THE WESTRALIAN ARTIST West Australian Society of Arts Inc. Established 1896 Patron : Her Excellency The Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia November 2016 NEWSLETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello Members, APOLOGIES FOR LATE NEWSLETTER Having been busy with a lot of personal issues, there has not been enough time for me to devote myself to finishing this newsletter. So this is rather late and I do apologize. I am very pleased to say that Dave Conlin has agreed to take on the second Vice Presidents role for the club. Thank you Dave. So we now need another committee member. If anyone would like to put their hand up to help, just let us know at any meeting. If you were to attend any meeting to see a demonstration it would have to be this November. Dave has managed to get Herman Pekel. He is one of Australia’s Best artists in Australia and has been putting people through their paces already at the workshops! DON’T MISS OUT!! This one will be exceptional. John Lovett is coming to Perth for Workshops in April and will do Workshops for the WASA. More info below. I hope to have more info about an exhibition in conjunction with the Rotary Club in June 2017 at the Dalkeith Hall at the meeting next week. Lucy Papalia ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS All Paid up by now Please MEMBERS IN THE NEWS On the 29 th of October 30 (plus) artists participated at the “Quick Draw 2 hours paint off” that took place at the AGWA. This was an initiative activity in conjunction with the “Black Swan Prize “ and “Leon Holmes”. First Prize Winner: Sang Yoon Ahn

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West Australian Society of Arts Inc. Established 1896

Patron: Her Excellency The Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia

November 2016 NEWSLETTER


Hello Members,


Having been busy with a lot of personal issues, there has not been enough time for me to devote

myself to finishing this newsletter. So this is rather late and I do apologize.

I am very pleased to say that Dave Conlin has agreed to take on the second Vice Presidents role for

the club. Thank you Dave. So we now need another committee member. If anyone would like to put

their hand up to help, just let us know at any meeting.

If you were to attend any meeting to see a demonstration it would have to be this November. Dave

has managed to get Herman Pekel. He is one of Australia’s Best artists in Australia and has been

putting people through their paces already at the workshops! DON’T MISS OUT!! This one will be


John Lovett is coming to Perth for Workshops in April and will do Workshops for the WASA. More

info below.

I hope to have more info about an exhibition in conjunction with the Rotary Club in June 2017 at the

Dalkeith Hall at the meeting next week.

Lucy Papalia


All Paid up by now Please


On the 29th of October 30 (plus) artists participated at the “Quick Draw 2 hours paint off” that took

place at the AGWA. This was an initiative activity in conjunction with the “Black Swan Prize “ and “Leon


First Prize Winner: Sang Yoon Ahn

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Prize judged and voted by the participants artists. A wonderful gathering of plein air artists.

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At the end of April John Lovett is coming to Perth as a Guest demonstrator for the Watercolour Society of WA at their Biennale Workshop. So John has agreed to do two - two day workshops the first week in May for the WASA. We are very lucky and book in quickly as it would be something not to be missed!!

There will be an EN PLEIN AIR workshop on the Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd May and an indoor MIXED MEDIA Workshop Thursday 4th and Friday 5th May in Menora. This will be various combinations of Gouache, Acrylic, Watercolour, Charcoal, Ink and Pastel.

More info will be at hand at the next meeting.


Hi fellow artists. We (Perth plein air painters) are hosting Ross Paterson next year dates are the first week in Oct 2nd to 6th, Monday to Friday, in 2017.

5 day workshop with the medium of oils and watercolours.

Price is $400 total for 5 days including $100 deposit to secure a place.

Focus is plein air painting in Perth area.

Please pass on to those interested in your art groups and societies, please pass on my email for those interested.

More information [email protected]

Jon Martin Any queries 0414334729

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WHITE RUNNER UP :Judy Hollinshead



BLUE RUNNER UP : Roger Reading





PLATINUM WINNER: Derrick Fitzpatrick




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OCTOBER 2016 Roger demonstrated his en plein air technique in oils. His

equipment consists of a pochade box and a sturdy but

lightweight camera tripod. His palette consists of blues,

phtalo, cobalt and ultramarine; alizarin and spectrum

reds; ochre, gold and lemon yellows and titanium white.

Roger uses gum turps and ‘Archival’ lean medium to

speed drying. Cobalt drier occasionally to really speed the

drying process. His favourite brushes are by ‘Rosemary &


His supports are boards usually 30 x 25 cm. as he

endeavours to complete the sketch within 1 to 1 ½ hours.

Any longer and the light will have substantially changed.

Roger’s outdoor tips take water wear a hat and do not let

the sun shine on your work. Another tip to keep brushes in shape after cleaning is to fold card over the end

and hold in place with a bull dog clip.

For the demonstration his audience chose a seascape subject based on an already completed work. The board

had been previously prepared with two coats of ‘Matisse’ gesso and a wash of raw sienna. The main shapes

were then sketched in with charcoal. When satisfied with this a wash of ultramarine was used to establish the

outlines and block in the shadow areas. Roger established the darks first with a large brush using ultra, burnt

sienna and gold yellow, using blue to adjust. Mixes of dark grey ( ultra, cadmium red and yellow ochre) and a

lighter grey ( cobalt blue, white and lemon yellow) using gum turps as the only medium are used to create

aerial perspective in the receding hills. The sky tone was cobalt and white graduated from lightest toward the

sun and warmer toward the horizon with a hint of alizarin.

For the sea Roger used a turquoise mix adding lemon yellow towards the shoreline and yellow ochre to

represent sand agitated by the waves. Although he rarely uses a painting knife Roger used the edge to apply

white and dragged the colour back to simulate the breaking waves. Sand is yellow ochre, white and alizarin,

becoming paler as it recedes. The beach colour was drawn up into the adjoining vegetation to define the spurs

and to grey off the furthest headlands. The vegetation on the dunes was effected by dabs of light green and

silvery grey becoming more sparse into the distance over the original block in colours. Finally some detail in

the grasses, reflections in the wet sand and some highlights on the rocks with white and alizarin.

Roger produced a delightful loose and evocative impression of a sea shore as a plein air work should ideally be.

Tim Sewell


The next General Meeting will be held at The Palms on Thursday 17th 2016 at 7.00pm.

There will be a White, Blue, Gold and Platinum competition and a demonstration by HERMAN


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Herman Pekel – Oil Painting Demo

Make a special note in your diaries and be sure to get to this demo.

Great news - We have been fortunate in being able to book another Internationally renowned interstate artist who

is visiting Perth. Herman is holding a series of workshops in Perth over November teaching in both Watercolours

and Oils and he has kindly agreed to be our Demonstration Artist for the November meeting.

Herman recently featured in the TV show ‘Colour In Your Life’ where he and fellow artists and good friends Joseph

Zbukvic and Alvaro Castagnet worked on the same gigantic watercolour painting. This show went viral around

the World. If you haven’t seen this show do yourself a big favour and go to utube and bring it up under – Colour in

Your Life - The Three Amigos paint watercolor

Herman Pekel was born to Dutch parents in Melbourne, Victoria in 1956.

The art teachers of Herman’s youth, Roger Webber, Ernest Buckmaster and Lance McNeill were all

primarily oil painters, but the experience of painting with them on location left a strong impression on

Herman, giving him the freedom of spontaneity and leaving him an intuitive painter, ultimately working

from the light source.

Herman painted spasmodically until 1981 before commencing a Fine Arts degree at RMIT and

studying under Dale Hickey and Jeff Makin. Like many young artists Herman experimented for a time

with abstract expressionism, but he is now well known for his oils and watercolours. Herman is an

artist of energy and enthusiasm. He is able to see a painting in almost any subject matter and is

capable of producing award winning work in oil, watercolour or gouache.


The next Committee Meeting will be on Thursday at “The Pavilion” Subiaco at 5.45pm. Lucy

will bring along food so no one goes hungry!

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2016-2017 COMMITTEE

President Lucy Papalia

Phone 0407 778 886 Email [email protected]

Vice President Paul Drury

Phone 0417 987 157 Email [email protected]

Vice President Dave Conlin

Phone 0417 959 053 Email [email protected]

Secretary Tim Sewell

Phone 6460 8648 Email [email protected]

Treasurer Dale Smith

Phone 0413 505 476 Email [email protected]

Committee Pam Eddy

Phone 0415 190 909 Email [email protected]

Derrick Fitzpatrick

Phone 0407 923 957 Email [email protected]

Newsletter Carine Nemery

Phone 0421 475 000 Email [email protected]

Newsletter Sandy Ng

Phone 0412 779 296 Email [email protected]

Website Sue Moss

Phone 0409 086 694 Email [email protected]

Mail 41 Salisbury Street

Subiaco WA 6008


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