:Mr,;"«»«"*• > •

where shT^et her hnaband,Sloane of the ateamer Roosevelt:, Mr.,;"«»«"*• w . B >„ •• a nSloane Is spemliim the week at his, M«. ™'ta™, »• ^ L S *home.

Mre. Catherine Jolinson of Redti t th

MBank is .

irhootlng,_ His role caih) fer ju-

! tfon and morr. action; Xhe cov/boy,the rwil American cowboy of reality

j and romance, has never bean .fcettef! (-\ornpllfi?d upon th^ screen than"TumhlowM»ds" which- comes tolocal thr-atve tomorrow.


some time atMrs. Alfred

Mrs. WilliaWilliam spent SUndfty

Vi Pt

he announced his marriage, to MissM. Roberta otM'erth Amboy. Thewedding took place about three,wnnhn nan. Thn young coupln are!receiving the congratulations of the'community. '

A, M. Jenkins who Is confined tohis bed at the home of Ma daughter,

illiam spent SUndfty^lnM^plewoodMiss Victoria Pruett of Fords waa,

U h M|a

"Hyde.and Mrs. 1'.Owens' had

Mr. and

Br'Mftany, enterta-hred* vial-

„. ,! SundaV^esi at"«* home ot M.s9 g™; J»» ^ofiae^MT"^}!,'' Mr"rv IMr.'i.o OnvJor In Uiirnitl strnot I MaggCTly, HIT. UIBBen, Mr, IVBIiy, (ST.D' M> II* Mrs ( S e . U^fard of D»Jon- Mr: 3 t a l l e*- a n d Mrft KMn-Mtinrm^HtS' S Tuesday m »»T e* YOTk City. These m*n wereaalVIeinzer street Bpent luesdaj m

formet . l y a 8 B O c l a t e d ^ h Mr, J e n H l n g



Wi'illliint Tnst in New(irlfrtth Melo-Homanc«

after being ill for UieMr. and Mrs V/Tli

past few days... .'Ilium Menger ofwho are occupying

of Rahway.Miss Catherine Hughes of Burnett

street spent Tuesday with friends in

Ttint much abuabusedterm "all staflTaflT| 'New York 'Clty._

k AndeVson Werrjway.

&nd-.Mr», Ha.try Baker,. Jr.;B k S Merson Were > « r . ana-iwr», wwry « » » « . , . - . . ,

\j:i^M^ piled-to the! ..^u^-,;,, Monday ««;.. ^iX^^J^'^M^notable cast of film favortteft -who t h e tronre-oMMr an Mn: Bain.- «" «*- B . ...notable cum u> ......

jl,(,lp make D. W; Griffith's latest | ".'.VaroW Earn of ^Sonora avenueI'liotodrama, That Royle Girl, one j g 0 • •nf the ouVrent season's outstanding. tafned

uocOases. ' i •-Carol Dompst.er, whose wlSttvl

beiiuty and sensitive acting has wonher ap enviable following, portraysthe. title role in this vivid film yer-

cehtly.,, e p a i r i n g



dred Bouker Bpent Sunday with1

friends in Jersey City.Mrs. William Brumberg and

daughter, Miriam spent Monday InPerth Amboy.

Mrs. P. J. Donato, Mrs. ArthurLance and.' Mrs',' Frank Earth attend-ed the Third* District" Conference of

,,„. Ll,,,; 1U.^ - lr. Charlea Omcnaky. Women's Club' in Cranbury onon of Edwin Balmert strlkin» nov- . M t ufeWna. A. Essex, Haze"l .Wd I^°d


»., of Itto in the law belt and under- U o r o t t t ty^|lsseN expect to l»v» . ^he Wednesday. _^ _wm-ld of Chicago. _ laelln Action nt the flp^of thiB week AuxniaryDnnce

htly.,- Mrs. Hannah OmenSky has re-_turned to her home In Chicago after'spending' two inoiithsrwlth"'*e».- sen,Mr. Chsrlea•Omo.nsky.



x i a " "OpenStf


StunhlnD Cape Forms Part ofof Beige Serge.

.'•• • | m e m b e rtnem «,niirvliy. They wefe brought 'be ii:• >\it us a stibstluitt: fo" tile scarf, i 1<\r'nJ;heJ11^


which tmd Bet'iiilucly run-Its course.Flpwever, the scurf not (inly did not p ^ ^ ^ ' ^ u V - ' E v e r t o r i ,itiKanpeur, but proceeded/ tp take, a H l K a 9 a n () Florence Auernew and tlruitr hold upon *—•-•-* —' - • - * — —"" h« «

•' _ .tt-sar Sjsss-SE ^ss^^tlnK man both oa the-Jtage and Th«. ^ ^ w m > , u r n h l h . t h e mime ^ n _screen, has the principal P™1!, f o e— i | a | , t M r t y ^ v e c e n t 9 admiB-Lhat of th? Btralflaced New England iflft \ \^ A m a n y n o v .district attorney Who falls In tove ^^with "that Rayle

• provided.

I '•

and Mrs. Vftft O. Munaer assiste hyMrs. George Ritter I? In charge ofthe' entertainment program.

Wednesday th,ere wtll be no prayermeeting because of thtv annual coo.-ferenre at PaterB.m.

Friday. March 26tli,-3:3f) P. M.—The King's Heralds wtir be enter-

t th h e of Miss RuthT g raldstained at the, home of MissBrown on. Jamw street.



Rev.. Wn». V.^D. Stronit. Pastor

9:45 A.M^-Sunday School.11 A.M.—Morning Worshtp.7 p M, -J cnirlatian Endeavors

< flre whtuh for a timeto. assume skious propor-

out th« Av»wd I'Mre De-lay at 2 r . M . fli


M..,.UU. „.„„.. , . . . Several of the pret-•tUtst cape.i persisted through* the sui»-UIPT, those made wtth ruches of^.velvet -•rlbimn and ««ry full and drwilat.at .Saturdaythe Wttort], None of these capes were L w a a a *iiiuoli betnw the hlpline. '

Thix year tlte ihlffoo oape embracesaritfther sLrotig feature of the season,the &L'Hlloj>. It sometimes follows the

1 - * A»-~ JuAnrf-

Was a huge success. - . . .ceeds. amounted to twelve dollars ing.which wMl go 'toward the church

charge«howtf here! ^> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hM ^

regular meeting at the home of Mr.and Mrs. .1. B,. Lft Bat last Friday

Olvurdn" last evening l'iani for the comingVariety Store strel show were outlined and aTh6 'net pro- time was wijoyed followln;: the meet-

MISS R. DEATSBeauty Paris*

Speclallziag ln perfect waving,marcelling, w a t e r waving.,manicuring, BhiimpooingK andall conditlonlh^of the scalp.

Marinello faclai treatment.

phone 1«44-

Open Tues. & Frl. Evenings.



I tuna. The new twp family home— •-— > Christ Anderson &f Perth Amboy

the wallop. It sometimes follows tne T h e sunshine Class met last Fri- which is being erected in lower•tetah b*tl» lower edge of the dresridav evening at the home of Mr. and Burnett street .is rapidly Hearingand neawytftlwayB aoe i »"'1* the skirt! Mrs! C. Crettrtn 8mlth atr*et, completionhappens to have, a scallop edge. Xnd- —'-jJ~^ —'''""••— '

ttie' evening dr«sfytlmt has not a scal-tbped; pointed rtfij petaled edge thla.1spring certainty will be unusual, :


5! VBfiWff SBROVAi e t \ , . m • , . •

RussianSchpol of Dancing ,

47 West,72d St., N. V. City

• • - ' •

Croaa-Beiring?'.' The leader will beMiss A, L. Johnson.

7:46 P.M.—Evening Worship.tuesday, 8:30 P, M.'—The

of the church will meet at the home• of Mra. Brneat C. Moffett en Pros-

peet avenue. 'Wednesday, 8 P. M. ~ Prayer

SMVJCW Tot>lc "TheSpirit •ot.fihflst."

Thursday, 8 P. M.-*The Young. People's orchestra will practice at

the hope of Miss Helen Harned InOrein ftreet,

Saturday, March 27th.—An EasterSale will be held at the home of Mrs.B. W. Hoagland on Barron avenue,by the Ladles" Society. *

Union' Protestant Church New*

\ ' • —Uelln—-

A meeting of the trustees of theUnion ProliisUnt chui Jf i?as holdlaat Tluiradayevenln«rBj the home ofMr. and.Mrs.'AltreirD. Hyde. Mat-ters pertaining to the welfare of thechurch were discussed at this time..

The Ladder Aid Society of theUntou Prptejtaitt Church held a bl-

"~ • * monthly meetint at the ehurch onWednesday afternoon. Another meet-

- Ing was held In the evening at whichtt»e the officers for the ensuing.year were elected. •

B. A.' Poster Celebrates Birthday

buslneaa man, entertained a numberof. guefcte at his home In ,Oak Tree

Metal Touc^h Conli Fkin Frocki >nd Co»t»

The metal touch tWat has been »athis season,-continues tft.he

In mil season froi-lM and coats.^een la ueW seasSimple stlUinga done In gold andslWef threadi! ,ure often employed, Abrown crepe I dhws eipidiu gold

"pitching in ro^.btfSfree to adorn thel section while a bola de


the other having a line ol the pail-lettes down the renter.' /The entire back and sleeves, of awhite kttBha coat wer> .covered with ajkffld, design done in Hold threads.

Baeh week wpw clothes pour forthreveajiftg the added importance ofscallop* as a trimming detail. A greencrepe frock has s. scalloped oollaf OD


""X stamped Goods

Art-Nee4fe Woric of th* Beat Sott

A Pieasujre to See I:1,

Clasps Open Monday, October 5,WritB~fpr f^rae-Gatblog S7 -

crepe frock has a. s a psilver cloth tQ stress Its, outline. The

d k t ection* areare



A lakfd AppU N«v«r Fallt to


sleeves - and pocket section*similarly trimmed .while tfie frontsection of the drew emphasizes' theextent to which box plait* ire being

employed. \ , ; ' - ' VIn the light weight blue, velvet two

piece dress intended for souther^ wear,scallops are- agtifn Used td' outline thecollar, nnlah the lower edge of theblouse, pocket and sleeves, .,

br the lTnll«d ffftttti DcpartmtDt«I AxrLctllturt.)

^K-.ilii'il apples, Kt flrxt thought, atelist baked apples—scrubbed, cored,<-fl with the peel on, and having eachnviiy lilled with sugar, and a bit ofmtter.perhaps.snd ba,ked with a very"it\le water In the pan to keep them'run, swrehlug/-Apples baked In thfsvay should, of course, be basted oc-iiHlcnally with the BliHfp that forms

Jie'wHter, aplile Juice, and sugar,.. Ifd h ih I '

haHtlng. 'I'lif tireufl berum«s aatilwith ili« Jellied Rlrup. To makilook i cry iiUrH<'Uve, k Uttl«f re<>

aplile Juice, g .i vnrlfty of apples Is used which Is'"ilw good forjeUymakluif.'i.uch.as^the

l J t h Tompkln*

v«geul)!r inloring may be addedthe slni|i uiid % cuiidlrd cherry oicranberry set on top. These »W»leare good without crtjnm, but ejltra fluIf you have It. •

Stuffing In Corel.\yheth»r pared or cooked In thel

skins, Hppicx tp be baked may havtthe cores replaced by various Htuf

i Telephone 48.

New York Capdy Kitchen

Home Mid*Candie* and lee Cf earn

Ord-rs Delivered PnuBpthi


Milady's 'Beauty Shoppe


261 Madison AvenuaA. Sill, Prop.

Hours—9 A. M. to 8 f. M.v

Phone 862 Perth Amboy, N. I


Woodbridge ConfectioneryLargest Assortment of Flavors ip Town


of. groad•of heven

omo In Oak T«jve«ln# •lnvtt«mor

l ' Thst SutttrUay «jve«#Whdjiy anolveraary. Ths

wa» vluasantly enent and

Taff«t« Suppfir Frock*In thtfse days, of nt^ht clubs the

favorite «pp«r dfoag Is ftttUar o l a h l l

ton atfoagOne taffetaton at litist*; One ta pp

fi'ock le of yellow otiire tapeta withb l k l t lncea tonfat

fiock le of yellow o t pfine 'narrow black lace tlouncea ton

d tfiau In troflt, ,Tlie. no sleeves'a

law bow on ._.cut show toe taffeta both through

aM an «wbt - -

flngs, s m i r a . nut meats chejn.e<l..raisins, Bg.-*. dittt*. or combination*

Maiden Blush, Jonathan, Tompkln* k f t h ege fllllnj^ ,w by preserves, orliliik, or Northern Spy, and « «*» >• [ dlstlnrtlve fltV**- such as apricot_ ormkeii iuit to ttdd too, much water, th^to add too, much w t j

be wore or less Jellied whenornnge miinnHhule, strawberry jam.grape <JtIIy. or pluiVi preserve. A glass


Bui l»«t "apple* la -their skins Is but,ne w«y of baking them. Bwue peo-,ie like to Pftre the aupteB. u w U »s

core theso* and.to bake tberit to.a,

it i'an be brought wble without transfsnlinj the'to another dlt£ and without loss ofthe tilrup.

As people


are very d e ^used o n ' c o o k e d

them plnln

Tuwrterrott has fceenwide remedy ff>t kidney, *\blad4w dlsqrdera, rhf •lumbago and uric acid'

Telephone Wood bridge 821.


Gerity Building

93 Main Street, WoodbridRe, N. JMain office: 115 Albany St., New Brunswick, N..J.

'WiAythtiuti* Good

ia the cheapest in the long run.

grad« toodar-«the best there are.

U/E CAfiEY only the purestgroceries.


. - ' • * = • • • • :

THE J * A 5 t t . FRIDAY, WAR



p«>hHmwd K»«rr Friday by * :•THE wOODimiliOK PRINTERt. INC.Al 101 Main 3treet, Woodb/Wge, N, J-

P . * Offic . . WOoArid«.vN. J....VS.c,Jnd CI...

TELEPHONE:—WOODBRIDGE-K. V, tioffman, Editor


Subscript ioti Price

letters to the Erfifor .(Nnttv—The following conimunloa-

llou hTpubJIshejl hwe'at the requciitof thfl PktrDtmen'M Benevolent AB-•oclatton of Wnodbrldnre.—The Edl-"tttrll _ ; V

Wherea*. "ip" the cltlen of'Clifton and Oarfleld, there \$,t «luted a strike for the past i»i* or

•Ii l l9 i e and tho name hereby^nded to read an follows:

"Thr Mlary of the Col-lector of. Taxes ahull h e t h e

MOO pw year1 fa (XJii'al monthly

\ known at lbe.-Bah.wnyiSy.8te.rn.,. ;. . - _ r ... ..| 3. Hild Impfbfrrm-nt shjil consistiof the c^atruetlon of a aljc Rich wa-

i t e r line ulnrttf-the West Ride of Rah-

9. Temporary not** or bdOjhhereby authorized in be- issuedIf

o ttnif! in »n amount not to

net debt ofvsa1d Township, computedin the manner ptovlded In nM See—

.tloq.12, including the debt hereby r

fWftoH*e« U 1779, W - A tuppii! maiuW debt statement Rhofrnkg

has beeti rhade and filed wiClerk, a» required

i j , Thi* ofdlna..ImiiH'dlateJiLjipon trthe same all WOpted, 1

" J(4'l*lrch 8th., _fltit reading March

I '

Rf|nit)llcatlrih of new* and editorial sfatter in tht»»« colutung 1« p?rm'tt«-d provided credit la given to Ttw (Wpo4»b t d * Leader. - . - , . ' . . :'

pBrndpnce from readern. wKprewloit opinions o?Inyjtwl. but.no nnr>nymou« letters will be published

H. j ! Friday Afternoort, March Id,

wyen weeks between the several' \rivprtlaed March 12fh,thousand workers "and mill owner*in laid municipalities, and,

Wheroaa," the members of the po-lice D<ipartm«nt& ot Passato, C4IMon' ,and Oarfi«ld, havo,beeo engaged. In NOTICE r |thn performance, of tHBIr duties as the To#n»hlBpnlltR toffl^RtR, In thR haftardouit dti- meeting at tfi

to maintain'ptftce and Order In iToildln*, MfaodbrldRe, oninch munlelDaltle^Srtid • , ;22nd.. l « « , atMght-thlrty o'clock in' WtereaB.-t^jolfcn of f ice of urdtl'" e*<W»i^<v. consider "» flniil

police departmenVVpe'- - • " • — wwmMLW torching, ordinance,to enfbrotT " ' 1J~ ^ '

line thereof, wherever streetseasterly from rtahway Avenuework o f laid improvement is

with t*e

Theto b*

it publ iA«. in <h« SRi/JLj?* P'f>lic " " i C * - ' * . " "«h.t it,, we, >o th* commrinlt, . Uir, unblM.J p r ^ M . t i . 1 . «f t h .with f .v»r ,ow.rd n».«:'SSTJn.tle . towkr.1 ril. It. «di»or».U will. i r . Bn,TOUr-f«m*nt to honei* and proir«..h-« p»T."n,, P«r l i« . or

lice departroenVtn, Weir fend^vor^f^ff ^j,"J». v>'^""--"'Vr!^rl^i'

enforo* the law, Itralntain peace |»* w f K U " * 1 J'Sft "i**"0"rt'protect the property of.jlhe eltl- .*"««"» « V b £ p W « n by any tax-as of th«,e cities, have A f t un-.P^"1' °f. %*™ n '* ' l »L. „_„__

'I'nttfntihin, i iiArk

IIM _ . j now on Hie VtthClerk. Township Clerk.

that! 4. iftld Waterhold ft supplied troni the

Company under theand the Township shallBuch pipe linen and othermay be necessary tq i

equip said system.


1»16bondsnot. to per. cent.m i m \ AH other matte™ Inof iaid'notes or honds shall


a rateper an

be A+or hondsby the chairman; of the

TtnqUlp Committee, the Town.hip,;Clert and Township Treasflr-ftr. who

are hereby authorized, to flxecute «adI i id temporary notes or bonds.are hereby a

I issue said temporary! io . The average

, to flxecute «notes or bonds



| t ( o f t ) l 9 uxab le rpni i"»v j - - ' -I t I M m v e m < n t a ) of the Town-

t ( , h l n ' o f Wot) dbrldge In the County »^ « ^ ^ t d upon the Hart

.^Ufarcn 8th..ftrslt fading March 8th,,

rltth.', 19*6. wlth^nptlofl of• a r S l t t h . , 1 9 . lth

hearlbK March 22n*. !»««. ,ANDRUW KBYH8;

f NOTIC&IS W f e ythe Township Com.mlft**jprm,liW,fcm»Stlnk at the MemtjrWil #unicll>al

W MhBonding22nd.,the

t the MemjWoodbridge, on

^ 1

B considerforegoing


JLjtag. three 'valuationB thereto fee manner provided In Sectton U yayer

objectionby ally


opitii of thrne cities, have .Juctly ciMiHftred and criticisedof thfir (-ffortH In that bnhalf, and

W-horfidR, the police, offlcera ofPasHalc, Clifton, and CHirflpld, haveno Intonwt or dfl»)re In the unpleas- ,ant controveriiy between the. mill j

!owners and- thn BtrHrors other than!itlH1 solprrin iio.rfofmanfo of th*lr dit-jLl«tt, ttlirV .. , I

'Wafii'caB. the Stato Patrolmen'sBenevolent Asftoclatlon. the parent;

REW KEXES,Township Clerk.

27, 1917. theChapter 152 of the Lftws of• f l d W . a n d auPElying Water far j

public and private UBPS of su*n.^ . , municipality and Its inhabitants. In'

4N ORDINANCE (accordance with Section 2, Articlei irovldo for the InrthllaUon of | XXXII. * • "• • ,WatX 8e«fee <'on.. l'ctlon8^ijfthe| 6. The cost of Baid Impwementj

of Water Mithfe lh| shall he assessed upon the lands in i

« - -,-,-- , ln ,n e m a n n e r v,u,,^ rToWrtahip waa^on ,Mirrch! f C h a p t e r 2B2 of the Laws ofe date of Tipprftvarof said j t m e n d e d , Is » 1 2 , 3 O O

Northerly Portion, of Hahw«yAvenue.• it Ordained by U" TownshipOommlttte .Of th" Township

M in tho County

shall he aaBeased upon the landBtho vicinity of the improvement bene- ]fltfid or Increased In value thereby to.•the extent of the b&nellts. 8otno por-

the celebration being held in honor of Thomas II. Sloane, of


Usnevolontthrouthroughoa mem be

:hout Now Jersey,ier»Tnir"iWin'tm-W--teTi -policemen, by Its dirty

1 _ . i repreBentatlves,

of tinio, has done everythinir in its t)ower l t ; l lorouK ! i investigation of' " ' • . > • . - Ulon In 1'aaBttic, Clifton

L o c a l e .

oLtion of the cost may be asseased onI-1 the lands not dUreotJy-.fronting on

•8 "

e coatnot

1. Thei-nnnactl

pointed by Mayor Ryan, and headed by Leon Harned, .thoujrh | « ^bandicftpped t h i g i it power 1°r


tallaMon of1 wflter s e r v - j i n ^ but which can- be reacll• • - '• e, iBmaliiertfinslona.Ralrway ..

'uctlon'~oT wtitef-


; All ul— — imrAl iraii In

*b make^the-affair a success.The community spirit ovidenced in this enterprise is com-

mendable, tuirl the Township is to be congratulated. Itthat it will rally 'round the old flag, when occasion

no playing of politics. Political differences

andWhcroaa,, Inve8tlf;atlons 1iaa

ed that the memb«rB of thepolice departments of Pajsalc, Clif-

ftld; h f f d t

in the portion of said Avenue here-jthe said Improvement, including suchinafier set dUt,tis hereby authorized variations, If any, from the elans andas a local Improvement pursuant to specifications as may he found nec-ArH«ie XX ilactlon 1, Subdivision essary'tn the progresB of the work( I ) of Chapter 152 ot-the Laws of shall be determined by resolutions

ton -and Gurttqld; have suffered mostunfair . and unjnst criticism of themanner In which they have endeav-ored to perform their duties as-afore-

c v . . .. , i • . - i j.y i i t i.- L ' Whereas, said rapt'esentattveB, af-Aave beeafor^otteiuand members df both local factions havejter athorough and complete investi-partifipated in prepanutions for this event, to honor one of our!*^110" o t t h e condtthms prevalent in

. . . . . . , • V „„ ' „„,, I Pajjsaic. Clifton and Garfleld, have" "" found tTTat ,fhe police ofBcerB of said

tnunlctpalltjies have performed theirfull duties, as police officers, alongBtrlct police lines without favoritismand In connonattce with their duties,however unpleasant and hazardousthey ruay have been and, • further,that BaljJ representatives have foundthat the criticism and censure'heapediil>on..the police officers of such muni-cipalities by certa'in out of townnewspapers who thrive on sensation-alism have been unjust and unfairto the members of the Polite Depart-ments of said cltlw,-which said po-lice officer's are themselves workers,no,t unlike other workers' with fam-lllps and" with a deBire for peace andopporttfnlty, now, therefore

Be It Resolved, that the N«w Jer-sey "State tatroleinn's BenevolentAssociation, in meeting assembled,

^ereby extend to all of the mem-of the police departments of

v..,. cltieii of Passaic, Clifton, .andGarfleld, their fi}U and unstinted-Bup-port for the fdrther fulflUment oftheir duties n,s police officers, andfurther appeal to the seneral publicin thft municipalities affected by this

lf)17 iis amended by Chapter 131of the Laws"8f,in21. •

2. Said. Improvement .fihall be

of the Township Committee'S. The sum of $fi,0O0.00 or so

much t&efeof as may be necessary,


Perth Amboy

Real Estate ,Intiirance


There has

: -•?? fellow townsmen, who built his home here four years ago, and•.•',*'» «ast h is lo t w.ith U8. •

- " * There is something fine and manly in the manner in whichv ;f .(he crew of the President Roosevelt have conducted themselves1, while tattling death on the high seae, and while being-show-" «red with tributes ashore.

*; > The adulation and prai^ has not turned ' thejr heads,* T T t t e y are etiH. sealaring mSaf readyiaput Qut.and. brave tem-'"'•;, pest and sea, to keep the Flag flyitig above American ships.

We may enter more wholeheartetily into this celebration. •., „ because it is in honor of men who risked theij lives to save -livesfc-^ *nd not to destroy. No doubt in time of wit these men would

have'been equally honored, had they-sentto the bottom an ene-my ship with twenty-live human lives aboard. l

But this'was a Samaritan mission, *It was a Christian act.* It showed that in this age of CQJHpetition afloat and ashore, l^0681

.'';'•• men still have hearts, men Mill arc-willing tqj risk their lives the *',,1 for their fellowmen. ' •'' •

Woodbridge 859That's the number you call when you want

a taxi, or a car, or cars for any other occasion.

- WHY ? Because you get what you wantwhen you want it—at a reasonable rate.

Prompt servffte, ^ courteous drivers,«pmfortabe cars.


Woodbridge Taxi Service447 P»arl Street Opposite Penn. Station

The repweek by the

A BAROMETER OF WEALTH ^ „ thft m n n l c l p a m i e s aITeciea Dy UU8>vi of income for the year 1^25, published this;strike in the backing for its fun and

•• , - - >«blfe Service Corporation of New Jersey, shows ^ ^ T p a r t m e n f aUTi!-A decided increase in all departments, and reflects the growth charge of th-eir dutie&*Qft.ttt.M>rt>tec-and wealth%f this siiction of the state very effectively.

\ Not only do tho figures shlpw go4 business management onthe >part of the .corporation, and rcsujtantl profits, but they in-dicate that an oscr growing percentage of the "population areable to- buv eleclricitv for home use. "The increase in the use

lortgage Investment

large Amounts or Small—

$100 and Upwards.

Notice tO Cotlll'HCtOIHScaled projosiils for the. construc-

tion of Kahway Avenue Sewers,




State PresidentTHOMAS I HlCrGIN]§,

• Actlnc State. Secretary

able to1 buy electricity for home use,. "The increase in the use•f electricity and gas for'commercial and inftuilrial use also.jreflects a growth iu that, field. .

"*The .time is not far ofl'-when ihis entire section of thewill be onefctfreat and Qonnecte'd group of cities.- The entire^eived by thearea withiiiW Port ..of. New York district, bounded on the!south by llic north shore of the Raritan River will attract anlm, Mnrch 22nd,~ t~92*(.'at "which"timincreasing number of .industries ,'ieager to avail themselves ^SV' lkmoff l iSunWSSnS.waa^erfi-ont-facilities and transportation offered by railroads, "woodbtidge, New Jersey.which f>j-i««jr-r<vM this -M-PJI ' T n e l w o r k iB divided into several-Which u i s i < l Oss t n i ^ a i e a . - . . • ' " . . contract a a shown .in the spedflca

As more and.more industries locate along the waterfront,Ihose employed, by the new enterprises will locate their homes

" "as near as possible to th'e industrial area. Woodbridge Town-«hip is especially fortunate in having ample homesite acreagesufficiently remote from the factory belt, and yjet easily acces-sible by bus,,trolley, ojvfastline. • . • ' \ •_ * • •

Perth Aniboy's recent attempb to annex the Township. prove conclusively, that our homesites and factory sites are inprove conclusively, that our homesites and factory sites are in

demand, and that with its larger area, it3~T>~eWel reSldeiTtIaIdistrict, arjd with the "right , kind of/enterprising citizens.Woodbridge Township oan sooji graduate into the city class,and outgrow its more restricted .neighbor.

Mr. Co-olfdge says he»h»t they like in Germany^Philadelphia Record.

i can't stop Americans^Jrom sa,ying) he can't even stop-It in America,—

' ' Tourists Shake Duat of Florida From Their Feet.—Head;line1. Sure. They didn't want to have to pay current realty1

; «dtes for it.—Arkansas Gazette. \

IV. f

New Jersey, and may be ....,by prospective bidders during

BB hours.The standard proposal forma are

attached to the specifications, copiesof which imay. be furnished on appli-cation to I the Engineer.

Plans and specifications will befurnished to prospective bidders up-on payment of T«n ($10.00) Dollars,which amount will be refunded uponreturn of plans and specifications be-fore the time specified for the open-ing Of bids. 1

Blda must be made on the stand-ard proposal forms In the mannerdesignated therein and required bythe specifications; must be enclosedIn sealed envelopes, bearing: -thename and address of the bidder andnanie of proposed work on, the out-side, addressed to the Township Com-mittee, WoodbrldBe Township, NewJersey, and miigt be accompanied bya certified chpek for a eum of 10%of the amount bid. without condition-al endorsement or coBt in the sameamount, provided sa>d' chqck shall

1n,ot bd leaB thanJ&OO.OO, payable to


i * - ^ ! _and before

We can not help wonfiering just how the Department of ;to8Jji°.^edi .'.' „ii- . , • , ,. ,•* , . , , < • . . . H . , The Township Committee reserves"•-«• would have functioned had the headlines said some- the right to ruject any or ail bids u

! - "•• ,0&fatn|t waiMn-iyed-Trp-fflTthfr a i l ^ ed*Uiwr : tmBt . f e*^ i 0 I i h ? ; ^ fnt«e8t °t the'Times. '

An authority on words states that an airplane should al-.^8 be referred to as "she." Does, this apply also to nvai!

'vfknee?—Southern Lumberman.

It ia proposed to reduce the size of our paper money, prob-to. make it harmonize more -neArly wjth its purchasingy.™Lp"itfsburgh Gazette Tim.es. > • ) -

as shown in the specifies(j^,_al)d jiroposals may be submit-

ted ' for*, any"'one contract, for any\!group, or for all of ^uch oontractB. 1', The ggwarage work coftsi«t« of

approximately l.as mile of 8",10"and 12" sewers; 1.06 mile of 6"house connections; 23 manholes anduse connection2 disposal tanks.

' ayeclAcutlotite (or the proposedG R

ayeclAcutlotit (or the proposedwork, prepared by George R. Merrill,T l W r t f K ' E i d l ap-

gTnwilWrtfK'EnKiiieer, and plans ap-[iroved hv him, have b.fiejQ. flj£d_ln_thfi.office of B id Engineer in .the Muntci-palBuildin W d b i d T h ioffice of B id Engineer in .the Muntcipal,Building, Wnodbridge Township,New Jersey and m / b ' i i d



Z,f,yTo give our customers immediate advantage oi the tax reduction1 which the govtin-1iii«nf wHtput in etlect March 29ih, wtmMsorh this loss and seUiiur cms Iromnmm ^atihenewiax rate. (No tax oh trucks or chassvr) _ >,

Hf frice*yiih Tax Redaction^

: ' - . . ( •


Thirt«en-\hou8and rjew laws were w B O f i f o U n i W i a ? ^States last year. These, it. Is hoped, will cover all estimates for statingbreakage during: 1926-4*8, ' ^

T u d o r : . ' . . . . . . . . . . ' • ' . . • . : . • ; . : . . . . . . . . . 5 7 3 ^ 9Coape ..,.......:....;...:... 552.81Tour ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439.11Runabout 418.63Rck-Up . . . . , . . . . . . > . ; ; • ; ; ! . 440.7J


af¥ • V

• - .»\ :Press reports state that o%er8 in the Chinese Array h»ve

carded regimental insignia. Their interference with quickooM.prence to the ranks of an opposing army is said to be

n s i h l f t . • ' . . « . • _

trouble abolit cranksGazette.

that they're invariably

it'a »H pv^ewaKybody wijj

f b eTownship ao to doUated ^ l h ' i t

ANDREWTownship Clerk.

Advertised- March 12th, and I9th,i

Phones 366-673AN

To AmeiiU jut Owlhtmue,"Ah Ordlnftupp to PUt theof thw (,'ollecuii1 of Tau>»".

J3« It Ordained by thj) Tnwn«hljl:

Coranlttee : ot the Towngh/lu ofWoodbridge, County of MlddluM*,State of New Jfereey.- - - - - - - - ^nti

Maple & Fayette Streets Perth Amboy, J U .Qpenlvemn

' V '





A. surprl«e. mlscellapeous shower,arranged by Mrs. T. A. Tappen anddaughter, Mrs. Harry Reydcr, was

A i i — Riven last Saturday evening at the§ _ A I M TaVpen home, In Schoder avenue, toV f a l j l ^ M l B S Nathalie. Logan whose engage-

ment to 0. Rsrgls Prall was wtantly(Contlmied from Page \) .. .i .._ :• T _ ^_ I announced. Miss Logan Is a Blstoi

Vis" those, human lives qp a shlp'-J* M * * # j U V T " ' Publ l l lhv r «£»«*.which might itnk any miSute, drttg

P.fWoodbHdte Impendent Mr, Prall.•glarthem down to th.elr loom. j * «'a4ua« of Rutgers,-4s the editor |

Durln* those four day* the sever-T01 "•?•• «4M>en«pt.• « t gale V the-winter lathed .the A t - L T * ? B U 6 l V f £"?Untie, taking its toll of lives from*the Tappen horn* -

was Invited {6, i

many ships.Frqjn l,fie *lnd-whiDj>ed spates of

the seas came nieasagt* that "iky, in-

on entering was surprised by a num-ber of frlendff. Mrs,, A. F. Randolphplayed th« wadding Jharcb as sheentered.' ttst d**»ratlort»Were car-

out ln a pink color

their *• schooner went ^ agtoupj, off

that Lake Mlcfll* wlltwlwW' nnj uronmuuinr waboard had been r ' e d ou* '"'a p ln>t c-'0^ '

i beriiihed whpn I t t r l n * 8 of hearts being hungL**»!^'w hf£ i W Refreshments were aenjom.


string. ,*».•• ititt flr>t ofljeer was _,

•when the vessel w e e d e d , throwing'him against , a Btsttfbtori. England |

Refreshments were served.


Problems otYouth to beDiscussed atY.NLC A Confab

Young People of WfiVdtnridgeChurches Asked to Attend

. New Brunswick ConferenceNext Friday, Saturday- andSunday. ; - ;

"New 'Brunswick/ will play host toWoodbrldge boys and girls, forthree days on Friday, Saturday andSunday, March 26, 21, and ; 28th-



\Wiylaro R. Hii

at th* honW^f iHaywell U\t CAlnn3 I'. M. alter a HhSaywell WW Inyear.

The funeral wutcrnoon at J P. M

woii passed away\ls son. Arthur I..ia ta%t Sunday lit^Tmfcillneen, Mr.his h

hold Tustfay affrom nil late resim

dence In Colonl*. the Rev. S. W.TownueHi.jPMttir of the Trinity M.E. , ChurciT of nahway ofteMlnsIntef fn«nt rWM " In New- York BayCemetery, Jersey city uttdtr ;the dl-recUdn OC Underttikor Carfton!

Mr. B»r»»^ lR s"rvlve<l..Jte tiireeton*. Arthur I., nf ColonU, WalterF. <rt JeTier City and (h« R«v.A. 8ay,W«ll *t. Oakland, aHorp

the '4icett8e<i i*s resided InCol«nl» for the past /our years, prior

Claim $2,000.00Appropriationfor Fire House

Lots was Illegal

Ing bachedrf W l i

OrVit Britain h u joined \merl<»In radically fecatlnf the lUUan debt- - sdsMiiM; Ti*. dmibt^ uy iJa

thst,"tn him who hilvei'a course In bone' ^ W Vlrtlnlan-


|l». I'ronHurs to be an -eventful year TrVfBr sinitv--"! have a_

••Boi-Rh and Rfled plan to uke the rumbling on my stomach. ""Court to tire efcintrr, and WTiiwter a wagon «ot»gand -Andrew.* fllan to taKe.the ooua-t "H's mO«l 11..--,try to court. — Norfolk 'Vtafclnlan->B« i t* this "Worn,

Technicality May Delaychase of Property for Avenelpepartmeat, -if Attorney'sOpinion is Upheld.

. . • » » . . . , - • • . - : . . '

(By Corrssp«ndmUIn an InteresUns >«ulon. held Jan

Thur»«r»y pvenlnn, the new Board ot

1 Pilot. -—Oregon

to that time bavin* made hl>.home trlot of Avviiel was installed^. th<*t

churches of Middlesex .Countycome together I


Pavls, tir. Td; Mra. Thomas , _.

Island; Miss Jennie Oriev^.of' lnK

«r,rn«^«u #L, Character apd 1<>UV(R many .Mends' toSrunswlck for J e n e y . ^ ^ W(1,, g s_,n t h e C o l q a U


Fire CdnmiiiiBlonerB of the Fifth

provemetitfl together with chargo|L.otIllegal voting of appropriations in the

0 ' the MethMlsl Church, Being afith T i M E

••» tefrined when X « r^hari t iT Brooklyn; Miw Ethel Deber, ofTTew-. form the basis forSa\ an toatsof rtSS^SSi- t[™*< M'B«» Nathalie Logan Marlon out the tonference€olumbusrained h ^ Z f u p a t j * « ^ > L- *«*$• A n n i " " " " - "vS. O. S. call from a BteamM:g|vthgf?arf' c l a r a Hanst>n' NathalieHer name " '""" "' "


relatloashlu.relationship'T"^'."l Louise Huben.Grace 0. Huber, Mittte'"Their

— ' •

first,with girls andwith girls and a girl'spriBhifr to their, govern-

rei)or:r"ftow^VeT'JnrovVd''ro'^',i7 Uandolph, Helen. Lorph, Elaine Lo-]'™it'; thlfd, "TW2..relatlonshlp toSed ^ t 0 b<! U n",iah. Mr8; J. E. BrecHeniWge, Mrs.".the <%rch'; fqurtti, 'Their relallon-

Two months previous to the A W % ) ^ " V X 1 ^ r B l P 1 R»ni-:!^tP l ° *h« race Question.'»tinoe rescue, the President Harding,1»wood' MrSl Cl C' J o n M l MrSl F r e d

'"^W/Hblr Vf the RopeevftU, rescuedtwenty-eight men from the ItalianRtftamet— Agnazlo Florio. . CaptainPaul Orenlnff, of the Prwrtdent Hard-Ing, was congratulated by the Italian


Mrii. William Wesiergaard,Logart^ »nr. R. B. Hart,

\ will op«a withdinner on Friday night, after a reg-

Lyon,be the.openjng conferenceH U h i t *Hl h "T»

well Logan, Mrs.

tlie Trinityi City an('liuvch.


i nrrnntu lii March

lastErnest W. N l « , Rudolph^

and Jos.-Xohnt-x, -4hf n«wly""*elect<>dE. 'commissioners, were Inducted into of-h- flee, following which the boafd or-

sanlied with the., following officers:chairman, Louis Kromer; treasurer,Ernest W. Nler; corresponding secre-tary, B. F. ElllsqhSr.; recording »<>c-r<?tiary, Jofleph Lonvax.

Hefiry. Aok«vmaii. reprcpHitlnK' theTTffpcrtJ" owners along 3.1. "• P r t t n j n g ' o f currants antf ' i 'owfc-^- , _ - , - , u i^_

b e f o r e t h e Hrst of April i s r e c - H i g h w a y In afldTWalnR thw board d e -pby .Jin: State College

ls becausk then* plants start grtrwth |early in the i

y in a f l d gf the lack of hydrants for tax-

payers between Hemsen avmue and

Spot-WadeS la-Shape Hats

A majority of the well-

turn-out men you meet

at tbe club will%<topt.

this st^le fpr sprhip-'

\t's ^Spot-Made that's

all you need to know

about the quality.


the respect pf the world for the sea- Mra- '• H-manshlp and bravery of the officersn l p and bravery of the•and men at-American ships. ,

The heroism of the Rooseveltcrew was generally recognized, as thestorm which they weathered for«lghty-four hours was known to beone of the most savage which IMUI


nyuuconferences If no pruning nt all 1B done, but a

will comprise th« yrogram, in wl)lch l»yrit€liiii»iie annm:' pruning will "ia-the four questioris on relationship's' crease the sue and amount of fruit,will be dtseussed. The boys confer- keep the plants more vigorous and!™".«nce *nd the girls' 'conference 'Willl prolong their lives. Gooseberries

Htnuiunt3inuw«; ^the serious IOBB recently en-

to f i t st wat»f tit-

ditties andhaving

I York, New Jersey, and upever struck the boisterous. Atlantic j Army forces ln.the Stajsjt ot Newin midwinter. . '""

Radjo again prored to t>e thevtor of the occasion. _ . .was heading Into the gale along the Summerall, commanding the S

Corps Area, announced today I1lining a'new recruiting policywill go into effect at

PASS STRICTER EXAM meet-separately. After the afternoonsession, will come a recreationalperiod. '

At the Saturday 'evening sessiontrain boys' and glrl«i conferences-willcome together again for a big sur-

the nature

NEW YORK, Mr.' 19. Briskrecruiting h»s«broughtSthe^Regular

J!' prine program otD * ,nf wi,ln)i wil l , tin

and currants produce fruit from lat-eral buds 60 one-year wood Shd onspurs on old»r. wood.

The firstremoval


stated that ownersIn securing Insurance

i of busl-urged the1 boards to taketo remedy this situation,

commissioners agrejed to give

pruning 1B 'ffieinjured, or dis-

eased canes, , The remaining cineeshould be. thinned out by removing | } n

this matter attention.', Mrs, Fink of Prospect street svho

also addressed the board stated tltat[she'forthis was the

necessary to

trans-Atlantic Bteamor lane,when her radio chattered briefly.The operator rushed to the captain'scabin, with the S. O. S. messagescribbled op a scrap of paper,

Capt. Fried immediately ordered

seeking„ the Army will'be con-i,slUerad for their ability to serve as;',

meeting will be open house and all:years or,ove*,Invited to particl-umprodU«*"

,te and atteirrTT ' . ' Caner


the Roosevelt to put about and head I instructors to youths at Fla1;tsburgfor the location given in the S. 0, S. and other Citizens' Military Training

Camps ot the Second Corps,

first- time will fact) higher

•filfflSSST TaSiS V7J5^i5r«5

nd thattime «he had foundappear before any.

of the dlf-


cruitlng,cated. '

Make Marmalade beforeCitrus Prices Increase

'Marmalades, Jams, and conservesare found In most preserving closets.When made at home they are

thlsCharlestary Of thev:%Yo«ng Men's Christian bush.Association \»t 4he UniversityPennsylvania.,^ X Philadelphia.



DIES AT EVANSVILLEOnly Reason He Give* is That He

Likes Excitement—Headlines in an Illinois paper.

Corns Still Busy.—The followingletter was received recently by acompany which manufactures' cornsirup:

"Dear Sirs; Tho I have taken six, . .,cans of .your corn, sirup, my feet p»lnomtol ^°n e

ok n

t0 W B

ne /aa<;!Lrr,,u

no better now than when 1 started.". U w contain. Orange or •«raP|«™Jibe elected and sentmarmalade harf a dtsUnctive ffSfVot^^g young PeO;atttts own, and iB.reUanedfor oreaK-jy M c A Chios

A I M Bdler.-He had bees look- f » 4 •*««*•• l t , U n o t M s w e e l ^-Groups, Hi-V Clubs, anlIng over th* Christmas cards on the m a £ y 8th,trs,V H m »_„•„„«. »wfl

Tney w / u c o m e f r o m

counter for »ome time, when the , *J0W,'^ „ .J2f,'J ° n»»EVrW o o u n t y a n d m a u y h

saleswoman suggested: "Here's a !*•* f,°tod8 'a»ll^ i.,,™i. nf• tSta s i b l e w U 1 ** a a k e d t o p

•To the only gir* O r t l v i ' r 9 i^&/r-v a Pi? L h o a t e p s t 0 t l i e s e y o u nP

said brightening mer months until citrus fruits are Minnrn \n jieW ,Broinswlctake five—no, six of those a g a l n on e market next fall. Se- T h e confei.ence u under .„

," - Western ChrUt.an Advo- ^_ ' « « ^ t ! ' . ^ . ' ' . . ^ ^ ' . ™" fa «" E^ard M:.DowU»g>cate.

Sunday morning, delegates to j fruit tteuld .touch'onference will meet with the as well be pruned off, especially oi

churches ln their regular] currant buShes, as it is very dlffculworship. On Sunday after- tft clftan the fruit if it gets spattered

tft£.girls' and boys' conferences with mud.for their.own services and ' Weak.l-year-old eane« may be Jak-her on Sunday night for.afen, out, fqr they pimply'make the

service which all the; bush more .dense, hindering sprayingBrunswick will be ln-i.atid piokln^ Without materially ln-

apeaker for;creasing production.

; , • „ (. ,'anee placed'on her home because 6fih ™ H m « ^ h of'Proper fire' protection, shethe ground may] , , ,^^ ( h a t „ W M n e ^ B a r y , n t h ,B

Spot - Made Hatsnjr style «

$3.95 $3.25service

A Neyr Stetsonstyled for young men

$8.00stated that

eetlhg wltl be Rev. j Mbsf of the vigorous 14o-3-year-^ight, general secte- o ) d W O O d r o a y earpiy be left on the

Hetwill deliver nw famous address,"Three StrikeaAYou're Out!" Thiswill he in heep% «Jth the general itheme of the oowprtnee, "Playing!the Game." -A?, \ , I

t th\ \co

Uslally wry little heading back isnecesniry although very long 1-year-old oaneB may occasionally be tippedback to encourage branching, '

Scientists bid usour living 'model.


take nature asSuits us fine,

i l tKDelegates to theVoWerenoe » 1 1 ; We'll rise to the morning wlien tKe

—The Open Road.day School j temperature-doon.

\ Societies, z e t t e • •• .•m^ C. A.

-I ' l l


grkansas £m-

the matter of better fireimmediate "action. The

board voted to Investigate this mat-ter immediately and. if the necessary

iter mains e*4<rt, they "will Install'a hydrant ln the vicinity. I

Hr. Joseph Vts^my of. Avenel hada communication before, the boardregarding . t h e appropriation' of$2,000 voted ln the last fire electionfor the purchase of lots on* Avenelstreet. Mr .UtasSey stated that act-Ing for a number of taxpayers, hehad1 secured ttthfr^opinlon of Mr.Ephraim Cutter, Counsellor-at-law of.Woodbrldge that the recent appro-priation of $2,000 tor the purchaseof lots on Avenel street was Illegal.Tnasmuch as the amount of the ap-propriation Ilk KOvorued by the num-ber on inhabitants.

v -, ,| This. communlca,tlon occasionedCapt. Roald \mundsen UnpreBSts considerable comment -nd. exrlfo-

us as a mam who/was fortunate 1» m*^ n<" o n l y a in l>uB l h e v o t " ' >"'eB-aconnd when Or! Cook « n t **" a l B 0 t o t h * B()l>t(1 f t W ! V

-oil stock.--Ohio State"' sfltutna a virtual warnli^ to -heJournal " • Beard that it may not be possible,

_..J . „ _ to gn ahead with' the purchase of the. ' , •••Mji, 'land toitil they are sure that the ap-

Kitline IQ Hld<1i'is_ ... __ proprjation was voted upon legally.CoTimiisslOners -' L1'™ ™~

Cnstom BuiltSilk lined CAPS $1.50..$2Hear the Callof SPRING!

Collar-Attached or Separate Collars


XXX Special Heavy Pure SilkCrepe d^ Chine Shirts $5.95

WfTlt« I J f i l V

A 1'ubJic Benefactor, — Valet —"What Btinll I do wltti this old cloth'Ins, air?"

Philanthropist — "Give It to "the

ord-books and

u q R icounty Y M. C. A.

errnjutiCtion with the


bkln, A» a rule, large fruits are ^CTeiaiiy f o r the Middlesexi thinly sliced, but..lt tos been found C o u n c \ , q f Reijeiaus' Kducatt .,1 equally satlsfnctoi'jr- to put citrus m C o u n X Y , M, C. A. He Wiltfruits through the food chopper, usrins the line knife, therebytime In preparing the fruit.tain tlie best flavor1 and a bright color -the mixture should be-^"~-1""rabidly.

ffd, in conjunction with the pasto'i

Having1 t j l e ^ e w Bruirtwick churches;

To re>- s t l .on! , committee mad.e up from'Ahe'various churched a«d headed byRalph Voorhees, of Highland Ptu

Bertha~W.'Gunther of Dunelll o o k e d

one lemon—each with thin peelings.^PhilaathropUt - "The, S,lvattop m ^ o Z ^ ^ ^ i ^ i , ' and

. Vulet-. —"And 'Bhall I throw awayHH'HO old pen-point*?" .

; 'l'Liilanthroplst—"No, Give 'em tothe T'6i)t-offlce •Department."—Life.

For orange niarjwalade, take three a u ( ] M r B R . w. Eddy of New Brunwick. . • ^

•Probably one of the most autstand^

The CoTimiisslOners of Fire Dia-S t y trict No. 1, in the Township of Wood-

d briffstc, ,County of Middlesex, will |meet tit the Fire House, on SchoolStreet',, Wood bridge, N. J., Wednes-day e-wnins:. April'14th. 11)26. at8 P. M., for the purpose of rece-tv-

r: ing snah-d hids_ for one triple com-bJnatiou. 7fiO saibm capacity pump-mg, motor driven ftre apparatus.

*,Spealfleaiiims.-BluBt accnnipan-y allot prnpoHalB submitted.p . rniiinitiuitnnorH nt f i

Why Not Subscribe Now?

Plenty of New Spring Neckties 65c. & $1.00


Kverjbody Worked but Willie. —Teactufr-y'Wlllh*. utd your fatherwrite this essay?1.' •>-• '_'^_

"No, ma'am. • He gtaitpd It butmotliei- had to do it ail over again."


i tilvo It a Namf.—LOST—SuusxeOnyx brooch set w^th light gray scarunder l«*t fore toot. Return to.Mr,Lewis, AjcksonCafe. Reward.—Adln a Mlmourl paper'.) -

|Stern Miasures.— i


- Headlines.paper.

WaalL. and'. Ot into Uvin slices; or 4 n g Matures of tlie conference will he1

cuf-To aectiona, remove the seeds-^ll(> a i n g i n K 0{ tu,e famous Borden-sitid grind la the food chopper. T o , t o w n quartette which wil,l be presenteach pint ot fruit add 3 pints of w a - throughout .the entire conference. .ter and let siand over night. In These four young colored men aretliu morning, lloil one-baU an hour'j , n o w n a lj o v e r the country iiy their NamiC let stand \untll the Tollowlng I r a d l o concerts; pf old negro spirituals^day. Measure tHe mixture and take;There has been.such a demand from:an equal quantity of sugar, but bou, wgAp audiences that they have sunglue fruit mixture:one-half hour be- m a n y times over the air from that.Tort adding the sugar.1 Then afld th* s t a t l o n .sugar and cook- until It Jells. Test :-..-.-- ioften after H1» BUgaris added to pre- •"^"™™ 1"^"™™^^vent cooking the marmalade toolong, which often results In a stiff,dark mixture. • Cool the marmalade \somewhat before pouring inttr sterll-

i l»ed^l«seee, as thta prevent! the par-Ucles of fruit froni rialug to the top.

iTiih flniahed--product should be ai -u^cofcd Rvarniniao i

of Vtre District

ConiniiaalonerH of Fire J)ls-t.Ne. 1, reserve tlie rfehts to re-

inj and all bids, if in their opin-•ir, •.it-is for the heski Interest for.epii.so to do. '


"\ K. W. PETERSON-.{ ' President.j, I'. A.. 6RE1NER, Jr.,' • Secretary.


You AreT J l l l ! J C 1 t / ^ e a u T n » ^ / a T ^

In a South Carolina paving the consistency of good JellyI

.—; , 'PU5ASANTVILLE--Central,.try andAmi a Coat of Paint?—The case n e a t ^. 5-r0om bungalow, hot, wa-

grewvout of her arrest rece.nUy-.whenshe drove an automobile clad ln.pa-jamas and la bathing suit.—Prom anews item fn a Washington

Quite So. — Co-operation Betweenthe union and the operators In In-creasing Inefficiency of the eollerleswas provided tor Iti the miners plan.—From a Philadelphia dispatch, in aSyracuse (N. Y.) paper.j .

taklntf Awful Caupc«u—T*eeat halr-dreaslnK fad* Is to hide oneear and leav« th? other exposed. Wedoubt It

ter heat, gaftge, M.500. Martell.Absecon. —Ad ih a New Jersey pa-per, : . _ • . .' . ..'' , '

Bhlett at the Skillets—GERMAN KMPBROR HAD NG .(


—deadlines Irt the AtlanU "Constitu-tion. . '

; Hitch Your Own—DOGS

i win b* popular ow-j PIT games; pure roundheads andIng to the rUk of a.girl not bearing!some others; eggs for setting, R. S.a proposal made oa her deaf side.— waiters,. 316» Perllta. OL. 5161.London Opinion.

Wfcen ftanliClBttS Is OweleM.—. FIRMS REMEMBER -

. THEIR EMPLOYEESSome HanO Out Bogus Checks and

Others Present Neat Gifts—Headlines

pater.ln a Pennsylvania


SOIJP DOWN HIS NECK,Headline* in the New York Even-

W l d

—Ad In the Los Angeles Examiner.

The Quick and th» D«*d.—Two live salesmen far a south sltte

cemetery; . real co-ooeratlon, goodoommlaaioa and first-class leads.Write O 396, Journal,

—Ad tuv avtNew Jersey .paper.

. Jnst fti «0od\—"Do you have anlmal cracker*?"

"No, ,but we^have some very n\cej


To consult os regarding yotif Mure housingjfrobkna, -. ^ i ,


Whether You Want aHome or Home Site ~

Business or Factory LocationLots or Acreage for Investment

[' or Speculation—1 We Can Help You.

fn spite o tact that realty values have recentlyadvanced, in some case* irom three to five hun-dred per cent, most of our offerings are still at

PRE-BOOM PRICES -with the big advance yet to come

r**w York CityKingston 17>vyNiagara.Fhti



Women's SilkRayon Vests

In (act every type wehigh pastel shades, justreeet^ed for Easter busi-ness.

New EasterHand Bags

Underarm type, pouchea.beaded bag, vanity cases,in fad\ every type $ ?mtgM think, of.

BOYS'TWO PANT SUITSNtver have you seen aa low

a price en Boys' Suits. You'

will have to get here early

for these,

Women's SilkRayon Hose

Kxwllent wearlag, looksexactly like silk, snug'fit-ting ebmt'H in all color aIncluding black. 69c

ImportedKid Gloves

What you pay '$2.98- forelsewherwyou'll tlnd heretor the above uriv« as weImport our-own gloves.

1500 Pairs !NOVELTY LOW SHCESPaloutB, Blondes andCut-outB, one-straps, noveltyapplique trimmiiigs. riKlit -UIIto tlte minute1 In style undreal serviceable. A$B.0« aboe at good substan-tial

*ht-ui»fl» r m C i y i

ibstnn- mttf

Wonderful Shoeing of


* • « • •


*»* mnibif «. - f t p r p e w 0 ^ o u r 8 |{inder Motorist8h\rlff F- D. DlvlJbew ran all ovrtr - - - - -f Hop! and Nsvajo rencrvfttUwv

ftml nrnilnd the. Inscription Rocklooking for the w<imen. MB Stude-

• - V <


(ABIu STV ll(nnm\n> of Artwinn l.lff. niprlntwi by pcrmlftalon Of the

g r the i e ne ahoWjW 324 mHe» when h« flu-

all v found •Olwff.'" H" had overlookednnfl thing. An Indian widow ordin-arily fti a itninniMl creature; but oimovj>r whoup charm* two b|*ve« h » v e !

fallen In Irfttle M In extremely highng; »V a W r B M B C Mthat the winner of a

from Enjoyment of EarlyJSpringAlong New Jersey Highways

Blooinneld on*1 Orange detoiirtav9»ne.. Macadam anjl'asphalt ,ro»d

are In fedta*Passaic and

bridged, closed at Two Bridges to allvehicular traffic nvor two twin.

Is from Tnlrftela averN o ia to Singw. thence over

No K to Mlnnislnk road

ftiphalt find coftcreW



!»<•- Brook south-State


South aomewhtrre but, (Continued from l,a'*tm^Wii'i w*«t Mwi*

It wan too mucl fur Hill, and h<-'•fole' th» niHni. Titirne nnd Ml, andbeat It ovt-r Into Ornnd Canyon, mwtwonderful -11ml awesome of all the-world's natural scenery

tli at ita<$d:ho show iijEV those

cowmen around San Antonio! WIM the fair bride in ,' n wan ft n'Blftek at ntght when MlKhty accomplished squaw, she waR,

Sheriff John 1'ars.ohs hencd'of It at '""• .f.. . . . . c m l I i l y B(;at. BliiV-*. - ' '.on«-Keatfler, tl-e NHvaJo bravo

f ' ftah-WA-T«ySeeTli/i-t* honmi'iMtd- a.,milc1t cow

I'H of wainpom to pay for a•'^W-a'tbod one. and then have

nU_ ( i r _))(|ck T n d l a ^- m e »hlnlnnIf only ho mound the .brldflRroom's lepeo

auV^trfatV^n,. . V 1 tWahW.a-Tay-iJee was holding IIIRII ( B ! i n k ^

t iKbt in ifie ffiiiwt of the tr bj- l r u d i w

%"trSi h

-Hjton-Adelitolr* w**1 under con-

report of the' Stated S ^ r ^ ^ i S T * *<«<$& Sj^SfeS*35""*K is pretty fair ort" New are In good condition. Length of de- d l t l0 I l a r o u nd cm.truoWon.

a,-..*, "*wSs. y^r eOTmroctixm' jobS-are un4«f-wa^ hut,t»^.'6 « " * r u n d wthere's ttttl* or no trouble in getting around them: At Red| J 1 , ™ r

B r o l l l l Btreet, Bloofoneld.„ . , — L . ^ . a K,.,ivei de tour is necessary because* of the recon-, j ^ V a n ^ - rnBa, •Monteuir. No

for the

. . - . . - . . ,» n'exl hiiHhantf will have toder»lnw his herd of cfcltlo cotwldefca W , and probably kick in with a

eikin of the Great White


a gravel uciuui w? [ictcwpij ^ . .W.F^ v» m»v . ^ vaiivy r('»u' W\...*«.—... -ooper Bridge" over Navosink River, i t is necessary i t r t ( r ; traffic beintf maintained•iat to drive with care,, a l though the shor t section f -., H U ^ N

f l . n m

• last veCk by the highway depar tment ' s r e - | ftergen turopiK* i"m>The state highway detours are as follows i " • . 'i rfoaed' foTonT mile" for sewjr

*To- 4—Section 32, Hinder construction from Rahway l f l B t a i l a U r ) n . Detour is over H'AVVI1VW • ^ V* * fc^^* * ™ "T-^ • • ^rmrnj ' • « - . » * — » — w—••- ' % —

to PeRK- Amboy; traffic- being maintainedKoodly etkitt of the Orm wmm LU rerm- rnnuoy f " » " » • »^>»8,""*"'?»',Father's wampum minted in puna- Woodbrldge; through Woodbndgg. det

. Idelphla, to win her.; ' 'pfreet, 'Linden' avenue, Green street, " _ • _:ow Is ftj jpor th»vt)arb fjice 4 l l ry 8 a ' ( ' '•"'* 1'parl 8.trtwt.:and Main street, t o» w l l n l n e*L

a wif'f'^oftilcldenVal* Juiitlrtable. ' jitoiiletlf.^ l)vCan^rflte' antl nrar»d«ni jn | W I n Jveloine " • ^ , Conclusion pavprt <lre^ti In sood . c6n(tftlotl! •'!•'•''•*« »*ulilnlnf ' >. | |(>nuth of detour, 1 mil!'! Section 24, itructlon

ahd Bull« Ferry

Detour Is lover

tance,, In g<»d condition. %

Valley road-Sloatrturf! road under

top roadboroufth.

tUined from Rahway to county Bduie^rd <*£ »»»" * • " / ^ , n ^ n w idetoui.-.^S. over Freeman road betwU WRey. City and Fair main_w_;__

find state line, RlNo detou^, traffic


wlthfn eachAbunty and .a.lao to (Jlvn

W n h . W j , . T , , v . R i > , v n r .Lltt l f l y l r ( . f lv ,f b d

w ) l 0...... . . . . , ) p r ) lPnrJ r (hen |)iild

thrcr pinto nonl«Ksheriff -ami in tea mTnTWPiri«t**t« ana .a. Krftne~TW<!rol'll IMiw lui |#*," . " " " Wt he mado (julto an acquisition,Parsoae had «i>t out in IIIKIHK stuoe- • W | , , in ),,, 8 a w tier industry In baskotbaker, through nome of the wildest niftkrtK, pottery hffkliii;, rug weav-e'ounlry in all-the Hocky Mountain*.,inK "anl1- tmrtlcularly, hor akill InIt Is now th'or<3iighl*' e»UblUhod In:

White & HessPtepareforBig

Realty' Season

Avalon Boulevard, cloned for cona f b id h t A

24 structlon work.iinflor ftowitrucllon, between.«. South•\niboy and> CUff"woo(l; no detour ^v.u.«., ~Vv,.~,-—, ~ .--- —

! traffic belna nfaditiljred. Rod Bank, flrructlon of two brldgeB hetween Av-icloned T»pconstn/tlon of Cooper alon and State Route No. 14. De-iBridge ov«t'.Na*esfM River. Detour tour Is'over State Routa No. U . ,!1H fronT-KofflirNo. 4 Htth«r9hrew»-t«te»«-Har.lifl£..Bnulevard jindi .™rd |tmry Couatw C)"" over Tramp Hoi- avenue, Avalon. Concrete andgfav--]low' road, Hubbard road, H'iibbafd el paved road« are In gt»od enndUtao.Itride ani.WpKt Tront -Areet to Length-yfdetow 19 12 mlleB., ,Route No|i , 'Red nmik; grttvel, brick; CUMBERLAND- .and 'conJSfSw roiiils In Rood condl- Bri<lReton-Port Norrls road, see-

1.7 miles. i ttlon 4A under construction ffomNo de-

. The' 'flreat MAnJtou ol-thft SunArlzano sherlff-dom that only a smiled - op 'th« beHi'-KraM-thatchcdStudebaker cah mak«- t h w runs/roofcofjJlfcfr.Kp^tVr'ii iiew Eden, UP

_ _ , jnoar the Utah Uit« where the In-ftnd "HVP.' .,..,..._ K

: ,., ,. - scrlbpd tlocks toll of earlier con-The robbpry occurred 172 mlleB qupHts.

from the courtheutw, ln a Btraightj u u t then1 wan/ in this Men, theItue, but that mean* 292 mllon by retitica of the serpent In tli«t firstthe car's Hpeedometer. Up throuKb garden, in the' person of Empty

Thunder, another Navajo buok, who,the Wan Francisco Mountalnn, hl^h _est of the hlKh peakfl of Arizona; like hla name,- WJS* . much E

the IJttin Colorado niver at loud tallilnK with no-action.h P f h t d D t H l d t s tl


He longfid to possess tlie comolyb ' W T a t J t th Littl

, Firefly Unlit up his wigwam with heraccotiipllBliPd prftfjence, •• So, in theabsen t pf Loti£ PVather, • Empty

• Thunder be*an to rolt arouni.thetepee, and the words that he

£h__Qffice Opened *atNewarkHjus^urcKaSW-fBrProspective Buyeri ; r i r t y POnstrutU(m. jjetween Whltehonac ronr,'traffic bemg mainAcre -Tract Acquire^ a l «•«! Lebarion; "» iletdur, traffieb«-f.._ _ _ , . J § S E XAcre i r a c i ftc4u. ^ inR malntSned. I East and West Passatc avt-mnr;tm-Cranford. Oonnty Koad Work. 'der cohstruttlon fropi firoad^treet.

! rn addftloB to the Information con- Broad street over BloomnW roadWhltp'ft Hess. Inc., realtors and 'corning d^tojira on account of state and Heptnirn ayetvue.-, Trafflc for

developers of Woodl>rWKe, are niak hiKhway coaBtruclion. the following. Boomfteld to Nutley Traffic forIng PStenalve preparations to nipet Inforraatlom-.was issued to advise the Clifton and Passaic detours fronithe expected boom demand for home-!public t>r*ll conduction on roadB Ea»t Bfteaalc avenue and WatchungHilea and acreage in this section. " -" : •

In addition to the Woodbrldge.Metucheti, and New York offices, the?announced!thin week the opening of.



urtft~34 MAIN ST

Telephone 627

., WOODBRIDGE,Shdp telephone 166

p ^ J i l l » » • • | B * d - w u ' • » . . • • • » . - - — » -r i

another branch office at 24 Washlns-Ion street, Newark, Inthere&r of;the Prudential Building. ThlB of-


free will be In charge of Stanley D.Knapp, Reneral manager, and Mr.Street, of the JZ. A. White organiza-tion, of.New York.

Tn ordffl^o have ample meanB oftransportatlaa • at the disposal' of

' t jpassen->ii?chaspd I

prospective customers, a 14ger a'utb-bus has been pifrom Jefferson Motors,, Inc., of Perth

Cameron; across the Pafhted Desert, .,a bad lands unsurpassed by any !n Wah'-Wa-Tay-See; to Jot the Little

' t h e ;woild; down Into MoencoptaWash, n young canyon itself; aroundWhite Mesn, down Echo ellffB and toth<J wesft of Inscription House., the ^ _ ^ _ ancient Tumie of l!h< loiiK-vanlnhed, H p a | , e w e r e tnlgbty, the pronilaeS hehighly civilized Indian races.' |nmde were enormous, the picture of

All that nteht^.ttll the next day, happiness he painted outshone theind nil the gecoml Jiinht, they drove1

Kl(iry of Painted Rock Canyon. '[ Amboy" "it will be used to conveybefore KettlhK tmek tn Plnpntafr,1] ^ . i ^ l a o t l C K | ri» will, Wah-Wa-. prospects frora nearby towns and;With-them thoy broimht Herbert Tay-See liBtened, foolishly. Trouble! from railroad, stations'near the wv-1Ward, who knew Volght. Hn 'was ioorao(j 0VOT tlffi wigwam of Long'eral properties now being -develefle^

-* the results of 684 miles of pr<bjill)1>' Foather. ' ,. j by the. firm.. :the raoRt difficult diivinx ever under-, T h 4 t niK),(v a g 9 i l e slumbered be-1 " The latest actrulsitlon of White *tuken, by any automobile. ^ • ; side the brave bong PeMh«r, SIIB was Hess, to bp developed and sold a»

"'^•awakened to see Empty Thunder;homeslto and bvislness+etSi is a fifty'.come into i\\6 tepee, armed "With a|acre tract—at Cranbury, N. J-^ about

.._ __..- n e c j , yoijg from hU'harnesT and slay [fetghteen mll«s east of Trenton, andyon, Kolng westwarfl. So Sheriff \WT ]1U8hjind. : 'situated across the street from oneParsota telephoned to Grand'Can-j f\^ brought Little Firefly to hei^ot the Crannury stations on the

pettlemenU ' • . . . . . . .

Cliff' f^T

STEEL BODY, y any automobile,

Worn him It waB learnedVulKht had fled down- the Coloradobottotiis, a mile deep Hi Grand Can-

yon genaea;In reply, he learned that VolgUt , . . „ , „ , .„,„.„„.>.„ , ,

had Just sold the pinto Jo the post- i«'eath"er at hel'skfu; the mlssfng sla|master there and had shipped tha wj^d, would tell her sKe was tinsilver Btfddlo tci San Antonio: A u, j BDOHB .favored of the eagle.

, tftlegra,pi topped the saddle's jour-, Adam had no nmfher-in-law toLmwr*yi Koppnu i«f 8»»U»;B JUUI-, Auaiii nad no niotner-ln-iaw toney, an^arlpther flying trip to Grand, i leip straighten out the Eden tangle.Cnnvmir>S5 niilfS'awuy, got IVolght. (jui Umv. Feather.had one, nnfl slifr

Fi'oin JRs (lein'rlptiiin, Rherfff Par- h!Hj ^fhly favorftd thf tall braveHpo'l*4d'-.hlm- niiioim I he Hporen summoned' hv

.here to view' tlie slKhtR. i l l ui the brid(liltto' an

Irla, wlio wi,e(f fitorilSaw iPiirsoiVit. .Rifor hit! Klin, liiit tne

of touristiVolelit wn"slon on twin iiiolife, wheielartedshe'rlffcouldn't

mourned for the no long- jbraiwh line, of the Pennsylvania Rait-f^yorable grunts of Long'road connecting .with South Amboy

Junction. •»•The Cranb«ry property Is regard-

ed aa tl>o nucleus nf a growing resi-dential section, having the advan-tages of an Ideal healthy locationnear beautiful Bralnard Lake.

Sales (luring t-he past six •weeks,Bfild A. J. Hess, president of theWah-Wa-Tay-Secv she snld A. J. Hess, president oi me rea^

ii... „.„...n. i l m l u , | . U|-iU(, not upon the tiitim-1 ty company, have been far in excessnn imt+ros- pliant .Empty Thunder wH.li the aa^nc of business done during i»ny stli waek

•re drinking neckyoke he had usyd, and tlie voice period of "1925. e

g ,\ on him cn<l liebeyond Ih" yawninge

nf t i l l slVi'iff'H bin gun.Voi;;ht pi»)11((l .guilty to hnr**

Bteutlns Ix'fui^ tl»" i : . H. Commis-sioner at••Kluiijfurj, ami will recelvt-BenteiK-c wh(Mia.h.4 fedcntl cquif sitsin the full. T)r . ' " • • ,

M*il, is just Hhcll. ^ So his lotjg-i r •Jjegan iyi


TrucksTwn wiit'on li'SckH lt'<l off a

• trawled rojui in'.life draw running ui>. botwoi-n tho n^liitntns abovf Jer-

oimv Arlznnu , wheivare locatiid the"" rlargest copper fljltii'B in the world.']. . .lust two wujiot!'trucks'arroBs'a

mountain desi'rt.jtlirnugh^Hcrub oak,inesqullti ajul jack i>ii)e, *><** tn thepracticed rye of-'feberln: Bd Weil ofYnvapnl county, ;a goTrl and sjlyerproapeetor for .nearly thU'ty y'iara,'

<they "Were.ati fill*1! vSith lufoi'mationjas an open book, liid| fiH etiHlly read-able, j • .1 .':— (-:

Moonshine, to Ea red rug to a • bnosea Studu^sikt-r ,,ln and out oj"fhw rougli country;':uearchtn^i for ft. 1 . i •_• j

Tliitt's why ho w t a W this - nwjroad, 20 mllca (rDm^Pwscott In ailslr>litve, 6fi niil^s b t the tortuous)mountain trail (no wts Miowing luUie Stude'buker. ^ |I "I never aaw suoli k rUad as thoa^

wagon trncks maile,"'jB!l.yB Mr. Weil,''I don't see 1iow even horses and a.wamm could w t over ,it.'

"Well, to show you hbw II wus,—we met 'em, up thert-^ coininy backt

they couldn't get through miy fur-ther, It waB right on t<Jp of a hllj,I remember. " , | • . I

" 'How do you get (Jhrflugh here toMint Valley'?' leaked them, to gain

1 time and get gut of tjie 'car." 'Mlater, th& oulyr wfey you can

get,,through here to 4h« Mint is- tofiy,' on uj\»wered and.th4n he lookedfct my automobile. '^luw in tophetWd you ever get that.ear 'way uphere?' ;.,

.' " 'Oh, that's a re.^liir autojuoblle.with engine, wheelB^and everything,'I told him; 'the'ftar made It prettywell. My deputy Sheriffs and. I trav-

r , *1 by g\jn "power, though, stranger,"I / *o stick 'em up.'

"l*p, tlieir hands went, but there-1

wtusn't a sign jot anything on tha.twagon but p. few KruliiH of corn mail)that had fallpn ofl at the back.

"So we made them tie up theirhorses riBht where they'were, get!into the car, aBd we backtrackedover tlioiie wagon marks eight miles

'down unto the road, then followedthe tracks back to where they had Icome from. . ' ;

"We found 9.0 gallons of completed,,jUjd_ , partly ag«d moonshine in an»b*ndon«d ranch houBBffllfl' ^uiypO-there for the night. Next morningwe brought them and the liquor back'Into Prescott. • •: |

"I • didn't want to leave those' those two lioriHi'R out "therfe all ulono, I

so vm Jumped Inta (he oar again mid'6r»wl«4 back through, that brush,]And through those washouts to where ;we had left thtipi SDIUBIIUW, I•eoulda't uwderHtand Why. they hadg^ne so far up thete ^Ith a mjiK«?n.and why the In-solng ruts were, deepfcnd out-going rut# were shallow

8o I pointed tbe oar nt the brush*said sir- em1 »otf W6.«walli!rad

the Btona^MWttiw hft«



Mutlnut 3:30 Saturday 2:33 Evening 7,and 9 P.M.

Todays-Friday Only

RONALD COLMAN in"A Thief in Paradise"Pathe Comedy—"Soft Pedal" Bray Cartoon


WILLIAM S. HART-/'"TUMBLE WEEDS"Imperial Comedy—'-'Fighting Tailor" , Fox .News

Mm v ^ W 4 m mr t mr ^ b_ . _ . . —SPECIAL MUSICMonday, March 22nd '

EVELYN BRENT^ Wise Crooks"

Fifth Chapter—"Casey of Coast Guards"Comedy—"Brotherly Love'f

Tuesday, March 23rd

Fred Thomsonix The TOUGH GUY

Imperiaj Comedy—"Bankrupt Honeymoon"Aesop Fables

y, March 24th

RICHARD TALMADGEin "The Wall Street Whiz"

Imperial Comedy—"Cupid a la Cart" Sportlight

Thursday and Friday, March 25th and 26th

D.W.Griffith'si'That Royle Girl"

Special Music Comedy—"Keep Trying'*

Coming AttractionsHfqe Murray iii "The Merry Widow"

Betty Bronson in "A Kiss /or Cinderella"Ifcanez' "The Torrent" '

George O'Brien in "The iffhnstown Flood**i Rudolph Valentino in 'The Eagl

in mismnout injuring ktheDRIVERf

A careless d r i v e r . . . A triple somersault over a cliff . . . and thisis the car—a Dodge Brothers all steel safety car.

• • / • ' • • .

A triple somersault over a cliff with the car you seeinJj jk picture! Such was the experience of itsowner, who carrie through the fall uninjured.

After an hour of repair work, he drove the car fromMontana to Minneapolis—a mortf sensible driverand much wiser.

AQf teel construction saved his life, as it has*savedmany other lives in the past, and will save thousandsmora in the f u t u r e , . . . . , >. IV

Dodge-Brothers print this advertisement becausethey believe motorists are entitled to all steel safetyend Should insist upon i t

That*s why Dodge Brothers introduced all steeiconstruction more than eleven years ago—ahd re-ceiatJy announced additional all sjteel safety features.

The streets are swarming wfth 20,000,000 motorcars-millions more are on the way

Dodge Brothers Motor Cars—both open andclosed—are all steel in thejgictest s«iae of tiaeJerm. Steel reinforced by steel—framed, braced andbuttressed bysteel—with all seams solidly'andpermanently welded together by electricity.

Slim steeLpillars replace the old bulKy woodeniornenr posts~pe«toi^tlng unparalleled drivteg^vision—a safety feature,.oljthe. .first importantie

• • * . • • • • < • • l , : ' •.

Compare such bodies with the usual wood, or"""wood-and-metal body, and you will be astonishedthat every automobile builder has not adopted fcthis advanced safety construction.

Remember, also, that safety is the watchword of** J Brothers construction throughout, as wit-

by -Dodge Brothera exceptionally large,

withfteeL X steering parts, and other vital un<«*

7%/a car will continue to be a "four."'s ',

" ' • -•> $87? Sedan-.Dmlivrtd

•- •


EKCIM Ta^ k eduction effective . „ „A No reaaon to delay your purchase

Set the Dodge Stee/ Bocf> On DiapJny In Q^ Showroom

/ . -v -

, « ,438 Rfcrit^u AvenueHighland Park, N. J.Phone N. B. 2721

OPEN EVENINGS * .' * New Brunswick Avenue

Perth Amboy, N. JPhone p ; A. 591

i * ,

fc.i .; " V






Fly-Weight Champion

Greatest Combine of Basket-eers Will OpposeThomas' Outfit TomorrowNight. Record Crowd Ex-



What has been called Ulte gfteatestcnllection of basketball players Inthe world, th«*Ortglnal , Celtic cnm-bifce, of New York City, will be BeenIn action at ltro Perth Am6*j» Audi-torium tomorrow night. »

outrtt win be

any ratft, they, can't sayMcTigue refused to

• •-. • * •Delaney and Paul'Bert

signed, to flght (or Ihe. light, ties' ., title oh June iS^t,.;-alter Delaney

H a n k i,ad k. o.'d M«Tlgue?• • • •

Ty Cobb la recovering from anoperation of an optic, performed at'Baltimore recently.- -

• • * •' He is still wearlftg black glasses,

however. Apparently his sight is a«good as ever, becasue h.6 Whaled one

tfife:tinder the management of • Davifl

league Btfirr. Thomas recently re-turned to the game-after being con-fined for three monOm with a com-

1 pound fracture of ^he Jaw receivedfrom Tom Barlow, of GrSenpoTfftTT'a Metropolitan league contest on thoGreenpolnt floor,Barlow for $25,000.00.

The Amboys have played aome ofthe best clubs In the East sb far thisseason. Including the Kingston, N.

ginto thH bleacher* \n practice theothwdayi '

ay,. h,as lostpunch, when

Babe Ruth, so they mpaunch, but not hla p'

To"-»•• -r~ • — •

W . • TO. W M » •Mi*elected manager ot the Leblgh Unl-verslly cross country team last Mon-day, .

Delaiiey (nowLooms as Best /Bet in Fistiana

Says Hype Igoc; Famous Sport* Prophet of The

'World Predict* Berlenbach'tDefeat.Eyefulsacre.

Claim* Paul Gotat McTigue Mat-

Twcnty*-Beveft days left till open-Tlmma« I* inline " l g ° f t h e t r o U t 8 e M 0 n - Anglers areThomas is ining B p e n J l n g ^ ^ r j ^ a earned caiih for

fancy tackle these days.- ' ' • • • • • • . . , »

Quite a few local WaltonlanB willj7"RWalu.n«.. National Turner,TowBemT AWIPWTrftnjtl.rumrJersey" City teams- Some clasBy vic-

rlefl \i&v* been recorded! >Appearing with'the Celtics on'Sat-

,urday night will be, Nat Helman,Joe Lopcbick,Chris Leonard,

Johnny Beckman,'Dutch" Itehnert and

Qmigrate streaius

Into Pennsylvaniat., when^ ' J


And, oh, how those Penngylvan-lans love Jerseytnen.

* »

• Frank Cliurrlilll, wlwPancho Vlllu out of the 1lands to the United SUten mid


" '* ft [pi*to a ' " >

I'aul Tlerlenbach got tin eyeful indisihi Square j, .Qardcn ' Monda%

Bet your sweet young life hedi<l, sayp Hype Igoe, of HIP World.Hi' snw Muns. Jack Di'liiin'v smacknld Mike McTlgjae , rtKht straightjlnwii. It wasn't «• murli t,Tiat Mikewi'iit ilown^—though (h t i« a foat Initsnlf — it wan thf,'.yAY HillS._HSati

I'unches-—real ^tlw htn^ttmtpack—tucked poor;61d Mike into the

jhaabeen class. -Obr.-he mii't possiblyhave an alibi, thougli there is justthe chance that he wnn Rdting a llt-tie too cocky for Mike McTlgue, Ae,„ ., ,.lim.run

tlie Jaw—

victory over Jimmy Wilde, aqd Jo afly-weight championship of fctie world,.tyis.annexed nnotiier entry from thatIsland to his stable, ln the person' ofClever Sensleo, who, he clultns, willsucceed to the late Villa's crown veryshortly.

Word niters Sarasota|Tom Barry. All of these playersare well known to the court fanBof Now Jersey.

Play on Saturday night will start'promptly at 9:30 o'clock and therej"will be Minting as mual.

pSprings, that the Giants are strong'er than ever. When have we heard-that before? / ' • .

• * • • ' •

Coach Horween or tHe Harvardfeeiball • »quar. hw started... soringtraining ...and tn secret.

• * * •Says Johh McOraw: "Basting In-

juries and uaj(SrBe«n accidents,, thesbouldT^tn the pennant as

In 1926, as they would; haved it' t t b e n for inlifries

ieasllyi 19i a l y , yin 1926, had it' tot been for

t J k d tSUffed tar Jackson and othrs^ ia critical sta'ge"6T1ffiev gamer' \

; , • ' • • ' * • _ • ' . • - '

In other werde, it «rlli be fairweather tomorrow, H It a w n ' t

Salt water anglers are,good c&tclies of ling andAmbrose Light.

. - Xn* i l l ckw Walker iUatntfoe thegentle and refined game of golluf toLos Angeles. ,

- A few years ago Mickey, swappingpunches with haip-and-egKers downln

Ball Player Refused to'•"- Accept Home Run Clout

Baaebrill players ordinarily • areshout 4s willing to give up base hits

• M Henry Ford Is to quit making fllv-"ms. Consequently Springfield (III.)fans wen handed a real shock whenBustsr Chathan, one of the big favdtfltes of the team, refused to accept ahonfo run last season.

Buster, on his first trip to the plate,had been robbed ot t homer., bj acircus estcs by s Peorts fields*, whocrashed lnte the left Held fence tospear tin drive, op his next attemptBuster sent the ball a (nil*., As harounded first he saw the fielder againstthe fence and Immediately started^W

'walk to his place In the outfield.. The visiting Hrst and. second base-men told him to keep on i travelingaround the bags, but Burner had *wn

kidded before and refuhed to llsitMi ^ _^jeven when his own coacher frantlcully featherweighT champ, will defend Ms,called to him. •'[' title agnln»( Harry Brooks in a ,ten

Manager Bill ila<*f>nnhad to rush-round bbut at the Fourteenth Regl-l#Udly from the dugout and order him !meni Armory, In Brooklyn tomorrow

Infielder's Unique Record."Chris" Christy, Inflelder, had I

rather unique record ln the Eiisternleague last season.

Christy played with four differentctabs daring the campaffttt. Tie wagwtth Pktsfleld, 8rWgeK9Xt. Albany, •*<!SpTingflald. Moreover, he played threedifferent Infield positions—second, thirditnd short. - '

At each station he hung up almostIdentical average*. He had a markof J8O4 at secend,*A52 at third and.986 at abort

Princess Dbreen

Kegisbey Tigers" New Team, Are

Ready for FrayOrganization

known. as thebeen announ

of a baseball team\% Keasbey Tigers hasced. S. Sebeaky la to

the!manage, the team and S. Jogan will' •* serve In the Rapacity of captain.

Contests with leading junior teams... *T M »i««oi fnorrt particularly the Keasbey Juniors;

Arnold Ryan, f a « 9 n a l . G u ^ . d i Bearcats, Young Yanks, Tjiscpns,Hawks and Maurer Juniors, are

tter" and

i to complete the round before>he i-mild nightI b« convinced that tie had got "a hoine)nm. ,

by! callingBox JO5, Keasbey.

Sebesky ' • ' "

. • - „ • . • • * ,

Former Red Pitcher NowPatrolman in Kentucky

I Neal Brady, who was * pitcher torthe Cincinnati Beds and who was soldto the Buffalo club of the Interna-tional league, has derided to become4 BlilH pulrolnian for the city of I'UO-low, Ky., at a salary of |180 » nonth:

Brady claims lie fs nuw a free agrnt,

It one Only knew e>««7 r*06 h ( " s e Ostergard'and Ditto are representedpersonally, betting on the P°n»>8

o n the Tigef roster. .mieht not h»wch «t hazardous task

• . • • • *We are sorry to hear that attempts

to form a county Industrial baseballleague,.proved unsuccessful'.'

Carteret Ca,sep c»wied oft firstand second h u f honors In the bi-county bowling league which cameto a close l»st Satqrday^ .

The Original QrtUcsw his contract with

tteds In lifiiS stipulated that he vssto" be a member of a Ns.UonSl leagueclub la 1920. Be said he does nothave ty play with Buffalo. He wWswith the New York Yankees" severalyears ago »nd then pitched In tieSouthern sssoclaH(in. ., • ]

Brady. claims to have propose|sfrom both Rfcnester snd Buffalo," buthe declined to discuss his future bssi-ball pltns.


Princeton won Disrlct Qlais B. bas-ketball honors from South Amboy

ner.This is the short, B-wect parairapli

of his undoing. Mike's left wagworking nicely, 9w4ft, deftly did hepop Jack on the pirtiboacls and th«yleft the only root of "Ted seen on theCanuck's death-white face. Not afear-white, mind you, but that pale-neBS tmat come* to A man about todo a big thing Quickly, savagely.Mrke let loose a -long loft hook. Itwas almost a left haymaker. D»-laney dipped a bit. Mike missed.Mike's left shoulder was humpedagainst the left s ite of his jaw toprotect It after tbV miss, and quick

flash Delaneyr gathering pur-from his crouched poaltiort,.

trough!" up X ilSSff. straight rtghthand upp^tft, catjhins Mihe rightunder the jaw? ' ')

The punch ltfted him cleanly fromthe" floor and h» crashed horribly.That eyefuj 'Berlenbach got. Mikegot up at eight pr, nine and then—itwas a Shambles.

Ninety years-«W now, poor, oldMike retreated '• unsteadily to theTopes. Pinned there, Delaney bat-tered him,unmerc}QiHy. No skill,even of the uncanny McTigue kindcould sa^e that half-protected jaw•how and he went down .— lickedThat eyeful Berleobach aUo got.

I cant' for the life of me see howBerlenbach Is going to whip the De-laney we saw last fftght. I doubt Ifhe believes that, he oan- save his titleagainst the attack that.brought MikeMcTigue down. I don't doubt Paul's

- " • - thebut

there Isn't a dottJiUlUlve world tlmthe, saw more than heicwejl, to Monda-y night- .

Qelanoy can go on and on and <>nand UP|." Why, give the fellow twenty more pounds of ijghting weight

the vr.prld—including^ v - r - w .— lacks weight, but he

» ™ Is young, Bpind4«a > and tall. He'sKopperwatts, Fee, I {,ou'nil t o p u t o n w e l g h t > bOund to fill

Fekete, Sharrick, Belko, o u t a almost sure t6 whip the pre-tender* If not the. hpavywelfehtchampion himself. ••T(.aoh't knewhat Mister Berlenba^h's opinion ofJack Delaney is, but Tin fcank toadmit that he's undervjny skin. The-hitter. No wonder!

Fifty RookiesOut for Plac€

on WoodbridgeHigh School

Boehift, Not DiscouragedLack of Vetetan. MateiSeU Out fe


And ID thin spring Boehm Isto form a team that will uphold**!}pstslo the honor won by Woodfcriajf*1'High last year.

the squad* Indudfeti severalhave shown proiqlse,Kamlhsky an*Toth, both (BOOMUM*

i-of lasl yew. BUI Warren at harti-!sto|), Orln Owns, who Wtehed Isftvrar, and "J«>p" Nnlion, a su^ftltltul*ot 1-925, A half dojtan of pie .r*.VrullB showed up well In t h ^ j g f -

.mar whool days, and for all we knOWh y i there may^be tome bdddlhg. Rutbt

• 'and MatthewRons among th* squad



Team of County Champa.

With old- man Winter leajlpoints north, Uio problem of whip

I Dint; a High School baseeball intoi"hftpe has cotne ip roost th« youth-1Till Bhoulders of GhaTles Bo«>hm. It!

i will be remembered that this snm?.Mr. Uoehm was almost eompeilVwt to•I accii)t the job pf diamond mentorl| last season, WltW Ihe result that lie'pprfojmed n iiliraet#^W»*iliim,~wwi i

l.tlif Mi4dl»«Wt G««Bty- ehamplonahtTT. I;J ••'•'•- 'sfnfe-wTde ^ ~ " ! r "

for Vurlim\ be pTawd'ln tp«


1'iini.o-n Uuieen, greatest ol allAmerican rare mares, arrived at TtaJuiiria retently after s Jimrnepr t)f-flvedsya from Berryvtltls, f* She willcompete In the CulTvoth handicap forwlihli she Is the winter favorite over107 others. , ^ .

'tfnnrt their ehpfttH with pride.Thin spring, however, the situation

j la [iliKMly different. Much of theveteran material has disappeared.

; Many of the squad of fifty, recriilts.are'still an unknown quantity, andso Tar not even a'tentative Univuphas been thought of. Boehm, how-1,ever, Is not diBODuragerL We tniRhtalmost say that Charley ii never ndlti-couraged. . ,...,. v

Didn't his room in the high schoolbreak-the recbrd for oonsecutlvo sav-ings „• deposits of 100 per cent?Didn't he take the practically un-known Bume of soccer (i.e. unknownta theseparts) and mav,. It popular?

Tommy Gibbons RetiresTommy Gibbons, a veteran henry-

weight boxer of at. Paul,, and the onlyMtn able to stay in the ring IB roundswith tack Dempsey slnca Bempeey be-cam* wjlianmlott n u retired fcom th^ring. Gibbons Said his, wife's IllnesswaR the chief factor ln hit decision.Gibbons has been known for man;.y?nr« an on*e of the cleverest fightersln the ring.

Louis P.BoozJr.

Blue Prints Tracing*

Estimates Furnished

283 Madison Avenue,PERTH AMBOY

Phone 1963


NEW YORK/Uarch 18,—PhilMcGrAW, Detroit lightweight, andStanlslauB tioayisa of Clille, will meet |ln a ten-round return match at theMadison Square Garden, May 17, ina show for the benefit of the Cath-olic Big SlBters. M

J«ck Zlvic of PltUburgh aAd WillieHaemon of New Yotk.-welterwelghts,are also on the card.

McTigae down. d tcourage. He's the brivest ofbrave when It comee tft that,


ksought. The manager can be reach-1 a'na"hVjifd b i l l t g 2 9 « or by writing to!




EUGENE SCHREINER65 Fulton St. Woodbridge


Why Not Subscribe Now?

Jake Schaefer. greatestBalk Line Billiard]

"Jake Schaefer 'it 'the fneitest Jb»HHne" player In-the hfstorybf bil-liards," Willie. Hoppe, former cfcsrpJon, said oo retumlnf to New Yorkfrom Chicago, where Schteferjtln»d the 18.2 Utle ^ y defeatmi1M»nud Uoremans, the Belgian cbani-

Sacred Heart' Parta^of South Am-bay plan to build an athletic fieldfor general use by South ' Ambojr

t e*m B; . • t •The Rwltan Bay Yacht Racing As-

sociation Intends to receive additton-#1 organisations Into Its membership.

the fastest speed boatsalong,tfif> Jersey eoast have repre-sented their clubs at the annual S.%-waretf races la the* past.

•" ..,.:. V • « • • * •

PITCHER desires to connect wtthsemi-pro teajn.1 Address, D. Howell,16 Beach street, Jersey City, N.

. out ctn stop Schaefer the warh«topIayiM,n6w,"Uopi>eMu<t "ButJor • pH, of careleBsnen In not clu)k>Inf his cue In Chicago be would b i nmade » grand average of 100; tb« goalOf all billiard player*, p is averageIn winnln« w o W 18-16." HchaeterReturned with Boppe to start trtlulngtor UnBttt defuse of his t i t»rte HagenUchter, tlie.QermwJg 1ft March,, " "" i


I De*l»tn

& W'"'JoheB AppointedCoach for,

The appolntmefft pf^fleutreact V. ("B^Cy* Jones'af'tiea^t t Ijit army Mittiall Uim Jni HWW,recceedlng Oapt. J. J,.Mefcwsn, isipnonncsd by military academy au-

TJiuteoWt Jones' hut, served, f ot the• ' past three yfsrs as Hne coacK at

west Point ODder Oaptaln M^Swan,'• ^irbo resisted reMilly to accept the

a ol b«ad A c i »t teeFOr^ien; Tl»e


General Contractor*, Al! Kindt.







The only fully uqnipped and up-to-date Undertaking SetabllBb-

ment in town.OUR MOTTO

"Pdtr -Treatment to All"




Give Us A Call

1313 Perth Amboy


Dress up forEASTER

Latest Style

SPRING HATSHigh Quality Felt



THE MEN'S SHOP••• Peter \g% Prop. ...4*.,. „


: . • « !




In wul l#9k TJ»«m Oygr


Cigar* • Tobacco - FIa»hlights - Batt«fie» • R«or

B U d * « tttc.




You^owe it to theAdvertisers in YourPrograms, to giveThem a "Book" thatwill be kept as a, Souvenir. ; : : :

When In Need 01—


V ' ' ' • • " " „

Mad: WamJhrlOtf

ntiva Job' tor

sPresja»tw ';,...1 * -



Don't forget that we havp A cemjof up-to-date toolB and equipment.

tion at all time«. • »~, ~ "

Phone P-ertb Amfaoy 16M


tk * Hoy Avenues Fords, N. J.




Heating and Cooking Appliances

Raad Automatic and Storage later Heaten

Telephone 143 Perlh Amboy


Reading Man HurtWhen Hit by Auto

Jn(.t What H* V*^-

P O R T ft K A P I Ni l . March If, <>T l e r n e y , of t h i s |II»CP, w n r c m n lmut




son +m been born to Mr. and]Amo* ,a( Woodbrldge]

Scout NewsfttWt M Wtnniand Htawlif Blv-«

W «"»n«i M |privily- of Klvln«,

thef f is iitnrc w n r c m i i h ihind, wtun ntnirk hy


avenue. ,Arthfr'•ttftimtorrit New B*3

wick av»nu«f, returned toa f<*w da:

and driven by Clarence ',•"•—•nr 216 Hrnt * tre< tVrln-wlih hla parents hwent 1030 o'clock Saturday " « n Rvnn and d

Offloer J, Molcrtmky tookto Hit- ofllff Af Dr.,1. S|i«n-

"cwf, "when1 hp wn»-tentlon.

Mra.i). Ryan and dao«;JitM.Opne-,Mfh 24ih. according to an ' an-

? n ? e l V T , T n < VLi*! ; ; D *$ r « " °< the hna»«C<>mmittee ot lh*TorJ TheStTe in Newark mcM*.- * T^trW Swnt Gmmrtl. *' T ^ - — * * VbnM'i Club W , T h o m(,ptlnK 0I) w ^ n e ^ y , KT&rch

dirt) ".. " - • - - - j - r -^rk: "it l».»4*«rt

iwhlch r»-liiw< to

IUUtlr« MVP 'Moiirn rndec Ihr i

a thestre In Newark r«*«Hty.TJp-trtct Swth*.-MtftoT"Wort)fttit Club hrfd T h e meeting on Wednesday,

Ul(.lr {oM „»„-,„ on Saturday oppo*H«|24,n, *m take f*«» %***Sloan.. dr.* «tflre TM I»l«. « t a j ' l t the Pi«*J;t«tan

d ld

Y0URKADI0George L.



A strong meloAfaltfa, wltll plentyof hearty cosiwty »nd an abundanceot good acting will be sliown hero onMonday, when !"TJw«* Wise CroottB"

• • •-•- i. J . , . ' , ruh., And,

Jnst What tte *•«•*«». ^ - j - - ^ .firmed hypochondriac,' meeting -Li- v.pw-sonal phyalclan on the street, Attdto him: VDoctor, 1'haV« lOTt «o«4.

- -——t«r medical lecture andVDoctor, 1 —

(tar medJcwIfrald Umt I


The Groanrfi except those worjiavftBomp kind

nocnun. This oonnect|to the cold water pip


a v e r a g e «o.t perlw.Qr W M " ^ -


gnd otfifer dPtlcaetfB w*r«r_aii sow— • .out. Mra. George Dleti, « u cfialri

H y»m Ri;f> "A TWor hi 1'aradlne" man o f th^ committee in chargeanii' at tin- W(MMibrlr|n<> Thcstre today,:watt anittiftp* by"iHh«r *emb«f»-

ymi will wonder, no doubt, how the the club,eo^ncs WITP HtaKPd'<>f Ronald Col- ' - -i.man's nj.t'rtatular *fl(;h» tM4*r«!Bl 4 r | . a n K t a i uwith C!hfirl<-« f ty iw . Although tl>«..^j|r|a* Draniulight Is only of. a few mlnuWe dura-' m f t j - pBffy andIton on (UP scrfion, It require* >ev m o r r o w n | g h t .oral (iiiyH to 1)|II hpcaiup of th* M gcjjoqi a t s O'<

v treme "(ll(fttulM<>» nf [ihotoRrnwhlnR DPen g«.nt ouunder water. .;. \ furnished by

—;•• Brllltapt HiniHlilne at a' depth of' po||owlt)K a, twenty fP**! Oil OlO orPan'ft bottom -«P,.Qrt n> in nflnrlr on rnm.,,,,,,,.

wa» •.nwM.ry. Thin finally w«« m ( > o t w l | , b p ^ ^ b y tt KTOIlp o!1 J J « J l ^ " / ^ 7 * 'ne ° teachers mar' ^T^H T ' I . ' ' « « l T e - r u l i . » l r r o ? >oun«•profertOBala.- . ' b e h f t l f o f ^ P J ' ^ A ^ " i ! , V? tn their ruplls In Hn

Which reflected fHPumrflcrwh Wtrough ' " ' . . •tl|e briny dc^ih*. Column and Youtl|e briny dcpih*. Column and You-ret .prni a tutfll of nearly tWe. lioura. I

i'fSH a r t f o r d Conri-

t h , honle Qf Mn-


behalf of the uittrici acoui u,,,!,,,hare been set for May 17 to 24. Inorder to adequately flnahep the main-tenance and extension DroEram* foi


elr pupils In HnUWTTomorrow. t n b m t n y0Ur set. look | ts refreshing• »nJ MISB B ^ e\ n Pvce.TPtfK>m the bill follows: | a t Y J fero

BUI1Q atid make ?ure that It,was never seen to, betwr;«rHUetam_

• •Bo it ekacted by the Senate and|,t U g h t • ] n uter tnBtallmenU we0UBO of RopreWntBtlves of the,wjn dlBcUM other causes ror Hums


I ' " ! » • ' " " • .•

lea n cxlijrilon, wan adtapted'LBOTHHI Mrntrk'ii m>v»<- »f PJStoa adventure, "The Worldlings,"fof first NutiDiiiil r''li-n«p.

If onlvpadlockNBWB.

"Just «s rtob<J^--01e>m PraDk"elevation to the presidency of a univeralty hasn't made htm solemn yet.He tell* the Missouri teachers, "We^


A clerBynian says there arn u™ ^. , u „.„ _needs to tw nmt and urgent'motion of f

- " - - 1 " Our t^lH-iof the entire

—- tar the

I Home flw,|nnd some don't attend


^ ^ ^ eoiflateBS^!^!lLioJ!

After they reduce the size of then..u« lv > ,paper currency we'll have 1«SB money tion to a high dutyvthan #ver.—Des Motnes RfcHUter. (glnlan-PUot.,

becauBe of a-Norfolk Vlr-

d the teacher. * ' j( r .VA solitary fcimd WM raited, and k.

"Please, miBfl U'rt al femalH moth.""I—The ChrUttan Advocate. \

A Sporting flUmtB. — Mother —^•»w$

intnp!"—The P*eslng Show (Lon-don).




D. , mn ^tMfSS^rlSkS J S ^ S i i S

regular schedule. During this offer is the best time for new entries

Latest Hudson Coach„ ,(•:

' FIRST PRIZE$3,000.00



Ford Tudor SedanSECOND PRIZE

COMB-Bought from and on display by

SEXTON MOTOR Co. Perth Amboy, N. J.

A LYOUNEEDTO SECURE A C A R FREE B lCaiiwaign Just Starting, Ends Wednesday, April 21st 1926

EVERYBODY WINS-10% Cash Commissions Will Be Paid to AM Who Fail to Win a Prize

Bought from and on display by

Dorsey Motors Ii>c. Perth Arrtboy, N. J.




FOR M: , U .-- 1... .ZIT.....-1..' •• ...'l.^....ZirT

ADDRESS .,..:._ '™ „..._ ...;tz. ..,..„

coupon* t»o«t be neatly tilmmed and pinned tog*U»w. As awuf

uiuy be turned In a* yon can aeture. • . ^


The Woodbridge Leader' t, N. J.

Kail, rind or brfnf thta Oooiwn to Ttwone^d Owia CMVOH iflU Tte