Letters By Kimberly Borst Read All About It! Bridging The Gap Giving them what they need, not what they want! Hearing Gods Heart True Beauty Household Tips Healthy and Whole A New Year! http://www.toloveagainministries.org Issue #3 January 2012 Check out our video segments “Morsels of Truth.” A Morsel Of Truth “Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.“ Titus 2:3-5 To Love Again Ministries Newsletter Q. When organizing & cleaning, where do you begin? Answer on Page 5.

To Love Again Ministries January 2012 #3

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We are women equipping women to love God, love their husbands, and love their children. We encourage spiritual growth through biblical principles. We address emotional needs and teach practical life skills.

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Page 1: To Love Again Ministries January 2012 #3


Dolor Sit Amet

Letters By Kimberly Borst

Read All About It! • Bridging The Gap • Giving them what they need, not

what they want! • Hearing Gods Heart • True Beauty • Household Tips • Healthy and Whole • A New Year!


Issue #3 January 2012

Check out our video segments

“Morsels of Truth.”

A Morsel Of Truth

“Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.“

Titus 2:3-5

To Love Again Ministr ies Newsletter

Q. When organizing & cleaning, where do you begin? Answer on Page 5.

Page 2: To Love Again Ministries January 2012 #3


Dolor Sit Amet

By: Kimberly Borst

“Barkly” he calls. She looks over and her eyes fill with tears: it’s him. He’s risked it all and she is totally his (You’ve Got Mail). Don’t you love how these movies end before real life together starts. Most of us go into marriage with expectations, dreams of romance and adoration. It doesn’t take long for the gap to start between our ideals and our realities. He works hard all day, gets home, clicks on the TV and we can feel alone. All too soon our admiration can wane and he feels betrayed and drifts farther away. The gap becomes a chasm of untold stories, absences, withheld complements and affection. So how do we bridge this abyss?

Placing our hearts in the hands of our heavenly father is a great start. Only God can change a heart and we can choose to allow Him to change ours. A hard heart is hard pressed to love well. We must forgive not because it is earned but because we are forgiven. If we stay in the Word of God it will renew our minds. We must also take our thoughts captive! Stay positive; focusing on every issue will only make them bigger. When our thoughts are good and kind our words will be too. Relationship with God is the life flow to captivate and cultivate true change. Once again our hearts can go towards our husbands and God can orchestrate healing and restoration the way only He can. But we can only be responsible for our heart and living our lives well. Our husbands are in God’s hands.

Manhandling Handling Your Man With Care

Issue #3 January 2012

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Dolor Sit Amet

By: Kimberly Borst

I had an interesting conversation with my son Cody recently. He had just finished filming a World Affairs Council panel on education. They discussed how the majority of youth today have an attitude of entitlement. This attitude undermines their ability to succeed. It also negates the mindset that hard work is admirable and desirable. As mothers we have an amazing opportunity to influence our children’s view of themselves and of the world. When we lovingly nurture and meet the needs of our children they develop a sense of security. There is a fine line though

between meeting our children’s needs and indulging an insatiable desire for more. When we meet needs and bless our kids on occasion we are conveying love. But remember there is a difference between needs and wants. Even an infant shouldn’t be given what they want the minute they want it. By allowing our children to wait for what they want, earn it, or live without it, we are giving them the gift of character. They are better off if we teach them to be content with what they have. Contentment and satisfaction are internally attained not externally. Getting more and more and living life only for one’s self is dissatisfying. If we want to really bless our children we will believe in them and help them understand that they are competent, capable human beings, who can do anything through hard work and God’s strength.

Raising Blessings Loving your Children Conception through Adulthood

Issue #3 January 2012

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Dolor Sit Amet


Issue #2 December 2011

By: Kathy Kletka

Our hearts so need to be humbled in order to hear from God, or even to receive any kind of wisdom from Him. God has given us women so much power in our husbands’, kids’, families’, and friends’ lives. God gave us that power to make a difference through His wisdom and direction in our lives. I plead with you to please use your power for good not evil. To encourage not to destroy, to love instead of criticize and tear others down. We have a unique opportunity to love and to encourage others into the places that God has for them. We can do this just by using God’s wisdom and listening to Him.

What I am trying to say is if we will take the time to find out God’s heart for others and have the courage to walk that out, I believe that there is no limit to what we can do through God as women. God’s wisdoms leads us, shows us how to do something that we had no idea how to do. He, through His wisdom, shines a light that we would not otherwise see. I find myself utterly dependent on Him through life’s ups and downs; honesty I don't know if I could do life without God. My prayer for you is that you will always invite Jesus into all of your life’s journeys.

Wisdom's Call Leaving folly behind and finding wisdom

Issue #3 January 2012

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Dolor Sit Amet


Domestic Engineering 101 Mastering your home and making it beautiful

By: Kimberly Borst Microwave oven: Put a cup of water in your microwave and heat it for about one minute longer than you would for a cup of tea. This creates steam that loosens cooked on splatters. When the time is up you should be able to easily wipe out your microwave and then enjoy that cup of tea.

Unrolling the Bed: This is the quick way to make your bed in the morning. My kids think it’s so cool they offer to help. Instead of throwing off the pillows and folding down the comforter, roll everything down at once. In the morning just place it back on the bed, unroll and straighten the pillows. In two minuets you’re all done.

Shower: Showers can be a pain to wash. A sos pad on glass and tile will cut through soap scum and water spots quickly. Don’t use the sos pad on faucets and metal fixtures, it will scratch. When you’re done scrubbing rinse everything well. Rubbing the glass and tile down with a little lemon oil furniture polish will finish off anything left on the surfaces. The oil causes water to sheet off and helps prevent future build up. (Just don’t use on any floor surfaces.)

Q. When organizing & cleaning, where do you begin? A. When you are beginning to organize and clean

your home, and you feel a bit overwhelmed, where do you begin?

I start deep cleaning my home with the core rooms first. When I say core, I mean the primary rooms you are in most and entertain in. The first room would be the room you walk into from the front door; mine is my living room. From there I hit my dining room, family room, kitchen, bathrooms, and lastly bedrooms. When I start on a room, the clutter, if any, goes first- and I don’t mean that I move everything to the next room. I have a trash bag and thrift store bag with me. Then I sort piles for each room and put everything in its proper spot. Nothing stays that does not have a spot; unnecessary items in a home lead to clutter and frustration. Next I dust and wipe down all remaining items and wash the windows. Finally, I vacuum under, over and through everything. Depending on time and energy levels it may be best to de-clutter room by room, doing your wiping, windows, and vacuuming over an extended time period. Set reasonable goals and just do it. Tackling a little a day can accomplish a lot.

Issue #3 January 2012

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Dolor Sit Amet


Virtuous Chic Modest and moderation with style

By: Holly Rhody A new year is often marked with commercials for weight loss products or reporters interviewing fashion experts on the newest clothing trends. Being bombarded by these kinds of messages can make us feel even worse about our holiday weight gain. And, we may feel depressed about having no money, after the holiday spending, to go out and buy the newest fashions! This is the time of year to remind ourselves that we are not to compare ourselves to the standards of this world. While it is so easy to compare ourselves with other women to see how we “measure up”, God is looking at our hearts and our inner character. 1 Samuel 16:7 “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Think about the people, in your life, who genuinely love you. These are the true friends and family that love you for WHO you are…not HOW you look in style or size. Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Even an “ordinary” looking woman by the world’s standards, who loves the Lord, posses a beautiful, joyful, “inner glow” and many are attracted to her radiance. Do you know of someone that fits that description? Those are the women we should aspire to! In this New Year, may people look at us and see the beautiful radiance of Jesus! For that is beauty that is truly ageless!

Issue #3 January 2012

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Dolor Sit Amet


By: Michele Peterson

I want to share this month about a health crisis I faced years ago, hoping it can help other women with similar problems. In my late 20’s I had endometriosis, or scar tissue building in my uterus and abdomen. It was causing me a lot of pain and I had two surgeries, losing one of my ovaries in the process. The doctors could give me no hope, saying I wouldn’t ever have children or be free from this; there was no cure. I was discouraged, but began to do my own research, praying for an answer. I found a website with much information on natural hormones, such as progesterone and the dangers of synthetic ones that were given by doctors. It led me to a book called, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause” by John R. Lee, M.D. He talked about natural progesterone cream and how imbalances can cause PMS, mood swings, depression, and endometriosis. As we get older our bodies stop making the progesterone we need to stay healthy. I started on natural progesterone cream and was amazed how much better I felt. No more PMS mood swings and I was sleeping better. I have been using it now for 15 years and have never had endometriosis return. I have had two children the doctors said I would never have. So if you’re suffering or know someone

who is check out skdrhelen.com and read her articles on natural hormones. She studied under Dr. Lee and has been in this field for over 25 years. I pray you find balance and health, because in order to finish our race healthy and strong, hormones must be balanced. “Beloved, I pray above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2.

Just for You. Ways to take care of yourself so you can care of others.

Issue #3 January 2012

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Dolor Sit Amet


By: Kimberly Borst Well it’s January and we all get to look forward to a new year. With so many projections about 2012, it would be easy to forget that we have a hope in Christ that no one can take away. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” John 10:10 (Message) says, “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” No matter what the future holds, God is with us and He will take care of us. In that knowledge, our job is to keep our eyes on Him and not to get carried away with every passing wind. If we stay rooted and grounded in Christ, nothing will shake us.

I plan to start the year participating in a fast with my church. Fasting is a great way to press in, hear God, and refocus. I am anticipating great things for 2012.

Overflowing Heart Discovering your gifts and using them to serve

To Love Again Ministries’ Writers

Kimberly Borst Author, Founder, and Director of To Love Again Ministries.

Michelle Peterson Intercessor, Writer, and Board Member.

Kathy Kletka Intercessor and Writer.

Layout and graphic design by Keria Shaw Keria Shaw's Portfolio

Holly Rhody Intercessor and Writer.

Issue #3 January 2012