Tim Ritter’s Over 40 and RIPPED Presents the… QUICK START GUIDE The brand-new guide designed to jump-start your efforts, bringing you the fastest results! Featuring… The “Five Focus Factors” you MUST implement immediately. and… The latest science with actual clinical tests and results. My friends, we are “this close,” to resolving the obesity and over-fat epidemic in western society. Read…Learn…IMPLEMENT. Copyright ©Ninth Revised Edition, Over 40 and Ripped

Tim Ritter’s Over 40 and RIPPEDmaintenancemotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/... · folks. You BETTER BELIEVE it does. Those other programs out there, the fat-burner pills and

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Page 1: Tim Ritter’s Over 40 and RIPPEDmaintenancemotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/... · folks. You BETTER BELIEVE it does. Those other programs out there, the fat-burner pills and

Tim Ritter’s

Over 40 and RIPPED Presents the…


The brand-new guide designed to jump-start

your efforts, bringing you the fastest results!


The “Five Focus Factors” you MUST

implement immediately.


The latest science with actual clinical tests

and results.

My friends, we are “this close,” to resolving the

obesity and over-fat epidemic in western society.


Copyright ©Ninth Revised Edition, Over 40 and Ripped

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Hey my friend, it’s Tim, a.k.a. FacelessFatloss... ☺

What everyone most wants with a “Quick Start Guide” is to get right down to the nitty

gritty and do it NOW. We want easy-to-read and quick information that is going to help

us get us to where we’re trying to go as fast as possible!

Welp! …You won’t get that here! ;-)

(I’m being a little silly).

You will however get something very close to that. It’s not exactly a short guide, but

it’s not terribly long either. I really needed to include some of the research, cites, and

details. Some people appreciate this, while others simply want to be told what to do. I

stress education with my program! I feel it’s vital we take the time and effort to

understand what is going on. Understanding gives us direction. Understanding helps us

determine how to apply what we learn to ourselves. Health and fat loss is different for

everyone! We each have our unique challenges. The good news is, a great many of the

methods now known DO work for large numbers of people; and where those may not, I

present other avenues that can be explored and expand upon my own successful

experiments in turn.

My intention was for you to be as informed as reasonably possible for a Quick Start

Guide, without completely overwhelming you with information. The balance is often

difficult for me to manage, but I believe I’ve accomplished that objective here.

The only thing that matters is that the information is truly helpful, and along with the

rest of my program, produces tangible, real results in your life. That is what education

has done for me, and that is what I sincerely believe it will do for you. The results you

have seen from me since early 2008 online are based solely on what I learned first, and

then on the application through experimentation and execution on both myself and


My program will delve deeply into areas that you simply MUST be made aware of

that could be contributing to poor health, and of course weight/fat gain. Society as a

whole is still not yet embracing the tie-in between overall ill-health, toxicity, nutrition

deprivation, etc, and fat/weight issues. They instead segregate overweight conditions as

being due to solely one or two factors alone, and continue to wonder why they cannot

obtain the results they seek. It is my firm opinion, that they are simply lacking the wider

knowledge they need to discover what their specific problem may actually be, so that

they can then implement those changes into their lives. An example that many of you

can recall from my free videos, is the notion that grains may not be all that great for all of

us. As it turns out, fully understanding grains, and grain elimination, for me and most of

my friends, was one of the most successful tactics to help chisel down our bodies. Yet

our culture insists that grains are not only healthy, they are a part of our alleged “needed”

foods in our food pyramid. As you will learn later, specific grains can be good (or even

great) under certain circumstances; and entirely counter productive, and even

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*dangerous* in others. The science is now proving this and the results of our

consumption of these foods is self-evident.

It’s all about education and application!

The whole of the FacelessFatloss program is designed to be taken in slowly, so that

you are not overwhelmed all at once, and can acquire this knowledge over time and see

how it applies to your situation, your life. But the information in this Quick Start Guide

was in part what produced noticeable differences quickly in associates of mine, keeping

motivation intact to continue. Please take advantage of what I’ve been through on a

personal, physical, mental/emotional level, along with the countless years of solid

research behind it, and USE IT to YOUR advantage. This information was pooled in

large part from the constant never-ending and never-ceasing search to cure myself first

and foremost of a very painful condition, coupled with that powerful intuition, gut

feeling, and what discernment and self-authority I could manage at the time; the latter

you will discover is an essential asset on your own life’s journey.

Along this path and as it continues to today, I found this great body with these abs that

will not accumulate fat any longer! And I’m not torturing or depriving myself in the


And I know the body is what you’re probably MOST interested in obtaining for

yourself right now. We of course all want sexy beautiful bodies, and we don’t want to

have to be miserable getting them. ☺

Read this Quick-Start Guide that explores what I have learned and implemented. Give

me just a little permission to repeat my concepts more than once on occasion, so that

repetition of the most important topics will really sink in and be understood as you read.

Then take the time over the course of the next month to delve deeper into my daily

subchapters and videos to learn what needs to be expanded upon to help you, help

yourself, in tweaking your results for your best benefit. I promise you will discover great

new ideas that may have never occurred to you before, and are not being explored in

other programs, because mainstream just does not go down these roads. My program is

vast, contains more valuable content than any other program I know of, without being

completely overwhelming, and while remaining accessible to anyone motivated enough

to bring positive changes into their life.

Not only will you get the body you want, you will experience a new level of life,

energy and joy that you may not have experienced in a long time. It ALL ties in together

folks. You BETTER BELIEVE it does. Those other programs out there, the fat-burner

pills and powders with questionable chemical additives, those endless drinks in well-

packaged fancy marketing colors and graphics, the beautiful people marketing them on

TV, the professionally developed websites (I wish I could build my site to look like

those…;-), the banner and picture ads on all the social media sites, etc. are mostly hit-

and-run, with unpredictable and almost always unsustainable results. Results that are

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often short-term, as many of them trick your body into losing weight/fat temporarily. We

all seem to know this, but we get suckered into buying these products regardless, often

for no other reason than the excitement they artificially generate in us and the hope of a


THIS is about a NEW LIFE. A lifestyle CHANGE that in turn CHANGES YOUR

LIFE. Embrace it for PERMENENT RESULTS. You will be SO glad you did.

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Our Five Focus Points. You MUST focus on these five factors. Learn them, live

them, incorporate them into your life NOW:

1. New views on calories, carbohydrates and addiction

2. Be ultra-aware of FRUCTOSE intake

3. Reduce or eliminate alcohol and most other “pleasure” drinks/juices

4. Learn the secret to mega-results exercise (no one works out like I do, until


5. Identify and manage emotional/mental blocks (a huge factor, do NOT skip




Most people know if they are over-eating. I will cover some of the misunderstandings

about calories below, but I am going on an assumption that you are aware if you are

taking in far more food than you should be for your size and activity level. The first

corrective behavior people who are overweight should turn to is in recognizing whether

or not they are simply overeating to the point of far more calories going in then are being

expended as usable energy. This will of course cause weight problems if you are not

active enough, and are consuming enough of the “empty” calories (various refined

sugars, for example, with little to no other nutritional value) to lead to fat storage on your


That much being relatively obvious for most people, there are still the remaining

masses that can’t seem to take that additional fat off, while monitoring their caloric

intake. This is where more of my information will be helpful, and in making this as short

a guide as possible, I will have the issues of calories and carbs addressed in such a way as

to make it as simple as possible to understand with a specific focus and direction


In that light, I don’t want to promote outright counting of calories or carbs, or

separating the kinds of calories consumed into percentage ratios as so many programs

have suggested in the past. Percentages that work for one, may not work for another. For

those who study metabolic typing diets, you’re familiar with how this concept can factor

in. And for the record, based on what I have witnessed, the metabolic typing works for

some, but not for others. It is my opinion that this is largely due to how specific foods

referenced below are factored in, to what extent they are or are not understood and

segregated from the diet, and then whether or not the exercise method I reference below

is utilized as a part of the person’s lifestyle. It is my hope that this formula applies to the

widest audience possible and will prove itself out over time as effective, just as it has for


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So instead of focusing on ratios, I simply want you to PAY ATTENTION to how

many SUGARS you’re consuming first and foremost, with a secondary focus on the

“carbohydrate” (carbs) and “calorie” listings as a first step towards reducing excessive

body fat. I am going on the assumption at this point that you are largely used to eating

processed foods. Foods that come in packages. Most of our western culture is. Later in

the materials, we will place a much stronger emphasis on the need to incorporate whole

foods (not processed) into our diets. This is a part of the “new lifestyle,” and is a huge

part of not only our success, but in finding absolute fulfillment from the foods we eat.

You can find the listings we need on these packaged foods on their ingredient labels.

Get yourself a food item with the label listing the “Nutrition Facts” on the side of the

package and follow along. We will be specifically noting the actual sugar gram count,

while only loosely referencing the daily carbohydrate grams and percentages that are

listed. Although I disagree with MANY aspects of what the US Recommended Daily

Values claim (the amounts for some vitamins are way under what we really need), we can

still use this label to focus specifically on the sugars, and secondarily on the carbs and

calories; despite the fact that the amount of carbs in particular is somewhat misleading

due to how they’re actually metabolized in the body.

The craze has long been all about CARBS (carbohydrate reduction), but too many

people still do not understand exactly what that means, which is part of the reason they

fail in their attempts to monitor them in their diet. This is why I have my clients focus on

the sugars as a starting point instead.

The main focus before the anti-carb craze were calories and fat content, and we now

know a little better about what among these readings really matter, based on how they

impact the body. In the example of fats, we’ve discovered we absolutely do need to

consume fats, in order to lose fat. But we do not want to be consuming *trans* fats,

while we do want to be consuming a small amount of saturated fats, and larger amounts

of healthy omega-3 fats. I used to know people back in the 80’s who would avoid dietary

fat all together in an effort to lose weight and fat. This has been proven to not only not

work, but be potentially very unhealthy. Much more on the topic of dietary fats,

including some real zingers, will be included in other parts of the program.

The reason carb gram listings (as compared to sugars) are misleading is two-fold:

More fiber in the food results in your body adapting to the sugar input in a much more

fat-burning, productive way IF the fiber is not processed out of the food, but is instead an

actual component of the (hopefully) whole (or close to whole) food itself. (Determining

this is a trick in and of itself at times, especially with processed, packaged foods).

This way of looking at carbs is often referred to as “glycemic index” as compared to

“actual glycemic load.” Take that note, and make sure you have adequate fiber in your

diet, which I will cover extensively later in your materials.

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The second reason why the carb gram readings are misleading is that a LOT more

people are pre diabetic, experiencing high blood sugar and/or insulin resistance than is

currently recognized, and is a core factor covering a wide range of people with over-fat

conditions. Pre-diabetic conditions are near-epidemic now in western society, and for

good reason, which will be explained below.

Keep in mind, if you are incorporating specific forms of exercise into your life, those

“daily percentage” figures are of course only a very loose gauge. You may require more

carbs (sugars in this example) for good health than what those percentages suggest as

daily requirements.

(“Ah! MORE sugar! Doesn’t THAT sound interesting!”…I will cover that soon).

So, to SUM UP: As a REAL simple start, JUST FOCUS on that sugar gram count for

now, and note your rough daily consumption amount in grams. Ignore the recommended

percentages that get you towards that 100% mark in the carbohydrate column. As

mentioned, they don’t know squat about YOUR body, or how active you are, so how

could they know exactly what your 100% target is?

And remember: Would those numbers apply to a person that is pre-diabetic? Of

course not. On top of that, the “% Daily Value,” as it’s listed, reads “Percent Daily

Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet…Your Daily Values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs” ….making the assumption that only calories, regardless

of quality and kind, are all that is relevant to determining how applicable the % Daily

Value actually IS.

(I will expand upon calories below to clarify the above point. Consider re-reading the

above paragraph if it initially sounds confusing; you’ll get it).

I make that sugar gram count my first point of reference, regardless of the

inadequacies just mentioned, and the complications regarding carbs and fiber content,

glycemic index vs glycemic load. Instead, I make a point to understand the relationship

in the back of my mind regarding how less fiber often creates a higher blood sugar level,

while more fiber will help cushion the levels of sugar that dump into my blood stream

after I’ve eaten that food. My whole goal here is to lessen the amount of sugar that I’m

taking in, most especially in the initial stages of the fat and weight loss efforts, since our

bodies are not currently making optimal use of it, likely storing it as fat on our bodies

instead (along with causing a host of other complications that can be much more serious

than mere excess fat, down the road).

I use my taste buds as another great reference point when taking note of these labels

and the food we’re consuming. I taught myself to measure the sugars with my taste buds

in relation to what the label reads. I was soon able to discern with high accuracy how

sweet something will be based on that sugar gram count for many kinds of foods (not all,

but many…we will discuss hidden sugars later on in your materials). Also remember that

I started all of these efforts with a cleansing fast; my taste buds experienced a newness

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that I had never experienced before. Plain celery was pretty delish at the end of the fast!

I used that new discovery to learn to eat, for lack of better words, much “blander” (don’t

let that scare you!). I opted the focus on eating more as a biological function for energy

and well-being, as compared to a form of entertainment, for regaining health and losing

fat. And to repeat, a HUGE part of our success depends upon lowering our intake of the

numerous sugars, and the good news is, in my experience, everyone gets used to and

APPRECIATES eating this way. Don’t have to believe me now…you may be living it in

the near future.

To those ex-smokers out there, a lot of you will recognize how repulsive the idea of

smoking a cigarette now can be, where once you craved them with vigor. The concept is

NO different here. We have ourselves a massive food addiction in place, that is very

much…unfortunately…by design. Would so many people keep buying the same food

items if they didn’t *taste* good? No wonder we have an obesity epidemic! More on the

nature of this sugar addiction and overcoming it, below.

So I self-monitored how sweet things were as I read these ingredient labels. Note as I

mentioned in one of my free videos how the sweetness itself can trigger insulin, without

having the food even pass into your stomach yet. This has been proven to happen even

with stevia, which is considered to have no glycemic impact at all. Rest assured stevia

will be a sweetener (or lawfully labeled “supplement,” though that label may have

changed recently to a sweetener, as it should) that we will be able to work with once we

bring our sugar intake way down and adjust our bodies to this.

I unquestionably found that over time I greatly reduced sweet cravings, an issue so

many of us have. Once this sweet response is moderated and controlled, you will find the

refined sweeter foods you were used to enjoying for so long to be so incredibly sickly

sweet to you, you’ll never understand how you could’ve ever found them appealing, and

you will HATE the way they make you feel. You may still enjoy a dessert cheat or two

on the weekend, but you will find yourself turning away from many of the most

sweetened desserts that you used to enjoy. You will be absolutely

amazed…AMAZED…at how sickly sweet SO many foods are that you used to be able to

eat and enjoy. I found that I PREFERED those less-sweet desserts and cheat foods, along

with a new-found interest and effective use of naturals sugars as a substitute (fruits,

which will be covered later; you can eat them to your hearts content *once you

understand HOW*).

And let’s not forget a favorite of mine being ultra-dark organic chocolate dipped in

organic almond butter…uuuuugggghhhhhhh, droooool, droooool, drooool). ☺

“Hey…You got your almond butter in my chocolate!”

“…NO, you got your CHOCOLATE in MY ALMOND BUTTER!”

(For those of you who have no clue what I’m referencing, suffice it to say I just very

effectively gave away my age to those who DO know what I was referencing)….;-p

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And the fat loss and energy-enhancing benefits of NOT eating those high-sugar

refined/packaged foods will make avoiding them not only rewarding, but easier than you

ever imagined if you *just give it time*.

Which leads us to one of the most important factors to succeeding in this effort:


The time factor is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL and I will have tools below to help you

manage that if you need them. It is this critical TIME period that causes SO many people

to fail in their weight loss efforts. TIME is what breaks the patterns, and the addictions.

And when we finally accept that outright addictions may be a part of our life…no

different than a drug addict…we will have the necessary direction to help bring about the

change we seek. More on that to come.

Once in the Maintenance Phase later on, both with a healthier diet and a great (and

fairly easy) work-out plan, if I do wish to indulge on occasion in the “sweeter sweets” of

our choice, such as on the weekends or on holiday, I can do so without sacrificing my

hard-earned fat loss, and/or muscle gains (hopefully both, for both men AND women,

more below) because my cravings for them will be naturally much less than they are now.

I am easily satisfied with smaller portions and less sweet desserts. This effect happens to

people almost universally, by adhering to the knowledge that it just takes TIME. (And

not a LOT of it!).

Remember…we will NEED some various “sweets” (healthy sugars) as we engage in

this new lifestyle! We won’t sacrifice a LOT here; instead we will make substitutions

and changes, and of varying degrees depending on our specific situation.

AND, we will learn how and when healthy (or healthy-ER) sugars are appropriate and

helpful. As you’ll learn soon in our focus on fructose, how and why the sweet response

so desperately needs to be addressed and understood, and why I hammer on it so darn



program is going to teach you that our current western diet that is spreading all over the

world is 100% comparable to a DRUG ADDICTION. If you had a drug addiction, say to

heroin, wouldn’t you treat it VERY seriously?!? Of course you would! We MUST take

on this mentality when it comes to our food intake.

Are you understanding me here? (This is “Tim the Trainer” coming into action and

gently pushing you against the wall while telling you to LISTEN TO WHAT I AM




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Our current foods for the most part are ADDICTIVE JUNK. Do you think it’s a

conspiracy that food companies would WANT to make sure you purchase their food

products over and over again so that we will add to their bottom line? Do you think most

of these for-profit corporations with share holders have our health in mind over their

profit margin?

Understanding this, isn’t it possible that ingredients may be in many of your foods that

encourage repeat sales, via establishing a possible addiction to that food/ingredient?

Have you ever considered that some ingredients that are even completely FDA approved

may actually not be in your best interest to consume?

How does the crack dealer obtain his repeat customer? By introducing the customer

to a cheap (or even free) taste of that very substance that the dealer knows will have them

coming back for more. And of course, paying for it every time.

We all want to believe that others are honest and trustworthy. And for the most part,

PLEASE DON’T GET ME WRONG…They are! I believe 90% of people out there are

good, decent folks. Perhaps 95% PLUS! But those are not always the traits required to

make the largest amount of money and have a steady stream of it pouring in. Perhaps this

is part of the reason why only a small portion of the population are as rich as they

are…they may be willing to compromise integrity in many instances for the sake of


I am not stating anything that is not common sense to most of us. (And to make sure

I’m extra-clear, not all rich people are bad people, lol! Of course not).

Therefore, and as I will clearly demonstrate for you with actual proof later on in my

materials, we MUST see our food choices as LITERALLY being a form of

ADDICTION. Addictions take time and effort to overcome, and MUST be taken


And really put this into perspective for yourself: How many years have you put into

forming your current food/sugar addictions? How old ARE you? Count the years that

have contributed to your likely addiction. Apply this number to how much junk may

have accumulated in your colon, if you have never taken on a cleanse, as I will cover

elsewhere in my material.

Even the baby foods most of us were given as kids started the campaign that affected

our hormonal balance (insulin) for far too many of us, being as they were, and continue to

be, too often filled with excessive sugars EVEN IN THE “NO SUGAR ADDED”

FORMS. Especially with children’s and infant’s juices being the most major culprit, due

to the concentration of fruits and juices and therefore high naturally occurring sugars.

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Just because a sugar comes from a natural source does not mean you can’t get too

much of it. Anything becomes unhealthy and/or toxic in high amounts, even water!

It’s no wonder so many children/kids are hyper, screaming, angry and whining all the

time. Some can tolerate the excessive sugars. But a great many simply cannot. And it’s

completely understandable, and it’s not their fault. Not at all.

For some perspective, how well do you suppose a child could tolerate heroin? Did

you know heroin used to be used as children’s cough suppressant and as a cure for a

colicky baby? I won’t name the company that came up with that incredibly stupid notion,

but, like the for-profit corporations I reference above, you would instantly recognize the


We haven’t become all that much brighter in the area of food folks, as the evidence

clearly shows.

So obviously, we MUST be patient and kind to ourselves. It WILL take TIME to

overcome this problem that we’ve spent our entire lives accumulating and maintaining.

HOWEVER: If we start NOW, we will begin to see RESULTS very soon (within just

a week or two!). And that will further motivate us to continue on this wonderful,

rewarding path. And as we continue, I can virtually assure you, things will get easier and

easier over time, especially once we’ve gotten past the “hump” associated with any kind

of addiction.

The calorie issue: The basic number of calories per men and women is reported to be

1800 and 1600 per day, men and women respectively. This is a VERY rough estimate

and guide that may or may not apply to you. You will see variances on these numbers,

and they certainly do not apply to athletes or the like (HINT-HINT as to what’s coming

up so we can enjoy eating ENOUGH food to satisfy us, WHILE reducing our overall

need!). Caloric intake is therefore, of course, largely dependant on our activity levels.

As mentioned, I do not want to focus heavily on calorie counting. (Isn’t that a relief?).

And the great news is, with my exercise program, we won’t have to (at least not much).

HOWEVER, if a person has a problem with using food as an emotional crutch, and we

know or have a feeling that we may be over eating for this reason, we will want to make

sure to read my Focus Point Five below. Most people know if they are overeating, and if

that is the case, that will be a somewhat separate challenge that I will have great tools for

us to work with to overcome that problem. Once that is addressed, the quality of the

calories, specifically sugars, can then be focused on per this guide.

In the meantime, part of the point of starting my program with the cleansing fast was

to re-train my taste buds (besides having other benefits and besides losing some weight

from the fast itself, which as I’ve repeatedly stated, should NOT be our objective with a


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Think about this “retraining.” Ever go for a long time without food and found

yourself willing to eat just about anything in order to satisfy your hunger? We all have.

After not having a meal for an entire day, that raw spinach or supposedly bland celery

stick starts to sound MIGHTY GOOD, does it not? Or how about topping that celery

stick with a healthy dose of trace-mineral-rich Himalayan crystal salt? (Yum!...I’m

hungry NOW!) ☺

Now imagine a constructive and deliberate eight to ten DAYS of intentionally not

eating! The concept is not far from this, but with the added bonus of giving our body a

great “fresh start” by ridding it of the toxins and pathogens, clearing out the colon, and

affording ourselves a whole new level of energy and greatly enhanced immunity.

If you have never fasted before, you will find your tastes completely refreshed in a

remarkable way. Enjoying a lot of the so-called “blander” but far healthier foods

becomes an absolute pleasure as mentioned above! And before you get ahead of me here,

do not think that that is what this is all about. I absolutely ASSURE you, the foods I eat

are 100% satisfying, flavorful, and fulfilling. The problem with the western diet is that it

is SOOOO overloaded with sugars and unhealthy salts (pure sodium chloride as

compared to the above-mentioned crystal salt), MSG, flavor enhancers, artificial flavors,

etc. that we’ve trained our tastes to expect nearly violent explosions in flavor


We must, can, and will self-correct this problem.

As one great example of one’s ability to correct this problem, just last weekend I

attended a family event and my uncle brought a fruit tort from our local grocery store. It

is a favorite of a few of my family members. It has a cake-like bottom, with fruit and

glaze on top.

I tried it and the sweetness was completely unbearable to me. Keep in mind, prior to

2005 I could’ve scarffed it down in about two milliseconds! But now, the intensity was

SO great, that I LITERALLY got a headache from eating just a few bites within minutes

of consumption! NO EXAGGERATION. I felt outright sick!

My blood sugar spiked so severely that I felt the results instantly. This is because my

blood sugar is now FAR more stabilized than it ever has been before. My body is used

to, and WANTS THAT STABILITY. Therefore, I do not CRAVE any of these foods

any longer. Sure, I do indulge in desserts! You bet I do! But they are always of the

lower-end in sweetness variety, and I prefer those with minimal ingredients (ice cream

being a favorite, with only a mere four ingredients! And, I often couple it with healthy

fats and fibers like almonds and other nuts. ;-).

It’s not always easy. I do get cravings for other things on occasion, absolutely so.

BUT, the alternative indulgences that I’ve discovered are COMPLETELY satisfying

now, and SOOOO much healthier than all those other over-calorie, over-sugared choices

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we all have. And it takes only about two to three months at most to really make a

difference in your cravings. For some, it happens even sooner.

Ever see video of the aboriginal tribes that are brought cooked white rice and

chocolate bars from America? It is quite fun to watch. Most people expect that the

natives will enjoy the food a great great deal. The exact opposite happens; they always

immediately spit out the food as if they’ve been poisoned and find it all quite sickening!

They are essentially whole-food eaters. This is basically how I now eat, and “diet cycle”

to maintain the results so that I can enjoy the foods my body truly needs (including

natural sugars).

To continue, let’s further clear up some misconceptions about carbs versus calories:

One program out there insists that “if you can keep your CALORIES to such-and-such


EATING…you’ll still lose weight!”

I remain surprised to this day that this program is not only still actively promoted, but

that it sells and that people believe it to largely be true.

It’s no wonder people remain so confused about losing weight and fat.

To help understand, let’s keep it to what most people are really concerned

about…excessive FAT, as compared to excessive WEIGHT. After all, one can weigh

more (since muscle weighs more than fat) for their body type, but actually have LESS fat,

and therefore look amazing!

Suppose you were overweight from consuming 3000 calories of any/all kinds of food,

with a daily activity level that was about average.

What do YOU think would happen if you maintained that average activity level, and

consumed 1600 calories worth of nothing but candy bars every day instead?

Would you lose WEIGHT?

You probably would! And it’s important to understand that. All based on

EXCESSIVE calories and reducing that input.


Would you also LOSE FAT?



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In fact, I’d go so far as to say almost DEFINITELY NOT.

Consider it from this angle:

Do you think a person eating 1600 calories of candy bars per day, as compared to

someone eating 1600 calories of fruit, veggies, healthy proteins, healthy fats and perhaps

a few healthy whole non-gluten or sprouted grains is somehow going to maintain the

same body composition based on simply consuming the same amount of calories?

I assure you, it will be HIGHLY improbable.


Because of the fact that almost everyone on the western diet is close to, or currently

IN, a pre-diabetic stage. This means they have far too much sugar in their blood. The

wrong KINDS of calories. “Empty” ones. “Empty” means that they’re lacking any kind

of nutritional content. When there is too much sugar being consumed, to keep things

very simple, that sugar will convert into body fat. That is where excess blood sugar has

to go, if the brain and muscles are not using it (Hint-Hint…more on that later). No need

to explain the hows and whys relating to the details of blood sugar and insulin resistance.

Just UNDERSTAND IT as an established FACT, and perpetually keep it working in the

back of your mind with your food choices, like I do.

Now when I refer to the calories as “empty,” do not misunderstand; your body does

need and depend on a certain amount of glucose, the most simple basic

sugar/monosaccharide, to be able to function. Absolutely so. But when the amounts and

incredible varieties of sweeteners and starches (complex sugars that break down too

quickly into the simple sugars) are being consumed, you no longer have something that is

helpful, so much as it is hurtful.

As a similar example, a little bit of sodium in the body can be work terrifically at

exchanging toxins out at the cellular level. Too much sodium in the body turns outright

toxic in comparison. So much so, that we saw what happened in the 70’s with heart

conditions when sodium was added in too great a quantity to our processed foods as a

flavor enhancer.

Large amounts of sodium are even used as an anti-Lyme disease protocol for some

sufferers with varying degrees of success based solely on the toxicity of the amount of

sodium used to destroy the Lyme spirochete.

And this is why I stress “education” as the core ways and means to fat reduction on

our bodies. If you learn and understand these things, and couple it with the various forms

of tests I encourage you to consider taking at your doctor’s office at the beginning of my

materials, you will then know what YOU are up against for YOUR specific situation.

Again, this is why fat loss is definitely not the same for everyone. That is why we have

countless fat loss programs on the market and why too many people are not getting

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results; they do not understand enough about the nature of fat accumulation, are not

educated enough to know all the various factors that contribute to it so that they can then

apply that education to themselves to THEN obtain the results they seek.

Not everyone is hyperglycemic (pre diabetic, excessive blood sugar)! But MANY are.

YOU may be. And if you ARE, the science indicates that you would NEED to tone

down your blood sugar levels to remove fat from your body (as well as afford yourself

other HUGE health benefits). The catch is, as mentioned, that almost everyone IS

contending with this issue who is dealing with excessive body fat, so that it can be

universally addressed and applied as part of the path towards the healthier life that it will

provide by default, while adding to the appearance of our body via reduced fat storage as


KNOW that you CAN tone down those sugar levels and NOT feel as if you’re making

a huge sacrifice. Again, it just takes time! THEN you can go on “maintenance,” and

reclaim those sacrifices with great specific substitutions, in fulfilling moderation. Trust

me, there are plenty of food options that taste great and will be far healthier than what

you may be used to now, once you get to this all-important stage. You will NOT be

“suffering” for the rest of your life feeling deprived. Do you think I live that way?


SO! On to something kinda fun:

What can we DO with our blood sugar!

Wanna know what LOVES LOVES LOVES sugar in your body?





And studies are showing, it often does not matter what KIND of sugar! THAT is how

much your muscles LOVE sugar!

Now, now, now…do NOT start going crazy here thinking you can eat the JUNK I’ve

referred to above. Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE change. So we will be consuming

MUCH HEALTHIER sugars, while being able to keep some of the healthier goodies in

our new lifestyle for the occasional needed “cheating.”

And believe it or not, we will soon NEED TO HAVE some cheating! YUP! The

body likes change-ups, especially once you’re in the Maintenance Phase, and getting

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some additional carbs and calories in, along with healthy fats, will be an excellent

strategy to keep the abs lean and mean.

There is a lot to understand about the different kinds of sugars and carbs; the

complex/starchy and simple ones. I will cover this in much greater detail in the videos

you will receive. For now, lets be conscious of our carb and especially sugar

consumption, and the gram count on our food labels as we transition out of refined foods

over time. Focus on bringing whatever amount of sugar totals we’re now consuming,

way down to much lower levels. If we experience weakness or brain fog, we’re TOO

low, and we don’t want that. Instead, we want to experiment with lowered sugar levels,

so we will be able to USE the sugars in conjunction with some very short-duration and

AMAZINGLY EFFECTIVE intense exercise for DRAMATIC results.

Remember! This is absolutely NOT about ELIMINATING all sugars! It’s just about

bringing them down to levels that we will experiment with, that we will find work best

for us, and keeping it to the healthiest forms of sugars we can (non-refined, organic,

and/or naturally occurring).

And let’s not forget: I prepare a great deal of my own foods. I do not need to read the

“Nutrition Facts” on the side of a piece of broccoli, leaves of spinach, celery, peppers,

lettuce, raw cheese, goat milk, fresh eggs, honeydew, apples, dates or oranges I get from

my local farmer or grocer!

Keep reading!

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The Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of California has made one of

the most incredible revelations of the past thirty years. A common denominator in

having success with weight and fat loss is to reduce our consumption of fructose in ALL

forms…the exception being naturally occurring fructose such as that found in fruits

(other parts of my program, into the “Maintenance Phase,” will show how I eat fruits).

This research is not necessarily new, but the understanding BEHIND it IS. As early as

1973 research was proving out what we now know as fact regarding fructose.

We all know that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a major problem. Now, we are

thinking much more along the lines of fructose being a problem as a whole in ALL

processed food forms, without exception. Beverages are a major culprit here, and

unfortunately the newly touted “healthy sweetener” called agave is even WORSE than

HFCS, with nearly every store-bought brand being a processed form of agave that is so

high in fructose that there is absolutely nothing healthy about it at all. (Organic, low-

temperature-processed, enzymes untampered with and no pesticides are the exception,

but this form of agave can be very hard to find).

SO AVOID AGAVE. The so-called healthy and natural sweetener is actually high

processed and anything but healthy and natural.

In understanding the rest of the fructose problem, all we need to understand right now

is this: The sheer amount of various sugars like sucrose (table sugar, which is a *naturally

bonded* combination of glucose and fructose) and other *forms* of various sugars

consumption in western culture has SKYROCKETED over the course of the past 30

years. Folks, the kids just did NOT used to look the way they do now (with so much

extra fat), in the numbers that they do. Those of us over 40 know this and can witness

this happening to the kids first hand. Obese kids were much rarer when I was growing


The massive use of fructose is due to various political and corporate maneuvers that

were not so much by design (I hope), but instead based on cost savings and gargantuan

amounts of ignorance. HFCS is very cheap, as are other forms of fructose, about half the

price of sugar. It has therefore found its way into almost everything; buns, breads,

sauces, desserts, snacks of all kinds, countless juices and drinks. The catch is, not only is

it cheaper, but because of that, MORE of it is used to sweeten the foods and drinks

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EVEN MORE. AND it’s 20% SWEETER than sucrose! So it’s the massive VOLUME

of consumption of the forms of fructose that is wreaking havoc; it’s not only training us

to become accustomed to extreme sweetness, but in that process making us incredibly fat

AND incurring countless other very serious problems.

I guess I need to almost overstate this in order to get through to everyone, so in an

effort to really pound this point home, here is a list from the Corn Refiners Association of

the foods that contain HFCS (and keep in mind, this does not even count another

common ingredient called “crystalline fructose” or its other derivatives): Asian-style

sauces, baby foods (!), bacon, beer, biscuits bologna, brandy, breads/rolls, cereals,

breakfast meats, cake/dessert mixes, cakes, candy, canned fruits and fruit fillings, canned

veges, caramel coloring, cat and dog foods, cheese spreads, chewing gum, chicken

products, cocoa, coffee creamer, cookies, cordials, crackers, dessert toppings, diet foods,

doughnuts, dried meats, egg products, fish products, flavorings, frosting/icing/glazes,

frozen dinners, frozen puddings/custards, fruit butters, fruit drinks/juices, fruit

sweeteners, gelatin mixes, gravies, ham, hot dogs, ice cream and some milks, instant

breakfast foods, instant tea, jams, jellies, ketchup, liqueurs, low-calorie sweeteners,

marmalade, mayonnaise, mincemeat, mustard, pancake/waffle mixes, peanut butter,

pickles, pies, potato chips, powdered mixes, powdered sugar, preserves, pretzels

quickbread mixes, relishes, salad dressings, sauce mixes, sausage, seasoning mixes,

sherbets/water ices, soups (canned or dried), tomato sauces, vinegar, wine,

Worcestershire sauce, etc.

(Source: Nutritive Sweeteners from Corn, Corn Refiners Association).

Has the point been made regarding our exposure to excessive fructose?

The chronic fructose exposure is causing FAR more problems than just that of

additional fat on our bodies as mentioned in passing above. But for now, and for our fat-

loss purposes here, understand that fructose is metabolized like a fat even though it is a

carbohydrate; and therefore, the massive exposure to it is building up in our bodies.

The research and science just pounds into the fructose problem:

Fructose does not suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin. NOR does it leptin, the “I

feel satisfied, I’m no longer hungry” hormone. You can consume any of the above

fructose-added items, and you will constantly feel unsatisfied, causing greater and greater

consumption to attempt to reach a perceived fulfillment.

Great for the food manufacturers…not so great for you.

How does 141 pounds of sugar consumption per year, per person, strike ya? (ABC

News early 2010). This makes sugar poisonous simply by the outrageous volume

consumed. Two centuries ago, our yearly sugar consumption would be considered very

high at ONE TENTH THAT AMOUNT. Too much of almost anything will usually make

it poisonous! Even water!

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In comparison to glucose, which our body depends upon and greatly needs, fructose

converts to body fat far more readily and easily simply due to its metabolism in the liver.

Without going deep into the science behind it, for those interested in the cellular science

behind this fact, and how it increases triglycerides, inhibits leptin which reduces the

appetite, increases hypertension based on body cravings for increased sugar input, and

how it increases inflammation which I’ll cover in an upcoming video, just do a quick

search and you will find some sources that will go into far greater detail. The simplest

way to explain it here is to use the HFCS example: Sucrose, common table sugar, has a

natural bond of glucose and fructose (we will ignore the processing of sugars for now, to

make this point). HFCS however, has no bond between the glucose and fructose, the

fructose of which is in a higher percentage (hence “HIGH Fructose Corn Syrup”). This

lack of bond makes it INSTANTLY ABSORBED in the body. Sucrose, in comparison,

at least needs to be broken down first into its individual (mono) sugar components before

the body makes use of it.

This required breaking down of sucrose in comparison enables much more of the

sugar content to be processed out of the body, instead of over-saturating the body

instantly with a blood sugar dump. This is also why some amount of fruit is acceptable;

nature built-in the “cushion” with the naturally occurring fiber, AND coupled it with

naturally occurring vitamin C which also counters/slows fructose metabolism.

(And yes, I make sure I get a good amount of naturally occurring Vitamin C in my

diet, my preference being a powdered camu, and amla berry/spirulina supplement.)

So for now, simply remember this phrase: “FRUCTOSE EQUALS FAT.” READ

your labels for ALL forms of it. And those foods that have it. I personally do not

consume any such products *at all*. My only exposure may be on an occasional cheating

weekend at a buffet or restaurant, and even then, the exposure is likely fairly minimal.

Now when it comes to fructose in its natural forms, here is a chart for you to check


Fruit Serving Size

Grams of


Limes 1 medium 0

Lemons 1 medium 0.6

Cranberries 1 cup 0.7

Passion fruit 1 medium 0.9

Prune 1 medium 1.2

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Apricot 1 medium 1.3

Guava 2 medium 2.2

Date (Deglet Noor style) 1 medium 2.6

Cantaloupe 1/8 of med. melon 2.8

Raspberries 1 cup 3.0

Clementine 1 medium 3.4

Kiwifruit 1 medium 3.4

Blackberries 1 cup 3.5

Star fruit 1 medium 3.6

Cherries, sweet 10 3.8

Strawberries 1 cup 3.8

Cherries, sour 1 cup 4.0

Pineapple 1 slice

(3.5" x .75") 4.0

Grapefruit, pink or red 1/2 medium 4.3

Fruit Serving Size

Grams of


Boysenberries 1 cup 4.6

Tangerine/mandarin orange 1 medium 4.8

Nectarine 1 medium 5.4

Peach 1 medium 5.9

Orange (navel) 1 medium 6.1

Papaya 1/2 medium 6.3

Honeydew 1/8 of med. melon 6.7

Banana 1 medium 7.1

Blueberries 1 cup 7.4

Date (Medjool) 1 medium 7.7

Apple (composite) 1 medium 9.5

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Persimmon 1 medium 10.6

Watermelon 1/16 med. melon 11.3

Pear 1 medium 11.8

Raisins 1/4 cup 12.3

Grapes, seedless (green or red) 1 cup 12.4

Mango 1/2 medium 16.2

Apricots, dried 1 cup 16.4

Figs, dried 1 cup 23.0

As a general rule for us to start with:

Consider keeping TOTAL daily fructose intake to under 25 grams, with no more than

15 grams worth coming from fruits. On this note and especially if I had a blood sugar

issue and/or pre diabetic condition, I’d avoid excessive fruit consumption during the

“intervention” stage of 2 months worth of curbing my blood sugar levels, and avoid

concentrated fruits such as the dried varieties, fruit roll ups, raisins (as the chart above

demonstrates) and otherwise processed (changed) fruits from their whole, natural form.

As mentioned above, the reason fructose in these forms is entirely acceptable in these

amounts is once again the genius of nature; nature realized that coupling FIBER with the

fructose transformed a virtual poison into something the body could work with

successfully and derive benefit from, along with a HOST of other micro-nutrient benefits

that you will not find in HFCS.

Bounce back now to the beginning of this guide where I’m referencing the labels on

our foods, and the sugars and carbs; keep in mind that if you see high fructose corn syrup

on the ingredients part of the label, or ANY form of fructose (crystalline, etc), that the

sugar/carb guide is no longer applicable. In other words, I would be avoiding the food all

together, and finding a healthy substitute instead.

To convince you of how necessary this is, clinical testing by Dr. Richard Johnson who

specializes in the study of fructose successfully proved the necessity of removing

fructose-containing foods from our diet: He took a group of test subjects, fed one group a

SPECIFIC NUMBER OF CALORIES in the form of sucrose, and then another group the

SAME EXACT CALORIE COUNT in high fructose corn syrup…and proved beyond

any shadow of a doubt, that the latter group GAINED MORE FAT even though the

amount of calories consumed was EXACTLY THE SAME.

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Point made, wouldn’t you say? I would like to have seen more details of the exact

foods consumed, but we will cover that topic more later, also showing you how to

incorporate more fruits back into your diet successfully, once we’re achieving our goals.

Compare this to the candy bar example I use: Some people claim calorie reduction is

all it takes to lose weight and fat. But have one person consume 1600 calories worth of

candy bars a day, and the other 1600 calories worth of vegetables, proteins and fruits in a

day, and who do YOU think might get fat?

(Although claims are made that they’ll both be the same, I’m sure you have by now

figured out the CLEAR answer to that…and WHY. One calorie is not necessarily

metabolized the same way another is. Common sense, no?)

One last note on the “conspiracy” that is not a conspiracy at all: People will often

suggest that “If the FDA says it’s safe, then it must be! After all, they are the ones that

determine what is and is not safe for us, correct? They have their ‘GRAS’ (Generally

Recognized As Safe) list, and fructose is on it!”

Two notes on this viewpoint:

Number one, the ONLY reason fructose has ever been put on the GRAS list is because

of the rationale that dictates “well, fructose naturally occurs in fruit, so it must be safe!”

My answer to that, and this applies to countless other examples of naturally-occurring

events that you can think up on your own; Nicotine of course naturally occurs in


…Does that AUTOMATICALLY make nicotine “safe?”

Perhaps in moderation, the body can of course manage our exposures to toxins. Some

“toxins” are even useful for certain kinds of cleansing purposes as we’ll explore later.

But the factor that is almost never considered (and I cover this as well in my program)

is that the exposure that is on occasion safe and manageable, certainly is NOT safe nor

healthy in LARGE and/or CONTINOUS AMOUNTS.

We know this is true with nicotine.

We now know it’s true with fructose.

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There are about FORTY GRAMS of HFCS in each ONE CAN of countless varieties

of soda.

Considering everything I just wrote above about fructose…


I’ll expand just a bit further:

Sodas MUST be eliminated. If you need to wean yourself off sodas, use Zevia, a

stevia-sweetened soda, until you can then wean yourself off THAT. There are some

theories that suggest carbonated water alone has its own health risks that relate to causing

a pH imbalance in the body. But I also understand that many people are “addicted”

(there’s that word again) to many forms of soda/soft drinks. They must be eliminated

from the diet. They, like fruit juices, are absorbed in the first part of the digestive tract

without any fiber to help cushion their uptake, making them instantly fat-causing and


Note the sodium content in your soda. Yes…the SODIUM. We know there’s always

plenty of sweetener, and it’s very often of course the HFCS. But the point is, a lot of

sweetener HAS to be used to compensate for the sodium content, else the drink would

taste too salty. Can you imagine how the soft drink company benefits from sodium

content to begin with? Because consuming more sodium makes you MORE thirsty.

So you will drink more.

And so you will BUY more.

Re-read that, so that you can understand how insidious the profit margins can make a

company that clearly orients itself far more towards share-holder happiness than

customer health.

Come on now folks. There are those who still believe that “if it is for sale as a food, it

must be safe!” “Safe” is a relative term when it comes to legally defining it. It may not

kill you instantly, but it can over time, and still be legally considered “safe.” We must-

must-must stop being so naïve about the nature of the world of commerce we live in.

Think of it this way: When does a company ever NOT operate for profit? To gain

profit they need sales. To get sales they need a product that people will buy because they

like it. Things we like aren’t always good for us. I am not a conspiracy theorist; we’re

talking about something here that is self-evident.

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On a quick side note, please pay attention to the fact that although sodium can be

called “salt” on a food label, that does not mean it is actual, healthy SALT, which our

bodies all need (and I’ll cover Himalayan crystal salt later in your materials). Instead, it

is simply sodium chloride, which is the end result of the healthy crystal salt referenced

above, stripped down to simple sodium and chloride, minus all of the wonderful and vital

trace minerals your body needs (the salt producers sell off the other minerals for more

profit)…giving us yet one more example of the salt-overload issues of yesteryear that

caused and continue to cause all those heart problems.

We are seeing this same type of ingredient overload problem that we’ve seen with

sodium, in a new area today with the introduction of high fructose sweeteners.

(Makes ya just wish corporations would keep their noses out of our food supply, don’t


JUICES: And yes, I said juices as well. Similar to the concentrated fruit/dried fruits I

mentioned above, LIQUID juice is EVEN WORSE for the same reasons as soft drinks.

If it wasn’t bad enough that the extracted juice is also CONCENTRATED (see labels for

“juice from concentrate, which essentially means multiplying the sugar content) they then

often ADD SUGARS, fructose, HFCS to these drinks!!!

I think you’re beginning to get the picture.

And just look what they’re lining our grocery stores with. It’s no wonder we have

such a huge problem.

Still think encouraging addictions to food for the sake of profit is just a conspiracy?


I realize this is another tuffy for a lot of people. Yes, wine has some interesting

nutrients in it as have been touted by the wine industry for a while now.

Unfortunately, that does not change the fact that it is loaded with additional useless

calories, and most importantly, that it is a toxin that strongly affects your brain and liver.

When it comes to alcohol, beer is especially a problem. Beer is being proven to be as

fat-belly-making a drink as there ever was, due to the yeasts and other compounds used in

making it. It has been discovered that beer is metabolized through what MAY BE THE


Remember: Fructose is processed through the liver. And everyone knows what

happens to people’s livers who drink too much of ANY kind of alcohol. Science has now

found a correlation between fructose and beer and how they’re broken down in the body.

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And of COURSE we’ve all heard of “beer belly.” So the connection is not only not a

stretch, but is now actively being proven.

So in MY program, I DITCH THE BEER. And I’ve chosen to ditch ALL alcohols. I

assure you, it is WELL worth it on MULTIPLE levels of health and happiness. I am

100% convinced alcohol is a major problem for most people trying to chisel down their


I don’t drink at all. I used to when I was younger. And I never had the abs I now


Alcohol is also excellent at contributing to depression, anxiety, insomnia and a host of

other problems. I will also reference later on in your materials how taxing the liver can

cause your belly to protrude, giving us not only a bloated look from having an inflamed

liver, but with the addition of extra fat around the mid section giving us a double-

whammy that none of us needs.

You now know how I feel about it. I encourage complete elimination. If you can’t do

that, for whatever reason, you’re going to have to decide for yourself how to contend

with your unwillingness to get it out of your life, and perhaps not achieve the results that

my program, without alcohol, can enable you to achieve.

And remember, once AGAIN…it is yet another ADDICTIVE substance.

There’s that word YET AGAIN.

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…and without killing ourselves as those popular TV

infomercials would have us believe is necessary!!!

It may sound like I’m going off on a tangent here, but bear with me as I address the

mindset you need to fix yourself into when it comes to exercise, as a continuation of the

sugar-related info presented above:

Memorize my little motto: “My muscles sure-do, NEED sure-gar.”

(“My muscles sure do need sugar”).

Your brain and your muscles depend on glucose! Your liver and muscles store what’s

called “glycogen” which is then converted into glucose for your brain and muscles to use.

These stores become depleted quickly when your muscles are being INTENSELY

TAXED. (Key word “Intensity,” as we will cover below). Then AFTER a workout, the

glycogen reserves need to be replaced.

Simply, glycogen is nothing more than a group of glucose molecules all bunched

together. Simple sugar. The glycogen is broken down into the individual glucose

molecules that is then used as the first and best energy source your body has. This is the

primary, most basic sugar that we all absolutely need for healthy survival, as I’ve covered


And that is all you need to understand on the basic science of it.

It is this storage feature of your muscles and liver that helps dictate whether or not

your sugar consumption is going to be USED by your brain and muscles, OR…whether

the excess intake will instead be converted into FAT. There is a balance act constantly

taking place, since the capacity of the liver and muscles to store glycogen is LIMITED.

And when those limits are reached, as they almost always are in the western diet via

consuming WAY too many sugars…BAM!...sugars will be stored in the form of FAT


Sure, the liver may become inflamed when challenged and storage capacity becomes

troublesome, which in turn leads to other problems. This can in part cause a protruding

gut that is sometimes seen as the “fat belly” described above, even though it’s not fat

tissue but instead a form of inflammation and liver cirrhosis. (I will cover this in an

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upcoming video as yet another cause of not having a tight tummy, and therefore why

detoxification, as a primary function of the liver, is of such vital importance).

Where the liver and muscles may become burdened with excess sugars, the body can

instead store excess sugar intake in the form of almost unlimited fat. The evidence of this

is of course in people all around us. It is the most common problem over-weight, or

“over-fat” people are contending with.

To make matters (temporarily) worse, converting fat into an energy source instead of

using that glycogen/glucose process takes more work than using the available glucose

itself. The body wants to use that sugar first and foremost as a source of fuel.

SO! The effort required in the beginning may indeed need to focus more on “fat

burning”…but the OBJECTIVE, especially in the long run will be “SUGAR burning.”

Learn to associate your sugar consumption with MUSCLE working/toning/building. I

keep these two factors in the back of my mind constantly as a way of self-monitoring

how the sugars in my diet are being used. The brain and muscles WANT and NEED

those sugars. My objective is to keep the AMOUNT of those sugars I’m ingesting in

check and to discover how much of those sugars I can consume without gaining fat

thanks to the muscles I’m using (via exercise) and without losing mental focus or feeling

light-headed. We need to keep some spare sugars for the brain.

(At least I do, goodness knows my brain needs all the help it can get)


So as we closely monitor our sugar intake in the beginning stages, the body will be

forced to resort to the fat reserves as an energy source as well. The trick is in getting it to

USE that energy source so that we can expend it…and then rely on the sugars more over

time as the primary energy source, especially once in our Maintenance Phase.

And believe me; with the exercise tactics you’re about to learn, your body will utilize

both sugar AND fats as an energy source, and in just the ways you want it to.

Once in the Maintenance Phase, we will need to adjust the sugars even more to

prevent our body from then resorting to using our muscle as a third energy source

(protein). Then, we will need to ensure we are eating enough protein to aid in the

recovery process so our muscle development efforts do not go to waste (see my raw whey

protein as an excellent source of protein). This lack of protein and muscle waste is what

we often see referred to as the “skinny fat” look. The person is thin, but lacks tone and

contour; and may have a host of other problems relating to this condition. This issue

becomes of particular importance as we get older, and age leads to potential sarcopenia,

whereby we experience a degenerative loss of skeletal muscle. New research is showing

that this can be completely avoided via the exercise techniques you will learn from me.

Our bodies (muscles) need to be challenged on an on-going regular basis as we age, and

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doing so prevents muscle loss very effectively. In my opinion, everyone, without

exception, over 40, needs to be engaged in regular weight resistance or band-resistance

exercise. The benefits of doing so far outweigh the possible effects of not doing so.

So focusing on the sugar intake in the back of my mind, I will often have a small

sweet either just before, during or just after my workouts. The blood sugar will be

immediately used and needed by my body at the maintenance phase that I am now at.

The sweets are often either a fruit such as a few dates (high in sugar), even a dried fruit

(concentrated sugars), an organic pecan cookie made with organic sugar on occasion, a

small spoonful of raw honey (which is 70% fructose by the way, but is once again a

naturally bonded fructose, making it ok in moderation and while exercising intensely), or

perhaps a dark chocolate for the sugar and caffeine or cacao for the theobromine boost.

On occasion I’ve even indulged in an organic white chocolate bar (just a small amount,

equating to a small bar’s worth, before a Saturday or Sunday workout as a part of my

weekend cheating). At the maintenance phase, this is not only entirely acceptable, but it

is pretty much required! My body needs the sugars desperately, due to my overall lower

sugar intake on a cyclical basis with the rest of my diet.

That said, let’s jump to one of the questions I get asked the most when it comes to my

appearance, and in furtherance of this thought process above, give a great example to

work with, to help get my point across.



Before I delve completely into the core of my exercise program, let me give away one

of the biggest secrets my program has. Think about all the sugar info I referred to above

as you read. The following is a secret that COUNTLESS over-fat people simply have not

yet been able to grasp:

MY ABS: I spend less than two minutes every other day doing ab “exercises.” I




You read correct!

I instead do random iso-tension ab work. Standing in line at the grocery store for

example, I will suck in, flex in, my ab region. Since I am very attuned to my body, I can

largely isolate individual muscle groups in my abs. I will do this, keeping as they say my

“core tight,” until I feel the burn, with some flexing and releasing to mix it up. I will do

this whenever I have spare time, but no more than 2 or so times a day at the very most

(missing a day here and there all together) and will spend no more than a couple minutes

of focused attention on it each time. This was commonly referred to as an “iso-tension”

technique, developed several decades ago and still holds tremendous value today. I will

expand more on the techniques used in this tactic in other parts of the materials.

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You see me in my videos. “Yes,” I can get even tighter abs and more striations in the

muscles. I could accomplish this via long and regular cardio sessions, and multiple sets

of ab work hitting my abs at various angles. I can, and have had tighter abs.

But I leave that kind of definition to the competitive athletes like bodybuilders, fitness

and figure competitors. And they certainly need to cycle this kind of exercise; the body

simply can’t take long periods of such low body fat nor the intense physical work.

How does this work for me?





As mentioned, I have gone for literally a whole month without doing ANY ab

exercises at all. And you can see how I look in my free videos, as I try to do “body

videos” a few times a year. I was assured by a friend, that my ab development was

virtually identical, doing NO ab exercises, while focusing as I always do on muscle

tone/development and diet.

That said, let’s continue.

The point in referencing all that info above about sugar is hopefully clear: the muscles

depend upon sugar when they are stressed and taxed. And we will absolutely need

sugars, striving for the healthiest ones we can manage, to assist us with what is coming

next. The beauty is, once the muscles become more “developed” (please don’t let that

word scare you ladies, you will NOT get muscular; you will get TONED and in a way

that will accentuate your curves something awesome!) the muscles will NEED those

sugars not only before/during/after exercise…BUT ALSO during those times when you

are NOT exercising! Because those muscles become, in actual effect…

the anti-fat mechanism of your body.

And you WANT an “anti-fat mechanism” to be built right in, don’t you?

To close out my “Secret Section,” let me share with you another extremely powerful

tid-bit for the ladies out there (that absolutely applies to men as well) that may blow your

mind: I personally know women who compete in figure/fitness competitions. Please do

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an internet search if you’re unfamiliar with what these women look like, or find at your

local magazine rack the magazine called “Oxygen” as a great reference point, or do an

image search for “Miss Figure” or “Miss Fitness” or “Miss Fit” etc. The women look

very toned and ultra-fit while not looking masculine, and when relaxed (most pics you

will find will of course be competition poses where they are flexing) they are very SOFT

yet TONED (in other words, pretty much perfect). Would you be surprised, yet again, to

learn that many of these women eat over 2000 calories a day during the times when their

abs are sporting those sexy six-packs?

Sound intriguing? I’m about to show you almost exactly how they do it. But instead,

in a way that is far less rigorous, that will enable you to obtain very similar, outstanding

results. Results that will have you looking like those ladies they feature in all the fat loss

ads giving testimonials (“before/after” pics) you see on TV for those fat burning powders,

etc. Difference is, this will not be a temporary fix, as those products so often are. This

will instead be a lifestyle change affording you those results on an ongoing, permanent

basis. And you will NOT need to work as hard as the professional competing women do,

to be able to obtain quite literally, close-to-professional-level results from your efforts.

As you will see, the amount of “work” I will be suggesting below will not at all be what

you expect...and yet I can assure you of pretty amazing results. The science is now here

to prove it!


After assisting so many people in their battle against fat, I quickly discovered one core

component that no one was implementing, nor grasping the importance of: Truly effective

muscle-based exercise to produce the results both men AND women were seeking.


I’m here to tell you NOT to!

And this is where myself, and the P90x people, and Jillian Michaels, whose work and

accomplishments I respect a great deal, differ substantially in how we believe the best

results can be found.

(And I think you’ll agree; my tactics and results are easier and EVEN BETTER).

You will NOT be killing yourself with hour long cardio sessions on treadmills. You

will NOT be doing aerobics classes for endless hours every week. You will NOT be

running for countless miles every day in the sand. You will NOT be doing intense, hour-

long interval training. Nor any of those excruciating challenges that they have the

contestants take on in those popular fat loss shows (pulling objects while running uphill,

etc, lol).

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I sincerely believe that most of the people that use these tactics are actually engaged in

COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE exercise that works AGAINST THEM. And the science is

now backing me up on this stance.

Will they see results in those activities? You bet they will. THEY WORK.

HOWEVER: Those tactics ALSO adjust the metabolism in such a way that the person

often cannot STOP doing those activities without gaining back weight, and possibly a

LOT of weight.

It gets even worse, and bears repeating from the concepts we explored above:

Although those forms of exercise CAN and DO burn FAT…do we want our bodies

becoming accustomed to using FAT, instead of SUGAR/GLUCOSE as the fuel source as

referenced above?

I say “no.”

THE PROBLEM is that the body adapts to long cardio sessions and begins to factor in

the need to burn fat as a fuel source. In doing so, the body’s adaptation process needs

now to MAKE and STORE MORE FAT in preparation for the following sessions of

extended cardio. This turns into a never-ending cycle and also explains why so many

people who stop doing their long-session cardio/aerobics so often gain fat back so

readily; their body has adapted and wants to create and store fat as productively as

possible, and stays in that mode after cardio is stopped in preparation for the next energy

demand. Think about it. It just makes sense.

I say we would greatly prefer getting our bodies used to using sugars as a source of

fuel, while adjusting our diet by focusing on less sugar consumption. Then we can obtain

some fat burning via the techniques below, along with using the available sugars. As we

continue these techniques, which are less time consuming and yet so much more effective

to get us to our goals, our bodies will have a much easier time adjusting to using the

available sugars over the fat as a fuel source specifically because of the muscle efforts we

will be utilizing to accomplish this. We will let our bodies find the happy medium to

burn off the fat, as well as using the sugars so that we do not inadvertently adjust our

metabolisms to work against us in the long run.

Using sugars as the primary fuel source is desired because of our deliberate reduction

in sugar consumption discussed above. The muscles will HAVE to pull the energy from

SOMEWHERE…so it will revert to any available sugars via glycogen stores, or those

consumed (which remember will be minimal at this stage), and then to fat as an energy

source as muscles are toned and developed.

Make sense?

This is the whole idea I’m trying to spread as far and wide as possible, because it

seems to work for the largest number of people with a very high degree of effectiveness.

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People simply MUST become accustomed to the idea of needing to develop muscle tone

and/or size (depending on your goals) to obtain their own built-in fat burning machine.

This especially becomes more and more important as we age, to avoid the age-related

“wasting” that the human body can become prone to referenced above, as well as to

maintain all sorts of other benefits (less injuries, the vitally important greater blood flow,

detoxification, etc!).

Professional bodybuilders exemplify this sugar tactic when in their countdown stages

to their competition, just to an extreme degree that there will be absolutely no need for

you to ever have to implement. In fact, they use very simple sugars and starches in

somewhat large amounts just to fill their muscles’ sugar needs!

Imagine having to take in sugars in order to bring your best muscle tone out?

You will be doing the same, just on a much much lighter, less intense scale, but with a

(relatively speaking) similar outcome (less body fat, greater tone and definition).

PLEASE: for those of you who are adverse to exercise, you MUST AT LEAST

CONSIDER my options. I have made it incredibly easy for you to implement, for the

most amazing results in return. As the financial professionals would say “an extremely

small investment in exchange for a huge ROI (Return On Investment).”

Here is some of the research to help support my claims:

Researchers from the University of New South Whales (UNSW) found that the kind

of exercise that I implement for myself burns more fat than the old-school killer-cardio

marathon sessions that so many millions of people are continuing to implement to this

day. Remember; those old-school methods CAN and DO work. HOWEVER, the newest

tactics work not only with far less time but also work MORE EFFECTIVELY, and with



PAY ATTENTION HERE LADIES! I referenced the below findings in my

marketing materials on my website…The answer to losing three times as much fat thanks

to new exercise developments are below, AND, it makes exercising MUCH less time-



Below is their journal report cited verbatim, straight from the University itself (bold

emphasis and underline added):

“The group which did around eight seconds of sprinting on a bike, followed by 12

seconds of exercising lightly for twenty minutes, lost three times as much fat as other women, who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes,” said the team

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leader, Associate Professor Steve Boutcher, Head of the Health and Exercise Science

program, in the School of Medical Sciences at UNSW.

The study involved a group of 45 overweight women who cycled three times a week over

a 15-week period. Professor Boutcher said this would be applicable to other types of

exercise such as swimming, walking, and rowing. The results have been presented at

recent meetings of the Heart Foundation and American College of Sports Medicine.

“We think the reason that it works is because it produces a unique metabolic response,”

said Professor Boutcher. “Intermittent sprinting produces high levels of chemical

compounds called catecholamines, which allow more fat to be burned from under the

skin and within the exercising muscles. The resulting increase in fat oxidation drives the

greater weight loss.”

The women lost most weight off the legs and buttocks.

“This may be unique to this type of exercise,” said Professor Boutcher. “We know it is

very difficult to ‘spot reduce’ troublesome fat areas. When you do regular exercise, you

tend to lose fat everywhere and you tend to look emaciated. Our results are unusual but

were consistent across the women who performed the sprinting exercise.”

“Overall, any type of exercise is good. You just have to work out your objectives, whether

it is to increase muscle, lose fat, or enhance other aspects of your life such as improving

the quality of your sleep,” said Professor Boutcher.

And there is a positive message for some people who are overweight.

“A lot of people are fat despite having a good diet and a high level of physical activity,”

he said. “But being ‘fat and fit’ is much healthier than being lean and unfit. Those

overweight people who don’t have excessive fat around their abdomen and don’t have

low grade inflammation typically stay healthy and don’t become diabetics.

“The message that fat is awful is an exaggerated one,” he said.

Dr Gail Trapp was the Chief Investigator on the research.


Please note the researchers comment about body fat! I purposely included that so that

everyone could understand: The cover models we often see, particularly the men with

paper-thin skin and barely a trace of body fat are almost ALL professional competitors

and/or models. They cycle their bodies through stages to be able to look like that. The

body is not designed, nor is it healthy, to have extremely low body fat percentages on a

constant basis. The way you see me look in my vids maintains a small amount of body

fat. I can get leaner. I choose not to. A little body fat is absolutely healthy and needed!

Until recently, it wasn’t understood the role fat plays not only as a storage compartment

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for excess sugars, but as an important component to hormonal production that we all

count on and need (and that, believe it or not, ties directly into appetite hunger and

satisfaction feelings).

ANOTHER new study as of mid-April 2010 in the Journal of Physiology concurred

that 20 minutes of high-interval training provided the SAME BENEFITS as long training

sessions that focused on endurance; the marathon cardio sessions of yesteryear.

I am here to tell you something even BETTER. These shorter sessions can not only

provide the SAME benefits, but the research is now bearing out that it provides EVEN

GREATER results!

AND EVEN BETTER: In even LESS time than the 20 minute studies referenced

above! In fact, I have seen people start with a mere five to ten minutes MAX, and the

results seem to be almost universally consistent.

The whole idea is to break up your workout time into short bursts of very-high-

intensity work followed by lower intensity levels so that you can recover for a short bit

before going high intensity again. This can be accomplished via virtually ANY form of

exercise you choose! Meaning, you will see results with just about any form of exercise

executed in this fashion. It becomes highly individualized at that point, but the point is,

the person can pick and choose what activities they enjoy doing the most as their chosen

form of exercise, utilize a “high-intensity followed by a lower intensity”

(“High/Low/High/Low,” or “Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo” for short, as I call it) tactic, and enjoy

incredible results from it. I prefer to tighten things up just a bit and focus on specific

kinds of exercise, but the fact remains that simply implementing this technique regardless

of the kinds of exercises chosen will produce results, and potentially dramatic ones,

especially when coupled with the sugar reduction I reference above.

One quick and easy example for the exercise newbies out there: A recent test showed

that a group of men who biked for 20 minutes, following the formula of “one minute

super-intense biking followed by one minute of lower intensity catch-my-breath” biking

(another of countless Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo variations, find one that works best for you!)

experienced the same results as those who biked for over an hour at moderate intensity.

I take this one step further and make it SUPER EASY for all you beginners. Simply

start with this style of exercise for a mere FIVE TO TEN MINUTES every OTHER day.

No excuses here my friends! You SURELY HAVE FIVE TO TEN MINUTES


If you’re extra-motivated, do these five to ten minute sessions up to three different

times in one day (but not more than that). ALMOST EVERYONE begins to notice real

results with this mere five to ten minute heavy-duty Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo workout in conjunction

with the diet suggestions I’ve referenced above. Your degree of devotion to both will

determine the results!

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I begin the exercise of my choice with just a minute or so warm-up, then jump in full

steam to ten minutes worth of Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo. Remember that I would be maxing out my

fullest exertion (more below) on the “Highs,” and be COMPLETELY SPENT at the end

of those five to ten minutes. A video in my program will demonstrate this for you.

Folks, I am here to tell you, this research is proving itself out OVER and OVER again.

We are in a new world of exercise, and don’t you just wonder WHY this discovery is not

being screamed from the mountain tops?

Welp…it IS being screamed.


And now ALL the latest-greatest programs are catching on and are beginning to

spread the news on this “Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo” tactic as well.

(And they had better not steal my phrase…It’s MINE…;-p)

To continue with the Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo tactic:

The core thing to understand here, the MAIN SECRET that makes this so incredibly



A person can start with either sprinting or an elliptical machine to accomplish the

hi/lo/hi/lo exercise (among many other exercise choices). But I would definitely include

weight resistance exercise into my lifestyle at some point to help shape my body and

tone/build the needed muscle for on-going fat burning. Currently, I have taken it to the

point where I have phased OUT of the Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo tactic in my Maintenance Phase to

retain the results you see in my videos.

(So YES, you may be able to reduce or completely phase out the Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo tactic

once you’ve achieved your goals, with the intention of sticking with weight resistance or

bands as the alternative to maintaining your new fat-burning machine).

When it comes to weight resistance exercise, using free weights, barbells, dumbbells,

and the various machines we’ve seen at the gyms for decades now, I NEED all of you


(resistance) to help obtain the results you want. You can as an alternative or preferably in

conjunction with weight resistance, often use band resistance (those exercise resistance

bands you see sold everywhere) to accomplish a similar result if you can’t afford a gym

or feel uncomfortable attending one. (On that note, if you can afford it but have any kind

of questions or concerns, please contact me privately and I will address them and assist in

helping you find what works best for your needs. Gyms don’t have to be scary places,

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and most people find them to be welcome environments that are then looked forward to

after becoming acquainted with the environment. I love going to the gym!)

If you are a woman and absolutely refuse to use weights, either at home or at the gym,

the band resistance is “the” way to go as an option, coupled with almost any other form

of exercise. I like to encourage the full-body elliptical machines as an option referenced


And for you men out there, I expect for the most part, using weight resistance will not

be an issue, and I will cover some of the many various exercise techniques available

towards the end of my video program.

What we’re looking for regardless of the route you choose is INTENSITY. The

intensity forces the body to USE our excess body fat, and then blood sugar and stored

sugar we’ve consumed above to our advantage via the “Hi/Lo/Hi/Lo” tactic.

For the newest of newbies, my materials will cover how walking can help those with

definite pre-diabetic blood sugar issues. If I was completely new to exercise, I would

start there as a means of contending with the high blood sugar.

But from there, INTENSITY, incorporated into the “Highs” of the

High/Low/High/Low tactic, must to be explored:

I’m talking about a mere ten minutes MAX on the cardio machines for beginners, such

as the elliptical machine, as one of my favorites for newbies (the machine that has your

legs working in a clockwise or counter-clockwise spin while your upper body uses ski-

pole-type back and forth movements).

(UGH, apologies for the LOUSY description. If you’re unsure, do an image search

for “elliptical machine” and you will know instantly what I’m referring to).

The way to utilize this new research to our advantage is just as I suggest: after a

minute’s warm-up (we MUST warm-up first, so as not to shock the body and create

injury), we begin with the most all-out intensity we can manage at the highest resistance

setting on the machine that we can handle. I set the resistance setting relatively high (the

video will demo this for you). We will find the resistance that works best for us after a

few practice sessions. I go at it full steam for as long as I can (try a minute’s worth for

starters) as part of the INTENSE “High” stage, and then just throw in a short intermission

at lower intensity to help you catch your breath, to then manage the higher intensity when

you return to it.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


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INTENSE HIGH/lower intensity/INTENSE HIGH/lower intensity, a.k.a.




For those who prefer using weights and bands, as I strongly encourage EVERYONE

to, the results of this technique are achieved via the total and complete “to failure”

maxing out on the last rep of every set, as I’m about to describe:




This “INTENSITY” I reference above: Again, this technique can be applied to ANY

form of exercise you choose. The trick is to take the HIGH part of the

“High/Low/High/Low” TO THE MAX. In other words, when you’re pedaling on that

bike, or on the elliptical, or using free weights or machines or band resistance, you should

be taking the “High” part to the point where you CANNOT MANAGE ANOTHER



If someone where to stand next to you and offer you ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS

to do JUST ONE MORE REP, or ONE MORE SECOND of exercise…you simply could

NOT do it!!!

THAT is what I’m talking about with INTENSITY.

No more “going 80%” (at least not during THIS stage in the game when we are trying

to take the extra fat off our bodies)…We instead do the “highs” to the FULL 100%, a.k.a.

FAILURE when using the weights and bands. And for those on the machines, we take

the “Hi” to muscle failure, where you HAVE to lesson the resistance and take a “Lo”

period to recuperate.

For those just using weights and/or bands, obviously the “Low” part of this will equate

to the rest between sets. We will do each set, (we can start with a mere TWO sets per

body part) and take the set to the maximum failure, then rest for a short time (either

dropping the weight to a lighter resistance and continuing the exercise for a second set, or

taking a short break from any lifting until you engage the next set)…and do it again for a

second set, once again to failure. I will cover more techniques in this regard in other

parts of the program.

And I am here to tell you, that if you implement this technique now into your exercise

program, no matter WHAT your level of experience, or WHAT your choice of exercise,

you will notice with HIGH PROBABILITY…Truly DRAMATIC results.

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I have found thru my years that SO many people have not grasped this fundamental

technique to success. The muscles NEED to be pushed all the way to the edge in the

beginning stages of our efforts. The awesome thing is, as mentioned: that we need do

this only for a SHORT time, and do it regularly, to have our body use up fats and sugars

in just the way most of us want.

If we’re using an elliptical or similar machine, it is often helpful to have a partner

change the resistance for you when needed, or, you CAN do it all by yourself just by

easing up when the intensity gets to be too much, slow down, and adjust it yourself to a

lighter setting before returning to the High intensity. If need be, we can even leave the

setting just as it is, and simply take it much slower. NO NEED to go beyond ten minutes

at this stage, and we can start with just a mere FIVE minutes! We can follow-up later in

the day and do one or two more sessions of the same to increase our results, but never

more than that.

Isn’t this hi/lo/hi/lo tactic done for just five minutes twice a day WAY better than

doing 45 minutes to an hour long session of cardio on the treadmill or similar machine?!?

To repeat, if you’re using weights and/or bands, simply take each and every set to the

maximum reps-to-failure. Two sets maximum per body part. For men interested in

development and size, I’d find the weight that is around 14 reps worth that causes me to

fail (we’ll experiment with more/less reps later). For the women who are more after

toned curves and definition, I’d find that weight that I can take up into the 15 to 22 rep

range. Whichever, just make sure that last rep, be it the 14th

or the 22nd

is one we can

barely complete…so much so, that not even that one thousand dollar bill dangling in

front of us would make any difference in our ability to complete it. ☺ And start with

each exercise at a mere two sets each of the above number of reps per body part, and hit

that body part no more than twice a week at the most. (In other words, do not exercise

your legs more than two times in the same week).

You can’t NOT get results.

Then PLEASE send me an email telling me about your success!

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For the Over-40-er I feel we need to put a focus in several areas. If we have never

gone on any kind of cleansing program, our bodies are likely filled with all sorts of toxins

and a pathogen load that is likely very unbalanced and causing drains on us, both

physically and mentally. Any condition that taxes our immune system or requires our

body to work harder than it should need to (such as contending with excessive fungus

conditions in the body which is now extremely common, as is the constant exposure to

toxic conditions in our environment) will drain us of our energy and well-being. We

become more suseptible to becoming ill, we have less motivation to move our

bodies/exercize, and will often cater only to what our bodies find most comfortable, no

matter what it may be subtily or aggressively doing to us in the process.

After 40 I believe it is vital to build muscular strength as I've described. If we do not,

the research is now showing that our musculature will simply slowly but surely degrade

over time. This offers us less fat burning potential and ever-increasing weakness. We all

see the older folks, well past 70, who are so often struggling just to get around. I firmly

believe it need not be this way, and there are examples of people past 70 who use weight

resistance or similar exercise to maintain the optimal conditions of their bodies. These

people are thriving in comparison.

This is also important to help us avoid injury. There is no question that as we age we

become more suseptible to injury. Having experienced some severe injuries in my day,

not only do I wish to avoid them in the future, but if I do incur another injury at any time,

I want to give my body the best chance it has to be able to recover in as short-order as


A healthy lifestyle, one that is filled with healthy, nutrition-dense foods, will be a

foundation to assuring quick recovery to almost everything.

And there is just about no need to be getting sick as often either. The colds and flu that

so many older folks are afflicted with CAN become far less frequent (or even, dare I say,

completely eliminated) via the reinforced immune system, prudent exercise that does not

over-tax our bodies, and that all-important nutritional and supplemental base.

I live this lifestyle. I do not feel deprived of foods hardly ever. I enjoy my gym visits

as "me" time, whereby I can go do something that is a comfortable routine for me, some

social interaction, and experience a pleasant vigor and feeling of accomplishment almost

every time I go. I believe anyone can adopt these feelings and traits if they want to make

real and lasting change in their lives.

Consider the Five Focus Points as a mere starting point. It's the education of it above

all else that I want to pass along. Because as these ideas and the science behind them are

understood, we can in turn understand how other tactics are being used and why they may

be working as well. I discuss much of the current science on weight and fat loss in my

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materials. But then I stretch it out into alternative ideas, that other people are using in

larger and larger numbers, with plenty of anecdotal results that we all need to be aware

of. I currently "diet cycle" due to the effectiveness I have discovered with some vastly

different approaches that have wide-scale benefits for most people.

If you are not already "in tune" with your intuition, it is my hope that you will be as

you explore what I have to present. We are not machines. We do not all operate the same

way, but we all "drive" roughly the same kind of vehicle, with very similar parts, and that

will tend to behave in similar ways with similar forms of maintenance. As you see what

I'm doing and why, it is my hope that you will be able to apply what I've done in my life

to your own, in a way that works best for YOU, whereby you will be able to see similar,

same, or even better results.

It is important that we have ourselves a starting point and take SOME kind of action

every single day towards accomplishing our goals. What I want you to do right now is

commit to that approach. Think of the times of day that are best for you to exercise, and

build that schedule into your life. Do not beat yourself up if you miss a day, AND, if ever

you simply feel motivated, have a few spare minutes and the energy, get on that treadmill

or elliptical for a 5-minute hi/lo/hi/lo, or get out the resistance bands or weights and hit

that body part that was due yesterday, or is due tomorrow. Have those areas of your body

that you know need the most work ready to expend some time energy and effort towards

our goals. One example for many of us is our butts...if I have some spare time, and know

my body could use the activity, I may get down on all fours and do some bend-leg lifts,

just a small movement of sqeezing the butt with one leg being pushed upwards (on all

fours with one leg bent at a 90% angle so that the flat part of that foot is facing the

ceiling) and do 20 to 25 lifts while squeezing that right or left cheek, then switching to

the other leg. Just two sets worth that give my butt cheeks a nice burn, and that took me

about two minutes or so to complete.

Or for men out there, I'll grab my wrist squeeze-grips and do two sets of 40 or so reps

of squeezing these grips, to build/tone the muscles in my forearms, an area that men

frequently forget about in the course of their exercise.

Both of these efforts amount to added progress. Any few minutes you have to knock

out two sets of most anything to get the muscles burning is an achievement.

And the more we incorporate these into our lives, including some more genuine

workouts using the hi/lo/hi/lo by itself or in conjunction with a 20-minute session of, say,

legs exercises once a week at the gym, the more our results will come and the more we

can loosen the restrictions on our "diets."

My point in this is that it is almost easier now than it has ever been in the past. The

latest science is showing us that the harder we work does not always equate to more

results, the way the vast majority of us have been taught.

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It's far more about the QUALITY of the work we're doing, coupled with some diet

change that we can all become accusomtomed to with time (people report that it gets so

much easier with time, almost without exception) that can create truly dramatic changes

in our lives that add to our quality of life by leaps and bounds.

So start develping that plan that works best for you, that goes something like this:

-Schedule out at least three workout times per week using the hi/lo/hi/lo. You do not need

to be strict on the schedule, but you know yourself...determine whether it's something you

have to simply fit into an exact schedule, or if you simply need to give yourself a few

hours window during a specfic day of the week to get in that ten-minute-max session, up

to three times a day maximum.

-Get the sodas and other liquids out of your fridge, and just focus on a good spring water

as a substitute for your hydration from here forward.

-Consider closely if you really really need to be drinking alcohol, and consider just

getting it out of your home as soon as you can. It is actually quite a trip to be one of, or

the only one, who is not drinking at friends/family gatherings. Learn to appreciate what it

is like to be the only one in completely control of your faculties. Like all of the changes

that will need to be made, find the postive aspects that you can EMBRACE about them,

to ensure they will happen.

-Reduce your overall intake of food. Do a couple experiments: Make a nice meal based

on what I teach, and take a bite of the food, and either put it, the food itself down, or the

fork/spoon you're using to eat the food completely down each time you begin to chew.

Sounds weird, no? Turn off the TV and focus on what you're eating and the taste

experience. SLOW DOWN. Then pick the utensil or food item back up and do the same

process. This creates a whole new process in eating and injesting, above all else slowing

things way way down.

-Try something kinda interesting, perhaps “weird,” and fun: Do the above slow-eating

tactic, but use a blindfold while you're eating. See if you don't get full in half the time,

having slowed yourself way down, and not being able to see your food directly. As

another side tactic covered in my FacelessFatloss program, every so often try using your

hand to gently push in your upper abdominal area, just under your rib cage, after a few

minutes of slow eating. This sensation of pushing in will help re-train yourself to

discover when you are actually becoming full. Try it, and practice it from here forward

when you are eating. It is fascinating at how effective it can be to help you rediscover

how and when you're actually "full."

-How about an EXTRA-WEIRD trick? Have any particular food addictions? A specific

dessert or snack that distracts you and kills your efforts, such as any of the endless

processed greasy snack foods or cheezecake, cupcakes, donuts, candy bars or other

similar junk food? Cravings that are nearly unbearable at times? TRY THIS: Take out

that piece of cheeze cake or whatever it is. Prepare to make a sacrifice here, one that you

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need to make to help re-program yourself (you're about to "ruin" this piece of cake or

snack food). Buy or have handy another kind of food that you absolutely abhor. A food

you find disgusting, that you never eat. If you can't think of a food that makes you want

to vomit offhand, ask your friends and family what THEY think you don't like, or what

they don't like themselves until you arrive at the food that you absolutely will NOT eat.

Go get that food, and pile it ON TOP OF that piece of cheeze cake, and look at it, smell

it, stay with it for as long as it takes for your feelings about that cheese cake to be a bit

altered. Want even more powerful fun? TAKE A BITE OF THIS CONCOCTION. Make

sure you get that smell, taste and texture embedded in your mind. I know this sounds a bit

silly, and you may have to repeat it just a few times, BUT...mark my words...it can be an

INCREDIBLE tool to breaking that intense addiction to that crappy food that you simply

do not need at all.

Now expand on this technique with that troublesome drink that is giving you problems

in losing the weight and fat. This is even easier! If it’s sodas, soft drinks or sugary fruit

juices or sports drinks, pour yourself a glass and put in a spoonful of something you have

a distaste for; popular choices may be condiments like relish, or pickle juices. Perhaps

ketchup or mustard. Try to choose an addition you know you don’t like. Stir it in.

Perhaps a half teaspoonful of some garlic powder or similar spice/herb. Take a swig.

Do the same with that alcoholic drink, be it a mixed drink, beer or wine. Get creative

with what you put in there!

What I have found is that for the most part, if you can’t determine an herb/spice or

condiment that you dislike, putting something strong in there, such as turmeric, will not

tend to make you also dislike the turmeric (which is usually used in small quanities

regardless, but is also used medicinally for inflammation, etc which we will want to

incorporate into our overall wellness path in the future at times). So we do preferably

want to use additions to these foods and drinks that we don’t like for the full and most

effective results. My personal choice was relish, since I never liked it and never will. ;)

Remember when you were a kid and ate something that tasted like you did not expect,

or had a texture you did not expect? Ever find as an adult you don't mind or even enjoy

that same food? You can program yourself with the above method just as effectively. Do

not underestimate this! It forms a powerful memory anchor, and an assocation that will

stick with you the way you need it to, especially if you repeat the technique a few times

as the case may require.

Visit my website over at:


…to continue our fat loss and health goals for the Over 40 community!

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………Tim Ritter

Copyright ©Ninth Revised Edition, Over 40 and Ripped

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