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1. Director:

James Cameron

2. Actors:

Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson: An attractive young painter 20 years, despite its economic situation has traveled to many parts of the world. Wins his 3rd class passenger on the Titanic in a poker game. Once there (painting after many years is retained after the sinking of the Titanic) he is captivated by the beauty of Rose and, later in the film, portraying naked. . They are known as Jack saves a suicide attempt, a feat that allows it to blend in with the first class dinner and show that despite being poor is very intelligent, clever and witty. Dies of hypothermia in the sinking, but not make him promise to fight to survive Rose and kiss her one last time.

Kate Winslet as Rose Dewitt Bukater: A 17 years old traveling in First Class. She is committed to Caledon Hockley Nathan, but do not love it. Only she marries him for his mother's obligation, because otherwise they would stay in the street. When she meets Jack falls in love with him and let Cal. It's a Titanic survivor. After the sinking, she starts a new life and changes his name to Rose Dawson. She was an actress, married and had two children, but never forgot his true and great love: Jack Dawson.

Billy Zane as Caledon Hockley: An aristocrat who is about to marry Rose. It is he who gives him the "Heart of the Sea. When he learns that fell in love with Jack Rose is determined not to leave his future wife and force undertakes not see him again. Survives the tragedy. He married and inherited millions from his father.

Frances Fisher as Ruth DeWitt Bukater: Roses mother is only interested in one thing: to marry his daughter to Caledon Hockley and take advantage of his fortune. It is a frivolous and manipulative woman and when he realizes that Rose and Jack are in love with each other forbids his daughter to see the boy. Living off the sinking.

Danny Nucci as Fabrizio Di Rossi: An Italian close friend of Jack. Both embark on the Titanic just before departure. It feels very fortunate that his friend won tickets in a poker hand, as you can see his mother who lives in New York but die in the attempt, killed by a falling chimneys boat over while swimming in the water.

3. Synopsis:

Jack is a young artist full of illusions. His dream is achieved when you win in a game of cards passages from a trip in the largest and safest in the world to America ocean liner. In it there is a difference of social classes. Jack meets Rose, a young woman from a good family, is committed to Cal, an egocentric and selfish man she does not love. They fall in love and fight for their relationship against Cal and Rose's mother to try to separate them at all costs. Meanwhile, the ship hits an iceberg causing immense panic among the passengers.

This tragedy causes the death of many people aboard, Jack and Rose struggle to save but Jack can not survive and die frozen.

Comment: I liked the movie, it's a great love story is very sad but tragic end.