Aaron Butcher Descriptive Outline Step 1: I have definitely been a victim of racial inequality and I try to get over it from time to time but it hurts in some cases. People have said certain comments to me just because of my race, for example “you should know that because you’re black”. I don’t get how you can know something because you’re black or any other race just doesn’t make any sense to me. In society there is socioeconomic inequality as well and it has definitely affected people that I know in life. For example I have certain family members that have not gotten jobs because of their race in the past five years. I feel like we have strived in society so much but were still not at that point where we should be at where it doesn’t matter what race you are or how much money you make. Step 2: Racial inequality affects many people all over the world. Some people have better opportunities just because of their race, but why is that? In society some people treat and look at some people differently and that affects people’s emotions and the way they act in society. When there is racial inequality in society that leads to socioeconomic inequality and that affects minorities and how they make money in society. The study “The Unfinished March” shows that African Americans are still twice as likely to be unemployed as whites and that in America there is a lot of schools that are segregated. Why is that it is three times more likely for an African American to be arrested than a white man. The problem is that many African Americans don’t have the same opportunities in schools or in the workforce than many Caucasian people. “In 2010, 74.1% of black children attended majority nonwhite schools.” Similarly, 45% of poor black children were found to live in “neighborhoods of concentrated poverty,” compared to 12% of poor white children. The disparity extends beyond employment and geography separation. Studies have shown that the average black family’s wealth has stagnated while white family’s wealth has increased. Residential


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Aaron Butcher

Descriptive Outline

Step 1:

I have definitely been a victim of racial inequality and I try to get over it from time to time but it hurts in some cases. People have said certain comments to me just because of my race, for example “you should know that because you’re black”. I don’t get how you can know something because you’re black or any other race just doesn’t make any sense to me. In society there is socioeconomic inequality as well and it has definitely affected people that I know in life. For example I have certain family members that have not gotten jobs because of their race in the past five years. I feel like we have strived in society so much but were still not at that point where we should be at where it doesn’t matter what race you are or how much money you make.

Step 2:

Racial inequality affects many people all over the world. Some people have better opportunities just because of their race, but why is that? In society some people treat and look at some people differently and that affects people’s emotions and the way they act in society. When there is racial inequality in society that leads to socioeconomic inequality and that affects minorities and how they make money in society. The study “The Unfinished March” shows that African Americans are still twice as likely to be unemployed as whites and that in America there is a lot of schools that are segregated. Why is that it is three times more likely for an African American to be arrested than a white man. The problem is that many African Americans don’t have the same opportunities in schools or in the workforce than many Caucasian people.

“In 2010, 74.1% of black children attended majority nonwhite schools.” Similarly, 45% of poor black children were found to live in “neighborhoods of concentrated poverty,” compared to 12% of poor white children. The disparity extends beyond employment and geography separation. Studies have shown that the average black family’s wealth has stagnated while white family’s wealth has increased. Residential segregation has shown that it has affected many African Americans in buying homes and having substantial amount of equity. “The Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.”

Step 3:

Racial inequalities have manifested in America society in ways ranging from racial disparities in wealth, poverty rates, housing patterns, educational opportunities, and unemployment rates. There is a large gap between the wealth of minority households and white households in the United States. “A shown study has shown that a black household has around 5,376 in wealth, and a typical Hispanic has around 6,325 in wealth and the average white household has around 113,000.

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Aaron Butcher

In the past, it is true that African American have suffered injustice, however, today there are still some wounds that needs healing from harsh treatment black people experience from whites people back during the civil right movement. Now, some whites are in positions where they are able to use their authority and demand unnecessary respect from minorities in certain situations, just so they could be in control. How is that right? Since our country’s inception, race based barriers have hindered our fulfillment of our shared values and many of these barriers persist today. In 2000 after a remarkable period of economic prosperity, the poverty rate among African Americans and Latino Americans was 2.6 times greater than whites. As shown in studies reductions in poverty do not inevitably close the racial inequality gaps, nor do they reach all ethnic communities equally. In addition poor people are more likely than whites to find themselves living in high poverty neighborhoods with limited resources and limited options. These numbers are troubling not because living among poor people is somehow harmful in itself, but because concentrated high-poverty communities are far more likely to be cut off from quality schools, housing, health care, and other pathways out of poverty.

Step 4:

Racial inequality is all around the world to your job, housing, education, and just walking on the street it is everywhere. People need to understand we need to change together in order for us to change socially, politically, and economically. When this change occurs society will as a whole will become a better place and as a whole we will be more productive. This of course will not be an easy change but we have come very far in our society and I feel like we can get past anything as a whole. In *+addition we need better teachers in our education system to lead students to strive in life in general.


Step 5:

I don’t get how some people treat other people like this just because of their race and how much money they make. Society needs to change immediately or it will just keep getting worse and worse. Kids around the world should not be learning different things in school but in the United States kids have different opportunities in criteria and classes as well. If people have a different education around the world how is the economy supposed to grow and strive. In class I learned that minorities would be charged differently in certain cases of housing and talked to differently just because of their race. For example telling them $200 more than the original price or just not giving them a room even if there’s a room that’s available. Hopefully if our education system gets better such as the criteria for everyone maybe that will lead to more opportunities in the workforce. It’s to the point now where we changed so much over the years to this point but were not at where should be at. Also when it comes down to it people of every race, color, or how much money you should always be treated with respect and equal among all citizens.

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Aaron Butcher

Step 6:

Step 7: