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Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

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Page 1: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

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Titchfield Parish Register

1634-1678 -------------------


Titchfield History Society I --- - - ------------ ------------------

Page 2: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield
Page 3: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

The Titchfield Parish Register 1634-1678

Transcribed from the original

,,. Editor Keith Hayward BA MCLIP I • \


Page 4: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

© Titchfield History Society First Edition 2006 ISBN 0 9508131 4 1 Front cover designed by James Dennis Printed by University of Portsmouth

Also published by the Titchfield History Society:

Titchfield: a history ISBN 0 9508131 1 7 (Paperback)

Titchfield: a place.in history ISBN 1 8545503 0 6 (Paperback) ISBN 1 8545502 9 2 (cased)

The Hearth Tax Return for the Hundred of Titchfield 1664-1665

The Titchfield Parish Register 1589-1634 ISBN 0 9508131 2 5

Page 5: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998

One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield when contemplating the possibility of being Vicar here was the church and its ancient history. I am not a great historian but, if this is not a contradiction in terms, I have a great sense of history, and often reflect on what the people and the life of the church and its parish must have been like in times past. For me the sense of the continuity that exists in being a part of the moving history and spiritual tide of a place that has a history in excess of 1,300 years is very special. The prayers containing the hopes, dreams, joys, sufferings and agonies of thousands upon thousands of ordinary people have soaked into the very stones of the building.

That is what is so important about the work of the Titchfield History Society in relation to the transcribing of the Parish Registers in this volume and in its predecessor that dates from 1589. The people recorded in these records are ordinary people, just like you and me. Most of us pass through time without leaving much of a trace, save in the hearts and minds of those who love us, but within a generation or two even that too fades away. But each of us is precious in the sight of God and has a place in His heart. That is why the Church has always recorded details of those who have been part of its community, because each one of us does make a difference, small perhaps, to the place and the people where we are born, live and die. This is a record of such people. I hope that when you use it you will find what you are looking for. As you use it you might like to offer a prayer in humble thanks for those who have preceded us in this place and have made it what it is today.

So my thanks to Titchfield History Society, and especially those who did the work of compilation, particularly Keith Hayward on whom most of the weight rested, but also Annie Mitchell and George Watts whose work was also extremely valuable.


Page 6: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Page 7: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Soon after the Titchfield History Society was founded in 1977 it was decided to transcribe and publish the Titchfield Parish Registers. These begin in January 1589/90 and are deposited at Hampshire Record Office, where they are now normally available to researchers on microfiche. The earlier books are difficult to use because of the Elizabethan handwriting, because much of the handwriting is very untidy, and because they are unindexed. The first transcribed volume was published in 1998 and is still available from the Society.

The present volume contains the text of the second extant register (Hampshire Record Office ref. 37M73A/PR2) covering events from April 1634 up to June 1678.

At the period of this Register, the New Year began on March 25 th

• No attempt has been made to convert the dates to modern usage.

Considerable efforts have been made to achieve accuracy. A complete manuscript transcript made by the Editor from microfiche of the original document was word-processed and proof-read against photocopies of the original by two people working independently. Queries having been resolved as far as possible by reference to the original Register, the text was again printed out and a detailed index compiled, which was then rechecked against the text. Any errors which do survive are the Editor's reponsibili ty, and he would be glad to have details of any found.

All information in the Editor's aim being to exactly as possible, conventions:

Register has been transcribed, the present the Clerk's intentions as

subject to certain editorial


denotes illegible matter.

under a particular date or heading indicates that no event is registered, or within an entry that some information is missing from the original.

indicates that an alteration has been made in the original document.

Words editorially supplied are enclosed in brackets().

Any abbreviation is indicated by an apostrophe, it being impossible on modern word processors to reproduce the


Page 8: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

various original abbreviation symbols. The orthography of the original has otherwise been preserved.

Dates are in various styles of Roman or modern numerals depending on the scribe of the day. Thus the twelfth may appear as xij, xijth, xij 0 12 or 12 th or indeed may be spelt in full in a variety of ways.

Although the first Register was filled in 1634, a new book was not obtained until 1636, and entries from April 1634 were copied retrospectively into the back of the new book. For the convenience of researchers that block of entries hase been put in its correct chronological place.

Correction to Volume 1:

The text of pages 140 and 141 was inadvertently transposed. Family name index references to page 140 should therefore be construed as page 141 and vice versa.


Page 9: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


The Society would like to thank all those who have contributed to this book. Mr K. Hayward made the transcript forming the first stage of the work and carried out the initial proof-reading and final checking; Samantha word-processed the text, coping masterfully with the combination of 17 th century spelling and the Editor's handwriting; our President, Mr D. G. Watts, once again undertook the difficult and intricate task of indexing, and Mrs B. A. Mitchell proof-read the complete text and checked the index. Thanks are also due to Mr H. Hicks, Mr Watts and Mrs S. Wise who formed the subcommittee which initiated the project; to Miss M. Cash, late County Archivist, who gave us permission to transcribe and provided the photocopies used in the project; to Miss R. Dunhill, late County Archivist, who allowed the Editor the privilege of using the original Register for proof­reading purposes, and to the Titchfield Community Association for making clerical assistance available when it was very badly needed.

Much time and effort has also been expended on later Registers, which it is hoped to publish in due course.


Page 10: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Page 11: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

The Register


Page 12: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Page 13: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

This Booke of John ..... Teery p'relium

This Booke bought by Tho' Edwards & Rich' Trod Churchwardens of Titchfeild for the yeare of o' Lord god 1636

And Was Kept by Robt Willmott Clarke of ye same p'ish the same time 1636

This Booke Keept by Stephen Moudy Clarke of ye parish of Titchfield in 1681

This Booke was kept by William Moudy ye 21 of September Anno D'ni 1651

Stephen Moodye Clark in 1705 Peter Sexey Receued this Boock in 1661 But was Clarke two year

before that time See at the Latar End of this Boock for two years

Regestering from April 1634 untill August 1636 Peter Sexey Entered his Clarks place July ye 11 1658 Stephen Moudy Entred the Clarks place***** 1681 Peter Sexey Cam to his Clarks place July ye xi 1658 Peter Sexeye Ragester 1663 Mr Henry ..... ----- of the p'rish -----


Page 14: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1634 from this place ..... was Left un Ragestered in Mr oakses time & kept in account by william moudy sexton & put in to this Book by me Peter Sexey th Clerk

Baptized Thomas Clewar the 27th daye Roger Cleuerley ye same daye Danell Harfard ye same daye Ann mowdey the 28th daye


Buried Jone Newman the 29th daye

May 1634 Baptized

----- Reaues of Richard Reaues ye first daye Richard Hollise of Richard ye 4th daye Peter Parssons of Peter ye same daye Elizabeth Lane of William ye 5th daye Nicholas Bowar of John ye 26th daye

Maried Thomas Marshall & Sussan Corbet ye 2-.daye William millard & Bazzill white ye 8th daye

Buried John Franklin the 12th daye

June 1634 Baptized

William touey of William ye 2 daye Jane Loffe of John Loffe ye Sixth daye Thomas Prowting of Tho' ye same daye Mary Seager the 13 day John Boggest the same daye ----- Albery of William the 21th daye

Maried Robart Reaues & Elizabeth Missing the 4th day

Buried Thomas Hewat the third daye The wife of Robart Mayle the 12th day

July 1634 Baptized

John Reede the 13 daye (Maried)

Buried Thomas Freemantell the 10th daye


Page 15: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

August 1634 Baptized

John Russell of Peter Russell ye 3 day Dorathy Plasket of thomas ye 6th daye Mary Blunden of John the 10th daye Ann Coopar of nicholas the 21th daye Nicholas Wallar of John the 24th daye Richard Cossen of Richard the same daye James Whit of James Whit the same day

Maried The Right honorable Tho' Earle of Southton in France ye 18th

day Buried

Giles Fostar the 13th daye

September 1634 Baptized

Elizabeth Manssell of John the 7th daye Margrett Whit of William ye 14th daye Ann frankum of John frankum ye 29th daye

Maryed John Pledger & ann Childe the 22 daye William Beene & margrett Hayter ye 23 daye

Buryed The widow Eames the 29th daye

Octobar 1634 Baptized

Katherin Tuke of Edward Tuke ye***** 13th day Thomas Knight of tho' Knight ye 26th daye Elizabeth Beene of Roger ye 28th daye

Maryed Samwell Little & Alice turner ye 12th daye

Buried ----- Foster of Richard foster ye 27th day Robart Daye the 28th daye

November 1634 Baptized

Frances Lock of Frances Lock ye 2 daye Elizabeth newman of Tho' newman ye 10 daye

Maryed Franses Greetham & Elizabeth Cleuerly ye 16th

Buryed Elizabeth Landy of Will' Landy ye 14th daye Elizabeth Bowles the 25th daye Richard Bowles the 30th daye


Page 16: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

December 1634 Baptized

Franses Willmott the fifth daye Richard Whit of Richard the 14th daye


Buryed William Grimes a saruant to my lord the ninth day

January 1634 Baptized

Agnis Crips of Richard Crips ye 6th daye Ann Landy of Peter Landy the 9th daye Edmund Paull the 10th daye Margret Allen of Henry the 11 daye Mary Bounde of Nicholas ye 24 daye


Buried ----- Kinge of Will' King ye first daye Nicholas Coopar the 12th daye

February 1634 Baptized

Elizabeth feildar of John ye first daye Frances Baston the 10th day Will' Shackelford the 13th daye Jane adams of Richard adams the 23th d Tho' Churchar of Tho' Churcher ye 23 day Alice Leach of Gyles Leach ye***** 23 daye


Buryed The Wife of Will' Tayler ye 10th daye Mrs margret maronell the 20th daye Dorothey Shackelford the 23 daye

March 1634 Baptized

Robart Wise the seauenth daye Ann houghton of Will' Houg the 8th daye Tho' the sonn of----- Patten bace born ye same daye Robart Sone of Peter soan ye same daye Frances middens the 15th daye Elizebeth Parson of Will' Pr ye 24th day


Buried ----- Plasket the 8th daye Nicholas Channell the 21th daye John Roy the 20th day


Page 17: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

April 1635 Baptized

John***** Trepucke the 12th daye John Hancock the 19th day Robart Batt the same daye William Reeues of Will' Reeues of stubington the same day Mrs Lucy Beeson the 24th daye Frances Richards the 26th daye

Maryed John Spershot and Jone Reed ye 3th day

Buried A Child of John Kings the 3 daye Dorothy Wyatt the 19th daye Sara Hide the same daye

May 1635 Baptized

Margret Prise the third daye Ann Pledgar the 21th daye James Hocraft of hoock the 30th daye


Buryed The widow Sone the 21th daye The wife of William hancock the 26th daye Thomas the ..... Coopar the 30 day

June 1635 Baptized

Elizabeth Sparshot of Alexandar Sparshot the 10th daye Amey Beaker of John Beaker ye 21 day Alexander Browne of Clement ye 25th day


Buried John Groue of meane the 6th daye Edward Litlefield of Edmund ye 13th daye Edboro ye wife of John franckum ye 25 daye Ellen Parson daughtar of Will' ye 30 day

July 1635 Baptized

Richard stoakes the fifth daye Sara hackesworth ye same daye John Gaywood of John Gaywood gent ye 6 daye John hamman of Nicholas the 9th daye John Pottar of John Pottar ye 19 daye Zacheus Sabben of Zacheus ye 25 daye

Maryed Walter Marsh & Mary Knowleman ye 12 daye John Wyatt & agnis missing the 13th daye Henry Janes & Katherin Barrey ye 15 daye


Page 18: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Jone Simes widdow the 17th daye Tho' A sarvant to Richard Reeues ye 28 day

August 1635 Baptized

Thomas Wheatham of Thomas ye 9th daye Mari hamman of Argent ye same daye Thomas Reeues Robt Reeues the same daye Elizabeth Greetham of franses ye 16 daye Elizabeth Binsted of George ye 23 daye

Maried John Towley & Katherin Alin ye 18 daye

Buried Robart Aylieffe of Robart the 3 daye Mary hancock of Will' the 7 daye ----- Aylieffe of Robert Ayliefe ye 16 daye John Landey of Rich' Landey ye 21 day

September 1635 Baptized

Mary Orpington of William the 19 daye Elizabeth Baberstock of John the 20 day Christopher houghton of John the 27 daye Ann Sexey of William Sexey ye 29 day


Buried Elizabeth Ballard wife of Tho' ballard ye 6th d Edmond Osmand of Brooke the 19th daye

October 1635 Baptized

Robart Missing of John Missing ye 3 daye Isaac Godden of Will' Godden ye 13 daye

Maried Robart Spershot & Elizabeth houghton ye first daye Stephen Seagar & Elizabeth Reeues ye 12 day Will' Sims & Jane Plaskat the 26 daye


Nouember 1635 Baptized

Amey heward of John the ..... Elizabeth Bo ..... of Richard the same day Al ..... of Robart ..... 17 daye Robart Mose of Robt Mose the 29th daye



Page 19: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Frances Corbett the 12th daye The young Lord Charls the 25 daye

December 1635 Baptized

Sara Stoakes of William ye 13 daye William Cussen of John Cussen ye 20 daye Thomas Mayle of stephen the 29 daye

Maried Rob't harmesworth & mary Jourd widow the 21 daye

Buried John Beaker the 13th daye Richard stoakes of Richard ye 24 day Katherin Sutt spinster ye 26 day

January 1635 Baptized

Mari Bristow the 12th daye Henry Williams of henry ye 21 daye Joane Loase of John Loase ye 24 daye


Buried William Missing of hoolte ye 31 daye

(Feb)ruary 1635 (B)aptized

Robart missing of Will' missing of Roome the Seauenth daye Mary Foster of Richard the 8 daye Cleyre daughter of Andrew my Lords Groome the 22 daye Agnis Plasket of Tho' the 25 daye

Maried Thomas Ballard & christian abram the Second day

Buried Elizabeth Person the 2 daye Henry Osmand the 12 daye Ralfe Rush the 25 daye

March 1635 Baptized

Elizabeth Gla-----oll of Will' of hoock ye 4th day Elizabeth King of Will' King ye 6 daye Will' Price of John Price ye 13 daye Henry Trodd of Richard the 24 daye Frances Litlefield of Edmond ye same daye Jone Longe of Richard Longe ye same day Jone dauise of John dauise the 28 daye



Page 20: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Richard Pilgrim the 13th daye William dawes the 17 daye

April 1636 Baptized

John Cleuerly the first daye Ann Bright the third daye Marye Garratt of Will' the 26 daye

Maried Will' Cartar of aluerstoke & magdlen Searle of stoanham the 28

daye Buried

Katherin Reeues widdow ye 25 day John Crowcher of James ye 27 day

(May) 1636 Baptized

Frances brig----- ----- daye Mary william -----Isaac----- sam daye -----Towley of John Towley the 12 daye Mary fostar of Richard the 13 daye Ann Wallar of John Waller ye 14 day Will' Gregory of Richard the same daye Elizabeth marsh of Walter the 18 daye Agnis Silley of Thomas the 29 daye Agnis Adams of Will' Adams ye 30 day



(June 1636) (Baptized)

----- of Richard the 6th daye ----- Little the 12 daye Mary mansbridg of andrew ye 16 day Will' Smith of John Smith ye 19 day Henry Gawood of John Gawood Jent ye 16 day

Maried Stephen Tonnell & Jone Ray ye 10 day Catberd Euerit & mary tannar ye 12 day

Buried William harding the 20th daye The wife of Edward Bastard ye 29

(July 1636) (B)aptized

Elizabeth Spershot of Robt-----The Lady Elizabeth daught-----Right Hon'able Earle of Southton

ye 29 day


Page 21: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buried Gilberd Callens of Chark the 9th daye Franses the sonn of honor oker ye 10 daye Widdow King of Swannick ye 15 daye Widdow Collins of Chark ye 20 day Robart Ayliefe the 26 daye The Wife of Robert Spershot ye 30 day Ann Wallar daughter of John Wallar ye same day ----- ----- 31 daye

(August 1636) (Baptised)

----- Swannick ----- Seauenth day Edmond Foster & henry of Edward Foster the 19 daye Thomas Spershot of Tho' Spershot of Swannick the 21 daye Thomas Bowar of thomas the 20 day Ann hopley of Will' hopley ye same


Buried Peter Parson of Peter ye 15th John Carden the 27 daye

(September) 1636 Baptised

Elizabeth White of Willm White of Stubington ye First day Anne Manssell of John Manssell ye 15th day Jane Mayl of John Mayl the 16th day


Buryed John Euens the 21th day

October 1636 Baptised

Jane Prise of Rob't Prise ye second day Robert Hopley of Robt Hopley the same day Elizabeth Woodes the 9th day William Reed of Robert Reed the 19 day Alice Mowday of William Mowdy the 27th day

Maryed . Ralfe Sabben & Amey Godden ye 12th day Thomas Reed & Mary Tribeck ye 14th day

Buryed The wife of Richard Callsen ye 19th day


Page 22: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

November 1636 Baptised

William Simes of William simes ye 6th day Richard Stoakes of Richard Stoakes ye 29th day Sara Houghten of Will'm Houghten ye 30th day

Maryed Thomas Reeves & Tomisen woodman ye first day John Lampard & Anne Crispine the 6th day two french women & men the 12 & 13 dayes


Decembe' 1636 Baptised

Mr Will'm Beeston of Mr Will'm Beeston ye 2 day Sara Bassatt of Richard Bassatt ye 5 day Peeter Knight of John Knight of hooke ye same day Will'm Clewer of Phillip Clewer ye 19 day


Buryed Robert Knight the 23th day Catheryne Pilgrim vidde the 28 day ***** John Blackdowne the 28th day John Coop' the 29th day

January 1636 Baptised

Peeter Stares of John Stares the 6th day Thomas Knight of Thomas Knight the 8th day Thomas Page of----- Page of Brook ye 10 day Mary West of John West of Swanwick ye 22th day Margery Tanner of----- Tanner of Cerbridge ye 22th day Thomas Stephens of Henry Stephens ye 29th day Alice Hocraft of Will'm Hocraft the 29 day John Crowcher of James Crowcher ye 30th day

Maryed Peeter Baker & Elizabeth Zone ye 24th day Richard Bower & Alice Dash ye 30th day

Buryed ----- Clewer the sonne of Phillip Clewer ye second day Jone Day widdo the 22th day Susan Glaspoll widdo the 27 day Joane the wife of Stephen Trimell ye 29th day

February 1636 Baptised

Thomas Pilgrim of Rich' pilgrim the 12th day John Baker of John Baker the 19 day Elzabeth Mayl of Robert Mayl Jun' ye 26th day


Page 23: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maryed John Hamman & Mary Foster the 2 day John Glaspoll and Margery Hearley the same day Simon Hancock & Elizabeth Aylieff ye 5 day John Willsheire & Agnis Horne the same day


March 1636 Baptised

John Knight of John Knight of Lee ye 5 day William White of James White of Crabthorne ye 11th day Barbery Hamman of Argent Hamman ye 12 day William Lock of Frauncis Lock the 19th day John Willsheire of John Willsheire ye 31th day


Buryed Widdo Knight of meane the 12th day

April 1637 Baptised

John Everid of Cutberd Everid ye 22th day William Addams of William Addams of Swanwick ye 23th day William White of Richard White the 30th day

Maryed John Pepperinge & Elizabeth Austin the 24th day Henry Ray & Elizabeth meere ye 25th day

Buryed Richard Leach the 19th day

May 1637 Baptised

Rachell Hobbey of John Hobbey ye 25th day ----- Wigg of Robert Wigg ye 28th day Sara Plasket of Thomas Plasket ye 29th day

Maryed John Glaspoll and Catherine Waight ye 31st day

Buryed Peeter Faithfull the Eighth day George Bewmonts youngest daughter ye 15th William White of Richard White ye 20th day John manssell the 22th day William Stoakes of gubbels the 29th day

June 1637 Baptised

Anne Reeves of Will'm Reeves the 18th day Elizabeth Blunden of John Blunden ye 24th day Elizabeth Nunne of William Nunne ye same day Margery Gawdey of Edward Gawdey ye 25 day


Page 24: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maryed John Carpender & Ellin Collssen ye 8th day Quinbey Wassell & Elizabeth Plasket ye 30th day

Buryed Richard Spershatt the 10th day the wife of James Gibbens the 18th day Robert Wigges Child ye 20th day

July 1637 Baptised

Robert Willmott the 4th day William Binsted of Arculaus Binsted of Charke the 9th day Elizabeth Wassell of Philemon Wassell the same day Peeter Ray of Henry Ray Juni' ye 13th day Mary Mansbridge of Andrew Mansbridge of meane the 16th day Peeter Parsson of Peeter Parsson the same day Elizabeth Zone of Peeter Zone ye 23th day Luke Feilder of John Feilder ye 26th day


Buryed William Pamer of Thomas Pamer of Fareham ye 21th day

August 1637 Baptised

Elizabeth mayne of Stephen mayne the 3 day Richard Hill of Gyles Hill the 11th day John Waller of John Waller the 13th day Sara Kerbey of William Kerbey the 27th day


Buryed Richard Whites Child of Crafton ye 1 day George Bayley servaunt to the Earle of Southton the fourth day Mrs***** Slaughters Father of Charke ye 10th day

September 1637 Baptised

George the sonne of Agnis Elmes bace borne the third day John Middens of Richard Middens ye 10th day Mary Harffard of Crafton the 17th day The Lady Rachell Daughter to the Right Honorable Thomas earle

of Southt' the 19th day Maryed

James Gibbens & Jane Plasked ye 12th day Buryed

Phillip Cluer of Phillip Cluer ye 7th day John Saunders a sayler of plemoth yt Came forth of slavery the

24th day John Holliday the 26th day


Page 25: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1637 Baptised

John Hollis of Rich' Hollis the first day Joane missinge of John missinge ye 13th day John Wheeler of John Wheeler ye 22th day Catherine Pawle of Edmand Pawle ye 23th day John Spershat of Alexander Spershatt ye 24th day John Richardes of John Richardes the 29th day

Maryed John Fitchatt & Jone Spershatt the first day Luke Millsom & Mary Randall the 10th day Thomas Sirrett and Elizabeth Bowyer the 31th day

Buryed Buckets Childe of stoneham the 11th day Ralph Tanner the Eighteenth day

November 1637 Baptised

Nicholas Hamman of Nicholas Hamman of Fontley the 12th day Robert Bastone of Robert Bastone ye 12th day Anne Litlefeild of Nicho' Litlefeild the 14th day

Maryed William Holte & Elizabeth Sexssey the 12 day John Kendley & mary meryweather the Twentye Eight day

Buryed William Tayler the first day Gregory Harper a traveler ye second day John Wyat of Crafton ye 14th day

December 1637 Baptised

Mary Sabben of Ralph Sabben ye 3 day William Parssen of William Parsen ye 27th day Elizabeth Godden of William Godden the 29th day


Buryed John Luffe the 4th day Richard Hughes the 10th day Margret the wife of Will'm harford ye 20th day Marcey the wife of Anthoney Reeve ye 30th day

January 1637 Baptised

John Loaze of John Loaze the 7th day John Seager of Johan Seager the 27th day John Wheatham of Tho' Wheatham ye 31th day

Maryed William Stares & Mary Houghten ye 16th day


Page 26: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Margery the wife of George Deane the seacond day Nicholas Bagley the Twelfe day the wife of John Dowlinge the 15th day William Gregory the sone of Rich' Gregory the three and

Twentyth day Elizabeth Williams of Isaacc Williams ye 26th day John Seager of John Seager the 31th day

February 1637 Baptised

Edward Bright of Henry Bright the 20th day William Reeves of William Reeves the 24th day Thomas Cooper of Edward Coop' the 25th day



March 1637 Baptised

Jone Prise of John Prise Juni' the 5th day Elizabeth Holkam Alis Anslie ye 11th day

Maryed Mathew Beedelton & Annis Dawes the 29th day

Buryed William Austin the 25th day Jone Wassell the 26 day

April 1638 Baptysed

Henry Sabben of Zache Sabben the 7th day Anne Hartley of Richard Hartley the 8th day Agnis Reeves Allis Leagatt the***** 12th day Thomas White of William White the 23th day

Maryed Richard Collssen & Barbery Lessen the 2th day Richard Binsted & Elizabeth Channell the 4th day William Harfard & Margrett Gillinggame the 10th day William Osemand & Elizabeth Osemand the 16th day John Franckam & Mary Cussen the 17th day

(Buryed) Anne ye wife of Samuell P'ker the 9th day Edward Fosters Child ye 10th day Nicholas Cripps the 12th day ----- Cripps the 19th day Agnis the wife of Richard Stubington ye 26th day Elizabeth Foster of Gyles Foster ye 30th day

May 1638 Baptised


Page 27: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maryed Leonell Luffe & Mary Smyth ye 28th day

Buryed Andrew Jourdan the 7th day William younge of Will'm younge ye 10th day a girle yt Lived at John Tripuckes ye 15th day

June 1638 Baptised

Anne Binsted of George Bensted ye 3th day Mary Potter of John Potter ye 10th day Jone Sexssey of Will'm Sexssey ye 13th day Mary Harfford of Mary Harfford base borne the same day at

eveninge Maryed

Buryed Mrs Jones a stranger yt dyed at Stubington the 9th day Roger Cooper the 14th day

July 1638 Baptised

Alice Wigg of Robert Wigge ye sixth day Robert Page of John Page the Ninth Day George Marsh of Walter Marsh the 31th day


Buryed Alice the wife of Robert Wigg ye sixth day The wife of William Noyse the 31th day

August 1638 Baptised

Jone Leach of Nicholas Leach the 5th day John meere of John meere the 7th day Nicholas wyatt of Nicholas wyatt the 14th day Elizabeth Wassell of Quinbey Wassell the 19th day


Buryed widdowe Brookes the 3 day ----- Knight of John Knight of Lee the 16th day Nicholas Willkins the Fowrteenth day Robert Hide the Fifteenth day John Lampard the Sixteenth day widdowe Sabben the mother of Zache Sabben the Twentyth day Edward James the one & Twentyth day widde' Cooper ye mother of John Cooper of Brooke the three &

Twentyth day widde' Millssom the 24th day


Page 28: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1638 Baptised

Edward Tovey of William Tovey the second day Francis Ghreetham of Francis Greetham ye 5th day Alice Carpender the 9th day Margrett Millssam of Luke Millssam ye 20th day ***** Sara Anne Ray of Henry Ray ye 22th day Anne Parker of Edward Parker 30th day ----- Fitchatt the 30th day Rebecka Downes the 30th day Anthoney Binsted the same day

Maryed John Dowlinge And Agnis Wyatt the 13th day

Buryed Mr Hugh Darvolle the third Day Robert Reede the 8th day Alice the wife of Richard Pickman ye 9th day Agnis ye wife of Thomas dawes the 10th day Mr Beniamyne Varnam the 22th day Mrs Mary Mustgrove the same day Peeter Ray of Henry Ray the 24th day Peeter Litlefeild the 25th day John Patten the same day Francis Greetham the 26th day Robert North the same day ----- hocraft of James hocraft ye same day John Heward the 28th day Elizabeth the wife of Francis Greetham ye 28th day William Reeves the same day Elizabeth the wife of John Wassell ye 30th day Jone the wife of----- Hasell the 30th day

October 1638 Babtysed

----- Silley of Thomas Silley the first day John Williams of Isaac Williams the 21th day John Williams of Henry Williams the same day Elizabeth Maze the 28th day Anne Lamperd the same day



Page 29: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Mary Harfard the 3 day widdow agnis Fry the 7th day Agnis Pickfard the wife of Thomas Pickfard the 14th day Alice the wife of Richard Bower ye 13th day Mary Glaspoll the 15th day Peeter Russell the 15th day John Seagers wife the same day William Harfards wife the 16th day Henry Bright of Henry Bright the 22th day Mary the wife of John Marshall the 22th day Mrs Lock vidde' the 25th day John Davis his wife of Sarisbery the same day John Colles the 27th day John Gater Mr Slaughters man the 29th day

November 1638 Baptised

John Mansell of John Mansell ye 25th day Ann Beeston of William Beeston gent the same day Roger Beene of Roger Beene of great Abshott the 28th day


Buryed Margret Knight widde' of Lee the first day Woodes his wife ye Collier of Cerbridge the 4th day blindens Child of hooke ye same day Elizabeth woods ye wife of All' woods the 10th day Jone hellis vidde' ye 13th day Ideth Gibbens vidde' ye 16 day Anne holland the same day William Birch gent the 17th day mary white ye wife of Robert White the Twentyth day John Landey the same day Mary the wife of Richard Rider the same day Elizabeth the Daughter of Alexander Spershatt the 29th day

December 1638 Baptized

***** Cisselley Triddle of William Triddle the Fifth day Agnis Prise of Robert Prise the 26th day Edward Collssen of Richard Collssen ye 31th day James Simes the sonne of William Simes the twentyth Day



Page 30: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Roger Beene of Roger Beene ye first day William Beeston gent of Posbrooke the third day Richard Baverstock the 8th day Elizabeth the wife of Rowland Browne the 9th day John Goter the 11th day Mary the wife of William Triddle the 13th day widdo Dallapley ye 18th day Robert Phillips the 23th day Dorathey Strange the 26th day Alice Reeves the 27th day John Wooddes the Collier of Cirbridge ye 30th day John White at Titchfield haven the 30th day William White of Lee the same day

January 1638 Baptised

Elizabeth Spershatt of***** Richard Spershatt the fifth day Elizabeth Glaspolle of Thomas Glaspoll of Hooke ye 25th day Peeter Landey of Peeter Landey of Posbrooke the 27th day

Maryed John Daviss & Elizabeth Perrin allis Lavoose the 15th day

Buryed William Greetham of Hooke the first day Christopher Slaughter of Cryter Slaughter of Charke the 12th day

John Plasket of Crafton the 15th day widd Blunden seni' the 16th day Thomas Arnolde the 17th day Jone okefard ye wife of Robert okefard the elder the 19th day Robert Money of Fontley the 27th day Mary Glaspoll ye wife of John Glaspoll seni' of Hooke the 29th

day Alice the wife of Thomas Glaspoll of Hooke the 30th day Jone the wife of Thomas Bower the same day Elizabeth Glaspoll of Thomas Glaspoll the 31th day Widde Southerne the same day

February 1638 Baptised

William Kinge of william Kinge the 3 day Maryed

John wassell & Catherine wyat the 3 day Richard Stubington & Agnis Betshall ye 4th day


Page 31: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Hugh Hearth servant of John Coop' the seacond day ----- Pickfard Daughter of Thomas Pickfard ye 6th day Joseph Heward of Swanwick the 7th day John Bower of Crafton the 14th day Gartred Dallaply viddu' the 21th day Jone Hobbey the wife of John Hobbey ye same day Richard Fry of William Fry the 26th day Mary West the wife of John West of Warsash the 28th day Elizabeth Cotten the wife of William Cotten seni' of Shoote the same day

March 1638 Baptised

Richard Willsheire of John Willsheire ye 3 day Elzabeth Foster of Richard Foster ye same day Edward Gaywood of John Gaywood gent y 15th day Elizabeth Clewer of Phillip Clewer ye 17th day John Smyth of John Smyth of fonley ye same day


Buryed William Landy of Brownewidge ye 6th day John Willsheire of Lee the 8th Day Richard Leagatt the 15th day William Dallapley the 16th day Agnis Willsheire ye wife of John Willsheire the same day Bridgat Tovey Widde' the 21th day Peeter Heartwell the 22th day Grace Bowles ye wife of Richard Bowles the fower and Twentyth

Day John Tripuck the 26th Day

April 1639 Baptised

Thomas Shortter of John Shortter the 7th day Maryed

Richard Bower and Catherine Moudy the 25th day Buryed

Tomissen Rush viddu' the first day Robert Reeves of Roome the first Day William Nunn the same Day Mary White the wife of James White the 7th day Isack Godden of William Godden the 8th day John Loose of Fontley the 9 day James Emmery of Catesfeild the 10th day Jone Glaspoll the wife of William Glaspoll of Hooke the 12th

day Catherine Pickman spinster ye 24th day Elizabeth Landey viddu' the 25th day ----- Binsted of george binsted ye same day


Page 32: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

May 1639 Baptised

John Franckam of John Franckam the 5th day Alice Leagatt of John Leagatt the 11th day Elizabeth Harrisse of Andrew Harrisse ye 18th day

Maryed Thomas Dawes & Parnell Powell ye 7th day

Buryed Elizabeth Wassell of Quinbey Wassell the third day William Pinke the fowerth day Jone Reeves the wife of John Reeves the same day William Albery of William Albery the 16th day Nicholas Crips the seaventeenth day

June 1639 Baptised

***** William Glaspoll of John Glaspoll Juni' hellier the 23th day Steaphen Seager of Steaphen Seager the 27th day


Buryed Jane the wife of James Merywether the 7th ----- Trunnell of Elizabeth Trunnell the 13th day Catherine Glaspoll the wife of John Glaspoll Juni' the 30th


July 1639 Baptised

Maryed Thomas Bradshaw & Mary Knight the 7th day John West & Jone Dance the 27th day

Buryed Anthoney Wakefard the 7th day John Williams of Isaac Williams the 10th day Anne Bastone of Rober Bastone the 16th day Arthur Broomfeild of Henry Broomfeild Juni' gent the 25th day

August 1639 Baptised

Elizabeth Luffe of Leonell Luffe ye 18th day William Cleverley of John Cleverly ye 26th day

Maryed Peeter Knight & Grace Litlefeild the 5th day

Buryed Alice the wife of william younge the 11th day William Gibbens of Edward Gibbens the 12th day ----- mansbridge of Andrew mansbridge ye 26th day Ann Parssen of William Parssen the same day Alice the wife of Samuell Little the 31th day Jane the wife of John Mayle the same day


Page 33: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1639 Baptised

Sara White of William White of Stubington the Third Day Steaphen Mayne of Steaphen mayne gent the 5th day William Houghten of William Houghten of mossels the 8th day Jane Bound of Nicholas Bound the same day Elizabeth Warner of William Warner the 9th day William Waller of John Waller the 15th day Thomas Reede of Thomas Reede the 23th day

Maryed ***** -----

Buryed William Parssen of William Parssen the third day Elizabeth Glaspoll of Will'm Glaspoll of hooke the ninth day Robert Miller the twentyth day

October 1639 Baptised

William White of William White of Stubington the 13th day Richard Stubington of Richard Stubington the same day Francis meere of John meere the 20th day Sara Reeves of Robert Reeves of Roome the 27th day William Houghton of William Houghton the mersser the 31th day

borne ye 28th day Maryed

Robert Hooke and Alice Barnard the 7th day John Marshall & Margrett Swann the 21th day Edmand Knight & Hester Glaspoll the 28th day Samuell Little & Catherine Lovegrove the same day

Buryed Richard Stubington the 16th day ----- missinge the 26th day Anne p'ker of Edward p'ker the 27th day William houghton the 28th day

November 1639 Baptised

Peeter White of Peeter White of Stoud the 3 day Ann Crowcher of James Crowcher the 6th day

Maryed John Merssam & Catherine Milles the 17th day Robert Okefard & Alice Hide the 23th day John Wellon & Jone Luffe the 26th day John Glaspoll & Mary Nash widde' the 29th day


Page 34: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Robert Gamrnan the 3 day Sara Hartwell the same day Elizabeth the wife of Peeter Zone the Eight day Elizabeth the wife of James Crowcher the 9th day Jane Houghton daughter of William Houghten the 10th day ----- Coop' of Edward Coop' the 11th day William Chidley the 18th day Robert Reeves the 21th day Francis Bugges the 22th day ----- Seager of John Seager the 25th day

December 1639 Baptised

Arculaus the sonn of Elizabeth markes base borne the 10th day Steaphen Osemand of William Osemand the 29th day

Maryed ***** -----

Buryed ***** ***** *****

January 1639 Baptised

John White of Thomas White of Lee ye 12th day John Trodd of Richard Trodd the same day Anne Gillingame the same day John Batt of Richard Batt the***** 13th day Elizabeth Kendley of Edward Kendley the 19th day William Man of Gyles Man Juni' the 24th day

Maryed John Glaspoll & Anne Plasket ye 19th day William Glaspoll & Elizabeth Page ye 30th day

Buryed ----- Harfard the 6th day Robert Garratt the 7th day Mrs Mary Mayne widde' the 9th day John Welch the 12th day Cristian the wife of Will'm Stoakes the 14th day ----- Albery of William Albery ye 19 day Thomas Wheeler of William Wheeler ye 24 day Robert Missinge of John Missinge ye 26 day


Page 35: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

February 1639 Baptised

Cristian Gawdey the seacond day Ann Aman Daughter of Jane aman base borne ye same day ***** Elizabeth Mansbridge of Andrew Mansbridge the two and Twentyth

day William Moudy of William Moudy was borne the 23 of January and

Baptised the 15 of February Maryed

Buryed James Simes the 6th day James White the 8th day Thomas Ballard the 9th day William Simes the 15th day Alice ye wife of Cristopher Slaughter ye 20th day John Poore the 22th day Luke Landy the 25th day The Lady Rachell Countis to the Right Honorable Thomas Earle

of Southton the 26th day

March 1639 Baptised

Valentine Dawes the 8th day Jane the Daughter of Agnis Orpington viddu' the 12th day Richard Cussen of John Cussen ye 17th day Agnis holte the 29th day


Buryed John Smith of Hooke ye 7th day The widdowe Barfoote the 9th day Widde' Faythfull the 12th day Nicholas Jourd the 13th day widde' Sharyer the 20th day Edward Gaywood of John Gaywood gent the 21th day

Aprill 1640 Baptised

John Steaphens of Henry Steaphens the 7th day Jone Faythfull of John Faythfull the same day Elizabeth Reeves of William Reeves the 13th day



Page 36: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Thomas----- apprentice to Robert Mayle Juni' ye 4th day Robert White of Crafton the 7th day Agnis Holte the fowerteenth day Alice Ballard the 15th day *****-----Collett the 17th day Rose the wife of Thomas Edwards the 20th day Sara Stubington the 24th day Peeter Landey of Peeter Landey ye same day

May 1640 Baptised

Mary Godden of William Godden the 7th day Elizabeth Lock of Francis Lock the 14th day Jane Hopley of William Hopley the 15th day William Stares of William Stares the 17th day Mary Wassell of John Wassell Juni' of Sarisbery the same Day Richard Wassell of Philemon Wassell the same Day Frauncis Gaywood of John Gaywood gent the 19th day Sara Garratt of William Garratt the 21th day

Maryed William Harfard & Cissley hughes the 7th day

Buryed Amey Reeves ye wife of William Reeves of Stubington ye 19th day ----- the sonne of mary mathew widde' base borne the 21th day Thomas Glaspoll the 26th day

June 1640 Baptised

Amey Kinge of John Kinge the 14th day Maryed

Robert Oakefard & Mary Parssen the 1 day Clement Frowd & Anne Waller ye 2 day Henry Abram and Elizabeth Luffe the 22th day

Buryed Nicholas Higgens the 7th Day Nicholas Bound the same Day John Stares the 10th Day John Williams seni' the 12th day Elizabeth the wife of John Daviss ye 23th day

Julye 1640 Baptised

Daniell Wassell of Quinby Wassell ye 13th day ----- Hooke of----- Hooke of Fontley ye 19th day


Buryed John Wheeler of Hobbet mills the 5th day John Perrin alis Lavose the 8th day Elizabeth the wife of William sexssey seni' the Tenth day


Page 37: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

August 1640 Baptised

Edward Knight of Edward Knight the 23th day Maryed

Buryed Thomas Newman of Hooke the 26th day Hester the wife of Edward Knight the same day Winifrid Addams the 27th day Robert Mayle the Shooemaker the 29th day Ellin Rider the Eighth day

September 1640 Baptised

Nicholas Everid of Cutbert Everid the Twelfe Day Robert Prise of Robert Prise the same Day Jone Litle of Samuell Litle the 19th day Elizabeth Longe of Rich' Longe the 19 day William Sabben of Ralph Sabben the fower and Twentyth Day Thomas White of Richard White the 26th day

Maryed John Prise & Marcey Prise ye 20th day William Glaspoll & Agnis Tribeck ye 22th day

Buryed ***** Edward Corderoy my Lord of Southton' Cotchman the Eleventh Day Edmand mossell the 27th Day

October 1640 Baptised

Francis Bristow the 4th day Anne Kerbey the same day

Maryed Robert Hartwell & Ann Coop' the 26th day

Buryed Edward Osemand the third day John Feilder seni' the 27th day Bazzell the wife of William Millard ye 28th day

November 1640 Baptised

John Merssam of John Merssam ye first day Alice Bright of Henry Bright the same day John Halle of Thomas Halle the 7th day Robert Addams of William Addams ye 8th day Elizabeth Hancock of Simon Hancock ye 8th day Thomas Bradshawe the 14th day Sara Hamman of William Hamman ye 22th day


Page 38: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maryed Richard Tayler of Southweeke and Ellin Austin of this p'ish ye

2 day Mr----- Caute & Amey Coop' ye 3 day John Harte & Catherine Crandley the fifth day Richard Gost & Margrett Mossell ye 22th day Edward Landey & Elizabeth Lane ye 24th day

Buryed Annis the wife of Richard Clewer the fifth day Alice the wife of John Potterne the 16th day ----- Sculler a poore boy ye 22th day ----- Bright of Henry Bright ye 25th day

December 1640 Baptised

Mary Franckum of John Franckum the 7th day Richard Addams of Richard Addams ye 8th day Henry Russell of the millers man ye same day James Lee of Henry Lee the 10th day ----- Wheatham of Thomas Wheatham the***** ninteenth Day Elizabeth Carpender of John Carpender the Twentyth day Alice Pawle of Edmand Pawle the one and Twentyth Day

Maryed ***** -----

Buryed Ellin the wife of John Carpender the Twentyth day Thomas Goldfinch the 21th day Thomas Hunt the 22th day John Rennalls servante to the Earle of Southton the 28th day

January 1640 Baptised

Joane Hollis of Richard Hollis the 17th day Margery Prise of John Prise the same day Robert Tribeck of Rich' Tribeck the 18th day Agnis Beene of Roger Beene the 23th day Elizabeth Oakefard of Rob't Oakefard seni' ye same day Lyne Luffe of Lyne Luffe the 24th day Rebecka Hopley of Robert Hopley the same day

Maryed Anthoney Aylieffe and Jane Loze viddu' the 18th day John Davis and Vrssula Tripuck viddu' the 20th day


Page 39: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Jone Crips Viddu' the first day John Carden the fourth day Thomas Bowers Daughter of hooke the 5th day Elizabeth Warner of William Warner the 7th day Edward Kendley the 9th day Gyles mans Juni' Child the 13th day Elizabeth Osemand Viddu' of brooke ye 16th day Ellin Loze viddu' the 20th day Thomas Steaphens the 25th day Joane Nicholes the 27th day John Hewards Child the 28 day Christian the wife of John Nicholes the 31th day

February 1640 Baptised

Elizabeth Binsted of George Binsted the 7th day Thomas Glaspoll of John Glaspoll in the p'k ye 20th day

Maryed Nicholas Greene & Mary Sparshat ye 4th day Richard Bowles & Alice Davis vidd' the 9th day Gyles Goldfinch & Alice Burrowes the 11th day William Oseland & Mary Kendley the 16th day James Crowcher & Christian Ballard the 18th day

Buryed John Steaphens the 3th day Henry Roy seni' the 5th day James Lee of Henry Lee the 15th day Elizabeth the wife of Francis Lock the 24th day Steaphen Williams a Vagarant Traveller the 26th day

March 1640 Baptised

Thomas Cleverly of John Cleverly the sixth day John Churcher of Thomas Churcher the 20th day Mary Stubington of Richard Stubington the same day John Binsted of Arcules Binsted the twenty eighth day


Buryed Richard Pilgrim the seacond day Richard Cumber the 8th day Elizabeth Knight the same day Richard Mendley the 12th day Mary Arnold the same day Elizabeth the wife of Francis Carter the Seaventeenth day Margrett Cumber the same day Andrew Harris the 18th day Thomas Luffe the same day Elizabeth Ray viddu' the 19th day Jane Wheeler viddu' the 29th day


Page 40: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1641 Baptised

Elizabeth Potter of John Potter the first day Jone Litlefeild of John Litlefeild the 11th day Elizabeth Wyatt of Nicho' Wyatt ye 17th day Richard Rule of Richard Rule the 19th day Elizabeth Abram of henry Abram the 26th day Mary Oakefard of Robert Oakefard Jun' ye same day


Buryed Mary the wife of Thomas Bristowe ye 2 day Elizabeth the wife of John Powell ye 8th day Widdow Milles the same day William Plaskett the 19th day Robert Mayle of Robert Mayle Juni' ye 24th day Robert Tayler ye 28th day Widdu' Luff the same Day Jane the wife of Roger Barrey the same day

May 1641 Baptised

John Houghton of William Houghton the 4th day Mary Strongtharme of Ralfe Strongtharme the 9th day Richard Binsted of Richard Binsted the 11th day Gyles Goldfinch of Gyles Goldfinch the 16th day John Sparshatt of Ric' Sparshatt the 19 day James Parssen of Peeter Parssen the 30th day

Maryed Robert Write and Mary Mathew the 4th day Edmand Knight & Elizabeth Foster the same Day William Skiner and Joane Greetham the 9th Day William Triddle & Ann Potterne the 28th day

Buryed Gyles Man seni' the 5th day Richard Winter the 6th day ----- Kinge of John Kinge the 7th day ----- Sexssey of William Sexssey the 8th day John Williams the 14th day Robert Dowse the 15th day Joane Grove viddu' the 23th day

June 1641 Baptised

Anne Litlefeild of Nicholas Litlefeild ye first day Joane Plasket of Tho' Plasket the 4th day William Browne of William Browne the 15th day Humphrey Smith of John Smith the 20th day Ann Markes of Richard Markes the 24th day Elizabeth Houghton of Thomas Houghton ye 27th day Alice Prise of John Prise ye Collier ye 27th day William Knight of Thomas Knight ye 29th day


Page 41: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maryed Francis Greetham and Elizabeth Knight the 30th day

Buryed William Garrett the 4th day Henry Allen the same day Cleare the wife of Henry Knight ye 9th day William Wardners Child ye 13th day a boy yt was Drowned at Fontley that Edward Man kept the 14th,

day Elizabeth Coop' viddu' the 25th day

July 1641 Baptised

Ellin Williams of Henry Williams the 18th day Elizabeth Leach of Gyles Leach Juni' the 25th day


Buryed Mary Strongintharme the 2° day John Knight of John Knight of Lee the seacond day Massen the Wife of William Addams the 4th day ----- Knight Robert Churchers boy the 10th day John Reeves of Crabthorne the 16th Day John Loze the 19th day Mary the wife of William Sexssey Juni' the 23th day Sara Sparshatt viddu' the 28th day

August 1641 Baptised

Peeter Landey and Alice Landey of Peeter Landey the Fifth Day Amey Cawte of Richard Cawte of Merrebell Farme the 26th day


Buryed ----- Binsted of George Binsted the 23th Day ----- Wardner of William Wardner the 29th day

September 1641 Baptised

Smon Dawkins of Nicholas Dawkins the 4th day Penelope Gaywood of John Gaywood the 4th day Richard Binsted of Richard Binsted of Fontley the 5th day Thomas Dawes of Thomas Dawes the ninteenth Day

Maryed Robert Knight & Mary Mayle the 16th day William Sexssey J & Sence Scraglefard the 30th day Philip Foster & Sara Sparshatt the same Day

Buryed Henry Marrownell of Hooke ye third day Elizabeth Reeves viddu' the 16th day Jone Plaskett spinster the 17th day


Page 42: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1641 Baptised

Elizabeth Brooker the 6th day John Ghost the Tenth day Ann Clewer of Philip Clewer the same day Edward Landey the 16th day

Maryed William Reeves & Tomissen Dowlinge the 18th day

Buryed ***** Jane the wife of Philip Clewer the 20th day Honour Williams the 31th day

***** November 1641 Baptised

Richard Carter of Lewis Carter the Sixteenth Day Mary Manssell of John***** Manssell the 23th day


Buryed ***** John Wassell the first Day Edward Landey of Edward Landey ye 4th day Mary the wife of William Missinge the Eleventh Day William Addams the 12th day Ann markes of Richard markes ye 14th day William White the 21th day Elizabeth the wife of Edward Landey the three and Twentyth day Elizabeth Houghton of Thomas Houghton the 30th day

December 1641 Baptised

Mary Moze of John Moze the 5th day Edward Knight of Tho' Knight the 9th day Arther Mayne of Steaphen Mayne ye 12th day Dorathey Man of Gyles Man the 16th day John Warner of William Warner the 19th day Elizabeth West of John West of Warsash ye same day Ann West of John West of Southbrook the 26th day Rebecca Osemand of William Osemand the same day Francis Missinge of John Missinge ye same day Sara the Daughter of Sara Reede base borne the 31th day


Buryed Margrett the Wife of William hocraft the seacond Day John Glaspoll of West Hooke ye 14th day Arculavs Binsted the 25th day


Page 43: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January 1641 Baptised

Anthoney Aylieffe of Anthoney Aylieffe the seacond Day William Shawle of Robert Shawle the sixth Day Walter Simes of William Simes ye 10th day Ann Martin of George Martin ye 12th day Elizabeth West of William West ye 16th day Elizabeth Russell of Tho' Russell the same day Elizabeth Bright of Henry Bright ye 19th day Frances Lee of Henry Lee the 24th day

Maryed Francis Carter & Ann Marshall were maryed at Titchfield Howse

ye 13th day Thomas Bristowe & Elizabeth Crumpler the 17th day John Seager and Jane Hewett ye same day Roger Bradbridge & margery deane the sixteenth day Richard Beele & Grace Ellis the 18th day Francis Lock & Cissley Willkins the 24th day

Buryed Jone the Wife of John West of Warsash the third day Richard Collssons Child ye same day Richard Mansbridge of Andrew Mansbridge the 4th day Rebecca Osemand the same day John Wheatham the 13th day Alice the wife of Henry Bright the 19th day

February 1641 Baptised

Ann Sane of Peeter Sane the 6th day Nicholas Oseland of Will'm Oseland ye 16th day Peeter Baker of John Baker the 20th day Elizabeth White of Peeter White ye 21th day William Triddle of William Triddle ye 22th day Thomas the sonne of Amey Hocraft base borne the same day Jane Hamman of Nicholas Hamman of Swanwick the 26th day Francis Greetham of Francis Greetham of Hooke the same Day John Stares of Will'm Stares the 17th day

Maryed George Abram & Jone Luff ye first day George Deane & Alice Begley ye 2° day Edward Hartwell & Rebecca osemand widdowe the Third Day

Buryed Richard Carter of Lewis Carter ye 3°day John Daviss the Seaventh day Elizabeth Russell the 12th day Elizabeth the wife of Steaphen mayne gent the***** 13th day ***** Mary the wife of William oseland the 22th day a Traveler that dyed in ye Parsonage barne the same day


Page 44: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1641 Baptised

Ann Skiner of William Skinner ye 4th day John Duke of Robert Duke the 5th day


Buryed Barbery the wife of Robert Prise the 9th day Christian Williams viddu' the 12th day Jane the wife of William Hopley ye 30th day John Knight Juni' of hooke ye 31th day

Aprill 1642 Baptised

Saloman Kinge of John Kinge the 3° day ----- Tovey of William Tovey the 21th day

Maryed Edward Riddall & Jone Smeather the 18th day John Leagatt & Agnis Dowlinge ye 24th day

Buryed Thomas Pickfard the 12th day Elizabeth Landey of Peeter Landey the same day John Pickman the 30th day *****

May 1642 Baptised

Bridgett Mowdey of Will'm Mowdey ye 5th day Ann Bastone of Rob't Bastone ye 6th day John White of William White ye 15th day John Oakefard of Rob't Oakefard seni' the 22th day Jone Edwardes of Thomas Edwardes ye 21th day

Maryed John West & Elizabeth Missinge the 2° day Thomas Glaspoll and Alice Austin the 5th day Thomas Lock and Joane Prise the 8th day John Hide and Jane Missinge the 12th day

Buryed John Glaspoll Jun' of Jane the Wife of John Francis Feilder widdw

June 1642 Baptised

West Hooke the Seager ye 23th the 27th day

Eighth Day day

John Dowlinge of John Dowlinge the 12th day Francis Hartley of Richard Hartley ye same day Mary Crowcher of James Crowcher ye 15 day Sussan Coop' of Edward coop' the 17 day Thomas White of Thomas White of Lee the 25th day

Maryed William Oseland & Christian Poore widdu' the 28th day


Page 45: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Richard Sabben the first Day Widdu' Baverstock the 4th Day Thomas White the sonn of Richard White the Tenth Day John Oakefard of Robert Oakefard ye same day Elizabeth Cossen of Thomas Cossen the 28th day

July 1642 Baptised

Robert Page of John Page the 8th day Richard Landey of Richard Landey ye 15th day Ann Glaspoll of John Glaspoll in the p'ke the 21th day

Maryed Steaphen Knowler & Ann Maryner the Seaventh Day Peeter Prise and Ann Knight ye 11th day Richard Watridge & Sussan Boades ye 17th day

Buryed ----- White of Richard White the 9th day ----- Missinge of William missinge ye 21th day

August 1642 Baptised

Robert Reede of Thomas Reede the 10th day William Williams of Isaac Williams the first day Thomas Feilder and William Feilder of John Feilder the

Fifteenth ----- Colles the of Steaphen Colles the 21th day ----- Seaphens of Henry Steaphens the same day ----- Faythfull of John Faythfull the 21th day


Buryed Agnis the wife of Richard Proutinge the sixth Day Ralph Mayhue the third day Jone Plaskett of Thomas Plaskett the Eighth Day Agnis Glaspoll ye wife of William Glaspoll the Seaventeenth

day George Hearde the 22th Day

September 1642 Baptised

Thomas Merssam of John Merssam the 18th day Alice Hinkes of Richard Hinkes the 19th day Daniell Smith of----- Smith of Fontley Farme the 25th day Mathew***** Beedleton the same day




Page 46: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1642 Baptised

John Riddall of Edward Riddall the 2° day William Tribeck of William Tribeck the 10th day Elizabeth Knight of Robert Knight the 25th day

Maryed Thomas Holte & Jone Persse the 16th day Thomas Foster and Elizabeth Lock ye 19th day John Abram & ***** Sara Pepperinge ye 31 day

Buryed Jane the wife of John Shorter ye 6°day Thomas Deane the same Day The widdow Allen the same Day Alice the wife of Nicholas Hamand the 21th day Agnis Northwood the fower & Twentyth day Mary Reeves of Stubington ye 28 day

November 1642 Baptised

Joane Sexssey of Will'm Sexssey ye 1 day James Trodd of Richard Trodd the same day Margery Everid of Cuthbert Evered ye 3 day John Abram of Henry Abram ye 6 day Henry Hook of Robert Hook the same day Robert Sparshatt of Robert Sparshatt the Seaventeenth Day Thomas Bristowe of Thomas Bristowe the Twentyth Day

Maryed Jesper Strugnell & Mary Wheeler ye 7 day Anthoney Knight & Margret Knight ye 14 day John Weekes & Jone Pinke the Seaven & Twentyeth Day William Fry and Mary Abram the Nine and Twentyeth day

Buryed John Harte the Fowerteenth day William Browne the Fifteenth day John Greenewidg the 16th day John Reeve the 23th day Steaphen Mayne the 23th day ----- Stoakes the 30th day

December 1642 Baptised

Henry Hamond of Argent Hamond the 11th day Elizabeth Harmesworth of Francis Harmesworth ye 11th day Elizabeth Gamman of Rob't Gamman the 18th day Elizabeth Franckum of John Franckum ye 18 day


Buryed Mary Crowcher of James Crowcher ye 21th day Robert North the 23th day Fevian the wife of William Freeland ye 29th day


Page 47: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January 1642 Baptised

Martha Callens of Henry Callens gent ye 3° day Jane Houghton of William Houghton ye 5th day John Wassell of John Wassell the 8th day Peeter Baker of John Baker the 15 day Nicholas Leach of Nicholas Leach ye same day


Buryed ----- Garett the ninth day Francis Feilder of John Feilder ye 11th day Edward Bright of Henry Bright ye 14th day John Knight of Lee the Ninteenth day Ann Parker of Samuell p'ker the same day

February 1642 Baptised

Amey Fitchatt the Eight Day Thomas Gillinghame the same day John Hyde the Ninth Day Edward Cossen of John Cossen the 19th day Mary Ray of Henry Ray the 26th day William Leagatt of John Leagatt of Crafton ye same day Catherine Toley of John Toley the same day

Maryed George Eccar and Elizabeth mayle the Ninth Day John Godfrey and Jane Gamman the Thirteenth Day

Buryed Alice Higgens viddu' the 8th day Elizabeth the wife of William Houghton the same Day James White of Lee the 14th Day Jane the Daughter of William Houghton the same Day James Parsson of Peeter Parsson ye 24th day Elizabeth Hancock of Smon Hancock ye 27th day

March 1642 Baptised

Arther Tickridge the 20th day Elizabeth Cawte of Richard***** Cawte gent the 23th day


Buryed John Franckum the 21th day


Page 48: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1643 Baptised

Ann Parssen of Peeter Parssen the 1° day James Gaywood of John Gaywood gent ye 4th day Elizabeth Leagatt of John Leagat ye 7th day William White of William White Jun' the 10th day Alice Duke of Robert Duke the 15th day Richard Mansbridge of Andrew Mansbridge ye same day William Reeves of William Reeves Jun' ye 16th day Dorathey the Daughter of Dorathey Peskod bace borne the same

Day at Eveninge Rebecca Treefate the 21th day Ann Carter of Francis Carter the 27th day Sara Wheatham of Thomas Wheatham ye same day

Maryed Hugh Higgens & Dorathey Dowse the 27th day

Buryed Jane Mayle of John Mayle the 10th day Margery the Daughter of Cuthbert Everide ye 16th day Thomas Glaspoll the Eighteenth Day Petronell Meere the***** 28th day

May 1643 Baptised

Jane Luffe of Lyne Luffe ye 7th day John Kendley of John Kendley ye 21th day Edmand Paule of Edmand Paule ye 24th day

Maryed Philip Clewer and Mary Truer ye***** 3th day John Strowde and Ann Sidbery ye 8th day

Buryed Frances the Wife of John Gaywood gent the 21th day ----- Treefate of Crofton ye 24th day -----Hollis***** the wife of Richard Hollis the 27th day

June 1643 Baptised

John Holte of Thomas Holte the 11th day Elizabeth Baker of Peeter Baker ye 18th day Dorathey Price of John Price ye same day Ann Foster of Richard Foster ye 22th day John Hartwell of Rob't Hartwell ye 24th day

Maryed Richard Canninges & Jone Monninges ye 22th day

Buryed John Potterne seni' the seacond day Robert Churcher seni' the Fowerth day Richard Duke the 24th day


Page 49: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

July 1643 Baptised

Elizabeth Landey of Edward Landey the 7th day Catherine Lee of Henry Lee the 16th day Sara Lampard of John Lamp'd ye 27th day

Maryed John Shorter and Margrett Mayle ye 3° day

Buryed Ann***** Harrissen viddu' the 30th day Elizabeth Stares viddu' the 31th day

August 1643 Baptised

Ann Oackfard of Rob't Oakefard seni' the***** 3° day Ann Cleverley of John Cleverley the 7th day John Hillrod of John Hillrod of Charke the Fifteenth Day Elizabeth Osemand of William Osemand 17th day Thomas Houghton of Thomas Houghton the 20th day Edward Coop' of Edmand Coop' the same day Margrett Aylieffe of Anthoney Aylieffe ye 31th day


Buryed Agnis the Wife of Robert Shawle ye 21th day William White of Crafton greene the 25th day

September 1643 Baptised

Margery Russell of Thomas Russell the 2° day Mary Seager of Steaphen Seager ye 3° day ***** Thomas Addams of William Addams ye same day Mary Wryght the Tenth Day Margrett Knight of Anthoney Knight ye 17th day Mary Bassett of John Bassett the same day William Missinge of John Missinge the 24th day

Maryed James Stares & the Viddu' Apleford at Crafton the sixth day Edward Riddall and Rebecca Crosbey the 28th day

Buryed William Reeves seni' the sixth day Elizabeth the wife of Richard Binsted of Fontley the Twelfe

day Mrs Ann Wallopp the Fifteenth day John Nicholes the Sadler the 21th day


Page 50: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1643 Babtised

Mary Crowcher of James Crowcher the 7th day Ann Litlefeild of John Litlefeild the 12th day Elizabeth Knight of Thomas Knight the 13th day Agnis Leadwell of Thomas Leadwell the 14th day Mary Foster of Philip Foster the 15th day William Fry of William Fry Jun' the same day Thomas Addams of Richard Addams ye 21th day Ann Stares of William Stares the same day ***** Elizabeth Wardner of Will'm Wardner ye 22th day Ann Oakefard of Robert Oakefard Juni' ye 23th day William Houghton of William Houghton of hooke the Twentye

ninth day Maryed

Thomas Peare and Sara page ye 2° day Thomas Pickfard and Sara wilkes ye 5 day Gyles a man & Agnis Allen the 10th day John Osemand and Jane Kenler the 19th day John Grove and Marey Batte the 26th day

Buryed John Fawckner seni' the 7th day Mary the Wife of Thomas Tribeck the 28th day

November 1643 Baptised

Elizabeth Dawkins of Nicholas Dawkins ye 5th day John Sone of Jeffrey Sone the 7th day William Churcher of John Churcher of the Tithinge of Charke the ninth day Francis Marsh of***** Walter Marsh the Twelfe Day Thomas Waller of John Waller the 16th day Elizabeth Greetham of Francis Greetham the ninteenth day Alice Moses of Laurance Moses a Traveller the same day William West of William West the 22th day Richard Markes of Richard Markes the 28th day John Sabben of Ralph Sabben the 29th day


Buryed Dorathey Lock the Eighteenth day Jone the wife of Jeffery Sone the 19th day ----- Bristowe the 27th day

December 1643 Babtized

Thomas Foster of Thomas Foster the 30th day Maryed


Page 51: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed The L~dy Maudlin Daughter to the Right Honorable Thomas Earle

of Southton the 7th day Thomas Sirrett the Twelfe day ----- Seager of***** Steaphen Seager ye 15th day Thomas Feilder of Joh.n Feilder the 17th day Margrett Clewer of Richard Clewer the 20th day Ralph Strongtharme the 26th day Judeth Meere the 28th day Jane Sparshott of Jane Sparshott viddu' the nine and Twentyeth

day The wife of James Gibbens the 30th day

January 1643 Baptised

Alice White of Thomas White ye 6th day John Goldfinch of Gyles Goldfinch ye 7th day William White of Richard White ye 8th day Richard Austin of Rich' Austin ye 14th day William White of William White Juni' of Stubington ye 28th day


Buryed Steaphen Seager the 9th day ----- Smith of great Fontley the 20th day ----- Gillinghame the 21th day ----- Brooker the same day

February 1643 Baptised

Mary Rule of Richard Rule ye 2° day Mary ye Daughter of Alice Scott the same day Peeter Evered of Cuthbert Evered ye 4th day Margrett warde of Simon warte ye 18th day *****


Buryed Peeter Duke the seacond day Ann Triddle ye wife of Will'm Triddle ye 8th day Ann James widdowe the 21th day

March 1643 Baptised

Ann Carter of Lewis Carter the 4th day Ann Potter of William Potter of Catesfeild the 6th day James the sonne of Jane Ilsley the 8th day Ann Crandley of Richard Crandley the 9th day Elizabeth White of John White of Hooke the Ninteenth day John Merssam of John Merssam the 26th day 1644 Catherine Little of Samuell Little ye same day John Addams of John Addams of Charke the same day


Page 52: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buryed Jane Ilsley the 19th day ----- the Wife of John Dowlinge ye 21th day

Aprill 1644 Baptised

John Nayle of George Nayle 17th day John Knight of John Knight of Hooke the one and Twentyeth day Henry Hopley of Rober Hopley the 23th day Richard Mabb the fower & Twentyeth day


Buryed William Lane the 11th day Nicholas Sabben the 17th day Agnis ----- Francis Carters mayed the 23th Day Elizabeth the Wife of Philemon Wassell ye 30th day John Dowlinges Child ye same Day

May 1644 Baptised

William Colssen of Richard Colssen ye 4th day Ann White of Peeter White the 5 day John Landey of Peeter Landey the 10th day Elizabeth Batt of Richard Batt the 26th day

Maryed William Hocraft and Tommissen Reeves ye 5th day William Hopley and Parnell Shawle ye 10th day

Buryed Ann the Wife of John Seager the 11th day Barbery the Wife of Richard Collssen the 14th day ----- Knight of Thomas Knight the 26th day Mary Bristowe the 30th day

June 1644 Baptised

Mary Strowde the first day Jane Glaspoll of John Glaspoll in the parke the fowerth Day John Reeves of William Reeves of Crabthorne the 18 day Mary Williams of Isaac Williams ye 20 day Richard Mansbridge the 21th day Elizabeth and Ann Manninges the 22th day Elizabeth Browne of Richard Browne ye 27th day

Maryed Thomas Haynes and Jone Piper ye 18th day


Page 53: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed John Strowde the seacond day Grace the Wife of Richard Beele ye same day Ann the Wife of Henry Sirrett the 10th day ----- gawdey of Edward Gawdey ye same day ----- Heward of John Heward ye 29th day

July 1644 Baptised

William Missinge of William Missinge the first day Richard Cawte of Richard Cawte the fowerth day William Wassell of Quinbey Wassell the fowerth day Peeter and Elizabeth Stares of James Stares the Ninth day Nathaniell Herley of John Herley ye 20th day Amey Glaspoll of Thomas Glaspoll ye 21th day Elizabeth Carkis of Mr----- Carkis ye 28th day Agnis Day of David Day ye 29th day

Maryed Richard Longe & Jone Fawckner ye 18th day

Buryed Jone the Wife of Richard manninges the Eighth Day Christian Williams of Henry Williams the same Day

August 1644 Baptise

Elizabeth Lock of Thomas Lock the 10th day Elizabeth Stubington of Thom' Stubington ye 11th day Elizabeth Purdey of Will'm Purdey the 15th day William Pice of Robert Price the 18th day Elizabeth Hollis of Richard Hollis the same day Richard Tribeck of Richard Tribeck ye***** 20th day

Maryed ***** -----

Buryed Amey Hocraft the seacond day John Arnolde the third day Richard Hollis dyed at Catsfeild the 9th day Ann the Wife of Robert hartwell ye 16th day

September 1644 Baptised

Margery Mowdey of William Mowdey the 7th day Robert Emes of Thomas Emes the 15th day Alice Hopley of Will'm Hopley ye 16th day Robert White of Robert White ye 17th day Refrain Smith of John Smith ye 22th day Elizabeth Godfrey of John Godfrey ye 24th Jone Osemand of John Osemand ye 24th day John Mose of John Mose the 29th day

Maryed Richard Cawte & Jone Carpender the 15th day


Page 54: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Robert Harte the 24th day ----- Colles sonn of Catsfeild ye 25th day

October 1644 Baptized

William Mayle of John Mayle the 10th day Anne Leach of Gyles Leach Jun' ye 20th day Thomas Sparshott of Rob't Sparshott ye 24th day Henry Winter of Henry Winter ye 27th day Mary Riddall of Edward Riddall ye same day Mary Baker of Peeter Baker the 28th day


Buryed The Wife of John Richardes ye 11th day Mary Sabben Widdu' the 14th day Mary of Zache Sabben the 15th day Amey Mayle the same day Will'm West of William West the 18th day Widdu' Dowse the 21th day Elizabeth White the 24th day ***** Jone Dowlinge ye 27th day John Missinge the 16th day Robert Harmesworth the 31th day Ann the wife of Thomas Knight ye same day

November 1644 Baptised

Elizabeth Sone of Jeffery Sone ye 2° day Richard Leagatt of John Leagatt ye 4th day Mary Treefatt the same Day ***** Ann Sparshott of Richard Sparshott ye 11 day Jane Hide of John Hide the 12th day Richard Hook of Robert Hooke ye 24th day


Buryed Jone Osemand Widdu' the 8th day John Potterne Jun' the 11th day Mr Carter the Seaventeenth day ----- Edwardes of Thomas Edwardes ye same day Richard Batt the 25th day Nathaniell Hearley the same day

December 1644 Baptised

Maryed James Merrywether & Honor Leese the fifth Day


Page 55: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Samuell Little the 5th day Thomas White of William White seni' the 7th day Widdowe Hamonde the 8th day Jane the Wife of John Godfrey the 8th day

January 1644 Baptised

Mary Bright of Henry Bright 5th day John Kendley of John Kendley ye 10 day Peeter Holte of Thomes Holte the 11 day Simon Dawes of Thomes Dawes ye 12 day William Hocraft of William Hocraft ye 15 day Edmond Oseland of William Oseland ye 19th day


Buryed Cissley ye wife of Francis Lock 2° day Wynifred Beaumont ye same day ----- Smith of Swanwick ye 4th day William Cotten***** seni' ye 8th day Christopher houghton of John houghton ye 10 day Richard Landey the 18th day Thomas White the 22th day Richard Dowse the 24th day

February 1644 Baptised

Henry Abram of George Abram ye 15th day Margrett***** Steaphens of Henry Steaphens the 16th day


Buryed mary of James Crowcher the first day Widdu' Orten the same Day Ann the Wife of John Feilder the 11th day Alice the Wife of Zache Sabben the 14th day Richard Crossman the 15th day Thomas Crowcher the 16th day Dina Tovey of William Tovey ye***** 23th day Elizabeth Batt of Widdu' Batt ye 26 day


Page 56: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1644 Baptised

John Smith of Simon Smith the 6th day Ann Baston the same Day William Persson the same Day Robert Brooker & Margret Brooker of Thomas Brooker the 10th

day Markes Simes of Humphery Simes the 13th day Nicholas Litlefeild of Nicholas Litlefield 14th day Ann White of Lame William White the 20th day Sence Sexssey the 23th day


Buryed Widdu' mendley the 6th Day Roger Newstubb the 11th day William Smith gent the 15th day Peeter Osemand the 17th day Anthoney Knight the 21th day Ann Crossman of William Crossman 22th day

Aprell 1645 Baptised

Rebeca Brickeldon the 2° day Jone Ray of Henry Ray the 15th day Edward Aylieffe of Anthoney Aylieffe ye 17th day Ann Right of Robert Right ye 21th day Elizabeth Longe of Richard Longe husbandman ye 24th day Philemon Wassell of Philemon Wassell ye 27 day Agnis Sexssey of Peeter Sexssey the 7th day

Maryed William Flowerdew & Mary Plaskett the 8th day

Buryed Alice the wife of Will'm Burrell the***** 12th day Richard Markes the 14th day Ann Plaskett the same day Mary the Wife of John Kendley the 17th day Mary Ray of henry Ray the 23th day ----- Carpender ***** of Swanwick ye 25

May 1645 Baptised

Mary Skinner of William Skinner ye 11th day Catherine Oakefard of Rob't Oake'rd seni' ye 11th day John Brothers of John Brothers ye 25th day Mary Reed of Thomas Reed ye 26th day Nicholas Gillinghame the 28th day Elizabeth Shawle the 29th day

Maryed Thomas Smith & Elizabeth Batt ye 15th day John Pette & Ann Leadwell the 20th day Charles Terre & Elizabeth Sirrett ye 29th day


Page 57: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Jeffery Sone the Fifth day Ann Churcher Widdowe the 15th day Arther Tickridge the 31th day ----- Little the 31th day

June 1645 Baptised

Henry Markes of Richard Markes ye 1° day Mary Loze of Thomas Loze ye 8th day Nicholas Sone of Peeter Sone ye 9th day Thomas Pickfard the 21th day Richard Hinkes of Richard Hinkes the 24th day


Buryed John Heward Jun' ye 2° day Elizabeth the wife of Peeter Baker the same day Elizabeth the wife of William osemand the fifth day William White the Thirteenth day Widdu' Arnolde ye 16th day Richard Bowles the 26th day

July 1645 Babtised

Elizabeth Cleverley of John Cleverley of Fontley the 7th day Maryed

Steaphen Hocraft & Agnes Bower the 27th day Buryed

Lame Will'm Whites Child of Crafton ye 12th day Agnis Lock spinster the 17th day Jone the wife of John Sparshott ye 20th day William Rogers the 24th day Richard Greagery the 31th day

August 1645 Baptised

Samuell Carter of Francis Carter ye 8th day Sara Pare of Thomas Pare ye 12 day Edward Tickridge of Samuell Tickridge the 14th day


Buryed Will'm Toveyes Child ye 3° day

September 1645 Baptised

John Greene of Nicholas Greene ye 7th day John Crossman of William Crossman Jun' ye 11 day James Lee of Henry Lee the 10th day John Strowde of Mr Trowde of Crabthorne the 25th day


Page 58: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buryed John Hilroade of John Hilroade ye 5th day Mary the Wife of Robert Sparshott ye 14th day Henry Jeanes the 17th day Sara Parr of Sara parr Viddu' the 24th day

October 1645 Baptised

Nicholas Addams of William Addams the 12th day Jane Trodd of Richard Trodd the 17th day Francis Litlefeild of John Litlefeild ye 21th day Robert Stares of William Stares ye 29th day

Maryed John Glaspoll and Agnis Deane the 13th day

Buryed Elizabeth Purdey of Will'm purday ye 27th day

November 1645 Baptized

Elizabeth Fitchatt of John Fitchatt the five and Twentyeth day Maryed

Buryed Thomas Silvester the 12th day Edward Foster the 23th day

December 1645 Baptized

Richard Carter of Richard Carter the 1° day William Gaywood of John Gaywood gent the third Day Mary Fry of William Fry Jun' ye 4th day Thomas Maudlin of Thomas Maudlin the Fifth day Elizabeth Duke of Robert Duke the 13th day Elizabeth Luffe of Leonell Luffe the 15th day Elizabeth Cossen of John Cossen the 16th day Marey Clewer of Philip Clewer the 23th day Richard Angell of William Angell the 26th day Elizabeth Bristowe of Tho' Bristowe the 26th day Thomas Knight of Rob't Knight the 31th day


Buryed Margret the Wife of Thomas Maudlin the Sixteenth Day John Hancock of Will'm Hancock ye 20th day

January 1645 Baptised

Catherine Emes of Thomas Emes the 18th day Thomas Holte of Thomas Holte the 27th day


Page 59: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maryed Henry Maudlin & Sara Seight ye 13th day

Buryed Robert Dukes Childe the first day John Daviss the seacond day Mary Turner grandchild to Nich' Bayley ye 10th day Elizabeth ye wife of Nicholas Clewer ye 10th day Nicholas Clewer seni' the Twelfe day Thomas Plunckett the 24th day Lewes Carters Child the 27th day John Potter the 31th day

February 1645 Baptized

Mary Browne of Richard Browne ye 3° day Thomes Goldfinch of Gyles Goldfinch ye 6th day Elizabeth Warde of Simon Warde ye 8th day Mary Heward of John Heward ye Ju' ye 14th day Thomes Flowerdew of Will'm Flowerdew the 27th day Jane Crowcher of James Crowcher the 24th day Catherine Petten the 24th day *****


Buryed Mary the Wife of Thomes Tribeck ye 1° day Jone Potter widdu' the 13th day Alce Glaspoll ye wife of Thomes Glaspoll the 18th day

March 1645 Baptised

Elizabeth Reeves of William Reeves of Stubington the 3° day Agnis Turner of John Turner the 5th day Jane Hoore of Jane Hoore baseborn ye 10th day William Cawte ye 23 day Sussan Tribeck of William Tribeck ye 19 day Rebecka Hopley of Will'm Hopley ye 20 day Katherine Clase of John Klase ye 20 day Elizabeth Liddall of Thomes Liddall ye 26 day 1646 Henry and Mary Abram of Henry Abram of Swanwick ye 30 day Edward Austin of Richard Austin ye 31th day


Buryed ----- Mogridge a soldier that dyed at John Pledgers the 9th

day Richard Hilles of Gyles Hilles***** 19th day


Page 60: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1646 Baptised

Henry Pawle of Edmand Pawle ye 2° day William Greetham of Francis Greetham ye 8th day Thomas Coop' of Edward Coop' the 14th day Ann Missinge of William Missinge ye 16th day ***** Joane Harfard of Edward Harfard ye 16th day John White of Robert White the 23th day Edward Landey of Edward Landey ye same day

Maryed Edward Boyes and Sussan Tribeck the Thirtyeth day

Buryed Widdu' Harmesworth the Eighth day Grace the wife of Roger Beene the 11th day Rebecca Brickledon the 13 day John Powell Jun' the 23th day

May 1646 Baptised

Sara younge of Mr younge of Fontley ye 10th day Amey***** Cleverley of John Cleverley ye same day Alice Hide of Nicholes Hide ye 13 day Alexander Kendley of John Kendley ye 20th day

Maryed John Wassell and Jone Heward Viddu' ye 4th day

Buryed John Glaspoll brought from Alverstoke P'ish the seacond day ***** Jane Luffe of Leonell Luffe ye 19th day John Sparshott of Swanwick ye 16th day Henry Knight the 26th day

June 1646 Baptized

Peeter Baker of Peeter baker the first day Maryed

Buryed Mary Masbridge the Wife of Andrew Mansbridge the 17th day

July 1646 Baptized

Agnis Foster of Thomas Foster ye 5th day William Cleverley of Will'm Cleverley ye 6th day David Day of David Day the 7th day John Leagatt of John Leagat of Crafton the 9th day Edward Hollis of Richard Hollis the 26th day


Buryed Frances Beeston of Mrs Beston ye 29th day William Harte the 31th day


Page 61: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

August 1646 Baptized

Elizabeth Lamp'd of John Lamp'd the 6th day Ann Longe of Richard Longe the 10th day Elizabeth Glaspoll of John Glaspoll ye 17th day Katherine Leach of Nicholas Leach ye 31th day Mary Hamond of William Hamond ye 31th day


Buryed Elizabeth the Wife of John Lockyer ye 28th day·

September 1646 Baptized

John Beele of Richard Beele the 4th day Jane Wyatt of Nicholas Wyatt ye 4 day Elizabeth White of Lame Will'm White ye 10th day John Winter the Tenth day Sara Mawdlen the Tenth day Sara Addams of John Addams the 16th day Elizabeth Longe of William Longe ye 16th day

Maryed Roger Beene & Elizabeth meene ye 24th day


October 1646 Baptized

Ann Churcher of William Churcher ye 6th day William Perssey of William Perssey ye 13th day Mary Mayle of John Mayle the 15th day Elizabeth Cussell of----- Cussell of Swanwick ye 18th day John Prise of Robert Prise the 25th day Ann Terrey of Charles Terrey the 25th day

Maryed John Powell and Alice potterne } Phillip Cleverley & mary Strongtharme }

bothe of these the 8th day William Addams & Sara Tommas ye 20th day

Buryed James Hocraft of Hooke the 13th day Richard Stubington the 26th day


Page 62: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

November 1646 Baptized

Bridgett Parsson of Peeter Parsson ye 1° day Elizabeth Wheatham of Thomas Wheatham ye 1° day Jone Badston of Rob't Badston ye 1° day Sarra Riddall of Edward Riddall ye 15th day Thomas White of Peeter White ye 15th day ***** Mary Courtnell of Rob't Courtnell ye 29th day ***** William Sexey of Peter Was Born the first day of this month and Baptized the 27th of the same


Buryed Francis Badston the 4th day Richard Pickman the 10th day Walter Hide the 12th day

December 1646 Baptised

Thomas Noakes of Thomas Noakes ye 9th day Thomas Greene of Nicholas Greene ye 17th day


Buryed Elizabeth White of Lame William White***** ye 8th day

January 1646 Baptised

Ann Churcher of Thomas Churcher ye 3th day Jane Waller of John Waller the 19th day Sara Collens of John Collens the same day

Maryed Nicholas Luffe and Mary Wigg ye 21th day

Buryed Richard Bassett the first day Old Smith dyed att Charke ye 8th day Ann Emery of Catsfeild the 9th day Elizabeth Tipp the Wife of Peeter Tipp of Crafton the 14th day

February 1646 Baptised

Steeven Hocraft of Steeven Hocraft ye 15th day Elizabeth Steevens of John Steevens ye 19th day Jane Wassell of Philemon Wassell ye 25th day Thomas Oseland of William Oseland ye 28th day


Buryed Nicholas Harte the first Day William Crossman seni' the 2° day John Drew the 9th day


Page 63: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1646 Baptized

Bridgett Gaywood of John Gaywood gent the Eighteenth Day John Boyes of Edward Boyes the 29th day 1647 Elizabeth Carter of Francis Carter the 30th day


Buryed Elizabeth the Wife of Simon Hancock the seacond Day ***** Hery Steaveans the 25th day Edward Silley of Thom' Silley the 27th day

Aprill 1647 Baptized

Mary Abram of George Abram the 6th day Richard Longe of Richard Longe of craftan ye 15th day Joseph Brothers of John Brothers ye 25th day


Buryed Sussan Tanner the 3° day Richard Godfrey the 8th day Will'm Fryes Child the 16 day The Wife of George Griffen the 25th day

May 1647 Baptized

Henry Ray of Henry Ray the 2° day Steeven Dawes of Thomas Dawes ye 9th day ***** Francis Lunn of Francis Lunn ye 13th day Ann Dawes of----- Dawes ye Seafayringman ye 23th day Thomas Lozaes of Thomas Lozaes ye 30th day John Seager of John Seager Borne the 30 of March and Baptised

the 9 of May Maryed

Edmand Callens and Elizabeth Fallett the 4th day Richard Philpott and Averen Wilmott the 31th day

Buryed William Cotten the 12th day Widdu' White Jun' of Lee ye 30th day William Knight the 31th day

June 1647 Baptized

Mary Cleverley of Philip Cleverley ye 7th day Maryed

Buryed Widdu' Mary Mayle of Catsfeild ye 5th day


Page 64: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

July 1647 Baptized

Elizabeth Woodes of John Woodes ye 18th day Ann White of Anthoney White ye 21th day

Maryed Thomes Peachey and Elizabeth Marsshall the 15th day

Buryed Mabell Howse Widdu' the 16th day a poore man Dyed at ye p'sonedge Barne at place the 17th day Ann Ragwood the 3° day William Houghtons Childe of Hooke ye 3° day Elizabeth Lozes of John Loazes ye 27th day

August 1647 Baptized

***** Peeter Houghton of Thomas Houghton ye 8th day Sibbell Prise of John Prise ye Collier ye 8th day William Addams his Child Alice addams ye 17th Steuen Moudy of William Moudy wase Borne the 25 of July and

Baptised the 4 of August Maryed

Buryed Emm Dallapley Widdu' the 29th day

September 1647 Baptised

Richard Fitchatt of John Fitchatt the 7th day Ann Stroude of Mr Strood the 7th day Agnis Leagatt of John Leagatt of Hooke the 26th day Elizabeth Bradfeild of Ralph Bradfeild 27th day William Pew of William Pew the 29th day


Buryed James Greethams Wife of Hook the 7th day Robert Mayle the 11th day A Servant mayd that Lived with Thomes Edwardes whose surname

was Winter ye 15 day

October 1647 Baptized

***** John Luffe of Nicholas Luffe ye 23th day Dorathey Hankin of John Hankin ye 25th day

Maryed Thomas Steevens of Calbourne in the Isle of Wight and Sarra

Rogers of this p'ish the 28th day


Page 65: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Catheryne Hocraft widdowe the 11th day Mary the Wife of Nicholas Luffe ye***** 23th Richard Longe of Richard Longe ye 31th day

November 1647 Baptized

John Osemand of John Osemand ye 11th day Philep Cluer of Philep Cluer the 12 day


Buryed, William Lock of Francis Lock ye 7th day Peeter Landey the 17th day Widdu' Duke the 20th day ***** Thomas Gale of Tanners ye 25th day

December 1647 Baptized

Frances Cawte of John Cawte ye 5th day Elizabeth Hearley of John Herley ye 12th day Mary Reaues ye daughter of William Reaues of Stubington the

7th day Maryed

Buryed John Freeman the 15th day Mr Cawtes Daughter the 18 day buryed in the Church

January 1647 Baptised

John Brickelton of Mathew Brickelton the 9th day Elizabeth Merssam of John Merssam ye 9th day Elizabeth Hardinge the 16th day James Skinner of Will'm Skinner ye 16th day Gyles Leach of Gyles Leach Jun' ye 18th day Henry Hinkes of Richard Hinkes ye 21th day Mary Crowcher of James Crowcher ye 27th day Ann Smith of Will'm Smith ye 30th day


Buryed Margrett Herssey Widdowe the 10th day James Hull the Sixteenth day William Hancock the 21th day Mr Docter Sidnam Docter of Devinitie buryed in the Chanssell

the 28th day Jane Loaze of John Loaze ye 30th day John Wassell of Sarsbery the 31th day Widdowe Ilesley the same day


Page 66: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

February 1647 Baptized

Elizabeth Wassell Wassborn the 14 daye of January 1647 Richard Browne of Richard Browne ye first day Elizabeth Wassell of Quinby Wassell ye 2° day Elizabeth Holte of Thomas Holte ye 6th day Richard Forder of Richard Forder ye 6th day Sara Bright of Henry Bright the 10 day Ann Reeves of William Reeves of Crabthorne the Eighth day

Maryed Thomas p'ker and Sara Tripuck ye 15th day

Buryed Gyles Hill the Tenth Day Mary Williams ye Wife of Isaac Williams the 26th day

March 1647 Baptised

William Lee of William Lee the 2° day William***** Gill of William Gill ye 3° day Robert Philpott of Richard Philpott ye 6th day Mary Sparshott of Rob't Sparshott ye 8th day William West of William West ye 9th day William Sexssey of William Sexssey the younger the 21th day John Hopley of***** Robert Hopley the 24th day John Missing sonn of William and Ann the 12th day


Buryed Thomas Missinge of Crafton ye 2° day Walter Lane the 15th day Widdu' Childes the same day John Hilroade of Charke the 18th day a poore woman that Dyed at Stubington the 21th day Elizabeth Wheatham the daughter of Thomas Wheatham the 25th

day 1648 ----- Faythfull sonn of John Faythfull the 26th day Richard Beale the same day a Child of Lame William Whites named Elizabeth the 29th day

April 1648 Baptized

Robert Oakefard of Robert Oakefard seni' the 16th day Elizabeth Day of David Day the 18th day

Maryed Henry Sexssey & margery Richardes ye 11th day

Buryed Mary Potterne Widdowe the 3° day Widdowe Sparshatt seni' the 4th day Nicholas Mathew the 6th day Nicholas Dawkins the 22th day


Page 67: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

May 1648 Baptized

Elizabeth Collens of Edward Collens ye first day Richard Lee of Henry Lee the 16th day


Buryed Nicholas Greene the first day John Miles Servant to the Earle of Southton the 23th day

June 1648 Baptized

John Allen of John Allen the 15th day Steeven Sone of Peeter Sone ye 16th day


Buryed William Gill the 5th day

July 1648 Baptized

Katheryne Warde of Simon Warde ye 17th day Allice Oakefard of Robert Oakefard Juni' the same Day William Trodd of Richard Trodd the 19th day


Buryed Rebecca Hopley of Rob't Hopley ye 3° day John Franckum yt was of John Franckum ye----­William Limeburner the 9th day William Trodd of Richard Trodd ye 26th day

August 1648 Baptized

Amey Luffe of Lenell Luffe the 13th day Maryed

Buryed Margrett White of William White ye 24th day Dorathey the Wife of William Tribeck ye 27th day

September 1648 Baptized

Elizabeth Terrey of Charles Terrey the 14th day Mary White of Robert White borne ye 27th day


Buryed John Merssam the 6th day William Gill of William Gill ye 19th day


Page 68: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1648 Baptized

Sara Kendley of John Kendley the 8th day Elizabeth Paffard of William Paffard the 11th day Parkinson Gaywood of John Gaywood ye 24th day John Baker of Peeter Baker ye same day


Buryed William Cussen the 31th day

November 1648 Baptized

Sara Treeffate of Will'm Treeffate the 1° day Maryed

Buryed Widdowe Collett the 12th day Elizabeth Stares of Will'm Stares the 16th day Peeter Stares of James Stares ye 27th day

December 1648 Baptized

John White of John White of Hooke ye 7th day Richard Glaspoll of Thomas Glaspoll ye 12th day Elizabeth Beale of Richard Beale the 19th day


Buryed John Reeves the 2° day Jane Wassell of Philemon Wassell ye 14th day

January 1648 Baptized

Elizabeth Oxfard of William Oxfard ye 14th day Elizabeth Philpott of Richard Philpott ye 19th day William Moze of John Moze ye 21th day

Maryed Robert Hartwell and Francis Beene the 24th day *****

Buryed Dennis Magee a Souldier that Dyed at John Pledgers the 4th day A Childe of Thomas Brookes the 29th day

February 1648 Baptised

Elizabeth Cleverley of Philip Cleverley ye 15th day William Crossman of William Crossman ye 23th day James Manssell of John Manssell the 27th day

Maryed William Stoakes And Amey Stoakes both of this P'ish the fifth



Page 69: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Alice Hide of Nicholas Hide ye 13th day

March 1648 Baptised

John Williams of Isaac Williams ye 8th day Katherine Woodes of John Woodes ye 13 day Thomas Steevens of John Steevens ye 16th day William Longe of Richard Longe husbandman ye 26 day 1649 Thomas Leagatt of John Leagatt of Crofton ye 26th day John Hocraft of Steeven Hocraft ye 26th day


Buryed John Keeth the 12 day 1648 Avisse the Wife of Richard Forder ye 14th Nicholas Leach the 29 day 1649 The Wife of Francis Fry the 30th day

Aprill***** 1649 Baptised

Henry Sexssey of Henry Sexssey ye 2° day John Wheatham of Thomas Wheatham ye 12 day Sara Sparshott of Robert Sparshott ye 12 day Thomas Stares of James Stares the 17th day Thomas Hide of John Hide the 19th day Elizabeth Pew of William Pew the 29 day


Buryed John Blake the 5th day Thomas Foster the 8th day The Lady Penelope daughter of the Right Ho'r'ble Thomas Earle

of Southt' ye 7th day William Addams the 14th day Henry Sexssey the 14th day Widdowe Steevens the 29th day

May 1649 Baptized

William Winter of Henry Winter of Swanwick the Tenth day Roger Gray of Jeffery Gray ye 15th day Alice Simes of Humphery Simes ye 15th day

Maryed John Osemand and Margery Houghton the Fower and Twentyeth Day

Buryed John Randall a Traveller the 12th day Cristian Skinner the 14 day Elizabeth Mayle of Widdowe Mayle ye 18th day William Crowcher the 21th day Robert Philpott of Richard Philpot ye 29th day Margrett Lock Wife of Rob't Lock the 30th day


Page 70: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

June 1649 Baptized

Elizabeth Harfard of Edward Harfard ye 5th day Sara Churcher of William Churcher ye 11 day


Buryed Widdowe Wassell of Sarisbery ye 16th day

July 1649 Baptized

William Abram and Sara abram of Henry Abram the 5th day Robert Mayle of John Mayle the 12th day Mary Parsson of Peeter Parsson ye 6th day Mary the Daughter of Mary Hocraft ye 29th day Jane Coop' of John Coop' Jun' the 26th day

Very few of Craftone side haue bine Baptized here after this month July 1649


Buryed Elizabeth Patten the 5th day Henry Dash sonne in Lawe to Christopher Slawghter the 25th day

August 1649 Baptised

Ann Abram of George Abram the 2° day Ann Addams of William Addams the 28th day Sara Roode of Sara Roode baseborne ye 28th day


Buryed Robert Oakefard Jun' the seacond day Dennis the Wife of Thomas Knight the 9th day John West seni of Brooke the 28th day

September 1649 Baptized

Peeter Sexssey of Peeter Sexssey ye 5th day John Wassell of John Wassell of brook ye 9th day John Cleverley of John Cleverley of Fontley ye 10th day


Buryed Richard Rules Child of Sarisbery ye 19th day


Page 71: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1649 Baptized

Elizabeth Philips of Mr Philips of Posbrooke ye 9th day Elizabeth Collens of John Collens ye same day Mary Baker of John Baker the 11th day Francis Browne of Richard Browne the 16th day William White of Lame William White of Crafton the 9th day ***** Susan Raymond the daughter of Thomas Raymond the 30 day


Buryed John Cleverley of Titchfeild ye 2° day Leonell Luffe the 9th Day William Moudy the same Day Elizabeth Longe of Richard Longe of Crafton the 14th day Robert Howghton of Thomas Howghton ye 16th day Alice Steevens the 21th day Parkinson Gaywood of John Gaywood ye 28th day William Pew of William pew ye 31th day

November 1649 Baptized

Dorathey Michell of Mr Michell of Portsmouth the First Day Jone Grove of John Grove the 8th day Mary Prise of Robert Prise the 11th day Edward Stares of William Stares the 28th day


Buryed Widdowe Luffe seni' of Lockes Lane ye 1° day Cisley the Wife of William Harfard ye 13th day Mary the Wife of John Younge of Catesfeild the 16th day

December 1649 Baptized

Mary Greetham of James Greetham of Swanwick the first day Christopher John Addams of William Addams of Litle Fontley the

7th day Steeven Ray of Henry Ray the 23th day John Blake Allis Durrant the 26th day Ann Private of John Private of Warsash the same Day

Maryed William Francks of Fareham and Elizabeth Crowcher of Titchfeild the 13th day


Page 72: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed John Brickeldon of Mathew Brickeldon of Sarisbery the Ninth

Day Ann Mossell Widdowe of Warsash ye 12th day Jone Littlefeild the Wife of John Littlefeild of Fontley the

22th day Lame William White of Crafton the 27th day William Seager of John Seager ye 25th day

January 1649 Baptized

Issac Williams of Isaac Williams the younger the 9th day John Austin of Richard Austin of Brooke the Thirteenth day Richard Philpott of Richard Philpott the 13th day William Smith of William Smith of Prowlingworth 24th day


Buryed Grace Addams of Fontley Widdowe the 7th day Amey Godden Widdowe ye 3° day Sara Trivatt the 16th day

February 1649 Baptized

Jane Oseland of William Oseland of Warsash the 12th day John Turner of John Turner the 14th day Mary Hide of Nicholas Hide the***** 21th day Robert Harmsworth of John Harmsworth ye 25th day Peeter Churcher of Thomas Churcher ye 26th day Jane Reaues ye daughter of William Reaues of Stubington the

25th day Maryed

William Hitchcock of the p'ish of Weedeley and Elizabeth Bounde of this p'ish ye 25th day

Buryed John Privett the 16th day Alice Landey Widdowe the***** 21th day Henry Winter Jun' the 24th day Widdowe West of Warsash the 27th day

March 1649 Baptized

Francis Haymes of Thomes Haynes the 21th day Elizabeth Hamond of William Hamond the 24th day Agnis Allen of John Allen ye 26th day 1650 Robert Reeves of***** William Reeves of Crabthorne the Twelfe

Day Maryed


Page 73: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed William Longe of Hooke the third day Thomas Oseland the 6th day Ann Davise the 9th day Widdowe Blunden the 11th day Widdowe Merssam the 13th day Margrett the Wife of John Heward the 14th Day Ellen Garrett Widdowe the 16th day John Harfard the 19th day John Cumber seni' the 24th day William Hardinge the 25th day 1650

Aprill 1650 Baptized

Edward Fitchett of John Fitchett ye 9th day Jane Faythfull of John Faithfull ye 15 day Jane Dumer Alis Day the same day John Greetham of Francis Greetham ye 22th day Elizabeth Missinge of John Missinge ye 23 day

Maryed Richard Goddard & Ann Paine ye 16th day William Chacraft & Elizabeth Heward ye 17 day

Buryed Lame William Whites Childe the 1° day John Luggerer the fowerth day Widdowe Higgens the 29th day

May 1650 Baptized

Jone Rule of Richard Rule ye 1° day Mary Wakes of Thomas Wakes ye 13 day Francis Wassell of Philemon Wassell the 22th day


Buryed Robert Darse the 1° day Francis Missinge the 6 day Robert Prisse the 11th day John White White of Anthoney White the 18th day

June 1650 Baptized

Sara Crowcher of James Crowcher the 10th day William Cawte of Richard Cawte gent the 12th day *****

Maryed William Colloweway and Mary Hockley the 4° day John Wigg and Mary Luffe the 10th day


Page 74: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Agnis Mansbridge the 20th day Robert Dukes Child the 24th day John Osemand sone of Hooke the 25 day Mary Treeffate of William Treffate the 26th Day The Wife of Robert Duke the 30th day

July 1650 Baptized

Amey Stoakes of William Stoakes the Three and Twentyeth Day Maryed

Buryed Margrett the Wife of John Shorter the 25th Day Elizabeth Philpott of Richard Philpott the 2° day Richard Rider the 26th

August 1650 Baptized

John of Agnis Dawes Base borne the 4° day Henry Smith of William Smith the 8th Day Mary Greenewidge of William Greenewidge the 11th day Anne Cluer of Philep Cluer the 14 day

Maryed John Cumber of this p'ish and Elizth Hardinge of Burstleton ye

6th day Buryed

Anna Knight of Thomas Knight the 12th Day Rose Gillinggame the 20th day *****

September 1650 Baptized

Alice Hooke of Robert Hooke the 29th Day Maryed


October 1650 Baptized

Elizabeth Cawte of Richard Cawte of Sarisbery husbandman the 9th day

Jane Oakefard of Robert Oakefard seni' the 17th day Maryed

John Trimminge and Mary Hart ye 8th day Buryed

Averen the Wife of Richard Philpott the 4th Day John Dawes of Agnis Dawnes base borne the 9th day Margrett Williams Widdowe of the great p'ke the Fifteenth Day Sussan Tanner that Lived with Cutberth Evered att Collawdes

the 18th day


Page 75: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

November 1650 Baptized

Jane Lee of Henry Lee of Posbrooke the First Day Ann the Daughter of Roger Moze of Dunton in the countie of

Willts the Seaventh Day Katherine Sparshott of Robert Sparshott of Whiteley the 13th

day Margery Cutler of Robert Cutler the 22th Day Henry Bright sonne of Henry Bright ye 8th day



December 1650 Baptized

Richard White of John White of Hooke the 15th Day Ann White of Robert White borne ye second day


Buryed Amey the wife of John Cooper seni' of brooke the 16th Day Edward Rogers the 23 Day

January 1650 Baptized

John Brickelton of----- Brickelton of Sarishbery the 6th day William Oxfard of William Oxfard of Swanwick the 16th day Elizabeth Hartwell of Robert Hartwell the 21th day


Buryed Margrett the Wife of Peeter Baker of Crafton the Tenth Day John Smith of Hooke ye 15 day Margery the Wife of John Houghton of Swanwick the 16th day Jestineman Sexssey of Henry Sexssey of Southbrooke the 17th

Day Jone the Wife of Philemon Wassell the 28th day

February 1650 Baptized

Jone Kendley of John Kendley of Brooke the Seacond Day Steeven Smith of John Smith of Fontley the 11th Day Gyles Hinkes and Dennis Hinkes of Richard Hinkes the 13th Day Edward Collens of Edward Collens of Hooke the Sixteenth Day Philip Cleuerley Sonn of Philip Cleuerly the Last Day



Page 76: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Elizabeth Smith of William Smith of Prowlingeworth the 18th

Day Anthoney Sabben Richard Troddes man the Farryer the 18th Day Francis Wassell of Philemon Wassell ye 26th day Robert Edwardes the 27th day

March 1650 Baptized

John Poore of John Poore of Sarisbery the 10th day Amey Chawcraft of William Chawcraft the same Day Mary Tayler of Mr Tayler an Irish mans Child the 16th day Robert Waller of John Waller of Brooke the 27th Day 1651



Aprill 1651 Baptized

Ann Limeburner of John Limeburner the 14th day Mary Cussen of Alexander Cussen of warsash the 24th Day Steeven Brothers of John Brothers the 25 day Mary the daughter of Thomas and mary Knight the sixth day

Maryed Anthony Barry and Ann Landy ye 28th d

Buryed Mary Baker the Wife of John Baker the first day

May 1651 Baptized

Elizabeth Reede of Thomas Reed the first Day Luce Sexssey of Peeter Sexssey the 8th day William Addams of William Addams the 8th day William Holte of Thomas Holte of Warsash the 15th Day Mary Hampton of James Hampton of Waltham Tanner the 20th day Thomas Philips of Richard Philips of Posbrooke gent' the 29th

Day Jane West of William West the 30th day

Maryed Richard Turver and Elizabeth Shelley the first day Simon Fuller and Ann Stubington the 26 day

Buryed James Bradshawe the 7th day Thomas Ballard The 15th Day Mary the Wife of William Fry seni' of Crafton the 16th Day ----- Sabben of Ralph Sabben of Stubington the 17 day William Cawte of Richard Cawte gent the 30th Day


Page 77: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

June 1651 Baptized

Thomas Skinner of George Skiner the first Day William Calloway of William Calloway ye 16th day Thomas Leadwell of Thomas Leadwell the 29th Day Thomas Brocke of Thomas Brocke of Southhamton in High Street

was borne the 9 day Mary Wigg daughter of John Wigg was borne ye 27th day

Maryed Richard Strugnell and Hellen Prise the 26th day

Buryed Susan Raymond the daughter of Thomas Raymond the 2 day ***** Jane the Daughter of John Hide the 3d day Mary the Wife of Thomas Reede the 21th day Elizabeth the Wife of***** Thomas Brock of South'ton and the

Daughter of Ann Jourde Widdowe of Crofton the three and Twentyeth Day

Vory the Wife of William Plaskett the five and Twentyeth Day

July 1651 Baptized

Edward Fry of William Fry Jun' the 10th day Elizabeth Dumer of Robert Dumer of Ridge Lane the 17th Day John Herley of John Herley of Hooke the 31th Day

Maryed John Lampard and the Widdowe Binsted of Charke the 3° day

Buryed Alice Darse Widdow ye 13th day Elizabeth Gillinghame of----- Gillinghame of Crafton the 21th

day Elizabeth Morgan of James Morgan of Edward Collens of Edward Collens of Mr Clarkes Infant of Catesfeild the ----- Riddall of Edward Riddall the

August 1651 Baptized

Kerbridge Hooke the 29th day 31th day

the 29th day 29th day

John Cumber of John Cumber of Brooke the 7th Day Mary Wigge of John Wigge of Swanwick the same Day Mary Cawte of Richard Cawte gent the 28th day William Stares infant


Buryed Ann Quinten Allis Dawes the 9th day


Page 78: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September (1651) Baptized

Arthur Petty of Jo' Pettey the 25 Maryed

Philimon Wasal & Jane Whore the 25 Edward***** Swane and Elizabeth***** Helkoch the 29

Buryed James Spurfeild Servant to William Stares of Charke ye 3° day James stares infant the same Day Richard Brownes infant the same day Robert Willmott Clarck of this p'ish - 21

October 1651 Baptised

Hendry Mayle of John Mayle ye 16th day Nicholas Greetom of James Grittom - 19th Peter Houghton of Tho' Houghton ye 30


Buryed Annes Meiles - 27

November 1651 Baptized

Will' Cleuerly of Jo' Cleuerly of Fontly the 7th day Jonne Powlter of Henry Powlter the 11th day Peter***** Tribek the Sone of Will' ***** Tribek - 25 John Harmswood of Jo' Harmswood the 27th day


Buryed Jane Ockford - 4th day James Godfry - 5th day Ms Sarah Marsho & the wife of Mr Will'm Paine 28th day

December 1651 Baptized

William Churcher of William Churcher the 11th day Philip Wassell of Philemon Wassell the same day Stephen Morgaine of James Mogaine the 12th day Joane Cluer of Edward Clewer of Kerb'idg ye 14th day J'n Strugnell of Richard Strugnell the 21 day


Buryed The Widdow White of Lee the 12th day Gooddow Pilgrum Richards Pilgrims Widdow the 18th day Elizabeth the Wife of Richard White the 31 day


Page 79: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January***** 1651 Baptized

Mary Woodes of Jo' Woodes the 6 day John Lame of Richard Lame of Funtlie - 27th


Buryed William Callyway the first day Ammy White the 2d day Stephen Morgaine of James Morgain - 4th day

February 1651 Baptized

John Groue of John Groue of Posbrooke 5 day Mary Trimming of John Trimming 5 day Sarah Taylor of Stephen Taylor Cheapman 9 day John Steuens of John Steuens 10 day Annis Hockcraft of Stephen Hockraft 29 day


Buryed Edward Landy the 11 day Robert Loke the 24 day Ms Francis Nurs to Mrs Beestone 28 day

March 1651 Baptized

Mary Roy of Henry Roy the first day Mrs Elizabeth Dorell of Mr Thomas Dorall the 2 day James Winter of Henry Winter the 5 day Elizebeth Cooper of John Cooper Junior the***** 11 day Elner Russel of Thomas Russel the 28 1652


Buryed John Churcher the first day Thomas Steuens of John Steuens the***** 11 day James Winter the 17 day John Leue seruant to Jo' Laui one of the forg men the same day Elnor Rusel the 30

Aprill 1652 Baptized

Elizebeth Stoakes of William Stoakes the 1 day Anne Sexey of William Sexey the 4 Peter White of Roger White Workman to the Iremill 5 day Mary Sexey of Hendry Sexey the 14 Anthony Barry of Anthony Barry the 20


Bured Anne Sexey the 6 day


Page 80: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

May 1652 Baptized

William Greenwedg of William Greenwedg 11th John Bricknel of John Bricknell 27 Elizebeth Litelfeld of John Litelfeld 27 Richard Reeves ye sonne of William Reeves of Crabthorne 13th

day Maryed

Abram Bristo and Ann deckson 27 Buryed

William Feilder of John Feilder 1 William Chacraft 16 John West 16 Roberte Knight 25

June 1652 Baptized

Alce Ward of Simon Ward 7 day John Abram of Georg Abram 8 day William Faithfull of John Faithfull 20 day


Buryed John Bricknells child 5 Thomas Whits Child 5 Cleare the wife of John Missing 14

Jully 1652 Baptized

Anne Brooker of Thomas Brooker the 1 day Maryed

Bured Mary Young the 9 Nicholas Waller killed in the Chaok peett 10 Simon Hencock the 14 Richard Fillpott the 16 White William Markes 27 Mary Roy 29 Ales Ockford 30 Sarah Spershote 31

August 1652 Baptised

Anne White of Henry White 1 Elizebeth Smyth of William Smyth 10 William Pilfill of William Pilfill 12 John Leegat of John Leegat 29 Richard Spershot Sonn of Robert and mary the 30th day



Page 81: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Bured Philemon Wasell 1 Mary Cawte of Richard Cawte gent 27

September 1652 Baptized

Katherine Hide of nicklos Hide 4 John Stares of James Stares 9 Jone Cate of Richard Cate of Swanick 23


Bureed Joan Williames of Isaac Williames Senior 9 Elizebeth Warner 12

October 1652 Baptised

Jonathan Turner of John Turner 4 Mared

Bured Widdo Roffe 2 Jonne Catte a Child of William Fryes 11 Mrs Cordrey 12 Sara Wheatem 12 anne Saben 15 Goody Goost 18 Gyles Leach 21 Mary Williames 25 Robert Allene 27 John Leegat 29 Anne White 31

Nouember 1652 Bapetized

Henery Allenn of John Allenn the 22th day John Bristow of Thomas Bristow 30 Jane White of Robert White borne ye first day


Bured Margreey Rosell 1 Robert Wegge 9th day John Dash of Lee 10th day Peter Rushall of Swanwick 12 day Thomas Philleps ye sone of Mr Richard Philleps 13th day William Pafordes sonne of Lee 30

December 1652 Baptized

Peter Soane of Peter Soane Juner 28


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Buryed Jerues Jackson the 7 day Peter White of Stroud Greene 10 day Elizebeth Sharier 22 day Sarah Beues of Stubingtone 30

January 1652 Baptised

Elizebeth Cosen of Alexander Cosen 6 day Maryed

Buryed Philep Duke 5th James Mansell the 11th day Robert Hartwell 15th day William Swane 17 day Robert Arthur 24 Anne Ledwell 24 Agnes Peren seueruant to Peter Whites Widdow 30

Feberary 1652 Baptized

Sara Fechett of John Fechet 2 Richard Osling of William Osling 4 Sarah Adames of William Ademes 10


Bured James Merywether 3th day Michiall Hacher 5th day Anne Hockraft 16th day Richard Trad 17th day Joane Sexey the wife of Peter Sexey 19th day John White of Hoocke 28 last day

March 1652 Baptised

Mary Cerbey a traueler Childe 14 Elizebeth the daughter of Mary Hockcraft bace borne 15 Elizebeth Kenly of John Kenly 31 1653


Buryed Margett the wife of John Touey 4th day Nicholas Soane 5th day Sarah the wife of Robert Plasket 11 Beniamen the Ploughman of Hoock mersh came from london 11 John Herly a child of John Herly 15 Annes the wif of John Brothers 17 Steuen Brothers 21 day


Page 83: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1653 Baptized

Dauid Asten of Richard Asten 3 Annes White of John White of Hooke 9 Sarah Moores of John Moores 11th day Elizabeth Croucher of James Croucher the 14 day Joane Hoock of Robert Hooke 17 day Katharen Broune of Richard Broune the 18 John Leach of Gilles leach the 19 Anne Oxford***** of William Oxford 28


Buryed Steuen Soone 9 day Widdow Hockly 19 Mary the wife of Gyles Leach 22 William Smith the 22 John Steuenes the 28

May 1653 Baptized

Grace Cumber of John Cumber 8th day William Bricknell of John Bricknell 24 John houghton of Thomas houghton 26 day


Buryed Seusane marshale 2 day William Sexey 9 day John Tolley 16 day William Bricknell 25 Elizebeth Reues 31

June (1653) Baptized

Mary Gleed of Antony Gleed a stranger 7 Jone Barey of William Barey 27 day


Buryed John Barey of Fontely 6 Antony Whites Wife of Crafton 6 mathe Gleed the Wife of Antony Gleed a trauelar 7 John Leegate of Crafton 7 Elizabeth Leegatt of Crafton 10 day Margry Glaspolle 28

Jully 1653 Baptized

Elizebeth Strognell of Richard Strognell 7 day Maryed


Page 84: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Peeter White 7 day Mrs hether of Crafton 9 day Edward Harffard 18 day Mr Thomas Riosely Stuard to the Earle of Southamton 25 day Annes halle 29 day Simon Daues a saruant to Robarte Flasket 30 day

August 1653 Baptized

Elizebeth Man of Thomas Man of the Town 16 day Sarah White of Robert White borne ye 10th day


Buryed Anne Jourd widdo of Crafton 30 day Sarah White buried ye 13th day

September 1653 Baptized

Richard Weeste of William Weeste of Docke bapetised at home 7 day

Richard Cottler of Robart Cottler 22 day Maryed

Buryed Jane Osmond widdoo 7 day Robart Flasket 10 day Daued Asten 19 day Henry Landy 20 day Elizabeth Kenly 25 day

October 1653 Baptized


***** but pray lest ye enter not into temtation Buryed

William Harfard 11 day Lwcke Landy of Richard Landy 15 day Anne Landy of Peeter Landy 19 day a Childe of Phillip Cleweres 25 Cristan Numan Widoo of hoke 27 day Steuen Collas Wiffe 29 day Richard Cates Wiffe 29 day a basterd of Mary hocraftes 16 day

Nouember 1653 Baptized

Roger Bradbridg of Roger Bradbridg 1 day Sarah Haines of Thomas Haines 24 day


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Buryed Leauce Carter 9 day Philemon Wasell 9 day John Felder a child dyed at pasnegbarne a traueler 16 day Robert Domer of Roberte Domer 19 day Thomas Roosell 23 day Peter Houghton of Thomas Houghton 23 day

December 1653 Baptized

Henry Poulter the sonne of Henry Poulter was Baptized the first of***** December natus 23° die Novembr' Mary Pewe of William Pewe 6 day Elizebeth White of Roger White a worke man to the Iremell 19 Thomas Rule of Thomas Rule ye 29 day


Buryed Stephen Hocroft the fourth day Richard Wyatt the fifth day William Melerd 8 day John Sexeyes wiffe 16 day Anne Broker 19 day John Weellon 19 day A Child of Nicholas Hide the 26 day Nathaniell Perey the 27 day Thomas Rule 30 day John Leach 30 day John Willkence a saruant 31 day

January 1653 Baptized

***** Anne Simes of Homphrey Simes 16 day Henry White of Henry White 18 day Mary Tomas of John Tomas a Traueler borne at Swanek 20 day


Buryed William White of Richard White of Craftone greene 2 day Thomas Craswell a saruante of William Ockffordes 20 day a Child of John Allenes 22 Elizebeth the Wiffe of Thomas Clarke 24 Widdw Rosell 27 day ***** Water Fetcher a treaueler dyed at pasnedg Barne 27 Thomas Bristo 29 day


Page 86: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

February 1653 Baptized

Janne Winter of Henry Winter 1 day Mary Skinner of Georg Skinner 27th day


Buryed Richard Browne 8 day Allice the Wiffe of Robarte palle 9 day Elizabeth the Widoe of Thomas Burstoe the 20th day

March 1653 Babtized

Thomas Clewer of Nicholas Clewer ye 27th day Maried

***** Buried Mary ye widoe of Richard Browne ye 4th daye Thomas ye son of John Leaggat of Craften ye same day Thomas Bower of Hooke 16th John Hobbs alias Turner 23th James Hide a Childe 23th

April 1654 Baptized

Will'm Harmsworth of John Harmsworth the 6th day Mathew Pettie of John Petty 24th day


Buried Richard Trad Jun' ye 12th day John ye sonne of Francis Gretham ye 30th day

May 1654 Baptized

Henry Smith of Will'm Smith 23th day Maried

Buried Ann Trad ye widow of Richard Trad ye 4th day William Wassell ye 7th day Sarah Clarke seruant to ye widoe Willmot ye 9th day John Lamperd ye 9th day Joane Badstone of Robert Badstone ye 18th day Widoe Emery of Catsfeild 20th day Alice Lawrence A trauilers child 26th day

June 1654 Baptized

William Barry of Athony Bary 22th day Maried

Wiliam Landy and Mary Lock the first day


Page 87: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Elizabeth Lydall ye third day Robert Perry seruant to Henry Roy 12th day Richard Kendly a childe 20th day Anne Simes daughter of Humphry Symes 28th day

July 1654 Baptized


Buried James White the first day Mary ye wife of Nicholas Hide 13th day Mary ye daughter of Nicholas Hide 16th day Mary ye daughter of old Thomas Reed 18th day Mary ye daughter of William Pafford ye 25th day

August 1654 Baptized

Mary Chestell of Robert Chessell 11th day Agnes Britlton of Mathew Britleton 20th day Thomas White of Thomas White of Shoote 21th day Roger Barry of Roger Bary 21th day


Buried Elizabeth Kirbie ye second day ----- ye wife of Richard Lauey ye 5th day Sarah Cram servant to Jno Lawrence 5th day . Margret ye wife of Robert Chestell and Mary her childe 13 day Richard Warden ye 17 day Francis ye wife of Roger Barry 21 ***** ye wife of Tho' White of Shoot 21th Anne Cleuerly ye 1° day of Septemb'r

September 1654 Baptized

Sarah of Peter Sone Jun' ye 15th day Richard Reeues of Richard Reeues ye 30th day


Buried Thomas Reed ye 14th day Anne ye wife of John Kinchin the 14th day

October 1654 Baptized

Robert the Sonn of Thomas Knight the Last daye Married


Page 88: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried ----- Pierson a seruant 3d John Collens of Jno Collins of Portsmouth 26th Phillip Cleuery 28th

November 1654 Baptized

George Marsh ye sonne of George Marsh ye 2 day Nicholas Luffe of Nicholas Luff borne ye 5th of November Baptized ye 20th of January

Married ***** John Deane & Alice Singleton 23 day

Buried Widoe Louegroue 4th day John Fitchat 23

December 1654 Baptized

Joane Holt of Tho' Holt 16th Mary ye daughter of Vrsila Missing baseborne 21 Steeuen Brothers & Joane Brothers of John Brothers 28th

Married William Munchin & Vrsila Missing ye 21th day

Buried ----- White widoe of Stubbington 4th Robert Reeve of Newland 7th William Reeues his brother 14th Will'm Tribick Jun' 15th Joane Holt wife of Tho' Holt 16th Widoe Glaspoll of ye towne 19th Joane and----- Holt children of Tho' Holt 23th Nathaniell Kendly a Childe 28th Will'm Holt of Tho' Holt 29th

January 1654 Baptized

Mary Williams daughter of Isaac Williams ye 6th day Robert son of Clark Isaac Williams the 22th day William Cleuerly of Phillip Cleuerly the 29th day Richard Adams of Will'm Adames the 30th day


Buryed Joane ye daughter of John Brothers ye second day ----- Smyth of Swanwick widow the second day Guilbert Feilder ye 6th day Steven Brothers ye 6th day Elizabeth Paule ye 7th day Mary ye daughter of Isaac Williams 7th day John Houghton of Tho' Houghton ye 30th day


Page 89: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

February 1654 Baptized

***** Moses Poore of John Poore ye 6th day Mary Houghton of William Houghton of Swanwick ye 8th day Jane Cleuerly of William Cleuerly of***** Fountly ye 12th day Bridget Woods of John Woods ye 20th Elizabeth Churcher of Will'm Churcher the 26th day Ann Wigg daughter of John Wigg was borne ye 26th day Sarah Reeves of William Reeves of Stubbington ye 12th day


Buryed Edward Riddall ye 8th day William Warner of Warsash ye Fifteenth day Walter Marsh of Titchfeild ye 20th day Beniamen Bedford a childe ye 20th day Sarah ye wife of Richard Deepe ye 21th day Joane ye daughter of Henry Lee ye 23 day

March 1654 Baptized

Mary Plasket ye daughter of Thomas Plasket the first day John Sexey son of Henry Sexey the 15th day



Aprill 1655 Baptized

Sarah Wigg daughter of Thomas Wigg ye 17th day John Mansell son of John Mansell of Meane ye 19th day Ann Waller of Robert Waller of Hooke ye 30th day


Buryed Joane Cleuerly the 4th day John Oakely the 4th day Richard Reeves of William Reeves of Stubbington the 9th day Isaac Williams the 11th day Henry Williams ye 28th day

May 1655 Baptized

Febe Waller of Richard Waller of Lee ye first day John Cooper of John Cooper of Porsbrooke ye 15th day



Page 90: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried John Dowling ye first day The Lady Penelope daughter of ye right hon'ble Thomas Earle of

South'ton ye 8th day John Shorter the 8th day ----- the wife of Thomas Ledwell the 27th day

June 1655 Baptized

Abraham Bristow of Abraham the 14th day Richard Stoakes of Robert Stoakes the 21th day


Buryed Alice Churcher ye third day Thomas Churcher of Thomas Churcher ye 4th day Robert Williams of Isaac Williams the 9th day Mary Hamond of Swanwick ye 12th Christopher Powlter ye 17th day John Hellier servant to John Waller the 21th day

July 1655 Baptized

Elizabeth Parsons of William Parsons the 9th day Sarah Symons of Will'm Symons the 12th day Elizabeth Cumber of John Cumber the 19th day Thomas Bricknell of Thomas Bricknell ye 26th day Mary Houghton of Thomas Houghton the 26th day John Ligat sonn of John Ligat ye 15 day


Buryed Elizabeth Gretham Widow ye 3d day Henry Serret ye 7th day Ellinor Browne ye 16th day Sarah Symons a childe ye 18th day Mary ye wife of John Kirbey 20th Thomas ye sonn of John Waller the 23th day

August 1655 Baptized

Thomas Crowcher of William Crowcher ye second day William Bright son of William Bright borne ye first of July

1655 and baptized ye 9th day of this month (Married)


Page 91: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Thomas Bricknell a child ye 7th day Mary Oakeford widow ye 18th day Anthoney ye son of Anthoney White the 22th day Joane Toley of John Toley ye 25th day Arthur son of Wil1'm Trebick the 25th day Richard White of Hooke the 26th

September 1655 Baptized

Daniell Caute of Richard Caute ye 16th day Ann Deepe of Richard Deepe ye 22th day


Buried Ann Houghton of Mossel1s ye 2° day Mary ye wife of Isaac Williams the 17th day

October 1655 Baptized

Mabell Hack of William Hack ye 4th day Robert Coles of Stephen Coles ye 21th day Elizabeth Skinner of George Skinner the 23th day Sarah Sparshott of Robert Sparshott ye 31th day James White of Robert White borne the 19th day



Nouember 1655 Baptized

Dorothy Pew of William Pew ye 20th day Katherin Lauey of Will'm Lauey ye 1° day Elizabeth Triming of John Triming ye 27th day Jane White of Roger White ye 5th day


Buryed Stephen Osemund of Will'm ye 7th day Robert Stokes of Hooke ye 8th day Denis Aman widow ye 8th day Thomas Prowtinge ye 17th day Mary Plasket ye 22th day Margery ye wife of Tristrum Mansbridg ye 24th day Walter Browne ye 26th day Katherin Lauey the 26th day


Page 92: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

December 1655 Baptized

Elizabeth Kendley of John Kendly ye 3 day Elizabeth Mearsh of George Mearsh borne ye 19th day & Baptized

ye 30th day (Married)

Buryed Ann ye wife of John Godwyn of Fareham ye 4th day John Price ye 8th day William Frost ye 23th day

January 1655 Baptized

Sarah ye daughter of William Pafford borne ye 8th day of December 1655 and baptized the 4th day of this moneth


Buryed Joane ye wife of Thomas Money ye 5th day

February 1655 Baptized

Elizabeth Brinknell of John Brinknell the 17th day (Married)

Buryed Elizabeth Boules ye third day John Sexey the 16th day Margret Mills ye 29th day

March 1655 Baptized

Thomas Allin of John Allin ye 3d day Ann Smith of William Smith borne ye 8th day & baptized ye 15th

day Joane Munchon of William the 21 day


Buryed John Churcher ye first day Richard Bensted the second day Elizabeth ye wife of Jno Allin ye 3d day Ursila Munch ye 18th day Joane ye wife of Will'm Skinner ye 21th day Edey ye wife of James Skinner ye 24th day Edward Clewer sonn of Phillip Clewer ye 31th day


Page 93: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1656 Baptized

Thomas Bayley of Thomas Bayley borne ye 5th day & baptized ye 7th day

Ellin Crowcher of James Crowcher ***** the 10th day William Litlefeild of William Litlefeild the 13th day Katherin Tarrant of Mathew Tarrant ye 19th day Mary the daughter of Richard Austin the 21 day Elizabeth Plaskat daughter of Robert Plaskat Born the 5 daye

and Baptized the 26 daye (Married)

Buryed Susana Edwards ye 7th day Katherin ye wife of Mathew Tarrant ye 19th day

May 1656 Baptized

Ellin Wigg of Robert Wigg ye 8th day Elizabeth Powlter of Henry Powlter the 13th day Thomas Barrey of Anthony Barrey ye 18th William Feilder of William Feilder ye 27th day


Buryed Ellin ye wife of Robert Wigg ye 8th day Robert Wright ye 11th day John Missing ye 22th day Thomas Houghton ye 26th day

June 1656 Baptized

Thomas Marshall of Tho' Marshall ye 15th day Sarah Waller of Stephen Waller ye 19th day Mary Paidge of John Paidge ye 19th day Ann White of Thomas Whit the 26th day of Stroudgreene


Buryed ----- Bartholmew widow ye 7th day Amey the wife of Thomas Houghton ye 9th day

July 1656 Baptized

Elizabeth and ann Franklen of John and Roose Born ye 23 and Baptized the 25 day


Buryed Thomas Hartford ye 17th day


Page 94: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

August 1656 Baptized

Jane Grove of John ye 17th day Ann Simes of Humphrey ye 19th day Thomas Grinedg of Will'm Grinedg ye 21th day


Buryed Richard Hunt ye 7th day Elizabeth ye daughter of James Crowcher ye 11th day

September 1656 Baptized

Mary Bricknell of Thomas ye 6th day Katheren Dredg of John ye 16th day Nicholas Frye of William ye 18th day James Shaule of Bartholomew ye 27th Elizabeth Gaterill of Richard ye 29th day *****


Buryed Robert Frye a Childe ye 18th day Thomas White a Childe ye 20th day Ann Cooke of Maurice ye 21th day Amey Stokes a Childe ye 22th day

October 1656 Baptized

Elizabeth Batt of Richard ye 9th day Mary Brooker of Thomas ye 9th day Mary Sone of Peter Sone ye 14th day


Buryed Elizabeth Nokes ye 4th day Christian Albery ye 14th day Elin Wigg a Childe ye 15th day Mary Medins ye 26th day Mary Craft ye 27th day Ann Privat ye 30th day

Nouember 1656 Baptized

Elizabeth Lavey of Richard Lauey ye 1° day Ann Barrey of William Barrey 6th day Elizabeth of William Oseling Jun' 10th Elizabeth Williams of Isaac ye 13th Nicholas Bolton of Phillip ye 20th day Robert Adames of William Adames of Titchfeild ye 27th day Mary Sparshot of Thomas Sparshot ye 16th day


Page 95: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buryed ----- ye wife of Henry White the 11th day Robert Hellier ye 16th day John Leaggatt ye 29th day William Orpington of Catsfeild ye 30th day

December 1656 Baptized

James Lee of James Lee borne ye 2° day & baptized ye 5th day Andrew Brothers of John ye 29th day Francis Waller of Francis Waller ye 29th day


Buryed Edward Knight ye 7th day ----- Munchin a Childe ye 12th day ----- Goast wife of Richard Goast the 13th day ----- Pinke widow ye 17th day Joane Wilkinson a stranger ye 13th day ----- ye wife of John Gillingham ye 25th day

January 1656 Baptized

Richard Caut of Richard Caute ye 1 day Thomas Money of Thomas Money the first day William Bricknell of Mathew ye 6th day William Skarvill of Will'm Skarvill the 20th day Thomas Marsh of George Marshe ye 25th day Ann Hewet of William ye 25th day Mary Cooper of John Cooper Jun' ye 27th


Buryed Richard Medence ye third day John Poore ye 5th day Thomas Marsh sane of George Marsh ye 27th day Jane Hewet ye 27th day

February 1656 Baptized

Henry Bright of William Bright the third day William Hack of Will'm Hack ye 6th William Houghton of William Houghton of Swanwick Born the 22

day and Baptised the 20th day of March Thomas the Sann of Thomas Knight the tenth daye


Buryed William Hack ye sane of William Hack ye 10th day Nicholas Frye of William Fry Jun' ye 13th day


Page 96: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1656 Baptized

Sarah Cooke of Maurice Cooke ye 3 day Joseph Sexey of Peter Sexey ye 16th Jane Clewer da' of Philip the 17 day


Buryed Mary the wife of Cuthbert Evered ye 10th day Joseph Sexey ye 18th day John Cooper of John Cooper ye 19th day

Aprill 1657 Baptized

Elizabeth Crowcher of William Crowcher ye 28th day Mary the daughtar of Richard Austen ye 29


Buryed Widow Goldfinch ye first day ----- ye wife of William Pafford 10th Tomesen ye wife of Peter Baker 11th day John Reeves of Will'm ye 12th day ----- ye wife of Mathew Holt ye 18th Edward Gibbens ye 20th day Susan Pentford ye 27th day Jane Wassell ye 7th day

May 1657 Baptized


Buryed Richard Hollis ye 4th day John Houghton ye 5th day A Child of thomas bricknels the 30th day

June 1657 Baptized

Sarah Wilks daughter of Richard ye 6 day (Married)

Buryed Phillip Marsh ye 6th day John Bensted ye 15th day

July 1657 Baptized


Page 97: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buryed Anthoney Butcher ye 4th day Hugh Higgins ye 26th day Nicholas Hide ye 29th day

August 1657 Baptized

Mary Fox of Francis Fox ye 10th day Samuell Adames of Laurence Adames ye 20th day Patience Chestell of***** Robert Chestell the 29th day


Buryed Mary Jackson ye 18th day Ralph ye sone of Ralph Sabbin ye 18th Elizabeth Baberstock ye 25th day

September 1657 Baptized

Ann Sparshot of Robert Sparshott the first day Mary Wynter of Henry Wynter baptized ye 16th day of this

moneth & borne ye 30th of August last Thomas White of Robert White borne the 17th day


Buryed Thomas Bricknell ye first day Anne Fox ye 13th day Patience Chestle ye 13th day

October 1657 Baptized

William Symons of William Symons the 27th day Thomas oxford of William oxford ye 7th day


Buryed Thomas Scarvill of Will'm ye 15th day Sarah ye wife of William Adames ye 16th day Henry Lee of Porsbrooke ye 26th day

November 1657 Baptized

Isaac Hide of Nic 0 Hide ye 8th day Isaac Williams of Isaac ye 8th day Henry Marsh of George Marsh the 21th day



Page 98: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Katherin Janes widow ye 10th day Ralfe sabbin the sonn of Ralfe sabbin ye 28th day

December 1657 Baptized

Richard Mansell of John Mansell the 25th day Elizabeth Wallar of Steuephen Wallar Born the 20th day and

Baptized the 27th Mari Dean the***** daughter of John Dean Born ye 22 day and

Baptized the Same day (Married)

Buryed Widow Grinedg ye 11th day Elizabeth Lane of Catsfeild 25th day William Wastell of Quinbener Wastle ye 26th day Elizabeth Reede ye 28th day

January 1657 Baptized

William Skinar of William Skinar 26th day (Married)

Buryed Alice ye wife of Will'm Glaspoll ye 15th day Sense ye wife of Wm Sexey 19th day Joane ye wife of John Groue 21th day Elizabeth Lock ye 21th day Robert Eames ye 22th day William skinar a Child the 23th day

February 1657 Baptized

Elizabeth Hack of William Hack borne ye 6th day of this moneth and baptized ye 4th of March following


Buryed John Waller of Swanwick ye first day Elizabeth ye wife of Richard Tarver ye 2° John Allin ye 2° day Elizabeth ye wife of Henry Bright ye 12th day

March 1657 Baptized

Anne Barrey of Anthony Barrey ye 14th day (Married)


Page 99: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Anne ye daughter of Thomas Churcher ye 11th day ----- ye wife of John Bayley 16th William Parson ye 17th day James Lee ye 24th day Ann Smith ye 25th day

Aprill 1658 Baptized

Thomas Plasket of Thomas Plasket ye 15th day (Married)

Buryed John Harres ye 15th day Andrew Feilder ye 25th day Elizabeth Gregory ye 28th day Widow Wisedome ye 28th day Augustin Martin ye 28th day

May 1658 Baptized

Vrian Oakes of Vrian Oakes the 6th day & borne ye 23th day of March 1657

Henry Trad of Henry Trad the 6th day Sarah Woolgar of Thomas Woolger baptized ye 20th day of this

moneth & borne ye 25th day of Aprill 1658 Ann Foster of John Foster ye 20th day Thomas Reaues of William Reaues of Stubingtun the 26 day


Buryed Tomesin ye wife of Will'm Albery 1° day Roger Barrey of Roger ye 4th day Thomas Lydall ye 5th day Elizabeth Bolton ye 7th day John White ye son of Jno White ye***** 17th Richard Goast ye 13th day Widow Masters ye 13th day Mary Rule ye 22th day John Barton ye 24th day Jane Bolton ye 31th day

June 1658 Baptized

Mary Mayle of John Mayle ye 23th day (Married)


Page 100: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Allexander Bayley ye 3th day Denis Hopley ye wife of Robert ye 3d day Margret ye wife of Henry Trad ye 6th day Elizabeth wife of John Swan ye 5th day ----- ye wife of Gyles Leach ye 7th day John Trimming ye 8th day Alice Badstone ye 10th day Joane ye wife of Peter Baker ye 11th day ----- ye wife of Will'm Waller ye 13th day Elizabeth ye wife of John Waller ye 18th day Allexander Kendly ye 20th day John Austin ye 27th day John Wassell a Child ye 30th day

July 1658 Baptized

John francklen of John and Roose the 27th day (Married)

Buryed Elizabeth Harding ye 11th day Joane Cussen ye 21th day Henry Marlin ye 22th day Elizabeth Stubbington ye 23th day John Hearley ye 25th day

August 1658 Baptized

Dorothy Lavey of Richard Lavey the 28th day Nicholas Bayley of Thomas Bayley baptized ye 4th day of this

moneth, borne ye 15th day of July 1658 (Married)

Buryed Symon Sabb ye 5th day John Hewes ye 8th day Mary ye wife of John Adames 20th Laurence Triming ye 26th day Ann ye wife of Peter Parson ye 31th day

September 1658 Baptized

Robert Feilder of William Feilder the 16th day Nicholas Scarvill of William Scarvill borne ye 6th day &

baptized the 28th day (Married)


Page 101: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Dorothy Wyat ye 5th day Ann Symes ye 15th day Jane Glaspoll ye 17th day Symon Mathew ye 18th day

October 1658 Baptized

Margery Ward of Symon Ward the 9th day James Hewet of James Hewet ye 26th day Thomas houghton of William houghton of Swannick Born the 22

and Baptised the 27th of nouember 56 (Married)

Buryed Elizabeth Stokes widow ye 5th day Richard Austin ye 18th day Geoffrey Strugnell ye 23th day ----- Mayle of John Mayle Jun' 24th

Nouember 1658 Baptized

Margery Gaterill of William Gaterill ye 4th day (Married)

Buryed John King ye 6th day Giles Goldfinch ye 20th day Mary Goast widow the 22 day Amey ye wife of Ralph Sabbin ye 21th day

December 1658 Baptized

John Paidge of John Paidge ye 7th day Rachaell Chestell of Robert Chestl the 7th day Robert Sone of Peter Soane the 21th day


Buryed Margery Brockbridg ye 11th day William Apleford ye 21th day Joane Wilkes widow 22th day Joane ye wife of James Stares ye 25th Richard Broman ye 28th day Margret ye wife of Will'm Frye ye 29th


Page 102: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January 1658 Baptized

Joane Haynes of Thomas Haynes the 28th day Mary Barber of Lawrence Barber the 29th day Mary Whit d of Thomas Whit of Stroudgreen the 16th day Ann the daughter of Walter & Elizabeth Charker Born the 6 day

and Baptsed the 20th day (Married)

Buryed Ann Feilder widow ye 26th day William Swan ye 31th day

February 1658 Baptized

Sarah Luff of Nicholas Luff ye 12th day James Sexey of Peter ye 17th day Anne Cooper of John Cooper of Porsbrooke ye 17th day


Buryed Richard Trebick ye 12th day

March 1658 Baptized

A Child of John todd ye 14th day John Bricknell of John Bricknell born the 26th of this month Baptized the 8th of April

Damaress Wigg of thomas wigg Borne the 17th day of this month and Baptized ye 9th day of Aprill 1658


Buryed Edmund Paule ye 17th day Joane Haynes ye 18th ----- Knight widow ye 22th day John Adames of Charke ye 23th day Sarah ye wife of Thomas Whetham ye 31th day

Aprill 1659 Baptized


Buryed Elizabeth Frye ye 16th day Nicholas Waller of Swanwick ye 19th Mary ye wife of Will'm Grinedg ye 29th Ann Moares ye 30th day Widow Warden ye 30th day


Page 103: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

May 1659 Baptized

Robert Wigg of Robert Wigg baptized ye 5th day Born the 23th day of Aprill 1659

Roger Smith of William Smith the 17th day John Bright of William Bright ye 18th day


Buryed Agnis y wife of John Menley ye 27th day

June 1659 Baptized

***** Elizabeth Tarver of Richard Tarver the second day John Barrey of Roger Barrey ye 6th day John Barrey of Anthony ye 11th day Mary Lock of Robert the 18th day Elizabeth Gaterell of John ye 18th day Hana***** Oakes of Mr Vrian Oakes borne ye 13th of May 1659

and baptized the 16th day of June 1659 (Married)

Buryed Katheren Tolley widow ye 10th day John Barrey of Roger ye 10th day Nicholas Wyat ye 12th day Thomas Lock ye 15th day

July 1659 Baptized

Thomas Gregory of Thomas Gregory the 19th day (Married)

Buryed Robert Warden ye 12th day Elizabeth Long ye 24th day

August 1659 Baptized

Jane Poulter of Henry Poulter the 11th day Elizabeth Raymond of Thomas Raymond ye 18th day Thomas Caute of Richard ye 29th day Mary George of John george ye 19th day


Buryed ***** Elizabeth ye wife of James Skinner ye elder ye 12th day Rachaell Chestell ye 29th day


Page 104: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1659 Baptized

William Adames of William Adames of Hooke ye 12th day Henry Bedford of Joseph Bedford the 20th day Sarah White of Robert White borne ye 25th day Ann Batt of Andrew batt ye 8th Elizabeth Wollger daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth the 16 day Richard Batt sonn of Richard the 30th day


Buryed John Smyth ye 12th day the lady vahans Child ye 24th day

October 1659 Baptized

John the Sonn of Thomas Knigt the First daye Married

Henry Lee and Ann Beean ye 13th day James Phlaskat Sara Whight ye 11 day

Buryed Katheren ye wife of John Coop' ye 6th Elizabeth Osemund ye 15th day Robert Hopley ye 18th day Clement Leach ye 24th day

Nouember 1659 Baptized

Ann Pinke of Robert Pinke of Becking ye 15th day William Symes of Humphrey Symes the 16th day John Mayle of John Mayle Jun' the third day


Buryed William Albery ye 16th day

December 1659 Baptized

Sara Clewer da of Philip the 28 day (Married)

Buryed ----- ye wife of Peter Tipp 1° die Mary Strugnell ye 12th day Daniell Caute ye 16th day Mathew Tarrant ye 19th day Alice Allin ye 23th day Elizabeth Primer ye 30th day


Page 105: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January 1659 Baptized

Lydia Wallar the daughter of stephen Wallar Born the 13th day And Baptized the 21th

James Money of Thomas Money Born the first day and Baptized the 27th


Buryed Elizabeth Cussens ye 5th day Joane Prowting widow ye 7th day Robert Bryday Blacksmith ye 9th day Humphery Symes ye 17th day Mary Cussens ye 17th day Elizabeth ye wife of Robert Smyth 18th

February 1659 Baptized


Buryed Elizabeth Hartley ye 13th day Elizabeth Williams ye 13th day Ann Lampert widow 20th day Sarah Woolgat of Tho' Woolgat ye 23th day

March 1659 Baptized

Ann Kendley of John Kendly the first day Ann Mores of***** Robert Mores ye second day William Oseling of William Oseling Jun' ye 15th day Peter Woods of John Woods the 20th day Joanna Butler of Nicholas Butler ye 20th day William Beacker of Peter Beacker the ninth day


Buryed Edward Collins ye 5th day

Aprill 1660 Baptized


Buryed Alice Wigg ye 18th day


Page 106: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

May 1660 Baptized

Mary Plasket of Thomas Plaskett the first day Sarah Fox of----- Fox ye first day John Cutler of Robert Cutler ye same day Ann Cooke of Maurice Cooke ye 17th day Edward Oakes of Mr Urian Oakes baptized ye 18th day borne the

first day of Aprill last Jonathan Shall of Bartholomu Shall the Eighth day Arny Reed daughter of John Reed ye 15th d


Buryed Anthoney White ye 9th day Joane Skinner ye 20th day Ann Cooper of John Coop' ye 21th day

June 1660 Baptized


Buryed John Bayley ye 4th day Elizabeth ye daughter of Nicholas Waller ye 13th day

July 1660 Baptized

William Bryant of William Bryant ye 17th day Margery Barrey of Anthoney Barrey ye first day Patience the daughtar of Robert and Patience Chessell the 15 daye


Buryed Richard ye sone of Roger White ye 17th day James Sexey of Peter ye 18th day Jane ye wife of Henry Wynter ye 19th day John Falkner ye 31th day

August 1660 Baptized

Joane Lauey of Richard Lauey the 16th day Ann Lee of Henri Lee the 28th day Richard Sharp So of Richard the 29 day




Page 107: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1660 Baptized

Elizabeth Barrey of Roger Barrey the 6th day Mary Stokes of John Stokes the 17th day Charles Hack of William Hack the 18th day Charles Marsh of George Mearsh was Borne the 17th day of

August and Bapized ye 20th of September 60 James Hasted sonn of John and ann Hasted the 21 day


Buryed Stephen Daw ye 5th day William Skarvill ye 8th day

October 1660 Baptized

John Fostar of John fostar ye 31th day (Married)

Buryed The Lady ordery dyed at London ye 12th of this month and was

Buried ye 17th day of the same in titchfeild

Nouember 1660 Baptized

Ann Richards of John Junar ye 6th day mari Eames of Peter ye 8th day Elizabeth Whight of Robert ye 18th day Henry Oslin of William senuar ye 23 day James Plaskat of James ye 25th day Elizabeth Houghton of William ye 26th day mary Crouchar of william ye same day Thomas Wigg of thomas the 17th daye and Born the 7th day


Buryed John Harmsworth ye 7th day Ann Richards of John ye same day Elizabeth peckford the 10th day George deane the 11th day margeri gateril a Child 13th day mary whight of Robert***** 21 day Elizabeth Bricknell the 22 day Henry Oslen the 25th day the widow Leaue the 27th day Jane Hewat widow the 30th day


Page 108: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

December 1660 Baptized

Anness Copar of John Copar Junar ye 4th day Sari tribbeck of William ye 10th day Thomas Wigg of Robert ye 11th day John Barnad of John ye 13th day Jane Spearshot of thomas ye 20 day nathan Cumbar of John ye 23 day mari wallar of Robert ye 25th day mari francklen of John and Roose ye 22th day


Buried Elizabeth Houghton of William ye 6 daye Sara tribbeck a Child the 11th daye The wife of Henry dauise ye 18th daye John Barnad a Child ye 26th daye

Januari 1660 Baptized

Richard mansbridg of Andrew Junar ye 6th day Elizabeth Batt of Andrew Batt ye 10th day John Gattrell of John gattrell ye 13th day Dorothi Feilder of William ye 30th day


Buried Richard mansbridg a Child the 10th day The wife of William toone the 11 day Elnar Stoakes ye wife of Richard ye 31 day

February 1660 Baptized

Sarah Skinar of George Skinar ye 5th day Jane prinke of John prinke ye 10th day Thomas Ryman of Thomas ye 19th day Peter Luff of niclas Luff Born the 10th day and Baptised the

16th of March 60 Married

Edward Toone & mari Sparro ye 11 day Robert Struggnell & Alise prise ye 21 day

Buried Richard Stoakes the 13th day ----- Charkar the 14th day William***** toone the 22 day

March 1660 Baptized

Robart Whit of William Whit Junar of stubington the xxi day Ann Wilks daughter of Richard the 26 day



Page 109: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Aprill 1661 Baptized

Robert Lock of Robert Lock ye 8th day Sara marshall of thomas ye 10th day Mari oxford of William ye 11th day George Bright of William Bright the 16th day Edward Mansell of John was Born march ye 18 1661 and Baptized

aprill ye 10 ***** Mari Hamon of John Hamon Born the 17th Baptized ye 28th


Buried A Child of Robert Locks ye 8 day Robert Hoock the 15th day

May 1661 Baptized

Ann moarse of John moarse the 2 day Elizabeth Skaruel of William Skaruel ye 5th day John adams of william adams ye 10th day Dorithy tribeck of william tribeck ye 11 day Richard Reaues ye sonn of William***** Reaues of Stubingtun

the 30th day Sara Wollger daughter of Thomas***** and Elizabeth the

twentieth fowerth day Andrew the Sonn of Walter and Elizabeth Charker Born the 18th

of Aprill and Baptised the tenth of this month Thomas Chidley of Thomas 28

Maried John Crouchar and Frances Lee ye 21 day

Buried Ann Whight of Richard Whight ye 15th day Sara Luff of John Luff ye 17th day

June 1661 Baptized

John Beaker of John Beaker ye 13th day John Fry of William Fry ye 23 day


Buried William Hople ye First day Ann Hoolt of Matthew ye 6th day Joane Chambelaine ye 19th day Mari Parson ye 28th day


Page 110: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

July 1661 Baptized


Buried Thomas Wheathum the Second day Edward Hartwell the 8th day Elizabeth Sexey ye wife of Peter Sexey the 27th day

August 1661 Baptized

James Soane of Peter soane ye 5 day Peter Harres of Richard Harres of Catsfield the 25th day


Buried James Skinnar the Second day James Soane a Child ye 11th day William Sexey a Child the 15th day Joseph Bedford the 17th day John Harmsworth the same day Mary Eames a Child ye 19th day Charls Hack a Child the 26th day The Wife of Peter Soane ye 17 day

September 1661 Baptized


Buried Ann Lee a Child of Henri Lee ye 6th day The widow Hill the 11th day thomas teknall the 17th day Elizabeth Churchar daughter of William 25th Ann Dumar daughter of Robert du' ye 27th A child of Thomas Spershots ye same day

October 1661 Baptized

Married Richard neaue and Ann troad ye 29th day

Buried William Sexey the 5th day The wife of timothi Ewens ye 15th day The widow Gibbens the 18th day The wife of Richard gatril ye 19th day John Stares a Child ye same day


Page 111: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Nouember 1661 Baptized

Robert Pinck of Robert Pinck the 11th day Mary Whight of Franses the same day


Buried Clear Leadwell the wife of thomas the 13th day

December 1661 Baptized

Robert Barry of Anthony Barry ye 4th day James Syrnones of William the 9th day Janne George of John George ye 22 day Elizabeth Philips of Richard Philips ye 24 day ***** John Wigg the sonn of John Wigg wass Born the second day of december 1661 And was Baptised January the 3th day In the year afoaresaid


Buried The Widow Garatt the 11th day James syrnons a Child the same day John Woods A Child ye 14th day The widow Steuens the 18th day The Widow orpinton of Catsfield ye 18th day ***** Charls mearsh A Child ye 19th day Elizabeth dumar A Child ye 27th daye

Januari 1661 Baptized

Rebeckah arthar of Laurance arthar ye 1 day Henry Lee of Henry Lee the same day Isaac strugnell of Robert the 6th day Richard maile of John maile Junar ye 14th day Katherin Poltar of Henri Poltar ye 23 day Richard Giar of William giar ye same day


Buried Thomas Bristoo of thomas Bristoo the first day nicolas Wallar the third day John prise the Fowarth day mari Hoock of Robert Hoock ye 6th day William Kirbe the 17th day Elizabeth Spershot the 21 day Henerry Lee of henry the 25th day Stephen maile the 30th day


Page 112: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Februari 1661 Baptized

Joane Wallar of Franses Wallar ye 2 day Elizabeth Russell of John Russell ye 3 day Alise King of John King the 9th day mary mansbridg of andrew ye same day Mary suatt of Henri suatt ye same day James Crouchar of John Crouchar ye 11 day Christian Chessell of Robert Chessell ye same day Katherin Littlefeild of William the 13th day Samson smith of Richard the 27th day Dina Limburnar of thomas the 28th day


Buried William Whight of thomas whight ye 3 day Elizabeth Russell of John Russell ye 12th day Sara marshall of thomas the 14th day Agnis Eames widow the 21 day

March 1661 Baptized

Henry Sexey of Henry sexey ye 2 day John Richards of John Richards Junar the 11 day Robert fostar of Cristouer fostar ye 12th day William Parkar of Robert parkar ye 25th day 1662 Thomas parsons of peter persons ye 26th day Rebeckah Briant of William briant the same day Thomas Hasted of John Hasted ye 31 day *****

Maried Mr Henry Gaywood and mary gibbens At St Mich'ls in Wintoune ye

11th day Buried

Mary Suatt of Henri suatt the 5th day The widow pilgrim the 9th day margaret Bruning the 10th day Richard Laui the 12 day the wife of John tribbeck the 16th day The wife of Cristouer Fostar ye 19th day The widow norton the 26th day Jane the wife of John Coopar the 27th day Elizabeth Stoakes widow the 28th day

Aprill 1662 Baptized

Margaret marten ye 7th day Maried

William Reed and Elizabeth Cartar ye 8th day Richard Gatril and Ann Wilkence ye 10th day John Spershot and Elizabeth Fostar ye 17th day


Page 113: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Jane Wallar the Second day Thomas Spershot which died at Botli ye 4 daye Robert Dumar the 14th day John Wassell the 18 day

May 1662 Baptized

William Plaskat of thomas plaskat ye 8th day Ann money of Thomas money the 11th day

Maryed Luck Feillder and Ann Garat the 29th day

Buryed John faithfull the 5th day Ralfe Sabben of stroudgrenne the 17th day

June 1662 Baptized

Thomas Chidly of thomas Chidly ye first day Robert Batt of Richard Batt ye 12th day Richard White of Richard White of Craughton Greene ye 26th day


Buried Flawrance Basston ye wife of Robert ye 10th day John Fostar the 29th day

July 1662 Baptized

William Eaten of William Eaten of the Parish of Farham the 8th day

Elizabeth Greetam of Franses Greetam the Eleuenth day William Houghton of John houghton The youngar the 31 day

Maried Anthony Binsted and Elizabeth Lee The 8th day

Buried William Morton of James Morton of Southhamton the 24th day the

which did fall acsedentially of from the Churche the 18th day

August 1662 Baptized

Philip Leadwell of thomas Leadwell the 4th day Ann neaue of Richard neaue ye 15th day Jacob Wigg of Robert Wigg ye 21 day John Eames of peter Eames ye 21 day



Page 114: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried John Pledgar the First day Richard giar of William giar ye 7th day William Hocrat the 11th day Alice Leach the 14th day Thomas Clarck the fifth day Ann neaue the wife of Richard ye 15th day Philip Leadwell of thomas Leadwell ye 18th day A Child of Richard Longs of Stubington the 28th day

September 1662 Baptized

John Knight of Edward Knight ye 11 day Elizabeth Spershot of Robert Spershot The 18th day

Married Tho' Sweet and Joan Beaker ye 15 day

Buried The Wife of Richard Godward the 19th day margret price widow ye 27th day

October 1662 Baptized

***** Joan mearsh of George mearsh ye 16th day Mary stears dafter of***** James stears the sixth day

Married Robert Basston Senuar ye second day two Ann Cossat William Pinck and Sarah hamman The 9th day

Buried Bartholomu Shall ye 7th day The Widow young the 10th day A Child of Pettis the 11th day

November 1662 Baptized

Ann Caut of Richard Caut ye 23th day Frances Batt of Andrew Batt Born the fifth and Baptized the

25th day Robert Pinck of Robert Pinck Born the first day of octobar and

Baptized the 13th day of this month Maried

Buried William Simmons The 26th day John Beacker Sonn in Law two Joyles Leach the 30th day

December 1662 Baptized

Sara Spershot of Tho' the 13th day Maryed

----- *****


Page 115: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed Ann Caut of Richard ye 14th day Sara Spershot of Tho' Spershot ye 18th day William Fry of Stubington ye 22 day A Child of the widow wallars of abshot the 24th day A Child of William adamses of hoock the 26th day

January 1662 Baptized

Thomas Gatrill of John Gatrill the 6th day Joan Beackar daughtar of----- Beackar of Rigg lane ye 11th

day Maryed

Buried Katheren Gibbens ye wife of James Gibbens the first day Elizabeth Harrison the 7th day Rebeckah Rogars the 14th day Ann Neaue a Child of Richard Neaues the 16th day John Cussens of Stubington ye 21 day Edward North the 25th day ----- Poore A soldar ye which Came from Hurst Castle died at

hoock and was Buried the 26th day

February 1662 Baptized

John Sharp sonn of Richard the 8th day ***** Katheren Fosster of John fosster ye 27th day John Sharp so of Richar Sharpe the 27 day

Married William Whit of Crabthorn and Margery Clark Boath of this

p'rish the Second day John huse of oluarstoake and Elizabeth Roy of this p'rish the

second day Buryed

Alise Bayle the Wife of Thomas Bayle the***** 5th day Tho' Gillingham of Crafton ye same day Simon ward ye 6th day Emlen gady the wife of----- gady the 7th day A Child of John***** Combars ye same day The Wife of Laurance Arthurs ye 10th day Joan Collsan the widow of Richard Collsan the 20th day William Fry of William Fry ye 23 day


Page 116: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1662 Baptized

Thomas francklen of John and Roose the sixteenth day Ann Gattril of William gattril ye 7 day Charls Reed of William Reed ye 15th day Peter Sims of humphery Sims ye 16 day Richard Philips of Richard philips ye 16 day Robart Smith of Robart Smith ye 26 day 1663 Sarah Barry of Rogar Barry ye 31 day Ann Richards da' of John Richards Born ye xi day of february

62 and Baptized ye xi day of march Married

John Coopar and Elizabet Wallar the Second day Buryed

Elizabeth Roy ye wife of henry Roy the 28th day Henry Sewatt of henry sewatt of the Parish of Farham the 31


April 1663 Baptized

William Binsted of Anthony Binsted Born ye 9th day and Baptised ye tenth

Ann Cortnell of----- Cortnell the 20th day Mari Gawwood of Henri Gawwood Jent' the 28th day

Marryed Edward Gady and Margeri stascy the 27th day

Buryed Ann Filldar of Luke Filldar ye 10th day John Pears the 19th day Alise Willmott widow the 27th day Henri Poltar of henri Poltar the Same day

May 1663 Baptized

Henri Lee of henry Lee the Sixth day Elizabeth Duke of Robert Duke ye 15th day William Barry of tho' Barry ye 17th day William hack of William hack ye 18th Elizabeth Goldfinch of Gyls goldfinch Baseborn ye 21 day ***** Mari Brisstwo of thomas Brisstwo fo Catsfield in the prish of

farham ye 22 day John Hewat of James hewat ye 26th day

Maryed Gyles Goldfinch and mari horwell the 21 day


Page 117: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buryed ***** Peter Lande of Possbroock the first day Trustrum Manssbridg the 11th day Ann Brissttoo a Child the Same day Edward Knight Blacksmith ye 22 day Sara houghton of William houghton ye 26 day Mary whit of franses whit ye 31 day

June 1663 Baptized

Thomas Beaker of Peter Beaker the 9th day Maried

Thomas Glaspol and mari Chambarlin Boath of this Parish the xxiii day

Buried William Hack of William hack ye xi day Richard Whit of Headly p'rish the xxi day Katherin Poltar of henry Poltar ye xxiii day

July 1663 Baptized

Ann Whit of William Whit Junar of stubington the fifth day Maried

Nicholas Pescod of the p'rish of farham and Sarah Anderson of this p'rish 27th day

Buried Mari Bristoo of thomas bristoo of Catsfeild of farham p'rish

the 9th day Tho' Pafford a Child of William Paffords ye 11 day The Widow Bassat the 13th day the Wife of Isaac Williams Senuar 15th day

August 1663 Baptized

Henry Wilks***** sonn of Richard born the 10 day of July and Baptized the 23 day of this month


Buried A maid Being found sick in ye Roadway at ye West End of the

towne Was by ordar of the Church Warden Brought into this said towne and died there and was Buried ye 7th of this month

Robart Fostar of Cristouer Fostar ye 20th day


Page 118: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1663 Baptized

Elizabeth Bright of William Bright ye 10th day Henry Sabben of henry Sabben ye 17th day Mari mayle of John mayle Junar ye 17 day Robert Chessell of Robert Chessell ye 18th day Jane Barry of Anthony Barry ye 20th day Thomas Glasspol of Thomas Glasspol ye 23 day Joane Woods of John woods the 27th day John Barnad of John Barnad the Same day

Maried William Wassaill and Mary Right ye 23th d

Buried The Wife of John Bricknell ye first day Mary Beaman of Sobarton ye 6th day Ann Whit widow the 19th day Mary mayle of John mayle the 21th day

October 1663 Baptized

***** James Whit of Thomas Whit of Stroudgreene the 25th day Peter price son of peter ye 11 day

Married William Spershot and Sara hamam Boath of this p'rish the 15th

day William Sweet and Elizabeth Brisstoo Boath of this p'rish the ***** 17th day

Peter Sone and Hanna dyer Boath of this p'rish the 16th day Buried

Filless Whit ye Wife of William Whit of Hellhead the first day The Wife of Ralfe Bradfield ye 3 day

Nouember 1663 Baptized

John Spershot of John Spershot borne the 3 day of October and Baptized ye third of this month

James Bristoe of Abraham Bristoe the Sixth day of this month Baptized and born ye third day of October


Buried John Chamberlen of Swnneck Farme the 10th day William Dumar A Child of Robert Dumars the 21th day

December 1663 Baptized

Mary Bonar of----- Bonar ye 6th day Elizabeth Houghton of William Houghton of ye towne shopkeepar

the tenth day Mary Whit of William Whit of Chilling the 22 day Sara Coopar of John Coopar Junar the 31 day


Page 119: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buried Mary Barnham of John barnham of mittels the seauenth day A Child of ye widow Bedfords ye 31 day

January 1663 Baptized

Ann Skinnar of Gorge skinnar ye 4th day Frances Churchar of Robart Churchar ye 4 day Jane Caut of Richard Caut ye 8th day John steares sonn of James and Elizabeth stears the tenth daye


Buried Elizabeth Pinck the 4th day Robert Williams of Isaac Williams ye 6th day Katherin Littelfield of William Litl' ye 8th day Mari Fox a Child the ninth day Jane Caut of Richard Caut the 11 day The Wiffe of William Houghton of broock the 18th day

February 1663 Baptized

Elizabeth***** Hewse of John hewse the Eighte day William whit of Robart whit of stubingtun the 28th day Mary mansell of John mansell the Same day Sarah strugnell of Robart strugnell Born the 20th day and

Baptized the 23 daye Elizabeth Clewer da' of Philip the 24 d

Maried John Chamberlin and Jone Abraham Boath of this prish the 16th

day Buried

March 1663 Baptized

Robert Philips of Richard Philips the Last day of this month 1664

William Cusens of John Cosens of broock Born the Last day of march 1664


Buried John moars the Sixth day Ann Barry daughter of William barry of little Funtly farm the

xith day The Wife of William Crouchar of Broock the 22th day


Page 120: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

April 1664 Baptized

Richard Fieldar of William Fielder the fifth day Maried

Buried The widow Landy of Posbroock the Sixth day Elizabeth marsh of George marsh the 25th day

May 1664 Baptized

William Reed of Mathew Reed the first daye Ann Randal of henry Randal the second daye Elizabeth Wigg of Robart wigg the 5th daye and was Born the

18th day of march 1663 Thomas Long of Robart Long ye xi daye Ann Feildar of Luke Feildar ye 29th daye Ann Richards of John Richards ye 30th day

Married Robart Wise of this Parish and magdalen Upstar of the Parish of Kingson ye 24th daye

Buried ***** Thomas Gregory sonn of Richard Gregory the thirty on and last


June 1664 Baptized

Maryed Thomas Wise and***** thomasan hocrate Boath of this p'rish ye

first day Buried

The Wife of henry Leggat the first day Ann Richards of John Richards ye 22 daye Henry Sabben of henry Sabben ye 22 daye

July 1664 Baptized

John Lee of Henry Lee the 14th daye John Glasspol of William glasspol the same daye Katheren hack of William hack the 17th daye Edward Whit of Franses Whit the Same daye John Loack of Robart Loack the 24 daye



Page 121: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Elizabeth Wigg the Wife of thomas Wigg the 9th day The Wife of Thomas daa the 10th daye Magdalen ye daufter of Mr Clark of Catsfeild in the p'rish of

farham the 14th daye Jone marsh ye daughter of George marsh the Same day ***** ***** Richard Bayle a searuant at Cortbarn ye 22 day The widow adams of Chark the 30 daye

August 1664 Baptized

Robert Soan of Peter Soan the 14th day *****


Buried The daughter of queene wassaill the eighth day Mary Johnson the ninth day Robart Shall the 24th day Edward oyllef of Anthony ye xxviiii

September 1664 Baptized

John Smith of Richard ye 3 day stephen Charkar of Water Charkar the Eighth day Richard Tribbeck of William tribbeck the xi day

Married Isaac Williams and dorothy Joard ye 19 day

Buried John Glaspol of William Glaspol the first day Sarah hewat of Robart Hewat the fowarth day The Wife of Robart hewat the tenth daye The Wife of John Petty the xith day Richard Reeues ye Beerebrewar ye 12 day Robart Chessel of Robart Chessel ye 12 day William Crasman the 13th daye Ann nunn daughter of John nunn ye 15 day Mr tho' Plumar Who died at my Lords and was buried the 19th


October 1664 Baptized

John Caut of Richard Caut ye 30th day Thomas the sonn of Thomas swann the thirtieth daye

Married George Eldredg


Page 122: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Elizabeth Sooan daughter to Peter Sooan ye eldar the seauenth

day Mary Plaskat of Tho' Plaskat Junar ye 13th day Robart Basston the 14th day ***** John Caut of Richard Caut ye last day

Nouember 1664 Baptized

John mayl Elizabeth mayl of John mayl ye 6th day Franses marshall of Thomas the 13th day Christian Wallar of Robart Wallar ye 13 day Peter Barnum of John Barnum ye 13 day William Wassail of William wassail the Fiueteenth day William Leadwell of Thomas the 17th day Sarah Reed of John Reed the 27 day James Bower of Nicolas Bower Born the third day and Baptized

the fifth Maried

George Eldredg and Margery Long Boath of day

John Willshear and Agnes turnar Boath of 29th

Buried The Wife of Richard hartly the 15th day The Widow dean the 27 day

December 1664 Baptized



Charls Greetham of Robert Greetham ye 19th day

p'rish ye first

p'rish ye *****

Margeri Whit daughter of William Whit of Chilling the 26th day Ann Hasted of John hasted ye sam day


Buried John hocrat ye son of ye widow hocrat the Eleuenth day Mark Sims of humphry sims the seauententh day the widow Rood the 19th day

January 1664 Baptized

Anthony Bennsted ye sonn of Anthony Bennsted the Fifth day Frances Gawwood ye daughter of henry Gaywood the tenth day Ann sewat of Henry sewat ye 11th day Joan Eaten of Willim Eaten ye xxii day margery Sexey of Henry sexey ye same day John Chamberlen of John Chamberlen ye 26th day John Oslen of William Oslen senuar the 29th day Ann Willshear of John Willshear the same day Robart Plaskat of Thomas Plaskat the xxxi day


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Maried John Sweeatman and susana Pears Boath of this p'rish the 12th

day Buried

the Wife of William Smith of St Mdg The Widow francklen of Craughton ye 13th day Goils hill ye Brother of Will' hill 15th day Philip Clewar of Hobbard mills ye 23 day The Wiffe of Mr Parkar of Southampton the twentifowarth day

February 1664 Baptized

John Price of Peter price Junar ye 2 day Richard Gatrill of John Gatrill the fifth day Thomas Glasspoll of thomas Glasspoll in the Park the sixth day Elizabet stears of William stears of Fearthorne the ninth day John stears sonn of James stears the 28th day


Buried Elizabeth hauckens of timothy hackens of Gosport the Fowarth

day Ann the wife of Will' osman ye 8th day John Cleuerly the fiutenth day Nicholas Bowar the twentieigth day

March 1664 Baptized

Ann Wollgar of William Wollgar ye sixth day Richard Basston of the Widow Basston ye 12th day William Pinck of William Pinck ye 16th day John Coopar ye sonn of John Coopar Junar ye 19th day Thomas Limburnar of tho' Limburnar the 20th day


Bried ***** William hopply The Clark of Craughton the 4th day Bridgat steuens the seauenth day John Reaues ye sonn of William Reaues ye xiii day John Bowar the sixteenth day The Wife of tho spearshot of stubington the 18th day Robeart Plaskat of Crafton the xxi day Peter Price Coopar the onandthirty day 1665 Robeart Barry ye sonn of Anthony barry ye xxxi the wife of John Willsheer the 28 daye Ann Willsheer of John the xxxi day


Page 124: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

April 1665 Baptized

Moses Philips the Sonn of Richard Philips the Fiueteenth day Sarah money of Thomas money ye 16th day Ann nunn ye daughter of John nunn ye 20th

Married John hartwell and Katern Lee the 27th day

Buried Thomas Glaspol of Hoock ye 2 day ----- Clewar of Cirbredg the 4th day Mary Moudy ye wife of will'am ye 9th Robert Philips of Richard Philips ye 15th Elizabeth Ward ye daughtar of ye widoward ye 16th d Nicholas Bayli the Sonn of thomas Bayli the Seauententh day Jams hewat the 26th day Agnes Willsheear ye wife of John wilshear ye 29th day

May 1665 (Baptized)

Roos Francklen of John francklen of stubington the first day of this month


Buried the Widow Price the second day The Widow hoock the Fowarth day ***** the wife of william oslan the 9th day ann turnar the tweluth day the wife of thomas money the sixtenth day A searuant maid of John Coopars senur ye***** 17th day Lauranc Chamberlen ye sonn of John the 18th day the daughtar of Thomas Loock the same day henry Pall the xxii day Henry hoock the sonn of Robert the 25 day Sara Pilgrim the twentie sixth day

June 1665 Baptized

William Williams of Isaac Williams Junar the 15th day Barbery Penford da' of William Penford ye 15th


Buried Margeri Sexey ye Wife of henry sexey the 14th day John moars ye sonn of Robert the 18th day Maruel Coopar the Wife of Edward ye 25th


Page 125: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

July 1665 Baptized

Mary Batt of Andrew Batt ye 13th day Edward Woodman of***** John ye 13th day Thomas harwood of Richard harwood the 17th day John and Elizabeth Haman of John Ha' the 23 day Nathaniel sharp of Richard sharp the 30 day Grace Lee of henry Lee the same day Ann-----

Maried William Osman and Elizabeth mollins of hamble Rice the

thirteenth daye Tho' Whit and ann Kinggood Boath of this p'rish the twentieth

day Buried

Elizabeth fostar wife of Richard fostar ye first day William steares of James ye 5th day Rachell Leach Wif of John Leach ye 8th day Mable hack wife of william hack the 12th day Queen Wassell the twintififth day George Killwick of Stubington ye 29th day

August 1665 Baptized

Elizabeth Marsh ye Daughter of George mearsh ye 10th day Ragar and mari Earns of Peter Earns ye 27 day Mary Richards daughter of John Richards ye 30th

Maried Rrichard Binsteed ***** and Elizabeth Green Boath of this

p'rish the seacond day Buried

John King of swannick the 3th day Mari the wife of william wassail ye 3 day The Wife of franses Loock the 6th day John Leagat of Crofton the 14th day William Plaskat ye sonn of thomas Plaskat the 22 day

September 1665 Baptized

Robert Bricknell of John Bricknell ye First day Maried

Tho' Spearshot and ann Price Boath of this p'rish ye 14 day Edman Coopar and Joan Harford Boath of this p'r' the 20th d

Buried Joane Bricknell ye wife of John Bricknell ye first day Ragar Smith ye sonn of William Smith the 4th day the wife of John woods the Same day Elizabeth Collins ye daughter of Edward the 7th day the Widow Sumars the xi day


Page 126: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1665 Baptized

John Whit of William Whit Junar of***** Stubington Born the 17th day of September and Baptized October the Fifth

Jane Spershot of William Spershot the 15th day Joane price of peter price the Sarne day Robert Batt so of Robert Batt the 17th day

Maried Richard Leach and***** Joan Swann the third day John Leach and ann Reaues the same day Richard binnsted of wickharn p'rish and Elizabeth beddford of

this p'rish the xi day Stephen Jourden & Elizabeth binnstedd ye xii day

Robert Spearshot and rnary stares ye 24 day ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Buried William tribeck of Sasburi the 5th day John Smith sonn of Richard smith the 6th day Sara fitchat the twentifirst day Isaac Hid the twentifourth day

Nouember 1665 Baptized

John Smith sonn of Robert Smith the 9th day ***** Thomas Bright of William Bright the***** fifth day

Married Henry Sexey and Elizabeth Shall the 9th day Thomas Wigg of this p'rish and ann Cussens of the p'rish of

north farharn the twenty first day William Wassail and Elizabeth Abraham Boath of this p'rish the

same day William Price and Sara Bassat Boath of this p'rish ***** the

same day Buried

the wife of Richard Long of Crofton ye 11 day Joan price dafter of peter price the same day

December 1665 Baptized

Robert Barbar Sn of Lauranc Barbar the 9th John Crouchar Sn of John Crouchar ye 12 day

***** Maried

Buried Mari the wife of Gyles Golfinch ye 20th d John tribeck Sonn of williarn the 21 day the wife of will' osland Junar ye 22 day


Page 127: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January 1665 Baptized

Andrew mansbridg Sn of andrew Junar ye 6th day William Knight Sn of William Knight the 21 day James Soan Sn of Peter Soan the 28th day Francis Seager Da' of Anthony Seager ye 31 day



February 1665 Baptized

William Reed Sn of William Reed the fowarth day William Houghton Sn of William houghton Junar the twentie

Second day Bettey Russell of John Russell 4 day

Maried Thomas Spearshot and Elizabeth Whit Boath of this p'rish ye

20th day Buried

March 1665 Baptized

Grace Hartwell da' of John and Katherin the 8th day franses Barnad Sn of John Barnad ye 8th day


Buried William Marsh the 27th day John hawword the 28th day

April 1666 Baptized

Elizabeth Russell daughter of John & Susan Russell the first day

Henry King of Edward King and alies King Born ye Last day of march and Baptized the 4th day of this month

Richard Binnsted of Richard of Lee the 29 day Jams Crouchar of william and agnes ye 29 day Rebekah Ansley of Abraham Ansley and Sarah the 29 day William Chidley of thomas Chidley ye 19 day Ann hewat of Thomas hewat the 24th day Elizabeth dash of John dash of gosport the same day ***** Tho' Cusens of John Cosens of brook the 14th day


Page 128: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maried Thomas Artars and Elnar Coopar Boath of this p'rish the 16th

day William oslin and margret price Boath of this p'rish the*****

19th day Thomas daa and Prudenc Spencer Boath of this p'rish the*****

23th day Robert Skinnar and Cristian abrie boath of this p'rish the 24

day Buried

Ann marsh ye widow of william ye xi day

***** May 1666 Baptized

Sarah philips da of Richard ye 6 d Robert Chessell So of Robert and Patienc the 20th day Thomas Gatril So of Richard gatril the same day Elizabeth daughter of James and Elizabeth steares the sixth

daye Maried

Buried The wife of Thomas Warnar ye 9th day ----- Clewar d of nicolas ***** Henry King of edward King the 17th day nicholas Clewars daughter the 16 day Elizabeth dash d of John dash of gosport the 26 day

June 1666 Baptized

James Littlefeild of william Littlefeild of ye towne the third day

Ann Whit d of William and margery whit of Chilling the 22 day Elizabeth strugnell da of Robert alice ye 24th d


Buried Thomas sparshot of sasburi ye 18th day

July 1666 Baptized

Joana Wilks da of Richard and----- wilks the 20 day William stares Son of Will' of fairethorn the 7 day


Buried John shear the first day mari mansell dr of John mansell ye first day The widow Crasman the fifth day


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August (1666) Baptized

Mari Smith da of Richard and frances smith the fowarth day Elizabeth Spershot da of John and Elizabeth Spershot the

tweluth day (Married)


***** Septimber 1666 Baptized

Mary feilder d of william and dorithi feilder the 7th day Mary Whit d of Robert Whit of stub' ye 9th day ***** Mary scriuen da of william & mary the 17th day -----fifth-----


Buried Nicholas haman of swannick the first day John hewat of newgat the eighth day Elizabeth whit da of Richard whit the xi day Betty Batt da of Andrew Batt the 15th day Mary scriuen ye wife of will' scriuen the 26th day

October 1666 Baptized

***** ***** ***** William Chamberlin of John and Jone Chamberlin the seauenth

day Richard diggesson of Edward diggesson ye same day Thomas Cleuerly of Thomas and Jone ye 21 day

Maried Siluanus wiat & Elizabeth hewat Boath of this p'rish the first

day John Bricknell and mary Russen Boath of this p'rish the seacond

day Richard neuthlock and Sara marlen Boath of this p'rish the 25

day Buried

The Wiffe of John Brothers the 14th day William Chidley So of thomas Chidley ye 15th day


Page 130: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Nouember 1666 Baptized

Ruth Knight daughter of thomas Knight the first day ***** Ann Kirbe of Lanslat Kirbe and ann the second day John tanar S of Robert tanar the 13th day Jane mars da of Robert mars the 18th day

Maried Thomas Houghton and mary Spershot boath of this p'rish the

first day John hoockar of durly parish and Jone little of this parish

the tweluth day *****

Buried Dorothi the wife of Isaac williams senar ye 15th day

December 1666 (Baptized)

Jane Bright daughter of William & Elizabeth the fowarth day Jams Skinnar Sn of william Skinnar of hoock ye 9th day Richard Leach of Richard and Joane the 14th day Thomas Spershot So of thomas and Elizabeth the 21 day Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizbeth Wassaill of

healhead the 29 day Maried

Waltar hamlett of durly p'rish and Alice Glaspoll of this p'rish the 4 day

Buried John newbewry of Crofton the xi day a Child of ye widolams the 21 day William adams Barbar sargant the 23 day

January 1666 Baptized

Mary harwood of Richard ye first d Mary feilder daughter of Luke feilder the fifth day Crisstabell Limburnar da' of Thomas and margret ye xth day Richard Woodman So of John Woodman ye 25th day Ann Binnsted daughtar of Peter Binnsted the tenth daye




Page 131: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

February 1666 Baptized

William Collsan Sn of William the first day Andrew mansbridg Sn of andrew Junar ye 2 day Ann Barry da' of***** Rogar barry ye 12 day Mary Sewat da' of Henry Sewat ye 12 day Mary mayl da' of John mayl Junar ye 14 day Thomas wigg So of thomas and ann the 20th day Mary Skinnar da' of Robert and Christian the sam day Martha Combar da' of John Comber the 24th day


Buried Mr Thomas Baily the seacond day Charls Brock So of Tho' brock the 28th day

March 1666 Baptized

John Sims So of humphry the Seacond day Elizabeth mansell da' of John borne the Last day of January

Baptized ye 3d of this month Mary Whit da' of franses Whit the 17th day


Buried Argant Haman the third day Sara money daughter of Thomas ye 5 day The wife of Isaac williams Junar ye 8 day Mary wigg da' John wigg the tenth day Elizabeth marsh da' of George marsh the 16 day Peter murrell the Eighteenth day William Churchar So of Tho' the 19th day Tho' Wigg So of Thomas Wigg the xxxi day 1667 *****

April 1667 Baptized

William Sweet So of William the 21 day ***** ***** Sarah francklen of John and Roose the twentieninth day

Marryed Franses Lock and Judeth Singlton the ninth day

Buried John Gost the fowarth day Thomas Chiddly the tweluth day The widow***** Brown the 18th day


Page 132: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

May 1667 Baptized

John Long Sn of Richard Long of Crofton ye 12 day Jams marshall Sn of Thomas the same day Richard Rull Sn of Richard the 19th day Ralph Price Sn of Peter price of Sasbury ye 28th day John Coopar Sonn of John & anis the fifth day Mary Spearshot daugher of Robert spershot Jun' and mary his

wife Born the 10 day and Baptized the 29th (Married)

(Buried) Francis Seagar da' of Anthony the 24th day

June 1667 Baptized

Thomas Swann Sonn of william the 16 day Betty the daughter of William and Margery Whit the 17 day


Buried Ursula Plaskat wife of Tho' Plaskat of Catsfeild the sixth day John Kinly of hoock the 18th day Henry Bright the twentiethird day Ann Knight daughter of Tho' the sam day June the 18th 1667 Then Buried***** Thomas Royothizley Eirle

of Southampton High Treasurer of England to Charls the 2 *****

July 1667 Baptized

James Houghton Sonn of William and Sarah houghton of the Towne the 28th day


Buried John Richards the fifth day Elizabeth Whit of Crofton greene ye 24 day

August 1667 Baptized


Buried John hopley the 15th day Richard Spershot whoe died at stepelcort Buried at Titchfeild

the 26th day Betty houghton da' of william Junar ye 30th day


Page 133: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1667 Baptized

James murell Sn of edward the second day Mari King da' of william King the 8 day



October 1667 Baptized

Elizabeth Batt da' of Andrew Batt Borne the 22 and Baptized the sam day

Elizabeth Hamlett of walter and alize ye 29th Maried

William Smith and Joan nunn Boath of this p'ish the tenth day Richard Warden of this p'rish and Jane Faro of Fawley the 24th

day Buried

Elizabeth Serrett the ninth day Jane whit of hell head the 23 day Thomas Patten the 28 day

Nouimber 1667 Baptized

Mosses Sooan of Peter and hanna ye 10 day ***** Joan hassted da' of John the 24th day Samuel hills Sn of Samuel the 26 day Mary Glaspol of Tho' and mary ye 30 day

Maried nicholas fitchat and mary wassall ye 5 day William waldren and mary Loocker ye 7 day John Stares of Rownar & ***** Jane wallar ye 12 day John newton of Ipswitch & Bridgat Parssons ye 21 d Edward Cussens and mary missing ye same day ***** *****

Buried Thomas daa the 29 day

December 1667 Baptized

Grace Plaskat da' of Thomas and mary ye 7th day John Binnsted So of Richard Binnsted ye 22 day John Osland Son of Nickolas Osland ye 4 day


Buried Joan stoell the eleuenth day Elizabeth Spershot of thomas ye 17th day Joan the wife of william Adams ye 22


Page 134: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

January 1667 Baptized

***** William Gatrill son of John ye 8th day Thomas Watts Sn of Thomas the 14 day John Hartwell Sn of John and Katheren the Sixteenth day Thomas Bricknell Sn of John the same day Robert ye Sonn of William oslan Senuar ye 19 day Franses ye Sonn of Franses Lock the 26th day


Buried Ann Lee daughter of henry the 16 day The wife of Richard Gatrill the 21 day Robart osland the same day Alies Adams the twentifowarth day

February 1667 Baptized

John Crowchar Sonn of William ye 18th day Mary Bonar da' of----- Bonar the 27th day Richard dauid Persson Sonn of William and Elizabeth the 25 day


Buried Nathaniel Sharp Son of Richard the 24 day Robert Chessell Son of Robert the 27 day Jane Lock widow the 28 day Elizabeth Kinley the Same day

March 1667 Baptized

Ann Kirbe daughter of William the***** 8th day William Smith of Will' of Stubington ye 24 day


Buried Thomas marshall the seauenth day Robert Tanar Sn of Robert the 25th day Alies moudy da' of William the 26 day 1668 John fostar Sn of John the 30 day

Aprill 1668 Baptized

Alise paull of Edward the 12 day William Spershot of william the 26 day Mary Gatril of William the same day



Page 135: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried The widow monney the third day mary smith of william the 12 day a Child of william Chamberlins ye 18 day the wife of stephen Colles the 18 day Richard Caut the 19 day Bettey merssum the 31 day

May 1668 Baptized

Thomas Williams of Isaac & fillice the 14 day Peter Spershot of Thomas & Elizabeth ye 19 day Noell Gaywood Sonn of henry and mary Born the 18 of Aprill

Baptiz the 17 of may Richard Tribick of Rob' ye 28 day

Maryed Josuah hoopar of Gosport & mary barbar ye 11 day

Buried Ralph broadfeild the Eleuenth day The wife of Robert Cortnell the 12 day mary wilks daughter of Richard ye 25 day

June 1668 Baptized

Thomas Philips of Richard the fifth day William Cutlar of Richard the 7 day Richard Binnstedd of Richard the 7 day


Buried Robert Cortnell the second day The wife of william swann ye 19

July 1668 Baptized

Thomas watson of Thomas the fifth day Robert strugnell sonn of Robert Born at Gosport and Baptized

the 4 day in ye p'ish of stoake Maryed

William adams & the widow Glaspol of hoock ye 2 day John holt of farham & ann leagat of this p'ish ye 5 day

Buried Dorothy Camber widow the 15 day

August 1668 Baptized

Roger Coopar of John & Elizabeth the sixth day John Chussell of Robert & patience ye 18



Page 136: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Robert Pagge the 12 day Alice knight widow the 23 day

September 1668 Baptized

John Wigg of Thomas & ann the 7 day Elizabeth Tilley of henry & Elizabeth ye 9 day rnary Pafford of william the 11 day ann Leach of Richard the 13 day nicholas fitchat of nicholas the 20 day stephen the Sonn of Solomon and Joane King the 15 day


Buried William adams the 7 day Joan Chamberlen widow ye 17 day Elizabeth west wife of will' the 18 day The wife of stephen wallar ye 22 day

October 1668 Baptized

Elizabeth Leadwell of Thomas the 2 day Henry haman the Sn of John the 4 day Elizabeth King of william ye 4 day Elizabeth Richards of John ye 11 day

Maried Robert stephens of this p'ish & Joan holt of portchester the

first day William Sayt & ann oueri of catsfeild the tweluth day Richard Collsun and Joan parkar ye 15 d

Buried Elin Perkens the first day

Nouember 1668 Baptized

Elizabeth Reed of William the 26 day Richard Griggory of Thomas ye 29 day John Cussens the Sonn of Edward & Ann Cussens the 9th day

Maried William Swann and dorrothi Sumars Boath of this p'ish the

first day Buried

Elizabeth ye wife of william Whit the 24 d The wife of William barnad the 29 day Ann Randall d' of henry the 29 day

December 1668 Baptized


Page 137: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield


Buried The wife of Thomas Pafford ye 7 day Richard Griggory of Thomas ye 17 day Thomas Swain of william ye Same day John***** adams Sn of***** John the 26 day Elizabeth Richards da' of John ye 27

January 1668 Baptized

Andrew Cleuerly sonn of Tho' ye 31 day William Oslan sonn of Will' ye 31 day

Maried John Lane and Elizabeth Lamburn ye 24 day

Buried The widow vear the first day Luke Feildar Sn of John the 23 day Mary Cutlar da' of Robert ye 29 day

February 1668 Baptized

Mari Mayle daughter of William and Mari the fifth day Elizabeth Long daughter of Richard the 7 day William Parkar Sonn of William the 8 day Sara daughter of William Oslan Junar the 14 day Elizabeth Parsons daughter of Peter ye 21 day Ann Penford daughter of William the 28th day William the Sonn of Richard Sharp the***** Eleuenth daye

Maried Peter Sexey and Elizabeth Wassaill Boath of this p'ish the 25

day Buried

Francis the wife of Richard batt ye 19 day The sonn of William Price the 26 day

March 1668 Baptized

Katherin Brickelton daughter of mathew and Elizabeth the Seacond day

Mary Limburnar daughter of Thomas the 4 day Eliner Francklen daughter of John the 12 day


Buried Joan Long the wife of Richard the seacond day


Page 138: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Aprill 1669 Baptized

Robert Wallar Sann of Robert the 4th day Ann Parsons daughter of William Parsons Junar Liuing in South

street the 9 day ----- newhoock daughter of Richard ye 22 day James Collsan Sann of William and Jone Collsan the 29 daye


Buried Mari stears daughter of John ye 2 day John Gaywood Jent***** departed This Life at padwell and

Buried at Titchfeild the 25

May 1669 Baptized

***** Roger Binnsted sonn of anthony The 9 day Ann hollister daughter of John the same day Simon Collsan sonn of William the 13 day Elizabeth Forest daughter of Rennall Forest the 16 day Thomas Smith Sonn of Richard ye 18 day Philip Rull Sonn of Richard the 20 day


Buried Thomas Smith the 15 day ***** Elizabeth Smith the wife of Thomas ye 15 Thomas Smith Sonn of Richard the 20 day The wife of Richard deepe the 21 day

June 1669 Baptized

Elizabeth Spearshot daughter of Robert Spershot Junar and mary his wife the third day and was Born the tenth of may 1669

William Price Sann of Peter Price of The towne the 6 day Mary Spearshot daughter of John and Elizabeth the 24 day Elizabeth Binnsted daughter of Richard Binnsted the Second day Peter the Sann of Peter duke the 23 day Borne John the Sann of William and Elizabeth Wassaill of healhead

the 27th day Marey Luff of Nickcolas Luff of Swanwick 18th day


Buried An deepe daughter of Richard the***** 1 day a Child of Edward murells the 3 day Henry hamam Sann of John the 12 day William Glaspol of hoock the 18 day Eli.zabeth the wife of John stoakes ye 21 day


Page 139: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

July 1669 Baptized

Elizabeth houghton daughter of william Houghton Junar of ye towne the 6 day

Richard Cassens Sonn of John and mary the 15 day Maried

John Brothers and Elizabeth Wassaile Boath of this p'ish the 29 day

Buried The wife of William hewat the fifth day John Russell the 9 day Elizabet ye daughter of william whit stubinton

August 1669 Baptized

John Wassaill Sonn of William Wassaill of hellhead the eighth day

John stephens the Sonn of Robert and Joan the 22 day Aron Knight Sonn of William Knight ye 29 day William the Sonn of Thomas and mary Knight the same day

Maried Mr William Russell and the Honrable Lady Rachell Vahan the 10th

day Buried

Mari***** Glaspoll wife of Thomas Glaspoll the third day Phillip foster of Swannick the 7 day John Graue the thirteenth day Joan Pagge the wife of John the 14th day John Ockley ***** Cooke to ye Right Honrable Lady Noel the 24th

day Timothy Gagge Groome to ye Right Honrable Edward Noel the 27th


September 1669 Baptized

Robert Bright Sonne of William and Elizabeth the Seacond day Edward Tilley Sonne of Henry Tilley ye 12 day Mary Beacker of----- Beacker of funtley ye 19 day James neaue Sonn of Richard and Jane the 30th day *****

Maried William Whit and mary Bowar The Seacond day William hunt of waltham and Sibble Price of this p'ish the 16

day Richard Reaues and Elizabe stears the 28th day

Buried George dumpar the 20th day Alis the wife of Liney Leiff the 26th day William Millar the 29th day


Page 140: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1669 Baptized

Richard Cumbar sonn of John Cumbar The tenth day mary munday daughter of Thomas munday the same day John Stroud sonn of John stroud the 14 day Mary Wats daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth the 17 day John Sweet sonn of William the 24 day John Batt sonn of Andrew Batt ye 31 day Sarah the daughter of William King the thirtione

Maried stephen Seagar and Katherin Eames the Seauenth day Peter Houghton of Upham and Katherin Spershot of this p'ish

the 14th day William Leaggat & Elizabeth Foster the 19 day Philip Bollton and Elizabeth haman the Twentieighth day

Buried The widow Cussens of stubington ye 13 day Robert Smith the 20th day

Nouember 1669 Baptized

William Hart Sonn of william hart the first day Arron Philips Sonn of Richard the 7 day Richard Whit Sonn of franses ye 14 day Ann Wallar daughter of Franses ye 21 day Thomas Pafford Sonn of Thomas Pafford of Millbel the 18 day

Married John Stoakes and Elizabeth Brown the Seacond day

Buried The widow nunn the xi day The wife of Franses wallar the 21 day Peter Eames the 28 day

December 1669 Baptized

Alice mayle daughter of John & Elizabeth the fifth day Mary Sweet daughter of nicholas Sweet the same day Mary Price daughter of Peter Price of Swannick the***** 9 day John Sooan sonn of Peter and hanna the 19 day Jane Collson daughter of Richard the 19 day Elizabeth Bensted daughter of Peter ye 21 day ann Willsted daughter of----- Willsted the 26 day William stears Sonn of James stears the 30th day

Maried Thomas hasted and mary Smith ye 14th day


Page 141: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried The wife of Peter Price the 9 day margreat deanes the xi day The widow pears the 13 day John Poore sonn of John the 21 day Edward holles the 27 day A traueling man that died at funtley at Robert Spershots the 30


January 1669 Baptized

Edward noel Sonn of the Right Honbl Edward noel and of the Right Honbl Lady Elizabeth noel Born the first day & Baptized ye same

Robert hartwell Sonn of John and Katherin hartwell the 14 day Elizabeth Wiatt daughter of John and Elizabeth the 18 day

Maried William Slater of farham p'ish and Alis Caut of this p'ish the

6 day Buried

Henry Winter the first day John Pettey the fowarth day John Soan of Peter the 6 day Roger Binnsted of Anthony the 14 day The widow Swain the 25 day

February 1669 Baptized

William Waldren sonn of william the 6 day Nicholas the sonn of mary Carter the 6 day Jane Richards daughter of John the 13 day Franses Lunn sonn of Franses & mary the 22 day Jane and Sarah Sewat daughters of Henry and mary Sewat the

twentiethird day Edward Coopar sonn of John Coopar of stubington the

twentiefifth day Richard Gatril sonn of Richard the 27 day


Buried A Child of William Gatrils ye 6 day Jane Richard daughter of John ye 15 d Elizabeth forest daughter of Rennall ye 22 d Franses Lunn sonn of franses the 24 day The wife of William Briant the 27 day

March 1669 Baptized

***** William hamlett sonn of Walter and alis the 22 day John the sonn of John Lanne the 27 day


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Buried ***** Mary Sewat wife of henry the fifth day Franses Whit of stubington the 9th day William waldren the 14 day Jane and Sarah Sewat the 24 day dorithy Clewar the 26 day 70 The wife of John adams the 26 day Richard Whit Junar the 31 day Elizabeth Poile the same day

Aprill 1670 Baptized

Thomas mayle Sonn of Thomas the 10th day ***** ***** Jane----- the daughter of a traueling woman which wass Bororn

at the widow Lees at Possbroock and Baptized the 17 day Richard Leach Sonn of Richard the 22 day Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Swann the 27 daye


Buried William Houghton of Brock the 19 day John Cleuerly ye same day Jane steares daughter of william stears of farethorn the 14 day

May 1670 Baptized

Edward and Charls Swann Sonns of William and dorithy the third day

Elizabeth Houghton daughter of Thomas Houghton of Swannick the 19 day

Edward Cussens of Edward the 22 day Mary Woodman daughter of John the 27 day

Maried Thomas Whit and Katherin Little ye 12 day

Buried John Wigg of Proulingworth the 2 day Mary harris widow the 18 day mary wats daughter of Thomas the 19 day dorithy the wife of will' swann ye 21 d Thomas warnar the 23 day The Wife of Edward Cussens the 26 day

June 1670 Baptized

Ann Gaywood daughter of Henry and mary the Second day Ann Chamberlen daughter of William the 29 day


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Buried William moudy the Saxton the 10th day William Godden the 18th day Mary Barber the 18 day

July 1670 Baptized

Katherin Lee daughter of Henry & ann Lee the tenth day Maried

Ge Roger Baberstock and Christian Whit the 4 day Thomas Patten of hambell and ann Wellen of this p'ish the 14


Buried Sachariah Sabbin the 7 day William mising of Craughton ye 16 day John Pinck of Robert ye 17 day The wife of thomas Reaues ye 22 day

August 1670 Baptized

Rob' Tribick of Robartt ye 20 day (Married)

Buried Henry Tilley minister the 12 day The daughter of Edward Paul the same day Elizabeth Beean wife of Roger ye 20th day

September 1670 Baptized

Elizabeth Hasted daughter of John ye 4 day Elizabeth Leagat daughter of William and Elizabeth Leagat the

same day Richard fitchat sonn of nicholas ye xi day Charls Wigg sonn of Robert ye 7 day Robert Tribeck Sonn of Robert the 22 day William and Thomas Smith Sonns of Richard and Franses the 24

day Maried

William Price and Agnes winter the 13 day John Price and Ann Cortnell ye same day


Page 144: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried John Todd the Fowarth day Mary Woodman the 12 day The wife of Richard Long of stubington the 13 day Charls Wigg sonn of Robert ye 15 day ann the daughter of Richard Leach ye***** 19 The widow marnar of warsh the 22 d John Coopar of broock the 24th day William Smith sonn of Richard the 27 day

October 1670 Baptized

***** Henry Batt Sonn of Richard the 16 day Grace Binnsted daughter of Anthony Binsted the 16 day Robert Spershot Sonn of Robert Spershot Junar the Sixth day

Maried ***** Robert Adams Jane Cleuerly boath of this p'rish the 9 day Leony Luff and Rebeckah hopley boath of this p'rish the tenth

day stephen moudy and Lietishah Thackwell the 13 day

Buried The Sonn of Edward Cassens ye 4 d Elizabeth Holt the wife of William Holt the 30 day

Nouember 1670 Baptized

Mary Brown daughter of Richard brown of the Towne the twentieth day

Robert Gatriel sonn of John Gatriel ye same day Maried

Buried ***** The wife of anthony alles the 9 day William King the tenth day Aman Child of Thomas moneys ye 12 day John nealle Jent who died at London and was buried at

Titchfield ye 16th James Greeatham the 26 day

December 1670 Baptized

Mary Chessell daughter of Robert and Patience the xi day William Crouchar Sonn of William the 18 day Elizabeth Veldar daughter of Will' ye 18 day Sarah Hunt daughter of William and Sibble hunt the 27th day Elizabeth stoakes daughter of John and Elizabeth the 27th day *****



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Buried Hana Bark the second day Richard Long the fifth day John francklen the fifth day Richard Cussen the xith day Thomas Pafford the 13th day Alise Churchar the 26 day Richard Grant Junar the Last day

January 1670 Baptized

William nayle Sann of Richard the first day Henry***** Coopar Sann of John and Elizabeth the 10th day John King sonn of Solomon the 22 day Mary Leadwell daughter of Thomas Ledwell ye 25

Maried Henry Sewat of Farham and Katherin Brown of Titchfeild the 19

day John Pillgrum and Jane Millar Boath of this p'rish the 26th day

Buried William Greeatham Sann of frances ye 2 day Elizabeth Bennsted the third day John Brothers Senuar the same day Elizabeth Coopar wife of John ye 10 day the widow millar the 12 day William nayle of Richard the 16 day Thomas money Junar the 17 day Susan Russell widow the***** 17 day John Chandler the 24th day The Wife Robert Whit of stubington ye 24th Peter Ttipp of Catsfeild the Last day

February 1670 Baptized

Thomas steuens Sann of Robert the 19 day Alis Hollester daughter of John ye 19 day Katherin Bown daughter of John Bowne Born the 5th day Babtised

ye 6 da Maried

Richard fegg and Elnar Coxe ye 9 day ***** Robert man and mary Corte the 14 day James Kinnly and Amy Gast the 16 day

Buried William Skinnar of hoock the 12 day The Widow Leach of ye towne ye 16 day The Widow marshall the 17 day Joan hasted daughter of John the 27th day William Smith of stubington the 28 day


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March 1670 Baptized

John Hocker***** Sonn of John ye 5 day Jane Whit daughter of----- Whit of Curbredg the Same day John Forester sonn of Reanall Forester ye 12 day Daniell Luff Son of nickcolas Luff of Swanwick 21 day Daniell Stares Son of will' Stares of fairethorn the 30 day


Buried Sara Redall the Eighth day Betty Pinck daughter of Robert the 20th day Henry daues of stubington the 28 day 1671 ***** A seruant maid of John Lees the 28 day

Aprell 1671 Baptized

William Kerbe Sonn of William the 2 day Ann Wigg daughter of Thomas and ann the Eleuenth day John the Sonn of Thomas and Elnar Pafford Born the 25 of march

Baptized the 20 day of Aprill Married

John Burges and mary Beacker The 27 day Buried

Jane Warden the Eighteenth day Jane Fitchat the same day

May 1671 Baptised

Ann Osleng daughtar of William the seauenth day Jane the daughter of William Price the 14 day Elisabeth the daughter of Thomas may the 14 day mary the daughter of William Waldern the 21 day Elizabeth the daughtar of John Barnad the twentieighth day

Maried Edward Cussens and mari Punckar of droxford the Fowarth day John Wheatham senuar and Elisabeth West the 23 day

Buried Alise Paskens the seauenth day John Fellder the 12 day ***** Jane Winter the 13 day Elisabeth Landy the 14 day John Batt sonn of Andrew the 14 day Robert Hewat the 15 day Peter Parssons the 23 day William Waldren the 30 day

June 1671 Baptised

Elisabeth daughter of John and Elisabeth Brothers ye first day


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Maried Philip Clewar and mary Reues the sixth day

Buried The Wife of John Coopar of newgate the second day Richard Whit the sixth John Reed the 19 day The Wife of John stares of Barne farm the 19 day James Collyar the 20th day John Alington the 23 day Richard Harwood the 24 day

July 1671 Baptised

Jane the daughtar of Robert and Elizabbeth Pinck the 6 day James Phillips sonn of Richard Phillips the 16 day Mary the daughter of William Reed the Same day Mary the daughter of William Oslan senuar the 30 day Mary the daughter of Richard and***** Amey Angell Born the

19th of June and Baptised the 13 day of July Married

Buried The Wife of Lawranc arters ye 2 day Ann Brothers the fifth day Jane Groue the fifth day Richard Bleach the seauenth day John Wallar of broock the 13 day ***** mary Triming the 30 day

August 1671 Baptised

Thomas Price Sonn of Peter Price of the Towne the 17th day Roy dennes Simmonds Sonn of dennes and Pattenell Simmonds the

17 day Elizabeth Limburnar daughter of Thomas Limburnar the 22 day Mary and Elizabeth daughters of stephen Jurd the***** 27 day

Married John Coopar of Croughton and Jane Barnum the 7 day Walter Garrett Vicar of Titchfield & Susanna Dickin ye 30th day

Buried Mary Watts and Thomas Watts Hir Sonn the First day Richard Lam the sixth day mary Hart the sixth day Bettey Littlefeild ye wife of william Littlefeild the eighth

day Mari the daughter of Robert Whit the Eleuenth day Ann Pettey the twentifirst day Robert Sooan the 27 day ***** Jane Barrow the 28 day Mary harwood the 30 day


Page 148: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

September 1671 Baptised

John Price Sonn of John Price ye third day Elizabeth daughter of Loymall Luff ye 3 day


Buried John the Soonn of Robert Lock the 16 day Thomas hayns the***** 20 day Edward Noel the Sonn of the Horble Edward and the Lady

Elizabeth Noel the twentieth day Henry Gaywood Jent the 26 day

October 1671 Baptised

William***** ye sonn of John mansell the 22 day William the sonn of John stroud the***** 31 day

Maried William Barling of this p'rish and Alis Biggnell of hamble the

third day James Blissat and mari Buttlar boath of this p'ish the*****

27 day Buried

The widow money of hoock ye first day Christian Babarstock the 9 day ***** Jone Linnse the 13 day Ann Lee daughter of John the 16 day John hollister the 25 day Margery Whit daughter of W'm ye 30th d

November 1671 Baptized

William the sonn of silluaes Tayler The twentie sixth day Sara the daughtar of James and Elizabeth steares the 3 daye

Maried Richard Trodd and Joane Long the Fifth day

Buried Mari Jarden the first day James Barnum the 16 day

December 1671 Baptized

Joyls the sonn of Robert man the 14 day Elinar the daughter of John sewat ye 11 day Mary The daughtar of Robert Tanar the 31 day



Page 149: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried The Widow adams of Hoock ye 4 d Charls Wellsted the 13 day Peter Soone the 14 day William Barrow the 22 day James Smith the 27 day John Becker the 31 day *****

January 1671 Baptized

Thomasun the daughtar of Robert Churchar of newland the seauenth day

John the Sonn of John Landy of Posbrook ye 9 day John the Sonn of John Littlefeild the 21 day Elizabeth the daughter of***** William Penford the Eight and

twentith day Maried

Waltar Julan and Barberi swaine the xi day at Portsmouth William Sexey and Elizabeth Gray ye 15 day

Buried Richard Browne of warsash the third day Richard Fitchat ye Twelfth day The Wife of John Littlfeild the 21 day Richard Smith the 23 day Frances tuck the 24 day James Philips the 28 day

February 1671 Baptized

John the Sonn of***** John Burges the fowarth day Mary the daughter of Edward Cussens of Crafton the 11 day Eliner the daughter of Richard herren the same day John the Sonn of John missing ye 16 day Richard and Elizabeth Reeues of Richard Reeues of Crabthorn

the same day William the Sonn of***** stephen moudy Born the 18 day and

Baptised the 19 John the Sonn of Andrew Batt born the 19 day Baptised the 29


Buried A Child of Robert Churchers of Lee gate the first day Ann Wiat the sixth day John Littlfeild a Child the 6 day Elisabeth the wife of Richard Reeues the 18 day Elisabeth the daughtar of Richard Reeues the 24 day Richard Sonn of Richard Reeues ye 27th


Page 150: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1671 Baptized

Ann the daughter of Richard Leach ye 7 day dannell the Sonn of Thomas Griggory the 10 day Thomas the Sonn of Richard and Jane Reaue the 19 day Robert the sonn of James stears the 28 day 1672 Mary the daughter of Francis and mary Lunn the Last day Elinar the daughtar of Francis Antrum Born the 24 daye Baptized

the 31 Marey Price davghter of John Price of Aprill 13


Buried John Pillgrim the 3 day The Wiffe of stephen Jourden ye 9 day The Widdow of Robert Reed ye 19 day John Lee sonn of Henry the 29 day 1672 Margery Barrow the 30 day

Aprill 1672 Baptized

Ann the daughter of John spershot the ninth day But born the tenth of march

Henry the Sonn of henry and Katherin Sewat the 18 day Peter hills Sonn of Sammewell ye 21 day

Maried Laurance Arthars and Joane Smith the ninth day John morteme and Urssely Goldsmith the same day

Buried William Glaspoll the 13 day The Wife of Richard sharp the same day

May 1672 Baptised

Ann the daughter of----- Newhoock the first day Phiadellphia the daughter of James Kinnley the First day Betty Gaywood daughter of Henry Gaywood ye 9 day Edward Houghton Sonn of William houghton Junar and Liuing in

the towne the 14 daye Edmon Paull sonn of Edmon Paull the 24th daye


Buried William Grinnag the 4 day Abraham Persson the 9 day

June 1672 Baptized

Elizabeth the daughter of Charls wellsted the 2 daye Ann the daughtar of Thomas Rossatar the 30 daye


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Maried Richard Long and mary Goones the third daye George Lewingten and Ann Right the 10 daye

Buried stephen Jourden the first daye Thomas Lanckford the 24th daye A seruant maid of William Paffords of Lee the 27th Nicholas fitchat the 28th daye

July 1672 Baptised

Mary the daughtar of John Pillgrum the xxi daye (Married)

Buried Fransis Batt the first daye Philip and mary Clewar the 2 daye Fransis Churchar the 3 daye Robart Plaskat the xi daye Grace Lee daughtar of henry ye 13 daye Ann the daughtar of Thomas Rossatar the 6 daye John Forrester sonn of John the 23 daye Mary Pafford Widow the 26 daye Andrew Batt the 28 daye Jane Coopar the wife of John the 28 daye

August 1672 Baptised

Mary the daughtar of Richard Rule the Eleuenth daye John the Sonn of William Hart the 11 daye John the sonn of John Cawte the First daye John the sonn of Peter Price of sasbury ye 18 day William the Sonn of William King the***** nintenth daye


Buried Edward Houghton sonn of Wm Houghton Junar the 4 daye Elizabeth the wife of Henry Sexey the 4 daye Henry Sexey the ninth daye Margery Sexey daughtar of Henry the 16 daye Henry Sexey Sonn of Henry the 18 daye

September 1672 Baptised

Elnar the daughter of Jane West the Eighth daye Elizabeth daughter of Richard Collsan the 29 daye

Maried William Grinnag and mary Heeckly The third daye at durley

Buried Edward mansell sonn of John the 22 daye Joane Wiat the 25 daye Elizabeth scaruell the 28 daye


Page 152: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

October 1672 Baptized

Elizabeth the daughtar of William Hunt the 24 daye Jane paffard daughter of William & Ann paffard was born the

14th Maried

William Haman and Elizabeth Saltar the 7 daye John Seager and Mary Clewar Boath of this p'ish maried at

Batley the tweluth daye Richard Collsun and Mary Cradeck the 28 daye Richard Woods and dorothy Russell the 29 daye

Buried Elizabeth the Wiffe of Anthony Binnsted the 4 daye Nicholas Luff the tenth daye John Toad the Eleuenth daye John Oslan the 17 daye The Widow Toad and hir sonn William Toad the 19 daye Katherin Clewar widow the 24 daye The Wife of John Bowne the 30 daye Nicholas Bollton the 31 daye

Nouember 1672 Baptized

John Beacker the sonn of Thomas Beacker the first daye Barbery haman the daughter of John haman the first daye Sara the daughter of Robert spearshot Junar the seauenth daye Ann the daughter of nicholas Bleach the same daye Edward the Sonn of Waltar Garrat Minister the Tweluth daye Edward the sonn of William Bright ye 21 day Elizabeth daughter of william Kerbe the 28 day Waltar Julenn the sonn of Waltar and Barbery Julenn the 29 daye

Maried Richard Hincks and Frances Hayns The 12 daye

Buried Mary the daughtar of Ann smith ye 21 d Nicholas North the 24 daye Henry Leaggat the Thirtieth daye

December 1672 Baptized

Sara the daughtar of Peter Binsted the Fifth daye Sara the daughtar of William sweet the 8th daye Peter the Sonn of William and Elizabeth Sexey the tenth daye Elizabeth the daughtar of***** John mortemar the 22th daye Mary the daughtar of Will' Oslan***** the 25 daye Elizabeth daughtar of William Mayle the 27th daye Mary the daughtar of John and Elizabeth stoakes the 27th daye Joane the daughtar of Joseph sweetaple the 30 daye


Page 153: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maried ***** William Adams and Elizabeth Godfree the xii daye William Whit of Bishups stoake and Elizabeth Holles of this

p'ish the 26 daye Thomas Colles of Upham and magret pinck of this p'ish the 31

daye Buried

John Wheatham the Fowarth daye Ann Clark daughtar of Mrs Clark the 12 daye Edward the sonn of Walltar Garrat ministar the 15 daye ***** Elizabeth daughtar of John Mortemar the 29 daye

January 1672 Baptised

Elizabeth the daughtar of James Blissat the First daye Elizabeth the daughtar of Richard and mary Browne the sixth

daye John the sonn of John maye the 24 daye Henri the Soon of Richard Phillips ye 25 daye

Maried Thomas Broockar and Joane Rull the twentieth third daye

Buried Katherin Ward the First daye Thomas Plaskat the seauenth daye The wife of Andrew mansbridg Junar the 15 day The wife of William Hack the 19 daye Peter Hills a child the Last daye Mary Lunn a child the Last daye

February 1672 Baptized

Robert steuens the sixth daye John the sonn of Thomas mathewes the ninth daye Elizabeth the daughter of John Hartwell the tenth daye Fransses the daughtar of John Bricknell the 23 daye Sara the daughtar of Renall Forrest the 23 daye William the sonn of Thomas swann ye 24 daye Henry the sonn of Nicholas Oslan ye 24 daye

Maried John Whit and Jane Reeues the 4 daye Peter Beacker and mary Smith the 4 daye William West and mary sexey the 6 daye

Buried William Houghton senuar the 2 daye John Price the sonn of John Price ye 9 daye


Page 154: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

March 1672 Baptised

Mary Fitchat the daughtar of the Widow Fitchat the youngar the second daye

William the sonn of George skinnar the xi daye Mari the daughtar of Richard Gatrill the 23 daye Elizabeth the daughtar of Richard Woods the 25 daye Margret the daughar of Thomas Limburner the Last daye 1673 Elenar Antrem ye 25th Ann the daughtar of Thomas and Ann Glaspoll the twentieth

Eighth daye Elizabeth daughtar of Tho' and Elizabeth Sparshot the 29 daye


Buried Sara the daughtar of Renall Forest ye 16 daye Mary the wife of Philip Clewar the thirtith daye 1673 Alis the wife of william Barling ye 31 day

Aprill 1673 Baptised

Mary the daughtar of John Price the fifth daye Katherin the daughtar of Thomas Houghton the 20th daye


Buried William and Elizabeth***** Hamblet the 5th daye The Wife of Jeremiah Joanes the 27 daye

May 1673 Baptized

William the Sonn of William Walldren ye 4th day William the Sonn of William Adams the 7 daye Ann the daughtar of John Gatril the 8 daye Mary the daughtar of William Grinnag the 10 daye *****

Maried John Bowne and Elizabeth Hewat the 8th daye

Buried Patience the Wife of Robert Chessel ye first day

June 1673 Baptized

Patronelle the daughtar dennes Simmons the 13 daye Elizabeth daughtar of William Clewar the 19 daye William the Sonn of Robart Goodwinne the 26 daye

Maried Andrew mansbrid and Elizabeth Wiat the 23 daye Jeremiah Joanes and Jane Hopley the 24 daye


Page 155: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Richard Reeues Sonn of Richard Reeues the 16 daye William Langfford the same daye Mary the daughtar of Richard Angell departed this Liffe the 23

daye and Was Buried the 25

July 1673 Baptised

William the Sonn of John Winntar the 13 daye Richard Trod son of Rich Trod of Stubinton ***** ye 27 Mari the daughter of John Beale the 15 daye


Buried John Luff Sonn of nicholas Luff the 14 daye John Chessell Sonn of Robert Chessell the 18 daye The Widow Cleuerly of Funtly the 26 daye

August 1673 Baptised

Mary the daughtar of William hoocrat the tenth daye Maried

***** ***** The Hable Ralph Mountague (Son & heir apparent to the right

Hable Edward Lord Mountague) & Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland the 21 day


September 1673 Baptised

Ann the daughtar of Nicholas Gillingham the seauenth daye Ann the daughtar of John Stroud ye 14 daye Thomas the Sonn of John Crouchar of Posproock the 28 daye Marry the daughtar of John and mary Seagar the Last daye


Buried John Glasspoll of the Parck th 2 daye John the sonn of Robert Pinck the 14 daye A Child of Richard Leaches the 29 daye

October 1673 Baptized

John the Sonn of John hasted and Ann his wife the 10 daye James the Sonn of Richard Binnsted the 30th day

Maried Richard Whiting of Pertchester and Elizabeth Pefford of

Titchffeild p'ish the 16 daye


Page 156: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried dannell the Sonn of Thomas Griggory the 9 daye William the Sonn of Francis harding of Bishops stoake ye 2 daye John mathews a Child of----- Mathewes of hoock ye 24 daye Waltar the sonn of Waltar Julen the 25 daye

November 1673 Baptised

***** Maried

John Osman and Jane Roffe both of this p'ish the Fifth daye Buried

Henry Hall a Solldar the 16 daye

december 1673 Baptized

Solomon the sonn of Solomon King the 9 daye William the Sonn of John missing the xi daye John the Sonn of Thomas Hewat the xi daye William the Sonn of John Connbar the 21 daye Mary the daughtar of Richard Leach the 22 daye Margret the daughtar of James stears the 27 daye

Married Phillip Clewar and Thomasan Randall the Eighth daye

Buried Joane the Wiffe of George Marsh the 17 daye Mary the Wiffe of Peter Beacker the Junar the Same daye

January 1673 Baptized

ann the daughtar of Robert mann the 6 daye Hana the daughtar of Thomas Spearshot of Swannick Elme the 11

daye Katherin the daughtar of Edward Paul the 18 daye Thomas the sonn of James Kinley the 20th daye Mary the daughtar of Richard Collsonn ye 14 daye Elizabeth the daughtar of Richard Angel born the 28 daye of

december and Baptized the 15 daye of January Maried

William Harffeild and Ann Kirbe the 26 daye Buried

Witnesses To Franses Lunn: Mr Page of Gosport, Mr Marks of Portchmouth and Mts stoakes: To John Forest: William Kirbe, John stringar and Richard Fostars Wife

(The above appears to refer to baptisms in February 1673)


Page 157: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

February 1673 Baptized

Franses the Sonn of Franses and mary Lunn The Fowarth daye John the Sonn of Renall Forest the same daye Richard the Sonn of Richard and Mary Browne the 16 daye William the Sonn of William Beuess the 22 daye Richard the Sonn of Henry Sewat the 26 daye Richard the Sonn of John Barnad the 27th

Maried William Hewat of the p'ish of Farham and Elizabeth Reeues of

this p'ish the 19 daye Buried

William Whit of Craffton the xi daye Mary the daughtar of John stoakes ye 15 daye William Hack the 19 daye

March 1673 Baptized

Richard the Sonn of Richard Smith the First daye Elizabeth the daughtar of Tho' Watts the Second daye Robert the Sonn of William Swann the third daye Richard the Sonn of Tho' mortimee the 19 daye John Tribick Son of Robart ye 3 day

Maried Edward Griggory and Elizabeth Holt the First day

Buried Robert Whit of Crofton the Fifth daye Thomas Corderoy Jent the xi daye Rebeckah Hartwell Widow the 17 daye John Hoocker the 29 daye *****

Aprill 1674 Baptized

Richard the Sonn of John Caute the 9 daye John the Sonn of Robert Tribck the 20th daye Mari the daughtar of Philip Clewar ye 20th daye Joseph the Sonn of Thomas Knight ye***** 21 day John price of John price the 18 day


Buried Sara the daughtar of John Coopar of Posbroock the 14 daye William Ossman the 23 daye

May 1674 Baptized

William the Sonn of Franses Loock the third daye Job the Sonn of Thomas Limburner the Eightenth daye Elizabeth the daughter of Frances and----- hall the 20th day ***** Maried Robert Chessell and Sence Sexey the Eighth daye


Page 158: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Buried Mary the Wiffe of William Parsons 20th Elizabeth daughtar of Richard Brown the Last daye

June 1674 Baptized

Richard the Sonn of William Houghton of the Towne the Second daye

Elizabeth the daughar of Fransis Hall the Fowarth daye Richard the Sonn of Richard Hincks the 7 day William the Sonn of William Mayle ye 25th d


Buried James Belier Jent the third daye Patternell the wiffe of dennes Simmons ye 6 dy The Widow Ward the 25th daye

July 1674 Baptized

Richard the Sonn of Thomas Griggory the 19th daye William the Sonn of John Bowne ye 19 d William the Sonn of Sammewell hilles ye 19 d Margret the daughtar of James Bittle the 21 daye


Buried Richard Gatriel the 14th daye The Widow Buttler the 19 daye

August 1674 Baptized

Edward the Sonn of John mansell the 9 daye John Winter of John Winter 14th John Osmand son of John Junar ye 16 day Frances Antrem Borne ye 25th


Buried Ann the Wife of William Whit senur the 12 daye Joan holt Widow the 23 daye A Child of John Lanes the 23 daye The Wiff of William Triuat the 23 daye Richard Caut Sonn of John Caut ye 30 day

September 1674 Baptized

Jane the daughar of Thomas and Jane Leadwell the third daye ***** ***** Fransis the Sonn of Fransis and Elnar Antrum the 27th daie


Page 159: Titchfield Parish Register · 2019. 2. 28. · Foreword by Rev'd. Bill Day Vicar of the Parish of St. Peter - Titchfield from 1998 One of the things that attracted me to Titchfield

Maried John Woodman and Elizabeth Coopar daughtar of John Coopar of

Possbrook the ninth daye William Holt of oluerstoke and ann Leach of this p'ish the 27

daye Buried

Henry Randall the 15 daye John sharpe the 28th daye Sewsan the wife of John Littellfeild ye 29th ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

October 1674 Baptized

Elizabeth daughtar of Mr Waltar and***** Susanna Garrett the Tweluth daye

Elizabeth daughtar of John and Ann Landey the Fiuetenth daye John the Sonn of Fintch Bartholomew ye 19 daye William the sonn of Andrew mansbidg Junar the 23 daye


Buried A Child of William osland Junar ye xi daye Patrenello the daughtar of dennes simmons ye 13th Robert Cuttlar the 14 daye Richard Basston the 15 daye Richard the sonn of Richard Browne the 15 daye John the Sonn of Humphry simms the 15 daye Batt Carden the 18 daye A Child of John Gattrils the 20 daye

nouember 1674 Baptized

Mary the daughtar of Thomas Wigg Born the***** 19th of Octobar and Baptised the***** tweluth of this month Elizabeth the daughtar of Richard Landy the 19th daye Thomas the Sonn of Robart Spearshot of Whitley the 24 daye Sarah the daughtar of William Price the same daye Alicksander the sonn of John and Elizabeth Spearshot the 25

daye William the Sonn of William Barfield the 29th daye Elizabeth daughtar of John Whit of stroudgreene the same daye Charls the sonn of Richard Binsted the 30 daye


Buried Jobe the Sonn of Thomas Limburnar the twentie fifth daye


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***** December 1674 Baptized

Thomas the Sonn of Thomas Brock the third daye Thomas the Sonn of Thomas Mathewes the seauenth daye Jane the daughtar of William Adams of the Towne the 16 daye Mary the daughtar of John and Elizabeth Brothers the 27 day John the Sonn of Richard and Elizabeth Leaggat of Hoock the

tenth day maried

Edward Holt and Ann Batt the tenth daye Buried

William the Sonn of William Harffeild the 3 daye Thomas the Sonn of Richard Neaue the 18 daye ----- the daughtar of John Cornbar the Same daye Peter Peacker the 19 daye The Widow King the 28 daye

January 1674 Baptized

John the Sonn of Franses Littelffeild ye 31 daye Maried

William Triuat and Franses Coffin the Sixth daye (Buried)

February 1674 Baptised

Henry the Sonn of John mayle Junar the tenth daye John the Sonn of Richard and Mary Browne the tenth daye Arron the sonn of William oslan senuar the twentieth daye Edward the Sonn of Thomas Broockar the twentiffowarth daye Elizabeth the daughtar of William Grinnage the 26th daye


Buried The Widow haman ***** the Late wife of Argent Haman the 5 daye The Widow of Henry Abraham ye 10 daye A Child of Peters the 28 daye

March 1674 Baptized

***** ***** the 21 William sonn of Tho' and Katherin fry of Quab


Buried John the sonn of John hasted the 9 daye


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Aprill 1675 Baptised

John the sonn of John Richards the 6 daye Thomas the sonn of Thomas houghton the Eighth daye John the sonn of John Price the 18 daye James the sonn of George Lewington the same daye ***** Elisabeth the daughtar of Charls and Joane de Barnoux the

29 daye Maried

Robert Hewat and Elisabeth Smith the 19 daye John holt and Ann Francklen the 29 daye

Buried Phillip the sonn of Elisabeth Bollton the Fowarth daye

Maye 1675 Baptised

Margret the daughter of William Oslan Junar the 19 daye William the sonn of Joseph Sweetaple the same daye William Wallar the Sonn of Robert Wallar the 27 daye


Buried Richard Hartley Jent the xi daye The wife of Joseph sweetaple the 23 daye John Pafford the Sonn of Thomas the 28 day

June (16)75 Baptised

James the Sonn of James Blisat the 5th day Ann the daughtar of Isaac Williams ye 6 day Ann the daughtar of William Parsons ye 10th day Elizabeth daughter of John May ye 25th day Thomas son of William Sweet and Elizabeth his wife of Swanwick

the 27th day Maried

stephen Abraham of Botley and margery Cuttler of this p'ish ye 14 day

John Churcher & Mary Colson both of Titchfield parish ye 27th day

Buried The Wife of Richard Mansbrid ye 7 day Thomas Hollarn the tenth daye The Wife of Thomas Wice Junar the 10 daye Elizabeth Gaywood the 14 daye


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July (16)75 Baptized

18 day Mary daughter of Wm Smith & Mary his wife of Stroud green

20 Mary daughter of Thomas Rosseter & Ann his wife of Titchfield

21 Jeremy son of Jeremy Joans & Jane his wife of Titchfield 27 Dorothy Daughter of John Caught & Mary his wife of Brook


Buried 1 day Francis Lock of titchfield [senex] 20 Joan Hains of Titchfield Widdow 22 Ann Wigg daughter of John Wigg [deceased] and Mary his

relict of Swanwick Letitia Moudy wife of Steven Moudy ye Sexton of Titchfield


August 1675 Baptized

3 James son of John West & Martha his wife neer Burseldon ferry 4 Edward Son of Thomas Seager & Elizabeth his wife of Titchfield

5 Thomas son of Giles Leech & Joan his wife of Brook 8 Mary daughter of William Swan & Mary his wife of Crafton

chappelry Ann the daughter of William and Sibble Hunt of Prowling Worth

the twentieth day Married

24 Nicholas Hammond Widdower of Portsmouth Roper & Elizabeth Bolton Widdow of Titchfield

Buried 19 William Pugh of Swanwick senex 28 James Plasket of Casfield

September 1675 Baptized

10 Elizabeth daughter of William West & Mary his wife nere Burseldon ferry

16 Clement son of Will' mayle tanner & Mary his wife of Titchfield

23 Ellenor daughter of John Stokes of Hoock & Elizabeth his wife of Hoock

26 Mary daughter of Will' Huat of Chark & Mary his wife William son of John Man & Elizabeth of***** Hoock William son of Will' Winter & Alice his wife of Prollingworth

Marryed 6 Thomas Daw of Titchfield & Ann White 30 George Longland & Jane Croock both of Newland in this parish



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October 1675 Baptized

7 ----- daughter of John Lane & Elizabeth of Stubbington ***** 19 Mary daughter of Richard Trodd and Joan his wife of Crafton

side 21 Katharine Holt daughter of Edward Holt and Ann his wife of

Titchfield Robert Huat son of Robert Huat & Elizabeth his wife of Charke

Married 18 John Kippon of Wickam parish & Margaret Warner of Titchfield parish

Buried 13 William son of Joseph Sweetapple of Titchfield [infans] 19 ***** John Son of John Richards and Ann of Sarsbury [puer]

November 1675 Baptized

7 John Keepin son of John Keepin & Margaret his wife 9 Thomas Spershot son of Thomas & Mary Spershot of Funtley

Married 2 Richard Arthur & Mary Abram both of Crafton side

Buried ***** 9 Frances Skinner Widdow 12 John Gaterell of Mean Mrs Lamb Widdow & relict to Dr Lamb; that had bin first married

to Mr Beeston; she was Dr Beeston's mother, the now Master of Winchester school

24 William Hills son of Samuel & Ann Hills of Titchfield 25 Ann Austen daughter of Abraham Austen & Ann his wife of

Funtley 28 Robert Gatterell son of John Gatterell of Mean [puer] 29 Andrew Mansbridge of Mean [senex]

December 1675 Baptized

5 Nicolas Hart son of William & Ann his wife of Hill Head 10 Susanna Garrett daughter of Walter & Susanna his wife of

Titchfield, she was born on Munday the 29th of Novem'r last past

26 Elizabeth Stroud daughter of John Stroud of Crafton Married

29 Mark Crow of London, Cooper, & Ellenor Tudar [Widdow & relict of John Tudar deceased] servant to Mr Noel & his Lady

Buried 2 Richard Grant of Mean [senex] 3 Ann Rymond wife of Thomas Rymond of Titchfield 7 Katharine White wife of Thomas White of Kirbridge 10 Mary Trimming Widd' 13 Eliz' Godwin Widd' of Titchfield [anicula] 21 Richard Batt of Tichfield 25 Phoebe Waller daughter of Will' Waller of Lee


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January 1675 Baptized

1 Robert Price son of Peter & Joan of Saesbury 13 Sarah Houghton daughter of William and Sarah of Titchfield 14 William Penford son of William & Ann of Titchfield 20 Elizabeth Chessel daughter of Robert Chessel & Sence his

wife 26 Edward Bean son of Roger [fere octogenary] & Jane his wife

of Chilling 30 Isaac Faithful son of Isaac & Ann his wife of Crafton side 31 Mary Man daughter of Robert Man & Ann of Crafton side


Buried 1 Thomas Colson son of Richard & Mary of Newgate Katherine White of Thomas White of Kirbridge [infantula] 18 Edward Suat son of Henry Suat keeper of Faram-park &

Katharine his wife

February 1675 Baptized

10 day Thomas Missing son of John & Ann of Stubbington 13 Ellen Baker daughter of Thomas Baker & his wife of

Titchfield 20 Henry & Richard Croucher [twins] sons of John & Frances of

27 Sarah Oslin daughter of Francis & Sarah of Hoock Married

3 John Hunt & Dorothy Pugh both of Swannick Buried

4 James Croucher [fere octogenarius] of Titchfield Woodheard to Mr Noel & his Lady

8 Thomas Wild [fere octogenarius] of Titchfield 26 Roger Bean [annoru' circiter octoginta] of Chilling 29 Henry & Richard Croucher [twins]

March 1675 Baptized

17 day Mary Binsted daughter of Peter & Ann of Swenwick 19 Elizabeth Mortimer daughter***** of Thomas & Ann of

Stubbinton 21 Elizabeth Hammond daughter of William & Elizabeth of

Swanwick 23 Margaret Paul daughter of Edward 1676 28 William Trivet son of William & his wife of Titchfield 29 Sarah White daughter of John & Jane of Stroud-green ***** the 15 William the sonn of George and Jane Adams of Funtley

Married 1676 27 day Peter White of Faram parish & Mary Holt of Crofton 28 Leonard Strugnell & Mary Baker of Broock


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Buried 22 day Sarah Oslin daughter of Francis & Sarah of Hoock

April 1676 Baptized

4 day Nicolas Oslin son of Nicolas & Elizabeth of Hoock ***** Elizabeth Osmand daughter of Jon Osmand [Junar] ye 22th day

Married Stephen Mowdy And Marey Crowcher Both of this p'ish the 27 day 11 day George Adams late of Botley & Jane Cleverly of Funtly *****

Buried 6 day Ann Penford daughter of William & Ann of Titchfield [puella 8° circiter annorum] 10 Mary West of William & Mary of Saesbury

***** May 1676 Baptized

Edward Stares of Edward and Elizabeth Stares of Craughton the Second day

Robert Long of Richard Long of Crafton ye 4th d Richard***** Atneue of Richard and Jane the 23 daye Mary Churcher of John and Mary the 25 day


Buried The wife of hanry Lee the Eghth daye the ninth the Sone of Andrew mansbridg Robert Long the Sonn of Richard and mary of Crafton William Stansbe the 29 daye

June 1676 Baptized

Elizabeth Sexey of William and Elizabeth the first daye Thomas Trodd of Thomas and mary of stubington the first daye Robert Walar of Robert and----- of Brook the-----8th Peregrine Forest of Renal forest 23th Lucretia Lymburner of Thomas and Jone Limburner 25th Thomas daw of Thomas daw



(A large part of the leaf on which the following two months entries are made has been cut out. It is not clear whether any entries are missing in consequence.)


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July 1676 Baptized

10 Isaac monday 18 Richard Browne of Richard 29 ***** Catharin nail of Richard and Elizabeth 30 An Penford of William and Ann Penford


Buried ----- Stares daughter of william stares of Faire thorn the

first daye 25 Henry Polter Jent*****

August 1676 Baptized

17 Mary Lun of Franses and Mary Lun of the towne 24 Ann Brock of Thomas



September 1676 Baptized

Elizabeth Bleach daughtar Nicolas and Elizabeth Bleach the 15 daye of ye towne

William Smith of William and***** Cristian Smith of ye towne the 19th daye

Maried Richard Chandlar and Mary Pettiford Boath of Farham Parish the

24th daie Buried

Mary the daughtar of John Church of Leegate the 15th daye

October 1676 Baptized

the 4 day Ann the daughter of Richard and Jone Long Junar of Stubington

Elen the daughter of William and Elen Beues the 22 daie William Spearshot ***** sonn of Robert and mary Spershot of

Whitly the 25 daye Mary strugnel daughter of Liony and mary the same daye Robartt Stares Son of Will' Stares of fairethorn the 15 day

Married John Bowar and Elizabeth Burges Both of this p'rish the third

daye William Cleuerly and Sara stansbe widow Both of the p'rish of

Farham ye Fifth daye Henry Paige and Elizabeth Jarat Both of this p'rish the 12th

daie *****


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Buried Mari Spearshot widdow Who died at steepel Cort in droxford p'sh

the 15th day Lucretia Limburner the 30th daie

***** Nouember 1676 Baptized

Thomas Hall the sonn of Francis and Elizabeth the 17th day Thomas***** Collsun Sonn of William Collsan of Swannick the 21

daie Jane the daughter of John Richards ye 6 daie John the Sonn of Fransis and Elner Antrum the 29th day

Married Nicholas stubington and mary Austen the First daye

Buried Mary the Wife of James Lee of the Towne the 13th day Thomas the sonn of Tho' daw ye 14 day Ann the wife of Edward holt ye 23 day Lucke Landy a Child the 29th daie

December 1676 Baptized

William the Sonn of George and Jane Adams of Funtley the 12th daie

Philip the Sonn of Philip and Thomasun Clewar the 15th daie

***** Richard the Sonn of William and Elizabeth Adams of the Towne ye

21 daye John the Sonn of George Langland ye 17 day Thomas the sonn of Stephen moudy ye 25th day Charls the Sonn of James and Elizabeth Steares Chark the 26th

daie Sarah the daughter of Richard Binnsted of Craughton the same

daie John Antrum ye 26th


Buried Mary mondy the fifth daie Thomas moudye the 28th daye

January 1676 Baptized

Sara the daughter of John and Elizabeth Bown of Shute the sixth daie



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Buried Nicholas Gillinggam of Craffton the third daye ----- Mathews Sann of Mathews of Hoock ye same daye Jonathan shall the fowarth daye Katherin daughter of John maile Jr ye 5 daye William Osland the xi daie Clement the son of William maile ye 14th Elizabeth the daughter of William and Margery Whit of Crabthorn

the 18th daie William the sonn of Fransis Lock the 26 daie

February 1676 Baptized

John the son of John Beall the 2 day Jane the daughtar of Tho' and Elizabeth Wats the fiftenth day Franses the----- of Robert and Joane stephens the sixtenth day


Buried John fry the sonn of John fry of Crafton ye 7 daie Katherin the wife of John feilder of Broom howse the same daie The of Thomas faithfull of funtly the 14th day Ann the daughtar of nicholas Bleach ye 25 day

March 1676 Baptized

Richard the Sann of Richard and Elizabeth Leagat of Hoock the first day

Mary the daughtar of Thomas and Alice Spearshot of Swannick Elme ye 4 day

the 21 William sonn of George Adams (Married)

Buried Roger Brockbridg the 2 day William Trivat the 5th day Edward Cossens of Crafton ye 10 day John Stoakes of fishhouse ye 15 day Elizabeth***** Whit of Crafton ye 16 day

April 1677 Baptized

Nicholas the son of nicholas Littlfield Junar of funtly the fifth daie

Elnar daughter of william smith of stroud green the sixth day Elizabeth daughtar of Thomas and Elizabeth Seagar Jent the

tenth day Ann the daughtar of William*****----- the xith day Charls the sonn of Tho' and mary Gregery ye***** 13 day Stephen the sonn of Robert Tribeck of Burrey the***** 19 day


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Buried Mary daughter of Tho' Spearshot of Swannick Elme the fifth day Thomas Hall the thirtenth day

May 1677 Baptized

Ann the daughtar of John Barnad ye 4 day (Married)

Buried Francis Osland the fiuetenth day Mary ye wife of Tho' Griggery the 17 day Richard Leach the 22 day Nicholas Little of Funtly the 23 day George Marsh the 26 day Richard fitchat the 27 day

June 1677 Baptized

Mary the daughtar of Waltar Charke and Elizabeth the 24th day Maried

William Faithfull of this p'ish and Joan Knight of the parish of Portchester the 4 day

Buried Charls Griggery the third day The Widow King Late Wife of John King of Swannick the 22 day

July 1677 Baptized

Katherin the daughter of John and Katherin Hartwell the 12 day Katherin the daughter of Richard and Katherin Reeves the 16 day Ann ye daughter of John and Ann Landy the same day George the Sonn of Henry and Jane Marsh the 27 day Thomas the Sonn of Richard and----- Caught of Brook the 27 day


Buried ----- Francklen the 13th day Henry Ray the same day James ye sonn of George Lewington ye 15th day

August 1677 Baptized

the***** 7th Mary the daughter of Tho' and Joan Broocker the 14 John the sonn of John and Elizabeth Brothers the 17 John the sonn of John Warnar of Warsash



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Buried Thomas Addams of funtly the 4 day The 19th Elnar the daughtar of William Smith the 20th Mary ye daughtar of ye widow Hamon the 21 Mary ye wife of Rob't Spearshot of St Margrets the 24 Richard Whit of hellhead

September 1677 Baptized

The 6 Sarah the daughtar of John and Elizabeth Bowar***** of Crofton

the 12 Thomas the sonn of William and Alise Wintar of Eayrsdowne

the 25 Mary daughter of Tho' and Mary Spearshot of Funtley the 16 Will' Huntt son of Will' Huntt of Swanick

Maryed Thomas Faithfull and Joan Coopar the 14

Burid Elizbeth mansbridg the 14 the 23 Thomas Seagar Jent the 26 Robeart Chessell and the Wife of Thomas Eames

October 1677 Baptized

the 4 Nicholas the son of Robert Wallar of Broock the 19 Elizabethe the daughtar of Thomas Wigg of Swannick the 24 Jane daughter of Tho' & Elnar Eames the 14 Jane daughter of Jeremiah Joans

Maried the 18 Thomas Gilling game and Ann Lambard

Buried the 16 John Warnar son of John Richard Lee son of Richard ye 20 William Bright ye 24 Tho' Plasket that died at Catsfeild ye 26 The Widow Wice of the towne ye 27 The Widow Wight of Hellhead

Novimber 1677 Baptized

Elizabeth daughter of Robert mann ye first day the 5th Peter the Sonn of Peter Royall the 5th James the Sonn of Tho' Spearshot of Tillmans Greene The xi Edward the sonn of Stephen moudy the 29th William the sonn of John and Elizabeth may the 29th John the sonn of William mayl the Tanar in mill street

Maried the first day Mordecay Carcher and Sarah Cox the 13th William Reevs and Mary Knight


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Buried the second Ann ye wife of Anthony Barry the 6 mary Foster of Swannick the 14th Anthony Oliffe the 27th Mary daughter Tho' Broocke the 27 William sonn of Robert Spearshot of Wt the 29 Robert Waters of Hoock

December 1677 Baptized

the xi day Jiles Leach the sonn of Jiles and Joan Leach the youngar

the 16th Edmun Paul sonn of Edmun Paul the 23th William ye sonn of Peter and Joan Price


Buried ye 4th day Richard Tribeck the 5th----- Armes a traveling man the 5 John Bricknels wife of Hoock

January 1677 Baptized

The 6 day Elizabeth daugher of Richard & Eliner Haerren The 10 day Elizabeth daughter of John Joans The 10 Mary daughter of Nicholas stubington The 17 Margret daughter of James & Eliner stears The 23 Thomas sonn of Thomas Limburner The 27 Henry the sonn of William sweet


Buryed the 4th day Henry sonn of John mayle

February 1677 Baptized

the***** xi Thomas sonn of Thomas mathews of hook the 22 William spershot sonn of John and Elizabeth Spershot The 28 John Atneve Sonn of Richard and Jane Atneve The 14 Elizabeth daughtar of Richard and mary Brown The 14 Sara daughter of Edward and Elizabeth stears of

Foxburies The 14 Mary Whit daughter of John & Jane Whit of stroud geen


Buried the first day Ann the Wife of John Hasted


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March 1677 Baptized

the 5 day Mary daughter of John and Mary Comber the 12th James and John ye sonns of John & Ann Heather the 15 Ann ye daughter of William & Ann Bright the 17 John ye sonn of Thomas spearshot of Elme the 23 Joane ye daughter of Wm & Joan faithfull the 30th Henry ye sonn of William Knight 1678


Buried Richard Adams ye first day The 7th George Aldredg of Hoock the 20 William Holt the***** 25 Liniall Luff the 26 James Heather the 30 Ann wassaill

Aprill 1678 Baptized

the 7 Ann ye daughter of Wm & Elizabeth Haman the 25 Elizabeth daughtar of John & Mary Cixxey the 3 William ye son of Richard & Elizabeth Binsted


Buried the 4th John Heather the 9 Mts Elizabeth Tilley the 23 moses osland the 26 ye widow Eames the 29 Wm sonn of Wm Cleverly of Catsfield

May 1678 Baptized

the 15 Katherine daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth***** Seagar of ye Towne

the 27 Mary daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Mayl the 30th John Hunt of John & dorothy Hunt


Buried The 21 Sarah ye wife of Wm Cleverly Casfield the 27 Mary Sanford the 29 William Wassail of Hellhead the 30 Mary Butler the 31 Philip Clewer

***** June 1678 Baptized

the 4 william Churcher son of Robert & Frances the 6 Robert Kerby son of william & Julian Kerby the 23 Mary stroud daughter of John stroud


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Maried Richard mansbridg & sarah Kinley the 7 day

Buried the 5 Thomas Leadwell the 7 Jams Kindley the 13 John Godfree the 13 Fentch Bartholomu the 18 Robert Spearshot of St Margats


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The main page index is by surname and initials. If a particular combination of surname and initial occurs more than once on a page the number of instances is given in brackets after the page number. However, two or more references to the same surname and initial on any particular page are not necessarily to the same individual. The widely varied spelling of the period makes for great difficulties in indexing. To avoid over-burdening the index with cross-references, variants of each surname have been grouped together. Cross-references are not provided unless the variants have different initial letters.

Indexes are also provided to the place names, descriptive names (mostly occupations) and to given names where no surname is apparent.


Abraham, Abram: A 58; C 7; E 28,114: G 31,43,51,58,68; H 24, 28,34,43,47(2),58,148; J 34(2),68,107; M 34,47,51,151; S 58, 149; W 58; ? 148. Abrie: C 116. Adams, Addams: A 8,52,58,122; C 59; E 155; G 60,152,153,155, 156; J 4,39(2),49,88,90, 97,121,125(2),130,148,152,155; L 85; M 29,88; N 46; R 4,25,26(2),38,76,82,132,155,160; S 49,70, 85(2); T37,38,158; W 8,11(2),25(2),29,30,37,46,49,52,57,58, 59, 64 (2), 70, 76, 82, 85, 92 (2), 97,103,118,121,123, 124, 141, 142(2),148,152,155(2)156; ? 103,109,130,137. Albery: C 82; T 87; W 2,20(2),22,87,92; ? 2,22. Aldredg: G 160. Allen, Allene, Alline, Alin: A 38,60,92; E 80; H 4,29,69; J 55(2),60,69,73,80(2),86; K 6; M 4; R 69; T 80; ? 34, 73. Alles, Alice: A 132; R 116; ? 132. Alington: J 135. Aman see Ham(m)an(d) Anderson: S 105. Angell, Angel: A 135; E 144; M 135,143; R 46,135,143,144; W 46.

115. Anslie, Ansley: A Antrum, Antrem: E Apleford: W 89; ? Armes: ? 159.

14,115; R 115; S 138,142,146,155; 37.

F 138,146(3),155; J 155(2).

Arnold(e): J 41; M 27; T 18; ? 45. Arthur(s), Art(h)ar(s), Arther, Arters: R 70,99,151; T 116; ? 103,135. A(u)stin, Austen: A 32,151(3); D 71,72;


L 99,103,135,138;

E 11,26,47; J 60,88;

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M 81,84,155; R 39(2),47,60,71,81,84,89; W 14. Atneve: J 153,159(2); R 153(2),159. Aylief(f) (e), Oyllef: A 26,31(2),37,44,109; E 11,44,109; M 37; R 6(2) ,9; ? 6.


Baberstock, Babarstock, Baverstock: C 136; E 6,85; J 6; R 18, 131; ? 33. Badston(e): A 88; F 50; J 50,74; R 50,74. Bagley: N 14. Baker: E 36,45,152; J 10(2),31,35,56,59,64,88; M42,59,63,64,152; P 10,31,35,36,42,45,48(2),56,63,84,88; T 84, 152. Ballard: A 24; C 27; E 6; T 6,7,23,64. Barber: L 90,114; M 90,123,131; R 114. Barfoote: ? 23. Bark: H 133. Barling: A 142; W 136,142. Barna(r)d: A 21,157; E 134; F 115; J 96(3),106(2),115,134,145,157; R 145; W 124; ? 124. de Barnoux: C 149; E 149; J 149. Barnham, Barnum: J 107,110,135,136; M 107; P 110. Bar(r) (e)y: A 64,67(2),74,81,82,86(2),91,94,99,106,107,lll, 119,159 (2); E 95; F 75; J 28, 71 (2), 91 (3), 106; K 5; M 94; R 28, 75 (3), 87 (2), 91, 95, 99,104,111,119; S 104; T 81,104; W 71,74,82,104,107. Barrow: J 135; M 138; W 137. Bartholomew, Bartholomu: F 147,161; J 147; ? 81. Barton: J 87. Bassatt, Basset: J 37; M 37; R 10,50; S 10,114; ? 105. Bastard: E 8; ? 8. Ba(r)ston: A 20,32,44; F 4,101; R 13(2),20,32,101,102,110,lll,147; ? 111. Batt (e): A 92 (2), 96,102,113,117,121,128,134,137,139,148; B 117; E 40, 43, 44, 82, 96,121; F 102,125,139; H 132; J 22,128,134,137; M 38,113; R 5,22,40,42,82,92(2),101(2),114(2),125,132,151; ? 43. Bayle(y), Baylie, Baily: A 88,103; G 12; J 87,94; N 47,88,112; R 109; T 81(2),88,103,112,119;? 87. Be(a}(c)ker, Beakar: A 5; J 5,7,97(2),102(2),103,137,140; Ml27,134,144; P 93,105,141,144; T 105,140; W 93; ? 103,127. Beaman: M 106. Bed(d)ford: B 77; E 114; H 92; J 92,98; ? 107(2). Beedleton: M 14,33. Beele, Beale, Beall: E 56; G 41; J 49,143,156(2); M 143; R 31, 41, 49, 54, 56. Beene, Be(e)an: A 26,92; E 3,131,152; F 56; G 48; J 152; R 3,17(2),18(2),26,48,49,131,152(2); W 3.


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Bees(t)on(e), Be(a)ston: A 17; F 48; L 5; W 10(2),17,18; ? 48,67,151(2). Begley: A 31. Belier: J 146. Betshall: A 18. Beues: E 154(2); S 70; W 145(2),154. Bewmont, Beaumont: G 11; W 43. Bignell: A 136. Binsten, Bin(n)ste(a)d(d), Ben(n)ste(a)d, Bennsted: A 12,15,16,27,30,101,104,110(2),118,126,129,132,140,152; C 147; E 6,27,37,114,126,128,133,140,160; G 6,15,19,27,29,132; J 27,84,121,143; M152; P 118,128,140,152; R 14,28(2},29(2),37,80,113,114,115(2}121,123(2),126(2), 129,143,147,155,160; S 140,155; W 12,104,160; ? 19,29,65. Birch: W 17. Bittle: J 146; M146. Blackdowne: J 10. Blake: J 57,59. Bleach: A 140,156; E 154(2); N 140,154,156; R 135. Blis(s)at(t), Blessat:E 141; J 136,141,149(2). Blunden, Blinden: E 11; J 3,11; M 3; ? 17,18,61. Boades: S 33. Boggest: J 2. Bol(l)ton: E 87,149, 150; J 87;N 82,140; P 82,128,149. Bonar: M 106,122; ? 106,122. Bowar, Bowers: A 17,45; E 158; J 2,18,19,110,111,154,158; M 127, N 2,110,111; R 10,17,19; S 158; T 9(2),18,27,74. Bowles, Boules: E 3,80; G 19; R 3,19,27,45. Bown, Bowne, Bound(e): E 60,155; J 21,133,140,142,146,155; K 133; M 4; N 4,21,24; S 155; W 146; ? 140. Bowyer: E 13. Boyes: E 48,51; J 51. Bradbridge: R 31,72(2). Bradfeild, Broadfield: E 52; R52,106,123. Bradshaw(e): J 64; T 20,25,64. Briant, Bryant: R 100; W 94(2),100,129; ? 129. Brickeldon, Brickelton, Brithelton, Britl(e)ton: A 75; E 125; J 53,60,63; K 125; M 53,60,75,125; R 44,48; ? 63. Bricknel(l), Brinknell: E 80,95; F 141; J 68(3),71,80,90 (2),106,113(3),117,122,141,159; M 82,83; R 113;

T 78(2),79,82,84,85,122; W 71(2),83;? 68,84,106,159. Brig': F 8. Bright: A 8,25,31,160(2); E 14,31,35,86,106,118,127,140; G 97; H 14,17(2),25,26,31(2),35,43,54,63(2),83,86,120; J 91,118; M 43; R 127; S 54; T 114; W 78(2),83,91,97,106,114,118,127,140,158,160; ? 26. Bristo(w) (e), Bristoo, Bristwo: A 68,78(2),105,106; E 46,106; F 25; J 69,106; M 7,28,40,104,105; T 28,31,34(2),46,69,73,99(2),104,105;? 38. Brockbridg: M 89; R 156.


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Bro ( o ) ( c) k ( e ) ( s ) : A 15 4 ; C 119; E 6 5; M 15 9; T 56, 65 (3), 119,148 (2), 154,159; ? 15, 56. Broman: R 89. Brooker, Broker, Broo(c)kar: A 68,73; E 30,148; J 157; M 44,82,157; R 44; T 44,68,82,141,148,157;? 39. Broomfeild: A 20; H20. Brothers: A 70,83,135; E 134(2),148,157; J 44 (2), 51 (2), 64, 70, 76 (4), 83,117,127,133,134, 148,157 (2); M 148; S 64,70,76(2); ? 117. Brown(e), Broune: A 5; C 5; E 18,40,78,128,141,146,159; F 59; J 148; K 71,133; M 47,74,132,141,145,148,159; R 18, 40, 47, 54 (2), 59, 66, 71, 74 (2), 132,137,141,145 (2), 146, 147(2),148,154(2)159; W 28(2),34,79;? 60,119. Bruning: M 100. Bryday: R 93. Bucket: ? 13(2). Bugges: F 22. Burges: E 154; J 134,137(2). Burrell: A 44; W 44. Burrowes: A 27. Burstoe: E 74; T 74. Butcher: A 85. But(t)ler, Buttlar: J 93; M 136,160; N 93; ? 146.


Carcher: M 158. Carden: B 147; J 9; J 27. Carkis: E 41; ? 41. Calloway, Callyway: w 65(2),67. Camber: D 123. Canninges: R 36. Carpenter, Carpenter: A 16; E 26(2); J 12,26(2),41; ?44. Cartar, Carter: A 36,39; E 27,51,100; F 27,31,36,40,45,51; L 30,31,39,47,73; M 129; N 129; R 30,31,46(2); S 45; W 8; ? 42,47. Cat(t)e: J 69(2); R 69,72; ? 72. Cau(gh)t(e), Cawte, Corte: A 29,102,103,129; D 79,92,150; E 35,62,; F 53; J 53,107(2),109,110,139(2),145,146,150; M 65,69,133,150; R 29,35,41(3),61,62,64,65,69,79,83(2), 91,102,103,107(2),109,110,123,145,146,157; T 91,157; W 47,61,64;? 26,53(2),157. Cerby see Kerby. Chambel(a)in(e), Chambarlin, Chamberlen: A 130;J 97, 106,107,110(2),112,117(2),124; L 112; M 105; W 117,123, 130, ? 123. Chandler, Chandlar: J 133; R 154. Channell: E 14; N 4. Charke: E 157; M 157; W 157. Charker, Charkar: A 90,97; E 90,97; S 109; W 90,97,109;


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? 96. Charles the 2: 120 Chawcraft, Chacraft: A 64; W 61,64,68. Chessel(l), Chestl(e), Chestell, Chussell: ClOO; E 152; J 123,143; M 75(3) 132; P 85(2),94(2),116, 123,132,142; R 75(2),85,89(2),91,94,100,106(2),109(2),116(2),122(2), 123,132,142,143,145,152,l58; S 152. Chid(d)l(e)y: T 97(2),101(2),115,117, 119; W 22,115,117. Childe, Childes: A 3; ? 54. Church: J 154; M 154. Churcher, Churchar: A 45,49,50,78,87,133; E 77,98; F 107,139,160; J 7,38,67,80,149, 153; M 153(2); P 60; R 29,36,107,137(2),160; S 58; T 4(2),27,50,60,78(2),87, 119,137; W 38,49,58,66(2),77,98,119,160; ?137. Cixxey see Sexey. Clar(c)k(e): A 141; E 73; M 103,109; S 74; T 73,102; ? 65(2),109,141. Clase, Klase: J 47; K47. Cleuer(l) (e)y, Cleverly, A 37,48,75,125; E 3,45,56; J 8,20,27,37,45,48,58(2),59,66, 77(2),111,117,130,132, 153; M 51; P 49,51,56,63(2),76(2); R 2; S 160; T 27, 117(2),125; W 20,48(2),66,76,77,154,l60(3)? 143. Clewer, Clewar, Clewor, Cluer: A 26,30,62; D 130; E 19,47,66,80,107,142; J 30,66,84;K 140; M 39, 46,139,140,142,145; N 47 (2), 74,116 (2); P 10(2),12(2),19,30,(2),36,46,53(2),62,72,80,84,92,107, lll,135,139,142,144,145,155(2),160; R 2,26,39,74;3 92; T 2,74,155; W 10,142; ? 10,72,112,116(2). Coffin: F 148. Collett: ? 24,56. Collyar: J 135. Collins, Collens: E 51,55(2),59,63(2),65(2),93,113(2); G9: H 35; J 50,59,76(2); M 35; S 50; ? 9. Colles, Collas, Coles: J 17; R 79; S 33,72,79,123; T 141; ? 33, 72, 123. Colloweway: W 61. Collsen, Collsen, Collsun, Collsons, Colles sonn: B 40; E 12,17,139; J 103,126(2),128; M 144,149,152; R 9,14,17, 31,40(2),103,124,128,139,l40,144,152; S 126;T 152,155; W 40,119(2),126(2),155;? 9,31,42. Cornbar(s), Comber, Connbar: J 103,119,144,148,160; M 119,160 (2); W 144; ? 103, 148. Cooke: A 82,94; M 82,84,94; S 84. Coopar, Cooper, Copar, Coop': A 3,25,26,63,90,94,96,120; E 14,22,29,32,37(2),48,67, 112,113,116,123,129,133(2), 147; H 133; J 10,15,19,58(2),63,67,77(2),83,84(2),90,92, 94, 96,100 (2), 104,106,111 (2), 112,120 (2), 123,129,132, 133(2), 135(2),139(2),145,147,158; K 92; M 83,112; N 3,4; R 15,123; S 32,106,145; T 5,14,48; ? 15,22,135. Corbet, Corbett: F 7; S 2. Corderoy, Cordrey: E 25; T 145; ? 69. Cortnell: A 104 ,131; R 123(2); ? 104,123.


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Cos(s)en(s), Cus(s)en(s), Cussum, Cassens: A 64,70,114,124; E 33,35,46,70,93,121,124,130(3),132,134, 137,156; J 7, 23, 35, 46, 88,103,107,115,124,127; M 14, 64, 93 (2), 107,127,137; R 3(2),23,133; T 33,115; W 7,56,107; ? 128,130,132. Cossat: A 102. Cotten: E 19; W 19,43,51. Cottler: R 72(2). Courtnell: M 50; R 50. Cox(e): E 133; S 158. Cradeck: M 140. Craft: M 82. Cram: S 75. Crandley: A 39; C 26; R 39. Craswell: T 73. Crip(p)s: A 4; J 27; N 14,20; R 4; ? 14. Crispine: A 10. Croock: J 150. Crosbey: R 37. Crossman, Crasman: A 44; J 45; R 43; W 44,45,50,56(2),109; ? 116. Crow: M 151. Crowcher, Crowchar, Croucher, Crouchar: A 21,115;E 22,59, 71,81,82,84; F152; H 152(2); J 8(2),10(2),2122,27,32,34, 38, 43, 47 (2), 53, 61, 71, 81, 82, 97,100 (2), 114 (2), 115,122,143, 152(2); M 32,34,38,43,53,95,153; R 152(2); S 61; T 43,78, 143; W 57,78,84,95,107,115,122,132(2); ? 107. Crumpler: E 31. Cumber, Cumbar: E 78; G 71; J 61, 62, 65 (2), 71, 78, 96,128; M 27; N 96; R 27,128. Cussell: E 49; ? 49. Cut(t)ler, Cut(t)lar: J 94; M 63,125,149; R 63,94,123, 125,147; W 123.


Dallapl(e)y: E 52; G 19; W 19; ? 18. Dance: J 20. Darse: A 65; R 61. Darvolle: H 16. Dash: A 10; E 115,116; H 58; J 69,115,116. Deues see Beues. Davise~avis(s), Daues: A 27,61; E 24; H 96,134; J 7(2), 17,18,24,26,31,47; S 72; ? 17,96. Dawes, Daw, Daa: A 14,16,51,62(2),65; J 62(2); S 43,51, 95; T 16,20,29(2),43,51,109,116,l21,150,153(2),155(2); V 23; W 8; ? 51, 109. Dawkins: E 38; N 29,38,54; S 29. Daye, Day, Daa: A 41; D 41,48(2),54; E 54; J 10,61; R 3 Dean (e) (S): A 46; G 14, 31, 95; J 76, 86; M 14, 31, 86,129;


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T 34; ? 110. Deckson: A 68. Deepe: A 79,126; R 77,79,126(2); S 77; ? 126. Dickin: S 135. Diggesson: E '117; R 117. Domer : R 7 3 ( 2 ) . Dorell, Dorall: E 67; T 67. Dowling(e): A 32; J 14,16,32(2),40(2),42,78; T 30; ? 14,40(2). Downes : R 16. Dowse: D 36; R 28,43; ? 42, Dredg: J 82; K 82. Drew: J 50. Duke: A 36; E 46,104; J 32; P 39,70,126(2); R 32,36(2), 46,47,62(2),104.? 47,53,62(2). Dumer, Dumar: A 98; E 65,99; J 61; R 65,98,101,106; W106. Dumpar: G 127. Durrant: J 59. Dyer: H 106.


E(a)m(e)s: A 100; C 46: E 158: J 101,158; K 128; M 95,98, 113; P 95,101,113,128; R 41,86,113; T 41,46,158(2); ? 3, 158,160. Eaten: J 110; w 101(2),110. Eccar: G 35. Edward(e)s: J 32; R 24,64; S 81; T 1,24,32,42,52; ? 42. Eldreg: G 109,110. Ellis, Hellis: G 31; J 17. Elmes; A 12; G 12. Emmery, Emery: A 50; J 19; ? 74. Euens, Ewens: J 9; T 98; ? 98. Everit, Everid(e), Evered: C 8,11,25,34,36,39,62,84; J 11; M 34,36,84; N 25; P 39.


Faithfull, Faythfull, Faithful: A 152;1 152(2); J 23(2), 33, 54, 61 (2), 68,101,160 (2); P 11; T 156, 158;W 68,157,160; ? 23,33,54; Fallett: E 51. Faro: J 121. Fawckner, Falkner: J 38,41,94. Fegg: R 133. Fel(l)der, F(e) (i) (l)ldar: A 43,87,90,104,108; D 96,117;


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E 4; F 32,35; G 76; J 4,12,25,33,35,39,43,68,73,125,134, 156; K 156; 112,101,104,108,118,125; M 117,118; R 88, 108; T 33,39; W 33,68,81(2),88,96,108,117. Fetcher: W 73. Fillpott see Philpott. Fitchat(t), Fitchett, Fechett: A 35; E 46,61; J 13,46,52, 61,70,76,134; M 142; N 121,124(2),131,139; R 52,131,137, 157; S 70,114; ? 16,142. Flasket see Plasket. Fillpott see Philpot. Flowerdew: T 47; W 44,47. Forder; A 57; R 54(2) 57. For(r)est: E 126,129; J 144,145; P 153; R 126,129,141, 142,145,153; S 141,142. For(r)ester: J 134,139(2); R 134. Fos(s)ter, Fostar: A 36,48,87; C 100(2),105; E 9(2), 14(2),19,28,46,100,113,128; G 3,14; H 9; J 87,95(2),101, 103,122(2); K 103; M 7,8,11,38,159; P 29,38,127; R 3,7, 8,19,36,100,105,113,144; T 34,38(2),48,57; ? 3,14,100, 144. Fox: A 85; F 85; M 85,107; S 94; ? 94. Francis: ? 67. Franklin, Fran(c)klen: A 81,149; E 81,125; J 2,81,88(2), 96,104,112,119,125,133; M 96; R 81,88,96,104,112,119; S 119; T 104; ? 111,157. Fran(c)kum, Franckam: A 3; E 5,34; J 3,5,14,20(2),26,34, 35,55(2); M 26. Francks: W 59. Freeland: F 34; W 34. Freeman: J 53. Freemantell: T 2. Frost: W 80. Frowd: C 24. Fry(e): A 17; E 65,90; F 57; J 97,156(2); K 148; M 46, 64,89; N 82,83; R 19,82; T 148; W 19,34,38(2),46,51,64, 65,69,82,83,89,97,103(3),148; ? 51,57. Fuller: S 64.


Gagge: T 127. Gale: T 53. Gamman: E 34; J 35; R 22,34. Gar(r)at(t), Gar(r)ett: A 101; E 61,140,141,147; M 8; R 22; S 24,147,151(2); W 8,24,29,135,140,141,147,151; ? 35,99. Gater: J 17. Gat (t) (e) ri (1) 1, Gat (t) (e) rell, Gatriel: A 142; E 82, 91; J 91,96(2),103,111,122,132,142,147,151(2); M 89,95,122, 142; R 82,98,100,lll,116,122,129(2),132,142,146, 151; T 103,116; W 89,104,122(2),129; ? 98,122,129,147.


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Ga(w)dey: C 23; E 11,41,103,104; Mll; ? 41,103. Gaywood, Gaw(w)ood: A 130; B 51, 138; E 19,23,149; F 24,36~110; H 8,100,104,110,123,130,136,138; J 5(2),8, 19,23,24,29,36(3),46,51,56,59,126; M 104,123,130; N 123; P 29,56,59; W 46. George: J 91,99(2); M 91. Giar: R 99,102; W 99,102. Gibbens: E 20,84; I 17; J 12(2),39,103; K 103; W 20; '? 39,98. Gill: W 54(2) ,55(3). Gilling(g) (h)am(e): A 22,143; E 65; J 83; M 14; N 44,143, 156; R 62; T 35,103,158; ? 39,65,83. Glas(s)pol(l) (e), Gla'oll: A 18,33(2),41,47,86,118, 142(2); C 20; E 7,18(2),21.49; H 21; J 11(2),18,19,20(2), 21,22,27,30,32,33,40(2),46,48,49,89,108,109,143; M 17,18, 71,121(2),127; R 56; S 10; T 18(3),24,27,32,36,41,47,56, 105,106(2),111(2),112,121,127,142; W 7,19,20,21,22,25,33, 86,108,109,126,138; ? 76,123. Gleed: A 71(2); M 71(2). Goddard: R 61. Godden: A 9,60; E 13; I 6,19; M 24; W 6,13,19,24,131. Godfrey, Godfry, Godfree: E 41,141; J 35,41,43(2),66,161; R 51. Godward: R 102; ? 102. Godwyn, Go(o)dwin(ne): A 80; E 151; J 80; R 142; W 142. Gol(d)finch: E 104; G 27,28(2),39,47,89,104(2),114; J 39; M 114; T 26,47; ? 84. Goldsmith: U 138. Goones: M 139. Gost, Goost, Goast, Ghost: A 133; G 69; J 30,119; M 89; R 26,83,87; ? 83. Goter: J 18. Grant: R 133,151. Gray: E 137; J 57; R 57. Green(e): E 113; J 45; N 27,45,50,55; T 50. Green(e)widg(e), Greenwedg(e)e, Grinedg, G(r)inna(d)g(e): E 148; J 34; M 62,90,142; T 82; W 62,68(2) ,82,90.138,139, 142,148; '? 86. G(h)re(e) (a)t(h)am, Greetom, Grittom: C 110; E 6,16,38,78, 101; F 3,6,16(4) ,29,31(2) ,38,48,61,74,101, 133; J 28,52,59, 61,66,74,132; M 59; N 66; R 110; W 18,48,133; ? 52. Gre(a)gory, Gre(a)gery, Griggory, Griggery: C 156,157; D 138,144; E 87,145; M 156,157; R 8,14,45,108,124,125, 146; T 91(2),108,124,125,138,144, 146,156,157; W 8,14. Griffen: G 51; ? 51. Grimes: W 4. Grove, Graue: J 5,28,38,.59(2),67(2),82(2),86(2),127,135 ..


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Hacher: M 70. Hack: C 95,98; E 86; K 108; M 79,113; W 79,83(4),86,95, 104 (2), 105 (2), 108,113,141,145; ? 141. Hackesworth: S 5. Haerren: E 159(2); R 159. Hall (e): A72; E 145,146,155; F 145,146,155; H 144; J 25; T 25,155,157; ? 145. Ha(m)man(d), Ham(m)on(d), Hamam, Aman: A 6,11,23,34(2), 119,148,160; B 11,140; D 79; E 60,113,128,152(2),160; G 38; H 34,124,126; J 5,11,23,31,97,113(2),124,126,140; M 6,49,78,97,158;N 5,13(2),31,34, 117,150; S 25,102,106; W 25,49, 60,140,152,160; ? 43,148,158. Hampton: J 64; M64. Hamlett, Hamblet, Hamblett: A 121,129; E 121,142; W 118, 121,129(2) ,142. Hancock, Hencock: E 25,35,51; J 5,46; M 6; S 11,25,35,51,68; W 5,6,46,53; ? 5. Hankin: D 52; J 52. Harding, Hardinge: E 53,62,88; F 144; w 8,61,144. Harfard, Harffard, Har(r)ford, Hartford: C 59; D 2; E 48, 58(2),72; J 48,61,113; M 12,13,15(2),17; T 81; W 13,14, 17, 24,59,72; ? 17,22. Barfield, Harffeild: W 144,147(2),148(2). Harm(e)sworth: E 34; F 34; J 60,74,95,98; R 7,42,60; W 74; ? 48. Harmswood: J 66(2). Harper: G 13. Harris(se), Harres: A 20,27; E 20; J 87; M 130; P 98; R 98. Harrissen, Harrison: A 37; E 103. Hart(e): Al51; J 26,34,139; M 62,135; N 50,151; R 42; W 48, 128(2),139,151. Hartl(e)y: A 14; E 93; F 32; R 14.32,110,149; ? 110. Ha(e)rtwell: A 41; E 31,63,98,141; G 115; J 36,112,115, 122(2),129,141,157; K 115,122,129,157(2); P 19; R 25,36, 41,56,63,70,129,145; S 22. Harwood: M 118,135; R 113,118,135; T 113. Hasell: J 16; ? 16. Has(s)ted: A 95,110,143,159; E 131; J 95(2),100,110, 121 (2), 131,133 (2), 143 (2), 148 (2), 159; T 100,128. Hau(c)kens: E 111; T 111. Haymes: F 60; T60. Hayn(e)s, Hain(e)s: F 60,140; J 90(2),150; S 72,T 40,60,72,90, 136. Hayter: M 3. Hearde: G 33. Hearley, Herley: E 53; J 41,53,65(2),70(2),88; Mll; N41,42. Hearth: H 19. He(a)ther: A 160; J 160(5), ? 72.


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Heeckly: M 139. Helcoch: E 66. Hellier: J 78; R 83. Hellis: see Ellis. Herren: E 137, R 137. Herssey: M 53. Hether, Heather: A 160; J 160(2); ? 72. Heward(s), Hawword: A 6; E 61; J 6,16,19,27,41,45,47,48, 61,115; M 47,61; ? 27,41. Hewat, Hewet(t), Huat: A 83,115; E 117,142,151; J 31,83, 89(2),95,104(2),112,117,144; M 150(2); R 109(2),134,149, 151(2); S 109; T 2,115,144; W 83,127,145,150; ? 109,127. Hewes, Hewse, Hughes, Huse: C 24; E 107; J 88,103,107, R 13. Hid(e), Hyde: A 21,48,57; I 85.114; J 32,35,42(2),57,65(2), 74; K 69; M 60,75(2); N 48,57,60,69,73,75(2),85(2); R 15; S 5; T 57; W 50; ? 73. Higgens, Higgins: A 35; H 36,85; N 24; ? 61. Hill(e)s: A 151; G 12,47,54,111; P 138.141; R 12,47; S 121(2),138,146,151; W 111,146,151; ? 98. Hil(l)ro(a)d(e): J 37(2),46(2),54. Hin(c)k(e)s: A 33; D 63; G 63; H 53; R 33,45(2),53,63,140, 146 ( 2) . Hitchcock: W 60. Hobbey: J 11,19(2); R 11. Hobbs: J 74. Hockl(e)y: M 61; ? 71. Ho(ck)craft(e), Ho(o)cra(f)t(e): A 10,31,41,67,70; C 53; E 70; J 5,16,49,57,110; M 30,58(2),70,72,143; S 45,50(2), 57,67,73; T 31,108; W 10,30,40,43(2),102,143; ? 16,72, 110. Holkam: E 14. Hollarn: T 149. Holland: A 17, Holliday: J 12. Hollis(e), Holles: E 41,48,129,141; J 13,26; R 2(2),13,26,36, 41 (2), 48, 84; ? 36. Hollister, Hollester: A 126,133; J 126,133,136. Ho(o)lt(e): A 23,24,97,151,155; E 54,132,145,148,151,155; J 36,76(3),123,124,146,149; K 151; M 84,97,152; P 43; T 34, 36,43,46(2),54,64,76(4); W 13,64,76,132,147,160; ? 76,84. Hoockar, Ho(o)cker: J 118,134(2),145. Hooke, Hoock, Hook: A 62; H 34,112; J 71; M 99; R 21,34,42(2), 62,71,97,99,112;? 24(2),112. Hoopar: J 123. Hoare, Whore: J 47(2) 66. Hop(p)l(e) (y): A 9,41; D 88; H 40; J 24,32,54,120,142; R 9(2),26(2),40,47,54,55(2),88,92,132; W 9,24,32,40,41,47, 97,111. Horne: A 11. Harwell: M 104. Houghton, Houghten, Howghton, Houg': A 4,79,81; B 120; C 6,43; E 6,28,30,35,95,96,106,127,130,138,139; J 6,22,28,


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35(2),43,63,71,76,84,101,120; Kl42; M 13,57,63,77,78; P 52, 66,73,128; R 59,146; S 10,105,120,152(2); T 28,30, 37(2),52,59,66,71,73,76,78,81(2),89,118,130,142,149(2); W 4,10,21(4),22,28,35(3),38(2),52,77(2),83(2),89,95,96, 101,105,106,107,115 (2), 120 (2), 127,130,138,139,141,146, 152; ? 52, 107. Howse: M 52. Hughes, Huse: C 24; J 103; R 13. Hull; J 53. Hunt (t) (e): A 150; D 160; E 140; J 152,160 (2); R 82; S 132(2),150; T 26; W 127,132,140,150,158(2).


Il(e)sley: J 39(2),40; ? 53.


Jackson: J 70; M 85. James: A 39; E 15. Jaret: E 154. J(e)anes: H 5,46; K 86. Johnson: M 109. Jo(a)n(e)s: E 159; J 142(2),150(3),158(2),159;? 15,142. J(o)urd(e), Joard: A 65,72; D 109; E 135; M 7,135; N 23; S 135. Jourdan, Jourden, Jarden: A 15; M 136; S 114,138,139; ? 138. Julan, Julen, Julen(n): B 140; W 137,140(2),144(2).


Keepin, Kippon: J 151(2); M 151. Keeth: J 57. Ken(d)l(e)y, Kin(n) (e)ly, Kin(a)ley, Kenler: A 48,88,93; E 22(2),27,70,72,80,122; J 13,36(2),38,43(2),44,48,56, 63(2),70,80,93,120,133,138,144,161; M 27,44; N 76; P 138; R 75; S 56,161; T 144. Kerb(e) (y), Kirb(i)e(y), Cerby: A 25,118(2),122, 144; E 75,140; J 78,160; L 118; M 70,78; R 160; S 12; W 12,99, 122,134(2),140,144,160. Killwick: G 113. Kinchin: A 75; J 75. King (e): A 24,100,115; E 7,115,116,124; H 115,116; J 5, 24,28,32,89,100,113,124,133,157; M 121; S 32,124(2),128,


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133,144(2); W 4,7,18(2),121,124,128,132,139(2);? 4,5,9, 28,148,157. Kinggood: A 113. Kinley: J 144; T 144. Klase see Clase. Knig(h)t: A 33,34,37,42,44,62,120,124,127; C 29; D 58; E 21, 25(3),27,28,29,30, 34,38,83, 102,105; H 25,29,48, 160; J 10,11(2),15,29(2),32,35,40(2),92,102,145,157; M 17,20,34, 37,64(2),127,158; P 10,20; R 10,29,34,46,68, 75,118; T 3 (2), 10 (2), 28, 30,38, 40, 42, 46, 58, 62, 64, 75,83 (2), 92,118,120,127, 145; W 28,51,115(2),127(2),160;? 11,15, 29,40,90. Knowleman: M 5. Knowler: S 33


Lamb, Lam(e): J 67; R 67,135;? 118(2);151(2). Lamburn: E 125. Lampard, Lamperd, Lampert, Lambard: A 16,93,158; E 49; J 10,15,37,49,65,74; S 37. Land(e) (y},Landay: A 4,29,60,64,72,147,157(2}; E 3,19,26, 30(5),32,37(2),48(2),67,134,147(2); H 72; J 6,17,40, 137(2),147,157; L 23,72,155; P 4,18(2)24(2),29(2)32,40, 53,72,105; R 6,33(2),43,72,147;W 3,19,74; ? 108. Lan(n)e: E 2,26,86,151; J 125,129(2),146,151; W 2,40,54; ? 146,151. Langgford, Lanckford: T 139; W 143. Laui, Lav(e)y: D 88; E 82; J 67,94; K 79(2); R 75,82,88, 94,100; W 79; ? 75. Lavo(o)se: E 18; J 24. Lawrence: A 74; J 75. Leach, Leech: A 4,42,102,124,132,138,147; C 92; E 29; G 4,29,42,53(2),69,71(2),88, 150; J 15,71,73,102,113,114, 118,150,159(3); K 49; M 71,144; N 15,35(2),49,57; R 11, 113,114,118(2),124,130(2),132,138,143,144,157; T 150; ? 88,133, 143. Le(a)dwell, Ledwoll: A 38,44,70; C 99; E 124; J 146(2); M 133; P 101,102; T 38,65(2) 78,99,101,102,110,124,133, 146,161; W 110; ? 78. Lee: A 94,98,122,131,136; C 37; E 101; F 31,97; G 113, 139; H 26,31,37,45,55,63,77,85,92,94,98,99(2),104,108, 113,122,131,138,139,153; J 26,27,45,63,77,83(2),87,108, 134,136,138,155; K 112,131; M 155; R 55,158(2); W 54(2); ? 130,153. Leegat(t) (e}, Legg(e)at, Leagott, Leagatt, Ligat: A 14, 20,52,123; E 36,71,131(2),148,156; H 108,140; J 20,32,35, 36,42,48(2},52,57,68(2),69,71,74,78(2),83,113,148; R 19, 42,148,156(2); T 57,74; W 35,128,131; ? 108. Leese: H 42.


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Lessen: B 14. Le(a)ve, Lieffe: A 127; J 67(2); L 127; ? 95. Lewington: G 139,149,157; J 149,157. Lim(e)burner, Limburnar, Lymburner: A 64; C 118; D 100; E 135; J 64,145,147,153; L 153,155; M 118,125,142; T 100, 111(2),118,125,135,142,145,147,153,159(2); W 55. Liddall, Lydall: E 47,75; T47,87. Linnse: J 136. Lit(t)le: A 20; C39; J 25,118; K 130; N 157; S 3,20,21, 25,39,43; ? 8,45. Lit(t)elf(f)e(i)ld, Li(t)tlefield: Al3,28,38, B 135; E 5(2),7,68; F 7,46,148; G 20; J 28(2), 38,46,60(2),68, 116,137(4),147,148; K 100,107; N 13, 28,44(2),156(2); P 16; S 147; W 81(2),100,107,116,135; ? 137. Lo(o)ck, Lo(a)ke, Loack: A 45; C 43; D 38; E 24,27,34,41,86; F 3(2),11 24,27,31,43, 53,113,119,122(2),145,150,156; J 108,122,136; M 57,74,91; R 57,67,91,97(3),108, 136; T 32,41,91,112; W 11,53,145,156; ? 17,97,112,113. Lockyer: E 49; J 49. Loocker: M 121. Long(e): A 49,154; E 25,44,49,59,91,125; J 7,120,125,136, 154; M 110,153; R 7,25,41, 44,49,51(2),53(2),57,59,102,108, 114,120,125(2),132,133,139,153(4),154; T 108; W 49,57,61; ? 102,114,132. Longland: G 150,155; J 155. Loase, Lo(a)ze(s), Lozaes, Loose: E 27,52; J 7(2),13(2), 19,26,29,52,53(2); M 45; T 45,51(2). Loffe, Luff(e): A 55; D 134; E 20,24,46,136; J 2(2) ,13, 21,31,36,48,52,97,143; L 15,20,26(2),36,46,48,55,59,132, 136, 160; M 53,61,126; N 50,52,53,76(2),90,96,126,134, 140,143; P 96; S 90, 97; T 27; ? 28,59. Lovegrove: C 21; ? 76. Luggerer: J 61. Lunn(e): F 51(2),129(4),138,144,145(2),154; M 129,138(2), 141,145,154 (2).


Mabb: R 40. Magee: D 56. Man(n): A 144,152; D 30; E 29,72,150,158; G 22,27,28,30; J 136,150; M 152; R 133,136,144,152,158; T 72 ; W 22,150; ? 27. Manninges, Monninges: A 40; E 40; J 36, 41; R 41. Ma(n)s(s)b(r)idg(e): A 8,12,20,23,31,36,48,62,96,100, 115(2),119(2),141,142,147,151,153; E 23,158; M 8,12,48, 79,100; R 31,36,40,96(2),149,161; T 79,105; W 147; ? 20,141, 149,153. Mans(s)ell: A 9; E 3,97,119,139,146; J 3,9,11,17(2),30, 56 (2), 70, 77 (2), 86, 97,107,116,119,136,139,146; M 30,107, 116;


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R 86;W 136. Mark(e)s: A 22,28,30; E 22; H 45; R 28,30,38(2),44,45; W 68; ? 144. Mar(r)o(w)nell: M 4; H 29. M(e)arsh, Mearsh, Marsho: A 116; C 95,99; E 8,80,108,113, 119; F 38; 15.76(2) ,80, 83(2) ,85,95,102,108,109,113,119, 144,157(2); H 85,157; J 102,109,144,157; P 84; S 66; T 83(2); W 5,8,15,38,77,115,116. Mar(s)shall, Marshale: A 31; E 52; F 110; J 17,21,120; M 17; S 71,97,100; T 2,81(2),97, 100,110,120,122; ? 133. Martin, Marten: A 31,87; G 31; Ml00. Maryner, Marnar: A 33; ? 132. Masters: ? 87. Mathew(e) (s): J 141,144; M 24,28; N 54; S 89; T 141, 148(2),159(2);? 24,144,156(2). Maudlin, Mawdlen: H 47; M 46; S 49; T 46(3). May, Maye: E 134,149,158; J 141(2),149,158; T 134; W 158. Mayhue: R 33. Mayl(e), Mail(e): A 42,128; C 150,156; E 10,35,57,110, 128,140,160; H 66,148,159; J 9(2),20(2),36(2),42,49,58, 66,87,89,92(2),99,106(2),110(2),119,128,148,156,158,159; K 156; M 29,37,49,51,87,106(2),119,125(2),150,160; R 2, 10,24,25,28(2),52,58,99,160; S 7,99; T 7,130(2); W 42, 125,140,146(2),150,156,158; ? 2,57,89. Mayne: A 30; E 12,31; M 22; S 12,21(2),30,31,34. Maze: E 16. Meene: E 49. Meere: Ell; F 21; J 15(2),21,39; P36. Meiles: A 66. Melerd: W 73. Mendley, Menley: A 91; J 91; R 27; ? 44. Merssam, Merssum: B 123; E 53; J 21,25(2),33,39(2),53,55; T 33; ? 61. Merywether, Merrywether: J 20(2),42,70; M 13. Michell: D 59; ? 59. Middens, Medins, Medence: F 4; J 12; M 82; R 12,83. Millard: B 25; W 2,25. Miller, Millar: J 133; R 21; W 127; ? 133. Mil(l) (e)s: C 21; J 55; M 80; ? 28. Mills(s)om, Millssam: L 13,16; M 16; ? 15. Mis(s)ing: A 5,48,54,152; C 68; E 2,32,61; F 30,61; J 6,13(2),22,30,32,37,42,54,61,68,81,137(2),144,152; M 30,76,12l;R 6,7,22; T 54,152; W 7(2),30,33,37,41(2),48, 54,131,144; U 76(2); ? 21,33. Moarse, Mo(a)r(e)s, Mors, Moores: A 90,93,97; J 71,97, 107,112,118; R 93,112,118;S 71. Mogridge: ? 4 7. Mollins: E 113. Mon(n)ey: A 101; J 80,93; R 18; S 112,119; T 80,83(2),93, 101,112(2),119,132,133;? 112,123,132,136. Morlin, Marlen: H 88; S 117. Mo(r)ga(i)n(e): E 65; J 65,66,67; S 66,67.


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Morteme, Mortemar, Mortimee, Mortimer: A 152; E 140,141,152; J 138,140,141; R 145; T 145,152. Morton: J 101; W 101. Mose(s), Moze: A 38,63; J 30,41(2),56; L 38; M 30; R 6(2), 63; W 56. Mos(s)ell: A 60; E 25; M 26. Moudy(e), Moodye, Mowdey, Mowd(a)y: A 2,9,122; B 32; C 19; E 158; L 150;M 41,112; S 1(3),52,132,137,150,153, 155,158; T 155(2); W l,2,9,23(2),32,41,52,59,112,122,131, 137. Mountague: E 143; R 143. Mund(a)y, Mond(a)y: I 154; M 128,155; T 128. Munchin, Munchon, Munch: J 80; U 80; W 76,80; ? 83. Mur(r)ell, Murell: E 121,126; J 121; Pll9; ? 126. Mustgrove: M 16.


Nash: M 21. Nayle, Nail: C 154; E 154; G 40; J 40; R 133(2),154; W 133(2). Nealle: J 132. Neave: A 101,102,103; J 127(2); R 98,101,102,103,127,148; T 148. Neuthlock: R 117. Newbewry: J 118. Newhooke, Newhocke: A 138; R 126; ? 126,138. Newman, Numan: C 72; E 3; J 2; T 3,25. Newstubb: R 44. Newton: J 121. Nicholes: C 27; J 27(2),37. Noakes, Nokes: E 82; T 50(2). Noel: E 127,129(3),136(3); ? 127,151(2),152(2). North: E 103; N 140; R 16,34. Northumberland: E 143. Northwood: A 3 4 . Norton: ? 100. Noyse: w 15; ? 15. Nunne: A 109,112; E 11; J 109,112,121; W 11,19; ? 128.


Oakely, Ockley: J 77,127 Oak(e)s: E 94; H 9l;U 87(2),91,94; ? 2. O(a)kefard, Oackfard, Ockf(f)ord: A 37,38,55,68; C 44; E 26; J 18,32,33,62,66; M 28,79; R 18,21,24,26,28,32,33, 37,38,44,54(2),55,58,62; W 73. Oliffe: A 159. Orpin(g)ton: A 23; J 23; M 6; W 6,83; ? 99.


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Orten: ? 43. Os (e) lan (d), Oslen (g), Os (e) lin (g): A 134,148; E 43, 82, 153; F 152,153,157; H 95(2),141; J 60,110,121,140; M 31, 135,140,149,160; N 31,121,141.153(2); R 70,122(2); S 125, 152(2),153(2); T 50,61; W 27,31(2),32,43,50,60,70,82, 93 (2), 95,110,112,114,116,122,125 (3), 134,135,140,147,148, 149,156; ? 112,114,147. Os ( s) ( e) man ( d) , Os ( e) mund Osmond: A 111; E 6, 14, 2 5, 2 7, 3 7, 45,92,153; H 7; J 38,41(2),42,53(2),57,62,72,144,146(2), 153; P 44; R 30,31(2); S 22,79; W 14,22,30,37,45,79,lll, 113,145; ? 62. Overi: A 124. Oxfard, Oxford: A 71; E 56; M 97: T 85; W 56,63(2),71,85, 97.


Paffard, Paf(f)ord(e): A 140; E 56,134,143; J 134,140, 149; M 75,124,139; S 80; T 105, 125, 128(2),133,134,149; W 56,69,75,80,84,105,124,139,140; ? 69,84,125. Pag(g)e. Pai(d)ge: E 22; H 154; J 15,33,81,89(2),127(2); M 81; R 15,33,124; S 38; T 10; ? 10,144. Paine: A 61, W 66; ? 66. Pamer: T 12; W 12 Parker, Parkar, P'ker: A 14,16,21,35; E 16,21; J 124; R 100; S 14, 35; T 54; W 100,125 (2); ?111 (2). Parr, Pare: S 45,46(2); T 45 Pars(s)on(s), Parssen, Personne: A 20,36,88,126,149; B 50,121; E 4,5,78,125; J 28,35; M 24,58,97,146; P 2(2), 9(2),12(2),28,35,36,50,58,88,100,125,134; T 100; W 4,5, 13 (2), 20, 21 (2), 78, 87,100,126,146,149. Paskens: A 134. Patten: E58; J 16; T 4,121,131; ? 4. Pawle, Pa(u)l(l) (e): A 26,74,122; C 13; E 4,13,26,36(2), 48,76,90,122,131,138(2),144,152,159(2); H 48,112; K 144; M 152; R 74; ? 131. Peachey: T 52 Peacker: P 148 Peare, Pears: J 104; S 111; T 38; ?129 Pescod, Peskod: D 36(2); N 105 Pen(t)ford: A 125,152,153(2),154(2); B 112; E 137; S 84; W 112,125,137,152 (2), 153,154. Peperinge, Peppering: J 11; S 34. Perkens: E 124. Perrin, Peren: A 70; E 18; J 24. Perry, Perey: N 73; R 75. Pers(s)on,, Pearson, Pierson: A 138; E 7, 122; R 122; W 44,122; ?76. Persse(y): J 34; W 49(2). Peters: ? 148(2). Pettiford: M 154.


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Pett (e)y, Petti (e): A 66,135; J 44, 66, 74,109,129; M 74; ?102,109. Petten: C 47. Pew(e), Pugh: D 79,152; E 57; M 73; W 52(2),57,59(2),73, 79,150 Phil(l)ips, Phileps: A 128; E 59,99; H 141; J 107(2),135, 137; M 112; R 18, 64, 69, 99,104 (2), 112 (3), 116,123,128,135, 141; S 116; T 64,69,123; ? 59 Philpott, Fillpott: A 62; E 56,62; R 51,54(2),56,57(2), 60 ( 2) , 62 ( 2) , 68. Pickfard, Peckford: A 17; E 95, T 17,19,32,38,45; ? 19 Pickman: A 16; C 19; J 32; R 16,50. Pilfill: W 68(2). Pi(l)lgrim, Pillgrum: C 10; G 66; J 133,138,139:M 139; R 8,10,27,66; S 112; T 10; ? 100. Pinke, Finck. A 92; B 134; E 107,135; J 34,131,135,143; M 141; R 92,99(2),102(2),131,134,135,143; W 20,102, 111(2); ? 83. Plasket(t), Plasked, P(h)laskat, Flasket: A 7,22,44; D 3; E 12,81; G 121; J 6,12,18,28,29,33,92,95(2),150; M 44,77, 79,94,110,121; R 70,72(2),81,110,111,139; S 11,70; T 3,7, 11,28,33,77,87(2),94,101,ll0(2),113,l20,121,141,158; U 120; V 65; W 28,65,101,113, 121; ? 4. Pledger, Pledgar: A 5; J 3,47,56,102. Plumar: T 109. Plunckett: T 47. Poile: E 130. Poore: C 32; J 23,64(2),77,83,129(2); M 77; ? 103. Pottar, Potter: A 39; E 28; J 5(2),15,28,47(2); M 15; W 39. Potterne: A 26,28,49; J 26,36,42; M 54. Powell: E 28; J 28,48,49; P 20. Powlter, Po(u)lter, Poltar: C 78; E 81; H 66,73(2),81,91, 99,104(2),105,154; J 66,91,; K 99,105. Primer: E 92. Prinke: J 96(2). Pris(s)e, P(r)ice: A 17,28,96,113; B 32; H65; D 36; J 7, 9,14(2),25,26,28,32,36,49,52,80,99,111,114(2),131,134, 136(2),138,139,141(2),142,145(2)149(2),152,159; M 5,25, 26,59,102,116,128,138,l42; P 33,106(2),111(2),114(2),120, 126,128,129,135,139,152,159; R 9,17,25(2),32,41,49,59,61, 120,152; S 52,127,147; T 135; W 7,41,114,125,126,131,l34, 147,159; ? 112,125,129. Privat(e), Privett: A 59,82; J 59,60. Prowtinge, Prowting, Proutinge: A 33; J 93; R 33; T 2(2),79. Punckar: M134. Purdey, Purday: E 41,46; W 41,46.


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Quinten: A 65.


Ragwood: A 52. Randal(l): A 108,124; H 108,124,147; J 57; M 13; T 144. Ray: E 27; H ll,12,16(2),35,44(2),51(2),59,157; J 8,44; M 35,44; P 12,16; S 16,59. Raymond: E 91; S 59,65; T 59,65,91. Redall: S 134. Reed(e); A 94; C 104; E 64,86,124; J 2,5,94,110,135; M 44,65,75,108,135; R 9,16,33,138; S 30(2),110; T 9, 21(2),33,44,64,65,75(2); W 9,100,104,108,115(2),124,135; ? 135. Reeve(s), Re(a)ues, Reave: A ll,13,14,18,24,54,114; E 6,23, 29,47,71,137(3),145; J 20(2)29,34,40,56,60,84, 111,138,141; K 8,157(2); M 13,34,53,135; R 2(2),6(2),19, 21,22,60,68,75(2),76,77,97,109,127,137(6),138,143(2),157; S 21,77; T 6,10,40,87,131,138; W 5(2),11,14(2),16,23,24, 30, 36 (2), 37, 40, 47, 53, 54, 60 (2), 68, 76, 77 (2), 84, 87, 97,111, 158; ? 2,131. Rennalls: J 26. Richard(e) (s): A 95 (2), 104,108 (2), 151; E 124,125; F 5; J 13(2),42,95(2),100(2),104,108(2),113,120,124,125, 129(4),149(2),151(2),155(2); M 54,113;? 42. Riddall: E 32,34,37,42,50,65,77; J 34; M 42; S 50; ? 65. Rider: E 25; Ml7; R 17,62. Right see Write Riosely: T 72. Roffe: J 144; ? 69. Rogers, Rogars: E 63; R 103; S 52; W 45. Rood(e): S 58(2); ? 110. Rossator, Rossatar, Rosseter: A 138,139 150; M 150; T 138,139,150. Roy: E 103,104; H 27,67,75,104; J 4; M 67,68. Royall: P 158(2). Rule, Rull: J 61,141; M 39,87,139; P 126; R 28(2),39,58, 61,120(2),126,139; T 73(3);? 58. Rush: R 7; T 19. Rushall: P 69. Rus(s)el(l), R(o)osell: B 115; D 140; E 31(2),67(2), 100(2),115; H 26; J 3,100(2),115(2),127; M 37,69; P 3,17; S 115, 133; T 31,37,67,73; W 127; ? 73. Russen: M 117. Ryman, Ryrnond: A 151; T 96(2),151. Royothizley see Wriothesley see also Southampton.


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Sabb: S 88. Sab(b)en, Sabbin: A 43,64,69,89; H 14,106(2),108(2); J 38; M 13,42(2); N 40; R 9,13,25,33,38,64,85(2),86(2), 89,101; S 131; W 25; Z 5(2),14,15,42,43; ? 15,64. Sayt, Seight: S 47; W 124. Saltar: E 140. Sanford: M 160. Saunders: J 12. Scarvill, Scarvell, Skarvill, Skarvel: E 97,139; N 88; T 85; W 83(2),85,88,95,97. Scott: A 39; M 39. Scraglefard: S 29. Scriven: M 117(3); W 117(2). Sculler: ? 26. Seager, Seagar: A 40,115,120; E 150(2),156(2),160; F 115,120, J 13(2),14(2),17,22,31,32(2),40,51(2),60,140,143; K 160; M 2,37,143(2); S 6,20(2),37,39(2),128; T 150,156, 158,160; W 60; ? 17,22,39. Searle: M 8. Seight: S 47. Serret(t), Serratt, Sirrett: A 41; E 44,121; H 41,78; T13,39. Sewat(t), Su(a)t(t): A 110; E 136,152; H 100(2),104(2),110, 119,129,130,133,138(2),145,152; J 129, 130,136; K 7,138,152; M 100(2),119,129,130; R 145; S 129, 130. Sexey(e), Sexssey, Cixxey: A 6,44,67(2); E 13,24,98,139, 140,153(2),160; H 54,57(3),63,67,77,100(2),110,112,114, 139(5); J 15,34,63,70,73,77,80,84(2),90,94,160; L 64; M 29, 67,110,112,139,141,160; P 1 (4), 2, 44, 50, 58 (2), 64, 70, 84,90,94,98,125,140; S 44,86,145; W 6,15,24,28,29(2),34, 50, 54 (2), 67, 71, 86, 98 (2), 137,140,153; ? 28, 73. Shackelford: D 4; W 4. Shall: B 94,102; E 114; J 94,156; R 109. Sharier, Sharyer: E 70; ? 23. Sharp: J 103(2),147; N 113,122; R 94(2),103(2),113,122, 125,138; W 125; ? 138. Shaule, Shawle: A 37; B 82; E 44; J 82; P 40; R 31,37; W 31. Shear: J 116. Shelley: E 64. Shortter, Shorter: J 19,34(2),37,62,78; M 62; T 19. Sidbery: A 36. Sidnam: ? 53. Silley: A 8; E 51; T 8,16,51; ? 16. Silvester: T 46. Sim(m) (e)s, Symes: A 57,73,75,82,89; H 44,57,73,75,82,92, 93,104,110,119,147; J 6,17,23,119,147; M 44,110; P 104; W 6,10(2),17,23,31(2°),92. Singleton: A 76; J 119. Skin(n)er, Skin(n)ar: A 32,107; C 57,119; E 79,80,91;


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F 151; G 65,74,79,96,107,142; J 53,80(2),91,94,98,118; M 44,74,119; R 116,119; S 96; T 65; W 28,32,44,53,80, 86(3) ,142,118,133. Slater: W 129. Slaughters, Slaughter: A 23; C 18(2),23,58; ? 12,17. Smeather: J 32. Smith, Smyth: A 53,80,87,140; C 154; D 33; E 64,68,93, 126,149,156,158; F 117,131; H 28, 62,74; J 8,19(2),23,28, 41,44,63(2) ,92.109.114 (2) ,137,138; M 15,117,123,128,140, 141,150(2); R 41,91,93,100,104(2),109,113,114(2),117, 126(2),128,131,132,137,145(2); S 44,63,100; T 44,126(4),131; W 8,44,53,60{2),62,64,68,71,74,80,91,lll,113,121, 122(2),123, 131,132,133,150,154(2),156,158; ? 33,39,43, 50,76,111. So(o)ne, So(o)an(e), Zone: A 31; E 10,12,22,42,110; H 121,128; J 38{4),42,45,98(2),115,128,129; M 82,121; N 45, 70; P 4, 12, 22, 31, 45, 55, 69 (2), 75, 82, 89, 98 (2), 106, 109,110,115,121,128,129,137; R 4 , 89,109,135; S 55, 71, 75; ? 5,98. Southampton: C 7; E 8; M 39; 0 95; P 78; R 12,23; T 3,4, 7,8,12(2),23,39,78,109,120. Southerne: ? 18. Sparro: M 96. Sp(e) (a)arsho(t)t(e), Sparshat, Spershat(t): A 5,13,17, 42, 85,138,147,156; E 5, 8, 17, 18, 99,102,117 (2), 118,121,123, 126(2),142(2),147,159; H 144; J 5,13(2),28,39(2),45(2), 48,96,100,106(2),114,117,126,138,147,158,159,160; K 63, 128; M 27, 46, 54, 68, 82,118,120 (2), 126 (2), 151,154,155,156, 157,158(3); P 123; R 6,8,9,12,18,28,34(2),42(2),46,54, 57,63,68(2),79,85,102,114,120(2),126,129,132(2),140,147, 154,158,159,161; S 29(2),57,68,79,102,103,140; T 9(2),42, 82,96,98,101,102,103,lll,113,115,116,118(2),121,123,142, 144,147,151 (2), 156,157,158 (2), 160; W 106,114,122 (2), 154, 159(2); ? 9,54,98,111. Spencer: P 116. Spurfield: J 66. Stansbe: S 154; W 153. Stares, Stear(e)s: A 38; C 155; D 134; E 37,41,56,59,107, lll,116(2)127,136,153(3),155,159(3); J 10,24,31,37,41,56, 57,66,69(2),89(2),98,102,107(2),111(2),113,116,121,126,128,130 ,135,136,138,144, 155,159; M 102,114,126,144,159; P 10,41,56; R 46,138,154; S 136,159; T 57; W 13,24(2),31, 3 8 1 4 6 1 5 6 I 5 9 1 65 f 6 6 f 111, 113 f 116 ( 2) 1 12 8 f 13 0 1 13 4 f 15 4 ( 2) !

? 135,154. Stascy: M 104. Ste(a)phens, Ste(e)vens, Steaveans: A 59; B 111; E 50; F 156; H 10,23,33,43,51; J 23,27,50,57,67(3),71,127(2), 156; M 43; R 124,127,133,141,156; T 10,27,52,57,67,133; ? 33,57, 99. Stoakes: A 56,62,82,; C 22; E 67,89,96,100,126,132(2), 140,150(2); J 95,126,128,132,140,145,150,156; M 95,140, 145; R 5,7(2),10(2),78(2),79,96(2); S 7; W 7,11,22,56,62, 67; ? 34,144.


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Stoell: J 121. Stringar: J 144. Stronge: D 18. Strong(e)tharme, Strongintharme: M 28,29,49; R 28,39. Strowde, Stroud(e), Strood, Trowde: A 52,143; E 151; J 36,41, 45,128(2),136,143,151,160; M 40,160; W 136; ? 45, 52. Strug(g)nell, Strognell: A 116; E 71,116; G 89; I 99; J 34, 66; L 152,154; M 92,154(2); R 65,66,71,96,99,107, 116,123(2); S 107. Stub(b)ington: A 14,64; E 41,88; M 27,159; N 155,159; R 14,18,21(3),27,49; S 24; T 41. Suatt, Suat, Sutt: E 152; H 100(2),152 K 7,152; M 100(2). Sumars: D 124; ? 113. Swa(i)n(n) (e): B 137; C 130; D 130(2); E 66,88,130(2); J 88,114; M 21,150(2); R 145; T 109(2),120,125,130,141; W 70,90,120,123,124,125,130(2),141,145,150; ? 123,129. Sweet: E 149; H 159; J 128; M 128; N 128; S 140; T 102, 149; W 106,119(2),128,140,149,159. Sweeatman: J 111. Sweetapple; J 140(2),149(2),151; W 149,151; ? 149. Symon(e)s, Simmon(d)s, Semans: D 135,142,146,147; J 99(2); P 135,142,146,147; R 135, S 78(2); W 78,85(2), 99,102.


Tan(n)ar, Tan(n)er: J 118; M 8,10,136; R 13,118,122(2), 136; S 51,62; ? 10. Tarrant: K 81(2); M 81(2),92. Tarver: E 86,91; R 86,91. Tayler, Taylor: M 64; R 26,28; S 67(2),136; W 4,13,136; ? 4, 64. Teknall: T 98. Terre(y): A 49; c 44,49,55; E 55. Thackwell: L 132. Tickridge: A 35,45; E 45; S 45. Tilley: E 124(2),127,160; H 124,127,131. Tipp, Ttipp: E 50; P 50,92,133; ? 92. Tol(l)ey: C 35; J 35,71,79(2); K 91. Todd, Toad: J 90,132,140; W 140; ? 90,140. Tom(m)as: J 73; M 73; S 49. Tonnell: S 8. Toon(e): E 96; W 96(2); ?96. Tovey: B 19; D 43; E 16; J 70; M 70; W 2(2),16,32,43,45; ? 32,45. Towley: J 6,8; ? 8. Trad: A 74; H 87(2),88; M 88; R 70,74(2). Treef(f) at (t) (e), Tri vat (t), Trivet: M42, 62; R 36; S 56,60; W 56,62,146,148,152(2),156; ? 36,146,152. Tri(b)e(c)k, Trib(i)ck, Trebick, Trepucke, Tripuck: A 25,79;


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D 55,97; J 5,15,19,100,114,145(2); M 9,47,38; R 26(2),41(2),90,109,123(2),131(4),145(2),156,159; S 47, 48,54,96, 156; T 38,47; U 26; W 34(2),47,55,66(2),76,79, 96,97,109, 114(2). Triddle: A 39; C 17; M 18; W 17,18,28,31(2),39. Trimell, Trunnell: E 20; J 10; S 10; ? 20. Trimminge, Trimming, Triming: E 79; J 62,67,79,88; L 88; M 67,135,151. Trod(d), Troade: A 98; H 7; J 22,34,46,151; M 151,153; R 1,7,22,34,46,55(2),64,136,143(2),151; T 153(2); W 55(2) Trowde see Strowde Truer: M 36. Tudar: E 151; J 151. Tuke, Tuck: E 3; F 137; K 3. Turner: A 3,47,110,112; J 47,60(2),69(2),74; M 47. Turver: R 64.


Upstar: M 108. Vahan: R 127; ? 92(2). Varnham: B 16. Vear: ? 125 Veldar: E 132; W 132.


Waight: C 11. Wakefard: A 20. Wakes: M61; T 61. Waldren, Walldren, Waldern: M 134; W 121,129(2),130,134(2), 142 (2). Wal(l)ar, Waller: A 8,9,24,77,128; C 110, E 86,88,94,104; F 77,83(2),100,128(2); J 3,8,9,12(2),21,38,50(2),64, 78(2),86,88,100,101,121,135; L 93; M 96; N 3,68,90,94,99, 158; P 151; R 64,77(2),96,110,126(2),149,153(2),158; S 81(2),86,93,124; T 38,78; W 21,88,149,151; ? 88,103(2), 124,128,153. Wallopp: A 37. Ward(e), Warte: A 68; E 47,112; K 55,141; M 39,89; S 39, 47,55,68,89,103; ? 112,146. Warder, Warden: J 134; R 75,91,121; ? 90. War(d)ner, Warnar: E 21,27,38,69; J 30,157(2),158(2); M 151; T 116,130; W 21,27,29(2),30,38,77; ? 29(2). Was(s)ell, Was(s)a(i) (l)l(e), Wastle, Wastell: A 160; D 24; E 12,15,16,20,40,54(2),118(2),125,126,127; F 61,64; J 14,16,18,24,30,35(2),48,50,53,56,58(2),63,84,88,101, 126,127; M 24,113,121; P 12,24,40,44(2),50,56,61,63,64, 66(3),69,73;


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Q 12,15,20,24,41,54,86,109,113; R 24; W 41, 74,86,106,110(2)113,114,118,126,127,160; ? 58,109. Waters: R 159. Watridge: R 33. Watson: T 123(2). Wat(t)s: E 128,145,156; J 156; M 128,130,135; T 122(2), 128,130,135,145,156. Weekes: J 34. Welch: J 22. Wellon, Weellon, Wellen: A 131; J 21,73. Wellsted: C 137,138; E 138. We(e)st(e): A 30; E 30,31,124,134,139,150; J 10,19,20, 30(2),31(2),32,58,64,68,139,150(2); M 10,19,150(2), 153(2); R 72; W 31,38(2),42(2),54(2),64,72,124,141,150, 153; ? 60. Whe(a)t(h)am, Wheatem, Wheathum: E 50,54; J 13,31,57,134, 141; S 36,69,90; T 6(2),13,26,36,50,54,57,90,98;? 26. Wheeler: J 13(2),24,27; M 22,34; T 22. Whit(e), W(h)ight: A 39,40,44,52(2),61,63,67,68,69,71(2), 79(2),81,94,97,105,106,116,146,150; B 2,120; C 131; E 9, 31,39,42,49,50,54,66,73,95,108,115,117,120,124,127,147, 156(2); F 99,105,106,108,119,128,130; H 68,73(2),83; J 3(2),11,18,19,22,23,32,35,39,48,56(2),61,63,69,70,71, 75,79(2),87(2),106,114,121,134,141,147,152(2),159(2); K 151,152; M 3,17,19,55(2),90,95 99,105,106,110,116,117, 119,120,135,136,156,159; P 21(2),31,40,50,67,70(2),72, 152; R 4(2),11(2),12,17,24,25,33(2),39,41(2),48,55,63(2), 66, 67, 69, 72, 73 (2), 79 (3), 85, 92, 94 (2), 95 (2), 96, 97,101 (2), 105,107,117(2),128,130,133,135(2),145,158; S 21,72(2), 92(2),152; T 14,22,25,32(2),33,39,43(2),50,68,75(3),81, 82, 85, 90,100,106,113,130, 151,152; W 3, 9, 11 (3), 14, 18, 21(3),30,32,36(2),37,39(3),43,44,45(2),49,50,54,55,59(2), 60, 61, 73, 96,100,103,105,106 (2), 107,110,114,116,120,124, 127(2),136,141,145,146,156;? 12,33,45,51,61,66,68,70,71, 75,76,83,133,134,158. Whiting: R 143. Whore see Hoore Wigg(e), We(e) (g)ge: A 15(2),77,93,119,124,134(2),150; C 131,132; D 90; E 81(2),82,108,109,158; J 61,65(2),77, 99(2),101,119,124,130,150; M 50,65(2),119,147,150; R 11, 12,15(2),69,81(2),91(2),96,101,108,131,132; S 77; T 77, 90,95(2),96,109,114,119(4),124,134,147,158;? 11,12. Wild: T 152. Willkins, Wil(l)kence: A 100; C 31; J 73; N 15. Wilkinson: J 83. Wilk(e)s: A 96; H 105; J 89,116; M 123; R 84,96,105,116, 123; S 38, 84; ? 116. William(e) (s): A 149; C 32, 41; D 118; E 14, 29, 82, 93; F 123; H 7(2),16,29,30,41,77; I 8,14,16,20,33,40,54,57, 60(2),69,76(3),77,78,79,82,85(2),105,107,109,112,118, 119,123,149; J 16(2),20,24,28,57,69; M 8,40,54,62,69, 76(2),79; R 76,78,107; S 27; T 123; W 33,112; ? 105,119. Wil(l)mott, Willmote: A 51,104; F 4; R 1,12,66; ? 74.


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Willsheire, Wil(l)she(e)ar: A 19,110,111,112; J 11(3), 19(3),110(2),111(2),112; R 19;? 111. Willsted; A 128; ? 128. Winter, Win(n)tar, Wynter: A 131,150,158; H 42(2),57,60, 67, 74, 85, 94,129; J 49, 67 (2), 74, 94,134,143,146 (2); M 85; R 28; T 158; W 57,143,150(2),158: ? 52. Wise,Wice: R 4,108; T 108,149; ? 149,158. Wisedome: ? 87. Wood(d) (e)s: A 17: B 77; E 9,17,52,142; J 18,52,57,67,77, 93,99,106(2),113; K 57; M 67; P 93; R 140,142; ? 17(2), 113. Woodman: E 113; J 113,118,130,147; M 130,132; R 118; T 10. Wo(o) (l)lgar, Wo(o) (l)lger, Woolgat: A 111; E 92(2),97; S 87,93,97; T 87,92,93,97; W 111. Write, Wright, Wryght, Right: A 44,139; M 37,106; R 28, 44,81. Wriothesley: M 39; P 57,78; 0 95; R 23; T 23,25,26,39,55, 57,72,78,109,120. Wyat(t), Wiat(t), Wiet: A 16,137; C 18; D 5,89; E 28, 129(2),142; J 5,13,49,129,139; N 15(2),28,49,91; R 73; S 117;.


Young(e): A 20; J 59; M 59,68; S 48; W 15(2),20; ? 48, 102.


Zone see Sone


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Christian names for which no surname is given

Agnis: 40 Al ... : 6 Andrew: 7 Ann: 156 Beniamen: 70 Charls: 7 Cleyre: 7 Elizabeth: 6 Frances: 8 Henry: 1 Jane: 130 John: 1 Ordery: 95 Richard: 6,8 Robart: 6 Thomas: 6,24 William: 156

Events for which no name is given at all



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Descriptive names

Apprentice: Barbar: Beerebrewar: Blacksmith: Cheapman: Churchwarden: Clarke, Clar(c)k, Clerk: Cotchman: Collier: Cooke: Coopar: Doctor. : Doctor of Divinitie: Farryer: Forgeman: French woman, man: Groome: Hellier:

24. 118. 109.

93,105. 67.

1,105. 1 (8) ,2, 66, 76,111.

25. 17,18,28,52.

127. 111,151. 151 (2).

53. 64. 67. 10(4)

7,127. 20.

Husbandman: 44,57,62. Irishman: 64. Keeper: 152. Mayed, Maid: 40,105. Master: 151. Mersser: 21. Millers Man: 26. Minister, Ministar: 131,140,141. Nurs: 67. Ploughman: 70. Roper: 150. Sadler: 37. Sargant: 118. Saruant, Servant, Servaunt, Servante, Servuant maid: 4,6,12,19,26,52,55,66,67,70,72,73(2),74,75(2),76,78,109, 112,134,139,151. Sayler: 12. Seafayringman: 51. Sexton, Saxton: 2,131,150. Shooemaker: 25. Shopkeeper: 106. So(u)ldier, Solldar: 47,56,103,144. Stranger: 15,71,83. Stuard: 72. Tanner, Tanar: 64,150,158. Traveller, Travelling man,woman, vagrant traveller: 13,27,31,38,57,70,71,73(3),74,129,130,159. Vicar: 135. Woodheard: 152. Workeman: 67, 73.


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Gubbells: 11. Ramble Rice, Ramble, Hambell: 113,131,136. Headly: 105. Hellhead, Healhead: 106,118,121,126,127,151,158(2),160. Hobbet, Hobbard Mills: 24,111. Hoock(e), Ho(o)ke: 5,7,10,17,18(4),19,21,23,25,27,29,31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 49, 52 (3), 56, 61, 62, 63 (2), 65 (2), 70, 71, 72, 74, 77, 79 (2) ,92,103(2),112,118,120,121,123,126,133,136,137,144, 148,150(2),152,153(2),156(2),159(3),160. Hoocke Mersh: 70. Hoolte: 7. Hurst Castle: 103. Ipswitch: 121. Iremill: 67,73. Kingson: 108. Lee: 11,15,17,18,19,22,29,32,35(2),51,66,69(2),77,115, 139,151. Lee Gate 137,154. Little Fontley: 59,107. Lockes Lane: 59. London: 70,95,132,151. Markes: 68. Meane, Mean 5,11,12,77,151(4). Mer(r)ebell Farm, Millbel: 29,128. Mittels: 107. Mossells: 21,79. Newgate: 117,135,152. Newland: 76,137,150. North Fareham: 114. Padwell: 126. Plemoth: 12. Portchester, Pertchester: 124,143,157. Portsmouth, Portchmouth: 59,76,137,144,150. Posbrook, Po(r) (s)sbroo(c)k(e): 18(2) ,59,63,64,67,77,85, 90,105,108,130,137,143,145,147. Prowlingworth, Proulingworth, Prollingworth: 60,64,130, 150(2). Quab: 148 Ridge Lane, Rigg Lane: 65,103. Roome: 7,19,21. Rownar: 121. Sar(i)s(h)bery, Sa(r)sbury, Sasburi, Saesbury: 17,24,53, 58(2),60,62,63,64,114,116,120,139,151,152,153. Shoot(e), Shute: 19,75(2),155. Sobarton: 106. Southbrook(e): 30,63. Southampton: 65(2),101,111. Southweeke: 26. Ste(e)pel Cort:120,155. Stoke see Alverstoke Stoneham, Stoanham: 8,13.


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Stoud, Stroud Green,Stroudgrene, Stroudgreene: 21,70,81, 90,101,106,147,150,152,156,159. Stub(b)in(g)ton(e): 5,9,15,21(3),24,34,39,47,53,54,60,64, 70,76,77(2),87,96,97,102,103(2),105,107,111,112,113,114, 117,122,127,128,129,130,132,133(2),134,143,151,152(2), 153,154. Swan(n)ick, Swanwick, Swanwick Farm, Swannick Elme: 9 ( 3) , 10, 11, 19, 31, 4 3, 4 4, 4 7, 4 8, 4 9, 5 7, 5 9, 63 ( 2) , 65, 6 9 ( 2) , 7 3, 76,77,78,83,86,89,90,106,113,117,126,127,128,130,134,144,149, 150(2),152(3),153,155,156,157(2),158(2),159,160. Tanners: 53. Tillmans Greene: 158. Titchfield: 1(2),59(2),77,82,95,120,126,132,133,135,143, 149(2),150(9),151(8),152(6),153.

The Churche: 53(2),101,150. Mill Street: 158. The Park, Great P'k: 27,33,40,62,111,143. Parsonage barn: 31,52,73(2). Place: 52. St. Mdg, St. Margrets, St. Margats: 111,158, 161. South Street: 126. Titchfield Haven: 18. Titchfield Howse: 31. The Town: 72.76.105,106,116.120.126,127,132,

133,135,138,146,148,154(3),155,158,160. West End: 105,

Upham: 128,141. Waltham: 64,127. Wars(as)h: 19,30,31,59,60(3),64(2),77,132,137,157. Weedeley: 60. West Hooke: 30,32. Whit(e)l(e)y: 63,147,154. Wickham: 114,151. Winchester School: 151. Wintoune St Michael: 100.


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ISBN: 0 950813141