FreedomBox on the RaspberryPi Presentation by Rudolf Olah, software development expert at NeverFriday.com

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FreedomBox on the RaspberryPi

Presentation by Rudolf Olah, software development expert at NeverFriday.com

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Rudolf Olah

● Computer Programming Applications, Ryerson University

● Software/Web Developer● Software Development Expert (Blogging, Speaking,

Coaching): NeverFriday.com

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Workshop Overview

● Part 1○ Trends in privacy and liberty

○ The technological opportunity of the FreedomBox

○ How to set it up, some practical applications

● Part 2: Walk through and Demonstration● Part 3: Q & A

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Current Privacy and Liberty Landscape

● Advertising/marketing tracking and privacy

● Online bullying and anonymity● Co-operation with the

government● Speech as pre-crime

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Mass surveillance and illegal spying are here to stay

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What is FreedomBox?

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Practical Applications

The things you can do with the FreedomBox

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Common Scenarios

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Planning an event/work project

● OpenVPN: protect your communications● IkiWiki: information sharing and planning● XMPP: secure multi-user chats● Mumble: secure voice chatting

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Hosting a Website or Blog

● Tor Hidden Service: to make your blog and website only accesible through Tor

● IkiWiki: to host your blog and website

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Reading The News

● Tor: to prevent spying on your reading habits● Privoxy: to protect you from ads and tracking by

newspapers● Tiny Tiny RSS: to read the news through RSS feeds

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Left: Chrome without protection

Right: Firefox with Tor and Privoxy protection

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How-to setup the FreedomBox on the


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Hardware For the FreedomBoxSD Card Raspberry Pi 2 Other hardware it runs on:

● Beagle Bone● CubieBoard● CubieTruck● Dreamplug

● Raspberry Pi Case● USB power cable● Ethernet cable● Internet-connected router● Laptop/desktop

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Where To Get The FreedomBox SoftwareDownload it from here: https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Download

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Initial Setup

● Connect the Ethernet cable to the Raspberry Pi● Connect the USB Power adapter + cable to the

Raspberry Pi● Search for an open http port 80 or ssh port 22 on the

network (using nmap) and copy the IP address● Paste the IP address into a web browser, something like

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First time setup of the FreedomBox, step 0

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First time setup of FreedomBox, step 1

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First time setup of the FreedomBox, step 2

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App Install and Configuration

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PageKite App Install and Configuration

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System Settings > Let’s Encrypt, signed SSL certificates for free

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OpenVPN Setup

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Tor App Install and Configuration

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Setting Up Proxies: Tor and PrivoxyTor is used to anonymize your


Privoxy is used to block ads and


Proxy settings are usually set per


For example in Firefox you can set

the proxy settings to use Tor and


On Mac OS X there are global proxy

settings that can be configured.

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Firefox Proxy Configuration: Tor for SOCKS, Privoxy for HTTP

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Mac OS X: setting up Tor as the SOCKS proxy (Settings > Network > Proxies), Privoxy as the HTTP Web Proxy

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Expanding Storage Space

Mounting External Hard Drives

1. Buy external USB drive, 16gb = $102. Plug into Raspberry Pi3. SSH into Raspberry Pi with

username/password4. List devices: `fdisk -l`5. Edit filesystem: `sudo nano

/etc/fstab`6. Mount the drive: `sudo mount -a`

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Filesystem configuration for mounting external USB drive

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Live Demo

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Q & A

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Thanks for attending!● Email me at [email protected] with any feedback

● Visit my websites NeverFriday.com

● Support the FreedomBox



● Support the Free Software Foundation:


● Check out LibrePlanet Ontario



● Twitter @rudolf_olah