Yf , f 44 4 Jt li i4 Vw XV, No. 31. no.vou'u:, n. l, fimimy kvknixg, fkhkitahy o, isoi. HO autifeCH M HTI.'JI- (' 11'MtBOilETrji salj IM.SiU GINGHAMS! GINGHAMS! Wilfler's stBams&lo Cos Il'iii (1 Irwin tl &S9 insurance Agents!; TIHK tVt,Y.t 4.1 (b OftUn, n rt, llvu'.ela, IMMEX.SE VARIETY W OPEN AT X. S. SACHS', tauB(v, (tmnini OFFEtt FOU SALE Limo Ac Coiuoui, PAHAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all ilzs.-- nut ,m. tt . J;;::;;;,;;;:::;; (Ltm4. lee' I .L ,.,,,,rtSt 104 I1 it St., HonoMll. Plaid Ginghams ! LATEST & NEWEST l'ATTEUNS. 100 jii:ci: Fan y Dress Ginghams! EAMI I'lECE MKI EUENT J "Mi We are offering this ri8 YARDS POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, lot Fort Street, Honolulu. 101 f ! j (i'' , No. 17-- . aCtUB" UWiON FEED CO. of I KK AT BED ROCK 1'BICES 'ALllOJiMA IJAV. OATS, UUAN, !L AKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, IJALLEV. 1MJLLED KAKLEV, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. UH'li tV'Ai j, (JoUI.eri Oate ftHalliian-- M FLO UK r, o, jiv Miv"- - . rcliMTYRE &. BRO., 4 FERTILIZERS: WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, ALS- O- BUCK & OHLANDT S High Grade Chemical Case SLicn. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS Aud CLOVER'S. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'a Coined Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARBELS, mi n in ; m t mum. The undersigned having bri n uppoiiiti-- sole agents for the Hawaiian Island, For the Celcbr .U(l Mini tefe From llie works ot Burbam, Parry, WJllams & Co., I'hiluili-liiliiu- . I'eiln., Are now nrepared to uive I'sthnaies uml receive orders for thec engine.-- , ol any size and style. The Baldwin I.ocomotivk Vi.i;i,s are now maiiiifactui iii a style ol Ian particularly ad ipted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently b n ri'Ceived at these Islamic, ami we ill have pleasure in liuiiiliiiig plautati' a agi'iits ant managers wild parli.-iuai- j of same. '1'he superiority of Ibt-s- l.oi iiiiiotivi's overall other makes Is not only kniwi here but is aeknow ledgej tin ungliniit the L'nite'J .States. Win. . iuwix & c.. i.a, Sole Agents for Hawaiian I lands. fit . Iliffi I (id. (I.I 111 I FI.) Wm. G. lrwm. . .President A ManuL'' r Clans Spreckel Vice-l'irM- 'l. ut Walter Jl. Giffard Si cretary X Theo. C. Porter inlitoi HUOAK FACTOK.S A.l Commission Agentj. AOKNIS OK TIIK Oceanic MmW CtiV, Of Man FranrlMeo. I nl. Tl I 1 Metropolitan Meat Gompaii Nl KING STKEKT, G. J. Vt'ALLEK, - ftk.1r.5 jr. Wlirlesule & E'ttail Batchers AMI-S- AW CO" IKACTOltS. :! TAI WO CHAN, MTORTERH AND DEALERS IN Grcc iio: , Provisions and Feed, LAS I' ORXEK FORI' AND KING STREETS. i'4,, t' it',., A .y tvity I'lW'ki-- t from Eastern Ht.itcn and Eurojio, ZtUviu V.i,l AnrftnYu , ,FJZ An4i , Mt it f ForUCJ..K - T(" JTrW Firtr Vll ff W Hti') Alameda' Feb. 12, 1831. ! Au4 will kxir' r U a- - prt 1'J ! - - -- - i For Sjda-- j a:d Aockhcd!; 'fUt u4 Vim Al kitti tumwUi ' u uw iii ii'HK'iuiu iriu ran i4 ttitl lav r,i,t 4,,u-- wUh Wiaii i'l inwr. i'iT tm. i,ru. . n . f.am co..r, ! j, j.HOPP&eo.f! HttUa ad Kid FrrJ'it. IMit and tooets Mi w ft b w . 4 ii,IHmH, Bcli3iliioa4Ililfilcot ' ' tnum: t.,t .V 'r .vo i ft '00 U r UltM' 'fU I r it u A.imi.u ytniiiif hy i ty rttHiwr, All order liiitlifully aitemlcd TIMK TAHI.K: STMR. ' KINAU,' LORENZEN, Commander, Will Ii'iivn Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. M., loucliiiiK ut l.aliaimi, M.uilaia Bay and Miikcna the miiic day; Maliu-kon- Kawaihae and L.uipaluiclioc thi' following day, arriving al Uily ut midnight. LfcAVKS UONOLCLb' Tnt'wlay " iOth Friday " JOth Tmlay Feb. 10th Friday " 201 Ii TiieMlay Mar. 3d Fiiday " Lfth Tm.'Hlay " AliKIVES AT HONOI.ri.U. Wednesday " 28th Saturday Feb. 7th Wednesday " 18tli Saturday ' 28th Wednesday Mar. 11th Saturday " 21st Wednesday April 1st gjCT No Freight will lie received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STMR. 'CLAUDINE,' DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock I'. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i, I'fuelo, Haua, Hauioa and Kip.i-huli- i. Returning will arrive at Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. gjBT No Freight will h received alter v. M. on day ot sailing. Consignee nnn--t lie at the landings to receive their fn ighl, tin we will not hold uuraclveri resion,iihle afti r such fri ght been lamled. While the Company will use due diligence in handling live ttock, we decline to any responsibility in case of the loss of smile, and will not be responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in I lie car. of Pursers. W. C. WILDER, President. S. IJ. ROSE, Secretary. CAH. .1. A. KIN'IJ, Port Supt. D. M. CROWLEY, rriioi.HiF.itr.it, 110 King street m ar Alakea stn-et- , epjio. Califuriiia I'niil Market. Designer and Manufacturer of ART FURNITURE. Furniture elegant cove- ring; ii la Bedding Made, ami Old Beilding e, French Polishing By a Mi st clas man. C VEPET3 MADE and LAID. Window Poles, Cornices and DRAPERIES, Iiesinned and made In the liiglic.t style of art. (Sample may be Keen in the legislative Hall). rsr w itli the workman, and save middleman's pritlt. 17 tf IY?P '1V 0 l) 22. Tlio h'.r-'- i r ov - k1 poUoa of erofuJa:eic'-..;;- hi 3 (leilcatO tisSIMO in the hr.u:i, ;. ve kne- - an iifirantio., iei'.f-- t iiixmii v. It en Urge t! e ilien tli (ml. impairs the sens!.' ( ' shmjII la w or huaks nto roa icnia .' u ; e son 'lie ek. It hstroy tin Pit L'i; i r fiil tin m with till rciilmm " reiinmi I', et awn he routing of tie; stntiicn, i n!a'p ttie liver, Iol") the kidncv'.. ere - rnxtitiiitinn and iudures inli i . Jso human nren'y ran re'!i!y, p'r mawntly and economically chansfl tl i blood of ncrofi.lous piil on, Wur iln eoniplfjioii and ' in. m ,.lp an'l i a ICetiK'i' rup .. M, tne t;reat blood puriii. r. Renter's Healing Soap Un It ulway if von l h f;ir a fair ckarkm, a mi'a, s in; ! s kin. Oivn lial'ird tint, i up it Ir inie, r iliyVia ll it. I..:. , p i nH la iiplioli. HOLLISTER & CO., ii Jiisiiib'iiuig Agent. Im ir, i :m i ;iiNic m ' I A h I " pli i' in Infoi niiiijr llii' I '.Mir llial lie will Ii ,-- nun' I'l.o -- l,..'I.S... f Ii ...I fl i t. re i.li-i- e of I I .o- I upi A. J'i.'i i . on J .ii. limy Uili, i"JI I" I J r, I.mI.i .So. li'J f in. m,H,r,tm.; lf( fctMrf, I fr ,.,.....'f itt " t, jw; l""1 ; Ww.Kxr fc.rxr.rf nr. 1 i f(k.k.lH A, THVksrvrX, f tiw. tilt.: nt tifr' Hwinlfi. II, I, 1- -1 f VL WSMKkkkt, f I V tVZ'.M'.St At HfjH. If IJA.'.KI'MAnteCO, I'' A ' j I V VIA kicLiVe. It UfJ , ! ( ijmA.l.VM it CO , j . I on f, VJkt v.n uj;,v. AWitM it Osst., - ! i ' ' , t'ftt,MU'tt 4fiut I fc i" Ifttf 4M , V..' t t it'Yf A H4ifrt trim ft', ... , WlH it , it i ... frtiff, ' ' " ; "V " W t - r r i ft V .',.....- - 4, n,0 t,. H 4 it,mr,Hh0 Vt WH4 14 tt ,0t,ts t 'r 4 14 Afrrfji-- , 44 1 4ll.4 i'.t l4it4i 4 J. ', . (.'( ( any (r.iit ,f t" i,' , S i, 1 1,- - I'M'.- r iujm . v . . Or A tUAt,t" I 1.1,1', in fit A. 1 VIMfv ISUKAXCE. H'(fd rr ii , . f 7 r r,ft (l,i((ji '!,, n.uv,i2'7 ifmrl n' i '' ii ' J , : 4 - t) ,.1 . J) ( '.I HI I'll! -- J. .,). A' j);4i ( W)! rifnV t J"J' i' 4 i't i t . I ' . 1 I (Hal tf'o V , li '. 4 : i, i' ,. i , A It f, i il! ; i i'! i: M; l! I Striped Ginghams ! Ifc- J- NO TWO PIECES ALIKE ! lot at the low price of FOR S1.002 -- Cor. Edinliurg it Queen NtB. -- T li No. 'J2. m' r.ily tire of tlmrge, lelainl order r. o. Box :H2. - V. O. Box 2'J7. mi; flwti al rn.ii; t ' fliiit line ill lind thl specially livor New Goods ! tirAi lliK.Ii Hit oil Ii,e way. IIoiuIuIm. Ohas. ihistace, King Street. ' r'imm 'm tin; tri k lnildiiK known a the ' ' I , l - fc, (' f tif.fMiU' tUt; 1I lxnd, and liavinn dicpOHed v ( ((.y Is d,i iii.i if'd ly llie Lttj lire, and leii( o " - i fi 4 ft i J.it 'U afnrt, arid more on the way, 1 f fwi'4 tJi j ;! rf! f.ter (, Mmr, TliaiikinK the inildie (or ' i if I I ( i, ij !,( on fne for the al even year, I ii"'t ' (I'l 'rt t' ll ord f U HKfil a conliii!! im c of llin AS owfrf(il Im1I le I'lcafM-- t e all my old cu-f- .- at- ft.. , thAf,' lii w iiui-- h limy lind it Ut th ir adv;nitge to ' - t,l "i 1' ft it. i ittft a tut faithfully exeruteri. i ',t I'll AS. IIUHTACE. !.- - jr M1V LEWIS & CO, 111 Foit Street, hovoliia;, n. i.; tVjiihkikk MW Dealers In Grcceries & Provisions, o.n U-- s, 4l f, t ,,f ,M i ( ), from California fretli Calafornia Roll ' t, i t' ' it U. j i - hi V ft Caltfi f Frnil, Fieli, (Jritne, Vegetal,)!', . ' Hint', ij fftnuw k BI.i! kwill' k J, T. MorUm' ('armed k t'i ' A fi.-n- fi i.4tnl, Al, jnt r ivei a (reli line of (.crinan I i . i ,f.i'i i;.'t it t; .. and f.ftl. d J'r' - rved Frnil, !'i t Co.' Malt!-- ii ; l l :"4 tt'ii it1 t'l.ituu, New Br(iik!a-- t Cereal, Cream Oat l'.i-- , M ii i'ii ' S, l Hnkt-f- , Ay anil California Rivi-raiil- ' , ' h IV.f.at-- F,l-- , Ktf., Etc- - MMtinfaetion guaranteed. I 'iii Zf."Ckm ". BARGAINS! tiiu TACiriO HARDWARE CO., L'd., iw , n '1'iitf ff,.' ,.(..',(,.,( i, i0li,nr r j, )r to llii-i- huiMinj;, tlii'jr ' !. ' iiX lsif ntiH-- 4 0ini'lm in iUh y. ti'' i 1,'ih'i, Hi tinii f lii M0, HirMK lit baiellilig 4 inn: AiiuKoio:;, .;.! :M m is in 'i hi; t fi i.i i.i i", i,i Hi.jl iH'K ill tl ( Coods ! ii ,t i, i ,; ,,.jwd Hi"! Manufacturer of Ladii & "iili": ' French K d, Calf A Karj . j SKIS MIDI MAIlK IO llltlii li. Prglfrt itrki-Hi'd- . lo. tl'i HH Kuuuuu tel., t t p. O. li. v . '. !. ii. Mi l I I K .V . . PfCA'TlOAf. 0US ii J0CK-- ; - i i U' lllt I l. I t, "ll.lll 'f j..- - h I HI III I t II. Miigu il A M al I ;. i i. r. in. d ! ! ii .1. i i Wa.-lni.- i iin I i. ... .1 i; i i i' ,1 l . 1 J I - I. A . I. p.. i. .. (I..I.M .. .1.1,. , l"i !k. i ,i Unlit mi , t4l,HJlH t H, i H U niv. III ' ' -- 4 " i- - ..... ii-- ii o Jrf. i f ,,.... '' .I . . U i PACIFIC HARDWARE CO,, LU, t 1 w VV 4J- - 40M100 044 4 ft t i W ' Hi, ' .i(,vl i 0 4

TIMK TAHI.K: Ac lee' - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/46593/1/1891020601.pdf · r, o, jiv Miv"--4. rcliMTYRE &. BRO., FERTILIZERS: WOOL DUST, BONE

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Yf , f 44 4 Jt li i4

Vw XV, No. 31. no.vou'u:, n. l, fimimy kvknixg, fkhkitahy o, isoi. HOautifeCH


11'MtBOilETrji salj IM.SiU GINGHAMS! GINGHAMS! Wilfler's stBams&lo Cos Il'iii (1 Irwin tl


insurance Agents!;TIHK tVt,Y.t4.1 (b OftUn, n rt, llvu'.ela,








Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all ilzs.--

nut ,m. tt . J;;::;;;,;;;:::;;(Ltm4. lee'I .L ,.,,,,rtSt

104 I1 it St., HonoMll.

Plaid Ginghams !


100 jii:ci:Fan y Dress Ginghams!


We are offering this


POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,lot Fort Street, Honolulu.


f ! j (i'' , No. 17-- . aCtUB"





UH'li tV'Ai j, (JoUI.eri Oate ftHalliian-- M FLO UK

r, o, jiv Miv"- -

. rcliMTYRE &. BRO.,4





High Grade Chemical Case SLicn.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'a Coined

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


mi n in ; m tmum.The undersigned having bri n uppoiiiti--

sole agents for the HawaiianIsland,

For the Celcbr .U(l

Mini tefeFrom llie works ot

Burbam, Parry, WJllams & Co.,

I'hiluili-liiliiu- . I'eiln.,Are now nrepared to uive I'sthnaies umlreceive orders for thec engine.--, ol anysize and style.

The Baldwin I.ocomotivk Vi.i;i,sare now maiiiifactui iii a style ol Ian

particularly ad ipted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently b nri'Ceived at these Islamic, ami we illhave pleasure in liuiiiliiiig plautati' aagi'iits ant managers wild parli.-iuai- j

of same.'1'he superiority of Ibt-s- l.oi iiiiiotivi's

overall other makes Is not only kniwihere but is aeknow ledgej tin ungliniitthe L'nite'J .States.

Win. . iuwix & c.. i.a,Sole Agents for Hawaiian I lands.

fit . Iliffi I (id.

(I.I 111 I FI.)

Wm. G. lrwm. . .President A ManuL'' rClans Spreckel Vice-l'irM- 'l. utWalter Jl. Giffard

Si cretary XTheo. C. Porter inlitoi



Commission Agentj.AOKNIS OK TIIK

Oceanic MmW CtiV,Of Man FranrlMeo. I nl.

Tl I 1


Meat GompaiiNl KING STKEKT,

G. J. Vt'ALLEK, - ftk.1r.5 jr.Wlirlesule & E'ttail Batchers





Grcc iio: , Provisions and Feed,LAS I' ORXEK FORI' AND KING STREETS.

i'4,, t' it',., A .y tvity I'lW'ki-- t from Eastern Ht.itcn and Eurojio,

ZtUviu V.i,lAnrftnYu , ,FJZAn4i , Mt it

f ForUCJ..K-

T(" JTrW Firtr Vll ff W Hti')


Feb. 12, 1831. !

Au4 will kxir' r U a- - prt 1'J !

- - -- - i

For Sjda-- j a:d Aockhcd!;

'fUt u4 Vim Al kitti tumwUi'

u uw iii ii'HK'iuiu iriu ran

i4 ttitl lav r,i,t 4,,u-- wUhWiaii i'l inwr. i'iT

tm. i,ru.

.n . f.am co..r, !



HttUa ad Kid FrrJ'it.

IMit and tooets Miw ft b w .

4 ii,IHmH,


' 'tnum: t.,t

.V 'r .voi ft '00 U r UltM' 'fU


r it u A.imi.u ytniiiif hy i ty rttHiwr, All order liiitlifully aitemlcd



Will Ii'iivn Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. M.,

loucliiiiK ut l.aliaimi, M.uilaia Bayand Miikcna the miiic day; Maliu-kon-

Kawaihae and L.uipaluiclioc thi'following day, arriving al Uily utmidnight.


Tnt'wlay " iOthFriday " JOthTmlay Feb. 10thFriday " 201 Ii

TiieMlay Mar. 3dFiiday " LfthTm.'Hlay "


Wednesday " 28thSaturday Feb. 7thWednesday " 18tliSaturday ' 28thWednesday Mar. 11thSaturday " 21stWednesday April 1st

gjCT No Freight will lie receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock I'. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

I'fuelo, Haua, Hauioa and Kip.i-huli- i.

Returning will arrive at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.

gjBT No Freight will h receivedalter v. M. on day ot sailing.

Consignee nnn--t lie at the landingsto receive their fn ighl, tin we will nothold uuraclveri resion,iihle afti r suchfri ght been lamled. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live ttock, we decline to

any responsibility in case of theloss of smile, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inI lie car. of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. IJ. ROSE, Secretary.

CAH. .1. A. KIN'IJ, Port Supt.


rriioi.HiF.itr.it,110 King street m ar Alakea stn-et- , epjio.

Califuriiia I'niil Market.

Designer and Manufacturer of

ART FURNITURE.Furniture elegant cove-


ii la Bedding Made, ami OldBeilding e,

French PolishingBy a Mi st clas man.


Window Poles, Cornices and

DRAPERIES,Iiesinned and made In the liiglic.t styleof art. (Sample may be Keen in thelegislative Hall).

rsr w itli the workman, and savemiddleman's pritlt. 17 tf

IY?P '1V 0l)


Tlio h'.r-'- i r ov - k1 poUoa oferofuJa:eic'-..;;- hi 3 (leilcatO tisSIMO

in the hr.u:i, ;. ve kne- - aniifirantio., iei'.f-- t iiixmii v. It en

Urge t! e ilien tli (ml. impairsthe sens!.' ( ' shmjII la w or huaksnto roa icnia .' u ; e son 'lie ek. Ithstroy tin Pit L'i; i r fiil tin m with

till rciilmm " reiinmi I', et awnhe routing of tie; stntiicn, i n!a'p

ttie liver, Iol") the kidncv'.. ere -

rnxtitiiitinn and iudures inli i . Jsohuman nren'y ran re'!i!y, p'rmawntly and economically chansfl tl i

blood of ncrofi.lous piil on, Wur ilneoniplfjioii and ' in. m ,.lp an'l i

a ICetiK'i' rup .. M, tnet;reat blood puriii. r.

Renter's Healing Soap

Un It ulway if von l h f;ir a fairckarkm, a mi'a, s in; ! s kin. Oivn

lial'ird tint, i up it Ir inie, riliyVia ll it. I..:. , p i nH la iiplioli.

HOLLISTER & CO.,ii Jiisiiib'iiuig Agent. Im

ir, i :m i ;iiNic m' I A h I " pli i' in Infoi niiiijr llii'I '.Mir llial lie will Ii ,-- nun' I'l.o --

l,..'I.S... f Ii ...I fl i t. re i.li-i- e ofI I .o- I upi A. J'i.'i i . on J .ii. limyUili, i"JI I" I J r, I.mI.i .So. li'J

f in.

m,H,r,tm.;lf( fctMrf, I fr ,.,.....'f itt

" t, jw;l""1 ;

Ww.Kxr fc.rxr.rf nr. 1 i

f(k.k.lH A, THVksrvrX,f tiw. tilt.: nttifr' Hwinlfi. II, I, 1- -1

f VL WSMKkkkt,

f I V tVZ'.M'.St At HfjH.

If IJA.'.KI'MAnteCO,

I'' A' j

I V VIA kicLiVe. It UfJ , !

( ijmA.l.VM it CO , j .

I on f, VJkt v.n uj;,v.

AWitM it Osst.,

- !


' ' ,

t'ftt,MU'tt 4fiut I

fc i" Ifttf 4M ,

V..' t t it'Yf A H4ifrt

trim ft',...

, WlH it , it i

... frtiff, '' ";

"V " Wt - r r i ft V.',.....- - 4, n,0 t,. H

4 it,mr,Hh0Vt WH4 14 tt ,0t,ts

t 'r

4 14 Afrrfji-- , 44 1 4ll.4 i'.tl4it4i 4

J. ', . (.'( ( any (r.iit ,f

t" i,' , S i, 1 1,--

I'M'.-riujm .

v . .

Or A tUAt,t" I 1.1,1', in fit A.

1 VIMfv

ISUKAXCE.H'(fd rr ii ,

. f 7 r r,ft

(l,i((ji '!,,


ifmrl n' i '' ii ' J



4 - t) ,.1 . J) ( '.I HI I'll!-- J. .,). A'j);4i ( W)!

rifnV t J"J' i'


i't i t . I '. 1

I (Hal tf'oV , li '. 4

: i, i' ,. i , A

It f, i

il! ; i i'! i:

M; l! I

Striped Ginghams !


lot at the low price of

FOR S1.002

-- Cor. Edinliurg it Queen NtB.

--T li No. 'J2.

m' r.ily tire of tlmrge, lelainl order

r. o. Box :H2.

- V. O. Box 2'J7.


flwti al

rn.ii; t'

fliiit line ill lind thl specially livor

New Goods !

tirAi lliK.Ii Hit oil Ii,e way.


Ohas. ihistace, King Street.

' r'imm 'm tin; tri k lnildiiK known a the' ' I , l - fc, (' f tif.fMiU' tUt; 1I lxnd, and liavinn dicpOHed

v ( ((.y Is d,i iii.i if'd ly llie Lttj lire, and leii(o " - i fi 4 ft i J.it 'U afnrt, arid more on the way, 1

f fwi'4 tJi j ;! rf! f.ter (, Mmr, TliaiikinK the inildie (or' i if I I ( i, ij !,( on fne for the al even year, Iii"'t ' (I'l 'rt t' ll ord f U HKfil a conliii!! im c of llin

AS owfrf(il Im1I le I'lcafM-- t e all my old cu-f- .-

at- ft.. , thAf,' lii w iiui-- h limy lind it Ut th ir adv;nitge to' - t,l"i 1' ft it. i ittft a tut faithfully exeruteri.

i ',t I'll AS. IIUHTACE.

!.- - jr M1V

LEWIS & CO, 111 Foit Street,hovoliia;, n. i.;

tVjiihkikk MW Dealers In Grcceries & Provisions,

o.nU-- s, 4l f, t ,,f ,M i ( ), from California fretli Calafornia Roll

' t, i t' ' it U. j i - hi V ft Caltfi f Frnil, Fieli, (Jritne, Vegetal,)!',. ' Hint', ij fftnuw k BI.i! kwill' k J, T. MorUm' ('armed

k t'i ' A fi.-n- fi i.4tnl, Al, jnt r ivei a (reli line of (.crinanI i . i ,f.i'i i;.'t it t; .. and f.ftl. d J'r' - rved Frnil, !'i t Co.' Malt!--

ii ; l l :"4 tt'ii it1 t'l.ituu, New Br(iik!a-- t Cereal, Cream Oatl'.i-- , M ii i'ii '

S, l Hnkt-f- , Ay anil California Rivi-raiil-

' , ' h IV.f.at-- F,l-- , Ktf., Etc- - MMtinfaetion guaranteed.I 'iii

Zf."Ckm ". BARGAINS!tiiu TACiriO HARDWARE CO., L'd.,

iw , n '1'iitf ff,.' ,.(..',(,.,( i, i0li,nr r j, )r to llii-i- huiMinj;, tlii'jr

' !. ' iiX lsif ntiH-- 4 0ini'lm in iUh

y. ti'' i 1,'ih'i, Hi tinii f lii M0, HirMK lit baiellilig 4

inn: AiiuKoio:;, .;.! :M m is

in 'i hi;t fi i.i i.i i", i,i Hi.jl iH'K ill

tl ( Coods !

ii ,t i, i ,; ,,.jwd Hi"!

Manufacturer of Ladii & "iili": '

French K d, Calf A Karj . jSKIS MIDI MAIlK IO llltlii li.

Prglfrt itrki-Hi'd- . lo. tl'iHH Kuuuuu tel., t t p. O. li. v . '.


ii. Mi l I I K .V . .

PfCA'TlOAf. 0US ii J0CK-- ;- i i

U' lllt I l. I t, "ll.lll 'f j..- - hI HI III I t II.

Miigu il A M al I ;. i i.r. in. d ! ! ii .1. i iWa.-lni.- i iin I i. ... .1 i; i i

i' ,1 l . 1 J I - I. A .I. p.. i. .. (I..I.M .. .1.1,. ,

l"i !k. i ,i

Unlit mi , t4l,HJlH t H,

i H U niv.


' -- 4 " i- - .....

ii-- ii o Jrf. i f ,,.... ''


t1 w

VV 4J- - 40M100 044 4 ftt i

W ' Hi, ' .i(,vl i0


THE .JiiJii: LIFE INSURANCE GO, OF NEW YORK.blutk mit Mini lint baud, and crape ' . Th 1'alaia is a house of mourning,on th bit riu lUriug th irusi of i Witbiu it lu ih mortal remains itfull mouminif. i a king, furrowi'M by a ttrickeo

All rpresentathw of foreign coun- - j wif, a tot rowing outer and immedi-tri- e,

Consult and commercial apontu -- ttJ frj( 1, (,,, p:ip ami eiicum- -

w, wMlHMpWMqW fc


111Pn-wldi'm- l.

of Policy !Iso es ETvry D r ble F r rf ,t)B sorrowful occasion an I

(.V, Frumi-rii- , Jnu, "27, i rS. S.

i' . 'I orii ii '.!-- , paid its member- - smee in organization jao HUNDRED AND NIN TY HLLIONS OF DOl' ARS.

I'. New Duirii.uiion Policy is Use most liberal ver offered by any Insurance Company.

W For fid! pariiculars apply to

r J. I. I4i;" Generiil Agent for the Hawaiian Ittlanda.






Ki'Iom ii Oil " ALOHA."






Cult Hi ai! KniwM.

are invitwl In observe the ri l of

mourning herein picscribed, ami theI'llblic generally tosl.oW

their respect for the tneinory of e

lamenled KoVcrein by wearinga

tiulx'M of mourning durinx tliu tiuiespecilied.

JAMK.S W. I'.ODEIMHjX,Vic- -' bniiiberlairi,

Maui l'alace, Jan. 10, Ml.25 tf

From and after this date all warrant and otlmr processes of all theCourts of this Kingdom must be in

the naiiitt of "LII.IL'OKALiXI, by

the Grace of O'A, of the HawaiianKljiii!, Cut-ell.-"

by the Court,JIENKY rj.MITH,

CU'ik Kureiic Cvutt.Aliiolani Hale, Jan. 2'J, 1M1.

X if

Honoi.i i.i--, II. I , Jan. 2'.Mh'Jl (

Notice io hereby iibii that allmaterial, etc., leijuirml for the Fune-

ral Ceremoniea of Hi Lite Majenty

Kalakaua only to be fnmiohi d onrerjuii-ition- c ix'ied by tin.' Milliliter of

Foreign Allaim.OODFKKY JUUnV.V,

Minister of Finanee,25 U

I!y virtue of the authority in mevetted by the Coiioiii uf ion and thetalute of thi Kingdom, and deem-

ing it i in tin- - oronioliou of




.. - ('Ii!.!!'- i.

I ' r f Vf tlW IiJlli J VAMAIi

ttin- - of muinii " (ire all in

with Hawaiian t'UtOii.iiiier- y, and are in uo way iuteiided

a ),ii.'C.int for the ainu-.enei- it of

the oui'lie,'1'liooe wh'i are privileged t. enter

the l';d iee are a M;: Minuterof theC'roaii, Juitir'o of the Nh-Ir- a

ne l oui t, lireiaber of the Legis-

lative Aeinbly, Hiember of the

1'rivy Council. and Con-oula- r

t'orp, Hear Admiral IJrowi.

and t'aot iina an I OlliceM of tin;

ahijioof war in oit, peroonal fiiemU

of Hi latf Maje-- ami the lady

and geulk'iiittii watcher and aiiUl- -

Ullt.X.at i mug, we are etedibly in-

form';!, M'veial ot i imer obtaiti"dadiiiiUam . Mi the 1'alaee and acted

in ou h n iii!i;ili-- r u l'i offend the

irorii lien of ImiIi the l.ii:e an 1

T avoid a repetition of

om li uneall. 'l lor rud ne, veil

though foiiiiiiiued iiirtiientionaily, it

lia been orden-- I hat a'l penon-- t

(except tiione nienl om d above atprivil !ed), ilcoiiiug to enter the i

1'alaee aie r. 'piefted to hereafiercall at the ollie of the Chainbel lain

for perujiniion.


W, '. trill llelure llix I'ourl tor Hul-II- I


Hurini' the trial of a cane at the

rCo lit. He wan noMlied oiaby toappear on Ihe lait day of the lei'iliand answer Ihe chaigci. a ilm-u- i b)the minilti of Ihe evidence lak' li.

Mr. Aehi uppiaiKl befne liieCourt in banco on the :a'ed d iv.

h.;n Mr. I A. IhuiBioe, hu coun-oel- .

moved the Coin l lor a more ope-cill-

chaige, 'J'he lull Court by luefJustice Judd huo remhred a decioiuiidated February (ith, in which it


GrooBrie Feed Stuffs, ISardvtfare, Cutlery, Crockery & Glassware,.IAPAIN VZ ; !!!

FFHTILIZERS: - (thlendorfg Dissolved Peruvian Guano, Ohleiiduif's Special Cane Mariuif.LO DON C U H -- 'Lfc Effectual destroyer of Potato, Cotton & i anker Worms, Etc.SCUUB XTE M I NAT OR: destroys all Noxious Weeds & Scrubs.BAG : suaiir, Rice, Paddy. ''ml. TWINE, -- EMP CANVAS. NAVY OAKUM.FlLTtfJ PHttS CL Jl HS & BAG: Knibraclnj the latest Improvements In material and texture.

Corrujfaled Iron, I enec Wire, l'ipe Fill Iiijjh, !:te , Etc.juotice, I do lu reby older that i lie ja),u(ii'y term of the fMipreun; Court,regular term of the Fourth Judicial aitneon j'tive tome eiilein e ali'

lo be held at Nawiliwili, A- - iii(i niuciiduel on Ihe pait of Mr.i . is : .....i...,.i i ...,...l.v.. V. C. Aehl. an .iUrm v of tin;

INDIAN (i 00 1)81 -- 01


jjimiU Ihe mm ion. Ihe fohownii clnrjicil with having libeled Emperorextracts Irom the deeitioii more luhy William. It wa i iroiieously report-sho-

jls tenor: ed that his ofleiie was binding Ihe"In Ihe eaie before us Ihe alleged j Sa.ile Zeiuing.

mi eonduet was not commit led in Bordeaux, Januaiy 20. There a

open Couit, nor is there before lis seiioua seiiuinae today hetweeiianv formal eomplaiiit by a party (jirnmn and I'lemh snilois. A iiiitn- -


K,,tl,,c,y "ewto tills trade.


Merchant-stree- t window. "Xs


received and for sale at

l .IMilOliC-Corner Fort & Merchant streets.

( K K .

i I I It

' rnw-V-

Chamberlain' Mot Ice,

'J'hu Fum OIi"juiK of Hi Luc

Majesty Kalakai', will tai. ' place

from lolaiii I'ulin-i'- , on HNI.IAY, the

16th instant, ;.t 11 o'clock a. m,



lolaiii r.uace, l ib. 2, 1HJ.27 td- -5 'il


ll. llliviii;; .V.ijul Aimij'ily ii'i'l

( lose 'In- earthly career of King

Kalalialia I'll the 2)lll illft,. Ill

ha n I' r.i u'-i- i), California, IT. K.

A., 'i', tin mi ii.Iii re of the Cabi-

net of llii' laii' Majesty, hereby

I'iioci.aiu, I')' virtue of 1 1 - 22d

Article of ibu Constitution, Hi r

lioyal Holmes the VniHiyfJ. ii. ii oK.M-.i- tUKKN of tlin Ha-

waiian f under the style

it.'.d lit It- of I.JI.H'OKAI.ANI.

iiOli I'HKH-.HV- Tlifc t'Kl-M- .

Given at lolaiii l'aluce, this twenty-ninl- h

ihiy of January, A. i, 101.J. A. CI MMINH,

M in of Foreign Allans.


.Minister of Finance.

CllAS. N, rU'F.NCKK,

Minister of Interior.

A. J'. J'KTKJtSON,AltoriM-y-O- ' neral.

i'i 7t I Jt


At a on i tiug of i!ii- - Privy Councilof Hate, held at lolaui I'ulaie onThui-Klay- Jan. 2'., the following

( 'kolillioiiis wi re iinaliimouely adopt-fed- :

A i ikk a reign longer than that f

any oilier nveivigu of Hawaii but

OIK, the earthly life of our beloved

King wan clon-- at 2 :!J0

o'clock Ml I niMla;. , ihe 20: ll day of

January, JMJl.in Han Francisco, Cali-

fornia, I'liited Hsalet of America,Failing health for Home month

j.ai-- t made it ceem advii-abl- e that he

tJi'iiild c ek to rigain it by a voyage

to the more bracing climate of Cali-

fornia, and iiir ircd with thif hope,he left hif kingdom in November laht.

The voyage and change of circum-

stance at i'u tn beiielit him,but at lenyth luoital difCaM- - appearedwilii iiicna.i il vigor, and he to

sleep cciiei nine day ago in a foreign

land. Th" f f ( J ' which theHawaiian people were waiting for

with i xpei-taii- ye, came lliin morn-ing- ,

biiugiiig bi k, not (heir Hover-eig- u

in w d luvhh, but, alao, hi

lifeloo remain. 'Ihe decoration of

loyal a fleet ion prepaiing for bin

are pei.!ily hangeij intothoce of mom ning, and we meet to-

day in the inipii!!! of a commonsorrow.

The ick'ii ofoiir departed King wa

tm niorahle an an era of remaikableand iiicri'!iitig prooperity. In thescu nti i n yearn of hi reign, nowclo-ii- j, i hi nation hao made nrpidttrideo in U material indiitrie, edu-

cation and ihe arto of civilization.Jin t death come- - alike to King and

commoner, and thewventh Sovereignof ll.iw-ii- i ban gone to join the roll of

the illuMriou dead. We humbly bow

to the will of tiod.TllKHKKOHB I K I t

Ukkoi.vu), Thi't the I'rivy Councilof Htl here ai inbled, join with hi

belovid Coifoii, 1 1 if I!oyl riinleraudtdaiive, and the Hawaiian people,in cxprci-i-iii- our great sorrow at fhi

lllitiliiely i! ceate of (;iil late King.Jihsol.VM), 'i hat the b n going pre-

amble and nn.lutii n be enteredupon the leeoid of the 1'iivy llnllll-- t

il and ubliidii il in the uewsj apernof thin ci'y, and

HhrOI.M.I), 'I hat the in lnhi r ofll,ir Cniii.ci! war ihe cuplomaryM'.lirniiig for a jeicai of ihiriy day.

C. I'. JM'KKA.2", if- -l Ji -i r i.i rv.



I herewith iippoint MR. M. (JOLDHERG, Agent for the sale of myi ii i in- Saniiary Cuilercloihiiig in the Hawaiian Islands.

Signed. J PROF. 1JR. G. JAEGER.S utigail, Ihe I'.Uli of Septi inlier, 1800.

Waihii gton, J .unary W Sena-

tor MiU ln ll of Oregon It prepaiinga bill which ohov.0 that, ihe peopb; nlihe norih piopnie t i lorotall llio-- e

of Sail Franci-e- n, if po-- .it I ;, in lay-

ing a ca ile iiciotti Ihe I'.ii-di- e o 'aii.Ill bl I pi'uviilc forof a company lo conntiuct a line

from a point in the United Siatennot demguated to Honolulu, Samoa,New Zealand ami Japan,

Topcka, January 2U Xei waireceived late thai a Union1'acillc train, convening ihe SiveiHhCavalry, collided at Irving, Km.,wild another tram. Bo h r

and tlremeu are reported killed andotvcial soldier liaoly injured.

Olympia, Waih., Ja.niaiy 20.IJ. piesi niaiiie Frame, Democrat,cicaled a aeiitaliou by staling that he had been offered g.iOOO

ti; vote for Senator Squire.liru'-ni-N-, January Zi'i. A special

ileclalallOII 10 ihe (iuvcilillicilt a!

Waohingtoil w ax for niilaled I I

State authoritic and signedyesterday. It, give thatAiliciii-a- impoiii will muel hii.Ii thelieaiinent ol the nnwt favored nationon enleiing the Congo Slalc,

Jan. 21. S crclaryrroclor ha iiuliucled Adjutant-(jeuer- d

K. lloll lo oeleel about ten

jouug i llieei' of Ihe engineer corp-o- f

the army lor duty in conncctioiiwilh ihe pioponcilrailway a provided by the luiercoii-tiin'iita- l

I.'adwny Coiiiudi-ioi- i.

Chairman Huirowi, fioui the HoitieConimittee on Levees and Improve-li- n

lit of Ihe MuiUsippi IJivi r, y

Kiihuiitled to the Hon-.- " a faiorab'ereport on tin; bill drafted by the com-miU- i

e lo appropriate M,0u0,0tM ior pair and bui d b vi-- . s on tin- Mii-sn.o- i.

from Die le ml of tin; l'a-e- -

, , ...,,The Slate Dcpa.tiiiciit .n :"rnn tl

of '.lie 'leiilli at I! rna. Afi i a. of I.n il

len .Hi. II. l'ail I. 1.' S. N., ioiiuiiI"ill! agent to tae Congo I'cc Slate.

I I li o VI'..

Iliriiu, Jamiaiy 2. A writer,Makimilian llaidcli, agilnil hIiomi a

critiiinal suit will soon In- - bionglil, ii

her were d niyerou-l- y W' undid withknives, A fuitlier is ix- -

peeled.Berlin. January 20. Tin- Emp.-ror- 's

ouii'.'est on was I ,,i j I y,"i y

nndei ihe name of .Ion ium Ju-se- l

1 1 ii in If-- i l ,

R..me .laniriiy 2i. An iiialamh '

at linl:iy ile-iio- i d eh enhouses and lull' il nineteen pers"iis.

Lomloli, Jaiillsiy Z IbuueS:-Ciliar- y

Malthertx say Ineieisioii ; Ii in sensai loi'iit n po N seni. to

I'liil'd States liy a cable aeiie,lothe i ff-i t Unit l'h iu is a oieal dilia-illlt-

scare aiiioug Ihe autiolllleshen!, owma lo inloi ma ion receiV' dfri m American ugeniM.

Loudon, Januaiy 'Ji Tin ( hro-iiicl- e

says : Hi'li all nori'y decurothe (I Vcimm lit has ixeiii-c- l noiressine in Canada in levari lo

pending iegotiaiiois While il. wouldrejoice lo see Camilla and Americanii'iiu commercial liicn -, it docs not.

deiire to depart from I in- - policy ofall awing Ihe colonies, a lice hand incenmereial matter-- , linr ia tl. rightto imply any intent ion i n liie purl ofCanada lo inal'.e a r ciprocal eom-merci- al

nreeuii nl. tin; Inif, ul a

of ipieslions involved in thelb bring Si a matter, w hich must bedecided ou their merits,

.Munich, January 21. The cily ofWin.'iurg has proposed thai, Pr neeLuiip'ld, Ke t'iiLol Bavaria, lie pro-

claimed King on his si'Vfiiileih hirlh-day- ,

Maich 12'li. The in ivspapcrsapprove and hcl eve Ihe royal lamilyan I Council of Slate wih agree.Lnitpold was appoiuteil Regeui inl8i;.


(illict'& Works :



J)oors Sash,I'"riim'M,

, f sf :! !,;..,,

i , 'I1 li '' .


1 n uv " O" 'I 'be r' P I. i s i

'l " jl - " Ul''' ll I I'l , II" !', il .,,i!-ll- j, ,'M I l'll

Str Original to be seen in my

BIIU Ul IV1IIIB . "II Hl: llim f 'f

ir. i iuoi : ...,... ,i

until WKHXE.-1A-Y, March i, l'Jl,at 'J o'clock a.m.

Willi my hand and the

w1l of Ihe Wuprciiie CourtI, ' at Honolulu, thin SI" i day

of January, A. I.A. F, JCHIi,

Chief Jiulice Huprt me Court.Attent:

Hkmiv ."Mini,Clerk Hupieme (,'ourt. 2w


Permission is herehy granted to theChinese r'sidenls of Honolulu andsiihiirhs, to let oft" fire ciacker in ihedays, and during the hours specified

helow, for Ihe celebration of theirNew Year's or Kouohi Day, to wit:

From If v. M. to 12 v. m., on the 7thof Feb, inst.

From 5 a. m. to 10 v. m,, on th Oth

of Feb. inst.From 5 a. M. to 10 Y. M.,on the I'hh

of Feb. iost.No lire crackers lo be let off" except

ill private yards, and in boxes or oiliersuitable containers to prevent Ihepossibility of fire. No h lnb will be

allowed to be used witbiu Ihe limitsof theeity. W. FlKi'EK,District and Police Justice Honolulu,

Oah u.Approved :

i'j, Hoi-ai.vs- ,

Marshal, II. I,

Honolulu, Feb. :;, m. 2H 8t

H. E Kai ie, K" , has this day beenappointed an Agent to lake Acknow-ledgments: (o Labor Contracts for theDistrict of Wall I, k il, Island in Maui.

C, N. hl'ENCER,Minister of the Interior,

Interior Olfice, Feb 5, 18'Jl,

30 .'!t

i- - ii i;

fjiiilu 1ii II rt in

I'trrivtsl to nnthry Sm hot far cm,

But ettabltihrd (or the benefit of all.

FRIDAY, FEB. C, 1891.

I certify herewith that I have piven to WM. BENGERS SONS, Stutt-gart, the sole aii.hoiiiy for the inaiiufnclure of Sanitary Underclothingnft r my system b"th at home and abroad. I recognize, as iieiiuinc, onlythe Nai'iiiarv Ciuh rcloihing made by the original appointees which are-- t imped in hi in- - in ih tiinli: murh nf Win. IttmjKrH Suns unil ntyji,-i- i

i it ri iK.iltrin nili. Beware of imitation I

Oal mw.Im (I Wiilcr ripe,hlieriiy expected a

line line of

r; m u d --sNow that tic neiiv tcum is up' n

ll evi i vlioilv ivaoln a ili'i-- Hint thatWill be mi i ; ; ; nt at 'In- fund dooi

J and will llioioiihly do tic woik rei.iin .1 of il. I In;

If j ' 'i, li em- !'' I it

I't.el III I'-

ll I"; III iv i.i 'i y-

liny aini'iEiutA in iiiv i f he IV i i III .Is II IV III

Use . .H I ii l!"i Hi anil farIII il I.I I' i i inlilier.Cm " I il

' V

'. I

1,1, 111 'I I. oi rT Hie a mi il in . I ie.r ' f the Kiv.i

V PI 'I I ',l I ' .. Il' lll tills l,i . til"loo"h'g I'llieer Mci'- e eet'-- theetisiii. ar:

;, it. ' oi'!.'- 1'iesiili'lit..1 I'll ll 'iI'.. II. Te.m V my.

.1 li, liieiin 'Irea-ni-- r,

,1. II. P:y Ml'lilnr.'I'tie almv" d i.lll' ei-i- ll oi'iuisli- -

tele tin; i ' j ol lor elmsli. 1) TliVXKY.

M crel iiy li P. ' o.II'.iio'iiIii. 'ii-i- . :t. I -- ti I I'T w

. Jili-il- l IS iled Kiee l f;'v . suitable 'orI or pin khiif. in t lesotl27

to ;!() .hs eaclii lols of hales or less,If I eaeli, nver a hales, 75 cents each.Anl'ly tofilm IIOTId, STADI.KS.


Alak.i, n. ar (in. mi XI.

Blinds, Screens,ILtr., IZttt.


twUs i

r ' - ', f ;ivt.


A full just

l. j15 llll

I .! I '

hipping & Commission Merchants,

I'l.vvrvnoN & insi ium;k aiknts,

urieved thereby'I he attorm-- is entitled lo have

the piools susifiimiig the ,ilh-.'e- mis-

conduct presented and b.- - iff iilcdan oppoiiiiniiy of meeliii.' them.''

" I lie fuels upon whn Ii Ihe a lejjcd

misconduct i h,i-ei- l, i.ot having beenan issue in a eaie i,n-e- il upon b

the Court and not oceuri ir-- in thepresence of Ihe foiirl, Ihe t ourt

the Atloi uey-- ( Jeneral tn pre-le- r

speeilie eha'ges iiaiusl the allol'-liey- .

upon which a rule to show causemay issue,"


Aiiolher posiilile iriuindi of medi-

cal science over diseang ii su'(;esi.i dby a paper read before ihe letroiiSledieal recently mi

"Alimentation in Therapeutics," in

which as announced an importantdiicovrry by Sinor Vincenie Mar-eano- ,

of Vineuein, in regard toAeeoiding lo Siglim

M rcano there is in Hie to. unionpineapple a n i ineiii. or jo nirin' ,

similar lo pepsin, of such remaik-able slri n-- Hi th it the juice of a sin-pi- e

pile apple will diCl. ten poundsof beef. If this proves (rue a new

and important npeul in the treatmentof dpspi psia has been discoveied. Asmarly all olln-- r disea-c- s are direetly inlliienced by (he deeiee in

which food can be ussimilaied, midas millions of people have impel Ice!

digestion, the possibililie of thisdiscovery are a uiost limitless, if it

proves lo be us represented. But-eve-

more striking was the furtherannouncement in the same paper,written by a practical chemist, thaitin; juice of the pineapple is a veryui ;ive solvent of the membrane form-

ed ill diphtheria. The pim appl.i isa vholi souie fruit without regard tothi'se striking virtues ascribed 10 it,ami on ihehiies huio-sI-e-

will he eay and safe. Ex-


Thoroughbred Paulrry

ss.- -

Alt'I'f I'.H hi want of l ine Poultry,1) pel isiock of iii y kind, or Ki'ii" frh i'i'hliil!. " IH Hit I 11 I ' Hieir ill'eresl inw lie in call wheii In n Fr oielsen ill

Ihe "AliuiKdil 1'iiilMrv Yards, " a.

I al.. cor lii'ciual aieune inal

liih slreel, leriiiiiiii. lianow gailjierailroad,

rlAI'l lis & H MOM'S,i-- t if Proprietors.

51, II, MMMMmSi. Clip

j House PMIif, Oral ting and

) i,o r Itmmhiu- -

tin I. (TU.ll " III- I. 411 II "l is l ll III

lj,i- - i .1 ii.ni l ii ii .ne I o hi l" iw'pi 'in,ii .,11, ii i at IS III

IlkAI.Khs IN

Uiks d!id General Hardware ARricultiiral.


fl.AM'A'l ION s.i''.l f:s.

I'lirpe liters', Hlarksiiiit.hs', Machinists' it Plumherv' Tisils,


Kilclien IlieiislU, Paiiii, Oil-- , Varil sin s, latuip (tomls and

i i iM-- r I iI r'lifi ikI !.ti.ikH's Steam Pumps, Weston's Ce;itrl(uftdts,

Will ni Glh!b. Hcml' gtoD SewinfS Machliiiii,

I'f. Jtiyiif .v Suns Painlly Mwliclnu


The aaiim old telegraphic "Cheat-nut-"

that "the Pope is ennflned tobin bed with a cold" lias aaiu beensent ou a world-eiieirelii- iu n

by the associated press. This dis-

patch eoinea in regularly in,w with

every mail. If the dispatches ofthe past three months are true, HisHoliness lias our profound s mpaihy,for how inlhewoilde.ii I'opeVnose stand such u .uinal w- - ar andtear'r

Captain O'Sh-- - umuxinf him If

by NttuekiiiK Sir. .Justin MeCailhy,the histijiian, who Itlely ref'-r- d tothtt gallant Captain's divorce camdmiug tt hpeei.ll, Cuplnu O Shea,

bou "home rule" in bis own hoiahus piovcl sin h a mi a fablu lailuie,M fi rs u Sir. ti arthy us, "iin

io ltd diiunii) , Willi Ihe t is.Uitiiil from i teiy . am " bi

liiuiiujje ti tans f u'lnf h ...,( i il.ill.an i li unl, m Li I; l Is )i im iiila iw I

Ihe no lupliof l ui 'I Halnsl io ll

lean Jniin Sil'iii,), I,) a f. iovim I,j hull- jl v Hull 'I. i l i l. j

il hi. j'li.es! il inii i I mi Ii i

i. 't.ijii I. I , HI hi 11,1 , ,( . .1 M I Ol

i'Uf!!-.l- n( ill ' M

.1. L. MKYKU.

House and Decorative Painter.I .( lilMUilf II HH I ldllr

MM I 'im I Ni,, w MmmmImImi

d" 4 (M,'.IUl lull I'lshK-

'J hc Coin I mi! yu into I ij'I nioiiru-jn- g

for Jlv L'te Majfly KalakaiM

fn hi (In ii ill of this iiolln- Mill) twov , i k, alo I the fum r.d, and Mill wear

,f lit' oi i ii 1. 1 Ii in lb. it lime loilll

llr I X j .. I II of IH'I III. i,i. fo III

ll,! .1 i i il.. i.i,' i.i! ) ,.'li. aillVO ,i '." I. Ullb Ml'lO llllllll.llis foj

,,i i,, , , i ,.' I III. ill- VI. lli II." i

I M i; I J I Jl ll" IO I II '

I, I. t it III I I IIO'I III

,h." i i i oi M 1. Hull litI ..I . I j . I, ll il f I I "I

, Sl'- ,tIJ

f k a I ' II Mi l I V, Ai.loi.'i andl ' .l) ll 'I' III I' I I

Ml ' ' I j I'M' I i ' ' II ' ' I II lllo

'Iil ir '..Ll I I MMIII .i I ' I" '

in . I.. , .t li I'l ' .



iii i

I $tj' I I ll ,.. , . ', I I ! I' 'S 'll I' If I i .

1 I i J . .' ' "I ( i'.o l II (' I'll l I'l If .1 I il

i I ., . M'losl.i I .il Is si


Mu. O. E, BoAi:iU!f udvertiic- twoconvenient house for rent.

A,HJacim.FOlt THEjjiulg )ullrtiiiFRIDAY, FKH. 0, 18'Jl.



To Tuko KrtV.'t 8.1, IMUtt.

Jiaolnct!, 'J hat un cngrossi d copyhereof be presented lo Hie UnitedStates Minister Resident lu Honolulufur transmission to Washington, thata like copy be sent to the Governorof California, und another to theMayor of thu City of Sun Francisco,und another be presented to Rear-Admir-

lirown on behalf of His luteMajesty's gruleful subjects andfriends.

Mr. Castle slated that the chair-man desired him to say that the sub-ject mutter of both resolutions wasbefore Hie meeting and he hoped thatall who wished would express them-selves freely and licliuing the occa-sion.

Mr. J. Ilaole thought there shouldbe a separate resolution for each ofthe queens.

Hon. Mr. Kahookuuo believed thatthe resolutions were in accordancewith the instructions given to thecommittee, und he moved that theybe adopted us read.

Mr. Kahaulclio approved of theresolutions so far as they went, butthought they should contain directthanks to the President of the L'liiledSlates.

Mr. Kalua considered the resolu-tions covered all tho ground desired.A copy of the second resolution tothe American Minister, and one eachof the lirst to the two queens, wouldeffectually meet the case. Whyshould a letter or telegram be sentdirect to President Harrison whenhis udministriilion has a MinisterResident to represent it? He did notwish to play the sycophant to for-

eign residents, when he said thai theconduct of the United Slates towardour lamented sovereign was unexam-pled in its kindness. By reason ofthis incident he foresaw Unit Hawaiiwould be closer allied to America inthe near future. The resolutionsshould be adopted as a whole.

Hon. Mr. Kauliikou said the coun-try owed a debt of gratitude to thememory of the lute King; beyond hispower to express. It was his earnestliope that the resolutions should beadopted without any change undwithout further discussion.

Mr. David Malo spoke in nativeand Knglisli, criticising the referenceto reciprocity, which he regarded asunbecoming in resolutions of condo-lence. His remarks were treated ashumorous by the audience.

Mr. Makuhalupa made a verbalcriticism on the native version.

The resolutions were then passedwithout dissent 011 a .how of bundswith applause.

On motion of Mr. Kahookuuo thecommittee was discharged, and ofseveral motions one prevailed lo havea committee of seventeen appointedby the chair, lo include the chair-man, for the purpose of presentingengrossed copies of Hie resolutionsto the respective parties thereinnamed.

As the chairman desired time toselect the committee, the meetingadjourned, after which Hon. Mr.Kunoa appointed the following as thepresentation committee :

II 11, '. 1'. Kauoa, chairman. MrD. I. R. Isenberg (of Kauai); Hons,Aiitoue Rosa, Jno. L. Kaulukou,Win G. Irwin, ('. (). Itcrger ai.d H.C. Macfarlane, Messrs. S. K. Ku-n- e,

W. L. Ilolokahiki, J. F. Colburn, M.1'. Robinson, Alex. Young, F, M.Swanzy (of Oaliu); Hons. SamuelTalker und J. K. Kuhookaiio (ofHawaii), Hons. John W. Kalua umlW. II. Crnwell (of Maui).

This morning Mr. Kauoa appoint-ed Mr. W. R. Castle in place of Mr.Cornwcll, who cannot remain in townlong enough to serve.


A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Honolulu... .G:1S 8:45 1 :45 iuWfArrive Honoullull... 7 i :49 2:4!) fi:3CfLeave Honoulnill...7:30 I0:fil 3:61 6 :45fArrive Honolulu.... 8 ::0 11:65 4:fi6 0:601

Sundays excepted,t SaHirdtiy only.


8chr "Hie V wis from fCooliui


Surah & Kll.ii for KooluuFeb i

Stuir .1 A - for WainiunuloAm sclir Kniiiiu Clundiiic, linns, for

Miiliuk.miiKtmr W (i Hull for Maul and Hawaii at

10 u injHtinr 0 It Uixliop for Walunae, VValnluii

and Kooliin at I) a inKtinr Kaimiloi fur Lah.-iin- ut 2 ) inisclir Mary for Kaiml


Am bark Onrypliene, David, for HanFrancisco


Mini',) A Cummins 1 100 hug Witt?


For Maul ami Hawaii, per stmr W O

Kail, Feb ii 1 or the Volcano: Dr hay-l- or

anil wife, II K V llcox, F A Hawkinsuml noii. Mr Furred, Hiss FnrreJI, MissM Alkiigll, .1 l' Meyc s, Miss Mono, a idMr I'ii'ny. Fur wuypoi-ts- : Dr Herbertuml wile. Miss I hiircli, Dr Dudley, AW Van V. alkeithing, I) Kaliaiilehn, MrsReeves. K K l.ei-lc- , A F llopi e. J W

Miinuiiit!. I ( lark, Mrs J Iv lial iina.it lialuiiljiiHi, Hon W II Coniuell. ,1 W

Smithies, l.'nl Nurrrn, Hev S 11 Hulls,Alt Sing, and 40 deck.


H 11 M H Nynipbe, Turiier. ft out crillflu. 17 S n Mohican, Miepitnj, from aerobetbr fcp.rk liiuudi, trom eouili

Sea IsiT.ndsShip .1 t; I'orler, from Departure HayAm bktue Vary VViukeliiiaii, Nisseu,

from hail FiauclscoAm bklne skugil, Rohlnsou, from I'uget

HoundUS Flagship ( luirleslon, Rear-Admir- al

Hi own, from Sun FranciscoB H Australia, I loud die, from. au Fran-

cisco13k Woollubra, liatns.-n- , from Sydney,


JSr lik ( barlotie, Itobudorf, from Liver-po- ol

Am bkine rianter, Dow, from Sun Fran-cisco

Am bklne H N Hubbard, from PanFrancisco


Bktnc John Sinllli for HonoluluIlk ml rcw Welch for HonoluluJtk Isle of Fri for Honolulu S3


lik Jeaif 1'b ire for HonoluluDaw bk Manila Ala for Honolulu

(.uiii-- - mli'y n( Ikiinnmkaplll4 iim li if ii C hi nc lo Their.U Jellies ui.ii 'f'haiiua. in Jonerlioi.

The iidjotiriied mass meeting ofcondolence on the death of King

lilti d the bas'ineiit of Kail-iiia-

a; ili Clitiich ycst'rday evening.Ailin g those picscir. were noticedFx Ooveinor the Hon 1'. I. Karma,I l.ms. S Darker. A. I! II. M.'.Vl.i ti . J. B. AMieri'Mi, L. W. I'.i an id.i. J. K. KallO killlO, W . Cm.

I m in, J. L. Kauli.koii, Geo. N.U'ii'OX,f' O. Berger and Thus. R.Lucas ; 1,'ev. J. Waitim ill, Rev. V, It,Oie-o- l'rof. Ilosucr with oilierteai If is ami students of OallllCollege, Dr. S. B. Kmerson, Messrs.W. K Castle, M. 1'. Robinson, T.R Walker, F. M. Swunzy, F. A.M'li.ielcr, J. F. llaekfeld', V. O.Smith. J. C. i'oi.lcr. Robert Lishman,

V. K. Rowe'l. John Noll, F. S.Dodge, B, F. Dillii.gliam, V. C.Sitoiill. Joliii I''. Colhi.rii, A. Young,J. .1. VVi.lii.-i,-.- W. F, Fre.tr, V. W.II ill, C. I! Reynolds. J. I,", Kawai-mi- i,

( 'api, R.iss, V. i'i. Derrick, C.,1. Cooke, .los. Tinker, W. W.'.V right. W. C. Achi, W. Brash,Fi n k Biown. W. R, Sims, S. Roth,Cail .Melt. F. J. Tcsla, Win. II..McLe hi, ( .'. II .miner. J. W. Kalilaof W :ii in k u , S. L. Kekilmtiiio, D.M .! . D l.a'iaulelio of L ihaina, D..M.'.u: alupii, W. K. Foster, W. 1',

lo:. i, l'...il li. g, J. Shaw, K.t '. D in. on, Henry Waterhouse, J.M. Mutts:, iiai, H. liigelow of tintSan l iaiiei-,e- L.van.iiier, Will A.i'i i. u s of Iowa, I'. S., Lionel Staggeol the Cincinnati Kuqiiirer, repre-sent tins of lite Honolulu papers,a t olliet is of the American andIS, it Nh incn-o- f v. ar.

Air. W, li. Castle, chairman of theformer iitceiiiig, called the ussem-Itl- a

c lo order and usked for theel. ton of a chairman.

I Ion. I'. I'. Kunoit was electedchairman, with Mr. Castle as

On the leuiiiiiat ion,ly, ol Hon. J. L. Kauliikou

atiil ;on. J. K. K; 'liookauo, .Messrs.H . i '. .Vi lli and D.ur.l Logan of thel.i i'i, u, were I'leeted iis sccrc-l- a.

i. .

I ne eiiaii mall ftated the object oftiie I'.eeiing and calhil lor the reportol e la t in in i I tec ol lliilteell oil I'CSO-lu- ll'


Hon. A Rosa rea l the preparedresolution 111 Itolll languages. VIcllhe l.ud done so lie staled that thecotn niiiie l ad eonshh red their dutyn rv carcfudy. They had taken into;c coitiit the gravity of the occasion,wliiteitta-- a iiniv. rs..!ly recognizednain.iia! calamity. Thi se resolutionseoi lainetl Ihe uiost upprojiriutc wordsthey C'tdld put together. They hadml pled Ihe simplest Jauguaye utilt'or command, ami had consultedother gentlemen, so as to have Ihephra eulogy an apt ti pi esio.i of thu-- eiii inn nis of this ce uiopolitan coin-t.t- ui

uy. If anyone, however, sawa n'tung de.sjrali'e to he changed, letlo n his ir.icndinciil in aki:uli iieinncr. The resolutions area loilow- - :

111.1:1 as, II. ha-- , pleasedI io'l to remove His .M tjest.y

K.ilaKaua niter a n ign of nearly,i vi ntceii ye us of iiiihounded pros-pioit- y

io the llawaiian Kingdom;aiel,

A 111 ki:as. The prosperous condi-tion ol the Kingdom during His luteAlaj-'siy'- reign has h. en hugely rluelo the Reeipr. icily Treaty and otherei.liehieiied mi'tiniircs iuaiiouralcil'01 coii-- u minted ly the wisdom and

t gae'lyof I lis In1.' Majesty ; andWin, in. as, The 11 ition has sus-

tained a gr al, and it 'reparable loss intin- death of its gicat, friend; Ihere-fo- i

e, lie itA'., (, That we, citizens und

of I lonoliilu, do herebyour -- ense of the grcut loss sus-- !

lined by the Hint til. .11 Nation ill the'I'" Mi ot li s late Majc-t- y King Ka-al.a-

;e will as In- sad bereave-n- o

uii ii Ibci-'- hereby upon II r Ma- -

je ly llilt.n LliiUokalani, Her Mil-je-i- y

iccii lutwager Kapi.ilani, therelaiives of His late .Majesty, andthe large circle of his personaltin mis ; und be it further

Jii .tii!t', That w.; do herebyexpress to the Royal Fam-

ily our deep and heartfelt sympathyin tlnir sorrow; and be it further

Thattiii engrossed copyof these Resolutions be presented toIh r Majesty ihe Qu-e- n Liliuokalaiii,am! a like copy 1 0 the Qtlceu Dowa


ka.!.'-;- ; .u ..

Mounted Tori h Bearers.I'ollce.

Marshal of the Kingdom and Aids,hand.

Students of St Louis ('"liege.Kainehniiieliii Si lexil.

1'iliii.i Collide,l'ulilic Schools.

Kawaiuliaj) Female Seiuinary.St. Andrew's 1'nory.

O.u.il (Jollege.Banil.

I'orl llgio ii' Sneiel iesHoiioIiiIii i' ire D pat un ut.MecliuniC H I'liiuii.

Ancienl, O.ili'r of Fines' eis.American gum of Honor,

Knights ol' 1'vH'ias.Geo. W. Do Lotto l',st, No. lo, C.

A. If.

Independent, Onh r of Odd Fellows.Uepresentativcn of the .Ma-ou- ie Vete-

ran 'i I Hie l'a- -

cilic Co ist.

Free and Accepted Ma-on- -.

Members of the Meibed F, ute; i.ity.AtlCliditig i'b V'.i' ia'.s If the late

Kin..'.Aliahui Opiopio l'mi'vai L 'kahi,Liliuokulaul lvlueat io.ilil Sociely.Hoola (Hid llooulil Luhui Society.

Lei M'.iiiio Society.Hale Nana Society,

Konohikis of Crown Lands.Korfohikis of Her Mijcty's 1'rivale

Lands.Ivoiiiiliikis of I tie lute KiitiJ I'rivatu

LatnU.Colonel (Joiiiinaiidiiig and S tiff.

Hoyal I luAaiiaii Baud.Band of U. S. F. S. ChurleM.on "Delachinent of Miiini's and Blue

Jackets from ' F.ug.-hi-p

'l.'haiL. S. S. .Mitleean."

IL B. M.'s S. "Xyniphe."iviito'- - ( luanls.

Her M.i,si'rt II ..Ii elmlil Menu..!.Si i vault ol i he late King;.

l'lotetlanl t.'leigy.Clergy ol the I! 'man

Chinch.IJigllt Kevercinl Hie Bishop ol OH, a.

Choir.Olllelaliu't Clergy.

Kight l'cvcrcii'l the Bishop of llonolulu.

The late King's Cl ing, r.His late Majesty's Chauiiiei lams.

The lloiiorubles .M tj 'is U. II. Bakerund J. T. B kei lu aniig toe

Crown ,leii!i.The Native Sun i ol Hawaii dtawiitg


1 tv

s.Ef- 5


Koy.l Carriage with r M'lje-l- t llieQueen Dowager uud II. Ii, II.

riniocs room ok' "nThe Stale Cai'i inge ith I lei .M.ijc-t- y

till! Queen find His Fxeellei.cyHie Hon. .1 O. D'tittiiii-- ,

Consort.Carnage of II. 1! II. I'i iuci s, Kaiu- -

laid, bearing the Hon. A. S,

('leghorn.The Chaiicellor ol the Kingdom.

The t 'aliinet ,M itilsl et s,The Diplomatic Corps and Hear- -

Admiral Litovti nnu Si Ii.

Justices of Hie Supreme Court.The l'rc-idc- nl ul the Legislature.

Members of lio: Li'Lilsl.il in c.

The Lai'ie-- i of : In-- . (. 'uorl,.The I'i iv ' 'ouncilors.

Olllecrs of I). S.'F. S. Chailestoii,"U. S. S. "M. line Ut," Ulid ii. B.

M. S. "Nymphc."Coii-lll- ar ( nips.Cn cilil. Jtnlge..

Members ol Ihi' Bar.Government (bikinis.

Foreign liesidi'iits.The I'ultlic.


The procession will form at 10

o'clock u. in. Sunday, February loth,on King street. .

The line of proce-sto- n precedingthe Cutafalipte will be formed onKing street with the right resting onRichards sticct. All v.lio fnilotv will

form on the Wuikiki side of thei til ace gates.

Tht procession will start lit IIo'clock a. in., uml proceed throughKilioio Nllllaiill street, lllei.ee to theRoy id iMausoleiiiu.

All attending the fomi il in car-

liages ure fcspectlully siul tofurnish cards to tnen coachmen, in

order that positions may le ussigucdto them,

The profession Hill be under thedirection of Colonel tin' II noraiileCurtis 1'. fatikea.

lolaili I'.d.fC, l''el)llial ,'i.h, H!l

FIR MEN'S U t;;L::;;GE.

The III hi V II" ill'.! of lie B 'M'lof liepreseul al H e ol lite II n !uul''lle Depart iiicol "lis in II Je'i'lday i Veiling. ( '. IS, W il n,, t tuelI'jigilleer o III UU li a r, alel ,lr.i ' l r Sinllli, S' i liny, I.I thellellial ti K.

Rctdit loll- - le e II I (. ,,ei I i In it

M.lj 'Sill 1 I., I., I; j ,, I'

p.(- - II 'I, I. 'I' i O i, It ,,, , l


rftsXT. rsOK.X

Have just received per Oerman bark

"CiiAiti.orriv'I'cr stenmcrs and other late arrivals

a large and complete assort-ment of

DR Y GOODS!si.cn as

Prints, Cottons, Sheetings,Denims, Tickings, Regattas.Diills, Mixpiito Netting,Curtains, Lawns, Linens,

A fine selection of

J)RKSS GOODS,y, iii i'H. ovrm-ii- . i;u-.- .

lu the latest styles. A splendidline of

Black & Colored Merinos A; Cash-

meres,Flannels, Satins,Velvets 6i I'lushes,Crape, F.tc., F.te., Ftc.

TAILORS' GOOD?,A full assorliiicnt ;

Silesias, Slccveliiiings, Stifflinen,Italian Cloth, M ul k lis ,

Corduroy, Fantslulf.Kiiuiingurns & Buckskins,Serge, Ftc, tic, Ftc.


Over & Undershirt?,Shawls, Blankets, Quilts,

Towels, Napkins,Tabb-covcrs-

Handkerchiefs,Cloves & Mitts,Hosiery, Hats,Umbrellas, Ribbons,Laces, Kmhroidcry,

RUGS nd CARPETS,Cutlery, Jewelry,

l'ei funiciy & Soaps,l'ipes, Combs &. Brushes,

FANCY GOODS,Buttons, Looking Classes,Stationery & Not ions, Threads,

Bet i iM & An ,. rah .n Saddles,

Tape, Braids, Klastic,Ace- de his Harmonicas,

BOO if ic SHOES,Sugar. Rice it Coal Bags,Burlaps it Filterpress ( loth,Sail Twine, Wrapping Tw ine,W rapping 1'apcr, 1'rinting l'aper,Vicuna Furniture, Iron Bedsteads,Iron Ourdeti Furniture,Iron Meat Safes, Ktc, Ktc,

PIANOS,From (!. Itcchsteing & F.d. Seder;

Asphalt inn Rooling, Rooting Slates,Firebricks, Fireclay,l'ortland Cement,Rockalt, Cotton Waste,Stockholm Tar and Coal Tar, in

drums and barrels ;

Curboliiieuni Avenai ins, a woodpreserving faint Oil ;

I'aliil Oil, Cocoauut Oil,Kegshooks,

1 Baxter Engine,1 !)0 Chamber Filtei press, complete

H C'hainbcr Filterpress, completeSugar Coolcis, (i.ilv'd Iron Tubs,Sheet Zinc, Sheet Leud, Tinplntes,Leadplates, I'luin Oalvani.ed Iron

Sheets, Charcoal Irons,Black Fence ire, Steel Rails,Fishplates, Bolls, Spikes,Steel Sleepers, Coal Baskets,Market Baskets, Demijohns and


GROCERIES,Blue Mottled Soap, Windsor Soap,Yellow Soap, Washblue, Cream of

Turlar, Curb, Soda, Vinegar,Steurin and l'arullln Candles,Camphor, Castor Oil, Hair Oil,Kpsoin Salts, Lozenges, Chocolate.Brail nkohl, Saucrkohl,Meatsaiisagcs,Llversausagcs, Sdit I'eas,Fn nch l'eas, Tablesult, Sardine,Jams, I'icklcs, Salad Oil, l'cppcr,Mustard Condiinent,Cocoa, Whole Blenched (iinger,

Ftc, Ktc, F.tc.

MiiM'rul Wiili'M(Harzer KociligsbrilllliCll,Johaiinubcigcr Siiuerling,

LKiUOlLS,Clitinipau'iie, 1'urt Wine, Sherry,Ifhliie Wine, Claicl, Bitters,Biundy, lite, I Ftc,St, J',.uli ll. ir, I'liisteiibiau,I'll.citi'l' i!w Bauriaii Iteeis.

m ana Rice.I to I ii I i tle, liauioud ait.)

MiifHHB. B. F. Ew.uitil A Co, arenow i.tl'eiinx gpeci.il Imrgaiiis in alldepart incuts, collncipient Upon theannual lakinj? of stuck.

Anv deputations from the UnitedStates to attend tli" Kinu's fuuer,ilwill require to come by the HleuuicrMonowai next Thiirsilay,

Tub ('anient t'lub nieetsat its club rooms. Business of im-

portance will be liroll;llt before Ihrnieelini; and a full uticiulaiice is

Mu, It, Moiik, si:crctary, n'Vfninn ice tliat a epceil mcctinu; of tin:stocklioldcrs of lliel'nion Iron Workswill bo held at the olliee, (Jueeii street,on next iMuiiiiiy, at 11 a. in.

Jim Ham,, the Autraliiti niiddle-weigh- t,

win) is iiia'clicd- - to figlitFiizsiiiiniiiiis fur .$10,000 a side, is ex-

pected to be a through passenger bythe Alameda now due from the Colo-


Muhhiih. II. Hacki'kU) & Co. crowdan entire column with a list of newgoods just received by Hie bark Char-

lotte, recent rteuiuers and other ar-

rivals. I'crusal of lite advertisementis commended to the city and countrytrade.

Tin: resolutions of the Han Fran-

cisco Chamber of Commerce, whichcame to the Uuverniiient beautifullyengrossed, have been enclosed in a

very becoming frame of oxydi.cdsilver, mid may in; een at the ForeignOlliee.

I.oixiK lii IVngreK de I'Oceaiile. A.

F. & X. M., of which the late Kingwa a member, will hold a sm cialmeeting lliis evening. HawaiianLodge and visiting brethren are cordi-

ally invited, Hesoluiions in conncclion witli the King's death will besubmitted.


The Hoard of IIenll.li met yester-day and was occupied mainly wiilitile consideration ol iinpr"VcnieiiU atthe Leper dictllciui lit, Molokai, re-

commended by President Daytonafter personal i xaininuiioii on theground. Tin- - rei oinniendiiti'iiis wereudoptcd, iii( hulling the milking id newrules, repairs; ami construction olImil'lings, and Hie making of a res-

ervoir on the pipe line betweenand Kalawao. The reser-

voir is to provide against any p"8si-hl- e

break in the pipes, which wouldicsulL in u wuter famine lo the 100mid odd people living; ut Kuluupapa.

The population at the Settlementby the rec lit census (Dec. '2'.)) was1178, divided 'J07 ut Kuluupapa anil671 ut Kuluwun. According to theBoard's records the number of peo-

ple, including the healthy, ut theSettlement ni 1 507 on Junuury l,a. number having been sent there-after the census.

The Board bus sent lo Germany,through the Foreign olliee, fur u

supply of Dr. Koch's lymph for thetrcutuient of lepers.


The attention of Captain II. K.

BnycH of Aguu Hicu furm havingbeen culled to ruuue lie lias decidedto introduce its cultivation in Sono-

ma Valley this Benson. He bus al-

ready prepared ten acres of land undwill commence plantn.g as soon usthe ramie roots are received. It is

to be hoped that Captain Boyes' ven-

ture will prove a piofi'.uhle one.Until recently the great obstacle in

the way of the extensive uml profit-

able cultivation of ramie in thisSlute has been (he want of a propermuchine to dclibrize the plant midput it in a shipping condition. Thisobstacle has now been surmounted, u

tlelibrizing muchine liuving recentlybeen patented ami set up in Oaklandthat now makes it possible to culti-

vate ramie with immense profit.Sonoma Index-Tribun- e.


A full account of the presentationof resolutions passed by the meetingof Hawaiian citizens, held at the Ar-

mory on the 2d instant, will be pub-

lished The resolutionswere yesterday presented lo Uear-Admir-

Brown by Hon. John K.

Bush in uu appropriate and feelingspeech. Admiral Brown fittingly re-

plied, and was deeply touched at Hie

sincere evidences of bcrcuven.ciitand ut the expressions of devout gra-titude to the American people, tohimself and to the olllecrs und menof the Charleston, made through thecommittee of fourteen, who were pre-

sent us representatives of the Ha-

waiian people.


The Honolulu Arion held a meet-

ing yesterday evening aud electedHie following olllci rs; Jos, Huliush,President u. Ilerold, Vice-I'res- i

dent C, A. Siiililinann, Secretary ;

Ki'iU Kowald, Treasurer II. iuuip-fe- r,

Librarian; I'liil, Brauii, ('nilKleinme and A. C'rou, Auditors,

Thu Aiiou is increasing in num-

ber und is on a sound linaneialhU'is, Their recent picnic nclledHieiii u liuhiUomu sum,


Ti i r i Feb. ;i.

One hundred tied nine ihi ofiuii,iiit.'ui hues wile iiiiend.

tMI' a , i b li.

No i iiiniiiiil i uuInail mlHli d lo ltd ; yl n,

A i. AltO I A'OfclM&T Ol

Mourning Jewelry!Which will be o. nt wholes ib;

prlec for 1KX DAY.



Steamship uomp'y

FOIl SAX FKANCI.SCO,'J'lie Al Ste.iui'hlji

"AUSTRALIA,"Will leave Honolulu for the above

port on

Tue&tiay, Ji.n. 10th,AT OO.N.

1 For freight or pa--a- atply Vt

'Vm.G.IltWIM &C0 . L'd,2!l lit Ag' lllS.

I S. 6BINBAD9 & CO.,

iJ.imi i t;io.HoDolalo, H. I., 4 San fav.l.t), Ct!.

M. S. (ji hibaiilii I'r- -i nlC. IJolte.

iV Trc.i-ic- ,A. As.'ltlielill .Seei el.it i ,

M. Loulnn-ll- l .Vil li,. I,

M. S. (irbibainu A ( , . (L'tl;. Il .iio-llll-

II. I , Mini Sail I'raitebco. al . h istislllnei Ihe alel lialib U - . I l

S. l,i inliauin A I 'o and ol (.'. liolie, innlwill coutliiii.' tin1 gem-ra- t .. I

c.i.rleil on by llio-..- I wo llt in- -,

Honolulu, 1 eh, ;', l.;.t, 2s hu


Have jiii-- t leceivtd per (ier-nia- ii


"I'll IKI.OT I i:





"it will only Oo- -t voi;1 1 Wk

For forty weeks to get a spl.-ndb- l Nfwll'tine or White M.n hlne which e.'-'- s

more In Sun Frum-l-co- . Join nl i.iiitMiis. thus. Lac k.

tf Dt Foil Mleet.


VT Ihe iliniii il meeting of Ihe K'ahiiku1'laiilalinii Co. he. d ihU ninimu:.--.

the following ollic.-r- s were re-- e eetetlfor the eu-ui- year:

Alexander Young I'r. -- I leiit,John A. CllUllllius. .

las. P.. I 'alle Trca-iii'ct- '.

Win. W. Iluil M crctary.I', liolie , All'llltir.Tin""! olllecl'i coli-- l iHlle the Ito irdof

Directors. m W. 1 a I.I,,Secretary K, I'. i 'o.

Honolulu, .fan. Ill, .'( hv

asiom:i;'.s noticf.'PIIK uinlerslgned having been iiji-- 1

poiutetl algtice ol Ihe ofUna I hau. of I'iiI.i. .Maul, a upl,all persons Inileble.I to i.;i. e. le ai'u

iiotllled to pay ihe re i eamounts owing hy Iheiu tothe llli.lernlgile.l.

W. C. I'AKKK,A Ignee.

Honolulu. Feb. 4, Is'.ll. i i I w

ANNUAi; 3li:iHN(i.'I'ilK annual of th- - -- n.el,-1

holders In Ihe Hawaiian I inn &Tan. Co. w ill lake pl tcc ,u tin e ofthe C'o.itpaiiy at VVal'iiku, Maui, on I

7 It, at HI o'clock a m.w. ii. it mi:i.

Secretarv II. F A I . Co.Wailiiku, Maul. Jan'. Hi, Is'.n. u ul


IN n cpiiriilloii for ihe pr.-- f! Ti blsiue.l III book for. il (ahoiil Ion t

hug.) svh), the enlbe il.leuef In ihelihel trial nf Ii. M. I row ley v- -. I, ,,. tie( 'o , togeth. r Willi open letter- - to . I. it,Atliciton, L. A. 1 hui.tiui. II. M.vVhlt.liey. His Honor .Imlge .Mel'iilly ami anuililrcsn to the Meehauies' I nion tu -

ng-li- sh

iiinl llawaiiaii.D. M.l KUWT I.Y,

HO lit lio King -- ti. 1.


MR- - Siuan llerteliuaiin of Pilau,KhuiiI, will n. I In- roomi-ilil- .' lor

Hiiy bibs extept eoiitritel.il In hirer hyInr villi. en .niter, ati'l liei.titier nillliollil 'Ille "I M r. I'. Ilerlel-in- .

.uu me I i In. paitl io her el bet r ti.--

older. ,Imi. liih-- .Allot ne in-f ul for Mr. i', ,v Mi.,

h. 11. il- hu. tun, vl hit

.NO I II I ,

tl'llNli Y'tett Siiii! .t.i.l Wong I 'ui1 li,.ut Iittughl lite lit ui i.l -- ici , it

I II , M lllll.tkl i i I I, I hlltl .e ftlni. ; ali il.'ltu .i nl- a hi Mm , i i o.

VV i I M .


II lulu, I'eli. i, ial, .' et


'I'llH regular meeting of the HawaiianI Camera Club will be, In lil at Its

Club rooms 'I'll IS (Friday) KVKMXU,at H o'clock. Hiisinei-- s of ImportanceFull attendance is reiii.-ste.- l


si'ixial mi:i:tin;.VM'K.TAL meeting of the

the I 11I011 Iron WorksCo., will be hcli! lit their olliee, liu-e-

street, on .MONDAY, Feb. tub, at 11

o'clock A. M. R, MOKK.31 2t 'Secretary.

FOIl IIKTn rPH K Premises now occupied

MiZ ' ljvK- - W, llttlta.deuce, on Fort, street. House

suitable for any one wishing lo keepr enters and within short distance ofthe business part of the el ly. 'i'riini earspass the door. I'ossesslou given Imme-diately. Inquire of

G. K. liOAKD.M AX,til tf ustoin Ibin-- e.


'rilt: House on licet;, mh1 street now occupied hy

W, It. Situs, near TlmiinisSquare, I'ossesslou given tin ' ediately.'I'niiil ears pass the .lour. Inquire of

(j. F lilt vltli.MAN'.ill If ( IIM0111 House.


I FST arrived fioiu I he Coloitli'-- . al Ladies' Niir-- e, 17 jeaiV . xperi- -

cue.-- , the very Ii- refer, nee. Apply utNo J Collage, buck ol s:l, NiiiiuniVall.-y- v in

Helir hxportcr for Honolulu --

Sclir Harvest, rfor Honolulu J "ij il H S Alameda, Morse, from I he Col-

onic8 S JCcaluiitlia, Oitereudorp, from .Han

Am sclir Robert (sudden from Sydney,for J uli ill ii i

Am M:hr VV in Kenton from Hydney forKabuliii

Am sclir Anna from San FranclHco forKahnltil

Am l John D from Han FrUII-CISC- O

Am lik Aldeu Hesse from Xunidmo forKabuliii

Am sclir Dora I'lubm from Han Fran-cisco for llllo

Am hk F H Thompson, for Kahuluifrom Xanalino, due Jan Int.

Am helir Vine, Burin1, from Han Fran-cisco

Am sclir Golden Shower from Sydney,NSW

Am bk llcxper from Newcastle, N 8 WAm bk Honoina from Sydney, N H XV

bk C O VVhltmore, Ward, from New-castle, due Jan 15. lwil

Bk Fifeshire, Jno Held, from Dverpoolwalled cpt 2, dim Feb 8, 1M1U

Bk Harvester from San rranclsco forllllo

Bk H C Allen from San FranciscoBklne Amelia from 1'ort ItlakelyOr bk Santiago from New York, nailed

Sept 20, line Feb 20-2- 8

Ger hk II llaekfeld from DverpoolNor bk Vlvax from New York, Balled

Oct 15, due Mar 1, 1SU1

Fchr Zampa from l'uu;ia Houndhhlp Mcriou from I'orl HlnkelyAm bktue Kllkltat from l'mt TownsendAm bktue W 11 Diiiioud from Him Fran-

ciscoAm liift Oco II Douglas from Sail Fran-cUc- o

Bk XUiiolas, Thayer, from fan F'run-clsc- o

K H Moiiowai from Han FrnnriscoAm bklne Discovery from Hau FranciscoAm bk Forest Queen from Han I raucihcoAm tern J (' Ford from Hau Francisco

for MiiliukonaBk ' a luo from Liverpool


Tim V H Fluj;bli Cliarlestoi) Is silllColli Uli,'

'lie' Am bark ('oryiicuu, caplaiuDhvM, viill 'nil for HauFiaui lco Willi h full caiKo of m$ur,

'Tim xi'lir Imiiiuu i 'la'iiliua, caplainv. HI anil lo-d- for Miiliukona io

illM'haitf" (lie l'ii(er iioi'iioii of lici cargoTim sii unii'i' J A I 'iiiiiiuii unived

yolcld iy Irolil koolau niih I lull baua of

niur. i iiam-l- i pi'i'd mi iioun) ibiili.llk I 'ni l pie llii,

'AMAHNOt' JMilutiMioi iiniui)1 pel H, f, Aull.lll." HMIl Hie

lollowinu inll, l ie , in pli hlilul Hippi) i n ii 1 1' ; ii iii-ii- . pi iiii. ,ii"Mi l, I i h i , I iiulill'Wi i, I 'ul'li.ie,Applet, I'eilt. Ill p' , Nllli .liel lllii'l

lll'le, l..l In-. I U'. I' IC. 1 leill H I t llwIMik I I" M Ml'i'l I

( III yiUKitMAif b 'AI I ItI 1 1 ' i 'ii pi i n .M nM W ' t

ger Kapinhiiii.

iii.i:i:as. The unbounded courtesy; inl kind a1 em ions ixleitdctl to Hislate Majesty, King Kahikaua, in hisn ei ut visit to Caiiltnnia by the I'nit-et- l

Males ( iovt 1. ineiil, tli.' Stale ofCalifornia, the City of Sail Francisco,as rtell us citizens tiicl residents inSan Ft alicisco, und l.y Reai'-Adliiir-

li. oige Brown ami the Olllecrs andmen of the, l iiiletl Suites Flagship( hai lesion, have placed the Hawai-ian nation uieler a deep th lit of gra-litud- e

to the I'lii'i-i- States and toii ns of said ,11 y , ami lo said

Re ir Adinii a! Bto n, III 4 ollh t rs andlin n ; tie elm e, lie il

'" ', I inl in ll.iwaiiuii King- -

linn le' gl .Ze.s with the deepest gru-1- 1

ui '.lo gs. .it eotl lesy ot the t liil- -I si ill". Oo. i ni ami of olll-- 1

il an I i i 1. iis ol he Stale of Ctt-l- .t

i.r. in lite coin I. .ies cMclidcd toHi . .ie , tji sly II e King upon the.. ' I Kill ol Ills l IT. t Vi-- lt I.I t 'ul t -

.1, V ii. IC he tu I. b inosl UII- -

it- 11. An I o. II bit tin I

. I 1, it- i gltte a

.' I. In Li .11 .V lllli-.,,.- ,

,.H I Si ,1. .V ,V

.. I I llln . I 1 .l.i'l1.. ,i . il. ii. t o.,t It .111.

o . IL- - in-, b i. 11, 11, ..111

11,. .. 11 I. .. .in....... ,., ii,,., ..ml

i;i).Mi'Mi .vuumi:,Uailiiku, Maui.

Cemr&l Aucqui ta .t & QusiiessAfjei't.

Ctillet liolif alel oilier li'i-ll- e - 'l "lli'iyililili.l. In 101 lite I 1. 1I1. 1. 1 S .nit.

, lilhit itplt iilot (n li.tiuu

I, It, S U Ivl II,

I 'mim F'O'l ' Ml MH'I '

p. e k. m. in m.. ... j. n ..,i in .jj nI.. 0. ;i'" 11 . n. . 00 l IS ... d I I'I i i ". b ,. ...,mI. ot 'ti I I " I'i u id

I l.l.'l.t h; lour,S.i ii'i-n- , I miii t b if, ii '),

He, Fie , HeJ4 I ''' i ii Ihe linul il.fitl

It I ll, 111. I t'l o I al p 1,19 y


y I 'll-- I "I. piM.n al " I i i.l i

yns, I I i. t , I i, Ii.l I. .I'.l , I I" I ' .. . in

I I'M I ai.. Li I i. ' i .

j il, i i .I i,

I III'. II III k " J I ' ' "Iy 'i ,il'. I il

IlI i I 4 ' i ' i

if? t I 't'lo le'l ji... .....J i t i i 'i i i)

" ill. li. l ii.l "ifij i a ii mi i


'riH; I'm l i ii i 1 - H"l ' ui .U I I 1,,. I. .( )

I I" p.'j ' I pl'l'li .i I O. ll'i I IIIllI 10

ii n m bi i-


', ;B;

BELL TELE. No. 2. I'. (). BOX No. 423.

B. F. EHLEBS & CO. Ml i IB mmmliXCELSIOR PiiMMi d MOLDING ILL mm II mi co.,



Full Line of P. D. & G. P. Corsets !TIE BEST FERTILIZERS

RCDWAfrD & HOWELL, : : Proprietors.Engineers & Iron Founders,

Large invoice of Black Hosiery for Ladies nnd Children, MANLTACTl'KKI) BT TUB Office & Works. Erplanade, Honolulu.

Black Goods of all Description ! 1 A CJ I V I CSMAMJl'iC'l l'llKIH tl?

Sugar Machinery, Iirigating Mnclnneiy, Kteain Enf."'gjSr" Dr!iinaViiig under tha management of Miss CLARK. jBfi Hleatn Boilers, Juice Timlin, Ooolerf, MoliiMe " gar Cars,

The I'rviprieiors of the nbovn i'ii'erpie, hrg to inform their patrons, Cane Cars, Elevators, (Ninvcyois, Furniiee rinings,Bone, Coal FeHilizitig Co. that in accordance wi li the of Ik- l i imcm. mid o meet the reiuii'enienls Wrought & C:il Iron Work for Houkv Builders,

of their inerea. inn busiuchs they havn cidargeu and unproved iu preniim 8 Water Wheels 4c BarGearing, Iron, Etc., Ete,,Elg.now occupied by them and pi iced in

Of Hun I'rUnelat'O. Diffusion Machinery in all it& Branches.New Machinery of Improved Pattern !

And are now enabled to undertake ull kinds and descriptions of inillwoik,rai t-

- A AM

cfyi rvi- - :'(JOODSst?f.ilTCItfr These Fertilizers after netn d tiial

on many of the principal plantationsBlack Silk Good,Black Cashmere & Merino,Black Henrietta Cloths,Black Ginghams,Black Calicos & Ribbon,Black Silk HandkerchiefsMourning Linen Handkerchief,Black Silk Glove & MttU,Black Kill Glove-- ,Black II .si.Ty, Ladies', Children'

and Men's,

i7 .TteT25D or?, Eli it,


J 91



Black Crape, good quality;Black Frock Coats, broad cloth j

B'ack Piants, broad cloth;Black Slirf HaU,Black Halt,Black Ties of all kinds,Men's Shirt, all quality and sizes;Men's White Kid Gloves,lite, Etc., i',tc., Etc.

8. LEVY.


1 peek Only!

Next, Jan. 26ih7Iig

Molt' Aicnntai llawniluii iMlaudx for th


J Repairs of all kinds of Machinery done nt rent?onable rate andat snort notice. (i'JC tf



This department is under the inanngenient, of Mn. IIINGLEY, whosepractical knowledge and experience is







FiiilO, 1 illilip,

lau.ls will meet wi:b prompt attention.tf

Remnant Sale

Begins Monday


Can bo prepared at short notice by a local areliileet of considerable know-ledge and experience.

fjff" Estimates niveu. and as all contracts and work are under the per-sonal supervision of the linn, itiifaeti.'li gilaratlt-e- il in every instance.

Calicos, Ginghams, Zephirs, Wool & Wniic Dress Goods,Hamburg & Swiss Embroideries, Torchon Lnces,

Oriental & Pointed Laces, Ribbons, Etc., Ktc.


tdr Our entire stock will be sold at very low prices during the sale.

S. KUHUCll & CO.,Cornr Fort A II0I4 I Sir-fH- .


All orders from the other I -



TKf Sovtt ?


Natural Mineral


1 I I ' . ff 11 I ll


I I " l Jf ' I t '

OK -

hive given most, satisfactory s

mid r all eii'eunihlaiici'S.

JoSf" Several lininlri 1 i(ilii of different

nuli'ri are U in -- loeli in our new

wai'cliciue. We invite scrutiny nnd

sell only under a dis inct gmiriiuiee i list l

our Eertili.ers will hold fully up to I lie

agreed fin inula.

CP For further particulars or for

orders address


Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

15 if-- : tf


All Abo rd for Waialua audWay Statiots !

IRMNS leaving Honolulu Railwayat 1 p m on MON-

DAYS, V. K!)XEM)AY.s mid KRII)Pussenirers, Mail au.l Small

Packages for Waialua.Transfer will he made at Pearl ity te

White's Pioneer Express, vtiiich willcoinini'iiee to run Monday morning, lice.2'Jtb.

Single: tickets from llnuiihilii toWaialua can be. hoiilit at Honolulu Rail-way .Station lor round trip tickets ijifl.

The I iotieer Exiic-- s w ill leave Wah-lu- a

in liine to connect with the passi er

train leaving Pearl City for Hono-lulu at 4:l!i l". ... on TL'I'H YSTTIl'RM) AYS mid sATUtO YS, aniv-in- g

at Honolulu Station at J :". v, M.

This new line will start from Waialuaon Tuesday, Oee. :(0, S!l().

it. k. nn.i.iNfni :',1H lm General-Ma- il atter O. L. & K. Co,




rbColeo. ; P3zs14

KU! mam: ItY

K WW,. V ATiiii ii i iiiii


Thoroughbred Poultry

I)MTII''.S iii Miint of Kiue i'oiiHiy.of a. ,y kblll, or fol

I'chiui;. ill llu it to tiicir in'en-s- t .oH iiti'oieall when In San niel-e- o a'ihe Maui.ila I'oiil'iv Var.ls," Ahi-nir- d

i, i nl.. cor Ki.einai avenue at diyh street, leriiuiiii narrow gaime

laiiroail,.''J'AI'I K .V l !nt)S,

: If-- f If 1'iopi ietort.

I2D.MUX1) .VSUIJIJ',Wailukii, Maui.

Godoral AccGu.ita 1 & Busit.esA fjunt.

i 'ollei ilmiii mid other liosiien. promptlyHlliliileil In on ii of Maui,

tlllh e w jih nliii ltiehuidou,WW

i nn haw:'I'HE huge e,i,Hii kuo'.if'yk ' Hdo.kii li.in.h, li.ui,ll.m.oi. ujih all jla lirlon.

Vi V in. Ih" l ii eoiiiaiui.,mm. ,,,,,, ) hi hi ! on

ll.e Idui'li in 4" me I .ilio.l.l.' I ulnl v".l Ml") 10,1 I l llilllirl Mllli-- .

III. Oil, Hpplj IM ( Ull .

1 1 Imu,



Steam Jot PriiliDg

This olllce having added n huge varietyof the latest styles of

Elegant Type !

To Its Jcb Printing Room

Is better prei'iircd Hum ever to execntoall orders in that line, comprising:

Books, Pamphlets,Rill Heads,

Business Cards.Law Blanks, " .

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invitations.

Plantation Blanks,Banking Forms.

Wcddinir Cards,C ailing Curds,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,

Programmes, Etc, Etc.,


256-BO- TH TEIEPHONE8-2-56

Jta?" Address

"Daily Bullitin Office,"



i .l' i' ill Oi. J!.1 !.. ii..,.. n... nt). Sat


Con I riiei .! v If 111 il-i'-

Brick, and Wooden Buildings;estimates given. Jobbing promptlv at-

tended 10. 7U King street, l.eli Tele-pho- ne

No. i. P. O. ox 423. ap-5--

CSORCE LUCAS,Contractor -- fTiiSV Bui'der.

rionolulu Steam PI mliig Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,brackets, Window Frames, I finds,hashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood-work finish Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing andplaning. Morticing and Tenanting,t Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders froui theother Islands solicited.


Conttactoi Bui.der.

Estimates Given on rick, Iron. Stone& Wooden buildings. Jobbing

Attended to.


Brick, Lime, C.nis t, Pla. ter of Pan,Marble Dust, Wire Laib,

California Nonh Beach & Santa

Cruz Sand.

Ojiairy Tiles Oxl red. white nnd blue;Minion. Plastic awl Encaustic Tiles Invarious patterns, ad kinds of DrainageWare,

fciF Office Southeast corner Ala-k-

uud yueen streets.

i.1uiiul 'ifcg TELEPHONES f Ball ?6mil

ANY iiersoii nr pei coiii found slioot011 the lauds of Ivukoluaio

lied Ivoiila, il he proi-eeli- d to lliifull cklcnt of the law77 I ni Mils (M, WARD,

. I ll.ilU N l.ihoiii Co. m

ft! I i .i 1 . (.iiaiueii cilloionc,l,l,.,l. A..n"l.Var .nl.i U lit. h J' ..1 10," k

V P'oUui lmi Muiuiil Mi-- 1

44k, M 4

HOLLISTER & CO.,IO! Fort fxlrei t.

I ill

The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Are now selling their Bonds, and upon easy terms. The additional fea-

ture of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered by tliitoriginal and progressive Company:



The Company is equitable, its payments prompt and certain, and itt

popularity unbounded.

From the New York Hun, Arit Ml,, 1890.)

Ilw Jiiii'iM'Mt l'iisiiM'i"' I vcr TrsM.sjH-Hn- l l i I. He Awuu- -

ance Company.The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New

York for the tirst quarter of the present year is reported to exceed FimMilmon Uollaks. This is at the rate of two hundnd million of iMurance for Uk. year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

tearlnformalioii cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or cal

upon the undersigned at his olllce.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Atent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of the U. S.


ew Ooods !

Jewelry.' Silverware,MANl'KACTt.'KKU 11V

flAHMBKSMlTH & FIELD.1 ih mi rrt.it t ,

Mini I riiiielhro, : i I'ul troi'iiln.

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, VVatches.

Mlverware. Silver Jewelry,Silver Mounted anes,

Mlvr Mounted I'inhiellas,O JX Ma lei locks.

Gold Pens & Pencils,

I'llM' l.t'OtlKT I.IIOlt,R.ls.bh Goo"S at Reasorable

ihi i:m i

i' Catalogue sent to tiny address fieeon request.

WAI II orders promptly and care-fully executed.

t'tf Diamonds and Precious Stonesini.iiiii il iii the latest styles.


'V lli'l Lmidi HlJOlIl,

Open All iKllt I

Gkntlumkn :

Having titled up the upjier floor ofour premises as liit-elas- lunchroom, we are pn pared 10 furnishon nl.- - ol the best the market iifl'ordu;ceoko.l to Hiit v.. in- taste. Alter thenext steamer, Di; cinbcr l2lb, We

.till have c.iislanTy on hand Km. y.eu

OvsUf.s, Game, Etc., Etc., in theirea.-iui.

$nr Eutr.iii by Mop, mauka ofmain cnt.alicc.

Hoping that yf.u will give us acull we me respeclfnllv jours.

1.VI lm

um -r- -j, mmThe Best Lunoh in Town,

ind Colii e a! Mi Hour;The Kbie-1- , I'iruuds of

wrsTiiiiai:tiAlwuys onlluiKl.I l 'I I . !'.( i ii.. 1



.1 v'l,r iSi. Will liiiiu UurKUKUI JEWELRY a SPETIALTY.

KiiigSliee ,11 'inilulii, II. I

6QT P.iitleu'iir attelilloii )) ild to al!kinds of repairs jan

WSKMR & CO.M 11 11 f . ( II 11 sj .1 " IV r I i' m.

mo. m I'oit r hi im:i;t.Contanl y on hand a large assortment

. f every desei iiiion ol Jewel y. Wat. liesiolil Mill Silver lilted V 1111.,'iV.e.

r iv

V I.T 2 K,


& Jtwder,

King street, I lloiMilulu, II J ,( Next Geo. olnV),

iKtT TI1111 w ul ii repairing 11 specially,7; if

XlTMI.iI roiu iiml iillcr .U bile wewill 110I he r spoii-ihl- u for any(iiilil 11II11 aiuu hat beenI. iihImI. parliit lo whomflellil i iiilL-iyiie- .) mu.--l be Hi

II, i' lahdii.jj lo leeehtl (eirIn ipbl,

H DI Ii a ti, 1 o.JJimolulu, l ot, , lusi. tug 4


I, A Ml'-- . CIlAVUKI.IKRS. Also.

' M. i 'I i i .ir .

Famous Grand Active & Gold. 11 Anvil

Wrought Steel Cooking' ' anges

Hen ifiilii. II, I

lew Hoods !

- n



m ;i t l s : n ' ... .m it.Ani liiiiiiiiiiiiiimmi. MHHTJ'OiF;- - rtTl :


v u is r. '

1' 'Jl

nr 'i u a t i


t !


-""SgirCuilMUIIlilltC Ol-- t llll'il I H4 I llll, litllt I U'OlMl IMCKill, tllilll

iiny oIImt hluv III I'XiHliim n.

tJ No Brick Work About It I IfT Ju4 u tTcaii Cut Htovu I

Whoso BukingQuallt csaru Unsure oseed'fiiiinil'iilMr (iniii'Nl


Iluwfiiii.n Uiulvv-u- Co,I VI I' oi iml, i. po, mill,' li.u.L, H"iololu( ), ,

Granite, iron and Tin Ware I

ChancUiiiU's, Lamps md Lanterns,


Mouse Keeping Qoodti,

lUJivinuio, m, cwmi anpiUiwt f'ir Work,


