CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA i n d p GRAVE PROBLEMS ARISE IN MEXICO Residents Of Southern Republics Capl tal Fear Starvation And Pillage PRESIDENT ISSUES PROTEST- Wilson Abandons Frisco Trip To Stay On Job In Washington During Grave Times Washington President Wilson faces one of the most serious and perplexing developments that has aris- en in the Mexican situation Mexico City Is on the verge of starvation General Obregon the Carranza com- mander refuses to permit an interna- tional relief committee composed ol wealthy members of the foreign col- ony to succor the needy Mexico needs no foreign aid the general Is reported to have said All merchants vjjio closed their stores have been ordered to reopen un- der threat of punishment Three hun- dred of them Mexicans have been im- prisoned The is living in terror of another evacuation since Obregon has announced lie will not prevent looting or pillaging for food or money The Brazilian British Spanish and Italian ambassadors gay the pessimistic reports of the sit- uation which correspond to reports already received The foreign diplo- mats suggested no solution Protest Sent Carranza Secretary Bryan announced that he had telegraphed American Consul SII llman to lay the situation earnestly before General Carranza so that Gen- eral Obregon might be directed to accept aid proffered by foreign resi- dents Freight service is suspended between Mexico City and Vera Cruz and transportation facilities toe relief purposes are being withheld by Obregon on the ground of mili- tary necessity President Wilson was advised of all the facts lIe has studied the various phases of the question closely Should General Obregon continue to refuse outside aid drastic measures may be necessary in the view of foreign diplo- mats who describe the situation OB since the revolutionary be gan MARSHALL REPRESENTS WILSON Vice President Will Act As Presidents Personal Representation At San Francisco Washington Vice President will go to San Francisco to President Wilson at the formal dedication PanamaPacific March 20 The president still hopes to visit the exposition later The vice president left for Cleve land and later will go to Indianapolis before leaving for the coast He bad planned a trip to Arizona but this Abandoned this part of his journey Secretary Philipps of the state department chairman of the exposition board also left for San Francisco to take part in the ex- ercises in honor of representatives of foreign governments President Wilson gave up his plans for going to the coast this month with reluctance but decided he WAS need ed In Washington to direct the nego- tiations for the protection of Ameri- can interests during the war He had received many invitations to speak in a number of states on the trip to and from San Francisco and may accept them later The vice president conferred with Secretary Bryan and Mr Philipps who discussed the trip with the pres- ident The invitation to the vice pres- ident to represent the president at the exposition followed and he ac- cepted Secretary Daniels stated that he In tended to carry out his original plan to visit the exposition next July making the trip on a war ship via the Panama canal about July 1 There probably will be a number of distinguished guests In the secre tarys party as it has been found that there Is an available appropriation for their entertainment contained In one of thq acts of the last congress Oklahoma Officials Impeached Oklahoma City The house ed 88 to6 the of the investi- gating committee recommending the Impeachment of A P Watson state corporation It is the second time within a week that the house has voted for the impeachment- of a state official the other being In Welch In the Investigation witnesses testified that Watson borrowed money from num- ber of men with whom the commission had dealings and he rudfton passes v population e I tlDn of the expo- sition a state de- partment Gen- eral i troubles Mar- shall rep- resent gov- ernment Panama Paciflc t that y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OIL KING 0ff STAND JOHN D ROCKEFELLER Remarkable photograph of John D Rockefeller as he appeared on the stand while testifying before the fed- eral commission on Industrial rela- tions ENGLAND HITS AT GERMANY ASQUITH IN PARLIA MENT OF GERMANY England And France Will Attempt To Bar All Commerce Between En emy And Rest Of World London If the combined fleets of Great Britain and France can prevent It no commodities Qf any kind except those now on the seas henceforth un- til the conclusion of the war shall reachor leave the shores of nyssubmarine it Is to be effective forthwith Premier from a pre pared statement made this announce- ment In the house of commons at a session which will le Studi- ously avoiding the terms blockade and contraband for these words oc cur nowhere in the prepared statement- the that the allies considered justified In at tempting and would attempt to de- tain and take Into port ships carrying goods of presumed enemy destination ownership or origin tz JotIIII PREMIER ANNOUNCES BLOCK- ADE Ti 8 is 1 g fJ blockade and Ger- many 8 Asqulth reading historic themselves < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The premier emphasized however that vessels and cargoes BO seized wore not necessarily liable to confis- cation and beggdd the patience of neu tral countries 4n the face of a step likely to Injure them He added that in making such a step the allies had done so In selfdefense We are quite prepared he went on to submit to the arbitrament of neu- tral opinion and still more to the ver- dict of Impartial history that in the circumstances in which we have been placed we have been moderate we have been restrained we have ab stained from things that we were pro- voked und tempted to do and we have adopted a policy which commends it- self to reason to common sense and to justice Every member of the house not at the front in khaki or unavoidably de- tained was in his Beat Lighted Bomb In Church New discovery of an an- archistic plot aiming at the asassl nation of Andrew Carnegie Cornelius Vanderbilt John D Rockefeller and his son and other wealthy men and the Inauguration of a reign of terror and looting in New York City was announced by the police after they had arrested a man as he placed two bombs in St Patricks cathedral where hundred were worship- Ing The sensational development- was the culmination of months of work by detectives Many Entombed In Mine Hinton W parties brought out alive ten men and the bodies of nine victims of the explosion which entombed 182 miners- In the Layland mines of the New Riv- er and Pocahontas Consolidated Coal company seven miles from Qulndl mont From all available sources it was estimated that nearly 165 men still were in the mines A crowd of anxious relatives of the entombed men stood aroundthe entrance all do bodies allowedto- be seen V YorkThe persons I VaRescue day were sev- eral recov- ered but i V r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GREECE PREPARES TO AID ENTENTE Important Council Meeting Held In The Royal Palace In Athens To Discuss War Measures DARDANELLES WAY Sultan And Turkish Government Ready To Flee Capital Of European Branch Of Empire Paris A Temps dispatch from Ath ens says that immediately after n cabinet meeting the crown prince was summoned to the palace and held a session under the presidency of King Constantine The session deliberated on the question whether Greece should act the present crisis has been summoned to meet after the council has finished Its Bombarding Dardanelles Londoij The allied fleet bombard- ed abd reduced to silence the forts of Dardanus Hamldleh and Tchemerllk on the Asiatic side of the Inside Dar danelles The telegraph station at Be zlkla also was demolished The bombardment was carried out by nine ships which advanced two miles up the straits The operations in the Dardanelles- were resumed the Triumph Ocean and Ailbon entered the straits and attacked fort No 8 and the bat- teries nt White Cliff The was returned by the forts and also by field guns and howitzers An air reconnaissance made by naval seaplanes In the evening brought the report that several new gun posi- tions had been prepared by the enemy but that no guns were erected in them The seaplanes also located surface mines Four of the French battleships oper ated off Bulalr and bombarded the and communications Four of the French battleships op- erated off Bulalr and bombarded the batteries and communications- The operations at the entrance of the straits already reported have r suited In the guns ranging from Ufo H Inches eleven gjms 0 inches four Nor have been demolished A further report received states that on Tuesday the CanopUs Swift and engaged fort No 8 A heavy fire was opened on them by fort No 9 together with field bat- teries and howitzers Fort No 9 was damaged and ceased going at 530 oclock in the afternoon and al- though ships were hit the casu- alty was one slightly wounded Seaplane reconnaissance was Impos- sible owing to the weather the mine sweeping operations wore continued throughout the day The attack rv The Russian cruiser Askold has joined the allied fleet off the Darda nells 4 WYING fire des ruc dm1m guns searchlights 1i frlortr pro- gresses Par- liament de- liberations bat- teries and two iusg bittna uat so lure three ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ WILL IGNORE NEUTRALS England Has Decided To Ignore Rights Of Neutral Powers Qn The High Seas London The put ting the Hhgllsh declaration against German commerce into effect it Is stated authoritatively will explain of the admiraltys retaliatory plan The exact date of the order has not been decided on but it probably will be published In a few days England has not prepared an an- swer to the American proposals re- garding the withdrawal of the subma- rine blockade and the continuance of food movements to the German civil population The publication of the text of American note and Ger reply in the London papers has wide attention The English view which undoubted- ly will be embodied in the note tq the American government Is that the sug- gestion propose that England shall vir tually forego the strength of her posi- tion due to her superior navy feels that Germany is trying to have the neutral states perform du- ties for her which she could possibly carry out had she a superior navy Congress Giver President Power WasJilngtbn By unanimous vote the senate adopted with amendments a substitute for the joint resolution passed earlier in the house enlarging- the power of the president to pre- vent Infringements of American neu- trality by vessels leaving ports of the United States with men or supplies for belligerent Under pres- ent conditions In case the neutrality- of the United States is betng or la likely to be violated The only remedy whIch the president has Is the preven- tive power of the president Eng- land f order 1n council de- tails attracted warships f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SPRINGS SENSATION MRS RICHARD P STEGLER The wife of the re- servist who had taken out his first citizenship papers In the United States and was arrested as a spy to England Mrs Stegler Is claim- ed by an Atlanta policeman as his daughter and denied as the wife of a former Atlanta bar tender Her appeal to President Wilson has caus- ed an Investigation after which she was arrested In New York for an alleged attack on a chauffeur WILSON STANDS FOR RIGHTS PRESIDENT AND CABINET HELD IMPORTANT CONFERENCE ANENT ATTITUDE Government Declares Britain Has Openly Defied American Rights On The High Seas Washington While President WH indicated that the United States would inquire of Great Britain and France as to how they propose to their determination intercourse y stated probably would be de- ferred until replies were received from Great Britain and to the American proposals looking to a ces- sation of submarine warfare on mer- chant ships and unrestricted passage of foodstuffs to civilian populations- The president made clear his belief that while the conditions of war might have changed no nation had a right to change the rules of war From this it was inferred that the American government would insist on a position frequently expressed by Its officials that whatever might be tho violations of the Customs of war as between bel- ligerents this could nut affect the status of Interactional law as between the United States and countries with which she is at peace RUSSIANS ARE GAINING Muscovite Successes Are Reported All Along The Russian Border in the central Bes kid pass of the Carpathians where fierce Austrian attacks have moderat- ed somewhat the are on the offensive along the whole length of their extremely long line from the Baltic to the Roumanian border Ap parently they have definitely disposer of the German and Austrian attempts- to outflank their two extreme wings and are moving slowly westward After retiring to the Dniester river the Russians again have crossed Into Bukowlna and unofficially are reported to be back in Czernowlta WIRE FLASHES Memorial To Mrs Wilson- A bill Incorporating the EllenjWll son Memorial Home in the District of Columbia the association for con- structing model homes on a plan urg ed by the late Mrs Wilson wife ot the president passed the senate Portuguese President Assailed Representatives of the Democratic party of Portugal at a meeting In LIs- bon under the presidency of Mance Monteiro former foreign minister adopted a motion characterizing the president of the republic and other government officials as outlaws heated discussion of the political sit uatlon preceded adoption of the mo Lion Candlan Troops In England Four thousand Canadian have reached the British Isles on steamers Southland and Mis satfablo They left Halifax Feb 22 soli car- ryout to prohibit li OerI cD I later Germany LondonExcept A the Meg nUc German American announced commercial sea n- l7itt oYPRwi Russians troop > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LOSING HOPE WOMAN VERY III Finally Restored To H lth By Lydia E PinkhamV Vegetable Compound Bellevue Ohio Twos In a terrible I took Lydia E Pinkhaxns state pound back pains all over me nervous feelings and periodic troublwI- vna weak and run down and iflraa losing of being well and strong After tank thought fnsrLYiU cEPInk M Iht1 d ver ever hams Vegetable Compound I Improved rapidly and today am a woman I cannot tell how happy I feel and cannot say too much for your Compound Would not be without it house if it cost three times the amount Mrs CHAS CHAPMAN B F D No 7 Ohio Womans Precious The one which sho zeal- ously guard is her health but It is the one most often neglected until some ailment peculiar to her has fastened itself upon When so af- fected such women may Lydia E Pinkhan Vegetable Compound remedy that has been suc- cessful in restoring health to suffering women that Lydia E Plnhhajas ble Compound will to Lydia confidential vice Your Will l e opened read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence Per Capita Dud Jones had moved frov Folk county to McMlnn county wealth and fame After fjv years friends inquired about from Jim Ledbfitttfrvtof Nope he paid Duds not far Hes just a per capita in our midst The ceqfiuafellers cpm6 out whatfs caplta A grievance Is peppy iroplr v secret nursing dteii The Real Thing 3 What Is the female of the cles The lady on the dollar To Cleanse Nail Always Gat Bet- tesHANFORDS Balsam of My nil For Galls Wire Cut LameneM Strains Bunches Thrush Old Nail Wounds Foot Rot Bleeding Etc Etc Madi Since 1846 Jifi Price aaa 10- 0GETSATTH1J01MS FROM THT The Old Reliable acute or RHEUMATISMBheu- mitio Gout ei lined to remote t jeaoM fcM won short breath J M wtk iBtoaadtn Trial tmbmot Mai SB GlUt ttmtnf P- CEyes You I re y II If you have slonbt vrlto eCo to achlevq Stt Ittng information per o teo l I 1 n l pI fl f b 101 I I o r Ii h j f4 4 Wounds I I II 25 RemedYt- o X- AeBIIBUJIACIDB ODI thSftI the At AU Dn 1t- Uf UIDSY nIB and nil H C I- S or ldam lost At Druggists Batty y t Belle- vue lift should most sex the slightest help you EPInkharn forad gone around and f fro the use ot b spe t r i to t I b Sos et Fstu a SOc Oft WRITC All Dealers LCD XCj RHEOMACIDE tai nee ti st sera WLporsrrrelle bat t t ele pollen troaa the erstea I nfATrta gI cs MIC 1 often Hs PR- pa moit H Greea s thawBee r- braitfllat h i Eyes sxP s- qick eiievedbyNMti gya Cessl ert per iIWW rye Gl rs Druggist or Ihttsersus dieCeslo- e ¬ > < < < < = <

Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-03-12 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00077/00210.pdfmats who describe the situation OB since the revolutionary be gan MARSHALL REPRESENTS

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-03-12 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00077/00210.pdfmats who describe the situation OB since the revolutionary be gan MARSHALL REPRESENTS



d p



Residents Of Southern Republics Capl

tal Fear Starvation And



Wilson Abandons Frisco Trip To StayOn Job In Washington During

Grave Times

Washington President Wilsonfaces one of the most serious and

perplexing developments that has aris-

en in the Mexican situation MexicoCity Is on the verge of starvationGeneral Obregon the Carranza com-

mander refuses to permit an interna-tional relief committee composed olwealthy members of the foreign col-

ony to succor the needyMexico needs no foreign aid the

general Is reported to have saidAll merchants vjjio closed their

stores have been ordered to reopen un-

der threat of punishment Three hun-

dred of them Mexicans have been im-

prisoned The is living interror of another evacuation sinceObregon has announced lie will notprevent looting or pillaging for foodor money

The Brazilian British Spanish andItalian ambassadors gay the

pessimistic reports of the sit-

uation which correspond to reportsalready received The foreign diplo-

mats suggested no solutionProtest Sent Carranza

Secretary Bryan announced that hehad telegraphed American Consul SII

llman to lay the situation earnestlybefore General Carranza so that Gen-

eral Obregon might be directed toaccept aid proffered by foreign resi-

dents Freight service is suspendedbetween Mexico City and Vera Cruzand transportation facilities toe reliefpurposes are being withheld by

Obregon on the ground of mili-

tary necessityPresident Wilson was advised of all

the facts lIe has studied the variousphases of the question closely ShouldGeneral Obregon continue to refuseoutside aid drastic measures may benecessary in the view of foreign diplo-

mats who describe the situation OB

since the revolutionary began


Vice President Will Act As PresidentsPersonal Representation At

San Francisco

Washington Vice Presidentwill go to San Francisco to

President Wilson at the formaldedication PanamaPacific

March 20 The president stillhopes to visit the exposition later

The vice president left for Cleveland and later will go to Indianapolisbefore leaving for the coast He badplanned a trip to Arizona but this

Abandoned this part of his journeySecretary Philipps of the

state department chairman of theexposition board also left for

San Francisco to take part in the ex-

ercises in honor of representatives offoreign governments

President Wilson gave up his plansfor going to the coast this month withreluctance but decided he WAS needed In Washington to direct the nego-

tiations for the protection of Ameri-

can interests during the war He hadreceived many invitations to speak in

a number of states on the trip to andfrom San Francisco and may accept

them laterThe vice president conferred with

Secretary Bryan and Mr Philippswho discussed the trip with the pres-

ident The invitation to the vice pres-

ident to represent the president atthe exposition followed and he ac-

ceptedSecretary Daniels stated that he In

tended to carry out his original planto visit the expositionnext July making the trip on a warship via the Panama canal about July1 There probably will be a numberof distinguished guests In the secretarys party as it has been found thatthere Is an available appropriation fortheir entertainment contained In one

of thq acts of the last congress

Oklahoma Officials ImpeachedOklahoma City The house

ed 88 to6 the of the investi-

gating committee recommending theImpeachment of A P Watson statecorporation It is thesecond time within a week that thehouse has voted for the impeachment-of a state official the other being In

Welch In theInvestigation witnesses testified thatWatson borrowed money from num-

ber of men with whom thecommission had dealings and herudfton passes



e I tlDn

of the expo-



state de-






shall rep-




Panama Paciflc




























JOHN D ROCKEFELLERRemarkable photograph of John D

Rockefeller as he appeared on thestand while testifying before the fed-

eral commission on Industrial rela-tions




England And France Will Attempt ToBar All Commerce Between En

emy And Rest Of World

London If the combined fleets of

Great Britain and France can preventIt no commodities Qf any kind except

those now on the seas henceforth un-

til the conclusion of the war shall

reachor leave the shores of

nyssubmarine it Is tobe effective forthwith

Premier from a prepared statement made this announce-ment In the house of commons at asession which will le Studi-ously avoiding the terms blockadeand contraband for these words occur nowhere in the prepared statement-

the that the alliesconsidered justified In attempting and would attempt to de-

tain and take Into port ships carryinggoods of presumed enemy destinationownership or origin

tz JotIIII



Ti 8 is 1 g fJ

blockade and




Asqulth reading












The premier emphasized howeverthat vessels and cargoes BO seizedwore not necessarily liable to confis-cation and beggdd the patience of neutral countries 4n the face of a steplikely to Injure them

He added that in making such a stepthe allies had done so In selfdefenseWe are quite prepared he went onto submit to the arbitrament of neu-

tral opinion and still more to the ver-

dict of Impartial history that in thecircumstances in which we have beenplaced we have been moderate wehave been restrained we have abstained from things that we were pro-

voked und tempted to do and we haveadopted a policy which commends it-

self to reason to common sense andto justice

Every member of the house not atthe front in khaki or unavoidably de-

tained was in his Beat

Lighted Bomb In ChurchNew discovery of an an-

archistic plot aiming at the asasslnation of Andrew Carnegie CorneliusVanderbilt John D Rockefeller andhis son and other wealthy men andthe Inauguration of a reign of terrorand looting in New York City wasannounced by the police after they hadarrested a man as he placed two bombsin St Patricks cathedral where

hundred were worship-

Ing The sensational development-was the culmination of months of

work by detectives

Many Entombed In MineHinton W parties

brought out alive ten men andthe bodies of nine victims of the

explosion which entombed 182 miners-In the Layland mines of the New Riv-

er and Pocahontas Consolidated Coalcompany seven miles from Qulndlmont From all available sources itwas estimated that nearly 165 menstill were in the mines A crowd ofanxious relatives of the entombedmen stood aroundthe entrance all

do bodies allowedto-be seen V





day were




















Important Council Meeting Held In The

Royal Palace In Athens To Discuss

War Measures


Sultan And Turkish Government ReadyTo Flee Capital Of European

Branch Of Empire

Paris A Temps dispatch from Ath

ens says that immediately after n

cabinet meeting the crown prince was

summoned to the palace and held asession under the presidency of KingConstantine The session deliberatedon the question whether Greeceshould act the present crisis

has been summoned to meetafter the council has finished Its

Bombarding DardanellesLondoij The allied fleet bombard-

ed abd reduced to silence the forts ofDardanus Hamldleh and Tchemerllkon the Asiatic side of the Inside Dardanelles The telegraph station at Be

zlkla also was demolishedThe bombardment was carried out

by nine ships which advanced twomiles up the straits

The operations in the Dardanelles-were resumed the TriumphOcean and Ailbon entered the straitsand attacked fort No 8 and the bat-

teries nt White Cliff The wasreturned by the forts and also by fieldguns and howitzers

An air reconnaissance made bynaval seaplanes In the evening broughtthe report that several new gun posi-

tions had been prepared by the enemybut that no guns were erected in themThe seaplanes also located surfacemines

Four of the French battleships operated off Bulalr and bombarded the

and communicationsFour of the French battleships op-

erated off Bulalr and bombarded thebatteries and communications-

The operations at the entrance ofthe straits already reported have rsuited In theguns ranging from Ufo H Incheseleven gjms 0 inches four Nor

have been demolishedA further report received states

that on Tuesday the CanopUs Swiftand engaged fort No

8 A heavy fire was opened on themby fort No 9 together with field bat-

teries and howitzers Fort No 9 wasdamaged and ceased going at 530oclock in the afternoon and al-

though ships were hit the casu-

alty was one slightly woundedSeaplane reconnaissance was Impos-

sible owing to the weather the minesweeping operations wore continuedthroughout the day The attack

rvThe Russian cruiser Askold has

joined the allied fleet off the Dardanells




des ruc

dm1m guns searchlights1i frlortr







and twoiusg bittna uat so











England Has Decided To Ignore RightsOf Neutral Powers Qn The

High Seas

London The putting the Hhgllsh declaration againstGerman commerce into effect it Is

stated authoritatively will explainof the admiraltys retaliatory

planThe exact date of the order has not

been decided on but it probably willbe published In a few days

England has not prepared an an-

swer to the American proposals re-

garding the withdrawal of the subma-rine blockade and the continuance offood movements to the German civilpopulation The publication of thetext of American note and Ger

reply in the London papershas wide attention

The English view which undoubted-ly will be embodied in the note tq theAmerican government Is that the sug-

gestion propose that England shall virtually forego the strength of her posi-

tion due to her superior navyfeels that Germany is trying to

have the neutral states perform du-

ties for her which she could possiblycarry out had she a superior navy

Congress Giver President PowerWasJilngtbn By unanimous vote

the senate adopted with amendmentsa substitute for the joint resolutionpassed earlier in the house enlarging-the power of the president to pre-vent Infringements of American neu-trality by vessels leaving ports of theUnited States with men or suppliesfor belligerent Under pres-ent conditions In case the neutrality-of the United States is betng or la

likely to be violated The only remedywhIch the president has Is the preven-

tive power of the president



order 1n council



















The wife of the re-

servist who had taken out his firstcitizenship papers In the UnitedStates and was arrested as a spy

to England Mrs Stegler Is claim-

ed by an Atlanta policeman as hisdaughter and denied as the wife of

a former Atlanta bar tender Herappeal to President Wilson has caus-

ed an Investigation after which shewas arrested In New York for analleged attack on a chauffeur




Government Declares Britain HasOpenly Defied American Rights

On The High Seas

Washington While President WH

indicated that the United Stateswould inquire of Great Britain and

France as to how they propose totheir determination

intercourse y

stated probably would be de-

ferred until replies were received from

Great Britain and to theAmerican proposals looking to a ces-

sation of submarine warfare on mer-

chant ships and unrestricted passage

of foodstuffs to civilian populations-The president made clear his belief

that while the conditions of war mighthave changed no nation had a rightto change the rules of war From thisit was inferred that the Americangovernment would insist on a positionfrequently expressed by Its officialsthat whatever might be tho violationsof the Customs of war as between bel-

ligerents this could nut affect thestatus of Interactional law as betweenthe United States and countries withwhich she is at peace


Muscovite Successes Are Reported AllAlong The Russian


in the central Beskid pass of the Carpathians wherefierce Austrian attacks have moderat-

ed somewhat the are on theoffensive along the whole length oftheir extremely long line from theBaltic to the Roumanian border Apparently they have definitely disposerof the German and Austrian attempts-to outflank their two extreme wingsand are moving slowly westward

After retiring to the Dniester riverthe Russians again have crossed IntoBukowlna and unofficially are reportedto be back in Czernowlta


Memorial To Mrs Wilson-

A bill Incorporating the EllenjWllson Memorial Home in the District ofColumbia the association for con-structing model homes on a plan urged by the late Mrs Wilson wife otthe president passed the senate

Portuguese President AssailedRepresentatives of the Democratic

party of Portugal at a meeting In LIs-

bon under the presidency of ManceMonteiro former foreign ministeradopted a motion characterizing thepresident of the republic and othergovernment officials as outlawsheated discussion of the political situatlon preceded adoption of the moLion

Candlan Troops In EnglandFour thousand Canadian

have reached the British Isles onsteamers Southland and Missatfablo They left Halifax Feb 22



ryoutto prohibit

li OerI cD I





theMeg nUc

German American


sea n-l7itt oYPRwi









WOMAN VERY IIIFinally Restored To H lth

By Lydia E PinkhamVVegetable Compound

Bellevue Ohio Twos In a terribleI took Lydia E Pinkhaxnsstate

pound back

pains all over menervous feelings andperiodic troublwI-vna weak andrun down and iflraa

losing ofbeing well andstrong After tank


fnsrLYiU cEPInk


Iht1 d



hams Vegetable Compound I Improvedrapidly and today am a woman Icannot tell how happy I feel andcannot say too much for your CompoundWould not be without it house ifit cost three times the amount MrsCHAS CHAPMAN B F D No 7


Womans PreciousThe one which sho zeal-

ously guard is her health but It isthe one most often neglected untilsome ailment peculiar to her hasfastened itself upon When so af-

fected such women may Lydia

E Pinkhan Vegetable Compoundremedy that has been suc-

cessful in restoring health to suffering


that Lydia E Plnhhajasble Compound willtoLydiaconfidential

vice Your Will l e openedread and answered by a womanand held in strict confidence

Per CapitaDud Jones had moved frov Folk

county to McMlnn countywealth and fame After fjv yearsfriends inquired about

from Jim Ledbfitttfrvtof

Nope he paid Duds notfar Hes just a per capita in ourmidst The ceqfiuafellers cpm6

out whatfs caplta

A grievance Is peppy iroplr vsecret nursing dteii

The Real Thing 3What Is the female of the

clesThe lady on the dollar

To CleanseNail

Always Gat


tesHANFORDSBalsam of MynilFor Galls WireCut LameneMStrains BunchesThrush OldNail Wounds Foot Rot

Bleeding Etc EtcMadi Since 1846 Jifi

Price aaa 10-


The Old Reliableacute or

RHEUMATISMBheu-mitio Gout ei

lined to remote t jeaoM fcM

wonshort breath J M wtk

iBtoaadtn Trial tmbmot MaiS B GlUt ttmtnf P-



re y


If you have slonbt


to achlevq

Stt Ittng


pero teo l I 1

nl pI fl f b



I o rIi

h j










ODIthSftI the

At AU Dn 1t-

UfUIDSY nIBand nil

H C I-

Sor ldam

lost AtDruggists Batty

y t



should most


the slightest

help youEPInkharn



aroundand f fro theuse ot





tot I


Sos et

Fstu a


All Dealers LCD XCj


tai nee ti stsera WLporsrrrelle bat t t ele

pollen troaa the erstea

InfATrta gI cs MIC 1

often Hs

PR-pa moit

H Greea s thawBee r-

braitfllath iEyes sxP

s-qick eiievedbyNMti

gya Cessl ertper iIWW rye

GlrsDruggist or Ihttsersus dieCeslo-






