By: David R. Bradford 101 Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent Business Connections

Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

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Page 1: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

By: David R. Bradford

101Tips for shockinglypersonal, powerful,

and permanentBusiness Connections

Page 2: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

8) Create categories of connections – this will greatly accelerate your outreachefforts and follow-up.  Your email, your LinkedIn, and even your Facebook account will allow you to create categories of contacts.

9) When LinkedIn alerts you to people who have a new position, take the time to congratulate them. 

10) Offer to write a blog post for someone or offer to post their event or project to your Social media platforms.

1) 90% of Success in life comes from just showing up.

2) It has been said that you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with - surround yourself with top notch people.

3) When you are at an event, stand in high-traffic areas where you can beseen and heard.

4) Be personal in everything you do.  When you send a LinkedIn or Facebookconnection request, personalize your request.

5) Strive to build authentic relationships.  Once trust exists, it willaccelerate everything.

6) Understand and adopt a variety of social media platforms – like it or not, it is the present as well as the future.

If you are new to networking, start with your wedding list. Invite them all toconnect with you on Linkedin or Facebook.  The average person has roughly 250

people they can invite to a wedding. 


Page 3: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

16) Look for the subtle opportunities that others might miss – perhaps it is a boring “meet and greet” that others will bypass.  Remember that a lot of your effort to win in the networking game is by just showing up.

17) Create your own personal board of directors and stay connected at a deep level with each of those people.

18) Tag people in Social media. Let them know you are thinking about them.It makes them feel valued and appreciated. 

19) Remember that those who build wealth, build networks; those that are happy with just a paycheck don’t.

11) Keep your “To Do” list with you always – either digitally or by old-fashioned note paper -- and mark down important action items and people with whom tofollow up.

12) Remember – don’t force anything when you are trying to network – in fact, don’t try to “network”– just work on developing solid and real relationships.

13) A great question to ask to when seeking to build a relationship:  “Can you tell me more about what it is you do?”

14) Do not make your social media posts look like glorified press releases. Be authentic in a world of plastic.

Networking is not something you do just when you want something. Make it a habit, a lifestyle.


Page 4: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

26) Become a Domain Expert on a given topic. People will look to network with you because you have specific expertise on a topic.

27) Remember that building a world-class network takes time. Add one contact here, another there, stay in touch and follow up and years from now you will be grateful you got started.

20) The beauty of social networking is that you cannot be in all places at all times in person - but social media allows you to exponentially expand your presence and influence. Use its power! 21) Never, ever do anything in your personal or business life that would causepeople to question your integrity.  Credibility means everything to yournetworking success.

22) Go to receptions, conventions, and the like with the intent of seeing what you can do for others.

23) Remember that there is a Law of Reciprocity in the Universe. Give as much or more than you receive; otherwise, your network will dry up.

24) Think about networking as a great adventure – so many people to meet and stories to learn in a precious amount of time.

Don’t be awed by someone’s position or title.  They put their dress or pantson just like you. Do not be shy about reaching out.


Page 5: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

32) Build out your Social media platform in an exciting and compelling way by posting thought provoking information so that people will want to participate with you there.

33) Keep in Contact with your Network.  Use a contact management system or CRM tool that alerts and reminds you to send out a drip campaign of information to your network.

34) A secret to building a great Online network is to study the networks of your most successful friends. Add some select people from those networks by usingpersonalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend.   

28) While there is wisdom in building a network of people around you who have skills and talents it is essential that you must also support, encourage and invest in their success.

29) Social media tools can help you build a team more quickly and with more of a professional edge than any other way. Build your social network well and you will have access to the resources for team building at the moment you have a need.

30) Build a killer Advisory Board team.  They will have previously dealt with the more dicey situations you encounter in your job. Look to them as a personalsounding board.

Events can turn into Blurs.  Make specific notes about people you have met.I typically will make notes right on someone’s business card telling me

more about the connection.


Page 6: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

37) When you need to communicate with your network, consider the power ofstories.  Facts and figures are nice but unless you grab someone’s heart with a great story, it is doubtful you will be remembered.

38) Actively make positive Facebook comments to others’ posts.

39) Always ask the Question – “What can I do for you?”

40) Take yourself out of your comfort Zone.  When you are given a chance to get involved in a new group or organization, just do it.  That is your chance to meet new people and expand your network.

41) Go to lunch twice a week with someone new.

42) Make sure to invite your connections to meet one another.  If people see you as someone who connects others, they will be willing to hook you up at the right time.

43) With Twitter, you can learn a lot about people to whom you are connected. Retweet meaningful posts. The original Tweeter will feel valued.

44) Engage in a conversation and don’t just be a Talker.  Look at people withinterest, repeat their name, and listen to what they have to say.

35) Follow up within 24 hours of any significant meeting by sending your new acquaintance an email, a text, an Instagram add, a LinkedIn request or Facebook friends request.

Remember that listening with real intent is morepowerful than any words you might say.


Page 7: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

51) Join a number of professional Groups on LinkedIn and actively post comments so people will keep you at the top of their mind – remember, Hootsuite and other platforms can post directly to your LinkedIn Groups.

52) A good question to ask when you are stuck in a conversation: “What is thebiggest challenge you are having in your business?”

53) When you make a Promise to follow up, DO IT.

45) You can absolutely learn something from everyone.  Never pre-judge thecontribution that another can make to your life.  One of the top referrals I everreceived was from an out of work sales rep.

46) It is not the number of business cards you distribute at an event that is impor-tant but rather the number of business cards you collect.

47) ABC - Always Be Curious. Ask lots of questions. People like to tell THEIR story.

48) Stand out from the crowd when you attend an event.  Brightly colored clothing, tastefully done, can help you make you memorable.

49) In my mind, an uncategorized contact is a wasted contact. Make sure you take some time today to place your connections in a category such as doctors, friends,accountants, marketing, sales, or by location.

Get a Business Card that will stand out from the ordinary. Go ahead and spend a dollar a piece on your card so you will be remembered. 

Steve Wozniak has a metal business card.


Page 8: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

60) Make yourself available to others.  Tell your friends, managers, and colleagues that you are interested in participating the next time a project comes up.

61) As you build your organization, remember it is not the “what,” but the “who” you are connected to. People will judge you, rightly or wrongly, by the Company you keep in person AND online. This is your Social Capital.

54) Give speeches in your area of expertise then invite people right at the event to email you or send you a LinkedIn message inviting them to connect with you.

55) Start a conversation with a new acquaintance with: “I am excited to hear YOUR story.”

56) Stephen Covey used to speak about building up your “EBA” or “Emotional Bank Account” with others.  Make sure your deposits are exceeding your withdrawals at all times.

57) Be sure to post frequently on all your social media platforms about job openings you have or those that you are aware of.

58) Use platforms like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to spread messages and influence across many social media platforms at once. And/or “Use the linking function within various social networks to link one to the next.” And/or “Don’t forget that blogs are inherently a social media tool – fast, easily-digestible bits and ofinformation for social consumption.”

Find a Mentor who is an expert at connecting with people.Observe, listen and then act like your mentor.


Page 9: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

64) Be the first person to arrive at an event.  You will be able to more quickly judge how to navigate the situation. 

65) Broaden your scope to connect with people internationally; there will be another 1.2 Billion people on the planet by 2025 but only 3% of that global growth will come from the United States and Europe.

66) Connect with people at church, soccer matches, conventions, weddings, the gas station, or grocery. Don’t take “downtime” from networking.  It can happenanytime, anywhere.

67) The best two jobs I ever garnered occurred by simply walking into the business I was targeting.  Sometimes, you simply have to be bold.

68) Take the time to post insightful quotes made by great people in the business world. But just don’t post a quote, explain why that one is meaningful you that day.

69) “Network extensively WITHIN your own Company and connect with co-workers on LinkedIn;.

70) Go serve somewhere – a soup Kitchen, the Red Cross, your Church – yourefforts to serve others will be noticed and will engender a feelings of trust.

62) Engage with others to make your network not only bigger but deeper. Yournetwork will help you get more things done quickly. Many hands make light work.

Look at your “To Do” list several times a day and make sure you are staying on top of important networking action items.


Page 10: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

72) Some of the closest relationships you will build are at get-togethers where you NEVER TALK ABOUT YOUR COMPANY. Get to know people on a personal level.

73) I am fond of saying: “If you ask for money, you will get advice; if you ask for advice, you will get money.” Therefore, ask for advice from everyone.  It won’talways come back in the form of money but people will appreciate the fact that you value their opinion.

74) When is the last time you followed up with a hand-written note? Do it onoccasion when a personal touch would be most meaningful.

75) Actively strive to meet new people; unless you do, your perspectives on life will never change and you will grow stagnant.

76) Be “top of mind” and frequently post new thoughts or advice on LinkedIn.  Also, be sure to check the box at the bottom so you can share your updateon Twitter.

77) Take the time to give a heart-felt recommendation to others on LinkedIn.  It will be deeply appreciated and the law of reciprocity dictates that you will likely get something in return. Take the initiative to do it even when the person receiving the recommendation hasn’t asked for it!

78) Provide leads to your own network of people – when you hear of boardpositions, projects, groups or business leads, take the time to tell others about them. Most people don’t.

Do you know of a great article or book someone would like to know about? If so, take the time to share it.


Page 11: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

87) When using social media, don’t tell people what you are eating for dinner, tell them something that might change their life.

88) Think about creating a website for yourself. It will help keep you memorable and establish yourself as a domain expert.

79) Identify several blogs in your given industry and make it a habit to regularly read the content there and actively participate in the discussions. Use blogaggregators on your mobile phone to facilitate.

80) Get to understand the real needs of those with whom you interface. Empathize with THEIR situation and respond to what is most important to them.

81) Remember that creating and nurturing a world-class network takes hard work.  Do not shy away from it.  Do something everyday to expand and organize your network.

82) Remember that networking is like preparing for any athletic contest.  It requires consistent and daily work on the effort.

83) When you are impressed with someone, go on to LinkedIn and “endorse” them,

84) The power of the book – follow up and share a good book with one of your best connections. In fact, use a digital means to send it.

85) Many people will “show up” but precious few follow up. So follow up!

Sit in the front row at an event.  I sat in the front row of a speech given by Steve Wozniak, inventor of the Apple computer, some years ago.  It led to

my meeting his Executive Assistant which led to a meeting with Steve which led to his working for me.


Page 12: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

96) Working smart includes the broad crowdsourcing of information to solvetoday’s problem in business.  The broader and deeper your network, the morequickly and efficiently you can overcome obstacles in your business.

89) Do a special “thank you” for those that really help you out – give them a new golf club, a day at the SPA, or Tickets to a movie or play.

90) To communicate openly and effectively with others and form a basis of trust, remember to stick to your Principles but abandon your Assumptions.

91) Get involved politically and actively support candidates and issues.  Be out there and be seen.

92) Your future employers WILL LOOK AT YOUR ONLINE PROFILE.  Thecompetition is tough.  Make sure there are no negative or inappropriate aspects to your LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter profile. 

93) When you use Facebook, take the time to post a question asking for people’sfavorite vacation spot or favorite movie.  You will get a lot of comments

94) Today’s online access to people’s professional background through Google searches or LinkedIn, gives new transparency.  Build your Online persona is a way that demonstrates that you are a success.

Every person has a unique emotional DNA.If you care to do business with a person, get to know this person’s

likes and dislikes and what motivates them.


Page 13: Tips for shockingly personal, powerful, and permanent ...€¦ · personalized invitations and a reference to your mutual friend. 28) While there is wisdom in building a network of

97) You may not know the right people with the right answers right now.  But you may know someone who knows them. Work smart and ask the people with whom you associate.  They may put you in touch with one key individual who can change your business or personal life in one email.  

98) As you plan your day, plan specifically for building upon and deepeningyour relationships.

99) The Single greatest factor that gets and retains attention is a deeppersonal relationship.

Nothing will define you more than the people who impact your life atpivotal junctures. So surround yourself with great people both in the

physical world as well as in the virtual world.


101) From time to time, people think to contact a friend about the loss of his job or think to congratulate another buddy on his latest adventure or a sister’s move or a friend’s graduation. Yet, these fleeting thoughts go through our minds and we miss the opportunity to act and connect. The difference makers in the world are those people who actually carry out those positive thoughts.

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davidbradford.comCEO / Entrepreneur / People Connector / Author