Toward the Global Rainesance and its Enemies

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  • 7/30/2019 Toward the Global Rainesance and its Enemies


  • 7/30/2019 Toward the Global Rainesance and its Enemies



    Eternity is remaining in unity. Unity have created multiplicity. Multiplicity is held unity byeternal laws. After etern al lawas, then begin to be formed cosmos and time. Cosmos ismanifestation of being have all kind perfections. Cosmos is moving , moving is not reality butimage, so Plato would have to say the time is a moving image of eternity. Our senses canpercept physical world, can understand moving but ony mind can percept being and lawswhich that multiplicity make unity.

    Dr.Rexhail Ramadani

    Europa and its derivate USA are very important for the world Rainesance, whodoesnt understand this truth nothing understand in world policy and economy. Sofight for the golden ideas of Plato is essence to heal Europe form the decandence andessence to save the world from plunging into the dark age

    Dr.Rexhail Ramadani

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    The Philosophy is Plato and Plato is PhylosophyRalf Waldo Emerson

    Plato and Aristotle

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    When we would like to search the path for renaissance we must to search in history,

    did was any movement which gave that light to humanity. It was Renaissance of

    middle age which brought that light to humanity which at that time Europe have

    plunged into the dark age of barbarism. For us very important question is in which

    ideas this rainesance was based. There is no suspicion, it was great ideas of Platowhich derived from the famous Council of Florence.

    Genius Plato, his contribution si great for development of humanity.In this Council took part great Cardinal Nicholus of Cusa and great mind of

    Byzantium Gemisthos Pletho. They was great illuminated minds of Midle Age.

    Boths of them was great Platonists of the time and they discredited Aristotel and his

    formal logic which is one weapon against human creativity which Platos philosophy

    represented. The renaissance begin with idea which we can found on Politea of Plato

    and Bible and that idea is that man was created in the image of god. So he has one substance

    which is gods substance in man and that ismind and human creativity. With that human

    creativity the man can behave in gods way bay using the reason to find universalprinciples of universe because man can know the truth. Against these concept of man

    was Aristotles idea that man are zoon politikon or man is an animal, which he seeks

    pleasure and avoid the pain. His knowlodge came from senses and Aristotles Got

    wasnt creator of universe. Aristotle became the main enemy of Plato so his ideas was used

    always by ruling oligarchs to disable the mankind to have no clear idea about real

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    freedom. Platonic ideas of Rainesance was a great challenge to ruling elites so they must

    to destroy him to continue with their master-slave philosophy of Aristotle until the

    modern times.

    Greater Platonists of Middle Age, Nicholaus of Cusa the FATHER OF MODERNEUROPEAN CIVILISATIONPlato not only was a great philosopher he was and a great leader which fought for

    enlightment of entire world civilization. One of the great enemy of the renaissance

    was Paolo Sarpi which was catholic cardinal and with his masterpiece Arte de Bono

    Pensare he was father of Empiricism which is based on that idea, there is no

    universal Principles but they are only names and this ideology is called nominalism.

    The founder of nominalism was William Ockham the suspicious philosopher. Irony is

    that the great Philosopher of our time Bertrand Rusell or the main contemporary

    Aristoelian said that William Ockham is most important philosopher because he

    divide religion from the science. But the truth is that William Ockham destroyed

    scientific method in its birth.

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    There is no universal principles they are only names

    William Ockham ignored the world of forms or realities of Plato, he thought that theuniversals doesnt exists they are only names.Because the ruling oligarchy have a Zeusian mentality theydont like to give the fire

    (knowledge) to the mankind. Modern science have its birth by the great mind of

    Nicholaus of Cusa which elaborated epistemiology of Plato and his concept of

    hypothetizing of higher hypothesis which was the main essence of Socratic dialectic.

    Dialectic of Plato it isnt one simple dialogue but the higher science which Plato called

    it in his great masterpiece Politea. Political agendaof Plato was freedom of elens

    city state from Babylonian tirany which was the evil of ancient world. So his first

    attempt was to make a philopher king the ruler of Siracusa the Dionis I. But was not a

    easy to transform one tiran in one philosopher King. So they made him a slave. But

    the last attempt of Plato was by his friend Dion whichwith Platonians friends, Platos

    strategy wanted Sirakusa to be a center of war against Persia and his instruments like

    Apolo cult of Delfi which acted against the elens by sophists to be destroyed. After

    his friend Dion failed, because the cult of Apolo in Delfi organized assassination

    against his friend Dion, former ruler of Siracusa Dionisis II again become the ruler of

    Siracusa and the project of Plato failed. Plato was so desperate for loosing of hisfriend and he also was desperate because his political agenda for civilization of ancient

    world failed. The Great British historian H. G. WELLS sayd that Isocrat Was like a

    modern publicist and he speak about the union of elens against Persia but this is not

    truth. Isocrat was high ranking sophist, which had a Oratorian school Aristotle was

    his student .Afterthat Aristotle infiltrated in Platos Academy with conspirative

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    mission for the great strategy of Isocrat to subordinate elens by Persians. Plato

    contrary fight of unions of elens against Persian Empire and Isocrat has nothing

    about it. Isocrat was a sophist of Cult of Apolo in Delfi like all sophists with mission

    to divide and conquer elens and to be subordinated by Persian Oligarchy. His political

    agenda was then further by the great Macedonian king Alexander Great behind theglorius victory of Darius III Persian King had Ionian city builder political agenda of

    city builder policy. In modern times the distorsion of Platonian philosophy was made

    by great philosopher Rene Decartes which is the father of modern philosophy. We

    have another deviation from Platos philosophy in history of thought, these deviations

    was made by Fridrich Nietsche and Martin Heideger which interrupted the link

    between the man and metaphysical humanism so they created postmodern philosophy

    which was based on the Nietsches slogan The god is dead. Decartes , Spinosa and

    Leibniz are the most important rational philosophers but distinction of philosophy of

    Decartes and Leibniz is very important. Decartes first was suspicious for everything,

    he doesnt believe in nothing and he noted that while he was suspicious of everything

    he is thinkingso he said if Im thinking and Im existing. So his philosophy was based

    on subject. When he came to object it was thougt that we must know the truth apriori

    from known truth and a posteriori by known facts derived by deduction. So Decartes

    thought that only mathematical truth are real truth. Decartes believed that we come to

    the truth by methods or proces of thinking so he was methodic rationalist. Francis

    Bekon reduce the science on level of observation of experiment. Deviation from

    Platonism which was based on link between mans mind and metaphysical truth. Hefailed in explanation of relationschip between soul and the body.

    Republic should be based on the happiness of its citizen

    Leibniz, the last universal genius

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    He thought that soul can excite e movement of matery. After Decartes empiricism of

    Paolo Sarpi and his followers like John Lock, Thomas Hobes , Frencis Bekon all they

    thougt that we can only know by senses. The man is animal which like the pleasure

    and avoid pain, this hedonism of man was also the thought of Socrates people

    Aristip, which used Apolo Cult of Delfi in conspiration against the friends of Plato,Dion which was choosen to be leader of Panelenic movemement of Republic ideas of

    Platos Academy.

    The great Revolution was made again by Platonists Lebniz called as the lastsuniversal genius. He made a critic to the works of Decartes, so for followers ofDecartes he have said that they have a beautifull theorys but yet theydidnt inventanything. So his predecessor was Baruch Spinosa which he thought that the best thingfor progress of one society is to develop the minds of people. Leibniz in his

    Theodicy, Monadology and Metaphysical discourse developed idea of perfected beingwhich is god, so god used sufficient reason to create everywhere universal harmony.So behind this harmony are fundamental physical eternal principles. Leibniz wasfollower of original ideas of Nicholaus of Cusa, like Kusa and Leibniz worked inadvancement of science, interfaith tolerance by uniting catholic and orthodox churchand republic of Agape. Leibniz praised Prophet Muhammad and bless Quran becauseit begin with the sentence Read and the very important he was the leader oftranskontinental Republic in the New World. Leibniz , Jonathan Suift and CothonMather was the tower figures of transcontinental republican movement. UniversityCenter of Halle and Ecole Politechnique was both centers where Platonian methods

    was implemented in science and was the best scientific centers of that time. Lebnizgave a great contributions in Maths with invention of infinestimals, calculus , inPhysic and he invented modern economic science called Physical Economy . Thetrace of this system we can found in the works of genius Gemisthos Pletho, which

    worked for the rise of humanist Paleolog dinansty in Bizantium but failed.

    Great Platonists the French famous scientist Lazare Carnote m and Gaspard Monge who institutePlatonian methods and AGAPE in science. Lazare Carnote and Gaspard Monge founded EcolePolytechnique, it was the best scientific center in the world. Kissinger Of France of that time Count Pozzodi BORGO cousin of Napoleon Bonaparta destruct repub,ican impulses in France from within byremoving Lazare Carnot and Gaspard Monge from Ecole Politechnique. With this shamefull action theytake the SOUL OF FRANCE in their path to true republic of happiness.

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    Lazare CarnotEcole Politechnique after the French Revolution and Anglo-French wars was guided

    by two great scientists the genius Gaspard Monge and Lazare Carnote, they institute

    the methods of Platon in the scientific search because they prepared France for final

    victory against British which destroyed republican impulses of great Leibnizian ofFrance Jean Syllvian Bailly and General Laffayet which both of them was inspired by

    American Founding Fathers for Republic of Agape. British oligarchy after French

    Revolution which achieve to transform the real revolution of Jean Sylvian Bailly in a

    Contra Revolution by Jakobin terrorists and their agent Jack Necker , Danton,

    Marat and Roberspierre. It was a shame that as a guillotined was and great scientist

    Amper which chaotic people said the revolution doesnt need a science. After the French

    Revolution British through their agent Count De Barras helped Napoleon to arrive in

    higher position of power in France and Josephine was a agent of Barras forcontrolling of Napoleon, it is important to remind one facts that Bonaparta hate

    French because he was a Corsican. In other side was another British agent Cosso di

    BORGO which was Russian agent in France choosen by Venetian network. So both

    Cousins Bonaparta and Cosso di Borgo worked for Britan strategy. Late Napoleon

    Bonaparta realised that he didnt fought for France. Cont de Barras, after Napoleons

    defeat in Waterlo became the dictator of France and he organized for Britisch

    oligarchy the Treatise of Viena in 1815. Cont de Barras the ruler of France which

    orchestrated the restoration of Bourbons in France by returns of Luis XVIII again in

    the throne made a last killing of French science by removing from office of Lazare

    Carnot and genius Gaspard Monge. With this intervention not only French loose their

    science but they loose definitively and lose of republican impulses and the best

    intelectual French tradition of Jean DArc, Colbert, Rischelau, Jean Sylvian Bailly,

    Lazare Carnote, Gaspard Monge the last of these tradition of great French

    personalities was the President Charles De Gaulle. In the Ecole Politechnique came

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    one Sophist Couchy , Laplace which invert entire Platonic methods of French

    Academy into a Positivist thinking. Positivism was another reincarnation of Aristotles

    thinking and Carthesian thinkingwhich is based in estimation so called facts by

    sensual perception of phenomens. They included and mathematichal analysis in

    phenomena also and static methods. But Nicholaus of Cusa after studying fourteenyear quadrature of circle and he concluded that and n..timed of polygons only can

    approximate the truth but the truth have another identity so polygons canot be circle

    , circle have another identity. So maths cant invent the truth only mind can know the

    truth so Kusa and Plato insisted that only intuitive mind cann know the metaphysical

    truth what Albert Einstein called direct perception of truth.After Founding Fathers

    succed in installation of natural law in their preamble and constitution by the

    contribution of Alexander Hamilton which based on Leibniz physical economy

    installed one new principle of Sovereign Nation that is a credit system , British East

    Comp which was head of Britisch Empire was seriously challenged so they continue

    with their struggle against this new Hamiltonian Principle of National Bank. History

    of USA then was a history of life or death of American systems proponent and

    Colaboracionist which fought for monetarist system of British East India Company.

    Andrew Jackson succed in deviation of American

    credit of founding fathers , he was a traitor. This conflict achieved his peak during

    great President Abraham Linkoln which defeat Confederacy the tool of Britisch

    Oligarchy. After this defeat, British Empire revenged personally to Great President

    Abrahm Linckoln which implemented exactly American System of Founding Fathers,and USA become the grat nation in the planet and hope for entire world civilization.

    USA and her System become very big challenge of British Empire. Impulses of

    Abraham Linckoln began in Germany by Oto Von Bismarck by direct influence on

    him of Friedrich List, in Rusia by influence of greater Rusian intellectual Sergey Witte,

    in China by Dr Sun Yat Sen and in Japan by Yigichi Fukuzawa. Hegel and all German

    idealists like Fichte, Schelling insisted that idea is behind all the phenomens so ideas

    was being like Parmenid. Hegel theory was that world soul create everything from

    embrion and perfected with time. He thought that he invented how is working godsmind or world soul. His Dialectic is based on the contradiction of two extrems can lead

    to progress or perfection. So Hegelenians were so enthusiasmic about his invention

    so they would like to become gods on earth to set up contradiction between the

    ideologies to progres society to higher levels. One of them was Karl Marx which

    created antithesisof new clashes betwen the order existed and another order to become

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    people happy by the imagined progres. But Hegel was on greatest mind of Europe

    butwasnt honest because he understood well Plato, he was illuminated mind he also

    like French philosopher Volter wasnt naive about republican ideas but he was agent

    of Meternics so he wanted to distort Plathonian Methaphysical System and create his

    own metaphysical system based in his dialectics of the triangle Thesis, Antithises andSynthesis. Is important to remind Leibniz when he sayed that who can create system

    of Platonian methaphysics will contribute more for mankind. Experiments with

    Hegelians dialectic contribute to two world wars which was based on the ideological

    differences. Methaphysics have one function to create basis for physics and

    fundamental sciences. Hegel was a social constructionist. After Hegel we had a world

    more and more divided into ideological basis. For one purpose because the truth

    doesnt exists so we should adopt a lot of ideologies and for progress should have

    necessary a clash between them.


    But Platonians didnt think so, they think that truth exists so man with his mind can

    know it , Gods reason create principles to achieve harmony like in universe. Politea

    and Laws written by Gods principle tell as how ta create a social constructions

    based on the Gods reason. In Timeus he tell as about cosmology whichHeisenbergs modern Physicist was based, and was in favor of Plato.

    God doesnt exists, becayse before the big bang there wasnt time , and queston of existence of god isnonsense it si like you make a question DO earth has a edge

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    Stephan Hawking member of British thought which hates Plato. I DONT BELIEVE THAT GREATWORLD SCIENTIST STEFAN HAWKING IS a NAIVE, BUT HE SHOULD SERVE TO


    Cosmos, Time, Being and Becoming.

    Stephan HawkingPlato gives explanation to Stefan Hawking . Plato says that time is a moving image

    of eternity , first are ideas, eternal principles of inivisble. Time is moving image of

    eternity , because cosmos is not being but becooming , it become into being. When

    God create universe he created and his principles which are derivats of his

    suficionet reason . Perfected being create everywhere perfections.

    So universe and the time belonged to becoming manifestation of being. And being are

    eternal , and are universal principles of universe.Timeus of Plato is the basis of modern cosmologyIn modern times, have criticals about Plato, one of them is Karl Popper

    which Plato denounce like Totalitarian but this is a nonsense. God have

    a sufficient reason to create universal harmony everywhere in universe.

    Plato never speak about Totalitarianism, Plato speak us about Gods reason

    and universal principles of universe. Imanuel Kant would have taken the a

    priori as something more absolute than we would in quantum theory. Kant would

    have said that Euclidian geometry would be necessary basis for describing the world.

    While After Theory og Relativity, Einstein demonstrated that we can use Riemannian

    geometry etc. Causality it was taken as a condition for science. He says that if we

    cannot conclude from some fact that something must have been before this fact, then

    we do not know anything , and we cannot make observations, because every

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    observations supposes that there is causal chain connecting that which we

    immediately experience to that which has happened. If this causal chain does not

    exist, the we do not know what we have observed says Kant. Quantum theory does

    not agree and in fact proves that we can work in cases where this causal chain does

    not exist.

    What Kant didnt believe was mind direct perception of reality which he describes in

    FEDON but Heizenberg like aNobel Prize winner in Quantum Physics have this fact


    Imanuel KantIn one interview great scientist and Nobel Prize winner Werner Heisenberg have sayd Bohrs mind wasformed by pragmatism to some extent, because he had lived in England and have discussions with Britishphysicist which also are pragmatist.My mind was formed by studying philosophy, Plato and that sort ofthing

    Werner Heisenberg

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    Time is for rebirth of this great tradition of Plato which is based on the triangle

    metaphysical truth exists independent of us or what Plato would say universals. Men

    can know the truth only with mind, Man is created in the image of god, for its creative

    potential of mind. Plato has a lot of enemy on this 2000 year tradition of history of

    Europe, but philosophy of Plato are actual and has secrets of Renaissance. It is a timeto think more deeply once again to link mind with metaphysical truths, and

    metaphysical humanism because this link ie essential to recover Europe from cultural ,

    economic and political Crisis. USA is created by Platonian tradition and have potential

    to recuperate Evropian Civilisation from decadence or from plunging into the dark

    age. One of founders of American Republic is Alexa nder Hamilton which created

    one new Principle based on Platos Politea and this System which is combination of

    national credit and physical economy of Leibniz this system is called American system

    of Economy. American System of Economy is the best alternative system to

    neoliberal economy which is in the last phase of disintegration. Os Back to the Plato,

    the works of Nicolaus of Cusa, Leibniz, st Augustine, American Founding Fathers

    and Save CIVILISATION from its decadence. The decadence is inspired by ruling

    Elite which succed in making fool entire humanity with ideas of Aristotle and his

    logic, Carthesians and his thinking process and matemathical truths and empiricist

    which thinks that universals are only names. All this philosophy denies higher

    principles, higher knowledge of mind in knowing the higher principles and they bloc

    creative potential of mind. It is the last time to back to the idea that man is create in

    the image of god, and Platos way of thinking to search universal principles in ourcreative life and back to return to the Golden Renaissance.

    Baruch Spinoza

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    One society could have a progress , only when contribute to develop the

    minds of its citizens sayd the great Philosopher Baruch Spinosa.