Total Organic Carbon Analyzers Model 1010 Wet Oxidation TOC Analyzer Model 1020A Combustion TOC Analyzer Solids TOC Analyzer A World of Solutions

Total Organic Carbon Analyzers - Lab Equip · Total Organic Carbon Analyzers Ł Model 1010 Wet Oxidation TOC Analyzer Ł Model 1020A Combustion TOC Analyzer ŁSolids TOC Analyzer

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Total Organic Carbon Analyzers� Model 1010 Wet Oxidation TOC Analyzer� Model 1020A Combustion TOC Analyzer� Solids TOC Analyzer

A World of Solutions

Model 524TOC Analyzer

Model 700TOC Analyzer

OI Analytical has been a leader in designing and manufacturing TOCanalyzers since 1970. OI Analytical�s first TOC analyzer was theoutgrowth of a technology transfer from the School of Oceanographyat Texas A&M University. OI Analytical, working with Texas A&M,developed the TOC methodology that would ultimately serve asa substitute for BOD and COD analysis. In the early 1970s,OI Analytical pioneered the Ampule TOC Method and introducedthe Model 524, used in conjunction with OI Analytical�s firstcombustion TOC product. In the early 1980s, OI Analyticaldeveloped the automated 100°C/persulfate method, which ledto the introduction of the Model 700 TOC Analyzer in 1984.

With the introduction of the Model 1010 in 1995, the Solids TOC Analyzer in 1997, and the Model 1020A in 2000, OI Analyticalcontinues its tradition of providing reliable, high quality productsto meet the growing needs and demands of our customers.

Our research and development efforts are dedicated to dev-eloping and enhancing products to achieve high performance,increase productivity, maximize ease-of-operation, and expandthe range of instrument applications for our customers.

The Model 1010 and 1020A provide the improved reliability, versatility,and unmatched analytical performance required to serve an expandingrange of markets, applications, and customers.

Advanced Technology: The Tradition ContinuesAdvanced Technology: The Tradition Continues

Model 1010 TOC AnalyzerHigh Temperature Persulfate Oxidation Method

� Accurate and ReproducibleResults As Low As 2 ppbC

� Automated and PreciseSample Introduction

� Compact and VersatileConfigurations

� User-Friendly and FlexibleCalibration

The Model 1010, small in size yet big on performance, uses approved 100°C/persulfate oxidation methodology to analyze samples containing 2 ppb to 10,000ppm carbon as TOC, TC, or TIC. This heated persulfate method has beenproven to be the most reliable technique for analyzing acidic, ionic, refractory, orother difficult matrices. In the vast majority of applications, the Model 1010achieves recoveries better than UV persulfate oxidation � without the highexpense required for routine lamp replacements.

The Model 1010 performs both TIC and TOC analysis on a single aliquot ofsample. Since TOC is measured directly, rather than by difference, the analyticalresults are more accurate and reproducible. With the capability to consistentlyanalyze samples at very low ppb levels, the Model 1010�s sensitivity and versatilitymake it an ideal choice for pharmaceutical, semiconductor, ultrapure water, anddrinking water applications.

Significant features include single- or multipoint calibration, operator-program-mable sequencing, and optional Windows®-based control and data acquisitionsoftware.

Accurate and Reproducible Results As Low As 2 ppbC

· Outstanding precision and accuracy from 2 ppbC (on-line) to 10,000 ppmC.

· CO2-specific NDIR detector eliminates potential ionic interferences.

· NDIR detector features wide linear range exceeding 125 µgC.

· Robust high temperature persulfate oxidation maximizes recovery and low-level performance.

· Measures TOC directly � not by calculating TOC from TC_TIC.

Automated and Precise Sample Introduction

· Precision sample loops ensure accurate, reproducible, and reliable sample injections.

· Sequence programming with optional autosampler enables continuous unattended operation.

· Automated analysis from 2 ppbC to 125 ppmC.

· Automated, pump-less sampling configuration for on-line process applications.

Compact and Versatile Configurations

· Small footprint minimizes benchspace requirements.

· Virtually no additional space required for vertical-docking autosampler.

· Control via mini-keyboard and monitor or optional Windows-based software.

User-Friendly and Flexible Calibration

· Single-point or multipoint calibration (up to 5 points) defined by operator.

· Wide linear range minimizes need for multiple calibration curves.

· Enables operator to run check standards against each calibration point.

· Calibration using TOC, TIC, and TC.

Model 1020A TOC AnalyzerCatalytic Combustion Method

� Accurate and Reproducible ResultsOver Wide Range

� Approved and Versatile CombustionMethodology (200° � 950°C)

� Automated and Precise SampleIntroduction

� Broad and ReliableParticulate-Handling Capability

The Model 1020A combines USEPA and ASTM-approved combustion methodswith today�s advanced catalyst technology to create an instrument specificallydesigned to analyze the most challenging real-world sample matrices. Its widelinear range enables the Model 1020A to accurately and reliably analyze car-bon levels as TOC, TC, or TIC from 25 µg/mL to 10,000 µg/mL. As a result,aqueous samples can be analyzed without special sample preparations, mak-ing the Model 1020A the ideal choice for wastewater, industrial effluents, sea-water, brine, and drinking water.

Its ease-of-operation, reliability, space-saving design, wide linear range, andoutstanding accuracy make the Model 1020A unmatched in the industry.Unlike other TOC analyzers, the Model 1020A can accurately analyze samplesover three orders of magnitude with a single calibration curve. Magneticstirring, large I.D. sample pathways, and enhanced sample transfer tech-niques ensure that the Model 1020A consistently and reliably meets theparticulate-handling requirements of Standard Method 5310A and ISO 824S.The selectivity of the NDIR detector and high oxidation efficiency of thecombustion methodology make the Model 1020A the analyzer of choice forhigher concentration TOC analysis.

Accurate and Reproducible Results Over Wide Range

· Reliably analyzes TC/TIC/TOC from 25 ppbC to 10,000 ppbC in 3�6 minutes.

· NDIR response is linearized over entire dynamic range (up to 250 µgC).

· Provides NPOC analysis via preacidification (option) and prepurging.

· Optional POC analysis from 0.5�500 ppm in 5�6 minutes.

Approved and Versatile Combustion Methodology (200° � 950°C)

· Best analytical method for maximizing recoveries.

· Facilitates the analysis of dirty, salty, or particulate-laden sample matrices.

· Variable temperature settings from 200°C to 950°C (680°C to 900°C optimal).

· Platinum catalyst not required for high temperature (900°C or greater) operation.

Automated and Precise Sample Introduction

· Precision sample loops ensure accurate, reproducible, and reliable sample injections.

· Sequence programming with optional autosampler enables continuous unattended operation.

· Automated analysis from 25 ppbC to 10,000 ppmC.

· Preacidification option shortens analysis time by removing TIC prior to analysis.

Broad and Reliable Particulate-Handling Capability

· Reliably handles samples with particulates up to 400 microns.

· Large I.D. sample pathways and enhanced sample transfer techniques.

· Optional autosampler includes magnetic stirring as standard feature.

· Exceptional ability to accurately and reliably analyze high salt matrices.

· Enables operator to run check standards against each calibration point.

· Calibration using TOC, TIC, and TC.

Solids TOC AnalyzerCatalytic Combustion Solids Analyzer

� Operates as a �Stand-Alone� Analyzer- Does not Require an Existing TOC

� Approved and Versatile CombustionMethodology (200° � 950°C)

� Easily Interfaces to an OI AnalyticalModel 1010 or 1020A TOC, or a PC

� Provides TC/TOC/TIC Analysis Capabilityfor Solids, Sludges, and Slurries

� Automated sample injection with no manual addition of catalyst required.

� Temperature ramping enables analysis of TOC in a single run.

� Analytical results are directly printed as ppmC and mgC for

TC, TOC, and TIC.

� Retains analytical parameters in memory, including the calibration

constants, without external power.

� Vertical design minimizes benchspace requirements.

� Single-point or multipoint calibration (up to 5 points) defined by operator.

� Wide linear range minimizes need for multiple calibration curves.

The OI Analytical Solids TOC Analyzer operates as a stand-alone analyzer oras an option for either the Model 1010 or Model 1020A TOC Analyzer. It is asemi-automated system for analyzing solids, sludges, and slurries for TC,TOC, and TIC. It uses the same USEPA-approved combustion technologyas the Model 1020A and is designed for analyzing samples containing 50 µgto 30 mg of carbon. An optional Windows-based software program is avail-able to provide computer control and data acquisition for the instrument.

WinTOC TM Software

Status Screen

Sequence Screen

Methods Screen

WinTOC is a Windows®-based software that enablesthe operator to control and monitor a Model 1010,Model 1020A, or Solids TOC Analyzer from a PC. Thissophisticated yet easy to use software enables theoperator to set analysis parameters, define analytical sequences, and perform standard/sample analy-ses in a user-friendly Windows environment. WinTOC enables stored methods and sequences to berecalled quickly and easily. Its comprehensive reporting capability and postprocessing analytical tools

enhance and simplify daily operation.

� Integrated remote control of up tofour TOC Analyzers from a single PC.

� Seamless data acquisition andstorage capability.

� Unlimited storage of methods,sequences, and calibration information.

� Informative screen/panel displaysof run conditions, methods, andsequences.

� Comprehensive reporting capability.

� Detailed on-line help system.

� Powerful post-processing/analysis tools, including peak reintegration.

� Fully compatible with WindowsVersions 3.1 to 2000.

� Provides electronic recordkeepingfunctionality required to comply withFDA regulation 21 CFR, Part 11.

Model 1051 AutosamplerVial Autosampler with Sample Stirring

� Spiral-design carousel optimizes sampling accuracy.

� Removable, lightweight sample vial trays make sample loading,unloading, and storage easy.

� Choice of 12-position (100 mL), 53-position (40 mL), or88-position (14 mL) trays.

� Optional preacidification and presparging of samples reducessample analysis time.

� Supports both open-vial and closed-vial (septum piercing) sample modes.

� Vertically Docks with Model 1010 and1020A TOC Analyzers to MinimizeBenchspace Requirements

� Enables Programmable Rinses Through theTOC Analyzers to Eliminate Carryover

� Easily and Reliably Transfers Clean or Particulated Water Samples (up to 400 microns)

� Includes Variable-speed Magnetic Stirring Capability asStandard Feature

The OI Analytical Model 1051 Autosampler is designed to automate either the Model 1010

or Model 1020A TOC Analyzers for the analysis of clean or particulated water samples.

Three vial configurations are available, including a 12-sample vial tray (Model 1010 TOC

only), 53-sample tray, and a high volume 88-sample tray. Sample trays can be easily

removed for storage in a cooler to maintain integrity until analysis. The Model 1051 also

includes a sample-stirring feature that automatically stirs the samples to ensure homogeni-

zation of insoluble or particulated matrices. The autosampler is easily configured and con-

trolled through either TOC Analyzer and may be programmed to perform a broad range of

sampling functions. The Model 1051 Autosampler offers the broadest capabilities available

to perform the most accurate and rapid analysis possible.

The POC Module is an option for the Model 1020A that enablesanalysis of POC from 0.5 ppm to 500 ppm in 5� 6 minutes andrequires no additional benchspace. POC (purgeable organic carbon) isdetermined by concentrating and trapping purgeable organics, thendesorbing them to the combustion furnace. The furnace convertsthe organics to CO2, which is then detected by the NDIR detector.

POC Module Option for Model 1020A

Model 102OA dockedwith Model 1051and POC Module



( CustomerCommunications

Our commitment to your satisfaction begins whenyou consider buying an OI Analytical instrument.We strive to develop and maintain a one-on-onerelationship to carry you successfully through thepurchase experience and throughout your futurewith OI Analytical’s instruments.

This highly regarded relationship is cultivatedthrough customer focused programs.

OI Analytical has made along-term commitment tooutstanding customer ser-vice with a continuously

growing network of support services designed toprovide high quality service to our customers. OIAnalytical offers a wide range of extended warran-ties and service contracts designed to fit your needs.Call and ask for details at 1-800-653-1711.

OI Analytical offers severalfinance programs for yourconvenience. Renting andleasing programs as well

as our rent-to-own program are available to helpyou get the equipment you need.

A domestic toll-free technical support hotline isavailable for instrument support as well as spe-cialized applications. On-site specific applicationstraining and hands-on seminars are available.

OI Analytical is proud to provide the highest qualityinstruments available, backed by a commitment toquality, service, and support. Call 1-800-653-1711.



151 Graham Road, PO Box 9010College Station, Texas 77842-9010FAX (979) 690-0440 • (979) 690-1711

(800) 653-1711 USA/Canadahttp://www.oico.comE-mail: oimail @oico.com

A World of SolutionsPublication#16261200


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������������������� • Standard Method 5310C

• USEPA 415.1

• USEPA 9060

• ASTM D4839

• ASTM D4779

• USP 643

• Cleaning validation

• Boiler feedwater

• Cooling water

• Seawater

• Drinking water

• Ultrapure water

• Groundwater

The Model 1010 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer is an automated system foranalyzing aqueous samples for total inorganic carbon (TIC) and TOC. The Model 1010performs both TIC and TOC analysis on one aliquot of sample. This allows TOC to bemeasured directly rather than through subtraction (TC–IC), as is the case with most TOCanalyzers.

The Model 1010 uses approved 100°C persulfate oxidation methodology for analyzingsamples containing 2 ppb to 10,000 ppm of organic carbon. This heated persulfatemethodology has been proven to be the most reliable technique for acidic, ionic, refrac-tory, and other difficult matrices. In addition, 100°C persulfate oxidation provides recov-eries better than or equal to UV-promoted oxidation without the cost and maintenance ofUV lamp replacement.

�������� ������� ��Same-sample determination of TIC and TOC is performed by wet oxidation. TIC isdetermined by acidifying the sample to convert inorganic carbon to carbon dioxide. Thecarbon dioxide, which is purged from the sample with nitrogen, is detected by a nondis-persive infrared (NDIR) detector and reported as ppm TIC. Sodium persulfate is thenadded to the sample, which is heated to digest the organic carbon to carbon dioxide.Once purged from the sample matrix, the carbon dioxide is detected by the NDIR detec-tor and reported as ppm TOC.

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����������• With keyboard and monitor:

24.75" H x 13.5" W x 19" D(62.9 cm H x 34.3 cm W x 48.3 cm D)

• With WinTOC:17" H x 13.5" W x 19" D(43.2 cm H x 34.3 cm W x 48.3 cm D)

• With autosampler option:34" H x 18.75" W x 23.5" D(86.4 cm H x 47.6 cm W x 59.7 cm D)

�����• 46 lbs (20 kg)• Autosampler option: 22 lbs (10 kg)

� ����� ����������• 10 A/240 VAC• 8 A/24 VDC

�� � ����������������������• TOC: 100°C persulfate (Na




oxidation (TOC measured directly afterremoval of TIC)

• TIC: acidification (H3PO

4) and sparging

• TC: simultaneous acidification (H3PO


and 100°C persulfate (Na2S




��� ���� �����• TC, TIC, TOC, and TIC/TOC

���� �������������• Syringe (manual)• Fixed volume loop sampling• At-line• Vial autosampler

���� �����• By syringe: 1 µL to 25 mL• By loop: 1–25 mL in 1-mL increments,

5–25 mL in 5-mL increments,10–20 mL in 10-mL increments, and 25mL in 25-mL increments

• Available loop sizes: 1 mL, 5 mL,10 mL, and 25 mL

������ � ����• <400 µm

�����• Loop sampling via sipper, at-line, or

autosampler modes• TOC: 2 ppb C–125 ppm C

(0.05 –125 µg C)• TIC: 2 ppb C–125 ppm C

(0.05–125 µg C)Syringe injection (manual)• TOC: up to 10,000 ppm C

(10–125 µg C)• TIC: up to 10,000 ppm C

(10–125 µg C)

���������• Nondispersive infrared (NDIR)• Sample path length: 0.69” (1.75 cm)

����������• TOC: greater of 2% RSD or ± 2 ppb C• TIC: greater of 2% RSD or ± 2 ppb C

��� ���� ����• TC, TOC, and TOC/TIC: 6–9 min• TIC: 3.5 min

����������• Parallel and serial communications

(RS-232-C)• Auxiliary output for optional


����������• WinTOC software: data file storage,

processing, and recall (limited onlyby drive space)

• Keyboard and monitor: no valuesstored for recall (printer output only)

���� !����"�����• ASCII format• Selectable delimiters

• Easy import into most LIMS systems

Printed in U.S.A.Publication 05460903

����� �����

#��������$���������• <1 ppm CO

2, CO, and THC at 50–60

psig (345–415 kPa)• Recommended grade: UHP grade

(99.998%) or better• Consumption: <400 mL/min during

normal operation

��������$���������• Sodium persulfate (Na



8), 100–200

g/L (uses 1 mL/sample under normaloperating conditions)

• Phosphoric acid (H3PO

4), 5% (uses 0.2

mL/sample under normal operatingconditions)

��%����$���������• 100 (±10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz• 110–125 (±10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz• 210–240 (±10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz


�&��������al Requirements• Temperature: 10°–40°C• Relative humidity: <90%



'��������(����������• WinTOC (Windows-based) software for

PC control (computer not included)• Keyboard and monitor (9-inch) requires

printer for data output

������������• Printer (dot-matrix)• Model 1051 Vial Autosampler with

standard variable-speed stirring (12-,53- , or 88-position)

• Halide scrubber option• Solids TOC Analyzer

* The range and precision of analysis is affectedby sample introduction, cleanliness of samplecontainers, reagent purity, gas purity, andoperator skill.

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.