* ; : ;. ; , \u25a0 ST% THE BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS. THE WARM SPRINGS. Leila Blair, Richmond, and Alice Faulk- ner, Boydtore. Also Messrs. Harry Berk- ley and Donald Harrison. Danyille, va-; Harrison and' Donald Blair, of Richmond; C. M. Davis, of Mt. Jackson. Va.: W. HaT-ison>. Thomas C. and! C. J. Faulkner. of Bovdton. Mr. Nathaniel Bouch, who recently re- moved to Mecklenburg, has purchased the old Field homestead ••Roslin." on Roar.nke River. Mr. Bouch will make Roslin his home. Gait, of the same city. Sir. and! Mrm Smith covered themselves with laur«l» ns an Ideal host and hostess of such aa elegant affair. The first ladles? prtz» wai won by Miss Bldgood, of Mobile. Ala. The second ladies' prize was captured bs Miss Klise Wutkins, an<t Mls3 Bettlir Clarke the consolation prize. Th» genti who won were Dr. Sanfoni, of \Ve3t Virginia, and Mr. Alex. Fox, of Indian- apolis, the second gentleman. GERMAN AT BEDFORD. ROCKBRIDGE ALUM. The following Richmond p«op> arc rep:- Istered here: Mrs. SilaJJ She-ibourne, Dr. B. ZAvy, Mrs. Abram Levy and Miss An- nie IX Bowling. following couples participated: Mr. Ernest Flshburne, Roanoke. Va*. Miss K. B. Topper, Now York city: Mr. Joseph Xny- lor. WTieelJng, W. Va., Miss ' Maude Shields, Roanoke, Va.; Mr. James Wat-ton. Coiuni- b'.is. 0.. Mi-s Dunklee, Xe-.rport News; Va.; Mr. W. A. Ye.-uon. ANliet-iinf?. W. Va., Mtefl RoWthtod, Columbus. O.; Mr. Luther Sheldon, Norfolk Vn... Miss a. C. Meyer. Baltimore, Md.: Mr. T. Tuppcr, New York city, Miss A. E. Bates, Baltimore, Md.; Mr. A. F. Blanks, Blonroe, l~i~. Mrs. A. P. Prigo, Lake Charles, La.; Dr. F. llich. Southern Pines, N". C, Mte» Virginia fihield-s hoanoke, Va. ; Mr. li. B. Naylor, WJieeMng, W. Va<; Miss Driver, . Va.; Mr. W. Tyler. iw.t«>n, Texa*, Miss A. P. Tuppcr, New York city? Mr. Cary Dunklee,, ChristUuisburg, Va.. Miss Belle Tyler, Bel- ton, Tfxr.s. The chap^roncs were Mrs. W. E. C. Merriman, WiHlamßport. Perm.; Mrs. W. C Yeoton, "\nieeling. W. Va.; Mrs John Sherman, Roanoke, Va. ; Mrs. T. B Houston, F.^khom, Vn.. T!i» favors wcro dispensed by Mr. J.xmes Watson, ri-fJer which most delicious re- freshments wro served. .Stags— Messrs. Bert. Stone. John Moore, W. C. Hanckel, W. C. Scott, Jr.. H. "Walker, A. C. Nelson, It. Gilliam ani others. Chaperpnes— Masdames Gilliam and Fer- guson. direction of Mrs. A. B Montz, furnished the music. Mr. Clay Michie led many beautiful figures. Besides the members of the club who were present were many guests from a distance who are spending the summer in Albemarle county and in this city. The couples and invited guests <vere Mr. Clay Michie with Miss AHc.3. Hili, Mr. C. E. Hays with Miss Ferguson; of Norfolk: Mr. R. E. McKennie with Miss Frances Walker; Mr. W. P. Sinclair with Miss Davis; Mr. Gus Williams with Miss Yuncey. of Richmond; Mr. James V'ansh with Miss Lambert, >t Richmond. Mr. Fremster with Miss M. McKlnnie; Mr. W. H. Crockford. Jr., with Miss Gll- liam, of Petersburg; Mr. K. S. Patton with Miss Mathews, of Chicago; Mr. Willie Fife with Miss Biers, of Richmond; Mr. Gordon Nelson with Miss Effing^r. of Richmond; Mr. Sexton with Miss Thomas, of Richmond. Richmond and Petersburg Are Well Repre- sented—Bean-Bag Parties. (Special Dispatch to Tbe TlmwO BLUE RTDGE SPRINGS, August 10— All parts of the South are well represented here at the Blue Ridge Springs, but Virginia has sent a host of charming people. Norfolk, Petersburg and Richmond head the list in. representa- tives. From the Capital City we have Mr. nnd Mtf. .J»ck:=on Guk. who a.ro delightful aciu.ilons to the Blue Ridge colony. Tha second week in August finds a host of pretty girls here. Some of tho witchign maids are: Miss Hamilton, of Baltimore; Miss Phelan. of Atlanta; Miss Raney. Miss Throp and Miss Randolph, of Tallahassee, Flh.: MiS3 Due.cbe.rry, of Mobile: Miss WaJthall, of Richmond; Miss Morrison, of Gate City. Va. ; Miss Griffin and Miss Barlowe, of Portsmouth; Miss Moss, of Galveston; and the Misses Powell, of Sa.- Vannah. The week has been one round of gaiety with two "bean-bag;" partie=. one for the young people and one for the children, a fudge party, a "kimnna. party,-" the n'ght- ly hops and tho- Friday r.ipht german. The latter brought out the prettiest gowns seen this season, and if the big "Saratogas" hold any daintier. Ihm Sari- toga and Newport may look , to their At TbouFa n d IslanJ?. (Special Dispatch to T!^ Tim'»=.) ALEXANDRIA BAY, N. T.. Aug. 30.— Mr. nnd M:s. William Koi.kins, of I.ox- Ington, Val, stopped' hire for a little Among the latest arrivals are: Mr.--. Richard Baylor and family, of Xorfolk; R. A. Theodora Bh'ns. of New York": Misses Rorer, ot Roanoke; Miss Hu'li- hem, ot" Staunton; .Dr. Guthrie Allison and wife, of Klizabethton, Ten-n.; Mr. Thomas AVYTHEVILLB, VA.. Aug. 10.—The gay season here is at its height. Already an unusual number of summer visitors have arrived, and many are comtoig In dai;y. Gaieties Et Wytheyllle. (Spfrial Disp.itch to The Tlm-;s.) ROCKBRiDGB ALUM SPRINGS, VA., Aug. 10.—Guests are pouring in as usual at this season, and we will soon have a "full house/ Amusements of every des- cription are the order of the day— cards, golfing, germans, melon fetes and coach- Ing parties. Among the Richmonders are: Judge and Mrs V> ; addill, Misses Mary. Juliet and Nannie, with Mr. Clivius WaddiU, and Miss TVinder. Mrs. William Pembcrton. Mrs. T. 11. Starke and granddaughter, Miss Alice Hotohkiss, Mrs. Dawson and eon Mrs T A. Miller and family. Mrs. A .ludson Watkins. Miss Elise Watkins. Miss Cornelia Watkin?, Mr. and Mrs. Younger p.nd Miss Cora Younger. Miss Estelle Courtney. Mr. John Cabell, Mr. Elgin Grave?. Mr?. Rour.v.^roe, daughter ami sons; Miss Lacy and Mrs. Renting and family. Norfolk—Mrs. Milhado, Mr. Aaroa Mil- hado, Mrs. Dr. Stlckey, U. S. A.; Miss There. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Times.) The Season at Its Height and a Large Crowd evenings ago by Miss Bessie McGllray and Master Roger Mercer. A donkey par- ty was given by them in the green parlor. All tho children and many grown folks attended. The prize, a huge box of chocolates, was won by Miss Bertha Din- ; . gee, o' Lynchburg. Va, ] One of the most delightful entertain- ments of the season was given by the very popular Mrs. J. P. Carson, of Rich- mond. Va., in honor of the Misses Boyd, whom she is chaperoning. Three, tables of seven-handed euchre ! were played on tiie very attractive porch- parlor, leading f.-*>m Mrs. Carson's rooms. ; Tho Japanese shade.- made a delightful licht, and tho decorations were gorgeous, with all the flowers of mid-summer. At the first raWe. Mrs. Allen Warfteld led tho score and took tho prize. Mrs. Din- gee, of Lynchburg, Vn.. was successful at the pecond table, and at Xhc third, Mrs. Williams, of Paris, Tex., with her usual fine scoring, won the prize. Punch was served at the conclusion of tho grime. Several 'bowline parties have been in pro- gress during the week. An informal germnn was dancefl or. Fri- ci-ay night, followed by a watermelon party to the young people, given by Mrs. Robert Whltehurst, of Richmond. Va. Mrs. Barnes, of Pennsylvania, one of the handsome?; and most popular young ma- trons at *h^ c.'fii Sulphur, was chaperone. !Miss Marianne Meade; of Richmond, Va., Is registered for the summer. The music lovers aro delighted over the return of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, of Rich- mond. Va. Some of the prominent arrivals are: Mrs. William Sheppard. Miss Ma'ttle Sheppard, Richmond. Va.; Mrs. L r 'P Counselman. Norfolk: Mrs. John P. Wood, Annie Wood, Edenton, N. C: Miss Starke. Norfolk, Va.: James G. Martin. Norfolk: Henry TTonlian, Litchfield. Ky. : Rev. J. W\ Rosebro, Frederlcksburg; >Trs. S. G. Sholflfrs. Fredericksburg. Va.: Miss Marianne Meade, Ricbmond, Va. THE BUFFALO LITHIA. One rf the most attractive young ladies registered for the summer at t!i" Gold Sulphur is Miss Annie '< \u25a0\u25a0 !'• in. .•" Danville, Va. Miss Perm is a well- known Virginia ~\v\. whose popularity wiheret r she goes is an assured fact. She was el \u25a0' ; i represent the ! ifir District at the Confederate Reunion .i retnar] \u25a0 \u25a0 :" md a finished musical training. Added to her many \u25a0:; . ... \u25a0 s has that grace of manner and disposition which wins the Miss Annie Lee Perm, of Danville. \u25a0 ;: Starke, a stately beauty, .- .-. : . is" no ml rodui I lon lo a Rich- 1 .. \u25a0 , . g] .. is n handsome an>i ." . . man, of whom the \u25a0 . . \u0084 . ;.. the a :•,! nor o) \u25a0 : " ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'!\u25a0 Vndto jj, . \u25a0 . \u25a0 •.• :\u25a0:::•\u25a0• with su :h . v \u25a0 ,\u25a0 i\u25a0. \u25a0 .. -.-mic: li'-r beau- { . , ug^hts Hi : one beholds her B is a i :. conceives ..of the hatun . : p pen with sincercst ad- ., \u25a0 \u25a0 . [ohnston has many friends ". '. .'. \u25a0 '. ... ...• ; . ,nsia< ra it one of the \u0084. •, \u25a0 .-.- she says, i' lreturn !\u25a0 . . - Morgan daughters of 5en- ...... ... •.\u25a0 bama, 3re noted f< r [ cleverness, as. is Miss Nora r . . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 •. ' ard 1larding. . j, | \u25a0, .. i \u25a0:;\u25a0 s will '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Ither son ; fiace v,'.\.h jl . . tho "rose-bud garden of : . m and go : , \u0084 - . ; \u25a0 .. : ; :i-r:io amatailes WAUM SUQL.PUI U SPRINGS, VA., Aue. | 30.— T!" eventß oi tho weeks past j a. : -. a moonli£hi drive, given by j , :.. \u0084: •:.,. rouhg men of tho Warm * I ftuty sfiyi \u25a0 by Mrs; A inton Startte, ff-huraas -\u25a0' '\u25a0 •• enjoyed ' by ftU the t :-.:;. \-. ..::... \u25a0 lUl< ras participa- tor! \u25a0 '•.\u25a0 •. .. eoH I luraaisent sat- t, .. \u25a0;.. ; ; :;-i a «\u25a0;• ligbtra] gennan. ..- .\u25a0 \u25a0 ; > Hea Ing Springs was »\u25a0 . : . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . •:\u25a0 y enjoyable by the ' . ::\u25a0 r. who bad re- i ;•\u25a0 -;.:ri' ' . .- . : igS *-v\r<l to the •" \u25a0- - ne3 and r ' - ' \u25a0-. . ' ' -. : \u25a0 . to describe ai the c . ;'\u25a0\u25a0:: :'>:!. 'i y :: . . S •'.. tor ' ! ... \u25a0 ..; was four : : Professor Winter, o-i Bal- i . ;: . \u25a0 rs and tli . \u25a0\u25a0 ;ators arrivals re- i \u0084 \u25a0 Richi ad people: '.••\u25a0 ; . \u25a0 •:. Mrs. Quinn an<3 family. -..\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 •:.\u25a0 :\u25a0; ! IK in Of the [ -.Medicine; with his \u25a0 ; : .- Mrs. Jas. I : \u25a0 | .; : Master \u25a0. : Car iin< Pendl< ton. \u25a0 \u25a0 rson of St Paul's Lynch- \u25a0, \u25a0' Mrs Carson! Their •-i :•: the Bni- ." . - \u25a0 ; \u25a0 .:. is cxp< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : soon. The - : . . \u25a0 : \u25a0 . of thi pi: >Ide pood •. r of ' lie guests are \u25a0 ' .. •\u25a0-..:• women th-it y ' .. \u25a0 \u25a0'. \u25a0 . | Sprii gs with thoir \u25a0 . - I _\u25a0 . \u25a0= a t. \u25a0 man ff fine \u25a0 / figure, aevelop- ;.. . .. : ..• ,i other out- n ....-..(. i;< i;t example \u25a0 d Otter, attra* live in nan- ;. \u25a0 y a genera] favorite. .[\u25a0 . : Southern vi. . 3r< . : imagnetism, {: - :: . .\u25a0 \u25a0 . ' i. tucton Cooke. cv j ;•:••. ..: ility to entertain often gi*cefl the Warm ;\u25a0; \u25a0 '. \u25a0 \u25a0 •.. r ;-• \cr-faillng Hve- . : .•:\u25a0..- ::\u25a0 [uentlr t:ie circi-j's Prominent People. (S;^.',nl DlspatCb to ISIC T',;:i.-s.) 4^'ioonlijhr Driven and Card Parties- Many THE MONTGOMERY WHITE while on tlvir v. ay from "the Pan-Am r»rics.n Exposition. Mrs. H pkins, for- mond, has I - ' . \u25a0 - I ihe cha \u25a0::! that mide her .< belle in her "irl!! i and Lady Davis, the lion. Clifford Sif- ton, of Ottawa, and Captain and Mis 1 ; Hubbard, of Toronto, and Judge T. 11. Anderson of Washinct in. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VA.. August 10.—The days pass pleas- antly at the old Buffalo Lithia, and in a ccuple of weeks the season will be at high-water mark. Something 1 like one hundred and fifty guests are here, and unlike the brook, "they come and go," with the difference largely on the side of arrival?. The Buffalo Lithia Is differ- ent from any pleasure and health resort on the continent in that indescribable home-like charm so soon felt by the vis- itor, and that its social edict against samblins. dissipation and debauchery is a- string-ant and Inviolate as the laws of the Medes and Persians. Its hospitable doors stand open wide for the lady or gentleman strariijKr, who is at o:ice admit- ted to all the privileges of the place, but since the property came into the pos- session of Colonel Thomas F. Goode, some thirty years ago. and this order of things Inausruratefl, Buffalo has been an un- comfortable camping place for the gam- bling shark and the wine-bibber. Those who have the pleasure of knowing Col. Goode know full well that this order of things will prevail as long a.s he is pro- prietor. Neither the :'ani':' of the waters nor thi handsome income from its sale at home and abroad hn.s turned Buffalo's head ot heart; th« same old-time simplic- ity, inaugurated by our grandparents, is still in vogue. There Is no code which requires you to dress three or four limes a clay to nrevent criticism, ar.rl the people - who come here usually care less for i!i. ;j- play than to rest, improve their health md have a good time. Absent is ih' 1 rush, the .ulare and the noises after midnight, which has so often Iriven sleep from the couch at other themselVes with tenpins and several ither names on the lawn; some go driving, and occasionally extend it to a ti-l i » to the quaint old town of Clarks- ville, ?ix miles distant. The disciples of Terpsichore enjoy themselves nearly ev- ery evening, but promptly at 10 o'clock the band strikes the strains of "Home, Sweet Home,'! and soon the lights are out and all is quiet. A partial ii.-v of arrivals the- past few days is as follows: T. M. Culllngwonth. "W. TI". Lucke. Miss Lucke, Miss L. Lucke. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Westbury. W. 11. Urquhart, Jr.. Dr. J. Allison Hodg-L-s, James L. Cottrell, Richmond: Henry J. Flake, Galveston, Tex.: J. S. Vernon, Columbia, S. C; B. L. Alvey, Columbia. S. <\ : Mrs. Rebec- en Smith. Scotland Neck, N. C; A. M. Shaw. Rocky Mount, N. <".; B. M. Hol- man, New York; R. 1.. Coleman, Ri^c-- viile, Va.; Rev. W. E. Thompson, .Little Rock*, Ark.: Rev. J. S. Watkins, D. ]>\u0084 Startanburg, S. C. Comfort. (Special Pi=-vi rf!l to Til " rr !™<>!O Legitimate Pleasures Only, end Rest and BEDFORD SPRINGS. GREEN BRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. W. VA.. Ausrust 10.— Among the recent arrivals at the White Sulphur Springs ar»: Attorney-General A. J. Montague and Mrs. Montague, Llenten- ant-Governor Edward Efhols. Colonel Mar- shrill Han?>'r. Captain Joseph Willard and Colonel William E. Anderson. Tho White is crowded to overflowing and the most successful season of years is in full swir.g. Fuil House at 0!d White. (Pp^.'tal Dispatch to The Times.) bail-Rooms. (Special Dispatch to XH« Tlmei.) ISSUX VHU CIXST, VA., August 10.— The largest and most successful ter- nian or me summer wajJ t«iat given, Tiiursday evening to th« cuesta at Ho- tel Beuford and members of tha .Bedford Gtrrmaa Club. The music from the resident orchestra, has strikingly Im- proved. The splendid ballroom, with, tiia higuiy-polished lioor was a seen* of beauty and bewildering anlmatloo. tJiruusjnout the evening 1 . The dancing was led by Air. Hal B. iVlosby. assisted by Mr. John W. Hurt. Some oi tho pax- Ucipants were: Miss Norwood, cf Alabama, with Mr. Alartin i. Burks, Jr. Aliss Virginia Norwood, of Alabama, with Mr. Crutehfieid, of Lynchbury. Miss Mills, of Texas, with Mr. Henry, j. Thiurnan. M'.ds- Mac Mills, of Texai*. witb Mr, Jack Johnson. Aii^s Uragaxa, of New Orleans, with Air. Wii.ston, of Richmond. Miss JMosby with, Mr. J. Marshall Vest. Miss Annie Mosby with Mr. John .W. Hurt. AUss Hardy, of JN'ew OrlcanSi with Lieut. F. Wharton, of Griffin. Miss Winston, of Richmond, with Dt A. JB. Ciaytor, of Phildelphla, Miss Lowry with? Mr. Robert luowrjr. Miss Florrle Claytor with. Mr. Robert | _MosDy. Miss Humphreys with Itr. CabeU ,W» Ttiomas. i| [jj t iliss aummerson with Mr. Ro. ,W^ withers. Miss Henry, of Richmond, with Ma I Harry Jopllng, of Bluefield, W. Va. Miss Vv'atson with. Mr. Chas. W. Whar, ; ton, Jr. -Miss Leavenworth, of Petersburg, with j .Mr. William B. Stevens, of Petersburg. Alias Matilda Norwood, of Alabama, i with Mr. Henry I.Guy. Miss Moore with Mr. George C. Jordan. Miss Margaret Watson, of Pulaakl, \u25a0 with Mr. Robert Summeraon. Mrs. Girvin Blanton, of Richmond, ' with Mr. Hal B. Mosby. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hagen. ' Stags— Mr. Jos. E. Johnston, of Lynch- i burg; Mr. E. S. Cowles. of. Williams- i hurjr; 3lr. S. L. Tyson, of Alabama; Dr. i T. 1\ West and Mr Curtis Quarles, of W ashington, D C. Chaperons— M^esclames Joseph Norwood, of Alabama; E. W. Mills, of Texas, Jas. Riddle, of Norfolk; C. M. Guggenhelmer. of Lynchburg; Graham Claytor, of Bed- ford City. Wednesday morning Misses Winston, of .Richmond, ga.ve a chafing dish party to their lady friends of the hotel, and a royal good report was given of the achievements of the fair masters of the art of cooking. A most successful pilgrimag* was made, to the Peaks of Ottor Saturday by a party of "Jolly good fellows " all, who to-c!ny are np above the world so high that no doubt several, urgeil with senti- ment by the sublimity of the scene, have softly told their fair companions alt manner of things about diamonds In general and bt'incr his especial jewel in particular. The party was given by Mr. | B. L. Tyson, of Alabama, was chap- roned by Mrs. Joseph Norwood, of Ala- bama, and Mrs. Jamos Riddle, of Nor- folk. Those making the ascent were: j Misses Mills, of Sherman. Tc-xa:?, Misses Norwood, of Alabama; Miss Leaven- worth. of Petersburg; Mr. W. B. Ste. yens, of Petersburg: Mr. 3. L. Tyson and .Messrs. H. J. Thurman. C W. Thomas. ! John W. Hurt, Jack Johnston, M. P. . tnirKs, Jr., and Henry I. Guy, of Bed- ford. | .Mr. George Hilhourn Jolifl>. a enra- > panion nnd two sons, of Weymouttt, j t'orset. Kngland, is here visiting Mr. joiirrep mrther aijcl sister, R. G. O'Hara. Mr. Jollffe has not seen his mother and American sisters for twenty- five years and there Is now a very happy family reunion. Messrs. M. P. Burkp. S. V. Kemp, X. Lawrence Campbell, Samuel .Griffin. Tf. O, 1 Humphreys ancJ J. Randolph Tuck- er, of th" Bedford bar. attended the. meotiner of th-^ Bar Association at tha Green brier. White Sulphur Springs. Scenes of Grace aai Beauty ia the MouataU FARMVILLE FAVORS, M. Carter, of Hairlston, 'Mis?.; Mr. Vic- tor Herbert and family, of New Orleans; .Mrs. R. H. Bennett, of Richmond; Mrs. B. B. Owens and children, of Winston, X. C; Miss Willis, Of Jefferson. Va.: Mr. Dewey i:o.->k, of Staunton, and Miss Jolly, Of Roanoke. Last Saturday a large party of summer visitors went to Chimney ißocks, where they spent the night. Among the party was ex-Congressman Ellett, of Richmond. The largest and most enjoyable german of the summer was given at Hotel Boyd on last Tuesday evening. The german was gracefally !e.-l by Mr. David S. Blair. The Junior German Ql'ub gave a bal pou- drc- german on Wednesday evening at Ho- tel Bovd. A large number of the young folks particiFatedi Misses neriingham nn.l Sue Spilman. of Richmond, left this mornin? for Yel- low Sulphur Springs, where they will spend the rest of the summer. Ex-Cohgressman Tazewell Ellett, son and claughters, who have been the guests of Mrs. Goodwin for some, weeks, re- turried to Richmond this morning. Among the women who add prestige to the Old White M Mrs. Carters/wife of Colonel Thomas Carter, proctor or the. University of Virginia. Mr?, tatter was the younger of the two noted beauties known ;as the Roy pnr!s. Ann- ana Sue.' Roy." The former. Mrs. Rutherford nnd the latter, Mrs.- garter./^«°f». ma : tnrer years have only added ripeness and perfect fulfillment to the promise. earlier days She is the mother of Mrs. Robert E. Lee, of Virginia; Mrs. Rozler nSany of Washington: Thomas Carter, who married Miss Agnes Mayo, ami Snencer Carter who td-day is deservedly one of the most popular men n Richmond Painpatlke, the old Carter 1 homestead, is synonpmous _ with -Virginia life and hospitality in the highest sense, and will always be connected wlth^coi- onel and Mrs. Carter in the hearts of the many who will rise up and. call them blessed;. Mrs. Sue Roy Carter. THF: COLD SULPHUR. laurels, while their women turn green with envy. R< it arrivals are: Mr. George P. Turner, Huntsville, Ala.; Mrs. Georgd P. Turner, Huntsville, Ala.; .Mr. N. A. Finn, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs. Dalloni, East Orange, N. J.: Mi>=s Virgie Poole, Petersburg, Va.; Mr. T. F. Knock and wife, Petersburg, Va.; Mr. J. B. Rlch- m md, Gate City, Va.; Mr, T. J. Griffin, Portsmouth; Mr. C. N. Coleman, Ports- mouth; Miss Julia Coleman. Portsmouth; Miss Zena Griffin, Portsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Guy. Richmond, Va_; Mrs. M. E. Poole, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs. E. A. Morris n, P tersburg, Va.: Mrs. M. E. Young. Petersburg, Va.: Mr. L. M. Grlswold, Petersburg, Va.; A.r. H. N. Tal- :-y. Petersburg, Va.; Mr. N. O. Powell, Savannah," Ga.; a'iv. n. C. rowel!. Sa- vannah, Ga.: Miss Pettie Powell. Savan- nah, li.i.: Miss Jessie Powell, Savannah, Ga.; Rosa Powell, Savannah, Ga,; Mrs. Harvey Seward-, Petersburg, A'a.; Miss Annie Seward, Petersburg, Va.; Mr. .'^iit!'!; Roper, Petersburg, V.i.; Dr. A. i-:. UlcK-lnson. Richmond; Mrs. A. E Utclanson. Richmond; Mr. Elliott JMr- ris, Norfolk: Mr. W. H. Kirn, --.uuvh- land, Va. ; Miss Van Lear. Roanoke, Va.: Tr. O. F. FHpno. Philadelphia: Mrs. O. F. Flippo. Philadelphia; Mr. James H. UHtherspoon, Rock Hill S C: .. C Rock Hill. S. C,; Miss Sadie Tuck- er. Bedford City: Mr.--. Louise Walithal), Richmond; Mrs. Bayley Brown, Accomac county, Va.; Miss L. B. Brown, Acco- mac county. Va. Ti:e Lithia Springs Building Restored | Even mx Concerts Inaugurated. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) FARMVILLE. VA.. August 10.—Though the packing house at the Farmville Lithia Springs was burned a few weeks ago. the new house has been almost completed, to- S ither with the addition of a new bot- Eyening. concerts are to be inaugurated shortly and this innovation will gladly be welcomed by the people of Farmville. The peach crop of this section is not so good as was expected. _ Mr Theodore Low, superintendent of the Norfolk and Western Railway, was in town again this week, looking around. The people hope it Is the purpose of the railroad to build a new depot. Mrs. W. H. Jones, or" Barnwell, S. C. is spending the summer at the home of Mr. L. D. Jones, of this place. Among the visitors to this place this week were Dr. Perkins Glover and Mrs. Price Glover, of Camm. Rev. Mr. Driscoll, of the M. E. Church. expects to begin revival services at Bethel Church next Sunday. Large crowds are expected to attend. A most delightful picnic was priven at the home c-i Mr. and Mr:-. Matt Cox. near Sheppards, on Thursday, in honor of their guests, Misses Allen and Jones. About seventy-live people were present, nnd en- joyed the feast of watermelons and the bountiful repast which was served unon thy lawn. Mis?es Merrie Verser, Courtney Cos and Mary Baldwin, of Farmville; Bessie and pary Allen, of Lynehburg; Lizzie Jones, of Cumberland; Lillie Walton, or Rice; liattie Livio and Susie Stegerj Annie Mc- Oraw; Janie .May Cru'te, Grace and Edna Blcan, Susie Hales, Mrs. W. B. Morris, Annie and Mauc! Jonss, Louise and Ruth Forbes; Messrs. (Miller and Ed. Mc- Craw, of Bristol; Wistar Gates, of New- port News; Archer Wade and Vemon Paulett, of Farmville; Aiex. Hancock and John Lewis, of Howardsville; Charles Hopper, Henry Chappell, George and Grig? Blcan, Ed., John and Joseph Gar- n^tt, Henry Forbes, Herbert Steger, Peter Hales, Tom Garnett, Joseph, Clinton M.i- ben and Ernest .Tone.-. The "Circulatiing C!ub" was entertaine«i Sy Mr. an'J Mrs. 1- D. Jones at their home, "Keswick," on Friday night. The following young p& :\u25a0}\u25a0\u25a0 were present: There will be a pi nic in the srove \u25a0-*' the- Presbyterian Chui :h of this place to- day, for the 1 1 asure o! the childn n of the Sunday-school. J; !s a beautiful place. and picnics there are always im: :h a- joj eel. NEW STOUK. v -v . Aug sst 10.-^The sea- conducted it Smyrna >'. B. Chur h, about five miles fr ra this place, ';.;,• Rev. Mr. part of the week i: interrupted l)y iho terrific rain fell for two Jav.^ 1 mi Is now being lar^eiy attended. anO i; is ! 1. .1 it will I \u25a0 :\u25a0;:'•.• of ro.ii '.. good. Mr. Robert; m i.s exceedingly ps n- Meetings and Picnics. :=!>•>\u25a0-\u25a0!.••: g>isp:itcb to the- .Times.} lire Circulating Club Ontcriiiiacd- Protracted BUCKINGHAM SOCIAL LIFE. Mathews Melange. (Special Dispatch to Tin. Times.) FIXUHB'LTS, VA., Aug. S.— Mrs. Chas. L. Sicgel and family, of Richmond, who have been spending some time in Ma- thews, will leave Tuesday for Western North Carolina to join her husband, Dr. Onas. L. Sicgel. who. is regaining his health rapidly there. The yacht. White Wings, owned by D. G. Baker, of Mathews, returned yesterday trom a ten days' cruise to Old Point, cape Charles, Wbarton's Grove, etc. All aboard report a delightful trip. Among those from Richmond were Chas. L. Brown, E. Baker, Jr., and Jno. Armitage. Key. Mr. Crawley hns been holding meetings at all the Methodist Churches In his district and has met with much success. The copious rains of the past week have greatly benefited the growing crops, especially corn. . ) 12-ri \. fIITB SDLI HUB ' \u25a0 . ;^,, \u25a0• franv \u25a0! by her ;.... \u25a0 . M LchelL'who \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:-\u25a0•.: I• , v, . \ \u25a0 .'-'\u25a0\u25a0• 1\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 •,-. \u25a0 ers 01 ••.: \u25a0\u0084 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:. \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0' red \u0084-:.\u25a0 •\u25a0;\u25a0.\u25a0: \u25a0 ' ra >un- I . . \u25a0 . \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0; |y l>r: \ . \u25a0 . known i tin iv-lth b< audful > \u25a0•. \u25a0 \u25a0 ,:\u25a0.: ih - papt Roc] .. . \u25a0: \u25a0• \u25a0; their de- parture. .i.irni: .\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . . sea liarrison . : " \u25a0 :• \u25a0 1 \u25a0 \u25a0 1 st prizes and Mrs. Pbill iw nxxi\ the , cons ilation c: Mr and Mrs. ] \u25a0 va-; Mrs. A. M. \u25a0 : Mr X. H. Mi '\u25a0\u25a0 icy J. 1 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Mrs. J. W. ;: \u25a0 \u25a0 '' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 !.- 1 !'!'\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \' ... : > ' \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 R \u25a0 .:• \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.; Mountain CUmblag nnd cave Exploring Added to the Pastimes. CSpcclal DtepaU* t>> The Times.) i-.i;;>F<>r.i> sittings, va.. A-.:=r. 30.— ] !': .-. \u25a0 an electric railwaj lint." will soon Bedford Spriiij s \u25a0\u25a0•. n k Lynchburg lls the opinion of mai "•' i ise position in j inai &1 circles .\u25a0::!.\u25a0 1 to those in- thcir opinions to consldei tion. Should the line be built B< ford Springs will . enjoy the distinction that it. had sev- eral years ago' lv?lng r>r.e of the lead- ing summer resorts in Virginia. The \u25a0 ' the presen.l proprietor make the lawn \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0; 0 •\u25a0 most beautiful and pleasant In The property could now be purchased r.i reasonable terms, nnCl the people In L-yi hburi; are Discussing the probability Whether Lynchi rg pitallsts or capi- talists from other p rti ns of the State will attempt the buildSng of the line and told just now. Monopolies flourish in Lynchburg, and since the Lynchburg !.:\u25a0-;);; and Traction Company own the ::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0=- works and : ; ".'- t rai way lines, every ! \u25a0 Is : tyt looking to U it snpany to i buili tls \u25a0 )::\u25a0•\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0 .•; the manage- ment of th spr nga property. It is t':. pinion 1 f those who have giv- en the m; tt< 1 \u25a0 v sideratiorv that the in- vesti'nent wxmld be one that would pay liajidssomely within a very short time. At any rate, many of the wealthy eltissenis ot Lynchburg have \'?i- ned to buy stock in a company formed for the purpose of op- erating the Una and running the springs. Since the- rcceni decision of the proprie- tor to turn the property over to the man- agement of another, th-? matter is being l';-t ely i! ! !cuss< 1. p.n<i. unless indications sad!y fail, Bedford Springs nnd Lynch- burg will soon. be. connected by an electric Congenial company and! beautiful lawns and walks r.d*l to the pleasure of those who are staying at Bedford Springs this season. The hole] nnd cottages are comfortably filled witli v.^i'orj. who j'O.?s the h'Mirs with pleasures, such as are found at health resorts. Whis-t is the favorite game at cards, and there are some !i" i% players luio. Among tJiem are M3ss \Vatts and her eistcr, Miss Maysie ; * ::' tcr, "f Lyrichbijrg;, ar.<l Mr. Irving Day, of i >urh&m, N. C. Bowling is greatly enjoyed' and consid- erable interest is being' taken in the Mr. Grimth. of Pittsburg; Mr. Talloy, of l.yr.chburg; and Dr. Kabler, Jr.. or Bedford Springs, are- among the best Mr». Watts leads the playing among Th. vc have been many arrivals with- in the past w<-ek, and among them are Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lecky, Mrs. IT. N. Pollard and Miss Lena Pollard, of Rich- mond, and Dr. Mary Erook-o, n dietia* guished yo'i'ig sure eon of PhiladielpWiw sib'c. (5i.,.,-!:i! Dlspitch to Th« TSai^s.) A Popular Resort to Be Made More Acces- Hoffline. Mr. and Mrs. Ge<\ W. Serpell, Mr. Albert Serpe.ll. Mr. Goldlelgh Serpell. Pet-Tsburg— Dr. and Mrs. Cialborne, son and daughter: Miss Mcllwaine. Mr. arid Mrs orlamler Hinter and family. * Washington— Mr. and Mrs. NewbOld: Dayton. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris Smith »nd daughter, Miss Botts. Mr. and Mrs. McElhone, Misses Brown. Mr. \\ Illet, Miss Stocking Mr. and Mrs. Steiner; Mr. Walling, of Chicago; Mrs. Gov. Mct,orkle, son nnd daughter, of West Virginia, and a host of others. Golfing is the most popular amusement, and is patronized largely by the "smart set" of the Alum. A very striking picture is presented In the graceful and handsome ladle?, with their athletic partners on the "lin 1 :-." which are paid to be the finest In the mountains, having received the constant supervision of Mr. Frazier, who is a v.-ry enthusiastic golfer. A golf tournament will be on hand in a day or two. Seven-hand euchre. Is the most popular In-door amusement for the morning and very delightful entertainments hove b"?n given by' Mrs. Townley. Mrs. T. A.. Mil- ler. Mrs. A. T. Fox, Mrs. Waddtll. M;«s F.lise Watkins, Mrs. Dr. Clarborne and others. .Mrs. John Armstrong, of Louisville', Ivy., entertained with pro£ri>sni'."e euchre on Tuesday evening, Hancisema pri::es were won by Mrs. Norfieet. of Winston, N. C. and Mrs. Hamilton Popo. of Louis- ville, Ky. Mrs. Hopkins, of Augusta. Ga.. gave a lovely melon fete on the lawn and many ladies, most of whom are connois- seurs, pronounced the seventy-pound Georgia melon with rich, red meat, juicy and sweet, very, very tine. y< ta- ble event of the week, a "favor germnn." given by the young ladies of th 6 Alum. Forty couples and ten stag 3 partici- pated. Favors were ordered from Tif- fany's and it was a long-to-to-be-remem- bered seene so many beautiful girls in dainty gowns, carrying favors of rich flowers. Japanese parasols, and hats in every exquisite color, whilst th» suitors were honored by the fair ones with pipes, cigarettes, swords and other things in taste and dear to their -hearts. Mrs. Dtxon, Mrs. T. A. Miller, Miss Minnie Baker and Mi«s Bella Clarke presided at the favor table. The following couples danced: Mr. Milhado. Norfolk. Miss Baker. Nor- folk: Mr. Mason, of Orange, Miss Me- i Comb, Norfolk; Mr. Walling, Chicago, Miss Legium, Indianapolis; Mr. Alien; Philadelphia, Miss Allen. Philadelphia; j Mr. Wellott, Washington; Miss Brown, Washington: Mr. Chapman, Smithfleld, ( Miss Wacldill. Richmond 1 ; Mr. Cohoon. i Norfolk, Miss Mayer, Norfolk: Mr. Til- son, Richmond. Mrs. McElhone. Wash- ington; Mr. Ruoker, Bner.a Vista, Miss Courtney; Mr. Mills, Buena Vista. Miss Sherrr.erhorn. Hampton; Mr. John Cabell, Richmond. Miss Armstrong. Louisville; Dr. Jones. Richmond. M'?s Gray. >viiv ston, N. C; Mr. Lewis, Atlanta. Miss Bldgpod Mobile; Mr. Waddiil, Richmond. Miss Elise "VVatkins, Richmond; Mr. Mc- Adow; Montana. Miss Iloffiine, Norfolk; Mr. McCorkle. Charleston. "W. Va.. Miss Lacey. Richmond'; Mr. Tape. Louisville. Miss Haves. Boston; Mr. Graves, Rich- mond Miss Belknap, Philadelphia. Card party by Mrs. H. E. Smith. The event of the reason was an ele- gant progressive euchre party given by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, of W. 8. A.. last evening to a select number of ten tables. The elegant gowns of the ladies was most noteworthy. Champagne punch was served all during the game. Sup- per was served rrom a "Washington cat*, rar (Harvla) in courses. Pris«a from ,rut«?& with a j>!vfusion of mountain laurel, J'orna >ir;i daWe®. The gerina:! was led ly ilr. Ernest Fisliburn<\ of Roanoke, and Mr. Jiur.ss Wiiison, of Columbus, O. The - c; c rrw | ".:, !:1 ;- :Ti »«.) Mountain >.:ike Hotel. COLD SULPHUR SPRINGS, August 10 —The fine bracing weather of the pai \u25a0- week has made outdoor sports especially appreciated. The mornings have a distinct crispness, w.iich makes long exploring walks, among the hills, horse-back rides, and driving to the near resorts and points of interest. A very in- teresting place the guests find at "blast time," is the Victoria Furnace, just a mile away. Ono of the most beautiful euchre par- ties of the season was giver, on Monday evening by Miss K/iight, of Richmond; and Miss Helen Kemper, of the Cold Sul- phur. The larpre number to play made the ball-room the most pleasant place, and afforded a splendid background for the decorations of green and yellow. At 11:30 punch and sandwiches were served. The first ladies' prize was won by Mrs. A. McGilvray, of Richmond. Mr. Jo<\ Wood, of Gosh<?!i, Va., won the gen- tleman's prize. All cut for the consola- tion, and Mr. McCarthy, of Richmond, was successful: The most elaborate entertainment of the season was given on Wednesday evening by Miss Annie Lee Plum, of Danville, Va!, spoken of by a guest at the Cold' Snl- phur. as the "best loved girl"in the hotel. Progressive euchre was played in the large ball-room, which presented a scene of unusual beauty. The number of pret- ty girls and handsome women, gowned magr.ificiently, added much to the occa- sion. Fans wera used for score-cards, with gold chords attached. Mrs. John successful gentleman. The consolation prize, a handsome, sterling knife, was won by Mrs. WhHehurst. Refreshments, con- sisting of several courses, were served at £2 o'clock. The children were entertained several An Eiegaaf Entertainment by the Best Loved Girl. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) Misses Maud and Milfred Pamplln. of Rad'ford, are visiting Mrs. Lee Tocld. Mrs. Weeks, after a month's visit to her mother, Mrs. Vlnal. has returned to her home, in Detroit. Mich. Architect Frank Read i 3 adding several artistic designs to his already- beautiful home. The quick and thorough -work at ta« Highland Springs Flra Department was shown recently at the fire which threat- ened to consume Major Todd's charmlns home. Ths veteran, chief. Captain. D. A. Smith, has everything In a high state ot efficiency. Miss Km ma Harlcer is on an extended trip to Xew York, Philadelphia and the Bufia-lo Exposition. Captain James Dudley Is In "Washington on business in reference to a prominent Government position for one of his friends. Mr. "W. H. Spier 3 has postponed hi 3 trip to Europe until November. The Public Library, which ha.3 been closed during the warm weather, will re- open September Ist. This ia a great con- venience for the residents. The Whist Club will hold a fish-fry Tues- day at tha farm of "W. P. Morgan InNew Kent county. The Methodist Society held a plcnlo at Forest Hill Park on "Wednesday. Mr. James Dudley's apple and peach or» chard promises to yield as prollflcaliy oX la&t year. Mr. and Mrs. Womble> r of Richmond, .• were visitors at Mrs. Howland'a Sunday, i Dr. William Newsome. who for years was the leading beterinary dentist and practical honse-shoer of Detroit. Mich.. has located at Roxbury, where he hopea to regain his health. 1 air. Louis B. Gilham, son of Mr. J. "W. Gilham, who restfies near "WilSiamsburg road, Henrico county, after spending about seven months in the- mountains of South i' America, will return home afcout the mid- ! til* of August. The Charcoal Club is now In a progres- sive condition. Five new candidates for initiation wrll be presented at the next meeting and three members will given their third and last degree. This Order Is bound to grow and become a power in the land. Nothing of a political or sectarian nature is allowed inside tha walls of the lodge room, under penalty of $10 fine for those- who may so far forget thf-mseives. The initiatory decree In thla IOrc'er is S3; second degree, 52: aa<l third degree, $3; or (HO for the three degrees. I These three degrees cannot in any In- stance, be conferred at one time. Or.c month must elapse between each degree. A member may receive the Initiatory and he may never be able to get the remainder. This will, of course, depend on bU coa* duct either previous to or subsequent to I hia initiation.— Henrioo Haimld. \u25a0-. Highland Springs and Vicinity. Social Life in Akckienburg. (Special Dispatch to Tha Times.) "iOYDTON, VA., Aug. 10. -Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Faulkner's house party, given at their home In thi3 place, began on Mon- day of this \u25a0week. There arc several tertainment is now freely on and is being vited are: Misses Annie C. Berkeley, Daiv ville, Va.; Georgia cnarrington, TTarren- toru Ya.; Bella Powell. Emporia, Va.; Sliirt-Waist German. (Special Dispatch to Tlie Times.) ' UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. VA.. Aug. 10.—Tho pavilion at Fry's Springs was the scone of a delightful shirt-waist german -yesterday morning, given by Miss Audrey Ferguson, of Norfolk, to the Al- bemarle German Club. Dancing began at 9 o'clock ia the morn- Ing and was continued until nearly 3 fn tbo afternoon. An orchestra, under the THE TIMES: RICHMOND. VA. SUNDAY. AUGUST II, "1901. 9

Times (Richmond, Va.) (Richmond, VA) 1901-08-11 [p 9]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1901-08-11/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · The following Richmond p«op> arc rep:-Istered here:

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* ; : ;. ; , \u25a0


THE BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS.THE WARM SPRINGS. Leila Blair, Richmond, and Alice Faulk-ner, Boydtore. Also Messrs. Harry Berk-ley and Donald Harrison. Danyille, va-;

Harrison and' Donald Blair, of Richmond;

C. M. Davis, of Mt. Jackson. Va.: W.

HaT-ison>. Thomas C. and! C. J. Faulkner.of Bovdton.

Mr. Nathaniel Bouch, who recently re-moved to Mecklenburg, has purchasedthe old Field homestead ••Roslin." onRoar.nke River. Mr. Bouch will makeRoslin his home.

Gait, of the same city. Sir. and! MrmSmith covered themselves with laur«l»ns an Ideal host and hostess of such aaelegant affair. The first ladles? prtz» waiwon by Miss Bldgood, of Mobile. Ala.The second ladies' prize was captured bsMiss Klise Wutkins, an<t Mls3 BettlirClarke the consolation prize. Th» gentiwho won were Dr. Sanfoni, of \Ve3tVirginia, and Mr. Alex. Fox, of Indian-apolis, the second gentleman.


The following Richmond p«op> arc rep:-

Istered here: Mrs. SilaJJ She-ibourne, Dr.B. ZAvy, Mrs. Abram Levy and Miss An-nie IX Bowling.

following couples participated: Mr. ErnestFlshburne, Roanoke. Va*. Miss K. B.Topper, Now York city:Mr. Joseph Xny-

lor. WTieelJng, W. Va., Miss'Maude Shields,

Roanoke, Va.; Mr. James Wat-ton. Coiuni-b'.is. 0.. Mi-s Dunklee, Xe-.rport News; Va.;

Mr. W. A. Ye.-uon. ANliet-iinf?. W. Va.,Mtefl RoWthtod, Columbus. O.; Mr. LutherSheldon, Norfolk Vn... Miss a. C. Meyer.Baltimore, Md.: Mr. T. Tuppcr, New Yorkcity, Miss A. E. Bates, Baltimore, Md.;Mr. A. F. Blanks, Blonroe, l~i~. Mrs. A.P. Prigo, Lake Charles, La.; Dr. F. llich.Southern Pines, N". C, Mte» Virginiafihield-s hoanoke, Va.;Mr. li.B. Naylor,WJieeMng, W. Va<;Miss Driver, .Va.;Mr. W. Tyler. iw.t«>n, Texa*, Miss A. P.Tuppcr, New York city? Mr. Cary Dunklee,,ChristUuisburg, Va.. Miss Belle Tyler, Bel-ton, Tfxr.s. The chap^roncs were Mrs.W. E. C. Merriman, WiHlamßport. Perm.;

Mrs. W. C Yeoton, "\nieeling. W. Va.;

Mrs John Sherman, Roanoke, Va.;Mrs.T. B Houston, F.^khom, Vn..

T!i» favors wcro dispensed by Mr. J.xmesWatson, ri-fJer which most delicious re-freshments wro served.

.Stags— Messrs. Bert. Stone. John Moore,

W. C. Hanckel, W. C. Scott, Jr.. H."Walker, A. C. Nelson, It. Gilliam aniothers.

Chaperpnes— Masdames Gilliam and Fer-guson.

direction of Mrs. A. B Montz, furnishedthe music. Mr. Clay Michie led manybeautiful figures.

Besides the members of the club whowere present were many guests from adistance who are spending the summerin Albemarle county and in this city.

The couples and invited guests <vereMr. Clay Michie with Miss AHc.3. Hili,Mr. C. E. Hays with Miss Ferguson; ofNorfolk: Mr. R. E. McKennie with MissFrances Walker; Mr. W. P. Sinclair withMiss Davis; Mr. Gus Williams with MissYuncey. of Richmond; Mr. James V'anshwith Miss Lambert, >t Richmond. Mr.Fremster with Miss M. McKlnnie; Mr.W. H. Crockford. Jr., with Miss Gll-liam, of Petersburg; Mr. K. S. Pattonwith Miss Mathews, of Chicago; Mr.

Willie Fife with Miss Biers, of Richmond;Mr. Gordon Nelson with Miss Effing^r.of Richmond; Mr. Sexton with MissThomas, of Richmond.

Richmond and Petersburg Are Well Repre-sented—Bean-Bag Parties.

(Special Dispatch to Tbe TlmwOBLUE RTDGE SPRINGS, August 10—

All parts of the South are wellrepresented here at the Blue RidgeSprings, but Virginia has sent a hostof charming people. Norfolk, Petersburgand Richmond head the list in. representa-tives.

From the Capital City we have Mr.nndMtf. .J»ck:=on Guk. who a.ro delightfulaciu.ilons to the Blue Ridge colony. Thasecond week in August finds a host ofpretty girls here. Some of tho witchignmaids are: Miss Hamilton, of Baltimore;

Miss Phelan. of Atlanta; Miss Raney. MissThrop and Miss Randolph, of Tallahassee,Flh.: MiS3 Due.cbe.rry, of Mobile: MissWaJthall, of Richmond; Miss Morrison,

of Gate City. Va.;Miss Griffin and MissBarlowe, of Portsmouth; Miss Moss, ofGalveston; and the Misses Powell, of Sa.-Vannah.

The week has been one round of gaietywith two "bean-bag;" partie=. one for theyoung people and one for the children, afudge party, a "kimnna. party,-" the n'ght-ly hops and tho- Friday r.ipht german.

The latter brought out the prettiestgowns seen this season, and if the big"Saratogas" hold any daintier. Ihm Sari-toga and Newport may look ,to their

At TbouFa nd IslanJ?.

(Special Dispatch to T!^ Tim'»=.)

ALEXANDRIA BAY, N. T.. Aug. 30.—Mr. nnd M:s. William Koi.kins, of I.ox-Ington, Val, stopped' hire for a little

Among the latest arrivals are: Mr.--.Richard Baylor and family, of Xorfolk;R. A. Theodora Bh'ns. of New York":Misses Rorer, ot Roanoke; Miss Hu'li-hem, ot" Staunton; .Dr. Guthrie Allison andwife, of Klizabethton, Ten-n.; Mr. Thomas

AVYTHEVILLB,VA.. Aug. 10.— The gay

season here is at its height. Already anunusual number of summer visitors havearrived, and many are comtoig In dai;y.

Gaieties Et Wytheyllle.

(Spfrial Disp.itch to The Tlm-;s.)


Aug. 10.—Guests are pouring in as usualat this season, and we will soon have a"full house/ Amusements of every des-cription are the order of the day—cards,

golfing, germans, melon fetes and coach-Ing parties.

Among the Richmonders are: Judge andMrs V>

;addill, Misses Mary. Juliet and

Nannie, with Mr. Clivius WaddiU, andMiss TVinder. Mrs. William Pembcrton.Mrs. T. 11. Starke and granddaughter,

Miss Alice Hotohkiss, Mrs. Dawson andeon Mrs T A. Miller and family. Mrs.A .ludson Watkins. Miss Elise Watkins.Miss Cornelia Watkin?, Mr. and Mrs.Younger p.nd Miss Cora Younger. MissEstelle Courtney. Mr. John Cabell, Mr.Elgin Grave?. Mr?. Rour.v.^roe, daughter

ami sons; Miss Lacy and Mrs. Renting

and family.Norfolk—Mrs. Milhado, Mr. Aaroa Mil-

hado, Mrs. Dr. Stlckey, U. S. A.; Miss

There.(Special Dispatch to Tbe Times.)

The Season at Its Height and a Large Crowd

evenings ago by Miss Bessie McGllrayand Master Roger Mercer. Adonkey par-ty was given by them in the green parlor.

All tho children and many grown folksattended. The prize, a huge box ofchocolates, was won by Miss Bertha Din-;

. gee, o' Lynchburg. Va, ]One of the most delightful entertain-

ments of the season was given by thevery popular Mrs. J. P. Carson, of Rich-mond. Va., in honor of the Misses Boyd,whom she is chaperoning.

Three, tables of seven-handed euchre!were played on tiie very attractive porch-parlor, leading f.-*>m Mrs. Carson's rooms.;Tho Japanese shade.- made a delightfullicht, and tho decorations were gorgeous,with all the flowers of mid-summer. Atthe first raWe. Mrs. Allen Warfteld ledtho score and took tho prize. Mrs. Din-gee, of Lynchburg, Vn.. was successfulat the pecond table, and at Xhc third, Mrs.Williams, of Paris, Tex., with her usualfine scoring, won the prize.

Punch was served at the conclusion oftho grime.

Several 'bowline parties have been in pro-gress during the week.

Aninformal germnn was dancefl or. Fri-ci-ay night, followed by a watermelonparty to the young people, given by Mrs.Robert Whltehurst, of Richmond. Va.Mrs. Barnes, of Pennsylvania, one of thehandsome?; and most popular young ma-trons at *h^c.'fiiSulphur, was chaperone.

!Miss Marianne Meade; of Richmond, Va.,Is registered for the summer.

The music lovers aro delighted over thereturn of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, of Rich-mond. Va.

Some of the prominent arrivals are:Mrs. William Sheppard. Miss Ma'ttle

Sheppard, Richmond. Va.; Mrs. Lr'PCounselman. Norfolk: Mrs. John P.Wood, Annie Wood, Edenton, N. C: MissStarke. Norfolk, Va.: James G. Martin.Norfolk: Henry TTonlian, Litchfield. Ky.:Rev. J. W\ Rosebro, Frederlcksburg;>Trs. S. G. Sholflfrs. Fredericksburg. Va.:Miss Marianne Meade, Ricbmond, Va.


One rf the most attractive young ladies registered for the summer at t!i"

Gold Sulphur is Miss Annie '< \u25a0\u25a0 !'• in. .•" Danville, Va. Miss Perm is a well-known Virginia ~\v\. whose popularity wiheret r she goes is an assured fact.

She was el \u25a0' ;i represent the ! ifir District at the Confederate Reunion

.i retnar] \u25a0\u25a0 :" md a finished musical training. Added to her many

\u25a0:; . ... •\u25a0 s has that grace of manner and disposition which wins the

Miss Annie Lee Perm, of Danville.

\u25a0 •;: Starke, a stately beauty,

.- .-. :. is" no mlrodui Ilon lo a Rich-1

.. \u25a0 , . g] .. is n handsome an>i." . . man, of whom the

\u25a0 . . \u0084

•. ;.. the a :•,!nor o)\u25a0 :

" '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'!\u25a0 Vndto

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{ . , ug^hts Hi : one beholds her

B is a i:.conceives ..of the hatun. : p pen with sincercst ad-

., \u25a0 \u25a0 . [ohnston has many friends". '. .'. \u25a0 '.... ...• ;. ,nsia< ra it one of the

\u0084.•, \u25a0

• .-.- she says, i'lreturn

!\u25a0 . •. -Morgan daughters of 5en-...... ... •.\u25a0 bama, 3re noted f< r

[cleverness, as. is Miss Norar . •. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 •. •

'ard 1larding.. j, | \u25a0, .. i\u25a0:;\u25a0 s will '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Ither

son ;fiace v,'.\.hjl . . tho "rose-bud garden of

:. m and go:,

\u0084- . ; \u25a0 .. :;:i-r:io amatailes

WAUM SUQL.PUI U SPRINGS, VA., Aue. |30.— T!" eventß oi tho weeks past ja. : -. a moonli£hi drive, given by j, :.. \u0084: •:.,. rouhg men of tho Warm

* I ftuty sfiyi \u25a0 by Mrs; A inton Startte,

ff-huraas -\u25a0' '\u25a0•• enjoyed


by ftU thet :-.:;. \-. ..::... \u25a0 lUl< ras participa-

tor! \u25a0 '•.\u25a0 •. .. eoH Iluraaisent sat-t, .. • \u25a0;.. ;;:;-i a «\u25a0;• ligbtra] gennan.

..- .\u25a0 \u25a0 • ;> Hea Ing Springs was»\u25a0 . : . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . •:\u25a0 y enjoyable by the' . ::\u25a0 r. who bad re-i;•\u25a0 -;.:ri'

• ' . .- .: igS *-v\r<l to the


-ne3 and

r ' • - ' •\u25a0-.. '

' -. : \u25a0 . to describe ai thec . ;'\u25a0\u25a0:: :'>:!.'iy

::• . . S •'.. tor'!i°... \u25a0 ..;was four

: : Professor Winter, o-i Bal-i.;: . \u25a0 rs and tli . \u25a0\u25a0 ;ators

arrivals re-i \u0084

\u25a0 Richi ad people:

'.••\u25a0 ;. • \u25a0• •:. Mrs. Quinn an<3 family.



•:.\u25a0 :\u25a0; ! IK in Of the[ -.Medicine; with his

\u25a0 ; : .- Mrs. Jas.I :\u25a0 | .; : Master

\u25a0. : Car iin< Pendl< ton.

\u25a0 \u25a0 rson of St Paul's Lynch-\u25a0,

\u25a0' Mrs Carson! Their•-i

• :•: the Bni-." . -

\u25a0 ; \u25a0 .:. is cxp< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : soon. The-:.. \u25a0 : \u25a0 . of thi pi: • >Ide pood

•. r of'lie guests are


' . . •\u25a0-..:• women th-ity

' .. \u25a0 \u25a0'. \u25a0 . | Sprii gs with thoir

\u25a0 . -I _\u25a0 . \u25a0= a t. \u25a0 man ff fine

\u25a0 / figure, aevelop-;.. . .. : ..• ,i other out-

n ....-..(. i;< i;t example

• •\u25a0 d Otter, attra* live in nan-

;. \u25a0 y a genera] favorite..[\u25a0 . : Southern vi.• . 3r< . : imagnetism,

{:-:: . .\u25a0 \u25a0 .


i. tucton Cooke.

cvj ;•:••. ..: ility to entertain

often gi*cefl the Warm;\u25a0; \u25a0 '. \u25a0 \u25a0 •.. r ;-• \cr-faillng Hve-

. : .•:\u25a0..- ::\u25a0 [uentlr t:ie circi-j's

Prominent People.(S;^.',nl DlspatCb to ISIC T',;:i.-s.)

4^'ioonlijhr Driven and Card Parties- Many


while on tlvir v. ay from "the Pan-Amr»rics.n Exposition. Mrs. H pkins, for-

mond, has I- ' . \u25a0

-I ihe cha \u25a0::! that

m ide her .< belle in her "irl!! i

and Lady Davis, the lion. Clifford Sif-ton, of Ottawa, and Captain and Mis 1;

Hubbard, of Toronto, and Judge T. 11.Anderson of Washinct in.

BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VA..August 10.—The days pass pleas-

antly at the old Buffalo Lithia, and in accuple of weeks the season will be athigh-water mark. Something 1 like onehundred and fifty guests are here, andunlike the brook, "they come and go,"

with the difference largely on the sideof arrival?. The Buffalo Lithia Is differ-ent from any pleasure and health resorton the continent in that indescribablehome-like charm so soon felt by the vis-itor, and that its social edict against

samblins. dissipation and debauchery isa- string-ant and Inviolate as the laws ofthe Medes and Persians. Its hospitabledoors stand open wide for the lady orgentleman strariijKr, who is at o:ice admit-ted to all the privileges of the place, butsince the property came into the pos-session of Colonel Thomas F. Goode, somethirty years ago. and this order of thingsInausruratefl, Buffalo has been an un-comfortable camping place for the gam-bling shark and the wine-bibber. Thosewho have the pleasure of knowing Col.Goode know full well that this order ofthings will prevail as long a.s he is pro-prietor. Neither the :'ani':' of the watersnor thi handsome income from its sale at

home and abroad hn.s turned Buffalo'shead ot heart; th« same old-time simplic-ity, inaugurated by our grandparents, isstill in vogue. There Is no code whichrequires you to dress three or four limesa clay to nrevent criticism, ar.rl the people- who come here usually care less for i!i.;j-play than to rest, improve their healthmd have a good time.

Absent is ih'1 rush, the .ulare and thenoises after midnight, which has so oftenIriven sleep from the couch at other

themselVes with tenpins and severalither names on the lawn; some go

driving, and occasionally extend it to ati-li» to the quaint old town of Clarks-ville, ?ix miles distant. The disciples ofTerpsichore enjoy themselves nearly ev-ery evening, but promptly at 10 o'clockthe band strikes the strains of "Home,Sweet Home,'! and soon the lights areout and all is quiet.

A partial ii.-v of arrivals the- past fewdays is as follows:

T. M. Culllngwonth. "W. TI". Lucke. MissLucke, Miss L. Lucke. Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Westbury. W. 11. Urquhart, Jr.. Dr.J. Allison Hodg-L-s, James L. Cottrell,Richmond: Henry J. Flake, Galveston,Tex.: J. S. Vernon, Columbia, S. C; B.L. Alvey, Columbia. S. <\ : Mrs. Rebec-en Smith. Scotland Neck, N. C; A. M.Shaw. Rocky Mount, N. <".; B. M. Hol-man, New York; R. 1.. Coleman, Ri^c--viile, Va.; Rev. W. E. Thompson, .LittleRock*, Ark.: Rev. J. S. Watkins, D. ]>\u0084Startanburg, S. C.

Comfort.(Special Pi=-virf!l to Til" rr!™<>!O

Legitimate Pleasures Only, end Rest and


SPRINGS. W. VA.. Ausrust 10.—Among the recent arrivals at the WhiteSulphur Springs ar»: Attorney-General A.

J. Montague and Mrs. Montague, Llenten-ant-Governor Edward Efhols. Colonel Mar-shrill Han?>'r. Captain Joseph Willard andColonel William E. Anderson. Tho Whiteis crowded to overflowing and the most

successful season of years is in full swir.g.

Fuil House at 0!d White.(Pp^.'tal Dispatch to The Times.)

bail-Rooms.(Special Dispatch to XH« Tlmei.)

ISSUX VHU CIXST, VA., August 10.—The largest and most successful ter-nian or me summer wajJ t«iat given, o»Tiiursday evening to th« cuesta at Ho-tel Beuford and members of tha.Bedford Gtrrmaa Club. The music fromthe resident orchestra, has strikingly Im-proved. The splendid ballroom, with, tiiahiguiy-polished lioor was a seen* ofbeauty and bewildering anlmatloo.tJiruusjnout the evening 1. The dancingwas led by Air. Hal B. iVlosby. assistedby Mr. John W. Hurt. Some oi tho pax-Ucipants were:

Miss Norwood, cf Alabama, with Mr.Alartin i.Burks, Jr.

Aliss Virginia Norwood, of Alabama,with Mr. Crutehfieid, of Lynchbury.

Miss Mills, of Texas, with Mr. Henry,j. Thiurnan.

M'.ds- Mac Mills, of Texai*. witb Mr,Jack Johnson.

Aii^s Uragaxa, of New Orleans, withAir. Wii.ston, of Richmond.

Miss JMosby with,Mr.J. Marshall Vest.Miss Annie Mosby with Mr. John .W.

Hurt.AUss Hardy, of JN'ew OrlcanSi with

Lieut. F. Wharton, of Griffin.Miss Winston, of Richmond, with Dt

A. JB. Ciaytor, of Phildelphla,Miss Lowry with? Mr.Robert luowrjr.Miss Florrle Claytor with. Mr. Robert

| _MosDy.Miss Humphreys with Itr. CabeU ,W»

Ttiomas. i | [jj tiliss aummerson with Mr. Ro. ,W^

withers.Miss Henry, of Richmond, with Ma

I Harry Jopllng, of Bluefield, W. Va.Miss Vv'atson with.Mr. Chas. W. Whar,

; ton, Jr.-Miss Leavenworth, of Petersburg, with

j .Mr. William B. Stevens, of Petersburg.Alias Matilda Norwood, of Alabama,

i with Mr. Henry I.Guy.Miss Moore withMr. George C. Jordan.Miss Margaret Watson, of Pulaakl,

\u25a0 with Mr.Robert Summeraon.Mrs. Girvin Blanton, of Richmond,'

with Mr. Hal B. Mosby.Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hagen.'Stags— Mr. Jos. E. Johnston, of Lynch-

i burg; Mr. E. S. Cowles. of. Williams-i hurjr; 3lr. S. L. Tyson, of Alabama; Dr.i T. 1\ West and Mr Curtis Quarles, of

W ashington, D C.Chaperons— M^esclames Joseph Norwood,

of Alabama; E. W. Mills, of Texas, Jas.Riddle, of Norfolk; C. M. Guggenhelmer.of Lynchburg; Graham Claytor, of Bed-ford City.

Wednesday morning Misses Winston, of.Richmond, ga.ve a chafing dish party to

their lady friends of the hotel, and aroyal good report was given of theachievements of the fair masters of theart of cooking.

A most successful pilgrimag* wasmade, to the Peaks of Ottor Saturday bya party of "Jolly good fellows

" all, whoto-c!ny are np above the world so highthat no doubt several, urgeil with senti-ment by the sublimity of the scene, havesoftly told their fair companions altmanner of things about diamonds Ingeneral and bt'incr his especial jewel inparticular. The party was given by Mr.

| B. L. Tyson, of Alabama, was chap-roned by Mrs. Joseph Norwood, of Ala-bama, and Mrs. Jamos Riddle, of Nor-folk. Those making the ascent were:

j Misses Mills, of Sherman. Tc-xa:?, MissesNorwood, of Alabama; Miss Leaven-worth. of Petersburg; Mr. W. B. Ste.yens, of Petersburg: Mr. 3. L. Tyson and.Messrs. H. J. Thurman. C W. Thomas.

! John W. Hurt, Jack Johnston, M. P.. tnirKs, Jr., and Henry I.Guy, of Bed-ford.

| .Mr. George Hilhourn Jolifl>. a enra-> panion nnd two sons, of Weymouttt,j t'orset. Kngland, is here visiting Mr.

joiirrep mrther aijcl sister, R. G.O'Hara. Mr. Jollffe has not seen hismother and American sisters for twenty-five years and there Is now a very happyfamily reunion.

Messrs. M. P. Burkp. S. V. Kemp, X.Lawrence Campbell, Samuel .Griffin. Tf.O,1 Humphreys ancJ J. Randolph Tuck-er, of th" Bedford bar. attended the.meotiner of th-^ Bar Association at thaGreen brier. White Sulphur Springs.

Scenes of Grace aai Beauty ia the MouataU


M. Carter, of Hairlston, 'Mis?.; Mr. Vic-tor Herbert and family, of New Orleans;

.Mrs. R. H. Bennett, of Richmond; Mrs.B. B. Owens and children, of Winston,

X. C; Miss Willis, Of Jefferson. Va.: Mr.Dewey i:o.->k, of Staunton, and Miss Jolly,

Of Roanoke.Last Saturday a large party of summer

visitors went to Chimney ißocks, wherethey spent the night. Among the party

was ex-Congressman Ellett, of Richmond.The largest and most enjoyable german

of the summer was given at Hotel Boyd

on last Tuesday evening. The german

was gracefally !e.-l by Mr. David S. Blair.The Junior German Ql'ub gave a bal pou-

drc- german on Wednesday evening at Ho-tel Bovd. A large number of the youngfolks particiFatedi

Misses neriingham nn.l Sue Spilman.

of Richmond, left this mornin? for Yel-low Sulphur Springs, where they willspend the rest of the summer.

Ex-Cohgressman Tazewell Ellett, sonand claughters, who have been the guests

of Mrs. Goodwin for some, weeks, re-turried to Richmond this morning.

Among the women who add prestige to the Old White M Mrs. Carters/wifeof Colonel Thomas Carter, proctor or the. University of Virginia. Mr?, tatter

was the younger of the two noted beauties known ;as the Roy pnr!s. Ann- anaSue.' Roy." The former. Mrs. Rutherford nnd the latter, Mrs.-garter./^«°f». ma:tnrer years have only added ripeness and perfect fulfillment to the promise.

earlier days She is the mother of Mrs. Robert E. Lee, of Virginia; Mrs. RozlernSany ofWashington: Thomas Carter, who married Miss Agnes Mayo, ami

Snencer Carter who td-day is deservedly one of the most popular men n

Richmond Painpatlke, the old Carter 1 homestead, is synonpmous _ with-Virginia

life and hospitality in the highest sense, and will always be connected wlth^coi-onel and Mrs. Carter in the hearts of the many who willrise up and. call themblessed;.

Mrs. Sue Roy Carter.


laurels, while their women turn greenwith envy.

R< • it arrivals are:Mr. George P. Turner, Huntsville, Ala.;

Mrs. Georgd P. Turner, Huntsville, Ala.;.Mr. N. A. Finn, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs.Dalloni, East Orange, N. J.: Mi>=s VirgiePoole, Petersburg, Va.; Mr. T. F. Knockand wife, Petersburg, Va.; Mr.J. B. Rlch-m md, Gate City, Va.; Mr, T. J. Griffin,Portsmouth; Mr. C. N. Coleman, Ports-mouth; Miss Julia Coleman. Portsmouth;Miss Zena Griffin, Portsmouth; Mr. andMrs. Jackson Guy. Richmond, Va_;Mrs. M. E. Poole, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs.E. A. Morris n, P tersburg, Va.: Mrs. M.E. Young. Petersburg, Va.: Mr. L. M.Grlswold, Petersburg, Va.; A.r. H. N. Tal-:-y. Petersburg, Va.; Mr. N. O. Powell,Savannah," Ga.; a'iv. n. C. rowel!. Sa-vannah, Ga.: Miss Pettie Powell. Savan-nah, li.i.: Miss Jessie Powell, Savannah,Ga.; Rosa Powell, Savannah, Ga,;Mrs. Harvey Seward-, Petersburg, A'a.;Miss Annie Seward, Petersburg, Va.; Mr..'^iit!'!;Roper, Petersburg, V.i.; Dr. A.i-:. UlcK-lnson. Richmond; Mrs. A. EUtclanson. Richmond; Mr. Elliott JMr-ris, Norfolk: Mr. W. H. Kirn, --.uuvh-land, Va.; Miss Van Lear. Roanoke, Va.:Tr. O. F. FHpno. Philadelphia: Mrs. O.F. Flippo. Philadelphia; Mr. James H.UHtherspoon, Rock Hill S C: .. C

Rock Hill. S. C,; Miss Sadie Tuck-er. Bedford City: Mr.--. Louise Walithal),Richmond; Mrs. Bayley Brown, Accomaccounty, Va.; Miss L. B. Brown, Acco-mac county. Va.

Ti:e Lithia Springs Building Restored |Even

mx Concerts Inaugurated.

(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

FARMVILLE.VA.. August 10.—Though

the packing house at the Farmville LithiaSprings was burned a few weeks ago. thenew house has been almost completed, to-

S ither with the addition of a new bot-

Eyening. concerts are to be inaugurated

shortly and this innovation will gladly be

welcomed by the people of Farmville.The peach crop of this section is not

so good as was expected. _Mr Theodore Low, superintendent of

the Norfolk and Western Railway, wasin town again this week, looking around.The people hope it Is the purpose of therailroad to build a new depot.

Mrs. W. H. Jones, or" Barnwell, S. C. isspending the summer at the home of Mr.L. D. Jones, of this place.

Among the visitors to this place thisweek were Dr. Perkins Glover and Mrs.Price Glover, of Camm.

Rev. Mr.Driscoll, of the M. E. Church.expects to begin revival services at BethelChurch next Sunday. Large crowds areexpected to attend.

A most delightful picnic was priven atthe home c-i Mr. and Mr:-. Matt Cox. nearSheppards, on Thursday, in honor of theirguests, Misses Allen and Jones. Aboutseventy-live people were present, nnd en-joyed the feast of watermelons and thebountiful repast which was served unonthy lawn.

Mis?es Merrie Verser, Courtney Cos andMary Baldwin, of Farmville; Bessie andpary Allen, of Lynehburg; Lizzie Jones,of Cumberland; Lillie Walton, or Rice;liattie Livio and Susie Stegerj Annie Mc-Oraw; Janie .May Cru'te, Grace and EdnaBlcan, Susie Hales, Mrs. W. B. Morris,

Annie and Mauc! Jonss, Louise andRuth Forbes; Messrs. (Miller and Ed. Mc-Craw, of Bristol; Wistar Gates, of New-port News; Archer Wade and VemonPaulett, of Farmville; Aiex. Hancock andJohn Lewis, of Howardsville; CharlesHopper, Henry Chappell, George andGrig? Blcan, Ed., John and Joseph Gar-n^tt, Henry Forbes, Herbert Steger, PeterHales, Tom Garnett, Joseph, Clinton M.i-ben and Ernest .Tone.-.

The "Circulatiing C!ub" was entertaine«iSy Mr. an'J Mrs. 1- D. Jones at theirhome, "Keswick," on Friday night. Thefollowing young p& :\u25a0}\u25a0\u25a0 were present:

There will be a pi nic in the srove \u25a0-*'

the- Presbyterian Chui :h of this place to-day, for the 1 1 asure o! the childn n of theSunday-school. J; !s a beautiful place.and picnics there are always im: :h • a-jojeel.

NEW STOUK. v-v. Aug sst 10.-^The sea-

conducted it Smyrna >'. B. Chur h, aboutfive miles fr ra this place, ';.;,• Rev. Mr.

part of the week i: interrupted l)y

iho terrific rain fell for two Jav.^1 mi Is now being lar^eiy attended. anO i;

is !1. .1 it will I \u25a0 • :\u25a0;:'•.• of ro.ii '..good. Mr. Robert; m i.s exceedingly ps n-

Meetings and Picnics.• :=!>•>\u25a0-\u25a0!.••: g>isp:itcb to the- .Times.}

lire Circulating Club Ontcriiiiacd- Protracted


Mathews Melange.

(Special Dispatch to Tin. Times.)

FIXUHB'LTS, VA., Aug. S.—Mrs. Chas.

L. Sicgel and family, of Richmond, whohave been spending some time in Ma-thews, will leave Tuesday for WesternNorth Carolina to join her husband, Dr.Onas. L. Sicgel. who. is regaining hishealth rapidly there.

The yacht. White Wings, owned by D.G. Baker, of Mathews, returned yesterdaytrom a ten days' cruise to Old Point,cape Charles, Wbarton's Grove, etc.All aboard report a delightful trip.Among those from Richmond wereChas. L. Brown, E. Baker, Jr., and Jno.Armitage.

Key. Mr. Crawley hns been holding

meetings at all the Methodist ChurchesIn his district and has met with muchsuccess.

The copious rains of the past weekhave greatly benefited the growing crops,especially corn.

. ) 12-ri \. fIITB SDLI HUB

'\u25a0 . ;^,, \u25a0• franv \u25a0! by her

;.... \u25a0 . M LchelL'who \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:-\u25a0•.:I•, v,. \ \u25a0 .'-'\u25a0\u25a0• 1\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 •,-. \u25a0 ers 01••.: \u25a0\u0084 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:. \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0' red\u0084-:.\u25a0 •\u25a0;\u25a0.\u25a0: \u25a0

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papt Roc] . . . \u25a0: \u25a0• \u25a0; their de-parture.

.i.irni:.\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . . sea liarrison.: "


:• \u25a0 • 1 \u25a0 \u25a0 1 st prizes andMrs. Pbill iw nxxi\ the ,cons ilation

c: Mr and Mrs.] \u25a0 va-; Mrs. A. M.

\u25a0 : Mr X. H.Mi '\u25a0\u25a0 icy J.

1 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Mrs. J. W.

;: \u25a0




\u25a0 !.-1!'!'\u25a0


\u25a0 \'... :> '\u25a0 • '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 R \u25a0 • .:• \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.;

Mountain CUmblag nnd cave Exploring Addedto the Pastimes.

CSpcclal DtepaU* t>> The Times.)

i-.i;;>F<>r.i> sittings, va.. A-.:=r. 30.—] !': .-. \u25a0 an electric railwaj lint." will soon

• Bedford Spriiij s \u25a0\u25a0•. nk Lynchburglls the opinion of mai "•' i ise position inj inai &1 circles .\u25a0::!.\u25a0 1 to those in-

thcir opinions to consldei tion. Shouldthe line be built B< ford Springs will

. enjoy the distinction that it.had sev-eral years ago' o£ lv?lng r>r.e of the lead-ing summer resorts in Virginia. The


' the presen.l proprietor make the lawn\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0; 0 •\u25a0 most beautiful and pleasant In

The property could now be purchasedr.i reasonable terms, nnCl the people InL-yi hburi; are Discussing the probability

Whether Lynchi rg pitallsts or capi-talists from other p rti ns of the Statewill attempt the buildSng of the line and

told just now. Monopolies flourish inLynchburg, and since the Lynchburg!.:\u25a0-;);; and Traction Company own the

::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0=- works and :;".'- • t rai way lines, every! •

\u25a0 Is : tyt looking to U it snpany toibuili tls \u25a0 )::\u25a0•\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0 .•; the manage-

ment of th • spr nga property.Itis t':. pinion 1 f those who have giv-

en the m; tt< 1 \u25a0 v sideratiorv that the in-vesti'nent wxmld be one that would payliajidssomely within a very short time. Atany rate, many of the wealthy eltissenis otLynchburg have \'?i- ned to buy stock in acompany formed for the purpose of op-erating the Una and running the springs.

Since the- rcceni decision of the proprie-tor to turn the property over to the man-agement of another, th-? matter is beingl';-t ely i!!!cuss< 1. p.n<i. unless indicationssad!y fail, Bedford Springs nnd Lynch-burg will soon. be. connected by an electric

Congenial company and! beautifullawns and walks r.d*l to the pleasure ofthose who are staying at Bedford Springs

this season. The hole] nnd cottages arecomfortably filled witli v.^i'orj. who j'O.?s

the h'Mirs with pleasures, such as arefound at health resorts. Whis-t is thefavorite game at cards, and there aresome !i"i% players luio. Among tJiem areM3ss \Vatts and her eistcr, Miss Maysie;*

::' tcr, "f Lyrichbijrg;, ar.<l Mr. IrvingDay, of i>urh&m, N. C.

Bowlingis greatly enjoyed' and consid-erable interest is being' taken in the

Mr. Grimth. of Pittsburg; Mr. Talloy,of l.yr.chburg; and Dr. Kabler, Jr.. orBedford Springs, are- among the best

Mr». Watts leads the playing among

Th. vc have been many arrivals with-in the past w<-ek, and among them areMr. and Mrs. J. D. Lecky, Mrs. IT. N.Pollard and Miss Lena Pollard, of Rich-mond, and Dr. Mary Erook-o, n dietia*guished yo'i'ig sure eon of PhiladielpWiw

sib'c.(5i.,.,-!:i! Dlspitch to Th« TSai^s.)

A Popular Resort to Be Made More Acces-

Hoffline. Mr. and Mrs. Ge<\ W. Serpell,

Mr. Albert Serpe.ll. Mr. Goldlelgh Serpell.

Pet-Tsburg— Dr. and Mrs. Cialborne, sonand daughter: Miss Mcllwaine. Mr. arid

Mrs orlamler Hinter and family.*

Washington— Mr. and Mrs. NewbOld:Dayton. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris

Smith »nd daughter, Miss Botts. Mr. and

Mrs. McElhone, Misses Brown. Mr. \\ Illet,

Miss Stocking Mr. and Mrs. Steiner; Mr.Walling, of Chicago; Mrs. Gov. Mct,orkle,

son nnd daughter, of West Virginia, anda host of others.

Golfing is the most popular amusement,

and is patronized largely by the "smartset" of the Alum.

A very striking picture is presented In

the graceful and handsome ladle?, withtheir athletic partners on the "lin1:-."which are paid to be the finest In themountains, having received the constantsupervision of Mr.Frazier, who is a v.-ry

enthusiastic golfer.A golf tournament will be on hand in

a day or two.Seven-hand euchre. Is the most popular

In-door amusement for the morning andvery delightful entertainments hove b"?n

given by' Mrs. Townley. Mrs. T. A.. Mil-ler. Mrs. A. T. Fox, Mrs. Waddtll. M;«s

F.lise Watkins, Mrs. Dr. Clarborne andothers.

.Mrs. John Armstrong, of Louisville',Ivy., entertained with pro£ri>sni'."e euchreon Tuesday evening, Hancisema pri::es

were won by Mrs. Norfieet. of Winston, N.C. and Mrs. Hamilton Popo. of Louis-ville, Ky. Mrs. Hopkins, of Augusta. Ga..gave a lovely melon fete on the lawn andmany ladies, most of whom are connois-seurs, pronounced the seventy-poundGeorgia melon with rich, red meat,

juicy and sweet, very, very tine. y< ta-

ble event of the week, a "favor germnn."given by the young ladies of th6Alum.

Forty couples and ten stag 3 partici-pated. Favors were ordered from Tif-fany's and it was a long-to-to-be-remem-bered seene

—so many beautiful girls in

dainty gowns, carrying favors of richflowers. Japanese parasols, and hats inevery exquisite color, whilst th» suitorswere honored by the fair ones with pipes,cigarettes, swords and other things intaste and dear to their -hearts.

Mrs. Dtxon, Mrs. T. A. Miller, MissMinnie Baker and Mi«s Bella Clarke

presided at the favor table.The following couples danced:Mr. Milhado. Norfolk. Miss Baker. Nor-

folk: Mr. Mason, of Orange, Miss Me- iComb, Norfolk; Mr. Walling, Chicago,Miss Legium, Indianapolis; Mr. Alien;Philadelphia, Miss Allen. Philadelphia; jMr. Wellott, Washington; Miss Brown,Washington: Mr. Chapman, Smithfleld, (Miss Wacldill. Richmond 1; Mr. Cohoon. iNorfolk, Miss Mayer, Norfolk: Mr. Til-son, Richmond. Mrs. McElhone. Wash-ington; Mr. Ruoker, Bner.a Vista, MissCourtney; Mr. Mills, Buena Vista. MissSherrr.erhorn. Hampton; Mr. John Cabell,Richmond. Miss Armstrong. Louisville;

Dr. Jones. Richmond. M'?s Gray. >viivston, N. C; Mr. Lewis, Atlanta. MissBldgpod Mobile; Mr. Waddiil, Richmond.Miss Elise "VVatkins, Richmond; Mr. Mc-Adow; Montana. Miss Iloffiine, Norfolk;Mr. McCorkle. Charleston. "W. Va.. MissLacey. Richmond'; Mr. Tape. Louisville.Miss Haves. Boston; Mr. Graves, Rich-mond Miss Belknap, Philadelphia. Cardparty by Mrs. H. E. Smith.

The event of the reason was an ele-

gant progressive euchre party given byMr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, of W. 8. A..last evening to a select number of tentables. The elegant gowns of the ladieswas most noteworthy. Champagne punchwas served all during the game. Sup-per was served rrom a "Washington cat*,

rar (Harvla) in courses. Pris«a from

,rut«?& with a j>!vfusion of mountain laurel,J'orna >ir;i daWe®. The gerina:! was led

lyilr.Ernest Fisliburn<\ of Roanoke, andMr. Jiur.ss Wiiison, of Columbus, O. The

- c; c rrw |• ".:, !:1;- :Ti»«.)

Mountain >.:ike Hotel.

COLD SULPHUR SPRINGS, August 10—The fine bracing weather of thepai \u25a0- week has made outdoor sportsespecially appreciated. The morningshave a distinct crispness, w.iich makeslong exploring walks, among the hills,horse-back rides, and driving to the nearresorts and points of interest. A very in-teresting place the guests find at "blasttime," is the Victoria Furnace, just amile away.

Ono of the most beautiful euchre par-ties of the season was giver, on Mondayevening by Miss K/iight, of Richmond;and Miss Helen Kemper, of the Cold Sul-phur.

The larpre number to play made theball-room the most pleasant place, andafforded a splendid background for thedecorations of green and yellow.

At 11:30 punch and sandwiches wereserved. The first ladies' prize was wonby Mrs. A. McGilvray, of Richmond. Mr.Jo<\ Wood, of Gosh<?!i, Va., won the gen-tleman's prize. All cut for the consola-tion, and Mr.McCarthy, of Richmond, wassuccessful:

The most elaborate entertainment of theseason was given on Wednesday eveningby Miss Annie Lee Plum, of Danville, Va!,spoken of by a guest at the Cold' Snl-phur. as the "best loved girl"in the hotel.Progressive euchre was played in thelarge ball-room, which presented a sceneof unusual beauty. The number of pret-ty girls and handsome women, gownedmagr.ificiently, added much to the occa-sion. Fans wera used for score-cards,with gold chords attached. Mrs. John

successful gentleman. The consolationprize, a handsome, sterling knife, was wonby Mrs. WhHehurst. Refreshments, con-sisting of several courses, were served at£2 o'clock.

The children were entertained several

An Eiegaaf Entertainment by the Best LovedGirl.

(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

Misses Maud and Milfred Pamplln. ofRad'ford, are visiting Mrs. Lee Tocld.

Mrs. Weeks, after a month's visit to hermother, Mrs. Vlnal. has returned to herhome, in Detroit. Mich.

Architect Frank Read i3adding severalartistic designs to his already- beautifulhome.

The quick and thorough -work at ta«Highland Springs Flra Department wasshown recently at the fire which threat-ened to consume Major Todd's charmlnshome. Ths veteran, chief. Captain. D. A.Smith, has everything In a high state otefficiency.

Miss Kmma Harlcer is on an extendedtrip to Xew York, Philadelphia and theBufia-lo Exposition.

Captain James Dudley Is In "Washington

on business in reference to a prominent

Government position for one of his friends.Mr. "W. H. Spier3has postponed hi3trip

to Europe until November.The Public Library, which ha.3 been

closed during the warm weather, willre-open September Ist. This ia a great con-venience for the residents.

The Whist Club willhold a fish-fry Tues-day at tha farm of "W. P. Morgan InNewKent county.

The Methodist Society held a plcnlo atForest Hill Park on "Wednesday.

Mr. James Dudley's apple and peach or»chard promises to yield as prollflcaliy oXla&t year.

Mr. and Mrs. Womble> r of Richmond,.• were visitors at Mrs. Howland'a Sunday,i Dr. William Newsome. who for years

was the leading beterinary dentist andpractical honse-shoer of Detroit. Mich..has located at Roxbury, where he hopeato regain his health.

1 air. Louis B. Gilham, son of Mr. J. "W.Gilham, who restfies near "WilSiamsburgroad, Henrico county, after spending aboutseven months in the- mountains of South

i' America, will return home afcout the mid-!til*of August.

The Charcoal Club is now Ina progres-sive condition. Five new candidates forinitiation wrll be presented at the nextmeeting and three members will t» giventheir third and last degree. This OrderIs bound to grow and become a powerin the land. Nothing of a political orsectarian nature is allowed inside thawalls of the lodge room, under penalty of

$10 fine for those- who may so far forgetthf-mseives. The initiatory decree In thla

IOrc'er is S3; second degree, 52: aa<l thirddegree, $3; or (HO for the three degrees.

I These three degrees cannot in any In-stance, be conferred at one time. Or.c monthmust elapse between each degree. Amember may receive the Initiatory andhe may never be able to get the remainder.This will, of course, depend on bU coa*

duct either previous to or subsequent toI hia initiation.—Henrioo Haimld.


Highland Springs and Vicinity.

Social Life in Akckienburg.

(Special Dispatch to Tha Times.)"iOYDTON, VA., Aug. 10. -Mr.and Mrs.

C. J. Faulkner's house party, given at

their home In thi3 place, began on Mon-day of this \u25a0week. There arc several

tertainment is now freely on and is being

vited are: Misses Annie C. Berkeley, Daivville, Va.;Georgia cnarrington, TTarren-toru Ya.; Bella Powell. Emporia, Va.;

Sliirt-Waist German.(Special Dispatch to Tlie Times.)


UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. VA..Aug. 10.—Tho pavilion at Fry's Springswas the scone of a delightful shirt-waistgerman -yesterday morning, given by MissAudrey Ferguson, of Norfolk, to the Al-bemarle German Club.

Dancing began at 9 o'clock ia the morn-Ing and was continued until nearly 3 fntbo afternoon. An orchestra, under the