to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program Become a ... · to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program! Become a Youth Ambassador! ... be archived by the Smithsonian

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Page 1: to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program Become a ... · to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program! Become a Youth Ambassador! ... be archived by the Smithsonian

Students entering 9th grade are eligible to apply to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program!

Become a Youth Ambassador!

The Heritage Museum & Cultural Center invites students to become our first-ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors. This summer program is open to students who have completed 8th grade or higher this year. Youth Ambassadors will record an oral history interview with a local person, transcribe it and produce a brief interpreve video. The videos will be archived by the Smithsonian Instuon and will be available on their “Stories from Main Street” website, as well as used by the Heritage Museum for public outreach, research and educaon.

Youth Ambassadors will be matched with an adult who can speak to the theme ‘Leadership & Inspiraon.’ BBefore the interview, Youth Ambassadors will be trained on the oral history process through three sessions led by HMCC staff and Apple professionals. Using interview quesons they have prepared themselves, they will then use HMCC digital equipment to record and transcribe the conversaon for preservaon. Using interview footage, students will then idenfy strong segments and edit for a 2-5 minute “promoonal” video of highlights from the interview.

This new program is made possible at the Heritage Museum and Cultural Center by a Youth Access Grant from the Smithsonian Instuon and the Michigan Humanies Council. The funding will provide the latest oral history technology equipmeequipment that will help the Heritage Museum record and preserve irreplaceable stories and memories from our comm-unity for years to come.

Your ideas are invited for the ongoing use of our new oral history equipment at the Heritage Museum! For more informaon, please contact HMCC Curator Tracy Gierada at [email protected] or by calling the Museum at 269-983-1191. Apply Now! Limited spots available!

Have the Smithsonian listed on your resume!

All sessions take place at HMCC, 601 Main Street, St. Joseph, MI1

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2. Required Short EssayPlease respond to the following queson in a short essay. Please note: Space is limited in the YouthAmbassador program. We will give priority to applicaon essays that are thoughul and detailed. * You may use the reverse of this page to write your essay, or aach your essay on a seperate page.

Why do you wish to parcipate in the Heritage Museum Youth Ambassadors program?

Home Address/City/Zip:

Student’s Current Grade Level:

Student’s School:

Parent/Guardian’s E-mail Address:

Student’s E-mail Address:

Phone Number:

Parent/ Guardian Name(s):

Student’s Name:1. Basic Informaon


Page 3: to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program Become a ... · to our first ever HMCC Youth Ambassadors Program! Become a Youth Ambassador! ... be archived by the Smithsonian

All Youth Ambassadors should be able to meet these expectaons:Please read and provide required signatures below:3. Youth Ambassador Program Agreement

d) Pracce responsibility, courtesy and take pride in this project

c) Have access to reliable transportaon

b) Deliverables, upload of the final project to Smithsonian website, as well as an emailed copy of typed transcript of interview. (assistance provided)

All meengs are required. Youth or youth’s parents must nofy Tracy Gierada at 269-983-1191 x17 in advance if you are unable to aend any scheduled meeng due to illness or emergency.

a) Aend all scheduled Youth Ambassador meengs:

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________

Student’s Signature: ___________________________________________

Date: _______________