Topic 3.1: Effective Warning Process: Forecast Validation Barbara Brown 1 , Beth Ebert 2 1 NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA ([email protected]) 2 CAWCR / BOM. Melbourne, Australia ([email protected]) Working group: G. Chen, STI, China; E. Fukada, JTWC, USA; E. Gilleland, NCAR, USA; P. Otto, BOM, Australia; A. Tyagi, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India; Hoa Vo Van, NCHMF, Vietnam; L. Wilson, EC, Canada; Hui Yu, STI, China International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones 8 Jejju, South Korea 4 December 2014

Topic 3.1: Effective Warning Process: Forecast … 3.1: Effective Warning Process: Forecast Validation Barbara Brown1, Beth Ebert2 1NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA ([email protected]) 2CAWCR

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Topic 3.1: Effective Warning Process:

Forecast Validation

Barbara Brown1, Beth Ebert2 1NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA ([email protected])

2CAWCR / BOM. Melbourne, Australia ([email protected])

Working group: G. Chen, STI, China; E. Fukada, JTWC, USA; E. Gilleland, NCAR, USA;

P. Otto, BOM, Australia; A. Tyagi, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India;

Hoa Vo Van, NCHMF, Vietnam; L. Wilson, EC, Canada; Hui Yu, STI, China

International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones – 8

Jejju, South Korea

4 December 2014


Role of verification / validation

Improve forecasting models and processes (feedback into the forecast development process) Develop understanding of prediction errors

Diagnose and quantify systematic and random errors so improvements can be made to operational forecasting methodologies and NWP models

Provide uncertainty and reliability information to users of TC forecasts Users can make better decisions

Forecasters use NWP verification info to make optimal use of NWP models Optimal use of multiple sources of guidance

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Survey of methods in W. Pacific

A survey of the operational practice of TC forecast verification was carried out in 2012, covering all Members of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, RSMC Tokyo Typhoon Center, and JTWC.

Aiming to gain an idea on: What verification techniques and products on what

forecast elements are currently available to TC forecasters?

What are the weak points in the verification capabilities which it would beneficial to consider improving across the region in the future?

Yu, H., S.T. Chan, B. Brown, and Coauthors, 2012: Operational tropical cyclone forecast verification practice in the western

North Pacific region. Tropical Cyclone Res. Rev., 1(3), 361-372.

(Available from http://tcrr.typhoon.gov.cn )

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

CMA – China; DOM – Cambodia; DMHL – Laos; JTWC – USA; MMGB – Macao; NHMSV –

Vietnam; NTC/KMA – Korea; PAGASA – Philippines

Forecast elements being verified

routinely at different operational centers

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea



2013 WMO document on verification methods for TC forecasts

“Commissioned” by World Weather Research Program (WWRP) and Working Group for Numerical Experimentation (WGNE)

Undertaken by WMO Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research (JWGFVR)

https://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/wwrp/new/Forecast_Verification.html IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea



Characteristics are fundamentally important for verification activities

Sources, uncertainties, and limitations of observations and analyses need to be taken into account Uncertainties impact

verification results

Lack of observations limits ability to evaluate forecasts (e.g., storm structure)

Use of obs preferred over analyses

Variable Suggested observations Suggested


Position of storm


Reconnaissance flights,

visible & IR satellite

imagery, passive

microwave imagery

Best track,


Intensity –


sustained wind

Dropwinsonde, microwave


Best track,




Intensity – central

pressure Ship, buoy, synop, AWS

IBTrACS, Dvorak


Storm structure

Reconnaissance flights,

Doppler radar, visible &

IR satellite imagery,

passive microwave




Storm life cycle NWP model



Rain gauge, radar, passive

microwave, spaceborne


Blended gauge-

radar, blended


Wind speed over

land Synop, AWS, Doppler radar

Wind speed over


Buoy, ship reports,


scatterometer, passive

microwave imagers and




Storm surge Tide gauge, GPS buoy

Waves –

significant wave


Buoy, ship reports, altimeter Blended analyses

Waves – spectra Altimeter

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Position and intensity evaluations

Evaluation of Mean track errors (including total, cross-

track, and along-track)

Mean and mean absolute intensity error

Computation of skill vs. a standard of comparison (e.g., statistical model)

Examination of distributions and conditional relationships

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

After J. Franklin

Cangialosi and

Franklin 2013


Rainfall and Wind

Storm-centric approaches (precip)

Main issue: Availability meaningful measurements / analyses Storm structure is often not evaluated due to concerns about

analyses and observations

Use of “traditional” approaches: RMSE, MAE, POD, FAR

Alternative approaches: Spatial methods

Wind evaluation using QuikSCAT measurements

(from Durrant and Greenslade 2011)

Storm-centric rainfall evaluation

(Marchok et al. 2007) IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Spatial methods

Diagnostic information about performance

Coherent structures make TCs ideal for these approaches

Require gridded obs (or analysis)

CRA method applied to Hurricane Ike

eTRAP forecasts

Method for Object-based

Diagnostic Evaluation

(MODE) applied to TC

precipitation in China (Tang et

al. 2012)

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Probability and

ensemble methods

Majumdar and

Finnochio, 2010

67% Prob circles


Strike probability forecasts: Reliability and POD

vs. FAR (from van der Grjin 2005)


probability skill

scores (TIGGE;

Yu 2011)

% of best tracks within

67% circles

Going beyond the ensemble mean

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea



Contingency table

statistics for non-


POD, FAR, etc.



approaches for


(Reliability, ROC,

Brier Score, etc.)

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

Halperin et al.,

2013, Weather

and Forecasting


Waves and surge

Limited evaluations

Basic approaches

Contingency table



IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

Predicted peak wave height, Hs, bias

as a function of time lag for Atlantic

TCs in 2005. Center lines represent the

means; outer lines show standard

deviation. Asterisks show individual

cases, solid symbols show mean

values at individual buoys. (From Chao

and Tolman, 2010)


Seasonal predictions

Focus: Cyclone


May be probabilistic

or ensemble


Simple statistics

(MAE, RMSE, Bias)


(reliability etc.)

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

Example evaluation of ECMWF seasonal

TC frequencies from 1987-2001 The

forecast being evaluated is the mean count

based on the average of ensemble means

from various ensemble systems. (Vitart




Systematic evaluation

is limited

Focus is typically on


subjective evaluations

Evaluation of landfall

position and timing

more common

Damage assessments

are done on case-by-

case basis

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

RSMC, New Delhi official landfall

forecast errors (km).


Software Tools

Model Evaluation Tools

(MET) and MET-TC

R Verification package



Ensemble Verification

System (EVS; http://amazon.nws.noaa.gov/



Example plot from MET-TC

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

Guidance on verification practice

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea

Full description

of evaluation


Provide all relevant information regarding the verification:

Model information and post-processing methods

Grid domain and scale

Time period, lead times

Verification data source and characteristics (e.g., uncertainty if known)

Sample sizes



Utilize and report on a meaningful standard of comparison (e.g., another forecasting

system, persistence forecast, climatological value)

Confidence in



When possible, uncertainty in verification results should be represented using

Statistical confidence intervals and hypothesis tests

Box plots or other methods to represent distributions of errors or other statistics

Insight through

stratifying data

Stratification of results to aid in understanding and provide forecasters with

additional insights

Ex: time of year, basin, storm speed, track characteristics, ensemble spread

Must maintain large enough sample size to ensure meaningful results

Relevant metrics Verification measures reported should be selected to be relevant for the particular

users of the information (i.e., answer specific questions about forecast performance

of interest)



Consistency in best track analyses

Has profound impact on verification and ability to intercompare forecasting systems

Need for better observations

Gridded wind fields

Observation uncertainty information

Incorporation of observation uncertainty into verification studies/analyses

Limited evaluation of ensemble predictions

Going beyond the mean (i.e., probabilistic treatment)

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Recommendations: Observations

WMO should continue to encourage and facilitate greater sharing of relevant observational data for verification of TC forecasts

Best track datasets should be shared as soon as possible to facilitate inter-comparisons between international models and forecasts.

Improvement of observations for verification of landfall location, timing, and weather hazards.

Better documentation of observations of sustained wind and wind gusts, including metadata, assumptions, and (ideally) estimates of the uncertainties

Improvement of estimates of TC structure from remotely sensed and conventional data

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Recommendations: Improvement of

verification approaches

WMO should continue to promote good general verification practices and specific methodologies for TC verification Mechanisms: relevant publications, online resources,

workshops, and in-country training.

NMHSs and agencies should focus additional attention on verifying the extremes of weather – e.g., heavy precipitation, strong wind, storm surge, and dangerous waves Specific, relevant, measures should be used to evaluate

these forecasts

Researchers should continue to develop and improve methodologies for verifying forecast aspects of tropical cyclone formation, structure, evolution, and motion

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea


Recommendations: Coordination

Specify a basic set of TC verification metrics for use by NMHSs and partner agencies. Relevant groups to involve:

Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research in coordination with the Tropical Cyclone Programme,

Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research

Public Weather Services Programme, and other relevant groups identified by the WMO.

Consider establishment of a Lead Center for Tropical Cyclone Verification to ensure consistent and timely verification of forecasts from NWP models for all basins in which TCs occur. Similar to existing centers for deterministic, ensemble,

and long-range verification,

IWTC VIII, December 2014, Jeju, South Korea