Tips & Tricks on Structure and Written Expressions

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Tips & Tricks


Structure and Written Expressions

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Tips & Trick TOEFL on Structure & Written – STBA LIA Yogyakarta Page 1

A. Apa itu Structure and Written Expression?

Sesi II dalam tes TOEFL

Berkaitan dengan grammar

15 soal memilih jawaban yang benar

25 soal mengidentifikasi bagian yang secara gramatikal salah

Part A: Sentence Completion

o Pada bagian ini terdapat 15 pertanyaan, masing-masing terdiri dari 1 buah

kalimat dengan kata dan/atau frasa yang dihilangkan.

o Kita diminta untuk memilih salah satu pilihan (a), (b), (c), atau (d) yang jika

dimasukkan kalimat di atasnya menjadi benar secara gramatikal.

o Jadi dengan kata lain kita harus memilih MANA YANG BENAR.

Part B: Error Identification/Written Expressions

o Pada bagian ini, terdapat 25 pertanyaan.

o Di masing-masing kalimat terdapat kata atau kelompok kata yang

digarisbawahi ditandai dengan (a), (b), (c), dan (d).

o Kita diminta untuk mengidentifikasi bagian yang ditandai tersebut mana yang

TIDAK tepat secara gramatikal.

o Dengan kata lain kita diminta untuk memilih MANA YANG SALAH.

Hati-hati!!! Jangan keliru mengerjakan dua bagian ini. Pahami instruksinya,

sehingga ketika tes yang sesungguhnya, Anda TIDAK PERLU lagi membaca

instruksi. Langsung saja kerjakan nomor 1!

B. Apa saja tips tambahan mengerjakan Structure and Written Expressions?

Cepat namun tetap teliti

Hati-hati karena dalam soal-soal Structure and Written Expressions banyak

terdapat jebakan

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Dalam soal structure, soalnya selalu berupa sentence (Subject + Verb). Kita

harus mampu menunjukkan mana Subject mana Predikat (Verb) dalam kalimat


Mulailah dengan logika begini. Kalimat harus lengkap (minimal

SUBYEK+PREDIKAT). Kalimat yang ada sudah punya apa (misal SUBYEK),

sehingga kurang apa (PREDIKAT), atau sebaliknya.

So, cari verb (kata kerja) yang tedapat dalam seluruh kalimat yang ada di soal.

Aturan pencarian VERB nya sebabagi berikut:

o Jika terdapat 1 verb saja maka tidak ada conjunction (kata penghubung)

o Jika terdapat 2 verb maka ada 1 conjunction (ingat! conjunction itu

menghubungkan antara kalimat dan kalimat)

o Jika ada 3 verb maka ada 2 conjunction, dan begitu seterusnya

Ingat! A sentence (kalimat) itu terdiri dari subject dan predikat (verb)

Contoh 1:

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

_______ was backed up for miles on the freeway

A. Yesterday

B. In the morning

C. Traffic

D. Cars

Contoh 2:

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

__________,George, is attending the lecture

A. Right now

B. Happily

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C. Because of the time

D. My Friends

Contoh 3:

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

A camel ______________ 30 gallons of water in ten minutes.

A. It can drink

B. A large drink of

C. Can drink

D. With a drink of

Contoh 4:

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

The President ______________ the election by a landslide.

A. Won

B. He won

C. Yesterday

D. Fortunately

Contoh 5

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

_________was ringing continuously for hours.

A. Loudly

B. In the morning

C. The phone

D. The bells

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Contoh 6

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

Newspapers _______ every morning and every evening.

A. Delivery

B. Are delivered

C. On time

D. Regularly

Contoh 7

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

The plane __________ landing at the airport in five minutes.

A. It is

B. It really is

C. Is descending

D. Will be

Contoh 8:

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

------ adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.

A. Canada

B. When Canada

C. Canada, which

D. There was Canada

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Contoh 9:

Kalimat ini butuh Predikat atau Subject? Mana yang kamu pilih sebagai jawaban

yang benar?

Newspapers _______ every morning and every evening.

A. Delivery

B. Are delivered

C. On time

D. Regularly

Contoh 10:

________ can be heard by humans

A. Only a few of the sounds produced by insects

B. There are only a few of the sounds produced by insects

C. That only a few of the sounds produced by insects

D. with only a few of the sounds produced by insects

Contoh 11:

The plane __________ landing at the airport in five minutes.

A. It is

B. It really is

C. Is descending

D. Will be

Contoh 12:

To Mike ____ was a big surprise.

A. Really

B. The party

C. Funny

D. When

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So, mana Subject dari kalimat ini:

1. The family has purchased a television.

2. The television purchased yesterday was expensive.

The letter left in the mailbox was for me.

The classes taught by Professor Smith were very interesting.

Soal Noun Clauses

Clause jenis ini biasanya didahului dengan kata: If, What, Where, That…untuk

mudahnya, jika menghadapi soal jenis ini, TERJEMAHKAN SAJA.


Kita tidak tahu jika Pak Guru telah menerangkan tentang Clauses sebelumnya.

Mana yang membawa makna JIKA?

We don't know __________ taught us noun clauses before.

A. If the teacher has

B. The teacher has

C. The teacher hasn't

D. Whether teacher

Tolong tentukan mana kalimat yang salah dan yang benar dengan sedapat mungkin

mengerti maksud setiap kalimat (atau dengan kata lain dengan menerjemahkan)

1. I did not believe the story that he told me. (Correct)

2. Ms. Brown, whom did you recommend for the job, will start work tomorrow.(___)

3. The lecture notes which lent me were not clearly written.(___)

4. Sally has an appointment with the hairdresser whom you recommended. (___)

5. The phone number that you gave me. She is able to solve all the problems which

did she cause. (___)

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6. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned. (___)

7. Next week I am going to visit my cousins, whom have not seen in several years.


8. Did you forget the promise whom you made? (___)

9. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history teacher. (___)

Coba cari artinya/terjemahkan dan pilih jawaban yang benar?

The teacher didn't know _______ .

A. Which noun clauses teach

B. Which noun clauses to teach

C. Why noun clauses to teach

D. When noun clauses to teach

Can you please tell me ________ ?

A. What time the next bus arrives

B. What time arrives the next bus

C. When arrives the next bus

D. When arrives the bus

The judges had an extremely hard time deciding _______ .?

A. Who's painting was the best

B. Painting was the best

C. Painting who was the best

D. The best painting was who

_______ is a mystery. I wish that I could ask him.

A. How did it

B. What he did it

C. How he did it

D. When did it

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Soal Struktur Parallel

Struktur yang kompleks (diperluas) dan majemuk (struktur ganda) menganut prinsip

PARALEL yaitu kesetaraan antara satu kata dengan kata-kata lain yang

dihubungkan dengan KATA PENGHUBUNG.

Contoh, kata HEATED yang dipisahkan dengan tanda koma (,) maka kata kerja

yang mengikutinya juga berbentuk ED, misalnya, COOLED, dan STORED

Demikian juga jika yang parallel kata benda, maka yang seharusnya parallel wajib

ditulis dalam kata benda juga.

Cermati soal berikut:

Acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading with a A B C D paintbrush. Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality, knowledge, existent, and ethics

A B C by means of rational inquiry. D

Dresses, skirts, shoes, and children’s clothing are advertised at great A B C D reduced prices this weekend

Coba, mana yang benar dari kalimat-kalimat berikut?!

1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously. (Incorrect)

You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or

in the jar. ( ___ )

2. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps.


3. He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not

going to improve, and that he needed to get a job. (___ )

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4. All day long during the trip to the mountains, they were skiing, sledding, or played

in the snow. (___)

5. The car needs new tires but not a new engine. (___)

He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished.


6. To get to the office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and

continuation down the hall. (___)

7. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter


( ___)

8. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest. (___)

Soal frase

Jangan terkecoh dengan FRASA PREPOSISI (seolah SUBYEK, misalnya). Contoh,

In the morning…… jelas bukan subyek, tetapi KETERANGAN.


______was ringing continuously for hours.

A. Loudly

A. In the morning

B. The phone

C. The bells

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Soal, “Adjective atau Adverb”

Ms. Franklin directed a very ____ project.

A. successfully

B. success

C. successive

D. successful

Soal participle (ingat bukan berfungsi sebagai verb/predikat)

- contoh: gone (past participle); going (present participle)

Coba, mana yang benar dari kalimat-kalimat berikut?!

1. The crying baby needs to be picked up. (C)


2. The clothes are lying the floor should go into the washing machine. (I)


3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners.

4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line.

5. For her birthday, the child is getting a talking doll.

6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky.

7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight.

8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk.

9. The boring class just ending a few minutes ago.

10. The fast-moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area.

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Contoh di Soal TOEFL

The bread _____ baked this morning smelled delicious.

A. Has

B. Was

C. It

D. just

Mana yang benar dan mana yang salah?

1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious. (Incorrect)

2. The plane landed on the deserted runway. ( ____ )

3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime. (____)

4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required courses. (____)

5. The teacher found the lost exam. (____)

6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized. (____)

7. The photographs developed yesterday showed Sam and his friends. (____)

8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels. (____)

9. The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs. (____)

10. The students registered in this course are listed on that sheet of paper. (____)

Soal Sentence Connector

Contoh soal TOEFL

I forgot my coat, ____ I got very cold.

A. Then

B. So

C. later

D. as a result

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Mana yang benar dan mana yang salah?

1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. (Correct)

2. The book was not long, it difficult to read. (___)

3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. (___)

4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together. (___)

5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. (___)

6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will be turned off. (___)

7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. (___)

8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent. (___)

9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the

yard was still covered. (___)

10. The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive

today, it probably will arrive tomorrow. (___)

Soal Adverb connector (after, until, although, even though, since, dll.)

Contoh soal TOEFL

_____ arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.

A. The student

A. When

B. He

C. After the student

Mana yang benar dan mana yang salah?

1. After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway. (Correct)

2. The registration process took many hours since the lines so long. ( ____ )

3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects.


4. The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the coastal town. (____)

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5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not. (____)

6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma filled the

kitchen. (____)

7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into the new

house. (____)

8. Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the springtime. (____)

9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the rain was falling

heavily because they did not want to have an accident. (____)

10. If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because

the small details will not cause problems. (____)