Sofia Kharissova 7A #2 Saving our nature Summer… That was Bessie’s favorite time of the year. Especially this year. She knew that she would pass her vacations on her grandmother’s little town and that made her very happy. The last time that Bessie was in her grandma’s house, she was only eight. But she still remembered the sound of the birds singing, the crystalline water of the river, the smell of fresh pines and the delicious fruits and vegetables that grew in that place. “We are here, honey” her mother interrupted her thoughts. “Oh! Yes! I was waiting for this long time ago.” said Bessie coming out from the car. “Look, there’s your grandma, let’s go” Few hours later Bessie said good-bye to her parents. They were going to Europe, and Bessie complained about staying with her grandmother. “Grandma, can I go to the river?” Bessie asked. “Sure, but be careful, do not enter in the water” replied Grandma. That’s strange. Why shouldn´t I get in the water? Last time I was here she always gave me permission, she knows that am good in swimming but now…

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Sofia Kharissova 7A #2

Saving our nature

Summer… That was Bessie’s favorite time of the year. Especially this year.

She knew that she would pass her vacations on her grandmother’s little town and that made her very happy.

The last time that Bessie was in her grandma’s house, she was only eight. But she still remembered the sound of the birds singing, the crystalline water of the river, the smell of fresh pines and the delicious fruits and vegetables that grew in that place.

“We are here, honey” her mother interrupted her thoughts.

“Oh! Yes! I was waiting for this long time ago.” said Bessie coming out from the car.

“Look, there’s your grandma, let’s go”

Few hours later Bessie said good-bye to her parents. They were going to Europe, and Bessie complained about staying with her grandmother.

“Grandma, can I go to the river?” Bessie asked.

“Sure, but be careful, do not enter in the water” replied Grandma.

That’s strange. Why shouldn´t I get in the water? Last time I was here she always gave me permission, she knows that am good in swimming but now…

Stuck in her thoughts, she crashed against someone.

“Oh, sorry, let me help you” Bessie said, stretching her arm to the boy with whom she had crashed.

“Don’t worry, but thank you, anyway.” He answered.

Both stood in a complete silence.

“I’m Ben” he suddenly said.

“Bessie” she told him.

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“Are you from here?” Ben asked.

“No, I live in the city, and why are you asking?”

“I just haven’t seen you here” Ben replied looking at his watch. “I need to go, see you later.”

“Bye” Bessie nodded.

When Bessie arrived to the river she got impressed. Something had happened. There was no fish, no plants, and plants around the river where death. She could not understand what had happened. Was that the reason that Grandma told her not to get in the water? She wasn’t sure.

She ran all the way to the house.

“What happened to the river?” Bessie asked.

“Ah, the river is now being polluted by the new factory, that is not so far away from here” Grandma replied.

“How? How can they do that? That’s…. that’s against the law”

“Oh, sweet heart, I know you love nature, but what we can do?” her grandmother tried to comfort her.

The next day, Bessie was going to the forest to pick up strawberries. When she got out of the house, she saw Ben coming to her side.

“Good morning” he told her looking to the baskets Bessie had.

“Hi” she told him.

“Today is a good day to go to the forest, can I make you company? It is boring to be alone” Ben asked.

“Sure” Bessie replied. She didn’t want to go alone, and she did not know Ben so well, so she decided that it would be a good opportunity to make a new friend.

On the way to the forest, Bessie asked “have you seen the river?”

“Yes, it is very polluted with substances and chemicals, but what can my parents do?”

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“Wait! Is that the work of your parents? To pollute the nature?” Bessie got angry.

“No, no, don’t get angry.” Ben tried to calm her. “Once I said them about the river and they told me that they had only two options: to throw the waste into the river or into the air.”

“But that’s two dangerous things” Bessie interrupted him. “We need to make something”

“Yes…look! Strawberries!” he yelled happily.

When they were returning with full baskets they already knew each other well. They had been talking about everything.

“Good time to pick up fresh strawberries” Bessie’s Grandmother said when she got into the house.

“Yes, that was nice!” Bessie said. “Do you know something about the weather? It’s getting cold.”

“Tomorrow is going to rain” Her grandmother replied.

“Great! A day wasted,” Bessie thought, “the good thing is that I will have time to think about the river.”

For a few days it was raining a lot, and Bessie could not go anywhere.

Bessie was helping her grandmother in the kitchen. She helped her cooking, cleaning and some other things. Suddenly, she noticed that the sink had a small strange machine.

“What is that” Bessie asked

“That is the water filter I use, so my water can be clean”

An idea came to her immediately. She got so happy that she could not wait until the rain finished.

An hour later, drops stopped falling from the sky and Bessie ran out of the house, dancing, and almost singing she came to Ben’s house.

“Hi, Bes…” he started.

“Look, I got a great idea, I hope you approve it.” Bessie interrupted him again. “We can put filters. Filters that can clean the water and the substances in the river.”

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“That’s a good idea! Yes!! That’s a very good idea!” they jumped from happiness.

“I’lm going to think a bit more about this, and then I will convince my parents” Ben said. “Wait don’t go, my parents will come in few minutes, and if we ask them together, maybe they would change their mind.”

“Okay” Bessie answered him.

“Can I offer you something to drink?” he asked.

“You talk just like a gentleman!!” she said laughing.

“Well, my parents and I live in the city too, that’s why I am worried about the river, in the city the pollution is terrible” Ben replied.

In that moment, a car arrived.

“They are here” Ben said nervously.

“Good evening!” Bessie told them.

“Hello…is she……..?” Ben’s mother stopped.

“Hi mom, she is my friend, Bessie” Ben completed the phrase.

“Good to meet you” Bessie said.

“Mom, we want to talk about the factory, the river, and everything connected with it.” Ben started.

Ben’s father smiled.

“We want to save our nature” Bessie continued.

“Yes, we want you to put filters in the waste-way out. There, you know, the chemicals are polluting the river and…” Ben stopped.

“We don’t want any more creatures dead. They want to live no matter their size or specie, and we, humans are killing them.” Bessie finished the phrase.

“We thought about that before.” Ben’s father said.

“We have bought filters and we will set them up the next week” Ben’s mother said.

“Oh! Really?!” the kids screamed.

When they calmed down, Bessie asked:

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“And how did you decided to install the filters?”

“Last week, we went by the river, we didn’t knew that our factory was producing too much waste, but now the problem would be solved” Ben’s parents explained.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” the kids screamed happily.

Two weeks later, the river was clean again. Fish was swimming in.

“I think this has been the most interesting summer I’ve ever had” Bessie told Ben.

“Yes, I think the same”

Bessie was very happy. The cool water was running all along the river, the air of the wind was refreshing, and the smell of the pines were still there. Now, she remembered her childhood, and the way she used to treat the nature and she liked a lot. She had decided: that she would protect it always……….her unique Planet Earth.

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Sofia Kharissova 7A #2

Chmoki el búho

Esta historia comienza en un frio atardecer de Enero. Cuando terminó mi clase de gimnasia, me puse la chaqueta y salí del edificio. Me dirigí hacia el carro de mi mam’a en donde se encontraba mi abuelita para llevarme a casa.

“¿Cómo te fue, Sofia?” me pregunto mi abuelita.

“Bien” conteste sin ganas.

El carro se movió y yo, cansada del ejercicio que había hecho ese día no hablé casi nada en nuestro viaje casa. De repente, el carro se detuvo.

“¿Que paso?” Pregunte un poco asustada.

“¡Un pajarito! Hay un pajarito en medio de la calle”

Abrí la puerta del carro y salí corriendo a ver si estaba herido el pequeño.

Llegue al lugar en donde estaba el ave y me asombre: era un pequeño búho que estaba dormido en medio de la calle. Lo levante y lo lleve al carro.

Cuando llegamos a casa, todos se acercaron al ave, ahora enjaulada.

“Seguramente se estaba muriendo, digo, por el frio” dijo mi hermana Alena al ver al pequeño búho en la jaula. “Creo que se cayó del nido”

“Pobrecito, está muy débil. Mañana le comprare alimento vivo” dijo mi mamá.

“¿Nos lo quedaremos?” preguntó mi hermanita pequeña Dayana.

“¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡Sí!” gritamos las tres hermanas.

“Ya veremos” dijo mi papá.

Por un lado quería quedarme a al pequeño búho, pero por otro lado me daba lástima que este no estuviera en el lugar que le correspondía: la naturaleza.

Subí al cuarto de mi hermana.

“Esta precioso” me dijo Alena, mi hermana mayor.

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“Si, ya pensé un nombre para el” le dije.

“Él o ella” se rio Alena. “Creo que deberíamos quedarnoslo, Sof, todos se van a impresionar al saber que tengamos una mascota búho.”

“Si, de hecho, todos estarían locos por verlo” dije.

“Jajá ¡Sí!” me dijo mi hermana. “Y ¿cuál era el nombre que le inventaste?”

“Moca Capussin” le conteste.

“Suena a café” dijo Alena.

“Es cierto, como su plumaje es café con blanco…”

“Podriamos llamarlo Chmoki” ofreció mi hermana. “Ch de capuchino y moki de moca.”

“Es una idea genial” le respondi.

Al día siguiente le compramos gusanitos para que comiera. Chmoki estaba demasiado débil y casi no se movía.

Esa misma noche, al ver a Chmoki estar mal, soñé un extraño sueño.

Había soñado que yo era Chmoki el búho y como me veían todos desde afuera de la jaula, lo grandes que eran las personas y lo pequeña que era yo. Me asuste muchísimo al ver a mis gatos viéndome y tratando de alcanzarme con sus patas. Era terrible, no se podía estar tranquila.

Al despertar me alivie mucho pero también me preocupé por Chmoki. Ya no quería que sufriera la pobre ave, había comprendido que no solo porque sea bonita tenemos que dejarla sufrir aunque nosotros no lo pensáramos asi. El búho quería vivir tranquilamente y disfrutar de lo natural.

Esperamos dos días más para que Chmoki se recuperara y la soltamos en el parque La Estanzuela en donde Chmoki: el búho podría vivir una vida mejor sin estar enjaulada.

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*Historia real


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Alejandro Muñoz #18 8°G

The Guardian

Beginning the Second World War, I saw with my own eyes all

those with helmets, armor, weapons, and projectiles. I was

afraid I was only twelve years old and was involved in this

war. The General prepared us and we got together with my

team on a big plane where we felt it to the real adrenaline. I

was afraid of the bullets that could pierce parts of my body or

could kill me. I was not alone there were more kids my age or

younger in this case doing this kind of thing.

I saw soldiers lying on the ground, heard shots and felt as if

everything was spinning heard screams and explosions. I cried

to see my family. She ran and began to shoot everywhere. I

felt despair. He heard that someone said my name and

waved. - Tom, Tom!

I woke up from bed rubbing my eyes, my eyes were wet.

 "It was just a nightmare. Mom told me. I told her everything I

had dreamed of and my participation in the war . I had been

obligated to be there. I saw people suffering.

- I know son. - "Your grandfather as a child participated in the

war while I was hiding, just like your nightmare. It was the

worst thing that happened to me in my childhood. My dad has

always been a great man with a big heart and gave

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everything to his this family and we will always will have a

guardian angel with us. Many say that he was an angel.

"Do not worry mom. ”I said softly. "If something happens to you I will protect you.

"You're just like your grandfather. My mother said happily. "An angel”.

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Ay pobre niña ingenua y desdichada ahí quedó tu felicidad. Tú que alguna vez abundaste de amor y cariño, de dulzura y belleza, te encuentras ahora amarga como un limón y solitaria.¡ Quién diría que tal obediente y amorosa niña de rebelaría de tal manera! Victoria siempre bella, con todo y tu horrible cicatriz

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sigues siendo bella pues eso nunca se va. Pero te diré: ¿ has quedado ya satisfecha o no?