T.I.T&S Newsletter 2011

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VOLUME - IV JAN. 10 - DEC. 10


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Dear Staff and Students,

I am extremely delighted to wish you all a Very Happy New Year. May this semester bring fullness for you.

I have observed gradual improvement in all areas which concern our sustenance, like discipline, attendance and regularity. The mentor system has succeeded in addressing the relevant lacunae. I am of the opinion that the fixed mentor ship to observe the individual progress of students, being enforced this semester, will ensure proper guidance.

The teachers have once again gone extra mile and identified Research and Development as the area of thrust. They have been active in publication of national and global level as well. I wish to see a constellation of bright scholars grooming the technocrats with unparalleled sets of capabilities for the time to come.

The students have brought laurels from different avenues and they continue to foster the spirit of culture and sports. I am sure with the passage of time they will imbibe the spirit of betterment by following the ideals and footprints left by their seniors.

We have always defied the shockwaves of time and demonstrated our excellence in an era of global diversification. The vast alumni corpus occupying respectable positions across the globe bears a testimony to our commitments. While there has been a mushrooming of Technical Education Institution in the region, we have been able to stand apart and boast of a rich legacy.

We all have a common goal i.e., multidimensional growth of the institution. Let's all focus on our target and get to work towards its pursuance.

I once again wish you all success in your common and individual efforts as well.

“I am, You are, We are TITians” !!!

Prof. (Dr) Rishi P Jamdagni

Editor’s Column

Therefore this edition instigates a college picture in reader mind by which he or she may comprehend status of the college.

At last we sincerely thank Prof. (Dr.) Dr. R.P. Jamdagni and Dr. S.S. Mahish (Convener) for putting kind efforts and also to those faculty members and students for their inputs.

Please feel free to offer any suggestions for the improvement of this newsletter.

With seasonal greetings,

Happy Reading,

Gopal WadhwaSonam Sai Pawar

e-mail : [email protected]

For the past three years, campus communiqué has played a critical and vital role of being a window that propels an overview of T.I.T. & S. Bhiwani. We are glad to be taking over as the new editor-in-chief.

Presenting the fourth issue of annual newsletter was tough and painstaking task, but editorial board team never gave up and always kept finger crossed, hopingly trying to deliver most informative issue of its kind.

The present edition of newsletter covers the kaleidoscopic view of college life with brief description of events, placement details, infrastructural development, research projects and excursion program.

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EDITOR IN CHIEF Gopal Wadhwa Sonam Sai Pawar



JOINT EDITORS Shikhar SharmaVikas JangraGulshan YadavDeepti YadavPooja Choudhry

CO-ORDINATORS Himani HoodaJyoti Arvind GodharaRahul Parashar

MEMBERS Bhumika SinghSawan KumarDheerajArjun Lajpal



Page No.











Excursion Programme


Cover Story


Project & Guest Lecture


Ace Ventura


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than 300 students and faculty members

from various institutions from Haryana. It

was organised by Mr. Ashish Siwach

(Electronics & Instrumentation Dept), Mr

Nitin Bhutani and Mr Sunil Kumar. Mr

Nitin Bhutani delivered an informative

speech regarding PCB's and Mr Sunil

Kumar facilitated some practical activities.

Ø Line follower Roboshop was organised by

Mr. Kamal Sardana, Mr. Satish Khatak, Mr.

Rajeev Sharma, Mr. Praveen Singal and

Mr. S.K. Jha on 27-28 March, 2010. About

300 students participated along with

some faculty members.

“MAVERICK” is a word synonymous to

“improvement and success”, again this year laid

i ts emphasis on developing students

confidence and increased their enthusiasm for

learning new skills.

On very commencement of semester

society welcomed its new members by

organizing the “Selection Test and Personal nd rd

Interview” for 1st and 2 year students on 3 th5 Feb, 2010 respectively. Further, Webwhiz a

website designing competition was organized,

in which 10 websites entry were selected which

completely revealed the technical knowledge

of the TITians. A workshop on Hardware, Basic

HTML, Advanced HTML and CSS layouts, SEO, C, th thC++ was conducted between 17 Feb to 10

March, 2010. Taking one step ahead society

organized the Virtual Newgen, a pattern based thaptitude and technical test on 16 April, 2010.

LLPhoenix for life

Expanding horizon and spreading wings……..

Mentor :- Mr. Kamal Sardana

Coordinator :- Mr. Satish Khatak

As per the name of signifies, Electronica is a

technical society dedicated purely to the

electronics department of T.I.T & S Bhiwani.

Events organised under the esteemed

mentorship, by the society are as under :-

Ø A quiz contest named “XQUIZ-TORS” was

organised which proved to be a great start

for the society. Various questions related

to general knowledge and science, as well

as technical questions were asked from

participants and from the audience too.

Nearly 35 participants were a part of the

quiz and around 30 candidates were a

part of the audience. The whole contest

was judged by Ms.Lalita Yadav.

Ø TECHNO-INSTINCT was a grand event

conducted by ELECTRONIKA. There was a

record participation of 125 students in the

event, which proved its success. It

included Techo-Fun events (like bowling,

text messaging and aptitude test) and as

well as circuit assembling. Also, the

winners were awarded attractive prizes

by Mrs. Dalvinder Mangal [Asstt.


Ø PCB designing workshop was held on 20th

march 2010. The event addressed more



Societies on Board

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In this era of competition to make

students self-dependent society organized the

m-Series in the month of September. It

consisted of the series of event enriching both

technical and analytical reasoning. There were

four quantitative aptitudes and two general thmental ability test were conducted from 6 to

rd23 September, 2010. Participation of nearly

350 students proved the grand success.

Personal interview session was also organized nd

for the selection of 2 Year students (CE, IT, ndECE, EI) on 22 Sep, 2010.

An Einsteinian event E=mc² (enter Maverick

Concoct Conqueror) was organized on 21st st

October, 2010 by welcoming the 1 year

students. It consist series of events which

included written test on general English and

aptitude and was followed by a fun event,

“Double your Fun, Double your Pleasure” on th

25 October, 2010. It helped students to wipe

out their classroom stress. Pre-Final and final

year co-coordinators conducted personal th thinterviews on 27 and 28 October, 2010

respectively for the first year for their

membership in society.

By organizing various events for the

student welfare, the society had setup a

landmark for the other societies who want to

motivate students to ward off their hesitation

and work continuously for achieving their


Society of Fashion Technology (SOFT)

organized a series of events under the esteem

supervision of Mr. K.N. Chatterjee (mentor).

This society is aimed to propagate the students

with the changes in fashion and lifestyles in

India and as well as abroad. Also this society

painstakingly works to enhance creative and

attitude of students so that they can go hand in

hand with present fashion scenario persisting

in world.

Events organized under this society are namely :-

Ø Jewel Art competition in which art of

designing jewelry was conducted where

students from all branches participated

whole heartedly, prizes were then

distributed to winning candidates.

Ø Clip Catcher in which a clip was shown to

students and they were told to make

possible assessment and comprehend it.

Ø Collage Making in which waste material

from newspapers and magazines was

collected and pasted and prizes were then

given to winning candidates.

Ø Memento designing in which the best

designed memento was then credited as

the college memento.

Ø Fashion Frontier in which the winners Mr.

Rahul Parashar and Ms. Divya Anubhuti

were named as fashion frontiers.

Mr. K.N. Chatterjee assisted various

activities with chief student coordinators

namely Miss Kirti Bedi, Mr. Kapil, Miss Garima

and Mr. Nikhil. These students proved to be

generous and helped society to achieve desired


Excellence redefined

(Society of textile engineers)

Mentor : Dr. S. Dhamija

S T E i s w o r k i n g f o r t h e o v e r a l l

development of textile engineering students

with special emphasis on technical part.



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I t c o n d u c t e d m a n y e v e n t s d u r i n g

“Rejuvenescence 2k10”. It has been working

consistently for the improvement of overall

personality of students by organizing various

technical events and guest lectures.

Firstly Dr. Nandan Kumar delivered a

seminar on 'Protective textiles'.

A t h r e e r o u n d t e c h n i c a l e v e n t

'TEXCELLENCE' was also organized successfully.

A seminar on 'Effect of interaction of color

and weave on the appearance of fabric' was

delivered by Prof. P.K. Hari.

Another brainstorming session was

organized by the society was 'V irtual

placement' consisting of three rounds, first

round was the technical one with a written

test, second round was Group Discussion and

final round consisted of the personal interview.

This event gave the students an idea how

to prepare for their final placements. So overall

STE provided the students a great path towards


Est. 1990-TIT&S Computer Society is the

first and the most active society of the


TCS Mentor : Dr. Rahul Rishi

Assoc. Professor

(H.O.D. CE & IT Department) B.Tech, 'C' Level,


TCS is the most active society and takes

part in the college activities wisely by

organizing various cultural and technical events

o f w i d e i nte rest s i nv i t i n g m ax i m u m

part ic ipat ion than any other in the

REJUVENESCENCE-College fest held every year

in the institute.

New TCS members are recruited every year

through different selection procedures based

on their mental ability, skills and approach.

TCS Board :-

TCS is the only society of the institute

that has its own notice board which displays

articles of varied interests.

This year some members came with an

idea to renovate the board, some criticized but

at the end the idea worked out.

Now the board had grown broader with

three different sections:

-TCS Live(Top Right)

-Sports Update(Bottom Right)


And its great to see students gather

around its contents whether he/she is a

student or a faculty member.

Events organised by TCS :-


• T-Roadies : A search for a passionate

individual who is eager to explore himself

in difficult and unpredictable situations.

• Lafangey Parindey : It was basically a fun

event based on the theme “KIDNAP”.A

tea m o f t h re e pa r t i c i pa nt s was

entertained. The winner team was

decided on the basis of how fast the

team completes the task given to them.

Tasks given : Paper crayon, Claim Height,

Exploring clues in mud, Balloon task, Water

Drinking, Puzzle Solving.

• T-Splitsvilla : T-Splitsvilla is one of its kind

hunt for TALENT in the locales of TIT&S.

Events Includes (First Round): Soccer

(Penalty Shoots), Fastest Finger First

(Priority Order Arrangement Test)


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Hardware & Software Workshops

C, C++, HTML & Data Structure classes.

As per the name it signifies long journey.

A journey in the new area of technology. This

society had maintained its status by efforts for

the upliftment of students in the technical


A n a p t i t u d e wo r ks h o p o f Ved i c

mathematics was organized on 25th August.

To manage and organize the rising hot waves of

technology, voyagers needed sharp brains and

thus recruitment of 1st and 2nd year students

was planned.

To check and enhance the aptitude of

students Quant, Verbal and Data Interpretation

were conducted under the name V1and V2.

Various aptitude, technical and GK test

were conducted to groom the talent of

students and winners were awarded with

name' 3 Idiots'.

Truly it is striving towards the top with the

enthusiasm that:"They never stop thinking

beyond possibility".

Under the mentorship of Dr. S.N. Singh

and co-mentorship of Mr. Manoj Nanda,

Orators' team thrived in this session also.

President Tanvi Phogat organized many events

under the society which proved to be very

beneficial for the students' communication

skills, vocabulary and their general knowledge.

The series of current affair sessions was

continued by Aditya Goel on “Telangana” issue.

Orators' introduced a new trend by

inviting MBA GURU team and organized a

workshop “THINK WITHOUT INK” where the

students applied their brains on solving CAT

questions without using pen and paper. This

workshop was a great success and proved to be

very beneficial for the students. Some selected

students were taken for higher level


The mentor delivered a lecture on “Soft

Skills: from Indian Streets” to the B.Tech.

students of all the semesters, team members

also performed the play “Julius Ceasar”, written

by William Shakespeare on the eve of his

birthday. The play was directed by orator's


On very adjourning of last session orator

introduced a new trend of electing the society's

president and vice-president via ballot system

by which the legacy was passed from Tanvi

Singh to Prateek Kapur & Nikunj Gupta as

President and Iti Tyagi & Raisa Pruthi as Vice-

President of the society.

T h e n e w a cad e m i c s es s i o n w a s

commenced with Bol Baliye session.

In the new academic session, Orators'

organized GD- Workshop, which was conducted

by Saksham Bhardwaj which included detailed

information regarding Group Discussion and its

importance along with the do's and don'ts.



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Excursion Programme

The general awareness of the students

was updated from time to time with the help of

current affairs sessions on “Common Wealth

Games- Are We Ready For It” by Aryabharti,

“Nuclear Liability” by Pooja , “Naxalism” by

Gulshan and “Corporal Punishment” by Deepti.

“Hindi Divas” was organized again this

year under the banner of Orators' on 14th

September in the college campus. Vad - Vivad

session and Hindi Poem Recitation Competition

was organized and the winners were also

awarded with prizes and certificates. The

program was presided by worthy Prof (Dr.) Rishi

P. Jamdagni and it was covered by a local

media. The whole event proved to be a grand


Youth have immense potential and energy

and they are always ready to prove their

potential in academics, sports and even in

adventure activities. Their hungers prompt

them to explore the unexplored world.

Therefore, time to time T.I.T& S organizes tours

and excursions. In recent semester up till now

few excursions have been organized so far. The

Electronics and instrumentation department

organized a day trip on 25th Oct, 2010.

Program was organized to a polytechnic

college-C.I.P.E.T, Panipat about 27 students

along with faculty members visited C.I.P.E.T to

understand the manufacturing of plastic more

deeply. The students there gained knowledge

of functioning of machines required for the

manufacturing. Queries of students were taken

by experts. The trip proved to be a great

success. It was quite informative and students

really enjoyed the trip.

A tour was also organized by HOD of

electronics and communication department

comprising of 37 students and four teachers

from 1st Sept to 5th Sept, 2010 to “H.M.T,

Pinjore, Bhimtal and Nainital. They departed on

the night of 1st Sept, 2010. At first they visited

company where they got familiar with the

environment of the company. After visiting the

company they went to their further destination

where the beauty of nature in its bloom

refreshed their mind. The places of attraction

of the tour were Bhimtal lake, Naini lake, Naina

Devi temple, naina peak etc. They returned

back on night of 5th Sept, 2010. The students

had rib tingling journey which proved to be a

great success.

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(Bye for now ...shall meet again)

Goodbyes are not forever.Goodbyes are not the end.They simply mean I'll miss youUntil we meet again!

TIT&S family on 27th April, 2010 offered a warm farewell to final year students of 2010 batch. The event commenced with the presentation of bouquet to Sh. Mukesh Tyagi (M.D., BST Textile Mills Pvt. Ltd., Patnagar, Uttrakhand) & welcome dance by Apala and group. The heart throbbing performance was then delivered by Shikhar and Deepak that made crowd to rock on their song.

The event continued by captivating dance performances by Draconians , Fly cheeks and Anurag Ranga that ruled over everyone's heart.

The honourable chief guest Sh. Mukesh Tyagi and Prof (Dr.) Rishi P. Jamdagni (Director, TIT&S Bhiwani) delivered speech which proved to be inspiring and informative, and they also gave blessings and wished all final year students best of luck for the future lying ahead of them.

A tribute was paid to the final year students by Balvinder with his poem. Thereafter felicitation ceremony was carried out in which the memento were distributed to post holders, the stage was then handed over to the final year students where they shared their experiences of four nostalgic years with their mind weeping and thinking of what life is lying ahead. Finally the chief prefect Shiv Rattan Rao presented a gift of honour to hostel warden Mr.G.R.Bansal.

Welcome all new stars to the sky,

Relations and cotzin for the rely,

We promise you true guidance and enlightenment,

Pray to god to grace you all now cot illation.

Khushamadeed Khushamadeed Khushamadeed Khushamadeed

With these words the grand gala fresher's party i.e. 'KHUSHAMADEED 2K10' of present academic year was conducted. The event was executed by painstaking task of college dramatic society.

The event started with the presentation of bouquet to Chief guest R.K. Jain (Sr. Vice President Orient Syntax, Bhiwadi) ,special guest Sh. Sandeep Chadha (Italian Trade Commission) followed by duet performance by Vipul and Nidhi and dance performance by “Ghotics”. Solo song was sung by Deepak Sangwan & skit named “Black listed” was delivered by second year students which charged the audience with fun and laughter as they were mesmerised with hostel life.

The honourable Chief Guest Mr. R.K. Jain delivered speech in which he shared his experience of college life after which “B-Boyz” & “Blendz” performed dance on remix beat; and they ruled everyone's heart with their stupendous performances.

Finally competition of prince and princess was kicked off which involved series of dance and questionnaire rounds, the one which impressed the audience and jury with their scintillating dance and intelligent answers were Shubham Goyal and Yamini Chauhar who were then declared as prince and princess.

The event adjourned with dance performance by “abhipsa” and singing of national anthem.

With the efforts of

Mr. Sachin Tuteja & Miss Sonal Rai

Kriti 2010 was finally unveiled on

farewell 2010. This magazine

proved to be a great success

and got lot of appreciation

from alumni also.

Kriti Kriti Launched...Launched...


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Convocation acts as a final frontier where a human being is born. It is not an endbut its a evolution where a person is entitled to conquest the world.

An uncharted life of a student begins with a provocation to outburst their capability to reach desired heights which in different stages act as a paillette to shape their personality. A student life is not only confronted with up and down but also with exuberance which amalgamate to fulfill their destiny. Their endeavor with 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration cascades into a bright future with a pathway for success. Therefore convocation act

Shri. Jagannath Pahadia (Hon'ble Governor of Haryana & Chancellor, Maharshi Dayanand University) and Prof. R.P. Bajpai (Former Vice Chancellor, Kurukshetra University & GJU S&T, Hisar) were the Chief Guest and also Prof. L.K. Maheshwari (Vice Chancellor, BITS Pilani) was the guest of honor of this occasion. The event began with the lightening of ceremonial lamp by the chief guest followed by the Saraswati Vandana and presentation of institute annual report by Prof. (Dr.) R.P. Jamdagni (Director, T.I.T&S Bhiwani) after which chancellor declared the convocation as open.

At first the conferment of PG degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Textile Technology was done followed by the conferment of Under Graduate degrees of Bachelor of Textile Technology, Bachelor of Textile Chemistry, Bachelor

of Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Fashion & Apparel e n g i n e e r i n g , B a c h e l o r o f E l e c t ro n i c s & Instrumentation, Bachelor of Electronics and Communication engineering. When all the degrees were conferred the chancel lor declared convocation as closed. The program continued with the declaration of Italian awards to Pawan Kumar, Nitesh Mittal, Kunal Sapra and Chand Jagga and also with a release of book and research journal “India Techtronika” by the chancellor. The closing ceremony was marked by the singing of national anthem.

not merely conferment of university awards but it rather reflects the saga of juggling journey in student life and this moment is epitome of dignified feeling in life.

thOn 8 march 2010, alumni witnessed their most awaited moment in their life i.e. convocation ceremony. The commencement of felicitation ceremony began at 11 a.m. at which His Excellency

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Rejuvenescence 2k10Rejuvenescence 2k10th th12 -13 March’10

Rebirth ……lives it up…….!!!!!

These were the words knocking in the minds

of T itians with the commencement of

academic session so they took it as a

challenge and executed this idea to deliver a

grand event which proved to never faint in the

mind of Titians i.e. Rejuvenescence 2K10.

Rejuvenescence means revival of youth i.e. a

state of being young again. TITians whole

heartedly contributed to make this fest the

largest techno-cultural festival. They once

again proved that TITians can always strive to

excellence and they are second to none.

Rejuvenescence 2k10 was held for two days th thi.e.12 and 13 march with heart throbbing

events like ‘chiggy wiggy’, splendid ‘fashion

parade’, mind-bending ‘gully –cricket’ and the

most amazing and spell bounding ‘kavi


In the evening the

most awaited event i.e.

fashion parade in which

Siwach royalz were declared

as the winners. Next day

hypnot ic famous poets

hypnotized the audience with

their spicy and rejoicing

poetry. This event marked

the closing ceremony of


The charisma of Rejuvenescence started from th

the morning 12 March with the young minds

in a zest to make it a success. Fest began with

the lightening of lamps by chief guest, Prof

(Dr.) Rishi .P.Jamdagni (Director) and Mr. S.K.

Kapoor in the central auditorium followed by

prelims of various events. The aroma of

festival was felt in every nook and corner of


Rejuvenescence 2k10Rejuvenescence 2k10

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College days :- Where pebbles were polished and diamond dimmed, Succeeded in life by getting trimmed.

On 2nd Oct 2010, it was the day when 1985 batch came to refresh their college memories to their very own campus of TIT&S. They were about twenty four alumni members that came in their own designed jersey.

The commencement of function took place with the lightening ceremony followed by the welcome dance performance by Vandana and group. Other dance performance was by ' B-BOYZ' and Saumya that made the evening more energetic. Duet performance by Apala and Nidhi was a mixture of Indian and Western culture.

The skit by 'white collars' earmarked the flashback of memorable college days. They were also other marvellous performance of acting by Rakesh and poem by Alankar.

The adjourning of cultural program was done by presenting gift to all alumni members. The alumni also presented a gift to our college. The grand success was the result of hard work Dramatic society under the guidance of eminent teacher Mrs. Mangal.


On 15th August, 2010 a medical camp was organized by TIT&S, NSS UNIT-I &II. This camp was

inaugurated by our Prof (Dr.) R. P. Jamdagni (Director). About 350 people from slum area were

treated by the team of six doctors and free medicines were distributed to the patients.

It is known to everyone that TITians always augments the pool of human resources which is

required for the growth of any society .The true devotion of TITians towards this society was

observed in the various NSS camps which were organized by

the TIT&S NSS unit. The main activities of the NSS

volunteers includes

1. Preservation of natural resources and conservation of

cultural heritage and environment.

2. Health, public sanitation and personal hygiene;

3. Rural development including project identification

programme formulation, implementation and


4. Education and literacy including legal awareness;

5. Emergency interventions including trauma care, initial counseling and data collection.

I whole heatedly praise the efforts of all the NSS volunteers to gear up discipline and

excellence in the society.

Sunil Rohilla

Programme Officer, NSS

Silver Jubilee 1985 BatchSilver Jubilee 1985 BatchSilver Jubilee 1985 Batch

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PP On Going Sponsored Projects

1) Prof (Dr.) Rishi .P. Jamdagni is working on a project entitled Development of Environment

Friendly Flame Resistant Protective Textile for Civil & Defence Applications. This project was

sponsored by the Defence Research & Development Organization. It was started on the year

2009 with a sanctioned amount of Rs.14,92,000 and will be completed by the end of 2011.

2) Dr. S.K. Sharma is working on a project entitled An Approach to Strategic Evaluation of

Control in Indian Companies. This project was sponsored by the University Grants

Commission, New Delhi. It was started in the year 2008 with a sanctioned amount of

Rs.2,87,500 and will be completed by the end of 2011.

3) Dr. V.K. Kaushik is working on a project entitled Service Quality Measurements of Engineering

Institute of North India. This project was sponsored by the University Grants Commission,

New Delhi. It was started in the year 2010 with a sanctioned amount of Rs.4,69,200 and will be

completed by the end of 2012.

Guest Lectures

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OO Ontogenesis

New In Campus

A totally new fashion department has been

established in the institute. The new

Application Development Centre is fully

equipped with brand new computer based

sewing machines, braiding machines and juki

machines. The block is also facilitated with new

classrooms and a new computer lab. The

Computer Aided Designing lab is commissioned

with a wide range of useful softwares i.e.

''electra'', ''tukacant'' and ''reach''.

The home fashion lab is now powered with

computerized flat bed knitting machine,

narrowing machine, and electronic jacquard. A

spacious Designing Studio has been set up in

the new fashion block for the students to

expand their designing abilities.

This all due to the sincere efforts of Prof. (Dr.)

R.P. Jamdagni (Director, T.I.T&S Bhiwani) and

Mr. K.N.Chatterjee.

On 30th July, 2010 faculty development

programme with video conference facility was

organised. It was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) Rishi

P Jamdagni (Director).

Day 1

Ø The session was started by Dr. Neeraj

Kaushik and Dr. Ajay Sharma with their

management games which proved to be

Campus UpdatesCampus Updates

Faculty Development ProgrammeFaculty Development Programme


New books had been added in the textile as

well as IT Block library. It includes various new

course books, journals, magazines, novels by

eminent authors etc.

Boy's hostel

A barber shop and a book shop have been

commissioned with in hostel premises during

the session thereby making the life in hostel


Girl's hostel

Girl's hostel is heading fast on the path of

improvement. A new book shop has been

commissioned in hostel premises. The furniture

of old hostel has been replaced with the brand

new one. Various celebrations like dandia

night, mehandi competition, dance party and a

lot more were organized with brimming zeal

and zest. On dushhera, special jubilations was

observed in play called 'Modern Ramayana'

which was performed by the pre-final year

students. In sports the most highlighted game

was gully cricket in which team 'Patake' were

conferred winners. At last farewell for final year

girls was also organized including tittle, dance

party with number of fun games.

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h e l p f u l i n e n h a n c i n g c reat i v i t y,

judgement, leadership qualities

Ø Dr. S.K. Sharma delivered a talk on 'Vision

& Mission Statements'.

Ø Subsequently, the Management faculty

conducted the group discussion on

various interesting topics.

Ø In the post lunch session Dr. S.K. Sharma

delivered a talk on the topic 'An Ideal

Teacher & Evaluation Method for the

Teacher's performance'. The participants

derived inspiration from this valuable

thought as it proved to be very


Ø An extempore was conducted, along with

video recording of the body language.

Day 2

Ø The session was initiated with the time

management activities. Subsequently

Prof. Sharma educated about the class

management techniques.

Ø Mr. Manoj Nanda evaluated the videos of

participants noted their flaws and

discussed the key parameters which they

should keep in mind during day to day

life. He also delivered techniques on how

to improve communication skills.

Ø The faculty development programme was

adjourned with the distribution of

certificates to the participants by the

Director Sir. He finally appreciated with the

kind of efforts put in by the organisers for

conducting such kind of programs in the


RCTM WorkshopRCTM Workshop

Modernization and industrialization

throughout the world is progressing at a great

speed by the efforts of various visionaries for

better living of human beings .As such

computer and mathematics which are the basic

and core subject in all areas of science and

technology play a vital role in the all all-round

development. World community has been

experiencing rapid developments in these areas

of research. In recent times various problems in

science and technology are analyzed by

applying the powerful methods of computer &

mathematics in general. The mathematical and

computational technique is becoming

indispensable tool to handle the complex

engineering problems and systems. In the

multi-disciplinary areas of research, various

equipments and experimental techniques are

being used to generate important information.

These may only be analyzed using

advanced methods of computer, mathematics,

simulation and modeling for future design,

understanding and developing new materials

and components. The workshop delivered

efforts towards intensifying the latest in the

field of computing expert from the field of

recent trends in computing.

It was organized under the guidance of

Prof. (Dr.) R.P. Jamdagni (Patron, Director,

T.I.T&S Bhiwani), Dr. Rahul Rishi, Dr. Sudhir

Batra Dr. D.K. Madan(organizing committee),

Dr. Dr Mukesh Sharma (Coordinator), Amit

Manocha and Mr.Kamal Sardana (Co-

coordinator). The workshop received lot of

appreciation from participants as it proved to

be very inspiring.

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AA Ace Ventura

3. Virtual salesman,

4. Power point presentation.

Golden words were then delivered by our

Honorable, Prof. (Dr.) Rishi P. Jamdagni at the

opening ceremony of this grand event.

This event was possible only because of our

convenors Mrs. Neha Khurana and Dr. S.N.

Singh. The main coordinator was Arun Sardana,

Final year IT. Total 92 candidates enrolled

themselves for this event. Out of which 42

were from outside colleges viz. RIMT Sonipat,

Vaish college Rohtak, UIET Rohtak and N C

Israna Panipat and around fifty candidates

were from TIT&S. In total TIT&S got 8 positons

and 4 positions got by outsiders.

The winners from TIT&S were:

In Group Discussion: Praveen Rana, Final Year

(IT) TIT&S, 1st position.

In Virtual salesman: Ritu Girdhar, Final Year(IT)

TIT&S, 1st position.

In Power point presentation: Saksham, Final

Year (IT) TIT&S, 1st position.

In totality Personika was a great success and

full of Knowledge and Enjoyment.

1. Chand Jagga, Nitesh Mittal, Kunal Sapra

and Pawan Kumar were selected for an

educational tour to Italy. The project was based

on “Innovation in Textiles” under the guidance

To pay a tribute to our worthy teachers

the teacher's day was celebrated with zest and


The event started with lightening of

traditional lamp and welcome dance by

bhawana. Then Prof (Dr.) R.P. Jamdagni

showered few words of inspiration followed by

wonderful performance of group dance by fly

cheeks and solo song by Geetanjali.

The centre of attraction was the group

dance by EPS (Era, Pooja and Sapna), then at

the end of the program teachers were asked to

play fun games and this marked the closing

ceremony of teacher's day.

Personika, a series State Level Events was

held on November 11, 2010. In this series four

events were organized namely

1. Group discussion,

2. Virtual media coverage,

Teacher's DayTeacher's Day

Personika Personika


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(Politechnico di Milano), ITC (Italian Trade

Commission) and ACIMIT. These students are

indebted to T.I.T&S as they got the opportunity

to showcase their talent.

2. Mr. K.N.Chatterjee, Mrs Shelly Khanna,

Mrs Amandeep kaur (FAE Deptt. TIT&S,

Bhiwani.) Gopal Wadhwa and Kamal Mittal

went to 23rd National Convention of Textile

Engineer which was held on March 26-27,

2010. Mrs Shelly Khanna delivered a seminar

on “Development of blended flame retardant

seamed composites” while Gopal Wadhwa

(Textile Technology) and Kamal Mittal (Textile

Chemistry) del ivered presentation on

“Geotextiles”. The event was organised by

faculty of IIT Delhi. This event showcased

seminars on various developments in textiles

and apparel industry. There was mass

participation from various national colleges and

researchers from India and abroad.

of Prof (Dr.) R.P. Jamdagni on the topics

“Development of Sewing Machine Considering

Needle Penetration and Withdrawal Forces”,

“Conversion of Noise into Electricity”, “Double

Vortex Supercritical Dyeing Machine” and

“Removal of Shedding Mechanism by Needle

Weaving”. The tour was sponsored by Govt. of

Italy which lasted for two weeks and proved to

be very informative and inspiring as they got

exposure to research and development in

textile. The projects of the students were highly

appreciated by the authorities at MIP

Internationally acclaimed poem by :- Sudhir Narayan SinghInternationally acclaimed poem by :- Sudhir Narayan Singh

After all! A man, At All

One day I got myself in deep trouble;

When my heart raised a question to my soul that

Who am I? and, What is my introduction?

Soon the Soul replied; And said:

“A student! By brain,

A poet! By heart,

A player! At chess board;

A son, brother and cousin at home,

A friend and fellow! To my friends.

A guide! To my followers,

An idealist! By approach,

And after all!

A mortal! In the search of immortality;

And a “Man”, at all.”

“Hill” and “Sky”

Coming from the hills the water is looking as lovely

as the falling rays of Sun from the sky.

“Sky” and “Hill”, both are high.

Can it be achieved by you and me?

Come with me and let us try.

If it will be possible for us,

We will also certainly be in sky.

And then we will get success to achieve,

the strength and power;

equal to age and time.

Though their works are destruction,

but our will be construction

(Against their destructive stream)

“of a new and immortal life.”

That will be a thing which we will survive.

And after that we will be like “Hill” and “Sky”.

Our works will also be like

the falling waters from the hills

and coming rays through sky.

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PtPt PlacementStudents Placed in Various Companies in 2010








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&S Hockey

team had aga in

proved that with sheer

passion and commitment they can

always stand among all odds. In its first attempt at

BITS PILANI Hockey tournament, they grab second position.

Team had shown wonderful performance at the tournament & if

it continues its efforts in this direction it will surely go very long. It

was only due to sincere effort of our college hockey coach and

blessings from Prof. (Dr.) R P Jamdagni they reached upto this

extent, we all wish them best of luck to continue their

performance in coming future.

Continuing their winning streak this year also Badminton

Champs of our college maintain their top position in recent

tournaments. They beat their opponents & grab the third

position at BITS PILANI Badminton Tournament. Hope they will

keep brightening the name of the institute, we all wish

them best of luck to continue their

performance in coming


Shining Shining


Editorial board was once again come in thlimelight on 12 Nov, 2010. 'ART UTSAV', as a

painting competition was organized by the

editorial board team in the college campus. The

main point of attraction was that even the college

lecturers participated whole heartedly. The event

aimed at bringing out the hidden talents of the

TITians . The active participation of the students

made it a great success. ART UTSAV explored the

expressions and emotions of the students on the

canvas. Along with portraits and sceneries, many

social issues were also highlighted by the students

on their paintings. Students participated willingly

and some even came in a group of two or three.

Painting kits and sheets were also provided to

each participating team. The EDITORIAL BOARD

members were present all the time to provide any

sort of help to the participants. The whole event

longed for almost 3 hours. EDITORIAL BOARD succeeded in giving the students a chance to bring

out their inner creativity in front of all and the members of editorial board will keep striving for it

in future also.

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