TOWN TALK . . . .NEWS AROUNDTHE COMMUNITY OF SAYVILLE fly MARION L. HOAG and HELEN MORTENSEN .TEL. SAY. 4-0200 or 4-0333 | L Miss Lee Vreeland , of Sunset Drive , is leaving next Tuesday to enter Wells College , Aurora , N. Y. The Colony Shop, Patchogue , has the largest selection of boys ' shirts in all the latest styles and colors.lt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Regan , of Lincoln Avenue, drove to Otego, N. Y. over the week end , planning to spend two weeks .there. * Mr. and Mrs. David Vollmer and their daughters, Sara and April , of Addison , <N. Y. spent the week end and holiday here with Mrs. Voll- mer ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs . "Wolf- er VanPopering, of Saxlon Avenue. Bob Romaine announces the opening of Romalne ' s Grocery, on Montauk Highway, Bayport. Tel. Bayport 8-3009. Open seven days a week , 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. It Mr, and Mrs. John Daly and their son , Stephen , of Brooklyn , re- turned home on Monday after spending two weeks with Mr . and Mrs. William Borwegen , of Hamp- ton Street. Mr. and Mrs. Borwegen also entertained over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moors. Mrs. E. Heap, and Miss Bertha Smith , all of Brooklyn , over the week end and holiday. Mademoiselle' s Beauty Salon 03 Main Street , is now air condition- ed for your comfort , and is open every day. 42tf The Sayville Home Demonstra- tion Unit of the Home Bureau will give a tea in the Sayville Fire Hall on Wednesday afternoon from two to four o'clock. Dues of $2 are pay- able at that time. Among courses offered this year are buck towel weaving, Rochester purse , decorat- ing cakes , making wool stoles , Christmas decorations , cotton dresses , garden series and working with plaids and stripes. All women are invited to join. The Suffolk County W.C.T.U. will hold its fall convention at Camp Pa-qua-tuck , in Moriches next Thursday. The morning ses- sion will start at 10 a. m. and tho afternoon session at 1:30. Those attending are asked to take a box lunch. Officers will be elected. The Sayville Union will postpone Its meeting dale to the following Thursday at 1:30, when it will be held at the home of Miss Nettie Crosby, on South Main Street. The theme will be "Scientific Tem- perance Instruction " , and the lead- ers will be Mrs. Kate Kwaak and Mrs. A. C. Myers. Warm and light- weight clothing will be brought for children and adults to be sent to tiie "Save the Children Federa- tion. " Mrs. Leonard Kwaa " k will preside and yearly reports will be given by the heads of all depart- ments and other standing commit- tees. An interesting program for the year has been completed. Each member is asked to bring a guest. Gertrude Burns, of Sayville , is tops for a large selection of rain- coats , oilskin slickers, jumpers , skirts, robes etc. It First PTA Meeting To Be Held Sept. 20 The Executive Board of the Say- ville Parent-Teachers Association met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Aidyl Bason , vice president of the organization. A letter of re- si gnation was read and accepted from Mrs. Bernard Gaiser and a resolution expressing appreciation for the leadership she gave to tin- group during her past, year as pre- sident was passed . The first meeting of the P.T.A. will be held on September 20th at which time a new vice president will be elected. The nominating committee composed of Mrs. Frank Gross , Mrs. Clarence LaFounlain , and Vernon F.ales, lill present the name of a candidate tor the office of presiden t to be voted upon in accordance with the by-laws. Miss Emily O'Malley , of Port Washington , the guest speaker will talk about "Human Relations. " Miss Julia Wallace , of North Main Street , spent the week end ' and holiday with her father , David Wallace , in Decroit , Mich. The Kings Daughters will meet at 2:30 next Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kate Maasch , on North Main Street. .Charles W. Huffine , of 42 Can- dee Avenue , will instruct a course' in music for the fall semester with the Adelphi College Extension Center to be held at Port Jef- ferson High .School next month. Beers now have ice cream tarts. Half gallons in bulk are $1.25. 17tf Mrs. Carl Munkelwitz of 282 Railroad Avenue slipped in her home yesterday afternoon and is believed to have sustained a frac- tured left leg. She was removed to Southside Hospital in the commit nity ambulance. For expert watch repairing sue Richard Van Hlne , 77 Main Street , West Sayville. All work. Is done within our own shop. 25ti Dr . Jerry A. Pierce , of Baton Rouge, La. arrived yesterday by air to join Mrs. Pierce , who has been spending the past month visiting with her sisters, the Misses Marion and Catherine Hoag. Doreen Lee Maile , infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs . Stephen Maile , of Center Street , was baptized on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Louis H. Martin , pastor of St. John ' s Lutheran Church. The sponsors were Miss Nancy Darm- stadt and Francis Palermo. For first iclass tailoring, suits to order , call Ben the Tailor , Johnson Avenue Sayville 4-0813. 14tf Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth Savate, and their sons , Kenneth and Keith and daughter , Kathy, of Nutley, N. J., were the guests over the week end and holiday of Mr . Savate 's brother-in-law and sis- ter , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Theiss , of Macon Street. The members of the Sayville Historical Society, Inc . will enter- tais the members of the Wading River Historical Society tomorrow afternoon at the headquarters at 39 Edwards Street. The de'fro- briand-Post exhibit will be open to the public on Sunday afternoon from two to five and after that , by appointment. Al Kost , manager for W. R. Hay- mans Auto Sales, at 283 East .Main Street , Patchogue , opposite Bay Avenue , has new cars , any make or model at lowest prices. Also used cars with new car guarantee . Patchogue 3-0958. 35tf The South Shore Council of Girl Scouts will start the 1955-56 sea- son with an officers ' meeting to be held at the home of Miss Elean- or M. Hester , president , on Wed- nesday evening at 8. 15, and by the opening full membership council meeting at the Community House on October third , promptly at 8:15 p. m. For discriminating women! Fash- ions of distinction-daytime , after- noon , and evening frocks and above all. the right hat designed by Mine, Giuri , 178 East Main Street , Pat- chogue. 34tf Mr. and Mrs . George Seiffert , of Candce Avenue , attended the wedding of their grandniece , Miss Mary Jane DeLoache , of Massape- qua , and Douglas Brewer , of Long View , Wash., at the Little Church around the Corner, in New York Friday. A reception was held at the Biltmore Hotel , following the ceremony. Friday was also the 44th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Seiffert , and the 16th of their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodcock , of Rowayton , Conn. Gertrude Burns Christmas Bonus "Club is now forming. Please enroll before September 15th. It Mr. and Mvs. x Harry Biale r , of Candee Avenue , visited over the week end with their cousins , Mr. and Mrs. Willie Citron , of Spring- field , Mass. A meeting of the Sayville Branch of the American Red Cross will bt held at two o' clock next Friday Vternoon in the chapter office «ji Candee Avenue. For tence wires, gates , posts , fit- tings- .see Anvil Bell Fence Co. Inc., i92 Waverly Avenue, Patcho- gue Phone Patchogue 3-1917.47-tf W. and Mrs. Charles Hall , of Brooklyn , were the guests over the w . 'ek end of Mr. Hall' s son-in-law jwid daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abernathy, t>£ Roosevelt Avenue/ Miss Jacqueline DeLucia , of Roosevelt Avenue , returned home on Monday evening from a three- weeks trip to Texas , where she visited with Mr. and Mrs . Robert Henke. of San Angelo. The Rev . and Mrs . Alastair Sel- lars and their children , Duncan and Sandra Lee, returned home on Saturday from Wilson Pond , N. H., where they spent the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Munkel- witz, of Collins Avenue , enter- tained at a family party at their home on Tuesday evening in cele- bration of their 39th wedding an- niversary. For fire , auto , liability or any insurance see Henry Pannenback- er , 186 Main Street , Sayville 4- 0450. 7tf Five-year-old Andrew Ryan , son of Mr. and Mrs . John J. Ryan of George Street , was reported mak- ing good improvement in St. Char- les Hospital this week. He was stricken with non-paralytic polio recently. Frank Duffy and his son , Wil- liam , and son-in-law and daughter , Mr . and Mrs . Charles McGarry. and their children , Steven and Madelyn , of Floral Park , were the guests over the week end of Mrs. William Duffy, of Colton Avenue . Mme. Giuri features coats, suits, dresses. Millinery fittings are under personal supervision, 178 East Main St. Patchogue. 31tf Mrs. Richard Lane , of North Main Street , entertained at bridge at her home last evening Mrs. Louis Stang Jr., Mrs. William James, Mrs. Walter Tucker , Mrs. William Watt , Mrs. Edward Milko , Mrs. Paul Dayton and Mrs. George Oster. This JS the time of year to check over your insurance—for fire , auto , marine, liability insurance see Charles P. Dickerson, 31 Main St. Sayville 4-0164. 75tf Mrs. Werner Koss and her daughter, Miss Margery, of Candee Avenue , returned home on Satur- day from Collinsville. Conn. , where they were the guests of Mr. Koss' s brother and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koss. They were ac- companied home by a cousin , San- dra Ryan , who will make her home with them this winter , her family having lost their home during the recent floods. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sutorius , of Fairway West , entertained for the Labor Day week end, their son , Airman 1/c Walter A. Sutorius , Jr. and Airman 2/c Arthur Greensalle , both of Dow Air Force Base, Ban- gor , Me., Joseph Murphy, of Auro- ra , N. Y. and Mrs. Sutorius ' sister. Mrs. A. Gordon Bedell, and chil- dren , Edward and Miss Marianne, of Poplar Ridge , N. Y. Miss Nancy Sutorius , who had been spending a week with the Bedells in Poplar Ridge , returned home with them. Friends and relatives helped Mr. and Mrs. John Miller celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary on Saturday at their home on John- son Avenue. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller , Miss Joan and David Miller , Mr . and Mrs . Robert Klicpera. of Mineola , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maish and Miss Joyce Maish , of Floral Park , Mrs. Louisa Gerken and Albert Bit?., of Jamaica , Mrs . Rose Vad , of Huntington , and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Burns , of West Sayville. Mr. and Mrs. Miller received many cards , flowers and gifts. Friday classes In ballet , toe and tap are now being conducted at Sayville Odd Fellows Hall , Foster Avenue Extension , by Tessie Chan don Longfield's School of Stage Dancing. Phone Islip 3-1836. ltf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoll , of Miami Shores, Fla., were the guests of honor at an outdoor sup- per party on Saturday evening, give n for them by Mrs. Stoll' s brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs . James Byrne and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryson, at the hom e of the latter on Foster Avenue. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Adrian , of Massapequ a , Mr. and Mrs. George Starkey, of Blue Point , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall , of Bay-Shore, Miss Doris O'Conner , and Mrs . Fred Eichorn , and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tritsch, ' of Brook- lyn , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCar- thy, Mr. and Mrs. John Black , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Callahan , Mr . and Mrs. Josep h Tritsch , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ewing, and Mr . and Mrs. Eu- gene Flanagan , of Sayville. The South Shore Council of Girl Scouts will hold a meeting of leaders on Monday, at one p. m. at the Community House;. Miss Joan Bevelandcr , of Benson Avenue, will leave on Sunday for Oneonta , where she is enrolled as a freshman at Oeonta State Tea- chers College. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tritsch , of Brooklyn , were the guests over the week end of their son ana daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tritsch, of Foster Avenue. Ian R. MacMillan , of Ketchikan , Alaska, left on Sunday after spend- ing several days with his brother- in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Cool , of River Street. Mr. and Mrs. John Conklln and their son , Jack , of . Candee Avenue , returned home on Wednesday eve- ning from Rutherford , Vt, where they visited for several days with Mrs. Conklin ' s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Morten- sen , of Cazcnovia , left on Tuesday for home, -fter visiting for the week end and holiday with their parents, Mr and Mrs. George F. Mortensen. Frank Osirr , of Sayville Boule- vard, left yer terd ay to resume his studies at t> .e University of North Dakota , af' <:r spending the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam C.ster. H/ .use hunting, selling or rent- ing? See Fred W. Merdes, 340 M tin Street , Sayville 4-0504. tf Philip Warner , of Manton otreet , leaves today to resume his studies at Clarkson College, in Potsdam , after spending the sum- mer with his mother, Mrs. Barbara Warner. Miss Alice Toigo , who has been living with her aunt in New York and ' attending school there , . spent the week end with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Toigo , of Hand- some Avenue. Mr . and Mrs . Frank Gross and their children , Hamilton , Frank and Robin , of Center Street , were the guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lund, at their summer cottage at Leja Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finkelmeier and their daughter , Karen , of Belleville , N. J., were the guests over the week end of Mrs. Fin- kelmeier ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs . Henry Andres , of Lakeland Ave- nue. Miss Martha Anderson, of Center Street , returned home on the Queen Mary, Tuesday, after a five weeks trip abroad , during which she visited England , France , Bel- gium , Holland , Switzerland , and West Germany. Mrs. Bernard Olivie and her son , Wayne , of Green Avenue will leave by plane on Tuesday for Miami , Fla., where Wayne will matriculate at the University of Miami , in Coral Gables. Mrs. Olivie will remain there, for two weeks. For real estate ana insurance needs C. Bogel , 280 Main Street. Sayville 4-0341. 12tf Donald Duffy, of Colton Avenue , will leave on Sunday to resume his studies at Georgetown Univer- sity, in Washington, D. C. His brother , Francis , will leave on Tuesday to resume his studies at St. John ' s College, in Brooklyn. William Robert Beimels , infant son o f. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reimels , of Locust Avenue , Bo- hemia , was baptized on Saturday afternoon by the Rev. Louis H. Martin in the parsonage of St. John ' s Lutheran Church. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Ulmer , of Farmingdale. If you need a tuxedo for any oc- casion , the Sayville Sport Shop has the finest formal wear for hire. ltf Miss Myrna Bismarck, of Poplar Street, and her sister , Mrs . Warren Dwight , of Foster Avenue, return- ed home last Thursday from Eu- rope where they spent two months on a musical study trip. They visit- ed France , Italy, Switzerland , Hol- land , Germany, England and Scot- land. Miss Bismarck will leave to- morro w to resume her studies at Potsdam University , in Potsdam. The Suffolk County Extension Service of Blue Point , formerly called the Home Bureau , will hold its first meeting Thursday, Sept- ember 15th , at the Blue Point Fire House. There will be a business meeting at 10 a. m . followed by a covered dish luncheon and movie. Preliminaries will be given in furniture refinishing. The group welcomes old and new members alike. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mizzi , of Lincoln Avenue , entertained at a party at the summer cottage of Mrs. Mizzi' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Bryan M. O'Reilly, at Bellport Beach , Sunday, in celebration of the second birthday of their daugh- ter , Patricia. The other guests were Robert and Gary Maggio , Kevin Brown , Laura and Marilyn Wal- lace , Susan Steele , Glenn Allen Nehrbes , . Sherry, Dean, and Jay Ince , Myrna Englehart , Terry Mc Carthy, and Patricia ' s sister, Pa- mela. Miss Dorothy Reppinger , Mrs. Charles Nehrbes and Mrs. Ly- man Brown , were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Geoghan , of Handsome Avenue, had as their guests this week. Mr . and Mrs. Sanford Schoen . of Delray, Fla. Mrs . Arthur Risley will speiv<t today in New York , visiting >vi:s her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A . H. G. Henning. The Sayville Surgical Dressing Unit will resume its weekly meet- ings at the American Legion Hall beginning Tuesday, September , 13th at 1:30 p.m. Officers for the : coining year will be elected. I Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Huner , of Macon Street , announce the en- gagement of their daughter , Miss Audrey Grace Huner , and Raymond | Fowler , son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Plusch , of Bay Shore. The wedding I is planned for the latter part of | October. | Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Anderson, of | Brooklyn , were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Timo- thy Shanahan , of Bohack Court. On Sunday . the Andersons and Mrs. Shanahan left for a week' s trip to the Adirondack Mountains and Canada. Members of Smith Wevcr Post , American Legion Auxiliary who plan to attend the Suffolk County meeting tomorrow at Babylon Leg- ion Hall , are Mrs. Anna Beevar , Mrs . William Swamback, Mrs. Wil- liam Reylek, Mrs. Charles Cooper , Mrs. Harold Auringer , Mrs. John Heyboer and Mrs. Peter Moskwa. A joint birthday party was held recently at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmur , of Roose- velt Avenue , for their son , Ron- ald , and Joan Willis , daughter of Mrs . Vera Willis. Both marked their 13th birthdays on the same day and entertained several young Mends who enjoyed games and re- freshments. The Sayville Coop erative Play School held its first meeting of the year on Wednesday evening. A "Fix-it" night is scheduled for September 14th , to get the school ready for opening on September 19th , and a rummage sale will be held on October 27th , 28th and 29th. After an informative meet- ing, refreshments were served. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. Vernon Bales and Mrs . How- ard Masin , Mrs. Robert Powell , Mrs. Frank Buschor , Mrs. William Stryker , Mrs . R. L. Cool , Mrs . George Oster , Mrs. Jesse Mahoney, Mrs . Peter Grady Jr . , Mrs. Hyman Steiner, Mrs . Simon Pasternack , Mrs. Joseph Laxer , Mrs. Thomas Knapp, Mrs . George Weeks, Mrs. Robert Adams , Mrs. William Thompson , Mrs . William Cone , Mrs . Marvin Ehrenberg, Mrs. Irvin Cleaves , Mrs. Earle Koman , Mrs . Charles Falk , Leo Berkun and Victor Elias. Dr . and Mrs. H. G. Lowenkron , of Collins Avenue, entertained at a combined welcome home and farewell party for Mrs. Lowen- kron ' s mother , Mrs . Hertha Ma rk- wald , who has just returned from a six months trip to California , and for Mr . and Mrs. Oscar Ekstein , of New York , who had stayed in Mrs. Markwald' s house over the sum- mer . Others guests were Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Freund , Dr. and Mrs. Otto Spranger and Mrs. Charles Margolin , all of Sayville, Mrs. Francis Beck of Kevy Gardens , Mr. and Mrs. Bruno , of Bay- side, Mrs. Gertrude Eppler , of West Long Branch N. J., and Miss Ulrike Alexander , of Hamburg, Germany, who has been a house guest of the Lowenkrons since mid-August. Miss Alexander will spend the next three months of her stay in this country with her great aunt , Mrs. Markwald . Hospital Italt Has First Fait Meeting The Sayvitie Southside Hospital Junior Auxiliary held Its first meeting or the fall and winter sea- son at the home of Mrs. Alfred Zegel ir Wes t Sayville Tuesday evening. Mrs. Edwin Kinkaide and Mrs. Arthur Malsch served as hos- tesses and Mrs. Frederick Stein , Jr., president , presided. The group, formulated plans for the coming year and heard reports on the sum- mei activities , which Included a successful dance held at the Shore Club in July and distribution of the telephone directories. Dr. David L. MacDonell , Jr. was a special guest at the meeting, hav- ing been invited to explain to the members the special camera equip- ment for photographing newborn babies which is being considered for use in the new Maternity Wing of the Southside Hospital. He re- ported on the very successful use of the respirator donated by the Auxiliary to the Hospital last spring. Mrs. Robert Witte was welcomed as a new member and a special greeting was given to six-day old Scott Warren MacDonell who ac- companied his parents to the meet- ing. Members who attended were Mrs. Richard Brennan , Mrs. Rich- ard Broere. Mrs. Charles Bryson , Mrs. Frank Calahan , Mrs. William Cone, Mrs. Harold Conklln , Mrs. John R. Djfnes, Mrs. * Richard De Gra ff , Mrs . Eugene Flanagan , Mrs. Walter I. Flocken , Jr., Mrs. Paul Hitzigrath , Jr.. Mrs . Herbert Horn , Mrs . Edwin Kinkaide , Mrs . John Lawther , Mrs. Walter Le Furgy, Mrs. Arthur Malsch , Mrs. David L. MacDonell , Jr., Mrs. Kenneth Miller , Mrs. John Schmidt. Mrs. Frederick Stein , Jr. , Mrs. Joseph Tritsch , Mrs. Robert Witte and Mrs. Alfred Zegel. The next regu- lar meeting will be held on Tues- day evening, October fourth. Split Sessions (Continued from Page 1) noon , bus service will be adjusted accordingly. Mr. Munson ' s office said that the record enrollment of 1, 943 children includes 886 elementary pupils (kindergarten through sixth grade) , 355 in junior high and 702 in the senior high school. A breakdown of these totals show an increase over a year ago of 95 children In the elementary grades , 22 in junior high and 86 in senior high school. Due to the fact that houses are now being erected at a regular pace In several develop- ments , enrollments -are expected to continue during the school year. Last year , for example, 143 chil- dren were registered after opening day. The double sessions were finally decided upon. Mr. Munson said , when opening day enrollment made it necessary to place some children in the elementary auditorium-gym for lack of classroom space. Previ- ously the board had authorized such a move , rat her than undergo expensive building alterations , in view of the $3,815,000 building pro- gram authorized recently by tax- payers of the district. Also under consideration has been a plan to rent temporary quar- ters elsewhere, and this may still be undertaken if there is another sudden increase in enrollments. Missing Boy, 3, Found Las! Nigh! Three-year-old Reeve Mahoney, son of Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Mahoney of 84 Colton Avenue , decided to go for a stroll last evening. His es- capade had the remainder of his family—and an entire neighbor- hood , for that matter , in an up- roar for two hours. Police were notified by Mrs. Ma- honey that the child was playing in the yard at 6:30 o' clock but that shortly thereafter he dropped out ot sight. By 7:40 , when the police alert was sounded , neighbors had combed a Wide area from Candee Avenue to Brown ' s River . Ptl. Cor- nelius Kaan began a street-by- street vigil in a patrol car. At 8:40 the authorities were ad- vised that a boy answering his description had been found stand- ing on the Lonj; Island Rail Road tracks opposite Overton Street , a mile or so from the Mahoney home The discovery was made by John Gragg. Within a few minutes a weary Reeve was returned to his parents. y . . . —. . . News of the Sayville Library | By ELINOR H. HAFF, Librarian f> Open daily (except Sundays and Holidays ) one to five p.m.; seven to nine p.m.. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Closed Saturdays during July and August After the final Story Hour on Thursday held in our new light and airy children 's wing , because of inclement weather .aii eight- year-old remarked "I like the new library better than the old one ," thus echoing the sentiments of the hundreds of children who flocked to the library during the summer to bring a record circulation. A total of 6,523 hooks and per- iodicals was borrowed during the month of August, ' an all time high for any similar period. Some 2 , 528 were children 's books, a gain of 901 over August , 1954. New bor- rowers were registered at a rate of four a day with 89 the total fi- gure. Many of these are newcom- ers to the community. Our experiment in adding Car- olyn Keene mystery stories to the children ' s books has met with such overwhelming success that we have just placed on the shelves 25 mysteries in the "Judy Bolton " series by Margaret Sutton. These too. were barely on the shelves be- fore they had been borrowed. These authors seem to know the secret of holding the children ' s interest to a degree not equaled in books usually recommended for children. We acknowledae that we would rather see such books as "The Courage of Sarah Noble " by Alice- Dalgleish or other award- winning children ' s books borrow- ed. However , the children are reading and forming a library ha- bit which is most important in reading development. Parents who have been aroused us never before by Rudolf Flesh' s best, seller ' "Why Johnny Can ' t Read" have also used the many supplementary readers available in the library to help their children with reading during the summer months. Mr. Flesh' s book is the first educational book of our time to become a consistant best seller while articles by educators and laymen attacking or praising the book appear often in national magazines. LEGAL NOTICE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK TO MARIE E. GIBBS 242 North New York Avenue , Atlantic City , New Jersey next of kin of TABITH A E. W. OLIVER late of BROOKHAVEN , village of Center Moriches in the County of Suffolk and State of New York , deceased, intestate , SEND GREETING: Upon the petition of EMILY H. JOHNSON residing at 831 Gates Ave. Bklyn., County of Kings , State of New York , You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before our said Surrogate' s Court of the County of Suffolk at the Surrogate 's Office at Riverhead in said County on the 17th day of October 1955, at one o' clock in the afternoon of that day, why Letters of Administration of the goods , chattels and credits which were of TABITHA E. W. OLIVER who at the time of her death resided at Center Moriches , Long Island in the County of Suf- folk and State of New York , should not be granted to EMILY H. JOHN- SON a daughter and devisee ofsaid deceased. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Seal of the Surrogate ' s Court of our said County of Suffolk has been hereunto affixed. WITNE SS, HON. EDGAR F. HAZLETON , Surrogate of our said County, at Riverhead , New York , this 2nd dav of AuTiist 1955. MARY E. STELZF.R (L.S.) Deputy Clerk of the Surro gate ' s Court. 49t4 for Shaken fihingfee , Wood Siding A PAtNT, not o stain. /i?^ f painted or unpointed shakes , shingles or siding. 2 beautifUI colors ] ^* _ PLUS WHIT E I FIALA'S PAINT STORE OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENING 22-24 RAILROAD AVENUE SAYVILLE 4-0949 HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS FOR Repairs , Additions , Garages, New W iring, Heating Unit and Plumbing Bring in an estimate for labor and material , OR material* only if you "Do-It-Yourself". No red tape, doesn ' t affect your Mortgage, No Down Payment and 36 months to repay. SAYVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 160 Main Street Sayville 4-1100 Sayville , N. Y. Member Federal Home Loan Bank System ¦ L ¦ 'I SAVE MONEY ON FUEL! Be Sure Your Heating: Unit Works Efficiently Our Special Offer: Furnace Clean-Up and Burner Tune-Up $12.00 T. N. OTTO Goal & Oil Co., Inc. Complete Heating Service For Over 60 Years at .. Greeley Ave. and R.R. Sayville Phone Sayville 4-1400 The Place To Buy Your Fuel =— . i I Red Feather Drive Opens Oct. 1st (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. John J. Mclnerney will again be co-chairmen of the publicity committee Once again a total of 12 organizations will participate in the campaign which will be affiliated with the national Red Feather drive . All funds collected here , however , will be use d on a local level. Superintendent of Schools Samuel K. Munson , chairman of the board , said that the Red Feather solicitors expect to canvass everv home in the two communities. He said this year ' s goal is for each family to donate at least one dollar for eac h participating organiza- tion since it would cost donors more than that were individual drives to be held as in previous years. "This is the painless way to give for local charity " , he said. *'It takes care of virtually all one' s obligations at one time. It elimin- ates II separate campaigns. It means that much less bell ringing or door knocking." ! ' Part icipating organizations include Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Suffolk County Cancer Committee, United Cerebral Palsy Association of Suffolk County; Suffolk County Heart Association; Salvation Army, Little League, Babe Ruth League, USD, Francis Hoag Memorial Fund , Community Council , and the Community Scholarship Fund. The publicity committee plans to blanket the business sections with Red Feather posters and window displays. Mr. Beyer described the Community Fund program at a meet- ing of the Sayville Rotary Club yesterday noon at Bronco Charlie ' s. He pointed out that it was launched as a community service project by the Rotary Club, many of whose members are active in the or- ganization. William F. Dykwira, Jr., son of Mr. and Mru William F. . Dykstra , of Co«llns Avenue, Sayville leaves today to enter . Georgia Institute of Techno- logy at Atlanta to begin bis freshman year. LEAVES FOR SCHOOL

TOWN TALK . . . .NEWS AROUNDTHE COMMUNITY OF SAYVILLEnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1955-09-09/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · TOWN TALK . . . .NEWS AROUNDTHE COMMUNITY OF SAYVILLE

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Page 1: TOWN TALK . . . .NEWS AROUNDTHE COMMUNITY OF SAYVILLEnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1955-09-09/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · TOWN TALK . . . .NEWS AROUNDTHE COMMUNITY OF SAYVILLE



Miss Lee Vreeland , of SunsetDrive , is leaving next Tuesday toenter Wells College, Aurora , N. Y.

The Colony Shop, Patchogue, hasthe largest selection of boys ' shirtsin all the latest styles and colors.lt

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Regan ,of Lincoln Avenue, drove to Otego,N. Y. over the week end , planningto spend two weeks .there.*

Mr. and Mrs. David Vollmer andtheir daughters, Sara and April , ofAddison , <N. Y. spent the week endand holiday here with Mrs. Voll-mer 's parents , Mr. and Mrs . "Wolf-er VanPopering, of Saxlon Avenue.

Bob Romaine announces theopening of Romalne's Grocery,on Montauk Highway, Bayport. Tel.Bayport 8-3009. Open seven daysa week, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. It

Mr, and Mrs. John Daly andtheir son, Stephen , of Brooklyn , re-turned home on Monday afterspending two weeks with Mr . andMrs. William Borwegen , of Hamp-ton Street. Mr. and Mrs. Borwegenalso entertained over the week endMr. and Mrs. Gerald Moors. Mrs.E. Heap, and Miss Bertha Smith ,all of Brooklyn , over the week endand holiday.

Mademoiselle's Beauty Salon 03Main Street , is now air condition-ed for your comfort, and is openevery day. 42tf

The Sayville Home Demonstra-tion Unit of the Home Bureau willgive a tea in the Sayville Fire Hallon Wednesday afternoon from twoto four o'clock. Dues of $2 are pay-able at that time. Among coursesoffered this year are buck towelweaving, Rochester purse , decorat-ing cakes , making wool stoles,Christmas decorations , cottondresses, garden series and workingwith plaids and stripes. All womenare invited to join.

The Suffolk County W.C.T.U.will hold its fall convention atCamp Pa-qua-tuck , in Morichesnext Thursday. The morning ses-sion will start at 10 a. m. and thoafternoon session at 1:30. Thoseattending are asked to take a boxlunch. Officers will be elected.The Sayville Union will postponeIts meeting dale to the followingThursday at 1:30, when it will beheld at the home of Miss NettieCrosby, on South Main Street.The theme will be "Scientific Tem-perance Instruction", and the lead-ers will be Mrs. Kate Kwaak andMrs. A. C. Myers. Warm and light-weight clothing will be broughtfor children and adults to be sentto tiie "Save the Children Federa-tion." Mrs. Leonard Kwaa"k willpreside and yearly reports will begiven by the heads of all depart-ments and other standing commit-tees. An interesting program forthe year has been completed. Eachmember is asked to bring a guest.

Gertrude Burns, of Sayville , istops for a large selection of rain-coats , oilskin slickers, jumpers ,skirts, robes etc. It

First PTA MeetingTo Be Held Sept. 20

The Execut ive Board of the Say-ville Parent-Teachers Associationmet Wednesday at the home ofMrs. Aidyl Bason , vice presidentof the organization. A letter of re-signation was read and acceptedfrom Mrs. Bernard Gaiser and aresolution expressing appreciationfor the leadership she gave to tin-group during her past, year as pre-sident was passed .

The first meeting of the P.T.A.will be held on September 20th atwhich time a new vice presidentwill be elected. The nominatin gcommittee composed of Mrs. FrankGross, Mrs. Clarence LaFounlain ,and Vernon F.ales, lill present thename of a candidate tor the officeof presiden t to be voted upon inaccordance wi th the by-laws.

Miss Emily O'Malley, of PortWashington , the guest speaker willtalk about "Human Relations."

Miss Julia Wallace , of NorthMain Street , spent the week end

' and holiday with her father , DavidWallace, in Decroit , Mich. •

The Kings Daughters will meetat 2:30 next Monday afternoon atthe home of Mrs. Kate Maasch,on North Main Street.

.Charles W. Huffine, of 42 Can-dee Avenue, will instruct a course'in music for the fall semester withthe Adelphi College ExtensionCenter to be held at Port Jef-ferson High .School next month.

Beers now have ice cream tarts.Half gallons in bulk are $1.25. 17tf

Mrs. Carl Munkelwitz of 282Railroad Avenue slipped in herhome yesterday afternoon and isbelieved to have sustained a frac-tured left leg. She was removed toSouthside Hospital in the commitnity ambulance.

For expert watch repairing sueRichard Van Hlne, 77 Main Street,West Sayville. All work. Is donewithin our own shop. 25ti

Dr. Jerry A. Pierce, of BatonRouge, La. arrived yesterday byair to join Mrs. Pierce, who hasbeen spending the past monthvisiting with her sisters, theMisses Marion and CatherineHoag.

Doreen Lee Maile, infant daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maile,of Center Street, was baptized onSunday afternoon by the Rev.Louis H. Martin , pastor of St.John's Lutheran Church. Thesponsors were Miss Nancy Darm-stadt and Francis Palermo.

For first iclass tailoring, suits toorder , call Ben the Tailor, JohnsonAvenue Sayville 4-0813. 14tf

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Savate,and their sons, Kenneth and Keithand daughter , Kathy, of Nutley,N. J., were the guests over theweek end and holiday of Mr.Savate's brother-in-law and sis-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Theiss,of Macon Street.

The members of the SayvilleHistorical Society, Inc . will enter-tais the members of the WadingRiver Historical Society tomorrowafternoon at the headquarters at39 Edwards Street. The de'fro-briand-Post exhibit will be opento the public on Sunday afternoonfrom two to five and after that ,by appointment.

Al Kost , manager for W. R. Hay-mans Auto Sales, at 283 East .MainStreet , Patchogue, opposite BayAvenue , has new cars, any makeor model at lowest prices. Alsoused cars with new car guarantee.Patchogue 3-0958. 35tf

The South Shore Council of GirlScouts will start the 1955-56 sea-son with an officers ' meeting tobe held at the home of Miss Elean-or M. Hester , president , on Wed-nesday evening at 8.15, and by theopening ful l membership councilmeeting at the Community Houseon October third , promptly at8:15 p. m.

For discriminating women! Fash-ions of distinction-daytime, after-noon , and evening frocks and aboveall. the right hat designed by Mine,Giuri , 178 East Main Street, Pat-chogue. 34tf

Mr. and Mrs. George Seiffert ,of Candce Avenue , attended thewedding of their grandniece, MissMary Jane DeLoache, of Massape-qua , and Douglas Brewer, of LongView , Wash., at the Little Churcharound the Corner, in New YorkFriday. A reception was held atthe Biltmore Hotel , following theceremony . Friday was also the44th wedding anniversary of Mr.and Mrs. Seiffert , and the 16th oftheir son-in-law and daughter, Mr.and Mrs. Charles Woodcock, ofRowayton , Conn.

Gertrude Burns Christmas Bonus"Club is now forming. Please enrollbefore September 15th. It

Mr. and Mvs. x Harry Bialer, ofCandee Avenue, visited over theweek end with their cousins, Mr.and Mrs. Willie Citron , of Spring-field , Mass.

A meeting of the SayvilleBranch of the American Red Crosswill bt held at two o'clock nextFriday Vternoon in the chapteroffice «j i Candee Avenue.

For tence wires, gates, posts, fit-tings- .see Anvil Bell Fence Co.Inc., i92 Waverly Avenue, Patcho-gue Phone Patchogue 3-1917.47-tf

W. and Mrs. Charles Hall , ofBrooklyn , were the guests over thew .'ek end of Mr. Hall's son-in-lawjwid daughter , Mr. and Mrs. RobertAbernathy, t>£ Roosevelt Avenue/

Miss Jacqueline DeLucia , ofRoosevelt Avenue, returned homeon Monday evening from a three-weeks trip to Texas, where shevisited with Mr. and Mrs. RobertHenke. of San Angelo.

The Rev. and Mrs. Alastair Sel-lars and their children , Duncanand Sandra Lee, returned home onSaturday from Wilson Pond , N. H.,where they spent the month ofAugust.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Munkel-witz, of Collins Avenue, enter-tained at a family party at theirhome on Tuesday evening in cele-bration of their 39th wedding an-niversary.

For fire, auto , liability or anyinsurance see Henry Pannenback-er, 186 Main Street, Sayville 4-0450. 7tf

Five-year-old Andrew Ryan, sonof Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan ofGeorge Street, was reported mak-ing good improvement in St. Char-les Hospital this week. He wasstricken with non-paralytic poliorecently.

Frank Duffy and his son, Wil-liam , and son-in-law and daughter ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGarry.and their children, Steven andMadelyn , of Floral Park, were theguests over the week end of Mrs.William Duffy, of Colton Avenue.

Mme. Giuri features coats, suits,dresses. Millinery fittings are underpersonal supervision, 178 EastMain St. Patchogue. 31tf

Mrs. Richard Lane, of NorthMain Street, entertained at bridgeat her home last evening Mrs.Louis Stang Jr., Mrs. WilliamJames, Mrs. Walter Tucker, Mrs.William Watt , Mrs. Edward Milko,Mrs. Paul Dayton and Mrs. GeorgeOster.

This JS the time of year to checkover your insurance—for fire, auto,marine, liability insurance seeCharles P. Dickerson, 31 Main St.Sayville 4-0164. 75tf

Mrs. Werner Koss and herdaughter, Miss Margery, of CandeeAvenue , returned home on Satur-day from Collinsville. Conn., wherethey were the guests of Mr. Koss'sbrother and sister-in-law , Mr. andMrs. Walter Koss. They were ac-companied home by a cousin , San-dra Ryan , who will make her homewith them this winter, her familyhaving lost their home during therecent floods.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sutorius, ofFairway West, entertained for theLabor Day week end, their son,Airman 1/c Walter A. Sutorius , Jr.and Airman 2/c Arthur Greensalle,both of Dow Air Force Base, Ban-gor, Me., Joseph Murphy, of Auro-ra , N. Y. and Mrs. Sutorius' sister.Mrs. A. Gordon Bedell, and chil-dren , Edward and Miss Marianne,of Poplar Ridge, N. Y. Miss NancySutorius , who had been spendinga week with the Bedells in PoplarRidge , returned home with them.

Friends and relatives helped Mr.and Mrs. John Miller celebratetheir 49th wedding anniversary onSaturday at their home on John-son Avenue. The guests were Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Miller, Miss Joanand David Miller, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Klicpera. of Mineola, Mr.and Mrs. Fred Maish and MissJoyce Maish , of Floral Park, Mrs.Louisa Gerken and Albert Bit?.,of Jamaica , Mrs. Rose Vad, ofHuntington , and Mr. and Mrs. Al-bert Burns, of West Sayville. Mr.and Mrs. Miller received manycards, flowers and gifts.

Friday classes In ballet, toe andtap are now being conducted atSayville Odd Fellows Hall, FosterAvenue Extension, by Tessie Chandon Longfield's School of StageDancing. Phone Islip 3-1836. ltf

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoll , ofMiami Shores, Fla., were theguests of honor at an outdoor sup-per party on Saturday evening,given for them by Mrs. Stoll'sbrothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. andMrs. James Byrne and Mr. andMrs. Charles Bryson, at the homeof the latter on Foster Avenue. Theother guests were Mr. and Mrs.John Adrian , of Massapequa, Mr.and Mrs. George Starkey, of BluePoint , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall,of Bay-Shore, Miss Doris O'Conner,and Mrs. Fred Eichorn , and Mr.and Mrs. Ernest Tritsch,' of Brook-lyn , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCar-thy, Mr. and Mrs. John Black, Mr.and Mrs. Frank Callahan , Mr. andMrs. Joseph Tritsch, Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs.Harry Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Eu-gene Flanagan , of Sayville.

The South Shore Council ofGirl Scouts will hold a meeting ofleaders on Monday, at one p. m.at the Community House;.

Miss Joan Bevelandcr , of BensonAvenue, will leave on Sunday forOneonta , where she is enrolled asa freshman at Oeonta State Tea-chers College.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tritsch , ofBrooklyn , were the guests over theweek end of their son ana daugh-ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. JosephTritsch, of Foster Avenue.

Ian R. MacMillan , of Ketchikan ,Alaska, left on Sunday after spend-ing several days with his brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs.Rodney Cool, of River Street.

Mr. and Mrs. John Conklln andtheir son, Jack, of .Candee Avenue,returned home on Wednesday eve-ning from Rutherford , Vt, wherethey visited for several days withMrs. Conklin 's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Morten-sen, of Cazcnovia , left on Tuesdayfor home, -fter visiting for theweek end and holiday with theirparents, Mr and Mrs. George F.Mortensen.

Frank Osirr, of Sayville Boule-vard, left yer terd ay to resume hisstudies at t> .e University of NorthDakota , af' <:r spending the summerwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam C.ster.

H/ .use hunting, selling or rent-ing? See Fred W. Merdes, 340M tin Street, Sayville 4-0504. tf

Philip Warner, of Mantonotreet , leaves today to resume hisstudies at Clarkson College, inPotsdam, after spending the sum-mer with his mother, Mrs. BarbaraWarner.

Miss Alice Toigo, who has beenliving with her aunt in New Yorkand ' attending school there, .spentthe week end with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. John Toigo, of Hand-some Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gross andtheir children, Hamilton , Frankand Robin , of Center Street, werethe guests over the week end ofMr. and Mrs. Wallace Lund, attheir summer cottage at LejaBeach.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finkelmeierand their daughter, Karen , ofBelleville, N. J., were the guestsover the week end of Mrs. Fin-kelmeier's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Henry Andres, of Lakeland Ave-nue.

Miss Martha Anderson, of CenterStreet, returned home on theQueen Mary, Tuesday, after a fiveweeks trip abroad , during whichshe visited England , France, Bel-gium , Holland , Switzerland, andWest Germany.

Mrs. Bernard Olivie and herson , Wayne, of Green Avenue willleave by plane on Tuesday forMiami , Fla., where Wayne willmatriculate at the University ofMiami , in Coral Gables. Mrs.Olivie will remain there, for twoweeks.

For real estate ana insuranceneeds C. Bogel , 280 Main Street.Sayville 4-0341. 12tf

Donald Duffy, of Colton Avenue,will leave on Sunday to resumehis studies at Georgetown Univer-sity, in Washington, D. C. Hisbrother , Francis, will leave onTuesday to resume his studies atSt. John's College, in Brooklyn.

William Robert Beimels, infantson of . Mr. and Mrs. ChristopherReimels, of Locust Avenue, Bo-hemia , was baptized on Saturdayafternoon by the Rev. Louis H.Martin in the parsonage of St.John 's Lutheran Church. Thesponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Har-vey Ulmer , of Farmingdale.

If you need a tuxedo for any oc-casion, the Sayville Sport Shop hasthe finest formal wear for hire.

ltfMiss Myrna Bismarck, of Poplar

Street, and her sister, Mrs. WarrenDwight , of Foster Avenue, return-ed home last Thursday from Eu-rope where they spent two monthson a musical study trip. They visit-ed France, Italy, Switzerland, Hol-land , Germany, England and Scot-land. Miss Bismarck will leave to-morrow to resume her studies atPotsdam University, in Potsdam.

The Suffolk County ExtensionService of Blue Point , formerlycalled the Home Bureau , will holdits first meeting Thursday, Sept-ember 15th, at the Blue Point FireHouse. There will be a businessmeeting at 10 a. m. followed by acovered dish luncheon and movie.Preliminaries will be given infurniture refinishing. The groupwelcomes old and new membersalike.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mizzi , ofLincoln Avenue , entertained at aparty at the summer cottage ofMrs. Mizzi's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Bryan M. O'Reilly, at BellportBeach , Sunday, in celebration ofthe second birthday of their daugh-ter , Patricia. The other guests wereRobert and Gary Maggio , KevinBrown , Laura and Marilyn Wal-lace, Susan Steele, Glenn AllenNehrbes , .Sherry, Dean, and JayInce, Myrna Englehart , Terry McCarthy, and Patricia 's sister, Pa-mela. Miss Dorothy Reppinger ,Mrs. Charles Nehrbes and Mrs. Ly-man Brown, were also guests.

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Geoghan ,of Handsome Avenue, had as theirguests this week. Mr . and Mrs.Sanford Schoen. of Delray, Fla.

Mrs . Arthur Risley will speiv<ttoday in New York , visiting >vi:sher brother and sister-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. A. H. G. Henning.

The Sayville Surgical DressingUnit will resume its weekly meet-ings at the American Legion Hallbeginning Tuesday, September

, 13th at 1:30 p.m. Officers for the: coining year will be elected.I Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Huner , of

Macon Street, announce the en-gagement of their daughter , MissAudrey Grace Huner , and Raymond| Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.

Plusch , of Bay Shore. The weddingI is planned for the latter part of| October.| Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Anderson, of| Brooklyn , were week-end guests

at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Timo-thy Shanahan , of Bohack Court. OnSunday . the Andersons and Mrs.Shanahan left for a week's trip tothe Adirondack Mountains andCanada.

Members of Smith Wevcr Post ,American Legion Auxiliary whoplan to attend the Suffolk Countymeeting tomorrow at Babylon Leg-ion Hall , are Mrs. Anna Beevar,Mrs. William Swamback, Mrs. Wil-liam Reylek, Mrs. Charles Cooper,Mrs. Harold Auringer, Mrs. JohnHeyboer and Mrs. Peter Moskwa.

A joint birthday party was heldrecently at the home of. Mr. andMrs. Robert Blackmur, of Roose-velt Avenue, for their son, Ron-ald , and Joan Willis , daughter ofMrs. Vera Willis. Both markedtheir 13th birthdays on the sameday and entertained several youngMends who enjoyed games and re-freshments.

The Sayville Cooperative PlaySchool held its first meeting ofthe year on Wednesday evening. A"Fix-it" night is scheduled forSeptember 14th, to get the schoolready for opening on September19th , and a rummage sale will beheld on October 27th , 28th and29th. After an informative meet-ing, refreshments were served.Those attending the meeting wereMrs. Vernon Bales and Mrs. How-ard Masin , Mrs. Robert Powell ,Mrs. Frank Buschor, Mrs. WilliamStryker, Mrs. R. L. Cool, Mrs.George Oster, Mrs. Jesse Mahoney,Mrs. Peter Grady Jr., Mrs. HymanSteiner, Mrs. Simon Pasternack,Mrs. Joseph Laxer, Mrs. ThomasKnapp, Mrs. George Weeks, Mrs.Robert Adams, Mrs. WilliamThompson, Mrs. William Cone,Mrs. Marvin Ehrenberg, Mrs.Irvin Cleaves, Mrs. Earle Koman ,Mrs. Charles Falk, Leo Berkun andVictor Elias.

Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Lowenkron ,of Collins Avenue, entertained ata combined welcome home andfarewell party for Mrs. Lowen-kron 's mother , Mrs. Hertha Mark-wald , who has just returned froma six months trip to California , andfor Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ekstein , ofNew York , who had stayed in Mrs.Markwald's house over the sum-mer. Others guests were Dr. andMrs. Ernest Freund , Dr. and Mrs.Otto Spranger and Mrs. CharlesMargolin , all of Sayville, Mrs.Francis Beck of Kevy Gardens,Mr. and Mrs. Bruno , of Bay-side, Mrs. Gertrude Eppler , ofWest Long Branch N. J., and MissUlrike Alexander , of Hamburg,Germany, who has been a houseguest of the Lowenkrons sincemid-August. Miss Alexander willspend the next three months ofher stay in this country with hergreat aunt , Mrs. Markwald .

Hospital Italt HasFirst Fait Meeting

The Sayvitie Southside HospitalJunior Auxiliary held Its firstmeeting or the fall and winter sea-son at the home of Mrs. AlfredZegel ir West Sayville Tuesdayevening. Mrs. Edwin Kinkaide andMrs. Arthur Malsch served as hos-tesses and Mrs. Frederick Stein,Jr., president , presided. The group,formulated plans for the comingyear and heard reports on the sum-mei activities, which Included asuccessful dance held at the ShoreClub in July and distribution of thetelephone directories.

Dr. David L. MacDonell , Jr. wasa special guest at the meeting, hav-ing been invited to explain to themembers the special camera equip-ment for photographing newbornbabies which is being consideredfor use in the new Maternity Wingof the Southside Hospital. He re-ported on the very successful useof the respirator donated by theAuxiliary to the Hospital lastspring.

Mrs. Robert Witte was welcomedas a new member and a specialgreeting was given to six-day oldScott Warren MacDonell who ac-companied his parents to the meet-ing.

Members who attended wereMrs. Richard Brennan , Mrs. Rich-ard Broere. Mrs. Charles Bryson,Mrs. Frank Calahan , Mrs. WilliamCone, Mrs. Harold Conklln, Mrs.John R. Dj fnes, Mrs.* Richard DeGraff , Mrs . Eugene Flanagan, Mrs.Walter I. Flocken , Jr., Mrs. PaulHitzigrath , Jr.. Mrs. Herbert Horn,Mrs. Edwin Kinkaide , Mrs. JohnLawther , Mrs. Walter Le Furgy,Mrs. Arthur Malsch , Mrs. DavidL. MacDonell , Jr., Mrs. KennethMiller , Mrs. John Schmidt. Mrs.Frederick Stein, Jr., Mrs. JosephTritsch , Mrs. Robert Witte andMrs. Alfred Zegel. The next regu-lar meeting will be held on Tues-day evening, October fourth.

Split Sessions(Continued from Page 1)

noon, bus service will be adjustedaccordingly.

Mr. Munson 's office said that therecord enrollment of 1,943 childrenincludes 886 elementary pupils(kindergarten through sixth grade) ,355 in junior high and 702 in thesenior high school.

A breakdown of these totals showan increase over a year ago of 95children In the elementary grades,22 in junior high and 86 in seniorhigh school. Due to the fact thathouses are now being erected at aregular pace In several develop-ments, enrollments -are expected tocontinue during the school year.

Last year, for example, 143 chil-dren were registered after openingday.

The double sessions were finallydecided upon. Mr. Munson said,when opening day enrollment madeit necessary to place some childrenin the elementary auditorium-gymfor lack of classroom space. Previ-ously the board had authorizedsuch a move, rat her than undergoexpensive building alterations , inview of the $3,815,000 building pro-gram authorized recently by tax-payers of the district.

Also under consideration hasbeen a plan to rent temporary quar-ters elsewhere, and this may stillbe undertaken if there is anothersudden increase in enrollments.

Missing Boy, 3,Found Las! Nigh!

Three-year-old Reeve Mahoney,son of Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Mahoneyof 84 Colton Avenue , decided to gofor a stroll last evening. His es-capade had the remainder of hisfamily—and an entire neighbor-hood, for that matter , in an up-roar for two hours.

Police were notified by Mrs. Ma-honey that the child was playingin the yard at 6:30 o'clock but thatshortly thereafter he dropped outot sight. By 7:40, when the policealert was sounded , neighbors hadcombed a Wide area from CandeeAvenue to Brown 's River . Ptl. Cor-nelius Kaan began a street-by-street vigil in a patrol car.

At 8:40 the authorities were ad-vised that a boy answering hisdescription had been found stand-ing on the Lonj; Island Rail Roadtracks opposite Overton Street , amile or so from the Mahoney homeThe discovery was made by JohnGragg.

Within a few minutes a wearyReeve was returned to his parents.

y .. . —. .. .

News of the Sayville Library| By ELINOR H. HAFF, Librarianf>

Open daily (except Sundays and Holidays) one to five p.m.;seven to nine p.m.. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Closed Saturdays during July and August

After the final Story Hour onThursday held in our new lightand airy children 's wing , becauseof inclement weather .aii eight-year-old remarked "I like the newlibrary better than the old one ,"thus echoing the sentiments of thehundreds of children who flockedto the library during the summerto bring a record circulation.

A total of 6,523 hooks and per-iodicals was borrowed durin g themonth of August ,' an all time highfor any similar period. Some 2,528were children 's books, a gain of901 over August , 1954. New bor-rowers were registered at a rateof four a day with 89 the total fi-gure. Many of these are newcom-ers to the communi ty .

Our experiment in adding Car-olyn Keene mystery stories to thechildren 's books has met withsuch overwhelming success thatwe have just placed on the shelves25 mysteries in the "Judy Bo lton "series by Margaret Sutton. Thesetoo. were barely on the shelves be-

fore they had been borrowed.These authors seem to know the

secret of holding the children 'sinterest to a degree not equaled inbooks usually recommended forchildren. We acknowledae that wewould rather see such books as"The Courage of Sarah Noble" byAlice- Dalgleish or other award-winning children 's books borrow-ed. However , the children arereading and forming a library ha-bit which is most important inreading development.

Parents who have been arousedus never before by Rudolf Flesh'sbest, seller ' "Why Johnny Can'tRead" have also used the manysupplementary readers available inthe library to help their childrenwith reading during the summermonths. Mr. Flesh's book is thefirst educational book of our timeto become a consistant best sellerwhile articles by educators andlaymen attack ing or praising thebook appear often in nationalmagazines.



TO MARIE E. GIBBS242 North New York Avenue,Atlantic City , New Jersey

next of kin of TABITH A E. W.OLIVER late of BROOKHAVEN ,village of Center Moriches in theCounty of Suffolk and State of NewYork, deceased, intestate,SEND GREETING:

Upon the petition of EMILY H.JOHNSON residing at 831 GatesAve. Bklyn., County of Kings, Stateof New York ,

You and each of you are herebycited to show cause before our saidSurrogate's Court of the County ofSuffolk at the Surrogate 's Office atRiverhead in said County on the17th day of October 1955, at oneo'clock in the afternoon of that day,why Letters of Administration ofthe goods, chattels and creditswhich were of TABITHA E. W.OLIVER who at the time of herdeath resided at Center Moriches,Long Island in the County of Suf-folk and State of New York , shouldnot be granted to EMILY H. JOHN-SON a daughter and devisee ofsaiddeceased.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, theSeal of the Surrogate 's Court ofour said County of Suffolk has beenhereunto affixed.

WITNESS, HON. EDGAR F.HAZLETON , Surrogate of our saidCounty, at Riverhead , New York ,this 2nd dav of AuTiist 1955.

MARY E. STELZF.R(L.S.) Deputy Clerk of the Surro

gate's Court. 49t4

for Shaken fihingfee, Wood Siding• A PAtNT, not o stain. /i?̂


painted or unpointedshakes, shingles or siding.

2 beautifUI colors ]^*_ PLUS WHIT E I





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Heating Unit and Plumbing

Bring in an estimate for labor and material,OR material* only if you "Do-It-Yourself". Nored tape, doesn't affect your Mortgage, No

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160 Main Street Sayville 4-1100 Sayville, N. Y.Member Federal Home Loan Bank System

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Be Sure Your Heating:Unit Works Efficiently

Our Special Offer:

Furnace Clean-Upand

Burner Tune-Up$12.00

T. N. OTTOGoal & Oil Co., Inc.

Complete Heating ServiceFor Over 60 Years at ..Greeley Ave. and R.R.

SayvillePhone Sayville 4-1400

The Place To Buy Your Fuel

=— . i

I Red Feather Drive Opens Oct. 1st(Continued from Page 1)

Mrs. John J. Mclnerney will again be co-chairmen of the publicitycommittee

Once again a total of 12 organizations will participate in thecampaign which will be affiliated with the national Red Featherdrive. All funds collected here, however, will be used on a locallevel.

Superintendent of Schools Samuel K. Munson , chairman of theboard , said that the Red Feather solicitors expect to canvass evervhome in the two communities. He said this year's goal is for eachfamily to donate at least one dollar for each participating organiza-tion since it would cost donors more than that were individual drivesto be held as in previous years.

"This is the painless way to give for local charity", he said.*'It takes care of virtually all one's obligations at one time. It elimin-ates II separate campaigns. It means that much less bell ringing ordoor knocking."

! ' Part icipating organizations include Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts,Suffolk County Cancer Committee, United Cerebral Palsy Associationof Suffolk County; Suffolk County Heart Association; Salvation Army,Little League, Babe Ruth League, USD, Francis Hoag Memorial Fund,Community Council, and the Community Scholarship Fund.

The publicity committee plans to blanket the business sectionswith Red Feather posters and window displays.

Mr. Beyer described the Community Fund program at a meet-ing of the Sayville Rotary Club yesterday noon at Bronco Charlie 's.He pointed out that it was launched as a community service projectby the Rotary Club, many of whose members are active in the or-ganization.

William F. Dykwira, Jr., sonof Mr. and Mru William F.

. Dykstra, of Co«llns Avenue,Sayville leaves today to enter .Georgia Institute of Techno-logy at Atlanta to begin bisfreshman year.