Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan (Incorporating Asset Management Planning and Long Term Financial Planning) 2019 – 2033

Town of Cambridge 2019 2033 Strategic Resource Plan · The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies ... Office

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Page 1: Town of Cambridge 2019 2033 Strategic Resource Plan · The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies ... Office

Town of Cambridge

Strategic Resource

Plan (Incorporating Asset Management Planning

and Long Term Financial Planning)

2019 – 2033

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1.0 Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 4

3.0 Planning Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 6

4.0 Strategic Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 7

5.0 Community Profile, Vision and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 9

6.0 Key Current Information ................................................................................................................................. 10

7.0 Strategic Planning and Policies ........................................................................................................................ 11

8.0 Operations Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 13

9.0 Capital Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 16

10.0 Forecast Capital Projects ................................................................................................................................. 19

11.0 Financing Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 20

12.0 Scenario Modelling ......................................................................................................................................... 21

13.0 Risk Management ........................................................................................................................................... 22

14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity ........................................................................................... 23

15.0 Monitoring and Performance .......................................................................................................................... 29

16.0 Improvement Plan........................................................................................................................................... 34

Town of Cambridge

1 Bold Park Drive

Floreat WA 6014

P: 08 9947 6000

E: [email protected]

Document Management

Status: Final | V1.3

Date: 22 November 2018

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1.0 Foreword

We are pleased to present to the community the Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan for 2019 – 2033.

This Plan is part of the Town’s ongoing commitment to an integrated approach to planning for the Town’s future. It

provides the Council and the community with a picture of the Town’s long term financial and asset management

circumstances and assists us to meet our strategic outcomes and objectives.

The Town will encounter many challenges and opportunities over the next 15 years. Changes in population levels

and demographics bring with them changing community needs and expectations. The Council will require a clear

understanding of its capacity to meet these service expectations as it maintains a strong focus on sound financial


Council welcomes community participation in the planning process as we develop the strategic direction for a

promising future of our district. We invite members of the community to contact a Councillor or Senior Council staff

members if they have any questions.

The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies

set out in the Town of Cambridge Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028.

This Plan will be used with the Corporate Business Plan and Workforce Plan to achieve our goals and drive the Town

in achieving its vision of Cambridge: the best liveable suburbs.

The Town has devoted significant resources to improving its strategic planning. This work continues as we constantly

seek to improve our systems and service delivery.

Keri Shannon John Giorgi

Mayor Acting Chief Executive Officer

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2.0 Executive Summary

The following information provides a brief summary of the Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033, this should be read

in conjunction with the underlying assumptions detailed in this Plan.

2.1 Planning for a Sustainable and Stable Future

The Town of Cambridge is planning for a positive and

stable future. The Town seeks to maintain, and where

possible, improve service levels into the future while

maintaining a healthy financial position.

2.2 Forecast Revenue, Expenses and Net Result

The Town is forecast to receive a steady income from rates as well as fees and charges. To fund the underground power project, the Town raised service charges of $21.1m in 2018-19.

Significant revenue from the disposal of land is forecast over the initial five years of the Plan. Non-operating grants for the development of new assets have not been modelled beyond the first year of the Plan as the Town has no knowledge of possible future grant levels.

2.3 Rates Revenue

Rate revenue is forecast to remain at current levels for the initial 3 years of the Plan and thereafter increase by 2.0% in line with CPI over the remainder of the Plan. These increases are to assist in the long term financial stability of the Town and to maintain the level of service to the community. Rates are expected to generate $25.5m in 2018-19 increasing to $31.7m in 2032-33.

2.4 Significant Issues

The continued provision of roads, footpaths and community facilities remain key priorities and major long term expenditure items for the Town.

Planned asset expenditure is below the level of depreciation expense in all years, except the years ending 30 June 2019 and 2023. This is reflected by a low Asset Sustainaibility Ratio. The ratio is not considered to indicate a negative trend due to the recent renewal of a significant portion of the Town’s assets and the long (>15 years) expected useful life of these assets, combined with significant savings in cash reserves.

2.5 Forecast Borrowings and Cash Reserves

In general, the finances of the Town are expected to remain stable over the term, as represented in the graph below. Reserves increase over the term of the Plan, the strategy for funding future major projects is to utilise these funds rather than taking up new borrowings.






Total revenue Expenses Net Result














Reserves Borrowings

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2.0 Executive Summary (Continued)

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2.6 Planned Asset Expenditure

Combined new and renewal asset expenditure of $112.5m has been planned over the term of the Plan as per the table below. New asset expenditure comprises $12.8m of the total asset expenditure and asset renewal expenditure of $99.7m.

2.7 Planned Capital Expenditure

Asset Class Total Expenditure


Buildings 14,287,500

Footpaths 10,907,500 Drainage 7,701,000

Office Furniture and Equipment 11,330,500

Parks and Reserves 17,016,500 Roads and Lanes 34,457,500

External Plant and Equipment 9,774,500 Other Infrastructure 7,040,000

Total 112,515,000

2.8 Required Renewal Expenditure

Required asset renewal expenditure has been estimated based on forecast renewal costs and timings. Total asset renewals of $97.6m are forecast to be required over the 15 years of the Plan.

2.9 Required v Planned Asset Renewal


The significant gap in 2020-21 is due to the forecast required renewal of footpaths. Improvement in the forecasting of these renewals is likely to result in significant change in timing.

2.10 Forecast Ratios 2019-2033

Monitoring the Town’s financial rigidity and financial position along with its asset management performance is undertaken by preparing and monitoring various statutory ratios.

Current Operating


Own Source

Revenue Coverage

Debt Service Cover

Target Range 1.0 - 1.2 1% - 15% 40% - 60% 3 - 5

Average 0.70 (8.69%) 90.01% 192.39 2018-19 0.71 3.82% 101.47% 12.12

2019-20 0.71 5.41% 102.84% 437.55 2020-21 0.71 (8.55%) 89.62% 242.64

2021-22 0.63 (8.26%) 89.86% 253.76 2022-23 0.71 8.28% 106.08% 15.90

2023-24 0.71 (12.84) 86.22% 2024-25 0.71 (12.98) 86.12% 2025-26 0.71 (13.09) 86.04%

2026-27 0.71 (13.19) 85.97% 2027-28 0.71 (13.28) 85.90%

2028-29 0.71 (13.37) 85.84% 2029-30 0.71 (13.49) 85.76%

2030-31 0.71 (13.60) 85.68% 2031-32 0.71 (12.73) 86.32%

2032-33 0.71 (12.48) 86.51%

The current ratio does not highlight any issues and will always be forecast to be below 1.0 where each has a balanced budget position. The operating surplus ratio above highlights the impact of depreciation expense on the Town.

Asset Sustainability

Asset Consumption

Asset Renewal Funding

Target Range 90% - 110% 50% - 60% 75% - 95%

Average 48.38% 57.83% 125.46% 2018-19 95.24% 68.16% 146.16% 2019-20 60.70% 67.18% 105.10%

2020-21 53.69% 65.97% 98.20% 2021-22 54.86% 64.80% 139.77%

2022-23 110.02% 64.41% 138.04% 2023-24 40.65% 62.61% N/A

2024-25 38.09% 60.69% N/A 2025-26 37.04% 58.74% N/A

2026-27 36.03% 56.76% N/A 2027-28 35.05% 54.76% N/A

2028-29 34.11% 52.73% N/A 2029-30 33.20% 50.68% N/A

2030-31 32.32% 48.61% N/A 2031-32 32.55% 46.64% N/A 2032-33 32.09% 44.69% N/A

The asset sustainability ratio highlights asset renewal expenditure relative to depreciation fluctuates as expected. The ratio averages at 48.4% over the term of the Plan, as discussed at 2.4 on the previous page, this is not considered to reflect any adverse trend in the financial management of the Town.
















Required Total Renewals Planned Total Renewals

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus)

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3.0 Planning Overview

Planning for a Sustainable and Stable Future

The Town of Cambridge is planning for a positive and stable future. The Town seeks to maintain, and where possible,

improve service levels into the future while ensuring a healthy financial position.

Long term maintenance and renewal of the Town’s infrastructure and community assets remains a significant

challenge with increasing community expectations.

Planning Process

Based on the 2016-17 audited Annual Financial Report and 2017-18 Annual Budget, a financial baseline was

determined for operating revenue and expenditure. Modifications to this baseline were made over the 15 year term

to predict forecast changes in operating revenue and expenditure.

When planning for the future renewal of Town assets, a condition based estimation of remaining useful life was

applied (where possible) as it was viewed as the most appropriate methodology. Where condition information was

unavailable, an age based estimation of remaining useful life was applied. Modelling was undertaken to determine

the long term funding required to meet this future asset maintenance and renewal requirements.

Detailed long term planning is required for the renewal of building assets due to the scale of expenditure in relation

to these assets and the likelihood of usage/design upgrades when renewal occurs. Unfortunately, planning for the

renewal of long lived assets carries with it a high level of uncertainty. This is due to the vagary associated with the

allocation of future external contributions and the potential for a sudden and unexpected change in grant funding


It is important to note, capital works identified in this Plan undertaken utilising external contributions may be

postponed or reduced in scale should external funding not eventuate. Postponing asset renewal past forecast

estimated useful life and an optimum intervention point increases the risk associated with sudden unexpected asset

failure bringing with it the potential for a loss of service.

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4.0 Strategic Overview

4.1 Forecast Significant Events

Roads, lanes and community facilities maintenance and renewal remain a high priority for the Town due to the level

of community demand. Recent renewals of most major recreational and community facilities within the Town and

the long estimated remaining useful life of these assets results in annual depreciation expense being higher than

forecast asset renewal expenditure. This reflects as a low asset sustainability ratio (calculated by dividing

depreciation expense by planned asset renewal expenditure), given significant funds ($47m) are to be accumulated

in cash backed reserves for the future renewal of assets, this is not considered to indicate any threat to the financial

management of the Town.

In March 2018, Council agreed to proceed with underground power in all remaining areas of the Town of Cambridge

following support from property owners. The two-year transition plan consists of four project areas, with each area

expected to take 12 months to complete. Energy efficient LED streetlights will be installed in the final phase of each

project. Revenue and expenditure in relation to the project has been budgeted in 2018-19, though payment of the

Specified Area Rate by residents is expected to occur over 10 years. The current Plan include the sale of Perry Lakes

land in 2022-23, as well as receipt of a dividend from Parkside Walk in 2019-20.

4.2 Asset Management Strategy

Recognising a large proportion of assets have been constructed with the assistance of external financial contributions

and previous rates payments, the Town seeks to, within its financial capacity, maintain these assets into the future.

A strategy of alignment of estimated asset useful lives with the forecast financial capacity aims to ensure the long

term affordability of Town assets.

Significant renewal expenditure has been incurred over recent years for the renewal and refurbishment of most of

the Town’s major community buildings. Due to this past expenditure no major asset renewals are forecast as being

required during the term of the Plan, providing adequate maintenance of existing assets is undertaken. To ensure

funding is available for the renewal of assets beyond the term of the current Plan, the Town will continue to

accumulate funds in cash backed reserves.

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4.0 Strategic Overview (continued)

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4.3 Financial Management Strategy

Structuring operational revenues and expenditure to ensure adequate provision for asset renewal into the future is

a cornerstone of the Town’s overall financial strategy. To achieve this strategy, rate increases in line with the

consumer price index (CPI) are forecast to occur after the initial period of no rate increases as the underground

power upgrade is paid for by ratepayers. Maintenance of operating expenditure in line with the CPI forecast is also

viewed as important to achieving the financial strategy.

Forecast planned asset renewals for the term of the Plan are provided in the table below, along with the forecast

required asset renewals to maintain services in future. Forecast asset renewals requirements are arrived at based on

current estimates of replacement cost and remaining useful life of each asset, assessed from the asset’s condition

or age. The asset renewal surplus/(deficit) column reflects the difference between the planned and required asset

renewals. A number of assumptions and estimates have been utilised in arriving at these values and actual events

may vary significantly from those provided.

Year Planned

Asset Renewal $

Required Asset Renewal


Asset Renewal Surplus/(Deficit)

$ 2018-19 11,087,500 709,623 10,377,877 2019-20 7,287,000 507,084 6,779,916 2020-21 6,646,000 26,013,295 (19,367,295) 2021-22 6,976,000 5,212,049 1,763,951 2022-23 14,500,000 1,940,154 12,559,846 2023-24 5,500,000 4,683,497 816,503 2024-25 5,300,000 1,697,328 3,602,672 2025-26 5,300,000 3,243,291 2,056,709 2026-27 5,300,000 4,268,285 1,031,715 2027-28 5,300,000 1,544,589 3,755,411 2028-29 5,300,000 15,151,731 (9,851,731) 2029-30 5,300,000 2,049,388 3,250,612 2030-31 5,300,000 7,343,284 (2,043,284) 2031-32 5,300,000 4,680,722 619,278 2032-33 5,300,000 18,613,517 (13,313,517)

Total 99,696,500 97,657,837 2,038,663

The Town has not forecast any additional borrowings for the duration of this Plan as part of its strategy to allow

flexibility to respond to sudden or unexpected expenditure requirements or the loss of planned external grant

contributions. This strategy also provides scope to leverage off future grant funding opportunities when, and if, they

become available. The strategy also includes the use of cash backed reserves to save for significant future asset

renewal spikes.

4.4 Key Assumptions

The Plan has been prepared based on the following broad assumptions:

• The Town population is forecast to increase steadily through controlled in-fill developments;

• The Town will maintain its current service levels and, where financially prudent, increase services;

• The level of grants and contributions for capital projects and operations will remain relatively stable over the term of the Plan;

• The Perth Metropolitan Region and State economy will remain stable for the long term; and

• Assets are expected to be adequately maintained and continue to provide existing levels of service.

For a detailed analysis of all assumptions and their associated risks please refer to section 13.0.

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5.0 Community Profile, Vision and Objectives

5.1 Community1

The Town of Cambridge is located in Perth’s western suburbs, 8 kilometres west of the Perth GPO. It covers an area

of approximately 22 km2 and borders the City of Stirling in the north, Vincent and Perth in the east, Subiaco and

Nedlands in the south and the Indian Ocean in the west.

Within its boundaries are the suburbs of City Beach, Floreat, Wembley and West Leederville and a small portion of

Jolimont, Subiaco and Wembley Downs.

Major features of the Town include Lake Monger, Bold Park, Wembley Golf Course, City Beach, Floreat Beach, Bold

Park Aquatic Centre, Perry Lakes Reserve, Floreat Forum (shopping centre) and St John of God Hospital. The Town is

served by the Mitchell Freeway and the Perth to Fremantle railway line.

5.1.1 Town of Cambridge Resident Population by Age Group

In 2016, the Town of Cambridge’s population on the night of the census was 26,7832. The age distribution trends

from 2011 to 2016 for both the Town of Cambridge (reflected by the blue lines) and the state of Western Australia

are indicated in the chart below.

When comparing the Town’s demographic to Western Australia (reflected by the dotted green lines), the Town

shows a very similar demographic spread. Making up 21.1% of the resident population, children under 14 are the

largest demographic residing in the Town, indicating an ongoing requirement for childhood related services.

5.2 Vision

The Town’s strategic vision: Cambridge: the best liveable suburbs.

5.3 Strategic Objectives

The following key strategic directions are captured in the Town’s Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028 and

considered within the Strategic Resource Plan:

• Our Community

• Our Neighbourhoods

• Our Environment

• Our Council

1 Town of Cambridge Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028

2 Australian Bureau of Statistics Cambridge (T) (LGA51310) 2016 Census of Population and Housing, viewed 2 October 2018







0-14 years 15-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years andover

Cambridge 2011 Cambridge 2016 WA 2011 WA 2016

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6.0 Key Current Information

6.1 Key Statistics: Town of Cambridge 2018

Number of Elected Members3 9 Number of Employees5 204 Number of Electors5 18,828 Number of Dwellings4 10,757 Area (sq km)3 22 Population (Est.)4 26,783

6.2 Key Financial Information 2016-175

Rates Revenue $28,802,041 Fees and Charges $18,441,248 Operating Revenue $71,287,496 Operating Expenditure $45,688,946 Net Assets $369,165,482 Cash Backed Reserves $44,082,050 Long Term Borrowings $11,981,017

6.3 Key Asset Information

The Town controls an asset network with a written down value of over $369m, of which Buildings and Roads

constitute the largest component value as reflected in the chart below.

6.3.1 Asset Value by Class: Town of Cambridge 20174

3 Town of Cambridge website www.cambridge.wa.gov.au viewed 2 October 2018

4 Australian Bureau of Statistics Cambridge (T) (LGA51310) 2016 Census of Population and Housing, viewed 2 October 2018

5 Town of Cambridge, Audited Annual Financial Report 2016-17

Roads and Lanes25.5%

Other Infrastructure0.2%


Office Furniture and Equipment


External Plant and Equipment


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7.0 Strategic Planning and Policies

7.1 Linkage with Other Plans

The Strategic Resource Plan is one component of a number of integrated strategic planning practices the Town has

developed. Combining asset management planning and long term financial planning into one document, the

Strategic Resource Plan considers, and influences, workforce planning along with other key strategic plans. This

Strategic Resource Plan has been prepared to achieve compliance with the Local Government (Administration)

Regulations 1996.

Development of the Plan has also been influenced by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural

Industries (the Department) Integrated Planning Framework and Guidelines.

7.2 Strategic Documents Linkage

This Plan includes, and influences, other strategic planning activities as a mechanism to action the strategies

contained in the Town’s Strategic Community Plan, as illustrated in the diagram below.

7.2.1 Diagram: Integrated Planning and Reporting Cycle6

6 Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Integrated Planning and Reporting: Framework and Guidelines, September 2016

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7.0 Strategic Planning and Policies (Continued)

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7.3 Strategic Community Plan

The Strategic Community Plan has been prepared to cover a minimum period of 15 years and set out the community’s

vision, aspirations and objectives for the district. To achieve the vision, a series of outcomes and strategies are

developed. Many strategies may be required to achieve a single outcome and many outcomes needed to achieve a

single objective.

Individual strategies all require actions involving extra human, physical and financial resources. In addition, achieving

these strategies may require a series of actions over time as they may not be able to be achieved concurrently taking

into account limited resources.

Achieving the Town’s strategic outcomes requires careful operational planning and prioritisation. This planning

process is formalised as a Corporate Business Plan which operates on a rolling four-year basis.

7.4 Corporate Business Plan

The Corporate Business Plan contains details of the actions and resources (human, asset and financial) to achieve

each strategy and acts as an organisational guide for the Council and management.

The financial capacity and asset management practices to support the Corporate Business Plan are set out in the

Strategic Resource Plan for the period. This long term financial planning provides an assurance the actions contained

in the Corporate Business Plan can be adequately resourced over the next four years and highlights the long term

consequences of the application of resources to undertake various projects.

7.5 Workforce and Other Strategic Plans

The Workforce Plan and other strategic plans, integrate with the Strategic Resource Plan through the workforce

requirement for assets and financial resources along with the requirements for a workforce to manage the Town’s

assets and financial resources. As far as possible, these requirements are met in the Plan, but where resources are

not included, the Plan identifies when the required resources may be available to inform future review activities in

relation to these plans.

7.6 Asset Management Policy

The purpose of an asset management policy is to:

• Provide a framework for the sustainable management of the Town’s asset portfolio;

• Ensure an organisation wide and inclusive approach is taken to asset management; and

• Ensure adequate provision is made for the maintenance and replacement of assets in accordance with the assessed levels of service.

An asset management policy is intended to provide clear direction in relation to the Council’s expectations for the

sustainable management of its assets and applies to Elected Members, Employees and Contractors/Consultants

engaged by the Town.

7.7 Asset Management Strategy

An asset management strategy is a planned process of continuous improvement across all its components. Key

improvements for each class of asset are discussed at the end of each section in Appendix A.

7.8 Borrowing Policy

As part of its financial strategy, the Council intends to minimise the level of borrowings to provide the capacity to

borrow in the event of an emergency. No formal borrowing policy has been adopted by Council.

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8.0 Operations Overview

8.1 Operations

The chart below shows the operating revenues and expenses over time represented as columns and the net result

(revenues less expenses excluding asset revaluation adjustments) as a line.

8.2 Forecast Revenue, Expenses and Net Result

The Town is forecast to receive a steady income derived from fees and charges, increasing by CPI 2% over the term

of the Plan. Due to the underground power project, the Town has raised service charges of $21.1m in 2018-19.

The Town is reliant on receiving more than $24.7m over the next 15 years in untied operating grants, subsidies and

contributions to maintain the current level of operations and services. A steady increase in operating revenue and

expenditure is forecast over the 15 years of the Plan.

8.3 Rates Revenue

Rate revenue is forecast to remain at the same level for the initial 3 years of the Plan, and for the remaining term of

the Plan to increase by 2.0% in line with CPI. These increases are to assist in the long term financial stability of the

Town and to maintain the level of service to the community in the face of forecast reductions in external grants and

contributions. Rates are expected to generate $25.5m in 2018-19 increasing to $31.7m in 2032-33.

8.4 Non-Operating Grants and Contributions

Non-operating grants and contributions are not forecast to be received after year one of the Plan.

8.5 Operating Grants and Contributions

Over the term of the Plan, the operating grants and contributions are forecast to increase in line with inflation of 2%.
















Total revenue Expenses Net Result

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8.0 Operations Overview (Continued)

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8.6 Workforce Planning

The Town currently employs 204 full time equivalent employees to deliver a range of services to the community and

maintain assets.

The Town’s Workforce Plan has been considered in the development of this Strategic Resource Plan. No financial

impacts are expected from the Workforce Plan, with employee costs forecast to rise in line with CPI at 2% from 2021-

22 onwards.

Council encourages a work life balance, multi skilling, flexibility and effective application of staff capability.

8.7 Operating Expenditure

Over the term of the Plan, the operating expenditure components are forecast to remain relatively stable.

Depreciation and materials and contracts remain the dominant operating expenditure components, as reflected in

the chart below.

8.7.1 Composition of Forecast Operating Expenditure 2018-19

(Total Operating Expenditure $78.1m)

8.8 Maintenance Expenditure

The current maintenance expenditure allocated in the annual operating budget is expected to continue at current

levels, with inflationary increases occurring each year.

Employee costs24.97%

Materials and contracts55.69%

Utility charges (electricity, gas, water


Depreciation on non-current assets


Interest expense0.09%

Insurance expense0.63%

Other expenditure0.99%


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8.0 Operations Overview (Continued)

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8.9 Depreciation Expense

Depreciation expense increases throughout the Plan from $11.6m in year 1 to $16.5m in year 15 as assets are

revalued and renewed. Depreciation of infrastructure over the 15 years is $155.8m, shown by the green line in the

chart below. The planned level of infrastructure asset renewal expenditure at $66.8m (reflected by the blue columns)

is below the estimated infrastructure depreciation for all years except 2022-23, as shown in the chart below.

Ideally, the average asset renewal should be in line with depreciation expense over the long term, to ensure the

value of assets is maintained. On average, the Town is planning to renew its assets at a lower level than they are

depreciating over the term of the Plan.

8.9.1 Infrastructure Depreciation Expense -V- Asset Renewal Expenditure

Further improvements in asset management data and the estimation of depreciation expense along with the future

renewal of long lived assets may result in a closer alignment between asset renewals and depreciation expense.

Planned property, plant and equipment asset renewals of $32.8m (reflected by the blue columns) over the 15 years

is below depreciation expense of $58.3m (reflected by the green line) over the same period as shown in the chart


8.9.2 Property, Plant and Equipment Depreciation Expense -V- Asset Renewal Expenditure

Where the planned asset renewals are lower than depreciation, the written down value of these assets will decrease

over time as depreciation erodes the value of the assets. Revaluation of assets in line with inflation may mask a real

decrease in value where planned asset renewals are lower than depreciation.












Infrastructure renewal Infrastructure Depreciation












PPE renewal PPE Depreciation

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9.0 Capital Overview

9.1 Community Demand

User demand for community buildings changes over time due to changing community interests and lifestyle.

Progressively review and revitalise community facilities, retain built heritage and charm, and maintaining the

transport infrastructure were identified key focus areas within the Strategic Community Plan and have been included

within the Plan.

9.2 Upgrade/New Expenditure

Upgrades to buildings and infrastructure are planned to occur over the next 15 years in response to community

expectation. Where funds are available after undertaking essential renewal works, funds will be utilised for

improvement and new works. Detailed annual planning will be undertaken for asset upgrade/new expenditure in

the year the project occurs. Due to the level of uncertainty, new capital projects are only forecast for the initial four

years of the Plan, these are listed by project in Appendix B15.

9.2.1 New Capital Projects by Asset Class

Asset Class 2018-19

$ 2019-20

$ 2020-21

$ 2021-22

$ Buildings 929,000 121,000 75,000 37,000

Drainage 361,500 200,000 200,000 170,000

Footpaths 521,000 520,000 470,000 470,000

Office Furniture and Equipment 333,000 250,000 504,000 310,000

Other Infrastructure 124,000

Parks and Reserves 1,253,000 280,000 50,000 50,000

Roads and Lanes 2,829,000 1,461,000 690,000 610,000

Grand Total 6,350,500 2,832,000 1,989,000 1,647,000

9.3 Level of Service

The level of service for roads, at its most basic, is reflected in the speed and weight ratings across the road network.

As a measure, the lengths of sealed and unsealed road for each speed and weight rating is viewed as the most

appropriate indicator of the level of service of the road network and will continue to be monitored into the future.

Level of service measures are defined for most asset classes within Appendix A.

9.4 Renewal Expenditure

Asset renewal expenditure for the road network has been estimated based on road conditions and forecast usage.

For other asset classes, forecast asset renewals have been based on the age of the assets and their estimated

remaining useful life (determined during recent revaluations) combined with the current replacement costs.

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9.0 Capital Overview (Continued)

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9.4.1 Required Asset Renewal Expenditure by Asset Class

Renewal of footpaths, parks and reserves dominate the forecast required asset renewals.

9.5 Planned Asset Renewal

Planned asset renewal expenditure has been determined by allocating the expected funds available for capital

expenditure. Allocation of these funds between the various asset classes was undertaken to best match the required

asset renewal expenditure. The timing and level of planned asset renewal expenditure for each asset class is

summarised in the chart below.

9.5.1 Planned Asset Renewal Expenditure by Asset Class

Roads and lanes dominate the planned asset renewals expenditure.

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Parks and Reserves - - 8,955,853 1,738,942 1,582,882 3,643,406 1,116,880 639,491 305,505 790,497 1,242,087 982,349 2,232,583 732,137 1,921,966

Other Infrastructure - - 3,745,931 242,058 208,049 411,418 430,398 617,273 104,502 645,268 786,903 600,967 1,624,805 234,810 537,943

Footpaths - - 12,693,215 2,737,166 29,092 616,718 146,534 162,308 667,907 - 13,106,403 - 2,905,745 3,174,594 634,957

Drainage - - 103,126 - - - - - - 64,068 - - - - 95,190

Roads and Lanes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,601,787

External Plant and Equipment 668,898 124,746 58,152 51,564 116,139 7,144 - 1,788,914 - - 4,417 - - - -

Office Furniture and Equipment 9,780 382,338 436,965 442,319 3,992 4,811 3,516 35,305 2,667,993 32,322 11,921 466,072 532,650 539,181 4,867

Buildings 30,945 - 20,053 - - - - - 522,378 12,434 - - 47,501 - 816,807








2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Parks and Reserves 1,228,500 1,785,000 1,685,000 1,685,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Other Infrastructure 556,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Footpaths 238,500 844,000 372,000 472,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Drainage 169,500 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Roads and Lanes 3,126,500 3,229,000 3,168,000 3,744,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

External Plant and Equipment 1,324,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Office Furniture and Equipment 1,232,500 290,000 390,000 221,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Buildings 3,211,500 389,000 340,000 185,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000










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9.0 Capital Overview (Continued)

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9.6 Asset Renewal Funding Surplus/(Deficit)

The Town is planning for renewal of all assets at the end of their useful life. The annual budget cycle and resource

limitations result in differences between the planned and required renewal expenditure, referred to as an asset

renewal funding surplus/(deficit). The surplus or (deficit) for each asset class is shown by the columns in the chart

below with the purple line reflecting the net asset renewal funding surplus/(deficit) for each year.

The chart below reflects the asset renewal funding surplus varies throughout the term of the Plan and the overall

deficit of $2m. Improvements in the estimation of the required asset renewals may significantly impact the level of

this surplus.

9.6.1 Asset Renewal Funding Surplus/(Deficit)

As assets approach their initial estimated asset renewal time, the timing and need for renewal will be re-assessed

and may vary, enabling the reallocation of limited resources between asset classes and between years through the

use of cash backed reserves.

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

External Plant and Equipment 655,602 (74,746) (8,152) (1,564) 1,383,861 492,856 700,000 (1,088,914) 700,000 700,000 695,583 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Other Infrastructure 556,000 500,000 (3,304,931) 176,942 791,951 (11,418) (30,398) (217,273) 295,498 (245,268) (386,903) (200,967) (1,224,805) 165,190 (137,943)

Parks and Reserves 1,228,500 1,785,000 (7,270,853) (53,942) 417,118 (2,943,406) (416,880) 60,509 394,495 (90,497) (542,087) (282,349) (1,532,583) (32,137) (1,221,966)

Roads and Lanes 3,126,500 3,229,000 3,168,000 3,744,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 (13,601,787)

Office Furniture and Equipment 1,222,720 (92,338) (46,965) (221,319) 996,008 495,189 696,484 664,695 (1,967,993) 667,678 688,079 233,928 167,350 160,819 695,133

Buildings 3,180,555 389,000 319,947 185,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 177,622 687,566 700,000 700,000 652,499 700,000 (116,807)

Footpaths 238,500 844,000 (12,321,215) (2,265,166) 970,908 (16,718) 453,466 437,692 (67,907) 600,000 (12,506,403) 600,000 (2,305,745) (2,574,594) (34,957)

Drainage 169,500 200,000 96,874 200,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 435,932 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 404,810

Total 10,377,877 6,779,916 (19,367,295) 1,763,951 12,559,846 816,503 3,602,672 2,056,709 1,031,715 3,755,411 (9,851,731) 3,250,612 (2,043,284) 619,278 (13,313,517)










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10.0 Forecast Capital Projects

10.1 Key Asset Renewal Timeline

Renewal of road and lane infrastructure represents the bulk of the planned asset renewals.

Planned asset expenditure (by asset class) is reflected in the chart below, with the level of capital grants reflected by

the blue line.

The following major projects are forecast to occur in the Plan:

• Roads and lane upgrades; and

• Footpaths and drainage upgrades.

Combined new and renewal asset expenditure of $112.5m has been planned. New asset expenditure comprises

$12.8m of the total asset expenditure and asset renewal expenditure of $99.7m. Total asset expenditure by class is

reflected in the chart below by the columns, with the level of non-operating grants shown by the green line.

10.1.1 Total Planned Asset Expenditure by Asset Class

10.2 Planned Capital Expenditure

The table below sets out the total value of planned capital expenditure, detailed by asset class. These are further

detailed by project in Appendix B16:

Asset Class Total Expenditure

(2019-2033) $ Buildings 14,287,500 Footpaths 10,907,500 Drainage 7,701,000 Office Furniture and Equipment 11,330,500 Parks and Reserves 17,016,500 Roads and Lanes 34,457,500 External Plant and Equipment 9,774,500 Other Infrastructure 7,040,000 Grand Total 112,515,000

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

External Plant and Equipment 1,324,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Office Furniture and Equipment 1,565,500 540,000 894,000 531,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Buildings 4,140,500 510,000 415,000 222,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Parks and Reserves 2,481,500 2,065,000 1,735,000 1,735,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Other Infrastructure 680,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Footpaths 759,500 1,364,000 842,000 942,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Drainage 531,000 400,000 400,000 370,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Roads and Lanes 5,955,500 4,690,000 3,858,000 4,354,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Non-operating grants, subsidies and contributions 13,386,500 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0












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11.0 Financing Overview

In general, the finances of the Town are expected to remain stable over the term as represented in the graph below.

11.1 Borrowings

There are no new loans forecast and modelled in the Plan. The principal outstanding on borrowings reduces from

$1.1m in 2018-19 to no borrowings by 2021-22. This provides the Town with increasing capacity to borrow in reaction

to unplanned events or urgent issues over the life of the Plan.

11.2 Cash Reserves

The balance of cash reserves is forecast to increase for the duration of the Plan.

11.2.1 Forecast Borrowings and Cash Reserves

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Reserves 26,190,138 34,505,207 36,136,372 38,160,065 41,567,272 44,147,902 47,114,781 50,280,055 53,651,167 56,335,681 59,241,606 62,354,606 65,682,485 69,233,366 73,015,659

Borrowings 1,107,100 1,107,100 1,107,100 1,107,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0











Reserves Borrowings

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12.0 Scenario Modelling

12.1 Scenario Modelling

Scenarios were developed to test the financial impact of reduced levels of operating funding with modelling for the

impact on the Town of various reduced funding levels.

To ascertain the effect of reduced funding levels, a base scenario was developed with the total rate yield to remain

the same for the initial three years of the Plan, thereafter rates yield increasing in line with inflation of 2% from 2021-

22 onwards and Fees and Charges to increase by 2% throughout the term of the Plan. Two alternative scenarios

were also developed from this base, in scenario two the rates yield and fees and charges increase is 3% (2% inflation

+ 1% for growth) for the term of the Plan and for scenario three calculations reflect an increase of 1% below inflation

for the term of the Plan.

All other assumptions remained the same across the three scenarios.

The base scenario was selected as the most appropriate and has been used for the remainder of the Plan. The base

scenario includes levels of rate revenue to ensure the current levels of service are maintained.

The chart below reflect the impact of a change in total rates yield and fees and charges on the estimated surplus

(deficit) at June 30 from the base scenario (other assumptions remaining the same).

12.1.1 Estimated Surplus (Deficit) June 30 Carried Forward

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Base Scenario 480,092 1,227,394 2,251,136 3,059,995 3,641,186 3,981,431 4,066,941 3,883,399 3,415,947 2,649,167 1,567,057 153,021 (1,610,156) (3,740,325) (6,238,450)

Scenario 2 - CPI 2% + 1% 1,175,312 3,360,151 6,613,031 10,494,204 15,044,814 20,307,989 26,328,899 33,154,865 40,835,420 49,422,426 58,970,165 69,535,425 81,177,596 93,958,768 $107,943,885

Scenario 3 - CPI 2% - 1% 290,232 647,377 1,069,823 1,055,017 578,493 (385,102) (1,862,117) (3,879,868) (6,423,166) (9,500,269) (13,149,184) (17,363,285) (22,158,816) (27,552,394) ($33,561,020)











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13.0 Risk Management

13.1 Risk Management

The Town provides a diverse range of services and facilities to the general public which exposes it to risks. As part of

the implementation of Integrated Planning and Reporting, the Town intends to formalise its risk based management

practices to improve the management of identified risks.

The Town has a practice of conducting a regular review of insurance levels of assets by the Chief Executive

Officer/Director Corporate & Community Services to ensure the level is adequate. The Town’s insurer is LGIS.

The Financial Management Regulations require the investment of surplus funds (including cash reserves) to be in

term deposits held by authorised deposit taking institutions or Treasury bonds.

The Town seeks to engage experienced and qualified personnel in areas of high risk and provides them with

appropriate ongoing training and equipment to ensure they are able to undertake their roles with minimal risk to

the community and the Town.

13.2 Certainty of Assumptions

Included in the Plan is a detailed analysis of the assumptions used as part of the planning process and the level of

risk associated with each assumption.

The impact of the assumptions applied to issues identified as carrying a high risk have been separately disclosed, as

has the sensitivity of movements in these assumptions on the financial forecasts set out in this Plan.

13.3 Sensitivity Analysis

Where an assessment has been made that a high level of uncertainty applies to the assumptions, sensitivity analysis

has been used to help quantify the potential financial impact of a change in the assumption.

Assumptions with a high level of uncertainty and a higher dollar value present the greatest risk that a movement will

result in unexpected and detrimental consequences. The details of this analysis are shown adjacent to each

assumption on the following pages.

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14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

14.1 Revenue – Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

Disclosure/Assumption Assessed Financial


Impact of High Financial Risk Assumptions

Level of Uncertainty

Financial Impact and Sensitivity for Assumption with High Level of Uncertainty/Risk

District Growth in Population: The number of residents in the Town is expected to increase steadily.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Rates Level Increase: Annual rates have been based on an increase in the total rate yield in line with the forecast inflation rate of 2% from 2021-22 onwards.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Operating Grants and Contributions: Increases in line with inflation forecast.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Non-operating Grants and Contributions: Remain in line with funding requirements identified for various capital works.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Fees and Charges: Increases in line with inflation forecast.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Interest Earnings: Interest earning of an average rate of 2.50% per annum.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Other Revenue: Increases in line with inflation.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Profit on Asset Disposal: Profit on asset disposal results from a misallocation of depreciation over the life of the asset. As the level of depreciation is considered appropriate no profit on asset disposals has been included.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

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14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity (Continued)

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14.2 Expenditure – Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

Disclosure/Assumption Assessed Financial


Impact of High Financial Risk Assumptions

Level of Uncertainty

Financial Impact and Sensitivity for Assumption with High Level of Uncertainty/Risk

Employee Costs: Fluctuate during the initial three years and thereafter increased annually by forecast inflation.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Materials and Contracts: Increased annually by forecast inflation.

High The road and lanes program and general operations of the Town are dependent on the ability to raise adequate revenue to fund maintenance programs.

Medium ± $3,062,576 to the value of materials and contracts per 1% movement in the value over the life of the Plan.

Depreciation: Depreciation has been calculated using an average rate for each asset class based on the weighted average estimated remaining useful life of assets in the class.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Insurance: Base year increased in line with inflation.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Other Expenditure: Base year increased in line with inflation.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Loss on Asset Disposal: A loss on asset disposal results from a misallocation of depreciation over the life of the asset. As the level of depreciation is considered appropriate in the Plan no loss on asset disposals has been included in the Plan.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

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14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity (Continued)

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14.3 Assets – Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

Disclosure/Assumption Assessed Financial


Impact of High Financial Risk Assumptions

Level of Uncertainty

Financial Impact and Sensitivity for Assumption with High Level of Uncertainty/Risk

Revaluations: In line with annual inflation.

Low The revaluation of assets may result in changes in asset ratio analysis and depreciations leading to a change in the net result. The revaluation of assets will have no impact on Cashflows.

High ±$1,665,272 to the value of property, plant and equipment per 1% movement in the value over the life of the Plan. ±$1,201,857 to the value of infrastructure assets per 1% movement in the value over the life of the Plan.

Impairment of Assets: No impairment of assets has been assumed over the life of the Plan. Impairment of assets usually occurs due to unplanned or unforeseen events such as natural disasters.

High A widespread major impairment event may result in a requirement for high levels of expenditure to maintain service levels.

Medium Unable to be quantified.

Infrastructure Assets: Expenditure has been based on historical levels escalated by inflation.

High The capital works program is not highly dependent on Government grants and contributions. Changes in these levels would not have a significant impact on the amount spent on capital projects or on service levels.

High ±$17,485 to the value of infrastructure assets per 1% movement in the capital grants received over the life of the Plan.

Property, Plant and Equipment: Building expenditure is in accordance with the asset management plan and plant expenditure is based on the Plant Replacement Program.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk as the frequency of capital grants for buildings and plant and equipment replacement is not significantly influenced by external grant funds.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

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14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity (Continued)

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14.4 Liabilities – Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

Disclosure/Assumption Assessed Financial


Impact of High Financial Risk Assumptions

Level of Uncertainty

Financial Impact and Sensitivity for Assumption with High Level of Uncertainty/Risk

Borrowings: In line with the Town’s financial management strategy and level of reserve funds, borrowings are only considered as the final option for funding and are not currently planned to be utilised.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Employee Entitlements: It has been assumed the Town will be in a position to meet its obligations in relation to employee entitlements.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

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14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity (Continued)

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14.5 Equity Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

Disclosure/Assumption Assessed Financial


Impact of High Financial Risk Assumptions

Level of Uncertainty

Financial Impact and Sensitivity for Assumption with High Level of Uncertainty/Risk

Cash Backed Reserves: It has been assumed the Town will invest cash reserves in term deposits with banking institutions and these funds will be available for use during the term of the Plan.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Revaluation Surplus: Increasing in line with inflation based revaluation.

Low The revaluation of assets to their fair value may result in changes in asset ratio analysis and depreciation leading to a change in the net result. The revaluations of assets will have no impact on Cashflows.

High ±$1,665,272 to the value of property, plant and equipment per 1% movement in the value over the life of the Plan.

±$1,201,857 to the value of infrastructure assets per 1% movement in the value over the life of the Plan.

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14.0 Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity (Continued)

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14.6 Other – Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties and Sensitivity

Disclosure/Assumption Assessed Financial


Impact of High Financial Risk Assumptions

Level of Uncertainty

Financial Impact and Sensitivity for Assumption with High Level of Uncertainty/Risk

Ownership of Strategic Assets: The Town has not planned for the ownership of any strategic assets to be transferred to another party over the term of the Plan.

High Any significant changes to the ownership of strategic assets would require an amendment to this Plan and, depending on the circumstance, be subject to community consultation.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

Inflators: Forecast inflation at 2% per annum.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

High ± $8,240,790 to operating revenue per 1% movement in the inflators over the life of the Plan.

± $9,273,503 to operating expenditure per 1% movement in the inflators over the life of the Plan.

Commercial Activities: The Town has no plans to undertake any new significant commercial activity during the period of the Plan.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Low Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

General Economic Forecasts for State: The economic forecast for the State is closely linked to the success of the mining industry. Demands for minerals is forecast to remain stable in the short term with a corresponding stability of the state economy.

Medium Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

General Economic Forecasts for Metropolitan Region: Historically, the metropolitan region’s economy is heavily dependent on the economy of the State as whole and this remains the assumption for the term of this Plan.

Low Not assessed as high financial risk.

Medium Not assessed as high level of uncertainty.

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15.0 Monitoring and Performance

15.1 Monitoring

The Plan will be the subject of a desktop review each year to take into account changing circumstances, with a full

revision scheduled every two years in line with the review of the Strategic Community Plan.

Monitoring the Town’s financial rigidity and financial position along with its asset management performance is

undertaken by preparing and monitoring various statutory ratios.

15.2 Performance Assessment

A series of performance indicators, in the form of financial ratios, have been used to assess the financial performance

of the Town.

To maintain comparability across the industry, these ratios and their respective target ranges, have been derived

from the Department’s Long Term Financial Planning guidelines and Regulation 50 of Local Government (Financial

Management) Regulation 1996.

Graphs of these financial ratios are presented on the following pages together with the formula used to calculate the

ratio, a brief description of what the ratio indicates and an assessment of the impact of the ratio on the Town’s

finances in the future.

15.3 Ratio Targets

The Department’s Advisory Standard provides target levels for each of the ratios. These target levels are represented

on the ratio graphs as a red or green line. The red line represents the level at which a ‘basic standard’ is met, the

green line representing the level at which an ‘advanced standard’ is met.

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15.0 Monitoring and Performance (Continued)

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15.4 Forecast Ratio Analysis – Current Ratio

current assets minus restricted assets

current liabilities minus liabilities associated with

restricted assets minus current liabilities associated

with long term borrowings

Indication: A measure of the Town’s immediate liquidity and the capacity to meet short term financial obligations

from unrestricted current assets.

Commentary: As expected for a Town with a forecast balanced funding surplus position and current borrowing

liabilities, the ratio is less than 1.0. As borrowings are settled the ratio increases. The trend is not considered to

indicate a threat to the Town’s long term financial position.

15.5 Forecast Ratio Analysis – Operating Surplus Ratio

operating revenue minus operating expense

own source operating revenue

Indication: A measure of the extent to which own source revenues raised cover operational expenses.

Commentary: The impact of depreciation expense on the income statement results in a negative forecast operating

surplus ratio through most of the Plan. Underground power service charges in 2018-19 and profit on sale of land in

2019-20 and 2022-23 result in a positive ratio in these years. The ratio is not considered a significant threat and

highlights a need to review the appropriateness of depreciation expense.

















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15.0 Monitoring and Performance (Continued)

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15.6 Forecast Ratio Analysis – Own Source Revenue Coverage Ratio

own source operating revenue

operating expense

Indication: A measure of the extent of the Town’s ability to cover costs using only discretionary revenue.

Commentary: The ratio is above the target range indicating that the Town is not heavily reliant on external funding

to continue to operate.

15.7 Forecast Ratio Analysis – Debt Service Coverage Ratio

annual operating surplus before interest and depreciation

principal and interest

Indication: A measure of the extent of the Town’s capacity to generate sufficient cash to cover debt payments.

Commentary: The ratio is in the advanced range for the initial five years of the Plan, after 2022-23 there are no

longer any borrowings forecast. The ratio indicates the Town has a capacity to borrow in the short term with

increasing capacity for the term of the Plan.



















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15.0 Monitoring and Performance (Continued)

Town of Cambridge | Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 32

15.8 Forecast Ratio Analysis – Asset Consumption Ratio

depreciated replacement cost of assets

current replacement cost of depreciation assets

Indication: A measure of the aged condition of the Town’s physical assets.

Commentary: The ratio is above the target range initially with assets being renewed at adequate levels to maintain

the average age of assets, however the ratio is declining steading over the term of the Plan, indicating a potential

risk in the years following the Plan.

15.9 Forecast Ratio Analysis –Asset Sustainability Ratio

capital renewal and replacement expenditure

depreciation expense

Indication: A measure of the extent to which assets managed by the Town are being replaced as they reach the end

of their useful lives.

Commentary: The ratio highlights asset renewal expenditure relative to depreciation fluctuates as expected. The

ratio averages at 48.38% over the term of the Plan which is below the guideline level of 90% and indicates the Town

is generally not renewing assets in line with their forecast useful lives.

















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15.0 Monitoring and Performance (Continued)

Town of Cambridge | Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 33

15.10 Forecast Ratio Analysis – Asset Renewal Funding Ratio

NPV of planned capital renewals over 10 years

NPV of required capital expenditure over 10 years

Indication: The Town’s financial capacity to fund asset renewal to support existing service levels. (This ratio is based

on the ten years forecast expenditure and as such is only able to be calculated for the first five years of the Plan).

Commentary: The ratio is above the target ratio with planned asset renewal expenditure being above required asset

renewal expenditure as set out in this Plan. Further improvements in forecasting the remaining useful lives of assets

may result in a decrease in this ratio.










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Town of Cambridge | Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 34

16.0 Improvement Plan

16.1 Strategic Resource Improvement Plan

All strategic plans require continuous development in order to improve the quality of planning. The following asset

management areas are suggested as worthy of focus in the future.

Hierarchy: A hierarchy exists for road assets and should be further developed for other asset classes.

Level of Service: Level of service measures were defined within the previous Asset Management Plan. No systems

are currently in place to record and report against these levels of service.

Risk Management: Risk management is used as a decision making tool to define and treat risks facing the Town

when seeking to meet its defined objectives. The Town is in the very early stages of utilising risk techniques. As risk

management is developed, a greater understanding of risks will be formalised.

Operation and Maintenance: The Town does not have a current documented Operation and Maintenance Strategy.

Renewal and Replacement: A key component of understanding long term asset funding requirements is

determination of the extent and timing of likely costs to refurbish or replace an asset in future in order to maintain

a consistent level of service to the community. Constant review and improvement to these forecasts is likely to result

in improved planning outcomes.

New, Upgrade and Disposal: The Town does not have a current documented Capital Investment Plan to address

future asset demands or Asset Disposal Plan (other than the disposal of plant and equipment).

There are a number of improvement actions as per the Asset Management Improvement Plan, some key

improvement actions resulting from this Strategic Resourcing Plan are to:

• Undertake routine condition inspections.

• Report levels of service for key assets.

• Improve the accuracy of future financial forecasts through improved forecasting of operational, maintenance, renewal, new and upgrade costs.

• Maintain formal asset maintenance and renewal programs for all assets.

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List of Appendices

Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes .................................................................................................................................. 2

Appendix A2 – Drainage ............................................................................................................................................... 8

Appendix A3 – Footpaths ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Appendix A4 – Other Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................... 15

Appendix A5 – Parks and Reserves ............................................................................................................................ 17

Appendix A6 – Buildings ............................................................................................................................................. 20

Appendix A7 – Plant and Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 27

Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value ............................................................................................ 30

Appendix B1 – Forecast Financial Statements ........................................................................................................... 37

Appendix B2 – Forecast Statement of Comprehensive Income by Nature or Type 2019-2033 ................................. 39

Appendix B3 – Forecast Statement of Comprehensive Income by Program 2019-2033 ........................................... 40

Appendix B4 – Forecast Statement of Financial Position 2019-2033 ......................................................................... 41

Appendix B5 – Forecast Statement of Changes in Equity 2019-2033 ........................................................................ 42

Appendix B6 – Forecast Statement of Cashflows 2019-2033 .................................................................................... 43

Appendix B7 – Forecast Statement of Funding 2019-2033 ........................................................................................ 44

Appendix B8 – Forecast Statement of Net Current Asset Composition 2019-2033 ................................................... 45

Appendix B9 – Forecast Statement of Fixed Asset Movements 2019-2033 .............................................................. 46

Appendix B10 – Forecast Statement of Capital Funding 2019-2033 .......................................................................... 47

Appendix B11 – Forecast Ratios 2019-2033............................................................................................................... 48

Appendix B12 – Required Asset Renewals 2019-2033 ............................................................................................... 49

Appendix B13 – Planned Asset Renewals 2019-2033 ................................................................................................ 50

Appendix B14 –Asset Renewal Funding Surplus (Deficit) 2019-2033......................................................................... 51

Appendix B15 – New Capital Projects ........................................................................................................................ 52

Appendix B16 – Capital Projects 2019-2033 .............................................................................................................. 56

Appendix B17 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies .......................................................................................... 58

Appendix C1 – Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 62

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Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes

1.1 Significant Matters

The continued provision of the road and lane network remains one of the key priorities and large expenditure items

for the Town. The continued planning for future road and lane infrastructure renewals influenced by condition based

estimation of the remaining useful life is essential to reducing the risk of sudden unexpected road failure.

1.2 Road Inventory

The Town of Cambridge has a road network servicing an area of 221 square kilometres. Road assets within this Plan

include the following components:

• Kerbing;

• Subgrade / Pavement / Seal; and

• Drainage.

Road asset information is recorded within a road inventory database. In 2018, a road infrastructure valuation was

undertaken which forms the basis of the measurements and current replacement cost estimates. This information

has been updated by management subsequent to the valuation. Verification of the accuracy of the valuation data is

not within the scope of this Plan and has not been undertaken.

Utilising the dimension data held in the Town’s road asset database along with standard unit rates, the current

replacement cost provided in the road infrastructure inventory system, has been estimated by management below.

Road Assets Length (m) Current

Replacement Cost ($)


Kerb Barrier 32,487,046 334,918

Drainage Total 32,487,046 334,918


Base 40,395,133 200,024

Pavement Total 40,395,133 200,024

Roundabout Roundabout 6,108,503

Roundabout Total 6,108,503

Sub Grade

Earthworks 21,773,486 203,554

Sand 75,516 899

Sub Grade Total 21,849,002 204,453


Brick Paving 9,331 130

Primer Seal 3,888 270

Reseal 79,539 4,860

Seal 2,194,862 139,200

Surface Total 2,287,620 144,460

Top Surface

Brick Paving 1,358,800 2,535

Reseal 27,747,740 139,565

Seal 6,501,808 49,962

Top Surface Total 35,608,347 192,062

Grand Total 138,735,652 1,075,917

1 Australian Bureau of Statistics Cambridge (T) (LGA51310) 2016 Census of Population and Housing, viewed 2 October 2018

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Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes (Continued)

1.3 Financial Summary

Financial impacts of managing the Town road and lane assets are broken down into maintenance, new and renewal

expenditure, each of which is examined separately as follows.

1.3.1 Maintenance Expenditure by Nature or Type

Road maintenance expenditure is forecast to increase in line with inflation and is comprised of the following

estimated costs in 2018-19, including all asset classes except Buildings and Parks:

As far as possible the road maintenance program is scheduled annually, based on staff knowledge of road conditions

and expected traffic volumes.

1.3.2 New Expenditure

Upgrades to roads and lanes is planned for the initial four years of the Plan to increase safety and allow for increasing

traffic volumes. Appendix B15 details this expenditure.

Employee costs Materials and contracts Other expenditure

2018-19 $207,060 $1,147,296 $26,520









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Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes (Continued)

1.3.3 Renewal Expenditure

Road works are prioritised based on staff knowledge of the conditions of roads and expected usage patterns and is

conducted during the budget process. All planned works are funded through a combination of internal funds and

external grants.

In the chart below, planned road expenditure is shown as purple columns, with required road renewals as the blue

columns. The green line shows the difference between the two expenditure levels. Planned road renewal over the

term totals $28.8m. Required road renewal is calculated at $14.6m for the term, overall there is a $14.2m renewal

surplus for the Town’s road assets.

1.3.4 Forecast Planned and Required Road Renewal Expenditure

The level and extent of the renewal surplus is dependent on the accuracy of unit cost estimates and remaining useful

life estimates for each road component. An improvement in this information will result in improved planning

outcomes and enable the scheduling of works to minimise the negative impact of renewal spikes.

The values represented in the chart above are detailed in the table below.

Required Roads Renewals $

Planned Roads Renewals $

Roads Renewal Funding (Gap)/Surplus $

2018-19 3,126,500 3,126,500

2019-20 3,229,000 3,229,000

2020-21 3,168,000 3,168,000

2021-22 3,744,000 3,744,000

2022-23 5,000,000 5,000,000

2023-24 1,600,000 1,600,000

2024-25 1,000,000 1,000,000

2025-26 1,000,000 1,000,000

2026-27 1,000,000 1,000,000

2027-28 1,000,000 1,000,000

2028-29 1,000,000 1,000,000

2029-30 1,000,000 1,000,000

2030-31 1,000,000 1,000,000

2031-32 1,000,000 1,000,000

2032-33 14,601,787 1,000,000 (13,601,787)

Total 14,601,787 28,867,500 14,265,713

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Required Roads and Lanes Renewals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,601,787

Planned Roads and Lanes Renewals 3,126,500 3,229,000 3,168,000 3,744,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus) 3,126,500 3,229,000 3,168,000 3,744,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 (13,601,787)










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Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes (Continued)

1.4 Level of Service

Level of service measures have not been routinely recorded or reported on. Detailed performance measures and

performance targets for road construction and maintenance have been developed and are shown in the following


Speed and weight ratings of the road network are considered the best overall indicator of the level of service of the

road network as a whole.

1.4.1 Road Construction

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Sealed Road Construction

Condition Sealed roads are constructed to a

high standard.

Customer complaints. One complaint per road

per year.

Safety To ensure all roads are being

constructed in a safe manner and

road is made safe and signed

correctly when unmanned.

Customer complaints. One per road.

Number of damage/injury


0 claims.



Efficient capital works program. Projects completed within

the timeframe and on


100% completed within

timeframe and on


Lane Construction

Condition Lanes are constructed to a high


Customer complaints One complaint per lane

per year.

Safety To ensure all lanes are being

constructed in a safe manner and

road is made safe and signed

correctly when unmanned.

Customer complaints. One per lane.

Number of damage/injury


0 claims.



Efficient capital works program. Projects completed within

the timeframe and on


100% completed within

timeframe and on


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Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes (Continued)

1.4.2 Road Maintenance

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Sealed Road Maintenance/Drainage

Condition Sealed roads are maintained to a high standard

and on a regular basis. Drainage is also to be

assessed and drains cleaned in order to minimise

the risk of flooding and damage.

Customer complaints.

One complaint per

road per year.

Routine road inspection. Two per year with


Function To ensure that all sealed roads are maintained in

order to provide a useable and safe transport

network for users in all weather conditions.

Customer complaints. One complaint per

road per year.

Function To ensure that any maintenance issues that arise

are dealt with promptly.

Within 2 working days of


95% addressed.

Safety To provide a sealed road network free of hazards. Hazard removed within 2

hours of notification.

95% addressed.



Efficient roads maintenance program. Maintenance program

completed within

timeframe and on


100% completed

within timeframe

and on budget.

Lane Maintenance

Condition Lanes are maintained to a high standard and on a

regular basis. Drainage is also assessed in order

to minimise the risk of flooding and damage.

Customer complaints. One complaint per

lane per year.

Routine road inspection. Two per year with


Function To ensure all lanes are maintained in order to

provide a useable and safe transport network for

users in all weather conditions.

Customer complaints. One complaint per

lane per year.

Function To ensure any maintenance issues that arise are

dealt with promptly.

Within 2 working days of


95% addressed.

Safety To provide a lane network free of hazards. Hazard removed within 2

hours of notification.

95% addressed.



Efficient roads maintenance program. Maintenance program

completed within

timeframe and on


100% completed

within timeframe

and on budget.

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Appendix A1 – Roads and Lanes (Continued)

1.5 Risk Management

An assessment of risks associated with the delivery of road assets has identified the following risks and treatment


Risk Consequence Risk Rating Risk Treatment

Asset condition decreases

due to flood damage.

Desired level of service not


Medium Ensure adequate drainage in road

design and maintenance to

mitigate risk of flood damage.

Climate change. Likelihood of severe storm

damage increases.

Medium Consider climate change when

managing assets.

Significant unforeseen

increases in maintenance or

renewal costs.

Desired level of service not


Medium Monitor costs and adjust long-

term plans accordingly.

Asset condition decreases

due to inadequate renewal


Desired level of service not


Medium Determine maintenance priorities

based on lifecycle cost.

Sudden significant changes

in population.

Sudden increase in level of

service requirements.

Medium Monitor population trends and

industry developments in the


Asset condition decreases

due to inadequate

maintenance program.

Desired level of service not


Low Determine maintenance

priorities-based risk assessment

and lifecycle cost.

Traffic incident attributable

to sub-standard road

conditions or road layout.

Liability risk. Low Ensure road network is

maintained in compliance with

applicable standards.

Health and safety incident

whilst working on assets

causing fatality or serious


Prosecution risk. Low Ensure Council has compliant

Health and Safety policy.

Ensure staff and contractors are

trained in policy and all

procedures are complied with.

1.6 Improvement

Monitoring and reporting of the key performance measures is important to help ensure levels of service are


Continued improvement in the knowledge of the road network (including road conditions) and forecasting of road

renewal timing and costs is essential for managing the road network. As renewal timing and cost forecasting

improves, opportunities for efficiency gains may be identified and included within future plans.

Monitoring of actual renewal costs against estimated renewal costs will improve the accuracy of future unit cost

estimates. Routine monitoring of traffic volumes and road conditions will further improve the ability of the Town to

forecast future road renewal priorities.

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Appendix A2 – Drainage

2.1 Significant Matters

The Town provides a network of stormwater drainage and sewerage infrastructure which includes culverts, pipes,

and kerbing. The determination of appropriate intervention points for renewal work, along with forecasting the

timing and amount of funding required, is important to ensure this work can be undertaken prior to any asset failure.

A current assessment reflects drainage and kerbing with a current replacement cost of $28.8m. Further detailed

investigation of these assets is required to confirm the timing and costs of the required renewal intervals.

Asset renewal of drainage and kerbing prior to its failure helps prevent damage to other assets including roads.

2.2 Inventory

The Town is developing a basic drainage asset inventory which is maintained within the road asset inventory system.

Utilising the dimension data held and the unit rates provided by the Town, a current replacement cost has been

estimated as set out below.

Drainage Type Current

Replacement Cost ($)

Drainage Cell 1,242,167

Pipe 26,615,888

Service Connection 77,079

Sewer Pump Station 431,465

Stormtech Cell 262,773

Table Drain 174,240

Waste water line 90,936

Grand Total 28,894,548

2.3 Financial Summary

The financial impacts of managing the Town’s drainage assets including the maintenance and renewal costs are

included under Appendix A1 Roads and Lanes.

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Appendix A2 – Drainage (continued)

2.3.1 Renewal Expenditure

Accurate forecast renewal requirements for drainage have not been determined with remaining useful life forecasts

based on the type of drain rather than the age or condition of the drainage, as a consequence no cashflow

requirements for drainage renewals have been forecast.

The Plan has a nominal amount forecast for kerbing and drainage planned renewal expenditure. Actual timing of

kerbing renewals should be aligned to the renewal of the road pavements of kerbed roads and requires further

detailed analysis and planning before the expenditure is incurred.

In the chart below, forecast planned drainage expenditure is shown by the purple columns, with required drainage

renewals as the blue columns. The green line indicates the difference between the two expenditure levels. Planned

drainage renewal over the term of the Plan is $6.7m. Required drainage renewal of $262k is forecast for the term of

the Plan, resulting in a renewal surplus of $6.5m currently forecast.

The level and extent of the renewal surplus is dependent on the accuracy of unit cost estimates and remaining useful

life estimates for each road component. An improvement in this information will result in improved planning

outcomes and enable the scheduling of works to minimise the negative impact of renewal spikes.
















Required Drainage Renewals - - 103,126 - - - - - - 64,068 - - - - 95,190

Planned Drainage Renewals 169,500 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,00 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus) 169,500 200,000 96,874 200,000 1,000,00 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 435,932 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 404,810








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Appendix A2 – Drainage (Continued)

2.4 Level of Service

Level of service measures have not been routinely recorded or reported on. The following drainage and kerbing level

of service indicators are provided in the tables below.

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Road Maintenance/Drainage

Condition Roads are maintained to a high standard and

on a regular basis. Drainage is also to be

assessed and drains cleaned in order to

minimise the risk of flooding and damage.

Customer complaints.

Routine road


One complaint per

road per year.

Two per year with


Function To ensure that all roads are maintained in

order to provide a useable and safe

transport network for users in all weather


Customer complaints. One complaint per

road per year.

Function To ensure that any maintenance issues that

arise are dealt with promptly.

Within 2 working days

of notification.

95% addressed.

Safety To provide a road network that is free of


Hazard removed within

2 hours of notification.

95% addressed.



Efficient roads maintenance program. Maintenance program

completed within

timeframe and on


100% completed

within timeframe

and on budget.

2.5 Improvement

Monitoring and reporting of the key performance measures is important to help ensure levels of service are


Continued improvement in the knowledge of the drainage asset network (including road conditions) and forecasting

of road renewal timing and costs is essential for managing the road and drainage network. As renewal timing and

cost forecasting improves, opportunities for efficiency gains may be identified and included within future plans.

Monitoring of actual renewal costs against estimated renewal costs will improve the accuracy of future unit cost

estimates. Routine monitoring of traffic volumes and road conditions will further improve the ability of the Town to

forecast future drainage renewal priorities.

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 11

Appendix A3 – Footpaths

3.1 Significant Matters

The Town provides a network of footpaths for pedestrians and other users and has developed a basic footpath asset

inventory and is developing and implementing an annual assessment process for related infrastructure. A footpath

program has been identified to be established and implemented in the future.

3.2 Inventory

Footpath asset information is recorded within the Town’s road inventory database. The assets within the asset class

were valued in 2018 with all road infrastructure assets. The current replacement cost at the time of the last valuation

was $31.4m.

3.2.1 Composition of Estimated Current Replacement Cost of Footpaths

Footpath Type Length Current Replacement Cost $


Steel / Timber 698 2,210,989

Pedestrian Footpath

Bituminous Seal 1,745 303,898

Brick Paving 4,472 861,772

Concrete 154,105 19,590,257

Laterite Asphalt 4,734 425,747

Limestone 5,556 677,517

Slabs 34 3,490


Coloured Concrete 1,401 306,070

Concrete 14,111 3,035,213

Laterite Asphalt 18,488 1,832,968

Limestone 4,973 641,341


Limestone 40 2,160

Sand 2,190 -


Concrete 31 1,515,714

Grand Total 212,577 31,407,135

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Appendix A3 – Footpaths (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 12

3.3 Financial Summary

The financial impacts of managing the Town’s footpath assets including the maintenance and renewal costs are

included under Appendix A1 Roads and Lanes.

3.3.1 Renewal Expenditure

Footpaths have no detailed forecast renewal expenditure. Work is prioritised using staff knowledge of the conditions

of the footpaths.

In the chart below, forecast planned footpaths expenditure is shown by the purple columns, with required footpaths

renewals as the blue columns. The green line indicates the difference between the two expenditure levels. Required

footpaths renewal is calculated at $36.8m for the term of the Plan, with planned footpath renewals of $8.9m.

3.3.2 Forecast Planned and Required Footpath Renewal Expenditure

Significant footpath renewals are reflected in the chart as required in 2020-21 and 2028-29. These renewals are

based on existing asset data and are not considered appropriate. Further footpath assessments are required to

determine the likely intervention timing for each sector of footpath.

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Required Footpaths Renewals - - 12,693,215 2,737,166 29,092 616,718 146,534 162,308 667,907 - 13,106,403 - 2,905,745 3,174,594 634,957

Planned Footpaths Renewals 238,500 844,000 372,000 472,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus) 238,500 844,000 (12,321,21 (2,265,166 970,908 (16,718) 453,466 437,692 (67,907) 600,000 (12,506,40 600,000 (2,305,745 (2,574,594 (34,957)








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Appendix A3 – Footpaths (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 13

3.4 Level of Service

Levels of service have not been previously monitored. Detailed performance measures and performance targets

for footpaths are defined in the table below.

Key Performance


Level of Service Performance Measure


Performance Target

Condition Footpaths are maintained to a

reasonable standard and on a

regular basis.

Customer complaints. One complaint per year.

Routine footpath


Two per year with


Function To ensure that all footpaths are

maintained in order to provide a

useable and safe footpaths network

for users.

Customer complaints. One complaint per year.

Function To ensure that any maintenance

issues that arise are dealt with


Within 2 working days of


95% addressed.

Safety To provide a footpath network that

is free of hazards.

Hazard removed within 2

hours of notification.

95% addressed.

Cost Effectiveness Efficient footpath maintenance


Maintenance program

completed within

timeframe and on budget.

100% completed within

timeframe and on budget.

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Appendix A3 – Footpaths (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 14

3.5 Risk Management

An assessment of risks associated with footpaths has identified the following risks and the treatment strategy for

each risk.

Risk Consequence Risk Rating Risk Treatment Plan

Climate Change. Likelihood of severe storm damage increases.

Medium Consider climate change when managing assets.

Significant unforeseen increases in maintenance or renewal costs.

Desired level of service not maintained.

Medium Monitor costs and adjust long-term plans accordingly.

Asset condition decreases due to inadequate renewal program.

Desired level of service not maintained.

Medium Determine maintenance priorities based on lifecycle cost.

Sudden significant changes in population.

Sudden increase in level of service requirements.

Medium Monitor population trends and industry developments in the region.

Asset condition decreases due to inadequate maintenance program.

Desired level of service not maintained.

Low Determine maintenance priorities based risk assessment and lifecycle cost.

Traffic incident attributable to sub-standard road conditions or road layout.

Liability risk. Low Footpath network is maintained in compliance with applicable standards.

Health and safety incident whilst working on assets causing fatality or serious injury.

Prosecution risk. Low Ensure Council has compliant

Health and Safety policy.

Ensure staff and contractors are trained in policy and all procedures are complied with.

Trip incident attributable to sub-standard footpath conditions.

Liability risk. Low Footpath network is maintained in compliance with applicable standards and inspected annually.

3.6 Improvement Plan

Allocating resources to improving asset management planning for footpaths is not currently viewed as a priority as

the associated risks are able to be managed through annual operational planning.

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 15

Appendix A4 – Other Infrastructure

4.1 Significant Matters

The Town controls a network of other infrastructure made up of the following:

• Bus shelters;

• Car parks;

• External lighting; and

• Other minor facilities.

The nature of these assets is one of changing requirements due to both community expectations and climatic

conditions and will require further analysis to fully consider future funding requirements.

4.2 Inventory

The Town’s other infrastructure current replacement cost at the time of valuation in 2018 was $21.4m.

4.2.1 Composition of Estimated Current Replacement Cost of Other Infrastructure Assets

Infrastructure - Other Estimated Current Replacement Cost


Bus Shelter

Bus Shelter 1,176,059

Car Park

Kerb - Barrier 857,868

Kerb - Flush 180,517

Kerb - Mountable 25,899

Kerb - Semi-barrier 26,578

Kerb - Semi-mountable 588,790

Sub-base - Limestone 7,742,950

Surface - Asphalt 3,632,395

Surface - Brick 226,024

Surface - Grass 2,717

Surface - Laterite Asphalt 455,764

Surface - Limestone 146,257

Surface - Road Profiling 56,952

External Lighting

Distribution Board 1,101,600

Electrical Bollard Panel 331,200

Electrical Installation 828,081

Light Pole 1,649,538

Lighting Tower 126,000

Lighting Truss 42,000

Luminaire 2,251,834

Infrastructure - Other Total 21,449,024

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Appendix A4 – Infrastructure - Other (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 16

4.3 Financial Summary

The financial impacts of managing the Town’s other infrastructure assets including the maintenance and renewal

costs are included under Appendix A1 Roads and Lanes.

4.3.1 Renewal Expenditure

In the chart below, forecast planned footpaths expenditure is shown by the purple columns, with required footpaths

renewals as the blue columns. The green line indicates the difference between the two expenditure levels. Required

other infrastructure asset renewal is calculated at $10.1m for the term of the Plan, with planned other infrastructure

asset renewals of $6.9m.

4.3.2 Forecast Planned and Required Other Infrastructure Renewal Expenditure

4.4 Level of Service

Detailed performance measures and performance targets for Infrastructure-Other are defined in the table below

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Condition Well maintained community


Customer complaints. Under 5 per year.

Community satisfaction with asset. Community survey. 90% satisfaction

Function Fit for purpose. Customer complaints. Under 5 per year.

Community importance with asset. Customer survey. 90% satisfaction

Safety To ensure that any maintenance

issues or hazards are dealt with


Issue or hazard is dealt with

within one working day of

notification. If hazard is serious

to be addressed within 2 hours

of notification.

95% addressed.

4.5 Improvement

The improvement of asset management planning for infrastructure -other is not currently viewed as a priority as

risks are able to be managed through annual operational planning.
















Required Other Infrastructure Renewals - - 3,745,93 242,058 208,049 411,418 430,398 617,273 104,502 645,268 786,903 600,967 1,624,80 234,810 537,943

Planned Other Infrastructure Renewals 556,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,00 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus) 556,000 500,000 (3,304,9 176,942 791,951 (11,418) (30,398) (217,273 295,498 (245,268 (386,903 (200,967 (1,224,8 165,190 (137,943











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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 17

Appendix A5 – Parks and Reserves

5.1 Significant Matters

The Town controls a network of parks and reserves made up of the following:

• Sport and Recreation facilities;

• Active and passive reserves; and

• Other minor facilities.

The nature of these assets is one of changing requirements due to both community expectations and climatic

conditions and will require further analysis to fully consider future funding requirements.

5.2 Inventory

The Town’s parks and reserves assets current replacement cost at the time of valuation in 2018 was $30m.

5.2.1 Composition of Estimated Current Replacement Cost of Other Infrastructure Assets

Parks and Reserves Estimated Current Replacement Cost


Aerator 44,574

Balustrade 284,495

Baseball Batting Cage-Practice 19,240

Basketball Half Court 84,819

BBQ 540,430

Bike Stand 34,804

Bollards 12,237

Bore 4,465,409

Bore Pump 783,777

Bowling Green 700,392

Control Cables 416,250

Cricket Wickets-Practice 170,126

Cubicle 1,496,273

Distribution Pump 142,060

Drinking Fountain 50,157

Equipment 237,521

Exercise Equipment 77,911

Fencing 1,619,406

Filter 159,420

Gate 7,260

Handrail 114,254

Irrigation Control Panel 826,219

Jockey Pump 50,985

Mini Golf 3,087,421

Modular 1,682,560

Nature Play 79,024

Netball Court 1,073,880

Netball Post 93,550

Picnic Table 26,012

Pipework 3,757,984

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Appendix A5 – Parks and Reserves (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 18

5.2.1 Composition of Estimated Current Replacement Cost of Other Infrastructure Assets


Parks and Reserves Estimated Current Replacement Cost


Recirculation Pump 16,995

Seat 158,466

Shade 1,785,936

Shower 11,146

Skatepark 871,500

Socket Outlet 22,004

Sprinkler Heads 2,105,887

Surfacing 378,220

Tennis Court 633,680

Valves 299,943

Walls 1,520,136

Weather Station 35,000

Parks and Reserves Total 29,977,361

5.3 Financial Summary

The financial impact of managing the Town parks and reserves assets is broken down into maintenance, new and

renewal expenditure, each of which is examined separately.

5.3.1 Maintenance Expenditure by Nature and Type

Parks and reserves maintenance expenditure is forecast to increase in line with inflation and is comprised of the

following estimated costs in 2018-19:

5.3.2 New Expenditure

Lighting upgrades to parks and reserves is planned for the initial four years of the Plan.

Employee costs Insurance expense Materials and contracts

2018-19 $1,673,036 $11,424 $4,759,116







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Appendix A4 – Parks and Reserves (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 19

5.3.3 Renewal Expenditure

Required parks and reserves asset renewals over the next 15 years have been forecast based on the estimated

remaining useful life of the assets per the valuation. Minor asset renewals will be determined and funded within the

annual budget cycle.

The Plan has allocations for the renewal of other infrastructure. In the chart below, planned expenditure is shown

as the purple columns, with forecast required renewals shown as the blue columns (no required expenditure

forecast). The green line shows the variation between the two levels.

5.3.4 Forecast Planned and Required Parks and Reserves Asset Renewal Expenditure

5.4 Level of Service

Detailed performance measures and performance targets for Infrastructure-Other are defined in the table below

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Condition Well maintained community


Customer complaints. Under 5 per year.

Community satisfaction with asset. Community survey. 90% satisfaction

Function Fit for purpose. Customer complaints. Under 5 per year.

Community importance with asset. Customer survey. 90% satisfaction

Safety To ensure that any maintenance

issues or hazards are dealt with


Issue or hazard is dealt with

within one working day of

notification. If hazard is serious

to be addressed within 2 hours

of notification.

95% addressed.

5.5 Improvement

The improvement of asset management planning for parks and reserves assets is not currently viewed as a priority

as risks are able to be managed through annual operational planning.

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Required Parks and Reserves Renewals - - 8,955,853 1,738,942 1,582,882 3,643,406 1,116,880 639,491 305,505 790,497 1,242,087 982,349 2,232,583 732,137 1,921,966

Planned Parks and Reserves Renewals 1,228,500 1,785,000 1,685,000 1,685,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus) 1,228,500 1,785,000 (7,270,853) (53,942) 417,118 (2,943,406) (416,880) 60,509 394,495 (90,497) (542,087) (282,349) (1,532,583) (32,137) (1,221,966)












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Appendix A6 – Buildings

6.1 Significant Matters

The Town controls building assets which are vital to the provision of administrative and recreational facilities to the


The long life and high cost of renewing buildings results in significant spikes in future funding requirements as a

building reaches a stage in its lifecycle when it can no longer provide the desired level of service. New design criteria

usually result in buildings being constructed to a different standard on renewal which often results in the need for

additional funding. Planning for adequate future funding of building renewals is one of the most significant long-

term challenges for the Town.

6.2 Inventory

Land and buildings were valued by independent professional valuer, based on an inspection undertaken. The

replacement costs of the various types of buildings contained within the valuation report is presented in the table

below. A building inventory is maintained within the Town’s financial management system.

6.2.1 Composition of Estimated Current Replacement Cost of Building Assets

Buildings Current Replacement Cost


Administration Buildings 7,974,658

Alderbury Reserve Toilets 595,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre 11,252,054

Cambridge Bowling Club 139,000

Cambridge Library 5,406,753

Cambridge Scout Hall 1,010,000

Central City Beach - Toilets/Changerooms 215,000

City Beach Civic Centre 685,000

City Beach Commercial Precinct 14,117,000

City Beach Oval 1,350,480

City Beach Surf Riders Shed Association 11,000

City Beach Tennis Club 340,000

City of Perth Surf Life Saving Club - Observation Tower 77,273

Depot Offices 375,879

Driving Range Building 7,000,000

Floreat Beach Kiosk & Changerooms/Toilets 880,000

Floreat Oval 3,768,000

Floreat Surf Club 2,102,000

Floreat Tennis Club 1,044,000

Grantham Park Toilets 64,000

Holyrood Park Pavilion 175,000

Jersey Street Out of School Care 14,230

Joan Watters Child Care 330,000

Joan Watters Community Centre 2,070,000

Lake Monger Recreation Club 788,000

Leederville Bowling Club 455,000

Leederville Sporting Club 8,177

Leederville Town Hall 1,680,000

Lookout Tower - City Beach Surf Club 11,000

Matthews Netball Facility 2,370,000

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Appendix A4 – Parks and Reserves (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 21

Buildings Current Replacement Cost


Mini Golf Pavilion 295,000

Pat Goodridge Hockey Club 885,000

Perry Lakes Reserve - Toilet Block 93,000

Pro shop Building 1,500,000

Public Conveniences 813,000

Quarry Amphitheatre 644,812

Reabold Tennis Club 24,500

South City Beach Kiosk 36,000

Sydney Cheek Pavillion 1,330,000

The Boulevard Centre 3,564,000

Wash Down Bay 13,000

WCC 33,230

Wedding Pavilion 140,000

Wembley Community Centre 2,256

Wembley Golf Course 10,762,900

Wembley Sports Park 2,659,000

YMCA Hockey Club 235,000

Youth Centre 185,000

Buildings Total 89,524,202

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Appendix A5 – Buildings (Continued)

6.3 Financial Summary

The financial impacts of managing the Town building assets has been broken down into maintenance, new and

renewal expenditure, each of which is examined separately.

6.3.1 Maintenance Expenditure by Program

Routine maintenance expenditure is forecast to increase in line with inflation and is comprised of the following

estimated costs in 2018-19:

6.3.2 Maintenance Expenditure by Nature and Type

Education andwelfare

GovernanceLaw, order, public

safetyOther property

and servicesRecreation and


2018-19 $20,400 $352,920 $59,160 $157,386 $2,226,252 $808,656







Insurance expense Materials and contractsUtility charges (electricity, gas,

water etc.)

2018-19 $184,212 $1,588,752 $1,851,810






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Appendix A6 – Buildings (Continued)

6.3.3 New/Upgrade Asset Expenditure

The table below reflects new/upgrade building projects currently planned within the Long Term Financial Plan. These

projects are forecasted to be funded partially from external contributions, reserves with the balance being sourced

from general purpose funding.

Year Project Planned

Expenditure $

2018-19 Building Energy Efficiency Program 26,000

2018-19 City Beach Tennis Club - Emergency Lighting 10,000

2018-19 Bold Park Aquatic Centre - Side swipe gate for entries 48,000

2018-19 City Beach Surf Riders Storage Facility Shed 26,000

2018-19 Coastal Playgroup/Community Facility 350,000

2018-19 Depot Buildings - Stage 2 Security Installation 18,000

2018-19 Dodd Street Toilets - Sewer Pump Station Upgrade 36,000

2018-19 North West Lake Monger - New Public Toilets 154,000

2018-19 Rutter Park - Public Toilet 91,000

2018-19 City Beach and Floreat Beach Lifeguard Towers 170,000

2019-20 Building Energy Efficiency Program 50,000

2019-20 Bold Park Aquatic Centre - 4 umbrellas 41,000

2019-20 Bold Park Aquatic Centre - New Pergola outside kiosk to match existing 30,000

2020-21 Building Energy Efficiency Program 50,000

2020-21 Bold Park Aquatic Centre - Security Cameras 3,000

2020-21 Rutter Park - Public Toilet 22,000

2021-22 City Beach Tennis Club - Car Park Lighting 37,000

Total 1,162,000

Building upgrades are forecasted to be funded partially from external contributions, with the balance being sourced

from general purpose funding.

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Appendix A6 – Buildings (Continued)

6.3.4 Renewal Expenditure

Using the estimated remaining useful life and the ‘reinstatement with new’ values provided in the independent

valuation report, the timing and extent of future property renewals has been forecast (adjusted for inflation).

In the chart below, planned expenditure is shown as the purple columns, with forecast required renewals shown as

the blue columns. The green line shows the variation between the two levels.

6.3.5 Forecast Planned and Required Building Renewal Expenditure

The timing and extent of building renewals in the later years of the Plan will be subject to condition based

assessments closer to the estimated renewal timing, along with further assessment of demand. All funds currently

allocated to building renewals in the Plan will be placed in the building cash reserves if not required for the renewal

of minor building components. Both the timing and costs associated with building renewals are highly variable and

in many instances dependent on the level of building maintenance.

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Required Buildings Renewals 30,945 - 20,053 - - - - - 522,378 12,434 - - 47,501 - 816,807

Planned Buildings Renewals 3,211,500 389,000 340,000 185,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Planned Renewals Gap/(Surplus) 3,180,555 389,000 319,947 185,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 177,622 687,566 700,000 700,000 652,499 700,000 (116,807)










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Appendix A6 – Buildings (Continued)

6.3.6 Forecast Planned and Required Building Renewal Expenditure

The values represented in the chart on the previous page are detailed in the table below.

Required Building Renewals $

Planned Building Renewals $

Building Renewal Funding (Deficit)/Surplus


2018-19 30,945 3,211,500 3,180,555

2019-20 389,000 389,000

2020-21 20,053 340,000 319,947

2021-22 185,000 185,000

2022-23 2,000,000 2,000,000

2023-24 700,000 700,000

2024-25 700,000 700,000

2025-26 700,000 700,000

2026-27 522,378 700,000 177,622

2027-28 12,434 700,000 687,566

2028-29 700,000 700,000

2029-30 700,000 700,000

2030-31 47,501 700,000 652,499

2031-32 700,000 700,000

2032-33 816,807 700,000 (116,807)

Total 1,450,118 13,125,500 11,675,382

6.4 Level of Service

Detailed performance measures and performance targets for buildings are defined in the table below.

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Condition The building’s meets the expectations of the


Customer complaints. One per year per


Function To provide the communities with a facility that can

be utilised for the purpose it was designed for.

Customer complaints. One per year per


Safety The building is safe and suitable for its intended


Number of injury


0 claims.

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Appendix A6 – Buildings (Continued)

6.5 Risk Management

An assessment of risks associated with maintaining an inventory of building assets has identified the following risks

and the treatment strategy for each risk.

Risk Consequence Risk Rating Risk Treatment Plan

Public Liability incident attributable to sub-standard property conditions or property layout.

Liability Risk. Medium Ensure property assets are maintained in compliance with applicable standards.

Climate Change. Likelihood of severe storm damage increases.

Medium Consider climate change impacts when designing and managing assets.

Significant unforeseen increases in maintenance or renewal costs.

Desired level of service not maintained.

Medium Monitor costs and adjust long-term plans accordingly.

Asset condition decreases due to inadequate renewal program.

Desired level of service not maintained.

Medium Determine maintenance priorities based risk and on lifecycle cost.

Asset condition decreases due to inadequate maintenance program.

Desired level of service not maintained.

Low Determine maintenance priorities based risk assessment and lifecycle cost.

Sudden significant increase in population.

Sudden increase in level of service requirements.

Low Monitor population trends and industry developments in the region.

Health and safety incident whilst working on assets causing fatality or serious injury.

Prosecution risk. Low Ensure council has compliant Health and Safety policy. Ensure staff and contractors are trained in policy and all procedures are complied with.

6.6 Improvement

Improving asset management planning for buildings is not currently viewed as a priority, as risks are able to be

managed through annual planning and improvements are limited by funding availability. Demand for building assets

is expected to remain relatively stable into the future.

Enhanced monitoring and reporting of the key performance measures is important to help ensure the adequate

maintenance of the Town’s building assets.

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 27

Appendix A7 – Plant and Equipment

7.1 Significant Matters

The Town has a large plant and equipment portfolio which includes items such as parking ticket machines, passenger

vehicles and furniture. A 15 year plant replacement program is updated on an annual basis as part of the Town’s

annual budget process.

7.2 Inventory

The chart below separates the Town’s plant and equipment into the major asset types and shows the current

replacement cost as per the Town’s internally produced plant replacement program. A register of plant and

equipment is maintained within the financial reporting system.

7.2.1 Composition of Estimated Current Replacement Cost of Plant and Equipment Assets

Asset Current Replacement Cost

$ Parking Ticket Machines 764,597

Sundry Plant & Equipment 342,351

Heavy Vehicle and Plant 731,768

Light Vehicle and Plant 1,733,015

Furniture and Equipment 3,428,954

Total 7,000,685

7.3 Financial Summary

The financial impacts of managing the Town’s drainage assets including the maintenance and renewal costs are

included under Appendix A1 Roads and Lanes.

Maintenance is undertaken in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines and is provided for within the annual

budget and this Plan. No significant changes to maintenance or operating expenditure are forecast.

7.3.1 New Expenditure

The current fleet of plant and equipment is forecast to maintain the requirements of the Town and no additional

items are forecast to be required over the life of this Plan.

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Appendix A8 – Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 28

7.3.2 Renewal Expenditure

The plant replacement program is updated annually and is expected to remain fully funded by annual allocations to

the Plant Replacement Cash Reserve.

The Plan has annual allocations for plant replacement expenditure based on the adopted program. In the chart

below, planned expenditure is shown as the purple columns with required renewals shown as the blue columns. The

green line shows the variation between the two expenditure levels.

7.3.3 Forecast Planned and Required Plant and Equipment Renewal Expenditure

The chart reflects a lack of correlation between the Plant Replacement Program and the estimated useful life of plant

and equipment provided by the valuers. The Plan overall has a funding surplus of $6.9m over the term of the Plan

with planned renewals of $9.7m and required asset renewals of $2.8m.

7.3.4 Plant Disposals

This Plan incorporates the Town’s 15 year Plant Replacement Program. The Plant Replacement Program outlines the

purchase, disposal and funding elements for plant and equipment.

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

Required External Plant and Equipment Renewals 668,898 124,746 58,152 51,564 116,139 7,144 - 1,788,914 - - 4,417 - - - -

Planned External Plant and Equipment Renewals 1,324,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Planned Renewals (Gap)/Surplus 655,602 (74,746) (8,152) (1,564) 1,383,861 492,856 700,000 (1,088,914) 700,000 700,000 695,583 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000









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Appendix A8 – Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 29

7.4 Level of Service

Levels of service have not been previously monitored.

Detailed performance measures and performance targets for plant and equipment replacement and maintenance

are defined in the table on the following page.

Key Performance Measure

Level of Service Performance Measure Process

Performance Target

Fleet Management

Function To ensure Council employees are

able to meet Council requirements.

Council plant and equipment is

serviceable for all Council


90% satisfaction.

To ensure that Councils Capital

Works Program is completed.

Capital Works Program

completed on time and within


100% completed

and within budget.

To ensure that any maintenance

requirements are carried out.

Maintenance schedule adhered


100% completed

and on time.

Compliance All vehicles and plant are operated

as they have been designed to do

and in a safe manner.

Number of complaints/number

of fines.

One per year.

7.5 Risk Management

An assessment of risks associated with holding plant and equipment items has identified the following risks and the

treatment strategy for each risk.

Risk Details Consequence Risk Rating Treatment Strategy

Inadequate funding for renewal and maintenance resulting in deterioration of plant and equipment and an increase in maintenance and operating costs.

Desired level of service not maintained.

High Ensure funding for renewals included within the plant replacement program and budgets.

Existing plant and equipment assets do not comply with regulations.

Prosecution risk.

High Regular scheduled inspection and maintenance on all plant and equipment.

Ensure safety systems in line with regulations.

7.6 Improvement Plan

Improving asset management planning for plant and equipment is not currently viewed as a priority as risks are able

to be managed through annual operational planning. Demand for plant and equipment assets is expected to remain

relatively stable into the future.

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 30

Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value

The table below lists the estimated useful life and residual value of assets to sub-class level. These values were used

to calculate the planned renewal and depreciation of an asset.

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Pavement Type Estimated Useful Life

Materials Remaining

in-situ Roads and Lanes Seal 1Chip 20 Roads and Lanes Base Asphalt Profilings 80

Roads and Lanes Brick Paving Clay Brick 22

Roads and Lanes Brick Paving Concrete Brick 35

Roads and Lanes Base Crushed Rock 80

Roads and Lanes Base Crushed Rock 80 Roads and Lanes Base Crushed Rock 40

Roads and Lanes Base Crushed Rock 80

Roads and Lanes Base Crushed Rock 80

Roads and Lanes Base Crushed Rock 80

Roads and Lanes Seal Dense Asphalt 32

Roads and Lanes Seal Dense Asphalt 30 Roads and Lanes Reseal Dense Asphalt 30

Roads and Lanes Reseal Dense Asphalt 30

Roads and Lanes Primer seal Dense Asphalt 20

Roads and Lanes Roundabout Dual Carriageway 40

Roads and Lanes Sand Earthworks 100 Roads and Lanes Kerb Barrier Kerb Barrier 60

Roads and Lanes Seal Laterite Asphalt 1

Roads and Lanes Reseal Laterite Asphalt 20

Roads and Lanes Base Recycled Concrete 80

Roads and Lanes Base Recycled Concrete 80 Roads and Lanes Reseal SMA Asphalt 18

Roads and Lanes Seal SMA Asphalt 24

Roads and Lanes Seal SMA Asphalt 20

Roads and Lanes Reseal SMA Asphalt 15

Roads and Lanes Earthworks Sand 100 Roads and Lanes Earthworks Sand 100

Roads and Lanes Roundabout Single Carriageway 40

Roads and Lanes Reseal Sprayed Seal 28

Roads and Lanes Seal Sprayed Seal 20

Roads and Lanes Seal Sprayed Seal 21

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Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 31

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Pavement Type Estimated Useful Life

Materials Remaining

in-situ Drainage Stormwater Line Service Connection 50 Drainage Stormwater Line Pipe 90

Drainage Stormwater Line Stormtech Cell 45

Drainage Stormwater Line Pipe 50

Drainage Stormwater Line Service Connection 50

Drainage Stormwater Line Pipe 75

Drainage Stormwater Line Drainage Cell 45 Drainage Stormwater Line Pipe 75

Drainage Stormwater Line Pipe 75

Drainage Stormwater Line Service Connection 50

Drainage Stormwater Line Service Connection 90

Drainage Stormwater Line Table Drain 56 Drainage Stormwater Line Pipe 50

Drainage Stormwater Line Service Connection 50

Drainage Stormwater Point Junction Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Side Entry Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Junction Pit 100 Drainage Stormwater Point Bubble Up Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Grated Top and Side Entry Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Grated Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Soak Well 100

Drainage Stormwater Point End Wall 100 Drainage Stormwater Point Bubble Up Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Bubble Up Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Grated Top and Side Entry Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Grated Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Soak Well 100 Drainage Stormwater Point Side Entry Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point End Wall 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Junction Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point End Wall 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Junction Pit 100

Drainage Stormwater Point Grated Pit 100 Drainage Wastewater Line 80

Drainage Wastewater Plant Sewer Pump Station 75

Drainage Wastewater Plant Sewer Pump Station 20

Drainage Wastewater Plant Sewer Pump Station 12

Drainage Wastewater Plant Sewer Pump Station 75

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Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 32

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Pavement Type Estimated Useful Life

Materials Remaining


Footpaths Boardwalk Steel / Timber 30 Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Bituminous Seal 26

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Slabs 40

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Limestone 80

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Laterite Asphalt 27

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Concrete 50

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Brick Paving 40 Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Concrete 37

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Concrete 46

Footpaths Pedestrian Footpath Limestone 15

Footpaths Shared Laterite Asphalt 26

Footpaths Shared Concrete 39 Footpaths Shared Coloured Concrete 40

Footpaths Shared Limestone 80

Footpaths Shared Concrete 34

Footpaths Track Sand 40

Footpaths Track Limestone 15 Footpaths Underpass Concrete 80

Other Infrastructure Bus Shelter Bus Shelter 10

Other Infrastructure Bus Shelter Hard Stand 50

Other Infrastructure Bus Shelter Hard Stand inc. Tactile Paving 0

Other Infrastructure Bus Shelter Seat 10 Other Infrastructure Bus Shelter Bus Stop Sign 0

Other Infrastructure Car Park Surface - Grass 25

Other Infrastructure Car Park Surface - Brick 40

Other Infrastructure Car Park Sub-base - Limestone 80

Other Infrastructure Car Park Surface - Limestone 21 Other Infrastructure Car Park Kerb - Barrier 58

Other Infrastructure Car Park Kerb - Flush 52

Other Infrastructure Car Park Kerb - Mountable 73

Other Infrastructure Car Park Kerb - Semi-mountable 72

Other Infrastructure Car Park Surface - Road Profiling 12

Other Infrastructure Car Park Kerb - Semi-barrier 55 Other Infrastructure Car Park Surface - Laterite Asphalt 40

Other Infrastructure Car Park Surface - Asphalt 30

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 15

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Light Pole 28

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 20 Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 15

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Lighting Truss 30

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Distribution Board 20

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Electrical Bollard Panel 20

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 15 Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 23

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 20

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Lighting Tower 30

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Luminaire 15

Other Infrastructure External Lighting Electrical Installation 33

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Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 33

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Pavement Type Estimated Useful Life

Materials Remaining


Parks and Reserves Bore Bore 20 Parks and Reserves Bore Pump Bore Pump 15

Parks and Reserves Pipework Pipework 20

Parks and Reserves Valves Valves 20

Parks and Reserves Sprinkler Heads Sprinkler Heads 20

Parks and Reserves Irrigation Control Panel Irrigation Control Panel 20

Parks and Reserves Seat Plastic 15 Parks and Reserves Seat Timber 15

Parks and Reserves Land Land 0

Parks and Reserves Cricket Wickets - Practice Synthetic Surface 20

Parks and Reserves Fencing Post & Rail Barriers - Timber 25

Parks and Reserves Fencing Tubular Vertical Bars - Steel 30 Parks and Reserves Gate Steel 30

Parks and Reserves Walls Retaining - Concrete 40

Parks and Reserves Gate Chain Mesh (Double) - Steel 25

Parks and Reserves Gate Chain Mesh (Single) - Steel 25

Parks and Reserves Fencing Chain Mesh - Steel 25 Parks and Reserves Fencing Garrison - Steel 30

Parks and Reserves Balustrade Tubular Rails & Vertical Bars - Steel 30

Parks and Reserves BBQ Double Unit 10

Parks and Reserves Shade Gazebo 30

Parks and Reserves BBQ Single Unit 10 Parks and Reserves Bollards Fixed - Timber 25

Parks and Reserves Seat Aluminium 15

Parks and Reserves Bike Stand Bike Stand 15

Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Plastic 15

Parks and Reserves Fencing Post & Rail Continuous - Timber 25 Parks and Reserves Bollards Retractable - Steel 25

Parks and Reserves Exercise Equipment Exercise Equipment 20

Parks and Reserves Fencing Post & Rail (Ring Lock Wire Infill) - Timber / Steel


Parks and Reserves Soccer/Hockey Goal Posts Steel 15 Parks and Reserves Gate Timber 25

Parks and Reserves Modular Modular 16

Parks and Reserves Drinking Fountain Special 15

Parks and Reserves Seat Brick/Timber 15

Parks and Reserves Handrail Floor Mounted 30 Parks and Reserves Flag Pole Flag Pole 20

Parks and Reserves Fencing Ring Lock Wire - Steel 25

Parks and Reserves Bollards Fixed - Steel 25

Parks and Reserves Gate Post & Chain - Steel 30

Parks and Reserves Tennis Half Court Concrete 40

Parks and Reserves Towel Rail Stainless Steel 15 Parks and Reserves Walls Retaining - Limestone 40

Parks and Reserves Taps Taps 15

Parks and Reserves Volleyball Posts Timber 15

Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Special 15

Parks and Reserves Handrail Handrail 25 Parks and Reserves Shade Sail 10

Parks and Reserves Walls Retaining - Timber 25

Parks and Reserves Drinking Fountain Standard 15

Parks and Reserves Cubicle Sole Purpose 20

Page 68: Town of Cambridge 2019 2033 Strategic Resource Plan · The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies ... Office

Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 34

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Pavement Type Estimated Useful Life

Materials Remaining


Parks and Reserves Walls Freestanding - Limestone 40 Parks and Reserves Netball Post Steel 15

Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Timber 15

Parks and Reserves Seat Metal 15

Parks and Reserves AFL Goal Posts Steel 15

Parks and Reserves Basketball Half Court Point Post 15

Parks and Reserves Shade Shelter 30 Parks and Reserves Lake Lake 100

Parks and Reserves Walls Retaining - Brick 25

Parks and Reserves Walls Access Steps 40

Parks and Reserves Walls Access Ramp 40

Parks and Reserves Handrail Wall Mounted 30 Parks and Reserves Fencing Ribbed Sheet - Steel 30

Parks and Reserves Walls Freestanding - Concrete 40

Parks and Reserves Walls Retaining - Gabion Baskets 25

Parks and Reserves Fencing Close board - Timber 25

Parks and Reserves Walls Retaining - Stone Pitching 40 Parks and Reserves Walls Freestanding - Brick 25

Parks and Reserves Fencing Ribbed Sheet - Asbestos Fibre Cement 30

Parks and Reserves Seat Seat 15

Parks and Reserves Walls Groyne - Rock Armour 40

Parks and Reserves Weather Station Weather Station 10 Parks and Reserves Basketball Half Court Concrete Hardstand 40

Parks and Reserves Skatepark Concrete 40

Parks and Reserves Cricket Wickets - Match Cover Mat 10

Parks and Reserves Fencing Snake Barrier 20

Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Picnic Table 15 Parks and Reserves Fencing W - Beam Guardrail - Steel 30

Parks and Reserves Fencing Perforated Screen 25

Parks and Reserves Equipment Flying Fox 15

Parks and Reserves Socket Outlet Cubicle 20

Parks and Reserves Binoculars Binoculars 15

Parks and Reserves Cubicle Mains Water 20 Parks and Reserves Jockey Pump Jockey Pump 15

Parks and Reserves Filter Filtration Tanks 20

Parks and Reserves Equipment Rotating Squirrel 15

Parks and Reserves Seat Steel 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Trampolines 15 Parks and Reserves Surfacing Softfall 15

Parks and Reserves Mini Golf All 40

Parks and Reserves Equipment Teeter Tunnel 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Swing 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Super Scoop 15 Parks and Reserves Equipment Rotating Ball 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Cosy Dome 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Unity Canopy 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Climbing Tower 15

Parks and Reserves Nature Play Stone 30 Parks and Reserves Nature Play Timber 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Rubber Domes 15

Parks and Reserves Equipment Basket Swing 15

Parks and Reserves Shower Shower 15

Page 69: Town of Cambridge 2019 2033 Strategic Resource Plan · The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies ... Office

Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 35

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Pavement Type Estimated Useful Life

Materials Remaining


Parks and Reserves Baseball Batting Cage Synthetic Surface 20 Parks and Reserves Cubicle Shared Use 10

Parks and Reserves Surfacing Sand 15

Parks and Reserves Cricket Wickets - Practice Concrete 40

Parks and Reserves Bicycle Repair Station Bicycle Repair Tools 20

Parks and Reserves Bowling Green Synthetic Surface 20

Parks and Reserves Tennis Court Synthetic Surface 20 Parks and Reserves Netball Court Synthetic Surface 20

Parks and Reserves Aerator Aerator 15

Parks and Reserves Cricket Wickets - Match Concrete 40

Parks and Reserves Scoreboard Scoreboard 20

Parks and Reserves Cricket Wickets - Match Synthetic Surface 20 Parks and Reserves BBQ Single & Sink 10

Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Concrete 15

Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Steel 15

Parks and Reserves Fencing Walls 50

Parks and Reserves Volleyball Court Volleyball Court 0 Parks and Reserves Rugby Goal Posts Steel 15

Parks and Reserves Control Cables Control Cables 35

Parks and Reserves Distribution Pump Distribution Pump 15

Parks and Reserves Filter Filter 15

Parks and Reserves Recirculation Pump Recirculation Pump 15 Parks and Reserves Picnic Table Aluminium 15

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Appendix A8 – Estimated Asset Life and Residual Value (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 36

Asset Class Asset Sub-Class Estimated Useful Life

Estimated Residual Value %

Buildings 50 External Plant and Equipment Heavy Vehicle and Plant External Plant and Equipment Light Vehicle and Plant

External Plant and Equipment Parking Ticket Machine 15

External Plant and Equipment Sundry Plant & Equipment

Office Furniture and Equipment 10

Page 71: Town of Cambridge 2019 2033 Strategic Resource Plan · The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies ... Office

Refer to Appendix B12 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 37

Appendix B1 – Forecast Financial Statements

Financial Statements

The following forecast financial statements have been prepared and are included at the end of the Plan.

These forecast statements have been prepared within a framework which accords with the Australian Accounting


Statements of Comprehensive Income

Often referred to as the operating statement, it shows the revenues and expenses over the periods classified by two

methods (by Program and Nature or Type) to disclose a net result.

Statement of Financial Position

More commonly referred to as the Balance Sheet, this statement discloses the forecast changes in the balance of

assets and liability accounts over the periods.

Statement of Changes in Equity

This statement discloses the changes in equity over the forecast period. It shows the impact of operations on net

assets and the movement in cash backed and revaluation reserves.

Statement of Cashflows

Represents the forecast cash inflows and outflows and discloses the changes to the balance of cash over the period.

Statement of Funding

A statement combining operating and capital revenues and expenses and discloses the opening and closing net

current forecast surplus (deficit) funding position for each year.

Statement of Net Current Asset Composition

A statement showing how the closing estimated surplus/deficit has been calculated.

Statement of Fixed Asset Movements

A summary of the impact of the Plan on the value of fixed assets over the period. It discloses the movements in the

net value of property, plant, and equipment and infrastructure.

Statement of Fixed Asset Funding

A summary of the capital expenditure by asset class and the source of funding for each class.

Forecast Ratios

The forecast ratios required by the regulations and discussed earlier under monitoring and performance.

Nature or Type

A number of statements in the Plan are disclosed using nature or type descriptors of revenue and expenditure (for

example Rates and Employee Costs). This classification is in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Local Government

(Financial Management) Regulation 1996.

Page 72: Town of Cambridge 2019 2033 Strategic Resource Plan · The Town of Cambridge’s Strategic Resource Plan is an important planning tool as we strive to achieve the strategies ... Office

Appendix B1 – Forecast Financial Statements (Continued)

Refer to Appendix B12 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 38

1.7 Service Programs

The Town provides a wide variety of services to the community in order to achieve its vision and objectives. The

following service program descriptions as per the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 are

used in the Plan to represent these services, however not all services listed may be provided by the Town of


Objectives Services Governance Members of Council

Governance – general General purpose funding

Rates Other general purpose funding

Law, order, public safety

Fire prevention Animal control Other law, order, public safety

Health Maternal and infant health Preventative services - Immunisation - Meat inspection - Administration and inspection - Pest control - Other Other health

Education and welfare

Pre-school Other education Care of families and children Aged and disabled - Senior citizens centres - Meals on wheels Other welfare

Housing Staff housing Other housing

Community amenities

Sanitation - Household refuse - Other Sewerage Urban stormwater drainage Protection of environment Town planning and regional development Other community amenities

Objectives Services Recreation and culture

Public halls, civic centre Swimming areas Other recreation and sport Television and radio re-broadcasting Libraries Other culture

Transport Streets, roads, bridges, depots - Construction (not capitalised) - Maintenance Road plant purchase (if not capitalised) Parking facilities Traffic control Aerodromes Water transport facilities

Economic services

Rural services Tourism and area promotion Building control Sale yards and markets Plant nursery Other economic services

Other property and services

Private works Public works overheads Plant operation Salaries and wages Unclassified Town Planning Schemes

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 39

Appendix B2 – Forecast Statement of Comprehensive Income by Nature or Type 2019-2033

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Base 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Rates 22,194,672 23,470,651 24,802,041 25,268,000 25,514,000 25,040,588 25,040,588 25,541,401 26,052,229 26,573,274 27,104,739 27,646,835 28,199,772 28,763,767 29,339,043 29,925,824 30,524,341 31,134,827 31,757,525

Operating grants, subsidies and contributions 3,371,207 2,301,028 3,523,853 2,423,500 1,881,000 1,434,190 1,462,859 1,492,120 1,521,958 1,552,393 1,583,443 1,615,105 1,647,405 1,680,358 1,713,966 1,748,246 1,783,213 1,818,882 1,855,259

Fees and charges 13,938,796 15,175,626 18,441,284 18,986,000 19,416,500 19,753,033 20,148,088 20,551,039 20,962,060 21,381,296 21,808,926 22,245,103 22,690,008 23,143,816 23,606,693 24,078,826 24,560,406 25,051,621 25,552,654

Service charges 0 0 0 0 21,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Interest earnings 1,682,682 1,048,765 1,586,671 2,643,000 1,279,444 655,716 863,593 929,373 979,966 1,092,643 1,157,161 1,231,332 1,310,465 1,394,742 1,484,354 1,557,003 1,634,828 1,718,024 1,806,797

Other revenue 578,665 1,503,847 22,933,683 343,000 284,000 356,856 363,993 371,273 378,698 386,271 393,998 401,876 409,916 418,115 426,476 435,005 443,704 452,579 461,631

41,766,022 43,499,917 71,287,532 49,663,500 69,474,944 47,240,383 47,879,121 48,885,206 49,894,911 50,985,877 52,048,267 53,140,251 54,257,566 55,400,798 56,570,532 57,744,904 58,946,492 60,175,933 61,433,866


Employee costs (16,907,453) (18,232,752) (19,334,700) (20,335,300) (19,498,500) (20,950,031) (21,264,281) (21,689,568) (22,123,368) (22,565,843) (23,017,159) (23,477,508) (23,947,056) (24,426,018) (24,914,526) (25,412,850) (25,921,127) (26,439,549) (26,968,332)

Materials and contracts (14,202,022) (14,955,806) (14,665,292) (33,462,100) (43,489,662) (16,449,812) (16,778,774) (17,114,343) (17,456,641) (17,805,719) (18,161,866) (18,525,073) (18,895,567) (19,273,550) (19,659,037) (20,052,219) (20,453,317) (20,862,428) (21,279,686)

Utility charges (electricity, gas, water etc.) (1,487,358) (1,560,722) (1,775,413) (1,823,300) (2,117,600) (1,896,955) (1,934,891) (1,973,582) (2,013,052) (2,053,303) (2,094,371) (2,136,264) (2,178,986) (2,222,572) (2,267,025) (2,312,362) (2,358,612) (2,405,787) (2,453,910)

Depreciation on non-current assets (6,908,016) (7,796,072) (8,684,173) (8,755,000) (11,641,730) (12,005,203) (12,378,547) (12,716,838) (13,178,974) (13,529,154) (13,915,376) (14,309,324) (14,711,150) (15,121,014) (15,539,074) (15,965,494) (16,400,447) (16,281,105) (16,516,812)

Interest expense (442,985) (485,008) (443,184) (1,151,000) (70,662) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Insurance expense (468,345) (418,066) (457,813) (477,200) (494,400) (496,470) (506,390) (516,515) (526,834) (537,358) (548,101) (559,050) (570,224) (581,623) (593,247) (605,091) (617,182) (629,546) (642,150)

Other expenditure (640,722) (672,175) (771,554) (748,600) (774,800) (778,837) (794,411) (810,296) (826,500) (843,024) (859,891) (877,082) (894,621) (912,521) (930,772) (949,382) (968,375) (987,742) (1,007,495)

(41,056,901) (44,120,601) (46,132,129) (66,752,500) (78,087,354) (52,611,517) (53,691,503) (54,855,351) (56,159,578) (57,334,401) (58,596,764) (59,884,301) (61,197,604) (62,537,298) (63,903,681) (65,297,398) (66,719,060) (67,606,157) (68,868,385)

709,121 (620,684) 25,155,403 (17,089,000) (8,612,410) (5,371,134) (5,812,382) (5,970,145) (6,264,667) (6,348,524) (6,548,497) (6,744,050) (6,940,038) (7,136,500) (7,333,149) (7,552,494) (7,772,568) (7,430,224) (7,434,519)

Non-operating grants, subsidies and contributions 3,431,321 30,473,142 2,652,606 2,017,000 1,748,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Loss on Revaluation 2,769,867 79,751 (172,281) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Profit on disposal of assets 6,261,980 4,742,379 3,351,068 13,815,000 11,638,000 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Loss on asset disposal (1,054,164) (284,485) (97,608) (59,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NET RESULT 12,118,125 34,390,103 30,889,188 (1,316,500) 4,774,090 2,928,866 (4,112,382) (4,070,145) 4,935,333 (6,348,524) (6,548,497) (6,744,050) (6,940,038) (7,136,500) (7,333,149) (7,552,494) (7,772,568) (7,430,224) (7,434,519)

Other Comprehensive Income 22,697,765 (3,643,301) (188,172) 0 4,981,792 5,197,352 5,263,576 5,293,975 5,317,979 5,450,759 5,399,192 5,334,867 5,261,379 5,178,383 5,085,530 4,982,459 4,868,798 5,064,894 4,969,694

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 34,815,890 30,746,802 30,701,016 (1,316,500) 9,755,882 8,126,218 1,151,194 1,223,830 10,253,312 (897,765) (1,149,305) (1,409,183) (1,678,659) (1,958,117) (2,247,619) (2,570,035) (2,903,770) (2,365,330) (2,464,825)

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 40

Appendix B3 – Forecast Statement of Comprehensive Income by Program 2019-2033

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Base 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Governance 121,179 25,067,825 122,019 116,000 118,320 120,687 123,100 125,562 128,073 130,634 133,247 135,911 138,630 141,403 144,231 147,116 150,059 153,060 156,122

General purpose funding 25,433,076 122,791 27,915,444 28,442,500 48,898,484 26,252,398 26,471,397 27,049,335 27,622,327 28,267,851 28,875,872 29,504,418 30,149,013 30,810,061 31,487,981 32,160,702 32,850,602 33,558,114 34,283,690

Law, order, public safety 164,628 145,764 153,840 147,500 150,450 153,458 156,526 159,656 162,850 166,106 169,429 172,816 176,275 179,802 183,398 187,067 190,809 194,627 198,519

Health 77,870 99,851 112,241 98,500 100,470 102,479 104,529 106,619 108,751 110,925 113,144 115,407 117,715 120,070 122,471 124,920 127,418 129,966 132,565

Education and welfare 1,100,978 1,128,634 1,155,796 1,172,000 126,480 129,009 131,590 134,221 136,904 139,641 142,433 145,281 148,186 151,151 154,174 157,258 160,404 163,614 166,886

Community amenities 2,817,368 2,703,718 2,677,746 2,592,000 2,643,840 2,696,717 2,750,651 2,805,664 2,861,777 2,919,013 2,977,393 3,036,940 3,097,679 3,159,633 3,222,826 3,287,284 3,353,030 3,420,090 3,488,492

Recreation and culture 9,181,733 9,516,229 11,776,863 12,462,500 12,711,750 12,965,984 13,225,290 13,489,793 13,759,581 14,034,765 14,315,468 14,601,772 14,893,808 15,191,695 15,495,532 15,805,436 16,121,547 16,443,990 16,772,871

Transport 2,148,117 2,223,307 2,540,891 2,447,000 2,495,940 2,545,858 2,596,772 2,648,707 2,701,682 2,755,716 2,810,830 2,867,047 2,924,387 2,982,874 3,042,531 3,103,383 3,165,451 3,228,758 3,293,334

Economic services 500,544 440,552 460,441 461,000 470,220 479,624 489,216 498,999 508,979 519,159 529,542 540,133 550,936 561,955 573,194 584,658 596,351 608,278 620,442

Other property and services 220,529 2,051,246 24,372,215 1,724,500 1,758,990 1,794,169 1,830,050 1,866,650 1,903,987 1,942,067 1,980,909 2,020,526 2,060,937 2,102,154 2,144,194 2,187,080 2,230,821 2,275,436 2,320,945

41,766,022 43,499,917 71,287,496 49,663,500 69,474,944 47,240,383 47,879,121 48,885,206 49,894,911 50,985,877 52,048,267 53,140,251 54,257,566 55,400,798 56,570,532 57,744,904 58,946,492 60,175,933 61,433,866

Expenses Excluding Finance Costs

Governance (1,756,704) (1,799,172) (1,834,612) (1,928,000) (2,176,537) (2,213,970) (2,252,106) (2,304,736) (2,368,209) (2,422,801) (2,480,930) (2,540,207) (2,600,678) (2,662,376) (2,725,294) (2,789,466) (2,854,944) (2,874,648) (2,924,618)

General purpose funding (575,735) (623,507) (630,534) (660,000) (726,388) (684,342) (696,778) (710,717) (724,947) (739,450) (754,246) (769,337) (784,731) (800,436) (816,450) (832,787) (849,450) (866,412) (883,736)

Law, order, public safety (1,435,864) (1,739,217) (2,059,838) (2,159,500) (2,370,073) (2,422,209) (2,475,504) (2,530,728) (2,594,434) (2,651,772) (2,712,094) (2,773,618) (2,836,372) (2,900,393) (2,965,683) (3,032,282) (3,100,216) (3,134,045) (3,191,056)

Health (568,040) (553,260) (506,464) (498,000) (507,403) (515,934) (524,612) (535,141) (545,930) (556,883) (568,067) (579,471) (591,105) (602,976) (615,080) (627,430) (640,023) (652,645) (665,660)

Education and welfare (1,723,323) (1,775,772) (1,724,191) (1,823,000) (1,862,227) (1,893,355) (1,925,017) (1,963,843) (2,003,870) (2,044,251) (2,085,556) (2,127,676) (2,170,648) (2,214,484) (2,259,188) (2,304,785) (2,351,297) (2,396,719) (2,444,327)

Community amenities (5,884,899) (6,344,404) (6,480,831) (6,704,000) (6,895,646) (7,028,645) (7,164,246) (7,309,725) (7,460,939) (7,612,246) (7,767,288) (7,925,427) (8,086,726) (8,251,258) (8,419,073) (8,590,247) (8,764,851) (8,929,343) (9,105,754)

Recreation and culture (17,334,329) (18,493,704) (20,477,730) (21,591,000) (23,056,671) (23,529,873) (24,012,997) (24,529,145) (25,101,969) (25,638,247) (26,196,805) (26,766,513) (27,347,606) (27,940,374) (28,544,954) (29,161,631) (29,790,666) (30,209,436) (30,778,068)

Transport (8,221,307) (8,764,699) (8,672,109) (26,726,000) (36,761,215) (10,576,413) (10,832,759) (11,085,420) (11,389,607) (11,651,773) (11,930,707) (12,215,217) (12,505,413) (12,801,427) (13,103,361) (13,411,327) (13,725,460) (13,822,413) (14,063,175)

Economic services (551,212) (574,200) (521,561) (635,500) (646,720) (657,839) (669,153) (682,549) (696,224) (710,156) (724,373) (738,873) (753,664) (768,753) (784,142) (799,842) (815,851) (832,120) (848,752)

Other property and services (2,562,503) (2,967,658) (2,781,039) (2,876,500) (3,013,812) (3,054,728) (3,104,122) (3,169,138) (3,239,240) (3,306,822) (3,376,698) (3,447,962) (3,520,661) (3,594,821) (3,670,456) (3,747,601) (3,826,302) (3,888,376) (3,963,239)

(40,613,916) (43,635,593) (45,688,909) (65,601,500) (78,016,692) (52,577,308) (53,657,294) (54,821,142) (56,125,369) (57,334,401) (58,596,764) (59,884,301) (61,197,604) (62,537,298) (63,903,681) (65,297,398) (66,719,060) (67,606,157) (68,868,385)

Finance Costs

Governance (3,400) (2,179) (881) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Recreation and culture (400,165) (435,565) (395,008) (848,000) (36,453) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other property and services (39,420) (47,264) (47,295) (303,000) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(442,985) (485,008) (443,184) (1,151,000) (70,662) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non Operating Grants, Subsidies and Contributions

Law, order, public safety 1,375,000 525,000 660,000 660,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Education and welfare 6,646 0 17,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Community amenities 562,572 190,000 258,549 134,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Recreation and culture 374,090 959,013 648,707 17,000 198,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Transport 1,113,013 1,435,493 1,067,850 1,206,000 1,450,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other property and services 0 27,363,636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3,431,321 30,473,142 2,652,606 2,017,000 1,748,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Profit/(Loss) on Disposal of Assets

Governance 0 0 0 (7,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

General purpose funding 6,261,980 4,742,379 3,351,068 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Law, order, public safety 0 0 0 (4,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Health 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Recreation and culture 0 0 0 (7,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Transport (1,054,164) (284,485) (97,608) 0 89,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Economic services 0 0 0 (1,000) 11,547,000 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other property and services 0 0 0 13,770,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5,207,816 4,457,894 3,253,460 13,755,500 11,638,000 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Loss on Revaluation of Assets 2,769,867 79,751 (172,281) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NET RESULT 12,118,125 34,390,103 30,889,188 (1,316,500) 4,774,090 2,928,866 (4,112,382) (4,070,145) 4,935,333 (6,348,524) (6,548,497) (6,744,050) (6,940,038) (7,136,500) (7,333,149) (7,552,494) (7,772,568) (7,430,224) (7,434,519)

Other Comprehensive Income 22,697,765 (3,643,301) (188,172) 0 4,981,792 5,197,352 5,263,576 5,293,975 5,317,979 5,450,759 5,399,192 5,334,867 5,261,379 5,178,383 5,085,530 4,982,459 4,868,798 5,064,894 4,969,694

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 34,815,890 30,746,802 30,701,016 (1,316,500) 9,755,882 8,126,218 1,151,194 1,223,830 10,253,312 (897,765) (1,149,305) (1,409,183) (1,678,659) (1,958,117) (2,247,619) (2,570,035) (2,903,770) (2,365,330) (2,464,825)

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 41

Appendix B4 – Forecast Statement of Financial Position 2019-2033

2015 2016 2017 Base 30 June 19 30 June 20 30 June 21 30 June 22 30 June 23 30 June 24 30 June 25 30 June 26 30 June 27 30 June 28 30 June 29 30 June 30 30 June 31 30 June 32 30 June 33

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Unrestricted Cash and Equivalents 10,315,815 1,498,269 9,072,649 8,232,473 38,531 38,531 1,038,531 1,038,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531

Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalent 22,229,157 15,687,885 43,610,299 34,851,158 26,190,138 34,505,207 36,136,372 38,160,065 41,567,272 44,147,902 47,114,781 50,280,055 53,651,167 56,335,681 59,241,606 62,354,606 65,682,485 69,233,366 73,015,659

Non-Cash Investments 0 0 0 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500 1,847,500

Trade and Other Receivables 1,926,277 1,987,917 2,723,337 780,336 4,180,336 4,180,336 3,180,336 3,180,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336

Inventories 513,297 28,167,430 12,560,835 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 34,984,546 47,341,501 67,967,120 46,503,666 33,048,704 41,363,773 42,994,938 45,018,631 48,425,838 51,006,468 53,973,347 57,138,621 60,509,733 63,194,247 66,100,172 69,213,172 72,541,051 76,091,932 79,874,225


Other Receivables 361,607 300,675 9,060,951 10,358,451 21,958,451 18,458,451 16,458,451 14,458,451 13,558,451 12,658,451 11,758,451 10,858,451 9,958,451 9,958,451 9,958,451 9,958,451 9,958,451 9,958,451 9,958,451

Inventories 9,804,836 10,062,059 517,944 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580 12,236,580

Property Plant and Equipment 285,143,323 304,119,804 157,313,254 157,818,254 163,713,546 163,993,746 164,381,373 164,100,596 167,240,644 167,488,721 167,954,853 168,239,660 168,335,707 168,235,326 167,930,622 167,413,463 166,675,473 166,591,743 166,527,286

Infrastructure 0 0 155,137,173 153,251,913 157,822,183 160,853,132 161,985,534 163,466,448 166,965,405 164,138,933 160,456,617 156,497,353 152,251,535 147,709,285 142,860,445 137,694,569 132,200,910 126,368,429 120,185,768

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 295,309,766 314,482,538 322,029,322 333,665,198 355,730,760 355,541,909 355,061,938 354,262,075 360,001,080 356,522,685 352,406,501 347,832,044 342,782,273 338,139,642 332,986,098 327,303,063 321,071,414 315,155,203 308,908,085

TOTAL ASSETS 330,294,312 361,824,039 389,996,442 380,168,864 388,779,464 396,905,682 398,056,876 399,280,706 408,426,918 407,529,153 406,379,848 404,970,665 403,292,006 401,333,889 399,086,270 396,516,235 393,612,465 391,247,135 388,782,310


Trade and Other Payables 6,618,155 6,644,755 5,734,508 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566 6,858,566

Current Portion of Long-term Liabilities 590,485 2,646,019 11,981,017 (7,870,191) 0 0 0 1,107,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Provisions 2,421,762 1,766,817 2,758,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813 2,858,813

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 9,630,402 11,057,591 20,474,338 1,847,188 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 10,824,479 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379 9,717,379


Long-term Borrowings 12,624,518 319,243 0 10,122,573 1,107,100 1,107,100 1,107,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Provisions 321,690 11,982,701 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622

TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 12,946,208 12,301,944 356,622 10,479,195 1,463,722 1,463,722 1,463,722 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622 356,622

TOTAL LIABILITIES 22,576,610 23,359,535 20,830,960 12,326,383 11,181,101 11,181,101 11,181,101 11,181,101 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001 10,074,001

NET ASSETS 307,717,702 338,464,504 369,165,482 367,842,481 377,598,363 385,724,581 386,875,775 388,099,605 398,352,917 397,455,152 396,305,847 394,896,664 393,218,005 391,259,888 389,012,269 386,442,234 383,538,464 381,173,134 378,708,309


Retained Surplus 191,251,736 240,954,710 235,252,250 243,160,139 256,595,249 251,209,046 245,465,499 239,371,661 240,899,787 231,970,633 222,455,257 212,545,933 202,234,783 192,413,769 182,174,695 171,509,201 160,408,754 149,427,649 138,210,837

Reserves - Cash Backed 22,803,309 7,490,438 44,082,048 34,851,158 26,190,138 34,505,207 36,136,372 38,160,065 41,567,272 44,147,902 47,114,781 50,280,055 53,651,167 56,335,681 59,241,606 62,354,606 65,682,485 69,233,366 73,015,659

Asset Revaluation Surplus 93,662,657 90,019,356 89,831,184 89,831,184 94,812,976 100,010,328 105,273,904 110,567,879 115,885,858 121,336,617 126,735,809 132,070,676 137,332,055 142,510,438 147,595,968 152,578,427 157,447,225 162,512,119 167,481,813

TOTAL EQUITY 307,717,702 338,464,504 369,165,482 367,842,481 377,598,363 385,724,581 386,875,775 388,099,605 398,352,917 397,455,152 396,305,847 394,896,664 393,218,005 391,259,888 389,012,269 386,442,234 383,538,464 381,173,134 378,708,309

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 42

Appendix B5 – Forecast Statement of Changes in Equity 2019-2033

2015 2016 2017 Base 30 June 19 30 June 20 30 June 21 30 June 22 30 June 23 30 June 24 30 June 25 30 June 26 30 June 27 30 June 28 30 June 29 30 June 30 30 June 31 30 June 32 30 June 33

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Opening Balance 179,133,611 191,251,736 240,954,672 235,245,749 243,160,139 256,595,249 251,209,046 245,465,499 239,371,661 240,899,787 231,970,633 222,455,257 212,545,933 202,234,783 192,413,769 182,174,695 171,509,201 160,408,754 149,427,649

Net Result 12,118,125 34,390,103 30,889,188 (1,316,500) 4,774,090 2,928,866 (4,112,382) (4,070,145) 4,935,333 (6,348,524) (6,548,497) (6,744,050) (6,940,038) (7,136,500) (7,333,149) (7,552,494) (7,772,568) (7,430,224) (7,434,519)

Amount transferred (to)/from Reserves 15,312,871 (36,591,610) 9,230,890 8,661,020 (8,315,069) (1,631,165) (2,023,693) (3,407,207) (2,580,630) (2,966,879) (3,165,274) (3,371,112) (2,684,514) (2,905,925) (3,113,000) (3,327,879) (3,550,881) (3,782,293)

Closing Balance 191,251,736 240,954,710 235,252,250 243,160,139 256,595,249 251,209,046 245,465,499 239,371,661 240,899,787 231,970,633 222,455,257 212,545,933 202,234,783 192,413,769 182,174,695 171,509,201 160,408,754 149,427,649 138,210,837


Opening Balance 22,803,309 22,803,309 7,490,438 44,082,048 34,851,158 26,190,138 34,505,207 36,136,372 38,160,065 41,567,272 44,147,902 47,114,781 50,280,055 53,651,167 56,335,681 59,241,606 62,354,606 65,682,485 69,233,366

Amount transferred to/(from) Retained Surplus 0 (15,312,871) 36,591,610 (9,230,890) (8,661,020) 8,315,069 1,631,165 2,023,693 3,407,207 2,580,630 2,966,879 3,165,274 3,371,112 2,684,514 2,905,925 3,113,000 3,327,879 3,550,881 3,782,293

Closing Balance 22,803,309 7,490,438 44,082,048 34,851,158 26,190,138 34,505,207 36,136,372 38,160,065 41,567,272 44,147,902 47,114,781 50,280,055 53,651,167 56,335,681 59,241,606 62,354,606 65,682,485 69,233,366 73,015,659


Opening Balance 70,964,892 93,662,657 90,019,356 89,831,184 89,831,184 94,812,976 100,010,328 105,273,904 110,567,879 115,885,858 121,336,617 126,735,809 132,070,676 137,332,055 142,510,438 147,595,968 152,578,427 157,447,225 162,512,119

Total Other Comprehensive Income 22,697,765 (3,643,301) (188,172) 0 4,981,792 5,197,352 5,263,576 5,293,975 5,317,979 5,450,759 5,399,192 5,334,867 5,261,379 5,178,383 5,085,530 4,982,459 4,868,798 5,064,894 4,969,694

Closing Balance 93,662,657 90,019,356 89,831,184 89,831,184 94,812,976 100,010,328 105,273,904 110,567,879 115,885,858 121,336,617 126,735,809 132,070,676 137,332,055 142,510,438 147,595,968 152,578,427 157,447,225 162,512,119 167,481,813

TOTAL EQUITY 307,717,702 338,464,504 369,165,482 367,842,481

377,598,363 385,724,581 386,875,775 388,099,605 398,352,917 397,455,152 396,305,847 394,896,664 393,218,005 391,259,888 389,012,269 386,442,234 383,538,464 381,173,134 378,708,309

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 43

Appendix B6 – Forecast Statement of Cashflows 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Cash Flows From Operating Activities


Rates 25,514,000 25,040,588 25,040,588 25,541,401 26,052,229 26,573,274 27,104,739 27,646,835 28,199,772 28,763,767 29,339,043 29,925,824 30,524,341 31,134,827 31,757,525

Operating grants, subsidies and contributions 1,881,000 1,434,190 1,462,859 1,492,120 1,521,958 1,552,393 1,583,443 1,615,105 1,647,405 1,680,358 1,713,966 1,748,246 1,783,213 1,818,882 1,855,259

Fees and charges 4,416,500 23,253,033 23,148,088 22,551,039 22,962,060 22,281,296 22,708,926 23,145,103 23,590,008 24,043,816 23,606,693 24,078,826 24,560,406 25,051,621 25,552,654

Service charges 21,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Interest earnings 1,279,444 655,716 863,593 929,373 979,966 1,092,643 1,157,161 1,231,332 1,310,465 1,394,742 1,484,354 1,557,003 1,634,828 1,718,024 1,806,797

Other revenue 284,000 356,856 363,993 371,273 378,698 386,271 393,998 401,876 409,916 418,115 426,476 435,005 443,704 452,579 461,631

54,474,944 50,740,383 50,879,121 50,885,206 51,894,911 51,885,877 52,948,267 54,040,251 55,157,566 56,300,798 56,570,532 57,744,904 58,946,492 60,175,933 61,433,866


Employee costs (19,498,500) (20,950,031) (21,264,281) (21,689,568) (22,123,368) (22,565,843) (23,017,159) (23,477,508) (23,947,056) (24,426,018) (24,914,526) (25,412,850) (25,921,127) (26,439,549) (26,968,332)

Materials and contracts (43,489,662) (16,449,812) (16,778,774) (17,114,343) (17,456,641) (17,805,719) (18,161,866) (18,525,073) (18,895,567) (19,273,550) (19,659,037) (20,052,219) (20,453,317) (20,862,428) (21,279,686)

Utility charges (2,117,600) (1,896,955) (1,934,891) (1,973,582) (2,013,052) (2,053,303) (2,094,371) (2,136,264) (2,178,986) (2,222,572) (2,267,025) (2,312,362) (2,358,612) (2,405,787) (2,453,910)

Interest expenses (70,662) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Insurance expenses (494,400) (496,470) (506,390) (516,515) (526,834) (537,358) (548,101) (559,050) (570,224) (581,623) (593,247) (605,091) (617,182) (629,546) (642,150)

Other expenditure (774,800) (778,837) (794,411) (810,296) (826,500) (843,024) (859,891) (877,082) (894,621) (912,521) (930,772) (949,382) (968,375) (987,742) (1,007,495)

(66,445,624) (40,606,314) (41,312,956) (42,138,513) (42,980,604) (43,805,247) (44,681,388) (45,574,977) (46,486,454) (47,416,284) (48,364,607) (49,331,904) (50,318,613) (51,325,052) (52,351,573)

Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating Activities (11,970,680) 10,134,069 9,566,165 8,746,693 8,914,307 8,080,630 8,266,879 8,465,274 8,671,112 8,884,514 8,205,925 8,413,000 8,627,879 8,850,881 9,082,293

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Payments for purchase of property, plant & equipment (7,030,500) (1,100,000) (1,359,000) (803,000) (4,500,000) (1,700,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000)

Payments for construction of infrastructure (10,407,500) (9,019,000) (7,276,000) (7,820,000) (10,000,000) (3,800,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000)

Non-operating grants, subsidies and contributions 1,748,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Proceeds from sale of plant & equipment 11,950,500 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Investing Activities (3,739,000) (1,819,000) (6,935,000) (6,723,000) (3,300,000) (5,500,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Repayment of debentures (1,145,282) 0 0 0 (1,107,100) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Financing Activities (1,145,282) 0 0 0 (1,107,100) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Held (16,854,962) 8,315,069 2,631,165 2,023,693 4,507,207 2,580,630 2,966,879 3,165,274 3,371,112 3,584,514 2,905,925 3,113,000 3,327,879 3,550,881 3,782,293

Cash at beginning of year 43,083,631 26,228,669 34,543,738 37,174,903 39,198,596 43,705,803 46,286,433 49,253,312 52,418,586 55,789,698 59,374,212 62,280,137 65,393,137 68,721,016 72,271,897

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of Year 26,228,669 34,543,738 37,174,903 39,198,596 43,705,803 46,286,433 49,253,312 52,418,586 55,789,698 59,374,212 62,280,137 65,393,137 68,721,016 72,271,897 76,054,190

Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities to Net Result

Net Result 4,774,090 2,928,866 (4,112,382) (4,070,145) 4,935,333 (6,348,524) (6,548,497) (6,744,050) (6,940,038) (7,136,500) (7,333,149) (7,552,494) (7,772,568) (7,430,224) (7,434,519)

Depreciation 11,641,730 12,005,203 12,378,547 12,716,838 13,178,974 13,529,154 13,915,376 14,309,324 14,711,150 15,121,014 15,539,074 15,965,494 16,400,447 16,281,105 16,516,812

(Profit)/Loss on sale of asset (11,638,000) (8,300,000) (1,700,000) (1,900,000) (11,200,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Increase)/Decrease in receivables (15,000,000) 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 0 0 0 0 0

Grants/Contributions for the development of assets (1,748,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Cash from Operating Activities (11,970,680) 10,134,069 9,566,165 8,746,693 8,914,307 8,080,630 8,266,879 8,465,274 8,671,112 8,884,514 8,205,925 8,413,000 8,627,879 8,850,881 9,082,293

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 44

Appendix B7 – Forecast Statement of Funding 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $



Rates 25,514,000 25,040,588 25,040,588 25,541,401 26,052,229 26,573,274 27,104,739 27,646,835 28,199,772 28,763,767 29,339,043 29,925,824 30,524,341 31,134,827 31,757,525

Operating grants, subsidies and contributions 1,881,000 1,434,190 1,462,859 1,492,120 1,521,958 1,552,393 1,583,443 1,615,105 1,647,405 1,680,358 1,713,966 1,748,246 1,783,213 1,818,882 1,855,259

Profit on asset disposal 11,638,000 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fees and charges 19,416,500 19,753,033 20,148,088 20,551,039 20,962,060 21,381,296 21,808,926 22,245,103 22,690,008 23,143,816 23,606,693 24,078,826 24,560,406 25,051,621 25,552,654

Service charges 21,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Interest earnings 1,279,444 655,716 863,593 929,373 979,966 1,092,643 1,157,161 1,231,332 1,310,465 1,394,742 1,484,354 1,557,003 1,634,828 1,718,024 1,806,797

Other revenue 284,000 356,856 363,993 371,273 378,698 386,271 393,998 401,876 409,916 418,115 426,476 435,005 443,704 452,579 461,631

81,112,944 55,540,383 49,579,121 50,785,206 61,094,911 50,985,877 52,048,267 53,140,251 54,257,566 55,400,798 56,570,532 57,744,904 58,946,492 60,175,933 61,433,866


Employee costs (19,498,500) (20,950,031) (21,264,281) (21,689,568) (22,123,368) (22,565,843) (23,017,159) (23,477,508) (23,947,056) (24,426,018) (24,914,526) (25,412,850) (25,921,127) (26,439,549) (26,968,332)

Materials and contracts (43,489,662) (16,449,812) (16,778,774) (17,114,343) (17,456,641) (17,805,719) (18,161,866) (18,525,073) (18,895,567) (19,273,550) (19,659,037) (20,052,219) (20,453,317) (20,862,428) (21,279,686)

Utility charges (electricity, gas, water etc.) (2,117,600) (1,896,955) (1,934,891) (1,973,582) (2,013,052) (2,053,303) (2,094,371) (2,136,264) (2,178,986) (2,222,572) (2,267,025) (2,312,362) (2,358,612) (2,405,787) (2,453,910)

Depreciation on non-current assets (11,641,730) (12,005,203) (12,378,547) (12,716,838) (13,178,974) (13,529,154) (13,915,376) (14,309,324) (14,711,150) (15,121,014) (15,539,074) (15,965,494) (16,400,447) (16,281,105) (16,516,812)

Interest expense (70,662) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) (34,209) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Insurance expense (494,400) (496,470) (506,390) (516,515) (526,834) (537,358) (548,101) (559,050) (570,224) (581,623) (593,247) (605,091) (617,182) (629,546) (642,150)

Other expenditure (774,800) (778,837) (794,411) (810,296) (826,500) (843,024) (859,891) (877,082) (894,621) (912,521) (930,772) (949,382) (968,375) (987,742) (1,007,495)

(78,087,354) (52,611,517) (53,691,503) (54,855,351) (56,159,578) (57,334,401) (58,596,764) (59,884,301) (61,197,604) (62,537,298) (63,903,681) (65,297,398) (66,719,060) (67,606,157) (68,868,385)

3,025,590 2,928,866 (4,112,382) (4,070,145) 4,935,333 (6,348,524) (6,548,497) (6,744,050) (6,940,038) (7,136,500) (7,333,149) (7,552,494) (7,772,568) (7,430,224) (7,434,519)

Funding Position Adjustments

Depreciation on non-current assets 11,641,730 12,005,203 12,378,547 12,716,838 13,178,974 13,529,154 13,915,376 14,309,324 14,711,150 15,121,014 15,539,074 15,965,494 16,400,447 16,281,105 16,516,812

Net profit and losses on disposal (11,638,000) (8,300,000) (1,700,000) (1,900,000) (11,200,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Movement in non current receivables (11,600,000) 3,500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Funding From Operational Activities (8,570,680) 10,134,069 8,566,165 8,746,693 7,814,307 8,080,630 8,266,879 8,465,274 8,671,112 7,984,514 8,205,925 8,413,000 8,627,879 8,850,881 9,082,293



Proceeds on disposal 11,950,500 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-operating grants, subsidies and contributions 1,748,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Purchase of property plant and equipment (7,030,500) (1,100,000) (1,359,000) (803,000) (4,500,000) (1,700,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,100,000)

Purchase of infrastructure (10,407,500) (9,019,000) (7,276,000) (7,820,000) (10,000,000) (3,800,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000) (3,200,000)

Net Funding From Capital Activities (3,739,000) (1,819,000) (6,935,000) (6,723,000) (3,300,000) (5,500,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000) (5,300,000)



Transfer from reserves 45,718,799 0 1,300,000 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Transfer to reserves (37,057,779) (8,315,069) (2,931,165) (2,923,693) (3,407,207) (2,580,630) (2,966,879) (3,165,274) (3,371,112) (2,684,514) (2,905,925) (3,113,000) (3,327,879) (3,550,881) (3,782,293)

Repayment of past borrowings (1,145,282) 0 0 0 (1,107,100) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Funding From Financing Activities 7,515,738 (8,315,069) (1,631,165) (2,023,693) (4,514,307) (2,580,630) (2,966,879) (3,165,274) (3,371,112) (2,684,514) (2,905,925) (3,113,000) (3,327,879) (3,550,881) (3,782,293)

Estimated Surplus/Deficit July 1 B/Fwd 4,793,942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Estimated Surplus/Deficit June 30 C/Fwd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 45

Appendix B8 – Forecast Statement of Net Current Asset Composition 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Estimated Surplus/Deficit July 1 B/Fwd 4,793,942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Unrestricted Cash and Equivalents 38,531 38,531 1,038,531 1,038,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 2,138,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531 3,038,531

Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalent 26,190,138 34,505,207 36,136,372 38,160,065 41,567,272 44,147,902 47,114,781 50,280,055 53,651,167 56,335,681 59,241,606 62,354,606 65,682,485 69,233,366 73,015,659

Trade and Other Receivables 4,180,336 4,180,336 3,180,336 3,180,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 2,080,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336 1,180,336

Inventories 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199 792,199


Trade and Other Payables (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566) (6,858,566)

Reserves (26,190,138) (34,505,207) (36,136,372) (38,160,065) (41,567,272) (44,147,902) (47,114,781) (50,280,055) (53,651,167) (56,335,681) (59,241,606) (62,354,606) (65,682,485) (69,233,366) (73,015,659)

Estimated Surplus/Deficit June 30 C/Fwd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 46

Appendix B9 – Forecast Statement of Fixed Asset Movements 2019-2033 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Roads and Lanes 5,955,500 4,690,000 3,858,000 4,354,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Drainage 531,000 400,000 400,000 370,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Footpaths 759,500 1,364,000 842,000 942,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Other Infrastructure 680,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Parks and Reserves 2,481,500 2,065,000 1,735,000 1,735,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Total Capital Works - Infrastructure 10,407,500 9,019,000 7,276,000 7,820,000 10,000,000 3,800,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000

Represented by:

Additions - Expansion, Upgrades and New 5,088,500 2,461,000 1,410,000 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Additions - Renewal 5,319,000 6,558,000 5,866,000 6,520,000 10,000,000 3,800,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000

Total Capital Works - Infrastructure 10,407,500 9,019,000 7,276,000 7,820,000 10,000,000 3,800,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000

Asset Movement Reconciliation

Total Capital Works Infrastructure 10,407,500 9,019,000 7,276,000 7,820,000 10,000,000 3,800,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000

Depreciation Infrastructure (8,902,270) (9,144,494) (9,360,663) (9,578,796) (9,770,372) (9,965,780) (10,165,095) (10,368,397) (10,575,765) (10,787,281) (11,003,026) (11,223,085) (11,447,550) (11,676,499) (11,910,029)

Revaluation of Infrastructure assets (Inflation) 3,065,040 3,156,443 3,217,065 3,239,710 3,269,329 3,339,308 3,282,779 3,209,133 3,129,947 3,045,031 2,954,186 2,857,209 2,753,891 2,644,018 2,527,368

Net Movement in Infrastructure Assets 4,570,270 3,030,949 1,132,402 1,480,914 3,498,957 (2,826,472) (3,682,316) (3,959,264) (4,245,818) (4,542,250) (4,848,840) (5,165,876) (5,493,659) (5,832,481) (6,182,661)


Buildings 4,140,500 510,000 415,000 222,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Office Furniture and Equipment 1,565,500 540,000 894,000 531,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

External Plant and Equipment 1,324,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Total Capital Works Property, Plant and Equipment 7,030,500 1,100,000 1,359,000 803,000 4,500,000 1,700,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

Represented by:

Additions - Expansion, Upgrades and New 1,262,000 371,000 579,000 347,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Additions - Renewal 5,768,500 729,000 780,000 456,000 4,500,000 1,700,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

Total Capital Works Property, Plant and Equipment 7,030,500 1,100,000 1,359,000 803,000 4,500,000 1,700,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

Asset Movement Reconciliation

Total Capital Works Property, Plant and Equipment 7,030,500 1,100,000 1,359,000 803,000 4,500,000 1,700,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

Depreciation Property, Plant and Equipment (2,739,460) (2,860,709) (3,017,884) (3,138,042) (3,408,602) (3,563,374) (3,750,281) (3,940,927) (4,135,385) (4,333,733) (4,536,048) (4,742,409) (4,952,897) (4,604,606) (4,606,783)

Net Book Value of disposed/Written Off assets (312,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Revaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment (Inflation) 1,916,752 2,040,909 2,046,511 2,054,265 2,048,650 2,111,451 2,116,413 2,125,734 2,131,432 2,133,352 2,131,344 2,125,250 2,114,907 2,420,876 2,442,326

Net Movement in Property, Plant and Equipment 5,895,292 280,200 387,627 (280,777) 3,140,048 248,077 466,132 284,807 96,047 (100,381) (304,704) (517,159) (737,990) (83,730) (64,457)


Capital Works

Total Capital Works Infrastructure 10,407,500 9,019,000 7,276,000 7,820,000 10,000,000 3,800,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000

Total Capital Works Property, Plant and Equipment 7,030,500 1,100,000 1,359,000 803,000 4,500,000 1,700,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

Total Capital Works 17,438,000 10,119,000 8,635,000 8,623,000 14,500,000 5,500,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000

Fixed Asset Movement

Net Movement in Infrastructure Assets 4,570,270 3,030,949 1,132,402 1,480,914 3,498,957 (2,826,472) (3,682,316) (3,959,264) (4,245,818) (4,542,250) (4,848,840) (5,165,876) (5,493,659) (5,832,481) (6,182,661)

Net Movement in Property, Plant and Equipment 5,895,292 280,200 387,627 (280,777) 3,140,048 248,077 466,132 284,807 96,047 (100,381) (304,704) (517,159) (737,990) (83,730) (64,457)

Net Movement in Fixed Assets 10,465,562 3,311,149 1,520,029 1,200,137 6,639,005 (2,578,395) (3,216,184) (3,674,457) (4,149,771) (4,642,631) (5,153,544) (5,683,035) (6,231,649) (5,916,211) (6,247,118)

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 47

Appendix B10 – Forecast Statement of Capital Funding 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Capital Expenditure

Roads and Lanes 5,955,500 4,690,000 3,858,000 4,354,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Drainage 531,000 400,000 400,000 370,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Footpaths 759,500 1,364,000 842,000 942,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Other Infrastructure 680,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Parks and Reserves 2,481,500 2,065,000 1,735,000 1,735,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000


4,140,500 510,000 415,000 222,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Office Furniture and Equipment

1,565,500 540,000 894,000 531,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

External Plant and Equipment

1,324,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Total - Capital Expenditure 17,438,000 10,119,000 8,635,000 8,623,000 14,500,000 5,500,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000

Funded By:

Capital Grants & Contributions

Roads and Lanes 1,550,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Parks and Reserves 24,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Buildings 174,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total - Capital Grants & Contributions 1,748,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Own Source Funding

Roads and Lanes 4,405,000 4,690,000 3,858,000 4,354,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Drainage 531,000 400,000 400,000 370,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Footpaths 759,500 1,364,000 842,000 942,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Other Infrastructure 680,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Parks and Reserves 2,457,500 2,065,000 1,735,000 1,735,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000


(11,547,000) (8,300,000) (1,700,000) (1,900,000) (11,200,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


3,966,500 510,000 415,000 222,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Office Furniture and Equipment

1,554,000 540,000 894,000 531,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

External Plant and Equipment

932,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Total - Own Source Funding 3,739,000 1,819,000 6,935,000 6,723,000 3,300,000 5,500,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000


Total - Borrowings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other (Disposals & C/Fwd)


11,547,000 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Office Furniture and Equipment

11,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

External Plant and Equipment

392,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total - Other (Disposals & C/Fwd) 11,950,500 8,300,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Capital Funding 17,438,000 10,119,000 8,635,000 8,623,000 14,500,000 5,500,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 48

Appendix B11 – Forecast Ratios 2019-2033

Target Range Average 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33


Current Ratio > 1.00 > 1.20 0.70 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.63 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71


Operating Surplus Ratio > 1.00% > 15.00% (8.69%) 3.82% 5.41% (8.55%) (8.26%) 8.28% (12.84%) (12.98%) (13.09%) (13.19%) (13.28%) (13.37%) (13.49%) (13.60%) (12.73%) (12.48%)

Own Source Revenue Coverage Ratio > 40.00% > 60.00% 90.01% 101.47% 102.84% 89.62% 89.86% 106.08% 86.22% 86.12% 86.04% 85.97% 85.90% 85.84% 85.76% 85.68% 86.32% 86.51%


Debt Service Cover Ratio > 3 > 5 192.39 12.12 437.55 242.64 253.76 15.90 - - - - - - - - - -


Asset Sustainability Ratio > 90.00% > 110.00% 48.38% 95.24% 60.70% 53.69% 54.86% 110.02% 40.65% 38.09% 37.04% 36.03% 35.05% 34.11% 33.20% 32.32% 32.55% 32.09%

Asset Consumption Ratio > 50.00% > 60.00% 57.83% 68.16% 67.18% 65.97% 64.80% 64.41% 62.61% 60.69% 58.74% 56.76% 54.76% 52.73% 50.68% 48.61% 46.64% 44.69%

Asset Renewal Funding Ratio > 75.00% > 95.00% 125.46% 146.16% 105.10% 98.20% 139.77% 138.04% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 49

Appendix B12 – Required Asset Renewals 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Buildings 30,945 - 20,053 - - - - - 522,378 12,434 - - 47,501 - 816,807

Office Furniture and Equipment 9,780 382,338 436,965 442,319 3,992 4,811 3,516 35,305 2,667,993 32,322 11,921 466,072 532,650 539,181 4,867

External Plant and Equipment 668,898 124,746 58,152 51,564 116,139 7,144 - 1,788,914 - - 4,417 - - - -

Roads and Lanes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,601,787

Drainage - - 103,126 - - - - - - 64,068 - - - - 95,190

Footpaths - - 12,693,215 2,737,166 29,092 616,718 146,534 162,308 667,907 - 13,106,403 - 2,905,745 3,174,594 634,957

Other Infrastructure - - 3,745,931 242,058 208,049 411,418 430,398 617,273 104,502 645,268 786,903 600,967 1,624,805 234,810 537,943

Parks and Reserves - - 8,955,853 1,738,942 1,582,882 3,643,406 1,116,880 639,491 305,505 790,497 1,242,087 982,349 2,232,583 732,137 1,921,966

Total 709,623 507,084 26,013,295 5,212,049 1,940,154 4,683,497 1,697,328 3,243,291 4,268,285 1,544,589 15,151,731 2,049,388 7,343,284 4,680,722 18,613,517

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 50

Appendix B13 – Planned Asset Renewals 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Buildings 3,211,500 389,000 340,000 185,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Office Furniture and Equipment 1,232,500 290,000 390,000 221,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

External Plant and Equipment 1,324,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Roads and Lanes 3,126,500 3,229,000 3,168,000 3,744,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Drainage 169,500 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Footpaths 238,500 844,000 372,000 472,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000

Other Infrastructure 556,000 500,000 441,000 419,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000

Parks and Reserves 1,228,500 1,785,000 1,685,000 1,685,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Total 11,087,500 7,287,000 6,646,000 6,976,000 14,500,000 5,500,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000

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Refer to Appendix B15 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 51

Appendix B14 –Asset Renewal Funding Surplus (Deficit) 2019-2033

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Buildings 3,180,555 389,000 319,947 185,000 2,000,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 177,622 687,566 700,000 700,000 652,499 700,000 (116,807)

Office Furniture and Equipment 1,222,720 (92,338) (46,965) (221,319) 996,008 495,189 696,484 664,695 (1,967,993) 667,678 688,079 233,928 167,350 160,819 695,133

External Plant and Equipment 655,602 (74,746) (8,152) (1,564) 1,383,861 492,856 700,000 (1,088,914) 700,000 700,000 695,583 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000

Roads and Lanes 3,126,500 3,229,000 3,168,000 3,744,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 (13,601,787)

Drainage 169,500 200,000 96,874 200,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 435,932 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 404,810

Footpaths 238,500 844,000 (12,321,215) (2,265,166) 970,908 (16,718) 453,466 437,692 (67,907) 600,000 (12,506,403) 600,000 (2,305,745) (2,574,594) (34,957)

Other Infrastructure 556,000 500,000 (3,304,931) 176,942 791,951 (11,418) (30,398) (217,273) 295,498 (245,268) (386,903) (200,967) (1,224,805) 165,190 (137,943)

Parks and Reserves 1,228,500 1,785,000 (7,270,853) (53,942) 417,118 (2,943,406) (416,880) 60,509 394,495 (90,497) (542,087) (282,349) (1,532,583) (32,137) (1,221,966)

Total 10,377,877 6,779,916 (19,367,295) 1,763,951 12,559,846 816,503 3,602,672 2,056,709 1,031,715 3,755,411 (9,851,731) 3,250,612 (2,043,284) 619,278 (13,313,517)

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 52

Appendix B15 – New Capital Projects

Project 2018-19









Bold Park Aquatic Centre - 4 umbrellas 41,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - new Pergola outside kiosk (match existing) 30,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - security cameras 3,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - side swipe gate for entries 48,000

Building energy efficiency program 26,000 50,000 50,000

City Beach and Floreat Beach lifeguard towers 170,000

City Beach surf riders storage facility shed 26,000

City Beach Tennis Club - car park lighting 37,000

City Beach Tennis Club - emergency lighting 10,000

Coastal Playgroup/Community Facility 350,000

Depot Buildings - stage 2 security installation 18,000

Dodd St toilets - sewer pump station upgrade 36,000

North West Lake Monger - new public toilets 154,000

Rutter Park - public toilet 91,000 22,000


11 - 21 Harborne St 100,000

234 Salvado Rd - Low point Birkdale St/Selby St 20,000

417- 422 Cambridge St 60,000

68 Moray Ave 100,000

Cambridge/Selby St - underground sump 39,000

Chandler Dr West 20,000

Clanmel Rd - enlarge 260m of pipe 27,000

Drainage sump and park at 7-77 McCourt St 74,500

Kintyre Cres/Lothian Park 40,000

Lake Monger Dr - low point in road west of Kimberley St 100,000

Oceanic Dr opposite Tullow 150,000

Railway Pde / McCourt St 120,000

Scadden St intersections 60,000

Woolwich St/McCourt St drainage sump 21,000

Parks and Reserves

Alderbury Reserve - fenced dog exercise areas 65,000

Beecroft Park - park improvement program 390,000

City Beach - lighting replacement 240,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

Lake Monger - Fenced Dog Exercise Areas 65,000

Oban Rd verge landscaping - The Boulevard to Gayton Rd 148,000

Ocean Village Park - lighting replacement 50,000 230,000

Selby/Boulevard/Cambridge - landscape upgrade 150,000

Stephenson Ave Verge Landscaping - Montgomery Ave to Rochdale Rd 95,000

West Leederville Memorial Garden - upgrade garden / cenotaph 50,000

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Appendix B15 – New Capital Projects (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 53

Project 2018-19







$ Footpaths

Challenger Pde (West Coast Hwy - Oceanic Dr) 13,000

Dodd St (Lake Monger - Gregory St) 160,000

Hale Rd (Chipping - Yaltara) 12,000

Harrogate St (Southport - Loftus St underpass) 20,000

Herdsman Pd (Marlow St/Selby St) 14,000 110,000

Jersey St (Herdsman Pde/Salvado Rd) 510,000

Kimberley St (Lake Monger - Ruislip) 3,000

Lake Monger Dr (Service Rd - No.7) 8,000

Marlow St (Herdsman Pde - Salvado Rd) 16,000

Northwood St (Lake Monger - Railway) 30,000

Oceanic Dr (Scenic Dr - Bold Park Dr) 460,000

Peasholm St (Hastings - Warri) 4,000

Perry Lakes Reserve Internal Road 16,000

Powis St (Powis - Lake Monger) 100,000

Selby Street (Grantham Park/Salvado Rd - City of Stirling boundary) 350,000

Southport St (Cambridge/Harrogate) 30,000

Tactile ground surface indicators 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Underwood Ave (Bendat Basketball Centre) 75,000

Office Furniture and Equipment

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - various furniture 11,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - data projector & screen 1,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - digital advertising screen 4,000

Corporate system enhancements 120,000 250,000 300,000 300,000

Disaster Recovery Plan (review, update and est.) 20,000

Intranet redevelopment 29,000

Intrusion prevention/detection systems 50,000

Leederville Town Hall - first aid defibrillator 3,000

Parking Control - GPS Systems (4) 4,000

Quarry Amphitheatre - first aid defibrillator 3,000

Rangers - GPS systems (2) 2,000

Storage concertina shelving - Depot 33,000 200,000

Various locations - defibrillator x 5 10,000

Venues booking system 29,000

Vulnerability testing & reporting 6,000 10,000

Wembley Community Centre - WiFi 12,000

Other Infrastructure

City Beach Precinct - Carpark directional signage 10,000

City Beach Precinct - Carpark resurfacing and drainage design 5,000

Empire Village Shopping Centre additional parking 13,000

Lot100 Oban Rd additional carpark 96,000

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Appendix B15 – New Capital Projects (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 54

Project 2018-19







$ Roads and Lanes

Abbotsford St - widen to allow parking both sides 92,500

Bermondsey St - streetscape improvements 50,000

Birkdale St - embayed angle parking south of Cambridge to Salvado Rd 100,000

Cambridge / Birkdale intersection - install pedestrian safety fencing 40,000

Cambridge St (Connolly - McCourt) - pedestrian pelican crossing to SJOG (on hold) 150,000

Cambridge/Northwood - install pedestrian safety fence 15,000

Challenger Parade - improved pedestrian access from Fred Burton car park 230,000

Challenger Pde/Oceanic Dr - traffic calming measures 160,000

City Beach car park - pedestrian prioritised car park connection 40,000

City Beach precinct - Challenger Pde pedestrian paths & crossing improvements 53,000

Clohessy Lane 179,000

Cromarty Rd / Empire Ave - modify intersection to improve flow and safety 50,000

Cromarty Rd / Pearson St - modify intersection 30,000

Denton St - widen roads to provides parking on both side 90,000

Dix Lane 64,000

Dodd St - cul de sac end 50,000

Gee Lane 64,000

Grantham / Jersey intersection - pedestrian safety fencing 15,000

Grantham St - pedestrian crossing (other intersections) 150,000 150,000 150,000

Grantham St - pedestrian crossing at Holland St 140,000

Grantham St/Harborne St - intersection safety 644,000

Halliday Lane 269,000

Harborne St - Dodd to Powis - extend right turn lane 11,000

Harrogate St - streetscape improvements 50,000

Herdsman Pde / Keane St intersection - reduce traffic speed 100,000

Herdsman Pde / Reserve St intersection - improve pedestrian crossing 30,000

Horne Lane 64,000

Lafferty Lane 207,000

Lake Monger Dr (St Vincent’s Ave and Gibney Vista) - pedestrian to access Lake Monger 30,000

Lund Lane 66,000

MacEwan St - Streetscape improvements 50,000

Marapana Rd / Templetonia Cr - Local Area Traffic Management stage 1 178,000

Marapana/Templetonia - 3 leg intersection treatment 100,000

Maxwell Lane 167,000

Northwood St (Cambridge - Railway Pde) - post development footpaths / parking 200,000

Oceanic Dr / Ulster Rd intersection - improve pedestrian safety 30,000

O'Hara Lane 66,000

Pangbourne / Ruislip - traffic calming 30,000

Peebles Rd / Moray Ave - establish traffic islands either side of intersection 50,000

Pether Lane construction post unit development in Northwood St 100,000

Rogers Lane 68,000

Ruislip / Holland St intersection - establish raised intersection plateaux 48,000

Salvado Rd - widen west of Jersey St 40,000

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Appendix B15 – New Capital Projects (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 55

Project 2018-19







$ Roads and Lanes (continued)

Salvado Rd (Station St - Haydn Bunton Dr) - streetlight improvements 60,000

Salvado Rd / Haydn Bunton Dr intersection - improve pedestrian crossing stage 2 95,500

Selby St (Hay St to Alderbury St) - install streetlights 100,000

Simper St (Herdsman Pde to Grantham St) - install three traffic plateaux 30,000

Spear Lane 152,000

Speed humps in lanes 15,000 15,000

Station St (Cambridge - Salvado) - embayed angle parking 100,000

Streetscaping Cambridge St - Northwood to Kerr 19,000

Styne / Catesby intersection - improve pedestrians’ access to Kapinara primary school 30,000

The Boulevard / Ulster Rd intersection - reduce approach angle to slow vehicle entry onto The Boulevard 30,000

Traffic signals - disability access (disability plan) 100,000

Woolwich St (Blencowe St to McCourt St) - embayed parking and median treatments 60,000

Yates Lane 123,000

Grand Total 6,350,500 2,832,000 1,989,000 1,647,000

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 56

Appendix B16 – Capital Projects 2019-2033

Asset Class Project Total Expenditure

(2019-2033) $


Administration Centre Building - carpet replacement 160,000

Building Energy Efficiency Program 126,000

Cambridge Bowling Facility - air conditioning replacement 180,000

City Beach Oval Pavilion - sewer pump replacement 13,000

City Beach Tennis Club - emergency and car park lighting, ablutions upgrade, electrical upgrade 247,000

Jersey Street (YMCA) Out of School Care - floor cover replacement and kitchen refurbishment 20,000

Floreat Café - refurbishment 936,000

Floreat Beach Kiosk - detail design, leasing and planning approval 221,500

South City Beach Kiosk - concrete cancer repairs 180,000

South City Beach Kiosk - sewer pump & control panel replacement 22,000

Bold Park Aquatic Centre - security access, cameras, pergola and heat pumps 712,000

City Beach Surf Riders Storage Facility Shed 26,000

Coastal Playgroup/Community Facility 350,000

The Boulevard Centre & Cambridge Library - air conditioning, fire alarm, floor coverings 781,000

Wembley Community Centre - ceiling in dining, foyer & corridor 36,000

Wembley Golf Course Driving Range - sewer pump replacement 13,000

Wembley Community Centre - gutters & downpipe replacement 10,000

Depot Buildings - Stage 2 security installation 18,000

Wembley Golf Course - machinery shed 154,000

Floreat Beach Toilets / Change rooms - refurbishment, sewer pump and control room panel replacement 309,000

Dodd Street Toilets - sewer pump station upgrade 36,000

North West Lake Monger - new public toilets 154,000

Rutter Park - Public Toilet 113,000

City Beach and Floreat Beach - lifeguard towers 170,000

Building renewals 9,300,000

Buildings Total 14,287,500


Footpath upgrades and renewals 10,907,500

Footpaths Total 10,907,500


Drainage upgrades and renewals 7,701,000

Drainage Total 7,701,000

Office Furniture and Equipment

Furniture and equipment upgrade and renewals 11,330,500

Office Furniture and Equipment Total 11,330,500

External Plant and Equipment

Plant and Equipment Renewals 9,774,500

External Plant and Equipment Total 9,774,500

Roads and Lanes

Roads and Lane Upgrade and Renewals 34,457,500

Roads and Lanes Total 34,457,500

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Appendix B16 – Capital Projects 2019-2033 (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 57

Asset Class Project Total Expenditure

(2019-2033) $

Parks and Reserves

Alderbury Reserve - fenced dog exercise areas 65,000

Beecroft Park - park improvement program 390,000

West Leederville Memorial Garden - upgrade garden and cenotaph 50,000

Lake Monger - fenced dog exercise areas 65,000

Selby/Boulevard/Cambridge - landscape upgrade 150,000

Various Parks - bores, pumps and cubicles replacement 1,265,000

Various Parks - in-ground irrigation replacement (Maloney Park) 650,000

Various Parks - lighting replacement 360,000

Various Parks - paths replacement 438,500

Various Parks - playground replacement 480,000

Ocean Village Park - lighting replacement 280,000

Bent Park - replace irrigation system 1,630,000

Maloney Park West - replace bore/service pump 27 80,000

City Beach Oval - south playground shade 80,000

Beach access paths upgrades 100,000

City Beach - lighting replacement stage 1 390,000

Oban Rd - verge landscaping The Boulevard to Gayton Rd 148,000

Stephenson Ave - verge landscaping Montgomery Ave to Rochdale Rd 95,000

Parks and Reserves upgrades and renewals 10,300,000

Parks and Reserves Total 17,016,500

Other Infrastructure

City Beach Precinct - Carpark resurfacing, drainage design and directional signage 15,000

Empire Village Shopping Centre - additional parking 13,000

215 Jersey Street behind shops on Grantham Street 16,000

Fred Burton Park 323,000

City Beach Park (surf club and restaurants, south kidney, north kidney) 400,000

Quarry Amphitheatre upper and lower with access roads 235,000

Civic Centre 106,000

City Beach Park - opposite Jubilee Park 47,000

Jubilee Park 13,000

Clancy’s Car Park 40,000

Oban Road Doctors Surgery 11,000

Floreat Beach Park south and middle 208,000

Henderson Park 18,000

Lake Monger Recreation Club - Car Park 39,000

Leederville Town Hall Carpark 120,000

Lot100 Oban Road Additional Carpark 96,000

Quarry Amphitheatre - Car Parks 40,000

Other Infrastructure Renewals 5,300,000

Other Infrastructure Total 7,040,000

Grand Total 112,515,000

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 58

Appendix B17 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Preparation

The Long Term Financial Plan (the Plan) comprises general purpose financial statements which have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (as they apply to local governments and not-for-profit entities and to the extent they are not inconsistent with the Local Government Act 1995 and accompanying regulations), Australian Accounting Interpretations, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, the Local Government Act 1995 and accompanying regulations. Accounting policies which have been adopted in the preparation of the Plan are presented below and have been consistently applied unless stated otherwise.

Except for cash flow and rate setting information, the Plan has also been prepared on the accrual basis and is based on historical costs, modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non-current assets, financial assets and liabilities.

Critical Accounting Estimates

The preparation of the Plan in conformity with Australian Accounting Standards requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that effect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses.

The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances; the results of which form the basis of making the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The Local Government Reporting Entity

All funds through which the Town controls resources to carry on its functions have been included in the financial statements forming part of the Plan.

In the process of reporting on the local government as a single unit, all transactions and balances between those funds (for example, loans and transfers between funds) have been eliminated.

All monies held in the trust fund are excluded from the forecast financial statements.

(a) Base Year Balances

Balances shown in the Plan as Base Year are as forecast at the time of preparation of the Plan and are based on the current budget and prior year annual financial reporting and may be subject to variation.

(b) Rounding Off Figures

All figures shown in the Plan are rounded to the nearest dollar.

(c) Comparative Figures

Where required, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation.

(d) Forecast Fair Value Adjustments

All fair value adjustments relating to re-measurement of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (if any) and changes on revaluation of non-current assets are impacted upon by external forces and not able to be reliably estimated at the time preparation.

Fair value adjustments relating to the re-measurement of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss will be assessed at the time they occur and have not been estimated within the Plan.

It is anticipated, in all instances, any changes upon

revaluation of non-current assets will relate to non-cash

transactions and as such have been estimated as an inflation

adjustment to Other Comprehensive Income, based on the

value of the non-current assets forecasted to be held by the


(e) Rates, Grants, Donations and Other Contributions

Rates, grants, donations and other contributions are recognised as revenues when the local government obtains control over the assets comprising the contributions.

Control over assets acquired from rates is obtained at the commencement of the rating period or, where earlier, upon receipt of the rates.

(f) Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of GST receivable or payable. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included with receivables or payables in the statement of financial position.

(g) Superannuation

The Council contributes to a number of superannuation funds on behalf of employees.

All funds to which the Council contributes are defined contribution plans.

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Appendix B17 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 59

(h) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash at bank, deposits available on demand with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value and bank overdrafts.

(i) Trade and Other Receivables

Trade and other receivables include amounts due from ratepayers for unpaid rates and service charges and other amounts due from third parties for goods sold and services performed in the ordinary course of business.

Receivables expected to be collected within 12 months of the end of the reporting period are classified as current assets. All other receivables are classified as non-current assets.

Collectability of trade and other receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts that are known to be uncollectible are written off when identified. An allowance for doubtful debts is raised when there is objective evidence that they will not be collectible.

(j) Inventories


Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

Land held for resale

Land purchased for development and sale is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes the cost of acquisition, development, borrowing costs and holding costs until completion of development. Finance costs and holding charges incurred after development is completed are expensed.

Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss at the time of signing an unconditional contract of sale if significant risks and rewards, and effective control over the land, are passed on to the buyer at this point.

Land held for sale is classified as current except where it is held as non-current based on Council's intention to release for sale.

(k) Fixed Assets

Each class of fixed assets within either property, plant and equipment or infrastructure, is carried at cost or fair value less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.


Increases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of assets are credited to a revaluation surplus in equity. Decreases that offset previous increases of the same asset are recognised against revaluation surplus directly in equity. All other decreases are recognised in profit or loss.

Land under roads

In Western Australia, all land under roads is Crown Land, the responsibility for managing which, is vested in the local government.

Effective as at 1 July 2008, Council elected not to recognise any value for land under roads acquired on or before 30 June 2008. This accords with the treatment available in Australian Accounting Standard AASB 1051 - Land Under Roads and the fact Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a)(i) prohibits local governments from recognising such land as an asset.

In respect of land under roads acquired on or after 1 July 2008, as detailed above, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a)(i) prohibits local governments from recognising such land as an asset.

Whilst such treatment is inconsistent with the requirements of AASB 1051, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 4(2) provides, in the event of such an inconsistency, the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations prevail.

Consequently, any land under roads acquired on or after 1 July 2008 is not included as an asset of the Council.


The depreciable amount of all fixed assets including buildings but excluding freehold land, are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the asset’s useful life from the time the asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvements.

An effective average depreciation rate for each class of asset has been utilised to estimate the forecast depreciation expense for each year. These are provided in the table below:

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Appendix B17 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

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(k) Fixed Assets (Continued)

Asset Class Effective average depreciation rate

Buildings 2.00%

Office Furniture and Equipment 10.00%

External Plant and Equipment 4.52%

Roads and Lanes 2.41%

Drainage 1.43%

Footpaths 2.42%

Other Infrastructure 3.14%

Parks and Reserves 4.83%

Depreciation (Continued)

An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount. These gains and losses are included in profit or loss in the period which they arise.

(l) Impairment of Assets

In accordance with Australian Accounting Standards the Town’s assets, other than inventories, are assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication they may be impaired.

Where such an indication exists, an impairment test is carried out on the asset by comparing the recoverable amount of the asset, being the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use, to the asset’s carrying amount.

Any excess of the asset’s carrying amount over its recoverable amount is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at a revalued amount in accordance with another standard (e.g. AASB 116) whereby any impairment loss of a revaluation decrease in accordance with that other standard.

For non-cash generating assets such as roads, drains, public buildings and the like, value in use is represented by the depreciated replacement cost of the asset.

At the time of the preparation of the Plan, it is not possible to estimate the amount of impairment losses.

(m) Trade and Other Payables

Trade and other payables represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Town prior to the end of the financial year that are unpaid and arise when the Town becomes obliged to make future payments in respect of the purchase of these goods and services. The amounts are unsecured, are recognised as a current liability and are normally paid within 30 days of recognition.

(n) Employee Benefits

Short-Term Employee Benefits

Provision is made for the Town’s obligations for short-term employee benefits. Short-term employee benefits are benefits (other than termination benefits) that are expected to be settled wholly before 12 months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service, including wages, salaries and sick leave. Short-term employee benefits are measured at the (undiscounted) amounts expected to be paid when the obligation is settled.

The Town’s obligations for short-term employee benefits such as wages, salaries and sick leave are recognised as a part of current trade and other payables in the statement of financial position. The Town’s obligations for employees’ annual leave and long service leave entitlements are recognised as provisions in the statement of financial position.

Other Long-Term Employee Benefits

Provision is made for employees’ long service leave and annual leave entitlements not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service. Other long-term employee benefits are measured at the present value of the expected future payments to be made to employees. Expected future payments incorporate anticipated future wage and salary levels, durations or service and employee departures and are discounted at rates determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on government bonds that have maturity dates that approximate the terms of the obligations. Any re-measurements for changes in assumptions of obligations for other long-term employee benefits are recognised in profit or loss in the periods in which the changes occur.

The Town’s obligations for long-term employee benefits are presented as non-current provisions in its statement of financial position, except where the Town does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period, in which case the obligations are presented as current provisions.

(o) Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs are recognised as an expense when incurred except where they are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset. Where this is the case, they are capitalised as part of the cost of the particular asset until such time as the asset is substantially ready for its intended use or sale.

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Appendix B17 – Forecast Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

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(p) Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the Town has a legal or constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result and that outflow can be reliably measured.

Provisions are measured using the best estimate of the

amounts required to settle the obligation at the end of the

reporting period.

(q) Leases

Leases of fixed assets where substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to the ownership of the asset, but not legal ownership, are transferred to the Town, are classified as finance leases.

Finance leases are capitalised recording an asset and a liability at the lower amounts equal to the fair value of the leased property or the present value of the minimum lease payments, including any guaranteed residual values. Lease payments are allocated between the reduction of the lease liability and the lease interest expense for the period.

Leased assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of their estimated useful lives or the lease term.

Lease payments for operating leases, where substantially all the risks and benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.

Lease incentives under operating leases are recognised as a liability and amortised on a straight-line basis over the life of the lease term.

(r) Current and Non-Current Classification

In the determination of whether an asset or liability is current or non-current, consideration is given to the time when each asset or liability is expected to be settled. The asset or liability is classified as current if it is expected to be settled within the next 12 months, being the Town’s operational cycle. In the case of liabilities where the Town does not have the unconditional right to defer settlement beyond 12 months, such as vested long service leave, the liability is classified as current even if not expected to be settled within the next 12 months. Inventories held for trading are classified as current even if not expected to be realised in the next 12 months except for land held for sale where it is held as non-current based on the Town’s intentions to release for sale.

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Appendix C1 – Glossary

Funding Gap

A funding gap exists whenever an entity has insufficient

capacity to fund asset renewal and other expenditure

necessary to be able to appropriately maintain the range

and level of services its existing asset stock was originally

designed and intended to deliver. The service capability of

the existing asset stock should be determined assuming no

additional operating revenue, productivity improvements,

or net financial liabilities above levels currently planned or

projected. A current funding gap means service levels have

already or are currently falling. A projected funding gap if

not addressed will result in a future diminution of existing

service levels.

Infrastructure Assets

Physical assets that contribute to meeting the needs of

organisations or the need for access to major economic and

social facilities and services, eg. properties, drainage,

footpaths and cycleways. These are typically large,

interconnected networks or portfolios of composite assets.

The components of these assets may be separately

maintained, renewed or replaced individually so that the

required level and standard of service from the network of

assets is continuously sustained. Generally, the

components and hence the assets have long lives. They are

fixed in place and often have no separate market value.

Key Performance Indicator

A qualitative or quantitative measure of a service or activity

used to compare actual performance against a standard or

other target. Performance indicators commonly relate to

statutory limits, safety, responsiveness, cost, comfort, asset

performance, reliability, efficiency, environmental

protection and customer satisfaction.

Level of Service

The defined service quality for a particular activity or service

area (ie street lighting) against which service performance

can be measured. Service levels usually relate to quality,

quantity, reliability, responsiveness, environment,

acceptability and cost.


All actions necessary for retaining an asset as near as

practicable to its original condition, but excluding

rehabilitation or renewal. Maintenance occurs on a routine

(at least annual) basis.

Planned Maintenance

Repair work that is identified and managed through a

maintenance management system (MMS). MMS activities

include inspection, assessing the condition against

failure/breakdown criteria/experience, prioritising

scheduling, actioning the work and reporting what was

done to develop a maintenance history and improve

maintenance and service delivery performance.

Reactive Maintenance

Unplanned repair work that is carried out in response to

service requests and management/supervisory directions.

Significant Maintenance

Maintenance work to repair components or replace sub-

components that need to be identified as a specific

maintenance item in the maintenance budget.

Unplanned Maintenance

Corrective work required in the short-term to restore an

asset to working condition so it can continue to deliver the

required service or to maintain its level of security and


Maintenance Expenditure

Recurrent expenditure, which is periodically or regularly

required as part of the anticipated schedule of works

required to ensure that the asset achieves its useful life and

provides the required level of service. It is expenditure

which was anticipated in determining the asset’s useful life.

Modern Equivalent Asset

Assets that replicate what is in existence with the most cost-

effective asset performing the same level of service. It is

the most cost efficient, currently available asset which will

provide the same stream of services as the existing asset is

capable of producing. It allows for technology changes and

improvements and efficiencies in production and

installation techniques

Net Present Value (NPV)

The value to the organisation of the cash flows associated

with an asset, liability, activity or event calculated using a

discount rate to reflect the time value of money. It is the

net amount of discounted total cash inflows after deducting

the value of the discounted total cash outflows arising from

the continued use and subsequent disposal of the asset

after deducting the value of the discounted total cash


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Appendix C1 – Glossary (Continued)

Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 63

Non-Revenue Generating Investments

Investments for the provision of goods and services to

sustain or improve services to the community that are not

expected to generate any savings or revenue to the Council,

for example parks and playgrounds, footpaths, properties

and bridges, libraries, etc.

Operations Expenditure

Recurrent expenditure, which is continuously required to

provide a service. In common use the term typically

includes power, fuel, staff, plant equipment, on-costs and

overheads but excludes maintenance and depreciation.

Maintenance and depreciation is on the other hand

included in operating expenses.

Pavement Management System

A systematic process for measuring and predicting the

condition of property pavements and wearing surfaces over

time and recommending corrective actions.

Recoverable Amount

The higher of an asset's fair value, less costs to sell and its

value in use.

Recurrent Expenditure

Relatively small (immaterial) expenditure or that which has

benefits expected to last less than 12 months. Recurrent

expenditure includes operations and maintenance


Recurrent Funding

Funding to pay for recurrent expenditure.

Remaining Useful Life

The time remaining until an asset ceases to provide the

required service level or economic usefulness. Age plus

remaining useful life is useful life.


Works to upgrade refurbish or replace existing facilities with

facilities of equivalent capacity or performance capability.

Residual Value

The estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain

from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated

costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in

the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

Revenue Generating Investments

Investments for the provision of goods and services to

sustain or improve services to the community that are

expected to generate some savings or revenue to offset

operating costs, eg public halls and theatres, childcare

centres, sporting and recreation facilities, tourist

information centres, etc.

Risk Management

The application of a formal process to the range of possible

values relating to key factors associated with a risk in order

to determine the resultant ranges of outcomes and their

probability of occurrence.

Section or Segment

A self-contained part or piece of an infrastructure asset.

Service Potential

The total future service capacity of an asset. It is normally

determined by reference to the operating capacity and

economic life of an asset. A measure of service potential is

used in the not-for-profit sector/public sector to value

assets, particularly those not producing a cash flow.

Service Potential Remaining

A measure of the future economic benefits remaining in

assets. It may be expressed in dollar values (Fair Value) or

as a percentage of total anticipated future economic

benefits. It is also a measure of the percentage of the

asset’s potential to provide services that are still available

for use in providing services (Depreciated Replacement

Cost/Depreciable Amount).

Specific Maintenance

Replacement of higher value components/sub-components

of assets that is undertaken on a regular cycle including

repainting, building roof replacement, replacement of air

conditioning equipment, etc. This work generally falls

below the capital/maintenance threshold and needs to be

identified in a specific maintenance budget allocation.


Smaller individual parts that make up a component part.

Useful Life

May be expressed as either:

(a) The period over which a depreciable asset is expected to

be used; or

(b) The number of production or similar units (ie intervals,

cycles) that is expected to be obtained from the asset

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Town of Cambridge Strategic Resource Plan 2019 – 2033 64

Other Matters


This Plan was prepared for the Town of Cambridge by Moore Stephens.


This Plan has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Town of Cambridge and for the purposes specified in our

letter of engagement and is not to be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other party without Moore

Stephen’s prior consent. This Plan is supplied in good faith and reflects the knowledge, expertise and experience of

the engagement consultant and is based on the information and representations provided by the Town of

Cambridge. We accept no responsibility for any loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a

result of reliance on the report, other than the Town of Cambridge.

This Plan contains quantitative and qualitative statements, including projections, estimates, opinions and forecasts

concerning the anticipated future performance of Town of Cambridge and the environment in which it operates

(‘Forward Looking Statements’).

None of these Forward Looking Statements are or will be representations as to future matters. The Forward Looking

Statements are, and will be, based on a large number of assumptions and are, and will be, subject to significant

uncertainties and contingencies, many, if not all, of which are outside the control of the Town of Cambridge. Actual

future events may vary significantly from the Forward Looking Statements. Recipients should make their own

investigations and enquiries regarding assumptions, uncertainties and contingencies which may affect the Town of

Cambridge and the impact that a variation in future outcomes may have on the Plan and the Town of Cambridge.


The services provided in terms of this engagement comprise an advisory engagement, which is not subject to

assurance or other standards issued by the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standard Board and, consequently no

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Status: Final | V1.3

Date: 22 November 2018