Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying week Church visit Variety of books Topics- round the world Opportunity to share views- school council, peer mentors, young leaders Debates, talk partners, feedback Paired reading First News Cribs/ faith visitors

Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying

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Page 1: Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying


Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefsCultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year

World food caféAnti- bullying week

Church visitVariety of books

Topics- round the worldOpportunity to share views- school council, peer mentors, young leaders

Debates, talk partners, feedbackPaired reading

First NewsCribs/ faith visitors

Page 2: Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying


Respect relationships

Understanding equality

Finding out about others Understanding


Different families

Being fair

Challenging prejudice

Recognising similarities and

differrencesExploring cultural


Page 3: Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying

We use drama and role-play to learn how to resolve our differences.

In Mr Baines’ class we advise Steve the Puppet about resolving friendship problems

Visitors from the local Mosque talked to year 3 and 4 about their beliefs and culture. We enjoyed trying on the clothes they wear.

In Year 4 we found out the different parts of the world that our families come from using atlases.

Anti-bullying Week 2014- “The World in our School”This year the focus was on diversity and respecting and understanding how our society is built from people from around the world.

Year 4 designed and made Faberge Eggs as part of their

learning about Russia.

Reception learnt about Indian

clothing and even how to say some



Page 4: Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying

Year 5 children during maths week working together to solve a puzzle.

Our playgrounds have friendship stops, anyone who doesn’t have anyone to play with can sit on the bench and someone will go and play with them.

We learn about different religious festivals.

Chinese foodWe have opportunities to think about relationships and respecting each other through a wide range of activities and experiences

Page 5: Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying

The Choir performed at the Christmas Carol Concert!

KS1 Christmas Production –

‘A Midwife Crisis’EYFS Nativity

Star Shine

Page 6: Tolerance Tolerance and respect for those of different faiths and beliefs Cultural/religious festivals- Chinese new year World food café Anti- bullying

At Pelham we aim for everyone to feel included and represented in the resources and activities we offer.

Class libraries have a range of books showing different family types, lifestyles and backgrounds.The Stonewall Schools Champion Programme supports us in identifying and addressing homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language and bullying.

Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (S.E.A.L.) is a curriculum of work which provides children with a language for talking about tolerance and acceptance.

Respecting the sacrifices of others is very important to Pelham. Year 6 planted a poppy garden to commemorate the centenary of World War 1. They are signing ‘Poppy’.

Pelham children have families from around the world. The languages we speak and sign are respected and valued.