IPPP/19/93 Towards the ultimate differential SMEFT analysis Shankha Banerjee, Rick S. Gupta, Joey Y. Reiness, Satyajit Seth and Michael Spannowsky Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE Abstract: We obtain SMEFT bounds using an approach that utilises the complete multi- dimensional differential information of a process. This approach is based on the fact that at a given EFT order, the full angular distribution in the most important electroweak processes can be expressed as a sum of a fixed number of basis functions. The coefficients of these basis functions - the so-called angular moments - and their energy dependance, thus form an ideal set of experimental observables that encapsulates the complete multi-dimensional differential information of the process. This approach is generic and the observables con- structed allow to avoid blind directions in the SMEFT parameter space. While this method is applicable to many of the important electroweak processes, as a first example we study the pp V (‘‘)h(bb) process (V Z/W ± , ‘‘ + - /‘ ± ν ), including QCD NLO effects, differentially. We show that using the full differential data in this way plays a crucial role in simultaneously and maximally constraining the different vertex structures of the Higgs coupling to gauge bosons. In particular, our method yields bounds on the hV μν V μν , hV μν ˜ V μν and hV f f (ff f ¯ f/f ¯ f 0 ) couplings, stronger than projected bounds reported in any other process. This matrix-element-based method can provide a transparent alterna- tive to complement machine learning techniques that also aim to disentangle correlations in the SMEFT parameter space. arXiv:1912.07628v2 [hep-ph] 11 Nov 2020

Towards the ultimate di erential SMEFT analysis · 2020. 11. 12. · V~ and hVff(ff ff=f f 0) couplings, stronger than projected bounds reported in any other process. This matrix-element-based

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  • IPPP/19/93

    Towards the ultimate differential SMEFT analysis

    Shankha Banerjee, Rick S. Gupta, Joey Y. Reiness, Satyajit Seth and Michael


    Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1


    Abstract: We obtain SMEFT bounds using an approach that utilises the complete multi-

    dimensional differential information of a process. This approach is based on the fact that at

    a given EFT order, the full angular distribution in the most important electroweak processes

    can be expressed as a sum of a fixed number of basis functions. The coefficients of these

    basis functions - the so-called angular moments - and their energy dependance, thus form

    an ideal set of experimental observables that encapsulates the complete multi-dimensional

    differential information of the process. This approach is generic and the observables con-

    structed allow to avoid blind directions in the SMEFT parameter space. While this method

    is applicable to many of the important electroweak processes, as a first example we study

    the pp → V (``)h(bb) process (V ≡ Z/W±, `` ≡ `+`−/`±ν), including QCD NLO effects,differentially. We show that using the full differential data in this way plays a crucial

    role in simultaneously and maximally constraining the different vertex structures of the

    Higgs coupling to gauge bosons. In particular, our method yields bounds on the hVµνVµν ,

    hVµν Ṽµν and hV ff (ff ≡ ff̄/f f̄ ′) couplings, stronger than projected bounds reported in

    any other process. This matrix-element-based method can provide a transparent alterna-

    tive to complement machine learning techniques that also aim to disentangle correlations

    in the SMEFT parameter space.








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  • Contents

    1 Introduction 1

    2 The pp→ V (``)h(bb̄) process in the Dimension 6 SMEFT 3

    3 Angular moments for the pp → V (``)h(bb̄) process in the Dimension-6SMEFT 7

    3.1 Angular moments at the ff → V h level 83.2 Angular moments for the pp→ Z(``)h(bb̄) process 113.3 Angular moments for the pp→W (``)h(bb̄) process 15

    4 The Method of Moments 16

    4.1 Basic idea 16

    4.2 Alternative weight functions for aLL and a2TT 18

    4.3 Extraction of angular moments and uncertainty estimate 19

    5 Collider Simulation 20

    5.1 The Zh channel 21

    5.2 The W±h channels 23

    6 Analysis and Results 24

    6.1 Bounds on contact terms 25

    6.2 Angular Moment analysis 25

    6.2.1 Zh mode 26

    6.2.2 W±h modes 27

    6.2.3 Combination of Zh and W±h modes 28

    6.2.4 Comparison with bounds from WZ and WW production 28

    7 Conclusions 29

    1 Introduction

    The data being collected by the LHC is the first record of interactions of the Higgs and

    other Standard Model (SM) particles at the sub-attometre (multi TeV) scale. As long as

    beyond SM (BSM) physics is significantly heavier than the mass of electroweak particles,

    these interactions can be described in a model independent way by the Standard Model

    Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) Lagrangian. The SMEFT Lagrangian is thus a statement

    of the laws of nature at the most fundamental scale ever probed. The measurement of (or

    constraints on) the SMEFT parameters [1–40] may well turn out to be the main legacy of

    the LHC after the Higgs discovery.

    – 1 –

  • It is thus of great importance to maximally exploit all the data that the LHC would

    provide us. To constrain the SMEFT Lagrangian, it is especially important to extract

    the full multi-dimensional differential information available in a process. This is because

    the effect of new vertex structures arising at the dimension-6 (D6) level is often more

    pronounced in certain regions of the phase space, the most common example being the

    growth of EFT rates at high energies. A more subtle example is that of operators whose

    contributions do not interfere with the SM amplitude at the inclusive level [41]. These

    operators can generate large excesses differentially [34, 40, 42–45] in certain regions of the

    phase space, which are cancelled by corresponding deficits in other regions. These effects

    can, therefore, get lost unless a sophisticated study is carried out to isolate these phase space

    regions. As discussed in Ref. [40], and as we will also see in this work, sometimes in order

    to resurrect these interference terms one has to go even beyond differential distributions

    with respect to a single variable and use multidimensional distributions. More generally,

    using the full differential information enlarges the list of observables and lifts flat directions

    in EFT space that can otherwise remain unconstrained. In order to optimally reconstruct

    the SMEFT lagrangian, it is thus essential to systematically and completely extract all the

    available differential information.

    In the way experimental measurements are communicated, there is a large reduction in

    differential information, as often only a few intuitively chosen distributions are presented.

    To estimate this, consider a three body final state where the phase space in the center of

    mass frame can be completely described by four variables: an energy variable and three

    angles. For a given energy, taking for instance 10 bins for each of the angular variables

    results in 1000 units of data to capture the entire information contained in this process,

    at this level of experimental precision. However, often individual angles are analysed in

    isolation and the correlations contained in the full set of data are projected onto only 30

    units of data, i.e., 10 for each angle, resulting in a loss of accessible information to search

    for new physics contributions.

    Interestingly, for many important processes the 1000 units of data, contain redundant

    information. We argue, that with an understanding of the underlying theoretical structure

    of process the number of physical quantities required to completely characterise the full

    differential distribution can be drastically reduced. The main fact that we will utilise in this

    work is that, for some of the most important processes in Higgs and electroweak physics,

    the full angular distribution at a given energy can be expressed as a sum of a fixed number

    of basis functions as long as we limit ourselves to a certain order in the EFT expansion.

    The reason for this is that only a finite number of helicity amplitudes get corrections up to

    the given EFT order, see for instance Ref. [46, 47]. The coefficients of these basis functions,

    the so called angular moments [48–51], and their energy dependance, thus, contain the full

    differential information available in a process. The effect of EFT operators on differential

    distributions can therefore be summarised by their contribution to these angular moments.

    As such angular moments can be used to construct any possible differential distribution,

    an analysis utilising them has the potential to reach maximal sensitivity in probing EFT


    While similar approaches have been used for some isolated studies in Higgs and flavour

    – 2 –

  • physics [42, 49–51, 53? ? ? –56], we believe the suitability of these techniques in globally

    constraining the SMEFT lagrangian have not been sufficiently recognised.

    These methods would complement other techniques that aim to employ a maximum-

    information approach, e.g. the matrix element method [57–65] or machine learning tech-

    niques that have recently gained popularity [66–70]. One advantage of this approach over

    other multivariate techniques is its more physical and transparent nature. The angular

    moments described above can be directly related to physical experimental quantities, e.g.

    they have well defined symmetry properties, than the abstract neural network outputs

    used in machine learning approaches. Another important distinction of the methods pro-

    posed here from some multivariate approaches like the matrix element method, is that the

    process of extraction of the angular moments is hypothesis-independent; for instance it

    would be independent of our assumptions about whether electroweak symmetry is linearly

    or non-linearly realised.

    In this work we will show how these angular moments can be extracted and mapped

    back to the EFT lagrangian. While in this study we will focus on Higgs-strahlung at the

    LHC as a first example, this approach can be extended to all the important Higgs/electroweak

    production and decay processes, namely weak boson fusion, Higgs decay to weak bosons

    and diboson production. For the Higgs-strahlung process at the partonic level there are

    9 angular moments, although a smaller number of these are measurable at the LHC for

    the final states that we are interested in. We will see that extracting all the experimen-

    tally available angular moments can simultaneously constrain all the possible hV V ∗/hV ff

    (V ≡ Z/W±, ff ≡ ff̄/f f̄ ′) tensor structures. An essential prerequisite for our methods tobe applicable is that the final angular distributions measured by the experiments should

    preserve, to a large extent, the initial theoretical form of EFT signal governed by the an-

    gular moments. To truly establish the usefulness of our methods, we therefore carry out

    a detailed and realistic collider study. In particular we include differentially QCD NLO

    effects that can potentially improve partonic contributions to the EFT signal reducing scale

    uncertainties. In our final results we find, despite these effects, a marked improvement in

    sensitivity compared to existing projections for most of the EFT couplings.

    The paper is divided as follows. In Sec. 2, we write the most general Lagrangian for the

    pp→ V (``)h(bb̄) at Dimension 6 in SMEFT and list the relevant operators in the Warsawbasis. Sec. 3 is dedicated in deriving the most general angular moments for the pp → V hprocesses in the SMEFT. In Sec. 4, we discuss the method of moments. In Sec. 5, we

    detail the collider studies that we undertake for the pp→ V h processes. Sec. 6 is where wediscuss the details of the angular analyses and obtain the bounds on the various couplings.

    We finally conclude in Sec. 7.

    2 The pp→ V (``)h(bb̄) process in the Dimension 6 SMEFT

    We want to study the process pp → V (``)h(bb̄) where `` denotes `+`−(`+ν, `−ν̄) for V =Z (V = W±). The EFT corrections to pp→ V (``)h(bb̄) are either due to corrections of theV ff , hbb̄ and hV V/hZγ vertices or due to the new hV ff contact terms. In the unitary

    – 3 –

  • OH� = (H†H)�(H†H) O(3)HL = iH



    OHD = (H†DµH)∗(H†DµH) OHB = |H|2BµνBµν

    OHu = iH†↔DµHūRγ

    µuR OHWB = H†σaHW aµνBµν

    OHd = iH†↔DµHd̄Rγ

    µdR OHW = |H|2WµνWµν

    OHe = iH†↔DµHēRγ

    µeR OHB̃ = |H|2BµνB̃µν

    O(1)HQ = iH†↔DµHQ̄γ

    µQ OHW̃B = H†σaHW aµνB̃µν

    O(3)HQ = iH†σa↔DµHQ̄σ

    aγµQ OHW̃ = |H|2W aµνW̃ aµν

    O(1)HL = iH†↔DµHL̄γ

    µL Oyb = |H|2(Q̄3HbR + h.c).

    Table 1. Dimension-6 operators in the Warsaw basis that contribute to the anomalous hV V ∗/hV f̄f

    couplings in Eq. (2.1).Other details regarding the notation can be found in [3].

    gauge all these corrections are contained in the following Lagrangian [14, 71]),

    ∆L6 ⊃ δĝhWW2m2Wv

    hW+µW−µ + δĝhZZ



    2+ δgWQ (W

    +µ ūLγ

    µdL + h.c.)

    + δgWL (W+µ ν̄Lγ

    µeL + h.c.) + ghWL


    v(W+µ ν̄Lγ

    µeL + h.c.)

    + ghWQh

    v(W+µ ūLγ

    µdL + h.c.) +∑f

    δgZf Zµf̄γµf +





    + κWWh

    vW+µνW−µν + κ̃WW


    vW+µνW̃−µν + κZZ



    + κ̃ZZh

    2vZµνZ̃µν + κZγ


    vAµνZµν + κ̃Zγ


    vAµνZ̃µν + δĝ




    where for brevity we have only included the first generation for the couplings involving

    W±, Z bosons, so that f = uL, dL, uR, dR, eL, eR, νeL; F = Q(L), the first generation

    quark (lepton) doublet. We assume that the above Lagrangian is extended to the other

    generations in a way such that the couplings δgZ,Wf and ghZf,Wf are flavour diagonal and

    universal in the interaction basis, allowing us to impose strong constraints on them [12, 72]

    (this is well motivated theoretically and can be obtained, for instance, by including the

    leading terms after imposing Minimal Flavour Violation [73]). If we limit ourselves to

    only universal corrections, the contact terms above must be replaced by hVµ∂νVµν (note

    that ∂µhVνVµν is equivalent to this vertex and the hVµνV

    µν vertices via integration by

    parts). The above parametrisation can be used even for non-linearly realised electroweak

    symmetry (see for eg., [74]) and in this case all the above couplings should be thought of

    as independent.

    If electroweak symmetry is linearly realised, the above vertices arise in the unitary

    gauge from electroweak invariant operators containing the Higgs doublet. For instance,

    the operators of the Warsaw basis [3] in Table 1, give the following contributions to these

    – 4 –

  • vertices,

    δgWf =g√2



    (3)HF +



    ghWf =√




    δĝhWW =v2


    (cH� −


    )κWW =



    κ̃WW =2v2


    δgZf = −gYfsθWc2θW


    Λ2cWB −




    Λ2(|T f3 |c

    (1)HF − T

    f3 c

    (3)HF + (1/2− |T

    f3 |)cHf )



    2cθW s2θW


    + Yfs2θW


    δĝhZZ =v2


    (cH� +


    )ghZf = −




    Λ2(|T f3 |c

    (1)HF − T

    f3 c

    (3)HF + (1/2− |T

    f3 |)cHf )

    κZZ =2v2

    Λ2(c2θW cHW + s

    2θWcHB + sθW cθW cHWB)

    κ̃ZZ =2v2

    Λ2(c2θW cHW̃ + s

    2θWcHB̃ + sθW cθW cHW̃B)

    κZγ =v2

    Λ2(2cθW sθW (cHW − cHB) + (s

    2θW− c2θW )cHWB)

    κ̃Zγ =v2

    Λ2(2cθW sθW (cHW̃ − cHB̃) + (s

    2θW− c2θW )cHW̃B)

    δĝhbb̄ = −v2


    cyb +v2

    Λ2(cH� −


    ), (2.1)

    where we have used (mW ,mZ , αem,mb) as our input parameters. In the equations for

    δgW,Zf above, the term,



    Λ2(2tθW cWB +


    ), (2.2)

    makes explicit the contribution to the shift in the input parameter, mZ , due to the above


    The pp → W±(`ν)h(bb̄) process directly constrains the couplings δĝhWW , κWW andghWQ, whereas the pp → Z(l+l−)h(bb̄) process constrains the couplings δĝhZZ , a linearcombination of κZZ and κZγ , and the following linear combination of the contact terms [35],

    ghZp = ghZuL− 0.76 ghZdL − 0.45 g


    + 0.14 ghZdR . (2.3)

    This linear combination arises by summing over the polarisations of the initial quarks as

    well as including the possibility of both up and down type initial-state quarks weighted by

    – 5 –

  • their respective PDF luminosities; the precise linear combination changes very little with


    For the case of linearly realised electroweak symmetry, the CP -even couplings involved

    in W±h production can be correlated to those involved in Zh production using the fact

    that the same set of operators in Table 1 generate all the anomalous couplings as shown

    in Eq. (2.1). To derive these correlations we can trade the 13 CP -even Wilson coefficients

    above for the 13 independent (pseudo-)observables δĝhbb̄

    , δgZf (7 couplings), ghWQ, δĝ

    hWW ,

    κWW , κZγ and κγγ , the coefficient ofh2vAµνA

    µν 1. This can be done using the expressions

    in Eq. (2.1) and the corresponding expression for κγγ ,

    κγγ =2v2

    Λ2(s2θW cHW + c

    2θWcHB − sθW cθW cHWB). (2.4)

    The rest of the anomalous couplings can then be expressed as functions of these independent

    ones; for example we obtain,

    δĝhZZ = δĝhWW −

    (κWW − κγγ − κZγ




    2cθW (δgZuL− δgZdL)− g


    ) s2θW√2gc2θW

    κZZ =1

    c2θW(κWW − 2cθW sθW κZγ − s

    2θWκγγ) . (2.5)

    Some of the couplings on the right-hand side of the above equations can be measured

    extremely precisely. For instance, the two couplings, κZγ and κγγ , can be bounded very

    strongly (below per-mille level) by measuring the h → γγ/γZ branching ratios [10, 72] 2.In addition, the Z-coupling deviations, δgZf , are constrained at the per-mille level by LEP

    data [12]. As we will see later, studying W±h production at high energies would allow

    us to constrain ghWQ at the per-mille level. On the other hand, the couplings κV V and

    δĝhV V can be constrained at most at the 1-10% level. Thus, one can safely ignore the

    strongly-constrained couplings to obtain the direct relationships,

    δĝhZZ ≈ δĝhWW −s2θWc2θW

    κWW ,

    κZZ ≈κWWc2θW

    , (2.6)

    which hold up to a very good approximation. We will utilise these relationships in order to

    combine our results from W±h and Zh modes to obtain our final bounds on the CP -even


    As far as the CP -odd couplings are concerned there are 4 of them including those

    corresponding to h2vAµνõν and h2vAµνZ̃

    µν . The latter two couplings are, however, not

    1This analysis is in the spirit of Ref. [14] but with a different choice of primary/independent observables.

    Indeed, we include in our list the anomalous Higgs couplings, ghWQ and κZZ , rather than the anomalous

    triple gauge couplings (TGC) δκγ and δgZ1 . As we will see, the bounds on the anomalous Higgs couplings

    are comparable or better than those expected for the TGCs.2This might seem surprising, as the branching ratios themselves are not constrained at this level. Recall,

    however, that the SM h → γγ/γZ rates are loop suppressed, so that even an O(10%) uncertainty in thebranching ratios translate to per-mille level bounds on these couplings.

    – 6 –

  • precisely measurable as in the CP -even case. Thus an analog of the above procedure to

    correlate κ̃WW and κ̃ZZ is not possible.

    Finally we also have the correlation,

    ghZf = 2δgZf +

    2gYf t2θW


    (κWW − κγγ − κZγ



    (2(δgZuL − δg





    )(T3 + Yf t


    ), (2.7)

    which can also be translated to a correlation between the coupling ghZp in Eq. (2.3) and

    those in the right hand side above.

    Connection to anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings The operators in Table 1 also

    contribute to anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings (TGC) as follows,

    δgZ1 =1




    δκγ =1



    Λ2cHWB . (2.9)

    Using the above equation together with Eq. 2.1 and Eq. 2.4 we can obtain the following

    correlations between the and TGCs and the Higgs couplings to gauge bosons,

    ghWQ =√

    2cθW(δgZuL − δg

    ZdL− gcθW δg



    κWW = δκγ + κγγ + κZγcθWsθW

    . (2.11)

    While Wh production at high energies constrains ghWQ, the linear combination in the right

    hand side of Eq. (2.10) is precisely the EFT direction constrained by high energy WZ

    production. This connection between Wh and WZ production is a consequence of the

    Goldstone boson equivalence theorem as explained in Ref. [75]. In Sec. 6.2.4 we will use

    the above relations to compare our bounds with TGC bounds obtained from double gauge

    boson production.

    3 Angular moments for the pp → V (``)h(bb̄) process in the Dimension-6SMEFT

    In this section we come to the central topic of this work and discuss how the full angular

    distributions in the pp→ V (``)h(bb̄) processes, at a given energy, can be expressed in termsof a finite number of basis functions, both in the SM and D6 SMEFT. The corresponding

    coefficients of these functions are the so called angular moments for these processes. We

    start at the level of ff → V (``)h(bb̄) and then discuss the experimental subtleties that arisein the extraction of these angular moments for pp→W±(`ν)h(bb̄) and pp→ Z(`+`−)h(bb̄).As we will require the two b-jets arising from the Higgs decay to form a fat jet in our analysis,

    we will effectively consider the three body final state of the fat jet and two leptons in this


    – 7 –

  • Beam Axis

    Plane of pp-VhPlane of V-ll

    In Vh CoMIn ll CoM

    Figure 1. Diagram showing the angles that can completely characterise our final state. Note the

    use of two different frames of reference: the CoM frame of the V h system (in which ϕ and Θ are

    defined) and the CoM frame of V (in which θ is defined). The Cartesian axes {x, y, z} are definedby the V h centre-of-mass frame, with z identified as the direction of the V -boson; y identified as

    the normal to the plane of V and the beam axis; x defined so that it completes the right-handed


    3.1 Angular moments at the ff → V h level

    The helicity amplitude formalism is the most convenient way to arrive at the full angular

    and energy dependance of the ff → V (``)h(bb̄) amplitude. Starting at the 2→2 level,f(σ)f̄(−σ)→ V h, these helicity amplitudes are given by,

    Mλ=±σ = σ1 + σλ cos Θ√



    [1 +

    (ghV f

    gVf+ κ̂V V − iλˆ̃κV V




    Mλ=0σ = −sin Θ


    [1 + δĝhV V + 2κ̂V V + δg

    Zf +

    ghV f





    )], (3.1)


    κ̂WW = κWW ,

    κ̂ZZ = κZZ +Qfe

    gZfκZγ ,

    ˆ̃κZZ = κ̃ZZ +Qfe

    gZfκ̃Zγ , (3.2)

    – 8 –

  • and GZ,W =ggZfcθW

    , g2√

    2, λ = ±1 and σ = ±1 are, respectively, the helicities of the Z-boson

    and initial-state fermions, and gZf = g(Tf3 − Qfs2θW )/cθW and g

    Wf = g/

    √2;√ŝ is the

    partonic centre-of-mass energy. The above expressions hold both for quark and leptonic

    initial states. In Eq. (3.1) above, we have kept only the terms with leading powers of√ŝ/mV

    both for the SM and D6 SMEFT (the subdominant terms are smaller by, at least, factors

    of m2V /ŝ). We have, however, retained the next-to-leading EFT contribution for the λ = 0

    mode, as an exception, in order to keep the leading effect amongst the terms proportional

    to δĝhV V . The full expressions for the helicity amplitudes including the SMEFT corrections

    can be found in Ref. [76]. The above expressions assume that the fermion momentum

    is in the positive z-direction of the lab frame. The expressions for the case where the

    anti-fermion has momentum in the positive z-direction can be obtained by making the

    replacement σ → −σ. Above, we have not included the effect of a V ff coupling deviation(δgVf in Eq. (2.1)) above which we will incorporate at the end of this section.

    It is worth emphasising that for both the SM and D6 SMEFT, only contributions up

    to the J = 1 helicity amplitude appear. For the SM this is because the ff → V h processis mediated by a spin-1 gauge boson. For the D6 SMEFT, in addition to diagrams with

    spin 1 exchange, there is also the contribution from the contact term in Eq. (2.1). As

    this contact term is exactly the vertex that would arise by integrating out a heavy spin-1

    particle, even in the D6 SMEFT only contributions up to J = 1 exist. This fact will no

    longer be true at higher orders in the EFT expansion where higher-J amplitudes will also

    get contributions.

    At the 2→ 3 level, the amplitude can be most conveniently written in terms of ϕ andθ, the azimuthal and polar angle of the of the negatively charged lepton for V = W−, Z

    and the neutrino for V = W+, in the V rest frame in the coordinate system defined in

    Fig. 2,

    A(ŝ,Θ, θ, ϕ) =−igV`ΓV


    Mλσ(ŝ,Θ)dJ=1λ,1 (θ)eiλϕ̂, (3.3)

    where gV` is defined below Eq. (3.1), ΓV is the V -width, and dJ=1λ,1 (θ̂) are the Wigner


    dJ=1±1,1 = τ1± τ cos θ√

    2, dJ=10,1 = sin θ, (3.4)

    with τ being the lepton helicity. We have assumed a SM amplitude for the V -decay;

    modifications due to a V `` coupling deviation will be included at the end of this section.

    For V = W± we always have τ = −1. We can now obtain the squared amplitude with thefull angular dependence using Eq.(3.1-3.4),∑


    |A(ŝ,Θ, θ, ϕ)|2 =∑i

    ai(ŝ)fi(Θ, θ, ϕ) , (3.5)

    where we have summed over the final lepton helicity. The fi(Θ, θ, ϕ) are the 9 functions

    we obtained by squaring the sum of the 3 helicity amplitudes in the right-hand side of

    – 9 –

  • Eq. (3.3), see also [38, 77, 78]. Explicitly these are,

    fLL = S2ΘS

    2θ ,

    f1TT = CΘCθ,

    f2TT = (1 + C2Θ)(1 + C

    2θ ),

    f1LT = CϕSΘSθ,

    f2LT = CϕSΘSθCΘCθ,

    f̃1LT = SϕSΘSθ,

    f̃2LT = SϕSΘSθCΘCθ,

    fTT ′ = C2ϕS2ΘS

    2θ ,

    f̃TT ′ = S2ϕS2ΘS

    2θ , (3.6)

    where Sα = sinα, Cα = cosα. The subscripts of the above functions denote the V -

    polarisation of the two interfering amplitudes, with TT ′ denoting the interference of two

    transverse amplitudes with opposite polarisations. The corresponding coefficients ai are

    the so-called angular moments for this process, which completely characterise the multi-

    dimensional angular dependance of this process at a given energy ŝ. The expressions for

    these angular moments in terms of the vertex couplings in Eq. (2.1) are given in Table 2.

    Note the factor,

    �RL =(gVlR)

    2 − (gVlL)2

    (gVlR)2 + (gVlL)

    2, (3.7)

    in some of the moments, which arises from the sum over τ in Eq. (3.5).

    It is worth emphasising an important conceptual point here. The cross-helicity moment

    functions, i.e., the last six functions in Eq. (3.6), integrate to zero over the full phase

    space of the V -decay products. This is expected as the two amplitudes corresponding to

    different helicities at the level of the V -boson cannot interfere. If we look at the phase

    space of the decay products differentially, however, the corresponding angular moments

    carry very useful information. As one can verify from Table 2, for instance, the leading

    contribution of the κZZ (κ̃ZZ) coupling is to to the moment a2LT (ã

    2LT ). As pointed out in

    Ref. [40], this effect can be recovered only if we study the triple differential with respect to

    all three angles, i.e., an integration over any of the three angles makes the basis functions

    f2LT and f̃2LT vanish. This is an example of an ‘interference resurrection’ study, see also

    Refs. [34, 42–45], where interference terms absent at the inclusive level are ‘recovered’ by

    analysing the phase space of the decay products differentially.

    It is possible that not all of these angular moments will be relevant or observable for

    a given initial and final state. Before considering in detail the case of the pp → V (ll)hprocess, our main focus, let us briefly comment on which of these angular moments are

    accessible to lepton colliders. For the e+e− → Z(`+`−)h process in lepton colliders, allnine angular moments can be measured. However, three of them, namely a1TT , a

    1LT and

    ã1LT , are suppressed by the factor of |�RL| = 0.16, which is accidentally small due to thenumerical closeness of the couplings gZlL and g



    – 10 –

  • aLLG2V4

    [1 + 2δĝhV V + 4κ̂V V + 2δg

    Zf +

    ghV fgVf

    (−1 + 4γ2)]

    a1TTG2V σ�RL


    [1 + 4

    (ghV fgVf

    + κ̂V V



    [1 + 4

    (ghV fgVf

    + κ̂V V


    a1LT −G2V σ�RL

    [1 + 2

    (2ghV fgVf

    + κ̂V V


    a2LT −G2V2γ

    [1 + 2

    (2ghV fgVf

    + κ̂V V


    ã1LT −G2V σ�RL ˆ̃κV V γ

    ã2LT −G2V ˆ̃κV V γ

    aTT ′G2V8γ2

    [1 + 4

    (ghV fgVf

    + ˆκV V


    ãTT ′G2V2

    ˆ̃κV V

    Table 2. Expressions for the angular moments as a function of the different anomalous couplings

    in Eq. (2.1) up to linear order. Contributions subdominant in γ =√ŝ/(2mV ) are neglected,

    with the exception of the next-to-leading EFT contribution to aLL, which has been retained in

    order to keep the leading effect of the δĝhV V term. The factor �RL is defined in text and GV =ggVf


    2 + (gVlR)2/(cθW ΓV ), ΓV being the V -width. The SM part of our results can also be

    found in [79].

    Let us now compare our method, that parametrises the tree-level analytical amplitude

    in terms of angular moments, to other methods that construct observables/discriminants

    using the full analytical amplitude such as the Matrix Element Likelihood Analysis (MELA)

    [105] framework which is closely related to Optimal Observables [? ? ? ] and the Matrix-

    Element Method [57, 58]. These approaches are similar in spirit to ours but in all these

    cases the amplitude is expressed in terms of amplitude coefficients that are ultimately

    anomalous couplings or Wilson coefficients. This makes the corresponding observables

    more complicated and less intuitive. The optimal observable for a given coupling, for

    instance, will involve the full interference term due to that coupling and will be a linear

    combination over many moments. It will thus have a complicated distribution that cannot

    be easily visualised. On the other hand, our approach using angular moments is very

    transparent physically. If moment shows a deviation we can pinpoint the experimental

    distribution as well as the helicity amplitudes that are being affected.

    3.2 Angular moments for the pp→ Z(``)h(bb̄) process

    The first thing to note about the LHC is that the direction of the quark is not always in the

    same direction in the lab frame. The expressions in Table 2 are for the case where the quark

    moves in the positive z-direction. For the other case where the antiquark momentum is in

    the z-direction, as stated below Eq. (3.2), one can obtain the corresponding expressions for

    the angular moments by making the substitution σ → −σ. The angular moments a1TT , a1LT

    – 11 –

  • (a)



    Figure 2. In the W±(lν)h(bb̄) process, the ambiguity in the z momentum of the neutrino leads

    to two possible values of each of the three angles. Plots (a) and (b) above show the scatter plot

    for the mean of the solutions for Θ and θ vs the true value. Plot (c) includes two solutions for ϕ

    (shown in red and blue) in a scatter plot vs the true value.

    – 12 –

  • and ã1LT thus vanish once we average over both these possibilities. It should be possible to

    recover some of this information by keeping track of the direction of the Zh system as this

    is strongly correlated with the direction of the quark as the (valence) quark is generally

    more energetic than the anti-quark at high invariant masses. Thus, if the dataset is split

    into two parts according to the direction of the Zh system it should be possible to extract

    these three moments also . We will explore this possibility in future work.3

    We are thus left with the 6 moments. At high energy, aLL dominates over all other

    moments in the SM. The largest BSM contribution at high energies is also to aLL from

    the linear combination ghZp, see Eq. (2.3), that arises from averaging over the initial state

    flavour and polarisation [35]. The contribution due to ghZp grows quadratically with energy

    and this coupling can thus be measured very precisely as we will see in Sec. 6.2, this was

    also discussed in detail in Ref. [35].

    Once ghZp has been precisely measured we can use the remaining information in the

    angular moments to constrain the coupling δĝhZZ and the linear combinations,

    κpZZ = κZZ + 0.3 κZγ

    κ̃pZZ = κ̃ZZ + 0.3 κ̃Zγ , (3.8)

    that enter, respectively, the CP -even and odd angular moments at the pp → Z(``)h(bb̄)level. The coefficient of κZγ and κ̃Zγ above arise again by appropriately averaging Eq. (3.2)

    over the initial-state flavours and polarisations. Recall, however, that there is a very strong

    bound on κZγ , see Sec. 2, so that the above linear combination effectively reduces to only

    κZZ to a very good approximation.

    Consider now the angular moment a2TT and the contribution to aLL sub-dominant in

    γ, see Table 2, which is unconstrained even after the strong bound on ghZp. First of all, the

    total rate of the pp → Z(l+l−)h(bb̄) process depends only on the two moments aLL anda2TT as all other non-vanishing moments are coefficients of cross-helicity terms that vanish

    upon integration over ϕ, see Eq. (3.6). The rate itself can constrain a linear combination

    of δĝhZZ and κpZZ . Additionally, these two moments also carry the information of the joint

    distribution of the events with respect to (θ,Θ), which, along with the total rate, can in

    principle be used to constrain δĝhZZ and κpZZ simultaneously. We find in our final analysis,

    however, that the joint (θ,Θ) distribution in the events surviving our cuts is not very

    effective in simultaneously constraining these couplings. The main reason for this is that

    the Θ-distribution gets distorted with respect to the original theoretical form because of

    the experimental cuts necessary for our boosted Higgs analysis. In particular, we require

    phT > 150 GeV, which eliminates forward events. Another effect that could further distort

    the distribution is radiation of hard jets.4 As θ and Θ appear in a correlated way in the

    amplitude, these effects also deform the θ-distribution, but to a smaller extent. For this

    3We thank the anonymous referee for suggesting this idea.4If required, this effect can be mended by applying an active boost of the ZH system to be on the collision

    axis, or by requiring that the transverse momentum of all the final-state particles, excluding additional jets,

    is small compared to the hard scale of the event. The latter is preferable compared to a jet veto as it avoids

    jet reconstruction uncertainties [75].

    – 13 –

  • 3 2 1 0 1 2 31.5








    ed N



    Filtered Distribution for ZhCP EvenCP Odd


    3 2 1 0 1 2 3







    ed N



    Distribution for CP Even W + h


    Figure 3. (a) Weighted ϕ-distributions for two different Monte-Carlo samples for the Zh mode with

    the EFT couplings, κZZ and κ̃ZZ , respectively, turned on. The events used include showering and

    hadronisation and are those passing all selection cuts. To show the effect of the angular moments,

    a1LT and ã1LT , we take the weight of each event to be the sign of sin(2θ) sin(2Θ). We then show

    the histogram with respect to ϕ and obtain the expected shapes for the two samples; (b) Regular

    ϕ-distributions for a Monte-Carlo sample for the Wh mode with a non-zero value for the EFT

    coupling κWW . We see the effect of the angular moment aTT ′ , the only angular moment that

    survives after integrating over θ and Θ, and averaging over the two solutions. The events used are

    those passing all cuts. The angular moment ã1LT can also be extracted in Wh production but its

    effect can be seen only in a weighted distribution like in (a).

    reason, as discussed in Sec. 4.2, we will isolate aLL and a2TT using only the θ-distribution

    in our final analysis, in order to obtain better bounds.

    Much more reliable are the ϕ distributions, which preserve their original shape to a

    large extent. We show in Fig. 3(a), for instance, the ϕ distributions corresponding to

    an enhanced a2LT and ã2LT , for events that include the effect of jet radiation and pass all

    experimental cuts to be described in Sec. 5. We see the expected sinusoidal and cosinusoidal

    ϕ-dependances despite all these effects.

    – 14 –

  • The information for the ϕ-dependance is carried by the angular moments a2LT and

    aTT ′ in the CP -even case, which can be measured to constrain the linear combination

    κpZZ , assuming again that ghV f is already precisely constrained. Among these, as identified

    in Ref. [40], the leading contribution is from a2LT , as it is larger relative to aTT ′ by a

    factor of γ, see Table 2. This moment provides the strongest bound on the above linear

    combination in our analysis but can be accessed only by looking at the joint distribution

    of (θ,Θ, ϕ). A standard analysis that integrates over any of these three angles would miss

    this effect completely.

    Finally the CP -odd coupling, κ̃pZZ , cannot be constrained without using ϕ information

    contained in ã2LT and ãTT ′ . Again, the leading effect contained in ã2LT is highly non-trivial

    and can only be accessed by utilising the triple differential distribution with respect to

    (θ,Θ, ϕ).

    Before moving to the next subsection, we would like to comment that the distortion of

    the distribution due to experimental cuts and jet radiation does not invalidate our analysis.

    That is to say, while these effects perhaps reduce our sensitivity compared to the idealised

    case, as we will discuss later, these effects will already be factored into our uncertainty

    estimates. Moreover, our final analysis does not depend too much on the precise shape of

    the Θ-distribution, as we rely more on the θ and especially ϕ distributions.

    3.3 Angular moments for the pp→W (``)h(bb̄) process

    Much of the discussion in the previous section is also relevant here. Once again averaging

    over the initial quark-antiquark direction gets rid of the angular moments a1TT , a1LT and

    ã1LT .5 The high energy amplitude is again dominated by aLL both in the SM and EFT. In

    the EFT case, the quadratically growing contribution due to ghWQ can be used to strongly

    constrain it. The discussion about the distortion of the Θ-distributions and its effect on

    extracting the moments aLL and a2TT also holds for this case.

    The main difference from pp → Z(``)h(bb̄) arises in the ϕ-distributions. A complica-tion arises from the fact that the neutrino four momentum is experimentally inaccessible.

    Imposing energy and momentum condition and assuming an on-shell W -boson yields two

    possible solutions for the neutrino four momentum, i.e., two solutions for the z-component

    of the neutrino momentum in the lab frame, the pT being equal for both solutions. While

    Θ, θ and the final-state invariant mass converge for the two solutions, especially at high

    energies [34], the values of ϕ for the two solutions do not converge, and in fact are related

    to each other as ϕ2 = π − ϕ1 to a very good approximation. In our analysis we averageover Θ, θ and the final-state invariant mass, but keep both ϕ solutions with equal weight.

    This has the consequence that the functions cosϕ and sin 2ϕ vanish when averaged over

    these two possibilities, resulting in the vanishing of the moments a1LT , a2LT and ãTT ′ , see

    Eq. (3.6).

    5As in the previous section keeping track of the direction of the Wh system will help us recover some

    of this information. In this case, however, there is the further complication that this direction is unknown

    because of the two-fold ambiguity in the pz of the neutrino. Thus only events. where both solutions for the

    neutrino pz yield the same Wh direction. can be used to recover the effect of these moments.

    – 15 –

  • In Fig. 2(a)-2(c) we show, for the three angles, a scatter plot between the truth and

    reconstructed values obtained after our collider analysis described in Sec. 5. For Θ and θ,

    we use for the reconstructed value the mean of the two solutions, whereas for ϕ, we populate

    the scatter plot with both solutions. It is clear from Fig. 2(c) that we have ϕ1 +ϕ2 = π to a

    very good approximation. While Fig. 2(a)-2(c) show that the angles can be reconstructed

    quite well, the procedure is not exact, as we have assumed that W is on-shell and did not

    properly take into account radiation of hard extra jets. In fact, for some rare events the

    virtuality of the W -boson is so high that no real solutions exist for the neutrino pz, if we

    assume an on-shell W -boson; we neglect such events in our analysis.

    In Fig. 3(b) we show the ϕ-distribution for EFT events that finally survive the collider

    analysis discussed in Sec. 5. We again see the expected cos(2ϕ) shape corresponding to

    aTT ′ , which is the only moment that survives integration over the other two angles and the

    averaging over the two solutions (see also [80]). The difference in the true and reconstructed

    distributions at ϕ = ±π/2 is related to fact that we discard events where the neutrino fourmomentum solutions are complex [34].

    So far we have not considered the effect of V ff , V lland hbb coupling deviations due

    to D6 operators. All these coupling deviations are like δĝhV V in that they simply rescale

    the SM amplitude and thus all SM distributions. Their effect can thus be incorporated by

    making the replacement in Table 2 and elsewhere,

    δĝhV V → δĝhV V + δĝhbb +2δgVf



    . (3.9)

    Of the above couplings, while the δgVf,l couplings are very precisely constrained to be close

    to zero, the effect of δĝhbb cannot be ignored.

    4 The Method of Moments

    4.1 Basic idea

    As we have seen in Sec. 3, the squared amplitudes for our processes can be decomposed

    into a set of angular structures, fi(Θ, θ, ϕ), whose contributions are parameterised by the

    associated coefficients, the so-called angular moments, ai. We would like to extract these

    coefficients in a way that best takes advantage of all the available angular information.

    In principle, this can be done by a full likelihood fit, but here we use the method of

    moments [48, 50, 51]. This method has its advantages – especially if the number of events

    is not too large [51]. This method involves the use of an analog of Fourier analysis to

    extract the angular moments. Essentially, we look for weight functions, wi(Θ, θ, ϕ), that

    can uniquely extract the coefficients, ai, i.e.,∫ π0dθ

    ∫ π0dΘ

    ∫ 2π0


    (aifi)wj sin θ sin Θ = aj ,

    ⇒∫ π


    ∫ π0dΘ

    ∫ 2π0

    dϕfiwj sin θ sin Θ = δij . (4.1)

    – 16 –

  • Assuming that the weight functions are linear combinations of the original basis functions,

    wi = λijfj , (4.2)

    we can use Eq. (4.1) to show that the matrix λij = M−1ij , where,

    Mij =

    ∫ π0dθ

    ∫ π0dΘ

    ∫ 2π0

    dϕfifj sin θ sin Θ. (4.3)

    For the set of basis functions in Eq. (3.6), the resulting matrix is given by,

    M =

    512π225 0

    128π25 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 8π9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0128π25 0

    6272π225 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 16π9 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 16π225 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 16π9 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 16π225 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256π225 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256π225

    , (4.4)

    where we have organised the basis functions in the order in which they appear in Eq. (3.6).

    It is convenient to go to a basis such that Mij and thus its inverse λij , are diagonal.

    This can be achieved by an orthogonal rotation,

    f̂1 = cosβfLL − sinβf2TT ,

    f̂3 = sinβfLL + cosβf2TT , (4.5)

    by an angle,

    tanβ = −12

    (5 +√

    29). (4.6)

    In the new fully-orthogonal basis,~̂f = {f̂1, f1TT , f̂3, f1LT , f2LT , f̃1LT , f̃2LT , f8, f9}, the rotated

    matrix M → M̂ reads,

    M̂ = diag













    with ξ± = (53± 9√

    29). This is the matrix λ̂−1ij , so that the weight functions in the rotated

    basis are,

    wi = M̂−1ij fj . (4.8)

    We are now able to convolute our event distributions with these weight functions to extract

    values for the coefficients in the new basis,

    {â1, a1TT , â3, a1LT , a2LT , ã1LT , ã2LT , aTT ′ , ãTT ′} (4.9)

    which can then be rotated back if we are interested in the moments in the original basis.

    – 17 –

  • 4.2 Alternative weight functions for aLL and a2TT

    The above algorithm to extract the moments, systematically generates the set of weight

    functions, but this set is not unique. For instance, a function proportional to cos 2ϕ can

    also be the weight function for fTT ′ . As we mentioned in Sec. 3, the Θ distribution suffers

    distortions to its original shape due to experimental cuts and other effects. For this reason,

    the extraction of aLL and a2TT using the weight functions derived above does not give

    optimal results. To avoid this, we can use weight functions only involving θ to extract

    these two moments.

    Let us integrate Eq. (3.5) over the Θ and ϕ to keep only the θ dependance,∫dϕdΘ sin Θ


    |A(ŝ,Θ, θ, ϕ)|2 = a′LLf ′LL(θ) + a2′TT f

    2′TT (θ)

    = a′LL sin2 θ + a2

    ′TT (1 + cos

    2 θ), (4.10)

    where a′LL and a2′TT are related to the original moments aLL and a

    2TT as follows,

    a′LL =8π

    3aLL, a

    2′TT =


    3a2TT . (4.11)

    Now, following the steps in Sec. 4.1, we carry out a rotation,

    f̂ ′1 = cosβ′f ′LL − sinβ′f2

    ′TT ,

    f̂ ′3 = sinβ′f ′LL + cosβ

    ′f2′TT , (4.12)

    to diagonalise the matrix in Sec. 4.3. In this case, the angle of rotation is given by tanβ′ = 1.

    In this basis, the weight functions are proportional to f̂ ′1 and f̂′3, given by,

    ŵ′1(θ) = f̂′1(θ)


    61− 9)16


    ŵ′3(θ) = f̂′3(θ)


    61 + 9)

    16. (4.13)

    Convoluting the observed distribution with these weight functions yields â′1 and â′3, which

    can be rotated back to give a′LL and â2′TT and finally aLL and â

    2TT using Eq. (4.11). Using

    these alternative weight functions is equivalent to using only the information in the θ-

    distribution to extract these two moments and ignoring the distorted Θ distribution. This

    will improve the final bounds we obtain in Sec. 6.2. For clarity, we denote the full set of

    angular moments in this particular orthonormal basis,

    {â′1, a1TT , â′3, a1LT , a2LT , ã1LT , ã2LT , aTT ′ , ãTT ′}. (4.14)

    Note that the other moment functions corresponding to a2LT , ã2LT , aTT ′ and ãTT ′ also

    depend on Θ but we did not choose alternate weight functions for them because we checked

    that these moments can be accurately determined despite the deformations in the Θ-

    distributions. The reason for this is probably the fact that the ϕ-distributions are well

    preserved even after showering, hadronisation and experimental cuts and the moment func-

    tions include simple trigonometric functions of ϕ, such as sin 2ϕ and cos 2ϕ, that can be

    – 18 –

  • neatly separated just using the ϕ distributions.As far as a2LT and ã2LT are concerned it

    is impossible to chose weight functions independent of θ and Θ because the correspond-

    ing functions vanish when integrated over these angles. It is still possible to accurately

    determine these angular moments because despite the deformations, the final θ and Θ dis-

    tributions are still odd under the two transformations Θ → π − Θ and θ → π − θ so thatthese angular moments can still be extracted by convoluting the observed distributions

    with the existing weight functions.

    4.3 Extraction of angular moments and uncertainty estimate

    To obtain our sensitivity estimates for the anomalous couplings, we will take as the SM as

    the null-hypothesis and the expected value of the angular moments would be given by aSMi .

    We assume that the experiments would finally measure angular moments that deviate from

    the SM predictions because of the presence of the EFT couplings. We are interested in the

    deviation, (aEFTi − aSMi ), where aEFTi are the experimentally measured angular moments,

    aEFTi (M) =N̂∑n=1

    wi(Θn, θn, ϕn) , (4.15)

    that are functions of the EFT couplings. Notice that the convolution in Eq. (4.1) becomes

    a simple summation over all N̂ events in the experimental dataset.

    In the absence of the true experimental dataset we will use our simulated SM and EFT

    samples (see Sec. 5) to estimate the expected value of aEFTi , aSMi and the associated sta-

    tistical uncertainties. We will also take a flat systematic uncertainty on the SM prediction

    given by κsystaSMi where we will take κsyst = 0.05 in this work. Again, Eq. (4.1) becomes

    a simple summation over all the events in our sample,

    ai(M) =N̂



    wi(Θn, θn, ϕn) , (4.16)

    where depending on the case at hand we will use either the basis in Eq. (4.9) or the one in

    Eq. (4.14) for our final analysis. In order to also take energy dependance into account, we

    have split the events into bins of the final-state invariant mass, with M being the central

    value of a given bin. Here, N = N(M) is the number of Monte-Carlo events in the sample

    and N̂ = N̂(M) the actual number of events expected, both in the particular invariant-

    mass bin for a given integrated luminosity. Note that we have changed the normalisation of

    the angular moments in Eq. (4.16); now∑

    i aifi, in any given basis, yields the distribution

    of the actual number of events expected at a certain integrated luminosity and not the

    squared amplitude as in Eq. (3.5). For a sufficiently-large number of events, N , the weight

    functions, wi, converge to a multivariate Gaussian distribution with a mean and covariance

    – 19 –

  • matrix given by,

    w̄i =1



    wi(Θn, θn, ϕn) ,

    σij =1

    N − 1


    [wi − w̄i] [wj − w̄j ] . (4.17)

    We find that if we keep increasing N , as soon as it is large enough (say 100), the w̄i and

    σij approach fixed values. In the orthonormal bases of Eq. (4.9) and Eq. (4.14) we find a

    covariance matrix that is nearly diagonal.

    For a fixed N̂ , if we assume a diagonal covariance matrix, the angular moments in the

    orthonormal basis converge to Gaussians with mean and standard deviation given by,

    ai ± δai = N̂w̄i ±√N̂σii . (4.18)

    As a cross-check, we also computed the second term above, δai, by splitting our Monte-

    Carlo sample into parts with N̂ events each and computing ai in each case; the standard

    deviation of the ai obtained matches the second term above very closely. This way of

    estimating the error also shows that any deformation of the original angular distribution

    due to experimental or QCD effects (see Eq. (3.2)), has been already factored into our

    uncertainty estimate.

    To estimate the final uncertainty on the ai one must also consider the fact that, N̂ ,

    the expected number of events in the given bin, itself fluctuates statistically. Finally there

    is the systematic uncertainty on the SM prediction that we mentioned above. Adding all

    these errors in quadrature we obtain, for the uncertainty in the SM Prediction, aSMi ,

    Σi =


    )2+ κ2syst

    (aSMi )2 + N̂σSMii . (4.19)5 Collider Simulation

    In this study, we take into account NLO QCD effects. We work under the MG5 aMC@NLO

    [81] environment to generate NLO events showered using Pythia8 [82, 83]. Inside this

    framework, real emission corrections are performed following the FKS subtraction method

    [84], whereas virtual corrections are done using the OPP reduction technique [85]. The

    MC@NLO formalism [86] takes care of the matching between the LO matrix element and

    parton shower, thus avoiding double counting. Decay of heavy bosons has been carried out

    with the help of MadSpin [87], which retains spin information at tree-level accuracy. We

    construct our NLO model using FeynRules [88] and then employ NLOCT [89] to com-

    pute the UV and R2 counterterms, which are required for the one-loop calculation. UV

    counterterms are essential to remove ultraviolet divergences that appear at the loop level,

    whereas R2 terms originate from the one-loop integrands that carry (n − 4)-dimensional

    – 20 –

  • pieces in the numerators and n-dimensional terms in the denominators. As and when re-

    quired, we manually insert the R2 terms in the NLO model as the usage of publicly-available

    NLOCT version is restricted to renormalisable interactions only.

    In this work, we focus on three different processes, i.e., pp → Zh and pp → W±h,with the Higgs decaying to a pair of b-quarks and the Z/W decaying leptonically. Thus,

    for the Zh (Wh) process, we study the `+`−bb̄ (`νbb̄) final states, where ` = e, µ, τ . The

    qq̄ → Zh and qq̄′ → W±h processes are generated at NLO QCD, whereas the gg → Zhchannel is generated at LO (which is at one loop). The following analyses are performed

    at 14 TeV centre-of-mass energy and the predictions are shown for the HL-LHC for an

    integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1.

    5.1 The Zh channel

    First we outline the generations of the signal and background samples for the pp→ Zh→bb̄`+`− analysis. While generating the signal samples, i.e., qq̄ → Zh, we use the aforemen-tioned NLO model file and interface it with Pythia8. We choose dynamic renormalisation

    and factorisation scales, µF = µR = mZh. We choose NNPDF2.3@NLO as our parton

    distribution function (PDF) for the NLO signal samples. As mentioned above, for the

    NLO signal samples we use MadSpin [87] to decay the heavy bosons. This step is done

    at LO and hence we correct for the branching ratios following the Higgs working group

    recommendations. We follow Refs. [35, 40] while generating the background samples. All

    background samples are generated at LO with NNPDF2.3@LO as the PDF. The domi-

    nant backgrounds comprises the Zbb̄ and the irreducible SM Zh production. For the Zbb̄

    production, we consider the tree-level mode as well as the gg → ZZ mode at one-loop.Furthermore, we consider reducible backgrounds like Z+ jets and the light jets are misiden-

    tified as b-tagged jets (c-jet misidentification is not considered separately), and the fully

    leptonic decay of tt̄. Rather than performing a standard resolved analysis, where one would

    consider two separate narrow b-tagged jets, here we require a fat jet with its jet parameter

    R = 1.2. We utilise a modified version of the BDRS algorithm [90] in order to maximise

    sensitivity. This procedure helps us in maximising the signal by retaining extra radiations

    and in discriminating electroweak-scale resonant signals from strong QCD backgrounds,

    see also [91, 92].

    To briefly review the BDRS approach, the jets are recombined upon using the Cambridge-

    Aachen (CA) algorithm [93, 94] with a considerably large cone radius in order to contain

    the maximum number of decay products ensuing from a resonance. The jet clustering pro-

    cess is then read through backwards and one stops when the mass of a subjet, mj1 < µmjwith µ = 0.66, where mj is the mass of the fatjet. This step is called the mass drop and is

    required to occur without a significant asymmetric splitting,

    min(p2T,j1 , p2T,j2


    m2j∆R2j1,j2 > ycut,

    where ycut = 0.09. When this condition is not satisfied, the softer subjet, j2, is removed

    from the list and the subjets of j1 are subjected to the aforementioned criteria. This proce-

    – 21 –

  • dure is repeated iteratively until the aforementioned condition is met. This algorithm termi-

    nates when one obtains two subjets, j1,2 which abide by the mass drop condition. However,

    the mass drop algorithm does not improve the resonance reconstruction significantly and

    more fine-tuning is necessary to segregate the signal from the background. A further step

    is performed: filtering. In this algorithm, the constituents of the subjets j1 and j2 are

    further recombined using the CA algorithm but with a cone radius Rfilt = min(0.3, Rbb̄/2).

    This algorithm chooses only the hardest three filtered subjets in order to reconstruct the

    resonance. In the original paper [90], the resonance in question is the SM-like Higgs boson

    and thus the hardest two filtered subjets are required to be b-tagged. In the present work,

    we find that the filtered cone radius Rfilt = max(0.2, Rbb̄/2) performs better in reducing

    the backgrounds. As shown in Ref. [90], the filtering step significantly reduces the active

    area of the initial fatjet. Finally, we require the hardest two filtered subjets to be b-tagged

    with tagging efficiencies of 70%. Moreover, the misidentification rate of light subjets faking

    as b-subjets is taken as 2%.

    One of our goals is to look for new physics effects in high-energy bins and hence it is

    imperative to generate the signal and background samples with certain generation-level cuts

    in order to improve statistics. For the qq̄ → Zh samples generated at NLO, we require a cuton the pT of the Higgs boson, pT,h > 150 GeV. The Zbb̄ and tt̄ samples are generated with

    the following cuts: pT,(j,b) > 15 GeV, pT,` > 5 GeV, |yj | < 4, |yb/`| < 3, ∆Rbb̄/bj/b` > 0.2,∆R`` > 0.15, 70 GeV < m`` < 110 GeV, 75 GeV < mbb̄ < 155 GeV and pT,`` > 150

    GeV. The Zbb̄ sample is generated upon merging with an additional matrix element (ME)

    parton upon using the MLM merging scheme [95]. For the Z+ jets samples, we do not

    impose any invariant mass cuts in the jets. Furthermore, the sample is merged with three

    additional partons. Since the backgrounds are generated at LO, we use flat K-factors to

    bring them at a similar footing to the signal. For the tree-level Zbb̄, one loop gg → ZZ, oneloop gg → Zh and Z+ jets, we respectively use K-factor values of 1.4 (computed withinMG5 aMC@NLO), 1.8 [96], 2 [97] and 1.13, computed within MCFM [98–100].

    A cut-based analysis has been done in Ref. [35] and it has been shown that the prowess

    of a multivariate analysis exceeds that of a simple cut-and-count analysis. Thus, in this

    work we do not revisit the cut-and-count analysis and delve directly into the multivariate

    formulation. We start by constructing fatjets with cone radii of R = 1.2. Furthermore,

    we require these fatjets to have pT > 80 GeV and to lie within a rapidity, |y| < 2.5. Weemploy FastJet [101] in constructing the jets. Moreover, we isolate the leptons (e, µ) upon

    demanding that the total hadronic activity deposited around a cone radius of R = 0.3 can

    at most be 10% of its transverse momentum. The leptons are also required to have pT > 20

    GeV and have rapidity, |y| < 2.5. In our setup, every non-isolated object is considered tobe part of the fatjet construction. Before performing the multivariate analysis, we require

    each event to have exactly two oppositely charged same flavour (OSSF) isolated leptons.

    Moreover, we apply loose cuts on certain kinematic variables. We require the invariant mass

    of the leptons to be in the range 70 GeV < m`` < 110 GeV, the transverse momentum of

    the di-lepton system, pT,`` > 160 GeV. We also require ∆R`` > 0.26, pT,fatjet > 60 GeV,

    6∆R =√

    (∆φ)2 + (∆y)2, where ∆φ and ∆y are respectively the separation in azimuthal angle and

    – 22 –

  • the reconstructed Higgs mass, 95 GeV < mh < 155 GeV, ∆Rbi,`j > 0.4 (i = 1, 2) and

    /ET < 30 GeV. We also require that there is at least one fat jet with at least two B-meson

    tracks, there are exactly two mass-drop subjets and at least three filtered subjets. We also

    require that the hardest two filtered subjets are b-tagged. Owing to the smallness of the

    Z+ jets and tt̄ backgrounds compared to Zbb̄, we train our boosted decision tree (BDT)

    upon only considering the NLO Zh and the tree-level Zbb̄ samples. We use the following

    variables to train the BDT: pT of both isolated leptons, ∆R between the b-subjets and the

    isolated leptons (four combinations), between the isolated leptons and also between the

    two b-subjets in the fatjet, the reconstructed dilepton mass and its pT , the ∆φ separation

    between the fatjet and the reconstructed dilepton system, the missing transverse energy,

    /ET , the mass of the Higgs fatjet and its transverse momentum, pT of the two b-tagged

    filtered subjets, the ratio of the pT of these b-tagged subjets and finally the rapidity of the

    reconstructed Higgs fatjet. During our training process, we do not require variables that

    are 100% correlated but retain every other variable. Given that one of our final variables

    of interest is the reconstructed Zh invariant mass, we refrain from using it as an input

    variable. For the BDT analysis, we use the TMVA [102] package in the root framework.

    During the analysis, we use 50% of the samples for training and always ensure that there is

    no overtraining by requiring that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is at least O(0.1) [103].After optimising the cut on the BDT variable, one finds that there are around 463 qq̄ → Zh(SM) and 820 Zbb̄ events at 3 ab−1, which amounts to the SM qq → Zh (SM) over rest ofthe background (B) ratio, SM/B ∼ 0.56. Using the same training, we have respectively44, 7 and 57 Z+ jets, gg → ZZ and gg → Zbb̄ backgrounds after the BDT cut. This yieldsSM/B ∼ 0.5.

    5.2 The W±h channels

    For the W±h→ bb̄`ν analysis, we follow a very similar framework as before. The dominantbackgrounds are the irreducible SM W±h and the reducible W±bb̄ channels. We also

    consider the fully and semi-leptonic tt̄ events, W±+ jets and Z+ jets, where Z → `+`−.The W± samples are generated at NLO QCD using the aforementioned method. The W±bb̄

    samples are generated upon merging with an additional parton as described above. Unlike

    the Zh channel, the W±h channel only has quark-initiated production mode. For the Zh

    channel, it was quite simple to reduce the tt̄ background by imposing a lower cut on /ET . For

    the W± study, the signal itself contains a final state with a neutrino and hence demanding

    a cut on /ET will not only reduce the tt̄ backgrounds but also a significant fraction of the

    signal. The signal samples are generated with pT,h > 150 GeV and the invariant mass of

    the Wh system, mWh > 500 GeV (we clarify this choice later). We use the same PDF

    choice as for the Zh samples and the scales are chosen to be µF = µR = mWh. The

    backgrounds are generated with the same PDF choice at LO. The scales chosen for the

    background generation are mW for the Wbb̄ and W+ jets samples and 2mt for the tt̄

    samples. Moreover, weak cuts are imposed on the background samples at the generation

    level. These include, pT,(j,b) > 15 GeV, pT,` > 5 GeV, |yb/`| < 3, |yj | < 5, ∆Rbb̄ > 0.1,

    rapidities of the two objects.

    – 23 –

  • ∆Rb` > 0.2 and 70 GeV mbb̄ < 155 GeV. For the tree-level W+bb̄, W−bb̄, tt̄, W++jets,

    W−+jets and Z+ jets, we respectively use K-factor values of 2.68, 2.49, 1.35, 1.23, 1.18 and

    1.13, computed within MCFM [98–100]. The W±bb̄ samples are generated upon merging

    with an additional parton, whereas the W±+jets samples are merged with up to two

    additional partons. We separate the Wh analysis into two parts depending on the charge

    of the isolated lepton. For the analysis, we require one isolated charged lepton. In contrast

    to the Zh analysis, the W±h has a known ambiguity in the form of the pz component of the

    neutrino momentum. We deal with this by requiring that the invariant mass of the neutrino

    and the isolated lepton peaks around the W -boson mass. This gives us two solutions to

    pz,ν and we demand that the solutions are always real. We discard events where complex

    solutions are encountered. We construct two invariant masses for the Wh system for the

    two neutrino pz solutions, mfatjet`ν1,2 . Before implementing the BDT analysis, we employ

    certain loose cuts like pT,fatjet > 150 GeV, 95 GeV < mh < 155 GeV, mfatjet`ν1,2 > 500

    GeV and ∆Rbi,` > 0.4. On top of this we require certain number of fatjets, mass-drop

    and filtered subjets as discussed for the Zh scenario. For the BDT analyses (one for W+h

    and another for W−h), we train the samples upon considering the SM Wh sample as the

    signal and the Wbb̄, semi-leptonic and fully leptonic tt̄ samples as backgrounds. Owing to

    multiple backgrounds, we impose relative weight factors to these backgrounds which are

    defined as 1/Lgen, where Lgen is the generated luminosity that depends on the productioncross-section, including the K-factors, and the number of Monte Carlo generated events.

    Besides, NLO samples also contain negative weights for certain events, which we include

    while training the BDT samples. We also find that the effect of including the weight factor

    in our training is small, owing to the very small number of signal events having negative

    weights (less than 4% percent). We optimise the BDT analysis for W+h (W−h) and find

    1326 (901) events for the signal and 4473 (3476) W+bb̄ (W−bb̄) events at 3 ab−1. The

    number of surviving events for tt̄, W+ jets and Z+ jets are much smaller. Ultimately, we

    find SM/B ∼ 0.28 (0.24) for W+h (W−h).

    6 Analysis and Results

    In this section we describe how we obtain our final sensitivity estimates and present our

    main results. We will consider only the interference contribution in this study which in any

    case is expected to be dominant piece below the EFT cut-off. There is no conceptual hurdle

    in including also the squared terms, as Eq. (3.5) is still equally valid, and the reasons for

    neglecting them are only practical. We first consider the contact terms, ghV f , which can be

    very precisely constrained in the high energy bins. Once these couplings are very precisely

    constrained we will turn to the lower energy bins where there are a sufficient number of

    events to carry out an angular moment analysis to constrain the other couplings. All the

    results we will present in this section will be for an integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1.

    – 24 –

  • 6.1 Bounds on contact terms

    As already discussed, at high energies the EFT deviations are dominated by the contribu-

    tion of the contact interactions, ghV f , to aLL. Because this contribution grows quadratically

    with energy relative to the SM V h contribution, it can be very precisely constrained by

    probing high energy bins. Unfortunately some of the bins providing maximum sensitivity

    have too few events for an angular moment analysis. We thus constrain these couplings

    simply using the final state invariant mass distribution. Following Ref. [35], where this

    procedure was carried out for the Zh mode, we construct a bin-by-bin χ2 function assum-

    ing the expected number of events is given by the SM and the observed by the SMEFT. To

    ensure that we do not violate EFT validity we neglect any event with a final state invariant

    mass above the cut-off, which is evaluated for a given value of the anomalous couplings,

    by setting the Wilson coefficients in Eq. (2.1) to unity. For an integrated luminosity of 3

    ab−1, we obtain the sub-per-mille level bounds at the one sigma level, 7

    |ghWQ| < 6× 10−4

    |ghZp| < 4× 10−4.(6.1)

    6.2 Angular Moment analysis

    Now that ghWQ and ghZp are strongly constrained from the higher energy bins, we turn

    to the lower energy bins with enough events to perform an angular moment analysis to

    constrain the other couplings. Ideally we should marginalise over the effect of contact

    terms also in the lower bins, but as we will see the expected bounds on the contact terms

    are almost two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the other couplings, and thus

    their effect is negligible in the lower energy bins. Therefore we will ignore them in further

    analysis. We first split our simulated events into 200 GeV bins of the final state invariant

    mass. To obtain the angular moments we first convolute the events in each energy bin

    with the weight functions using Eq. (4.16). As the CP -even and odd couplings contribute

    to a mutually exclusive set of angular moments we construct two separate bin-by-bin χ2

    functions as follows,

    χ2(δĝhV V , κpV V ) =


    (aEFTi (Mj)− aSMi (Mj)


    χ̃2(κ̃pV V ) =∑ij

    (ãEFTi (Mj)− ãSMi (Mj)



    where κpV V , κ̃pV V are the same as κWW , κ̃WW for V = W and defined in Eq. (3.8) for V = Z.

    In the above equation, we include only the CP -even (CP -odd) angular moments in χ2 (χ̃2),

    the index i indicates the different moments and Mj labels the invariant mass bins. The

    7Note the small difference in the bound on ghZp, compared to the one obtained in Ref. [35] because of a

    more rigorous inclusion of NLO effects and other variations in the analysis strategy.

    – 25 –

  • squared error in the denominator is computed using Eq. (4.19) on the background sample

    (which includes the SM V h contribution) where N̂ in this case is the total number of

    background events in the j-th bin.

    Once again the contributions due to κpV V and κ̃pV V grow with energy and one must be

    careful about EFT validity. For a given value of the coupling we estimate the cut-off Λ using

    Eq. (2.1) putting the all the Wilson coefficients to unity. We ignore any event that has final

    state invariant mass above 1500 GeV, a value smaller than the cut-off corresponding to the

    size of the couplings we will eventually constrain. The most sensitive bins for the analysis

    of the contact term, on the other hand, are bins higher than 1500 GeV. The contribution

    due to ĝhV V does not grow with energy with respect to the SM and thus the bounds on this

    coupling are in any case dominated by the contribution from the lowest energy bins in our


    We now discuss the results for the Zh and W±h modes separately before presenting our

    combined bounds. The individual bounds are important as they do not assume Eq. (2.6)

    which has been derived assuming that electroweak symmetry is linearly realised. In fact,

    the independent measurement of couplings involving the Z and W can be used to verify

    Eq. (2.6) as a prediction of linearly realised electroweak symmetry.

    6.2.1 Zh mode

    The bound obtained for the two CP -even couplings is shown in Fig. 4(a). To show the

    power of our method we show the progression of the bounds obtained as the differential

    information used is gradually increased. The bound obtained, if one uses only total rate

    to constrain a linear combination of the two couplings, δĝhZZ and κpZZ is shown by the

    two dashed lines. Next we include distributions of the final state invariant mass and other

    differential information at the level of Z-boson four momentum, i.e., the decay products

    of the Z-boson are treated inclusively, and obtain the excluded region shown in purple; for

    this we include only the angular moments â1 and â3, extracted using the weights in Sec. 4.1,

    thus using information of the Θ-distribution. The analysis at this stage is comparable to

    a regular SMEFT analysis that includes a few standard differential distributions. Finally

    to obtain our final bound shown in red we include in Eq. (6.2), the moments â′1, â′3, a


    and aTT ′ in χ2 (see Sec. 3.2). Recall that â′1 and â

    ′3 are linear combinations of the original

    angular moments aLL and a2TT defined in Sec. 4.2. The main improvement in sensitivity

    in the final bounds comes from a2LT the effect of which can be captured only by a careful

    study of the joint (Θ, θ, ϕ) distribution as pointed out in Ref. [40]. While this is clearly

    something beyond the scope of a regular cut-based analysis, as one would need to take into

    account all the correlations of the final state phase space, the angular moment approach

    captures it effortlessly.

    We show also the projected bounds from the h→ ZZ → 4` process in Fig. 4(a). Theblue band shows the bound from the h → ZZ → 4` rate whereas the green bar is thebound obtained using the Matrix Element Likelihood Analysis (MELA) framework [105].

    As far as κpZZ is concerned, we see that the bound obtained from Zh production using

    our methods surpass the other existing projections shown in Fig. 4(a) 8. In the horizontal

    8A bound using the matrix element method for pp → Zh may potentially match our bounds but the

    – 26 –

  • -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2-0.10





    δg hZZ

    κ ZZ

    Only incl. information

    h->ZZ Rate

    MELA h->ZZ(δg hZZ=0)

    Final bound

    Total rate bound


    -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2-0.10





    δg hWW

    κ WW

    Only incl. information

    h->WW Rate

    Final bound

    Total rate bound


    Figure 4. (a) Bounds at 65% CL on the CP -even anomalous couplings from Zh production with

    3 ab−1 integrated luminosity, assuming that the contact term has been very precisely constrained

    (see Eq. (6.1)). We show the improvement of the bounds as more and more differential information

    is included in the fit. The dashed lines show the bound just from the total rate. The purple region

    includes differential information at the level of the Z-boson four momentum such as the final state

    invariant mass distribution and Θ-distribution. Finally the red region includes information from

    all the angular moments including the cross-helicity interference terms. The blue band shows the

    bound from h → ZZ → 4` rate using the results of Ref. [104]. The bars show the bounds on oneof the couplings when the other coupling is 0. The green bar shows the bound obtained using the

    Matrix Element Likelihood Analysis (MELA) in Ref. [105] and assuming δĝhZZ = 0. (b) Same as in

    (a) but for the W±h mode where there is no bound from MELA.

    direction our bounds might seem redundant once the h → ZZ → 4` process is taken intoaccount, but if one allows for hbb coupling deviations our bounds become the measurement

    of a truly independent effect, see Eq. (3.9).

    The CP odd coupling, κ̃pZZ is constrained using the function χ̃2 in Eq. (6.2) which

    includes the moments ã1LT and ãTT ′ . We finally obtain the one sigma level bound,

    |κ̃pZZ | < 0.03. (6.3)

    6.2.2 W±h modes

    We show the progression of the bounds for the CP -even case at different stages of inclusion

    of differential information in Fig. 4(b). The dashed lines show bounds from the total rate

    and the purple region shows the bound obtained by including only the angular moments,

    aLL and a2TT , using the weights in Sec. 4.1, that encapsulate the differential information at

    results in Ref. [105] are unfortunately not comparable to ours as these studies include high energy phase

    space regions where the EFT contribution is many times that of the SM. The methodology iused to obtain

    these bounds, thus, violate our assumption of O(1) Wilson coefficients.

    – 27 –

  • the level of the Z-boson treating its decay products inclusively. For our final bound in the

    CP -even case shown in red we include the effect of all the relevant angular moments for this

    case, namely, aLL, a2TT and aTT ′ (see Sec. 3.3) where for the first two moments we extract

    the linear combinations â′1 and â′3 described in Sec. 4.2. We show also the projected bounds

    from the h → WW → 2l2ν decay rate in blue to which our bounds are complementary(recall again that, what our bounds actually probe is a linear combination also involving

    hbb̄ coupling deviations, see Eq. (3.9)). In this case there is no competing bound on κWWfrom the h→ WW mode presumably because the neutrinos in the final state make muchof the differential information inaccessible in this case. Thus our bounds on κWW from the

    pp→W±h process is likely to be the best bound on this coupling possible.Again the CP odd coupling, κ̃WW is constrained by including the moment ãLT1 in the

    function χ̃2 in Eq. (6.2). We finally obtain the one sigma level bound,

    |κ̃WW | < 0.04. (6.4)

    We see that we obtain bounds of similar size from the pp→Wh and pp→ Zh processeson the respective anomalous couplings. The fact that the couplings can be independently

    measured is very important as we can then use these measurements to test the correlations

    in Eq. (2.6) which in turn tests whether electroweak symmetry is linearly realised or not.

    An alternative approach would be to use the correlation to combine the bounds from Wh

    and Zh production as we show in the next subsection.

    6.2.3 Combination of Zh and W±h modes

    In Fig. 5 we show the bounds obtained after combining the results of using Eq. (2.6), thus

    assuming electroweak symmetry is linearly realised. Again, we show the bound obtained

    at various levels of inclusion of differential data. The dashed lines show the bound just

    from the total rate, the purple region includes differential information at the level of the

    Z/W -boson four momentum and the red region is our final bound including all angular

    moments. The blue band shows the bound from a combination of h → WW → 2l2νand h → ZZ → 4` rate. The green bar shows the MELA bound from Ref. [105] on κZZassuming δĝhZZ = 0, translated to this plane.

    6.2.4 Comparison with bounds from WZ and WW production

    If electroweak symmetry is linearly realised bounds on κWW and ghWQ can be extracted also

    from double gauge boson production using Eq. (2.10) and Eq. (2.11). For instance WZ

    production at high energies constrains precisely the linear combination of Z-pole couplings

    and TGCs that appears in the right hand side of Eq. (2.10) at the sub per-mille level [75].

    This bound is of the same size as the one obtained in Eq. (6.1) in this work. Combining

    the two bounds will thus yield a significantly improved bound compared to the individual

    ones. This is also true for Eq. (2.11) where the least constrained coupling in the right hand

    side, δκγ , can be bounded at the level of a few percent in WW production [36]; this is

    comparable to our bound on κWW in Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 5 once we marginalise over δĝhWW .

    In making the last statement we used the fact that Z couplings to quarks that appear

    – 28 –

  • -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10-0.04





    δg hWW

    κ WW

    Only incl. information

    MELA h->ZZ(δg hZZ=0)

    h->VV Rate

    Final bound

    Total Rate bound

    Figure 5. Bounds at 65% CL on the CP -even anomalous couplings, with 3 ab−1 integrated

    luminosity, after combining results from Zh and Wh production using Eq. (2.6) and assuming

    that the contact terms have been very precisely constrained (see Eq. (6.1)). Again, we show the

    progression of the bounds as more and more differential information is included in the fit. The

    dashed lines show the bound just from the total rate in both processes. The purple region includes

    differential information at the level of the Z/W -boson four momentum. The red region is our final

    bound and includes information from all the angular moments. The blue band shows the bound

    from a combination of h→WW → 2l2ν and h→ ZZ → 4` rate using the results of Ref. [104]. Thebars show the bounds on one of the couplings when the other coupling is zero. The green bar shows

    the bound implied by the bound on κZZ using the Matrix Element Likelihood Analysis (MELA)

    in Ref. [105] and assuming δĝhZZ = 0.

    in the right hand side of Eq. (2.11) and also affect WW production are measured more

    precisely at the per-mille level [12].

    Alternatively, the fact that the left and right hand sides of Eq. (2.10) and Eq. (2.11) can

    be measured with similar precision, in double gauge boson and Higgs-strahlung processes,

    means that one can actually verify Eq. (2.10) as a test of linearly realised electroweak

    symmetry at the HL-LHC.

    7 Conclusions

    The precise measurement of Higgs boson properties will be one of the legacies of the LHC’s

    scientific achievements. Potential deformations of the Higgs boson’s couplings to other

    particles compared to Standard Model predictions can be cast into limits on Wilson coef-

    ficients of effective operators originating in the SMEFT framework. To obtain predictive

    – 29 –

  • limits on the highly complex system of SMEFT operators, it is necessary to measure Higgs

    interactions in various production and decay channels. One of the most important ones

    to establish the nature of the Higgs boson and its embedding into the scalar sector are its

    couplings to massive gauge bosons, i.e., the W and Z bosons.

    We proposed a novel method to probe the full structure of the Higgs-gauge boson

    interactions in Higgs-associated production. Using the helicity amplitude formalism and

    expanding the squared matrix elements into angular moments the whole process can be

    expressed in terms of nine trigonometric functions. This is true not only in the SM but

    also in the D6 SMEFT. Extracting the coefficients of these functions, the so called angular

    moments, is a powerful and predictive way of encapsulating the full differential information

    of this process. As differential information can encode signatures of EFT operators in subtle

    ways, maximally mining the differential information is essential to obtain the best possible

    bounds on the EFT operators. As the actual interpretation of the measurement relies now

    on a shape analysis of a small number of trigonometric functions, strong constraints can

    be obtained, provided experiments are going to publicise measurements of these functions.

    Thus, we encourage the experimental collaborations to provide such measurements for

    various Higgs production processes9.

    The efficacy of this method relies crucially on whether the theoretical form of the

    original angular distribution can be preserved despite effects like experimental cuts, show-

    ering and hadronisation. In this article, we carried out a detailed collider simulation of

    the Higgs-strahlung process, including these effects, before applying the method of angular

    moments. The results we find are encouraging, indicating that a shape analysis using the

    trigonometric basis functions can set the most sensitive limits on effective operators within

    the SMEFT framework. While the high energy behaviour of the process results in the

    strongest possible bounds on the hV ff contact terms (see Eq. (6.1)), the full angular mo-

    ment analysis leads to the strongest reported bounds on the hVµνVµν (see Figs. 4(a), 4(b)

    and 5) and hVµν Ṽµν (see Eq. (6.3) and Eq. (6.4)).

    We aim to extend this method to various other Higgs/electroweak production and

    decay processes such as weak boson fusion [107], the h → ZZ → 4` decay [108] anddiboson production [109]. One can then perform a full global fit including this enlarged

    set of observables to obtain the best possible bounds on the SMEFT lagrangian.


    RSG would like to thank Amol Dighe for pointing out that the method of moments may

    be very suitable for differential SMEFT analyses of this kind. We would also like to thank

    Shilpi Jain and Marek Schönherr for helpful discussions. S.B. was supported by a Durham

    Junior Research Fellowship COFUNDed by Durham University and the European Union,

    under grant agreement number 609412.

    9The provision of measurements of the moments and basis functions will allow for an ideal approach to

    perform hypothesis testing for effective operators. As such it will improve on current initiatives of using

    so-called simplified cross section measurements [106] in global fits.

    – 30 –

  • References

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